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-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Age of Apocalypse Cyclops and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine solicited

-Marvel Legends Punisher/Bushwacker 2 pack solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Across the Spider-Verse wave 2 solicited (all major retailers)

-SHF has shown off their Deadpool & Wolverine Deadpool and Wolverine figures

-Marvel Legends Deadpool and Wolverine wave solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Arcade Sentinel 2 Pack solicited (Pulse exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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It's time for Mammomax
Alright so out of all the leaked stuff, which figures do you think we'll see at Pulsecon?
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Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.
Imagine praying for that. Does he live and breathe toys and only toys?
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Too bad he doesn't bash the bad figures in the reviews anymore
Stop spamming
What cereal did he sell?
This is now a Chadthony’s Customs thread
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/A7H2E8L02zw?feature=shared
What’s your favorite Anthony review? For me it’s 3A Master Chief.
How much of a loser are you that you keep spamming with this?
On a Saturday night no less.
Would you rather I post Jin Saotome customs?
How about you stop posting all together since you obviously don't want to add anything good to the thread?
Gotta put plastic on the table anon
It isn't wise to post pictures of your kids/family members on 4chan. You sure you want to expose them to the freaks that inhabit these very threads?
Didn't even notice those, thanks anon. Pic saved.
Oh no..

I usually don't post here (mainly reddit) wut do?
go back to r/autism
Where's his toyline?
Being perfected instead of rushed out lol
He's right. Why are you mags so mad? How in any way is this worth $70? Hulkbuster is only going to be $60, and I bet Hasbro is kicking themselves for putting preorders out before this. They'd probably charge $80 for it if they put it out now.
Most of them are Hasjew shills that think Hasbro will somehow suck their dicks if they buy their products with no hesitation. Don’t try to reason with them. Lol
It was far, far too late to delete that pic, anon. LOL
I doubt anyone actually saved it
There are more anti Hasbro posters in this thread than pro Hasbro ones though. I don't really see anyone outright defending Hasbro, just telling you to shut up with repeating the same bullshit over and over that doesn't contribute to discussion. But then again I'm probably a paid Hasbro employee right?
>Hulkbuster is only going to be $60
"only"?! ONLY?! ONLYYYYY?!?!?!?

I don't know what's gone wrong in your life, but please allow me to introduce you to a toyline called Marvel Select where you can purchase figures like Hulkbuster for $30. Armed with this wisdom, even you can free yourself from compulsively defending Hasbro's wanton greed. I believe in you!
Right? A lot of us are just trying to ignore the blatant racism and move on from hasbro. Legends are way over priced and Im not gonna repeat myself or have the same conversation over and over. Remember tho, it's /toy/ its full of autistic people who like to do the same thing over and over.
Anon, respectfully shut up. I understand what you're saying i said "only". I'm not defending Hasbro here; I'm just making the point that the newly sculpted 9-inch Hulkbuster is still $10 cheaper than a poorly sculpted dog with barely any articulation and a skinny bitch.i agree these prices are out of hand.
That figure is 2 in smaller, comes with less accessories and has worse articulation. I don't think that warrants the Legends being double the price, but this also originally came out years ago pre Bidinflation.
>these prices are out of hand
There's something we agree on.
>came out years ago pre Bidinflation
And Selects are still $30 and mog the shit out of Legends when it comes to the big boys. Enjoy your swirly plastic, I imagine most Legends collectors got their fair share of swirlies.
It is getting really bad, but it's hardly isolated to the toy industry. I'd love to blame big bad Hasbro for this but I'm just can't when literally everything else also costs like 200% more than it did four years ago. I've literally stopped buying beef unless it's on sale because $7 a pound for Kroger ground beef is fucking absurd. My toothpaste I used to pay $2.50 for costs $5 now. It's getting out of hand.
It's funny too because I see people go "older folks always complain about rising costs"

Yeah, the difference is it's not the 90s with someone comparing prices to the 60s, we're talking a four year difference and an increase of at least double on a lot of things. Shocked it's taken so long for video games to go up.
>I don't think that warrants the Legends being double the price
Ah, so you have a functioning brain.

Whoops, spoke too soon! Also, Marvel Select still releases huge figures for $30.
They don't always mog big boy Legends. Apocalypse comes to mind as blatantly inferior to any of the Legends offerings. Select's also haven't improved on their sculpting, paintwork, or engineering in the past like two decades so I'd be pretty pissed if they started charging more tbqh.

It is absolutely wild. I'm in the process of buying a house and I'm seeing houses that sold for $350K just two fucking years ago going for $600K+. Shit is absolutely out of hand. I wish I could say this whole price thing isolated to just the toy industry but clearly that's not the case. Something's gotta give at some point, people are struggling to pay for beans and rice.

See above. Paying anything more than $30 for a Select is outright stupid.
Numerous CEOs have stated on record that they raised prices because they could get away with it, not because of Inflation or supply chain issues. Hopefully, you're just ignorant of this, 'cause otherwise you're justifying this behavior by throwing up your hands and saying, "What can poor ol' Hasbro do? All companies are price gouging. We can't possibly blame them! They make our favorite tooooooooys!!!" Defending cartels, monopolies, and price fixing is weak shit.
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>Whoops, spoke too soon! Also, Marvel Select still releases huge figures for $30.
Yea, you can't reason with some of these people, they just shit up the thread and forget to talk about toys. Jada toys are cheap with more accessories the ML, also licensed. Hasbro and Disney are bleeding fans, imagine living in a vacuum of only collecting ML and not knowing any of this tho.

I need hasbro to do pic related, and Ill probably never buy a ML ever again.
Anon, you'd have a leg to stand on if literally everything else wasn't also hyper inflated. Also, what does Hasbro have a , monopoly on?
Sorry that the most reasonable explanation doesn't line up with your clearly emotionally biased opinion of Hasbro. I'm not even defending them, I'm just pointing out that this price gouging thing isn't isolated to just toys. Also, Jada figures cost only $2 less than MLs, and comparing the cost of the Street Fighter license to Marvel or Star Wars is a fallacy since they don't cost nearly the same.
You're kinda stupid, aren't you?
>cost of license
Push those goalposts farther, hasfag. Why are Selects still $30?
I'm in the market for a classic ML Hulk, should I just wait for a new one? They show up pretty often right?
Because they haven't improved in almost twenty years? I don't fucking know. But, clearly the SF license is going to not be as valuable as fucking Marvel. What kind of logic even is this?

