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Previous Thread >>11146976

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-Streets of Mos Eisley playset (w/ Jawa) - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Clone Trooper Lieutenant
-Dedra Meero
-Jedi Master Indara
-Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing - FanCh
-Figrin D’an & The Modal Nodes - FanCh
-K-2SO (Andor)
-Armorer Forge Playset - Pulse/Disney
-Jetpack Trooper (Jedi Survivor)
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-Shriek Hawk Mandalorians Build Pack - Amazon
-Moff Gideon’s Imperial Light Cruiser Hallway playset (w/ Mandalorian Privateer)
-The Mandalorian (Imperial Base)
-Bo-Katan (Plazir-15)

The Black Series:
-STAP & Battle Droid - Pulse Con Exclusive
-Prince Xizor - FanCh
-Clone Commander Bacara - FanCh
-BX Commando Droid - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Princess Leia (ANH)
-Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor)
-Darth Nihilus - FanCh
-Clone Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi - FanCh
-Asajj Ventress - FanCh
-Darth Malak - FanCh
-Cassian Andor (Andor S2)
-Dedra Meero
-Darth Maul (TPM)
-K-2SO (Andor)
-Imperial Armored Commando
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-IG-12, Grogu & Anzellan (Deluxe)
-Bazil (The Acolyte)
-Vernestra Rwoh (The Acolyte)
-Inquisitor & Duros Bounty Hunter Halloween Edition - Amazon
-Mandalorian Shriek Hawk - Target
-Mandalorian Shriek Hawk Trainers 2 pk - Walmart
-Grand Admiral Thrawn (Ahsoka)

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Jar Jar Binks
-SHF Stormtrooper
-SHF Dark Vader (ANH)
-SHF R2-D2 (ANH)
-Mafex Luke Skywalker (The Mandalorian)
-SHF Darth Maul (TPM)
-SHF Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM)
-SHF Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM)
Thanks for the new thread
>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:

The Vintage Collection:
-Yord Fandar
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Kenobi)
-Mandalorian Super Commando (Maul Armor)
-Baylan Skoll
-Shin Hati
-Momaw Nadon
-Han Solo (ANH)
-Chewbacca (ANH)
-Ben Kenobi (ANH)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
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The best Star Wars has to offer.
I want this as the next TVC beast set.
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I did not like the swirly gray look of the chest armor and shoulder plates of this Cad Bane so I painted them with gunmetal
Same for the kneepads for which Ibused silver, but I think I will also paint with brown those puke green boots
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I want more beast sets in general. That one would be pretty neat anon
You're welcome. Have fun
Can't wait to have Xizor date-raping my Leia
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When is he coming out? Any hope for dash or Kyle?
Late Q1 2025 for Xizor iirc and Yakface says yes to Dash in TBS. No clue about Kyle but, you would think it's an obvious choice if you're already making the other two.
are there any pics of someone trying a nihilus headswap on the new maul body since he's on the old maul body?
Most people switch him to Kylo Ren legs since that gives him extra height, maul is short
I don't think those Leias ever actually made it to store shelves before being dumped on Ollies. I probably would have bought one.
Is he the guy that tried to date rape Leia?
I still see some at target, I think walmart got rid of them but they would have a bunch too. Honestly Leia always peg warms, idk why they keep making so many of her.

They should've made a new ANH Han before Leia. There is still not a Han figure with pinless knees and butterfly joints and other recent articulation updates.
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No scene showing her legs but she was clearly wearing only boots and panties, no bra. It was a different time.
Good old George "there's no underwear in space" Lucas.
What Dragon Ball character is this?
Piccolo from Dragonball Evolution.
Bacara preorder sold out
it was the only good shit from the latest announcements
I think it's one of the worst. Not a single spec of weathering and they even omitted some paint details for fear of bankrupting themselves with these figures.
Are we getting yet another Vader with the Shadows of the Empire stuff?
>more Leia censorship
>First the ""Huttslayer"" lego minifig had shorts, now the princess BS figure has white leggings. When will the faggotry end?
This is probably more a case of Hasbro cheaping out and just using white plastic for as much of the figure as possible.
That said, if you have one of the earlier releases you might be able to do a leg swap?
Honestly if Star Wars was the ONLY thing I collected, I'd probably buy multiples of all the Acolyte figures purely to have as generic background Jedi in displays.

