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Next standard wave: Batman Beyond, Batman Noel, and Batman + Ace the Bat-Hound

Future Exclusives: Parallax Sinestro and Commander Steel: Target only

Previous thread: >>11156062
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>Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!
Is this actually Terry or is it someone else as BB?
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Thank fucking god it’s not another spam thread, thank you anon. It means a lot.
Anyways, amazing yamaguchi Batman Beyond revealed last thread.
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The Batwoman Beyond is a much better beyond figure. Plus it has tits. No reason to get this new shitty mcfarlane.
You could just say you're poor and hate superior figures, anon.
But I'm not poor and AY is never superior.
>t.poselet and tastelet
Cool interpretation but the eyes being so unusual in their shape kind of rubs me the wrong way
That's because you, like most idiots here, don't know anything about comic books. It's literally straight out of the books except for the armor appearance.
What I would do to ANALLY devestate some of you guys for your retarded takes.
Man this looks even shittier
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I hate how overdesigned this line is. I've only ever known one Terry and he didn't look like that. There never seems to be a middle ground that balances familiar/simple design and hyper articulation
That Bermejo Batman with the neutral expression and cloth cape looks bretty good.
>doll cape is already fraying in the promo pic
Is that what Todd thinks dogs look like?
Batman Beyond if played by Michael Keaton
What in the absolute fuck is this?
Wish he'd make a Batman Year One on the Knightfall buck.
>even dogs are now subject to Todd Derangement Syndrome
When does it end?
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here you go, bro
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>give Hasbro the license
>so they can make shit like this again
no thanks!
That's more or less what I'm asking for but I don't want to cannibalize a couple of figures to do it.
wow that looks terrible
looks like a Revoltech.
>I've only ever known one Terry and he didn't look like that.
Ok, but he's also had more looks than that.
It's from a comic. It's a new 2.0 suit but it makes him overly aggressive. Just think of Terry's own symbiote, but it's tech.
>uwahg the legs are too short
>uwahg the head is too big
>uwahg the likeness is awful
>uwahg the articulation sucks
>uwahg the suit color is too light
>uwahg the cape is cumbersome and cheap
>uwahg the Mafex is better
>uwahg he’s too bulky the build is all wrong

You bastards lied to me
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Mezco is unironically very based and this board refuses to accept it. They make some really good Batman stuff.
I watched the batman beyond tv show, i din read no cawmicks.
Neat. Some real Kenner type shit.
Hmm that actually doesn’t look too bad
I don't even remember anyone bringing up the Mezco The Batman being bad. Every review I've seen generally agree that it's good but it has that stocky Mezco proportions that may or may not hold true for Pattinson's lanky build. At its worst it just needs more weathering.
Amazon fell for it
Giga Chad Beyond
I wanted this batman but the head is still too big for it, if they shrunk it down by 20-30% it'd be perfect.
There's way too much going on here. My eyes don't know what to focus on. The original design was great because it was so simple.
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>>casually mogs your Superman figure
Comics don't matter when the character was created for TV.
>I watched the batman beyond CARTOON
>He bought the pencil
Also wtf is uwahg?
So New 52 Batman finally done lol.

Wonder if it'll actually look good once you remove the glider.

It's dissppointing that they're re-using Rebirth Batman for this one. It for sure will be a dwarf next to most other McFarlane releases.
New Super Powers wave revealed.
Are they the correct scale now?
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It's happening!
It's going to have terrible reuse and small boobs.
No it’s not, I have seen it and it looks amazing.
They changed the scale on the Classic style Batman to be shorter. There's a "Classic" Superman listed in wave 9 as well. Toy Otter on Instagram and Facebook said the line was being course corrected after the first few waves.
Ok that’s good to hear. I thought it was a huge miss that they didn’t scale with the original figures when they’re doing brand new characters that they never did.
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Leaker anon I kneel
Does you uncle work at Nintendo too?
Did he actually have a target on his throat?
Todd's embezzling money lmao
I’m glad you call them dolls ‘action figure’ is a corporate consumer term to make little boys feel secure in their masculinity the word doll is far more respectable honestly
Let's not start this again.
The articulation on these things is so shitty.
He clearly is
>Jason Todd robin
That means we're finally getting a joker after that wave
You have seen renders lol.

