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Previous thread: >>11120496

>Snake Lair on hold for now
>De-Man hitting MC on 25th
>Night Stalker is still up on MC
>Terroar and Grr'asp still available on BBTS

Feel free to add any missed info


Thread Question:
Which MOTU adjacent toyline (besides Fuerza-T) do you want to see revisited? Do you think Formo toys' attempt (all two of them) at Galaxy Warriors deviates too much from the source material?
that is an amazing OP image. good show OP
Reptile Wars Raph is coming pretty close to scratching that itch for me as is. If I could get my hands on extra metalboto bits I might just swap out any remaining turtle flesh bits I can to complete the look.
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I just want Formo to keep making 5.5 sluts
How would you feel is Tri-Klops looked liked this?
Spikor comes with mysterious potions, Clawful comes with a bong and now Hordak has a keg. Are we sure those are based on kid-friendly cartoons?

If they ever wanted to make a cheap parts reuse, they should consider Transforming Hordak. Give him a new head, replace legs with rocket boosters and give him few weapon arms.
Proofs of the bong?
>and now Hordak has a keg
Now I'm imagining the keg stuck on Leech or Mosquitor while the rest of the Horde cheers them on, chanting
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Amazing what happens when you limit a product to one fucking overcrowded peg that clogs up cause of a massively unwanted character (coughAndracough).
Man, now I hope Mosquitor's draining effect fits on the keg.
Looks like Amazon gave up on Masterverse eh? They never got the latest wave and its about to go in stock at BBTS soon. I was expecting to just cancel my preorder there once Amazon got their asses in gear but apparently it just ain't going to happen.

Stores these days have a really twisted view of what a clearance price is.
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Ace from Ramen toys showed off the Flip-or production samples the other day and they look a lot better than the original renders, especially the bots.

You can still order these up until the cut off date of Sep 14th
I want to like these but I don't need to spend $50 for the scalper toy. What's he going to do for my other toys? Be annoying?
Fair enough, they are planning a wave 2 with more characters and a vehicle, hatter has shown some concept art for them.
They used to be far lower, like sometimes 70%+ off. Disgusting retailers now refuse to lose money on anything.
Damn, these are like 2 years old now.
You realize that Target does 30/50/70, right? They don't go straight to 70
see >>11145941
After 2 years of rotting on the shelf they should be to 70%, and in the old days they would be.
They were rotting in the back room, that's why there's two full cases. Because Andra never sold and so they finally pulled them out.
I can appreciate the Faker homage, but I have no interest in getting any of them.
Most of the appeal is Mad Hatter's a fun guy and he's genuinely putting his ideas into plastic form and people like that. It's a funny joke, and they're good looking figures.
I couldn't care any less about any of these, but if some are latching onto it then good for them. They also seem really expensive for what you get, though the bonus cat thing and the cape and all that does have some value add.
>6 inch thigh gap between the checks.
These poor guys suck at articulation.
>they look a lot better than the original renders, especially the bots.
They look just as awful as they did before Hatter.
>You can still order these up until the cut off date of Sep 14th
No one outside your subscriber base cares Hatter. You can stop shilling them here.
>Most of the appeal is Mad Hatter's a fun guy and he's genuinely putting his ideas into plastic form and people like that.
I have no idea if you're a fun guy or not Hatter but wasting hundreds of dollars on a line of one note sarcastic "joke" figures doesn't appeal to me at all.
>It's a funny joke, and they're good looking figures.
They really aren't, I passed on the Sun-Man figures and they are all much better looking and creative than this repetitive line-up of derp faced recolors. Since you designed them I understand why you like them, and if your subs really want them good for you. I just wish you'd stop shilling them here. They have nothing to do with MOTU or the vintage knock off lines.
>I'm all for new people getting in the game but you could have done anything, and this is what you pick?
Yeah, if Ramen toys is willing to bring other peoples fan figures to production they should hold a contest for publicity and take submissions from the public. They could have a vote online and bring some creative anons vision to life. Now that would be cool.
They're helping out as the factory liaison, but this was done through a KS.
>wasting hundreds of dollars on a line
You sound jealous.
Do you know this Target store intimately?
>finally a worthy body for Nudist She-Ra
>they look a lot better than the original renders
Doubtful. Not that we can tell from this low res screenshot. If you are going to shill this garbage, you could at least post a decent photo.
>I'll never understand the appeal for shit like this
Parasocial relationships with e-celebs are a helluva drug. It's targeted at low IQ midwits and impressionable children, just like Prime energy drink and Feastables chocolate.
There is no world in any dimension where there exists a version of me that would want these figures
We've already come so far with origins. I'm wondering what it'll all look like when the line is really over. To that end, I'm trying to get everything now while the prices are somewhat manageable.
>They're helping out as the factory liaison, but this was done through a KS.
Isn't that the most difficult part? I wouldn't know where to start when it comes to dealing with factories in China, quality control, shipping.
You are such an insufferable gate keeping faggot. If you don't like Hatter's stuff, scroll past the posts. Your hostility probably comes from jealousy that he actually made a toy while your greatest accomplishment is being unpleasant on 4chan.
Tell us that you don't work for Mattel or receive toys from them.
Is there something wrong with you?
same here. it really is an amazing feat that the line lasted this long. I never expected it, but to the same end, I feel the post-thundercats era will usher in the end. Short of Origins 1987 movie figures, other bootleg line integration, and maybe some decent 200X figures what would they really have left? Maybe another crossover or two but Im sure the oldfags will start dropping off by then. I doubt any future movie attempts will help revive the series too given Mattel's historic incompetency with the media side of masters. In any case I'll be crossing my fingers for Fuerza T until the bitter end.
lol fuck you too Gaylord. Why don’t you go gargle daddy Mattel’s nuts some more?
I don’t work for anyone, or receive any compensation. I just like to collect 5.5 barbarian figures. No reason Hatter can’t update on his stuff here because this is the thread that fits closest.

