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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.

Previous thread: >>11157830
Reposting, in case everyone already jumped ship before I could finish typing.
>>11162501 #
>>11162502 #
While I recognize all of the other color schemes, I don't remember a Megatron in those colors - I don't think he was in the Universe line like Primal was, so as far as I remember, the only T-Rex Megatron repaint was T-Wrecks. Did the guy who painted these just make that one up, or was there another Megatron that I'm unaware of?
I think it's just supposed to be megatron in primal colors
these are all customs, they're based on the SG comics... right?
It's Shattered Glass Heroic Predacon Megs
Only Megatron is SG.
Rattrap is BotCon '97 Packrat.
Primal is Universe '03 Primal.
Cheetor is the prototype orange Tigatron.
Airazor is, I assume, RID15 Filch.
Nope. The blue Rattrap is referencing Packrat, the purple/black Airazor is her Armada toy, Primal is in his Universe colors, and Cheetor is based on an early concept for Tigatron (which DID get used for SG). Megatron's the only one who's colors don't seem to be based on a preexisting toy.
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>the purple/black Airazor is her Armada toy
>they're all colored like alternate colors of their mold, or the opposite team's guy
>dinobot is just that one toy that was meant to be his show look, more or less, and failed hard.
Sorry but these are some of the worst SG repaints. I hate toy reuses for SG and just switching Primal and Megs colors around.
The colors on the actual toy are different in-hand from what's in that stock photo - mine has much brighter blues on her. Still, even if it's not intended to be the Armada toy, it's not really a match to Filch, either. Maybe just a made-up color scheme?
How is Tarantulas already a Transmetal at this point while none of the others are? Even if this is a timeline where both Scorponok and Terrorsaur didn't die, how did they (and Megatron) avoid getting Transmetalized?
i like toy reuses, when they fit, but I do not like switching primal and megs' colors, no. that makes no sense.
but a black tyrannosaurus is still cool. and a purple ape.. ehh.. it works okay.
that is a good fucking point lol. though scorponok looks way more mechanical than he's supposed to as an organic beastformer anyway.
This is Shattered Glass, wacky toy usage is not uncommon.
Also, notice how everyone is fully mechanical. Megatron's even using the BW10th design, the one designed to slot into Galaxy Force's Jungle Planet group. Tarantulas isn't ACTUALLY Transmetal, with Transmetal properties, he just happens to have a body that look like his Transmetal body in other universes.
Still seems like a weird choice - they opted to use the Transmetal body instead of keeping his S1 body like everyone else (except Megs, who has a whole new body entirely, as you pointed out) and just using the orange colors from his prototype, which would have been a better fit.
actually i think i'm with that anon. now that i realize yeah they are all more mechanized than their actual toy design, I think in this universe they turn into mechanical animals, like G1.
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Which one of you did this?
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What do you mean, that's just Siege Ultra Magnus, people here complained he didn't look like the G1 cartoon from the start
Those colors still look far more desaturated than they are in-hand. She's not as bright a shade of purple as the one the customizer guy used on his Airazor, but she's definitely a more vivid shade than that - also, her blues are deeper and what looks like magenta in that image is supposed to be bright red.
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Not sure which thread to post in (When did Goanon come back? Isn't it about time he got himself a life? This 'joke' got stale years ago), so I'm just going to post this in both.
Anyway, my Straxus arrived, and he's pretty cool. Despite being a Galvatron retool, he still feels very unique, and they managed to get the overall likeness to his comic depiction pretty spot-on except for a few minor details, all of which are unavoidable leftovers of Galvatron's tooling and are required for his transformation. Fortunately, the only two leftovers that really mess with his silhouette (the shoulder pylon things and the wing-guns that have replaced Galvatron's treads) can be folded back and made at least somewhat less obtrusive.
While the new cannon thing doesn't look to impressive (it's just a barrel, and has no actual 'gun' to attach to the way Galvatron's did), I really like his pickaxe - it certainly looks more menacing than it did in some of the comic scenes I've seen. Both weapons can be stowed on his back, but only one at a time; since the pick is his signature weapon, I'll be leaving the gun barrel there more often than not.
The 'comic style' paint decos on him aren't too noticeable or obtrusive, and I'm happy to report his shoulders are properly assembled (my Galvatron was from the first run, and I never bought a replacement or worked up the nerve to do the 'fix', other than just manually rotating the shoulders around so the screw holes are on the front in robot mode).
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His 'Flying Gun Thing' mode, which seems to be accurate to the comic and is apparently the reason they chose this specific mold to make him out of. The new gun barrel definitely looks better attached here than it does mounted to his arm in robot mode, though sadly it's not really compatible with blast effects - I had to cram this one in, and it kept falling out anyway. The pickaxe mounting to the top to make the little fin things was a nice touch, and I like how they turned Galvatron's tank treads into wings with little blasters on them (they also have four rocket tubes sculpted onto them - they get hidden in vehicle mode, but are visible in robot mode, giving him an excuse for having the extra bits hanging off of him). The lower section of his legs still swing down to act as a 'kickstand' like how Galvatron's did, but because his wings aren't intended to be angled to hang as low as Galvatron's treads did, the kickstand doesn't fold down all the way to keep him from ending up with his barrel pointing into the ground.
I already found the Galvatron mold to be fun and solid, and Straxus wears it well. He certainly looks imposing enough, and now the few Insecticons and Coneheads I own have a boss to push them around.
we're operating under the assumption that it's a different guy
either way, the illegitimate threads always get more posts, so
I hate how when SG got so big Fun Pub kept doing this shit where existing toys got used for SG characters.
There are two things I hate about Shattered Glass: repurposing existing color schemes as SG variants instead of making something new and interesting (Diaclone Ultra Magnus being the most egregious,) and the faction symbols. I wish SG swapped the faction symbols so Autobots were just Decepticons in that universe and visa versa so your SG figures could fill in for regular Autobots/Decepticons too instead of being forever cordoned off to their own universe.
Yeah, I'm hating that Terrorsaur and Skorponok are literally just Lazor eak and Sandstorm. Like, at least Dinobot, Megatron and Tarantulas are each a version of themselves and Waspinator has some brown in there so he's not just Buzzsaw, but the other two there are straight-up toys of entirely different characters with their own established bios tied to them.
Also, unrelated but interesting:
>using the royal we
Careful, Icarus...
that was more a statement of observation re: our operation, than a claim of reading everyone's mind and having consensus.
>the illegitimate threads always get more posts
I wonder why that is
Anybody have pics of Straxus and Xaaron with the "comic shading" erased? I'm curious what they'll look like.
he looks great in those colors
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So do you
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Went to the only local store that stocks Transformers for the first time since the beginning of August, and apart from that super cheap Optimus Prime with two faces, the only new figures were Steeljaw and the shitty concept art Rumble.
2001 Sideburn shelfwarming is no surprise, but I wasn't expecting to see that there were exactly as many boxes of Magmatron as there were last time. I mean, I'm a cheapass so I ended up just waiting until he was 25% off on Amazon instead of buying him in-store, but I didn't think he was unpopular.
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There was a big sale at the comic book store tonight and I made some decisions
>a dinosaur
Not a transformer, dinosaurs belong on >>>/d/
Everything else is fine though
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Why are his arms so tiny?