Let's see if WB and the retailers approve the magoombas at the end of the day.

I don't trust they will since this'll be a wide release fig. An online exclusive could've had an actual chance.
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Would they have to go with the boob window though? She's had a ton of costumes.
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Watch it be like the Justice League Europe one.
I think with these cases they usually only allow one of 2:

You either get a revealing cleavage (in this case boob-window) or no pants/swimsuit/thong.

You basically never get both nowadays. Since 2018 that's like "too much" for the big american companies.
The diaper will ruin it. They won't allow the belt to be the top of the diaper. They will force it on you: the ugly looking figure. And you will buy it, only because it is Power Girl. You have no self control. McFarlane controls your destiny. Seek 3 signs of his favor.
Why does WB force the "no guns" thing? Yes, I know Todd sells packs to get around that, but still...
etoddler ebonics

Just ignore - or better yet, filter - anyone who uses shit like it.
no boob window, no buy
I'm curious to see what their Jason Todd, as a Robin will look like, other than a Dick as Robin, which I think Kenner did? And how much different it will be from the Retro '66 Dick.

Sadly, the ROTS Supes will likely be a mullet - I'm mean, I'll likely still pick it up at retail but I won't be happy. I might get the Ray and the Jay but it depends on what the Atom looks like.

Nothing I want from the overpriced CEs.
>Sadly, ROTS Supes will likely be a mullet
Isn't that kinda how you know it's that one though?
If Todd chickens put I'll just wait for Mafex/Kaiyodo yamaguchi to do her. They're not above putting out curvy figures in Japan, thank god.
Weirdos at the company think toys with guns teach children to be violent I guess or something.
She'll have a bunch of unnecessary twee anime shit though.
Can someone explain WHICH non-black Steel is Todd releasing? There are like four-five non black Steels out there.
But a knife is totally fine... >_>
I think it's the OG Commander Steel, who had a blink and miss comic during the infamous "DC Explosion/Implosion" and who was in All Star Squadron for a bit before they exiled him to Earth One and had him financially back the JLA during the Detroit era, until they discovered the sick fucking shit he did to his grandson the second Steel, who's original costume was his granddad's minus the fin on the hood.
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The Commander one who is really just Speeding Bullets SuperBatman in disguise
Also someone at McFarlane was proud of this elbow.
At least that's a better reuse than that god awful Black Lighting.
Why are those Nippon doll clothes from hundreds of years ago in better condition than doll capes Todd released a couple months ago?

Also, the body for my Phantom Lady project arrived today. The boobs are made of rubber.