No seriously, explain it to me like I am stupid. What does Hasbro have a monopoly on? You were the one who said it, I'm genuinely curious.
>You were the one who said it
No, I wasn't. That wasn't even the part I was referring to. Stupid.
So, you're just spouting off buzzwords because Hasbro makes you mad? Grow up anon. I'm not even defending Hasbro, just telling you how it is. It's kind of telling how you refuse to acknowledge that everything else is also hyper inflated right now. Do your parents buy your groceries for you?
>you refuse to acknowledge that everything else is also hyper inflated right now
But anon, that was their whole point. They said many different companies were doing this, not just Hasbro. Watching you two argue while saying essentially the same thing has been a treat.
I guess you're right, but I blame the current administration moreso than anything else, but maybe I'm just old fashion that way.
To elaborate on what the other anon said, you are not only stupid, you are willfully stupid. Nothing is preventing you from verifying the very real legal fact that CEOs across a broad spectrum of industries have engaged in price gouging and price fixing. Instead, you are engaging in deflection and strawmanning >> "Hurr durr, hyper-inflation! Hurr durr, what does Hasbro have a monopoly of?"

You are more loathsome than the scummy CEOs who rip people off, because at least they get paid while you get nothing but contempt.
We all just need to remember who the real assholes are, us arguing like this only helps them
I'd rather blame the administrations that enable that kind of behavior but like I said, I'm just old fashioned that way.

That was my original point but then it made someone lose their shit and interpreted it as me defending Hasbro. I swear the collective IQ of this thread has to be in the double digits.
>I swear the collective IQ of this thread has to be in the double digits.
But...but you're...
Yes, yes, I'm a big fat doo doo head because I don't blame CEOs and said something mean about Joe Biden. Fuck Drumph tho right?
Sorry. I'm just a little ornery about this kind of thing right now because I've been house hunting for the past year and a half and it's been frustrating seeing houses that sold two years ago for $200K less than what these lunatics are asking for them. The food situation also makes my blood boil. I just think if people like my grandma who struggled to afford things in her retirement. I'm almost grateful she passed away before it got this bad.
I don't understand how anyone is living right now. I'm glad I got an electric card before things really shot up, I couldn't afford a lot of stuff if I was still paying gas prices. I remember complaining when it hit 2.70 here in Los Angeles.

I went to the Food4Less earlier to get sausages. Normally I'd buy in bulk when they hit the $1 sale and now they never dip below $2. A lot of stuff like that I just haven't bought in years.

Thankfully the imports are limited on how much they can price gouge.
>Electric vehicle
>Los Angeles
Ah, I see now. Now I get it.
>continuing to try and alienate the one person in the thread identifying with you
This is why we're both gonna be upset when she wins in November.
Sorry. We're on an anonymous image board so I just assumed that you were the same guy sperging out because I mentioned Bidinflation since you live in LA.
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That's fair. I just wanted to go really, really fast without spending a lot of money.
The Venn diagram of Hasbro supporters and Trump supporters is a perfect circle.
Makes sense since a perfect circle is impossible.
Safe assumptions

And the venn diagram for retards and people who whine about $25 mass market toys is too.
Can someone explain how Marvel Select is able to maintain a 30 dollar price point with all the paint they put on their figures?
Less articulation and accessories.
Articulation isn't very good, so they save cost on construction, paint isn't very good, so they save on paint apps, less accessories for tooling, etc.
Smaller production runs, that's about it. Any other answer is cope.
Marvel Selects usually have a lot of accessories. I can tell you don't buy them or even look at them. The only thing you got right is the articulation is usually shit. But that isn't even true for every single one. Like the Psylocke is painted, has roughly Legends-tier articulation (including double jointed elbows before Legends did them on females) and a lot of accessories, including a diorama piece. And frankly "paint isn't very good" doesn't even make sense. Compared to a Marvel Legend, the paint is far superior.

So what's the real reason Selects can still maintain a $30 price point? It's that Hasbro, McFarlane and Mattel have you all over a barrel. That's what. They're all deceiving you about how much it costs them to make these toys and they cut every corner. They then hand wring about paint app costs or distribution costs as if they couldn't eat those costs and still be selling the figures for a lot more than they cost to make.
Also this.
Remember in 2018 when Legends retailed for 7.99?
They were $20.

They are hot and miss with accessory count. Especially if we count older reissues they tend to pad out the year with. Their newer stuff is better sure, but it can be hit or miss on accessory count. Articulation is just worse all around, people praising their War Machine make me laugh when it has single jointed limbs. Character selection is also paltry compared to Legends. People will parrot the "I want higher quality Legends that cost slightly more with less release over the year" would get Select's character selection where they still do MCU stuff alongside comic characters. The paint being "not very good" is subjective but you can't deny that sometimes they overdo things to the point they look outright bad. Picrel.

>It's that Hasbro, McFarlane and Mattel have you all over a barrel. That's what
You had me until I got to this part. The real reason why Select's maintain their price point is they have much smaller production runs, like the other anon stated.
I buy Legends because they're better and cheaper than Select. I also don't believe in the rumor that Hasbro is limiting the POA on Select's figures when all their figures have subpar articulation.
It's easy to tell that Hasbro isn't limiting the POA that select can do. That Psylocke has 22 POA. That's just some nonsense people made up.
There's no denying their older figures are shit--like that Ghost Rider re-release that is in stock now. Mostly for comparisons to Legends it would be the newer Selects that are still able to maintain $30 rather than going up, which is unexpected if Legends' price increases are justified.

I don't get the smaller production runs thing, though. All other things being equal, smaller production runs should make each individual figure cost more, not less, because of worse economies of scale. If you order a factory to make 10,000 pcs they will give you a higher price per unit to manufacture than if you order 50,000 pcs. The difference may be in the specialization of the particular factories that Selects use vs the factories MLs use though.
It could also have to do with Select's being distributed through Diamond directly to retailers. That whole distribution system is completely different from how Hasbro deals with big box stores like Target and Walmart.
>Marvel Selects usually have a lot of accessories
Well that's a lie
Far more than Legends anyway. You're lucky if you get a second set of hands lately.
Anon, both lines have figures that come with a bunch of accessories and some that come with almost none. The Select Hulkbuster has literally no accessories. And let's not even get started on how sparse their releases are. What have they even released this year? Just Cap?
I thought selects only could be distributed to comic shops and such--not big box stores--and that was the major difference between their license and Hasbro's
Yes, that's what I mean by being distributed through Diamond. Diamond also distributes comics to comic shops.
> I'm just pointing out that this price gouging thing isn't isolated to just toys
Except Im just saying, when it comes to hasbro, that's not new. People are acting like this is a recent thing. Hasbro has been doing this for 10+ years. They've always charged more than competitors. You must be a youngfag the way you over confidently talk. The conspiracy back in the day when 3.75 became 10 dollars and GI Joe was less was that hasbro was trying to get people to buy their product that they didn't have to pay a license for, when the reality was, they knew fans would pay the higher price.
>comparing the cost of the Street Fighter license to Marvel or Star Wars is a fallacy since they don't cost nearly the same.
You're saying a toy, which all things on it being equal (tho, they're not tho, the accessories, lets ignore that for now) should cost more if it's a more well known character? I'm not gonna argue that, if that's the way you feel. That Mickey Mouse costs more than Bugs Bunny, fine. I don't agree with it, and frankly Shuzzo McGee from page 5 of issue 241 of Daredevil isn't worth 25 dollars. I like cool toys more than getting specific characters, but I don't think people should feel fucked for wanting certain characters.
Nah. Plus Select have McFarlane leg proportions. They're shit and you're shit for endorsing them.
>You're saying a toy, which all things on it being equal (tho, they're not tho, the accessories, lets ignore that for now) should cost more if it's a more well known character? I'm not gonna argue that, if that's the way you feel. That Mickey Mouse costs more than Bugs Bunny, fine. I don't agree with it, and frankly Shuzzo McGee from page 5 of issue 241 of Daredevil isn't worth 25 dollars. I like cool toys more than getting specific characters, but I don't think people should feel fucked for wanting certain characters.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that the cost of the license is going to factor into the final cost of the toy. That's just the way it is. And of course one of the biggest IPs on the planet is going to be more expensive than a niche video game to license.
NTA but you are saying that by saying "that's just the way it is." Instead you should choose the impossible and boycott overpriced figures. If everyone chose the impossible and did so then they wouldn't be able to overprice figures based on what they have to pay for licenses or whatever. They'd have to either make it work or not make figures at all. And then we'd either get better figures or be free of this horrible hobby. It's win-win.
You are saying it and you said it a 2nd time.
At least you're agreeing though, its the license that causes hasbro to charge more, instead of hurr durr inflatshun
lmao, get a grip you dork
I don't think they're overpriced though. At least in the context of 2024. Do I wish they were cheaper, of course, but I don't think $25 for the average Hasbro figure is unreasonable.
excellent retort, your teachers would be proud. Now, can we grown men talk about toys without you smearing feces on the wall?
Diamond can do whatever they want in the 7 inch scale, they don't make super articulated figures by choice. They openly talk about this at cons and such.
Sure. If you had any sort of reading comprehension you can see that the difference in license cost between SF and Marvel is one of the contributing factors to MLs costing a few dollars more. I didn't say nor insinuate that the price increases over the past few years were from the license. Just the slight difference in price between the two lines.

