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Previous thread: >>11134713

>Movie Tatsu (Wal-Mart exclusive) out now
>Archie figures on shelves (mostly Target): Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, TMNT 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
>Mirage figures on shelves: IDW Foot Elite Assassin, Triceraton gladiator, Karai in Shredder armor, Rat King
>Last Ronin figures on shelves: Battle Damaged Ronin, Donatello (flashback), Michelangelo (Flashback)
>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: Ultimate Slash, Vacation Bebop and Rocksteady
>Donnie's Lab sewer diorama shipping out
>TMNTxUniversal Monsters black and white 4-pack up for pre-order & in store at Target

>Tales of the TMNT replacing Mutant Mayhem on the pegs. First few waves being found (newest figures being high school Mikey, Raph, Turbo Cammy, Crabapult)
>Pizza Thrower and Toilet Taxi repro being found at Target
>Retro carded rereleases in store: Rat King, Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Slash,
>Retro movie Foot Ninja, movie Super Shredder
>Remastered TMNT at Wal-Mart
>Single pack Mirage TMNT (from Stranger Things 2-packs) being found at Wal-Mart

>Turtles of Grayskull wave 4 and 5 hitting Wal-Mart
>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe Leatherhead (Wal-Mart exclusive) on shelves.

>Ultimates wave 7 -finally- shipping soon
>SDCC exclusives for non-attendees shipping

>Mezco Casey Jones shipping
>Rage Toys Not Bebop up for order on 5Ktoys
>JoyToy 1/18th TMNT & Rocksteady & Bebop up for pre-order
>Heatboys Year of the Dragon Golden Turtle Raphael up on BBTS for order
>Mondo vinyl TMNT still up for pre-order. Turtles are everywhere, Mondo Gecko & Ray Filet are Mondo site exclusives.
>Transformers x TMNT Party Wallop (Turtle Van) in stores

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/

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RIP to Peter Renaday
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Some shots of the upcoming Turtles of Grayskull wave
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Neca Last Ronin Synja Commando and Mousers set. Best Buy has this up for preorder.
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>shell is just openly a removable shield
it's so weird how these make no sense in tmnt but make TOTAL sense in eternia
What makes no sense is that the shell can't plug into their back without the armor on and that's why I haven't bought any of the Turtles.
the armor comes off?
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Yeah they're Origins figures, the body parts are modular and the armor is interchangeable. Unless you're the first Donnie figure and they glue the helmet to your head for no good reason either, which is also why I didn't buy them. But at least the new one fixed that.
fascinating... kinda tempting.
'mirin those gains
>raph decided to become a battletoad
So, are they doing any more remastered toys? Or just the four boys?
They showed a pickle Shredder and pickle Rocksteady too.
Oooh, sweet.
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Amazon Exclusive Technodrome comes out Monday, although there is no estimated delivery date. I want it
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I actually found a ToG April at a Wal-Mart. I like her a lot more than I liked the Teela, I can't tell if the body is the same or not, but this is a good figure. The wings and her hammer/camera/wtfever does make her heavy and her ankles can't handle all that weight so she ends up falling forward. Also her hands deform holding the handle of the hammer, soooo that can become a loose grip pretty fast.

But regardless, she's a very nice looking figure. Well done again Mattel.
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You lucky bastard,
you lucky, lucky bastard!

Still seeing if I can find one.
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Pixel Dan has a vid up talking about getting some pieces together for the TMNT book he's doing:
The wiki disambig page for Slash has a "Comic Heroes Slash" toy listed for 2024.

