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Previous Thread >>11159178



Now Shipping:
>Road Pig
>60th Anniversary Sniper
>60th Anniversary HALO Jumper
>Steel Corps vs Twilight Guard
>Night Force Falcon and Quarrel (Walmart/Pulse)
>Retro Stalker
>Retro Cobra Trooper
>Retro Cobra Commander
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent
>Night Force Shockwave and Night Pursuit Cycle (Pulse/Walmart)
>Gnawgahyde w/ Porkbelly & Yobbo
>Night Creeper
>Tiger Force Roadblock & Tripwire 2pk

>New/Render Reveals - Heavy Duty, Law & Order, Nemesis Immortal, Cobra CLAW w/ pilot,

>Pipeline Reveals - Blowtorch, Frag Viper, Footloose, Retro Rock ‘N’ Roll, Retro Dr. Mindbender, Retro Cobra Viper, “Hunt for MASS Device”

>Starduster (Pulse Con Exclusive)
>S.A.W. Viper
>Iron Grenadier
>Iron Grenadier B.A.T.
>Storm Shadow v2

>Super7 O-ring figures wave 1 found at retail. BBTS exclusive Tomax and Xamot available for order
>Mezco Commando Snake Eyes for pre-order. Expected to ship after 6-8 weeks after SDCC
>Hiya Toys: Zartan, Spirit Iron-Knife, Tomax & Xamot, Croc Master, Stalker, Dusty, Crimson Guard, Cobra Viper 4” figures

>Free Episodes of G.I. Joe ARAH:

>Free Episodes of Renegades and Sigma 6:

>G.I. Joe Spy Troops (PAL version, ripped and edited by a very kind Aussie Anon/Spy Troops anon):
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one time for Scarlett and Lady Jaye narrowly avoiding implied sexual assault
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So...when are we getting 6 inch scale Fatal Fluffies? Also anyone find it weird Scarlet was on the space station when pic related and the dreadnoks took over yet she disappears during the whole Joe's being enslaved and whipped arc? Where did they put her? What was she doing the whole time?
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>Cobra supports women's rights and women's wrongs!
>join Cobra today!
Holy based.
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Cobra's Candidate. It's about fixing an election, the episode features Pilar, Puerto Rican gangleader chick who never shows up again.

I don't trust him.
Man, im gonna cancel the rest of this retro wave :( but i gotta get this commander! Ive got the ultimate commander but i can just tell that retro is going to be the better of the two even if i do like the ultimate version.
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I haven't bothered collecting the Retro 6 inch waves either but when I saw Classic CC was coming out with a new vac metal face plate I had to have him. I love the shape of it guarantees reflections at only certain angles so it's not hard to avoid my camera appearing in close up shots. I recommend finding multiples in store however since the QC isn't perfect. Some of them the faceplate has a long scratch or dent, the helmet stripe was misaligned, or the paint apps were off the mark.
he's scaring the hos ):
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everything about THIS specific line is great except for the long necks
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>Cobra's Candidate
I don't feel like it was implied sa, but pretty nuanced episode nonetheless.
Word, thanks for the info but ill most likely be at the mercy of bbts unless i find one first.
I had a rare chance to visit a target yesterday and these werent in stock yet. So youre getting me curious enough to atleast try one out, probably a bat given a choice. Theres just something off with these that im unable to express, idk.
super7 cringe compilation thread again?
I forgot Necanon collects Classified.
You should get more anime girls to surround him.
We are gonna go ahead and keep it. You seem upset so a refund has been issued, please check your account in 6 working months. Thank for shopping wal-mart.
>save money, live better
So after a massive drought, I finally got some new Joes in my possession and a few in my sight.

>>Broke down and got a loose Tiger Force Tripwire. The bulky chest protector looks way better in Tiger Force colors. And his head sculpt for some strange reason, reminds me of Matt Ross's character from American Psycho (Luis, the guy who mistakes Patrick trying to strangle him as a romantic pass in the bathroom).