But will her boobs be squeezable? And what’s the diaper situation like?
They've been restored most likely.
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Todd loses again
is that..heckin' 80's wholesome kino!
Oh boy! I love the 80's! my heckin' peepeerino worked back then!
The heads on those are not good.
I kinda hate figures that aren't meant to be opened.
And it'll have a retarded price tag.
Something like that should be $16 max
McFart made a disco Nightwing and the way he does shoulders made it terrible.
>McFart made a disco Nightwing
What body are you using?
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This isn't it?
That's knightfall cuh
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Oh, ok... well, I guess they'd have to use the Max Mercury buck. My point is that anything with a shoulder pattern gets messed up by how he does shoulders.
What is this expression meant to convey?
>I keep running but I can't outrun my feelings
Stoic determination? Being high? I honestly have no idea. It probably looks slightly better in hand.
to insinuate that the retro style blister card is some sort of feature that comes with the toys is fucking maddening. What is wrong with inbox collectors that it has come to this?
It's almost as dumb as having newer characters made up like old 5poa Kenner stuff.
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Dick Sprang batman had a big ol head
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>Dick Sprang
actually not fully awful but -
still not buying even if it ends up for $7.99 at Ollie's
>What is wrong with inbox collectors that it has come to this
Toy companies are somehow convinced these people make up a vast majority of the adult collector base.
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What is this, poor's man Neca? Goddamn that man is really poor.
It doesn’t. Everyone knows McFarts look worse in person
What are you talking about?
It's literally always the opposite.
I rarely like mezco stuff but the golden age batman is great
joker and robin look good too, looking forward to them and hoping they do a penguin afterwards
What are you on about? ALL promos are generally worse than in hand because they zoom in so much.
They're trolling. Mcfarlane could switch to 6 inch with full ab crunch, good elbows/knees, and start the line with the 7 original jla members and they'd still make shit up to complain about. They just like posting "McFart".
Haha... fart.
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But the mezco head is too big even for dick sprang.
See how small his torso is to his head?
>oh oh let me pull up the one specific image where his head looked kinda small
Go fuck yourself
>show a pic of batman at an angle so you cant tell how big is head really is.
Fuck you bitch.
>pretending they don’t look worse in person
lmao even
How sore is your ass from riding Todd’s cock all the time?
Haven't bought a McF in years, but it's true.
Some don't. Most look the same. It's very rare to look worse in hand because they're shit more often than not.
Delusional schizo bullshit.
>Highly articulated
Excuse me?
THat NECA already did a remake of those old Batman 89 kenner figures and they were pretty ok. Mezco vintage feels redundant after that, why go back instead of improving these fucking figures.
The Justice Lord and GOLD variant are just repaints of one of the other versions. Even the face and hair were left alone.

I assume NO CAPE plus black recovery suit would be the differentiator, but Todd, Doing Todd Things, will add the mullet.

I still don't get wanting to thumb tack something like this to your wall. Even as a poor college student, I would never have done that.
It was one of the last things the AT&T regime ordered for their WB assets.

After that none of the new bosses have bothered suppressing that idiotic mandate.
Ok,so Todd is gonna end up taking another 3 years to release a Rebirth Wonder Woman, isn't he?
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Speeding Bullets body is great. The side detailing is unfortunate tho for reuse.
God damn, that sculpt is incredible. The joints butchered it.
>Power Girl

It really is an excellent body absolutely ruined by the detailing.
>THat NECA already did a remake of those old Batman 89 kenner figures

NECA made a Keaton Batman, they weren't remaking the Kenner figures except for one Hasbro golden Tactical Suit repaint.
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Yeh, did it even have that in the original comics? And I'm pretty sure the trunks weren't black.

I really don't understand why he didn't just make a blank buck. Those stupid boots...
So it's kind of AT&T's fault?
Women action figures don't sell... because no one makes them.
>Those stupid boots...
On the Blue Beetle buck, I mean.
>dat bulge
It boggles the mind that people want less detailed figures. Might as well buy Super Powers.
This is pretty cool, I hope we get something decent in 1/12 scale one day. Even in Todd's weird 7'' line would be great
Todd really knows how to suck the fun out of collecting. We got 4 new batmen today and everybody is just exhausted with this shit.
>Todd makes more than Batman
Sure and they're all platinums or collectors editions that you can't fucking get
This line is ONLY good when Todd gets to do his Batmen and edgy designs. You seriously want fucking Mister Miracle or killer moth or some other d-lister on that shitty blue beetle mold? Kys faggot.
lol, lmao even. Speak for yourself, us classic chads are eating good right now.
Terrible b8 m8
Why are all his Nightwings so thicc? Dickbats looks to be the best Grayson physique
Anyone have any news on the release date for Mafex Hush Robin?
Nope, nothing yet. Just waiting for Medicom to solicit him.
Wow that sucks. I want more villains goddamnit. And wheres my reverse flash todd?
What's with the huge gap in dc releases? Damien and Deathstroke are october and these new Batmen are January releases. No november/December?
You're eating a lot of improperly reused molds
Not only their fault. New owners have had 2 years to change that now and they haven't lol.

