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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11160291
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Bros I want it so bad

even though I'm not struggling particularly hard financially, there's something about spending over 300 dollars on a plastic toy that feels beyond ridiculous

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I also started buying nexo villains.
>army building normie style: 1000 grey/blue knights
>BASED 100% ultrakill ANON CHAD army building: 1000 nexo knights villains
LEGO MOC general /lmg/

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It's the best "afol" set ever created.
And the best castle set of 21 century right now.

2000-2024 don't have castle/fantasy sets better than this.
(until 3 years later when all sections of Hogwarts will be available but that's a collection of sets - not a single set)
>until 3 years later when all sections of Hogwarts will be available
brave of you to make that assessment before you even see all those sets you believe are yet to come

actually it's not brave, it's dumb and irrational
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This is commercial freighter Alpha:Tron 'Cosmic explorer' out of the Solomons, registration number Lima-Lima-niner-2-eight. Calling Kepler 22-Bravo traffic control. Do you read me? Over.
i have shin hati's fighter from the e wing vs it set and i alao recently got obi wan's starfighter which is pretty gappy and overall kind of a lame build. i am thinking of using it to upgrade shin's fighter and make it cooler and bigger anyone got ideas of what i could do? i dont care about star war canon i just want to moc a cool spaceship for shin.
>there's something about spending over 300 dollars on a plastic toy that feels beyond ridiculous

As a gunpla fag I'm not sure what you're complaining about. Your plastic is overpriced as shit but it isn't as bad as ours.
what if i'm happy buying big, expensive, complex sets?
also you're delusional if you think the average person is going to react differently to a $1000 """adult""" ATAT vs the baby ATAT for babies.
>brave of you to make that assessment before you even see all those sets you believe are yet to come
I'm smart enough to understand the structure because i understand the lego building system.

The Great Hall is already huge and fun to play with.
And it's not even the biggest nor the widest section of Hogwarts.
All sets conbined will provide me with neverending Castle Fun.

No other castle will ever come as close to viso grandioso or fun factor as that leviathan of a combination.
>it's dumb and irrational
You neither smart nor rational, incel.
when will lego release a wewelsburg castle with the black sun floor? can i commision lego to make a set if I am rich enough?
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it hurts less if you pretend you're buying a bunch of cheaper smaller sets and combining them
there is no guarantee subsequent sets will be good/look decent/not be a disappointment

it's safe to assume the combined scale will be big but that's as far as you can go, size isnt everything

hell theyve already recycled and rereleased the bulk of hogwarts over and over so why arent you claiming the combined sets that have already been released(meaning you can actually judge them fairly beyond future hopes and dreams!) make for the best castle experience ever?
Hit up the CEO of Cobi about it. He might unironically do it if you commission it.
My strategy for seemingly frivolous purchases is to deduct the value from my food budget(over a period of time)
After the budget cut period is finished I feel like the set has been "paid off" at no cost, you have the peace of mind that you didn't spend any extra money had you not bought the set, and it's not like you'll be lamenting all the food you missed
Yeah, what do you think of the last wave of Hogwarts modular sets (the sand green roof sets)? That one has official pictures of all sets already combined
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If Tie the Lego Guy was alive he would have loved the LoZ and D&D sets :(

>without kits
Jesus, how poor are you?
I feel like I'm barely making enough to survive sometimes and even I don't have to take money out of my food budget. I'm planning on getting the D&D set in October, when the Halloween GWP is available.
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>Yeah, what do you think of the last wave of Hogwarts modular sets (the sand green roof sets)? That one has official pictures of all sets already combined
Pic + Polyjuice Potion mistake combined is all you need.
It's super fun and im using it to display alll my hp-figures.
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
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Shot in the dark but I'm looking to add some variety to wolfpack dudes. If anyone has the new wolfpack torso and one of these hoods would you mind displaying it for me? I don't normally like this new star wars hood but in my head this combination might work. Ideally the hood in red-brown.
it's not about being poor, it's about practicing restraint and not throwing away money at every whim

the basilisk looks so fucking bad
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Mercyposting was a better ritual gimmick because it highlighted Lego's scammy subpar printing practices
I agree but that dude really creeped me out.
>the basilisk looks so fucking bad
it's the best hp-basilisk.
I liked the sand green one from 2002.
they are bost fucking awful. the fat middle part looks so fucking dumb