May I ask what that is?
Can you heat and pop off her legs with CC Teela's. I want to seee if she looks good with bare legs.
Its sad this is the best way to see a callback to vintage toy April.
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Origins figure let you swap figures out at the waist, so that's an easy one.
Or wait, you said CC, the Cartoon Collection one? Her I don't have. Uh...but there anyway.
you can ask, but i sure don't know
april skipped leg-tanning day. it's okay she still looks good.
i meant pop out the legs from the hips using the boild and pop method and put it on the april waist and her boots.
Isn't the reissue going to be smaller than the original?
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Yes, the listing said it was smaller. Also all the pictures of it showed it was smaller. Also people that got it early showed it was smaller.
>STOP! I'm from the future. come with me if you want to live
>but I don't-
>Come with me if you don't want to be a worm clone
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New one in the center.
and on the far left? i forget, was that a single-seater vehicle mini-technodrome they made?
Technodrome Mk 2. Was in that "Planet of the Turtloids" primetime special.
that sucker aired in primetime?
yeesh, "Out of the Past" this aint.
That’s a cute Casey head
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Pretty Gud bootlegs
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i don't think Don's purple has EVER been that dark, outside of like, fruit snacks
Yours look a lot darker than my copy that or it's the lighting.
Still not sure why Neca refuses to reissue these or just make new ones that are much similar these are still the best ones they've ever made.
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Agree, its almost black
they have said they lost the molds
It’s certainly not the bright ass purple neca used for the first movie turtles either
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t'was a lot brighter in the Paige Turco movies, but it was still a medium-light purple. the toy got it right.
it was kind of fascinating being a kid back then, turtle merch EVERYWHERE, quality all over the place. cheapo limited-color shit all the time, you never knew what mask colors you were gonna get. and they definitely did not pick contrasting enough colors for the low quality VHS of the comin out of their shells tour.
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Fuck, now I'm bummed out. But you saved me $80 so thanks. I'm going to get a vintage one off ebay instead
The purple they used was right, so...
man, the... 2012 series? sure went off the rails with rat king
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It's a Bst Axn IDW Slash. It was in a leaked list awhile back. It's a deluxe figure so it will be in scale with the IDW Turtles Bst Axn has done.
is he a sea turtle? i feel like we've never really explored those in the tmnt
Snapping turtle
feh, not even close.
Anyone see that custom April O'Neil with clothes by rebel10customs? The proportion and clothes look perfect but it uses the NECA head which doesn't do much for me, her hair looks like melting chocolate, the face is really cute though.
You sound autistic
Found april at target and did it myself. I migh have to grab a CC teela on sale to keep her like this.
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At Target? They still carry this line? All of mine have given up outside of their exclusives.
They just restocked this weekend in my area. Also found sports turtles. The og sketch are starting to pile up along with pizza throwers and toilet taxi.
How so?
Are Cammy and Crabapult out yet?
from what I saw it's 3 in a case; 1 raph, 1 mike, and 1 mutant and it varies what one is in there, we got two crabapults and no cammy, tried ordering and they cancelled after two days, we got em about a month ago but no restock, probably be drowning in them by the holidays
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cool, rather deal with Amazon than target and Walmart
I've seen Cammy at several Walmarts, no crab though.
i bought the set of the shell storage toys and man
they just have two molds and re-used them for donnie and mikey, are these like actual re-issues of 80's toys?
they're self-bootlegs, since they don't have the old molds anymore. and they always cut corners
that said, that kind of mold-sharing got more common over time. by the mid 90s it was like "Fuckit one mold for all four"
yeah they definitely feel odd, you can tell they printed the packaging off a low res googled pic
and the weird animal weapons they have are like a bootleg, leo having a rat, raph a blowfish and mikey and donnie using a slingshot
Some of them are missing accessories notably Mikey's "Silly sickle" and Leonardo's climbing hook.
i think the donnie i have has the climbing hook, even on the box illustration
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Dimension X-Mas Vacation box set, Wal-Mart exclusive.
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>Wal-Mart exclusive.
Why do they keep giving them exclusives when they’ve proven time and time again they can’t handle it? Target at least tries.
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>Why do they keep giving them exclusives
Got Bellybomb in the mail today, his tongue actually moves.
are these soft-plastic articulated mouths?
the best part of that is if that starts to wear out and crack someday, now you just have a "the real actual props how they look today" action figure
how can walmart possibly offer them more money than they would make from stores that ACTUALLY PUT PRODUCTS ON SHELVES AND ONLINE TO BUY ?
and why and how would walmart do that, when again, they aren't making sales.
No, they're just jointed mouths.

It's Wal-Mart, the money they offer both in paying for the exclusivity and the exposure of reaching a TON more people makes it worth it to them. They're obviously making sales.
so there's a seam? I don't see one
you mean there's a joint underneath, but there's flexible plastic on top of it? Because that's what I meant.
>They're obviously making sales
you're gonna be pissing vinegar in a week when they go bankrupt. their self-reported success means nothing, they're liars. and those kinds of lies come before bankruptcy every single week.
Eh, that's a c-note saved. Make with the "What if" yellow jumpsuit Judith April & arcade cabinet, already.
God damn, you really just went full retard with that post.
so you... haven't heard a dozen examples of companies like this just lying. and swearing they're doing fine, while doing idiotic, money-wasting things, and then in a week their tune changes and they're fucked.
The same parent company Weinershaker owns propped up the corpse of Hastings and the bottom fell out shortly after so anything can happen
I'll make sure to laugh at you some more in a week's time for you making such a stupid post.
'in a week' isn't literal, ya boob.
exactly. happens all the time. only a retard would think I was trying to say I'm definitely right about this specific thing, but some people are too autistic to understand "this is a thing going on a lot, so it is probably happening now" as a concept.
Only a retard would sit and think a company is doing poorly just because...of what exactly? What was your stupid reasoning? Because they have Wal-Mart exclusives? You are a fucking bonehead.
Are these just the movie turtles if you take the Christmas stuff off?
Basically, but they have human shoes on, so no turtle feet.
>t-they’re going out of b-business guys! I d-don't have any proof and th-there's no evidence to back up the claim, a-and it doesn't ma-m-make sense at all, b-but it happens! It h-happens!!!!
different heads. very different.
not the point, you fixating autist
the point is there's no way in hell Walmart is making money by doing bullshit like 'bribing companies for exclusivity (and then never selling those items)'
You get stupider with every post you make.
it's basic fucking math
look, let X represent the amount of money neca would make on selling the item to every store, everywhere
In order to get exclusivity, walmart has to BEAT that amount of money in sales. Otherwise Neca is leaving money on the table, and no business is that stupid.
Now, having spent more than X, in order to turn a profit, Walmart has to sell -even more- than that. Which isn't possible even with a 100% market share, and is even less possible when, and I don't want to put too fine a point on this, ~the items are not on shelves and not on their website~
>company has done hundreds upon hundreds of Walmart exclusives
>keeps selling
>keeps making money
>Walmart keeps wanting more