>>Local comic shop, which has been super random getting in Joes, got in a couple of the retro card version of the Cobra Trooper. I have a regular version but thinking about getting some of the Retro ones and a Python Patrol officer down the line as a squad leader

>>Got Retro Beachhead and Snow Serpent as Wal Mart finally got in a new wave of retro card figures after being stuck with about five Retro Dukes. Beachhead is cool but I have to say they should have tossed in an unmasked head to make up for the long fucking wait to get a mass retail version of him. Never fucking saw
the deluxe Snow Serpent at retail; I like the mold but his gun sucks and is stupid looking, his side arms are too fucking small, and his hands are impossible when it comes to holding guns of any kind and his trigger finger I fear will break off at any moment if I move it to fit into the trigger part of any gun. The hands are so bad I've had to resort to giving him a large machete sword from one of my Marvel Legends Black Panther figures as a weapon.
>>Wal Mart also had a Retro Eel but I opted for Snow Serpent instead. I hope they still have him there Friday when I can swing back by there to hopefully pick him up. IIRC, the Retro Eel is white while the Amazon exclusive version is black right?

>>Finally, looking to online order Retro Cobra Commander now that he's in stock. But I have to wonder what the fuck am I going to do with my old first release CC figure I bought ages ago. Should I put a Richard Madden/Ikkari head on him and have him be formal wear Billy, CC's son? Or put a Killmonger head on him and have him be Destro's black bastard from Devil's Due?
>And his head sculpt for some strange reason, reminds me of Matt Ross's character from >American Psycho (Luis, the guy who mistakes Patrick trying to strangle him as a romantic pass in the bathroom).
I can see that. I see the head sculpt as a redheaded Chris Evans usually.
My amazon eel is packed up but yeah, retro eel is white and hasbro does have a habit of making the exclusives a diffrent race than non exclusives.

Who else wants female crimson guards or vipers? Seems like a neat idea, maybe a box set ov a female cg, viper and that range viper?
His face is so terribly cartoonish I can't like him. Why did Hasbro go this route with Classified?
Feel the same. He should have had a rugged pissed off face and a yelling one rather than a soft cartoony bored face and a tard burp thing. The helmet is pretty cool though.
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are ya gonna army build green ninjas this holiday season, to fight with your marvel red ninja army from last year, anons?
They didn't say it, but it LOOKED the part
So literally any Super7 shit?
Joes are always getting held down by large groups, says more about you that you immediately jump to sexual assault just cause it happened to be a couple women that time.
If it were nunchuk maybe, never cared for this dude. Ever. Im hoping this ollies opens up soon, never had much luck at ross but i got tf bazooka so that was cool.
I liked Kamakura in the Devil's Due comics, still hoping they make a Classified Overlord for him to fight.
Crimson Commander must be losing his mind
So are there any examples of Cobra Troops/Vipers where one version is an evolved/advance form of another?

I know Snow Serpents are elite versions of the Eels and Desert Scorpions/Toxo-Vipers are demotion gigs if you fuck up as a Cobra Trooper or Viper. Are there any other examples?
In the comics, Techno Vipers are this for Tele-Vipers, due to Hama getting his own lore mixed up and having Techno Vipers be literal Techno(logy) Vipers in terms of being exclusively used to run communications/computers for Cobra leadership instead of being the grease monkey mechanics of Cobra.

Also, in some versions of the lore Vipers are this for the Blue Shirt Troopers. IE if you impress your superiors, a Trooper can become a Viper.
>Also, in some versions of the lore Vipers are this for the Blue Shirt Troopers. IE if you impress your superiors, a Trooper can become a Viper.

That's always been how I interpreted it. You start off in Cobra as a Trooper, and they are literally the "do anything needed" members of the organization. From cleaning toilets to pilots to guard duty to charging open fields against a battalion of Joe tanks, you are just a body to fill a position. Those who show promise can then be upgraded to Vipers, who are more combat focused and can avoid the manual labor and dirty jobs. From Viper you can specialize into different sub-Viper groups depending on performance. But from there, you don't really have anywhere else to go.

Crimson Guard can come from anywhere though, you just gotta show the right aptitude and disposition to fit in with the Siegees.
I think they've outright said they hire mercs and other professional/former soldiers to be Vipers straight up.

Cobra Troopers are lowest of the low, who they recruited from unemployment places or joined from their various branches of work/community places like Arbco. The dumbest become infantry, while other smarter troopers might be managers/support, driving trucks, fortlifts, and warehouse shit.
Lotta blue, red, and black hanky faced people need to work logistics for any type of organization; not everyoneis going to be a bullet sponges. The US army is made up of mostly logistics shit, with only a fraction actually seeing combat

Cobra janitors can be just janitors. Cobra garbage men can be just garbage men. Just normal people who like Cobra's idealogy but don't want to be involved in killing/dying. They're not the US/German/Finnish/Korean military, who needs to put dumbshits in places they won't hurt others. Of course, the worst Cobra infantry who needs to be disciplined will get put to cleaning toilets though. Or being line cooks.