This is why I suggested we change it to 5.5 general so that you belly aching, born insecure discord trannies can’t whine about anything other than Snake Lairs and lack of modulok.
Wow you really are a sad little faggot. And the figure has everything to do with MOTU, so cry more bitch.
The only one that thinks it looks bad is you, you jealous little puss ass.
One of the toughest for sure. With manufacturing experience and able to be at the factories having Ace to help is a major asset. It's why so many KS have the help of Chris (I think was his name, his original claim to fame having helped the Horsemen in this role, now does it for others, and has his own Bible line going) who can help at the factory, or the Brutal Realm guys with Vonner who may not be in China but has a ton of factory connections. The KS projects of today definitely have a lot of advantages over the earliest ones who kind of just tried to wing it.
First of all, you bought naked Stratos. Your opinion is invalid. Case closed.
Second you will never be Teela. At best you could maybe pass for that widget bitch if you shaved and lost some weight.
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This is autism
Why has every thread been full of retards lately?
Trolling is off the charts. They must be desperate for attention.
You dont even need to reply, they just fight among themselves. Theyll just keep going on and on.
You're an absolutely jealous nutjob. Holy shit.
I'm going to make an action figure of you next. I'm going to call it Jimmy Butthertz, and when you squeeze the legs your head will flip around into a crying face and you'll shit your pants. Accessories include a rocket firing baby bottle and rattle shield.
Origins has introduced 2 snake sub factions and I kinda like them?
>Lady Slither and her army of generics like Rattle-Hood or Reptilax
>Lord Grasp, the starscream, and his pet Terroar
And both Grasp and King Hiss want to join Lady Slither in marriage, who isn't interested
Lol, sour grapes
In that case, it seems like we can do one thing to those posts.
I want to see King Hiss and Lord Grasp trying to win Lady Slither's affection now, like one giving her a bouquet of snakes.
I'd like if each snake team was a little more color coded too, maybe just go the obvious route and make each one a house/dynasty etc. Kobra Khan is already this.
Sorry you're an unknown loser gnashing your teeth because Mad Hatter made a MOTU relevant toyline that's been hugely successful.
A full PoP cast and other cartoon characters.
It feels like some janny deleted a post with a photo of a girl fan with her Origins collection, including the horrible faux pas of naked Stratos.
I wonder if any CC collectors are going to buy extra He-Man and move Kol-Darr's head and armor on him to make toon version.
We have a janny?
this shit is what I want to see, no more snake men oc.
I don't have grey stratos and I may cave on a clearance naked one.
No, more snake men OC? As you will, we will put more Snake Men into production.
If this Scare Glow's whole body had actually glown in the dark and not just the head, he might've sold a bit faster.
Plus everyone feels like they're buying an inferior version next to that SDCC(?) exclusive version that had more accessories
Necro Conda when?
And even then, the SDCC also sucked ass because they couldn't even be assed to give him gitd paint over the bones.
These ugly things are coming out if anyone cares
I'm at a loss for words on how ugly this look
Hey, thats a neat idea! I dont have grasp on a level of hiss but that doesnt mean grasp couldnt try to court lady slither. >>11147239
Damn, thats a good idea too! Ive got hiss vs snake face in my head canon, with snake face being like an embodiment of the snake power while king hiss has the power that face represents. Dammit all, now i need that snake teela.
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>Golden Rod? But your ad said no Snake Men!
>Oh! They get this all screwed up.
one of you retards better not buy this and make a Faker custom
I want to put He-Tato in a toilet and take photos.
>One Piece Potato Heads
You what
What would you do if you coul buy any Origins figure for 1$? (You're not allowed to sell them back though)
I suppose but it seems pretty selective on what they deleted because there is still alot of shitposts still here
We were robbed of Baltard's stupid face, so really think we should get proper, vintage-inspired Galaxy Warriors in Origins.

What's the current status of Remco's The Lost World of the Warlord figures? Are they in a legally messy area like Transformers and certain aspects of Gobots due to the DC series?
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It seems like they only got rid of the guy who was calling out anons like the necanon, and the Formo Dipshit (I think he makes good points and is totally handsome)
For once the jannies earned their pay! Thank you!
I believe that anon was telling the other one that if he cleaned up he could potentially pass as pic rel.
Hey OP, how did you find that font?
There was no necanon, it's just the guy that was acting like an ass to everyone that got gotten. Serves him right.
>It's why so many KS have the help of Chris (I think was his name, his original claim to fame having helped the Horsemen in this role, now does it for others, and has his own Bible line going) who can help at the factory, or the Brutal Realm guys with Vonner who may not be in China but has a ton of factory connections. The KS projects of today definitely have a lot of advantages over the earliest ones who kind of just tried to wing it.
That's awesome I didn't now there was a helpful community of guys who had gone through the process who are willing to help out new designers looking to create their own toys.
Wow, you're evading your ban already?
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Me and the Fuerza-T guy are going to get serious about making some toys.
Post like this are going to make my buy his toy AND enjoy it when it arrives. Seethe more shill
>I do not like this clone Skeletor
>It's smug aura mocks me
I just went through every single font I had installed and just picked the one that most closely resembled the Galaxy Warriors one
Holy shit, 10/10
Army build:
>horde troopers
>eternian guards
>skeleton warriors
>naked stratoses
>beastmans, if no one else

>make just as many customs as mrhomearcade
>bury them for a graveyard diorama
>blow them up
Converting vehicles and playsets into figures always makes for such a cool end result
>Now if we just did the opposite and turned Teela into a motorcycle for He-Man to ride...
some ideas I've had for my own MOTU playtime scenarios:
>Roboto, Sy-Klone, and Man-E-Robot are the 3 most unpopular heroic warriors to hang out with, and they have a chess club together
>Mekaneck is excluded from this chess club because he's not a robot and has no friends
>Ram Man's belt buckle secret is the ram stone
>Buzz-Off is a male bee and thus only exists to impregnate a queen, he's joined the heroic warriors to try and impressive his queen
>Man-E is the result of a man who is host to a demonic entity, his monster side, and the robotic suit keeps it in check and the suit itself is his robot side and was built by someone besides Man-at-Arms
>Clamp Champ is the Eternian equivalent of Macho Man/Hulk Hogan in terms of personality and is literally a champ at a sport related to clamping
>Gwildor makes frequent visits to Earth for chicken fingers
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Like this?
NTA but yes. i would love additions to origins like this
>gwildor is a nuggie warrior
i love this
I like to imagine Rio Blast as basically one of those adults who grew up loving westerns and never grew out of it, except he gets to do it for real and while nobody can question his skills, he does tend to annoy his teammates by narrating himself like he were in an old timey western and trying to do impressions of Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson and even has a mixtape of western music to set the mood.

