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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11158260 (deleted for some reason)
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Ok, so

>according to real Kramer we get 3 wednesday sets in 2025
He said he will return with 2hy info later this year. Too soon for that..for now.
Why did the last thread get nuked?
So, last leaks are:
>lego netflix one piece
>stranger things
>tron ares
>zelda sets
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>Finally Metal Sonic to complete the Sonic CD cast
>Super Shadow, which I bet you Lego will make him a piss yellow color instead of champagne
Furrychads eating good.
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My most valuable minifig. What is yours?
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>last video was a sponsored review of a knockoff brand
>hasn't put out a video in over a week
>can barely hit 30k views a video on his giant dump of reviews in the last month
>didn't even throw together a reaction video on the Sail Barge despite it being a highly anticipated set of an iconic scene from one of his favorite movies
Is Jang going to be ok?
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The rationale behind the absence of a Dungeons & Dragons theme is as follows:

>By the time LEGO reaches a conclusion regarding the development of such a theme, let's say earliest is 2026, several other significant franchises will have already made their mark.
>The release of "The Lord of the Rings: Hunt for Gollum" in theaters will coincide with associated sets.
>Additionally, a comprehensive Zelda theme is anticipated, featuring multiple sets.
>Furthermore, the upcoming HBO series based on Harry Potter is expected to result in tie-in sets available on store shelves.

Consequently, Dungeons & Dragons would represent the fourth fantasy series, which may be excessive, especially when LEGO has more lucrative intellectual properties to consider.
Blue milk Luke Skywalker.
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Before last thread got axed, I asked:

>So, I found this set in store for $120, should I go ahead and get it or wait for Black Friday? Will it go even more down?

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sir I don't believe this is part of the LEGO™ instructions
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Take a moment to think of how awesome this theme is and how much better the show is...>>>>>ninjago
yea but you cant get any of the sets unless you are rich and live in china.
or... their licensing contract with wotc dictated 1(one) set and 1(one) cmf series for the 50th anniversary promo and that was that. either party could have not been interested in pursuing things further especially since hasbro is in cahoots with other toy companies and this was as far as they were able to negotiate
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You can buy them from lego.com and prices are fine...ugh...not really

I fucking feel bad for not getting nexo knights sets
which organ should i sell so i can get the monkie kid sets from lego.com?
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Final consensus? Good theme?
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Let's talk about Vidiyo, how would've you fixed it and saved it from getting cancelled?
no, colourvomit theme with ugly minifigs and builds. only saving grace is it often goes on clearance so you can get it cheap (or spend the money on anything else instead)
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Never forget...
make it a cmf and tone down some of the grotesque colour combinations
>color bad
I just got the theme for you pal!
that's the opposite direction. i dont know why lego designers have such a hard time with colours now but themes now are either way too colourful and have weird ugly colour combinations or they are just bricks of solid colour like star wars. look any theme from the 90s or 2000s and it has a great classic colour scheme that looks nice and works.
ucs glumpo glogo's space formula 1 pod racer - $800
Look at this vidiyo set, the main colours are
none of these colours look good next to eachother. turquoise and salmon is like a cat food packet and then i guess brown is the food inside. so they went with a cat food colour scheme. just awful
Literally could not care less. This literally less interesting than vidiyo, dreamzzz or friends
Many F1 cars in Speed Champs, including teams as Ferrari, Red Bull, Aston Martin, etc
I would just go for it at that price if you real want it, it's a pretty great deal for that set. I doubt this set would see any significant decrease from that price and, if it does, it wouldn't be by much
I only care about speed champions i like them they have good prices and nice builds especially now they are 8 wide. my wish is for stickers to be banned and they have to use prints now cause there is too many stickers thats the one thing I hate.
>some colours look bad next to each other
this MUST mean they hate colours all together!!!
yea this. i wouldnt buy it though cause harry potter is for girls.
What the fuck just happened?
god i wish it survived till the end of wave 3, the black and green with pretty heavy armored enemy faction was so nice.
thread got dmca'd because of the leaks. happens all the time on reddit
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Kramer said some pretty nasty things about afro-american AFOLs
>no, colourvomit theme with ugly minifigs and builds.
Shut up just2good. nobody cares about tranny opinion
I swear to god I took screenshots and they’re gone off my phone now too and I got a weird fucking message from google.
My biggest problem with Vidiyo is it was too loud with its designs, and because of it, the figures looked alien in any other set. And because it tried to make a tiktok app, it was chained down by increased prices for nothing to show for it as it didn't have any actual sets in the beginning. By the time they had sets, it was too late.
So if I had control, no app, tone down the neon color diarrhea and make them be able to be other things than music themed, but most of that was the entire identity of the theme so probably wouldn't work anyways.
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>DMCAed over text saying Minecraft Movie is getting sets
Who was DMCAed?
Nvm I checked, legominecraftgoat posted it but his post is gone now
I hope someone else screenshotted those and didn’t get them ganked by glowniggers.>>11160413
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the ONLY thing wrong with Vidiyo was