they might as well have done this with smooth tops, green color, and much more segments
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>they might as well have done this with smooth tops, green color, and much more segments
meant to post this pic
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How do you guys play with your Legos?
i like to eat them when i finish building the set then when im hungry ill take a piece off of one of my sets and eat it
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I still don't understand why they chose that color for it. I don't think there is a really good color match for it with lego's current options but that dull olive green is just objectively wrong. I can see justification for varying shades of blue or grey or some pale green. Even black. But olive green? Just awful.
>iked the sand green one from 2002.
>and much more segments
Lmao what.
this why you don't work at lego
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>revealed like one day ago
>zero hype
>nobody cares
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no one is paying $500 for a giant brown brick with terrible minifigures
Looks very faithful to the source material but it's too expensive and there's nothing really unique here either.
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That reveal made me genuinely believe that when they make another Death Star it will indeed be $1000(or more)
think about ending it all whenever i see this and remember i didn't buy it when it was £100
>when it was £100
is this a meme? it never cost that little
the og death star did
adjust it for inflation
no :)
It's an awesome build but what's even is in it that you can't get elsewhere? maybe the stickers but stickers are icky anyway. With just a few equivalent close enough replacements most people could make decent recreations. hell, if you're that much of a fan you should want to make it better anyway
Bought some minifigures today, two for their heads and the third befause he looked cool, also got a little yellow raptor and a bootleg garry the snail
Go on.
Don't really like the middle part of the front with the translucent green guns. Don't know what to change it with or if the pieces exist. Building this, my god, the pieces are that mysteriously perfect quality current sets are lacking.
When I get mine I'm looking forward to mod it. Gonna be fun integrating the CMF wave with it. Displacer is definitely getting trashed and those nasty inverted fern """pinetrees""" are getting replaced by proper Lego pines.
Might have to shell out some money to bricklink a fantasy era giant troll if I can't moc one that Im happy with
>new Animal Crossing sets added to the Lego site
>Able Sisters set
>with no Sable
Genuinely what were they thinking? I’m surprised they’ve never done a Animal Crossing CMF series.
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Here, the deal
>no Sarlac Pit
>no skiff side build
I think they could drum up more hype with a sister announcement so collectors with deep pockets can complete the scene.
What music do you listen when building mocs/sets for a long period?

I love tracks like this for castle building

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And I pretend im Apu
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I think the F1 collab won’t be a total bust so long as they release some reasonably priced retro roadster cars from the early days of the competition. Would get one for the novelty, even though I don’t follow racing.
I would rather have vidiyo or jack stone back than carshit
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i was talking about your thoughts on ALL of the sand green roof HP castle sets combined. isn't this already the exact thing you described? the ultimate castle?
Why so afraid anon? By just accepting her you will feel relief.
>buying sets as an adult now means i dont have how many of every piece i have memorized
tis sad
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I REALLY enjoy miniature photography of Lego, making mocs or custom figs, then telling a story in a few pictures. I want to get into stop motion next
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>giant brown brick
I thought the point of Lego was that you're supposed to be creative and rebuild it into other cool things. You and others see "le brown turd" I see the pieces for a Kashyyyk moc, those uniquely colored lamp posts near Max as fancy wood columns for a western bar, and so on...
They already released a separate skiff/sarlac companion set for $80. So if you want both you have to shell out $580. I'm fucking surprised they didn't have another skiff build with the sail barge as there were two in the film.
On bricklink is there a way to organize the part catalog of a set ordered by how valuable the pieces are?
I wanted to quickly check what parts of my childhood sets are worth anything substantial. for most things it's probably not hard to guess what might be rare/valuable but sometimes there's the odd inconspicuous part that is worth money so that would make it much easier to quickly skim through the value of everything instead of having to check every single thing individually
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>Retiring Set Data
When did this get added to the OP? Is it actually accurate? Pretty useful if so
When I was a kid I would know what pieces I had and what I wanted to build before I started. Now I have no idea. I'm finding things I didn't even know I had.
Yeah its legit
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I don't remember where this head came from. He was wearing a rail workers uniform. He is perfect for this costume.
Everywhere but the point of posting it wasn't sideways. FUUUUUUCK/
It's from phoneposting. If I'm going to post a photo from my phone I first save it on my computer and make tiny adjustments first.
This is the new torso made into an older style figure
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This is the new torso with the new style hood
more like 2000 brown bricks that are going to crack and be useless the first time you take it apart
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Hopes for one piece sets?
I put it on my computer, but didn't make the tiny adjustments.
no need to be a debbie downer frem, they changed the formula for reddish brown a long time ago :)
i need to buy this $500 set for my poop moc
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Cbf'd looking for the hood in black or brown
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Thank you. Do you have the hood like pic related? I'd like to see that combination with the new wolfpack torso. If you don't have it no big deal.
Thank you anon. That's what I was looking to see. I like that it doesn't cover up the fur collar. I think if I get the right color I'll be happy with this as a backup wolfpack dude. Still think the >>11162532
hood will be the best variant.
>retiring list
So, sets that got +1 more year sell really well and those that got -1 year sell pretty bad? Surprised Gabby Dollhouse cats sell so good
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this set is a scam for not coming with one skiff, then you could buy the 80 dollar set and have a complete set of two from the movie with all the mini figs.
>needing to buy a 80 dollar set twice is a scam
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You can get the original barge MISB for the same price and it's way better
Not only that but the skiff doesn't even color match. They really messed up here.
I didn't see the digital instructions survey on my insiders page. American btw.
This is a great set and I've always liked it. My only real issue with it is the windows are really awkward. You don't really see in the photos but the fact that it is held in place with tubing just makes the whole thing sit weird. But it's sturdy enough and a great play set.
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Actually I stand corrected. All these years I thought they were supposed to be the same color. Guess I'm retarded.
Be honest /lg/, would you be comfortable with a Lego Netflix One Piece theme taking the place of the previous pirate themes? This shift would occupy that particular niche, especially since pirate enthusiasts have not had many alternatives recently, and it will be quite some time before the next Disney Pirates of the Caribbean film is released so we could get tie in sets for that.
No that'd be so ass
Lego removed it yesterday, they said on brickset

