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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.

Previously: >>11145292
posting is hard
>TT exclusive Super Starscream
>prices is from 80$ to 55 + 54$ shipping
>pulse will import some but only for US
Super Starscream?
We getting Armada Thundercracker?

Someone with better internet can repost pics. Nemesis RotB Prime also looks neat.
i'm glad it looks kinda shit
the red face makes him appear to have an undersized head, and the blue-gray parts not being silver like in the promo pics, while toy accurate, just don't look as nice
i'm sticking with my LG-EX
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Hope they fixed the weak joints.
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The t30 deluxe mold hads one of the best Starscream heads, but it is too small.
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>missassembly issues
oh no no no
also that red stripe should be angled and not vertical like it is
tf is wrong with this dudes face? he looks like a bored office worker
We had a streak of bad headsculpts on legacy since it began.
Guys is Legacy Lift Ticket any good? I really like Hiluxes but I kind of hate the shoulder wings
>Legacy Lift Ticket
he's nice enough but the transformation back to truck mode can be a bitch when it comes to folding up his forearms under the hood
you can just not fully transform his winglets and leave them like picrel
I've bought 1 transformer this year
why do you think hasbro are bringing GOD Warden back to restore the brand health?
he only has 1 trick though
>spooky ghost
Hes the best at what he does, bub.
Man, the TFwiki's lack of knowledge on Japanese shows is blatant on the anniversary video, so many mistakes with characters and ships.
I would unironically buy that.
Shame that it looks to be just a test shot.
someone convince me to splurge on this guy, he's on sale atm
If your cat got eaten and you need a replacement, why not?
I wouldn't. I bought the original one back when it came out in Tokyo, and it's an unfun mess with paint chipping and a transformation that encapsulates everything that is wrong with modern MP. If you don't plan on transforming it ever, go ahead, if not, I would suggest passing.
OP why did you yse this picture over any of the actual news from the last 24 hours?
Re: TM2 Megatron
>he sucks. Get the original
I wonder exactly how many copies of TM2 Megs are still on the shelf from this guy parroting “he sucks” every time someone mentions the figure. I wonder if he even ever touched the figure. Do not listen to this fag. Dragon Megatron is sick as fuck. He is wicked looking and all the ‘QC issues’ on him are user error by twinks who are physically unable to close his chest.
>One common complaint is his non-screen accuracy
and it’s a good thing. They blessed his ugly ass with an awesome update. His new head is metal as fuck
holy cope lmao
When is Dinoking going up for pre-order on Pulse for non-premium members?
I think preorders for us plebs go up an hour after stream (5EST)
Some peak just came out
read the last gen, yeah?
No some of us have lives and don’t catch every gen
>some of us have lives
>He sucks. Get the original.
Having owned the original, I can safely say the Legacy one is an improvement in all departments. The dragon mode looks better, the dragon neck/robot arm can actually be posed now, he actually has a robot chest and torso this time around, they ditched the dragster mode that was awkward on the original and never used on the show anyway, and he actually looks far more screen-accurate (sans the face, which can be replaced) than the old one ever did. The only downgrade is the lack of chrome, but that's understandable given we now know vac-metal chips horrendously over time.
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He’s awesome
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agreeing to this, but goddamn why didn't they release fucking cryotek?
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There was two full batches of TM2 Megatron. I am guessing that one batch was supposed to be Cryotek and they stopped it at the last second. Even if I was right that doesn’t answer why
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ah fuck it's gay indians joe first
I thought the Indiana Jones line was over since they did everyone.
this one is about joe biden
Maybe they'll announce him, Razorclaw, and Volvo Hero Prime today?
...Probably not, but one can hope, right?
NTA, but he's not talking about Indiana Jones.
>gay indians joe
>G.I. Joe
>dungeons and dragons
Do you remember The Last Knight movie? It's like that.
The Legacy TM2 Megs undoubtedly has its problems (like so much of Legacy) but the original toy is a mess too.
I'm schizo for cryotek like I'm caca for caca puffs.
>Do you remember The Last Knight movie?
No, it has evaporated from my brain as intended.
I wish
Yup that's dungeons and the dragons alright.
There might have been a dragon.
I don't mind the guy. He wasn't as bad as the Double Dealer dude.
to be fair, there's more than one person here hoping for a Cryotek repaint, myself being one of them.
Or the Bludgeon guy
Today will be the day! You'll see!
who gives a fuck about repaints
>GI Joe
I've got to ask, does anybody actually give a fuck? Any GI Joepedos here? Are you liking this? I'm certainly not one of the kids or nothin' but idk, I just can't get excited about GI Joe. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong. I hear it and Transformers are keeping Hasbro afloat right now.
Several people here, apparently. Maybe they don't appeal to you, but you don't speak for everyone else - there are some people who wait for a specific color of a mold rather than buying the first one to come out. Skipping Optimus Prime #254235 for Scourge, Starscream #6532 for Sunstorm, and so on. Not saying everyone does it, but it certainly does happen.
All I know about modern Joe is that they fund their HasLabs in like an hour
I liked the comic when I read it storytimed, but not really interested in buying toys of the humans. The vehicles seemed more interesting.
The only things I know about GI Joe are from the live action movies but those flopped so I don't know how the fuck this franchise is still alive
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>so called 40th anniversary tribute
>opens with a Cybertron character
>ends on Earthspark
Bros... HasTak has forgotten G1... it's over...
The motif to the opening was time.
You got your commander class Prime
Fuck off
>Skipping Starscream #6532 for Sunstorm
Poor bastards
>people on twitter are saying Transformers is mecha
Honestly no highmoon stuff stung for me those iterations of Cybertron are extremely influential
Like really you’re going to put micheal bay shit in there but no Omega Supreme vs Trypticon
>reposting from /co/ because /toy/ is easier to bait
post to me where this is said on /co/
Actually all they needed was a split second redraw of this and I would’ve been happy
Might have been /m/
Unlike most mecha series, Transformers focuses on the characters
This video is for JP, those games were never released in Japan.
But it is?
They got the toyline
Yeah headmasters has humans piloting robots it’s a mecha
High Moon games never released in Japan
Same reason there's no Rescue Bots
It technically is, though. 'Mecha' is just the term for media with giant robots. It doesn't specify that said robots have to be piloted, just that they have to be one of the show's main focuses.
This video shows off jp's Transformers anime, not toys.
The short exclusively referenced animation
Even with Sakamoto as supervisor there weren't any, like, niche toy-only references let alone comics or vidya
Yeah, I think at best you just had Tripticon looking more like the TR toy than actual cartoon version.
I did keep up with the Cobra and Destro skybound comics. I like them so far but mostly there for TFs.
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I like how they made Gigastrom like the original G1 version and Trypticon like the TR toy. Nice detail.
I had Gigastorm as a kid so I was really happy to see him. As a kid I didn't know he *was* Gigastorm (my dad bought Jap Transformers and to us he was just Typticon), but still that was very cool.

The whole animation short made me wish for a Justice League Unlimited style Transformers show. One that just follows all kinds of characters working together in all sorts of situations. Just bringing all of Transformers into one continuity.
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Recognized pretty much everything other than this giant dude.
Croaton from Cyberverse
Makes sense I didn't know who he was then. Cyberverse is probably the TF show I know less about, pretty much nothing, contrary to some others I still haven't watched but I recognize most of the characters like the japanese BW series and Superlink.
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It was fun.
cyberverse is Fine and gets better later after a weak start. The one I know the least about Earthspark
Ohhhh weird how they got animated and earth spark
Same here. Yeah Cyberverse, I wouldn't say it was weak at the start, I'd say it was straight up terrible to start. But over time it actually got to a point where I was enjoying it and the characters. Worst voice acting I've heard in Transformers period so far though. Thats including RoTB.
Starwarsfags getting some Ollies Exclusives figures right now lmao. For every Legacy Quake we get, those poor SW fans get like 20 uuuhhhhhh dagan geras or glup shittos
Animated and ES got dubbed for Japan, same for RID and Cyberverse.
>Worst voice acting I've heard in Transformers period so far though
How soon we forget Machinima
I forgot about that actually. I didn't even make it past Menasor's "THERE WILL BE MORE COMBIINERS!!!" in like the first episode.
Are the Autobots illegal aliens, or did they do the proper paperwork to live on Earth?
They are indigenous people.
Thing is, mecha doesn't even need to be piloted robots either, that's just some weird misconception here in the west. If nonpiloted robots didn't count as mecha than like half the Brave Series robots are out, and I think anyone who has even looked at Brave will be able to tell you how ridiculous that is. Giant Robo or Tetsujin-28 also wouldn't count as mecha, despite being formative works in the genre
Illegal aliens, bringing their conflict to our shores
But at least they aren't taking our jobs
They address this in g1
They are given refugee status in the US
Or eating the pets
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>Earthspark Bumblebee
Nice little figure. I like his design far more than the recent previous incarnations. I never read anyone mention a single thing about this guy so I think that can qualify him as underrated
>tfw waiting for the Transformers part of the stream
Or her?
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Are you insinuating that this is female Bumblebee?
>they aren't taking our jobs

>Mercenaty Combaticons
>Firetruck Primes and Protectobots
They're taking the jobs don't have the balls to apply for

Predacons sure do, just for the fun.
I don't watch Earthspark so it may be.
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>tfw had to cut his neck so he can look down
Hastak please make sure that everyone can look down. It makes a huge difference
Yeah with or without bullshit parameters it’s a mecha

Then you missed out on "We are NYAT the Decepticons!"
I think it's funny that the video starts with various time machines throughout the series and like half of them are from random G1 episodes
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It was cool to see a Battle Beast in the video. We are way past due for new ones. Pic rel is my stand-ins
Does Takara even own that anymore?
Were the monsterbot titanmasters the last battle beasts we got?
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This new Alpha Trion is actually a great little figure. Im not crazy about his face or weapons but otherwise a very fun toy. I cant say the same for mainline Orion Pax. He is actual garbage. Worst figure Ive got all year
I guess I should give it a try then.
I also haven't seen the Machinima series but I know enough about them to say I'm not going to touch those with a ten foot pole.

Wait, have you never seen the Japanese opening of Animated? It's full of things that never happen in the show but it's absolutely awesome.


