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>Upcoming Transformers
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Previously: >>11138171
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holy shit someone did something great with that garbagey Slash toy
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the robot mode is still flawed but.. better!
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That's not Slash and she is great.
that's not strongarm she looks too femenine
that is indeed Slash, the shitty toy of the awesome movie version. the G1 one came later.
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Because she is female.
You sure? because she looks like a man in the cartoon
Her legacy toy is more feminine than Windblade's lmao
Niether does Roadrage.
That IS Slash - it's her AoE toy, which was based on her movie appearance...that was cut completely despite having recorded voicelines (Hound's voice referring to her as a 'Clever Girl' - she didn't speak) made for her and several pieces of artwork showing her and her pack.
>Transformers did Jurrasic world before Jurrasic world did
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
All they did was paint the toy brown and add a (parts forming) Xenomorph Queen 'mask' to it; nothing else is changed. The raptor head becomes the feet and robot head hides under the tail for the normal transformation, so all they did was clip the alien mask onto the raptor head in beast mode, then detach it, transform the toy normally, then clip the mask on to the robot head instead.
i'm pretty sure this was after. wasn't it? jurassic world was like 2009 or something.
you sound like someone who whines about AI art.
AoE came out in 2014. JW1 came out the following year, 2015 - but the whole 'dinosaurs take over the world's thing didn't happen until the end of the second one (which came out in 2018) and we didn't actually see the consequences of it until the third (2022).
So yes, Transformers did it first.
Finally got my Frankenbot, dude's pretty neat. I like his tank mode and his robot mode's nice and poseable. Good transformation, holds together well. Only odd bit is his hands are stuck in palm-down zombie walk mode, so holding guns would be awkward, but it's fine, it's fitting and you can mount weapons other ways. Very easy to do RRRR FIRE BAD poses. The VHS-themed box is cool too. All around a solid buy.
wow those both feel a lot earlier.
>dinosaurs take over the world
uh i watched a review of the second one and I definitely don't recall that part. I mean they were rampaging, but they hardly took over.
Post-credits, dude. Little girl let the dinosaurs out, they escaped all over the world (somehow), and as of the third movie, they're everywhere and people are trying to coexist.
JW2 and 3 are both terrible but the black market scene in 3 is probably so close to what would actually happen
3 is wayy better than 2.
Once I saw Fallen Kingdom it became my new benchmark for dumb movies. Every other dumb movie I see is now put on the scale relative to Jurassic World 2

3 is dumb but mostly by the crux of the conflict, not the events that take place or the characters
3 is dumb in-universe, and I feel like they acknowledged that and that made it okay
now if they ever found ANOTHER reason to drag Grant back there, no. Then it would be retarded. But this specific situation they contrived, I buy it. The motivations of the flawed people involved, that all tracks to me.
Sure is TRANSforners in here
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So far so good
He's definitely the best of the Gamer Editions
And like ~40% heavier than most nowadays voyagers
Actually I'll say it is a bummer that his wrist swivel is really restricted when holding the axe
Do Transformers even actually have genders?
Well they were created by the Quintessons to serve as commercial products. Fembots were likely made as domestic helpers and sexbots
>they were created by the Quintessons
Heretic, they were created by Primus in his holy image
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why don't you go back to /pol/ were you belong freak
Yeah it got real gay in the end.

Is that why? I mean I'm sure as hell not watching it nor going to let my kids.
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>5"11' vs 6"
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always thought thrilling30s Springer was super tall but comparing him with ss85 Springer they are actually almost the same size
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how they did thrilling30s Spriger's sword was always the best way to do helicopter blades-to-sword imo
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also appreciate that they gave ss86 Springer a big blaster instead of those 2 dinky evo fusion blasters
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How are you liking 86 Springer? I' considering him or Magnus for my next 86 purchase.
Get to the choppers!

I found SS Springer last night... He's jank.

Transformation has low tolerance points, His super tight leg tabs are thin and flimsy (and they already stress broke) and when I tried to pull out his sword in helicopter blade mode, the plastic cap and pin holding it together decided to stay in the hole, and strip the pin hole...

so... Im taking this faggot shit back to target. I hope you guys have better luck.
So they share shoulders, crotches, and tires and that's it?
>or Magnus
Good look finding him at a decent price.
What is that Plesiosaurus?
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I like him. Looks better than the siege version imo and has a good amount of accessories (never liked the siege's weapons). He just looks overall better with Magnus' group from the movie.

yea he still has some of the first mold's problems. the tabs on the legs on mine also has stress marks so I filed them down a bit to try to lessen the stress. Also the chopper wings, the sliders are floppy on my copy, wish they tabbed instead of just using friction and a prayer to stay in place. sad to hear about your sword though, rip
>the plastic cap and pin holding it together decided to stay in the hole, and strip the pin hole...
same thing happened to me, because I pushed it in too far, thinking it was like the siege version, but it wasn't.
I had to get needlenose pliers to pull it out (by the pin) and now it's fine.
Otherwise, none of the other issues
Springer just looks so much better in general when he's blocky and sharp instead of that round, bulbous thing from the actual movie
It’s 1/3 of Magmatron
WTF were they thinking with the hands?
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How do the moving pauldrons affect his arm articulation? Drives me crazy that Siege has them fixed in place. I assume 86 can lift his arms significantly higher with the shoulder pads swung out.

Really disappointed with Legacy Sandstorm having melting tires and the chest flaw. Also the partsforming cage. Went ahead and dropped $40 on a T30 Sandstorm since I've wanted a version of him for my Wreckers. I plan on doing some painting and 3D printing to give him a slightly more G1 look with the flattop head and more orange, less yellow. Looking forward to experiencing the mold, I know some people really love T30 Springer.
>a 2012 voyager being taller and with more mass than a current day leader
Yes actually
Why Janny hit you for that I don't understand
Maybe you could have worded better but yes actually. You are correct
IDW DID get hit for pushing Political virtue signalling and started to lose a lot of favorability, It did indeed essentially kill them
To this day they're mostly known for just "woke" pandering
Which honestly kinda sucks because I like some stuff in IDW continuality like Tarn, Cyclonus Samurai, Ultra Magnus stuff, Whirl and his persona and War Within style early stuff
I think the one Wreckers run is good too. Like there's actually some solid early IDW stuff
Its a shame, I actually really liked ODW up untik shit started getting gay. I think around the same time the Lost Light crew adopted humanized tumblr holographic personas.
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Nemesis Leo Prime is currently going for about 32 leafdollars on Amazon and I'm strongly tempted. Does anyone have any opinions? I like this deco far, far more than the original (especially in beast mode), so this is the one I'd be picking up if it's good.
it's a damn, damn good toy.
i got mine at a discount too, i guess they made too many of him.
keep in mind he also comes with leo convoy's special gun that was missing from his release.
btw this image is slightly mistransformed..his right arm isn't plugged in all the way.
and the real thing does not look nearly that brown.
that gun can hang out loosely inside the lion mode's back too, so you don't have to worry about losing it
there's also 5mm ports on his knees, if you're into that.
Sort of hooked on Bayformers right now. Not all of the designs were perfect but so many of them were so cool. I appreciated the less conventional designs, even if they did sometimes lead to rather difficult toys. I think Revenge Of The Fallen's "Jetwing Optimus" is the best "flying Optimus" design we've had since Primal was a briefly a Bat.
goes downhill in 4 when they started to literally take vehicle parts, slapping them on a human then let ILM figure out the transformation.
there's so many toys that fuck up the proportions in a shitty way, this one makes me smile because it's actually an improvement.
yeah i liked how the dinobots had knight altmodes (even if that makes no sense) with a unified look and the spiked toes and all, but the result was their toys all had pretty crummy transformations. they clearly didn't base them on being made of dino parts. hell, Grimlock has two t-rex heads.
then we have the 3-headed Dragon in TLK made up of a dozen niggas
>Beachcomber still near nonexistant anywhere
Yea basically that was the "realization we're downhill" for a lot of people
It was an instant broadcast that the same LGBT types from Tumblr were somehow involved or influencing the works
There was a few nice stuff around that time but for a lot it was basically dead then and there.