In addition, when comparing the better Hasbro offerings like GI Joe Classifieds or newer, more robust Legends, the quality and accessory count between the two lines can be pretty comparable. Hasbro lines release a number of times more figures per year than Jada so obviously some are going to be better than others.
Then why was Psylocke a super articulated figure?
Because they wanted to, one would assume
I'll never understand the guys in this thread. It's fine that you don't like and don't buy Legends. You do you. But stop getting your panties in a bunch over the fact that some people do like Legends. Getting all pissy about what random strangers on the internet do with their own money is bitchy and gay.
Fucking seriously. Legends is the biggest Marvel line out there that's been going on longer than those posters have been alive. Of course people are buying it.
The thing is, people buying legends sucks money away from other lines, so these people are gallantly trying to get people to stop buying the bad line and buy a better line, not necessarily of Marvel, just anything else instead.
That is not how the toy industry works. Stop trying to dictate what complete strangers you'll never actually meet do with their own money, you bitch-made Karen.
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What the fuck is this?
Why wouldn't it work like that with Hasbro? Look at McFart. DC is easily their most popular license so they can afford to half ass it because they know people will buy it anyways.
You are being so naive I have to assume you are an actual child. Just let people buy the toys they enjoy, you buy the toys you enjoy, and stop shitting up every thread with this same old argument day after fucking day. You aren't going to change anyone's mind.
> If you had any sort of reading comprehension you can see that the difference in license cost between SF and Marvel is one of the contributing factors to MLs costing a few dollars more
OH! It's my inability to read and not your inability to write? The difference in license cost is being passed on to the consumer. You agree with this concept. A movie cost the same amount, 15 bucks, doesn't matter if its Kong or Aliens or what, 15 bucks, star wars doesn't cost 17. Toys? Hmm, ok ,keep defending it.
>I didn't say nor insinuate that the price increases over the past few years were from the license.
No, I said that, it doesn't matter who said it, it's true, unless you have evidence of the contrary. You keep comparing the price of legends to legends. That's not how this works. Of course ML of 2007 don't cost the same as Legends of 2024. When people want to have a discussion about things, and they point blame at certain things being the cause, you try to look outside to see if others in similar areanas are affected the same way. Fact is, Hasbro keeps marvel and star wars prices high. When you look at the rest of the market, what else the toy industry is doing and other things cost.

>In addition, when comparing the better Hasbro offerings like GI Joe Classifieds or newer, more robust Legends, the quality and accessory count between the two lines can be pretty comparable.
You're comparing hasbro to hasbro in a discussion about whether hasbro charges more than there competitors? OK, cool, cool.
embarrassing is what
>OH! It's my inability to read
Seems that way yes.

>You agree with this concept. A movie cost the same amount, 15 bucks, doesn't matter if its Kong or Aliens or what, 15 bucks, star wars doesn't cost 17. Toys? Hmm, ok ,keep defending it.
You are aware toy companies bid out the licenses they acquire, right? If another company is willing to pay more for the license than Hasbro once their existing contracts expire, Marvel/Disney is free to make a deal with them.

>unless you have evidence of the contrary
My evidence is that literally every other purchasable item has gone up in price. Your dollar is worth less than it was four years ago. That's inflation. It can be caused by a number of things, corporate greed being one of those factors.

>You keep comparing the price of legends to legends. That's not how this works. Of course ML of 2007 don't cost the same as Legends of 2024. When people want to have a discussion about things, and they point blame at certain things being the cause, you try to look outside to see if others in similar areanas are affected the same way.
I've cited food, toothpaste, housing, gasoline, and other things as examples outside. If we want to look at toys directly, Hasbro isn't the only company to increase their prices over the past 5 years. McFs used to cost $20 too. Imports used to cost $50-$60 shipped, nowadays they're inching closer to $75-$80 with shipping. It's not just a Hasbro thing.

>Fact is, Hasbro keeps marvel and star wars prices high. When you look at the rest of the market, what else the toy industry is doing and other things cost.
The fact that toys from properties other than Marvel and Star Wars have also gone up in price?

