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Previous thread: >>11116914

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Nacelle Biker Mice from Mars now at Wal-Mart!
>Rage Toys "Not Bebop" up for pre-order
>NECA Cryin Houn, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, Archie Mondo Gecko, Mirage Triceraton Gladiator all in stores
>Earthworm Jim figures showing up on AliExpress
>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection
>FuRay Planet Kensai the Nameless One 1/12 Scale Figure
>Abyss Force Sharks are up on 5Ktoys in singles and a 3 pack
>Fury Toys Azure Lion
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Monstors' Kickstarter is live:

The figures are rather basic, but that's what the guy likes. They had him on the most recent episode of Toy Anxiety. Livewire, seems nice enough. But he worked doing statues before, so he prefers less articulation on things.
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Neat enough, but not 55usd + shipping neat, at least not for me. Was pretty weird that the creator mentioned he spoke to someone at Power Con that wanted articulation and he basically called him wrong. Nothing wrong with wanting a figure with articulation, just like it's fine that he likes this form factor.
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Cute dragon plush kickstarter for those that like plushes, already funded: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shottsy/dream-keep-dragon-plush
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More AWOK painted prototypes
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Well those are cute
Not a fan of the blue vs the original purple. He claimed it didn't look good, but still weird to not even consult backers to change something like that.

Also I hate that the knife is just sculpted. If a weapon can't be used don't add one to the sculpt (some things like tiny knives or shuriken are more forgivable, not a more or less regular knife).

The birds in general are looking pretty excellent overall though.
>Sonic figures with butterfly joints
Didn't have Knuckles or Shadow, but they had the classic team on the shelves at least.
Knuckles so far is only in that multi-pack yeah? I've seen Sonic a few times, only saw Tails today at a rural store. I really want to pick these up though.
I thought I saw a pic of knuckles in package, but I can't seem to find it now, so I guess I made it up. Give us a 5 inch Knuckles please.
I kinda want those. but Tails is kinda big compared to Sonic/Shadow tho
Looking at a screenshot of them side by side. The top of tails eyes come up to just below Sonics shoulders. It's actually pretty spot on. Not perfect, but close enough.
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are we getting more insect girls?
I still can't find Shadow and that makes me sad.
I'm totally ok with these buying 5poa, but I wish the Sting-Cobra was red instead and had the open mouth. There better be an option to change that
Maybe so, do they have anything worth a damn though?
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they had the dragon man and it looks pretty good
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So what are we hoping for for Zootopia 2 figures? I have to say, the Tomy figures were pretty good all things considered. Even if some of the figures were just based on concept ideas, the size difference on the figures allowed for the big animal/small animal dynamic of the movie.

Still wish that second wave had made it out though...

I do fear that with how things are now, a toy line would probably just focus on Nick and Judy and probably Gary. Not often that toy lines will go into all the background and side characters anymore.
If it's not more revoltechs, I don't care.
Kind of want, but my toy budget is sadly maxed out this month and next.
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Looks like the fury sharks are finally coming out…
Did more news ever come about the angler they showed off
I'm excited to see how these turned out. I haven't ordered them but damn...
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Oh no, they made Green Goblin hot
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finally got the last mewoscles
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oh shit!
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>dinosaur toy
>no mouth joint
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Biker Mice from Mars has good sculpts, but damn, they screwed the eyes on those. They seem to have this thousand-yard stare, like they have seen some shit. Fix is super easy, no idea how they could missed that.
>Biker Mice revival flashbacks
some of the joints are also loose. My Vinny's left arm sometimes pops right off and Throttles head will just pop right off because I guess the there's not enough friction. Good figures but flawed
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I kinda want this
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army build apes?
Good thing the new show is going to 100% be a reboot.
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Mondo's AAH Real Monsters set... I thought Ickus was cute when I was little.
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found this guy today.
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very heroic looking
shiet, they're back? I bought a shit load about ten years ago(about 30 of each builder), they were supposed to do another series but the sales weren't good enough, I hope they do more
The scale isn't worth the price, but im not giving up on them
>No Barrier Trio hugging pose
They do look like they should be closer to 7-8" tall. For 55 I'd expect a bit more, but it's also not my style of figure, so maybe this is what is expected of a 'boutique' type item.
First factory painted sample of the Cyberzoic dragon.
Whoah, that looks awesome
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Finally was able to get him, ive been hunting for so long and when i got him... I mean hes alright, hes a stocky guy so his articulation is kinda meh, his left foot is especially stiff, im afraid ill hamhand him. I touched him up with hobby markers cause apart from his eyepatch and one single dot for his eye his face is totally blank, still i love his design
We needed a Meowskulls yesterday
i didnt know this guy existed. He's the 4" ones right? I have the fox, but don't have this guy, kinda want the axolotl too
For some reason hes not available on the US, i happened to find him on a mexican walmart like, in the very back of a dusty shelf, it was so strange, and yeah hes 4"
Also accessories kinda suck, those are some guns i had lying around
>Legendary dead series is now Hasbro's job and still died anyway
>4" still going strong
But...dead scale...
What's the series?
"Emote series" i believe the axolotol one is in that series too
Dead everything, its getting a little difficult to find the fortnite toys in general outside of bargain stores
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Another pic, I'm not great at posing and this guy is just so stiff
>this guy is just so stiff

