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sorry, this one was made first >>11162504
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my wife
This figure looks like garbage. Maybe one day Slipstream will get a toy that isn’t a low effort retool.
me when I see UT and bayformer toys
Fembots always get cucked out of new molds.
Is Legacy Blitzwing worth $20? I found it on clearance at Walmart.
I can’t wait for this line to end.
I thought the movie was ok but massively overrated
I want to see SS toys of the Deception trio
For that cheap? Yeah, it’s alright. I got mine for 30 and didn’t regret it but I think I still prefer the TR mold
My guess is they'll make Alpha Trion next
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headmaster gimmick ruins it
boy that is one hollow gun. did they think about that at all?
Prime Wars trilogy was full of cheap garbage like that, though that's what led them to upsizing everything to 1 size class higher than they should be.
headmasters are fun tho
I’m glad they’re redoing the combiners at least, my bruticus is a floppy mess
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My main issue is that the 3rd act was incredibly rushed but overall it's better than basically every TF movie

I look forward to seeing sequels if it's successful
>My main issue is that the 3rd act was incredibly rushed
This is basically the one consistent issue everyone seems to have with it (me included), it really blows, the movie seriously could've used a few more minutes, I wanna say 15 would've got the job done, but that might be an exaggerated estimate
The purple on this thing looks different in every pic I see.
>fun cockpit guys
Yes :)
I like my Superion with the Perfect Effect upgrade so I’m curious to see how the new one will compare.
that doesn't really count..
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he has his flaws but I like him
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Just paid full msrp for a figure…it was a late night impulse purchase…I think I’m going to be ill
that's pretty nicely proportioned. some of these combiners don't suck ass.
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these guys are fucking old, I'll probably replace all except megatron with the dramatic capture releases
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yeah but that's with the third party upgrade
without fan modes and upgrades he looks like this lmao
well that.. that is not as good.
I do think the CW molds have a simplistic charm about them though
My main issue with Legacy Menasor is how much partsforming is involved just to form the torso.
This. TR was based. I can’t wait for Warden to come back.
He makes UTzoomers seethe so he’s fine by me
Legacy Soundwave and Comics pack Flame and Xaaron getting ready to ship from Hasbro Pulse
shitty timing for me since I’m literally leaving for vacation tomorrow and I don’t want the package sitting out lol

might just cancel and grab it on bbts instead
tfw no comic soundwave
They even said they were almost going to do it but made other picks instead. What a shame
bootleg of what?
don't reply to him
pray that his parents take his phone away
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hmmm sorta considering preordering this dude

don’t mind that it doesn’t transform since I hate cybertronian alt modes anyway
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D16's character basically 360s once news broke out he was oppressed his entire life and he was done to the point he stopped giving a fuck about Orion. I feel like there was some tension missing to make it feel more justified.

Also did the cogs from the primes do anything special or were they just regular cogs?

Also this b127 popcorn bucket is spacious I can squeeze in missing link convoy.
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Why studio series prime even that horrid shade of brown anyways?
what if he turned into that cool gun at top center
Concept are maybe. Eartly SS movie toys are always wonky.
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Someone talk me out of getting SS86 Bumblebee. I have the Netflix one which has the superior altmode, but the brighter yellow and more expressionate face on the new one is tugging at my restraint.
you already know you don't really like it, but you're feeling a consumptive urge all the same
literally just think about something else
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Why do people hate WFC Netflix but love One even though they're essentially the same thing?
They're tonally polar opposites.
the headmaster is supposed to sit in it
I noted once of the racers vehicle forms looked like FOC Swindle but was he actually a racer/was there a yellow version of that?
Also did anyone notice Arcee was in the stands and then suddenly teleports to the mines to tell everyone to watch the race? Or was that Flareup or some other recolor. (Also weren't they supposed to have shifts off for the race?) I also thought Lifeline was supposed to be the nurse but its strange that white Ironhide is a minor while "Dr. Ratchet" is a separate off-screen character.
Swindle's name was on the racer list. Also notably Motormaster, Mirage, and Powerglide were too.
>hollow bucket gun
>or headless robot
Titans Return was a mistake.
That is one highly polished turd
>this is a Voyager

Thank you, anon
I haven't seen the movie yet, but they must have failed miserably if it's any near as poorly written as Netflix was.
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In vehicle mode I mean
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That is a low quality render of a voyager.
>doesnt transform
Sorry this belongs in another thread, this one is for Transformers
I hate to say it but I'm wiyh Lorenzo here (though not in favor of the next movie being tfjoe). Capelle SHOULD be greatful for the opportunity, given how hes never directed a big action movie, something which was obvious in RoTB. He doesnt habe the skill for it, the mindset for it, alo he actually does have is the blackness to make hollywood happy.
I haven't seen One but even I know thats wrong. In One it obviously isn't stupidly grim and downtrodden and has everyone.... taaalking.... like thiiiiis.....
I figured SS86 perceptor was the best bet.
I'd buy that shit so quick and I'm not even nucleonpilled. I just like wild colors and niche versions of characters.
So this is what happens after Transformers One.

That is some pretty slick stop motion. Takara should do these more often with this team.
He's just a little guy going for a ride
i sometimes come here for the same reason, or conversely to have someone tip me over the edge
deep down you'll know immediately whether you want something or not. if you have to talk yourself up to doing it, you won't get any satisfaction after making the purchase
i often come across tempting auction listings that i have previously ruled out as off limits, i.e. the BWII tako tank. every time i see a listing i just move on or switch tabs. usually if i ever go back it has sold so the distraction method is effective
Absolutely atrocious
Not even 3P kits can save this
>but overall it's better than basically every TF movie
THIs is premium line cope
that's not even Starscream in drag, it's just an anorexic Skywarp
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I cope'd and got a KO/Reproduction
It wasn't bad, Pretty 1/1 honestly but the foot would pop out easily and I wish the Blast Off was the Shuttle Mold
Still hunting a genuine UW JP Version
Damn if the actual Perfect Effect Hands/Feet kits and others aren't impossible to find now tho
You say that like it's a high bar to pass. If anything Transformers ONE didn't even have to try, it had the perfect recipe for success just by giving the robots full protagonism and lacking moronic human nonsense eating screentime.
Brain Damage-Kun?
Are you okay?
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Unless you love the character like I do, do not buy this figure for full retail price. Wait for a sale. His build quality is total ass. The tolerances on all his parts that are reused from Jihaxus are fucked. Seems they blew that mold’s back out when they massively overproduced Jihaxus. Nothing tabs in properly anywhere and most of his joints are very loose. I noticed he’s somewhat hard to find in my area and fomo’d thinking he may end up a limited release.
It's not exactly a high bar to clear. After TFTM are five garbage movies, one that looks good compared to them, ROTB which may as well be a sixth garbage movie, and now One.