Skybound is losing steam I feel yet it's still really good to me
really wish that had gotten to be megatron
i'm pretty sure even the people who insert peen into butt are getting fucking sick of all this
>movie version
Pick one.
And I'm not talking about Slash specifically. I mean anything TF-related.
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I love the way these goons throw around the word 'progressive' as if it just means 'right'
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the movie designs are fucking radicool. they are mostly just right
except the ones where they thought it was funny to give them goofy weird faces. actually for the most part their faces just suck. but like "haha he's Einstein" fuck you.
Yeah I agree completely on IDW. Like I cringed but there was still some decent stuff. As for Skybound, I dont think its losing steam, I've been loving it, I can't wait for each new episode. Less worried about it getting gay too, given how they keep drawing Carly and the fembots.
>Less worried about it getting gay too, given how they keep drawing Carly and the fembots.
did they change the color of an existing character?
From 4 onward the only designs I really have a fondness for are Galvatron, Knight Optimus and TLK Megs.
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I was just making a joke but yes
I’ve been eyeing up this design in particular on Amazon for ages, and I totally agree. I feel that around 75% of the Bayflrmer designs were poo, but that last 25% were extremely cool in a very unique way for mecha.
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Spike also changed ethnicity from the source material.
She's modeled on the fat girl from the Star Wars sequel everyone hated according to the people working on it, so she's yellow, not brown.
potp grimlock's coming, doesn't have the claw weapons (don't care, sword or nothing) and couldn't see if it has the head, wish me luck
My commiserations. It's a terrible toy.
ah I didn't get the joke
you get a lot of people (russian bots) suggesting the presence of any nonwhites is woke, rather than racebending which is absolutely woke as fuck.
it's what comes of basing your politics arond what your opponents accuse you of.
the other option for a classic look was the ss and i will never spend more than 30us€ for some plastic
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What do you like about Galvatron's design?
weird, that actually looks chunkier than the toy we got. whose primary flaw seemed to be his chunkiness.
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Hold up, what's this about Skybound going downhill? What's wrong with it? I was considering the first TPB.
It is the same quality, just exists in the year 2023 so it has severe decompression.
>get an email from TFSource saying my points are going to expire this week
>click on the site for the first time in 5 years
>have about $100 in points
>put one thing in my cart worth about 100 bucks
>pay 4 dollars after shipping
>no I would not like to receive a newsletter
And that's the story of how I never went back to TFSource ever again

I wouldn't say it's going downhill, but after a year ow the honeymoon period is over
The first TPB is worth it
TFsource is not that great but.. glad to hear it!
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It's just not that great from the beginning. Think of it like G1 Dreamwave's first 2 volumes: it's very back-to-basics Sunbow G1 with superficial elements to make it "modern" (arguably moreso than DW, at least that took a couple bites from Marvel), the story is gritty but not much actual narrative depth or substance, and it fumbles kinda bad with delivering on subplots/arcs and most chars just stand around while things happen around them (most infamously Soundwave, who's been carrying around Ravage goin "can i plz fix my kat" and different people tell him no and he just goes "ok" and it's been just this for basically all 12 issues so far), but the art and action scenes are at least okay.
It's a very safe and unambitious action comic, but it's competently made, and just like Dreamwave was, it's coming out at a period when the Big 2 cape-comic publishers are totally hemorrhaging themselves; so, "being competent" and showing safe/familiar characterizations without much deep exploration is exactly what some people need atm - just look at how many people are fellating this comic's Optimus solely for the tone of his dialogue, objectively he's actually barely done or said anything of note yet, lol.

Of course read it for yourself and make your own conclusions, maybe pirate it first and buy it if you like it. These are just my views of the situation.
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So I just got this guy and find him kinda meh.
I don't have the original Cybertron version but from what I see online, this one doesn't seem to improve on it in any way. if anything, you look like you get less. Is there anyone who has both who can compare
I'll buy him off ya
I'll keep him just for the hell of it but he feels like one of those cases where a new toy wasn't nessessary
Get the generations selects one
The only thing the original toy gives you is a slightly better alt mode (like, very extremely slightly) and a spring-loaded missile. The key gimmick isn't even notable because it just pops out those tiny insignificant fins.
you mean the retool of Hound?
the original looks like it's more solid, not so flimsy
The ball jointed arms weren't great, but yeah even articulation wise the newer one really only has angle tilts over the hold one, it actually carries over a lot of the old ones problems, and looks worse doing it with the proportion and detail changes.
I have that one too
Oh, so how it is?
Not sure how much I agree honestly. The balljoints were still floppy and all of his kibble loved to crash into itself. One of the weaker cybertron molds for sure
>the newer one really only has ankle tilts, bicep swivel, wrist swivel, waist swivel, thigh shivel, balljointed head, legs that can actually move more than 30° forward and arms that can move at least a little independently of the massive shoulders
I'll give you thighs, biceps, wrist, and waist, but the shoulders really don't work all that differently from the old toy, they adapted the same transformation but it came with it the same problems.
i forget the toy we're talking about, but doesn't it have ridiculous arm proportions
I've almost bought this guy twice now, before I realize that I don't actually want him.
Want it.
It has tiny forearms which they didn't fix at all with this one, on top of screwing the rest and of the proportions
Its okay. It works better for Hound. There's not much that says Cybertron Hot Shot beside the basic fact it's an armored car. I did have that original mold and it does do more.
Good solid figure. Though I did get the white one, highly recommended.
*sigh* I'm really not very good at writing on mobile
it looks like they maybe 10% fixed it, but it might be illusion from the hands being a different color.
The original one is better.
I keep saying it's pointless to do Generations toys for anything past Armanda, not with Hasbro current budgeting.
Cybertron Defense version is best Hot Shot.
The forearms are a tiny bit longer, but still not proportional, there's a visual trick going on since they shortened the doors so they don't dwarf the arms by comparison
Forgot pic.
Got the Roadbuster repaint.
let's be real
nothing is worth doing until the budget is solved
getting a compromised version of a good toy is worse than never getting one at all
The budget isn't going to solve itself anytime soon if ever, we are in a economic downspike
no, but at least the older bricks get something out of a new toy that has articulation. the later toys get nothing from the do over
no shit
we're like that guy in that movie who's been cut in half and he's just not quite dead yet but will be once they move the train or whatever.
there's no point buying diddly shit, it's over. it was over years ago. save what little money you have and put it toward helping people and hurting china.
>and hurting china.
Bitch, china owns america already
>put it toward helping people
you mean, like, hookers?
and what did you think my motivation was
helping them stop, yeah.
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we ned new Roadbuster and Whirl
Absolutely need a new Roadbuster, but the incumbent Whirl is just fine.
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Can hasbro even use the g1 roadbusters likeness, wasn't there a legal issue withtakatoku? they own the mugen calibur design.
Man we need more of those AOE dinobots I liked the designs
they deserve full redos for studio series
huge, detailed, properly articulated in both modes, and fixing grimlock so he has good proportions.
Leader Scorn when?
Oh yeah studio series is usually more scale accurate and that Grimlock wasn’t nearly big enough for prime to ride on (did they even make a studio series AOE prime?) it was still a cool looking figure
well as i understand it, the idea with SS is that nobody should be taller than someone he's shorter than. 'relative scale.'
it'd be pretty unreasonable otherwise.. but yeah . the unfortunate result of that is a lot of the guys who had leader toys have to be voyagers in SS so they can leave room for the bigger ones.
it's also unfortunate but understandable that they fucked up devastator twice. he's gotta be an impossible challenge. even 3P ones are like "Er just pretend this guy has that cool pogo tail, and ignore where those treads go"
I do miss how big transformers toys used to be, sometimes studio series figures just seem so small since they’re trying to make them more accurate although in some cases we got bigger versions of the characters like 2007 Blackout and DOTM Shockwave which were definitely bigger than the old voyager versions of those figures but it’s not just studio series they’re all smaller now
Yeah obviously the correct word they were looking for is "accurate".
I bought comic Grimlock so now I have one extra sword for the Dinobots.
I can always give it to Slash, but it's longer than her whole body. Looks a bit silly.
Do you have a Speedia 500 Override too?
Heard claims that the key can fit in their blaster too, but never seen definitive proof (images/vids) on if it can't or can.
Her gun fits an OG key. These new ones are teeny tiny in comparison