Also, i don't see specialized Vipers like Toxic/Hazard or Medi-Vipers ever coming from the Troopers branch. Nor any of the Vipers who fly jets and planes. Lotta nurses/medics, pilots, especially those coming off the military are always looking for jobs though....

Obviously, a lot of what I've said is head canon, filling in the spots i read from the comics and watched from the cartoons. Whole lotta evil scientist and their assisstants wearing black hankies in those cartoons
>guy acts out and needs discipline
>lets let him prepare the food
>he could fuck up and food poison a bunch of personnel
>or intentionally poison people he doesn't like
Why is this a practice?
Crimson Guards have actual standards, the biggest ones being that it's mandatory that you have a squeaky clean, utterly spotless record (no arrests, perfect citizen) prior to joining Cobra combined have a degree form a major university in either business or be a law school graduate and having passed the bar/be a practicing lawyer.

That way, you can work for Cobra as a corrupt lawyer/businessman as far as infiltrating corporate America/local-state-federal politics. Only newbies work security detail for the Crimson Twins or Cobra Commander until they can be placed in high profile assignments while the Patrick Batemen types (IE yuppies who like to kill) that make it as Crimson Guardsmen get the black "Shadow Guard" uniform.
Should note that Cobra has a huge civilian staff of followers who don't operate within Cobra proper. Along with people who are straight up mindraped into serving Cobra as seen in the Springfield 2.0 arc, which is kind of scary in that the Joes never managed to free the people of that town from being brainwashed into becoming Cobra slaves.
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IF the guy wants to be infantry and he fucks up, you put him in a place he doesn't want to be as punishment. Since he wants to be infantry (and wants to move up in the organization), he needs to prove his worth and do his job at cooking/cleaning. He goes back to being infantry and does a better job.
And if he doesn't, there's always the leaky suit brigade that i forget their title (Toxo Viper?).

Any organization is going to root out the dangerous or retarded. They 're not going to hand a weapon to those people, muchless trust them with your food. The retards can handle cleaning, headed by a janitor or case worker. The dangerous? Bullet to the brain, if they're lucky. Unlucky? Experiments.
You forget Cobra is a fucking terrorist group and terrorist groups tend to put the fucking fear into their members when recruits join and are separated from their families and loved ones. People who cause trouble get straight up shot in the head the second they start complaining. Not to mention getting your family, wife, kids straight up murdered.

Devil's Due and IDW addressed this in detail. Standard policy is that Cobra publicly executes blue shirt recruits who fuck up or show anything less than total devotion to Cobra and will often force any trooper they've befriended to be the one who murders them, to hammer home that Cobra owns you body and soul. And in the case of the Vipers, once you get recruited and promoted, you are told point blank that the only way out is death and you have cases of recruits into the Viper regiments straight up an heroing themselves because it's the only way out without getting all of your loved ones killed. And by all accounts, while it's possible for Desert Scorpions to save face and get promoted to Sand Viper status once you are marked a fuck up and sent there, being made a Toxo Viper is a literal kiss of death and if you don't die and come back as a zombie, you'll be worked to death handling toxic chemicals and radioactive shit.
If we go by the early cartoon episodes, the basic Cobra Troopers get assigned from everything from infantry to vehicle drivers and pilots. So everyone who joins Cobra would start out as a Trooper, get trained in using a lot of the earlier Cobra vehicles, those who have experience or display aptitude in a particular area like a driver, pilot or medic or an officer are encouraged towards it, everyone else aims towards moving up to the Vipers, then maybe a weapon-specialist Viper unit. As Cobra's always recruiting more Troopers, most of them are expected to move up to the Vipers eventually. If you're not bad enough to get demoted to a Toxo-Viper or Deser Scorpion, but not good enough to be a Viper, you're really doing something wrong.

I never got the impression you could join Cobra and go straight into the Crimson Guard, more that you had to already be in Cobra's army and you could apply to join them if you met the entry requirements.

Until we ever get a canon explanation for the Crimson Vipers, etc, I'm seeing them as the guys who didn't quite make the cut for the Crimson Guard, but got recruited into a force of troops intended to support the non-undercover Crimson Guard on the battlefield and bulk out their ranks.
Most lore for Crimson Guards explicitly state that they are recruited straight into the CG rank and bypass the Trooper/Viper stage due to the fact that they are expected to be the sleeper agents of Cobra in straight society. But that's not counting the whole Siegie shit and the face surgery stuff to make it so that if one dies, they can insert a lookalike into the dead man's place like they did with Fred/Wade Collins.