I think the biggest sin Disney commits when it comes to these things is the hair, everyone has modern haircuts. Really everyone in prequel era stuff should have 50s/60s style haircuts, everyone in OT era should have 70s/80s style haircuts and build sci-fi hair and make-up off that.
>Really everyone in prequel era stuff should have 50s/60s style haircuts
Like Anakin did, right? :/
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Given that SOTE Leia has been announced, you think it will be catsuit Leia?
It'll probably be another bounty hunter disguise. But slightly different!
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This is why mullet Cal Kestis is very important
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>It's even funnier the second time!
At least the new one probably won't look like a monkey.
The fact that the bomb was permanently always stuck to her hand bugged the shit out of me.
Amazon had her for like $5 during a sale.
Nice but unneeded.
Anything else on that rack can be custom fodder.

Let's play find the toy!
Spot the Third Sister figure!!
Kinda yeah, actually. There's the straight crew cut of the Padawan and then there's the longer "hippie" style hair in ROTS, it's mild but definitely flavours of Vietnam era stuff George likes to sprinkle throughout the Star Wars movies.
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>Honestly if Star Wars was the ONLY thing I collected, I'd probably buy multiples of all the Acolyte figures purely to have as generic background Jedi in displays
They aren't bad figures or designs. I like the practicality of Sol's armor and the more vibrant colors. They're all distinct without being too out of place. But it's a matter of priority. As a primarily OT-purist I'd rather throw that money at another stormtrooper or rescuing a pegwarming Lando or something.
You like Han Solo? Well get ready for the EXTREME 90s SOLO, DASH RENDAR!
He wasn't really extreme though.
Not really no. He was marketed as being the "cool 90s Han Solo" but he ended up being less "Image Comics" extreme and more "Valiant comics" kinda different.
>I will go against my no black series rule
Beware the temptation. I too once swore I would not buy Black Series, but in a moment of weakness I bought Episode Vader, and from that moment, I was truly lost.
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How can I convince Jazwares to stop making shitty starships nobody want and make a fucking assault gunboat?
>*music stops*
>Chewbacca (in Wookie language): "Oooh, that's gotta hurt!"
Yes please to both of those.
And then the original Darktroopers. I will unironically buy three of them if they make good Darktroopers.
This looks like something from GI Joe
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Painting the boots brown really makes it look better now imo
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That looks way better. Really Hasbro does themselves a huge disservice by leaving things like boots unpainted. Yes they are green in the show but that huge sea of color is broken up by the straps and a good coating of weathering so it's much more muted and fits with the rest of his color scheme.
new IG body is still top heavy with bad ankles so it's prone to falling over
>submit top 10 list
>know full well I'm gonna see zero of them make it in
It'll never cease to confuse me how armybuilder figures consistently sell well yet almost never get comparable representation in any of these fan polls.
What's your top 10?
Wish Star Wars wasn't stuck in the mud with Mando shit.
Absolutely wild how the very thing that breathed new life into the franchise is now what's dragging it down to the depths. Jiwd they fuck this up so hard?
I only want a Kyle Katarn
>Purge Trooper - Jedi Fallen Order Commander
>Purge Trooper - Jedi Fallen Order Electrobatons
>Purge Trooper - Jedi Fallen Order Electrohammer
>Imperial Army Trooper - Andor, Ferrix
>Imperial Shock Trooper - EA Battlefront I
>Mudtrooper - Solo
>Clone X Trooper - Bad Batch
>TK Trooper - Bad Batch
>Imperial DT-series Sentry Droid - Rebels
>Patrol Trooper - Solo
Obviously I don't expect my taste to be universal or whatever, especially when the source material for some of these is bad (although I'd strongly argue that cool trooper designs are still cool even if their source material isn't) but I really don't expect the more 'sensible' options like a new Sandtrooper and Snowtrooper to advance very far past named characters either, assuming they make it in at all, based on how these things have gone before.
A lot of those seem sensible to me. So much so that I'm surprised I haven't seen a few of them brought up. Having three Purge Trooper variants maybe not so much, but I can understand wanting more. The Mudtrooper is a fairly popular design.
>although I'd strongly argue that cool trooper designs are still cool even if their source material isn't
Par for the course with Star Wars. I tend to prioritize stuff from the material I like, but not as a rule. I love Andor but it's mostly standard and drab in terms of character designs/costuming. Luthen is a great character but I don't know that I care to have a Luthen figure.
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This figuarts Kenobi arrived today
So many pairs of hands
i haven't bought star wars figures since i was a youngling 17 years ago. i'm tempted to now. would it be autistic? should i care?
Beard too dark
One of the rare examples of the black series being better
yeah the heads are kinda off but whatever, I got it for like 2500 yen in amiami since the box was "damaged" (I did not see anything on it)
My list for Last Figure Standing ended up being:
>Arleil Schous
>Clone Commando (BF2 and an all new sculpt)
>Dash Rendar
>Merrin (Jedi Survivor)
>Shasa Tiel
>Yotts Oren
>C-3PO (ANH and an all new sculpt)
>Pyke Syndicate Soldier
I really want a DT sentry too, their design is so cool