If you wanted to release AoE Dinobots big enough you'd have an easier time just doing the rest of the cast at core scale (rip)
snarl being so spiky makes me think he'd dual-wield bladed edges
Dude, I know. I know they're tiny. I tried Starscream's key and it didn't fit in their gun.
HOWEVER, it didn't fit all the way in; the bottom of the circle was too thick for it to just fall inside it.
Additionally, I saw some youtube reviewers claim it could, but none actually showed off inserting it (at most was this shot in PvP's video, but he doesn't actually show putting it in, so i can't know if it's firmly inserted or just loosly sitting there). I'm willing to believe it could theoretically work if the base of the circle was shaped in a way to allow for the port to hold onto it, rather than its smol tab.
But at this point I genuinely am just not believing anything unless it's coming from the mouth of someone who definitively owns both, instead of just assuming, lol.
>When it's incredibly obvious someone was forced to work on a figure they didn't want to make
Favorite examples?
I'll do it myself, but I won't be able to reply until late at night.
Legacy Skullgrin.
No prob, thanks anon.
Antagony. Dude couldn't even be bothered to give her a feminine head.
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Star Raider vehicle mode pics, as promised.
They still look pretty cool together but obviously a little less cohesive due to the varying alt modes.
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The ground vehicles look alot better since they all share black in their colour scheme.
They really look like they could be a force to be reckoned with.
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Cyclonus mould is just too good.
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I appreciate how Filch can get into some nice dynamic poses with and without a flight stand.
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Don't remember if Crashbar had the same issue but Road Pig's arms don't seem to come together all the way for me, making it a pain to plug in those tabs from the top of the bike into them.
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Still a fun vehicle mode
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I really like how the teal decals help differentiate Cannonball's vehicle mode from his robot mode.
His alt mode is probably my favourite of the lot.
That crow mode is so cute
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>Genuinely hate this mold and i'm beyond convinced people are coping by saying it's a good cannonball
Can't speak as to whether its a good Cannonball figure since its my only one but in comparison to it's mouldmates its easily the best of the bunch.
I'm no fan of this mould as a whole either but the slight improvements made to Cannonball take it from a 4/10 like the rest of them, to about a 6/10.
The improvements made it somewhat enjoyable to hold but alot better to look at.
i just got the legacy armada optimus reissue and i feel like i'm going crazy. anyone have tips on transforming the tlegs into the super mode trailer? as far as i'm aware, the shines are supposed to come out to allow the removable gun turret to become the trailer hookup but i think mine is glues or something.
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That's it for the Star Raiders.
I really enjoyed what I got out of this wave, they all had just enough changes made that they really feel unique even if they where to be put side-by-side with the same moulds.
Also some good choices for mould reuse. I'm thoroughly pleased the Cyclonus mould got another go and Filch really surprised me with how poseable she was.
Lockdown is probably the only one that could've used something else to make him a lil more exciting.

I hope anons can have an easier time getting their hands on them, they're alotta fun imo.
It really is.
I know some anons where saying they wish more had been done to the mould so that she was more accurate, which is fine, but she still ends up being a real fun toy.
Any RiD update
I know you mean Sideburn, Scourge, and Towline but I'd like to add Strongarm to that anyway
Metroplex is the first titan we got, I'd like to have a updated Metroplex.
Black Skulls vibes
I fucking love Filch, tiny head, wrong tail and weird organic feather patterns be damned.
Got my own Road Pig in. He's fun, but has anyone found a satisfying way to use those pipes to accurately replicate his old toy's guns? I tried just plugging them in to his current guns, but they still don't look right; the problem is that the pipes here are curled instead of being straight pieces.
fuckin leader class starscream has been good to me -twice-
i didn't regret getting two different molds of the same guy even a bit.
"... to what is currently being thought this week, by a group that gets to decide for everyone."
i waant her
but it's not gonna happen is it. not without paying the rapest prices.
Well she seems to be fucked for online, but maybe you will find one in store someday.
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I finally have a Bay Prime. Got this guy from Alibaba and surorisingky only for 60 bucks. Took ages to arrived and the box is crumpled, but hes in great shape. This guy definitely could use more paint applications though. I think I am for sure going to need the Toy Hax set for him
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For being such a small figure his transformation is very complex and doesn't happen the way I expected it to, its very cool but a bit of a pain to figure out on your own. Loving all the accessories he has.
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Paint on the Truck mode is great at least, ajd of all my Truckformers he has the least fucked uo backside.
the trailer turns nito an ominous scifi arch thingy?
Its supposed to (but doesnt really) resemble the arched weapon rsck it turned into in Dark Of The Moon, and it holds all and any of the accessories not being used. Idk how his jetpack fits onto it yet though so its just kind of loosey goosey.

Anons, this guy is the Buzzworthy Bumblebee Studio Series 44 Prime, is his base self the same as the other SS Bay Primes, are the accessories what differentiate him? Just wondering if theres reason for me to buy the Jetwing Optimus and not just Jetfire alone (I know that will be a pain), and I want to know of Perfect Finish could use the wings.
To my knowledge SS DotM Prime is the same as SS RotF Prime minus, I think, a slightly retooled tummy
Jetfire includes an ab piece to make him compatible with SS-44 Optimus iirc
Fuck it
Go crazy
GAMER EDITION Titan that's FoC Metroplex
If such a big deal is going to be made out of how Hasbro handles SS86 Megatron they should just release GE Devastation Megatron and then only promote him alongside SS86 toys
Or would that make autists screech harder?
I think people need to stop making up these weird elaborate cope fanfics and just accept that 86 megatron will be a tank no matter what.
He's already coming, we know he his. We've known for months.
Just make it NA-excluded. Like the opposite of exclusive. Sell it everywhere BUT burgerland. Money's in China anyway.
Reminder aussies can't own anything gun-like without a license
If someone from the land down under wanted MP36 they'd have to get registered for it, kek
fucking lmao
including things like glue guns, nailguns and rivet guns?
friend of mine had his life ruined for buying a fucking orbeez-shooting gun
from an online store in australia. turns out those are only legal in one state and it's not the one he lives in. poor fucker.
Now that the dust is settled what do you guys think of ss 86 optimus prime?
Very Optimus but I don't need another.
Whats wrong with this toy
I know he is, but I just don't get why they're bothering then. It's not like it's mandated SS has to have a Megatron
Why does he need to be in Studio Series?
Lion King (the good one, not the 2019 one) Crossovers figure from Leo Prime when?
Since he surely will be a commander class to compete with Optimus, what's to stop them from making him an unofficial/unadvertised triple changer? I don't mean his gun mode as an afterthought, but an actual proper transformation that's simply left absent from the instructions and packaging.
Didn't they do that already with Shockwave and just called it a submarine mode?
Simply have a designer make a social media post going 'Oh look at this cool "fan" mode someone came up with'. Just post it 3-6 months later when its already in peoples hands.
>Since he surely will be a commander class to compete with Optimus
SS86 Megatron is Leader Class, we already know this from the listings.
>SS86 Megatron is Leader Class
damn, I must've missed that.
That's pretty shitty, the 2nd most popular character in your franchise and leader of your bad guys should get the same treatment as OP.
I was gonna say at a commander class budget they'd be more than able to make Megs a convincing triple changer, as a leader class maybe not so much.
>the 2nd most popular character in your franchise
that's not starscream and soundwave
He'd need a new mane and head at least.
Main villain then?
my brother in Christ, wipe your camera lens with a drop of isopropyl on an old T-shirt or paper towel; I think you could take much more vibrant pictures. I believe in you.
Megatron doesn't have the size nor unimportant extra bullshit to justify the procs
do people not just always have glasses-cleaning spray? i have like three bottles and i haven't worn glasses in 8 years except to read.
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Oh shit
But also Fs in the chat for Animated Swindle
I really kind of hate that the next line is called Prime
Great more faggot ass remakes
Combiner Wars 2, baby!
Please forget that Power of the Primes was also Combiner Wars 2
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Not an issue
Depends on how much the Disney branding would cost.
Oh, I thought it meant Prime as in...Transformers Prime the series. I was really struggling to remember who Vortex was on that show lol. But hey, new Bruticus, that's fun!
I was also confused wondering if I had forgot a tfp Vortex design. Does that mean that any new TFP guys are gonna be listed as like,"TRA PRIME PRIME UNIVERSE [NAME]"? or are they gonna just not do any in the new line to avoid that?
Personally I'm glad they're apologizing for all the garbage that came out of CW
jesus it is?
they're ass idiots at hasbro.
All but confirms Beast Wars and any other non-G1 stuff is getting cucked for headmaster remakes in 2026. At least studio series 86 remade most of the rushed shit from Seige and Earthrise already.
Watch it be worse than CW
Finally tested it. I have Hot Shot and Starscream, but I only used Starscreams since his is unpainted. The new keys don't work with Speedia Override, the gap at the back is made for old keys only, you'd have to force new keys to get them in that gap.
It's near 10 years since TFP(the show), right? Means it's trademark renewal time.
Never, I refuse! (Its my shit ass phonecase, getting a new one soon enough.)
Dude, they did Menasor in conjunction with BW, UT, Prime, and Animated characters. Them doing a new Bruticus doesn't inherently mean they're dropping all non-G1 characters.
fucks sake, I'm so tired of them doing the same guys over
they keep the trade-a-mark on prime because optimus prime
Anon, next year's line-up is 13 Primes + Superion + Constructicons + Bruticus
Non-86 Studio Series will keep it a bit varied but it's looking pretty dire if you want anything that isn't G1 on pegs next year
They really shouldn't be reusing names, there's so much lore to pick through that could make for non-confusing titles, or even if they just make shit up like they did with Earthrise or Kingdom.
>Superion + Constructicons + Bruticus
Hope you're ready for Cyberworld, which is totally different from Cyberverse
>Commander optimus size
>tank, jet, and secret gun mode
>includes attachments that do different things in each mode