>You're comparing hasbro to hasbro in a discussion about whether hasbro charges more than there competitors? OK, cool, cool.
Wat? I'm comparing Hasbro toys to Jada anon. When comparing something like Classified to Jada SF. Those are pretty comparable imo.,
Now that's a coom
>You are aware toy companies bid out the licenses they acquire, right? If another company is willing to pay more for the license than Hasbro once their existing contracts expire, Marvel/Disney is free to make a deal with them.
that's wrong, and you can look it up yourself.
>My evidence is that literally every other purchasable item has gone up in price. Your dollar is worth less than it was four years ago. That's inflation. It can be caused by a number of things, corporate greed being one of those factors.
Also not true, home ownership has gone down, the cost of things like furniture has actually gone down with it, too much supply, too little demand. We're talking about toys and trying to highlight, hasbros shenanigans are not new.
>If we want to look at toys directly, Hasbro isn't the only company to increase their prices over the past 5 years. McFs used to cost $20 too. Imports used to cost $50-$60 shipped, nowadays they're inching closer to $75-$80 with shipping. It's not just a Hasbro thing.
Yes, I am on /toy/ board and 5 years is too small a window, look bigger. Looking at 5 years is like asking right handed people if they'd like to buy left handed scissors and saying no one wants to buy left handed scissors. You're getting the results you want by not studying things correctly. Flat earth mentality bro.
>The fact that toys from properties other than Marvel and Star Wars have also gone up in price?
Cool, this is a ML thread about hasbro, bring up relevant points when you can
>Wat? I'm comparing Hasbro toys to Jada anon. When comparing something like Classified to Jada SF. Those are pretty comparable imo.,
That's not what you said, ESL?
What the fuck do gi Joe and Jada have to do with marvel?
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More lies and strawmen. This discussion began under the premise that deluxe Marvel Legends are not priced $60-70 due to "iNfLaTiOn" but to corporate greed, as evidenced by the current existence of giant Marvel Select figures for $30, and further evidenced by the existence of various CEOs admitting they raised prices because they could, and not because of inflation or supply chain issues. While the latter requires you to venture alllllllllll the way to google to confirm, the former only requires that you scroll up this page and read the discussion.

This means one of two things:

1) You can't read.
2) You don't want to read, because reading might interfere with your pathetic compulsion to excuse corporate greed.

Since you appear hellbent on defending Hasbro's decisions, my guess is it's probably both.
>Marvel Select figures for $30
Are not sold in department stores.
No one cares.
>that's wrong, and you can look it up yourself.
Toy companies are allowed to negotiate licensing fees. They're not all the same price across the board, that's all I'm saying. "Bidding" was the wrong word to use, I should've said negotiate.

>Also not true, home ownership has gone down
Doesn't that correlate to housing prices being in a bubble? You can't be serious right now, the inability for people to afford basic housing is one of the key problems in the US right now.

>Yes, I am on /toy/ board and 5 years is too small a window, look bigger. Looking at 5 years is like asking right handed people if they'd like to buy left handed scissors and saying no one wants to buy left handed scissors. You're getting the results you want by not studying things correctly. Flat earth mentality bro.
Lmao, so basically if I don't abide by some arbitrary rule you specifically state, my argument is completely invalid? Ok, bud. If you say so. Just ignore the fact that prices for everything have skyrocketed faster in the past 5 years than they have ever before.

>Cool, this is a ML thread about hasbro, bring up relevant points when you can
You literally told me to look outside of just MLs, what more do you want from me?

>That's not what you said, ESL?
Literally >>11146017
>In addition, when comparing the better Hasbro offerings like GI Joe Classifieds or newer, more robust Legends, the quality and accessory count between the two lines can be pretty comparable
I'm talking about Jada and Hasbro's higher quality offerings like better MLs or GI Joes. I am starting to think that reading comprehinsion isn't your strong suit.
>Imports used to cost $50-$60 shipped,nowadays they're inching closer to $75-$80
If you're paying 30 dollars more japanese figures, you're a moron, straight up. The dollar is a lot stronger than the yen, you're getting fucked cause you're not conscientious consumer.
Then shouldn't limited run figures only sold in boutique stores cost even more?
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Even in Yen they cost like $65. Compare this....
They do?
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To this from 2018. That's a $15 difference.
How is this any different than what Legends would do?
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Actually, I stand corrected, it was even cheaper than that when I purchased it
The point is it isn't, and that other toy companies other than Hasbro are also increasing their prices.
I'd argue that only Revoltechs are really that drastically different than domestic stuff.
You aren't wrong but that's not really what we're discussing right now. Moreso price increases over the past few years, licensing and it's differing costs between property and company, and how it's homosexual to get upset over what toy complete strangers from 4chan enjoy.
>Doesn't that correlate to housing prices being in a bubble?
No. You really don't understand how this shit works. Which is it? Pick, cause this isn't true
>My evidence is that literally every other purchasable item has gone up in price.
Appliances, and so on, down in price. Does it correlate to a potential bubble? Maybe, but then you're wrong, pick which thing you wanna be wrong about.
>Lmao, so basically if I don't abide by some arbitrary rule you specifically state, my argument is completely invalid?
OK, if I hasbro has always done this, and you say "look at the last 5 years" yes it makes your argument invalid. It is not an arbitrary rule to say looking at 5 years is too small of a window. You are wrong and you're not taking it well.
>You literally told me to look outside of just MLs, what more do you want from me?
To bring up relevant points. Im sorry, I agreed with you, did that confuse you?
>I'm talking about Jada and Hasbro's higher quality offerings like better MLs or GI Joes. I am starting to think that reading comprehinsion isn't your strong suit.
>"comprehinsion "
We'll let that slide.... we all do it right?
>In addition, when comparing the better Hasbro offerings like GI Joe Classifieds or newer, more robust Legends, the quality and accessory count between the two lines can be pretty comparable
send that to a teacher and see if they find the word "jada" in that sentence, I'll wait.
>No. You really don't understand how this shit works. Which is it? Pick, cause this isn't true
Housing prices being in a bubble means the prices are higher. Higher prices mean less people can afford to purchase a home. Less people purchasing homes means home ownership is down. Anon, I am literally buying a house right now and I've seen homes that sold just two years ago for $200K less than what they're on the market for now. I'm not lying.

>Appliances, and so on, down in price. Does it correlate to a potential bubble? Maybe, but then you're wrong, pick which thing you wanna be wrong about.
Some appliances haven't inflated sure, but why are you ignoring how much other basic necessities have increased in price? Have you paid for food in the past year? If you have, you'd be able to tell everything is more expensive.

>OK, if I hasbro has always done this, and you say "look at the last 5 years" yes it makes your argument invalid
Where did I say they've always done this? I thought we were specifically discussing the price increase from $20 to the current $25.

>We'll let that slide.... we all do it right?
Ah yes, my slight typo clearly invalidates my entire point. You got me! I appreciate the fact you have to play grammar police to try and get a gotcha on me.

>send that to a teacher and see if they find the word "jada" in that sentence, I'll wait.
We were discussing Jada. If you actually followed the conversation you would understand that. But yes, you got me on another technicality. Whatever shall I do?