This is why their Legendary series was good. Why did that line fail? Am i just blind that smaller toys sell to kids better?
god shipping on pre-orders when
i would buy the shit out of these if only they were bigger
>fat belly
>fat tail
>not fat thighs
i've never seen a dragon like that
those joints do not do it for me, but it's almost good. a kneecap would help a lot.

It looks like they are on BBTS (aside from the translucents). They made no mention of shipping costs so BBTS is the better route I'm guessing if you're just gonna get one or two?
Hopefully these stick around til clearance
I doubt that'll happen
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finally got these knuckleheads in the mail today
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bro fist!
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bro, fist!
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...now that's just ridiculous
pretty big boi
The sculpt on this thing looks so soft.
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It looks fine.
IT has a high gloss look, which is probably why you think it looks soft. Samurai armor has a lacquer finish, so that's accurate
the armor is not the issue
the bull itself looks soft, i agree with the other anon
I don't know the right words, but the tassels around the waist look good, the shoulder armor looks good, the torso armor is fairly soft (just compare it to the tassels) but the armor overall is ok. The belt, swords, look well detailed. But beyond those, the skin and fur, and the horn and hooves are incredibly lacking in detail. Just look at the lower leg fur and the fur on the feet especially.
Well, i don't get the complaint then, because it's obviously some hairless minotaur demon, because you really don't get to see those wrinkles on normal bulls that still have fur.
Even ox, who have a smoother coat, don't get that noticeably wrinkly.
I think it's because you're seeing similar, furrier, figures standing next to it.

I'm sure if you added some weathering on it, you'd find it better.
The glossy plastic isn't doing it any favors. So the armor, the padded clothing, and the skin all being shiny just makes it look samey, despite all of it being well detailed and appropriately textured
See that sharkguy in the last picture, who is actually sculpted pretty smooth and featureless, and how some weathering really helps in making it looked detailed.
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who will win, sharks or toads?
the toads would probably try to punch ripster's testicles and jab would headbutt one off the table
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Picked up a few things over the last week or so... Just today, I found the new Masterverse Mer-Man. This thing is a beautiful figure.
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Cartoon Collection Clawful (cute dragonny feller wins over the toy version crab-look for me). And Ollie's has MOUNTAINS of the owlbear for $10. And how do you say no to that thing for $10? Great figure. Wish it could look down more. But still great.
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The Sonic 3 movie figures are shockingly nice for the price. Great articulation that many places struggle to manage. And it's all pretty tight, very few issues.
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And for my Lizard collection, I picked up that Disney Junior set at Walmart. the Spidey will go into the bin never to be seen again... Or maybe I give it to a kid, who knows. I just wanted Lizard, Reptil ain't bad with his full-dino gear, and dino-ized villains of Electro and Rhino are cute enough.
You might as well buy a ton of those Owlbears as a good giant grunt for your other figures to fight
For ten bucks I'd buy enough to recreate the Doom box art
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Hoping they get the brown one too
Geez, I guess I need to get to Ollies.
... A scorpion cobra?
A bull orca?
Are they just ripping of Beast Wars fuzors?
What's next, a wolf eagle?
Damn, if I still had my income I'd get one of those guys. Extremely cute and well designed. Thanks for sharing anon.
> Why did the 6" Jazwares Fortnite line fail? Am i just blind that smaller toys sell to kids better?
It didn't fail. The license was given to Hasbro at the end of the Jazwares term. Epic gave the 6" license to Hasbro after Hasbro either offered a better deal/promised more revenue than Jazwares was delivering. We all know how Hasbro handled the line.