JAM Project and Transformers, wish this was a more common thing.
starting that last wave off strong
Origin Bumblebee? cmon guys.
he's a rerelease of a barely available figure though
also comes with the jetpack that was previously an exclusive
0 for 4 on deluxes
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Ok, ‘garbage’ might have been harsh but he is extremely lacking in articulation and is very small. Hard to justify his existence when the Studio Series is on the same shelf. At least he dosent have pre-yellowed plastic i guess
Will hasbro ever make a new mold again, or is it just repaints from here on out?
>no minicon
wow this sucks dick.
minicons are confimred to be banned because the micromasters and battle masters sold like shit
>noooo why are they rereleaseing figures everybody complained about not being able to get?
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>all those people who said "no way they'd spend the entire presentation on repaints and repacks"
fuck me do they have ANYTHING actually new?
0 for 2 on voyagers
whyyy flesh toned face
Yay, Galaxy Shuttle. After I paid nearly twice his value to get him.
the news bored me. the cobra scorpion amused me.
0 for 2 on leaders, and they kept the stupid hands

Its the last wave of a line, they're always lazy there.
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We knew these were coming but it still hurts. Thanks Chris Cocks.
and its much better to fill out a line with rare repacks than highly demanded figures, considering retailers ALWAYS fuck up final waves
The last reveal is obviously 86 Megatank. Relax.
why is a popularity contest necessary
they literally have the mold from the two pack
>his articulation's a lot of fun
90 degree elbows
Because they used to be doing those.
I don't know those guys and I don't know their roles.
Why doesn't the fat guy move a small bit to pick up the offscreen figures since he's the closest one?
It's weird to see that guy on the far right running to the left all the time.
Oh my god this hall of fame shit is SO lame.
They really could have done this with a press release.
I wish bean counters weren't figure-blind like that.
Minicons fill a different niche from "stand on a base" micromasters
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Well, that was lame. Could've just not done the stream really.
Beachcomber with non-destructive tires and bird would have been great.
They better reveal Generations Prime or whatever the fuck it's called because this is comically terrible

Watch it be at NYCC.
Nate looks like a French Canadian
It would have given them more time to breathe on the stream, at least.
Are they seriously going to end on these already-revealed TFONE deluxes?
wow that jet looks like shit
Okay, that masked Sentinel is pretty awesome.

Very Jetfire-y.
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>thanks for beta-testing
Sentinel looks great. The Deluxe is awesome already so a voyager looks great too.

It looks like a UT toy???
The deluxe is already good on its own though. Sentinel is a big winner this movie toywise.
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But we have voyager class sentinel prime at home.
>we know you wanted a big reveal, but have nothing instead
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Age of extintion of the power of the Primes! Wow, so original!
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I honestly would have wanted the TR repainted as a stupid store exclusive.

Maybe YOU do.

>he says when he found a boxed Classic Jetfire four years ago and still haven't opened it
Nice, a built-in super/ attack mode.
Is that Sentimental Trump on disguise?
Dorito Popetimus Prime
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Most generic looking ahh logo, the Legacy logo had style.
For anyone that didn't watch the stream they confirm that Devastator is getting shown off next month, 10/27
holy shit that was awful. what were they thinking?
dont even bother next time
love the dedicated missile spam mode, very cool
checked. the weird similarity to Energon Megatron is fun. Sentinel just can't stop winning it seems
The resemblance is uncanny
This looks pretty cool. He is gonna be my Dia Atlas stand-in
Dinoking's up. Got mine.
Revenge of the Return
yeah and they confirmed it was gonna be here, too
Got mine too (for once. I usually miss these even with first dibs).
Also, finally got Cosmos.
yes. the TR with the animated/whatever continuity blue colors.
>Pulse site having trouble processing my order
Fuck me sideways. Everything is still showing as in-stock, too.
Anybody else buying Sentinel to use as a G1 Sentinel? We really don't have one worth a damn.

I have Dai Atlas as my Dai Atlas. The Legends figure is pretty good. If weird. But it's Dai Atlas, it's going to be weird.
After the official reveals of wave 4 of Legacy United and SS86 Optimus turned out to just be social media posts farted out without much pomp instead of dedicated fanstreams, I’m surprised they bothered having Transformers have much of a presence here beyond “it’s the 40th anniversary” and “go see TF One next Friday”.
I got the pre-order confirmation email but they aren't showing up on my Recent Orders page. Hope they didnt fuck me.
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That was so umbelievably lame. Lamer than my worst expectations. Theres a reason why Transformers was last. Yes I'm happy to get Galaxy Shuttle and Cosmos but why even tote them out and present them like they are something new? Then they spent like so much time on this utterly meaningless "transformers hall of fame" nonsense.

What the hell even was that? Then basically cockteasing us on Transformers Day and October 28th or whatever, why even HAVE a "pulsecon"? Pulsecon seemed like such a non-event to me before and now its even more (or less) so.
Pulsecon was for joeshit and it's the end of this Transformers line so they're filling it with rare, hard to get figure repacks. I don't see what's worth complaining about. It's not like they ever reveal shit we haven't already seen PrimeVsPrime review six weeks prior anyway

You get your chance at 5. Eastern.
>Armada Wheeljack doesn't come with his minicon

Holy shit that's grim
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>jokes about Energon
I hope that fuck will get sacked during next cost reduction
I don't keep up with this kinda thing usually. I only want Dinoking.

40 minutes. Gotcha.
the minicon they made is not going to fit into a deluxe pricepoint and hasbro execs banned them from retail according to the leakers due to poor sales of the micromasters
So we've now gone multiple waves without a single new mold. Do they just not have budget anymore?

And no, it won't be sold out, they put aside a separate batch of stock for non Premium members.
I'd pay more for them to just be packaged together. I wasn't expecting them to be together at the deluxe price point in the year of lord 2024
The real take away is that BMAC is no longer our problem going forward
Wings are a little rough, but holy fuck I was expecting this thing to be a complete disappointment/downgrade form the deluxe toy
He's the guy that made Energon Megatron. It is a meta-comment.
>they put aside a separate batch of stock for non Premium members.

No they don't.
Only Studio Series gets new molds, sorry CHUGchuds
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>no studio series 86 Megatron news
The only reason I watched this shitshow
I think its an issue with the credit card processer. I switched it to paypal and it went right through.
Yeah they do, in case it sells out for Premium members. Otherwise non-Premium guys would never get a chance.
somehow the silver forearms seem very wrong.
And why would they, thatmakes no sense. Doing so would undermine their pulse premium fomo gambit.
>shows up in wave 3
>wave is around June
>Now is September
You are not good at thinking.
You're a fucking saint.
Pot meet kettle. If they put up all their stock for the premium hour and it sells out, then non Premium guys are fucked. That would be unfair and they'd get complaints, which means bad PR. They probably do half the stock at 4, then other half at 5.
>AotP Primes are just usual guys wearing ceremonial masks.

>and it sells out,

Which it has. Death's Head sold out for Premium guys fast, then more were put up an hour later for everyone. I was there.
All the Junkions were pretty good but Towline and Road Pig made their way into my favorite figures box. Shows what a good deco does for a figure.
>they put aside a separate batch of stock for non Premium members.
They don't. Toxitron Grimlock and Filch come to mind as characters that were wiped out by Premium members without non-Premium members ever getting a chance at them, off the top of my head. There have been many others as well. That's kinda the point of Premium in the first place: In addition to the free shipping, you're paying to get first dibs on what they have in stock, because once it's gone, it's gone unless they do a restock later.
Sorry I don't really keep up with this stuff too much recently. Is the Tarn re-release not the same one in that Target 4 pack? And Galaxy Shuttle and Overcharge are just Astrotrain and Blitzwing from that 3 pack with Starscream?
if they were repaints of molds i like, that would be fine.
but we appear to be in a beast drought.

I mean if i'm wrong please correct me, i don't watch shit like this
oh hey that guy looks pretty cool.
jesus, stop shaving your temples. you don't have to grow payot, but just leave them a reasonable length. you're making your lower face look so much fatter than it has to.
at least when I did it as a kid, I had rockin long hair in back, attempted spikes in front, and had them shave a cool pattern in the temples. and i quit doing that after a few times.
>I just noticed the hollow guns on the wings
The tarn from the 4 pack is the cyberverse version of the character vs the one thats being released is from the idw comics.
i appreciate that too
also it looks like retracting fists are back on the menu. by gar it's been a while.
Tarn is based on the earlier release, so different colors and no sword compared to the three pack, but the same base mold. Galaxy Shuttle and Overcharge are based on the Astrotrain and Blitzwing as as well.
>Is the Tarn re-release not the same one in that Target 4 pack?
Nope, different Tarn. The one they rereleased is the original IDW character, while the one from the 4-pack was this guy from Cyberverse - who was one of an army of identical mooks that gained sentience.
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Apparently there's a rumor going around thex next Titan.....is this
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>Otherwise non-Premium guys would never get a chance.
That happens all the time on various lines on the site.
Not to be confused with another robot-centric toy franchise that involves godlike beings wearing ceremonial masks
>Death's Head sold out for Premium guys fast, then more were put up an hour later for everyone. I was there.
He was a fan channel figure. He was up on several sites and is on Amazon right now.
Persona isn't a toy franchise, silly.
They've truly lost it if so
Arise, Fatimus Prime
Pulse makes a note of saying "limited stock" when it comes to stocking exclusives of other retailers
Not saying you're wrong, Dinoking might be gone for the plebs, I just don't think we know enough about the back end of Pulse's operation to say definitively
I'm wondering if it works with legends
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Just need G2 Motormaster and Wildrider now.
...they WILL make Motormaster and Wildrider in their G2 colors, right?
You're missing the point. It's not about whether the characters are available elsewhere - the point being made is that when stuff on Pulse, specifically, sells out to Premium members first, that tends to be it. Non-Premium members are then forced to get their stuff from other venues unless the item in question was a Pulse exclusive, in which case they're screwed.
Everything but Dinoking will be available in other places in about 10 minutes, when Hasbro gives the go-ahead for non-Premium sales to open to the public.
>Just need G2 Motormaster and Wildrider now.
>...they WILL make Motormaster and Wildrider in their G2 colors, right?
yes but just wait and see what kind of retarded exclusives they are
>they WILL make Motormaster and Wildrider in their G2 colors, right?
Mark really implied we'd get the whole set but Hasbro done dumber than dropping a team at 3/5
G2 Motormaster sounds like the sort of thing that will be next year's Pulsecon exclusive.
>the shit eating grin under the faceplate
I guess he needs mouth access if he's going to uptake enough energon to maintain that physique.
this team has been decent about completing teams but with Warden coming back shit is going to get way worse.
>based dude that was in leaker server says it's possible
Titan class is dead, Tidal Wave was upscaled so he just could fit it.
They are retarded, we need new team.

Ah yes, Beer Gutimus Prine.

Thanks Hasbro, but…no thanks.
Dinoking live to the non premiums
How? Does he come with Omega?
>whyyy flesh toned face
It isn't flesh toned. It's bright red.
More real is Wing Saber 90 + 90 + ceo tax
Well, I got my Dinoking at least.
>The Ghost of IDW
the trim paint is bright red
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>Cosmos already sold out after 10 mins
At least I got Dinoking and Tarn and Wheeljack
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>When you fuck up your original releases so much, you get to advertise selling them again like it's a treat
It would help if their new site wasn't ass. I can't find anything.
I don't see why this wouldn't be a commander, with a Titan class Omega to combine with.