they thought people would consider the app tie-in to be "worth" the cost, but NOBODY "got that" and it just seemed like Lego but at twice the (already high) price

seriously, $20 for ONE minifig?
>Last thread: >>11158260 (deleted for some reason)
wtf did you guys post to get wiped off the board
either leak posts (which I doubt, since they're here anyway) or the OP was spamming in the thread before it and someone reported them
I think it was because I know who the leaker is and called him out by name.
slave leia(yellow)
jannies are scared of f1 fags
every theme will have f1 plastered over it and /lg/ fantasyfags will seethe and cope about it
>I fucking feel bad for not getting nexo knights sets
Honestly, same. It wasn't even because I was in a dark age. I just didn't have any fucking money.
I have a yellow Harry and Draco from a 2001 Sorcerer's Stone set, but I have no idea how much they're worth now.
very little
How do so many posters here seem to not know how to use the Bricklink catalog?
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uh what's that N stand for...
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I have zuccus somewhere too followed up by the Anubis guards and uncracked original Spanish armada guys
No, very big flop of a theme with no clear direction. It didn't sell here even with 60% off sales.
Can confirm.
probably a toss between the original watto and darth malgus both in new condition. I also have the original jango fett, but in used condition since i played a lot with it as a kid.
i have that original phase 2 captain rex. so funny to find star wars fags go crazy for it.
i have been out of lego for like 2 years and genuinely thought it was discontinued cause i have never seen a set in store. Was going to buy that big wukong mech when that came out, kinda still want it but couldn't really afford it then and can't now. i'm always checking ebay for a used copy tho.
I would have just wanted it to be some cool fake bands or something and not have that stupid app integration.
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Goat set bro, I have this! Original from childhood (oldfag)
you should sell that gay garbage to buy the DnD set
Original wattoo is awesome, but needs the shorter legs!
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im expecting it to be complete shit
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The lack of info about an upcoming dnd theme is a marketing strategy to get people to buy the $360 set due to fomo because "it might be all you'll ever gonna get"
If it is than it worked on me. Not that I regret it
This movie is going to bomb. Hard.

Lego was first for white boys, but they had to expand the market, so they targeted white girls (friends). Then they targeted Asians (Ninjago, Chinkie Kid), so now onto the next minority group: niggers.

Except niggers can't afford Lego sets (they steal them), so these piece by piece sets will instead target uber liberals and redditors for MUH DIVERSITY and shit.

All the reviewers (Jang, Just2fag) will jerk off to it else be seen as RAYCIST. Brickset will write a glowing review. But nobody will see it, because the world intrinsically hates niggers and cant seem to accept that.

Legos arent for black people. Theyre for white people.
>not releasing for the halloween season
Based take
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Manager's conference minifig
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Cyclone vs Metal Sonic

Oh shit! We get a cyclone build!
why is this dude selling for $60...
Original Jango I think.
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My reaction
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>It's another Lego gaslights their customers into thinking they're being "eco friendly" but the real goal is just to save lego money which they won't pass on to the consumer episode
I wouldn't hold any fear that they'll actually do this, at least not in the immediate future, considering their missions sets utterly bombed
I need to go on their website that doesn't load half the time to tell them I don't want to go on their website.
That’s already what they do with the Mario sets.
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it's not even your choice
you'll just open up a new lego set one day and there won't be any instructions in the box and you will scan the qr code on the box like the good lego cuck that you are and look up the digital instructions
what, are you poor? you're already buying lego, you 100 percent have a device to display PDF instructions on
Deadpool I think
Exclusive, received movie popularity and only appeared in a shitty set so people don't see anything valuable outside the fig, same thing happened with the Reverse Flash. Doctor Doom also exploded in valuable despite it being such a shitty fig
cool, and surprisingly cheap
I really hope you're right
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Just got some free lego from a friend, nothing crazy, but this overwatch set is pretty neat, I hope it’s complete
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>the ONLY thing
And the app which IIRC only ran on the latest smartphones at the time, had godawful performance, was restricted as shit and in the end didn't even work properly.
Not to mention the horrendous box design that had more phone screens than Lego pieces on it. If you were a clueless parent looking for a set to buy for your kid you'd probably take the box with the racecar or dragon on it instead of the one with the dancing kids, phone and weird minifig that you have to turn around 3-4 times before you even know what the fuck is inside of it, what it is and what it does.
Is that a boy wearing a dress?
they retard-proof the instructions so much, that a 30 USD set will have around 150 pages of instructions. if they really wanna score some ESG points by reducing paper production, they should make the instruction booklet huge again and have fewer steps. gunpla kits have their instructions fit inside a sheet of paper, so Lego can do it too!
I mean look at this design. You have a mermaid, a shark dude and a squid dude. If you have a couiple of pirate (or space pirate) themed sets, they're perfect.
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If you want to be greener then reduce the size of those instructions. Not every 1×2 plate needs its own goddamn page.