I also assume that the honor guard shit with the CG is akin to the Marine Body Bearer/Tomb Guard shit; they go after young marines for those cake assignments purely to indoctrinate them further into the cause and see if they are able to cut it working for Cobra by having them having to deal with Cobra Commander's bullshit on a regular basis. And to give the guys who gave up their faces something cushy to do while they wait to replace a dead CG.

As for the Crimson Vipers; I always saw them being red costumed as more of an aesthetic choice by Tomax and Xamot; IE if you get assigned to work for them, you have to wear a red costume. See also Baroness's red outfit; the twins have enough pull that even Baroness has to put on a special red colored outfit when she works a caper with them.
That reminds me, wasn't it revealed by Hama in an interview that the Fred series face was what Cobra Commander's face looks like when he's unmasked and not wearing a fake mustache and wig that makes him look like Sgt Pepper era John Lennon? But that he wasn't allowed to state it in the comic due to Hasbro wanting to keep CC's real face a secret?
No clue about the Hama thing but one constant for CC (especially in his figures) are the fact that he's got short brownish black hair. Not Shawn Cassidy length strawberry blonde hair like the Freds have. The only exception was the brief from behind look at him unmasked at the end of the Hama run where we see that CC does indeed have long hair though, so he wasn't wearing a wig in #51-61 and that he keeps it in a ponytail.
Not all Crimson Guards are deployed undercover, both the comics and cartoons always showed there was a significant standing force of them on Cobra Island, directly under the twins' command. The plastic surgery stuff was specific to the 'Fred Clones', an elite within an elite, hand-picked by Cobra Commander.
The Fred/plastic surgery shit was when I think Hama first started to lose the plot for GI Joe. Especially since the first couple of issues to feature the Crimson Guard had them looking like Red Shadow troopers due to no one telling Hama what the fuck the Crimson Guard mask/uniform was supposed to look like.
>Devil's Due
a shit. Too much of the cartoon influence.
More extreme than Larry Hama's and the cartoon, which actually makes it seem less dangerous than the OG comic.

Having Cobra not just being extremists, but your neighbor who just wants a better life for himself and his country, is more believable and scarier, because it can be more widely adopted. So you have an entire family who's seemingly normal, but willing to go an extra step (actively, not just in practice) to attain their goals.

>Standard policy is that Cobra publicly executes blue shirt recruits who fuck up or show anything less than total devotion to Cobra
Straight up cartoon villainy. How can you manage to create a massive organization doing this shit? It's too outlandish and why you generally never see this but laughable groups who never get anywhere.
Stuff like the Taliban took over an entire country, leaking into other countries, because the whole family benefits from this. But unlike the Taliban, Cobra is way more welcoming and provides a normalcy that even non-members wouldn't retract from.

You have to remember that Cobra Commander was written after a real life politician, William F. Buckley. Someone who actually existed and a lot of people listened to, even if no one ever took up a gun for his views. This is why Cobra held entire cities, it's own country, and corporations, with happy optimistic members. Entire cities with families hold a view, a normalcy, that they want to protect and work toward.
And greed was always Cobra's biggest motivation, just like IRL. It's what makes a Trooper want to move up to the higher paying Viper positions. Literally written on the file cards.
Specialized Vipers also offered all sorts of shit for adventuring, plus better pay. More excitement by wilderness nuts, stunt driving, gun nuts, swimming fanatics, tech nerds etc. It's attractive like a hobby, instead of being some nutty cult.
And now you are whitewashing Cobra.

Terrorist groups kill wobbling members all the time and do so to keep the rank and file in line. Again, terrorist groups are like cults and Cobra was based on Hydra (the Buckley shit only came later when Hamas realized he lucked into a golden ticket; his own little fiefdom where Hasbro not Marvel was the only people he had to answer to and Hasbro was largely hands off).

Cobra works best when it's scary and everyone is fanatic in their devotion. Shades of grey shit only makes for bullshit where you lose half your rogues gallery like Hama did when half the main Cobra guys suddenly turned goody goody moral fags because Hasbro was too hands off and waited too late to put their foot down
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All of this is 100% canon.
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>Terrorist groups kill wobbling members all the time
Tons of ex Sinn Fein and various other offshoot members out there living normal life without being dead.
Who they kill are those they fear snitching or rivals. Not dumbshits. Even the snitches, they usually only go after them when they see them talking to police/government officials.