I watched a cam rip of One and it's a mixed bag. It's technically competent. It's just very fomulaic. I don't buy it as TransFormers. If you liked how IDW subverted the G1 cartoon, you might like it better.
Damn, usurped was the word I wanted. Eh, close enough I guess.
heads up if you use buyee their inspection service is pure bullshit. they just glance at it to see if it resembles the listing photo without their glasses on. if an accessory or part is missing they won't notice nor do anything about it if you tell them. total waste of money, better wither buying the standard plan or getting photos
I know that several anons had mentioned they want Magmatron. Target has two applicable coupons that expire today. He’s $70 out the door instead of $100
Thanks for the tip brosky. I dunno just how low Commander classes go on sale, but that's a decent enough discount for me.
At least we MIGHT get TF One Vektor Prime that is almost 1:1 original design.
I don’t think he goes much lower without selling out and then he goes straight to $150
Loved how Primus transforms like the Galaxy Force toy.
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Not sure which thread to post in (When did Goanon come back? Isn't it about time he got himself a life? This 'joke' got stale years ago), so I'm just going to post this in both.
Anyway, my Straxus arrived, and he's pretty cool. Despite being a Galvatron retool, he still feels very unique, and they managed to get the overall likeness to his comic depiction pretty spot-on except for a few minor details, all of which are unavoidable leftovers of Galvatron's tooling and are required for his transformation. Fortunately, the only two leftovers that really mess with his silhouette (the shoulder pylon things and the wing-guns that have replaced Galvatron's treads) can be folded back and made at least somewhat less obtrusive.
While the new cannon thing doesn't look to impressive (it's just a barrel, and has no actual 'gun' to attach to the way Galvatron's did), I really like his pickaxe - it certainly looks more menacing than it did in some of the comic scenes I've seen. Both weapons can be stowed on his back, but only one at a time; since the pick is his signature weapon, I'll be leaving the gun barrel there more often than not.
The 'comic style' paint decos on him aren't too noticeable or obtrusive, and I'm happy to report his shoulders are properly assembled (my Galvatron was from the first run, and I never bought a replacement or worked up the nerve to do the 'fix', other than just manually rotating the shoulders around so the screw holes are on the front in robot mode).
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His 'Flying Gun Thing' mode, which seems to be accurate to the comic and is apparently the reason they chose this specific mold to make him out of. The new gun barrel definitely looks better attached here than it does mounted to his arm in robot mode, though sadly it's not really compatible with blast effects - I had to cram this one in, and it kept falling out anyway. The pickaxe mounting to the top to make the little fin things was a nice touch, and I like how they turned Galvatron's tank treads into wings with little blasters on them (they also have four rocket tubes sculpted onto them - they get hidden in vehicle mode, but are visible in robot mode, giving him an excuse for having the extra bits hanging off of him). The lower section of his legs still swing down to act as a 'kickstand' like how Galvatron's did, but because his wings aren't intended to be angled to hang as low as Galvatron's treads did, the kickstand doesn't fold down all the way to keep him from ending up with his barrel pointing into the ground.
I already found the Galvatron mold to be fun and solid, and Straxus wears it well. He certainly looks imposing enough, and now the few Insecticons and Coneheads I own have a boss to push them around.
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I like how his eyes are actually sculpted recesses and they put black paint at the very back of them to really sell the hollow look.
I can’t fucking believe that’s his actual alt mode
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I was NOT expecting ANOTHER use of this mold but here we are.
I thought it was just made up for the sake of the toy, also I’ve never read the marvel comics before
Airrazor mold?
in case anyone is wondering
that's the terrorsaur mold, retooled into a monster hunter dragon
terrorsaur being retooled from airrazor
Are they going to make the penis dragon?
better than the Godzilla collab
That genuinely looks pretty good, really tiny rath head though
Khezus are popular but not that popular. If there's like third wave of these there's a chance but he's not getting made before Zingogre or Delviljo.
Yeah, you could really tell they actually had the toy on hand for that
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Zinogre came in first place in that poll Capcom did a little while back
So expect there to probably be more Zinogre merch coming soon
I still expect to wake up from this dream where we got Jhiaxus and Straxus and they're both good.
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Living under a rock once again fucked me, and I'm just now learning about the Studio 86 Optimus pre orders evaporating practically instantly.
Is pre ordering on BBTS even worth it? I always hear back and forth opinions of the site on /toy/, but the last time I pre ordered something on there a few years back, it got canceled.
not what i would have chosen, but.. yeah i'm getting that. i'm getting the hell out of that.
i've never had a BBTS order get canceled, but it is like, hey get this in a year
I've ordered from BBTS a couple of times per year for the past fifteen or so years and I've never had cause for complaint. Pile of Loot option is fantastic.
The only cancels I've had were because the manufacturer either didn't make enough or the product was cancelled, neither were BBTS fault. You might have to wait a bit longer or they'll get it a month early
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Oh FUCK yeah!
Nah, most people don't care for Khezu. For a low-effort reuse of this exact sculpt, they can paint it green and add a chin spike to make it into a Rathian fembot, (though they'd need to redo the robot mode a bit as well). Also, both Rathalos and Rathian come with at least three other repaints built in - Azure, Silver, and Dread King for Rathalos and Pink, Gold and Dread Queen for Rathian (there's even more, but those variants are more obscure ones from the Frontier series). They can basically resell this mold to us eight more times, easy.
did it really save them significant money to reuse literally just the shins and feet so he can have another weird shaped hallux
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Toy Arena (USA based) has him in stock for $99. Also, don’t worry, they are making a metric fuckton of this figure. My connect says they are making so many he might actually end up on sale one day.
Yeah, I still hate that they just made up an entirely new alt mode for jhiaxus
Like I don't hate Darkmount but dude was never big enough and I recall a comment someone made that Straxus is a robot so FAT looking he could be a pretender shell for a skinnier robot inside, and Darkmount definitely doesn't carry that weight.
i mean they clearly tried to make it like in the comic
it's close enough, and jhiaxus barely transforms anyways.
Honestly, it might be worth waiting just a little bit on this figure since just about the entire first production run on it has misassembled heels.
>Buy figure because it looks cool
>End up hating it in hand 9 times out of 10
>End up selling it for half what I paid
I should of just got Apache
Just saw the movie, unfortunately it was shit. But hey, atleast my theater was empty so it means atleast this time Paramount won't get away with doing shit?
What's your grievance? Besides the weak ankles I'm loving the hell out of SS86 Springer. I went from passing on the Siege one, to regretting it, to now being glad that I did.
>waiting on SS86
I wouldn't take any chances on this one, I can already imagine the insane aftermarket prices.
Besides the missassembly is negligeable.
like the new combiners won't be
Ankles, the tiny feet's, the way the shoulders look in any position but to his side and only a swivel head.
I think you might be autistic or just not like Transformers in general because 86 Springer is great
I'll buy him off ya
It was good though???
I adore Commander Stack. So it's not a transformer related issue.
>inb4 bootleg
The shipping though
u in yurope?
Even worse, Canada
yeah that's prob at least 15 bucks then
I got Wild Rider, Dragstrip, and Shadowstrip, and I saw the G2 Breakdown coming out. Should I get a Motormaster? Or will he be getting a G2 re-release?