Also Stridor is sentient and can talk and frequently misplaces said tape "by accident" just so he doesn't have to keep listening to it.
Hey Jannies, you left some trash behind
Just bought the lords of power 5-pack, I'm very excited
Better watch out anon apparently the local janny loves that ugly ass scalp-or toy and delete any post that isn't the schizo samefag shitposting against anyone who dares call it the ugly piece of shit it is.

your post and this post are sure to get deleted but whatever retarded shitposting garbage replies our posts receive will stay up no matter how crass or off topic they are. Funny how that works

seems like all the motu in the motu thread has left because mattel has shown little support for the origins line and no one seems to care about any line other than that around here.

well that and any line that apes on origins, they seem to eat that shit up around here. personally, i don't mind as much some of those figures look neat and if they had more articulation like origins i might be tempted to grab some. but no that scalp-or figure that thing is a hideous and ugly self insert figure worse than anything scott himself would make.

i guess some schizos love scott style self insert toys
NTA but please shut the fuck up, I'm tired of people on both sides now sperging out about a toy
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Im so tired of these exclusives man, looked high and low for moss man but had to settle on a reseller and then i just happen upon whats probably the only case of leatherhead in my area. Just lemme get bopsteady and ill leave forever.
Nice man, id like to get the powercon duplikat but its too rich for me.
Back in stock at bbts?
>back in stock at bbts?
what ever gave you that impression? Why not check if you're so curious and find out instead of asking someone else to confirm for you?
Your post is the dumbest post I've seen in one or these generals, and I try really hard to perpetuate the stereotype that /motu/ is a nice gen.
I want the Adma and He-Man 2-pack but it's ridiculous. I would like to get them all eventually, but I also need to pay the mortgage.
Oh, that tongue is a good addition.
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Of course it's not back in stock on bbts. It was never in stock there in the first place. How would they get a 5 year old con exclusive back in stock?
>inb4 someone tells me that it was in stock for 30 seconds after SDCC
The only stereotype you perpetuate is that autistic weirdos have no sense of humour.
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you need to be funny and intentional when trying to make a joke
So are you saying that its back in stock on bbts?
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Well memed! Keep on perpetuating.
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Found Turtles Hordak today. Knew as soon as I saw it when it was first announced that I was buying it and exactly what for. This just feels right.
wow its like the wings were designed with Mosquitor in mind. Good thinking anon
Atleast you can find ToG product on shelves. I only ever see cartoon collection on shelves now
did this movie just get butt fucked over?
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How would we give tri-klops a better gimmick for his eyes?
I'm thinking
>one eye can allow for a spring loaded missile to be loaded through the head
>second eye can be a red lense for "cyclops vision" if you look through the back end, right through where the missile would load into
>third eye can have GITD paint for "night vision"
Not that mattel would ever stop being cheap and do something cool like this
it was already DOA the moment they commited to earth bullshit
Id say just replace the top of the head with clear plastic and each eye could have a diffrent light piped color. What would be wild was if each eye could project the color out but that might need batteries and seems too off the mark for tri klops. Why havent we got more tri klops? Seems like trap jaw is more popular.
>Not that mattel would ever stop being cheap and do something cool like this
>A spring loaded missile in the same head as a red look through gimmick (he would have to just have two red eyes that do the same thing on opposite sides of his head for this to work by the way) on a head the size of a rat brain
Are you sure they didn't do it because it's impossible, or were you imagining him having a head that's twice as tall
What size battery would you need to light him up? AA or one of those small flat ones?
With the modular torso, maybe the bottom that connects to the hips could somehow double as a cover for a battery compartment.
Or if we only need a small flat battery, maybe there could be a compartment on his back, hidden by the armor?
>from Frank Langella to Jared Let
Double dubs confirm the movie's death.
Never heard of this company until now. Just looked them up and they look pretty neat, but pretty over priced.
>or one of those small flat ones?
Tiny button batteries like hearing aids use. Toybiz used to stick those in figures all the time like Phoenix to light up.
That could work pretty well. Maybe his helmet could come off and the batteries go in there. That means you wouldn’t have to sacrifice articulation.

Canonically speaking, what do his different eyes do again? I just remember him looking over a rock during Diamond Ray of Disappear.
Put the batteries and led in the torso, make the neck barbell clear, shine the led through the barbell into the head. All of the same articulation while getting the effect
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red lens for 1 eye, missile through another, spring inside the head
That’s pretty slick. Do you engineer toys for real?

I’ve been trying to think of how Tri-klops could launch something. What if his head was hollow, soft plastic, so that when you squeezed his head the air pressure would fire a small missile.
I’m not sure if his head would be big enough to have the pressure. I had some ghostbuster toys that worked on this principle.
It's been in development hell since 2007 with like five different directors dropping off, three different He-Man actors announced, numerous scripts and production materials dropped, and it's been shuffled between theaters, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. But this is what fucks the movie over? Mate, the movie's already been fucked, announcements like these are expected at this point.
You're right but... Jared saying yes to this and giving his all for Skeletor by just making him Joker is exactly what I expect to happen to this film.
It's Skeletorbin time!

Now you know how the dozen Tron fans feel right now. But Heman was one of those series that always got stupid shit and keeps getting new shit somehow since the 80s so it doesn't really matter much. New Adventures Heman Im looking at you.
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Just moved across the country with most of my figures, sell or donate the rest. Settle in town for a month, outside of town sets on fire. Evacuate, only grab a couple figures.
Please fighters don’t let the fire take my figures.
Flip-Or needs to be in the OP pic next thread
Hordak's gonna freak
Flip-Or needs to be forcefully lodged in your colon
So you want the OP pic to be anon's asshole?
It would be an improvement
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The seethe would be indelible in the hippocampus.
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Remember the Backerkit closes on the 14th. Get your orders in to jump on the hottest toy of the year. Don't forget to army build Flip-bots and Flak-bots. Hatter Nation unite!
Thank you Hatter. This feeling of belonging is just what I needed after being excommunicated from my church.
I thought that's what the orange circle Mer-Man is coming out of in this OP pic was supposed to be.
My canon with this is that he normally doesn't have the wings unless he's able to fill himself with enough blood to create them, because the wings are made from blood and that's why they're transparent red plastic. But they only last for as long as they stay coagulated then he has to start the process all over again.
How do you see through the red eye with a missile in
>Id say just replace the top of the head with clear plastic and each eye could have a diffrent light piped color
Not unless the top of the head is shaped like a triskelion, so there's three separate pieces for each color.
Still sucks, still not MOTU.
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Does anybody have any of art anon's work saved

apparently my stupid ass never saved any of it except for this one
If it went all the way through the head, a push/friction-based missile would work.
art anon here, I still have the MOTU babies pics. I could repost a few later today. were there any you really wanted to see?
The ones from a few years back with Gamblor and Scalpor