That does actually sound like Hasblows mo.

Loled and autocorrect changing hasbro...
You can't trademark just "prime" unless it's a stylized logo, but you can trademark "Optimus Prime" and "Transformers Prime" in plain text
Because combiner wars was... not the best. Superion and Bruticus were ok, there was some decent stuff going on with them, but Motormaster absolutely ruined Menasor. The commander fixed it, and now they want the other big two to have "modernized" updates
How goof is hasbro with paint issues? I just got the autobot cars multipack and Jazz has a chunk of paint just rubbbed off on his hood because of the stupid way they packed him.
and these won't be the best either and neither will the next batch they do again in five years because we're stuck in an endless loop. can we please move on?
yeah but you don't need to do both
Look man, I want a Sonic Wing Mode Cybertron Optimus and a kiss players Legion army builder as much as the next guy, but nerd money only comes from what John Hasbro thinks is nostalgic. The fans don't want Energon Scourge or a Freezon, they want eight Bumblebee molds on shelves at all times.

I am reminded of how dogshit the new Sideburn is for some reason...
combiner wars will be 10 years old by the time prime hits the shelves
They haven't ever been great, but recent figures since Siege? have had significant problems with fit and finish. Like, 9 out of 10 your fine, but that 1 in ten is like an aliexpress bootleg.
I'm mostly wondering if consumer care would actually do something about it. The rest of the set is fine, but that chunk of paint being fucked is seriously pissing me off. Buying more of these sets just for a good Jazz is just insanity.
And the other superion was this guy...
Definitely contact customer service, there are plenty of cases of people getting full sets as replacements.

Just don't get your hopes up.
That guy is the CW Motormaster of the Energon torsos
This nigga freaking cool
I know I'll get fucked over for one reason, but I might as well try
i agree
i have two of him
>then modern "voyager with a markup" leader class toys do not need to be a thing.
Anybody not seeing it as hasbro being fucking greedy ever since siege shockwave and ultra magnus is just fucking retarded
I mean at least that one doesn't contribute to it being a massive pain in the ass to search for older stuff on ebay.
There was a time that when hasbro needed a voyager to be more complex they'd just make a nicer than average voyager.
Most Americans are fat. So really, Ray is weird.
For Crashbar, the insructions say to use the outer slots, but I found it way easier to spread the arms slightly and use the inner slots instead. In fact, it works so much better that I'm convinced they fucked up while making the instructions and what they tell you to do is a mistransformation.
I guess they just copied those instructions for all the redecos.
Actually the solution to the SS Megatron question would be to do a two pack of RED Optimus and Megatron and be done with it, since RED Megs is the closest we'll ever get to a proper G1Megatron
Man, i know Starscream's doesn't fit, I also own him; but his key is shaped differently anyway, notably at the base. I wanted to know if Hot Shot's key worked in specific - but, if you're afraid of scratching the paint then I understand, that's cool.
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>'ELLO MY FELLOW G2 Transformers®!
I want more Bayformers but I'm very happy to keep getting G1s
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i wish tensegrity optimus looked like the right instead of the left. the body type is too good a match
they could have even made super mode addon parts...
>make Megatron a tank
>but can’t let him show off the cool tank kibble because muh G1 accurate bot mode
>instead have to hide all the treads and have faux Walther P-38 kibble all of a sudden appear (gun hammer on the shoulders, barrel on back, flat rectangular chest, legs contoured in a way to suggest the gun grip)
This process is just so autistic just for it to not look 100% like G1 Megatron anyway because compromises will obviously be made for a leader class budget. It would be easier to bullshit a cybertronian jet mode out of G1 Megs than an earth tank. With a jet all you need are some wings hidden in the legs that flip or fold out and a cockpit/fuselage formed. Of course, the tank they could be going for could also be cybertronian or be another h-tank. I just assume it was another earth form if the idea was to pretend that instead of a Walther P-38, Sky Spy scanned a tank for Megatron.
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The G1ified Prime figures in legacy. The only one that feels like they sorta got it right was Cliffjumper everyone else feels like a weird after thought or ugly AF.

All the TFA legacy were better in comparison.
When is the DCS Triple Threat pack going up on English websites?

Why is there still no release date on Straxus?

Is Dinoking only a Pulsecon exclusive?

Why am I asking (you) all this?
It's neither a models kit or a transformer
1 - soon
2 - next week
3 - yes
4 - severe case of chuggerism
So everything leads to Onslaught being a commander in 2026, so is it how all commanders for some time will be just combiner torso? God Neptune and King Poseidon would be neat to get. But where is Ginrai and all other more fun bots.
If only there was an amazing Ginrai coming out this winter. My dream figure would be high quality, awesome looking, and tons of accessories. In my mind it would be something of a masterpiece. After that I would wish for Raiden!
>mpg Raiden
Also I want Ginrai to be a commander not MP
We don't know yet if Silverbolt will be leader or commander
I think it'll depend on whether the limbbots come with hand and feet or not
Few leakers confirmed it.
if they haven't been killed then it's not real
Oh for certain. Arcee has her problems but at least she turns i to a damn motorcycle. What the hell happened with Bulkhead? He doesn't turn into the right alt mode and doesnt look right in Robot mode and it doesnt "work better for breakdown" either. Boss wanted a Bulkhead, and someone wanted to make a "covered truck" figure and not aj "armored truck" figure.

On a similar note, if they ever make a Prime universe Optimus Prime (in the Prime toyline I'm sure), will he be the big rig or will he be that like 6 wheeled armored truck thing he was?
They would obviously do a voyager Prime Prime, but I might be tempted by a leader Beast Hunter Prime
I believe the best solution is Hasbro makes the best robot mode G1 Megatron they possibly can, have his gun mode as a weapon accessory scaled for Starscream's hand, and skip the transformation altogether.
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Been reading a bunch of MP related rumors that arent being reposted here. The biggest rumor is that Rattrap is confirmed for being the next MPG announcement. Another tidbit I found interesting was that Takara recently stated that they currently have no plans to reissue anything. You guys and your endless Megatron cope were my very first thought. As you sit and stew over him never being a gun again you get further priced out on an MP36 every day. Like, just imagine spending your time discussing and lusting after a figure that already exists but also instead of buying it just waiting for an inferior version because reasons. Also reminder MP36 was originally only $130, probably less than SS Megatron will be after the essential DNA upgrade(s)
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Don't look at me, I fuel SS Megatron discourse but only out of pure speculah
I already own MP-36
I'm not one of the people crying about tank megs but also I've heard only bad things about MP36
His toy color is way harder to get too, while the toon colors are unbearably boring, hard to win with nu-masterpiece
Thats a very nice display anon. Im really thinking about getting rid of some mainline G1 bots. All the ones that are redundant to MPs. SS 86 Optimus really fucked things up for me. I think a good litmus test for how much you want a figure is if you are dreading the preorder instead of excited lol
>If only there was an amazing Ginrai coming out this winter. My dream figure would be high quality, awesome looking, and tons of accessories. In my mind it would be something of a masterpiece