The the Jazwares 4" line died a slow death as more retailers cut back on Fortnite items. I think there were just too many companies making product in too many different sizes. Jazwares, Hasbro, McFarlane, Funko, all the other cheap crap, etc
Hasbro did a fantastic job with the Fortnite stuff, they made some of the best figures from the franchise.

The problem is the Fortnite fad started to die out by that point. While it's still a popular game, it's not *the* most talked about game anymore. Having "too much" on the shelves is only a bad thing when people stop wanting stuff from the series.
>Hasbro did a fantastic job with the Fortnite stuff, they made some of the best figures from the franchise.
They made few good ones and overpriced the rest. Hasbro got more greedy that time
The plastic free packaging didn't help them at all.

And they didn't make enough of the furries... God, I'm still mad we never got Polar, or a large figure of the fox, and now we have Wendell and so many others...
IT failed. Licensors have first rights to reup the license before the end of their term and Jazwares let the license lapse, hence Hasbro getting the rights next.
Or it could be Jazware's line sold so poorly that Epic stripped the license away... which also means it failed.
McFarlane also dropped the Fortnite collector license, because you don't renew a failed license.

Who knows why Hasbro thought it was a good idea to take up that license after two Fortnite toylines failed, but I'm sure someone regretted taking the license, cause their Fortnite toyline also died. Faster than McFarlane's and Jazware's too.
BBTS has an exclusive Mythic Legions dragon up for pre-order
"Stavos the Unwavering"
They did have them at my area store.
While I don't care for the scale, I own both the blue version and green Cosmic Legions version of this mold. He looks awesome, but he's fucking huge and (like all Mythic Legions figures) doesn't have the greatest range of motion despite what the images suggest.
... I'll still probably buy this one, too, just because big dragon man.
Just noticing the symbol on his tabard is two B's with one mirrored to face the other, a big T coming down the middle, and two tiny rectangles on top of each other and tilted at an angle that can be interpreted as an S. Clever.
All of it is true. The 6" Hasbro Fortnite figs were some of the best engineered and articulated figs on the market. But they were priced higher that the Jazwares ones that came right before, included way less accessories and fewer heads, and also had those fucking stupid closed boxes that pretty much guaranteed no kids were interested in buying them at retail.

Licensors have first rights to reup the license before the end of their term and Jazwares let the license lapse
This is not actually true all the time. Other companies can pitch an IP's parent company and promise they can do a better job and offer higher sales that what was currently on the market. This is likely what Hasbro provided to Epic Games and they probably informed Jazwares they weren't going to let them renew their license for 6". But yeah, really stupid fail on Hasbro's part to take over and offer less for more money. Especially since the market was flooded with Fortnite figures at that time. They had just had an epic fail with the Overwatch brand and they learned nothing from it lol
I've been trying not to get too many of the Ogre scale guys from Legions, but I too already have the other two dragons and I can't pass up on this one either. I do wish he had a new sword as I'm not fond of the idea of him having the same weapon as the blue Dragon dude, but I'm sure I have plenty of extra accessories I can make use of.

I was actually questioning what was so special about that emblem, but after you pointed it out I can't not see it anymore.

Hasbro probably got the Fortnite figures because they were doing so well with the Fortnite blasters. They even made that amazing boat, though I still can't figure out why that of all things got made.