But maybe thanks to them is that McFarlane can include guns on Store exclusives now
Why did they do that? Its so retarded
Don't go off Amazon release windows
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How do you fuck this up
This OP is so fucking boring.
>new batslop come buy the new batslop

Todd is such a retard
It's been confirmed that Crimson Commander is the Retroblast and other spammers. Remember to report all of his posts.
90% of the shit posts in DC general are Jarrett
Stop talking to yourself, CC
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After Batman gets here I'll just need an appropriate wonder woman for a full silver age justice league.
What a beautiful shade of lipstick on Hal. And Superman's big ugly old man head looks awesome! Mexican Batman? Very nice!
Its october damien and ds then january for these batmen at bbts.
Since you seem new to mafex, let me help ya kiddo. It'll be at least a year from when it gets put up for pre-order. So you've got to put on your patient shoes, lil fella!
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Shitpost better
You guys realize that Batman Superman Fusion, just like Commander Steel is also a reuse of speeding bullets, right? Whoever wanted that mold reuse created the next infected supes mold
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Anyone know what the price is going to be on this?
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What's the best Medicom/Mafex TDKR figure set? Batman on horseback (picrel) or the Blue Ver. Plus Robin set?
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Who is this even for?
People that like toys
always some retard asking shit like this whenever anything is revealed.
Just curious who is buying these 5 POA kids toys of a 35 year old movie.
Nostalgic people. Same as super powers
Fans of the movie? Fans of Batman? Fans of 5poa? The world is a big place and there's people supporting all this stuff.
Why do the 5poa guys get so unreasonably defensive when questioned about these toys?
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please don't become as schizo as Marvel General
Why do you have to ask why toy collectors want a type of toy?
I’m working on Phantom Lady today. Going to add a belt and do some tests for the suit, then make some seamless wired soft capes.
Mr. Freeze should arrive today, might work on him while waiting for the head, flamethrower, and car I ordered for Phantom Lady to show up.
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This one looks kinda cool
Hush faggot
Because it's not something that appeals to me so I'm curious as to who would be interested in it. This is exactly what I mean about getting so unreasonably defensive.
Not as easily accessible as a brand new toy?
>Ayo I'm da dark nite n shieeet ahuu
Try using your brain next time. Why do you like something? Hm? Same thing for whoever wants those. You're making up problems in your head.
>seamless wired soft capes
That's rich coming from the retard that spams
>Doll cape
All the fucking time
I never even said it was a problem, I was just curious. Thanks for proving my point though you overly defensive baby.
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Nice pic, looks great
Thanks for proving my point that you're a brainless tit.
I usually like edgy stuff but even I don't like this but you do you anon. I think Black with metallic red or some blood red shade instead of the gold would've been more fitting for a vampiric design. I might have liked it then.
Yep there are tutorials out there that look pretty clean. Kind of surprising how easy it is to make customs at a decent quality when you aren’t paying blind Chinese slaves to make toys like Todd.

Glider Batman is $40
That’s actually not a bad price… I might pick it up mainly for the backdrop alone.
You gonna pay $40 for some plastic and cardboard, retard? Just print off the promo pic at a size that fits your shelf and glue it to a piece of foam or card stock, it’ll last longer.
Will Todd do the Frank Quietly flying Batmobile? It's a pretty distinct one out of the bunch.
>Elvira and bulge Catwoman
you coom too much, anon
people are retarded, some people are buying the vhs spiderman 2pack just for the fucking mask accessory.
It's a good 2-pack, the figures are great.
For like $2 you can get a color 11x17 print on thicker paper at Office Max or any print shop. Then just put it on a half inch thick sheet of foam or get a sheet of 1/4" presentation foam for a dollar from Walmart and cut out the negative space.