At least it's good Disney shit, Merrin and Pykes are cool
>One of the rare examples of the black series being better
Not that rare since SHF is usually garbage.
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Need this version of Chewie too.
Lol. That's so 90s.
seeing this brings back so many memories of childhood toys. I didn't even have any idea who this was, but I had it for some reason.
You can tell it's a good redesign when you can't even tell who the character is supposed to be...
Oh how SHF has fallen. Why does he look like methhead Haley Joel Osment?
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I think he looks cool, it's just that head looks so awful.
Does Osment have a condition or something? He looks like his face just kept the exact same size and proportions he had as a kid but the rest of him including the rest of his head still grew to adult size
You singled me out when 70% of my list is Lucas era yet >>11163937
is literally all "disneyshit". Please put some effort into your shitposts next time.
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side to side with the BS counterpart
Hey I did the same thing, but I used the old Ahsoka head cause it made more sense to be with Darth Vader
What does the Black Series head look like on the SHF body?
Yeah, he's fat.
Thick orange thighs take Jedi lives
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I like clone armors
I like tacky gold armors from Saint Seiya
So of course I had to be retarded and get this
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Its waaaay shinier than I expected
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Pretty cool looking imo
at least you admit it's tacky. looks like a fine piece though
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You guys think we will ever get some coomer figures back to SW again? Oola, Slave Leia, Shadow of Empire Leia, torn midriff AoTC Padme. Even Marvel Legends these days every now and then get a decent coomer figures like Warbird
In 10 years when the culture shift, maybe
No not under the current Lucasfilm regime. Leia in particular, I don't think they will do any coomer fig for.
under disney attractive women are FORBIDDEN
Yeh, people are already having a fit that her ANH one has white leggings.
while that's probably not entirely screen accurate hasbro's been giving her white leggings under the dress since 1995 it's not like it's some new disney mandated thing
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>not like it's some new disney mandated thing
I don't care what it is, it fucking sucks
Ok, wanting Endor Leia to have bare legs is kinda dumb though. :)
why it has a jet backpack?
>even less appealing than the kenner leia
How much are you guys buying into the rumor that Hasbro is looking to renegotiate their deal with Disney and drop the Star Wars license due to the current state of the brand and its poor sales versus what they're having to pay LFL in royalties?

Would you like to see someone else take over the brand or would you give up on it completely?

Personally I would be sad. I think the figures for TVC are fantastic with all the upgrades in sculpting, engineering, and photoreal from the last few years and there are many characters who still need to be made or updated to thrse current standards. I'm not sure I would trust another domestic company to really do figures of the same quality. Mattel's humans for the Hammond Collection all look like shit. Smaller companies like Boss Fight would have to charge twice as much as Hasbro currently does and they would probably never do any background characters. Same goes for imports as well. I would maybe want to see Hiya take a shot after seeing their latest Star Trek and G.I. Joe figures but I'm not sure how deep in the roster they could get compared to Hasbro.
It's wishful thinking. If it did happen and the licensed is either dropped or expires, whatever company comes next is going to have the exact same problems so it's a lateral move.
I would take it with a grain of salt adn not believe anything until april of next year when the latest announcements are released
maybe they will just want to stick with actual shit that sells instead of eternal shelfwarmers
>G.I. Joe figures
Are these good? They're such a hassle to get ahold of. I wanted the Snake Eyes but never got it.
Pretty much. It's all stemming from Lucasfilm leadership. That's the real thing that needs to change and then they probably go silent for a few years while working on stuff to fix the damage

To be clear I don't really buy into it much, it's just interesting discussion. At the most I assume they would keep the license up to 2027 to capitalize off the 50th anniversary of the original film but getting Farmboy Luke two years before that does have me a little surprised and curious what they're going to do at that point.