They look even smaller in person.
that is a very interesting variation. fuckin zeon suits look pretty cool when they aren't looking retarded.
i think it's just bad distribution. think about it, how many people go to that store? like eight?
Get fucked UTfags, Hasbro don't want to touch that shit any more after Armada and Cybertron poor sales. Anyone who seriously believes this shit needs to go kill themselves.
Why do you still cling onto that bit? Doesn't this stuff get boring?
So, just got back from Tf one. Not gona lie, it was pretty ok to mid. The world building of Primus and the Primes was probably both my favorite part and the most mishandled. The characters were mostly fine, although the casting was really spotty. Hemsworth is a pretty good Orion, but tremendously awful Optimus. Scarlet was fine if not rather generic. D-16s acting was great, but his voice was very wrong. Bumblebee was kind of annoying, although some of the humor was ok, not anything to write home about, he could be removed from the movie and the empty space wouldn't be that bit of a deal. Steve Buscemi was an awful Starscream. None of the other characters were really anything to write home about except Sentinel and Alpha Trion who were both quite good and extremely underutilized. The Quintesons were an afterthought, and Sentinel's collusion with them could have been cut out with little issue. The story is functional, I certainly wouldn't say it was bad. I really liked that Primus was actually shown in robot mode, and I really liked the reference to Unicron creating Galvatron when Primus reformatted Orion into Optimus. Alpha Trion was fun, especially the rampage he went on in his uni-lion mode, I absolutely did not expect it, and its a shame he's dead. Sentinel was also quite good, but my gripes with him is that he really wasn't in the movie enough, and that while you get that he's a bastard, that's really about it, he kills Zeta/Prima/what? and has the deal with the quintesons but other than that he's just a target for Megatron's rage.
Post fanmodes
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oh that... that looks fucking amazing.. god damn that makes me want to get both of them right now.. what does wingfinger go for these days?
aw, a UTfag is sad that his Enershit OP isn't happening and now coping and seething. Go fuck yourself
I'll post this here as well. Don't mutilate your Springer! The tab fits as intended!
uhh what
>Steve Buscemi was an awful Starscream
opinion discarded
>how did they (and Megatron) avoid getting Transmetalized?
Tigatron wasn't transmetalized and he was in the bridge of the Axalon with everyone else who changed, not in a CR chamber or whatever. Maybe there's a chance they aren't affected.
Tigatron was immune because he was still in protoform mode until he got on this planet, somehow that prevented them from being affected. Though not sure why it still worked on Primal's new blank protoform body.
I think Rhinox was in the CR chamber right? along with Waspinator? that's why they weren't affected? and Dinobot.. was.. too? fuck my memory sucks now.
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Look what I got

The deluxe G1 should be shipped soon. But I don't know when my sellers will ship

It is a great thing that the my local toys providers are not limited by big name corporations but some times the sellers you ordered from might be a bit slow
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And good news

My replacement doom and destruction pack came with the correct pair of arms

The importer was saying they are out of stock so the seller was asking me bank account # for refund. My seller managed to squeeze one out for me. Thank god the arms are correct
sooooo does Quake suck?
>Tigatron was immune because he was still in protoform mode until he got on this planet, somehow that prevented them from being affected.
Isn't that just a fan theory? It makes sense but I don't remember it being explained in the show.
Any of the Transformers who were protoforms from the Axalon's cargo that fell onto Earth during the ship's crashing down were born on the Vok's 'laboratory' (read the entire Earth planet) and thus were unaffected by the Transmetalization. Everyone else came from Cybertron so they were affected.
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What is the criteria I am supposed to use here?

For the robo mode I questioning some of the paint decision

You already have black feet, why give it a black (gloss) on top of them?

Why paint the handle for blue target master?

Some of joints are a bit loose but they are not worst I have seen before
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No wheel

Consider the original mold did not have them I guess it is ok.

But as a tank, man it is rough. The turret is just placed in the wrong position. They probably can work something out if the figure is bigger, but as it is, the other direction just don't have the place for the turret unless you want a 5mm hole in the chest of the robot.
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>the turret

It doesn't really turn

The back of the robot get in the way of the turret turning.
So when you move the cannon, it will point up like a artillery piece.

They can cut off the side of the hip on the blue part to give the turret space to move, but that would means extra works.

So at the moment, this is more of tank destroyer rather than a tank.

They should have kept the back red. The original color looks better in tank mode
But, again, that's just a fan theory. Even if it fits and is a good way to explain it, that isn't specifically stated in the show.
Some things are best left shown rather than told.
God damn, what a real piece of shit
put that on markcolnus' tombstone kek
And this is not one of them. Just because some characters have two things in common doesn't mean both of these things are related.
I never cared much about the explanation of why that happened, but taking some theory as truth is something I can't do. It's a convenient explanation if you really need one, but that doesn't mean it's what the writers really intended. Giving it as the actual answer is just spreading misinformation.
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Galvatron and his armada

The knees are no longer a problem. They are now tight and stay in place and don't come off.

But all the purple are painted. They just reissue the original Megatron mold, switch the green with yellow and painted all in purple

>But paint are more premium!

the day-glo yellow is awful
probably won't get him desho
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IDW was a mistake
And why do you feel the need to report this to us?
>two threads made after a thread hit bump limit
>use one thread
>it hits bump limit
>instead of making a new thread, used the other thread

THANK YOU. Was this so hard?
>more idw seethe
mental illness
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>A A Tron
I've got no love for IDW seeing how I've never read it and most of what I've seen of it is troons, but with how many creatives openly don't give a single shit about the IP they're adapting I can appreciate an actor showing something beyond surface level interest
This has brought me immense joy
The Dinobot is literally the Classics Dinobot. I think he released in those exact colors.
Because if he whined on twitter, he'd get cancelled.
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>pay 20 bucks plus tip for a deluxe class in 2024
>its the size of a Core class
What the hell is this Hasbro??? Look at this guy, hes tiny!
it's confusing.. like at one point, there's a vok thing that affects everyone except transmetals and fuzors, everyone not affected directly by the transwarp thing.. tigatron and airazor weren't immune to that.
hang on i'm not sure i read that right
you didn't give anyone your bank account number right
cooool man
i assume some of the black was painted so they wanted it all to match
when it's this obvious, no.
the fact that we even saw terrorsaur and scorponok changing as they died, and that the only original-body-guys left were in the CR chamber, makes it reeeal clear.
it's still neat.
uhmmmm no, nobody is abandoning the other thread until it hits page 9 or image limit..
also i made this thread first so whatever
what did you think i meant by
>that one toy that was meant to be his show look, more or less, and failed hard.