I've thought about doing something like this and putting a light behind the skyline but decided it would look tacky.
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I also ran into the issue of all the backgrounds on the shelf having different lighting. I'd want Metropolis to be a bright golden hour, Gotham to be a dark blue or red sky, the Watchtower to be in space, Arkham to have a sickly green background, etc.

The only way to do it right would be to set up a bunch of leds unless you stick to one display at a time and control the lighting that way.

The other problem I had was setting up rooftop facades. On lower shelves it looks fine but anything at or above your eye level will start to obscure the figure, especially the ones in the back. Since most shelves are only about 10 or 11 inches tall and McFarts are 7 inches, you only get about 2 inches to play with or their heads are touching the top of the shelf. It isn't a lot of room to set up facades or stage tricks.

That said, it's still something that might look cool if someone put in the effort. When I sit in the middle of my room and spin in my chair admiring my toys I think about ways to do it but instead I just impulse buy more figures I'm running out of room for.
Literally who is getting that 2 pack just for the mask? Personally I got it for both figures.
What are the chances Todd releases this same figure into the mainline with alternate hands? I want a Capullo Batman to go with the Talon
>literal washboard abs
Todd has released the same Batman Rebirth body mold with some differences multiple times, you'd have to look through the back DCMV catalog to see if any of those suit you
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Saving this for the next time the resident Todd dickrider types essays about how delays aren't real.
We're talking about it as a buck, you braindead zoomer
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i dont need the tiny toons keaton batman head...
i dont need the tiny toons keaton batman head...
i dont need the tiny toons keaton batman head...
i dont need the tiny toons keaton batman head...
i dont need the tiny toons keaton batman head...
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It's the body buck that he is RE-USING.
Pay attention: it's why we get all this convo: >>11163310; >>11163198; >>11162995; >>11162984; >>11162794; >>11162739; >>11162690 just to grab the most recent comments.
It's the perpetual conversation on DC General.

That and Todd's general incompetence.
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Unpainted cards? Really, Todd?
As a customizer I prefer it this way. I can make it my own!
Any yet he paints the purple that is supposed to be under the collar.
The body is unpainted too
What's with the ribbon on the cane? I don't remember a silver age look like that.
No, it's not.
You're an idiot.
Yes it is.

Blind bitch.
I'll give you that it's purple plastic but do you not see a small amount of paint on it?
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>When I sit in the middle of my room and spin in my chair admiring my toys I think about ways to do it
>not having a toy room
nta but I think my girlfriend would honestly leave me.
>When I sit in the middle of my room and spin in my chair admiring my toys I think about ways to do it but instead I just impulse buy more figures I'm running out of room for.
I know this feel
Could you post a pic of your displays? That sounds really cool.
Definitely Blue Ver. Plus Robin set
The horse is just a statue and the logo on the chest is inaccurate.
But it's not.
Why does Aquaman look like a clone of the Flash?
>having a girlfriend
Honestly, pretty gay bro.
Then she isn't worth keeping around
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Anon stuck the unmasked Barry Allen head on the, I believe, long haired Aquaman buck.
I always hear stuff like this, I can't even imagine it. I'm sure your girlfriend is very sweet, but mine would never get in the way of stuff I enjoy.
Scissor me timbers
If your display is tasteful and not just nerd hoarder shit then women will appreciate it.
>not having a sex dungeon
could u imagine ur girl having a room dedicated to bags?
Remember when McFartlanes were 14.99? Good times.
I'm finally starting to see proper distribution at local Walmarts for McFarlane. Hopefully this is a continuing thing and not just the once-every-two-years-refresh.
It's called a walk-in closet.
I remember when they were 6.99. What they're putting out now is largely worth that.