Then again they just released '86 Optimus as a commander, so they seem to be content with having each class be a higher budget version of the class below it rather than be based on size.
wait are we really up to four tarns now
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Someone mentioned that and i can see how
A commander energon prime with his trailer and drones so like 85-90 at best
Commander omega supreme with the budgets of 110-115 to be a head taller/wider than jetfire + able to combine with optimus
There you have your 200 bucks titan set
BBTS has him, a dollar more though
why did they re-release Tarn? Is there anyone who doesn't have that fucking mold? especially since they forced you to get it twice in two different two packs.
Technically it's two Tarns and two Bludgeons. But yes, four uses of the Tarn mold.
>All these repaints but no Cryotek
We just got Blitzwing's recolor you whiny bitch. Calm down.
but you pay less in shipping. especially if you pile of loot a whole bunch
>with a Titan class Omega to combine with.
Titan class Energon Spreem would be way too big to combine with Optimus, and it couldn't cheat like Titan Tidal Wave does to combine with Megatron.
Who cares about Blitzwing? That's probably the worst version of the guy we've had in years, especially after his TR incarnation.
it is a good mold and i'm very tempted to get at least three of them.
The first release of Tarn was kind of notorious to track down, so this is Hasbro aqueousing to year old demand.
Cosmos and Galaxy Shuttle are pretty solid choices for rerelease though
Just made my first non Haslab purchase on pulse for DinoKing
So minicon 5 pack when?
Actually, make that a 6 pack, Red Alert is coming next year.
Biggest news of the day is that boxes are getting their windows back
unironically. they tried to hype up the logo reveal for Age of The Primes and acted like it'd get people speculating but it's so basic there's fuckall to speculate about
The speculation begins at
>what do you guys think the minimum effort will be for the new line?
>how many of the Primes will be retools of each other?
It looks bland and focus grouped. The logo could've been surrounded but the primes various weapons or the 13 primes silhouette
Just got DNA Lab's Armada Prime upgrade kit in, the buttflap is my first time trying to remove a pin from a figure. Does it take this long to knock out a pin usually?
I wanted something. A concept draft, a silhouette, a simple mention.
You'll wait until April for a pipeline reveal png and you'll like it
Energon Optimus is a combiner technically and considering how Combiners in a box set cost almost as much as a Titan I can somewhat see the reasoning. Don't know what else they can do though to make him justifiably a Titan other than a size increase and give him all the bells and whistles as much as possible.
Most people aren't only-one-of-each-mold autists. If you bought one of the packs you still don't have Comics Universe Tarn which is the one everybody wanted.
Blitzwing isn't a Headmaster.
>muh plastic windows

dude who fucking cares? You don't keep the packaging on domestic toys do you?
Or a silhouette of the star saber, or the head of the forge of solus, or even something like half radiating light for Prima and the other half blacked out and on fire for the Fallen.

I wish the unicron trilogy logo would come back...
just joined the discussion today, eh?
the lack of a plastic window is causing toys' accessories or even heads to be just ripped out of the package, among other issues.

The 13 seem thought to just crank out. To be anything like lore friendly they should all be unique without much repaint possibility. We do get molds meant for one character only now and then, but man is it rare. Plus I expect Age to be a 3 year line like usual l, but it seems most of the 13 are already leaked for next year. The hell is year 3 going to be?
He doesn't have transplas fists either
>I'm an autist because I don't want the same toy 4 times.
neck yourself you faggot.
literally fake news. And most people don't buy shit in stores anyway since retail stores don't stock Transformers half the time.
>This year Deluxe wave cases are down to only six figures a case
>meaning this wave of four characters will have two short packed
>Cosmos and Breakdown are short packed.
Yeah I know it's the G2 and not the first one but this is getting old all the same.
No you're an autist for not understanding why non-autists want specific characters instead of getting hung up on rules about individual molds.

>gosh golly I really want that but oof I already own that mold so I can't!
this is retard brain in action
Powered up recolors?
G2 Breakdown being shortpacked after the other G2 Stunticons were hard to find is a clownshow, but I'm also not certain what the best outcome would be here because it kind of makes sense to shortpack a toy that's already been released, but Cosmos was rare the first time around so does it REALLY count as being already out there?
Different Primes? A new Nova Prime? Big Convoy at some point. Pack refreshes of the the primes to keep the market flooded so people have a chance to get them because they probably won't get figures again in a long time
Seems odd to change the case breakdown for wave 5 instead of doing it for AP. Are you sure that is the case?
>or even heads
Mohawk never stood a chance
it happened to me, and i bought it online.
beast alliance rhinox, his gatling gun was missing.
>go to gamestop.ca
>everything from today is listed at deluxe price
>except the two I wanted, Breakdown and Wheeljack, who at at leader price
Maybe I'll check back later when stuffed isn't goofy
Or maybe I'll pick up and flip some cheap Ramjets and and leaders, who knows

Cosmos already sold out btw
No you're a faggot because someone dares not have the same tastes as as so they just must be WRONG.

You could've just said people wanted the one specific Tarn but you had to act like a little shit so I hope you never get your fucking toy now.
I've seen several examples in the wild. Hell I found an SS BB Megatron missing his damn arm.
>autistic tard rage

The fact that you didn't grasp why somebody would want a toy of a character on your own is worthy of mockery. And I have Tarn (and every version of the mold, actually) but my brain works right so I have empathy for people who didn't get him.
Look I get the AIDS is rotting your brain and this is the only way you can get attention now, but I really don't give a shit about your opinion. You got enough (you)'s goodbye
Has anyone repainted cosmo into the nazi bell?
>skip Ugly Primal and Drag Queen Megatron
>40th anniversary video drops
>want them for the first time in my life
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Just make him bigger, make his drones do insane articulation, reduce his beer gut to what was seen in the animation, make him compatible with Superion and Bruticus and let a Takara engineer design the whole thing and my life is yours Hasbro.
give me the 5 sexiest transformers females that isn't ARCEE (I already own her)
lol who are you even talking about
oh hey it's the shattered glass liberty bell
>Dang its almost as if really cool cartoons sell toys really effectively
Something the entire industry not only knew but thrived upon for the entirety of the 80s and 90s then just collectively forgot
Uuuhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhh arcee
I don't know about you but cosmos getting the reissue is great, it's a character that SHOULDN'T be a fucking exclusive
I was writing up a list, then I saw you specifically said female so I threw it away
Get yourself a Blackarachnia or whatever
they didn't forget, they collectively decided that hard work isn't worth it, and it's better to deliberately shoot yourself in the foot if it means a better worst case scenario. lower risks, lower rewards. They see losing money as the default now, so they try to lose it as slowly as possible.
I could see him and Wingsaber as a titian. Assuming fatimus is a mid sized leader size, and Wingsaber is a small commander with the remaining budget going towards the prime force. Omega should just be his own titian, and should have a helmet that goes over Optimus's own armored head to make it scale right.
Prime arcee, G1 nightbird and blackarachnia
that's it
Thunderblast, Flamewar, Blackarachnia, Slipstream, Windblade EZ
Just realized 4/5 of those are Decepticons, dunno what that says about me
Decepticons are more interesting.
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Strongarm is best girl after Arcee
>No skywarp and thundercracker reissue
>but fucking ramjet gets it instead
>Overcharge has Decepticon symbols
God fucking damn it, they can't even get recolors right.
what gen of Strongarm
Thrust is the one I need. Dude was literally nonexistent outside select pockets of the US.
The second botcon Flamewar, Idw Firestar and tm2 Blackarachnea... maybe Thunderblast... that's about it canon wise... all the others are either too gookish or the designers actively tried to make them look like either men or potatoes.

I really want to see haslab otimus bootlegged in yellow, I really want to make a version of universe prime that actually looks female.
will we ever see a G1 soundwave ever again from hasbro
Amazingly, I went to Target cause I needed some things and the few 4 packs they had sitting there for months were all gone even though I just saw 2 of them a week ago. I grabbed the reissue Tarn earlier though.
There's probably going to be one in SS86.
Dude. There was *just* a G1 reissue and we're getting a Leader class rerelease right away.
Heck kind of question is that?
they literally reissued the WFC trilogy one with buzzaw
Like the original mold? Probably. Hes definitely getting an SS86 figure too though.
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you aren't weirded out by tm2 blackarachnia's nose and weird little power rangers muzzle mouth?
like original version aka classic
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i actually think her toy was better, since it comes off more like a Hawkgirl mask.
sorry blackarachnia scares me because of my fear of spiders
I have a fear of red trucks, but we must do with what we have.
>I have a fear of red trucks
t. megatron
That's part of the appeal, it's a fear boner.
If not BA than I'd like to nominate TMII Airazor, either the original or the goth repaint she got in Armada
Legends Slipstream, Legacy Evolution Javelin, most of the recent Blackarachnias are just about the only attractive fembot toys that aren't Arcee.
Honourable mention 1 to Mainline RotB Airazor, who is not attractively designed but is actually cute.
Honourable mention 2 to that boobleg APC Airachnid.
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Not Transmetal II just normal Transmetal. woopsies, got my wires crossed
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Brought a new cute fren with me today to work for moral support, almost done with the second job for today :p like I don’t want to go back in there I’m soooooo grossly sweaty :( and it’s sooooooo nice in the AC of my car lol
here's a question, do you feel that tigerhawk is a transmetal 2
workin 2 jobs to support your habit eh
sssorta, since he's in the same group as Dragon Megatron and Optimal Optimus, and those are considered TMII I think. Although personally they kinda feel like their own separate special group more than anything, especially with their little spark chamber cockpit thingies and the fact that they don't really properly follow the design principles of the other Transmetal 2s
If they are doing Sunstreaker and Arcee as Missing Link toys, you damn well know they will make a Soundwave
I honestly thought Soundwave would be the very next one given how popular he is and how dead simple it would be
But the designers have kinda gone on record saying Missing Link won't just be taking old toys and giving them joints, as Arcee indicates
How can a robot get fat.
How the fuck is she even able to transform.
At least with characters like bulkhead his body type makes sense with the vehicles he transforms into.
Minerva was also pretty hot
Too much oil and grease in their diet, duh.
Well mostly for all my bills/ expenses and all of my habits (like you have no idea how much good hair care and cosmetics cost lol) but the robots help make me smile :’}
She's an action master
Inaction master
I thought that was more over how some like Starscream's G1 toy needs a lot of reworking.
She can lift great weights, just takes a long time to waddle over. Which are where the vehicles come in to carry her massive body where it is needed.
hey i take care of (what's left of) my long luxurious hair and beard the same as any guy
So if you were bald, you could hone your telepathy and save money.
That’s something I never thought of, but like I like my blonde hair :( it’s cute tbf it’s dirty blonde
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Strika. Unfortunately for you, she's taken.
Why not just call it brown?
why not call strika brown???
It was a misquote.
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Please talk me out of AoE SS Grimlock. I'm getting old and remembering even the worst Bay movies too fondly. Doesn't help that I got these guys recently.

Yes Scorponok is from RoTB (and I.love all the designs, just hated the movie) but damnit Sideways just perfect, outside of loose ankles. What a little gremlin of a decepticon!
Get Grimlock he is fun
ah, got it
well see, blonde isn't just 'less melanin' exactly, it's a different melanin structure or composition. I haven't studied it too hard, but you can have 'dark blonde' that goes almost all the way to black. my dad's hair was that color. it lacks any of the rich redness of the hair we call brown, light and dark brown alike.
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>Please talk me out of AoE SS Grimlock
He's fun
get mpm blackout
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I really thought I'd mind Scorponok's alt mode mpre than I do. Somehow I'm not bothered by him using the same head in both modes.