all this captcha typing is really taking time away from petting my cat
Master Gundam?
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>at local comic alley toys
>see over priced studio series 86 SLOP with stress marks visible even through the packaging
>cruise over to titans return section
>all in perfect condition, storeowner lets me check to make sure their gimmicks work and sure enough CHADtans return figures are still good
have you said thank you to titans return for bringing back fun?
You're right anon I love my characters being lanky gimmick-bastardized pea-headed versions of themselves!
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>pay 20 bucks plus tip for a deluxe class in 2024
>its the size of a Voyager class
Wow, what a nice deal.
okay i knew something was off but i wasn't sure what
i kinda like this guy but i can't get behind the altmode.
Another little thing
The “Badassitron” joke was done in the way Soundwaves voice was recorded in the original series
do you hate fun? are you a hashill?
Justice for Bob!
Just sayin'.
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I am surprised no one else has mentioned this yet; BBTS is celebrating their 25th anniversary with 25 exclusive figures. The last two are Transformers. Who are they? Left is pretty clearly a seeker..
Its not fucking fair bros
Given that everything is going to be using their color scheme, the Seeker may just be a rerelease of RedWing. Not sure who the right will be, but they'll be a character who's red, black and white as well, though no idea if they'll be a new character or not.
>weird parts on his shoulders
>one leg has a sharp wing thing and the other doesn't
Could it be a comboner
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>spend $70 on pic rel
Just become a master deal hunter like me
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>Buying something on ebay
>Seller contacts me to let me know they sent the wrong package and that they were sending the real one, telling me "as for the other package... you can keep it"
Hey cool, bonus stuff. Wonder what it is.
>Package gets here, a bunch of tiny cardboard boxes with random plastic bits in it, can't tell what they're for, google up the model numbers on the boxes
Turns out it was a bunch of custom upgrades and parts for random TF figures, several of which I have. So now best boy gets crowned for free. Look how proud he is.
nice! those things are often expensive. you could probably sell them and undercut the chinese.
and then yknow, buy something else from the guy to show your appreciation.
I already bought something nice and expensive from them to begin with, but I left them a nice review and omitted the part about the mixup.
that'll do
Most likely just some 3rd party exclusives rather than actual Transformers.
What makes you think that? The whole point is that they're partnering with companies they've done things for in the past, and they've helped Hasbro offload their overstock for ages. There's no reason to assume this isn't something being officially sponsored, especially since Hasbro's been doing a lot of other crossovers lately - this would be no different from their Target Optimus Prime crossover earlier.
Well I was hoping to get my SS86 Swoop in today but the USPS truck came by when I was napping and "left it by the mailbox", nothing to be seen. They've never tried to leave a package by the mailbox before so I am hoping it was marked as delivered and will magically show up tomorrow. I live out in the deep countryside, I know my neighbors, so I really just don't think someone would've stolen it
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Not him, but look at the sillohuettes.
Outside of reactivate, I haven't seen any seeker with that amount of sharp edges and dangly bits from a mainline seeker in the last 10 years.
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It's the MDLX seeker I'm pretty sure
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found it. They are Threezero figures.
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Probably Sunstorm and Acid Rain, no? Didn't we hear a while ago that these were BBTS exclusives?
those don't transform, right
All the Predacons drawn here look sexy as he'll. What the fuck, why do i find Megatron hot all of a sudden? Who is this artist and why do they all look sexy now? Am I gay?
No, threezero just do poseable figurines, not transforming ones
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I think we're due for a new Sixshot. I want better joints dammit
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Mystery solved! Thanks, anon!
The Acidstorm looks pretty great though
>Generations are Transformers biggest seller.
>Kidults are Hasbro's market now.

Transformers is receding badly, joining GI Joe and MotU as a boomer appeal franchise. Kidults being the biggest market doesn't say it's grown, it says the kid market shrank. Line that up with Generations being more repack and retool happy than ever rather than having tooling budget spent on it and the kids lines being cancelled and redeco heavy. One's output is anemic too. Everything lines up to say Transformers is in a very bad state.
Maybe the issue is moreso people just want a plain old toy of a character than a simplified gimmick version. Just look at the number of toys ONE Prime has right now
>Studio Series
>Brave Commander
>Prime Changers
>Mega Changers
>2-in-1 Mask
>Power Flip
>Robot Battlers
>Race Changers
>1-Step Changer
>1-Step Cog Changer
>Energon Matrix
>Ultimate Energon
>Blokees (in both Orion Pax and Prime versions
>Yolo Park (In both cogless and cogged Orion Pax versions)

The only ones here that could be considered a proper "Transformers" toy are the first 3, while the rest range from flip changers, non-transforming toys, and super low budget options.
I want all the non Headmasters done as Headmasters to have proper non Headmaster versions. Which is the six changers and the twins, right? Dai Atlas I guess? Well whatever, all of them.
Point to where I mentioned America in my post. Hell I even mentioned a Japanese-exclusive in it.
you know chinese money isn't real, right
Are you retarded or some type of brain damage? China isn't exactly holding up the brand now, where is it as the AEC / Live Action / Prime kids age up into middle age? How can China alone produce the sales necessary when our current scenario is so dire?
I want all non Headmasters done as Headmasters period.
I kind of still want this one. The Jianbao one is nice, but so small.
What man, you dont want an Bumblebee mask that transforms into Bumblsbee?? But for real yeah.

I agree though I think much is dragged down by Hasbros licensing deals with Disney, they are soending tons and tons of money developing Star Wars and Marvel toys only for them to end up being Ollie's Exclusives. Those collectors got ot way worse than we do desu.
All of Transformers problems could be solved if we got another series that was fresh and original for a new generation instead of repeating the same tired old stuff again and again. I miss the 90s and 00s so much bros.
>I agree though I think much is dragged down by Hasbros licensing deals with Disney
This basically, there's the legitimate argument star wars and marvel junk will just fucking kill the toy industry via overloading stores with their garbage
Didn't we just have Earthrise?
Same tired shit wrapped up in a queer black package.
but it also had a bunch of new characters nobody gave two shits about.
and yes, fresh and original for a new generation is 100% gonna be queer black garbage. you thinks there's any way around that shit now?
New and original characters isn't being fresh and original. Look at how different G1 / G2 to BW, then Car Robots are. After that the Unicron Trilogy and the 07 film. Always something new and different. If we just talk Prime, the only true repetition is G1 and Energon, but even that, Energon has a whole different action feature going on. Very different toy. Prime is just a take on the movie and we've had G1 since. Nothing new.

Fuck Evergreen.
Not gonna stop the toys from being budget cut to shit, unless you want to do nothing but imports
Unironically this. Bring back Transformers Anime.
see >>11168465
doesn't matter what the shows are about if the toys suck
Its so bad man. We get a new Optimus of some kind every other time a figure is announced, but Starwarsfahs can barely get a damn Darth Vader. Idk about Marvelfags but I know the kids don't want the new movie shit.

Worse still, we oay $25 for a 6(ish) inch tall figure that transforms often in an somewhat complex way and has an accessory. These other guys pay that much for a 4 inch tall dude who doesnt transform and comes with maybe 2 or 3 accessories. We have no idea how good we have it.
Take like two things from the the middle of >>11168419 and axe them, and redistribute the resources that went into to product and package design among the others
Toys would suck less if they sold more. The brand can't really support Mainline and Generations, or should I say Generations and Kids Line, anymore. It's not 2008 anymore.
>Worse still, we oay $25 for a 6(ish) inch tall figure that transforms often in an somewhat complex way and has an accessory. These other guys pay that much for a 4 inch tall dude who doesnt transform and comes with maybe 2 or 3 accessories. We have no idea how good we have it.
Just because we have it better than them doesn't mean we can't complain about it, the toys ARE getting smaller, more fragile and more ridden with QC issues than past toylines
All of Hasbro's Disney toys are bad value for money due to the insane licensing fee.
I still think the franchise is still up for a half a decade more until it truly enters into niche territory, transformers one is performing better than ROTB
The problem is just that they aren't making games
Reactivate should release next year
lol, sure
that game is not coming out anymore, especially after all the live service game failures
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With Ginrai incoming I had to rebuy him. Selling him left a hole in my heart and my collection. That doesnt mean hes not due for the Commander treatment. I think the designer’s main goal was 6 decent modes within the strict price point. Tough to do. His articulation is wonky for no reason tho. Just a couple of better joints would have made a world of difference. His knees make him a balancing act, but his biggest sin in no waist joint
>the Transformers brand is dead
>my local walmart sold through three cases of the Star Raiders wave in the last week
The brand is not dead. Character selection and the childrens lines have always been the problem. Now hasbro lost a shitload of money on everything else under the sun so were gonna feel the burn for a while
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Mentioned last thread that I'd take a pic of my Rapticon when I was able. Finally dug him out, and decided to put all of my raptors in one shot.
>in b4 "Nice bootleg" troll
Don't care. He's fun and looks awesome, even if he's massive (to scale with MPs).
Not posted are my Cruellock trio - one, they wouldn't fit in the shot, two, i already posted them last thread, and three, I'm not entirely certain if they're supposed to be really small T-Rexes, raptors, allosauruses, or some kind of generic kaiju.
lovely group.
i have issues with that 3p dinobot but his robot mode looks fine
>give Swoop two swords that he never uses in the 86 movie
So they're obviously not against adding to their leader classes, but cant they do the same for their other classes?
That bootleg tool is a Hasbro purist.
Their stance on it has been shaky for years. Even when they released Grimlock, we had Gnaw with his gun that was never in the show. It's a shame it took this long, and most of the swords ended up made out of rubbery plastic.
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this gave me a big kek
what is this, a takara recolor attempting to get closer to the show? a REALLY heavily yellowed original?
Have you bought any Transformers One figures?

