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Previous Thread >>11131014



Now Shipping:
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent
>Night Force Shockwave and Night Pursuit Cycle (Pulse/Walmart)
>Gnawgahyde w/ Porkbelly & Yobbo
>Night Creeper
>Tiger Force Roadblock & Tripwire 2pk

>New/Render Reveals - Heavy Duty, Law & Order, Nemesis Immortal, Cobra CLAW w/ pilot,

>Pipeline Reveals - Blowtorch, Frag Viper, Footloose, Retro Rock ‘N’ Roll, Retro Dr. Mindbender, Retro Cobra Viper, “Hunt for MASS Device”

>Starduster (Pulse Con Exclusive)
>S.A.W. Viper
>Cobra Rattler (HasLab)
>60th Anniversary Sniper
>60th Anniversary HALO Jumper
>Road Pig
>Steel Corps vs Twilight Guard
>Night Force Falcon and Quarrel (Walmart/Pulse)
>Iron Grenadier
>Iron Grenadier B.A.T.
>Storm Shadow v2
>Retro Stalker
>Retro Cobra Trooper
>Retro Cobra Commander

>Super7 O-ring figures wave 1 found at retail
>Mezco Commando Snake Eyes for pre-order. Expected to ship after 6-8 weeks after SDCC
>Hiya Toys: Zartan, Spirit Iron-Knife, Tomax & Xamot, Croc Master, Stalker, Dusty, Crimson Guard, Cobra Viper 4” figures

>Free Episodes of G.I. Joe ARAH:

>Free Episodes of Renegades and Sigma 6:

>G.I. Joe Spy Troops (PAL version, ripped and edited by a very kind Aussie Anon/Spy Troops anon):
BBTS has a range of former Pulse exclusive items including the Trubble Bubble and Cobra Valkyries
Are they discounted? Cause they're all mostly still available on Pulse.

Or is it just BBTS has better shipping to certain places
They're all listed as substandard packaging on BBTS. Pulse just sent them all their factory rejects it seems.
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Which is your favorite Steel Corps design?
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Best updated design right here.
No, they are all retail price.
The Commander is dope as hell, I want a sleeveless variant to have GIJoe version of the Doomguy.
Im partial to the og blue shirt version but i think i recall anons saying the figures werent great.
Its probably foolish but i just went ahead and added some valks, atleast i can save up the extra pennies this way so thats helpful. I mean, a carton of eggs is $4 now in my area so its tough foer a broke joke.
Suck Bobby Vala's cock a bit harder anon, he mîght just cum-fart out another tyco land cruiser for you.
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Who wrote this shit?
i think it's freemason fraternity stuff, not shitting on white supremacy or anything. i think it's cool. dont worry about it
Idk, seems like saying hardcore crimson guardsman wouldve been easier. Is this what you get from the qr codes?
Seems like a standard WW2 pulp high level thug but with Cobra
There's black Cobra troopers now so I can't get mad at this, it's funnier to think a black one is inside that
That's awesome. CC made up a fake Freemasons organization to get a bunch of zealots.
Only people who would be mad about this are the kind of nuts that think they're main characters irl but with just enough self awareness to know on a subconscious level they're nobodies.
Did they get the QR code filecards working again? Seems like those things have just been redirecting to the default Hasbro site for like the last year and a half.
its dumb sure but its fucking gi joe after all
It's not that it's dumb, it's just written like some Twitterfag's fanfic with a bunch of modern rightwing conspiracy speak.
I thought the Crimson Guard was already supposed to be hardcore fanatics. This reads like the back cover to an anti-Jordan Peterson book.
It specifically says they're from everywhere at the very top, so if you don't look at this like it's about white people it's standard and inoffensive
It's clearly stating they come from various countries, you braindead inbred retarded faggots.
Yes but it's better to get mad about it so I don't feel bad for not buying it
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WAs that guy involved with the Retaliation designs or something?
I'm not mad about this, it's just once you get past the Fake Freemason thing it's basically just "Cobra Commander's fanatically loyal personal guards", so it's covering the same ground as a Cobra troop type that already exists, the Crimson Guard Immortals. For each and every one of us, whatever fanfic headcanon idea you had in your head for the Twilight Guards was probably more interesting than doubling up on a thing Cobra already had.
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Honestly, it's just dumb.
You're right that there's already like 354 elite guards and shadowy organizations in cobra already, but this organization just reeks of 12 year olds trying to do Adult Swim type humor. It's like Metalocalypse but dumber.

It's not clever. It's not funny. It doesn't even fit in with the 80s cheese.

If Hasbro wanted to be funny about it, they needed to get meta, because there's way too many of a supposedly elite group, thanks to Hasbro needed to pay off the molds. Twilight guard should just be crimson guards who paid for more prestige. Trying to lord off their different costumes, when functionally they're just exactly the same as the others.
80s type sleeze but with modern gamer twist.
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I like the classic blue shirt one myself, but I agree the legs used on him make him feel way too short. The Shockwave build works well, but I'm digging the Commander more then I initially thought I would. Honestly, my only problem with that two pack is the colors of the guns, they look too cartoony with their bright blues and purples.

I do need to get my hands on that Wreckage though, I don't have Retro Firefly but that mold looks fantastic and Wreckage would be a good way to add it to my collection.

While I feel this guy made a great troop builder, he's very much not a Steel Brigade. He's just the new Green Shirt, which is a role he works perfectly in.

You seem to be taking this way too seriously. These guys aren't "Elite Guards" because they're better then other Cobra troops, they're "elite" because they're more *gullible* then other troops, and that's just hilarious. They're a bunch of self aggrandizing narcissists being fed lies by the biggest self aggrandizing narcissists, and they're buying into every stupid line old Coco drops.

Only way anyone can be mad at that is if they think they're the kind of person being made fun of by these guys.
>that's just hilarious
Only way you can think this is funny is if you're the 12 year old who wrote it.

And what's there to be serious about? Everyone here knows about GI Joe's cheese and how silly it gets. We also know all about the other 230499 repaints and their backstories that Hasbro needs to create to pay off the molds. Unfortunately, it seems like Hasbro can no longer afford writers to do the backstories and the diversity officer thinks her nephew is funny
No he's right you are taking it too seriously. You almost seem mad about it
>havent watched gay cartoon for baby
>didnt read marvel weeaboo schlock comic that makes tom clancy look like a 200 iq genius in comparison surely
>dont care
damn it feels good to be able to buy a twilight guard and just enjoy it as the coolest looking action figure ive ever owned and not seethe and dilate over the sonic the hedgehog canon like this. it's like i've been teleported to cwcville anytime people bring up that baby cartoon lol
>Adult Swim type humor

So retarded nigger shit?
Has anyone ever tried swapping out an entire lower torso of a Classified figure? I know it's more common to just swap out the overlay/diaper + legs but I was wondering if switching out the lower torso at the waist joint is doable with boiling water/hairdryer.
Not with boiling water. Hypothetically it's possible but you'd have to crack the torso, and at that point you're better off just repainting the crotch to match the codpiece overlay.
Nice. I preordered the Trouble Bubble.
>you'd have to crack the torso
Damn, I was worried that would be the case. I guess the hard plastic makes it hard to just swap them out then.
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You're mad, madder than Cobra Commander losing another billion-dollar Snake temple and accompanying scheme.
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Just got an email from Hasbro that my 60A Action Sniper has shipped.
Which ones are you trying to swap out? Pretty sure you can't on the male ones without breaking them apart, but you can on the female ones. I've seen tons of customs using zarana's bare abs.
I got an email from them that the retro carded Cobra Commander will be shipping out soon.
Big black cunt...
Holy shit dude, you are way too upset by this. That's what makes it hilarious.

Sidenote, I will never understand racist fans of G.I. Joe. The franchise was literally built by diversity and inclusion and it's like the entire concept just went right over their heads.
Nice bait lol
Have you never been to a gun show
your definition of diversity just means ugly women, and purple haired black gay xirs going on non adventures. the dark skin + purple hair is basically the default.
non whites in 80s/90s/00s franchises were regular happy people, with no traces of mental illness. they looked cool. they did cool stuff.
but if you prefer the latter, weirdos with mental illnesses call you a racist.
a cowboys and indians tier native-american in quad nvg with a sniper rifle is not really comparable to this >>11161149
one is cool and one is an ubisoft fart.
Or they could just fucking stick to the original lore for the black costume Crimson Guard: that they are the Patrick Batemen of the Crimson Guard division; highly trained killing machines who CC and the Crimson Twins use when they need to straight up MURDER people on the downlow and that to mark them as such elite bad-asses psychopaths, they get fancy black uniforms so everyone knows not to fuck with them.

I mean, it's already established that the Python Patrol are the snitches of the CG. Just say that the Black/Shadow Guard are the American Psycho set of the CG.
Threatening bad guys? No no no, they have to be gullible idiots with ludicrous ideals similar to those irl right wing dumb dumbs. But they're also super diverse with many bipoc and woman. Please let Hasbro have its cake and eat it too.
You were never a fucking GI Joe fan to fucking say such dogshit.

Around 2017, IDW pretty much started trying to rape the franchise to turn it into an anti-white SJW zombie franchise complete with an anti-life spewing onions boy writer who thought Osama Bin Ladin did nothing wrong and that New Yorkers were asking for it on September 11th. Fans fought back with such fury that Hasbro had to force the company to fire the writer, but not before the editor basically buck broke Larry Hama over the fact that they were more than willing to kill his vanity project continuation of the Marvel comic unless he joined in on the anti-white/anti-Trump bashing.