and I think there was one with a robot minotaur that I gave a punny name to but can't for my life remember
The Razz breastfeeding one.
You take da missile out
Maybe he'll peel his face off to "get into character"?
MOTU stands for Masters of the Utuberverse. You can send Flip-or™ on adventures with Mighty Spector™ to stop Marvel Legends The Hood™ from starting his own artisan toyline, or they can travel back in time to rescue Anne Frank® from Preternian Auschwitz™.
Get your Mighty Spector™ for $49.95 plus p+h for a limited time only.
>Figures and playset sold separately.
>Anne Frank® is a registered trademark of Société Bic S.A.
>Preternian Auschwitz™ playset requires 6 C-cell batteries (batteries not included)
The idea might need some tuning but i think itd be a neat update to the gimmick. Plus i think tri klops needs some time in the spot light.
>Plus i think tri klops needs some time in the spot light.
two of his eyes turns on a led light that makes it shine through a transparent coloured lens
the "default" eye is opaque and turns the system off
No then there's a spring blocking the view
None of those figures are made by Mattel. Not Motu.
>go back to /pol/
It won't block the view
Mighty Spector is Mattel, and he can travel through time and dimensions. I'm pretty sure /pol/ said it didn't happen, so try getting a sense of humor.
If you could make a new motu figure, what would it be?
>parts reuse, if any
>gimmick, if any
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>heroic warriors
>black body with GITD armor
>basic body buck, Mekaneck head
>GITD armor and weapons
he's typically guarding the other heroic warriors during the night shift, he's lonely and has to fight the urge to watch Teela in her sleep
Thats feasible, you could hide the battery and wires. I think the same idea would work for a halloween mask too, but itd be a whole head type mask i guess.
How does scalp or work? Is it a dummy head?
his torso is just hollow and has a door on it ala futurama's bender. rather than a triklops styled visor he gets a lenticular sparkly one.
I just want Dragoon. Give him a sparking gimmick or something. Dude's too cool not to have toys.
The problem is that he's really big and a little obscure. Would you be ok with him being reduced in size? Then his plain body actually works in his favor.
I'm gonna combine two things I've wanted in MotU for ages: another female Evil Warrior and a Jack-o-Lantern head

>Evil Warrior
>Orange head and skin, purple armor, maybe some greens in their somewhere.
>Female thighs and biceps, Slither furry underoos, CC Teela torso with new sculpted armor, new head, new boots with actual monster feet of some type, new forearms to give her a "gloves" look like LoP Mer-Man with arm fins.
>Simple light piping to make her Jack o Lantern face glow. Maybe even a simple led if you're ambitious
>Her pumpkin head would kind of have fiery "hair" coming out of it and I'm picturing a tiara kinda like scarlet witch or storm from x-men
She needs a pink Chanel suit.
It would be so empowering if part of her powers was to be able to change genders so she could be either side of a Democrat power couple.
I don’t have any pets…not sure why you are so hostile. I am just keeping up with the conversation about imaginary toys. Perhaps you could use someone to talk to.
Besides you say cat killer like it’s a bad thing. Haiti has a rich culture of eating exotic people and animals. Why are you being disparaging toward them? This all seems so off topic.
Sounds fun, looks neat.
Glad you like it. I had plenty from the early days of these threads. There was even an alternate Ro-Bull design at one point. I didnt share any MOTU babies because I wasnt sure if the thread regulars would want them taking up so much space.
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I saved these, not sure if its the same anon or not
These are great
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This one too. These both made me laugh.
I should save more OC stuff from people here.
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yeah I was responsible for those as well. I also wished Id saved more OC from these threads. I have a handful of images saved but there was so much more that merited archival. We really should have compiled macros of that one anon's comic posts. He's one of the best posters ITT!
These are so awesome
make good jokes to begin with
I'm down with a usual 5.5 sized fig. If it sells well they can make a more show accurate big guy, if it doesn't he's still cool and I'd glad to have him in some form. I'll just headcanon that some Trollan panicked and zapped him with a shrinking spell on reflex after his face turn and he never quite got it all the way undone.
thanks anon. im still adamant in my belief that these have been the best threads on /toy/ for the last few years. godspeed /motu/
Those are cool.
Scalpor reminds me of Futuramas Bender.
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Can we post old pics?
More Modulok interchangable characters!

Hero faction btw.
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Said like that big Nate comic where he says the bully will not knock over the sand castle of the twin towers
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You will love snakes

The world is against you
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yes, I need this guy in figure form.
??? exit the thread
My issue with this guy and all the other Axel snakes is...
What makes this guy stand out? Most of the vintage have something that makes them stand out even with the parts reuse. Even the 6 vintage snakes each did something snakes are known for which made for a cool toy
>acid spitting, constricting, shedding skin, rattling, tongue flicking, and Snakeface
Chamor is just a more colorful Frog Monger. He's a background filler that an underpaid artist would scribble out. He's nothing.
Get these motherfucking snakes off my motherfucking Talon Fighter
looks dumb
>hundred dollarydoo snake book
I can buy 5 snakes for that much.
There have been a few burps and farts but yeah, i agree. Id probably just collected origins on my lonesome but its nice to know there are a few like minded anons here and we all enjoy various aspects of the world of motu. Just dont mention kevin smith.
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What are your headcanons for the LOP Beastman? I like to imagine he's just Gygor, but one who is the king of all beasts and even a rival to Skeletor
>Chamor is just a more colorful Frog Monger.
Yeah, in the 80's they would have given him a color changing in water feature, but in Origins you just have imagine him doing something cool. That said he's the best of Axel's mostly mediocre to awful endless Snek sketches. He'd be the first one I pick up.
He's Beast Man's disapproving dad and who thinks his son is a loser who should have followed in the family business instead of working for somebody like Skeletor.
I need more motu ladies, Diana from the DnD line is a decent admission into the origins harem
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Ain't enough costums being shown off in this thread
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>onwards to more adventures!
I kneel. Vykor and the fisher price snakeman are GOAT
Don't think I ever posted my cyborg skeletor but here he is holding a machinegun. I adore this head from Barbarossa and had to find an excuse for buying a mouth closed and open one.