Typically B-line figures are pretty shite, but I don't hate the designs in One personally.
If they do a Vector Prime I might, I fucking hate the Legacy version.
a mercari JP listing for a used dinobutt missing parts
out here grail hunting and buying junkers for missing accessories/parts like burning beast convoy's swords & missiles
I want to buy Sentinel Prime except after getting all the mainline ROTB stuff in NZ we're now apparently skipping the Prime Changers, so fuck me for wanting to give Hasbro my money I guess.
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I bought the flying spinach. Interestingly the toy has more paint and brown-molded parts than the render
PvP confirmed on twatter that SS86 Galvatron is just a repaint from Kingdom mold. So not a single new part. A shame to be honest.
why are you talking like a fuckhead
To the surprise of no one
I like this joke
honestly a relief
86 springer has totally fucked proportions thanks to the new parts
hopefully they do him in the blue-purple from the new movie scans
then maybe a takara lavender one
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I was thinking about getting the Megatron, but looking at it in Emgo's video, I'm just not a fan of the alt mode. The front bits that slope downwards are triggering some kind of autism in me for whatever reason.
I'll probably still get it, but I'm really hoping he gets better alt modes in the probable sequels.
wow it's really just ANOTHER ROTF Megatron/DOTM Shockwave tankything
How do you like t2 dinobot? I was going to buy one but i haven't made up my mimd on how much i want it yet
fuck off to the 3pg
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Warhammer 40k crossover when.
There's only so many ways to build a space tank
It’s called Archecore
You mean the original (Rapticon in my pic) or the TransArts one? I love the original mold - simple but fun transformation, cool looking skeletal dino alt mode, freaky looking robot mode with hands that can kinda-sorta hold things. He's showing his age, though, as will be any other one you find secondhand at this point, even NIB - the chrome is starting to flake (though mine is in decent shape now, there are a few problem spots that WILL be an issue in the near future) and his Beast Mode tail is made of rubber, which is inevitably going to degrade. The cables on the robot legs/raptor arms are also known to split due to the stress tolerances they undergo when you bend the toes down to make his dino hands.
If you're talking about the Transarts one, he's awesome and pretty faithful to the show, but the transformation scheme is pretty convoluted and he makes use of the whole 'false head/chest' thing. His dino legs are also a bit awkward, but relatively stable; overall, though, he looks great in both modes, has some firm joints, and decent flexibility. Oh, he no longer has the little xenomorph-esque second mouth the original toy had because he didn't have it on the show, and his tail is no longer a detachable weapon because it didn't come off at all in BW - he gets a little gun thingy to replicate the blaster he used a few times and a blast effect to plug into his robot eye for his eye cannon. Overall, I like him, even if it's going to take some time to get used to transforming him without instructions; I'm hoping they do a Rapticon repaint (like how they did the 2 million Rattrap ones or the Blackarachnia into Botcon Arcee) so I can 'upgrade' my poor, dying real one when he inevitably kicks the bucket.
You can make a space tank without making it look like it has a pair of robot feet sticking out of the front.
Actually, if you take off the turret gun, the entire thing kind of looks like a giant two-toed robot foot. I wonder if that peg the turret fits onto will work with anything else, he might look good as part of a combiner.
dont forget his elbows also didn't go full 90 degrees. I will at least appreciate that I could leave the headmaster in the head when transforming him, although the fact that the wolf mode needed the headmaster was all sorts of stupid
I hate the tank mode, just so lazy. I’m hoping they do a fancy version with a better transformation and articulation to match that $80 Optimus
Hasbro Pulse just charged for Flame/Xaaron
Huh...if those are 3D Printed, someone did a good job on them. Can't even see the layer lines.
What do you think the chances are that they'll do a Legacy version of Animated Megatron? Because as much as I want this thing, those eBay prices for the original are godawful.
I mean they released a bunch of Animated characters ,they gotta have Optimus and co. fight decepticons other than Animated Motormaster
You are definitely right, theres plenty of room to complain and shit is getting worse I fear. But hey, at least we aren't paying as much for as little as they do... yet.

Yeah it really eats up a lot of the value. Making what would normally he a $15 Glup Shitto figure cost $30
I kinda want it but I'm also waiting to see of there is a more substantial Takara release in the works. That Brave Optimus really looks good, love those proportions, and Im hoping a Takara release would do Megatron justice, if its in the works
I dont know about any more "Legacy versions" of TFA/P characters in general anymore. In an interview a few months ago, they repeatedly pretty heavily expressed interest in shoving TFA into Studio Series, so if TFA Megatron is ever happening it might just be in SS. For a year or two before that, they've been mentioning idly considering TFP in SS too, mainly in response to fans asking about it directly.
We might get an animated lockdown out of the chase mold, and an armada megs retooled into longarm/shockwave but I think that'd most likely be it.
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>TF One is a mega bomb, literally losing to a movie that came out a month ago
This is a dead franchise, and it's all Hasbro and Paramount's fault.
i can't understand how they heard
>we want the opening of bumblebee but for 2 hours
then went
>lets make a disney pixar tier kid appeal adventure story where they can't transform for the first 75 minutes
Actually they've been pretty good recently. Cheetor and Airrazor from ROTB were a lot more fun than their SS ones.

For One I think the Deluxe Sentinel is fantastic. He's getting a SS Voyager that looks good too but nothing wrong with getting both since they're so different.
every cheetor has transformed the same since 1996
literally energon divebomb, 2004 technology
>they're bad because they aren't ~different~
ok retard
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Oh no
Why is this a problem? That Galvatron is the best we've ever gotten. If anything, I hope they drop his "ship guns" in favor of the gun that came with the original toy.
Because "We" is a tiny market of a few nerds, anon. How many people under the age of 40 are really clamoring that they need a movie based off a cartoon from the 80's that wasn't even in reruns for a good 16 years and missed a whole generation or two?
Disney/Pixar movies, despite a few disappointing years, have a much wider audience.
Wonder if I should sell my Legacy Galvatron then. I mean I do like the animation purple a bit more than the bright purple of the Legacy figure, but then again would it be the most necessary? Ehh.
To the surprise of no one
Hasbro being lazy? Who saw that coming?
So my educated prediction is SS86 Commander Rodimus will just be a more tooner accurate deco to the Kingdom one.

They didn't bother to make anything else with it so probably likely. Good for anyone who missed out or had blast effects destroy his trailer I guess.
>Disney/Pixar movies, despite a few disappointing years, have a much wider audience.
Evidently not based on how terrible this movie is doing
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as long as it has the correctly assemled shoulders and no battle damage, i would probably get him if I spot him at the store. Hopefully he at least has some different accesories but probably won't get them, Hasbro is too lazy for that
I don't have him, but if he's anything like Straxus...
>hollow forearms
>80 degree knee bend lol
>feet have very limited poseability
>not a single ratchet to be found (this is less of a complaint, but more of just noticing how much I dislike it)
Shame, I was hoping for a new head, feet and maybe the og toys gun.