Since then the SJW horde have been seething like no one that they failed to completely hijack GI Joe like they did Transformers and fake fans like you can't fucking tolerate that Joe fandom refuses to lay down and die for your anti-life perversions and abominations.
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It's amazing watching em chimp out cause they got called on their bullshit. The one guy bitching about the crappy IDW shit is just amazing, as if one bad story is now all of G.I. Joe lore.

G.I. Joe as a franchise literally made one of the first black figures for African American kids, and this was back in the 1960s. The entire franchise was built to appeal to people of all races and genders, from the start, back when racism was actually the law of the land. Meanwhile these newfags lose their shit because there's a girl marine or some shitass writer made an awful comic or there's a tongue in cheek bio you can only see through a god damn QR code making fun of racists for thinking they're special.

Newsflash, if you're offended because someone called you a racist, it's probably because you are a racist.
there are hundreds of millions of black people in the military. it would be unrealistic and strange if there were no black GI JOES. spirit is just plain badass.
u know what they didnt have in the 60s joes? and what doesnt exist in real life? women. black women especially. theres your anniversary gift, bbc apologist
>and what doesnt exist in real life? women.

......do you actually think before you type things?

Also the G.I. Joe Nurse came out in '67.

Also....women do actually exist in real life lol.
nurse = infantry sniper yea
Cobra AI. Duh.
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These actually do read like AI slop now that you mention it.
Well we've come a long way, they didn't have females in combat roles back in the 60s. But G.I. Joe has had women in combat roles since '84, so again, not sure why it's a thing.
>>>11160956 all this
>>>11161047 butthurt
>>>11161650 because someone criticized a 12 year old's idea of humor
I also like how I'm called a racist, because I'm poking fun at the fat Diversity Commissar that would come out in the GI Joe Pulse shows and her nephew

>I will never understand racist fans of G.I. Joe. The franchise was literally built by diversity and inclusion and it's like the entire concept just went right over their heads.
First day on 4chan, eh?
This outsider's viewpoint is why 4chan was considered a far left website in the 00s and a far right website in the 10s. Nothing is sacred on 4chan and everything is allowed to be made fun of.

Sorry, but I'm not a literal nazi just because i don't agree with you 100% and made fun of a 12 year old's idea of wit. Sucks for you that Diversity Commissars have no power and nothing will happen from me stepping out of line of your bigoted views.

... and I'm surprised there's this many butthurt replies in a GI Joe thread. I would have thought we'd have fans with thicker skin, since we tend to be older.
>I'm not butthurt, YOU'RE butthurt!

Perhaps racist is a bit harsh, maybe your feelings would be less hurt if I just called you sexist instead?
yea i know you like ubisoft girlboss women. i think they should make a black woman version of Road Pig, like a huge gal with a 40lbs war hammer.
Nta, but a weyfu heavy weapons chick would be kinda cool. It'd be way better then making another "special ops/sniper" girl.
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>Nta, but a weyfu heavy weapons chick would be kinda cool
Be careful what you wish for
so true! i'd buy this in an instant! it'd make racists so mad!
yess! hasbro, make this happen!
Why did you quote me, the guy who said you're maybe taking this too seriously and getting mad at it, with something that wouldn't make me change my mind
Lol just need the secretary with action coffee maker.
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Holy fuck, if we're getting a female Road Pig, it has to be Hasbro's own Diversity Commissar. she already has the right hair colors for it.
Obviously, this will never happen, since you can't call a female a pig because any sort of joking about females is sexist like >>11162039 says

>Or they could just fucking stick to the original lore for the black costume Crimson Guard
That would require for Hasbro not to have fired their creative staff who actually knows the lore and not using Roadpig's nephew.

It's absolutely dumb to have gone the way they did, especially when GI Joe already has lore about pre-Cobra existing for millennia and having city-level civilization tens of thousands of years before humans learned to farm.
>ib4 classified doesn't follow that lore
Classified is an aimless a clusterfuck. IT started off as a modernized reboot that quickly changed to retro 6" designs once fans started hating on the reboot designs and now Nemesis Enforcer and I Was Once A Man CC have gotten made.
>you can't on the male ones without breaking them apart
I was curious to see if I could swap the lower torso with other lines like Star Wars Black Series since their torsos are softer so they're easier to pull apart at the ball pegs.

>but you can on the female ones. I've seen tons of customs using zarana's bare abs.
Yeah I noticed this. Guess it's not as easy to pull off on the male torsos.
i loved the modernized Duke with the golden legs. hes unironically my favorite figure. i wish they had the balls and/or the budget to have retros and modern designs going at the same time. i'd wanna see what else they do. The other moderns kinda sucked except for Snake Eyes and some of the Roadblocks though.
While I don't like every modern interpretation I did like Duke's and CC's. Wish we still got that Storm Shadow with the yakuza tattoos and arm blades even as a modern variant.
Eh, people are only mad at her because she stole the name of a white guy. If she used an original name, she'd just be another forgotten comic only character. Give her some actual muscles, a cool gun/accessory and a new name and she'd probably make for a good figure.

I'd love a Fem Dialtone in her Resolute look yes.

This dude is the gift that keep on giving lol.

Classified CC is perfect for me, I like him way better then his retro look. All that unnecessary pomp and glam fits him perfectly. The first Duke was also fantastic, though I think I like the toned down colors of his later release over the shiny gold bits.

I'm actually a bit torn on what to do with my V1 Duke. I got the Retro card one, who looks fantastic, but I don't know if I like him more then the original Classified one. It's like the exact opposite problem I had during the ME run, where every Duke just had something wrong about him, whereas every Classified Duke has been fantastic.
>Classified CC is perfect for me, I like him way better then his retro look.
Same. I'm glad to be getting a figure of the retro look but regular Classified CC is exactly how I would've wanted to see them handle a modern design.

>The first Duke was also fantastic, though I think I like the toned down colors of his later release over the shiny gold bits.
I only got the V2 rerun when the V1 already ran out, which I do think is a nice blend of modern while toning down the colors (though I wouldn't have minded the gold bits either).
>stole the name of a white guy
>I'd love a Fem Dialtone
>This dude is the gift that keep on giving lol.
Can you be any less of obvious butthurt SJW? How old are you?

>All that unnecessary pomp and glam fits him perfectly
Not really.

Has there been any media where it has him all decked out like that? Guy's very functional, where at most he'll use a cape or tassles over his everyday suits like a field general.
He's very Saddam like, trying to look like some commoner who got there through merit. In fact, Cobra Commander does a better job at it, since he's constantly showing up in field.

You've don't seem to know anything about him. Do you work for Hasbro?
holy fuck please stop being so autistic, this is behavior i expect from transtards
The ghillie suit looks cool, what's that made from? The same shit from artificial christmas trees?
I haven't seen it in person yet but it looks like it's some kind of plush, probably custom made for the toy.
I made some good progress on my Hulk Hogan conversion today. I dremeled out the hip joint area on some Sgt. Slaughter legs and the WWE ball joints fit just fine. I put everything together and the Slaughter legs proportionately fit really well with the WWE buck, especially since the boots are a bit taller than typical GI Joe boots. And speaking of, I'm pleased to say that WWE boots will fit GI Joe legs just fine without any modification.

I'm in the process of prepping the parts for paint. Fortunately there's not too much joint prep to do since I'm not relaly doing any radical color shifting other than changing his crotch piece from red to green.
nigga you gay
That actually looks pretty cool! Great fit
Hell yeah brother!
What effects are you getting for his Hulkamania abilities?
We arent. Well i guess im not but >>11161163
Spends most of his day both obsessed by ethnic penis and yet is scared of those same penises. Its this strange racism that tends to expose itself through their pornography warped responses. Just stick around awhile and itll make sense, hell the way thread is now you may just understand it by tomorrow.

So im getting a jada street fighter figure and i was curious if anyone could do a side by side if they had a jada sf 2 figure. I thought it might be fun to try to recreate those cross over figures in a way.
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Thanks, I still need to pick some accessories for him, like a sidearm and a primary. I still have Roadblock's old gatling gun but I don't particularly like it. It looks very Fortnite-ey to me, particularly because it has that giant ammo drum instead of a backpack. Hulkster doesn't have a backpack peg hole so whatever he uses can't have a backpack.

I see potential for amusement.
Jada SF2 figures scale almost perfectly with Classified Series. Their proportions are a bit exaggerated because that's how the game looks, but I really like em and I'm going fit up some trigger grip hands for Guile once I get him so he came use GI Joe weapons.
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Yeah, they're ok-ish in scale. I guess Guile would be taller than Ryu, so he should fit right in.
asians in general aren't in scale with americans.
Anyone wondering why we don't have larger scale box sets for army builders?

I can do without all of the accessories and shit. Just give me five of the same troops and their basic weapons.
Someone mentioned the backlash against Girl Dialtone and fat black lesbian Salvo. Both were different backlashes but amounted to the same thing (IE a popular character being gender swapped by lazy hacks who hate GI Joe).

Dialtone became a girl because Warren Ellis (who wrote Resolute) didn't give a shit about the franchise or doing ANY fucking research into the franchise or characters. He turned Dialtone into a woman because he wanted a sassy computer chick without bothering to find out that GI Joe already had one (Daemon, from Devil's Due GI Joe). Hasbro didn't make things better, basically pulling a Drift and saying that rather than course correct, they were sticking with Ellis's fuck up (because they had a lot riding on Resolute given the giant pile of fail and aids that was the Rise of Cobra movie) and that OG male Dialtone wouldn't get an official figure ever, since they were committed to doing a female Dialtone figure as part of a plan to basically combine Resolute and the movie line, together going forward and them releasing a Resolute Girl Dial Tone figure under the movie branding and including her in the GI Joe movie video game (which to it's credit, tried to damage control by claiming she was OG Dialtone's little sister though Hasbro pretty much ignored this).