Same shit with the taliban. I mean, have you even seen photos of them using retards and midgets? The entire community gets involved. Hamas(not larry) is the same shit. They entice you with a better life to join up and keep you there by giving you what they promise.

If you don't actively work against them, they leave you alone. That's real life. That's believable. And it's along the lines that Hama wrote Cobra in the comics and file cards. Violence is a last resort and only for those that warrant it, hence leaky suit brigades existing in the first place.

>Cobra was based on Hydra
That's Goodwin's suggestion when conceptionizing the GI Joe toyline for Hasbro. Hama used his unused SHIELD comic pitch, but mainly for the Joes. Springfield as a concept was established early on, within the first year. It's how stories are developed, you know. Pic is issue 10.
>Shades of grey
You like what you like, but GI Joe was grey early too. Characters like Kwinn came out in issue 2 and were scattered throughout the entirety of the series. The extremism you're talking about is basically nonexistant (of course, cronies got outright executed for blunders by an overly excited CC, and that's what makes him a fun villain, but he still believed in what he preached) until way later, by other creators.
And i like IDW's stuff, btw, but i still prefer Hama's. STill haven't read Image's yet.

The extremism you like only works in cartoons and it's why i never really liked the 80s cartoon. The comic is what made me a GI Joe fan.
I dont know, i get cobra has done some pretty awful things but they could offer a guy like me a real chance at acheiving the american dream which just happens to be all i want in my life. Maybe i could just join cobra long enough to build a good 401k and quit after a few years or something. You dont think a cobra garbage man, for example, is really expected to fight off snake eyes and stalker every few days right? Would psyche out scramble my brain if i just did support work for cobra, if i were just a cobra plumber? Its a tough decision that deserves further reflection, dont want to do anything rash.
>>11193191 #
I said it looked the part for a shit post, you moron. Not that it was really happening
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There are mail men too.
I'm sure the schools and the rest of the local government is working for Cobra too. No doubt, they're using federal money for Cobra military projects too and everyone is working together to ensure no one outside of the city knows.

Not everyone is a full blown soldier in Cobra. They're not expected to be one and is probably less militant than the army because of that.
You can work the local pizzeria or arcade, playing it up for just randoms passing through the city and that's your danger pay.

You can retire a comfy life, as long as you do your part and maybe Cobra will have taken over America by that point.
The file cards says that troopers are nameless, faceless legions in Cobra trained NATO Warsaw pact small arms and weapons. Nothing else of much importance. The Officers are typically spies working in defense jobs and nuclear plants. It stands to reason that Cobra has insiders in the military and other civilian jobs who are Cobra reservists or on active duty. The scary part is not that they're all sitting around Cobra island or working as janitors in Extensive Enterprises, but living regular jobs until they're called up. Cobra is actually a lot more insidious as an insider threat to America than just a bunch of funny dressed guys in a base that can't be found by Joe surveillance for some reason. I know the war gets ramped up and the ranks get filled out as the story goes on, but I always liked early Cobra for it's reliance on being under the radar and fighting the battle on several fronts instead of just an all out war. Cobra sustaining a large army that's on duty all the time seems unaffordable and unreasonable the more you think of it.
>Maybe i could just join cobra long enough to build a good 401k and quit after a few years or something
In Sunbow's cartoon you could even get unemployment, so they paid into FICA and all that shit.
>You have to remember that Cobra Commander was written after a real life politician, William F. Buckley.
I just want to point out that Hama said he based the comic version of Cobra Commander's speech patterns and dialogue on that guy and how he talked, not on his actual beliefs and politics.
"What would WFB say" is what a Toy Fare interview said.
Maybe he changed what he said later, to be more PC, because it's bad to mock the dead.

Obviously, Buckley wasn't a terrorist, car salesman, etc, but beliefs wise, they're not that far off. Standard American dream.
He also liked overthrowing other governments (or backing them against its citizens) ala cobra... but that's also the US, huh?

I was talking about the Vipers (some? most?) coming straight from merc/former military, not the troopers. Not all of them started as troopers.

Cobra Island requires a ton of soldiers, not just to defend it, but also to develop. It was raised from the bottom of the ocean, a lifeless rock, and then within two years, it was a complete jungle.
They fucking worked overtime to do that. So they could have a standing army that they kept busy setting up their country, which they did hire out to other countries.

