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Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!

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Just got into these and apparently it's pretty hard to find some sets nowadays. I'm trying to hunt down the Rampage armor and Churro, but it seems pretty tricky. Anybody else still looking for these?
there as already a final faction thread up from a few weeks ago. i'll link it for anyone who'd like to migrate. >>11142153

Really though the line seems to be inching towards the end of its life span. I cant imagine dollar tree will have much more stock left by 2026, its frankly surprising they had enough to make it this far. Your best bet on your search for churro and the rampage armor would be a visit to a dollar tree out of town. richer areas especially always seem to be better stocked. the easy option is just buying a case from DT
I always check, but it's getting down to the same few figures for me, would rather pay a few bucks extra on ebay than drive around looking

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