Siddways' alt mode, while not being an Audi as it ought to be, is still really nice. He rolls really well, hes very small and compact, he looks fast. He needs a Decepticon insignia in that spot on the hood though. The lack of insignia anywhere on him is odd, actually.
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hey let's be fair, as bad as that movie was, the dinobots were awesome

unfortunately, the toys are not. Some of them are, but Grimlock hasn't been done properly once yet. there's an upgrade kit that helps, but basically... he gots no neck. and very little torso. He's scrunched up. and his legs make no fucking sense.
Had him, loved him, sold him, regret it, but needed the cash. Hes on my list to rebuy eventually, but I dont have space for Masterpiece right now. I barely have space for my burgeoning Live Action shelf as is.
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I just spent like 80 bucks today getting the purple put back in my hair
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oh i found an even better picture
look at this thing. they couldn't have improved on that a little? well in their defense they had to hide an entire duplicate head on him somewhere.
you fool! kool-aid is cheap and effective.
u gay?
purple hair is cool.

... as long as it's the whole head, not just one streak
anon it's not just one streak, right. and you haven't like, shaved part of it.
All Asian women get a purple streak. It is how they are identified among other ones.
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Blonde, medium length, and now with purple ends
S'been my look for like 3 years
Maybe 4
okay, a purple streak in BLACK hair is okay. it looks natural, like it's a highlight.
a purple streak in any other color looks faggy as fuck.
similarly, a blonde streak looks okay in red or light brown hair, but looks stupid in black hair, like you're super fake.
streaks are also better if symmetrical. but generally uniformity is better.
now back to your regularly scheduled /tfg/
oh tips, that's a different thing. that.. eh i'm not sure how i feel about tips.
just the tip
That mold is half a damn decade old and milked to the bone and Hasbro STILL couldn't go the extra mile. Hasbro is so goddamn pathetic. The only time that they do some interesting shit it's because Takara Tomy basically said "yeah ok but we're gonna do this too".

What the fuck ever. I don't care about their fucking excuses. Just hide the damn thing in the gigantic boxes they put these tiny fucking toys in. I'm sure the penny pinching braindead fuckheads they call management wouldn't even notice.
okay, if you can manage a gradient, that is cool. and it'd be really easy to maintain, since you'd just add a new higher layer as it grows out, and it would darken each one evenly.
i'm not sure i've ever seen more of a "This is in the middle of transforming" altmode ever.
Would be omega based if Hasbro didn't hamstring at every turn. It's going to be too big (lol), too hollow, and too shitty.
and they won't properly implement that brilliant idea of having the chest open up to cover the previous shoulders, so you can attach new shoulders out wider and not question it.
>I don’t want to go back in there I’m soooooo grossly sweaty
But it's the fall
God I wish this thing had the colors of the voyager.
Any word on when this guy is going up for preorder?
where the fuck are you having fall. i'm up in the polar north and there's no fall yet.
I do like the voyager colors. that mixture of silver and copper with black accents really works.
i want a reimagining of the dinobots that doesn't suck.
>Takara manages to outshine Hasbeen Pulse Con with some repaints and 2 prototypes
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Inbefore brakedown turns green
They seriously need to at least reissue siege skywarp. The scalping was so bad that netflix hotlink got inexplicably involved with the issue since it's the closest thing to skywarp's color scheme.
Yeah, I really want to like the Blitzwing mold but that jet mode is such an abortion. Pity because the colors on Overcharge aren't bad either. But that jet mode, yikes.
I remembered that you could find a couple of painted customs of siege thundercracker/starscream in skywarp's colors all around on ebay. Yeah that shit was pretty horrible
Probably the best movie studio series figure
this is just a shop right? it makes the plastic look really fucking cool. like fluorescent green and maybe thermoreactive purple
>this is just a shop right?
Yes, the orange highlights make it easy to identify.
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Missing Link Arcee's existence pretty much confirms that Hastak, or at least Takara, has the ability to resurrect any random unproduced prototype, no matter how unfinished or old. That means that my two biggest never-ever-evers have a slightly more than zero chance to actually exist one day, no matter how infinitely small
They always could do that. Just is a lack of interest in going forward.
i fucking love these bodies, they are amazing.
Who are those toys of? I'm not down enough on the deep history of HasTak.
Does not available for in-store pickup at Walmart work mean something isn't on shelf as well?
Sorry fren, but missing link is exclusively for giving g1 figures barely-above-deluxe posability for inflated prices
Literally Canada
i'm rewatching kids in the hall right now.
prototypes for a super early version of a show that would eventually become TFA
These are too based to ever exist.
That was before my time, I'm eating PB&J
Oh dang, that's pretty neat.
The designs are pretty refined and distinct, I hope at some point they get made for real.
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I just fucked with the color settings, but I guess I accidentally made a more exciting G2 Breakdown.

The new one is a bit on the bland side, might have to get toy hax to remedy that.
>Thanks for butter tasting.
The arms different?
prototypes since the 90s were 3D printed so yeah, as long as they didn't delete the CAD.
tippy toes
Fuck this is awful
What a joke
He lacks a buddy to form new shoes.
Google Lens lead me to tfwiki and confirms they were Hot Rod and Rhinox. Man, what a wild piece of history
Hover mode
Anyone watched the movie?
It was great and Sentinel was perfect
is it because he's the only white guy?
Not sure what you mean?
Some are easy, some are hard. That was one of the harder ones.
Showzstore has him.
yep. The original just has hands; Dinoking has more complex hands with wrist rotation.
Better yet, instead of wasting the money and plastic on the giant hulk hands for Overcharge again, pack in the minicon with him.
People get the minicon and they make Overcharge a more appealing sell.
No it was lame.
I mean, the first act was genuinely fun, I liked the race scene the most outta the film. But its a very shallow kids film with the third act really not living up to what it was setting up.

Sentinel is a very generic traitor scumbag you've seen in a thousand other cartoons, which's lame compared to Sentinel in TFA or Megatron Origin being just debatably a dickhead; heck, DotM Sentinel was more interesting than this guy.
Then the Quintessons weren't in this at all, their trailer shots were their only appearances - and Megatron's heel turn wasn't the tragedy they were marketing it as. I bought their friendship sure, but Megatron realizes he got lied to once and suddenly he's gonna murder all his friends and the entire planet bc his eyes are red now I guess. Also Bumblebee was a sociopath and didn't really come off as loveable at all, I'd be terrified of sharing a room with that dude.
Overall it was just eh, it felt much shorter than it actually was; the third act felt like it just wasn't complete.
Well that's just absolute BS my dude
Sentinel is exactly the same dickbag he was in TFA
>but Megatron realizes he got lied to once and suddenly he's gonna murder all his friends and the entire planet bc his eyes are red now I guess
how can you be such a brainlet, even in a kids movie
Idk, how can you?
Lit any other Sentinel wouldn't sell out the planet to alien squids just because he thought old dudes were boring, if anything they'd tighten their grip and turn Cybertron into a police-state/planet, because he's consistently very xenophobic yet patriotic. How old are you again?
Didn't they teased Quints for a second movie? We're getting whole trilogy.
>Lit any other Sentinel wouldn't sell out the planet to alien squids just because he thought old dudes were boring
You’re not supposed to be on your phone when watching something ADHD anon
Did they? Ech, that would track.
Okay, "siding with the Quints because they were winning in his eyes AND he thought the Primes were posturing/boring" is still nothing any Sentinel before would ever do, pedantic anon.
Hey, look... it's chill if you like the movie. I enjoyed the first act of it myself, I just think the ending dropped the ball. Don't get so defensive just because i disagree with you, it makes you look petty.
This guy is VASTLY improved with the upgrade kit. Still can't turn his head, but the neck and tail end up far better>>11154066
and he gats two functional hands in robot mode.
I am so glad I skipped the original Dinobots release and waited for this version.
What, so I’m not allowed to respond to your flawed assessment because reasons?
It really doesn’t sound like you watched the movie, it just sounds like you read the leak
I would buy it. Fucking hell Hasbro, there's a clear demand but you're stupid enough to think Minicons are the same as battlemasters and shit
Cute lil fella, I don't recognize him though and that's unusual for me
it's from Machine Robo Duel
>Machine Robo Duel (マシンロボデュエル) was a Machine Robo franchise from Japan that ran during 2019. The figures were part of Bandai's Mini Pla range of plastic model kits. It was the first mainstream use of the Machine Robo brand by Bandai since the name was removed from the Mugenbine range in 2008.
Huh, I'd never heard of these guys, I remember Mugenbine monstrosities getting posted here way back when though.
"Nuh-uh you're the stupid one!" Is certainly a response anon, but it's not one that gives credibility to your perspective. If I was totally inept, you'd actually be able to dismantle any criticisms, yet you clung to ad hominem from the start. Attacking others' characters isn't a good way to cope with poor media literacy, a good way is to read more and watch great films.
Megatron has always been a tank, Rumble has always been blue, Frenzy has always been red, Windblade and Barricade have always been in G1. Take your meds schizo
While I still like him a lot, why cast the panels on the sides of his legs in gold and the things connected to his thrusters in gray instead of blue? Also I hope there’s an upgrade kit for his wings
>Poor media literacy
Hey, I’m not the one who couldn’t understand why D-16 turned into Megatron or why sentinel sold out the primes
Why are you guys arguing over toddlerslop? Go watch ‘86 like an adult
I’ve seen it many times, great movie and I think you’ll like this if you liked 86
Very well, I will now pirate your film.
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>2017 Power of the Primes
>2025 Age of the Primes
>2032 War of the Primes
>2037 Fall of the age of the power of the Primes
It never ends
I went looking for one of the Dinobots at two stores yesterday and came away skunked. The first store had tons of TF:One stuff at 25% off, the second store had some SS bumblebees that caught my eye for a moment. I didn't pull the trigger because $25 for a scout is just a bridge too far for me no matter how good he looks to me. This hobby is getting too expensive, I'm glad I have a good collection because I don't expect to add to it as rapidly as I had in years past.
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>new age Megatron chug size with gunmode dropping
Gonna have to give it up, 3rd party does what Hasblows.
>Rumble has always been blue, Frenzy has always been red
>I never had g1 toys only watched the cartoon
>Megatron has always been a tank
If only. Tank beats gun.
If I was Mr. Hasbro I would keep swapping Rumble and Frenzy's names around every now and then intentionally just to keep fucking with people. Release a Frumble two-pack but don't actually clarify which is which
>Barricade have always been in G1.
Sorry Anon I forgot the average /toy/ user is too profoundly autistic to get obvious satire. No fucking shit Frenzy is blue and Rumble is red.
This guy gets it
The police car one, bonehead
Rumble's an underwhelming name, so I'd just use Frenzy for a bunch of different guys instead.
They pretty much did this recently, they released a Rumble (labeled Frenzy on the package) and a blue one labeled Frenzy (Blue) [which is redundant]
The only time anyone ever gave two shits about cassette boys was when the blue one turned his arms into piledrivers and made earthquakes in a cartoon, so I call him that name.
Rumble is pretty neat in the 2007 movie.
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>tfw i only got 1 haslab unicron instead of 4 to display mid-transformation
Do red Rumble truthers also swear Optimus Primal is actually Optimus Prime in a new body in the modern day? That's what the toys did, the cartoon made an error making it some unrelated guy.
The real Optimus Primal is a bat.
Primal has no meaning.
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>Thank you Transformers!
The one in the movie isn't red, so it isn't Frenzy.
Red Rumble is just an autistic fandom signifier to show you're "in on it" unlike the plebs. It's ironic that the same people who get mad at say, Optimus's thighs being the wrong color or Soundwave's eyes not being red will insist Frenzy is blue
That doesn't make sense. Red Rumble is a toy-accuracy thing, but Soundwave's eyes being red is a show-accuracy thing.
Give Soundwave "heterochromia" where his visor is red on one end and yellow the other, having a gradient between the two extremes.
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>I modified Sparin's Omega Supreme and came up with a final boss that combines Dragon Megatron and the Decepticon legendary space battleship Nemesis! I'll name it "Nemesis Formula Final Dragon Megatron" after the two colors!