Your argument has devolved into reaching and playing grammar police. You don't need to bother responding anymore. You've made your point, or lack there of lol.
>Have you paid for food in the past year? If you have, you'd be able to tell everything is more expensive.
nta but hasn't food gone up while the amount you get actually goes down?
Yes. In an effort to combat increasing prices, companies have reported to decreasing the amount of food you get. For example, a bag of Doritos had slightly more chips in it a few years ago compared to today. The practice is called "shrinkage". The irony being that they're decreasing the quantity you're getting and the prices still are going up.
Bruh, I'm not buying action figures of characters I don't care about because some random guy on the internet says it's better than a toy of a character I do care about. Why do you even care about what ML does if you don't care about Marvel characters?
>Housing prices being in a bubble means the prices are higher.
No, that's not what it means. It means the prices are higher and not by a predictable influence or measure, such as inflation. What do you think the word "bubble" is in there for?
> I'm not lying.
No, no, you're not a liar, you're just an idiot.
>Have you paid for food in the past year? If you have, you'd be able to tell everything is more expensive.
Yes, and I started being more strategic. I see people say this and now I laugh. It is insane how much chips cost. So, I don't buy them. Raw produce prices haven't gone up that much. Inflation goes hand and hand with employment, it's part of an thriving and competitive economy. You're buying toys, and a house, don't sit here and talk like you're struggling. If you're doing well, so are other people, thus the price of things goes up, welcome to a free market.
>Ah yes, my slight typo clearly invalidates my entire point.
LOL! I literally said I'll let it slide, now you're baby butt hurt about it. You really are a miserable fuck of a person.
You severely underestimate the amount of autism action figure "collectors" have.
>Raw produce prices haven't gone up that much.
Happens every time there's a drought or flood or something like that.
So, you agree with me? You clearly see that prices are increasing everywhere else other than toys, so how can it not be inflation? Inflation is caused by a mirade of reasons, some of which you've talked about. But I just don't understand why you're so triggered by the word "inflation". Comes off as childish.

>You're buying toys, and a house, don't sit here and talk like you're struggling.
Where did I imply I was? Just because I'm not necessarily struggling as much as someone else doesn't mean it's not happeningm and one of the major talking points of this election cycle.

>If you're doing well, so are other people
How painfully naive are you? Goddamn.
It's still a marvel license toy.
You think this problem is exclusive to Marvel?
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What about picrel compared to
>Yes, and I started being more strategic.
Good for you. Just because you aren't personally affect by an issue doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
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The thing is, by being more choosy about what he buys, he is affected by it.
>But I just don't understand why you're so triggered by the word "inflation".
It's a buzzword people use when they don't understand what they're talking about, so I'll circle back, Hasbro always does this, it's not cause of inflation, they do this all the time with star wars and marvel. Saying "the last 5 years" is downright narrowminded and retarded. If you've only been collecting toys for 5 years, welcome to these issues. Im not denying inflation, Im laughing at people who say that because it shows how fucking dumb they are to not get hasbro's day to day bullshit they always pull.
>Where did I imply I was?
>one of the major talking points of this election cycle.
Wtf does it have to do with this conversation? You got brain rot from watching too much news or something?
>How painfully naive are you? Goddamn.
HAHAAH, you seriously don't understand the housing market right now? Have you closed on your house sale? Omfg, are you married? You're so fucked, Im naive? Unemployment is at an all time low, better figure out if its a "bubble" or not, oh yea, Im naive. You're too dumb for words, Im loving laughing at you. Oh shit, oh shit, you have no idea. You want some serious advice, rent for 2 years, DO NOT BUY A HOUSE now... no go ahead, you earned it.
dude, that's not the same at all, the dread figure comes with more, like a magnetic base and we're talking 7 years ago too. Like... wtf are you on about?
NTA but this post has zero substance to it.
How'd you make that mental leap?
you think there's a lot of distance between you complaining about toy prices and thinking you're having a problem with affording toys? Good luck on that house man. Seriously, good luck, cause you will need luck.
Legends isn't a bad line, not in any way, shape, or form.
for a kid its not a bad line at all, for adult collectors, its atrocious.
What's your idea of better?
That's not even me. Nor have I complained about pricing. Just the opposite, I'm one of the people who don't mind paying full price for a figure if I like it. You are genuinely retarded.
I have to ask, is there a reason they are using the modern post-New Avengers puppy dog version of Lockjaw and not the hideous abomination creature version for the toy version of the character based off classic lore that said Lockjaw wasn't a dog but a super deformed Inhuman who was treated like an actual pet instead of a person due to how deformed the Terrigan Mist left him?

We are getting classic Crystal, so why not give us classic freakshow Lockjaw?
OK then pay full price, we got a guy in here who is buying a house and complaining that 2 dollars more for a toy is too much, but yea, Im retarded.
No, for adult collectors it's one of the best toy lines out there. There's a reason it's been around for decades, older than you, even.
I'm the one buying the house and I'm the one who doesn't care about $25 for an action figure. You are retarded.
>Legends is truly the bottom of the barrel when it comes to action figure lines. Inconsistent/outdated articulation, shitty sculpts, weak plastic and lack of paint, heck I’d argue one mcfartland figure has more work done on it than 6 hasbraps combined. They are toys, not collector action figures.
ITT: anon discovers the value of a dollar
>people buying legends sucks money away from other lines
This is beyond stupid. If I want to buy a comic version of basically any Spider-Man villain, I’m stuck with Legends. That’s not pulling money away from other toylines.
I don't see him actually complaining about the prices, just explaining the differences while you sperg out.
Anon is trying to explain the concept of inflation, which you seem to get but oddly don't believe applies to toys.
I think he meant Hasbro.
what's this?
>HAHAAH, you seriously don't understand the housing market right now? Have you closed on your house sale? Omfg, are you married? You're so fucked, Im naive? Unemployment is at an all time low, better figure out if its a "bubble" or not, oh yea, Im naive. You're too dumb for words, Im loving laughing at you. Oh shit, oh shit, you have no idea. You want some serious advice, rent for 2 years, DO NOT BUY A HOUSE now... no go ahead, you earned it.
Are you actually stupid, or just pretending?
I specifically said go buy anything else instead. I wanted a figure of Darkseid. Todd shat out two awful ones. So what did I do? I passed on both. I wanted a figure of Clayface. Todd shat out a horrible looking one, so I passed. You can pass you know.

They have 6 inch action figure lines

Just because someone cares about Marvel characters doesn't mean they have to buy any figure that releases of them. I said it doesn't _necessarily_ have to be of Marvel characters. People can like multiple IPs.
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Buy the Beast Kingdom one if you really like the character.
Except Legends makes better figures than Todd shit.
Dude is buying a house in this market and thinks its a bubble, if you don't know what that means, bless your little heart.
Depends on which Todd shows up. Santa Todd or Repaint Todd. Lately, yes, Legends is better. Back a few years ago Todd was superior except in articulation.
What makes you think they don't buy multiple lines and IPs? You are making up all sorts of shit to make yourself sound retarded.
They probably do. But INSTEAD OF buying bad Legends, buy more of other lines.
Stop trying to dictate what complete strangers do with their own money you goddamn sped. It's one thing for you to be poor, but stop trying to force it on everyone else. If I want to buy a figure of Wolverine but his costume from a certain issue I'm gonna get that and not some random toy that is supposed to be better for some arbitrary reasons.
I love it how you want to spin it as me being poor even though I'd prefer you buy Mafex and give money to an actual good figure company than to Hasbro for Legends.
Anon, no one fucking cares. Buy whatever you want. Stop shitting up the thread by telling people what they can and can't buy.
What is the best Marvel Legends BAF wave ever made?

sold out everywhere
venom, holocaust or onslaught
any import.
>older than you
No, I'm a 90s kid.
You can buy them on Amazon, which is much wider distribution that a department store. Try again cunt.