While true, the Hasbro figures had less stuff, overall the quality of the figure itself was leagues above the Jazwares ones. The Jazwares guys could barely hold their gear properly and most of their accessories were bin fodder. Though I do feel like the Hasbro figures should've had more stuff, the figures themselves were amazing. I'll never not be amazed by the squishy shirt over torso joint build of Joules as that was something I'd never expect from Hasbro at the time.

The Overwatch stuff was doomed from the start though. Being a Blizzard property, there was no way their figures would end up good and it was always destined to end abruptly. It's just how licensed Blizzard products work.
dragon guy
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also more maxbird accessories
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Interesting sculpt so far. I need to see the full thing, but it looks decent so far.
I hope maestro does more "western" style figs like Crocker and Williams again soon. I know they are a Chinese company, but none of these overtly wuxia designs have really done anything for me.
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>I do wish he had a new sword as I'm not fond of the idea of him having the same weapon as the blue Dragon dude, but I'm sure I have plenty of extra accessories I can make use of.
He also comes with a small mace; technically it's the same one from the Cosmic Legions version, but that one had a longer handle and was more of a maul than a mace.
>This is not actually true all the time.
Bad faith contracts aren't popular for a reason, dude. It's admitting the property isn't popular or saying your company is untrustworthy so why even give them the property in the first place?
At worst, they get a single release/one year contract like you see Good Smile or Mezco do, where they make a single figure and it's done. Everyone is happy.
Movie contracts work the same way. They expect to have about a year's time to ride the hype train for shit like Tron, A-Team, or Lightyear and once it's forgotten about on streaming, the license is already done. The toy company and movie maker both made bank from the deal, leaving retailers holding onto unsold shit (obviously, this is a really bad look, but that's mainly the movie company's fault).

Long term licenses for popular series like Overwatch, Fortnite, or Halo are multi-year deals and they generally expect the property to last forever, hence giving the toy company exclusivity to reup the license before it expires. We've seen that happen with McFarlane and Hasbro, where they announce their renewable years ahead of time for DC and Marvel.
The only time we've seen the license expire without allowing the company to reup is Mattel and DC. They were obviously on "probation" after almost a decade of multiple lines dying on the shelves and new lines taking their place. So despite those licenses only lasting 4 or 5 years, Mattel was given a chance to reup and couldn't anymore the last time, hence the license bieng split up for McFarlane and Spinmasters. The DC brand was still wanted/popular, hence Mattel getting all the bad press and stock drama for losing the license.

Fortnite? Quiet death for Jazwares, despite also being a public company like MAttel. IT was also a quiet death with Hasbro. Just goes to show how unpopular the property actually was. It was obviously a money loser, so why would they reup it? Hand it over to Hasbro, while keeping the profitable 1:18 license
Maxbird makes some good gear.

I didn't realize he came with that mace, but I have enough of them I don't even count em lol.

>sure I have plenty of extra accessories I can make use of.

I said that literally in the same post you're quoting. I already have a nice big Battle Axe I plan to give to Berodach, and a more nordic looking bearded axe I might use for Regarionn, though his hammer is pretty cool.

They actually do have a decent variety of weapons for the Ogres, but they still only have one sword. I guess I woulda liked to see how Kalizirr's scales with these guys, though I feel the handle on that would be way too small.
>It was obviously a money loser, so why would they reup it? Hand it over to Hasbro, while keeping the profitable 1:18 license

It felt like toy collectors loved the figures more then Fortnite fans. It's a shame as despite never actually playing a game of fortnite, I did love a lot of their characters and wish they made more of em (any company really).

But yea, it was a main stream fad that faded over time, and Hasbro just happened to be the ones making the figures when that fade came. It's still impressive the game had *three* different but popular 6" toylines though, that's a rare occurrence as most games can't even get one good toyline.
ALSO, forgot to mention that Hasbro went in knowing it wasn't that big of a seller, hence the way higher prices on the Fortnite figures initially. It was like $40 for a simple Snake Eyes tie in figure that had less shit than the normal Classified release or even the limited edition figure that cost the same but also had twice as much shit as the normal release.

So there's no doubt Hasbro got the license at discount, since Jazwares showed how poorly Fortnite would sell (in 1/12 scale). They only started release cheaper figures later, after testing the water with the expensive figures. Lower volume = higher prices. And it was a short term license too. Jazware's had to continue releasing figures for the entire term, which was 3 years. Hasbro? Did it go beyond a year?