The backlash was bad and the "compromise" was that the people behind Joecon were allowed to rush out a 25th Anniversary Dialtone figure for the following year's Joecon, since Hasbro pretty much stated they would never release the male Dial Tone as a figure at mass retail. Joecon not only had to rework their plans (their big figure was going to be Claymore from Mission Brazil but this changed) but also increased their production run for carded Dialtone AND put out a second Dialtone too (to pay for the rushed into production new head sculpt) that same year, with Dialtone in his cartoon movie winter gear outfit so fans who couldn't get the carded Dialtone could get the GI Joe Animated Movie version
Dialtone-gate was a huge scandal within the Joe community and while Hasbro got a fucking clue and finally unpersoned girl Dialtone, they still on principal refused to make a mass release Dialtone. Demand for both Joecon Dialtones was so hight, that a couple of years later, they basically did a second run of the character in a new Tiger Force color scheme (which was different from a previous O-Ring Tiger Force color scheme). Which quickly sold out as well and continued to be a huge sore spot as far as a major figure in Joe lore being out of reach for people who couldn't afford a figure that was selling for $500+ online.

As for Salvo, he was one of the most popular/well loved early 90s new characters in the toyline. But Aubrey "Little Eichmans must die" Sitterson DESPISED the character for bullshit woke superficial reasons: mainly that Salvo had a shaved head and a t-shirt saying "Might of the Right" which in Sitterson's eyes made Salvo a secret Nazi skinhead and why he turned him into a fat lesbian N-word who he and IDW shilled as the face of the franchise. And it came at the same time that Chris Ryall ordered Matt Tracker made black and other white MASK characters race bent (while unpersoning all of the actual minority characters in MASK, even the black one) and being caught in a huge lie where Ryall claimed he was doing it because "GI Joe already had a white blonde guy leading it and two white blonde guys was too much for Ryall to justify", only to find out that Ryall was lying his ass off as he and Sitterson had no intention of having Duke lead GI Joe and was going as far as to rename the book after Scarlett along with retconning GI Joe as being created because "good morally righteous liberal progressives were being put down/not promoted up the ranks by those evil fucking conservatives who shit on any soldier who isn't a bible thumping registered Republican".

Hence why everyone despised black lesbian N-word Salvo.
A GI Joe Classified three pack is $90 these days and Hasbro insists on cramming accessories into army builder figure sets to jack up the price and make people buy them since they won't do straight up weapon packs.
>"Might of the Right"
That's not what the tshirt says
So the guy didn't even know the character? Sounds like they've posted in this thread.
It's 430 AM where I'm at and I'm phone posting. Either way, the shirt slogan triggered Sitterson to the point of him declaring Salvo a Nazi skinhead that needed to be replaced with a fat lesbian sheboon.
I'll be honest, when I first saw the Twilight Guard, my mind did go right to "leader's bodyguard", but the Crimson Guard Immortals already exist as Cobra Commander's guards. But Cobra has more than one leader. Destro has the Annihilators, so I figured have this guy be Serpentor's bodyguard, and it's one singular super-soldier, not a squad of guys. Not so much to protect him on the battlefield, but from assassination attempts from within Cobra.
Does he come with a cross with flame effects?
An easier head canon would be that Shadow CG and Python Patrol CG are singular battle gear worn by one of the Crimson Twins each.

Tomax exclusively wears the PP CG costume while Xamot exclusively wears the all black CG uniform. So that their troops can tell them apart.
I do treat the Python Patrol like they're all singular guys and it's a small elite stealth unit under Copperhead just because I have no interest in army-building any of them.
same here, they're too ugly, i just have a couple
I dont think they are ugly but i think im a dope for buying them. Its night force and maurauders i find to be ghastly, tiger force aint so bad.
I gotta get some little ribbons and clasps, those slings look cool
I saw someone once say that they used the PP figures as Serpentor's personal guard, and I instantly had to grab a few for myself just to do the same. Only got the Viper, Bat and Officer, but the concept works well for me. I kinda want to grab a second Viper to be the basic troop builder of the team, leaving the BAT and the Officer to feel like unique characters.

Ideally I'd love to even find new heads for those two, but the only thing I could think of that might fit would be the spare heads from the PP Televiper, but I don't want to buy an unneeded Trouble Bubble just to get some alt heads.
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Hulkster's coming along great so far. Gotta do some freehand camo painting and paint his trigger grip hands.

He does come with a cross necklace, I think it's the same mold as Mr. T's. I'm gonna put gold paint on it to make it look nicer.
Random question but where'd you get that gun sling on Beachhead? It looks great and I'd love to get something better than rubber bands.
The slings are really easy to make. Got 3mm buckles online, and a ton of 3mm ribbon as well. Now most of my guys guns are slinged. I spent less than 10 bucks on it all.
That's awesome, I'll have to look that up. Thanks m8.
Paint's done and sealed. The color matching for the hands is ike 90% there but I'm done messing with them for now. Next step will be to find him some weapons / gear. I tried that Roadblock gatling gun and I still hate it. Maybe I'd hate it less without the ammo drum but it just looks too big and silly even for Hulk Hogan.
These look great anon, cant wait for the thunder in paradise variant! You could do a they live rowdy roddy piper so he and mr t could continue their mania 1 beef, or frogs come to hell town maybe.
>(Daemon, from Devil's Due GI Joe)
Firewall. The female hacker's name is Firewall. Daemon was the guy and he got killed by Serpentor. It's funny you complain about people not knowing the lore and then you don't know what you're talking about either.
This is great. That Mr T custom looks fantastic.
Literally everything he said was bullshit anyway. Female Dial Tone first showed up in the comics and was barely a background character. When she showed up in Resolute, again she was barely a background character, but because she got more then one line Ellis felt she needed a name. He was given a bunch of options and just picked Dial Tone.

There was no big push to replace Jack as Dial Tone, he was barely a D-string Joe to begin with.

Salvo was even less popular, he had all of one figure during the original line, pops up again in 2005 as a DTC release and then gets a bad club repaint in the 5th version of the Subscription Service. He barely showed up in the cartoon or the comics and only became a "popular" character after they stole his name for a fat black chick.

This dude is posting novels in an attempt to rewrite history.
I'll keep that in mind if I see a good price on Roddy sometime.
Thanks. And to give credit where it's due I got the idea from this guy's video where he built one with the same base recipe:

pretty sure >>11162686 is >>11162177

I don't know why anyone cares about those non-entities that no one ever mentions because they're no one's favorites.
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>Salvo was even less popular
Salvo is prominent in the DIC intro though and had his own episode.
I think the only reason Salvo isn't as popular is because most fans care about the 80s cartoon most and outgrew shitty cartoons by the time the DIC cartoon started.
Most of the fantastical scifi and day-glo stuff from the late 80s and 90s is hated by some of those fans, but that stuff is why i got back into GI Joe again (went from He-man, GI Joe, Transformers, to TMNt, and bck to gI Joe). The fact most of them got repurposed redecos is a crime, despite those characters originally selling very well.

And it's unfair for you to say it's not popular just because he didn't get any major releases, but there was over a decade worth of toys released that Hasbro couldn't remake or update the 5 years Hasbro had with GI Joe's relauch in the late 00s, especially since modern toylines don't get massive releases like in the 80s. GI Joe in the late 80s was still selling extremely well and the 90s stuff was the second highest point in sales for GI Joe too, yet those figures got next to no modern takes.

We'll get a dozen variants of later characters like Roadblock before we get proper releases of characters like Ambush or Bullhorn. A hundred million redecos of the Alley Viper before getting an Alley Viper 2 design.
Amazing designs like this? Probably never, 23405 figures came out before it.
Interest in the property went down after the movie and by the time the DiC cartoon came out a lot of people thought it had jumped the shark. How it lasted until 1994 is a mystery but the reason is probably that the toys were cheap to make at that size so profit margins didn't have to be big. Compare with like Transformers or He-man toys which were big and/or had a lot of parts
Probably also helped that the Joes themselves were actually pretty cheap. I remember every time my dad took me to TRU in the early 90s every few weeks, he'd let me pick out a toy in the $2-$3 range, and Joes were some of the only toys in that range. Most other figures were larger (thinking things like Playmate's TMNT figures, Kenner figures, etc) more more in the $5, $6, $7 range.

That's how I amassed my huge Joe collection as a kid, and I would ask for vehicles and playsets for Birthdays/Christmas. Hell, even with my own money that I'd got for holidays, just having like $20-$30 from relatives could get you a vehicle and three or four figures it seemed.
Yeah, no. You're thinking about Transformers.

A toy company doesn't release massive amount of figures like they did if what you're trying to imply is true.
Again, GI Joe had its second biggest year in the 90s. More sales than every year but 87 or 86. Go look at how much shit was being made year after year after year at yojoe.com. They really didn't let up, where even the low points in the early 90s are only as big as the early 80s.

When the GI Joe line was killed in the mid-90s, it's because they wanted to sell even more figures and tried to emulate the superhero stuff, not because it was selling poorly. Good sales is why they already were ready to produce brand new molds when the line was killed for the larger scale line, instead of a bunch of redecos and retools like other lines that were suffering from poor sales and ready to be canceled.

Hell, the DIC cartoon got two seasons, because the first season was popular.

And yes, Hasbro is retarded for trying to revamp GI Joe in the mid-90s despite sales becoming big again, but they did the same shit with Sigma 6 in the 00s. They wanted to grow sales (revenue and popularity) and this is why the story of the Golden Goose exists and is well known to this day.