I would some something to be done with the feet, and I would like a panel for the forearms, I will grant you that. But otherwise I think its a great toy
>can hopefully get Galvatron on clearance
were there transforming masks before covid?
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Not to my knowledge. Cheap play costumes/masks have always been a thing, there's really no connection to COVID here.
why then, did they make transforming masks instead of something like, transforming socks?
>stepping on your toys
Yeah real smart anon
Also the face is the most recognizable part
it still had a better opening than ROTB
Huh, the Dramatic Capture Triple Takeover costs less than I expected. $110s not so bad for 3 figures like that with a premium paint job.
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>Have you bought any Transformers One figures?
Pic related, second to last Transformers purchase. Been thinking about it for a week after watching the movie and I finally bought this guy three days ago. I was uncertain because I really think this needs to be a voyager, also the truck mode is gappy and the hands are in plain sight. Mainline is better in that regard, but the robot mode looks so dynamic that I'll sacrifice the alt mode for it any day. He really needs those ankle joints.
because it's cool
dont you think its interesting that the movie and the toys focused on the energon axe as Prime's go to weapon instead of his usual ion blaster? its a pretty neat change imo
Nta but makes me wonder why not both. They've always been his two iconic weapons. Megatron on the other hand lost his flail which is so rarely seen anymore.
true but he's also been shown with a sword now too. I also wasn't expecting Prime to have flamethrowers in the movie but that was also a pretty interesting change
Flails are hard to do on toys. You either get a floppy chain that's no fun to pose, a posable chain that can't hold the weight, or a solid chain that's a breakage risk.
Wholesome bootleg third party kino?
Seems to me they did it that way for two reasons, first because he turns into a truck so it makes sense that he doesn't have any firearms from the get-go, having to get one when the war starts. Megatron turns into a tank, so obviously he's going to have a cannon at the very least.
Optimus has flamethrowers though, but whatever.

And second, because the energon axe was a good way of showing the Matrix powering him up.
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Buster sword is best Optimus weapon
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Big boi
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>allow me to ride you through a densely populated city or die!
Is that a Diaclone guy? I think some of these dudes look great but they're so damn expensive and I really do not think I can handle another collection now.
Could anyone identify the blue transformer on the right please?
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Yes it’s the first release from the new line and it’s the only one I ever got due to their exorbitant prices. Some day I will grab more.
>tfw there is some lore that Diabattles and Magmatron are the same character
Huh weird
Titans Return Triggerhappy. One of my favorites.
thank you anon, he looks pretty cool
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>The metalhawk in the background
fucking kek
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>Anti-Beast wave generator activated!
The furry genocide has begun
I like how hasbro is pushing elita-1 really hard all of sudden
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>why the most recognizable part of the character?
Nah, in the funpub fanfiction, BW uprising (don't look it up, trust me), all characters have vehicle alt modes until later, Magmatrons was based on Dia Battles V2.
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More like Transformers No One because no one watched it am I right

If Elite 1 is so great why didn't they ever make an Elita 2?
Transformers lore is kind of insane. Magna Convoy is this Microman toy in those Japanese Generations comics.
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Dropped it shit.
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Also Arcee was a Microman once for some reason
>>11169361 #
Ah gotcha
>>11169362 #
Ahah gottem

>tfw no one wanted this Optimus because his head was snapped off so and he sat for 2 weeks until full discount, but I fixed it in 5 min
Damn this is a lot of toy for the $3 I spent. Anyone know why his electronics might be backward? On is off and off is on. So, If I put batteries in him his lights come on and stay on. They only go off when I push the button that is supposed to turn them on. Is he more likely cross-wired at the factory or broken? He is missing parts of his backpack, that might be why
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Lmao dropped my pic too I’d drop my brain if it wasn’t trapped in my skull
Flip the batteries around obviously
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>second to last Transformers purchase
And this is the most recent one. Only got him because I like big robots and he was less than half the price. Can't say I care much about the character/design and I watched Galaxy Force so long ago I barely remember anything other than the awesome openings and some parts of the story.

He's pretty impressive in person, but was it worth the price? Weeeeell... I'm not sure. I bought it for less than 90 euros and I still feel I should have waited for a bigger disccount.
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I must say that these two look amazing together, though.
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You know what? Fuck it, money well spent.
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>Flails are hard to do on toys. You either get a floppy chain that's no fun to pose, a posable chain that can't hold the weight, or a solid chain that's a breakage risk.
It really isn't that difficult.
They don’t even fit in the wrong way
That or just change it to a mace. Close enough.

The flamethrowers are a good idea. Weapons built into the design is always a great approach, I think.
Really hoping that 86 Megatron doesn't skimp out. It better have the flail, laser sword, purple blaster from the movie, gun mode megatron blaster and the toy sword.
Weirdly enough, the axe isn't actually his, turns out that having the Matrix apparently gives you that weapon. Zeta is shown wielding that same axe in a few scenes.
huh, doesn't look like any of the japanese releases of the mold i'm aware of.
i'm rather fond of 'twatter'
twitter sucks. and 'shitter' sounds like something a kid would say.
there's only treads at the very tip, that looks stupid
Guys what happened?
Last year at this time we knew the next years Commander class and Titan Class. Plus had official art to go with the announcement.

Why do we know nothing for Titan/commander of 2025 and no art?
au contraire, cheetor's different
a wide audience is not something it's okay to try to get.
buddy i hate to break it to you but "twatter" is also childish
We'll get some information in nycc. You have to remember that they added a repack wave at the end of Legacy that set everything back. I also really hope Star Convoy isn't a Titan, I really don't want that.
Needs a new head, feet and cannon but Kingdom Galvatron is a good toy, so I don't mind replacing it with an accurately movie coloured one. Neither Hasbro or Takara have ever quite managed that before though, so I'm doubtful.
holy shit these work nicely together
who's the guy with what looks like a zoid lion head in his chest? like i assume that's why you posed him next to a zoid (i wanna say one of the die cast action figure ones)
jtnigger teased the next titan class with a gay little poem, so we'll probably know sooner or later
Wouldn't be surprised. The Legacy version even went on clearance at places that don't do many real sales like BBTS and is still available. It's a good figure, and if the SS86 goes dark blue instead of purple that would be great, but it just didn't seem to land with people for some reason.
speaking of obviousness, there's this thing called jokes...
not sure if this is an example, but i'm SO sick of this thing they do lately where the flail type thing is hinged but the hinges rotate 90 degrees every other hinge.. in theory it should look nice, but it super doesn't. it just makes the curve dumb no matter how you make it.
i realize ball joints aren't that tight, but isn't it possible to make ratcheted ball joints by making the ball part a polyhedron and the socket a negative one?
Isn't it already obvious the commander is Silverbolt though?
We're also getting Bruticus components so who knows. We might get two this year.
i DO NOT give a shit about superion, defensor or any autobot combiner, give me devastator and bruticus you fucking niggers
Oh, and sort of related, SS will get 86 devastator bits for it's commander, who ever the fuck makes the torso (can't be assed to remember Constructicon names).
We'll get Devastator in ss 86.
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I really want the new Deluxe G1 Optimus, even though I already have this thing.
I wish they would've given it seats for titanmasters as a throwback to diaclone instead of another funding matrix.
>not sure if this is an example, but i'm SO sick of this thing they do lately where the flail type thing is hinged but the hinges rotate 90 degrees every other hinge..
Luckily enough the MP-36 flail isn't like that.
Only Swindle in the final wave IIRC, so Bruticus is probably for 2026. I'd be all for getting two commanders per year though, but ideally if we are getting a combiner each year I'd prefer it to be one combiner commander and one big guy commander.
Commander class is the figure I tend to look forward to most but it'll be a lot less exciting if it's going to be voyager with a bunch of stuff for the foreseeable future.
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found Ferak at Walmart today. Always loved that Cyclonus mold. Im tempted to get 1 or 2 more to build Straxxus' hunter-seeker squadron
Looks even more like a rabbit in white
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I saw Transformers One with a friend in Phoenix area, heading home back to caligofuckyourself where fast food workers get $20 an hour.
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What went wrong with the Adaptable Interconnection Retrofitter Lock System?
>Adaptable Interconnection Retrofitter Lock System
not enough backwards compatibility with the previous ramp connector.
Yeah, I don't really see why every single Optimus needs to have a matrix chamber now. They could have used the budget for something else.
Nothing, its the consumer base that was wrong.I'm sire kids liked it, not emough kids are buying Toys I think though. I blame bad parents. But also I blame the kidult consumers. Hasbro adds a fun little "connect the bases" system and so many people just went "ugh this is dumb just give me a 5 point articulated neck on a figure that looks like a box"
Only 2 base molds.
>Only 2 molds with no retooling
>Too small for even micromasters
>Only partner micromasters were released in the previous line as an exclusive
>Micromasters in general being botched
>fucking rampmasters
>change the connection piece from previous lines for no reason
Swindle got switched out for Vortex.
That news came out over a week ago.
Nothing because they still continued with fossilizers and other shit well beyond in legacy
It was extremely half baked we only got like two molds for it. Even the fossils and rocks and junkions have more to work with. There was some missed opportunities here.
>Titans Return Triggerhappy
ACKSHUALLY it's the Takara LG version.
>completely original transforming robots that have nothing to do with transformer
>retarded anon: is this bootleg?
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literally the reason I put that order in
they said it would be here 2 days ago
fuck walmart
nahhh that's like something an uncle or a cool babysitter would say
if you call it X, you and I are not going to work out well as planetmates
rampmasters were a good idea, though
>sell extra ramps if you need them
>are also a toy robot
>can be used as shields if you don't have any bases.