Add to all of that Super Ginrai's arms that would collapse so they don't stick like a sore thumb in truck mode.
Absolutely atrocious lmao
This is so god damn hideous
Man better not let you see the state of countless other generals on other boards
Ok, Shockwave.
Doesnt transform AND its ugly, I mean who could pass on that?
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sailor moon called
she wants her leg proportions back
whaaat is this glorious monstrosity. i kinda love it.
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Titan class needs to be put on hold for a few years and we should get multiple commanders a year instead.
it's fucked up MP-44 is aproaching nearly a houndred of bucks in the secondary market, at that point might as well buy the robosen
Already have Despotron for my MP Megatron slot, don't have a desire for another gun Megs. Tank is better.
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Anyone have this guy?
any cons other than age?
Yeah, I get why Hasbro does it, but I can't take the collectors that want it. Because they just started collecting this year so now we have to reset the clock over and over
>Kiss players
if there isn't any atari cunny don't even bother
yeah, I have it. He looks pretty cool from the front but it honestly really sucks. Figures can be cheap and hollow now but this thing is more of a robot-shaped facade than anything with any mass to it, and nothing really feels like its being held solidly in place by anything, just kinda floating loosely in place. One of my biggest hopes for a larger-scale redo in the future
would you get one for 20? has all accessories and whatnot
do you have any versions of the mold, because he's not really different. The figure is generally alright. The gun is a little unconvincing.
I don't have any from that gen
Exactly what i wrote
It's been a while since I handled him but I don't remember any real issues. I have a couple repaints, Megatron, Dreadwing, Krok
20 honestly feels like too much, I'd say 15 or lower would be okay if you really like the look or really want a dreadwing, but only go for 20 if you're desperate for it. The figure really just does not feel good in my experience, I think even the people saying it's just okay are overstating the quality
>so is it how all commanders for some time will be just combiner torso?
I have a gut feeling Hasbro will just make Hot Spot in 2027 and then give combiners a rest. Computron, Abominus and Predaking seem to take less priority if CW is anything to go by, probably because they were only in season 3.
Predaking needs a redo, but the other two are fine for now.
I agree with the other anons, it aesthetically looks cool but it’s not really fun to mess with, feels janky. It needs a remake that’s like voyager size
Leader size and a deluxe Smokescreen to go with him.
Predaking is getting that Takara exclusive, I think that's going to be it for now.
>3 - yes
I am going to murder myself.
it's >>11149283 but a helicopter-drill-headmaster
What is the most rare transformer toy you guys own?
i don't own any rare ones..
i did manage to pick up perceptor's gun despite never owning him
A DVD pack-in.
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BotCon exclusives are pretty limited
Legends slipstream probably
I remember hearing the Legacy Skyquake mold had issues with the torso and standing? I just fiddled around with mine until I found you could compress the torso more, and his feet seem fine? They're not huge, but his nozzle on the feet can be tilted back a bit and I haven't had any issues with it standing.
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Botcon toys.
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looks great
will you do the retro insecticons with a 3P option?
gummy tabs, floppy feet and the calves don't stay folded back like they're supposed to. the shoulder stalks feel like they'll break when you move the arm
looks sick but that's kinda it. also the nail in the coffin for don figueroa's relationship with IDW
i followed another anon's headcanon and made picrel BW2 BB
maybe my telemocha stuff
i also have one of those town matrix keychains if that counts
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The Studio Series Elita is looking better than the initial renders that were shown last week. Bumblebee would look good too if the chest was accurate.
God they're so awful looking
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>mild urge to complete the insecticon team
>picrel doesn't match
>price bloated by ramhorn for the blaster i didn't buy
yeah, get fucked
I wish he was a size bigger but I do like him, I had no interest in the Megatron he was repainted from but I love the blue/teal look of G2 Smokescreen/Dreadwind.
why do tfw2005 retards never use the thumbnail option for their massive mobilefag images
stupid shit makes that site unusable
Either TFCC Depth Charge or maybe customized figures since those are technically one of a kind
>stupid shit makes that site unusable
Retards farming attention do that.
>will you do the retro insecticons with a 3P option?
Part of me feels lucky that muh autism drew a hard line against no 3P MPs
>also the nail in the coffin for don figueroa's relationship with IDW
How so?
IDW shithead took credit for the design in print then it got made into a toy
If you like rickety, wobbly figures that cant do anything correctly except stand in a completely neutral pose, then yeah. Even with the upgrade kits theyre still almost impossible to play with. Legacy Menasor us much better in this regard. Even famously fiddly Raiden is more balanced and rigid than Combiner Wars shit.
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Fake and gay
Post a pic
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And then Beast Wars happened.
My only gripe with Elita so far is the forearm kibble is a little unsightly, but given that she's a skinny fembot that isn't wearing an entire car on her back, there had to be kibble SOMEWHERE, so I guess I can make that concession. She looks great otherwise. Bee I'd have to see a full turnaround with him in a neutral standing pose, but he doesn't look awful from what I can tell, his chestplate is just unfortunate, probably would have been better served by a faux part there
That's not what happened at all.
Figueroa created a Megatron design and a story pitch, IDW initially passed on both but later decided they wanted to use the design. Figueroa agreed, updated his design to the stealth bomber Megatron, drew the issue of the comic which debuted his design and then proceeded to complain he wasn't fairly compensated.
TR Misfire
A still intact G1 Skyquake.
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Very nice use of multiple scale figures! I wonder if anyone here inspired you ;)
I see your work on TFW, very good stuff bro. I came here to ask if anyone has got 86 OP yet. How do you like him. I started playing w my MP44 and I had my finger on the cancel button for my preorder. His articulation appears to be quite lacking from what I’d consider ideal, but his transformation looks really fun..
inmensely fucked up BW ravage was an exclusive
This is awesome man
he wasn't that great, and was overpriced. at least be glad you didn't pay retail. maybe they'll downscale the 3P one.
Is he rare? He's one of my favorite 'cons
Well done on this pic
he's a pokemon master
Last two TR deluxe waves were very hard to find at retail. TR Ramhorn was also a huge pain in the ass to get.
Grimlocks the leader
Slag is the angriest
Sludge is the slowest
Swoop is the fastest
Snarl is the laziest
swoop is poop
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Never bothered opening him lmao
Welp, consumer care basically told me to pound sand. Man, I miss ordering from Japan, if anything had a problems, stores practically bend over backwards to help you out, they'd even send replacement products before you returned the item.
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Who all were in that wave, I might have 'em all. I don't have Ramhorn though, I might've seen him but I don't remember now.
TFCC Depthcharge isn't rare, is he? I got him secondhand for $13 a decade or so ago. Worth every penny, as he is badass.
don't blame you
I kneel...
That reminds me, I got this Animated deluxe Earth Mode Optimus Prime, which was a FamilyMart lucky draw prize.
The wave with Misfire had TwinTwist and Windblade.
I'm jealous of you fuckers
Titans Return wave 5 had terrible distribution. He and Twintwist both go for over $100 each.

Though come to think of it I have Siege Skywarp and he's become extremely difficult and expensive to find.
Siege Skywarp was a fucking exclusive, what the fuck is going on with hasbro and seekers? why the fuck are the fucking coneheads getting the reissues and not the main ones that are not starscream?
Swoop is the nicest, Snarl is the broodiest.
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>He and Twintwist both go for over $100 each
Wew, and I found all three at my local Walmart back when TR was going on.
I have always hated exclusivity as a practice in transformers. I get why its a thing, I can understand it and still hate it.
>Those misassembled biceps on Misfire
Theyre backwards
>I have always hated exclusivity as a practice in transformers.
exclusivity by itself isn't a bad thing, what it is bad is essential characters being exclusive and it's this reason why earthrise got analraped
I don't think so, the mushroom peg part is on the inside. Either way I'm not gonna disassemble him, no reason to.
Dirge got his reissue months ago
Ah my bad thats just how they look. Thats some next level cost cutting
indeed. total ass.
here's a question, why the fuck do bendy-wire pieces on toys have to have little vampire-bite dots on them? surely those dots don't have anything to do with the insertion of the wire. they're like every so many inches.
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Grimlock - Barbarian
Strafe - Ranger
Slug - dual wield Fighter
Scorn - 1H Fighter
Snarl - Paladin
Slash - Rogue
Slog - Cleric
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>rusted rivets on Studio Series Swoop
oh yes now I understand
Don't even ask questions like these, you'll tempt me to buy some stupid Botcon Exclusive.
TR Misfire, Windblade and Twintwist. I guess that Kingdom Ravage set too although it didn't seem rare at the time since it was somehow readily available through online stores in NZ.
Probably my botcon strika and obsidian or custom class primal prime.
In terms of genuine rarity instead of just uncommon or hard to find figures, probably Botcon Sgt Hound & General Optimus or Unite Warriors Baldigus, maybe Universal Rides Evac
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Planning my first custom since I've got a spare Kingdom Rattrap. Does this mockup seem Arcee enough?
I'm planning on sourcing an appropriate head, but without access to a 3D printer my options are limited.
Also, in terms of the customisation process, it's roughly this, right?