>Update 19th Sept 14:15: It looks as if the survey has been removed, perhaps as a result of the storm of protest it has caused here and on other blogs, or perhaps because it was very poorly designed and worded.
I don't like One Piece.
You just know one piece is coming

We got lego wednesday and that theme will continue next year
>one piece is coming
what makes you say that
I saw a teaser for sets in a leaked catalog for january june 2025
why don't you post pictures then
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I hate One Piss.
Alright. What is going on with the Animal Crossing sets? They are reasonably priced with the smaller sets then decouple into the clouds as they get slightly larger.
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These three use the same kind of parts, but Nooks is way up there compared to the other two. It doesn't make sense.
Tom Nook is a capitalist piece of shit and set price reflects that.
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>$80 for 2 facades...
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> -$500, bad price
> +$120 GWP sold on aftermarket
> +$60 Lame Censored Leia sold on aftermarket
> +$25 in value from VIP points (%5 of set)
The barge is actually $295 if you're not too lazy to resell. We ball
>I'm only paying 3x as much as the good version of this set instead of 5x! WINNING!
Mousecucks are such loyal slaves they've even learned to doublethink
Nook uses more space and has more stuff inside.
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>except you get 4000 more pieces to moc with
proper math = mousecuck, lol, ok. you do you, im gonna have fun :)
it's amusing that people are complaining about this.

the Netflix One Piece is a treasure

and I welcome as many sets as they want to make.

you're crazy if you think they would have made "regular" pirate sets, but instead they make this, so now we won't get those theoretical non-One Piece pirates. they were never going to make any pirate sets.

you know this is Lego, right? so take the Going Merry (The big ship they will make) and take off the lame bits and make your own "real" pirate ship, it's Lego you can do that.
rivendell is same price and has more pieces
One Piece has fat proportions better suited for Playmobile.
i agree it's a better deal at base price fren :)
Should've come with 2 skiffs, the pit and like 15-20 figs for $500. Everyone is pretty much waiting for it just to hit amazon discount or may 4th to buy it for $350-$400.
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Sets when
Is the death egg robot set any good? It’s on clearance at a store around here.
V based anon, I always dig the villain designs in those sets. I’m so close to nabbing all the sets I want, too.
Will you chill out?
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Sets I want.

What sets do (You) want???
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I saw it
I’d go for that nightmare creature set, but honestly I think the bigger raven set has more of what I want. Right now I’m waiting for a bunch of their stuff to go on sale before I buy any newer sets, though.
Well I want the big LOTR sets but I can't justify spending $1000 on two sets. Otherwise I'm pretty content. I have a large collection I'm currently packing up right now. But I like making mocs more than building sets anyway.
All the Monkie Kid sets that I don't currently own (which is most of them).
What did you see?
I want the rabbit creator set because there's a bunch of MOCs I wanna try with it. Also the Monkie Kid hydra thing in your pic is cool as shit and want to grab in some time this year.
Ffs Chang just fly to China and buy them there.
What the fuck is wring with her hand?
>no sable in the clothes shop set
>only one dodo in the airlines set
>2 isabelles
Yeah their minifig priorities are super weird, I've no idea what their plan is.
Digital bros
Honestly I doubt they'd do that, this seems to be F1 themselves trying to get kids into racing so it's all gonna be modern stuff I bet.
>a house and shop are $40 each
>a house and a slightly bigger shop is $75
I don't get what your problem is with this?
That's Thing, it is kinda dumb they put it there though.
>space truckin intensifies
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What's the point of titan mechs? They don't have giant monsters to fight
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>i was talking about your thoughts on ALL of the sand green roof HP castle sets combined. isn't this already the exact thing you described? the ultimate castle?
It kinda is.
The problem is that it's modular with lots of sets that you don't need that much.
I personally glad i was too slow to catch up - now i dont have this thing and dont feel bad for the "next big thing while i already own a hogwarts castle".