I think they'll be just fine. Maybe you should...stop attempting to project doom and gloom on things you don't understand.
>leaving money on the table
Oh! He said the thing! He said the thing! Lol. Gonna send this one to Toy Anxiety for their Sad Comments...
>Shartmart scalper exclusive
Not even gonna bother.
>in a week
I think it will happen in two more weeks. It's always two more weeks until nothing ever happens unless it does happen and then it's happening.
But yeah, companies cook their books and go bust without warning all the time. Not that I think it will happen with Shartmart. They save money in other places, like employee wages, which allows them to bribe companies that are desperate to get their product "on Walmart's shelf" to "make their brand more visible" and all that nonsense.
You're just as delusional, talking about shit you know literally nothing about.
Nothing I said is untrue.
you listen to your teachers, don't you
So you have a major misunderstanding of how any of that works.
There is nothing as hilarious as liberals whining that low-paid people are using up too much of the public assistance money, so they should get paid more. so they can contribute to public assistance for others instead.
>so they can contribute to public assistance for others instead
yes, thats how it works.
I'm not a liberal, and any further discussion along these lines should probably be on /pol/ instead.
not you, anon. the goobers writing the article you linked.
Hasn't worked yet, but keep trying. I'm sure 36th time's the charm.
Ok, cool. I could have got a Fox News version of the article instead. I was just using it as proof that Walmart is well known to have low wages, which combined with their profit margins, is a good indicator that dangling money in front of Randulf isn't going to send them out of business.
I should have picked a more politically neutral source that just presented the information without commentary. Like I said, I have my opinions on the subject, but this isn't the place.
God damn, you really have no idea what you're talking about
I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, because all you are saying is "you don't know what you are talking about" without elaborating any further, so I don't even know what part of my posts you disagree with.
I am convinced you are a bot.
Not a bot, just seeing you flounder as you post a bunch of bullshit about Walmart with complete misunderstanding about how they're run.
you know that's the same thing...
anyway dude i wasn't arguing with you, i was making fun of the 'world hunger organization' (just live where there is water, jeez)
If you had a rebuttal worth anything, you would have posted it by now. You don't, so you just keep repeating your preprogrammed response.
I'm sorry reality doesn't match with the bullshit you've been spouting.
Your argument is solid, and you have reputable sources.
Appreciate you still posting total bullshit.
Anyone get their technodrome yet? I ended up cancelling mine but people were saying it’s supposed to ship today?
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looks like heads from Musical Mutagen Tour and limbs from SOTO movie turtles maybe? pads look like SOTO. but the camel toe shell is new
weird that they got the skin color wrong though
They didn't get it wrong, they can't do 1:1 recreations. These are legally not the Christmas video turtles.
a lot of times they seem to try to like, 'normalize' weird colored props.. the movie III turtles are not totally accurate, they made them more compatible with the other movie figs, knowing full well we would just swap the heads.
it's amazing that legal dodge works, but super7 still had that trouble with playmates for a while. which is evidently over, but disrupted them so hard we're still feeling it.
No official, no buy. I’m not buying bootleg product.
Nobody cares what you have to say.
please stop replying
Chrimbus Turtle 4-pack is in stock: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Milan-1/5371482908