> Disassemble as much as possible, use a pin punch to remove as many pins as possible
> Strip paint using isopropyl
> Airbrush or spray-can lacquer primer
> Airbrush with lacquer paints
> Hand paint in small details using acrylics
> Varnish topcoat
> Reassemble
> Transform never
now why didn't I ever think of that. Whitetrap. it works.
>appropriate head
yeahh there's not a lot of good core girl figures and even then no guarantee they use the same head post.
wow, I don't do any of that. I just paint on the toy with acrylic vallejo and spray it with clearcoat afterward. that i am pretty sure is not varnish but maybe it is. and i still transform it. i used to use shittier paint but the process was the same.
I couldn't tell you off the top of my head if Core class RotB Arcee works or not for a head swap
>exclusivity by itself isn't a bad thing, what it is bad is essential characters being exclusive
Yeah, the Toxitron and Star Raider waves are perfectly fine as exclusive waves since they consisted of recolours and minor retools
Cosmos and Override being in exclusive waves was shit
I've got the Core class RotB Arcee on the way since it looks to be the right scale, attachment is a concern though.
I'll probably have to dig into my spare gunpla parts and make a balljoint neck for it.

Thank you anon. I'm pretty concerned about smooth/thin/durable paint layers and I don't have a lot of confidence on acrylics on toys with moving parts.
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Can I see some of your customs? I want to know if they are good, and see how the paint holds up with your transforming. Not intended to be an attack or anything, I'm honestly curious. I have a KO SS Primal comimg so this guy won't have to stop using his own mini-me as a weapon.l, and I'm considering turning him into a Transmetal OP.

I do think SS Primal's transformation will lend itself well to being safe for custom paintjobs.
>Unite Warriors Baldigus
It's a shame this thing is so expensive especially considering it'll probably still be your best option since any new one will get fucked over by Bruticus getting Sunbow'd and the team just not giving a fuck about RiD.
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yeah it's hard as hell to get moving friction joints to retain paint. but i think clearcoating will help.
ehh i've posted, some were good, some shitty. some good but looked shitty in the photos. but all of those (except the lion-colored lio convoy) were made pre-vallejo, so now they're going to be significantly better...
I can say that the spray topcoat is not bulletproof, but it helps a lot.

This Dinobot was a lot of work, and now I have PF, so... kind redundant. he's getting some clear paint to tint him something else while preserving the stripes.
i still don't understand if people seriously like tfone designs or if it's just recency bias
either way most tf fans sure are the dumbest slop eaters jfc
Should have been a drawing of really small headed Autobots as a soccer team with their arms on each other like that funny image.
So did the new movie really leak in full? I've only seen bits of a camrip.
Yes, thanks to south america.
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Yo, tourist here, I dunno if this general cared about this when it was announced, but the Trigger animation finally came out, it ended up being region locked so I grabbed a VPN and recorded the fuckin' thing, might as well drop it somewhere now that I have it on me, enjoy
i have no idea what this is, but it's fucking amazing.
for a hot second i thought there'd be no bayformer representation, then there it was.. animated weirdly but still. what a celebration
Which container should I get for movie? I'm leaning towards chibi Orion because he hold both pop and corn.
>i have no idea what this is
A promotional video animated by Studio Trigger for the 40th anniversary
>i thought there'd be no bayformer representation, then there it was.. animated weirdly but still
Yeah I can't really blame them for that, it'd be tough as shit to make those designs work with their dynamic animation without simplifying them like they did here
Holy fucking shit that was awesome!!!
It finally happened, Kouji from Car Robots actually got to appear in something outside the show. He was the one character who was never referenced or in any story outside of his appearances on the show.
>Made Earthspark designs way better
Really good. Could've done without the earthshart representation though.
Here's a youtube upload I was just about to post here, lmao.

(Seems they stuck to shows+movies only and that's understandable, lol they even referenced Q-Transformers of all things, but it's a shame after all this that Rescue Bots got left out. Yeah it never aired in Japan, but Beast Hunters didn't neither, and that was here for a shot! Weh. But yeah, very awesome fanservice haha, hopefully we get a full show from them soon, like they did with Gridman)
S o i
Holy shit, they even have Sky-byte in the ocean scene.
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It probably isn't since the back of the head is different and very big things are missing, but I'm going to claim that is her anyway.
Never seen an animation that was so amazing and so awful at the same time. Half of it is barely moving and everything flashes by so fast you can barely see it. On the other hand this is some of the most insane fan service ever created for any franchise ever
>Energon references
KINO, if only it meant something as to getting toys
Some very obscure shit in this video for the Rescue Bots to get left out.
Rescue Bots didn't air in Japan.
yeah they surprisingly made the bayformers stuff look cool for once instead of embarassing. I was pleasantly surprised.
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>Amazon says they'll release today arrive tomorrow
>They arrive today

Very cool, you can tell real passion went into it with all the references they pulled but I agree with >>11151057.
The bayformers transformation was particularly funny. Most likely they where told to stick to the budget.
Make sure to bend Ruckus' elbows first before trying to pull his arms out, there's tabs on each arm that slot into his backpack.
The cross-series team ups and fights are neat.
I didn't need another version of this mould but I can't be too mad about it, I like it.
The colours work and the new headsculpt is cool but the noodles are in desperate need of a wash to stop them blending into each other.
I like this configuration of the cannons over the shoulder for this one, since it pairs well with Ruckus.

Yeah easily the coolest bit about it.
Idk if they where told to do it because of Legacy or if they where just inspired by it, but it's how I imagined Legacy was going to go from the start.
The animation actually saddens me now seeing what we ended up getting with the toyline was nowhere close.
Ruckus feels too chunky in the torso, his arms can't really get much going other than infront of him and down by his sides.

I'm glad I preordered this set cos now its going for $92 ausdollars and I'd be pretty pissed if I paid that much.
My Ruckus had loose paint over the wrist hole so watch out for that, and that it doesn't take off any extra paint when removing it.
If you don't mind doing stuff yourself, the cables could actually look cool with a wash.
But for now i'll stick to calling them noodles.
Holy fuck they actually referenced Beast Machines
>No Tekken x Transformers Crossover with a Bludgeon skin for Yoshimitsu and Yoshi getting his own transformer
>when you have this mould
terrible anniversary t b h
cant wait for the 50th
nobody gives a fuck about tekken
factually incorrect
Maybe I need to spend more time with these two but so far I find this set to be pretty meh.
You know what you're getting with the Bludgeon/Tarn mould and Ruckus feels limited.
I liked Beachcomber so its a shame the changes done to Ruckus didn't seem to pan out, atleast to me.
Kinda funny that someone snuck in Predaking from Prime, who wasn't used in Japan. He makes a brief appearance with the Decepticon fleet.
Many more deeper cuts than I expected.
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ah, beast machines
It bothere me inmensely that I know those war sequences are based on actual photos, but I can't find them anywhere.
I calls it screengrab- bait
Nice, Amazon is telling me mine will ship on the 1st of October
the compression on this PV is criminal
>scourge is with the boatcons
disturbing lack of obsidian, the coolest vehicon
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>the compression on this PV is criminal
Yeah maybe waiting for the official release couldn't hurt
Who is the big fella in the background?
Croaton, an original Titan for Cyberverse.
Why is Viper there?
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2D will always be better than 3DCG.
>Yeah it never aired in Japan, but Beast Hunters didn't neither, and that was here for a shot!
>Kinda funny that someone snuck in Predaking from Prime, who wasn't used in Japan