It feels like it was lego's testing ground to see how huge dollhouse hogwarts might look like and after doing it they decided to go fully bonkers and make a HUGE one.

But you can already see what i was talking about - look at that Great Hall.
And at other section.
Damn it will be huge.
>What's the point of titan mechs? They don't have giant monsters to fight
They fighting the void inside of my soul. And they are damn good at doing that.
Nah Goku is Goku making it better by default.
No. Trash then, trash now
More like, BELONGS in the trash!
Nexo Knights unironically a stealth hype bomb theme.

We have the majority of normies completely ignoring it and thinking it's bad.

BUT...on the other hand - minifigures are getting only more and more expensive.
And sets are so fucking difficult to find.
That collosus of ultimate destruction can be bought for around $200-300.

So that "castle loving faggot" should rather buy this set instead of DnD set. Because DnD set is the new thing and will be there for a while.
While TRUE castle set becoming super rare and expensive.
Is the Ashoka's Shuttle a good set? I haven't seen the show but I like the look of the spaceship. It's fairly pricey, though, so I'm not sure if it's worth it.
it's 2024 version of fright knight witch manor, looks like halfassed mess. Better buy LKC instead or maybe Rivendell even tho i loathe licensed sets. Anyway, 300 bucks is not problem, problem is that you'll buy it and never take it out of the box.
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>Better buy LKC instead or maybe Rivendell
Not a castle theme
LKC is more aesthetic and has a original theme. On D&D I have no idea what's going on, they should've gone with actual dungeon rather than tavern and a landfill with bunch of inclusive village people.
Jang aliv
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>fan review
>We totally didn't push it a year away don't worry about it :^)
even by just posting the survey, they caused an outrage that they had to fix with an apology PR stunt. lmao

now they will have to deal with "rumors" and constantly walk-it-back

(yo! I heard Lego is going to stop doing instructions! You'll have to do an app or something to build your sets! what? F Lego, man!)
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CMF series 27 leaked!
F1 is on this weekend
cupid is cool i guess, also the cockatoo mold is sick
The one in the middle has a cool space helmet. Not interested in any of the others, thought the Wolfpack guy is probably nice for Castle collectors.
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hurray for the wolf mold, surprised they gave the fig such a huge accessory. have to see more of the steampunk guy. wish boogeyman was was pure black but either way the white printing on such a dark color will probably be atrocious

meh overall. then again it would always be hard to follow this up when if you want one you pretty much want most of them
i want the space guy with a 3 and that fucking cookie monster thing
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Middle is most likely "Jetpack Racer."

My friend has been a long time fan of the Wolf Pack. He even managed to get the one from that older CMF series by using the dot patterns on the bottom of the bag. He's going to be over the Moon when he sees it comes with an actual molded wolf.
wolf mold makes me coom

when I heard first pterodactyl suit I got excited but I don't think I like either the head or the armwings
>black coded space/science loving kid
as the mother of a black child this makes me so happy!
what's the steampunker accessory? some miniature train? the white balls are smoke and I guess its a valve meter below it but I can't make out what it actually is

besides that im only interested in the wolfguy. maybe the boogeyman
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How does /lg/ feel about the LPD?
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I'm hoping the wolf mold might be used for a Wolf Link later down the line if the LoZ sets continue. And Meh figs are always fine with me. I only get figs I actually want, not to collect just for collecting. Meh figures usually help with sigfigs I think. Those less dramatic faces and bodies help give us parts to make figures of ourselves in mundane situations.
It's best to look at CMFs not just for unique figures, but useful parts.
4+ more like scam
longsword, shield and cape and yet they still made space for a bigass wolf? dayum! surprised they didn't just recolor this dog >>11163014 grey and called it a day

you just know this fucker is gonna be the dragonborn paladin of the series
I always feared when Lego made a wolf mold it would be ridiculously oversized like the gorilla and leopards. thank god the scale seems proper
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ugh a lot of failure

no new hair pieces, the ones they re-used in different colors are not different enough Like the double-bun pink hair might be a new color but didn't they already have a darker pink color of that piece already? (maybe the green hair/black cap thing is good? but even then, it's a modern cap, so it limits the usefulness to modern figures, with green hair...ugh)

there's no other use for half of these pieces, hamster, pterodactyl, monster... all cannot be used for things other than that one figure

even the space police guy has a giant "3" on the helmet, so it's #3 guy! (why would they do that?!!)