Probably shouldn't use an ML that has a good spread of accessories to make this point.
They are all shit. The scimitar from Kalizirr is better than all of Odin's accessories combined. Hell, even Beta Ray Bill's spinning hammer is better, and he costs $30.
You think a little kid is going to buy something off Amazon over just going to Walmart?
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>even Beta Ray Bill's spinning hammer is better,
Do you think a little kid is making buying decisions at a department store? Do you not think little kids browse online? Are you a stupid fucking retard?
Moreso than fucking Amazon. They don't have credit cards.
I can't tell if you're being willfully stupid or not.
Back in my day, sonny, kids got an ALLOWANCE and could spend it, and most of them spent it at department stores.
Willfully stupid, got it.
Nice rebuttal.
Go back
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AoA wave Colossus
Has anyone done a legends display over two levels in a detolf? Want to fit 14 figs fighting each other including 5 large figs - prof x in hover chair, colossus, juggernaut, apocalypse, angel
stop cramping your figures together
Yeah I'm starting to realize my initial vision when starting to collect x men may not be possible :( Unless I can get one of those half shelf acrylic shelves from Etsy and spread it over two levels...
This makes me wonder why sites like BBTS don't stock display solutions
If we don't include Toybiz Era, I'd say Sauron. But those first three BAFs we got from Toybiz (Galactus, Sentinel, Giantman) were really what I think BAFs should be about. Oversized characters that otherwise wouldn't have received figures. None of this "We packed a regular sized figure as a BAF because tooling is expensive" nonsense. The only blessing with Hasbro BAFs is we get beefier Juggernauts and Rhinos than Toybiz.
OK, this is a bit off topic, but if you are genuinely buying a house, why do you insist the market is in it a bubble? I suspect you may be working with a real estate agent, and let me tell you, you're potentially being mislead, or you're an idiot. I'll try to circle this back to toys and buying in general, but toys don't typically cost as much as houses. Toys can be in bubbles as well, such as when a new movie or video game comes out. The spiked interest in a product can create a bubble. It is a moment of temporary inflated value. A bubble means it could burst, and the value drops back down as interest goes away. If you think something is in a bubble, you don't buy it. Wait it out. You will be paying more to get it now versus waiting till later when the prices go down and supply goes up. If you think the market's inflation will continue to go up and never come down, you buy. That concept, which many people are aware of, what creates bubbles actually, the people panicking that it isn't a bubble and that's what creates bubbles. When it comes to toys, thing can be re-issued and that will burst a bubble.
Oddball choice but I personally liked Toybiz's Onslaught.
I can follow up with this. Housing is in a bubble right now because prices on these houses is over inflated. Like I said earlier, I'm seeing houses that just two years ago were selling for $200K less than what people are trying to sell them for today. I am fully aware that right now isn't the ideal time to buy a house, but I've been waiting for the market to drop for two years and I'm absolutely done with dealing with my piece of shit landlord. The market has been slightly falling lately, at least according to what I've been seeing, houses on the market are dropping in price if they're out there for longer than two weeks, but it isn't by much, only a few grand usually and interest rates have gone down. I've been told to wait it out another year but tbqh I feel if the market dips too much it'll lead to all these buyers who have been waiting to jump in and buy and create a market where it's even harder to find a decent property. I don't know why you think I'm being misled, Google housing bubble 2024 and you get a mirade of results. After about a year and a half of hard looking though, I actually found something that may have been undervalued so I might have lucked out. Plus you can always refinance in the future.

To keep it toy related, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little sad to have to tear down my collection room for the move. End of an era kind of thing you know? The new house has more room somill be able to expand what I keepmon display though which is pretty neat. Not looking forward to having to actually pack up these toys though. All my MLs and stuff will get boxed up but my imports, I've kept the packaging for, just for this exact reason, and I plan on repacking the figures up for safety. Shit is tedious as fuck yo.
And I guess "bubble" isn't the best term, I'm just referring to the massive overinflation of housing prices right now. That bubble may burst, depending on how November goes, but I doubt it, at least not soon. Like I said, I know it's a terrible time to buy, but I can't rent this house another year, it's falling apart, my landlord refused to fix anything, and renting anywhere else is even more expensive. So, I just kind of need to to just take it. I was ready a couple of years ago to buy but them some medical shit happened and delayed me a few years.
> I've been told to wait it out another year but tbqh I feel if the market dips too much it'll lead to all these buyers who have been waiting to jump in and buy and create a market where it's even harder to find a decent property.
It can apply to toys, because certain toys bubble, Very famously the comic book bubble of the 90's happened. No one knew it was a bubble at the time. It is possible to predict them, and close to the burst of the comic book one, people were predicting it, but it's more a historic term than a present tense term.
You just said you're worried things will get worse, this is why I feel like you're being misled, if a real estate agent suggested this, Id drop them. You can feel that way, but then don't say you think the market is in a bubble, it makes you sound stupid. Do you think things will get better or worse? A market getting worse and not going down means it's not a bubble, it becomes a new market trend. You sound like an idiot. You don't know how to use the term. If you're afraid of the volatility of the market, you're not confident in where it stands. You're afraid of what might happen, so you're gonna buy a house. If it turns out to be a bubble you contributed to that. If it the market gets worse, you made a good move. You speak like you've heard these words but have no idea how to apply them in a conversation, which is what strikes me as a shady agent fucking with your head to make a sale. Your money, your choice, but stop being an idiot about it.
See >>11147047
Loving all these arm chair realtors giving real estate advice on a toy board. You ninny's are way too concerned what everyone other than you does.
The only advice I gave was to drop an agent that's using scare tactics to push a sale. I didn't say not to buy or to for sure buy. Someone was speaking like an idiot, I pointed it out, he now admits "bubble" is the wrong term, how humble of him.