Last Ronin Accessory Set was in stock earlier today, it's Target, so it may come back in, so here's the link: https://www.target.com/p/neca-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-the-last-ronin-accessory-set/-/A-92466691
>Wal-Mart exclusive
>Sold and shipped by NECA
I guess it’s to be expected, but damn that’s rough. Especially considering we pretty much own these figures already outside of the accessories.
explains why they're actually available
The Turtle Tour pack is around the same price still on the aftermarket, so really pick your poison. Kind of glad I waited, I get the default version of these monstrosities as well as in the christmas crap I saw as a kid.
Origins Battletoads.
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Can you smooth out the remastered figures with sandpaper or something? Or what are the odds they re-release them without the pores? Interested in getting them but the pores are really bothering kek
I guess you could, but that is going to take more work than it is worth.
Considering its playmates there’s a pretty damn low chance they’ll bother to change shit. They might fix the Leo/Don heads when they inevitably rerelease them but actually changing the molds? Nah. And fixing it yourself by sanding? No way, they’re too deep, you’d have to take off a ton of the plastic.
I feel like the first wave was just a waste of shelf space at this point.
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Brian did it… he did it
Wave 7 is shipping now
This has the potential to be one of their best waves if they pulled it off, excited to get guerrilla gorilla
just buy the super7s, you can probably get them for like 20 bucks each at this point.
and now, the wait for discounts
even if his hands look shrimpy, i can't wait for triceraton. that toy was my JAM as a kid.
Wow he did...what? Get product people paid for years ago to them finally? That isn't something to be proud of. Super7's cockups are only harming them more.
bravo brian
I mean, he would've been taken to court and shut down if he didn't.
reckon they wouldn't do that, they'd just force him to pay back the preorders.
how long has this wave been? 2 years?
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Just over, these starting preorder in March 2022
My Christmas Horrors TMNT shipped, woo.
Some people will buy anything
looks like you're ahead of the curve as usual, thanks for the heads up!
You da real guy in the know. I like that lairdman island manhole cover too
It's more fun watching you whinge about it, like the stupid little monkey you are.
It’s okay to admit you got scooped by eslanon
Why didn't you? Because you're just a troll? Is that the reason? Seems to be the reason.
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Posting images so it can get some visibility.
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Comes with the sewer lid, a sketchpad with some eastman style heads on it, pencils (and a nice new hand for the pencils), and last but certainly least our own toy version of necanon
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Closer shot of the sketchpad.
Last but not least, you're a sad, pathetic troll.
oh hey it's my dad in the early 80s
huh i don't remember this-
>cameo was cut
aw. did peter get a cut one too?
It wasn't cut, he's still in the movie it's just a background shot now.
Red Sky Seasons when?
Do your fucking job next time, then.
Kill yourself next time
it does seem bizarre they haven't done that yet
is it an actual flexible trash bag or is it a sculpted prop? it looks great either way.
Kinda hard to tell, it looks like a thin flexible material but that could just be a good sculpt and paint
I did my job. I got my easily manipulated monkey (you) to post the images.
it is not well liked, its really not surprising
will probably be some of the last stuff they attempt with the cartoon line
'we wish you a turtle christmas' isn't exactly on people's chrimbus wishlists.
Arms should be thinner and more noodle like
You should get some therapy
What the fuck is going on with those elbows? Why is the forearm twice the length of the upper arm?
>What the fuck is going on with those elbows?
It's a single joint.

>Why is the forearm twice the length of the upper arm?
It isn't.
So was Eastman actually anywhere in the finished movie or was he completely cut from it?
You can still faintly see him but you really have to be looking for him. He's in the scene where the turtles chase the Foot out of the sewer into the streets, the part where Mike is making a bunch of bad shell puns and Don's critiquing them.
Wow that’s hard to see. Why was most of the cameo cut?
probably same reason the pretty excellent if slightly cheesy gag ending was removed
Between this and the throne, they’re really reaching for new movie stuff. I guess we just got Tatsu, or at least if you were lucky, but I’d like to see some stuff that was actually in the movie or not just in it in the background.
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Todd did a better job
No idea, I don't even know what the scene would've been
It probably wasn't like an entire scene or anything, if you watch the background you can see him stop his garbage truck and get out, so I think it probably would've just been a shot of him watching all this nonsense happening while he's trying to do his job
yeah though i'm reaching for whom else i would want.
>Chief Sterns
>Sam Rockwell Foot Thug.
>Paige Turco April
>Vanilla Ice
That's about it. I probably wouldn't even buy Chief Sterns desu.
pass.. amusing as he is
.... would buy
>paige turco april
i need her, almost as much as I need movie 2 splinter. WHY is there no movie 2 splinter? are they not aware he looks totally different?
>vanilla ice
it preserves the sculpt
SOTO Splinter is definitely one I missed. I deliberately skipped Charles Pennington, because I don't think anybody wants him, but I can imagine people wanting Sterns for some reason.
>not wanting to set up your Turts on stage doing the Ninja Rap while kicking shell
Do you think I am joking? I'm going to be honest, I watched both movies recently, and somehow cringed less during this scene than through most of the first movie's cringey wisecracks. Maybe the first movie had desensitized me by the time I got to here.
i had a very different experience around the time the movie III turtles came out and I was like.. am I really gonna spend this much? let me make sure i actually like that movie
and i found 3 actually beats 2 in a lot of aspects
but it's also hard to enjoy because i watched 2 so many times that i memorized it, and so the dialogue just sounds like background noise, i can't really focus on it
They should have included napkins that untalented loser signs for $5 a pop as an accessory
You sound like a psychopath
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Really neat video Pixel Dan's been allowed to show of some clips of the meeting between Eastman and Laird and Playmates': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3xM55kXL8I
Also the Kickstarter for the documentary has action figures being offered of the prototyped Commando and Eastman and Laird in "playmates style."
Laird never filmed a cameo, did he? Kind of feels weird just getting Eastman.
$220 for just the two figures (painted) seems steep, especially since that doesn't include the bluray of the documentary.
I’m sure Laird was offered, but probably didn’t want to. Eastman was always the more extroverted one so he accepted.
Listen, if we want to get the full SOTO experience, Neca needs to make figures from Suburban Commando, and Stepkids (aka Big Girls Don't Cry They Get Even)