Are those new-new wings for Cupid? or the same new wings we just got in the D&D set?

the new bird looks cool, and maybe the new cat but they don't give you a good look at the new cat.

the wolf----- amazing. included with the wolf guy who already has weapons? that guy will sell like hotcakes compared to the rest.

and one last thought.... WTF SQUISHMALLOWS?!!! the pink hair kid has freaking Squishmallows. Did Lego give them money or is that a total rip-off?!!
I just realized. The Bogeyman is probably Lego's attempt to draw in fans of "Poppy Playtime." It has the same creepy mouth and eyes. But is just distinct enough to avoid plagiarism.
is it just perspective or does the cat of the cat lover seems like a special mold with a fluffier tail than usual?
I just noticed it has horns. Was scared they were just reusing the snowman/bigfoot head mold
>monster... all cannot be used for things other than that one figure
come on anon, it's a generic furry monster, of course it can

>even the space police guy has a giant "3" on the helmet, so it's #3 guy! (why would they do that?!!)
you can erase printing

overall I agree it's a meh set with a single stellar fig
How do you boys feel about Friends? I hate the dolls, but I see the sets discounted all the time. Has anyone still found the sets useful for building? And what do you do with the dolls? Give them away, or find some way to integrate them into your Lego lore as something besides human (minifigs being the baseline human)?
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I like them, mainly because I'm still a huge fan of the LEGO City Undercover game. Makes me wish Lego City would try a wave inspired loesly on GTA V. Give us some changing vehicles or more unique flyers. I mean some of the Spider-Man cars have built in shooters, that's something that could work too. And Agent Coulson's car was another good example.
I appreciate some of the top notch builds and how an unlicensed theme doesn't focus on vehicleshit but that's not enough to get me buying them(even if it had minifigs instead of dolls). "mundane" stuff is not my thing, the friends space station would be cool with a better price and better color
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Just give them away, drop them in a donation box, or sell them on Bricklink. Don't bother to try and integrate them, it won't end well.
my friends lore is that they come from a planet with low gravity, and have evolved lengthened limbs and spines which is why they are bigger than regular minifigures. they are also an offshoot of fleshies who are already another new race of lego humanoids. they are kind of like newtypes from gundam.
It's heartening to know others give this subject consideration
>Wolf Pack
There is something magical about the Wolf Pack.
Does anybody else hate Duckbricks?
>Has literal fuck off money so sits on a hoard of rare Lego
>Corrupted and mindbroke Just2Good into being his personal femboy sex slave
>Doesn't moc anything, only consumes product
Ah, can't wait to see shelves full of these figures without the wolf pack or space 3 guy among the hundreds of other figures.
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>I catch you Dungeons & Dragons boys pulling your satanic shit in Lego City again, you're be getting more than a polite escort out town. We clear?
>Y'all have a nice night now.
thanks. i wonder how people who don't mainly collect and moc space stuff explain it since my explanations are all due to them evolving over millions of years and being from other planets and other such things
>alien tranny walks free

Well a way to garner interest is to hype up your history and legends of the sport. Though I imagine a Jim Clark tribute roadster set wouldn’t be less than a 100 bucks.
i have good expectations for it. the speed champion sets are well priced and good, only problem I have with them is the overuse of stickers. if lego just release more of them but do more f1 cars and try make more pieces printed instead of stickers they can't really go wrong
I think the "society" the meme speaks about is AFOLS, or a specific section of normalfags who say they are into Lego and mean only flowers or dust collectors. The latter at times imprint the idea of adult Lego into other normies (whether geeky or not) who aren't into Lego.

>Doesn't moc anything
didnt he literally win a legomasters contest thing or something?
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reality tv, well-known for how real it is
Needs more black lego prisoners to be more realistic.
Building Batmobiles is pretty fun for me cause it’s a car build with one foot in the realm of fantastical. I think a big collaboration with a racing company should push a few car designs like those old fashioned roadsters with interesting and unusual shapes to try and hook builders with less familiarity with the car world that can latch on to its uniqueness. Though the Speed Champion line seems to be doing well enough itself, so perhaps they can indulge the hardcore fans with the F1 collab without issue.
Pretty good, not the tallest mech but it's very wide and sturdy, good part selection as well
>awesome CRITES-like monster
>cool castle guy with wolf
>cool pterosaurus monster
>smaller wings for aracocra
it's good but kind of overpriced so if you can get it on clearance go for it.
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Here is my chart
oh yea and i forgot isabelles house visit in maybe
>center guy with 3 on helmet
Fucking sweet
Imagine Sarah pegging you in his hoarder basement? What lego set would be your focal point? Mine would be the Deep Freeze Defender.
what is the pink hair girl holding?
I think they're stuffed animals, maybe in the make of "squishmallows" or some other similar thing
Nice decisions. I see that most of people like Sonic.
I Won't be able to buy all sets so i will just focus on Shadow sets.