I have Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow so far with a few of the Vipers pre-ordered. I like them. Great detail on them and they pose well. They definitely feel more fragile than Hasbro's stuff though but I basically treat them like I do with any other import. Check LTCave.com for when one gets announced that you like. They discount them when they go up for preorder and have free international shipping. I order from them all the time and have never had a bad experience.
>rumor that Hasbro is looking to renegotiate their deal with Disney and drop the Star Wars license due to the current state of the brand and its poor sales versus what they're having to pay LFL in royalties?
Hasn't this "rumor" come up before?
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I also want to do that
It comes up just as often as the "leaks" that Kathleen Kennedy is about to be fired
The hero Star Wars needs
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Bought this. I don't like the sequel trilogy, I just wanted a green A-wing.
you don't need to justify your buys bro, unless you're trying to write it off as a business expense
Yeah, the Sequel shit is what's ruining Star Wars. It hurts the line any time they include it.
I'm a fan of Star Wars but at this point I'd be happy to just have SW merch die. Same with Trek to be honest.
That's honestly wishful thinking I think. If Kennedy gets fired, people are going to think it's a gender thing, like with Acolyte getting cancelled, not because of bad writing.
I didn't watch it but did Acolyte finish the story it wanted to tell? Did it get "cancelled" because it's story ended?
No, lots of garbage "sequel bait" things. Horrible show.
IF we were dealing with Hasbro from pre-sequel era, I'd be sad. Hasbro Star Wars used to be this force (heh) to be reckoned with, where ANYthing was possible. I remember being so excited every time a toy show was coming up to see the deluge of new stuff that was heading our way. What background character was getting a figure, what ship was coming out, etc.

Star Wars was exciting. NOW though? Please just let it end. Star Wars has been limping along for so very long now, and we've gone from the open option that we could complete a collection to "well we may get one figure from it in two years time." It's just painfully dragged out, and it's not fun. We can't even get the vintage toy line completed! They have a handful of figures they could get out and have that as a feather in their cap, but they won't.

Getting the Tonnika sisters should feel like a huge victory, but instead it feels like a consolation prize. I don't get it.
You're too addicted. The hits don't get you high anymore.
No, Star Wars just sucks now.
>I don't like the sequel trilogy, I just wanted a green A-wing.
I don't like the sequel trilogy either, but some of the ships are cool. I LOATHED TLJ and I still like Kylo's Tie Advanced/Interceptor looking thing.
I really hope it doesn't happen. Hasbro have been severely shitting the bed on a corporate level for a few years now, but they own Kenner, and through Kenner we have had a continuous Star Wars line since 1978, with almost no gaps. It'd be sad to see that die because Disney can't stop fucking up. Honestly if anything Hasbro should just say "we'll keep the license, but you have no say on what we produce" and then just make stuff from the Pre-Disney era that people like and only produce Disney tie-in stuff when it proves to be a success.
If there HAS to be stuff on shelves for a new movie or whatever, then it should just be in a dedicated 3.75 inch 5 POA line.
>"we'll keep the license, but you have no say on what we produce"
Can they legally do that? Does Disney not tell them what to make with the MCU stuff?
It'd be great if they stood up yo Disney. No more Grogu. No more Mando shit...
Bro, they signed a contract. When Lucas sold it they weren't legally obligated to use any of his ideas.
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Honestly I don't want anyone else to do Star Wars. Hasbro might not be perfect but I genuinely think they are the best in sculpting and engineering. When I look at other toy lines, they just look bad compared to Hasbro.