It's actually good advice for anyone who deals with sales people. They are not your friends, they want your money. I see comic book guys do this all the time. They claim a print is really rare and hard to get, to make a sale. They claim the prices are going up. When you know, they set their own prices and only opportunistically raise them as other people do. When it comes to collectibles, nothing is "worth" a certain amount. It's worth what you are willing to part with it. People pay 300 dollars for a holy grail type figure. People won't be 30 for a character they don't want. Discussing these things is often of value to people here.
Anon, you don't know my situation. I've never said if I'm even using a realtor. Stop making baseless assumptions tommske yourself sound smart.
Hi Hasbro, I'd buy vampire Storm for 12 bucks. Can you drop her to that price please?
You don't really want her that bad. Buying stuff just because they're cheap is how you become a hoarder.
Thank you, Hasbro, for keeping me from becoming a hoarder by pricing your figures so unreasonably.
Thank you hasbro for pricing them and making less mainstream characters so they end up at Ollies and ROSS during holiday season for half off.
Why are there so many trolls lately?
Darkseid is my favorite Marvel hero.
It's just a couple of losers with a massive chip on their shoulder. They're so miserable they need to spend their entire lives on 4chan trying to make everyone else as miserable as possible. We have stalkers, shitposters, people who are trying to dictate what total strangers buy, it's maddening. Why can't we just talk about goddamn action figures?
There isn't much to talk about, no figures are being shown right now, so people find things to talk about to keep the gens going, like critiquing the buying habits of others.
Imagine being so autistic that you have to bitch about what complete strangers buy while calling it "critiquing people's buying habits". Nah bitch, it's called being a nosy Karen. Cut it out.
You're the one that told me people in ML general we should believe you since you're buying a house and kept using a term you didn't fully understand. No one gives a shit if you are or not using a realtor. Once again, I said drop an agent that's using scare tactics. If you're not using an agent, guess what, it doesn't apply to you. There's nothing baseless about that, you don't know what that word means either. Instead of ignoring this you get defensive. Making assumptions about you won't make anyone appear smart, you're a very obvious individual that anyone could figure out. I feel sorry for whoever ends up having you as a neighbor.
My Venom finally came in, and I was debating keeping it in the package for nostalgia sake, but they crammed it into as small a box as they could fit it and bent the packaging. Lame.
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I'm glad. Open your fuckin toys, retard.
McFarlane is better
I have Absorbing Man wave Venom. I literally do open most of my toys, sperg. I specifically bought this one for the nostalgia packaging.
Pot calling the kettle black. Shut up already. Half the thread has already called you retarded multiple times.
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Did any of you imbeciles even notice Dragon Man is up for ordering?
>Wanting some meme character from badly writen jewish picture books.
Nobody's here read comics anymore, retard. If it's not from some 90's nostalgia cartoon or videogame then it's dead to us.
Not anymore >>11147377
I actually read a Dragon Man comic in the early 90s, but I'd never buy a figure of him. He's silly. Definitely the kind of comics to be ashamed of reading.

"He's a man, who's also a dragon. What do we call him?"
-Err, Dragon Man, right?
"And what does he wear?"
-Hm, probably a spandex onesie and that's it.
Causal get out
This better be an edit
I have no interest, but I'm surprised it's only $85. I thought for sure Hasbro was gonna try to charge $110 or more for it.
$85 is actually pretty reasonable for that imo. Kinda surprised at that, especially after the 2 pack in the OP being so expensive.
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Already copped mine. Big classic FF fan.
Do we know when the select annihilis is dropping btw?
Is this some modern comic trying to shoehorn a message against workplace sexual harassment into a storyline about Darkseid? What the fuck?
Marvel is based for this. Darkseid is their best super hero.
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Stop with all this boring classic shit.
Ultimate Fantastic Four when?
>No one in the crowd saying "kek single jointed, what a joke"
I'd grab a Maker figure, kinda surprised they haven't done one of him yet.
He's probably will be in leaked "Ultimate Fallout" series whatever that means.
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Yes, it's called Female Furies, from 2018 iirc. Written by some nepo baby who writes YA shit and tumblr fanfiction. Picrel is her, I leave any judgments at your discretion.

>12 inch
Jesus. Also who wants Victor Van Damme and his goat legs? Give me Ultimate Thor and Hulk, I need them side by side with my Ultimate Cap.
Actually, that would make sense. Ultimate Fallout was a mini series that took place after the death of Ultimate Peter Parker and the Ultimates vs. Ultimate Avengers cross over. The whole Ultimate Universe was changing, Reed became the Maker in that series Miles Morales debuted, Captain America quit. It would actually make a lot of sense to give us the Maker in that wave if we're actually getting it.
what is that lol
>12 inch
>Kenner style articulation
Gross. The hips remind me of the shitty McFarland Daryl Dixon. Happy whoever made these toys in Universe died.
Yep, and ordered! Big sexy boy.
How big is darkseids wiener? I'm thinking it's short and thick.
like a coke can
>Darkseid is pantsed by Superman in front of his followers
>"See his sad little chode? He has no power now. You are free."
>followers begin tenderly kissing the chode and revering it
>Superman is baffled
>"I am many things, Kal-El... but here, I am god."
Damn McFarlane made a great darkseid
Like how its arms fall off and how it can't lift its legs even close to 90 degrees
No they didn't
>Pot calling the kettle black.
You really don't know what terms mean, do you?
Hasbro seems to be charging based on character amount and unique molding. The tooling for the dragon man mold is more re-workable and use-able for other characters than the Lockjaw one.
....anon, I hate to be that guy but I gotta do it. The word is myriad not >mirade. I tried to ignore it the first time it popped up, but then you used it again and at that point I felt you deserved to know. It's not a super common word so it kinda stands out when spelt incorrectly. I apologize if I come off as being an ass, not my intention at all, just givin you heads up is all.

As for your house woes, I get it, the market been brutal the past few years. I had a buddy sell his house for nearly 200k over asking back in 2019 and it was only just recently he was able to buy a new one. I'm sure prices will start dropping soon, but it'll be a slow decline and if your rental situation is really that bad, it's probably not worth it to stay. Renting is literally throwing money away, the longer you do it the worse off you'll be.

And yea it sucks moving a huge collection. I've had to do it like three times nowI started with a nice sized basement apartment where I could really spread things out. Then I moved into a smaller apartment with a spare bedroom which I crammed my toys in. Now I'm in my own house, but my current toy room is the smallest yet until, I can renovate my basement. At which point I'll have gone full circle to being back in an underground toy cave lol. Legends were easy to move, stacking them in a tub with a layer of paper or plastic was enough. But I used bubble wrap for the imports with accessories going in separate bins just to keep things sorted. Keeping the boxes is nice and all, but getting rid of them saved me so much space for actual toys.

Either way, good luck with the house stuff. It's nice when it's finally yours, but also terrible because things WILL break and there's no one to fix it but you.