Main wish to buy Brachio and Hogwarts sets.
I wanted to add Animal Crossing but that's too much lego - im afraid to unlock another branch of lego sets. Better not to touch that cause it's dangerous for my wallet
Animals that have been cruelly compressed into balls for her sick pleasure. It's like those kids who turn out to be serial killers who experiment on small animals except this girl is even more advanced and has figured out a way to change their form to a sphere.
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>Nice decisions. I see that most of people like Sonic.
>I Won't be able to buy all sets so i will just focus on Shadow sets.
>Main wish to buy Brachio and Hogwarts sets.
>I wanted to add Animal Crossing but that's too much lego - im afraid to unlock another branch of lego sets. Better not to touch that cause it's dangerous for my wallet
forgot pic
I will hold out hope that some cheaper sets for sonic come out with figures because those are mainly what I am after. My favourites are shadow, amy and tails who all come in seperate sets. I do like the shadow's motorbike and tail's boat build though and the master emerald shrine is nice scenery.
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stickers in a $150 display set are you serious?
If you get the brachio set you could use that tree to moc a womping willow for your hogwarts, that's a good idea
yeah lego is ridiculous with stickers it's so annoying. I feel physical pain whenever I open a set and see a sticker sheet.
Trans coded cat lady Kamala voter.
>If you get the brachio set you could use that tree to moc a womping willow for your hogwarts, that's a good idea
yeah that's an awesome big treee. It's thic and huge. I think it's one of the biggest lego trees we got.
I saw people suing it in DND-like mocs as well.
>speed champions
always good picks with decent value
>jedi shuttle
total pisstake that it's gray instead of white, and the underside looks like ass so it will look terrible from one side any time you use its main feature
>AC and sonic
both good licensed themes, I'd recommend the shadow set since it's relatively cheap and a lot of fun
>dark falcon
I don't really see the appeal of this one, the TLJ version is already the best minifig-scale falcon and this is just a meme recolor
don't have anything to say since it's not really my thing
>TLJ version
It's the tlj version which is a movie i don't care about and I like this recolour, i will probably modify it into a blacktron falcon.
it's just the original falcon, the only difference with it being the TLJ version is the minifigs, which I replaced with the proper ones immediately after buying it
>blacktron falcon
based, but not as based as the fabuland falcon
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leaked figs from an upcoming theme. I think this might be lego one piece.
Holy shit it's Patrick and Manbat.
is anyone even amused by the dragon ball spam? sigh
Kek spot on assessment faggot. Not my fault you’re all queerZ.
Wait they didn't even bother to do a printed part for the info sheet? That's fucking bullshit.
I'm impressed by how retarded the dbz spammer is.
I think that's Zoro, Tashigi, Shirahoshi and Ulti.
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How will they let minifig Zoro hold a sword in his mouth? Separate head?
Pretty impressive Moc
custom head mold like simpsons, with a clip for the mouth. in >>11163270 it looks like all the one piece figs have custom head molds.
World's largest LEGO Rock Raiders collection – BrickFair New England 2015

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Thinking of buying this set
Are 3 in 1s good value to own multiple copies of?
based retard
seems like a cute set -- buy it if you like it
if they have pieces you want and a good piece per dollar ratio, sure
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this one really cool forr variation, thx for sharing fren :) happy for your fren
>against better judgement click on lego youtube video from some guy I've never heard of
>dude is bri'ish
>literally cannot understand him even though he is speaking English
What is wrong with those people? It's their language how do they not know how to speak it?
maybe you are the one speaking it wrong
already? how long can we expect the D&D series to remain available?
this might just be apocryphal, but isn't north american english more in line with the style of English spoken at the time the Americas were colonized?
I've heard the brits eventually came to distinguish themselves from the retarded, brutish colony folks by affecting the worst, most unintelligible pronunciations possible -- which sounds intriguing, but seems sort of implausible if you think about it for a moment
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Fantastic. Also weird I was just asking about that hood torso combination yesterday
>tophat guy
curious. Looks steampunk which doesn't interest me
>pirate girl
Might be good
>two animal costumes
>Space Police 3
>blue monster
>green hair thing
Unremarkable but good
>pink hair
dumb but curious about those animals
Could not possibly be any less interested
>dork with sweater
Any time a poor child tries to buy CMF in the store more than a week after release they are going to be stuck with this
people are overlooking the fact that the catlover cmf comes with a yarn ball piece! think of all the amazing mocs you can make with a yarn ball!
>pink hair
>dumb but curious about those animals
are you familiar with "Squishmallows"? it's shocking Lego would do a blatant rip-off, since they themselves have problems with other companied ripping-off Lego bricks.