They definitely need to renegotiate terms if they haven't already because they shouldn't have their sales suffer just because Lucasfilm is retarded. It's a joke that a dead brand thinks it can charge an exorbitant licensing fee.
>they shouldn't have their sales suffer just because Lucasfilm is retarded.
I disagree. They should have expected this. I'm pretty sure they could pull out, they'd just have to pay a hefty fee or something for breaking contract. I think they could afford to do that. Something like Boss Fight Studio that's only like 12 people, probably not.
I think Disney needs to stop with the secret bullshit too. There's nothing to hide anymore. We know it'll be shit so at least let Hasbro know what's up so they can make toys.
>and only produce Disney tie-in stuff when it proves to be a success.
See this is where it gets tricky though. Right now they are in a position where sometimes they have stuff made for new media and release it close to when that comes out and then sometimes they don't. And it's usually the stuff they don't have made yet that ends up being what people want, but with the 18 month production cycle, by the time they get around to releasing it, a lot of people don't care anymore because it's not the current thing and they end up as pegwarmers like the Darktrooper. Disney just needs to actually stop producing content for a while. Drop the D+ shows and go back to movies but not as annual releases. 3 year gaps between them instead just like George did. It makes the things into an event and would also give Hasbro plenty of time to make a full dedicate line and then in the in-between they can focus on gaps they usually can't get to because of the constant trying to keep up with new media.
it's insane that disney seemed like they learned their lesson about oversaturation after solo bombed but then mandalorian was a hit and they went all-in on shows and now they're back in the same boat
>It makes the things into an event
Fucking this, each movie release was a big deal. George was smart enough to make the movies events while letting people make comics and even cartoons to tide over the hardcore fans. The movies were the only thing mainstream audiences knew or cared about, and for the rest of us we had the EU. Even TCW which came after the movies had ended was more of a niche thing and not targeted to the same audience as the movies. Now Disney wants every show to be a big thing that everyone talks about and it's a losing prospect because even if they were all amazing it still just encourages franchise fatigue.
I mean they ruined Mando instantly once it became a hit and because of that stupid Grogu shit. Grogu saved their asses and made people "like" Star Wars again. And then they squandered it immediately.
I think a big problem is that they really want to run Star Wars like the MCU and don't seem to understand why that model of content release doesn't work with a franchise like Star Wars. Hell it's barely even working for the MCU anymore.
Mando should have ended in season 2
then of course they had to fuck it up
I mean it's even more egregious when you have an ending to things with Grogu leaving with Luke (and giving fans a badass Luke entrance that healed some pretty gaping wounds after Last Turd)...and then you waste fucking Boba Fett's show cramming in Grogu returning. The whole thing stank of meddling. It was so infuriating. "We gotta get our money maker back in!"
not only that, it also evidences the absolute lack of creativity of these fucks and the desperation to at least put something in the screen even if it is just fucking trash
And they overall screwed up a formula perfected by George and Kenner/Hasbro. They were so eager to make back their $4billion as quick as possible that they ended up killing the golden goose for both companies.
What I don't understand is why they have to publicly execute Acolyte and send press releases as if it is an apology. We are pretty sure there wont be Book of Bobba S2, but no need to announce it, just keep silent
I think a blood sacrifice had to be made this time. The fans weren't having it.
Maybe they plan to delete it from D+ like Willow in another few months
Book of Boba was always billed as a miniseries. There was no intention of doing a second season when they made the show so they didn't need to publicly say anything. The Acolyte was setting up plot threads for a follow up season in the show and Lesbian Headland was always being asked about plans for season 2 in every interview she did. And remember Disney didn't even officially announce anything about the cancellation, it was just quietly leaked to the press that they weren't going to move forward with another season before they finally had to say something since it was out there.
Why did they delete Willow?! Is it a little person thing?
I think Boba and Kenobi were intended to be miniseries. I know there was talk for both getting some tacked on bullshit second season but they could do without because they both concluded "properly". Acolyte is the only show that had a sort of cliffhanger ending so it makes sense to confirm it won't be continuing.

I don't really know how it works but somehow they were losing money by keeping Willow on D+ so that's why they removed it. I don't think they will remove Acolyte like that though.
This, it was a miniseries. However they promissed Temura that Boba would returns in Mando S3 but that never happened, it seems the higher ups were afraid of taking Grogu from the show. I really hate how that little green thing took over the whole thing, Mando never evolved because of that.
It's not as cool as the Galoob Action Fleet Green Rebel A-Wing
Where the hell does that new blue A-Wing of mgs appears in?
The one that's painted like the old McQuarrie concept art? It says Resistance A-Wing so I assume it's in TLJ or TROS somewhere.
Licensing stuff?
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Since we're getting all these army builder Trooper 2 packs, it would be nice if we could get some other ones too.