I come from a Lego background so when it comes to figures with modularity I need to physically restrain myself.
My aunt told me maybe he could use a purple scarf to truly finish him off and I could see that happening.
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part swap posters always share the best OC. thanks for sharing!
you better start stocking up on metalboto parts while you can, I have a feeling ToG Hiss is going to offer you some much needed parts. pic related
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i dont think I ever drew somwthing like that but I still have pic related
When new toys
I like the gimmick but maybe not the theme. You nailed her face, looks good.
Will walmart exclusives ever not suck?
lol, no
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my target hasn't updated the stickers yet, but masterverse rings up for 6.50 at my target. Tempted to get my 8th Sunman for that price.
I have that battle armor he man, it looks really good but it doesnt seem like a he man at all. I ended up just posing him alone with some other stuff since he looked out of place on my mv shelf.
Would you mind sticking BA He-man’s head on an Origins body?
I’ve been looking for a good bearded head for He-Man. 200x Randor Sacrificed his head for my custom but I’m not 100% happy with it.
What’s that smell!?!
I'm surprised Masterverse has survived this long at retail, seems like it's constantly going on clearance.
I think it holds up online but people don't want it enough to try and hunt it down in stores that increasingly don't stock it.
What is the general consens for her? I do like her look without the cape
Not the bigggest fan of the painted on costume, but i guess for the price of this line you aren't going to get a proper outfit. But still it's nice to see a newer take on Lyn that other lines really don't do.
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Looks good as I expected. Used CC Teela legs.
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Bros, is it normal for New Eternia Merman to look like this? Look at the yellow paint on the chest armor. It's not metallic like the armor that's behind his neck, and not like his sword.
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if it's her fleshtone under the paint I'd say remove most of the paint and make it a bikini.
Very nice, very simple upgrade.
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>can't financial justify dropping 20 on a toy just to make my April have less clothes on
That's skin painted on Black
He is my biggest want left
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You fuck head ready to rebuy all the characters again. Time to get your Fourth Merman and Beastman because vintage inspired Masterverse is here.
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I'm going to at least get this one to go with 40th Heman. Glad I've been holding out on NE stuff other than what I find at ROSS.
lol Mattel please stop. I’m checking out of motu so hard if they are just going to keep rehashing the same shit over and over but with a different hat.
Everyone likes Origins and they make those hard to acquire. Why not focus on one line, and do that well?
I skipped all the previous skeletors I might actually get this one.
Looks great, but ya, idk how much of these I'll need. It's great that he finally has proper gripping hands rather than that badly sized trigger finger Rev Skeletor hand. Wild that we still don't have vertical hinges though.
Motherfucking this, you greedy cock suckers. I ******only****** buy origins. I will ONLY buy origins. I will not buy the 18th heman and skeletor from masterverse. I'll sooner stop collecting the entire brand before I ever buy these shitty figures at $24.99. Fuck mattel for being so retarded as to DIVIDE their consumer base by having multiple different lines.
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I think is the same had with different paint job? at the very least the teeth don't have the black painted.
What’s even sleazier about it is how they put NA and PoP in Masterverse despite everyone wanting those characters in 5.5 scale to fit with existing collections.
Not sure how well this worked judging by the number of Frostas I saw on clearance.
Yeah, itll be a bit later today so im replying as a reminder to myself. Ive been wanting to dig in the shelves anyway.
I swear the line will be cancelled the moment they run out of ideas how to sell another Skeletor.

Origins, Cartoon Collection, MV NE/general, MVintage....how many times they will try to make people restart their collections?

If they want to make vintages, I hope they'll announce some more ambitious character next because we saw those Skeletor parts dozens of times. I mean, it's either 100% reuse from 40th Anniversary Skeletor or just new head.

Feels slighly pointless considering how vintage-like New Eternia figures were lately.
This was 100% intentional. Frosta, Catra, Twobad, and a couple others were always at the top of the want list for origins. Lo and be-fucking-hold, they came to masterverse first. And now again with CC twobad.
They know what we want and they just want us double dipping on two different lines. It's bullshit.
Motu needs a halloween/fall themed warrior. Something like a scarecrow with a jackolantern head that can light up
I need this to be real badly
So is this the 40th with the mouth opening gimmick removed? It doesn't look like this one opens
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Maybe he can have plant controlling powers and be called something like 'Harvestor'?
>pretty, sexy Evil-lyn
Why did this shit start after I quit?
Did you take a blood oath or something? What the hell is stopping you from getting her?
>We need to get more people interested in Masterverse. What should we do?
>Don't worry boss, I got a plan.
I never started and I'm going to get me a Sexy-Lyn
When is she going on po?
Can't denies those Meaty Lynn thighs
Who needs that?
I do not care for how modern motu toys do nothing but rehash various ideas and patterns on their masterverse figures. AI could do that better.
The only actual new stuff we've gotten has been a frog and more snakes, we need new characters and not just Fisto... Again! Now with Stridor armor and MAA mace!
>on toys
LOL Jesus that's priceless

the eternian agrarial ghost brings plentiful bounty
Hell no I won't, the Masterverse buck sucks balls.
>I don’t like these toys or this company
>so not buying the toys
No! You must consume!
I'd get Hasbro (they frustrated me too many times to count), but what has Mattel done?
This guy sums to up pretty well. >>11158744
I also find quality control lacking on Masterverse. As a leaf all the exclusives have made modern Motu more pain than joy to collect.
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>Using le epic RLM meme
>on the /toy/ board
> in a thread about a line of toys
I can't even imagine collecting masterverse when each wave is just a slightly better A-lister and maybe 1 literalwho that fans want.
However, this approach seems to be the way to make the line evergreen no? The transformers approach of holding out on what fans really want and drip feeding them a string of slightly better product each year. I don't think this can really be done for MOTU when you're two biggest money makers are just a blonde man and a skeleton guy. Origins' solution to this is seemingly just to relaunch with crossovers now where we can get all the A-listers again.
Yes, and?
Being this butthurt that I don’t want to buy Masterverse. And trying to police memes to specific boards…..Brother I’m saying this with grace but you need help. Do you have anything other than /toy/ in your life to care about?
>RLM was the first to use "consume" for merch
zoomers, plz die of aids and the vax already.