This dude may not be the best, but I love his ideas.
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wow, feel free to stop posting
like, anytime
if we want to scroll X, we'd just go do that
Fun idea. He could have done something to make the train cab look more like a dragon's tail, though.
I accept your terms IF you accept mine: Bombshell is Cyclonus and Skywarp is Hizarmada
But that already is what happened in the movie. You don't need to have any terms unless you mean making the other Cyclonus actually named Hizarmada.
I'd only accept his terms if he'd provide you with a new body, and new troops to command.
You're on the wrong site, kid. This is an image board, and you're in a thread on a board dedicated specifically to toy photography. If you don't like it, you should just fuck back off to Reddit.
I wish they would put out a new Unicron. A smaller one for those of us who can't drop a car payment on it.
I always liked the idea that Rumble and Frenzy are the only ones who know which one is which, and keep pretending to be "the other one" to annoy their fellow 'cons. Not even Megatron can remember who's the red one and who's the blue one anymore.
Soundwave knows but he thinks it's hilarious so he's not telling.
>the cartoon made an error
It was a deliberate choice. Mainframe ditched Hasbro's original pitch of having it be a direct continuation of G1 in favor of doing their own thing with unrelated characters - no one on the team had actually seen G1 at the time, and they wanted creative liberty without bring shackled to an established setting with established characters they were unfamiliar with. Hell, it wasn't even until the Season 1 finale that they decided the show was set on prehistoric Earth instead of a genuinely alien planet, and that there was going to be time travel involved.
....and a new ship
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Is this something else that will be impossible to transform
that wasn't new. he had that lying around.
>more tooner trash
If I knew the price I'd be all over it. Not against having 86 Megs either. But I had gun Megatron as a kid and have always wanted a real update of him.
Meg's rage was built up through the entire film. It's wasn't just discontent, his entire worldview gets shattered, and is more than happy to bring all to hell in retribution. Plus, [spoiler]he didn't intend to shoot Orion, but at that point he saw it as a lost cause, and even before their fallout Megs was constantly annoyed by saving him all the time, even calling him out as only thinking for himself by dragging him to the surface[/spoiler]
ah shit spoiler tag doesn't work here, fuck me right
3rd party one was 200 dollars and is a pretty reasonable size instead of being fucking huge. I don't think they'll do a new one unless it's Missing Link because they don't want to piss off Haslab buyers
>Didn't want to preorder super ginrai until God Bombers reveal
>Now all the sites I use are out of stock

Welp, guess I won't own this God Ginrai.
Godbomber is cooler than Ginrai, order the boxset and use the prototype parts
HOT slop movie nah
It's eating shit as it should
Yea looks fucking great
Like ????

Wait till they drop an Optimus to go with it
jeep rhinox and girl hot rod? interesting.
Hot rod appeared in the show and he wasn't a girl
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this isn't a girl? with this bust and these narrow shoulders and wide hips? okay.
>appeared in the show
in what show? anon said this didn't air, and eventually the project turned into Animated.
He looks good and are those articulated fingers? Nice.
>It's eating shit
What are you talking about?
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His time will come
I just assumed that was meant to be more of a hyper-stylized speedy sorta bot look, like Transtech Cheetor, but it does work well as a fembot now that you mention it. Guess it might as well be, since there's literally no lore attached to those two anyways
It doesn't have to be as good as the Haslab one.

I actually wish I would've grabbed the retooled Armada one when it was out. That would've been fine but now it's too expensive.
[Also movie spoilers for ppl reading]
Sure, that's all true, but I dunno man I still feel like there was something lacking; like, for all of the times Orion was annoying Megs, he was simultaneously doing inarguably good things or making Megs happy, whatever he was doing he was making progress for everyone. I guess I didn't feel the film justified Megs' rage well enough, even if it did indeed show it building throughout the film - like, Megs' big argument was that he felt was happier when he was a clueless miner, and that uncovering the truth only made his life worse, his fight at the end was effectively just a breakdown/tantrum. It wasn't a clashing of differing philosophies, it just kinda made Megs seem immature while Orion was always unambiguously in the right.
>Kevin and Fred used to have a fort out in the woods
oh they definitely did some cousin exploring
I wish they'd make a figure based on TF4s Rally Fighter car
Megatronus is going to be a retool of ss86 Megatron
In general I could understand that, but won't those be too close to each other?
Did they scale him to ER Optimus thinking 86 would be the same height?
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Find it ironic that we have two animated movies about robots this month that are complete opposites of one another

>"Violence is bad"

>"Violence is cool. Also quips."
violence is fucking awesome
injury and death are what suck
Studio Series "Lockdowns retarded looking scrapper bots" when?
Saw the movie. They had over fifty designs that were really good. What the hell happened to the toy line? They released like 2.
Its just getting started, if the movie is a hit I'm sure they'll milk it. I hope, honestly. I worry about the Franchise given hasbros current state.
First and foremost they should probably stop putting money into anything Transformer related that isn't a normal transforming toy.
I wish we knew more about the guards Lockdown had. I'd like to see them done as a toy, give them Lockdowns space-mecha-hyenas as an alt mode. I guess those are called Steeljaw, bjt what are his guard-henchmen called? I can't even find a pic.
I am 100% with you on that. Statues, poseable figures, fuckin stop with that shit. Eother make ot a Transformer, even one of these dumbassed Maskformers, or don't wazte the plastic.

Idk if kids are buying some of the less fancy ones, but I'll tell you as a kid I'd call anything non-transforming gay, and now as a parent I wouldnt waste my money on a non-transforming transformer for my kids.
Aren't those produced by different companies so Hasbro gets license money for no work involved?
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This dude is half the movie, they didn’t have it in any of the walmarts or targets. Why does Hasbro fuck up everything.
>ACTUALLY wanting to CONSOOOM this turd
You deserve it. Holy fuck

$25 Retail + TAX for Budget line shit basically with entirely unpainted back
Okay I guess they are called "shadow raiders" and they DID get a Studio Series figure. Go figure, I had no clue this guy even existed!

Naturally he looks nothing like in the film.
SS is not maintaining accuracy?
I know, I'm shocked too!

But really like, most of the time theres like... an attempt. However small.
Just get the yolo park model kit he transformed twice for like six seconds

Also holy fuck that’s the best transformers movie by a country mile
Movie of the year
It's just a Lockdown parts pack, his masked head and the "gun" plugs into his arm to become his spark extractor.
personally i'd rather just have a "big enough to be good" version of every good movie design. scale be damned.
Same I care littke for scale. I do however require Transforming to be a thing.
For what it's worth, I have this guy and it's pretty cool. I don't know or really that much care how accurate it is because I don't remember thing one about that stupid movie.
but i wish they would get more creative with guys who have no altmode in the movies...
i can tolerate ravage's 're-entry' mode, it has flip-out wings, it feels pretty good. but the fallen.. just looks like a splayed out action figure
at least roll him up into a cuboid and call him a spaceship.
Yeah it's just DLC
And the car mode is just that lambo model's default colour
It made me come around on the idea of tankmegatron since this movies megatron was so dope
you found this little baby movie 'dope.'
is sentinel's alt mode accurate to the movie?
You'll never guess what Transformers is
Completely forgot the movie existed, never saw the toy, and don't care if it's accurate (because again, i don't even remember Lockdown having guards), but that dude looks cool.
you're right anon, there is nothing at all about the nu transformers media ANY different from how it's been in the past. not sure how I missed that. All the bragging the idiot creators are doing about how different it is, that's total nonsense right?
Oh, ok, thanks. Might consider it.
It's little baby cartoons all the way down, anon.
Except Beast Machines, which the fans irrationally hate for no good reason.
>Except Beast Machines, which the fans irrationally hate for no good reason.
Beast machines assesinated every single returning character, shit designs and shit toyline. the series could've good if it was its own thing but its a sequel for fucking beast wars
it really is fucking baffling that they deliberately swapped out the writing crew with one unfamiliar, 'to get a fresh start' ... but kept the cast and character names and a LITTLE of the continuity. Why the hell would you do that? I mean even if you think the old show was shit, why would you keep a small part of it?
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Honestly, we don't get a real good look at it
also it needs gold instead of yellow
Does the ban on realistic weapon altmodes include rocket launchers?
i mean they're not going to make a transformer whose altmode is 5 feet long, so I think that's a bit moot.
Transformers doesn't have scale.
did you miss the word 'realistic'
Megatron isn't the size of the model gun even in the MP. Just looks similar.
My heat was pounding for entire last hour it gave me that feeling of wonder you used to get leaving the movies as a kid I’m giddy playing with my figures right now
I really loved how megatron loses touch with reality minute by minute that character progression alone made the bay movie feel like 10 hours of wasted potential
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well clearly that disproves my entire point. If it's not the exact size of a walther p-38 then it's not remotely realistic because of its size, and obviously any depiction of a walther is banned oh wait
What's the point of a toy gun that can't even shoot? At least ones that turn into cars have functioning wheels.
Megatron should turn into a knife
I think Megatron tank is pretty well established now
He already carries a knife. Seems pointless.
Nah, the importance of being the main villain is that he can appear in many forms. Helicopter, dragon, jet, all can be reflections of him. Even "conventional" trucks and cars can be turned to his style.
>he already has a cannon, the tank is pointless!
>Starscream already has wings, the plane is pointless!
That's what you sound like
Yeah I enjoy how he can do whatever the fuck he wants but if you’re going to make a figure that’s a replication of how he appeared in the 1986 the transformers the movie he should turn into a gun
>but no realistic gun!!!
It’s not realistic it’s a gun for 16 foot tall robots that shoots purple lasers
that's quite possibly an even dumber argument than >>11155496 >>11155491 this gunsel.
>little baby movie
the movie was made for fans of the original that are now taking their kids to see this stuff.
Like, there's SO much G1 lore baked into it that has since been ignored by other properties, there's no way it's not intending on the original fans watching it.
I think as a vehicle he's better off as a tank
Beast megatron is a different character
That is true. Megatron fights better in robot mode where he has his fusion cannon than a much smaller mode that lacks mobility and just relies on regular energy beams.
uh huh
look i know squat about it, but I can tell from the look of it that it is baby garbage for babies. and from literally everything i have heard about it.
>they didn’t have it in any of the walmarts or targets
cause he's NOT OUT YET
He's wave 2
Buddy, buddy
There is no real gun that looks like this it’s proportions are so cartoony
Trust me, the trailer is not indicative of the movie, the trailer is terrible
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the real thing is more goldish than yellow
it's exactly what that gun looks like, again, not the point
you could make an L-shaped piece of mechanical greebles, and if you put a trigger on it, certain types would shit. a toy of a rocket launcher, on the other hand, is not capable of being large enough to be taken seriously -at all.- anyone who saw it would think at most it was a telescope or something. guns get as tiny as derringers, rocket launchers do not.
wait this is from that new movie?
well it has something good going for it then
Some cop shot a kid holding a Motormaster toy claiming it is a gun (which is a fucking truck), so the whole can be mistaken for a gun thing doesn't matter.
That's swindle mustard, not gold
It's unfortunate that he doesn't have the same wings in the movie and I wish the alt mode looked more like the other version of him
Wow you haven’t seen it? Talk about a stick in the mud it’s no earthspark or cyberverse it takes itself seriously really similar to the highmoon games cutscenes actually
especially once they discover the 13 primes
Welcome to the world of real guns, where the proportions are so cartoony.
I think it's more the reinforcement of "real guns are cool" to kids that a lot of toy companies tried to steer away from
Even though guns are in fact cool
It is a show about robots waging war. They should have as many guns as possible.
Sure, but holding a realistic gun is a little different
You’re smoking crack if you think those have the same proportions chances are you work for hasbro’s TF team decided on the tank and can’t cope with what a retarded decision you made
If you stripped off the spy magic accessories maybe.
the ban is purposefully vague, but establishes 2 things
1) that certain colors are all that's needed to establish that it's a toy gun.
"Coloration of the entire exterior surface of the device in white, bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, bright green, bright blue, bright pink, or bright purple, either singly or as the predominant color in combination with other colors in any pattern."
So if they made him white, with some red and black, it'd work.
2)They could JUST cast the plastic of his barrel tip on his back in bright orange. "A blaze orange (AMS STD 595A–17 color 12199) or orange color brighter than that specified by the AMS standard color number, marking permanently affixed to the exterior surface of the barrel, covering the circumference of the barrel from the muzzle end for a depth of at least 6 mm;"
Hasbro doesn't do it because they don't want moms that are hesitant to buy their kids a toy gun not buying Megatron.
The odds of a kid coming across an unmanned Tank they can get in and hurt someone with is a tiny fraction of the odds of them finding a gun.
Clips different handle is different barrel is different scope is different sights are different and proportions are hella far off
It has violent deaths, curse words, and existential crisises.
I wouldn't call it "for babies" but it's definitely meant for families to enjoy together.