May just be for the holiday season, but I do notice stuff selling out less online a few hours or less after preorders go up so maybe they're making more.
I'm talking about the DC Multiverse figures you old faggot
Some DC Multiverse figures actually got down to lower than 6.99. I got Red Son Superman for around 6
I'm talking retail. not sales, you dumb cunt
F Wait, what? Are you joking?
McFarlane DC Multiverse was never 14.99 MSRP. Lowest was 19.99
And devoting an entire room to it seems a bit much. Try like a wall maybe.
This. I have a ton of shoes but I keep them in a walk in closet not a damn room like some kind of museum.
Yes it was
A walk in closet is a room? The difference is that a walk in closet is a dedicated space, it's designed specifically for storage of clothing and accessories. It’s more about functionality than living space. Generally a room has multiple functions and are typically larger and meant for a broader range of activities. A room has furniture and stuff, it's not just meant for storage.
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Whatever you say, Crazy Pete, sure, DC Multiverse is produced by McFarlane Toys, DC Multiverse has always been produced by McFarlane Toys.
Debatable. It's how I decorate my home office where I have my computer desk where I work from. People on Zoom calls always are interested in my display that's in my background and are always commenting how they like a Star Wars or TMNT shelf or something like that.
That you in the photo?
>People on Zoom calls always are interested in my display
They're humoring you.
As an anonymous person who can thus offer uncouched advice, I will tell you what they cannot: they think you're weird.
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i remember when Sobe was in glass bottles
I sure hope you don't do that on business calls.
I remember when Sobe was still stocked in stores. Haven't seen it in forever around here.
wait are they not a thing anymore?
I work in IT and collecting toys is hardly the weirdest thing people in my office do. I'm not even the only person who collects toys. There's a dude with a Star Wars TVC collection at his cubicle. Guy is also a member of the 501st cosplay group and has come to work in full armor for some event the office was having.

I don't do business calls, I work in an IT datacenter and deal with other guys who are into the same shit I am.
I knew you were a fucking pajeet larper
I'm not even sure what this means.
what do you do remotely for IT? im curious about getting a remote gig
Mainly get paid to watch guys jerk IT
>come to work in full armor for some event the office was having
Do nerds really not have any self awareness?
Supposedly they are but distribution and availability are pretty terrible and even then a lot of the flavors people liked got cut.
I'm a Sysadmin. I still have to go in once or twice a week for meetings or doing something physically to a server, but other than that it's mostly just Windows Administration and dealing with trouble tickets.

Hey everyone has a good time, that's all that counts. If you're not a nerd,why are you even in a 4chan toy board?
>4yr degree
can i just get a certificate or something
I didn't get a degree for my position. I have some certs but they've long expired. Granted i started back in 2009ish as an intern and eventually got hired on full-time after a few years. Never got around to finishing my degree but at this point, my 15 years of experience kind of trumps a degree anyway.
any tips on a good way to get my foot in the door? what jobs to look for or whats even relevant now?
I'll be straight with you, I haven't applied for a job on 15 years so anything I say is probably out of date and should be taken with a grain of salt. My advice, to learn the basics, get your A+ Cert, this doesn't mean much but it's a good source of knowledge if you don't know the basics. Then figure out what sector of IT you want to specialize in. Do you want to deal with infrastructure like I do and manage servers/workstations/network equipment, do you want to code, do you want to deal with cyber security? Once you figure out your particular area of interest, start focusing on that, I know the tech space is shrinking right now with mass layoffs and what not, but there are always entry level bitch boy jobs available, and if you can suck it out as a level 1 help desk monkey for s few years, and continually grow your knowledge base, you'll find something. But you need to start with your basics with an A+ Cert and if recommend take whatever available MCSE or Linux courses you can to learn the ins and outs of Windows and Linux.
as long as it pays better than my current $23 in CA im there
Bro I “supervise” at an edibles lab making $30/hr just watching candy and joints roll out of machines, my business degree doesn’t matter at all. I worked remote for a while and it just turned me into an autistic hermit.
If you’re in CA just find somewhere making weed stuff. Most IT and analytics positions are going to be replaced by AI in a few years anyway.
Plus being surrounded 24/7 by my toys made me start to resent them.
>edibles lab
go on. and does me being a non-judgy straight edge person help? like im not gonna steal their shit?
This. Shf or bust. Don't even give a shit about non shf figures.
>Plus being surrounded 24/7 by my toys made me start to resent them
This is a good thing though, innit?
>Plus being surrounded 24/7 by my toys made me start to resent them.
Lmao why?