Those are from GO, Optimus appeared in this form in the show (briefly) & got his BH toy over there, the Predaking that appeared is Gurren Dragotoron, it's very much like Ginrai being from Powermaster OP in appearance
Twatter and Tik Tok, I don't have either of them, also movie is next week. Some scenes are on yt but they are removed fast.
Mine isn't coming until October
Course correction on that, Predaking do seems to appear, along side the other 2 Predacons from Predacon Rising
why do they keep doing this?
ausfags got theirs today
That's a bit of a wait. I preordered mine in August and it always said it'd release September 12th.
I don't use Amazon much outside these exclusives they get sometimes, I thought they operated in a more global, uniform manner that if something is released, it's released for everyone.
I guess that's not totally accurate?
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Took an entire year but I finally got Sixshot back in the collection. Is he absent from the video? I didnt see him.
That video reminded me of several figures Ive been meaning to get
no there was nothing from the headmasters strangely
Fortress Maximus was in there a couple times
But yeah, not much beyond that
oh right
for some reason i associate him with masterforce because of his brother
they should have completed the trio with ne-brave too
I was fine with not having the stupid Bump of Chicken Optimus but now it was in a thing I saw so now I kinda want it
just take all the repaints of ER OPs you have and mash them together
you WILL consume
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Another tourist here, that's the general Trigger animation style for really fast action scenes, though it's also an homage to a pose Megatron and Optimus did in some promotional material
i lol'd at how fucked up movie megatron was compared to everything else in the PV
Seeing that video just made me realize how much I miss Transformers being traditional 2D animation. Maybe it'll come back one day.
>more movementer = more betterer
are you fucking retarded? is this some John K autism?
Better than the Beast Bores representation. This 40th anniversary pv should only include things I personally like.
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>stream later
>on 13th Friday
reminder not to wish too hard...
>all those references
>Sakamoto was main animator
>perfect song
>all those death scenes
Jesus it really hit hard. Vektor Prime was just perfect.
>5 wave of United
>MAYBE first wave of SS for next year - Mostly One Bee and Elita
>Hall of fame vote results
That's it.
Reminder that theres the Pulsecon stream tomorrow and also a Transformers day stream on the 17th
Yeah, Threezero and retro reissues on that day. Most fun stuff will be at NYCC next month.
>artists get hired independently do to work for media company
>literally every media company has a clause in the contract that states “if you make anything for us while working for us, it’s ours”
>make cool thing
>complain they don’t give you compensation for the work you did for them that’s now legally their property

many such cases
sometimes it works. Penders signed a Work for Hire contract and he still got to steal half the cast of the sonic comics
Crazy how much better the Earthspark designs look when they aren't animated like those cheap indian content farm nursery rhyme videos
EU lads, Straxus is shipping out
Holy shit, they DO look like that
>They actually made niko cute
Holy fuck
So, do we actually already know everything that's getting revealed tomorrow?
Tomorrow will probably be probably the last wave of United, *maybe* a preview of Prime. Did the last stream even have pipeline reveals? Plus whatever chintzy merch they want to hawk at us, coins or stamps or posters or whatever. Plus a check-in on what vidya currently has TF crossovers going on
Then next week will be 100% TF1

Or vice versa
I found a Studio RotB Wheeljack at Target the other day. All I have to say is what the fuck.
just got potp grimlock, what's wrong with it? it's the perfect low budget classic grimlock
the fact that it's a not too show accurate, toy looking toy is a plus for my tastes
the only thing that worries me a little is the clear plastic on the dino neck joint
lmao this shit was 75% panning stills
mainly to do with it being a combiner torso. It's ugly and the 2nd-most unstable after Motormaster
It is a Japanese show. I don't know what else you would expect.
still says october for me.
who is the lady in the yellow sweater? Koji's mom?
ever watched a mecha show
Looped animations, panning over static images, only mouth moving, stock footage, and maybe 2 minutes of cool action out of 22 minutes.
nice cherrypicking
Animation is expensive to do weekly.
i think it has to do with the usual hasjew cost cutting, fill the vid with references and the goycattle will cream thei pants
not saying trigger is that good
I am pretty sure this is standard trigger animation, kill la kill and little witch academia were like this at spots, sometimes entire episodes even
I feel like my life is flashing before my eyes
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>Derrick couldn't see this
>I have never seen anime before
That last scene would be so much cooler if earthspark wasn't so mediocre
i love that movies have found a new way to gouge us
i didn't even recognize them
who is the little bat thing
latino mother black father? looks like the opposite to me.
why the fuckensuck did you reply to that
He's actually Filipino
so did anon mean BMLF?
Considering Filipino isn't latino, probably not
Why the feedenseed did you reply to that?
you don't think pacific islanders are the same as native americans
and that mixing spanish with them doesn't make more hispanics
got my DK-48.. good lord, the want you to just pop his robot head off.. which is on a little hinge, so you cannot get a good grip.
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I personally can’t stand how much Trigger is treated as a mark of quality in the animation zeitgeist. I’ve always found their style obnoxious ADHD lightshows with jagged designs salvaged by coomers and sex appeal. They have a massive following for being as loud as humanly possible.

Also is Bump of Chicken synonymous with commemorative animations or is Takara just trying to ape the Pokémon Retrospective?
>Like UGH y'all why can't they just animate talking head slice of life slideshows like a real heckin studio?!

dumb nigger
>. I’ve always found their style obnoxious ADHD lightshows
Literally most modern transformers shows
when the fuck is that SS apelinq getting showed
this is such a boomer-assed fucking thing to say
nice still pictures
The song is by bump of chicken
I need to know the lore behind the dead dog.
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Reminder this was the last time those faggots referenced the Transformers franchise
are you seriously fucking triggered by panty and stocking after all these years LMAO
also this isn't even right considering fucking the entirety of Gridman. Get a fucking grip Boomer you're going to give yourself a heart attack lardo
>Kino episode with ton of small homages
You're a massive nigger
hurhurhruhruhurrhruh that's funny
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and for some reason it only comes with one of the weird neck-shoulder things. he's clearly meant to have two.
they done disresepected transformers I can't even y'all
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>Reminder this was the last time those faggots referenced the Transformers franchise
>he doesn't know
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Actually retarded
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hehehehe. she got screwed
couldn't fit very many soldiers in that horse
Looks kino. This sounds like a you problem
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That reminds me, I'm still waiting for a new Star Ice Scream mold.
it laughens me
Starscream is love
Starscream is Life

Actvally, Mexicans once immigrated to the Philippines during the Spanish era. Filipinos have Latino descent.
>Sakamoto was main animator
I wish but it literally says in English 'Project Supervisor'
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Holy fuck amazing
Pretty rad, anon, good job.
i loved how they were fusioning
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I stole it from TFW via /a/
I hate these overexaggerated 'hype anime' style photo poses
like those faggots who crunch the ab 45 degress and thrust the with while standing still for a 'dynamic' static pose
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Just bought this guy, what am I in for?
Sureshock is cute, CUTE
Man I miss RotF era toys. I don't even like the movie but that toyline was fucking stellar.
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It's got its flaws, but you're not getting a better G1 style Grimlock for a good price.
As for the clear bits, I've owned and played with mine heavily for 6 years and none of the bits are showing any sign of damage, so you probably don't have to worry.
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Literally nothing wrong with it
People are retarded and just think it's ugly somehow
some of those are 3rd party? which ones and what company? after seeing that short I'm almost getting the urge to get the beast wars figures now
we all do
More proof prime arcee was best looking arcee, fuck the legacy toy so much
This damn Studio Trigger thing has me feeling nostalgic about Beast Machines of all fucking things. Perhaps I was too hard on it. Sometimes I do find myself liking that Primal design.
He definitely suffers for being a combiner torso (which isn't very good unless you get the now rare TDW upgrade, which TBF turns the combiner into a 10/10) but he's fun, I like him.
It's fucking real

Missing Link Arcee
Absolute maniacs.
If beast machines wasn't a sequel it would be received WAY better, i still hate how it treated rhinox and rattrap
Her thigh game is on point. More than anything though that is definitely a missing link.
The Transmetals are both from TransArt
I can't place which Megatron that is
That's Legacy Evolution TMII Megatron and PotP Optimal Optimus
And I assume that Prime is Studio Series
oh boy, **another** fucking arcee fig
like those haven't been shelfwarming since fucking 2020
that bad?
SHH, no! It is legend!
Surreal, this is something I've always sorta wanted but considered a never ever. This coming right after the absolute high of the Trigger collab and the disappointment of the godzilla collab, takara has been doing some fucked up things with my emotions as of late
I am now unable to stop thinking about Missing Link BWN Unicron
that's just the unpainted prototype of the OG cancelled figure right?
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Don't forget Sunstreaker too
actually REALLY good since the G1 mold devolved into paste
It's Kup! Hi Kup!
Remake of it, but the joints are not figured out of it according to the text.
>alright, now that we've made the most accurate retail AND high end adult collectible versions of 1984, how can we keep sales going?
>literally sell them the old toys with new joints at an insane 1000% markup
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actually it's about 100% markup
the original was 21 bucks, which is about 63 and a half bucks today. missing link is 120, plus yknow shipping whatever since retail is dead. that's about twice what the original cost... it's ridiculous, but not that bad.
I want ML Sunstreaker.