Definitely want the Wheeljack.
Last time I shipped a transformer to the states it was $29.
why do you want the G2 ones but not the G1?
I left TFs behind entirely when Legacy started, have not seen any news since then. I see they're still making terrible quality toys. This is like the bad old Combiner Wars days, cheap as shit hollow toys with huge voids in them.
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>Godzilla gets shat
>Monster hunter gets THIS
I swear to god it was either a bet of “How shit do you think we can make this before people stop buying?” Or a very weird tactical jab at Bandai, or I’m just making all this shit up and its just because they have to do proper quality stuff for MonHunt
Not a matter of want them specifically. Just the only ones I've been lucky enough to find. I got a bunch of mix and match for Combiner Wars too, but sadly never got a Menasor set from that series. It's more like "Should I try to complete a Menasor set?" even if it's mix and match?
They actually use ratcheting joints, so yeah.
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this got a reference in a TF comic
who ended up winning in the godzilla vs power rangers?
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Yeah, wonder how long before guys like “Mr. Hardhat” or especially this chad gets a reference (I just wanna see him he’s cool)
Prime wars era is still uniquely poor quality. Outside of TR that was a really awful time to be a TF fan
Honestly the transformer will probably be a better figure to handle than the chogokin. As nice as the chogokin looks those transforming bandai chogokin figures can be pretty flimsy.
Nigga you serious? Try finding the G1 on stock, it's literally impossible
You bit the MP/3P fruit.
You're not going back, sorry.
These threads aren't for you really. I recommend you do what I did and just make 1 or 2 MP/3P purchases a month and build yourself a nice collection. I started in 2016 and basically felt like my collection was complete by 2020. I still buy new stuff but I'm more happy with stuff I bought then than I would be with any Generations stuff.
>his time Paramount won't get away with doing shit?
Yep they won't get away with doing a movie with just robots as the main characters on Cybertron.
Human live action movies until the end of time. Thank you for your service, anon.
My autism stopping me from buying 3PMP has saved my wallet much heartache

But I'd be lying if I said I haven't been humming and hawing on a 3P combiner
>My autism stopping me from buying 3PMP has saved my wallet much heartache
You're only gonna keep getting frustrated then. Gotta get off the carousel sometime.
I bought a Prowl 11 years ago..and never feel the need to ever buy a new one. MP Prowl is perfect enough.That feeling of never needing to keep upgrading over and over, or feeling disappointed in aspects.
Obviously not all of them are great, but the best ones easily make me never want the mainline option.
It will be expensive, especially now. But tt was worth it.
Most of the time MP3P stuff is really unsatisfying to me. I prefer a nice CHUG scale toy that I can transform without making it a huge ordeal. Bought FansToys Thomas because I wanted a toy colors Astrotrain but only transformed him once until he moved to the shelf to stay. Meanwhile I have mainline and 3P Legends on my desk that I can mess with while I'm watching something or just casually play with.

I've never felt like I must have one representation of the Tooner characters because I grew up after G1 and barely watched the shows at all. For me Transformers was always about the toys so that's the thing I care about- getting diverse characters with unique play value. I don't feel the need to "upgrade" to a "more accurate" one and if I like a design I'll happily get multiple versions if they've got it.
I think the entire movie is flawed due to not having a longer runtime and in general bad character development. Megatron just kinda turns evil, no reason why. Initially I thought they were gonna go the bayverse route (comics) where megatron goes schizo and the ghost of megatronus starts telling him he needs to kill people and take over cybertron because in the first TFONE trailer they showed megatron examining the body of megatronus. In the movie he just snaps. Plus the story itself feels like it has major potential for real world commentary but that doesnt happen and instead we get "hah sentinel prime is EVIL!! again!!!" overall its a 7/10 for me but i wouldnt say its the best TF film quality wise.

Though im concerned on whether or not theyll actually make a sequel because from what some sources say the movie is struggling in theatres
see that sounds bad to me.
but the last time it was descrbed to me, it sounded good. this is annoying.
I'm hella stoked. I just found out this old figure existed. As a huge Godzilla fan, I've been let down with the recent Godzilla X Transformers crossover. But when discussing it and my sadness it wasn't a Maser Tank, I was told a Mazer was already made. Fast forward a week, and I've found one for $22 shipped. It's not the prettiest or nicest figure, but I'm super jazzed to have a Godzilla crossover figure
>Megatron just kinda turns evil, no reason why.

I see how you could think that if you didn't watch the movie because half of the movies entire runtime is dedicated to laying this out to you extremely clearly
Oh I just meant that all my MP are official Takara
the dish is a little big and a lot flat, but this aint bad.
The thing is i saw the movie in theatres with little to no expectations. I didnt tune in to speculation or discussion much so I had no idea what i was gonna see apart from some people on TFW2005 telling me it was good.

I watched it, and had a good time. The movie is perfectly fine, some might say its alright. Its better than the dumpsterfire that was ROTB and i genuinely found myself enjoying the film. However the movie has its issues, its not perfect and many of these issues might sour it for some people. I encourage you to go watch the movie for yourself and make your own opinion

I watched it and its sorta not true. Without spoiling people in the thread 2 much the movie doesnt actually give you a proper reason as to why megatron turned evil like he did. It couldve built up on the whole "we were lied to.. taken advantage of... and subjugated to being second class citizens" but it doesnt do that. Megatron literally just turns evil after realizing he was basically somewhat of a slave to the quintesonns and that sentinel was a liar. It doesn't actually explain why he just didnt turn out like optimus at all and it frankly doesnt make sense if you actually start thinking about it. In the first half of the movie he was essentially a dickrider to the system and hated optimus for going out of line
Do we know when Transformers One leader Megatron is coming out? Has he even been leaked?
>It couldve built up on the whole "we were lied to.. taken advantage of... and subjugated to being second class citizens" but it doesnt do that.

Can't get into it without spoilers but that's what his whole speech in the cave is about?
As someone who owns the Chogokin, I can say it's fairly awkward to transform and relies heavily on partsforming - the wings and tail cannot be kept on when in Hunter mode, and they need to be taken apart and reassembled to make its sword and shield or great sword; it's not actually capable of holding its shield on its own, either, and relies on a separate attachment piece to plug it into it's Rathalos mouth when in that configuration. Large parts of its body - particularly it's joints - are all made of diecast metal and are not only stuff, but sharp.
A retooled Terrorsaur by comparison would be far less awkward to handle.
i feel like unless your robot mode is "a robot with wings and a tail" you more or less have to partsform shit like that.
i just don't get why they didn't scale it up since they still had to remake 90% of the mold from scratch. recycle the TRANSFORMATION by all means, but make it leader class.
I mean, do we even know what scale it actually is? It wouldnt be the first time they reused deluxe tooling/engineering on a larger crossover fogure
it 100% would be the first time they're reused -molds- scaled up. those are visibly the same shins and feet.
Hasbro will fuck it up some other way
I wouldn't even call that becoming evil, that is him starting to lose all his sense of self. Start of becoming evil is more like when he beats the shit out of Starscream and people chant his name and you can tell he's starting to get a thrill out of that.
I thought he was speaking about a personal preference
Why would you want them to make movies with robots set on Cybertron when their attempt at doing just that was complete shit?
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let's fucking gooooo
because they're not gonna stop making even shittier live action movies with humans.
They might if they finally flop hard enough for Hasbro to stop renewing their contract
The mold originally came out in Energon. There was another figure that was designed to resemble the 1998 Godzilla
shitty transformation, but pretty good modes.
hasbro's got like no power in the contract.
Studio Series when
Not unless a sequel gets greenest.
I really regret not buying all the weird Age of Extinction repaints. Grimlock used this guy.
yeah, but the spark crystal was glued to that version. You couldn't remove it
I didn't buy a transformer in a fews years so I didn't expect to like this as much as I do.
u wot
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Two newest toys this week, and I'm sure robots come more different
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Oh hell yeah dude
you kidding? they're so desperate for new SS figures they've turned to unused concepts
So with the missing link line taking off, what are the chances this design sees the light of day?
I sorta want Iron Factory Lio Kaiser, but not sure if I can catch up on releases.

Also wanted G1 Ironhide with one of those funny third party "heads", but never got around to it or can find the good set.