Literally the only reason I came into this thread. But then all the financial wizards got into pissing matches about stuff they barely understand and it reminded me why I avoid Marvel threads to begin with.
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Anthony's Cumstains BTFO
Watch him begrudgingly buy it because "he has to review it".
>But then all the financial wizards got into pissing matches about stuff they barely understand
Right? You can just google this stuff and see there's a mirade of articles on the housing bubble right now. We'll see what happens after the election, but man toy prices sure are higher cause of inflation.
Imagine being this triggered. Go back to Ollie's.
Think Dracula will hit discount? I'd kinda like one for my kitbash Simon. Only issue is it's a 7 inch kitbash.
>spergs out for no reason
>accuses anon engaged in calm discussion of being triggered
Probably. As far as I can tell nobody in that wave has sold out on preorders yet, which is usually a good sign that they're not very popular and will probably get discounted.
Absolutely, it's modern shit no one cares about if it wasn't for the Blackheart baf.
I'll throw the one I have preordered up on ebay the moment I receive the thing. Probably in a bundle with the rest of the wave.
What I'm saying is you might get the guy even cheaper on eBay.
Cool, thanks. Is he taller than the average ML?
Probably a little bit smaller judging by their latest releases.
It's a completely new sculpt I think. Wait for in hand pictures.
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John Cassaday died, fuck
>It's real
Fuck. That one actually upsets me. Same day as James Earl Jones? Fuck this gay earth.
Yo, Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms!
Phantoms like a motherfucker!
Sure lot of liberal comic people suddenly dying young.
You're next hopefully
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>"They call me the hiphopopotamus"
>"My lyrics are bottomless"
Fucking insane that anyone thinks this looks good
It's alright for the price point.
What >>11149042 says. For $25, it is not a bad figure, I would've liked for some shading on the red though, but this bright red is accurate to some of his appearances so it's fine.
Its ok for 15 bucks
Wait for it to hit that on some sale then.
It isn't going to hit that price lol. This is why the clearance kiddies don't get a say in how things should be run.
it looks great unless you are talking about the pose, that's pretty garbage. I dont think any Hasbro Spideys can pull it off.
Exactly. So people like that shouldn't complain that something doesn't magically align with an arbitrary requirement, especially if they had no interest in buying it at all.
Tet, they tend to be the most vocal and obnoxious like >>11149062. The Olliepops really need to learn their place.
I've never bought a figure at Ollie's. 15 bucks is a normal sale price on amazon for MLs.
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Do you think these are going to fail?
Oh I thought he was just doing characters and covers that he'd actually drawn
Seems like it's a mix.
Why is Yamaguchi the only one that can make toys look like actual comic book characters
Why can't a marvel legend look as good as this? Not even talking about paint. Why haven't they figured out sculpts by now?
who fucking knows at this point why their sculpting is always ass. My guess is by 2035, they'll have all new sculpts that dont look like 90s toys.
Because unfortunately when someone makes a line of action figures planned around reuse, the more stylized the parts, the less likely they will fit every character. So you end up with extremely plain, boilerplate parts that will fit the maximum number of characters.
>Why is Yamaguchi the only one that can make toys look like actual comic book characters
They...don't. Do you need to get your eyes checked or something?
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The texture on the suit is awful
It was left next to a radiator just before the photo shoot.
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does the x-men 97 rogue have a nice ass
To me AY look like robot or Baki versions of the characters. Which I really don't care for.
She has the same ass as the other Rogues, so yes.
>quotes image of mcfarlane statue
I thought the same thing but just couldn't be bothered. I swear these retards can barely read.
Why do all the black panther female figures look so bad? Is it too much to ask for some hot black chick action figures
They can't make something that's impossible, anon
Some nobody got Odin
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What other characters are as fun as deadpool to pose and build a display of? Thinking of iron man hall of armors next maybe.
Cast no stone, ye who could one day be that nobody
lmao Mcfarlane working for Marvel again.
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Hasbro has gotten their revenge on Walgreens for dropping them as a partner. Were you a beneficiary?
I have the SDCC Book of Vishanti set Soni never felt the need to get the Walgreens one. I even saw it in store a few times.
has anyone here picked up a bootleg mafex spidey? need opinions on it. everything I read and saw online was heavily divided, from "almost the same, very worth it" to "the leg came broken and the paint gave me cancer"
it's a bootleg. quality is going to vary greatly. any feedback you get in this thread is going to be as anecdotal and varied as anywhere else. it's like $10, just take the gamble if you're so interested.
Mafex Comic Cap is set for the 25th, Daredevil is Oct 1st.
I've bought a few of them. If you just give them a warm bath and work the joints a bit you'll be fine. I put a little bit of shock oil in a few that were particularly creaky and they were nice and smooth after. Only one of them has broke on me and it was my mistake by putting a joint back together and snapping the peg in a dumb way. The paint can be a little sloppy but no worse than your average Legends. The worst part really is the unmasked head face paint but I never use them anyway. They're worth getting. Just buy from the stores on Ali that have enough good ratings because there are some that sell an inferior version.
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Spider-Man and the symbiotes are obvious answers, but Moon Knight Revoltech offers some uniqueness with his wire cape previously exclusive to Batman and Superman. You can use him as a centerpiece to a cube of Moon Knights (ML, Mezco).
should i get the legends movie deadpool or the zd toys one
Legends. The ZD Toys Deadpool and Wolverine stuff looks especially rough.
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He was one of the greats.
I really like the Blackheart BAF, but I'm totally uninterested in any of the normal figures. What're my best options to get him?
Checking on ebay, there weren't any parts being sold separately, is that because the wave just came out or does nobody care? My first time wanting to buy a BAF.
Most people are buying it for the BaF so I really don't know how easily the parts are going be to get. You might be better off just waiting because this wave isn't going to sell out anywhere and will definitely bin.
Does anyone here own any of the SEGA Luminasta Spider-Man figures?
Specifically the black suit one? I found one on facebook but the base doesn't match with what I saw online, it's all black and online it's black and white.
No, I don't own it.
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How is this figure for a display piece? I know it's only like 5poa.
Great news! These are my most anticipated marvel releases of 2024.
It's okay, there's not much you can really do with it but it does the job if you just need a sentinel to loom over your X-Men
If those marvel vs capcom dual pack leaks are real do you think hasbro will have the balls of doing a busty fat assed anime faced psylocke
There's no way it isn't just the Warbird body
I am ok with this
So the ML section of Pulsecon is at 2:30pm EST. What are your hopes and dreams for this year's reveals?
It's as good as you're gonna get, for now, if you want a reasonably sized background Sentinel. If you offered me 10 of these or 10 of the Haslabs, assuming I couldn't sell or trade them, I'd take these.
I hope to see something that wasn't already leaked
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Why would they use Warbird when Phoenix is right there
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hmmm I wonder what repaints we’ll see tomorrow.
Slowpoke >>11152083
I had the same issue with Zabu. Bought the whole wave in end when all I wanted was Ka-Zar. Only managed to sell Cable so far for retail. People only want the others for like $10.
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They're OK as display backgrounds.
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Hope we'll see the Dragonman proto painted, but it's probably a little way off. I wonder if they were considering making it bigger as a haslab initially.

Fingers crossed for Mangog next.
Is the X-Men Villains set worth getting? I've been thinking about getting it for a while but haven't heard much talk about it on here. Worth the money?
Depends on two thing: do you want Stryfe and his zentai clad butler Zero? And do you want the full PAD X-Factor roster?

Zero is exclusive to the set and the original ML Stryfe is a $100+ figure and the box set actually gets his mask right (the Jubilee BAF version has a simplified mask). Same with Random, who is needed to have the full PAD X-Factor team.

The other figures are hit or miss. Vertigo's there to tease fans who've been wanting more Marauders and/or Savage Land Mutates and Pretty Boy's a hot mess with the wrong look for the guy, ZERO accessories (no stretch arms or alternate head with mind rape tentacles coming out of his eyes) and the fact that they stuck his head on a blatantly unaltered Silverman robot body.
Is this loss
Goddamn you. I laughed.
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