That said, what's wrong with the fig? Looks above average for Mattel
It’s not the fig itself…it’s Mattel constantly tying to resell the same characters over and over, while dropping the ball in other areas.
I would be more excited if this didn’t come after Revelations Skeletor, Viking Skeletor, Revolutions Skeletor, Skeletor with throne, Battle Armor Skeleor. And that’s just one line!
The problem with this approach is that fans with integrity will come to the conclusion that they can spend their disposable income elsewhere.
>Hatter pre-order locked in
>Dragonore wave 2 locked in
>waiting for Masterverse Gwildor to hit clearance
>fans with integrity will come to the conclusion that they can spend their disposable income elsewhere
>Hatter pre-order locked in
The air must be pretty thin up there. How many tanks of oxygen do you need while riding your high horse?
Nta but i don't see your point.
Don’t give up hope! Someday you will be able to tell when someone is making a point but adding in a touch of humour. In the meantime keep seething you lovable discord tranny Mattel shill.
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>tfw you realize Fisto was a red herring to Teela's parentage and start comparing animation models to frames from the show
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Demo-Man on MC the 25th
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>those legs
Basically confirms we're getting Skelcons in the line
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Looks pretty decent imo.
I THINK the skeletor head is the same as the kledor 2-pack?
Pretty cool, I think I'll go for him.
The exact same head. I'll keep this guy next to the LOP beastman that hit the mainline retail assortments. Kinda cool having concept art figures like this.
Now let's see YOUR legs
I haven't bought from Mattel Creations before, do they try to fuck you over with shipping costs? Are there any free shipping offers?
No free shipping, but as a burger it's fairly priced. You might want to grab a few more things to really make it worthwhile.
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Thank you. Yeah I like how that head looks to. I've been putting together a King He-Man custom slowly as I get the spare parts.
I want to switch the plain Mankind loincloth with 200x He-Man.
Post more pics of these two on adventures
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Yeah, he's rad. Might have to let him borrow the New Eternia Skeletor Sword.
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I got a masterverse he-ro for 6.50 to try and convert into an origins and... he sucks.
What was the thought process behind this character originally? His design is very lacking.
i spotted the wave at the exact same price myself earlier today. the only masterverse figures I want never end up on clearance, and the rest are guys like jitsu and he-ro.
>nooo our $7 ally is down

I know they had no choice since these figures share a base buck, but I still wish they could of skipped the ugly ML style thigh cuts on this figure.
>the Masterverse buck sucks balls.
I can't get past it either, some of the figure concepts are cool (Sexy Lynn, and that new Flying Fists He-Man for example) and I'd like to pick them up but that buck always stops me.
Does anyone know if the Alcala head is a new sculpt or just the same one that was packed in with Keldor?
Same one
Mekaneck is relatable because he suffers. He didn't ask to suffer. He's been one of Eternia's greatest champions and yet he doesn't get the love he deserves.
My Terroar pre-order arrived on BBTS, and they just alerted me Grasp is shipping soon too. I'm guessing there is going to be a lot of them, because the pre-order is still up for Terroar and Grasp.
First 1988 lost wave figures to actually be easy to find? Mattel actually learning?
No, just BBTS and EntEarth carrying the entire adult consumer base for toys. I'd love to know some numbers for how many MOTU sales they make.
>Mattel actually learning?
I think (and hope) so. Fingers crossed Demo-Man doesn't sell out after 5 minutes.
None of the vintage MC Origins figs have sold out in less than an hour this year, so I'm guessing Demo-Man will be safe unless they seriously underproduce him. The only thing to sell out that quickly was SDCC Two-Bad.
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Worked on me
You meaning to tell me the buck stops here?
If someone were to start collecting masterverse, should they focus on having just 1 definitive figure of each character or just get all of them? There's so many He-Men and inferior revelation figures.
I'd say just get whatever you like.
the he-men and skeletors will always be the most plentiful and affordable. if you're going to start now zero in on your most desired ancilary characters first. the only reason I never bit on masterverse is because the only shit I could find was revelations adjacent or characters I wasnt interested in like jitsu. if I had been one of the lucky few to find Man-E-Faces for 5 bucks at five below I'd have bitten the bullet by now. NE Buzz-Off, Clawful, Thunder Punch He-man, and the last 3 Skeletors, along with Slushhead, Pigface, and NE Whiplash were all very tempting. if not for their higher price tags and the fact that I already own a solid dozen origins Id have crumbled sooner.
>1 definitive figure of each character
I'd like to think that's the way to go, but for me, there are too many He-Man and Teela variants that I'd like to get. Even Man of War looks pretty cool and I'd probably grab it if I saw it in a store.
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do you guys have any figures that slot in to Origins fairly well? Pic rel is almost a perfect 5.5 with all the MOTU details.
I don’t have any pics of him but I liked Crystar from Marvel Legends and he fit in quite well.
On my shelf Diana and Won-Dar are shipped.
>yea I have irl jungle fever
She got a cute barbie face!
Crystar is friggin awesome! I kinda wish he looked like he was carved from a rock but its still a neat looking guy.
>carved from space rock
How’s that work for your head cannon?
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Oh, I missed this, same huge sofubi but without the actual bones, I guess is accurate to the vintage?
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Also, counting the 2 other variants, I guess that means that's it? ngl little underwhelmed by the color choices for the variants, specially that SDDC one.
I just stare at it, dunno why i havent dreamt up some head cannon. Maybe rokkon found him?
these days I like to think of eternia as the largest planet in the universe which just so happens to house MOTU and all of its peers outright. Sectaurs, Crystar, DnD, Galaxy Warriors, etc. That's not to say they're all native eternians in this head canon but they all ended up there regardless.
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That makes me happy to know, thanks!
I'll still be ready right when it goes up, but at least there's less of a possibility of me missing out.
My personal headcanon is that the galaxy warriors are barbarians held on the same prison planet that Jitsu and Saurod where on in their classics bios. This planet would be a dumping ground for the Cosmic Enforcers to send war criminals, erredemables, and all other manner of dark magic and twisted deisgn who do not have a heroic counter part to stand up to them.
It's up to more headcanon if the rest of Scott's shitty ideas would end up here too, particularly the nameless one, but I love to imagine a red sky across an endless desert peppered with doomed warriors and broken engines of war where only the absolute strongest have managed to survive.
>I love to imagine a red sky across an endless desert peppered with doomed warriors and broken engines of war where only the absolute strongest have managed to survive.
Same. I love the early minicomics vibe, Filmation fucked up the lore by making it all kid friendly.
One of my dream lines for mattel to do is to give us a subline of Halloween MOTU figures
>Teela the warrior vampire
>Orko of the Opera
>Mer-Man from the Black Lagoon
>The Invisible Man-E-Faces
>Black (Battle) Cat
Obligatory that they each come with a BAF piece to Wraptrap and include minicomics about their accidental adventure on Earth during Halloween night.
I like the idea, but I think I'd prefer original characters rather than doing the TMNT thing of dressing up the main cast
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>after relentless online bullying from /motu/, Stratos has really let himself go