Also Surf Ninjas
It'd be cool if they made one anyway, make a Laird figure also dressed as a garbageman. Not sure how receptive he'd be to the idea though, he seems like he really doesn't want anything to do with TMNT anymore.
Didn't he do Last Ronin?
Apparently it’s based on an old script him and Eastman wrote, so he’s credited. But Eastman and Tom Waltz heavily modified it.
u wot? he doesn't want anything to do with -nickelodeon's- tmnt. he was by far the most involved with -his- tmnt. that's why he was so bummed when he couldn't do anything with it.
anyway he shouldn't be a garbageman. he should be a janitor or something.
Yeah, the marketing made it seem like it was a reunion but outside of what he wrote in that old treatment decades ago he had no involvement. He walked away from TMNT a long time ago.
He can’t stand Eastman just like all true turtle fans
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Laird was on cartoonist Kayfabe before the host killed himself and he and Eastman talked about Laird inking some new TMNT stuff.
Laird by contract has the right to do so many volume 4 issues per year but he won’t
>i found 3 actually beats 2 in a lot of aspects
I watched them all again recently and I agree. SOTO feels so kiddified. There's very little punching and kicking, and practically no weapon usage. The opening fight is a bunch of meme bullshit like combat coldcuts. Tokka and Rahzar are defeated by getting knocked down by barrels and fire extinguishers shot into their mouths. Tatsu is defeated by the Turtles backing their shells into him. Shredder is defeated by getting blasted out a window by a big speaker, then a dock falls on him (by his own doing) as Super Shredder. At least 3 has real fights and the Turtles using their weapons. The non-Henson Turtle heads are the biggest issue with 3, and they went a bit overboard with the pop culture comedy references, which haven't aged well.
Only retards don’t like 3, it’s much closer to a comic based film than SOTO was
100% autist response
That's for self-publishing. He could work on as many official TMNT issues as he wants, and part of the reason he left was getting tired of managing the brand.
I think he'd be up for participating in a limited capacity.
I thought there was zero interest in a sci-fi heavy TMNT film after 2k3 so he sold the ip and became a millionaire while Eastman had previously sold his share to Laird for peanuts after their professional breakup which is why we see Kevin still doing conventions and swinging from randy and Nickelodeon’s dongs to make rent
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A new Black and White Usagi Samurai variant showing up in Targets. Cop or pass?
Photo source: @the_kyle_peterson on Instagram
I think if he wanted to come back like Eastman did he would've done it already
Someone really should knock the absolute shit out of you. He's making more money now more than ever, you disrespectful piece of shit.
The Chad "If you see it, cool" easter egg cameo
The virgin attention whore cameo
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my favourite tmnt toy at the moment.
He can sign all the napkins he wants but his fortune will never match Laird’s and that must burn his ass up just like you when another neca joint fails
And now Eastman's making a shitload of money because TMNT is more popular than ever.
Is he though? If he no longer has ownership does he even profit from all that or just the stuff he directly works on now?
Both, but yes he's still getting money for it.
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I'm turning 39 years old and my sister made me this birthday cake
How does that work? Did he regain ownership?
>adding her oc female turtle
this is why women don't belong in this fandom
That's part of the reason. If you read the Volume 4 letter pages, Laird was pushing for more TMNT media and getting nowhere. At one point Hallmark was gonna do a TMNT movie. It fell through due to lack of interest. He took it upon himself to review everything he could as far as TMNT went as well as keeping the license maintained under one umbrella(except the Fred Wolf show, since they had tried to sue Peter and Kevin claiming they created April and other clearly false things and settled out of court). He said he was feeling burnt out on the franchise and realized he couldn't really maintain it as one person or be able to get bigger projects off the ground, while at the same time as long as he had ownership on the franchise he'd want to have a say in everything.
In the end he decided it'd be healthier for his sanity to sell it all.
>Michael Bay noses
Your sister sucks.
That’s the beak, retard
Your sister sucks at art
It was Seth Rogen that saved the TMNT, not Eastmam
a prophecy fulfill
the billion dollar film
as neca baby predict
has brought tnmt franchise
back to the fore
the public awakened
from a deep slumber
for golden age 2.0
It didn't make a billion dollars, and nobody even gives a shit about it. Shut the hell up.
Nta but it did get a paramount plus series and a second movie greenlit
Go away Seth.
All before the movie came out and crashed and burned interest in it. Nobody cares about Mutant Mayhem. There's a reason that shit is piling up at Walmart and now Ross and TJ maxx.
>There's a reason that shit is piling up at Walmart and now Ross and TJ maxx
keeping the neco figures rotting there company lmao
NTA, but he doesn't, but he gets lots of opportunities to draw stuff and get paid for it.
Eastman was infamously terrible with money and used to just give it away to comic creators who wouldn't actually work.
All zero neca figures there. Idiot.
How come I bought my Archies there then, they practically gave them away
You mean the -one- figure they had and that was cause of some store closeouts?
Yeah, there's ZERO Neca figures at Ross and TJ maxx currently. Sorry you can't understand English.
Stop replying to yourself
Neca needs to make Freddy the Undercover Foot Soldier, if it wasn't for him there'd be no Tokka or Rahzar
i guess as a kid i just imagined my own violence to fill the gaps.
see i'm all for pop culture references, but they have to be good
mikey's lines in the first two movies were excellent
in the third it's like "who were you expecting, the addams family?" which makes no sense in that or any context.
the film he was trying to make was not sci-fi heavy, it was going to be very dark and down to earth and directly follow the first movie.
the rest of that is right
your sister is fucking awesome dude. My sister -might- send me a nice email this year for MY 39th birthday in 2 days.
the pink turtle OC is cute but i don't get why her nose-bulge is upside down
and i hate that that was basically the right decision
i mean shitty TMNT is PROBABLY better than no TMNT, which is what we would have if Laird held the rights. Nobody would greenlight his risky high-quality shit, they're idiots now. and even if they did, whatever he made would guarantee bomb because everything good does now.
Honestly I'd rather the franchise just go dormant if the alternative is shit like Rise and Mutant Mayhem. As it is a significant amount of TMNT merch is nostalgia-driven so it's not like the franchise will stop having an audience if they stop making new shows and movies.
yeah but those toys are only being made because of Nick. No way Mirage would be running all of that.
>TMNT is more popular than ever.
Only millennials that can't remember the golden age of TMNT believe this. I can remember when the Playmates figures were so popular, they were impulse items with the chocolate and gum at the checkout counter.
I think you mean zoomers, millennials were the ones who were kids during that age
shit I just turned 39 too. were old anons
turtles were fucking EVERYWHERE
people talk about power rangers but honestly it didn't come close. You cannot name a product they didn't have turtle versions of.
hmm was there ever a tmnt board game?
none of those words are real. none of your definitions are right. shut the absolute fuck up please.
there's cool old rock n roll people who grew up in the 60s and 70s, there's 80s kids, there's 90s kids, and there's retarded children. that's it. when they first started saying millennial it meant 'kids these days, with their fucking phones' not us 90s kids with our PCs.