>change the connection piece from previous lines for no reason
how are the connection points? I only experienced the TR connections and I was afraid of breaking them every time I pulled them apart.
Yo dude, what's that dope green one? Ice never seen it.

Also that black and silver Transmetal 2 Dinobot is crazy cool, never seen that either. Do you recall what line that one was from?
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Beast Machines Rapticon
and the green one has an unfortunate robot mode
Every single time I preorder from Walmart this happens.
People gotta pay parents more so they can afford better houses and frivolous plastic robots to fill them with.
But the little bases doesn't look very good and you can only use the really small guys with it. You need a big base that can accommodate living.
it has an unfortunate everything in both modes
I want to get Alpha Trion and SS Optimus and Megatron
toys aren't for kids anymore. nobody wants gimmick kiddieshit
>toys aren't for kids anymore
That's bullshit and you know it
The stats don't lie. You're just coping because you want things to be worse. And at the very least the non-baby lines like Generations and Studio Series aren't for kids anymore. What pre-video game baby is going to want an action figure for a movie or video game from decades before they were born?
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>And at the very least the non-baby lines like Generations and Studio Series aren't for kids anymore. What pre-video game baby is going to want an action figure for a movie or video game from decades before they were born?
As i said bullshit, shit like legos, RC cars and even motherfucking beyblades and bakugan are being played by kids, even in the realm of action figures the minecraft, pokemon and fortinte figures sell in contrast to marvelshit and star wars shit
yep it's cope
if this is what you want to call it then sure
I buy legacy figures off kids 12-17 all the time. They always let ‘em go dirt cheap
because they've aged out of toys and had family members buy them for them that they dont want
>aged out
you have no idea how the toy industry has changed
Aint you ever been a kid, man? A little base is a listening post, like an Overlord or TR Blaster is an HQ, and a Metroplex is a fortress
You could just get the Legacy one who fixed all of those issues and is also on sale most of the time
The Legacy Galvatron yellows so there's that.
he does? first ive heard of it
Yep, notably the hinges on the side skirt.
no no, I mean I already have the Kingdom version and his shoulders were fucked. If I spot the Legacy version, I will be more inclined to get him just for the fixed shoulders and no battle damage alone, IF I spot him. Im not gonna go hunting for him, only if I just by chance see him on shelves, thats what I mean
Don't forget the silver paint
Bullshit. Maybe stop smoking weed around it.
If we're doing rereleases/repacks, can we get a rerelease of Spinister so I don't have to spend $90+ dollars on a deluxe?
>But he was in Siege and we're going into Age of the Primes next year!
There were a bunch of Kingdom rereleases in Legacy like Galvatron, Blaster, the coneheads, and even Siege Soundwave.If they can put them out again they can rerelease a purple copter.
Thanoscoptor marvel crossover
There's a new Spinister coming in a 2pack next year.
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Someone else beat me to it, but it's an excuse to post another picture of them.
The 'green one' (actually teal and yellow) is Slash's (yes, that Slash) original toy from Age of Extinction. She was released twice, first in those colors and then again in silver and blue, before receiving an entirely new 'G1-ified' toy for Power of the Primes (which I also posted in that picture, so she was basically standing in front of herself). The toy's printed bio mistakenly identifies her as male, but the online bio on the movie's (now defunct) page apparently stated the character was intended to be female from the start, if that one anon who posted about her in a previous thread is to be believed.
The 'Black and Silver Transmetal 2 Dinobot' (actually various shades of dark blue and metallic green) is the Rapticon character I keep mentioning. He's an official repaint that was featured in the Beast Machines: Dinobots subline (the same line we got the American release of Magmatron in, as well as T-Wrecks, if you were wondering who that red Kingdom Megatron repaint was we got a while back), and, like all of the repainted characters in the line, was a Maximal character.
I don't transform either of them anymore due to their age - Rapticon's vac-metal is beginning to flake, his tail is made of rubber and will likely tear if I mess with it too much, and the tubes on his robot legs/raptor arms are known to break, so I just leave him be these days. Slash, on the other hand, is, like, 95% yellow rubber, and it's already started to harden, meaning it won't be long before it starts crumbling; her tail hides her robot head, and since that's all rubber, it's going to be a huge problem when it deteriorates.
I have a Studio Series Bumblebee Starscream, and his wingtips don't hold together well.
The right one pops off too easily when I rotate it, and the left one is completely loose and won't stay up if he's in robit mode.
He's been out since 2021 and I can't anywhere that says there's a fix.
What should I do?
tight them up with nail polish
Nail polish, that's it?
NTA, but Pine-Sol works, too, if you don't have any nail polish.
also what>>11170046 said
keep in mind nail polish is not permanent, if you want a more permanent solution you have to buy substances that specifically do that
Mine is alright
He is on Amazon right now
Why are birds so hard to catch?
Oh come on. This isn't even a genre where it would be competing with DBZ. Why do you do this?
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NTA but it has nothing to do with competing in the same genre, that meme is simply used to mock media with low viewership
They were such a good idea they killed the size class.
Who in the fuck got the right idea putting it's main gimmick in clear plastic
What are you even talking about? The joke isn't whether anything is better or worse than DBZ. Goku prefers to fight where nobody is around to avoid innocent bystanders, so the joke is that they went to a movie theater showing TF:One because it's empty. It's a meme template used for movies that are doing poorly at the box office. It doesn't have anything to do with "competing with DBZ."