With them doing Sunstreaker, the sky's the limit. Would be nice if they do more tfs with molds lost to time for consideration.
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So, anyone think we'll see any more exclusives pop up for Legacy, or will they all get shunted into 'Whatever of Primes' from here out?
Wonder when we are gonna get that car gator transformer guy
Anybody have pics of Straxus and Xaaron with the "comic shading" erased? I'm curious what they'll look like.
If they're gonna start doing lost molds and unproduced prototypes and concepts I want these guys
Convoy Convoy!
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Wish Ironhide had a smiling face plate and I can't decide if the g1 is his ugly child or stumpy grandpap

Maybe the first couple Target exclusives or whatever for next will be Legacy branded still but who knows

Thanks for the updated listed btw
>IF Liokaiser
Same. By the time I found out they exist the first 3 are already sold out everywhere
Oh, hey, an excuse to show off these three weirdos. I only just got the red one a few days ago - just need that Grimlock to complete the collection.
They look cool, but I wish they were a bit more poseable and had a more interesting transformation.
very nice collect
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IMO their liokaiser looks really bad, it uses gigantic fake shell parts for most of the body and just ends up looking really fat and disproportionate. Seriously how do you cheat that much and still fuck it up
The individual bots seem okay though
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Took a glance at my Beast Wars shelf that is waiting to be reorganized and this little fucker is front and center for some reason. I don’t even remember putting him there, he doesn’t belong w them. Silly dino synchronicity
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Just cracked open Magmatron. Straight off the bat, a few things; 1. Im shocked to see he is packaged almost fully assembled into bot mode. Quite disappointing. The original was packaged with all 3 in Dino mode and I think that’s way more fun. When building any gestalt I even go so far as to save the head reveal for last whenever possible and it pisses me off when a combination forces you to do it early (Predaking comes to mind). Secondly the ‘new figure’ smell socked me in the face so hard I’m pretty sure I lost some brain cells.
With that out of the way, wow. He is the first legacy figure to make me say WOAH when I opened the box. If it wasn’t for the cardboard packaging you might mistake him for some type of masterpiece at first glance. He is very large and heavy and it’s the first time in ages I immediately felt like I got what I paid for. Even the manner he is packaged feels like it was given more care than usual. I just got finished falling in love with TM2 Megatron and my initial impression of Magamatron is the same but on crack.
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Coming this summer it's...
i used to put movie dinobots with my zoids, but now i have a whole shelf of movie beast guys, so they have their own place
beastboxen still go with zoids though
yeahh i think a lot of people agree that it was dumb packaging him that way.
be careful with the first step with that tail-piece hilt, it makes no sense how you're supposed to actually push it.
The blue flying dinosaur and triceratops were was made these guys even weirder. They repainted Beast Wars Terrorsaur and that Beast Wars II guy with a dead mode. Im really bad with names.
they did a new one of Guiledart? huh I only knew about the terrorsaur one.. which indeed was -weird-
and I really want them to do that with the new mold.
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I'd kill for them to do Transtech toys. It doesn't even have to be 1:1 to this prototype (i like the animal head on the concept art)
Also these ugly symmetrically docked mofos
A lot of Transtech stuff has been used in toys already
the concept art is amazing
the prototype is laughable. I know it's probably mistransformed, but..
oh wow i've thought about this kind of thing before (with two of the same animal) and it's oddly easy to make a lot of animals into an arm and a leg and half a torso.
Which toys? All I know is Animater Blurrs feet which is a far cry from actual Transtech toys
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I also want the Firetruck Rodimus. A 3P company is doing one but its just an Inferno repaint.
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And these insane triple changers
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I have no idea how transformarion is even supposed to work on these...
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if we're showing off terrocons
still need a command ravage, impossible to find with his tail still attached
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I think this is my favourite because it reminds me of The Thing when its a crab
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I don't get it but we were robbed
okay I will fuck off.
This guy actually got a homage

Or maybe its a homage to fireblast animated grimlock. Or maybe both. I just wanted to post it
it's both
gormiti lookin mfs
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I've repurposed these two as Firecons
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>found 86 Ultra Magnus on Amazon for $179 AUD
>already spent way too much on Transformers beforehand, need to wait two weeks for payday
>refresh the page every day to make sure it's till there
>fast forward to now, two days until payday
>check the listing
>suddenly they've only got two left
>wrack my brain deciding whether or not to just buy it with some of my savings
>Currently Unavailable
God fucking damn it!
>read person's ramblings about an 86 magnus on Amazon.
>decide to check country's Amazon
>86 Magnus for $150 dollerydoos
Thanks Anon, I was really wanting him.
clever and very aesthetically pleasing
he was like 120 during mid year sales
will probably be restocked for either prime day and/or black friday, also christmas
get a step pay card or something if you don't want to buy it in one go, it works with amazon
also, if you ummed and aahed that much, you don't truly want it. you might find it appealing but if you were onboard you would already have it
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Do you think they'll ever re-release this in better colors?