okay but you're the one who used millennials
>when they first started saying millennial it meant 'kids these days, with their fucking phones' not us 90s kids with our PCs
Anon... who do you think those "kids" were at the time the term started being used? Do you understand cell phones have been common for over two decades? Smart phones have been common for a decade and a half. I think you've really lost track of the passage of time.
sorry i'm not the guy you replied to, just an angry guy who hates neologisms
not. us. little kids with their fucking phones. not us, who still used PCs. little fucking 2000s kids and younger.
>a decade and a half
yeah, my 20s. get it?
worst thing, maybe even worse than all the faggy oom word shit, is this idea that there's a generation A again. fuck no there isn't. Z never reproduced, and never will. they'll never mature into adults, so they're the last generation
>Z never reproduced, and never will. they'll never mature into adults, so they're the last generation
what the fuck are you on about
I get being upset at the labels for generations but that ship has sailed, dude. You're not going to convince people that "millennial" isn't a real thing by sperging out about it.
>not. us. little kids with their fucking phones.
fucking what? the people who started the "those damn millennials!" sentiment were referring to teenagers and college students at the time. The people complaining about little kids growing up with phones are a different thing entirely.
This isn't even the first time this same guy has had this same freakout over these terms
just because the ship has sailed doesn't mean I can't fire on the lifeboat
you remember, yet you haven't modified your speech
now which one of us is the sperg?
Why would I modify my speech? I have no problem using the widely accepted terms. I don't expect you to like or use them, but I do expect you to behave like an adult and not screech about them every time someone uses them.
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Millennials are from 81 to 96, so there are millennials that were bately born as Ninja Turtles was dying.
Yeah, I think there were several. I had pic related.
Yeah, generational labels are kind of loose anyway. I mean, I'm technically a gen X and have that cynicism, but I'm a late gen X so I have a lot in common with millennials, but I still make fun of millennials. And everyone else.
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Fucking thumbnails. Fucking webp bullshit. I'm old and technology angers me.
Let's see if this image works.
You'd probably have to fill in the holes and smooth everything out and repaint it. Probably not worth it.
>the film he was trying to make was not sci-fi heavy
I see, it was always Laird who went weird science fiction in the comics so I confused the two. For people who complain about 2012, Rise, or the new reboot, you can blame Eastman for all of it. The hate is vastly overblown by loser man babies though
2012 is literally the best iteration of TMNT. It combined everything that came before and still felt like a fresh take. Also the hottest Splinter.
It’s my personal favourite but I thought they dropped the ball with the Northampton arc more than anything. The Tales season was excellent and I hope randulf makes Mutant Apocalypse figures eventually
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I thought Eastman was mainly involved in the IDW stuff and didn't have much to do with the new shows or the movie
He’s a consultant for a lot of TMNT projects but these companies don’t actually value Eastman’s input. He’s purely there for name value to retain the support of the superfans so Kevin is tantamount to a lot lizard prowling a truck stop only they serve more of a function to society.
>but these companies don’t actually value Eastman’s input.
It's so funny watching some loser on 4chan say dumb things like this.
okay thanks for explaining
He didn't explain it at all, he just added his bias towards Eastman while completely lying to you about everything.
I think he wrote an episode or two for 2012 but yeah he's had basically nothing to do with most of the stuff under Nickelodeon. He's mainly stuck to the comics.
Nta but even eastman says laird was the talented one. It makes me sad they aren’t close anymore
Yes, keep going back to that quote as if it means jack shit.
he also say soto is worst tmnt live action movie so og creator opinion must be respected
You don't speak English, so nobody cares what you have to say.
Ease up on the xenophobia, necanon. You may not like the content of his posts but they can be understood.
Sorry, are you rambling again? You really shouldn't bother.
oh from the same people as those puzzles. interesting color choices they made.
i'm sure he would have liked to take the franchise there but for the movies I think he wanted to stick closer to home first. it was already a tough sell saying we gotta use henson suits again, just maybe cgi eye blinks.
which april is this? she looks unfamiliar.
Would be cool if TMNT and Dragon Ball had a cross over. Bandai could release toys for cross promotion. Their ninja turtles are pretty good.
That would be a very random collab
awesome idea
noo it'd be great! They're both martial arts, they both have animal people.
we just need to get Toriyama to draw the TMNT characters so we have a style-consistent basis and- aww...
That wouldn't work at all. And it'd be stupid...
Custom. Torso appears to be a movie Black Widow.
>That would be a very random collab
Most of them have been pretty random. Like what do TMNT and Stranger Things have to do with each other? Just because the show is set in the 80's?
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Ultimate scarjo blkwdw body with rogue arms and pwrngr x TMNT April head (looks like Sandra Bullock; but I don't think I will get the fogtoys April head.)
it would work and it would be super cool!!
ah well it kinda works. though the scale's definitely not perfect.
Don’t you ever post Neca toy mixed with lesser brand, capiche
Someone should cut your fingers off.
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Have them turn into these guys after Goku teaches them how to go Super Saiyan.
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god these guys
i got one of them after i'd basically stopped buying TMNT. it was exactly what I wanted at the time, I had started to think of the tmnt as stumpy and lame, i wanted more cool muscly superhero characters..
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How is this figure?
Kinda homoerotic.
The wings don't attach too securely, otherwise fine
the browns all came out lighter in color than the renders. search for some real photos and youll see it, may not bother you but just so theres no surprises
The cheaper you get it for the better it is. Suffers from the usual Super7 shittery, plus they fucked the colors up royally.
any /k/ guys wanna let me know what kinda gun Ace Duck has? his old toy describes it as a .45 service pistol
Do I wanna keep my preorder for the Claustraphobic "reissue" technodrome?
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Thanks for the warning. How'd that happen? Looks more like a prototype.
Lol. Were they running low on red ink or... ?
two possibilities:
1) they wanted to see if it was close enough for us not to care, but different enough for playmates to left them off the hook
2) someone tweaked the tint on the monitor they were working with, which is definitely what happened with playmates' reissues.
Does no one check this stuff before they print a bunch?
incompetence has always been with us, and it got worse when nobody could leave their house and only an idiot would travel to southeast asia
They still could have proofed it over Zoom or something.
oh yeah that's reliable
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Is Ace Duck a Nazi?
Mona Lisa and Mondo Gecko got added to Shredder's Revenge, so that's neat. More NECA love in that game.
i think he's patterned on oldtimey british flightguys
holy shit really? they're still updating that game?