Is that Big Boss Man?
Yes. Same skin tone.
>stranger things
I know it's reddit to like licensed shit but I'm really glad I got into origins. Having all this shit in 5.5 is fun.
bro you can like whatever you like, it's not "reddit", who cares lol just have fun and enjoy the toys
It's fun, but most of these figures just use the 5.5" buck with no action features, and the deluxes and occasional regular figure with action feature (e.g. Man-E, Mantenna) was what I initially loved about Origins
Terr roar in my pol, lord grasp and necroconda are coming soon too. I know things arent as hard and heavy as they once were but i still get excited for new motu figures. Especially figures you wouldnt think mattel would do years ago. Oh shit, almost forgot demo man is happening too!
MOTU needs more ladies... Would anyone be opposed if they genderbent Buzz-Off? All of Earth's bees that actually defend the hive are female, afterall.
There could actually be a lot of cool gender bent figures.
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I'd be happy to have an Origins version of Mosquitra from the animated show. The figure we got of her leaves much to be desired sadly.
Oh yeah, bloodsucking mosquitoes are all female! The males don't bite people.
Did you actually receive an email about Necro-Conda? I only got one for Terroar and Gr'asp.
I haven't received an email for Terroar or Gr'asp yet, did you order them when BBTS first had them for a few days or after the preorder indefinitely reopened?
Not that anon but mine was also this week. I ordered as soon as they went up, if that helps.
When they first went up on BBTS.
I pre-ordered day-one they were up, before they were taken down and relisted again. There is probably at least two batches coming- one for the first set of pre-orders and another for the second set of pre-orderes
>MOTU needs more ladies...
No. That shit is fucking lazy. I don't want Mosquitras, Andreenas or Tarangelas.
More snakes with tits!
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>MOTU needs more ladies
Yeah I only want more ladies if they're hot.
Yeah I agree no gender swaps. If you want monster women yeah I suppose making the female version of a species might make sense for sizable motu furry coomer demographic but I wouldn't buy any of them.
If you just want more human females, PoP are coming to Origins which should be good.
Do you already have the WWEternia ladies? Becky Lynch is pretty hot and makes a good evil colors variant Teela.
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I do have them. I part swapped McMahon and Chyna to make a goth bitch, but she still needs something extra.
I still think gender swapping some characters could work, but maybe we can cut down to just two. Buzz-Off and picrel would be welcome additions for me. Buzz can at least be a cheap army builder if you want a half dozen bee soldiers to protect a queen and beastwoman is cute.
For new characters... I've posted before about how each good MOTU character has some gimmick cornered, like a wrestler. It feels like the women who made PoP had no idea what they were doing in this regard when making characters like Flutterina or Netossa. A new heroic warrior would have to be
>not red/blue
>not a cyborg
>not magic
>could stand next to Conan and not look out of place
Maybe a dragon woman?
Nah, just terr roar so far. I put in my preorders asap, necro was up weeks or months before grasp and roar so idk why i havent heard anything about it yet. I actually double checked my pre orders just to reassure myself that i did have open orders for them.
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All I want is PoP in Origins

but at this rate it looks like all we're gonna get is the cartoon collection
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Rumours are that the CC collection is going to be using the female Origins buck.
Retarded rumor since Teela and Evil-lyn are already out with a new buck that's plain with armor pieces that can be removed
Lord grasp just hit my pol! Man, what an origins dream come true! Grasp has got to be the nastiest grossest looking motu figure yet imo, real nightmare of a guy in my mind. Hope he and snake face can get along ok.
Wasn’t someone posting comparisons a thread ago about how they were all the same size?
They are. Which I guess might count as "using Origins buck" because there is no such thing as default female vintage buck. The closest thing is Teela body because she shares it with Evil-Lyn and Goddess. Lady Slither introduced female loincloth but there is no such thing as default-like naked or semi-naked top body for women in vintage line.

New pictures for TOG are out. I know that Clamp Champ is supposed to mostly wear amor piece over it but I still cant get over that they Clamp Champ literally has unmatching boots as Two-Bad.
Not that I disagree with you, but she works as a generic sci-fi / military figure, and her head sculpt is quite nice.
I can't tell if that's a new head sculpt but I like it
Those arent King Hiss legs. They made new set of scaly legs. Gee, I wonder if they're planning to reuse them...
No need to get all smug and pedantic. I was trying to reassure buddy over there that yeah CC is going to match with Origins.
Fuck mattel come on man. Your shills argue with me even when I'm doing it for your side, for free.
Tomorrow's the big day
Same. Cringer, Terroar, and Grasp all will be coming at once.
I also recently got Reptilax, Orko, and Masterverse Sorceress Teela.
Sorry, didnt meant to come off as hostile.
`With Dragon Ninjor now, how hard it will be to make Draego-Man?
No worries. Perhaps I was being crusty myself.
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I wonder if these are legit?
These should be real. Weird OC monster dudes and characters that were never made in 5.5 are all I want from Mattel.
Action features would be nice to.
Yeah because we need even more random shit
at least include the source anon
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I would love concept art Hordak
>it's real
finally some cool shit
I stand corrected, but nonetheless do we really need every single concept done?
Not every one sure, but mad max concept art hordak is cool as fuck. I'd take 30 more concept art characters like this over ToG Clamp Champ or another snakeman.
These two look different enough that they get a pass. I’d rather see these than Pink Teela or more snake shit.
I'd take literally any unproduced vehicle or playset over the bazilionth version of the same character or unproduced character no one ever asked for.
That's pretty cool desu.
Fuck yeah! I didn't recognise concept Hordak at first, but I could tell that was elephant Grizzlor straight away.
Would you prefer it if the line just dies before the last of the vintage figures get done?
This. It'll be boring if motu is just vintage again and again in different form factors. Like >>11170481 said too, these are different enough they could be just glub shittos. I'm very pleased with this because they're perfect fodder for Prison Starr or the Horde army.
Meant >>11170509 kek
>Would you prefer it if the line just dies before the last of the vintage figures get done?
Washing trash figures killed the line already. I still have hopes to see the Laser Bolt and Dragonwalk redone, give a fuck to any other figure.
>Laser Bolt and Dragonwalk
I want to see Bashasaurus, Spydor and Mantisaur, but no retailer is going to stock vehicles for an action figure line that doesn't have any action figures available at retail. And since the remaining vintage will all be MC exclusives because of their required tooling with minimal reuse, guess what? Weird concepts that use parts already tooled are the best thing to keep a retail presence.
Or snakes. I might be outnumbered, but I'm fine with more snakes. I'd rather see Horde ranks get filled with weirdos like these though.
>every single concept done?
Yes. It's easy to do in a manufactring standpoint and the characters stay withing the vintage lore. I rather get those than nu-woke character OC some mattel intern wrote up.
Almost time
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This fucking pic I love it
He looks rather silly with any of the heads attached
To be honest, I think buff barbarian Skeletor is kinda amazing and fully sold me on Demo-Man :D
Yeah I’m not sure why he’s packed with these heads. I’d rather get the right sword or a little gremlin sidekick or something. Oh well, nothing is perfect.