Takara literally made an official "Man from Uncle Walther P-38" transforming robot toy, which became Megatron.
Are you implying that the on-screen version is different proportions, or are you saying megatron's gun mode isn't a real gun mode?
I really like how simple the conversion for the megaman arm blasters
It is both really. A copy of a copy of a modification of a copy.
well sure but that's not realy their issue
they're psychos and they need to be taken out.
Kids have more things like condoms and drugs to play with anyway.
how would I see it, it's a movie. even if it was out, I don't.. just go to a movie.. I sit at home. that's where my location is.
then why does it look so shitty and why all the other shit people said, about how it misses the point so badly it feels like the first 'transformers movie' made by Illumination or something.
Okay you don’t have an eye for detail so this is going to be difficult for you to understand but if you look at the width of the barrel compared to the trigger notice the animated barrel is much wider?
The real gun doesn’t look like that or if you like at the opening of the scope on the real gun it’s very large compared to the exit hole but in the illustration it’s the same diameter
if you look at the wide portion of the silencer there’s no ribbing or groves on it
if you look at the animation there are grooves
if you look at the wide portion of the silencer it’s not lined up with the thick portion of the barrel in the animation they line up
this is really obvious to anyone with eyes
Are you confusing "accurate reproduction" with "realistic proportions"?
Cause the law says "lookalikes" are banned, not just "exact replicas"
Because it is the style at the time.
>then why does it look so shitty and why all the other shit people said, about how it misses the point so badly it feels like the first 'transformers movie' made by Illumination or something
It *is* the first transformers movie made by illumination.

did you think this was a prequel to the live action movies?
Sixshot's gun mode isn't a lookalike and they still had to obscure it.
They really don’t look alike
>TFA chin
>DOTM helmet
>TR/DOTM chest
>Dirge's colors
>Jetstorm's alt mode
It's a mess
>TFA chin
wait what, shit. seriously? it's Illumination?

let me ask you something kind of important, did you.. LIKE the mario movie?
For some reason, he's mad that Sentinel Prime used Sentinel Primes as reference for the design.
what I meant was it feels like, had there never been a transformers movie before, someone handed 'make a transformers movie' to the people who brought you emoji movie
>they can't even transform yet! oh my god they have to overcome their personal problems! and society is holding them back!
It is made by Paramount.
No they didn't
that's why I said >>11155568
>Hasbro doesn't do it because they don't want moms that are hesitant to buy their kids a toy gun not buying Megatron.
Hasbro doesn't want to sell kids pistols for their transformers brand.
Nerf is okay, because no parent is buying nerf unless they know it's for kids to shoot at each other.
They don't want moms complaining about the ONE transformer toy on the shelf that turns into a gun.

It's a branding thing, for marketing, not because of the law.
Oh, right, sorry, I had a brain fart. I saw it weeks ago so I forgot.
>TFA chin
>they can't even transform yet

well, the few main characters, sure, but they're still in a world of transformers. The first act revolves around them interacting with actual transforming characters. Transforming isn't some new, strange thing to them as a concept. They just didn't know how it works (and the movie explains that)
>they have to overcome their personal problems
I don't think any of them DO overcome their personal problems. Elita 1 kinda.
>society is holding them back
Nope, literally not society at all, that's the whole plot of the movie.
Megs avoided conflict like a kid before he got his t cog
Prime was completely irresponsible until he got Megs and B captured
B was just a lol character for kids like usual
Paramount, now that makes way more sense. it feels like something they'd do.
okay look i didn't retain any of what i've been told about the story, i just remember my impression of it. and it wasn't good. They're still ugly.
>megs avoided conflict before he got his tcog
Uh, no, I think you missed the driving force there.
It wasn't that he got a tcog, it's that what he found out that changed him.
His personal issue wasn't resolved, it DEVELOPED mid-movie, and he never overcame it, that's literally why he becomes a bad guy.
>Prime was completely irresponsible
No he wasn't, what are you talking about, he demonstrates his responsibility over and over in the opening act.
You must mean something else.
It was essentially the polar opposite of earthspark.
So if you liked earthspark, yeah, you probably won't like this movie.
it sure looks like the exact 'let's do more' of earthspark. i do WANT to be wrong.
>Uh, no, I think you missed the driving force there.
It wasn't that he got a tcog, it's that what he found out that changed him.
yeah yeah just trying not to spoil too much for those with wandering eyes
I'm pretty sure the failure of earthspark and the HUGELY positive test screenings of TFOne is the reason Hasbro decided to pull the plug on Earthspark early.

Here's the biggest differences
1) no humans (obviously) but also no audience self insert. Bee isn't an audience self insert in this, he's a comedic foil meant to break the tension between the other characters (because the plot is extremely serious)
2) the characters have reasons to interact with each other. There's no factions yet, so the plot has to literally give them reasons to meet each other, and reasons that they have to spend time together, discovering things and then taking actions. And sometimes those actions mean they're not going the same direction, they butt heads, etc
3) failure MEANS failure. There's consequences. Even Optimus' positive traits inevitably come back to haunt him because he's not being realistic enough in his outlook. Even the overconfident elita has to come to terms with her failures, and stop trying to be in charge all the time because their side achieving their goals is more important than doing it her way.
4) Steve Buschemi is starscream and he's amazing at it.
>No he wasn't, what are you talking about, he demonstrates his responsibility over and over in the opening act.

Uh going into the records room was irresponsible going into the race was irresponsible getting his boss fired and risking his and his best friends life for jazz was irresponsible that time he tried to Transform without a t cog was irresponsible picking a fight with dark wing
He often just got lucky
>buscemi starscream
... i can't decide how i feel about that, but i am now intrigued.
Can somebody post the Swoop Shoulder mod?
I know it's a certain part you either remove or shave down and it let's the joint pull out more
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I hope he gets a toy, he's funnier than I thought plus he has a cool design.
It’s like 80 still here :( I wish it was fall, Timmy Hortons already came out with their pumpkin spice and I’m sooo ready for sweater season
Like this anon said >>11154587 the entire set was p cheap, like 20usd for the entire case of 12, each of them super cute with 1 evil demon deco and one heroic one :}}
this is from the movie?
why can't they all look this good
Human audience members need faces to understand emotions of characters.
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Only problem I had was we didn't really get a clear look at his alt mode
definitely an interesting take on him
they designed him from scratch, then asked Hasbro what decepticon jet he looked most like for the name
He looks like a mix-mash of his G1, G2, and IDW self, sorta, which is probably why hasbro suggested it
Or they just gave them a bunch of names and a few characters that have to have a certain look and others that can be free reign
well, the guy who gave them the Darkwing name didn't say anything about naming any others, and the only other characters named in the movie are spot on as their debut designs except 2 notable exceptions
Alpha Trion and Sentinel Prime, who for story reasons had to have been designed as those 2 characters specifically, cause no one else would fit.
>Timmy Hortons
But but that's in Canada
Ma'am the boiling point of water is 100
You’re arguing with actual retards who keep moving the goalposts after you slam dunked them. Zoomer know it all nogunz actually had no idea Megatron was based on a real firearm and are now namecalling and blabbering like idiots
Theres a guy who's a clone of darkwing called dreadwing that's gold and blue so I don't think so
When my cousin was little, my uncle bought her a dinky little kid-sized rifle. Its stock was blue plastic. I thought it was a toy at first, but was an actual gun, fired those tiny little bullets. I’m not arguing with you since you aren’t the one making the decisions, but the color should not be a factor in if a toy gun is considered realistic if there are real guns that look like toys. I also remember seeing some pink “for her” guns a few times.
>fired those tiny little bullets
.22L probably
Shill everyone knows 86 megatron is supposed to be a gun you’re defending a massive corporations choice to give you a worse product
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since we know for a fact that SS86 Megatron will be a tank no matter what, what tank do you want him to turn into? for me it's the KV-2
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Making Megatron a tank doesn't make it a worse product. Want to know what is a a shitty corporate practice? Charging commander class price for a voyager figure.
septic tank
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the Schwerer Gustav is a helluva thing, but a tank it is not. it's gotta at least have the same general form factor as a tank. maybe something like the Stug III
nta but if a product is supposed to be as accurate to a specific movie as possible and it's intentionally made inaccurate then yes, that makes it a worse product
Fuck a tank, a giant stationary gun fits Megatron better. Just like as a handgun, he's limited when in altmode, requiring assistance from his #2, and also like his handgun mode as a cannon he'd have huge destructive power. Didn't Shockwave turn into something similar back in Hearts of Steel or was that a gunboat?
okay I don't disagree, but we know for a fact that he's gonna be a tank. hence: what tank would you want him to be?
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I dunno then, something dumb and big, give it a secondary gun just because.
Panzer iv
Nivili novi, jtprime said that AoP Fallen is from Dreamwave.
>what tank would you want him to be?
NTA, but this baby. Just because.
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King Tiger seems appropriate given how it's A: enormous and B: an iconic "big scary tank".
That said if they fancy being based, the T-28 experimental super-heavy tank (more of a self-propelled gun really) would be awesome. Look at this thing!
Sureshot cancelled again.
Fucks sake Hasblow.
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>Had Micromaster Buckethead as a kid (none of the others from that combiner though)
>Years later find out she's a girl
A shame TAV Roadblock is IIRC expensive/rare, or I'd make a new head and chest for him to make digger tomboy.
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Enjoying T30 Sandstorm a lot. I wish the front tires were higher, though, seems like a bad idea to have such a low front end on a dune buggy.