GI Joe sold a massive amount of vehicles too. GI Joe took up a lot of shelf space because of them and retailers gave them that shelf space thanks to its sales.

pic of how many figures GI Joe was releasing at its supposed low point vs the 80s. You can ignore the SF stuff... even though it's a clear example of a licensed line existing in the same toyline to capitalize on the popularity of GI Joe still had in the 90s.
Two requests, Shooter's head on that body, and the white head with the headset on Cover Girl.
Stop making up lies faggot.

Dial Tone has always been a popular character within the 1987 season. He was heavily featured in the cartoon and comic and was given multiple new figures in the classic line/had his original figure reissued multiple times as one of the go to original molds that got reissued during the pre-25th Anniversary period.

And Girl Dialtone was created for Resolute. More lies from you. Warren Ellis even admitted that he made Dialtone a girl for the show because Hasbro didn't send visuals for the characters, just names/brief bios of characters and Ellis (a longtime hater of 80s toy properties) ignored that information and made Dialtone female for "mah diversity" and the same way that Hasbro didn't bother to correct him/make him use Daemon instead. And double downed on it afterwards because they didn't have the balls to admit they fucked up, even after Joecon had one of their best selling event set promotions based around male Dialtone, confirming the character's huge popularity.

And Salvo was one of the most popular/memorable 90s era Joes introduced during this period, when most of the original characters tend to be hated/reviled. People who hate Heavy Duty and Captain Gridiron tend to prefer Salvo over those two and the character has held a large fandom out of the end phase era Joes.
"Oh, and a FAQ: the Dial Tone character. >Originally, she was just Lead Tech or similar. The producers said that, since she was getting so much dialogue, she should be a Joe, with attendant codename. They gave me several to choose from, and I chose Dial Tone, because it amused me. I may drop some more notes after the whole thing’s aired on TV, so’s not to spoil."

The character was already there, he just picked a name offered to him.

Also, Club Dial-Tone came out in the Mission Brazil Con set first as he was *originally* part of the Mission Brazil set. That wasn't a "compromise" or rush job, it was a character Hasbro had no intention of using, like all Club figures. His 25th version was the subscription service freebie, not made for the con. Though they sold extra at the con because that what they did. There was never a "Winter Gear" Dial-Tone. You are getting easily provable information wrong.

And again, Salvo was never popular. You couldn't even remember what his shirt said, that's how memorable he is.
>never popular
>prominent character on popular cartoon
see >>11164856

Just so you know, i'm not the guy talking about Dial Tone and these have been my posts on the matter >>11164913 >>11164856 >>11162199

Never understood why people care about Dial Tone so much. Was it just because he was an exclusive during the 25th and people didn't want to pay out the ass for it?
I'll give it a shot once I've got her unboxed.
I think I remember the manta toyu that came with this guy more than the toy itself. I probably lost the actual figure in a lake or something because I was retarded.
Dial Tone was one of the most heavily featured 1986 figures. He had a cool gun/backpack/look to him, had a great friendship with Mainframe, and had a goody nerdy persona ala Ronnie from the Shield in the cartoon that made him a likable character that fans loved.

It's one of the big divides among fans and Hasbro over the 1986 wave, in that Hasbro only seems interested in pushing Leatherneck, Beachhead, and Lowlight from that wave and characters like Wetwuit, Mainframe, and Dial Tone get the shaft due to them requiring unique molds (or in the case of Dial Tone, a unique backpack mold) that can't be easily reused for other characters.
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For the Juggalos and the Juggalettes, Wetwuit!
>It's one of the big divides among fans and Hasbro over the 1986 wave, in that Hasbro only seems interested in pushing Leatherneck, Beachhead, and Lowlight from that wave and characters like Wetwuit, Mainframe, and Dial Tone get the shaft due to them requiring unique molds (or in the case of Dial Tone, a unique backpack mold) that can't be easily reused for other characters.
Sci-Fi, too. He's only had one figure after the original line ended in 1994, same for Iceberg. Lifeline, Wet-Suit, Dial-Tone and Mainframe are better catered for.
I loved Sci-Fi but I assumed he was too out there for even the more fantastical aspects of GI Joe. Also, Holy shit, why did no one ever tell me the 2011 Sci-Fi existed. It's like everything I ever wanted in his figure.

Also loved Lifeline and Mainframe
>I loved Sci-Fi but I assumed he was too out there for even the more fantastical aspects of GI Joe.
He's just a laser rifle guy like Flash, who was there from day one in 1982.

>Also, Holy shit, why did no one ever tell me the 2011 Sci-Fi existed. It's like everything I ever wanted in his figure.
I just found out about it myself today as well, and wish I'd got it.

As for all the talk about Dial-Tone and Salvo, looking at YoJoe.com, Dial-Tone's original 1986 figure was repainted twice, once for the Special Mission Brazil set, and again in 1990 for Sonic Fighters, he got a Battle Corps figure in 1994, there were more repaints of the original figure in 2000, 2002 and 2003, the 2002 and 2003 ones were part of store-exclusive multipacks. The only female Dial-Tone figure was in 2009, part of a Toys R Us exclusive multipack from the Rise of Cobra movie, not Resolute. Since then 3 different male Dial-Tone figures were released, two convention exclusives and one Collector's Club exclusive (regular version, plus Brazil Mission and Tiger Force repaints), so it is accurate that he's one of the 1986 characters Hasbro hasn't made a general release figure of in a long time.

As for Salvo, he may not feature much in any cartoons or comics, but he's clearly one of the standout Joes from 1990, it's obvious why people would like that guy just because his figure is great, and neither of the later versions recapture what was great about it, and didn't get the weapons right.
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I never said it was a good assumption
>can you save him doc?
>>yeah, but i dont wanna
>can you save him doc?
>>everything but the face
>god, he looks awful! can you fix his face, doc?
>nat, he got shot in the calf..
Are the Hiya's out? Ebay has them on sale from Chinese sellers but I don't see them in real stores.
Pretty sure they are imports so i dont think they would be on mass retailer shelves.
Hiya's announced like 10 figures over the past 2 years, but they've only released two figures so far. Maybe Cobra Commander has finally been released.

The reason for the delay is because Hiya's been trying to get Hasbro to allow them to release the figures in North America. So they've been holding back on production, in order to maximize sales by producing for all regions at one time.

Obviously, they've had no luck in Hasbro cockblocking them, which is why Cobra Commander is probably out by now.

Also, anyone getting their posts getting eaten by 4chan? Second time I've had to retype something the past 2 days because my post wasn't sent the first time.
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>we can rebuild him
Yeah, 4 chan has destroyed a few posts for me too. Damn, hiya has only released cc so far? Thats wild.
Chris Redfield
Oddly enough now that you mentioned it, they switched over from the Recondo buck over to the Outback buck, and that makes it look a lot like Falcon went through a roided out transformation kind of like Chris Redfield between Code Veronica and RE6.
If only they made a black and grey recolor of the retro Scarlett buck, that would make a great Regina from Dino Crisis.
Looks like they cut up embroidery floss, desu.
The Gulf War helped early 90s years of g.i.joe.
Speaking of girl Dial Tone, with the classified line running out of female figures, I wonder will it make Firewall and Zanya?
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Gulf War happened in 1990. So sales most affected would be 90 and 91. After that, it's pretty much on its own. Sorta like movie releases, where merch sale drops heavily after a movie is njo longer popular in theaters. There used to be a peak again when the movie's DVD came out, but i really haven't heard that about streaming.
Anyway, 1992 or 1993 was the second biggest sales point for GI Joe. So the Gulf War isn't as important as you think. I think it was just kids being excited about the figures and designs again, plus a heavy push with GI Joe reruns.

Speaking of which, the Gulf War Part 2: The War on Terror might have had an effect on GI Joe sales during the early 00s. That lasted way longer as well. 2003 til whenever the news couldn't get ratings out of it anymore.
Despite a huge anti-war sentiment, a ton of war military toys were popular during this era too. Bravo Team, 21st Century, BBi, and a couple of others were also enjoying big sales. Just shows that kids love baby killing psychopaths and the industrial military complex even when they're told they're super evil and bad.
Dioramas like this are only possible thanks to that.
So was 1994 toyline so bad that it killed the franchise in less than a year, so they scrapped their 1995 plans, to revamp into Sgt Savage?
NTA, but Hasbro had just acquired Kenner and asked them to do a Gi Joe line for the 90's and Kenner came up with Gi Joe Extreme, which was supposed to run concurrently with the more classic Sgt Savage line. Both lines flopped (one of the speculated reasons is they were both bigger than ARAH, so not compatible), and that killed Joe.
Chameleon's an easy Baroness repaint.
Sparta is another repaint from Covergirl.

I’m not sure if they’ll do Rednok and Canary Yellow from Baroness and Lady Jaye.
^Canary Ann
Got an email from Pulse that the Dragonfly is shipping soon!
a month and a half at minimum
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Ironic that his face looks more normal after roiding out for Night Force then.
Ray liotta lookin face ass face ass boy
Who else was in this wave? Was cover girl in it? Anyway, ill just wait for the retro version.
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They made him look like Dick Blumenthal.
Yes, Covergirl was part of that wave hence why she also had a cursed looking headsculpt. Fortunately Marvel Legends Emma Frost came out around the same time.
Yes, Joan Rivers Cover Girl and the melted candle Outback. I'm not counting on retro releases anymore though after Stalker and the Cobra Trooper.
I don't get it, that looks arguably worse. I'm hoping the 60th Sniper head fits with the headset and glasses.
Eh, there's still plenty of female Joe characters they can make figures of. They just come from later versions of the franchise outside of the ARAH line. But we've already seen they're willing to hit up those eras with Shooter and Helix.