>I know the war gets ramped up and the ranks get filled out as the story goes on, but I always liked early Cobra for it's reliance on being under the radar and fighting the battle on several fronts instead of just an all out war.
I liked that too, but where do you go from there? In ten issues, they started doing some grand scheming and became too well known by the US government to always stay hiding. Starting their own country gives them safe harbor and pulls away suspicion of other undercover cities like Springfield existing.
So i think Cobra Island existing makes Cobra scarier, since it makes the government think they're all there, instead of making undercover communities.
Think of the taliban. Afghanistan was painted as their home base and if we beat them there, all their agents abroad would somehow disinigrate. Even today, with the taliban taking over Afghanistan again, there's practically no coverage of cells working in other countries. Same shit with Iraq and ISIS.
But Cobra is a legitimate nation, supported by allied countries.
>I liked that too, but where do you go from there?
if you don't make it a large scale war then you basically have a cat and mouse game of counter intel tactics and espionage, things like tracking Cobra down from Eastern Europe to Africa and beyond, prevent them from backing foreign governments, high tech to low tech surveillance to find out where they are sneaking in weapons, battling mercs hired and backed by Cobra, stop them from possibly trafficking who knows what, brainwashing camps, recruitment ops, retrieve drives and data that went missing which they took, rigging elections, hunting down saboteurs before a terrorist attack, preventing environmental terrorism, stopping them from getting a foothold in the American Government, corporate warfare with a side of propaganda, and that is only off the top of my head. you can get extra sci-fi wacky with it and dance in to James Bond territory and even go further. some of the technology certainly was going into that direction. However, at that point you are minimizing the "war" aspect in a way because you don't need APCs and Tanks so much if you are dealing with a small scale military squadron vs a growing threat they can't pinpoint and is using subterfuge to gain more. Sure sooner or later you would be able to bring out the big guns, but I don't think the audience was really thinking that GI Joe should be that. LOL, it's a kid's toy and even though you can turn it into something more cerebral, I don't think that was their priority. it's fun to think about sometimes though
>"What would WFB say" is what a Toy Fare interview said.
>Maybe he changed what he said later, to be more PC, because it's bad to mock the dead.
I'm reasonably sure Hama meant it more about the way the guy talked than his actual beliefs. I'm not American so I admit I'm not really familiar with Buckley but Hama made him sound like a pompous blowhard, in love with the sound of his own voice, and was saying he was writing Cobra Commander with that kind of energy, and using big words to make himself sound more intelligent than everyone around him.

Hasbro, Hama, and the Sunbow writers were all on the same page about not wanting Cobra to line up with any IRL political belief system because they didn't want to create controversy that would get in the way of selling Cobra toys.
bros... where is the 1:18 thread? Is that scale dead?
Bbts says a operation monster force figure may be lrocessing soon. I thought that line was like vapor ware. Idk if im still even curious now though.
Road Pig is Toy Of The Year.
It's not dead as long as we're still breathing. >>11197754
Have none of them shipped yet? I keep seeing them announce more, and they look good, but I'm honestly waiting till I see them ship and end up in people's hands before I buy in.
they didnt answer my question on price so I didnt bump it
>Road Pig
>give him a pig mask, giant hook weapon and make him bigger
Props to whoever on the team got the bright idea to essentially turn Road Pig into Roadhog from Overwatch, it just works so well for the character.
the few figures who already came out seem to be well received so I'm sure the ones that eventually come out should be fun figures. I'm constantly tempted by the troop builders, but I dunno if I can drop over $100 on just three random grunts.
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>if you don't make it a large scale war then you basically have a cat and mouse game
But that's boring. You can't keep them moving from one town to the next, because the point of anti-terrorist groups is to hunt them down. They're supposed to be pro-active, not reactive. It makes GI Joe look incompetent if they're not able to find an entire city of snakes. That works for a retarded 80s cartoon that had no continuity from one episode to the next, but there's a reason why the Marvel comics and the 80s GI Joe toy lore is irreplaceable.