Also, reduce the fucking box sizes.
Recently built the Lambo V12 and when I opened the box it felt like one or two bags were missing - 75% of that thing was filled with air!
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LEGO may be considering phasing out paper instructions!!!

>A new activity has appeared in the Insiders Rewards centre entitled Sustainable Building: Help us decide the future of LEGO Building Instructions!

>The description goes on to suggest that the company could be considering "reduc[ing] our paper usage by switching to digital building instructions", which is something that I know many of you feel very strongly about.

>If that applies to you, I suggest that you let LEGO know what you think by partaking in the survey, for which you'll receive 50 points.


New mario sets have physical instructions
don't mean to trash it, but it's a shame it's lazer printed by a third party company
No anon we can't use paper! It's not like it grows on trees or anything!
I don't even know who the fuck this guy is.
i exhaled audibley. good one fren :)
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You got a nice fren! Have fun! :D happy for ya!
>can't even vote
>wanted some new points so found on rewards download pictures = 50 points
>lose 50 points
Lego are cruel
I lost 200 points because I converted some pics!!! I should've gain 200 points not lose them! Fuck you TLG!

What's the fucking point to convert pics if I don't gain points?
jfc I think I'm selling my legos. That's just wrong, man.
>lego is becoming more gay each day
We have atleast 5 more years of kino lego before they go full shit.
>they deletd last thread
Lmao, what's their fucking problem?
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I'm all for digital instructions IF it makes sets cheaper. Vote this and get 50 boints my frens
where do i vote?
This is how they get you. False promises.

They will drop instructions and prices will be the same.

here's the catch. the sets will be more expensive because hosting those instructions at the website is not cheap. poor website devs have to eat too!
I guess this vote is more to decide for future sets, like around end of decade? No way they drop instructions so soon.

Mario is just getting physical ones after years of digital so it is proof it isn't working that well.

They should make instructions smaller!
can't they just use recycled paper if it's for le environment?
>lego goes digital instructions
>instead of lowering price lego makes them more expensive because devs have to eat too
Boy, I didn't know how I will get out of this hobby, now I know
what they need to do is reduce the number of steps. putting a 1x1 doesn't need its own page! a step should have 5 pieces minimum and a page should contain 4-8 steps. that's how you conserve paper without obsoleting instruction booklets.
>all these grandpas
Fags, its good for nature. Also, every poorfag owns a smartphone nowadays. No fucking excuse, and why own instructions? Just download them for free. No, you kbow what, fuck you, you make me angry.

I think lego should
>go full digital instructions
>make you pay subscriptions for instructions on their lego app
you just know the discount will be absolutely miniscule, don't vote that

Lego is like Sauron now

It gives you false promises, then kills you.
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this is insane

my phone bill I get in the mail says "save the stamp, pay online!" "go paperless! eco points!"

when you pay the bill online, they charge you a $4 "convenience fee"

the stamp is much cheaper and they don't charge me for the envelopes

unless Lego is giving away free LARGE SCREEN tablets, I'm not staring at my tiny phone screen to build a set.

I bought ONE Mario set when they first came out, it didn't have a book, I figured it out without downloading the app, never bought another Mario set again, I don't know if they started including books in them or if you still need a dumb app for the Mario sets
>you will pay for digital instructions and expensive sets
>you will own nothing
>and you will be happy
I bought Bowser car and it had books inside it.
>muh instructions
Cmfs barely have instructions but I see no one complaining!!!