Unless its triple digits.
Nah, tho he's not going to be doing much. As long as you're happy with the look of him in either of his modes than he's cool.
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I love Kup

anon, 100% of $4 is $4, which is on average what bumblebee cost in 1984
missing link bumble is $40 before shipping and tax. this is 10x the price, or 1000%
best they can do is a spin-out which won't sell, then they'll never touch the mold again
is that really potp primal? I don't remember seeing that particular figure with wheels on the side of his legs, unless its an upgrade
>unless its an upgrade
It could be, the Megatron has a tail upgrade
okay let's do that math then
4 dollars in 1984 is a little over 12 bucks today. so charging 40 is about a 350% markup. that's.... much more. huh.
I appreciate them doing this but man it's going to be years until we get Missing Link Armada/Micron Legend if ever in the first place.
No. I shouldn't. I SHOULDN'T!!!
>Missing Link Armada/Micron Legend
the fuck?
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Hmmm how serendipitous that this figure and this piece just happened to find themselves both on my desk at the same time...

You don't think...
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Does it fit together securely? If so what a wonderful weird coincidence
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They do! The pegs on the underside do bump into the little hinges on the backpack, but the upper pegs get enough grip, and the holes on Megs's back line up perfectly. I was so happy lol
Haslab God Fire Convoy is far along enough that they already have prototypes molded and painted in the correct colors.

I'm honestly wondering if they'll manage to release this guy before the end of the year.
sweet murcielago of santiago, that looks fantastic.

.... can you do anything in the altmode?
>man it's going to be years until we get Missing Link Armada/Micron Legend
I know you put that little qualifier at the end to acknowledge it probably won't happen, but even entertaining the thought even a little is massive delusion. G1 toys are getting ML figures purely for the novelty factor of having such oddball robot designs from the 80s getting modern articulation. At best, we MIGHT see original G2 molds get ML at some point. Armada, even as old as it is, doesn't have the retro aesthetic factor of the G1 toys. The novelty factor isn't there, as the toys already look pretty close to the cartoon.
Got him for under 100. I do good?
the fuck is he doing in the sink
He's a big guy
it's white, the bathroom is well lit.. i think anon picked a good photospot
This fuck goes to nearly 200, you did excellent
thanks, didn't include instructions and one effect piece however
I usually rinse 2nd hand robutts in warm soapy water these days after some mystery gunk incidents
>Missing Link Armada/Micron Legend
What exactly do you mean by this?
You want the jankiest aspects of the toys with updated articulation?
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This shockingly handsome guy showed up today, and from almost the first second I had my hands on him I knew I had made the right choice saying no thanks to Legacy. Before he arrived I was considering painting him to get a more G1 look but in person these colors are absolutely gorgeous and exciting and it would be a crime to alter this look. He had dust and so many loose joints but a little love with a brush and liquid polyurethane and he's ready to wreck. His price seems to be down, I guess a lot of people are ditching him for the new one. I just can't abide the melting rubber and the chest issue. And this dude just exudes so much personality.

>didn't know the gun "shoots"
>laugh like a moron for ten minutes at how pitifully short the range is
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>NZ finally has a United wave
>it's the Sideburn, Strongarm, Nucleous and Cybertron Hot Shot wave
I guess Nucleous and Hot Shot might be good, but I have no attachment to either character and NZ Transformers prices are higher than the guy who signed off on that Side Burn alt. mode.
honestly micron legend starscream with a knee end would be peak transformers toy ever
what about the tiny scorponok if any?
>I only own this guy due to some asshole swapping it with the Legacy on Amazon.

I wish I could love it, but getting it that way just made it dificult. It didn't help that I got the Legacy version and that figure had several problems I only learned after getting it. I ended up getting the Legacy for 24 and T30 ended up free since Amazon refunded me without return, but still.
>convention exclusive legacy super mode armada starscream up on reseller sites
>17,000 JPY
Jesus, guess I'll stick with the LG-EX
it's up on rk for about 55 usd if you want that. iirc shipping's pretty bad there though
>17,000 JPY
I wanted it too but not that much
with robot kingdom it'll be that much in freight at least
the vertical wing stripe is enough to put me off getting him anyway
Here ya go
I hate Trigger but that is such a stupid thing to get mad at
This the best mp?
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he is pretty cool... can't deny.
oh HELL yes. I love that guy. I think there's two little ones. and they both look so much better than ANY other toy of him.
How do you call this form? Super Megatron? Raptor Megatron?
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cuuuute. want.
I wouldn't exactly kick this version out of the nest either, but not as good.
>Kicker shows up twice in the short. Kind of surprising he got a cameo on the big Leader sprawl. It was also neat Dr Sumdac got to appear.
technically an elasmosaurus
well don't call him megaraptor because that is already a dinosaur. and not every that cool of one.

Speaking of dinos, hadrosaur transformer when?
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We did get this one, but that hardly counts. Gotta have one that transforms!
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Primal Prime is so cool.
>newfag can't into greentext
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new Rampage when
Are you sure that isn't a quote from somewhere else?
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all lionformers should be friends
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what the fuck is this
40th ani stuff again.
new thread: >>11152450

ani as in plural of anus maybe
Parasaurolophus is cool, I wonder why we haven't gotten more of those in transformers
Not in the main Dinobots, b-list dinosaur, not very monster-y.
>people are unironically defending studio trigger
why do redditors come here of all places?
You should have posted an image of Goku and
>he knows
Oddly pertinent post for me. Currently as we speak I am having a severe allergic reaction to the lot of second hand figures I bought tonight
How are you allergic to plastic?
Normalfags infested this site years ago. Don't bother.
Cats. I always wash pre-owned figures. i barely had these fuckers out of the bag before they started killing me
I think transmetal Megatron is slightly discounted compared to leader prices on amazon.ca but I'm not that sure, since I've stopped keeping track of leader prices
Is he good? Is he likely to go for cheaper? The proportions look weird
him bonecrusher and brawl have been called the best ones recently. old-wise barricade and jaz are decent iirc
>Cybertron from Galaxy Force makes a quick cameo during the Prime sequence.

That's cute.
Looking at some of the new God Fire Concoy images, they seem to have done some minor changes to the sculpts. Super Fire Convoy now has a more traditional face plate, no weird slit down the middle.
he sucks
get the original
Beast mode is impresive. it lacks the "dragster" mode and chrome from the original but robot mode is miles better, there are 3p upgrade options if you want a face closer to the cartoon.

Only downgrade is the lack of chrome, the dragster mode never worked.
>it's good if you spend the MSRP over on add-on parts
apologist faggot
holy fuck, I hope they produce good numbers because bros that miss out on preorders will have to have their own lube on standby for the after-market.
Not everyone wants the cartoon head, its an option, bitch.
Apparently they are from what holds the wire in place in the mold.
I will take the “overexaggerated 'hype anime' style photo poses” over the pelvic thrust pose any day.
Provided he is fully intqct, yes. MPM Blackout is awesome! Looks like you are misskng a blast effect, a minigun, and Scorponok though, but for $100 thats still a steal.
>toys should be posed standing straight up with arms at sides

based retard
>>For you
Yep, amazing how she appeared only once and got the honor of appearing here.

Owning cryotek and the legacy Megatron. The original is fiddly, but it has fun gimmicks.

If you want simple and affordable go for the Legacy. I like how the chest transforms.

I still want a fucking cryotek repaint.
There's not been any indication that we're getting an Armada Megatron Megazarak repaint, right? I don't really feel like I need more than one of a mold, and if there's never going to be such a thing I'll probably grab Galvatron, maybe.
A genderswapped version called Amanda Megan is more likely.

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