AOTC Phase 1 Clone Trooper vs Geonosis B1 Battle Droid (The newest versions of course)
ANH Storm Trooper Disguise Luke and Han (new Storm Trooper bodies and head sculpts)
ANH Sand Trooper 3 pack (new Sand Trooper bodies with each rank)
ESB Echo Base Trooper vs Snow Trooper (I'm fine with rereleases because they're good figures and the Snow Trooper is getting expensive.)
Action Fleet A-Wings were the best
Obviously rebels>resistance, but I do like the emerald green a little more than the dark chartreuse. That pattern is cooler, though. How does this thing scale with the MGS A-Wings? Anyone have both for comparison?
It was due to royalties. It was more expensive to keep the show on and have to continue to pay the actors and writers for it when the views were not worth that cost. It was a better option to snub out the whole thing before the next quarter and write off the whole production as a loss for tax reasons.
>ANH Storm Trooper Disguise Luke and Han (new Storm Trooper bodies and head sculpts)
I think we'll see new versions of these for the ANH anniversary. Hopefully they will have announced an all new Han by then too.
>ANH Sand Trooper 3 pack (new Sand Trooper bodies with each rank)
Same with this. I want new Sand troopers for both scales.
i want tor viszla and jaster mereel, don't care about other mandalorians since i have jango and boba already
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>probably not entirely screen accurate
these guys and kyle for sure
It's kind of a shame, the Willow show had some potential and if the next season had focused more on adventure and less on teen drama it could have decent
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What if
The shit about the Boba Fett show really did irk me
>oh shit Boba is popular
>let's give him his own spinoff show
>wait his whole personality is he's a bad ass bounty hunter who brings em in usually more dead than alive
>proceed to completely change the character even to the actors dismay that none of this is in line with Boba or what the fans want
>ths big shits at lucasarts have the balls to try to pass the buck and blame Morrison and Mingna Win for the bad reviews and low viewer count
>now neither Boba Fett or Fennic Shand are going to be in any Mando related content going forward
Anyone else bother to apply for the free May the 4th pin from walmart for preordering something?
Cancelled my order back in like late june and figured I was never getting the free pin but bam showed up in the mail today
I had a dream about pipeline reveals that were all ROTS based

Black Series:
>Commander Gree (Kashyyyk)
>Wookiee Warrior
>I forget the fourth one but it might've been another clone

>Super battle droid
>Republic gunship
>Turbo tank
>I think there were more figures but I can't remember

Not gonna happen but it would be crazy lol. I guess Yoda already exists in TBS with the 2 pack with non camo Gree. In the dream I was upset they made another one for TBS instead of TVC
the problem there was that the whole bounty hunter thing was already occupied by Mando, so they most likely thought they could not do the same with Boba
The idea of making him a mafia boss was not only inherently bad, but terribly executed
The only positive thing I can say that came from that show was the silver naboo fighter, it is such a great piece
Do you save the boxes for your black series figures?
I like the idea someone proferred of Boba Fett being an older antagonistic counterpart that represented the path Mando might have taken if not for Gogurt. I never liked what AOTC did for Boba Fett, but BOBF essentially made it impossible for him to do anything of interest.
They should've made Boba the villain of season 3 and have him, Din, and Bo all duke it out over who gets the throne. And then have either Din become Mandalor because it's satisfying or Boba to harken back to EU. But they had to cuck both of them so Bo and Fennec could be girlbosses
I used to but not anymore, I'm never gonna sell this shit, when I die my family will find tubs of these toys in the garage and sell them at the estate sale or donate them to goodwill.
a new snowtrooper would be best, I think, just touch the body up and get rid of the clone head underneath.
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Mine came in just today. I really thought it wasn't going to come since it was taking so long.
this 100%
right in the black suns
The fuck? I didn't even know this was a thing. I want one...