Just shut up already Jesus Christ
I remember rebuilding a friend's 6335 using only pictures from the brochure. retards should never be allowed to own lego sets
>wake up
>lego wants to phase out kino instructions for gaygital
Ruined my day
thanks for the info

so... it's like Lego already tried this, and it already failed? lmao
True, I guess that's why they want to try again

You know, for a company that should be against promoting children stay in front of phones all day...they do the opposite
does Lego own the printers, or do they have someplace else print them? either way, the costs went up, and they are desperate to save pennies.

here's what will happen:
--Lego set now that cost $20
--NEW Lego set without a printed instructions = $20
--NEW Lego set that comes with printed instructions = $25

it will "seem" like the one without the book is cheaper, but it will just be that the one that has the book will cost more. and they will say "WE VOTED FOR IT!" (yay to us for voting! sarcasm)
But it is cheaper are you dumb?
>the link goes to the Insiders site
>no survey to be seen
Clearly something is up.
Survey is not working for everyone...hmmm
Didn't Lego have a mantra along the lines of "We only do physical toys kids can play with! We'll never go fully digital!"
The entire appeal of Lego is that you actually get to interact with something real instead of staring at blue light the entire time and be connected to the internet.
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These cunts better make Blaze the Cat and Cream the Rabbit before finishing their license.
Third worlders aren't allowed to vote.
yes, but the point was it's not "really" cheaper

the theoretical new set would be what an old set would have been "worth" $20 with the book included, except the new version would NOT come with the book

and if you wanted the book, it would be the equivalent of buying a $20 set but paying an extra $5 for the book.

the end result is that the set is NOT "less expensive" but that the one which includes the instructions is "more expensive"

there's a difference
Sega will probably try to renew the license whenever they can, pretty sure lego sonic makes more money than the games do at the moment.
I want a Big The Cat big fig and im serious.
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I missed this epic shit because it was monkie kid and I didn't know it existed and was probably $180 or something ridiculous. fuck my gay lego monkey kid life
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This is literally just posturing for ESG brownie points. They won't change shit, especially something people might get mad about.
For the longest time they've been saying they'll phase out the plastic bags for paper ones but after opening countless new sets I've only gotten them once. If they won't commit to changing the way more obvious environmental hazard that no one would cry about going away then they sure as hell won't get rid of paper instructions no matter the vote outcome.
they broke that mantra 25 years ago.
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>Yes goy, you WILL stare at a computer screen and be connected to the internet even when playing with toys!
you are wise

no way is Lego desperate enough to save paper-printing money over the outrage it would cause.

people would simply STOP buying the sets, and it would take a massive ad campaign for Lego to announce "WE PUT INSTRUCTIONS BACK! PLEASE BUY SETS AGAIN!!!!"
reminder to order as many rubber elements as possible from pick a brick. fuck the enviorment
I am fine if paper instructions remain european and amerifarts get digital from the european toy company
Fixing environmemt. Will take 2 gens. From now, you wont be alive to see the results.
Environment is fine anyway, the save le environment stuff is just grifting. If you really care you should become a serial killer in India to stop them pooping in the ocean.
The survey for this is absolute crap. There are several questions which are leading in the sense there is no option to just say "I would literally never do this unless I was being held hostage and in mortal peril". Lego is something I use to escape the digital web that entangles everyday life. The few times I've had to use the digital instructions have been total crap (looking at you Lego Mario). The experience sucks, especially for me who usually is building 2-3 steps at a time and digital instructions only ever fit one step on the screen at a time.
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not that guy, b-but... you don't watch 12 hour long video essays when you build / sort your Lego? Am I too far brain rotted??
This. How this survey is worded tells me it is a foregone conclusion, unless we fight, fight, fight it.

They polled it as so many leading questions, to the point there wasn't even a "I won't buy this" option.

The farthest away from "I love and support iPad instructions!!" they allowed was "I'll buy this for my kids or other relatives kids".

No Lego, no I won't be buying this for kids. Having something relaxing and fun to do without more screen time is the whole point.

I work in IT, I think I have enought time on the internet, don't need more.

Yeah, sorry. I just listen to music or a podcast but don't watch them. Just listen and keep my eyes on set I build.
Fuck this idea! I can not imagine building a big set and looking at a screen all the time. I build Lego to enjoy NOT looking at a screen.

Maybe they're thinking of this because they can't make their pieces less "eco friendly," so the next best thing is to get rid of the paper.

Actually, if they stopped with paper manuals, my purchasing of sets (especially big ones) would probably come to a near hault.
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>Lego dot com
> click on your points or get to the insiders page
> "Activities"
I don't have it...
>literally every comment is against digital instructions on every site this was published, even reddit minus a few greenpeace hacks
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you guys are right... it's not worth the discounts, lego SHOULD be a screen free activity. i already voted in favor of it tho.... im sorry frens
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Sign up for insiders then! It's free :D
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i did, i only have these which i already did before
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oh.. idk maybe ur region locked fren... im sorry
Probably one of the mermaid chicks from the PotC Whitecap Bay set or the Wizard of Oz set of her, toto, lion, scarecrow and tinman
>For the longest time they've been saying they'll phase out the plastic bags for paper ones but after opening countless new sets I've only gotten them once
Really? Because every new sets I've bought, aside from a couple of small Star Wars ones, has used paper bags for the pieces.
I think that's actually a good change. It reduces the amount of plastic waste and unlike getting rid of paper instructions it doesn't affect the building experience.
I think its based on luck

Anyway, fuck haters, last episodes of rings of power were FIRE. I WANT ROP SETS
Minidolls of these please
I was thinking, how will lego make sets based on both HBO reboot and movies for Harry Potter IP?