Springfield worked as a major storyline, that was building up for 40 issues. It was eventually going to be discovered, because that's how stories work and any competent organization would find them.
This is why Cobra Island was created. It's the next step for Cobra and allows stories for another 40 years. Not only does it allow Cobra to work overtly, it still allows everything you're talking about. It's akin to the Cold War, where the US really can't do anything against a sovereign nation that is working within the laws of world. So you still have espionange, sabotage, etc, from both GI Joe and Cobra now. And since Cobra is working overtly, all eyes are on who they're allying with, instead of looking at the terrorist cells working within the US.
And that's more reason for GI Joe to exist, since the army isn't allowed to work within the US or even secretly in other countries. GI Joes is a secret military group, and you can ramp up how much more shit they get against a larger, international enemy

So all this is in service of a believable story AND for a toyline. I mean, we all enjoy bigger toys, right? Stuff like the HISS was purposely small so they can fit inside semi-trucks. FANGS were tiny. Marvel might not have created the toys for the GI Joe line, but they had to make sense of the larger vehicles Hasbro created for an increasingly popular line. Why would GI Joe need an entire aircraft carrier for a domestic terrorists?
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>Hasbro, Hama, and the Sunbow writers were all on the same page about not wanting Cobra to line up with any IRL political belief system
Hasbro didn't care.
Hama said something about how they stopped paying attention at some point. They just wanted to see their current toys appear in the comics.

And really, it's basic politics, which most people like hearing anyway. It's impossible to seperate this stuff in fiction... i mean, i guess the cartoon did, since Cobra was mostly just about ruling the world. Pretty fucking retarded.
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you have to wait til next month for the thrilling conclusion when i can take pics outside cause its still 100*F outside here
Man I want this outfit in classified. He looks so fucking boss.
rottweilers have become tired of the appropriation of their form to accommodate new pit bull bodies.
Build-A-Haslab U.S.S. Flagg
Starduster getting ready to ship out soon from Pulse.
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They were going to do a Resolute version, but of course, never happened like with everything else during that period.
>You can't keep them moving from one town to the next that's boring if they're hunting them down
>You have to have them proactive, hunting them down
Dude wtf. You said it's not fun if they're looking for them so they have to be proactive, but then you said looking for them is boring. I had never said that going town to town was all they should do. If you read my off hand list then you'd see plenty proactive and reactive ops are included. So what did you mean? I'm reading this early at six am so maybe you can tell me what I'm missing from your writings.
As for Springfield, that wasn't in the original cards which I was going off of, and honestly it's one of the more unrealistic parts of the comic's mythos. GI Joe is oblivious, they find it, they battle, it still doesn't matter. Cobra gets stronger. We get Cobra island and even though they've clearly assaulted America before and are enemies, they get amnesty. Their own nation after committing acts if war on American soil. Treated as hands off from the military aside from GI Joe. Not to mention they blew up Atlantis to make it rise up again. That was far fetched both in terms of logic and science. It made for a great comic though because of Hama.
Anyways I was discussing the early days and an alternative approach to GI Joe, being crazy but not too crazy. I'm not saying it's what it should have been done - especially because it's a toy line for children, but thinking about what was another possible approach to the story and much of the early moving parts that we knew about.
That guy definitely worked on Hasbro's Overwatch line and is getting a little unfinished business done.
Ive seen some clear exclusives i think, but thats it so far as i know.
Im shipping out my sleepwalker so i guess ill finally see whats up next week. Im really only interested in the monsters and stuff, cant really afford to be that curious with toys right now. Its still funny to me that the majority of my pre orders are monster force now.
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Hama was definitely writing about politics. Still is.
He was making political comics way before G.I. Joe.
Jesus man, can't wait for my Road Pig to arrive.
I was actually thinking about how well the Crimson Guard body fits for that look. It'd be the easiest repaint.
Never going to happen; the hood has been banned by Hasbro to appease one particular libtard at Paramount. Best we'll ever get is a straight black repaint of Retro CC
Technically the proper joes for Road Pig to brutalize are Rock and Roll and Clutch, since his first appearance had him beat the two nearly to death, so Zaranna could mind rape them into thinking they were deep cover Crimdon Guard spies that infiltrated GI Joe for cobra
>di Bonaventura
That's a good one
>you have to wait til next month for the thrilling conclusion when i can take pics outside cause its still 100*F outside here
It's going to really up my autism that the conclusion is going to have a completely different setting from where this left off.
>Hama was definitely writing about politics. Still is.
Hama working social and geopolitical themes into GI Joe comics does not equal Cobra or specific Cobra characters being meant to reflect any real world groups or individuals though. Some fans just like to speculate or read into things way too much.
>purposely imitating one of the biggest conservatives for the evil villain at the time isn't politics
are you one of those people who think the times before you were born were better?