I like how the mold itself looks, but I can't fucking stand the piss-stained tone they used for the gray parts.
Honestly I'm fine with everything on it except how they handle Jallguar, literally junk in the trunk just hanging off Liokaiser's ass.
takara will probably do a premium finish job like with the bumblebee movie VW bee
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Just saw Transformers One and I NEED to buy a Sentinel toy and do unholy things to it
one of my new most wanted from the movie. He's so cool looking.
is he an asshole like DOTM but also a lunkhead like Animated?
You could say that. I'd recommend watching the movie.
The Deluxe or "Prime Changer" or whatever is really good if you can find it, but the Voyager is coming out next year too.
>I'd recommend watching the movie
you could just explain it without being vague, or are you a shill?
He's the twist villain of the entire movie. There, are you happy?
seemed pretty obvious from the trailers he was a captain quark type
>Why yes, I DO need to relate everything in every aspect of my life to the current political climate and use it as an excuse to spout my political beliefs, how could you tell?
Fuck off back to /pol/.
He's a very generic "eugh, the guys in charge (the 13) are losing the war with the Quints and also they're BORING! I'm gonna backstab them all and be the Quints' lapdog, while telling everyone else I'm on their side looking for the Matrix, while secretly looking out only for numero uno!"
He's fine, he works for a kids' film, but he's not Sentinel.
The thing Animated, DotM, and even Megatron Origin Sentinels had in common were that they were varying degrees of assholes, but they were intensely patriotic to the point of xenophobia and enforcing police-states. I don't see what this new guy has in common with any of that. The film as a whole is decent enough ig, but the Sentinel characterization was one of the weaker links imo.
probably only got named as such to keep the trademark desuyo
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hire *claps* japanese *claps* designers *claps* (and animators)
Probably not gonna watch it. From what I've gleemed there's just too many choices I dislike. I always hated the whole Prime and Megs as besties backstory, always hated sentinel prime as a concept, hate the 13 interacting with and being directly involved with cybertronian society, hate whatever nonsense they're doing with T-Cogs.
>The thing Animated, DotM, and even Megatron Origin Sentinels had in common were that they were varying degrees of assholes, but they were intensely patriotic to the point of xenophobia and enforcing police-states. I don't see what this new guy has in common with any of that.
They based him on the Covenant Sentinel, who was put in power by the Quints and enforced their caste system even after leading the revolt against them. He was even said to be the one and Prime since the 13.
Granted even he wasn't evil either, just misguided. The movie kind of dumbs down the idea of him being a pawn of the system he represents, he's just a willing participant.
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My exact experience with Marvel Shockwave
Are those guys as solid and chunky as they look?
Don't worry, you can safely ignore the "bootleg" schizo just like you can ignore the other guy who keeps trying to make "tooner" happen.
>take a combiner iconic for its lack of partsforming
>make it entirely reliant on giant fake partsforming parts
I actually hate 3p combiners so much sometimes
No. Not at all. If you want to use all his articulation to the fullest he is basically half exploded between both modes. He is infamous for not tabbing in properly, which is mostly user error and a bit of bad design but even when you have him 100% tabbed in he still tends to come apart while you pose him
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I wanted this guy since the second I saw him but I did not realize he is the figure of the year.
>secondary antagonist in TFA
>co-antagonist in DOTM
>main antagonist of an IDW toy tie-in arc
>"twist villain"
You're a dumb faggot. He's expected to be villain by now, that why IDW2 surprised people with him being just kinda spergy but actually well-intentioned.
You don't know how fiction works.
Hasbro named him Transformer of the year too, right?
Wild that Victory Saber and Deathsaurus were "too obscure" and were shunted to HasLab and now Magmatron of all guys has the wildly successful mainline release
So you are going to call D-16 a twist villain?
That term literally means 'lower quality knockoff'. Considering Hasbro's quality has dipped immensely over the years and they're known to steal 3P designs because their own engineering has become increasingly more shit, I think it's safe to say the Hasbro products better qualify as bootleg shit at this point. When small companies with fewer resources and less money than the big name brand can pump out figures superior to the originals in every way, you know there's a serious problem.
If you guess the villain that doesn't make it not a narrative twist you autistic goddamn retard
He had a western release for his original toy before, so it is okay.
>He's like literally Hans
Please don't feed the troll. It only encourages him.
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>TF One is bombing
So can Lorenzo finally be fired now?
Hi catkiller
So it is out now?
You rape kids Chungus.
The idw incarnation was really good.
no shit who the fuck are those ugly ass uncanny looking robots supposed to appeal to
Sleep well little brat
To anyone that posted a pic of their toys in this thread: this board does not deserve you. I think the pendulum may have swung back the other way and TFW is now actually better and less gay than here
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I saw this at target
Man, I hate SS WFC Ratchets colors, but his transformation is pretty good. I'll grab Ironhide whenever they get around to it. I really hope Warpath turns out well.
>I always hated the whole Prime and Megs as besties backstory
>always hated sentinel prime as a concept
>hate the 13 interacting with and being directly involved with cybertronian society
>hate whatever nonsense they're doing with T-Cogs.
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>meanwhile in actual Armada
I enjoyed his characterization
A mainstream “new” take to him
VS and Deathsaurus being so successful is likely why Magmatron was retail to begin with
yeah I feel like this designer was also on beast machines with the 'fuckit we'll figure it out later' mindset
nice cherrypicking
but even that specific frame looks a lot better than any series americans ever produced, thanks to the godly designs
this is the only one that looks like he can actually transform
that's literally what savings are for. if you know you want it later, but it might only be available now. what difference does it make?
Draw other mode parts on the robot.
lol i'm with you dude. but I also have no stakes in g1.
they're not 'uncanny valley' they're just ugly
i could photoshop their features into not-ugliness. but all artists today trained on tumblr where ugly means diverse.
They are mass-production looking.
That’s because their faces are all the same and they are the robot from iRobot
So they are anti-diversity.
Americans made those designs
That reminds me - we got Magmatron and T-Wrecks, so when are we getting the other BM Dinobots? I have a mighty need for an updated Rapticon (and Dinobot II in general).
When they make new versions of those that are recolored from.
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Rapticon and Terranotron always bugged me because they were clearly just filler for the line, not matching the rest.
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Found these but didn't grab just enough it was an interesting time to share.
Australia has Target?
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Hell with figure of the year, this is instantly one of my favorite figures ever.
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One of his shoulders was squeaking so I disassembled it and it was some excess plastic. The ratchets are built great and they were not showing any signs of wear. I should’ve taken a pic but I forgot and now his arm is back together
>didn’t grab em
Why the fuck not? The yellow one, Chainclaw was one of my childhood favorites. They go for a lot of money now too.
For me, those were the only two characters that actually fit with the BM show aesthetic. The whole thing with Beast Machines is that the characters were no longer robots wearing skin suits - they were cyborgs that (somehow) shape shifted from animals (their default forms) into humanoids. All of their extra limbs and heads on their toys were hidden and there were no noticable instances of blatant shellforming to give the impression that their limbs had morphed into their current configuration, and what couldn't be hidden (like Blackarachnia's abdomen) was integrated into their 'robot' modes; this philosophy was used on all of the show characters' toys and a fair amount of the first few waves of non-show characters (Battle Unicorn being a notable example).
Of the BM Dinobots, Triceradon, Airraptor, Striker and T-Wrecks are very clearly just robots wearing skin suits, with most of their alt modes literally hanging off of them in plain sight and the beast heads clearly visible (meaning there's no way to pretend their beast heads are still the robot heads but 'shapeshifted'), and they're clearly entirely organic looking in one mode and entirely robotic in the other instead of a mix in both. Dinotron's a bit better at passing, but his beast head is a bit blatant on his robot chest, and his beast mode still isn't very cybernetic-looking. And then there's Magmatron, who really doesn't fit in with most aesthetics in general, being a triple-combiner with no individual robot modes for his components, among other weirdness.
Only Raptocon and Terranotron check the most boxes here - both of their modes had visible organic and robotic bits on them, both don't have beast shell kibble hanging from them in ways that are noticeable, and both kinda-sorta hide their beast heads (Rapticon's head still becomes his chest like Dinotron's, but it tucks in far better and is sculpted in such a way that it's flat and actually looks like abs and pecs, while Terranotron's, while not exactly looking like much of anything, doesn't blatantly look like a pterodactyl head glued to his front. You can somewhat imagine that the two of them are capable of the same shape shifting the show Maximals are doing - certainly moreso than the others.
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Do people actually buy these things?

With how often I see B-line toys just sitting around for years not being bought, it feels like Hasbro is just constantly flushing money away by putting so much time and effort into maintaining them.
not that anon but I hate the Prime and Megs as besties backstory because it feels like a ripoff of Prof X and Magneto.

In fact I hate the whole Megs as former freedom fighter thing for the same reason. I liked it better when Megatron simply though he and the Decepticons were a superior race and are entitled to rule.
You wish. Optimus Prime never gets Prof. X jerkery.
>I liked it better when Megatron simply though he and the Decepticons were a superior race and are entitled to rule.
That's literally Magneto.
Your idea would mean Autobots and Decepticons are born/manufactured as such, rather than beings capable of switching or choose sides. Also 'racist tyrant' is pretty boring, and I think most would prefer some level of depth to characters. I guess so long as there is a 'why' to how he ended up that way, which fits with the downtrodden gladiator backstory, I guess.
don', they make it that it was the human's prejudice that turned him. that He and Prof X originally had similar goals about mutant liberation or some shit.
so is there anything coming up where they'd reveal SS86 Megs, or are we just gonna have to wait until 2025
We're stuck waiting till 2025.

I expect it's a toy of Transformers: Devastation Megatron falsely marketed as SS86.
Your idea would mean Autobots and Decepticons are born/manufactured as such,

where do you get that. Can't he just be a bad person.

My issue is that they always do this with villains and it only has the venner of depth. All they really do is know down the villainous bit one level.