I’m gonna be so pissed if my bitch mom messes up ordering 3 Demo Men for me.
I was so confused why the skeleton head till I noticed it in this pic in the background >>11160565 kind of neat they include it
I get it but please don’t deflate my hate boner for Mattel.
Alright, got my Demo-Man, when does he ship?
Sweet, same here! Just got my email confirmation too!
That was a super smooth transaction. Seriously, really good for Mattel for improving that. The previous ones I experienced were nerve wracking.
I ordered 2. I honestly don't know yet what I'll do with the 2nd one. I was thinking of using him for spare parts/mix-matching parts. He has a similar green to Frog Monger, so I wonder if I can swap parts with him.
Sell me on demented Shrek.
If you don't like it, you can alway resell it.

I'm a little lukewarm on it myself, but like the old saying goes, it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it
Feels good to finally check out the Sharks line - definitely up for any more baddies if the line survives
It's just I don't feel like spending $20 plus 9 shipping on a somewhat bland-looking character compared to Rio-Blast and Modulok.
Wonder is Mattel will decide on a MOTU/SS crossover.

Even though Ripster will obviously be He-Man (Likely Power Punch) and Streex will probably be Battle Cat-colored, don't know if Slammu or Jab should be Ram-Man or Fisto. I do see Skeletor in his own take on Piranoid's armor and maybe half-sealife Evil Warriors.
I got a nightstalker since I'd really like the line to get more vehicles, rip. Might need the doctor if I see him at the retailers.
Yeah he's not super exciting as a character compared to those or others imo.
For me though, I prefer the more monstrous looking weird guys, so he hits that sweet spot.
I got two since extra heads or maybe some trade potential. Its not grey skull man but its a step closer. Hopefully the next figure is a real hum dinger instead of a more background guy.
This wave is Ram Man, She-Ra and Mantenna

So next wave is Hordak, Man-E-Faces and,,,Tri-klops? Catra? It's cant be all four, right? Who do you think is later? Tri-Klops because he wasn't on display? Catra because she doesn't have photos yet? Or will she be 2-pack like Adam? Her cat form seems too small and unarticulated for that.
Do you think these 2 will be just called Hordak and Grizzlor or will they be sold as new characters? Hor-Duke and ManMoth or something?
Nudist She-Ra should be hitting in 2025
I'm hoping they'll get silly names like Warlord and Tuskor
According to Lou Scheimer's autobiography, Larry DiTillio was calling Hordak "Reaper" early in development. And Prince Adam's long-lost sister's name started as "Eve".
Hell yes. I'm such a fucking sucker for concept shit
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>Your Mattel Creations Order Has Shipped
Well that was fast. In hindsight they aren't pre-orders. I guess they have a lot already in stock they'll be shipping out.
He's still up which is good for those that missed him so far. I don't think he'll make it till tomorrow morning though.
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WHAT?! Holy fucking shit, now THIS is hype! Mammoth Hordesman, based.
Wrap Trap, Dylamug and Octavia fucking when?
Awesome! I'll pick these up. I honestly wish Origins had been all concept or mini-comic versions of the vintage figures. IMHO it would have given it more of it's own identity, but I understand a lot of collectors are looking for that nostalgic accuracy.
That's so cool I've always wanted that concept Horde Mammoth Man. I just hope Mattel goes the extra mile and gives him the Grizzlor type fur from the concept art, he looks naked and less menacing without it
I'm really happy about these two. They're perfect glub shittos to back up Hordak.
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>got Demo Man
>Mattel announces new toys
>not snake related
It was a good motu day lads.
Masters of the Universe - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles of Grayskull 001 (2024) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr
pretty decent issue, figures that the turtles dominate the whole story but this crossover is too fun to have just some minicomics anyway.
My Demo Man already shipped
Same, this is my first Mattel Creations order and I wasn't expecting to get this message so soon.
Wouldn't expect too much unless they'll got deep and heavy into concept art. These two have a lot of parts reuses.

Octavia - possible

Wrap Trap -- if bandages ware removable

Dylamug - either they fudge his design (limbs mostly) a lot or would have to crowdfunded.
Don't give me that "HAVE to crowdfund" bullshit.
They've done plenty of fully unique shit (motherboard being a big one) that didn't reuse parts, so they can very easily make him a standalone MC figure if they want to.
I'm not so naive to think they'd make him a high priority , but I'm sick of you Mattelcucks that push this "expect and ask for less" bullshit where everything that requires even a little effort is "oh, gonna be crowdfunded, even if it's only single figure, or else don't even ask for it".
I feel like an idiot for only just realising that Frog Monger makes for an instant Top Toys Modulok, but also glad I bought 3 Frog Mongers lol
Also based
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Thats what they always should considered. Modoluk in green and blue for crazy color mixing!
This is why I can't take Demo-Man seriously.

De-Man would be better name.

>Let's slaughter He-Man
>He-Man, go away,
>But Teela you can stay.

Why does it sounds familiar
I'm still overjoyed about these 2 concept hordesmen. They can't come soon enough and mattel can't make enough horde members. Vultak will be a welcome addition to Lord Hordak's army.
Demo-Man feels like his articualtion will be very limited with that beard, armor and one-piece clothes (unlike say Splinter-Skull's whose robe is made from two parts)

I wonder how many new parts were made for him. The fact that his morningstar isnt reuse from Pig-Head made me convinced they actually took Classics molds like they did with Hover Robot.I cant be sure but the only parts that doesn't look taken directly from Classics is his robe.
What would be your preferred canon for Demo? Being freaky demon from Despondos suits him but I find the whole bit where he's just used by Hordak to make Skeleton open the portal to Despondos underwhelming .He could use more agency that just being a weird middle man for manipulating Keldor.
*I'll take literally any unproduced character over the bazillonth Axel Snakeman OC no one ever asked for.
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>page 10
Is the MotU General anon here? I think we need a new thread.


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