Because it's basically SSDD, except the other side hasn't been allowed to be vocal like they used to. Media (who also used to be made up of mostly leftists) used to mock SJW/DEI shit before and now anyone who does is basically fired, including other leftists.
Why do you think Larry Hama hasn't been doing jack shit for almost 20 years, despite working on three of the biggest properties in the 80s and 90s at Marvel? He's a super progressive leftist, who helped a lot of creators as an editor, yet because he wasn't pure (he owned guns and wrote the opposite political side in positive ways), they stopped giving him work. Lots of the old guard in comics were being shut out because they weren't extreme enough and friendly with everyone.

Read the comics and learn a little history to see how/who/what they were satirizing.
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>So what did you mean?
I'm saying that you need to create a story, that isn't just random shit from episode/issue to issue/episode. You can't just constantly have GI Joe raiding some brand new Cobra base every 6-12 issues, because that's boring. What your're advocating is just nebulous conflicts, like the cartoon and first couple of issues. You need progression, a reason for GI Joe not to put the final bullet in Cobra's head and for Cobra to continue being Cobra that we all love. If Larry Hama didn't do what he did, it'd just be a boring military comic that would have lasted 15 issues.
The GI Joe mythos isn't just the back of the cards and the cartoon was based on everything Marvel/Hama made up. Most of what fans clamor for about GI Joe is from issues 10 and on. Characters like Dr Venom being killed happened BEFORE the cartoon even started. Popular characters like Snake Eyes werent popular because of the cartoon, and the cartoon even stole his main nemesis because Snake Eyes was a boring mute and gave him to Spirit. Storm Shadow wasn't even created until issue 20something.

>Anyways I was discussing the early days and an alternative approach to GI Joe being crazy but not too crazy.
Springfield was within the first wave of GI Joe though, when it was just boring green shirts. They were fighting giant robot on issue 3. So it was always "crazy" and the cartoon made everything sillier by the time it came out a year later.

Sheet, now I'm sad, because talking about this stuff makes me remember how big the comic was on /toy/ ten years ago. It was a huge deal when Hasbro FINALLY made the scarfaced Cobra Officer. No one really seems to care comic characters anymore and the cartoon figures seem to be bombing.
With forums being dead and youtube reviewers not really going into depth about the toys, GI Joe fandom just seems to be made up of casuals. Maybe there's only 10k hardcore fans left, like the kickstarter Compendium shows.
>GI Joe fandom just seems to be made up of casuals
most of the people buying classified certainly are
fact is most hardcore joe fans were never interested in classified, hell, lots of them aren’t even interested in modern toys at all
"im playin' the game
the one that will take me to my end
im waiting for the rain
to wash who i am"
>What your're advocating is just nebulous conflicts, like the cartoon and first couple of issues.
That's not true. I was just brainstorming ideas for missions outside of big stage war conflicts, not advocating the existence of random ops without any overarching stories. Just the opposite really, especially considering the early days of Joe dealt with a small unit so you'd have to flesh out the characters and storyline. All the same, by the time Hana got lazy what we got from the comics was a revolving cast of Joes guest starring in the Snake Eyes show. There was room for improvement besides focusing on the same guys too much. I like a balance.
Also, some of the best GI Joe stores are from Special Missions, which is close to what I'm talking about. Smaller ops with varied premises besides hunting down Cobra. However, I don't think a majority of those missions needed to exclude a larger story trying to Cobra. If you're dealing with a subversive American terrorist organization then you'd obviously have plenty of story to flesh out if done right. Cobra's lore is vastly interesting outside of focusing on CC and his inner circle.
Cobra Island and Springfield remain some of the goofier tenants of the GI Joe comic. Atlantis? Hidden sleeper cities? Those weren't Hasbro mandated and were also in the neighborhood of cloning people or zapping their brain with a scanner. It's fine but there were other ways it could have went and it wouldn't have stunk either.
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That version was actually for Rise of Cobra, since this version of the Flagg appears in that movie.

Side tangent, I wish the Flagg had been featured more heavily in that movie. I thought that The Pit was kind of underwhelming and in terms of global politics, it didn't make a lot of sense to have it in Egypt near the pyramids. The Flagg also has a lot more appeal to me because it's capable of going anywhere in the world to serve as a mobile base for the Joes, which gives it more story utility than the Pit. You can only have so many stories about Cobra launching an assault against the Pit before it starts getting boring and predictable, which makes it more of a strategic and training center for Joes rather than something that has a purpose in action scenes.

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