Like no way they don't make sets based on the show, WB will force them to.
>minecraft movie will get 3 sets
>super mario movie got none
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>Anyway, fuck haters, last episodes of rings of power were FIRE. I WANT ROP SETS
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it still pains me that we're getting new scolipede villain in the new wave, but we never got this cutie in minifig form
Maybe villain for 2025?
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built a church moc for my wild west layout. I'm displaying the whole thing this weekend so that should be fun.
on one hand I don't give a shit personally because I mostly buy older sets on bricklink and always look up pdfs of the instructions instead of flipping through the booklets anyway

on the other it is objectively a mistake and would only be a net negative experience for the consumer so I still want to tell lego to kill themselves for even suggesting the concept
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Why are villain sets selling worse than hero sets? Atleast that's Lego's excuse.

2025 winter wave for Dreamzzz won't have villain centric sets for example after it did have last year and this year.

Seeing characters like Monkie Kid, Ninjas or Dreamchasers beat bad guys with all that gear and villains usually only have a big army with no vehicles is sad. Cole big titan mech can stomp on the entire wolf clan.
>Illegal techniques
Change it. NOW.
Universal Pictures next lego movie is called Guardians of Imagination: A Lego Movie
>2025 winter wave for Dreamzzz won't have villain centric sets for example
Fucking lame. The villain sets are the best in the entire theme. The ones without bad guys feel like rebranded Friends slop. You're telling me kids would rather play with a Narwhal air balloon and a Turtle bus than a metal as fuck black and purple pegasus and shark pirate ship?
where is the never stickers anymore option?
Grindset mentality takes another victim. Shoulda pivoted.
still don't understand why they didn't give him the long legs, if any figure needs them it is this one.
>Brown figure with an "N" shirt
They will have villains but there wont be vehicles for them or a base. Just a bad guy minifig
I hope so, they released an ugly dust collector instead of Daft Punk minifigures.
Nobody else stopped...
I have grown weary of unreliable sources, so I will outline the situation for the upcoming year:

New themes include:
> Tron Ares (4 sets)
> Netflix's One Piece (6 sets)
> The Legend of Zelda (8 sets)
> Stranger Things (4 sets)
> Three Avatar: Fire and Ash sets (the rationale remains unclear)

Indeed, a comprehensive theme based on The Legend of Zelda is scheduled for release in 2025. I regret to inform the Dungeons & Dragons enthusiasts that there will be no additional sets for 2025, with the possibility of more in 2026.

> More Fortnite sets are anticipated, approximately 6 sets
> 4 sets themed around Wednesday
> The Simpsons Icons sets will feature minifigure heads! The upcoming collectible minifigure series in the fall will be a remake of The Simpsons.
> The next Lord of the Rings set will focus on Rohan, with The Shire also set to be released in the fall.
> A full range of Lord of the Rings sets is planned for 2026, which will coincide with the Zelda theme.

> The Zelda theme will incorporate a dungeon system featuring gears and keys to unlock door sets.

Please note that there will be no Dragon Ball Z sets! The One Piece sets are scheduled to launch in conjunction with the release of season 2, including minifigures and several sets from that season.
> The Dreamzzz theme will introduce 2 biomes for the first and second halves of the year.
> The first half will focus on video games, while the second half will explore adventures involving pyramids and castles, with nightmare monsters such as mummies serving as villains, alongside a video game character possessed by nightmares, led by Dizzy.
Additional Information:

Monkie Kid will not conclude in 2025; there are two sets scheduled for January and an additional five to six sets anticipated for July. The theme is set to persist, with a potential global launch expected by 2026 following the completion of the 2025 story arc, which will include a soft reboot. The Dreamzzz theme will also extend beyond 2025. Furthermore, LEGO, Warner Bros., and Embracer Group are collaborating on agreements related to the Lord of the Rings theme, aiming to develop products for the upcoming Hunt for Gollum sets. The Tron Ares sets will feature illuminated components. Additionally, the Icons line is expected to include sets inspired by Beetlejuice, E.T., and Gremlins, despite these concepts not being selected by LEGO during the contest. One Piece marks LEGO's inaugural anime theme, although it is based on the live-action adaptation; the company is eager to assess its performance, with optimistic expectations to cater to the pirate theme niche for the time being.