>This guy wasn't always evil. those other guys made him this way

>well, why did they do that

>oh, they're just evil

All it is is knocking the "tyrant" persona to a different character besides the villain. It's not deep and many times it ruins the character, because unless you're careful, your attempt to make a sympathetic villain just defangs him and at worse makes him look like a moron. Look at what those prequels did to Darth Vader.
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>Devastation Megatron falsely marketed as SS86
please no, that tank looks so boring
While I agree completely, the robot mode can pass for G1 Megatron at a glance, and you know that's how he be marketed.
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He looks awesome and I need him for being the slave owner of my other figs
>For me, those were the only two characters that actually fit with the BM show aesthetic. The whole thing with Beast Machines is that the characters were no longer robots wearing skin suits - they were cyborgs that (somehow) shape shifted from animals (their default forms) into humanoids.
Somewhat, and more than the other dinobots, but given the other Dinobots went for that style it makes the two stick out. Even then they're two different mecha beasts styles from BMs.
Transmetals- inside out, robotic beasts with organic robots
TMIIs- cyborgs, uneven asymmetric balance
>Beast Machines- even balance
You're right that they do a better job hiding the beast parts though just figured the Dinobots were more like a test run for the newer Technoorganics
er what
i guess
they look like some shitty artist went down the facial feature checklist and made sure they were all there
wait this was a thing??? or is this a custom
>Mechanical design:
>Gorō Murata
>Hideki Fukushima
>Hiroshi Ogawa
>Shinya Ogura
>Takahiro Yamada
oh yeah? not even g1 was made by americans, what are you trying to do here?
but idw having so many cool robots proves that it's just a matter of direction
he is pretty rad... in combined mode.
the individual dino modes are fine, but the truncated giganotosaur will never not bother me. would anyone really have complained if the shoulder head was a lot bigger? especially if it could fold in a neat way.
It looks like it can transform because it has a beast head on the arm, legs on the back, and so on.
also, well-obsoived. but I think when anon said "not matching the rest" he meant the main show characters.
>wait this was a thing??? or is this a custom
They were a thing, and Rapticon in particular is one of the few toys that survived my childhood (and is still perfectly intact, even the cables on his dino wrists/robot legs). I'd take some pics, but I'm currently not at home.
Here's the list of all of the BM Dinobot s - they were all repaints of pre-existing characters, a few which were exclusive to Japan's BWII up until that point; it's also when we finally got Magmatron in the US:
They will make him a tank but include the Megatron gun as a weapon figures can hold
>Star Seekers arrive in Walmart finally (except Thundertron, grumble grumble)
>of all of them, Road Pig sells out the fastest

Didn't see that coming.
>not even g1 was made by americans
No shit, G1 toys had the least american blood in pretty much the whole franchise with some exceptions
ooh i like this idea. he turns into a JET, guys. a jet.
ah, I took that as a second person imperative sentence.
howww didn't I know. I guess I just put BM off my radar since it sucked. I remember seeing t-wrecks on the shelf (and an older kid browsing with me was like "psh. repaint.") and I heard about the BW2/neo/whatever dinobots getting reused.. but I definitely didn't know one of my favorite molds got reused in really good colors..
yeah I hope he gets a new one, but as we saw recently, even the 3P had reeeal problems figuring out what the fuck to do with his beast mode legs. the show just cheated them.
I'd be down if it was more complete, but you're not wrong the inner robot goes for double on ebay. Not sure if I wanna piece meal that though.
Also found a Skullcruncher with head and body, but no tail or gun for $15.
What about Filch? Did she ever show in your area?
Maybe they should give a regular release to Deathsaurus too

Yup. Two of everyone but Thundertron.
Deathsaurus was mainline until they saw how well VS did and bumped him up to HasLab status.
Personally, I'm thankful for that - they were planning on making him an SS86 Grimlock repaint until the bump-up.
With his Breast partners as Core Class toys.
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On the topic of Armada Cyclonus came in yesterday and Demolishor today. I already had Crumplezone and Blackout so I could save a few bucks by ordering "incomplete" ones from ebay. Only noticable flaw is that one of the tabs underneath Cyclonus's gear mechanism is chipped.
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Here they are with the other Legacy Armadacons. I couldn't find Swindle so Starscream just gets the Star Saber for now. Leader-1 is still a floppy shit right now as I'm still waiting on some KBN fix loose joints to come in for him.
No, they were going to be Siege cassettes - repaints of Laserbeak and Ravage, respectively. It would have been horrible.
Yikes. Still sold individually as Core toys, though.
plz to buy me a filch I will pay retail plus shipping plus- you know what filch isn't worth that.
Remold both heads and add some wings and that's literally Deathsaurus
Not hard to see what Hasbro was thinking

Its really not. And I have three versions of the mold now (if Terrorsaur counts).
I went to my Walmart today and they were all there but Thundertron (who I have already) also.
I picked up Ferak, Lockdown (the two I really wanted) and Filch (mostly because she's rare). I might as well go back for Road Pig and Cannonball at this point and finish the set.
There was at least two of everybody besides Lockdown at my store, grabbed the last one.
Ferak is awesome by the way, he's my first experience with the Cyclonus mold.

>Ferak is awesome by the way, he's my first experience with the Cyclonus mold.

Cyclonus and Metalhawk were great too.
is it so much to ask to get her for 20 bucks or so
Filch? Some Walmarts sell deluxes for that much. Never more than 25, at least.
I despise the idea of Megatron and Prime being BFFs before the war because it undermines the pure hate boner Megatron has for Prime that wouldn't make sense if they were friends.

I kind of prefer the cartoon origin for Megatron quite frankly, which was akin to Serpentor's origin. Decepticons had been around for a while but couldn't get any real victories. So the decided to make themselves a perfect leader in Megatron... who promptly kills all of the old Decepticon leaders and takes over the movement himself. And toss in the Dreamwave idea of Prime being a random bean counter for the Autobot war effort that is elevated to Prime status and Megatron DESPISING Prime because he's a literal who nobody that keeps foiling the guy who was built to be super hitler from fulfilling his reason for being: taking over and ruling Cybertron.
Meanwhile, Straxus came this week too.

Huge upgrade over the older toy.
>undermines the pure hate boner Megatron has for Prime that wouldn't make sense if they were friends.
on the contrary, that makes the hateboner better
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Just pulled this guy out of an old box. I transformed him twice, he's lots of fun. No idea about it though. Not remembering the transformation, his folding sides into legs caught me off guard. I give this guy big thumbs up. Really love how his seats are made there in vehicle mode
I would have enjoyed Siege Hound so much more if they didn't use such a dark green for his colors, it makes him so murky and indiscernible detail-wise.
>believing the salesman
Being a retool of another guy is on-theme for how many are made.
That's part of the reason why the Hotshot version of that mold is the best version.
Got Ferak from Walmart, loving him. They have everyone else there minus the Thudertron 3 pack; anyone think Filch is worth it? I wanted Cannonball but I don't want another Skids mold in my collection, and he would be kinda a one-off considering my only other Cybertron figure is Override, and I'm not planning on making a Cybertron collection any time soon (cuz Hasbro ain't tryna do one either!). Filch, worth it or nah? She's supposedly the best usage of the Airazor mold, not sure how much confidence that is meant to instill in me.
I disagree. That tank was the best part of CW Megatron and I think the same tank with a better bot mode would be fine for SS86 Megatron. Besides, better a boring realistic tank than a boring sci-fi h-tank.
The best use of the Airrazor mold is still a meh mold in general. Get Filch if you want the whole set or if you wanna sell her later.
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I'd agree, the tank mode is pretty based. Robot mode is shonky but there were some good ideas in that figure, also the headsculpt goes hard.
Personally though I'd argue realistic doesn't have to mean boring. They just need to get more creative with inspiration.
This is a real tank, by the way.
and now we don't have him at all unless we take out a loan
Wouldn't Megs have a hateboner for Prime simply because he's the guy always fucking up Megatron's plan. In real life, opposing sides don't have to be former roommates to despise each other.
In this case it'll be both.
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see, if Megatron has to be a tank (which he does now), that's the kinda tank I want him to be. something fun, more unique than just bog standard generic tank. And since he started as a Nazi gun, it's only right he should be a bigger Nazi gun. of course, I doubt that guy at Hasbro would've called him a tank if they made him the Karl-Gerät
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That'd be awesome. I know they'd never do the actual Karl-Gerat but a "totally not" version with a fusion mortar would actually work IMO, as if it was a secret Wunderwaffe energy weapon thing. Would both give plausible deniability to Hasbro and also skirt around the Karl-Gerat needing a converted Panzer IV escort to carry those fuckoff huge shells.
Also not for Megatron but I'd love to see an M50 Ontos TF.
well until they put her online-
oh there she is online. okay well I have a 5 dollar off coupon..
thanks anon!
>it undermines the pure hate boner

No hate is stronger than that which springs from love. It's Coriolanus and Aufidius, only without the original rivalry.