I know, I was just as shocked
what a time for my switch to AGAIN be refusing to charge via dock
Mondo looks a little weird but mona lisa looks great
>two new characters and new remixes of the music and that's it
um... i'm.. not gonna pay money for that.. unless it's like fi dolla. Was it really hard to make new levels, even like, a 'remix mode' where it's the existing assets recolored and rearranged?
>not gonna pay money for that
It's a free update
then it seems quite strange it would say "DLC" then after the characters are mentioned, it says "Free music thing"
Apparently the part that's free is the remixes
see? that's what i thought. they're not just gonna hand out new characters for free.. which I get. but you gotta offer me some new levels and enemies if you really want me to play through this again. i mean i love it, but..
Maybe the pins inside are bent.
Wow. Does Super7 usually mess up this bad?
Oh cmon, it’s a factory error. It wasn’t super7’s fault.
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Looks like the mutant mayhem line has knock offs now. Which is silly because you can get the real versions pretty cheap
Is the original Mezco 4 pack of turtles still considered the best? I’ve been eyeing them up for a while now, but I think I finally found a fair price and I’m thinking of pulling the trigger. Anyone here got them and can attest to their quality?
Do it and never touch another Neca turtle figure again
Shut the fuck up you spaz

They're good but not worth the price. There's already issues with the pleather cracking/flaking on some, and there's also been some weird issue with the paint coming off if you get them wet. They would be much better $50 figures.
how would that have happened when it hasn't moved from its dock since the last time it worked.