But you still have characters like Bombstrike and Stiletto, Mayday and Firewall, Chameleon, Heart Wrencher, Sparta, Raven, Doc 2, a non Python Patrol Vypra or Munita. You could even go even more obscure and pull out characters like Mistress Armada so Destro has some female presence in the IGs, or pull from the old Joe RPG and make QR the female Tele Viper, with Feedback or Black Hat as counter hackers for the Joes. Personally, I'd love to see a Dr Knox as some sort of exclusive or something, just to have more evil scientists in Cobra.

That's not even touching stuff like alt costumes or looks for the main girls, like Ninja Force Scarlett or an improved Covergirl (either Retro Card or packed with a Wolverien). There's also non-Joe Joe girls like characters from the Oktober Guard or Sgt Savage and Extreme eras.

I mean, there's plenty of options left, they're just not big name characters at this point.

I managed to swap the Movie Scarlet head on to the Covergirl body and it worked pretty well. Had to transfer the whole neck over to do it. Going in reverse seemed to work out also, though I've seen that Covergirl head on a Peggy Carter in dress greens Marvel Legends and that look really worked out. I might try out that swap at some point as she ends up looking more like an old boss lady with the full uniform.
......I just realized Sgt Savage didn't have any girl joes, so ignore that part.
Considering they made a Cobra-La figure this year, (even if nobody can get it yet unless they were at SDCC), Pythona has to be on the table as a possibility, too.

Did anyone else pass up on Python Patrol Vypra in the hope there'll be a regular version eventually? A lot of the Python Patrol color schemes are not good, and she got one of the worst.

There weren't any in the toys, but were there any non-toy characters in the little Sgt Savage fiction that was made?
All those you mention plus Crimson Asp, would make me happy.
Athena, Rednok and Canary Ann are basic repaints. But I’m. Not sure Hasbro would do them.

The current Chameleon might be the first Skybound figure they do that supersedes the original.
Only reason I haven't grabbed Vypra is that I was hoping to find her cheap. But I never seem to find anything on discount outside of the TF Dustys I grabbed for $7 each.

I would prefer a classic blue Vypra though, with more of a Fem-Trooper build then the Ninja look. I always liked her more as a courier, not a ninja, Her FSS look was great as she kept the Jinx repaint roots with her upper body, but looked more trooper with the Resolute Scarlett boots and legs.

>thinking Hasbro won't do repaints.

We've already got Glenda AND Quarrel, I wouldn't put anything past Hasbro. They'll use any excuse to pack in a repainted figure for online multipack exclusives.
>The current Chameleon might be the first Skybound figure they do that supersedes the original.
It's a cool redesign, and an interesting character idea. I just wish she wasn't also a beloved Transformers character that people wanted to see get that one specific storyline, which we're probably not getting because of this.
I doubt the comics were ever going to have focus on Powerglide’s love life.
And if they did, it would be with Moonracer.
Which Joe girl would fit in better with the Slaughter Mad Marauders, both in design and story?
Lady Jaye or Covetgirl?
Powerglide is unfortunately a neglected character who peaked in G1 season 2, but his romance plot from his spotlight episode certainly appears to be more popular than the one from the episode where he was just a side character. That Destro mini had people thinking we were going to get some Powerglide in the comics soon, and now it doesn't look like we will.

What was the high concept for Slaughter's Marauders beyond just being a squad led by Sgt Slaughter?
Holy Madonna needs to quit Batman!
Since they literally had a modified Wolverine, Covergirl would be my choice.

Slaughter's Marauders were designed as a "rapid offense" team, a group of Joes that used blitz tactics hitting hard and fast. They even had nothing but light armored vehicles to really hammer home their blitzkrieg tactics.

Which is another reason Covergirl would be perfect for that team, as it's essentially a tank division and she's an Armored Specialist and tank mechanic.
Damn you’re right.
Surprised any recent Marauders don’t use an easily repainted Covergirl.
The Classified series has shown they’re not opposed to bringing known characters to the different teams.
Look at Python Patrol Vypra and B.A.T.

A green camo pants Covergirl with low cut blue shirt would look good
In that case, Cover Girl would make sense, though maybe Jinx for a melee specialist, or Helix if you're OK with using a newer character who'd be perfect for a squad like that.
Best case scenario imo, Hasbro releases a mainline Wolverine, as it doesn't have to be much bigger then the Vamp, with a new Covergirl. They can then repaint that as a Lynx, with a new turret optional, and include a Marauder Covergirl with it.

Even better if it coincides with a Mauler Haslab or something, because the Lynx cannon came from the Mauler.
As a bonus, each Covergirl can have a different head/hairstyle as she's had many throughout the franchise.
>each Covergirl can have a different head/hairstyle
They couldn't even paint Duke's hair brown for his TF release
Anyone else getting the Shredder's Revenge clone tomorrow? Demo was decent (It kinda has a complex vgameplay), though I'm looking more forward to the Toxic Crusaders and Power Rangers ones.
Still wondering how the fuck a Transformers SR-clone would work given how bosses like Starscream would be hard to do in the beat-em up genre (Unless he's like Chrome Dome in SR where he flies into the foreground and starts shooting at you with you having to toss an enemy at the screen to damage him).
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>So was 1994 toyline so bad that it killed the franchise in less than a year, so they scrapped their 1995 plans, to revamp into Sgt Savage?
No, they killed their 3.75" line because they wanted to capitalize on GI Joe becoming popular again and using that popularity to sell larger, more expensive figures. They saw how much Batman and XMEn toys were selling, so they reinvented the line, thinking kids would buy GI Joe just because it said GI Joe on it.
You can tell this was also a sudden decision, since they had made a bunch of prototypes and unused molds. So sales weren't declining enough to kill the line.

They did the same thing in the 00s, where they revamped the line as more expensive 8" figures and tried to capitalize on the anime craze. So the GI Joe Vs Cobra line was still selling well, good enough they also had a bunch of 3.75" figures ready to go and TRU made a deal to get those figures released as exclusives to their store. Why didn't they do this back in the 90s? Because that sort of exclusivity model didn't exist back then. Collector toys market didn't exist either.

So Hasbro wanting to increase revenue killed their golden goose.

It's basically the same shit Hasbro did when they killed their 1:18 Marvel Universe line. Sales for the restarted Marvel Legends weren't that great, so they sabotaged the MU line by cutting the engineering and sculpts to steer fans into buying more $13 figures instead of $ 8 figures.
Slaughter's Marauders had no high concept except that Tiger Force sold well enough to do a second wave of reissues of older discontinued Joes in a new color scheme.
Want to get me a Tripwire. Which one is best? The single card release or the Tiger Force one?
Single release has more accessories but is a crappy modern reimagining with modern day bomb removal trooper gear on him plus an exclusive full face mask head.

Tiger Force two pack is missing the full face mask and most of the accessories but doesn't have the tacticool bomb squad overvest and the Tigerforce coloring helps make the guy look like his classic 80s figure.

TRDR Tiger Force Trip Wire looks like Trip Wire while the solo card Tripwire has a bunch of extras that outweigh the character's crappy reimagined look.
Why does all the videos for it online just show one player and not multiplayers?
Did Hasbro make any post-2000 new members of Marauders?
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I genuinely believe Emma's noggin is even worse.
There's also Zartan's daughter from DDC's continuity, Zanya.
I just hope they retain her uhhh... body proportions, jeez
Both Falcon and Red Dog were reassigned to the team in 2011, and they also made two new Marauders: Mercenary, an ex-Viper and Bull, a circus acrobat or something like that, iirc
I fucking hate when Hasbro does that. They've done it multiple times and always blows up in their faces.
Find it odd WOC is a beat-em up rather than a shooter in the vein of Contra or Metal Slug.
Is it multiplayer?
Is it out already? It won me over time, I like the art style and I have no real nostalgia for that style of games, but seems cool.
Mercenary and Bull are just Mercer and Taurus, because Hasbro didn’t have the trademarks are the time.
So along with Red Bull (and Falcon), it sounds like they joined Slaughter’s Renegades and Slaughter’s Marauders into one group.
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Retro carded Vipers finally.
Why wouldn't it? It's a beat-em up.
Going to have the same problem with this that I had with the trooper. I would vastly prefer the retro one, but I went all in on the CI and three pack ones since the viper was always my favorite troop. I don't need more, and I don't have space for more, but I still want them.
Then again to be fair, it would be a bitch to come up with boss fights against Cobra's noteable flunkies if you're constantly shooting at them. Even the arcade game was a psuedo rail-shooter.

Unless it's something similar to Huntdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tSsXzDOrt0&pp=ygUPaHVudGRvd24gYm9zc2Vz
I'd only get one and keep on card. I have 3 CI and a 3pack already. I'm doing the same with the trooper and crimson guard.
Yeah, thatd make sense. A stroll n strike game wont work for every one, like rock n roll for example. Idk, ill have to try the game i guess.
Good call! Yeah, in that case, no new Marauders after the original line.
Cool vest, definitely way more flexible, seems like a Classified 1.5 rather than a Retro. Would like one, but I'm fine with my 3-pack.
I still wish they had just molded the goggles to his helmet. The Vipers having goggles doesn't really make any sense anyway, so just mold them to the damn helmet.
No advertising it in any videos I’ve seen
>I still wish they had just molded the goggles to his helmet.
A dab of gorilla glue will fix that.
Welp, guess I'm getting more Vipers.

I only got one of the CI Vipers and one of the three pack, so I still have some wiggle room to add more to my ranks. I'm hoping I can fit one of the spare Televiper heads I have on one so they get a coms guy in the Viper squad. I think the neck needs modding for that swap to work though.