that box better say "Squishmallows!" somewhere on it, otherwise Lego confirms they are giant hypocrites
>are you familiar with "Squishmallows"?
I was not. But now that I look it up that does seem like this is what lego was going for
>they better give squishmallows credit or they are hypocrites
They won't give credit. They are hypocrites. But I'm not really interested either way. If Squishmallow sues lego (they won't) then I hope they win but I'm not really invested there.
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Is he a bird(owl?) or a frog?
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This might change your opinion of him if you had the integrity to have your mind changed.
>inb4 le original comment schizoposting that this is duckbrix or other guy
>since they themselves have problems with other companied ripping-off Lego bricks.
The issue is these knock-off bricks are lifting Lego's product and production methods and then releasing toys that directly compete with Lego. No one is buying the stuffed animal collector minifigure in place of squishmallows, so the "hypocrisy" alleged here is retarded. Whether or not you care about knock-off bricks (I don't), these two scenarios aren't at all analogous.
Apart from that, I'm not sure squishmallows invented the concept of round plush toys -- they just effectively marketed a line of them.
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I HATE this faggot so much
this thread shizoposting only made me hate this faggot more
don't know who this guy is
don't care about youtubers
but he seems based given just how much he makes people here seeth
You need Jesus.
I can't believe this lucky son of a bitch gets to fuck Just2Good.
you can suck my nuts if you have the integrity to suck my nuts
sorry bud he's not gonna fuck you, he's already getting dicked down by sarah
Shut the hell up
is sarah that troon lady people here sperge endlessly out over?
Sarah is Just2Good, but after he betrayed his fanbase after transitioning.
you mean SHE betrayed HER fanbase, right?
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why do I even use the internet anymore
one hour and 23 minutes . eh no

Quick run down ?
what's the point of using word filters if you're just going to take a screenshot and bitch about it anyway?
It works fine until I notice the whole thread is getting caught by my eceleb filter. I'm coming to terms with the fact that this really isn't the lego general. That it's really not for me.
You're so internet-brained and you don't even realize it. You used to be able to just say "I don't care for this person/thing" and be done with it. Now you're expected to type up a whole ass argument with peer-reviewed sources justifying why you should be allowed to dislike someone you've never even met. I don't give a fuck if you think he's the greatest guy ever, that's your prerogative, but I don't understand why you think you need to convince other people to like him too. I have plenty of reasons why I think DB is an obnoxious faggot, but I don't need to tell you. Eat a bag of DuckDicks.
you realise that filters filter anyone responding to a filtered post too, right?
Yes that is a big selling point for me.
filters are for faggots who block everything they dont like. buckle up your big boy pants and get used to seeing things you dont like because in the real world you'll see it every day
>please unfilter my posts you have to read them
>>this might just be apocryphal, but isn't north american english more in line with the style of English spoken at the time the Americas were colonized?

No. That's an American cope.
you sound like you would prefer reddit man
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>collecting is his side thing
>works for Microsoft as a real honest job
>got there by being an entrepreneur
>invented a pill bottle to combat opioid addiction and wouldn't sell out to corrupt big pharma
>also worked with a guy who hacked the glowies as a kiddo
pretty based imo, other anons will still seethe
>looks like a WW2 propaganda poster chinese yellow peril man

Its over for him
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kinda unfrenly, fren. You got a better you in you :)
oh me so solly ah so ah so
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when reverse image search still finds your bait...
are you retarded, you just ate the bait!
wow that new leg mold for the green guy and cat guy looks cool. when are these coming out?
with bootlegos of this caliber existing why are people so desperate for overpriced official stuff?
nah, exposing a losers lies
he is spitting image of the last chinese emperor Puyi. I think >>11163494 is a cover story and he inherited his wealth from the chinese empire and has to hide it so they CCP don't come after him
you dumb idiot, we knew it was a joke from the silhouettes!
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i think you typed more than me fren, i just dont like seeing negativity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
this isn't the place for you, my heckin wholesome fren
Sounds like you say that from personal experience. But no. 4chan is the only place for me. The only thing you acquire are (You)s. There is nothing here to gain. No thumbs up. There is no record of my shitposting for other anons to see. That's for jannies and/or whoever hiroshimoot sells our information to. I've been here a long time. This is the only site for me. That's not bragging either. I have no power over you because I have a decade more "experience" than you. I just have noticed for a longer time. I notice the ritual. I notice the advertisements. I notice the conditioning. I notice the addicts. I notice the bots. The human mind isn't meant for this. Filter is the only way to sift through. To talk to a real unfiltered person on the other end. Anon earlier said "in the real world you have to deal with it". And he lies. In the real world you are not barraged in this manner. Youtube, movies, video games, websites are not the real world. That is a false reality. As is 4chan. It's just to a lesser extent. But only when talking to another human. There are people in this thread right now who are less than human. And they aren't worth even a glance. You shouldn't look at them. They are empty shells. In the real world the human mind filters out the shit naturally through proximity and time. You are meant to be around people physically and talk and listen and even be silent together. To come to an understanding of common values. The only thing the raw vomit of the entire world all at once will give you is insanity.
Not reading that sorry kid
Monkie Kid Bone Demon and Ninjago Skull Sorcerer's Dragon to be the centerpoints of my slowly growing necromancer army.
So you filtered it in your own way. Proud of you anon.
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>all the stupid animal suits for years
>still no frog
really? for fuck sake with the designers obsession with shoving frogs everywhere one would think they would have done it by now