All that said, TF:One is pretty good (far better than any of the live action movies except maybe Bumblebee), so it's a shame it isn't doing well.
Nominate me a cog changer to buy.
That first trailer may have killed the movie. Half the people who had any interest in watching this would say that they didn't want to watch a kiddy transformers movie. This isn't Kangaroo Jack, but man.
That is the same screenshot that was posted about the online for pretty much every other game when DBZF was at its peak you liar.
They were a terrible idea. This was discussed back in ER, but ramps were an awful value for what you got. One figure only had one set of connections and you could only use them as a shield for larger characters. Meanwhile, an Ironworks could be found for 20 and he came with several ramps (one on each leg, pelvis, a free ramp, and one on the left arm)all by himself, while also having a robot mode, base and a modular figure. Hell, even in the "buy multiples for better display options" area, he still has them beat because Ironworks was literally designed to be highly compatible with himself, and you can already do alot with just two of it. So yes, ramp masters were a mistake.
That meme is much older you stupid newfag.
is that supposed to be airachnid
i mean it's not just the trailer, everything everyone said here in /tfg/ was consistent with that
right up until one day an anon came in and said it was great.
then everyone went back to hating on it
Airachnid. She can do the leg guns thing Tarantulas and Blackarachnia did in Beast Wars.
I remember some building toy that had ball joints where the ball parts resembled golf balls and the sockets had little nubs that fit in the dimples on the balls.
it clearly is, why are you questioning it
Is there going to be a SS TF One Alpha Trion too?
>Oh shit Micromaster are bombing hard how do we fix it?
>I know, let's revive the absolutely dumbest version of them, the vehicle combiners!
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>didn't like the micro combiners
But everyone needs a pal, pal
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It didn't help that the initial rampmaster had this square thigh/butt sculpt that nudges against the back, potentially causing the hip ball joint (also clear plastic) to snap if you ever swing the legs up 90 deg,
And that's why we can't have minicons
>Not liking combo micromasters
The problem with them is they were pretty shitty
Look at how good Dr Wu figures are by comparison
It's crazy how an official comic lampshades those breakage issues for it and another toy.
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Autobots! Me and Grimlock are going to fucking die. Send help, Godzilla has more touch and power than even I.
Glad I'm an Aussie, I can just automatically filter out Walmart exclusives to save myself from FOMO.
bruh is that axe a fucking cookie
and that's how optimus became kiryu type 3
You guys don't get walmart exclusives there?
They are sold as regular retail items in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.
lately they've come through JB Hi-Fi, though in the past EB Games did our HasLabs as well as some exclusives
Big W, Target and Kmart have also previously done exclusives like the vintage beast wars or speedia 500
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Tempted to get him, but only two heads and cannons instead of a transformation is asking a lot.
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hope we get a decent figure of TFONE Airachnid since Prime Airachnid never got one
Dr wu figures cost $30 a pop, they're too fucking expensive for what they are
Might have to wait a while, for some fucking reason we're not even completing the main cast until November of NEXT YEAR. Who knows how long they'll take to get to the rest of the characters
So the rumors are that Grandus is the 2025 Titan Class.
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This thing almost works on RoTB Optimus... I wonder who else could wear it?
did they just not have any faith in the movie?
If it was he'd be my first Titan. I love all the (relative to the US) obscure Japanese shit. I've been researching all of it, kind of wondering the best way to watch the shows too. I don't want to watch it subbed, but I may have to bite the bullet because the dub is a meme. Then again... might be funny.
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The movie is a total failure no more figures will be made
They might even just cancel the ones that are yet to come out
it's still perfoming better than RoTB btw
Studio Series should have that kind of lead time
Have you already forgotten what happened with RotB?
>Watch tf one.
>During the race, there's a blatant t30 chromia inspired bike, but the character has a visor/mouth plate combo.
>The winner of the race is Chromia... who looks like mirage?

Not going to bother if they aren't selling Star Convoy and Sky Garry that same year. I'm tired of this bullshit team splitting across several years, I've had enough of that shit with the Dinobots.
smart as fuck.
though i imagine that would wear out over time but man so do regular ball joints.
i just saw spider legs and thought what the fuck who
You will buy ze figure and you will be happy
that was a hell of an oversight
Rumor is that it’s a Titan Class Battestars set.
Star Convoy, Grandus, and Sky Garry together.
Vehicle combiners are a great idea. The problem was they removed the mix and match functionality, the literal whole point of the set.
Sounds too good to be true.
I hate her stupid fucking head shape so much, it looks so retarded
That's the only way I could see Star Convoy as a titan release, he shouldn't be much larger than Star Saber or Dai Atlas.
somebody bisected a xenomorph
no u
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filch wore it better
swept-back crests vs just a head that goes back and chops off.
After they put Squeezeplay in that multi pack with Browning as an accessory I want more Masterforce, especially the other Decepticon headmaster Jrs.
the fact double dealer hasn't been redecoed into double clouder is really fucking weird to me
Just Horri-bull left now, right?
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Micromaster Racing:
1. is it ethical?
2. has the Micromaster Racing Authority become such an intractable bureaucracy that it is over-regulating the sport to it's own detriment?
3. shouldn't they just race in their alt modes?
These are serious questions that require serious answers.
Not even Machine Wars Soundwave. Or even Predator Stalker.
So odd.
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>get in, losers. we're going racing.
I found the TMNT Party Wallop bot at Wal-Mart the other day and picked it up. I remember hearing some disappointment with it - why not just do Metalhead or something - but overall it's not too bad.

It's pretty blocky, to be sure, but the limbs pose well enough and I can balance him on one leg for kicks. I also like how everything stows away pretty nicely, I don't have to worry as much about all the extra parts. I do feel like there's some trouble getting the side panels to fit together in vehicle mode a bit; I can get them into place, but I can see that getting harder over time, probably. Overall, not bad I think. Sure as hell not getting three more, but hey, it's neat.
I never understand why people want characters shoehorned into a role they dont fit rather than just having an OC. If it was Metalhead then you'd just have a wrong Metalhead, like all those transforming Turtles nobody liked. An OC means it can fit with your turtles as its own thing, and fit with your Transformers as its own guy too.
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>those transforming turtles
the playmates ones? dude those were awesome. i adored those as a kid. particularly since they had ankle joints.
>you'd just have a wrong Metalhead
i mean.... naw. it would look like he was rebuilt. Maybe he crashed into the turtle van and Don had to rebuild them together.
>an OC
I mean yeah OC is ideal, but they're A) not gonna do that and B) basically did do that. Party Wallop is his own guy. and he has the option of resembling any of the five you prefer.
Anyone have any good suggestions to use as an alternate body for the spare Autotrooper head from the troopbuilder set? Something that fits on a standard balljoint head and isn't a Siege/Earthrise Prowl since I'm not paying $50-$100 for one of those.
IS there a balljoint standard? I tried switching a few beast deluxes around and no dice. They didn't even consistently have the ball on the head or the body.
no the ones that turned into vehicles
>they're A) not gonna do that and B) basically did do that.
oh, yeah, those were stupid.
though the Shredder one was actually pretty boss.
you know exactly what I mean. They are not going to pass up the opportunity to reference something from the franchise since they paid the expensive licensing fee. But they did make it ambiguous enough.
I absolutely do not know what you mean because those are two opposite things
>the playmates ones? dude those were awesome. i adored those as a kid. particularly since they had ankle joints.
Shit yeah, I had those guys too. Those were great. I also actually had the original party wagon but the fucking doors busted despite my ham-fisted child efforts to keep it intact. God, so many toys suffered from poor storage and clumsy hands.
i still have mine somewhere. but it never had the orange sprue of parts for the guns and what have you. It also didn't have the outer box, leading me to believe my dad got it from the thrift store or something.
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he's just a little guy
Why the fuck he looks like that annoying cousin you play tekken with
No one outside your circle of online autists cares if a bunch of DBZF fans overused/misused a meme that already existed. That was neither the origin nor even the point of the meme. Go cry somewhere else, you retard.
Ah so this is why they're killing Cores. Because Deluxes are shrinking even more to Core size.
>lines like Generations and Studio Series aren't for kids anymore
Yeah, kids legitimately have better taste than that.
Silly anon they're already selling core figures as deluxes (animated bumblebee)
I'm surprised nobody ever considered folding the wheels into the gaps in the torso as a design.
I swear I said this a second ago but the post is gone
Isn't he less than a deluxe?
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You forget Sucktimus
all those jokes about how the original toy is smaller than it is in your memory....
i did indeed.. this isn't quite how I imagined it.
hows he stack against other deluxes?
Tommy Gun Prime
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So bought a Sludge on the weekend and his one hip refuses to hinge into place
I really don't want to force it too hard
Siege Prime did exactly that.
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looks like they're at his sides, but the front is still like, front.. cab.. pieces. in other words he didn't have much of a gap to fill.
I got cog changer Orion Pax and it's actually pretty neat. I like how the robot mode stays locked unless you reveal the t-cog.
Nobody cares about the source if the toy's good.
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He's the same size as any other regular Deluxe.