and of course now that i've recharged it using the cable separately, NOW it listens to the dock. dumb.
this is a one-off.
it's funny i've only just discovered these things exist.. a whole separate line made for poors.
do they make ko 87 toys? so hard to get a decent 87 turtles
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Just got them delivered, they look appropriately creepy in hand. Was really close to passing on these guys, but I’m glad I didn’t.
>this is a one-off.
It is not
which other one had all the colors tweaked
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Oof, looks like they fucked Gurilla's face up. Wonder how loose these will be.
Are you saying Super colors are ALWAYS that messed up? I find that hard to believe.
Those look really good actually, can’t wait to see these in hand. I doubt the joints will be that loose.
150 still seems steep to me for what is essentially 90% reuse. I’ll wait for a sale.
You'll never see it on sale. And it's not steep, it's what it costs to produce the things, reuse or not.
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Well in case you needed a third Leo...
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that doesn't answer the question
why does that look so much worse than the preview? someone help me out
either way i'm gonna be painting his skin black if I ever get this guy.
>why does that look so much worse than the preview?
That's the Super7 special.
i didn't mean "how is this possible" you unpleasant person
I meant what exactly is different, my eye can't tell
It's possible because Super7 can't keep control of their product and never seem to make changes for the better
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did neca used air cushion packaging for shipping?
They always do
Speaking of things not worth $80, fuck that Playmates Technodrome: https://youtu.be/LH0sd3lJGxA?si=ZPrMTnsvMOtnVlNH

Them making it smaller makes all the features useless, because the toys are now too big to use them. Fucking retards.
Looks like he toured in Da Nang with Mark Wahlberg and was a witness to all of his war crimes.
Oh shit, they pulled a Playmates! They painted the brow skin color instead of brown, hahaha.
hmm okay, pupils seem smaller and less focused.. and the brow hair seems to not go down as far, but that might just be the angle. also there looks like there used to be shading under the brow, or else that's the lighting.. so yeah might be the tilt.
>insert joke about soldiers on drugs
eighty fucking dollars? that's... .... actually good compared to the original costing 50 dollars which 120 bucks today.
say if you're a toy reviewer who gets free stuff, are you obligated to get ... every new thing?

also i'm pretty sick of getting nonstop 6-digit captchas without a single 'not needed' for the last week. what the hell.
>making excuses for Super7
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Joy Toy Foot Soldier (A)
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Foot Soldier (B)

I appreciate that they're aping Playmates' weapons and I wonder if that's part of why they aren't
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*sold in the US

Don't love these as much as I did the bebop and rocksteady. Wasn't buying into the line fully anyway.
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And Joy Toy Shredder...er..."Rocksteady"

This one looks cool as hell.
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And if you think you might want the Kevin Eastman "Garbage Man" figure, it will be going up with the rest of the NYCC exclusives today, tomorrow and Friday at 12 EST.
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These are shelf warming next to the 4 punk packs at targets now.
>Kevin Eastman "Garbage Man" figure
sold out :( ill try tomorrow
FRI he'll be up all day like they usually do, so don't worry.
You should panic buy it from a neca warehouse employee on ebay if you miss it tomorrow too
>Forgot today is the day Eastman goes up for preorder on Neca site
>Already sold out
If I miss another convention exclusive I swear to christ I will personally shit in Randy's ballcap.
The trashy Eastman figure has a limit of 9 per customer
Why’d they release them again in 2 packs anyways?
I had the chance to get it, but passed because why the hell was it $40?
not a bad look at all
holy shit, badass.
what the fuck is joy toy? what are these based on?
he reminds me of gallagher.
I love these. JoyToy is coming for my wallet like Booker T coming for Hulk Hogan.
Related, I've noticed 5ktoys, which is where I pre-ordered the Turtles, has been radio silent for a week. Are they dead?
>JoyToy, we comin’ fuh YOU neca nigga
The pilot episode 5 part season 1 had them in these colors. The 4 pack is from the Usagi episode which had these two in different colors.
You should shut the hell up
you shouldn’t speak to a neca costumer that way, I command respect
You're a loser

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