One thing I'll never understand about Hasbro is their insistence on changing neck ball joint sizes constantly. Even within the same line multiple similar sized figures will have different necks and that makes no sense to me.

I don't mind the goggles all that much, a small drop of glue fixes that issue forever. What I always had issue over with these guys is the way they did the red padding on the thighs. It just feels and looks awkward on the Classified figures, too thick and doesn't really flow well with the rest of the outfit. Also would've liked to see more classic boots on the Retro release, but the padded ones looked fine for me.

Does he come with a new gun too or is it the standard Classified Viper laser gun? The original Viper Rifle was always a favorite of mine, so I'd love to see a proper Classified version of it finally.
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Another lousy and inaccurate "retro" release. I don't get it, why release a slightly different version of what we already have? There are a number of arms with rolled up sleeves they could use at this point, and I feel like the boots would've been a bigger priority for a newly molded part over the vest.
That's the new gear on the old body. We haven't seen if it will have proper sleeves/pants yet.
>Even within the same line multiple similar sized figures will have different necks
its worse than that. Remember we've had four BATs, with three different neck joints. You can't even head swap between repaints with this line.
I like them as a separate piece for displaying options.
I think this is the line where I've glued the most shit to the figures and it's just for my OCD then because of a fault of the figure, and they're always the glasses
Is anyone using the 60th Anniversary figures to be troop builders for their Joes?
My googles must be too tight, they always slipped off. So seeing as the googles are as redundant as the scarf i just tossed them in the tackle box. Anyway, ill get the retro too, im such a sucker for trooper repaints.
Not till I see them on sale, and I don't have an ollie's near me. I'm not paying $30+ for a troop builder
Not yet, but I would if he was cheaper. With all his gear and alt heads, that's kind of the point of the set.

I did grab a pair of cheap TF Dusty's though to act as Greenshirts. A simple headswap and he's a new character. I'd do the same for Grunt, who actually comes with an alt helmet specifically for that, but that dude is never on sale either.
New TF preorder tomorrow at 9am EST on Target Con.
fake and gay. No way they'd put out that repaint that fast. Its going to be breaker.
It COULD happen. Dont be a negative nelly dawg.
Repaint of what?
Who is Tiger Force pilot Skystriker a repaint of?

Speaking of which, when do we get Ace?
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I-I know that jacket...
L-literally me...?
no, its lifeline
No, I'm turning them them into unique characters. GI Joe shouldn't have troop builders outside of support roles. They're a Spec Ops unit, not a separate branch in the armed services.
Don't post total BS and waste people's time.
Nothing ever happens.
My Retro carded Cobra Commander should be here today or tomorrow. Also got a notice that my Roadpig should be hitting at BBTS soon.
Sure thing big homey.
BBTS has this silhouette up as an exclusive preorder happening on Oct 3rd as part of their 25th Anniversary celebration. It kind of looks like a silhouette of the Retro Storm Shadow but when I lined it up with the digital render of that figure it didn't match up completely, but some details were close. I was thinking maybe they were reusing that figure to do a Retro Red Ninja. Which would kind of make sense with BBTS' branding and their other exclusives for this event so far all feature red.
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That looks more like the Super7 Storm Shadow to me.
Ooh that's probably it then. They're probably doing an Ultimates Red Ninja
Has there been any news on Classified Nemesis? I thought it was going to be Pulsecon but then nada
My man.
Though I actually did get two of the army infantry guys to use as generic mooks.
Eh, named Joes gotta start somewhere. they don't just start with those codenames. Also, can't really call em a "Spec Ops" force when they have battalions of tanks, jets, their own air craft carrier and multiple fully staffed bases.
>Joes gotta start somewhere
When I was a kid I thought they started in regular units (or stuff like the Seals, Green Berets, etc) until they basically leveled up to being Joes.
If you havent heard it mentioned here then theres probably not much to say about it yet. The general is pretty decent at keeping up with stuff, but you could check hisstank if you want a diffrent source of info. Im hoping once a man gets a re release to go with nemesis.
I wonder who will be Classified #150?
Is anyone getting the ramen toys bread van? The car is solid, and the tanks looks neat but I passed on it.
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I need to change the lighting, who is a better boat team for Shipwreck here?
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My limit is 3 of each (except Vipers). The 60th and Grunt are perfect for basic troops. I see the Joes kinda like FoxHound, army builders are Genome soldiers, while the elite forces are FoxHound.
Beach head would work, i think chuckles fits really well. Who are they fighting? >>11174699
Dee jay
>Who are they fighting
Taskmaster, who assessed that a quick kick to the nuts would be the best move.
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I still do need to go over a few glaze coatings don't he board to make it shiny. I painted a few boards basic colors with various texture coatings already for roads, concrete, and I made a bad attempt to do sand that I'm going to take another attempt at.

I'm in the middle of making several dioramas, including the assembly stage of this diorama box. I have a few steps like more paint, and more components like extra lights, lit tanks and pipes/cables. But I got the Firefly notification and now I need to make a helipad.
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I just got around to it today, both heads fit on without any trouble.

To me Covergirl will always be a blonde bombshell (and if anyone can recommend a better head than the ML Emma Frost I'm using, I'm on the lookout), but regardless this is not a bad option. as long as you're okay with her always wearing a hat. You could also cut off the sunglasses with an exacto blade if you wanted her eyes to be visible. I gotta say, the headgear definitely makes her scream "tank driver" to me, which is neat.

My overall review for Action Marine is a bit mixed. I think she's worth the money because she's a good lady sniper figure with excellent deco and the ghillie is awesome, but her accessory selection feels really scattershot and a lot of them have no storage slots. She has a knife with no sheath, and a silencer but her pistol holster has no slot for it. I'm fine with including more accessories than a figure can carry but if some are not possible to carry then that's a problem.

I think given that she works great as an alternate body for Shooter and comes with potentially a great alternate head for Covergirl, that will hopefully help some of you decide if she's got enough value. For me I think she's a good enough figure on her own but the current king of the 60A line is the Action Pilot.
>e ML Emma Frost I'm using, I'm on the lookout
Shield three pack Sharon Carter with the hair down, perhaps?

>Action Pilot
Good looking figure, but boy did they not understand the fucking assignment.
Based. Even Steel Brigade are supposed to be named characters, with their names being the fans' names. Back in the day we even had personalized Steel Brigade file cards.
Yeah, that's pretty much how they start.
I like mixing my Joes with my Marvel Legends too; Ultimate Captain America and Deathlok are Hawk's side experiments on my display lol. Great dio.
That's a cool fit for Shooter, matches one of her outfits during her miniseries.
And eh, to me Cover Girl has more of an auburn hair, but yeah, that sniper head is cool. I'd try Wasp's head from the Giant Man 2-pack, but it may be a bit too big for her. It's already a bit too big for the Legends female body.
>three days out from supposed arrival date of that night force two pack with the good Falcon
>still not charged or processed
Walmart's fucking me again, aren't they?
I still dont like raptors back pack jet thing, in case you guys were curious. Figure looks fine, wings are eh but that back pack is nah.
>Good looking figure, but boy did they not understand the fucking assignment.
Yeah, it's clearly a paratrooper. Whoever thought that a guy wearing camo makeup and camo would pass as a "pilot" was just being retarded.
The next wave is starting to show up in stores in the Midwest apparently. Better get my wallet ready for the raping it's about to receive from all the Iron Grenadiers I preordered start shipping two months early.
Keep rolling
looks good man
>I wouldn't pay $20 for an o-ring
Comparison between the new Super7 O-Rings and Hasbro.
That Marvel Comics B.A.T.
Another pic of the new Cobra Commander.
New Cover Girl
A mix of new O-Rings.
The vintage Cover Girl has such a terrible head that's too large compared to later female figures.
Thanks, those look a lot better than I thought they would. Will certainly be picking one up on sale. Gotta find a replacement set of boots for the sniper body though, sick of those shin pads.
Why would the sell out Leatherneck preorders when the guy isn't out for another year?
speaking of super 7, how are the ultimates?
tempted to get baroness and a couple BATs for about half MSRP
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Passable though with the caveat that they fucked up the head sculpts for Lady Jaye and Flint so badly that it killed most of the interest in the line. Especially since the half-ass attempt at a fix for Lady Jaye (a half-assed DIC repaint which we were supposed to trust Super7 not to fuck up) was solicited as part of a mini-wave with DIC Baroness and Scarlet that got canceled because they couldn't get the needed pre-order numbers.
I unironically love the GI Joe Megatron. I do wish it was better yes, but both modes look pretty impressive and it scales great with Joes. I wish they made more in this line, so far only have HISS Megs and Thunder Soundwave, the autobots were both too boring for me to care about. But a Hound Vamp, APC Optimus or Stiletto Starscream would be fantastic figures.
I have a few, they're pretty good, with obscure accessories that reference episodes of the cartoon, and other Joe media. They just announced that the Crimson Guard figures are shipping. Wave 2 of the line is the weakest, because they didn't paint the skin on the faces like they did with the other waves.

They're good if you want something based off the cartoon or comics. Some of the figures look like they stepped right out of the show.
the cartoon accuracy is great. are they compatible with arah? to me they are. I've blended in bbi and kmart figures with joes in the past lol! but overall I dont even play with my figures anymore, so in a set up they look fine either alone or with the arah
The CG are businessmen, politicians, teachers and whoever else has power in society working to overthrow the US government. Nothing in there was about cultism or the occult. People may have been driven to this conclusion but I was under the impression it was just about money and power. This new one literally says they think they are part of a centuries old group of insiders with secret insight. They probably believe in Cobra La literature. It's the freemason cult in Cobra.
The Crimson Twins are up for pre-order on BBTS.
As a non transformers fan I didn't get people not liking it because it had "gaps".
It needs those to transform doesn't it?
The CG are businessmen, politicians, teachers and whoever else has power in society working to overthrow the US government.