Why are you even here?
>Why are you even here?
I honestly have no idea. :)
Very few humans can survive as a level 1 help desk monkey for very long.
live action role play
boomer, pajeet, and - of course - jareth are all the popular, all-purpose 'slurs' that the mean girls like to toss around here
Just saw Question at Walmart but the black airbrushing under the hat looks garbage so I bought beef tips in gravy and bread for sandwiches instead.

Yeah definitely. Three of the people on my team don't smoke, they're just autistic bugs who like making sure machines are doing what they're supposed to.
You should look into what's available in your area. You know it can't be replaced by AI and it's pretty chill, it isn't as tedious as factory work, and there's no customer service or help desk tickets.

>wake up
>spend all day in the toy room dealing with emails and work shit
>work day ends, "shit, I'm still in the toy room with my hundreds of manchild toys"
I loved it for the first year but after a while it feels like being trapped in a cell with the things that used to be a fun escape now being your cellmates.
>and - of course - jareth are all the popular, all-purpose 'slurs' that the mean girls like to toss around here
Bro I just see that shit as me walking through the halls of Arkham while loonies screech through the bars. They contribute nothing, just ignore them until they die.
Getting hired without a degree was common more than a decade ago. I had a contract job that turned into a permanent job doing database design for the same reason.

I have a degree but it's a FINE ARTS degree, it's not even business or something like History.

But no one is going to hire anyone now for something like that without a degree. Go to community college if you have to and there are a ton of things you can study on-line for free. Once you have those nailed down, you test out of shit (foreign language requirements) that are required for a degree which is a good way to save money on the cost of a degree.
>Plus being surrounded 24/7 by my toys made me start to resent them.
Is that because the off-gassing of their phthalates?
People voted for Hush over Knightfall. There truly are more plebs using BBTS who like that ugly body buck.
Didn't they mix up the names and the pictures in the vote? Way to absolutely fuck things up lol
Yeah the Hush body was called Knightfall, and the Knightfall was called Hush, so who knows what the results mean.
>the rat is continuing his spam shite
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We haven’t even hit bump limit…
Thanks, anon.
So this confirms the shitpost OP for the DC Gen is Crimson Commander aka the retro spammer.
>cc is retro
No thats BrieLarsonFan2004, aka Zat
Know your lore. CC is the one who started retro spamming and then Zat got involved because it's his way of trying to "own" the board.
I prefer to keep my mind mostly clear of the shit that goes on here but ok, still want Zat dead for a variety of reasons
not on the actual poll
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OP here and there has the intense need to be first.
It probably comes from being picked last in grade school.
Or not being picked at all.
Or maybe he got his head flushed down the toilet continually and the water logged what few brain cells he had left?
Who knows.

>How do you fuck this up
We call it being "Toddfied"
That seems kinda pointy and maybe a safety issue.
There's all sorts of angles on the Retro Bat '66 accessories or 'play sets' - excuse me, dioramas, and Super Power vehicles as well -- and there are actual parents buying those for actual play school age children.
>You should look into what's available in your area
What is the actual job title?
NTA but there's probably several things you can check out, either the growers, or the sellers (especially if you have retail) - and from there, work your way into a higher paying position - away from the public if that's your personal preference.

It's not like they will be listing the open positions on CraigsList or CareerBuilder, after all.
it was a different time
it was a different time

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