I fucking love both of these. you guys are alright.

Wait a minute, there's no BACK to those guns. how do they-...
>recoilless rifle
okay that's cool but-
well that ruins some of the fun of it.. every time you fire some guy has to come dump another six.. hang on..
>flechette round
into the barrels. oh come the fuck on.
Hopefully the TF version would modify that and give them some space in the back for .. gun stuff. and then maybe you could rotate them inward so they become two big gatling guns.
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Megatron's altmode should just be this
Just a big gun running on two little legs
That's waaaay too based for current Hastak
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fucking unironically love it. there's something extra cool about revolver chambers on large machines.
zoidposting here but you can't stop meee
the only prob is due to how the gimmick works, the fold-back gun barrel can't really line up with the revolver cylinder. but whatever, you can imagine a different loading mechanism.
Also the gun has a cool bayonet but then it flips around and has a dumb backwards knife.
That looks cool I should get into Zoids
you couldn't have picked a weirder time to do it, but yeah go for it. we can continue this in the modular robots general if you want heh. there's also a truly excellent zoids discord right meow.
>TF One is bombing
it's still on track to make a bigger profit margin than the last 2 movies.
It's just not performing quite as well as they expected because Beetlejuice 2 surprised

Plus, Beetlejuice has no overseas appeal, so thats good for TF.
I enjoyed it way more than I was expecting to but there were literally five people in my entire theater.
>Beetlejuice has no overseas appeal
I don't really think that's true.

Well, thats what the media outlets say. It certainly won't fly in China.
Don't say his name
He only said it once, we're fine.
What, Beetlejuice?
basically, half it's non US income is UK and Mexico, the main foreign countries it's actually doing well in.
Its not doing well internationally at all, but they didn't expect it to.
beetlejuice should do well in latin ameri-
oh fuck i said it 3 times
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I've always wanted a version of this mold and I'm finally gonna go order one. Which one should I go for? Gigant Bomb/Smokesniper seem out of the question since they're the only ones that weren't sold as a two-pack originally on top of Robot Masters being a smaller release line. Probably gonna go with the RiD version even if the G2 one's the most easy to find.
There’s a Zoids/Diaclone/Transformers collar being released by takara soon if you want a transforming one
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does it count that we didn't spell it right? I mean his actual name is Betelgeuse. hell we're not even pronouncing it right.
I didn't preorder straxus on hasbro pulse. Will he ever be back in stock or am I screwed with aftermarket prices?
In the first movie, one of his attempts to get people to say his name was to conjure up a giant cockroach sitting in a chair next to a carton of orange juice getting poured into a cup. A beetle next to juice. Apparently, it just needs to SOUND like you're saying his name, regardless of how you spelled it.
Pulse exclusives get restocked eventually. Maybe only once or twice, though.
Thank god, I hope It wont take long though.
I recall them saying they produced a lot of the comic edition figures so I wouldn't be too worried
Don't care about the gimmick on characters it has no relation to. Leave it to the characters it belongs with and don't water down the experience by forcing it on irrelevant characters.

Right, so...a hollow gun in robot mode. Great.
So? Whatever gives us the best looking robot mode is what's best. Although I'll agree those particular upgrade suck dicknuts. CW figures only need the hands and feet upgrades.
i mean that is fair
i'm sure headmaster fans would rather see a mixture of existing headmaster characters, a FEW existing characters having headmasterness added to them, AND lots of new original headmasters.
Yeah I saw it
>out of stock
>Dumped literal millions in constant advertising
Bro Pages for LOCAL MOVIE THEATHERS THAT AREN'T EVEN IN MY STATE are promoting it and shows up on my Facebook news Feed
I've gotten a ton of "For you" sponsored shit to it on Instagram, which I don't ever fucking use
You KNOW they're hard shilling this slop
>anon discovers advertising
Cease speaking you actual knuckle scraping retard
I know it's scary, cavemanon, but ads are a real thing we all have to deal with
funny how for once they didn't change the name for localization, but they did fuck up the pronunciation.
When are we getting a reissue of Snarl?
That was the reissue
They didn't add notches on the missiles until they made BB and Starscream. So you should be fine with the RID version.

The missiles can fall off easily in G2 Darkwing's gun.
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There was a midnight madness sale at the comic book store and uhh
>beast machines mirage
>serial adulterer bob ross
not based
that's actually R.I.D. Mirage GT
And now I know the identity of the robot I paid 6 bucks for
I am fucking convinced someone accidentally swapped Scavenger and Mirage's colorschemes around.

>Mirage is in yellow and black, the color of construction vehicles
>Scavenger the construction vehicle is in blue and white, he color of G1 mirage

Scavenger is one of the best Beast Machines basics. I love that guy.
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i like that you didn't dispute anything else in that post
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speaking of...
artfire (autofire) and stepper (the firetruck with a fucking ladder) also got their names switched
i used to think the same of battletrap and flywheels, but recently learned 'rattletrap' is a term for an unreliable car or truck
>previously skipped on picking up galaxy force soundwave
>end up kicking myself for it but shrug it off
>remember this on e drive home from work
>galaxy force soundwave for sale at a good price
the simulation is breaking down, lads
Scavenger wins the award for most pointless lightpiping ever though.
>Head so tiny and flat can barely see it on his eyes
>a camera "eye" in his vehicle mode driver's compartment that nobody even notices and just treat his shovel as the proper spot he'd "look" from.
because vehicons have heads
BMs vehicons were so cool. Someday I hope to see a more modern (even noreso than 2014's entry) for Tankor, Scavenger, and the 6 wheeled APC guy.
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>He is the first legacy figure to make me say WOAH when I opened the box. If it wasn’t for the cardboard packaging you might mistake him for some type of masterpiece at first glance. He is very large and heavy and it’s the first time in ages I immediately felt like I got what I paid for.
I think in general Commander Class is the most consistent when it comes to actually feeling like you get what you paid for.
I know I felt the same way with Magmatron and Armada Optimus, little less so with Motormaster since knowing he's a combiner you already get the sense he's incomplete straight out of the box.
Ultra Magnus was also impressive but he was shown off alot so I felt I was pretty familiar with all he had to offer before opening him up and 86 Optimus is shaping up to be the same.
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Road rocket finally gets his saw weapon
Supposedly the arms of G2 Smokescreen are misassembled.