I bet they have boxes of these sitting around that'll get dumped in the trash. What a bummer.
Love pre-Disney Star wars but I don't own a single figure or toy. What's considered a good Stormtrooper figure? Or Clone Trooper, I'll take any and all armor kino.
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Black Series Force Unleashed 3 pack.

or if you just want a single really good Stormtrooper, the Figuarts is getting rereleased with slightly updated paint.
There's a TFU3?
All you had to do was pre order something Star Wars related from Walmart around May the 4th. You had screenshot or scan your receipt and upload it to this really odd site. I honestly had a little bit of trouble at first, since they wouldn't accept my screen grab of the pre order I took from Walmart’s official site. I had to explain to them I didn’t have a physical receipt, since it was a pre order on a website. I am sorry you missed out on it Anon. It’s pretty cool.
he's saying it's a TFU 3 pack, not a pack from TFU3
Okay, people, is there any good reason to hate the Buildbladers line in the first place?
Looks great Anon, what paint did you use?
I only own the first Black Series Mando, Grogu, and I'll get Dash Rendar. Those will be my only star wars figs.
>BOBF essentially made it impossible for him to do anything of interest.
Ehh if they wanted they could hand wave it away with something as simple as "Boba got tired of having to be something of a politician and left "insert name here" in charge and went back to the simple life of bounty hunting"
>do a miniseries of Boba, Fennic, Bossk, and other top mercs and bounty hunters of the period chasing a big score.

One big issue is Disney has become afraid of doing planets other than Tattooine in the live action shows.
>Mando has to visit it at least 2x every season and some in between
>Boba gets fucked up there and decided he loves it and wants to be a permanent resident
>Obiwan show even when he leaves it he always has to come back
I expect if they ever do a Bo-Katan miniseries they'll accidently blow up mandalore and all the survivors move to Tattooine.
>that feel when the only time a Skywalker loved Tattooine is when it is a lego what if where it's a tropical beach planet and Luke is the big surfing kahuna
Genuinely pisses me off when the two did their best with the material they got. I remember Morrison complaining about the script wondering why they kept making Boba just walk around and talk so much.

>Ehh if they wanted they could hand wave it away with something as simple as "Boba got tired of having to be something of a politician and left "insert name here" in charge and went back to the simple life of bounty hunting"
This. I actually don't mind the idea of Boba becoming a benevolent crimelord (though a "chief" would've made more sense). His redemption arc with the Tuskens were arguably the best part but remove those flashbacks and it exposes the present time events as being very dull and aimless until the climax. This is made even worse by them shoving all the good action at the very end.
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Are you guys ready to hear a bunch of Youtubers say "Prince Zizzor?"
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>the only time a Skywalker loved Tattooine is when it is a lego what if where it's a tropical beach planet and Luke is the big surfing kahuna
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Still waiting.
Dash's guilt over thinking he got all those Bothans killed is the best.
>You certainly don’t have to go through all that work on my account but, if you did, I’d certainly add it to my rotation
Well I was gonna do it anyway. Took me a bit, but I managed to remake the wallpaper, I recently bought some carded figures so I was able to take a higher res scan of Maul's face. I then extended the "beams" for lack of a better term, by trying to match the colour, drawing them further out then using various filters and brush types in Photoshop to match the original beam textures.
It's not perfect but I'm pretty happy with it. At some point I'll try doing that other Maul packaging they did in the early 2010s, maybe some others like POTF2 and Power of the Jedi.
The Bothans had it coming.
That looks good Anon!
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>clone head
Oh, I didn't know they did that... now I kinda want a new one. Why is this a thing? The clones were never brought into the Empire's service by the time of the original Trilogy. It's always been presumed that they are long gone by this point or at the very least disbanded.
nta but are you meant to take off the helmet?
Have they updated the Scout Trooper yet?
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Thanks, I used these army painter paints to touch up so far this Cad and Marrok in the back
I even went and painted with dark silver the straps in the boots of the former
>nta but are you meant to take off the helmet?

I guess so. If they went out of their way to sculpt the entire head, then it makes sense you can remove the helmet. I have a 3 3/4 version and he can remove his helmet too, and it's a clone head as well. They were never unmasked in the film, and I wouldn't have them unmasked for display, but I guess it was just an extra option. I don't care if he is able to be unhelmeted desu, I just thought it was weird they used a Clone head. It was probably just the easiest option.
I want to get as many B1 Battle Droids as possible, the six inch black series kind, and have some with blue or yellow or red paint to be pilots and security and so forth. The basic one is like forty five dollars on amazon and I am still a young man, I only occasionally purchase figures- just a nice one every once in a while. How could I feasibly army build these things? Will they release more repaints?
>only the modern Star Wars figures shelfwarm
>no target aisle filled with seven dollar B1 battle droids and Geonisis repaints
For TBS no, for TVC they added rocker ankles and a new helmet to the ones packed in with the Endor bunker and speeder bikes. But they look like shit because the digitally sculpted retooled parts are out of proportion with the wax sculpted original figure.