Animated Bumblebee isn't anywhere near as limited as a Core Figure.
This was my childhood Optimus and I love him
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>my childhood Optimus
And get more complaints from parents that their stupid kids poked their eyes out?
Funny, even as a kid I remember hating that optimus and megatron. The fiddly spinning gimmicks pissed me off and they were floppy as shit on pretty much every joint
We're so spoiled for cabover primes these days, crazy to think we were stuck with that shit for like a decade
Maybe some day, anon
Megatron wasn't super but you could still fold his gun, for Optimus you could pull the thing on the back to make him not loose
They are frens
Kids don't buy toys anymore, anon. There's a reason all the child lines for TF shelfwarm.
Besides, Hasbro hasn't done firing missiles in years; any new version of that mold wouldn't include missiles. The most likely candidate for him would be that Volvo Prime, which only had his standard blaster.
They didn't even include the minicon with Legacy Metroplex and people think they're going to get three figures as a single Titan release? Are they dumb?
It still annoys me they didn't even include it as a core class release by United.
With TF, all the dubs are memes, including the 2000s official dubs. Even if you're someone who genuinely struggles with subs (understandably), the subbed translations of all the TF anime are still basically the only versions worth acknowledging. Sorry.
>Kids don't buy toys anymore, anon
No, their parents just buy them a Iphone and let social media fuck them up further and wonder where they went wrong.
check transformers-universe.com
every gallery they do uses g1 optimus scale comparison
Megatron did Sentinel like how he did Jazz
>that microscopic nigga costs 33$ in eu
it's over
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>oh cool , devastation is getting rereleas-
>it's fucking minecraft
yes i'm mad
>Megatron did Sentinel
On-screen? Isn't this a kids' movie? I always thought his first time would be with either Optimus or Starscream...
oh right meg's does jazz just 'cuz he black
Tidal Wave came in 3 parts. I expect the Battlestars Titan to come in 3 parts too.
one deluxe class and two micromasters
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I dunno the quality is pretty high plus they’re sooooo absolutely adorable :DDDD
Radical, I always liked Cybertron Metroplex
fuck off to the 3pg
>On-screen? Isn't this a kids' movie?
Kek this movie had more violence than the last 3 live action movies
What would sticking your peepee in the chest cog-hole feel like?
Is there anyway to actually add the Gobots into Legacy or would Bandai and WB sue Takara Tomy's ass as soon as they make something that looks similar to Leader-1 or Cykill?
monhun Optimus was on the capcom stream, full info tomorrow
We’ve already gotten Crasher, Smallfoot and a few others.
But the big ones like Cy-Kill, Cop-Tur, Turbo, Scooter, and Leader-1 are a no go.
Isn't it Air Razor?
it doesn't lay eggs
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>tfw we have Leader 1 and CyKill at home
I’m definitely not satisfied with pic real but here we are. I always wanted those Action Toys figures but just never got around to them and I figured we would have better ones than those by now. No way in hell am I dropping the cash on their present day market prices
have to wait for the volvo license to expire b4 they can reuse it for him or something idk
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As a huge GoBots fan, I’m not quite sure how tf I don’t have her. I even saw her at Ross for 5.99 multiple times and just simply never grabbed one. I guess I thought she was gonna hang around forever but they got snatched up quick. If you are as desperate as me for some GoBots, Crosscut is a good stand in for VanGuard
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>picture related
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Fuck those guys. When are we gonna get Tux? All I fucking care about from Go-Bots is Tux.
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>that alt mode
It’s one of several reasons I think Thrash is cool, the fact he is a vintage bike. There is a massive void of classic / antique cars in Transformers. They always skew to the modern / futuristic. I regret selling the airplane TFs I had
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Because it’s male?
Or are you trying the tell me reptiles don’t lay eggs
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my bad, it does lay strawberry jelly eggs
>$70 for a Airazor retool
Mega yikes
Why do you keep calling it Airrazor? Japanese Airrazor doesn't lay eggs.
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Math is a little off there. Still expensive, but I can stomach $50 over $70
Actually appealing to the niche nerds rather than the general audience that eats up irony poisoned incompetency humor would have made them a much bigger box office right away. Those trailers killed the movie.
50 bucks, actually. The yen is pretty bad right now.
>There's a reason all the child lines for TF shelfwarm.
Because they suck anon. Kids aren't dumb, they recognize low quality. There's a reason every toy youtuber's comments are full of kids.
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these proportions look like ass
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proof that even capcom knows this is the better version of rathalos armor yet they wont put it back in the actual fucking games
It was probably meant to be Mirage but changed at the last minute for muh female representation
First pic of new Big Convoy leaked, standing in beast mode next to Legacy Magmatron
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>complains about cute micromasters
Boohoo nigga
Where is that plush from
I like it

And its about 6000 on other sites
Deez nuts, haha gottem
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>tfw we monster hunter now
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>/toy/ hates Earthspark
>tfw it’s actually awesome
Why is toy always wrong? Is this some type of contrarian, upside-down world?
Doesn't move at all or just won't hold?
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Fucking pidgeon head.
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Every time a big storm rolls by I naturally start thinking about Cyclonus. I forgot I never gave him the custom Nightstick I made. Nah, don't care that it doesn't have the right kind of barrel. Don't care my phone can't focus.

Wow, Hasbro really upped their flocking game
Hansa 4660
FATTYlos...easy on the shitmons
That first trailer is so bizarre because the movie really is not comedic much at all, it's just bumblebee repeating the same two jokes occasionally
I mean it's better than the Godzilla collab at least
Doesn't move
>another potentially cool collab
>another forced optimus
it's over
wish they used someone else for zoids, or at the very least used the lio convoy mold
have you tried some lubricant? i keep hearing about this graphite lubricant for locks on tfw
That trailer was made to be attached to animate kids movies like Despicable Me 4 and Garfield. That’s why.
Unscrew it
A Japanese collab will always be Optimus
how is it minecraft just because it's lowpoly? things are not made of cubes.
anon was pointing out that your mafia-style use of "do" is more commonly reserved for sexual intercourse.
Go back faggot
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>graphite lubricant
Get a small piece of paper and fold it in half. This is your funnel. Now get a pencil and a knife. Scrape the graphite tip of the pencil onto the paper while being careful not to get any wood chips in it. When you have a little pile of graphite, carefully spill it onto the tight joint. Then start moving the joint. This is basically the same thing as store bought lubricant without the unnecessary silicone liquid added to it.
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1) why the fuck does everything have to be optimus, this isn't fitting at all
2) jesus fucking christ i'm not paying that for a deluxe. especially with this goofy altmode.
plus shipping
dainty lil toes and skinny arms.. though in fairness MH guys always have tiny feet.
and it doesn't even become the chest. it's just a tiny head so it can sit on his back in robot mode.
whoops sorry. didn't see that was posted already
and 4chan's idiotic compression thing didn't tell me either
now that said, i can't think of a better transformation for a liolaeus. not an easy task.. even tm2 megatron's transformation wouldn't suit him.
hilarious capcom and takara are so insistent their crossover HAS to be their main guy, when neither should have been involved.

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