I have Starscream and BB. I find them really interesting but both fall short of greatness. Really cool jet modes though.
Red Sunstreaker is almost a given for Missing Link
Have you done the Cyclonus/Blackout combination yet? I always thought that was neat when I was a kid.
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i kinda wish I had more of the coneheads and Ferak to complete Straxxus' team but here ya go
So are we getting a new Universal Monsters crossover, or did they just quietly kill that off?
Who knows. We got Frankentron after two years of silence.
they should retool Scourge into a mummy with his altmode retooled into a sarcophagus
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Got Thrash at a liquidator store for $5. For the money I paid this smug motherfucker is pretty great. He lacks wrists and any sort of ankles but compensates with an a crunch and butterfly shoulders.
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When CyKill retool?
Ew, you have a Kicker? Why?
the faces are so fucking ugly...
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If you can stomach Legacy Prowl his isn’t much worse
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Now if you want to call Twitch ugly I couldn’t really argue with you, but she is growing on me. Once I realized she’s just a cute little girl I gave her some leeway. Kinda reminds me of Astro Boy
I like Twitch's design, she just needs a more better head design
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It’s certainly non-traditional
that'd be sick but it's too clever for Hasbro. I'd also like to see them retool Punch/Counterpunch for the wolfman so he can start as Tal-bot and wolf out
You'll get an awful Legacy Thundertron as a Wolfman
That's the best we got


Too much work. It'll be Weirdwolf.
He should train to retain his human thoughts as a wolf and life as one constantly.
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What kind of a question is this? Why don’t you have Kicker?
I like twitch well enough but I wish she had more of an actual torso instead of being entirely legs. And also it's weird they never made an actual appropriately small figure of her, from the like one ep of ES I watched before I got bored she was absolutely puny, so it's weird that the figures are taller than some carbots. She'd be cuter if she was leetle, like a minicon
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Yeah, ironic she should’ve been a core class but she ended up one of the biggest ones in the entire line
Fuuuck I need those
I don't even like ES but it feels like a bit of a missed opportunity, honestly. Feels like each new mainline or kids show toyline is more anemic than the last. They might do a core/legends/whatever it's called in 10 years once it enters the nostalgia cycle but by then I probably won't care anymore. Oh well
Who did Kicker scale with back in the day? Can't think of any autobot bikes other than the mincon one...
I have not been so awestruck by a figure since MP44. He’s that awesome. His shelf presence is unrivaled. I’ve owned him for barely 36 hours and I can comfortably say he’s in my top 5 favorite figures of all time. He’s so badass I can just sit and stare at him and get warm fuzzy feelings.
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They upscaled the bike to deluxe class, pretty sure that kicker was boxed with him
a rare tf bike whose wheels aren't way too fucking small
the robot mode is fucking terrible though so eh tradeoffs.
Poor guy's got a wheel for an arm
Someone has Quake:

I can't decide if I want this guy or not. I like most of him but the colors not so much.
Agreed, I like the figure itself but I wish he had the less saturated Titans Return colors
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what a time we live in to have access to these two
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clean your door
Then the devil that licks bathrooms will haunt your living space.
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... akaname?
then let him come, I am ready
Simply paint the door the same color as the dirt, ezpz
>She'd be cuter if she was leetle, like a minicon
This is exactly why I'm interested in the small thumb puppet one, but of course that's the only Twitch figure that isn't clogging shelfs in my country.
G1 Ironhide is like "yay the standards have been lowered!"
and she's like "you still need a head"
A sticker can be a head
hush, ironhide
>Please human, sit on my face
>Go on Tfw review boards to see what people are saying about Springer
>People talking about cutting that little shoulder tab "blocking" the shoulders
>Talking about hasbro changing things
Fun fact, uhh that is totally not needed and fits just like the pictures show. To think I was going to take those mongoloids advice, like cavemen I swear.
Pic related
I didn't even know it was supposed to tab in there.
Those new joints have a tendency to have a little plaster overflow, which is probably what they were thinking happened. So the "cutting" is just smoothing that plastic overflow off.
Just a reminder in case this thread runs out of posts or whatever, real thread is over here >>11162504 and has plenty of juice left.
There are like 35 images left. Wait until Tuesday.
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>energon fake leaker btfo
that still doesn't mean you need to make a new thread when there's a perfectly good one in the catalog
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I've always assumed that Mirage GT was some kind of vehicon'd Cheetor
Would like it to have some more retooling but this looks great.
funny you say that in the original Beast Hunters pitch before it became Beast Machines Cheetor's new body would've been what is now Mirage.
>Beast Hunters
It’s amazing how often people here serendipitously post something out of nowhere about exactly what I was just about to most about.
>went to the thrift store hoping to find some Beast Wars
>found Beast Hunters Ultimate Optimus instead.
Huh, ok! What a cool companion piece to find for Magmatron. Just gotta finish tinkering with all his joints
Now make him red and black like in DOTM
I thought this was supposed to be Jetfire at first.
It is
please learn to read times
Please learn to read period. Don't you fucking dare start your whining about "lEgIt ThReAdS" again and make a spam thread when one exists.
i have never made a transformers thread on /toy/ in my entire life and i have no clue what the fuck you're talking about
not only did you also not read it properly (wait til tuesday for what? i'm just saying go to that one when this one is kill), you also added the word times at random
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Are we really shitting on Bob Ross?
That said, what is this Fig? Or rather, what's up with the head sculpt?
>you also added the word times at random
no, i didn't.
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No... just no. What the hell is he going to turn into when he comes to Earth? Is he PotP it or try Motormaster's style?
And why do you think he's that size?
then explain it
Mass-shift to a smaller truck.
Yolopark AR info.
compare the start time of both threads, and consider the first reply of this thread.
dude i'm the guy who made the thread first, and I think you're being unnecessarily difficult. there's no way anyone was going to interpret that properly.
I think you're confused about what we're talking about.
i was til you just explained it
I said everybody go to the other thread when this one dies
another guy said we can just go now
another guy said we can make a new thread
you said "learn to read times" meaning "the other thread was made first, compare the start times"
I asked wtf 'read times' meant and whether you put an extra 'times' by accident while criticizing someone's ability to read (because that's how it looked to me
you explained what it meant
and i criticized how you did it
holy shit, dude
you misinterpreted things at multiple points
please help me out
>Trusting Chinese measurements
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When's the next big event to announce new stuff NY Comicon in mid October?
Take your slop posting to /co/ or /tv/ already
Siege Chromia or Legacy Chromia?
Of the two, I prefer the Legacy mold, but it's probably a worse representation of Chromia than Siege. For her specifically, I'd say the T30/Legends version is the way to go if you can find it.
>noooo you heckin can't mention transformers in the transformers threadarino
fuck off faggot
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I've been using BBTS for years and I've never had a problem with them. Just got my 86 Swoop from them today and have Prime on pre-order.
Yeah I never understand this either. I have literally been ordering from them since the early 2000s and have never had an issue. They're pretty slow to get things in stock, but that doesn't really mean anything to me. All I can assume is that someone had a bad experience with them and they've been been adamant about being vocal about their grudge.
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Still sticking with Siege Megs.
the main complaint about them is markups on imports but that's because, inexplicably, people that import toys don't consider shipping costs as part of the cost of a toy. Stuff like P-Bandai has a markup but you're also guaranteed to get it and they have enough pull to get more stock than normal
I'm also not going to be seeing 86 Prime until fucking December but that at least gives me time to keep looking for him in stores and cancel my preorder if I do.
That doesn't even make sense with the movie, he's about two to three heads taller than all the other Autobots in the scene where he reveals the truth about the cogs, making the cogless Orion significantly smaller than he was around the same characters at the start of the film.
That was because Hasbro commissioned Armada to be rushed, get fucked Lmaooo

>meanwhile in Legends of the Microns

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