These are your options, not sure what their prices are now because most are discontinued
>#83 original release
>Best Buy exclusive repack on TPM retro card
>2024 PulseCon exclusive that comes with STAP
>#108 Geonosis repaint
>2 pack with Phase 2 clone trooper
>Galaxy Edge 5 pack
>Jedi Survivor Bedlam Raider repaint
>Upcoming Bedlam Raider 3 pack
>Republic Commando repaint
>Battlefront 2 heavy repaint
Does anyone have any Mattel Jurassic Park figures? How do they scale with TVC? Was wondering if they could be used for kitbashing.
It even says how to pronounce his name in the book, people are horribly stupid.
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>Prince Zizzor with the rizzor
They scale pretty well, they're basically the same size as TVC
To this day I still run into people who pronounce Plagueis as Play-jis or Plegg-is despite his name being said out loud the very first time he ever came up.
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Lego rebuild the galaxy miniseries, Tattooine is essentially a tropical paradise and Luke is a happy surfer. Guy that remembers the old timeline even tells him all about normal Luke and surfer Luke tells him that his life sucks ass in the old timeline.
They made a green A-Wing back in 2002 for the main star wars figure line.
You should totally get yourself one of those
But Xizor only has 4 fingers on each hand.
"It's 'Sheeee-Zor.'"
It's always depended on the artist
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top kek
When I was 8 I used to pronounce it Ex-Is-or. I didn't read the book until I was older and only played the N64 versions of Shadows so I didn't get to hear the spoken dialogue.
>but some of the ships are cool.

Resistance cartoon ships.
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I've become absolutely addicted to the Micro Galaxy figures. They're something so satisfyingly compact yet immediately recognizable about the characters

Honestly I don't even give a fuck about the vehicles themselves
It was just some industry insider reporting to variety. A viable source but Disney hasn't actually said shit.
I wonder if they'll start doing large beasts like Action Fleet did, maybe then you'll get a tusken for the set
That would be nice. Some micro playsets could be cool too as a way to get characters in that otherwise wouldn't.
very nostalgic looking. I miss micro machines. Still have some of the old star wars ones that were just groups of stormtroopers and such in various poses. simpler times.
Iger had no fucking choice, as part of how he managed to avoid being ousted in the recent failed hostile takeover was him telling major players who owned key chunks of Disney stock who's votes kept him in power, that he was going to finally stop KK's reign of terror and make SW profitable again.

Acolyte was KK's final chance to fucking keep the current "force is female" direction going and she even managed to get Iger to open back up the coffers to bribe online reviewers and pro-Disney SW influencers to shill the series non-stop and blood libel ANYONE who didn't cheer it and it's woke politics as awesome.

And it flopped and flopped so fucking badly, that it has pretty much destroyed KK's political pull at the moment within Disney as far as Iger is concerned. Hence why Episode 10 has been shelved and the rumors beginning to swirl that Iger wants Cameron Monagham to be brought onboard as the new face of the franchise, in a new non-Cal Kestis role instead of Rey, in whatever shape Episode 10 takes.
It was a colossal flop of epic proportions, raped and mutilated in the name of wokeness to the point that even hardcore fans of the original movie were pissed at how badly it was raped.

Disney pretty much wrote the show off as a tax write off (unpersoning it) and purged it from Disney+ to basically erase it from existence due to how badly it flopped.
>It was a colossal flop of epic proportions, raped and mutilated in the name of wokeness to the point that even hardcore fans of the original movie were pissed at how badly it was raped.
Okay but you guys say this about everything, so what actually made this different?tvw2
yes yes we all remember the last 20 times you insisted kennedy was about to be fired
Because it was even shittier and even gayer than any of the other shit? are you retarded or something?
You can meme about it all you want, but it's comically insane that she hasn't been tarred and feathered out of the film industry by now. History is going to look back on this decade as some impossibly surreal shit.
Ask Disney.

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