I need myself a pepe. and no kermit the frog doesnt cut it
>sets that got +1 more year sell really well and those that got -1 year sell pretty bad
For the most part yeah, sometimes its stuff like "Book of Boba fett is coming out, extend the Boba fett helmet"
Thanks anons, I’ll grab it when I can
just imagine the raunchy sex they must have
He was born with a golden spoon, his parents are also loaded, it's not some average joe who had to work himself up.
>collecting is his side thing
which he can afford because rich parents
>works for Microsoft as a real honest job
which he got because of his rich parents, and it's an "executive" role so he likely doesn't have to do much
>got there by being an entrepreneur
which he was able to do thanks to his rich parents
>invented a pill bottle to combat opioid addiction and wouldn't sell out to corrupt big pharma
a useless "smart" version of something that already exists like that smart salt shaker, very cool
>also worked with a guy who hacked the glowies as a kiddo

I knew all this already too, even the pillbot thing, so it's all old info coming from the most biased source possible
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>the pwetty elf palace and the queen's dollhouse are better than the fantasy adventure playset
the absolute state of /lg/
which are both (even) more expensive, lol
fair point, nobody is going to buy the Lego minifig instead of a real Squishmallow

but they are clearly using the popularity of the Squishmallows without compensating them. clearly. you look at those things and think WTF that's a Squishmallow!

IDK the legal issues of who "owns" egg-shaped plushies, but since Squishmallows are popular right now, and Lego made this minifigure right now, you HAVE to make the connection. regardless of who "owns" egg-shaped plushies.
i dont know what the fuck a squishmallow is and i dont care. go away shill
have you been in a store?
just LOOK you'll see them, they are everywhere, literally.
(I'm assuming you live in civilization; I could be wrong)

I'm not telling you to buy any. I'm just pointing out that Lego is ripping them off.
Squishmellows didn't invent cuddle toys shaped like pillows and there are loads of types of them already, they just became a well known brand.
seems like your gay brand is not as popular as you think
Why is that image so cursed?
Nta but wrong. I’ll give you a great example aluminum vs aluminium. I speak Midwest standard dialect. The most basic plain English there can be. I can be understood by anyone speaking English around the world because I don’t have a lispy faggy accent.
>we gotta say aluminium because it sounds more sciency
Guy who discovered and named it
>that’s retarded
you sound inbred
>Said the Brit bong…
Oh the irony.
I dont think they would make an owl green

oh wait but they did make the dog blue so anything goes
is that a reused friends mold btw? why would they give it head accessory pins without any accessories?
new thread?
BRUTAL thoughts:

"Somone who also has to pay his way through life, who doesn't get the Lego sets for free, and has to pay a mortgage and other adult kind of things."

This is why we support you Jang
Comfy classic Jang(~2015) would not even discuss the price of sets.
No, but the southern drawl was a result of American colonists trying to retain their English accents. You can hear it every time a Beitbong tries to sound American; they sound like somebody from Virginia.
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how it feels to but a lego set over $30 lol
how it feels when a set has stickers
how it feels to hear rumors that next year there's zelda and lotr but no dnd
new slugkino up
Anon I was the one who posted the Wolfpack figs - apologies, I didn’t realise they were different goods (cmf to the one you requested).

BUT, I remember, and yes it’s kinda nuts that you were asking about that just the day before. Had you heard a rumour the cmf was coming with the open hood?
>buy massive or rare vintage set after saving
>car has issues

new bread
Insert a raised baseplate into your urethra.
They didn't invent it, but they do get pissed off if people copy them
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Cause her tits aren't 1x1 round plates
>New cat?
>Yarn ball
>1x1 round w/ tripod bars (!)
Some decent pieces here for me to pick out from the busted open boxes at Walmart. I wanna thank Lego for their innovate packaging system that generously distributes pieces to builders without requiring they buy the whole figure. It was well worth the r&d.
Hes literally me
its glup shitto
For me it's the 3 in 1 kits
>3 episodes of nothing happening because no mana
How do I into Lego as an adult? I feel weird
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We need to talk about the Bonus situation.

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