See how Jazwares is still making Halo figures (or at least showing them off at conventions) despite the line losing support for basically every big retailer since last year. They need to ride the license out to the end or face penalty fees, and this is found on every license (or at least big ones).
I wish they had wings
Wings are overrated.
hold up, something new just showed up on my radar...
thought she was a squirrel but now I see she's actually a wolf girl
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kinda want this to be an official figure
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Cute - I like her proportions and face much better than that Seductive Beast's Fruit gal that was recently released.
This reminds me of those little FF7 figures that were made to look like their original game overworld models. Same blocky charm, though those ones were actually being sold as merch.
I like them both. Its obvious that they are both made for 2 different markets, one for coomers, the other for just general audiences. I'd get them both if I ever got the chance. I'm kinda curious though what Lado Toys have in the works besides that wolf girl
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where would one obtain this?
saw it on twitter and people are also wondering where to get. I wanna know to

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i wanna know where this dog boy comes from.
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Agreed, I got both williams and while the kung fu guys are really really cool, don't get me wrong, I don't like them enough to get them (might get weng down the road though).
I just really love the werewolf look they got on william, love the shotgun, the axe, and knives.
Oh now were talking. Right amount of cute/sexy/cool. Love that we are finally getting some furry girl love.
I'm 100% getting shion but I do wish she had more faces. I'd gladly give up the ahegao face (fucking hate ahegao t b h) for a simple smiling face. The one in the pic there is fine, and I really like the angry one, but a happy face would be nice.
Yeah, I appreciate the options, especially since up until pretty fucking recently the there were 0 options for non-brand furry girls whatsoever
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Woflgirl Adventurer? I'm in.
He's from a line called Gashapon Quest, a line with far too many exclusives and limited release figures and sets. There's tons of releases and repaints and new heads on characters, but like 90% of the line is JP only online bullcrap or something.

Fun little figures, kinda fiddly and prone to falling apart, but as Gashapon figures, that's to be expected.
Was this up for order somewhere?
Its still up on Amiami
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any weeb-bait minotaur girl figures out there>
Right on, thanks.
Why haven't we gotten a line of Usagi figures yet? We've gotten Gen and Usagi back in the 03 line. With Neca barreling deep into the toon tmnt stuff I'd figure Usagi would be decent padding.
yea, just Neca and its all just Usagi so far. I would like them to bring in more characters from the comics too, especially Tomoe, Gen, Kitsune, jotaro and Jei. I think they will soon enough since they've been doing Archie comics stuff
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this guy is looking pretty good
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looks great with a bunch of soldier types
Oh wow, he's shipping already?
Wow, yeah, that looks good. I think the white version is still my fav.
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not sure, just grabbed these pics off of twitter. I thought they looked cool, especially when paired with soldiers

anpther thin I saw up for preorder on 5ktoys is more forge knight clothes, this time for the rhino guy from xesray studios
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damn gonna have to get him too, can't resist
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Hey that's pretty neat, don't love the facial hair on the rhino, but still.
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I guess this is the next Maestro Union figure
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okay after searching on their insta, I found they had linked to this site here for preorder:
never heard of this site before
had forgotten that a lot of toymakers show off stuff on insta
I'm still not sure why they haven't made a pair of wings that are compatible with this guy. This is the third time they've used this mold for a dragon character, and about the 5th or 6th time they've used the torso in particular - we know it has sockets on the back that they made a point of showing off back when Aracagorr was announced and explicitly said they were there so you could put wings on your dragon-man. Those sockets have since seen use for making multi-armed orcs, but the promised wings never materialized and none of their preexisting ones actually fit into the holes (I know, I've tried). This isn't like the Romankey & Cowl character - that's a Dragon born, while these guys are Dragonoids and technically SHOULD have wings (and Aracagorr in particular was stated to be a true dragon who was assuming his current form. He most definitely has wings in his real form, but we're never getting a toy of that because the scale of it would be massive).
Any good bear figures other than the fortnite guy?

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