That was the original intent from Hama but he also modeled them on the Nazi SS who were loyal to Hitler and not necessarily Germany.

>Nothing in there was about cultism or the occult.

The filecard implies that it goes beyond your standard Freemason/Frathouse initiation.

Of course in the cartoon they were just bumbling jobbers like the rest.
Yeah, siegies were definitely nazi cultists, I always imagine them like classic Hydra, not Red Skull Hydra, but Strange Tales Hydra, the freaky cultists living like leaches inside several organizations.
stop shilling your super7 ugly as hell garbage so hard, its seriously disturbing to look at
like is this a shitpost they produced as a joke? >>11178427 75 cents from a quarter machine? Final Faction
thanks anons
i'll pick an choose select figgers that catch my eye and not worry about completing sets or waves
shame about DIC baroness getting cancelled, looked good
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And pro-union
I recall the phrase back pack being used a few times. As a casual tf fan i just plain didnt like the look of megs or baroness and passed the idea easy.
Leave final faction out of your mouth.
Meh, I'm the biggest Brian and Super7 hater, but these look cute. Definitely not a 24 buck figure, but meh, to each their own.
So, this monday BBTS just charged my Road Pig preorder and I just now noticed, lol, but goddamnit I just bought the SHIELD 3-pack and now the figure budget is gone. So no more figures for me at least until november or december.
Either way, I really like this SHIELD 3-pack. I really recommend it, specially if you can get it for a deal.
Yeah. I gotta set up Fury and Hawk arguing while Gung Ho and Dum Dum play poker or something.
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lady j and scarlett were hot, but who was hotter?
that is pretty heavy for a kid's toy, but I do see how nazi-ism could be added or removed without changing anything. it was vague on purpose. I know when I hear about ceremonies for a secret society I think of the shriners or masons. a hideous ceremony could have been cobra-la-ish, satanic or jewish in nature, we dont know and they didnt specify. cobra is more or less its own thing without copying someone else too closely. theyre supposed to be shadowy and mysterious
for me, jinx gave me a little yellow fever
Lady Jaye had DAT voice
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I have something for hyper-aggresive ladies, so yeah, Scarlett is my girl.
Jinx is beautiful too, yeah, I really like her mullet during Marvel's run.
Named Joes "started" by excelling in their roles and Hawk, Flagg and Sparks recruiting them. I never understood this minor league bullshit. There was no "B" team for Snake Eyes, Stalker and Scarlett to join.
Jinx with long hair. Otherwise, Scarlett. While sultry and cute, Lady Jaye busts Flint's balls all the time, while Scarlett is more sweet with either Duke or Snake Eyes depending on the continuity. Lol. Scarlett might be the most dangerous woman in the world ala The Bride in Kill Bill, and just as loyal. Sex must be off the hook
Just remember that Gung Ho is a canonically shitty poker player.
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Scarlett is so hot Snake Eyes burned his face off and cooked his vocal cords to save her from a chopper crash. He would say it was totally worth it.... if he could.
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Classified on this dumptruck in red when?
I really love how every artist on the title makes sure to get the message straight on Chameleon's physique.
This right here. There's no such thing as "green shirts" because every single Joe is a green shirt. It's the whole unit. Other soldiers who aren't picked by Hawk don't even know G.I. Joe exists.
Yeah, she must be worthy. Even then, she still accepted to be with a deformed mute. If your girl still loves you after that, that must mean something.

Off-topic but I'm actually surprised at how much of a leeway the photography team has for the line. This is like the third time we get an implied dead Joe.
Skybound at least seems to understand who butters their bread. This is how female comic book characters looked in 2008 (back when the industry was having a resurgence in popularity).
Shit that's brutal, love it.
They're quite aware of their market now and it shows, which is why I hope that attempts to break it into the mainstream keep failing.
That "mainstream / modern audience" has time and time been proven to not exist. You either keep the fans happy or you operate at a loss, or worse, get the license yanked like what happened to IDW. The person they put in charge didn't even like GI Joe and just wanted to use it to make gay wrester comics.
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I've been super lazy on this diorama. I never finished painting or detailing. I was going to add some tanks and I've only built a few unfinished cylinders. I fucked around with the look of some extra bits and such to try and make random sci-fi lab shit.

I recently moved my 3d printer and I've been fucking around with some diroama pieces. All to not finish this fucking thing. I'm debating putting on a sickly green tint like a slav'jank building.

Long-term I want to make a top piece that I can set down a different tank, I have a few planned like using the Weapon X marvel legend, some odd alien 3d files I printed out, or if I can find a good Fallout super mutant or deathclaw 3d file.
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>I've been super lazy on this diorama.
I see what you did there.
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Yeah, I used wrap containers as the basis, I also use parts of extra legs parts for Stiltman. I bought ten red ninjas so I have a lot of extra leg parts.

Yeah, I get baked, sketch drawings, edit 3d files, and glue shit together to see if it looks good together. I like to pack a 1 1/2 gram joint and slow roast it while I have a comedy or history podcast running in the background. Legion of Skanks this week.

Unrelated, why is Frank such a good pairing against Bludd? Their relationship is essentially like a warlord getting hunted by Jason Vorhees.
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The difference between the 80s, 90s, and 00s Crimson Guards and the 2020s Guards is that one was created and written by a professional writer who understands politics, economics, and social issues, and the other is now being written by someone who spends most of her life on twitter.
Hey man, i like a good after work toke too. I just dont like feeling embarrassed the next day in case i maybe said something too off the wall due to my imagination cap being screwed on too tight.
Huh, its something but no hood just throws the look totally off.
It's the same Mary Anne x Ginger debate. You either like the tomboy with a banging body or the high maintenance cutie with great hair
>There's no such thing as "green shirts" because every single Joe is a green shirt.

But they still need support, no? I mean Cobra has a literal army, I always viewed Joes as a subunit within a specialized wing of the military, so there's steel brigade, green shirts and many others and then the joe unit, like rangers and the army or something.
>literal army
Cobra doesn't run around fielding a hundred of men at a time. They send like forty maybe fifty tops per operation. A small team of five Joe's can blow up vehicles and use guerilla tactics to take out several snakes and shock the rest into bailing. Special Forces Operators do that on special occasions in real life. That's modern warfare. GI Joe is a special unit like Delta Force that draws from every military branch for special operations only. You'll never see Joe's in an active warzone since Cobra doesn't fight using full scale armies anyway.
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I've always loved Scarlett's character. She's a badass who takes no shit but is also feminine and caring. Scarlett is a total ride or die.
I believe Chameleon will be the first Skybound type figure they do in Vlassified. (Over previous chameleons)
But will they do G.I.Joe Baroness? How do you explain that?
Who is that suppose to be?
Big Boa?
Road Pig and a Steel Corps trooper
Besides Road Pig now having a dog, Tripwire having a rat, and Gnawgahyde having a monkey, which other old characters would benefit having a pet now?
>APC Optimus
NO way... Rolling Thunder Optimus. Although RT might be better as Omega Supreme.
>The CG are businessmen, politicians, teachers and whoever else has power in society working to overthrow the US government. Nothing in there was about cultism or the occult. People may have been driven to this conclusion but I was under the impression it was just about money and power.
>And pro-union

SO, they're the DNC? Boy does that make sense.
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BAM right in the kisser!
>GI Joe is a special unit like Delta Force that draws from every military branch for special operations only. You'll never see Joe's in an active warzone since Cobra doesn't fight using full scale armies anyway.

That's your headcanon then, because in the comics, cartoons and movies Cobra does have a full army they swing around, that's why Joes have all these dedicated vehicles and bases, like the flagg.
What are the odds Classified makes Devil’s Due versions of Zanya and Firewall?
This photographer is having way too much fun at his job.

While I'd love me a Rolling Thunder Optimus, I don't think they'll ever re-release something that massive for Joes outside of Haslabs. Even if it's also a Transformer.

I think the APC would work well because it's big enough to rival a HISS tank, but the mass means it's not actually as big as it looks. It would also give Prime the ability to transform from the cab while keeping the bed of the truck as a detachable trailer.

Not high enough imo, though getting Helix and Shadow Tracker were both out of no where surprises. So I'd say anything is possible.
>There's no such thing as "green shirts"
in the cartoon there was. also in comics. the figures had infantry figures sold too. in the beginning youre on point, they had no big forces. it was just the elite. they had a small headquarters base and a few vehicles. but as the line grew we also saw more background characters in the rock and walking around in GI Joe movies or cartoons. as the line grew there have been and more depictions of gi joe working with regular joes, pardon the expression. does it make sense? maybe not from the original premise. but we've seen green shirts from hasbro themselves and various media so they do exist. the only explanation I can think of would be that as cobra grew more powerful, the GI Joes got more reinforcements. the war got worse, Id say. 90s GI Joe cartoons made the cities look like war zones, especially the Headman episode and GI Joe extreme. America goes to hell it looks like

okay you said it too, but briefer. essentially Ive seen green shirts existing more than Ive seen people say it doesnt exist. if thats what you want, okay. but its not canon as green shirts are everywhere. GI Joe vs Cobra eventually spins into an all out civil war in America so our Joes get back up.
its kind of like how some fans are adamant about arguing with you that Cobra is a Nazi force, when that's never been in the script. Nazi like, yes. Nazis? Nah. Cobra is American and Cobra is about the power and money only, as we've seen. Ethnic extermination was never written into their story
In the comics, GI Joe doesn't have green shirts. Everyone is a unique character even if they 're weaing a green shirt (the og team, grunt, etc).
And the only reason green shirts exist in the cartoons is because it's cheaper to animate generic same looking people over the uniquely designed characters that would be more costly to draw and keep track of every frame.