You fell for retard bait
>>Years later find out she's a girl
That's stuff is all established retroactively
That mold was one of their best. I wish they would've done more with it.

They'll shit out 50 retools of Seige Megatron and leave other molds alone when they could get tons of characters out of them.
Who are these ugly as fuck SOBs supposed to be?
What about Armada Sureshock? I can't recall if the "she's a girl" confirmation came from the anime or later, it's been years since I saw the show.
What the fuck? Why?? Ugh.
She's always been female IIRC. She's even called Arcee in the original Japanese.
One of 'em's Skyhammer I think
Hasbro Pulse getting ready to ship those Straxuses
Yeah, mine will be tomorrow
and Skyhammer>>11156106
I read that the slot he was supposed to be is now taken by the Origins Bumblebee reissue
another Tarn retool
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>have collection of ‘Cybertronian Relics’
>it’s mostly just a bunch of different Matrixs
>one of them is a tiny green orb, no idea where it came from
>never could decide what it is
>Trigger video, Vector Prime has it
But wtf is it?
Chaos emerald
Just a random bead from an arts-and-crafts set. I have a little shiny gold ball that looks like a relic-y bauble in a TFs hands.
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I’m pretty sure you are right it’s a bead lol but it’s cool bc it has no hole in it. Looks like they forgot to drill it, or it’s some other rando thingy from Hobby Lobby or whatever. What I meant was what is the object in Vector Prime’s hand in the video?
Is it just a minicon? They were glowing green badges when inside the pokeball, I mean "hibernating"
The buttplug of Vector Sigma
Do you really think Hasbro is gonna be ok with making a modern gun Megatron now that the former President got shot again?
the entire wave is repaints and reissues
they weren't gonna roll ONE new guy out, you heard wrong
Expect them to cancel 86 Megatron because of Trump.
He is going to be a tank, we have known this for months before the Trump incident
No shit. That comment was meant to shit on the retards that still don’t know that.
Is there a general ranking of the Masterpiece figs?
It's a G-stone
there's multiple layers of pelletry in guns, from 'can seriously hurt you holy shit' to 'straight-up toy, would not even hurt your eye'
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corporations want guns. the government doesn't
if we're talking cool tanks..
the statement 'it's going to be a tank' comes from liars and idiots. anything is still on the table, especially something that really, really looks like a tank.
>where are the wheels, or treads..

what tank was the movie Bludgeon toy again? it was like some old japanese tank that was used in vietnam I think?
retractable shocks would have been neat
they look great to me. even the vehicle modes are interesting for once.
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>Optimus Primal when he collects all the chaos emeralds
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Kek, reminds me of this. This would make for a sick Micromaster combiner trio, now that I look at it.
There's not been any indication that we're getting an Armada Megatron Megazarak repaint, right? I don't really feel like I need more than one of a mold, and if there's never going to be such a thing I'll probably grab Galvatron, maybe.
funny thing about trying to shit on people
sometimes you get shit on you
that is fucking hilarious. soviet engineering at its finest.
Why aren't landships a thing in real life? People should try to make war more fun
Just make him a rifle.
Similar transformation scheme, but they can add a bit more color to the alt mode, and it'll be too small for a kid to hold like a gun, theyd have to hold it like a wand.
Too long, can't turn good, a broadside knocks over the landship, etc. They look cool though, if we're talking impractical vehicles of war I want an aircraft carrier supertank, just a fuckhuge forest-crushing monstrosity that houses and launches a whole squadron whenever it wants.
That would be kino
exobably because war is no longer a thing where legitimate governments fight each other, since they have too much to lose. It's a thing where third world shitholes steal weapons and use them in ways that wouldn't win a battle, let alone a war, but manage to cow us into submission because they're scary and attacking civilians and are fucking impossible to track down afterward. Basically we're not two stags ramming antlers anymore, we're a stag getting lyme disease from a tick.
Land is boring. There need to be more ship ships.
Power of the Primes Jazz
Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis version?
Movie Swindle, Intelligence stat of 1.
I didn't know Trump was a DC character
what crisis?
Everyone is.
Best I can do atm. Broadside should be able to do this, it'd be cool.
Don't worry, you will also get adapted into a movie.
unironically, Rodimus Prime, from a narrative perspective.
>both sides have a changeover of leadership at the same time
>new leader of Red Team fails to work out, despite being experienced
>newcomer ends up surprising everyone with how well he does, then beats the other side, and becomes the leader
>even when he's in charge, everyone's constantly comparing him to his predecessors, especially his opponent's leadership
>loses leadership position when a plague spreads all over
I mean... it's a little *too* on the nose, as long as you're not talking about actual personality or positions.
If we're just talking personality, wreck gar 100%
>Retarded audience members need faces to understand emotions of characters.
but... that's literally grandus
Shut up and don't mention things that go against the agenda.
Isn't Hot Rod's whole thing that he is a turbo-revving young punk?
Grandus next Titan class when
Titan Class Primus when?
The reissue bombed, so at least 10 years from now.
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Season 3 Galvatron. Both are literally batshit insane
that reminds me of something....
yeah, but that's why I said the narrative, not personalities.
Narrative is boring.
I haven't put my Metroplex into base mode for like 5 years, fuck
I want a new Metroplex already
how the fuck did this get 6 replies. fuck you.
Ban AI Sloppers
this is AI? it's pretty good aside from the jet fucking tokyo drifting
OK COmradeKamal supporter
>now he's gonna reply and say nuh uh that's you!
too tired.
We got u bro
that aircraft carrier + tank gif reminded me in Scramble City when Metroplex first rolled out. Kinda makes me wonder "where the fuck does Magnus move this guy around to? just the American wasteland areas? Better not take him to the highly forested areas or he'll kill all the forests
Megatron and Optimus evolve like Pokémon throughout the movie their final forms looked pretty fantastic
well I didn't give Bumblebee movie a try so it'd be kinda silly to watch this. but maybe.
>well I didn't give Bumblebee movie a try
You should, it's the best of the live action ones by a mile, though I suppose that's not the highest praise. I liked Shatter, it's nice when the Decepticons are people and not slobber monsters.
I think that's why Autobot City was off in the southwestern desert region, wasn't Metroplex supposed to be at the core of that? Idk why he didn't stand up during the invasion, I guess he was sleeping.
did you like rise of the beasts by any chance
Pictured: the southwestern desert regions.
I don't know why I'm remembering it more sandy/brown, maybe I'm thinking of where the Ark crashed
boy that is really just all the climates kinda kludged together
is it possible you're thinking of the Axalon? they crashed in "Easy to Render Desert"
there's a very specific plot reason why they evolve like they do, WHEN they do.
It's a pretty fun way to explain why characters might look different over time
>You should, it's the best of the live action ones by a mile
is it really live action when the entire thing is all CGI?
huh. that's actually kind of cool.
what's not cool is you guys turning 180 like this, I need you to give me consistent, unified opinions, damn you
Bumblebee isn't, that's got actors and sets.
Possibly, all of BW seemed to take place in the generic desert
in five faces of darkness, for some inexplicable reason, it's in the middle of a desert.
Maybe the battle at Autobot city deforested the surrounding region and crashed the local ecology, dessertifying it? Or maybe the people making the show in the late 80s were high on excellent cocaine and didn't care about continuity.
considering the very next time it was back at the normal forested location...
your second option
Titan Class Animated Omega Supreme when?
>It'll just be an Ark retool
It's glossed over in the final movie but earlier drafts emphasize Megatron's plan to destroy Autobot City is because it's where the Autobots are getting their supplies of Energon. The panning shot in the final film is the only thing to even allude to this, with how it has numerous windmills and a hydroelectric dam.
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A very red haul from the comic store today.

Death Garrygun didn't have any accessories and I'm not sure they actually knew what he was, but he'll be a good companion for Star Convoy until I can eventually get an original Sky Garry.
I was always annoyed they didn't give us more core guys to go with the combiners. After the first four, five, teams they kinda just dropped it
Keep on glidin'
Near Chattanooga, TN, apparently.
>The pop-up commentary on the 20th Anniversary DVD of The Transformers: The Movie claims that Autobot City is located near Chattanooga, Tennessee.
reddin it up real nice. i like these guys.
No, I'm mad that 3+ good designs were combined into one shitty one.

Isn't he G2 Dreadwing though?
His name isn't Dreadwing and his partner isn't called Smokescreen so no.
I think I still have my cherry garry stored somewhere, I remember getting the sonokong release clearanced for like 30 on bbts.
The scene where D-17 discovers not only did sentinel Prime kill the original 13 primes, not only is he a false Prime but, he took the t-cog of megatronus which shatters D’s reality so hard he betrays Orion takes Sentinel and rips him in half, takes megatronus’s t-cog for himself and, declares himself megatron was really good spoilers btw
Miserable little boy
D-16 is a great character. The Quints read as the Jews and both Black and White people can see themselves in D-16. He truly is the great unifier.