F1 branding will be incorporated into the following themes:
- Duplo
- City
- Dreamzzz
- Speed Champions
- Art
- Creator
- Technic
- Minifigures
- Ninjago
- Friends

Themes such as Ninjago and Dreamzzz will showcase fantasy interpretations of F1 vehicles.

LEGO is currently developing the Ninjago storyline for 2027 and 2028, with plans for a new rebooted movie in collaboration with Universal.
>took LEGO 19 years to make a Rocket Racer minifig
I heckin' love Formula 1!
She's not really a villain though. But I agree, I really wanted her in minifig form with a brick built alternate scorpion lower body.
Cause nintendo are weirdos?
Wait the One Piece sets are legit? I thought it was just retards trying to counter the DBZ retard.
>Themes such as Ninjago and Dreamzzz will showcase fantasy interpretations of F1 vehicles
Those are gonna be some really fucking weird sets.
Why don't lego make set commercials anymore? Back then every theme had one

They were so fun like "Hey" and "evil character stole the golden weapon, build this vehicle to defeat it"

It's a lame vanity project made by a lame musician. I hope it bombs based on that alone
Paper is the most easily recyclable material, make the bricks out of caseine and wheat starch based plastic alternative and maybe ot will look like you're making a difference
Lego still make set commercials, I saw one the other day. I wasn't really paying attention though but it was for some friends sets.
Though Lego Friends seems like a weird thing to advertise to a 40 year old guy watching Gen V...
3 more days… how cold have we all gotten #calmadult
Nah trash it all you want, I agree with you. All of the manager's conference and comic-con figures have really weird printing that doesn't always look great. Fun fact though, the Zach the Lego maniac manager's figure is the only official fig with back hip printing.
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because they are much more expensive. lego won't admit this though because they love having ridiculous prices that make no sense
They already have a design from LEGO Dimensionsł so it’s not out of the question. Maybe he’ll appear in the camp one.
also boys(lets not pretend girls would ever want Dreamzzz sets instead of Friends) dont like the gay pink color scheme they have going on for the villains
You got the last thread deleted Mark.
Prices are ridiculous for all their themes. Doubt there is a well priced theme
>Maybe he’ll appear in the camp one.
too cheap for a bigfig set :(
that's so cool
yea but villain sets are even more expensive on average
Is it good it happened?
absolutely not
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I pray to god Lego starts to get rid of Yellowheads. Of course they'll most likely do it because woke so I would have to get rid of a lot of negros but it's better than some themes being all yellowfucks. I fucking despise yellowheads, the Simpsons and Matt Groening the unfunny fuck.
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*patiently(not so patiently) waits for a decent discount*
yes. great film and rlly creative
Best bet is that if the series continues further along, we may get her in the next celebration set, like the recent city. That, or against all odds Lego makes her a prominent character later on.
The castle would have been an excellent set too.
what is a decent discount for you? because it is already discounted at a lot of places.
how is the sequel any more "woke" than the original?
Because women.
wyldstyle was in the first film too, retard
>, the Simpsons and Matt Groening the unfunny fuck.

Simpsons had fleshies through but only dark skin people had real flesh colors
I would be happy with 15% or 20%
50% or 75%

>because it is already discounted at a lot of places.
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>search FB marketplace for any potential deals, found a few before
>see this listing, laff as it's bootlegs offered as Lego
This /pol/ mindrot has gotten out of hand.
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All this talk about physical instructions, can we appreciatr the dreamzzz booklets? The art it has is pure soul
I have come to a problem...I don't have enough space for sets anymore
what the hell does that have to do with pol? the polwhiner brainrot is out of control.
I kind of want to show up earing a Harris Walz tshirt and hiring a black guy to be my 'husband', but I don't want shitty knockoffs probably crusted in the seller's cum.
Did you read his weird post?
Still waiting for a good successor to Space Police. The space stuff they just did looked sovlless.
Mega has the same brick quality as lego these days and zero (0) stickers as well everything is printed.
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>tfw found used hurricane heist for 10$
>only 3 very common pieces missing and one minifigure part is damaged
>we need to get rid of and tax le uber rich companies and give people free shit!!!
>don't have space for sets anymore
>i dont want to sell any set
What do?
buy a bigger house
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>shitty Xbox trash bootlego
like pottery
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wow awesome. statue in the back kind of reminds me of bionicle
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After considerable reflection, I have determined which LEGO sets I wish to acquire for the remainder of this year. While I am uncertain if I will obtain all of them by the end of the year, I anticipate acquiring many during Black Friday.

I would appreciate your thoughts on my selection. Which sets are you interested in?
none. the ones i like (sonic and monkie kid) are too expensive to justify
Then what sets would you buy?