And the guy isn't wrong. GI Joe was literally based on Delta Force.
What's Delta Force? A counterterrorism group.
And what's Cobra? A terrorist organization.
Mind blown? GTFO of this thread, non-fan.

That said, Cobra is a large enough organization that they have/had their own country. The US isn't at war with Cobra though and GI Joe (secret special forces group) is only used for surgical strikes like special forces are meant to be used. If they needed to do a large scale war against Cobra, they wouldn't use GI Joe and Cobra Island would be swiss cheese within hours from thousands of missiles and bomb strikes.
So most of what Cobra does is in secret and/or as allies with other countries.

Of course, if you want to go into full autism mode over "Who pumps the Batmobile's tires", there's going to be support staff working for GI Joe. Mechanics, janitors, cooks, etc, but are they actual GI Joes? Nope. They'll be handed an m16 if their base is ever attacked though.
If GI Joe is ever used in a large scale war, it'll be the same way Delta Force gets support from marines or recon forces. Two/three/twenty seperate groups, with delta force doing their special mission with support from army nobodies.
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5 star post
I'm proud to say that G.I. Joe A Real American Hero, the comic book, the cartoon and the toys all contributed to me getting a confirmed kill in
Afghanistan, in 2002.
>hasbro said....
>some weeaboo hapa comic artist who specialized in comics for 5 year olds said....
>the cartoon made for 4 year olds where nobody ever dies even once said....
i literally dont care, why do you, why should anybody.
here's the FACTS: >>11160989
the one and only type of vehicle that works for Joes are aircrafts. anything else is strictly for making money off of toys and goes against all realism and identity of the Joes.
Tiger Force nearly makes sense and could have been cool 007 Goldeneye shit, if it weren't for the fact that the tiger force vehicles are repainted, making them retarded again. they capture a tank, have it transported 2000 miles to be repainted, and have it transported 2000 miles back to a combat zone, all while supposedly incognito lol.
"new recruits have to prove themselves and wear a green shirt first during training :D" no, what happens is you're a navy seal for on deployment for years and win the lottery with a current member of GI JOE recommending you. you get recruited just like that and immediately have a codename and go on missions.
Active deployment and military experience OUTSIDE OF GI JOE is how you become a Joe. Joe would not have a fucking boot camp and babysit retards.

99% of Joe's ranks are paratroopers, saboteurs, stealth recon or pilots for the airforce because Hasbro didn't used to be retarded. That's what their only role is. they are airdropped at a strategic location, they destroy that location using stealth and then they leave. greenshirts dont exist and vehicles besides aircrafts don't exist except in the minds of the deranged and the manbaby
Once Road Pig is release and we finally get a law and Order, I dare you photo anons to do some Dogs Playing Poker pics with Junkyard, Order and Road Pig's dog.
The Twilight Guard is probably the one and only GI Joe figure I've ever bought where I've just entirely disregarded the official bio and done my own thing with it.

In the comics with the first Cobra Civil War we got some sense of the numbers of troops Cobra could put on the battlefield even just against each other, though most of their operations in other countries tend by necessity to be smaller. The cartoons regularly made it look like Cobra had hundreds of guys at most of their major bases.

As for the Joes, the comics and cartoons are completely different, in the cartoons they do have the nameless greenshirt grunts backing them up, while they're a much smaller and much more secret group in the comics. As toys of the greenshirts have existed, and the Steel Brigade is a thing in the toys, it's fine for people to have their own ideas and theories on how this all fits together, since it's never really been explored in detail in the fiction. If you're going by the Hama comics only you can just ignore the greenshirts and the Steel Brigade because they're not a thing there, but the toys are cool and people like them.
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>the one and only type of vehicle that works for Joes are aircrafts. anything else is strictly for making money off of toys and goes against all realism and identity of the Joes.
special forces use vehicles all the time though.
Delta Force used these mini things for missions because they were small and could fit a couple of them in a plane, which means they could also be hauled out in a helicopter. Pretty much fits the bill with GI Joe and their miniaturized armored vehicles.
GI Joe is a military fantasy where they're given high tech shit, so if Delta Force had a bigger budget, of course they'd get some really nice armored vehicles that pack a lot of fire power if they could.

Cobra had their own town before and were shown growing beyond that too. So it was implied they were a very large organization early on. In the issue with Billy trying to kill Cobra Commander, they fill a stadium for a rally. So that's at least 20k people who went. Doesn't count the people who didn't go or working elsewhere at the time.
They ran legitimate corportations on a national level, which can number in the hundreds of thousands for the biggest. Those corporations was also a thing in the cartoon, btw.

And i don't know why people keep bringnig up Steel Brigade. Each one was unique character, complete with their own code name. It was a child's self insert into the GI Joe team, ala Tiger Force or Battleforce 2000. Even when they reintroduced the Steel Brigade in 2005 with the 6 pack for that had the Plague Troopers, they were also all unique characters. It's only with the 30th anniversary line where they became nameless grunts and of course, by then, the file cards on the back were treated as an afterthought.
>And i don't know why people keep bringnig up Steel Brigade.
Because by it's very name it implies that there's a lot of them. Even if the idea was you'd just buy one figure who was /yourguy/, the idea always was that there was more than one member of the Steel Brigade. The idea of them being an intermediary level between greenshirt grunts and the main Joe roster may be a relatively modern idea, but it's an idea that's out there now, and Classified has re-used it.

I don't see what the issue is, if people want just build a small-scale GI Joe team of a handful of specialists with a few vehicles, or they want a huge team with a few hundred members, a lot of vehicles, a big, publicly-known HQ, and a large support body of grunts, you can all do whatever you want. Both extremes are a perfectly viable option, at different times the fiction has tried both, people can do whatever they want. It's the same as how you can do super-serious ultra-realistic GI Joe or you can do GI Joe with ghosts, aliens, snake people and zombies. It's that versatile, and that's part of what's great about it.
>the idea always was that there was more than one member of the Steel Brigade
that's exactly what i said.

Steel Brigade is no different than Battleforce 2000, Tiger Force, Slaughter's Renegades, or Sky Force.

If you don't know, Steel Brigade was a mail away toy where you were able to personalize a file card with your name and code name, complete with a background, specialty, and whatever else.
It's no different than Dodger or Maverick in the Battleforce 2000 team, except it's a child's insert.

As we saw with the reintroduction in 2005, all the Steel Brigade figures had their own code name. Cleverly, one these figures is based on fan who won a contest. He got a drawing of himself for the file card and sculpt was based on him too. All the figures have their own face too, so there's no balaclava to make them faceless when not wearing the helmet

And i have no problem with people having their own head canons, i'm just pointing out that Steel Brigade wasn't supposed to be generic troopers. Same thing with the green shirts from the cartoon. Their existence is literally a budgetary constraint.
So, did anybody get Nightforce Falcon or are we all waiting till 2583 or some shit?
This is ideal right here is the perfect GIJoe mindset for people to have, you do you and stop being a cunt.

While on the topic of how the team is built. I always wanted a xcom/fire emblem/tactics style Joe game where you build and recruit your HQ and team each with their own skills and abilities. For some Joes, you have to recruit in special ops like finding Outback in while he is on another operation or you have to build a dock to get Shipwreck. They don't even have tt have a permanent death system, just make it so they can't go out while injured.
Need to get that Quarrel with him
>waiting till 2583
Damn, lucky
That hammer man, damn road pig is gonna be the classified of the year atleast the deluxe figure of the year.
Does anyone have a list of all the different B.A.T.s in the classified line?
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The accessories for my Hulk Hogan custom came in. Posting pics.
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Does the mic double as a range finder or something? Or, was the person who shot this tripping on acid and thought mouths are where eyes go?
it's an eye piece so he can see things on his computer
>tripping on acid
The photographer is a SW fan, so yeah
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u should confirmed kill yourself too
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Finally found classic Cobra Commander yesterday. Dumping.
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His visor is immaculate. I love it reflects his sides so as long as you keep the camera centered it doesn't show up.
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Some fun stuff with figures from other lines.
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Cobra Commander offers certain benefits for high work performance scores at the request of his Crimson Guard. How nice of him. That's all folks.
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What the dog doin
surprisingly hardcore promo shot
jesus christ
on that note i always get surprised when pythona sends a seegee at a wall and his helmet makes a crater, undoubtedly killing him
Thunder in paradise!
this is the hiya CC?? it's fantastic
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Very funny anon.
>The Twilight Guard is probably the one and only GI Joe figure I've ever bought where I've just entirely disregarded the official bio and done my own thing with it.

Being such an imagination-deficient bitch isn't something to brag about, anon.
I always felt Scarlet should've had a soft Southern accent and Lady Jaye should've had a preppy, Mid-Atlantic accent . On them cartoon they sounded too similar.
Have you tried the Sharon Carter headswap with Cover Girl yet? I
New thread when?
There's no need to be like that. The comics, cartoons and filecards usually fleshed the characters out sufficiently, and Cobra troops didn't usually blatantly double up on a niche role that already existed.
Simmer down, Tracey Ullman. We haven't hit page 10, or the image limit yet.

Agreed. Southern accent Scarlett would be perfect. Lady Jaye had an almost scratchy horse voice but it worked for the tomboy character there.

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