All Hail Megatron.
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After Titan Class Gamer Edition WfC Trypticon.
Dude we got Planet X the hasbro would be worse
That reminds me, Titan Metroplex came out along with FoC but the figure looks nothing like the one in the game. Why?
Uh hey man probably don’t use your e-mail as your name here lots of weirdos on this site
Oh god is Philip graves your actual name? People get their personal documents revealed here it’s called doxxing be careful
I now have 4 party wallops to be each turtle + a separate for custom metalhead
do I just store the extra weapons and bits from the turtles in a bag?
or just try to keep it on the figure
even though higher risk of losing shit?
y'know i remember when you could just have an email address listed on your website
sure it'd get some spam,it'd go to the spam folder, but it wasn't considered private. it's your business card.
give each one five of each, placed all over it
The /toy/ board is absolute one of the most chill and you’re most likely find but if you posted say a dicey political opinion on the political board with your e-mail shown that would’ve been trouble
It was a joke for a different thread and I forgot to remove it lol
the storage spaces are designated for each weapon they're not 5mm pegholes. as funny as them carrying 4-5 of the same weapon.
well then yeah just put them in a bucket. honestly they are awful weapons.
>Titan Metroplex came out along with FoC
You're misremembering, or are from a country that didn't get FOC at the same time as everyone else.
They were a year apart.
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Best use of the mold
v2 canon on v3 body, not even scratched con logo on chest. And I still chugged him down in preorder.
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He’s not perfect, but he looks a lot better without the Jhiaxus shin wires.
Sure, but I don't want to spend 25-30 dollars on two bits of shin plastic
Wish there was an option to buy the sticker set without them
you know what? this picture makes Megs look a lot better, the legs aren't as long. It's like that whole situation with Legacy Galvatron all over again
>It's like that whole situation with Legacy Galvatron all over again
My god I remember that. What a giant nothing
Almost makes me want him. Almost. I think if I had any attachment to the character I'd definitely fold. I am really bothered though by the fact that Hasbro left hinges for Jhiaxus' leg wings on him. Does this kit correct that?
This picture makes him almost look ok.
Bad face and flat looking grey panels, they really need to fix how they do greys
I like the face and don't mind the grey, but his altmode is garbage and he just doesnt look right without a decepticon insignia on him. Still not gonna get'im though, I have no interest in TFO.
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can't wait to buy this hench fuck when he's on clearance in a few months. isn't there another stream or something with more reveals? I feel like I remember them saying something like that
Tomorrow, 17th is Transformers day now. Apparently.
Yeah I think we will sooner get good one in SS.
On walmart 3zero hosts it so at best they will show g1 reissues and their expensive stuff for TF One.
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cassette bros, we have an alternative to buying
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Titans Return Sentinel Prime was literally Trump satire in IDW
oh Hasbro are fucking idiots for that
Huh that saves me 60 bucks
Bombshell has been impossible to find for me.
I hate how they decided to go for the wrong cannon design so much, the triple barreled one is a thousand times cooler
I had to import mine from fucking Japan
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What are you boys talking about?
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I had to do the same a couple times, including Swoop and Scarr
Strongarm as people pretended she looked like in the source material.
uhm, miss officer strongarm, ma'am, I think that some of the other boys itt were talking about s-stealing those casettes! also I think I saw one of them behind the gym smoking reefer...
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Legacy Slipstream's colors seem to change with each photo taken.
>tfw have the opportunity to buy Studio Series Sludge / Fallen sealed cases for $20 each
>you have to buy an entire pallet
>he has 2 full pallets worth
I’m not gonna do it but I am quite certain there is a ton of meat on the bone, especially holding those Sludges for a year or two. I really gotta step my game up so I can afford deals like this
So how many are in a pallet?
legs go ALL the way up.
why does he have a short-nosed face like the Hulk except with big kissy lips
The one question I didn’t ask, didn’t bother bc Im not gonna do the deal. It’s a bunch. It’s a stack like 4 wide and 3 deep and 5 feet tall. Where the fuck would I store them besides renting a storage unit. Yuck. I think the real takeaway from this story is there is still a fuckload of some figures floating around in the liquidation market
what doesn't change is it barely looks like slipstream
That looks a bit better
>Nig energy
Nevermind, I see what is up. Needs to be picked up instead of shipped to you.
>Vector Prime
>In studio series
In terms of toys both blackarachnia and legacy Javelin fit the bill
Well, GONZO is a studio...
Closest figure to Obama?
Mine cane with a deformed face :(
ROTF deluxe Skids
Not before they remake every G1 character so ask again in 10 years
Nova Prime because he calls himself Nemesis Prime even though he ain't black
New thread?
At least dump images to hit limit first before you make one.
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oh hey, you're back
calm your tits. take some tit-calming pills. see where it says up here?
SS86 Springer and Swoop are starting to appear at my local Targets. Man it's good to have another Transformers movie in theaters. Means stores get dedicated displays and a boost in stock.
I've been noticing this. I've even been seeing good stock at Meijers.
It's the 40th anniversary of the first episodes airdate
Are those two cool as toys?
I just ordered Magmatron the other day and was wondering if anybody here bought a 3rd party blade replacement? The stock sword seems pretty terrible and I'm wondering what the best replacement option would be.
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forgot the image.
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I went with the gap-filler kit that also came with an extension for the sword (so you plug the sword into it, and then plug that into the hilt). the same sellers also have one huge blade if that's what you prefer.
Iguanas is a solid core class but Skullgrin has a lackluster robot mode and a bafflingly bad alt mode.
I'm not too concerned with gap fillers but I'd really like a solid plastic sword instead of the rubbery one that comes with the toy. Did the set you got come with a replacement blade too or do they expect you to use the stock blade with the extension piece?
Its so funny to me that they just named the Sky Garry redeco so close to the original.
you have the option. you can get the gap fillers, the fully embiggened blade, or both.

inb4 gofag has a meltdown and makes another thread because it doesn't abide by his precious rules no one except him cares about
I even told them in the opening post they could keep posting images here until it's the limit
Yeah they are fun and you can get them for cheap. Skullgrins transformation is fun and "flippable" hilariously enough for an alt mpde thst is pretty much nothing. Iguanas is kind of like, what you see is what you get. I liked him, but he wont surprise you. Skullgrins robot mode looks really cool and between his back guns and sword guns you habe a lot of options for how to arm him.
>gofag has a meltdown and makes another thread because it doesn't abide by his precious rules no one except him cares about
Anon, that's the opposite of goanon
that's because that's goanon obviously.
he's not even good at gaslighting.
Well I did have a thread waiting for the correct time, but I guess that's not happening now. unless the mods decide to actually do their jobs.
No no, I'm not doing the goanon bit anymore. See >>11157852.
it's kind of baffling that not one of us has a mod friend, but then i realized mods have no friends
Why on earth would a mod delete a new thread that's following the rules
Skullgrin is genuinely awful.
making a new thread when the old one is still up and nowhere near image limit, which will still be up days from now, qualifies as spamming
what's hilarious is, when I made a thread and goanon also made one, mine got deleted twice as often. back when they still gave a shit. I guess after the sixth or seventh time he ban-evaded, they gave up.
Well, Suzuki had a really well known truck called Suzuki Carry, so Garry became the trademark friendly word for a hauling vehicle
That's not what spamming is
Spamming is repeatedly posting the same thing over and over
oh like what you did when you spammed like eight transformers threads at once.
>gofag is seething and pretending he can enforce spamming when he blatantly spams images just to force the thread to the image limit so he can rush to post his thread
The mods can see IP
They know I've only posted 1 new thread in at least 6 months
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I didn't even make the new thread. Chill out, I'm not doing that shit anymore. It got old and I've got more important stuff to worry about, notably a wife and son. You guys have suffered enough.
I long suspected you posted here.
Now I know
I've been here for years, yeah. Sorry about the multi-year autistic shitpost crusade, BTW. It was a bad joke that got out of hand. I'd like to apologize for the whole thing, you guys are still the best place to talk Transformers even if the bar is kinda low.
oh well that makes the past completely irrelevant then
wait you're serious
... fuck. gotta be the bigger man and forgive

good job inspiring another to follow after you, though. passed the title on, I guess.
it's probably that fuckpatient from the tmnt threads
Maybe the real GoAnon was the friends we made along the way!
Make them restock the exclusives online.
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C'mon man, I said I was sorry. No need to be a dick about it.
it's cause they think you are me, and still at it.
cause they're dumb
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Iguanus is very fun, a slight downgrade from the masterpiece that is known to friends and foes as Bomb-Burst, but it would especially be fun to have them together. You only have a few choices for motorcycles and a tiny one is pretty fun. You could precariously balance them together for a mega-mode if you'd like.
Iguanus is way better than Bomb Burst, BB doesn’t peg together in alt mode and is floppy
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Well I guess they're gay now

>arm pegs
The arms are solid enough that they're not going to fall apart at a single touch, unless the ballpegs are somehow loose, the legs peg in fine. The axe thing is a bit floppy and sort of rotates on a hinge somehow, but you can pretend it's his cannon in altmode or just chuck it in a drawer. The only actual complaint I'd have is that pegging his wings to his back stresses out the sockets quite a bit, but otherwise he's solid
>it's been almost 40 years of the franchise and we still have no liquid figures
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Fucking hell, what is with these flat top pins?!
Bent the cheap watchmakers vice pin trying to remove them from Kingdom Rattrap.
Am I going to have to heat it with my soldering equipment or something?
Dude, assuming you're being honest, why do you expect a simple apology to just smooth things over? You spent years intentionally disrupting the general while also attempting to deceive and gaslight everyone concerning your behavior. Why would anyone believe your apology is genuine when you were being the exact opposite for so long? This is like trying to burn down someone's house, attempting to convince them it was always on fire, and then expecting them to treat you with warmth and kindness simply because you said sorry afterward. You're not going to get forgiveness that easily from anyone unless they're Jesus Christ himself.
>Am I going to have to heat it with my soldering equipment or something?
baffling that they went that direction, but I suspect it's because it reduced errors in assembly
I'm sorry I'm just hearing Scott McNeil's voice making all kinds of complaints
anyway I have no idea what you're talking about or doing... or why you have to do it.
>You spent years intentionally disrupting the general while also attempting to deceive and gaslight everyone
Dude, like 4 of us from that era still post here. Life has real shit going on, being mad at a rando on the internet for their posting habits on a toy forum is a waste of effort.
>Comparing shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving imageboard to burning someone's house down
Anon, I think you might have priority issues.
if you refuse a simple apology, you don't get a better one
you get fewer simple apologies going forward
and Yeshua asked us to be like him, so.. i'm forgivin' this dude. at least in theory. I mean none of us know who anyone is or who's behind any post.
Fuck. I may have to find if I can get a super-fine TS-100 tip.
I've got a bit of modification to do to remove two of the blind hole pins for the back panels, I'll have to dredge up my pin vice I think.

Honestly, I got the premium Takara one, and have wanted to do a custom. Breaking the spare Kingdom one down and repainting it sounds like a fun project.
I suppose it'd be pretty hard to do a full custom without taking him apart. lots of crevices in there.
whatchu painting him into? packrat? some kind of OC? maybe a spooky red-eyed black rat called Plaguebiter or something?
Oh wait are you the dude who's making him Arcee? Mous.. Mousee. That doesn't work.
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Yep, I'm that idiot who's going to arcee-ify a Rattrap.
Turns out the Core Arcee head is the right size, so I'm moving ahead with it.
size is one thing, does it have the same socket? or are you just gonna improvise if it's not quite right.
either way i love this.
but when I look at >>11158044 it looks to me like you've already disassembled enough to paint each part, let it dry, bend the joint, paint the newly exposed part, move it back, see what scraped off from movement, etc.. until it's finished. Not pretty, but these aint model kits after all. I guess the tough part would be getting protective clearcoating inside every joint... but if most of the potentially exposed gray is inside her torso, you won't even see it.
I'm going to have to make a neck depending on how I go since the Core Arcee head is on a standard balljoint.
I have all the gunpla parts (well, 30MM parts) necessary to do it if I can actually get the Rattrap robot head free.
if you're making a new neck from scratch, then nothing's stopping you from sawing rattrap's neck right off, right? or did I misunderstand.
at that point just give her a dick
You're right on that, there's nothing really stopping me getting to it with a hobby saw for a clean cut.
It mostly comes down to my philosophy when it comes to projects, where I like to take as few irreversible steps as possible... because I'm very error-prone.
man I hear that. I have a dremel and i got good saw blades for it but i am way too chicken to use them til my hands stop shaking at least.
>You spent years intentionally disrupting the general
no one disrupted the general except you being assblasted and spamming the catalog with multiple threads.
typical germ, blaming the immune system. "the body wouldn't be feeling anything right now if you just let me do whatever i want. all this fever? that's on you"
>he didn't saw him in One
1:1 Cybertron design
Where was VS in TFOne?
Primes scenes, when Orion get v3 form you can see his form is 1:1 Cybertron bot form.
Are you talking about Primus?
Anon, there is a scene in the movie where we see all the primes with Alpha Trion and then there is another one where Optimus gets Matrix and we see all of them as force ghosts.
That's cool
There is a lot of references in it
I'll definitely be going through it when it releases for home viewing
Man, they're going to milk this movie for years. They'll shove fucking everything in studio series.
I wonder if they'll do a nemesis prime redeco of armada optimus with just the core robot

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