What sets do you plan to get guys and gals?
>too expensive to justify
What does this mean?
the prices are too high for me to consider buying the set
if you like sonic there are some cheaper sonic sets that are around £20 on amazon mostly knuckles sets
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i was surprised that creator 3-1 include books fro all three sets , i would have thought the 2 & 3 build would have been on line
CMF Space Police and aliens are really your best bet.
i like to use star wars sets and figs and modify them to use for space police. i hope they do some of those cheaper battle packs but do some aliens in it instead of clones
kino of the highest order
>I would appreciate your thoughts on my selection. Which sets are you interested in?
I would put it like this:

1) DEFINITELY sonic set is your priority in that list
2) Fortnite-not a fan of a game but thats a good set
3) flying beast from Monke kid

others can be either passed or bought in 2025 like wednesday set - its new and will be around
That specific movie was good yes. I don't really remember the sequel except that it was boring.
I'm not sure if I did use any illegal techniques here. If you're referring to the tiles wedged between studs it's perfectly legal and has been used in official sets before.
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Why can't I just buy the complete box of 12 CMF from lego.com?
you VILL gamble
buy a whole pack(3 of each) and sell the copies
this but eat the copies instead
nta but I might do this. let's face it these figs are gonna be a goldmine in the aftermarket especially if this is the full extent of the Lego DnD theme
>buy 4x the 6 packs
>get 4x 6 characters and miss out on the rest
The whole case is only $135 if you live in the US too. So if you off load them for $5 each, you're spending $15 total to get the full set of 12.
>The whole case is only $135
How do I buy a whole case?
Nvm they raised their prices. I ordered a set from Planet Fun Toys for $135, but looks like they raised the price by $10
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what is going on with the north pole
MinifiguresPlus and PlanetFunToys are the big two people use to order cases, I've ordered from both before
santa's epstein island
what set is this from i kind of want to build the north pole
Wait is that the first elf with long legs then?
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I think it is just an ad, not a set. I was just on lego.com and clicked on the "Holiday" tab.
damm i want that weird wheelchair elf with a fishing rod
>advertising for christmas before halloween has even started
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>"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to buy and build this"
Why Jang?
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So this was complete, besides the little bird, but I was able to build one.
I was thinking of selling it, but it’s kinda bad ass. Might keep it for a while
because its $360 duh
>gave him brown hair instead of black
Can't have shit.
can you ask the fat bionicles guy to make instructions to make this robot into a fat big tits robot and make that or do it yourself or maybe you are that guy i see a lot of those dome pieces he uses for boobs
I honestly don't know. I was surprised to see it there and clicked on it to see if there were themed sets outside of advent calendars (there weren't)
Poor guy
he is a veteran youtube reviewer with over a million subscribers
I will not.
>Update 19th Sept 14:15: It looks as if the survey has been removed, perhaps as a result of the storm of protest it has caused here and on other blogs, or perhaps because it was very poorly designed and worded.

Lego got btfo
what's his pension plan
he bought trannyvendell, a $500 set

you can swap the legs on the minifigs to make them sit though. that alone is worth $400.
I wish I had that guys talent
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>his last video before he disappeared was #Sponsored
>room full of halo collectable slop with many items surpassing 360$
>collects hundreds of knives each with a price tag between 25-75$
>i-i don't know if i can buy the d&d set guys.. although reviewing lego is my main income and building lego sets on twitch from morning until midnight.
Can someone replace this dragon with Smaug? i want to see how it looks.
Honestly they should have marketed it like this
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>fucked Holly and has a cute gf
>gets free lego sets from lego, still gives his honest opinion on sets and shits on them if they are bad
Ashnflash won
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bro he looks like absolute ass, it's barely lego

also pathetic how peter jackson made him a wyvern
Totally agree. The worst Dragon lego ever made. What's funny about that is I'm pretty sure he is the most expensive dragon you can buy.
I'm not sure about set sales. But I don't think they were on store shelves long. But the LOTR/Hobbit aftermarket has always been really expensive. Doubly so because it was the brittle brown era.
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Tell me about Ice Planet 2002.
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they would make so much money if they rereleased the classic dragon. im sure they no longer have the mold so if they were remaking it they could add improvements like movable legs, eye printing and better wings

no thank you
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The promotional material for it is just incredible.
I agree. Except I know I would hate the eye printing. They would do what they did with the crocs and sharks.
why is it fucking the tower?
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I don't care for meme chainsaws or trans neon orange in general. As a matter of fact, I prefer the Artic theme
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>I don't care for trans neon orange
I really like that old bear mold.
I think if you want the dragon new, it's around $400
Hi, new LEGO enjoyed here.
I recently rejected my NEET ways and since I have money now, I decided to please my long neglected inner child
I chose to start with creator series, since I never was a fan of minifigures and today this cute unicorn shipped.
I also ordered second hand Red Creatures (31032), Mighty Dinosaurs (31058) and Deep Sea Creatures (31038)
There are many more sets that caught my attention, but maybe next time.

Oh, BTW, how quickly LEGO hinges will degrade and lose their friction?
I just noticed the dwarf torsos in the snow white site are the epitome of classic lego. Shame about the set.
Top 5 according to Brickset. Ghost seems to be 45€ used. Achu, arguably the most expensive actual minifig there, is 42€ used.
>how quickly LEGO hinges will degrade and lose their friction?
Depends on how much you are fiddling with them. If it's just display it will last a long time. Decades even. If you are playing with it (it's a toy after all so go for it), they can loosen and break as early as the first month. Just depends on how rough you are with it. That said, almost all joints and hinges are inexpensive and easily replaced (and usually sets will give you extra pieces). You can order pieces directly from lego through pick a brick section of their website. So play with it. Enjoy it. And if you're really worried buy some spare joints.
I actually bought it this week for 20$ and it's fun to handle
The gorgoyle guy is also neat
Too bad the play feature leaves a huge gap
Like Millennium? not a Star Wars fan, but feel free to reach out to him
>gorgoyle guy is also neat
I don't like nexo knights but the villain factions from that theme are on point. I bricklink them frequently.
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I really like that use of the wing. Your idea or is this taken from somewhere?
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Tell me about it
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high level kino
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it's mine.
I'm waiting for them to make the wing piece in red so I can do the classic green dragon as well
Apologies sir but that husky is not part of the set. I would appreciate it if you removed it so that the set complies with the official LEGO depiction
>it's' mine
Cool but it's a shame you post on reddit too. That's kind of gay.
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>kind of gay
I agree, that's why I don't post there much anymore but it's usually pretty gay here too.
there's nowhere good to post legos anymore
I remember these being weirdly expensive when they came out.
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>pretty gay here too
Yeah can't argue with that. I'll still call you a faggot though and act like I'm better than you. I only ever post on 4chan but I think the only way I actually deserve my superiority complex is if I don't use the internet at all.
Post proof you're legit. I don't believe you on the One Piece fluff alone. That show is way too raunchy for Lego.
okay this is kinda epic
I'll post on reddit if I want people to actually see a moc I made.
I'm not popular enough for instagram and there's like 5 people here.
Don't feel any obligation to justify yourself to me. I'm just some faggot on the internet calling you a faggot.
New thread?????
go for it fren
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>Cheating bitch
Brick built heads and legs for dragons look dumb. Although I will agree that if it's almost all custom molded parts then it might as well be an action figure.

Thank goodness
This would be a fun theme to collect and build upon I feel. Simple enough designs and an easily replicable color scheme.
Also feel like the later Arctic themes went over the top, should have kept it simple
he has a chud face, otherwise he wouldn't hide it
All the supermarkets around me are already carrying christmas shit, including fresh food stuff that goes off in november...
To be fair the Netflix version is a lot more PC so it wouldn't surprise me if lego did a theme based on it.
In the old days you could just euthanize your gimpy worker elves. But the woke mob won't have that anymore. You gotta find something for them to do to contribute.
>But knows he has a face for radio so never shows it.

Still a win
the fact that it was secretly an unlicensed The Thing theme is pretty cool
is the shield custom or a real piece?
that's not a dog, it's some sort of thing!
Smaug is unironically more lego than the dinosaurs in the Jurassic line. Wings are on a ball joint an removable (can also fold in) claws are removable, legs are removable, able to connect flame or other parts inside the mouth, spikes on the back are removable and a tiny part of his back is brick build, which you can remove to place a figure.
Bold of you to assume they were born like that, and not crippled by Santa and kept around as an example to the other elves to maximize toy production.
You can't figure out how to put rahkshi heads on this?
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the black 'ghetto blaster' with white and garish color details sums up vidyo
looks like a girls toy due to color.
is representing old technology so kids dont even get what it is.
result; no actual market for it.
i got one at a third of the price, i like the figures and i have a ton of spare black parts as i am old enough to remember the tech, but even I dont want it assembled on my shelf as its just ugly.
are legos 'concept' division a bunch of out of touch gen x-ers?
im pretty sure their idea is to start with inflated prices, then the sales bring them down to the price they should have been to begin with.
thats a win-win for them.
i just got the dune ornithopter from amazon with a third off. im only buying stuff when the good deals pop up.
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Forest Ambush!

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