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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

Some line art:
Previous thread: >>11144380

Build a mecha encompassing different aspects of the horror genre. Examples include
>A mecha that incorporates general horror tropes from literature, film, and anime
>A corrupted version of an existing mecha/robot through magical, biological, or alien means (ie Symbiotes, parasites, Daemonic possession)
>Organic mecha (ie Evangelions) and monsters from /m/-related media (ie: the BETA from Muv-Luv)
>A mecha that draws inspiration from various demons or monsters from different mythologies and religions.

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 8/14/24
END: 10/31/24
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Wanted to see if people in /toy/ have ever been to one of these places stateside. Also does anyone know if they sell p-bandai there or is it all just regular releases?
Sounds like a dumb question but I want to create a static display with the ma.k mk44 ammo knight. What would be a recommended base size? I'm guessing a 160mm base would work best if I go round? I'm undecided if I want It on a rectangular or round base
If the Augusta one is open tomorrow I plan to go.
Odds are likely not, they cancelled today because of Helene.
Yeah I was just checking Facebook and the Augusta HobbyTown took some damage so they're closed. Hell I didn't get power back at my house until like 1:30 today.
Low selection but I think something was delayed since they had display models but no it's for them.
Price are MSRP so it's okay unless you have a shop with a discount and free shipping
Seems like bandai wanted to open a one piece TCG OTP and threw the gunpla as extra
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I haven't even watched Build divers, I just like cute ninja girls.
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>ayame and cell
good taste anon
but you really should watch the anime,she is cute there

on the 30ms side,the optional body and leg part get released with fishnet tights
>but you really should watch the anime,she is cute there
Yeah, I've been looking for an anime to watch to be fair so why not.
Have a Frieza for the recommendation.
do you put more effort into the figures vs. the gundams? On the gundams I don't care too much about stress and knob marks but on those action figures I feel like they are a lot more noticeable and drive me insane.
It's less the figures and more what color the part is. Like Frieza is almost entirely white, I don't have to worry about stressing the plastic and what not since it's not going to show up unless you look at it with a microscope so you can cut corners and still make it look nice.
Dark colors like purples and blacks now I cut and sand that down properly because any nub marks there you'll be able to see from across the room.
>Currently building the moderoid Garland

I don't get
They have been making plastic model for a while, but this thing's general fitting seems to be something from the 00's.

It didn't help that they don't use any polycap and direct plastic to plastic joints movement is just rough.

My previous kits is brain powered and that one the joints just cracked everywhere because how misfit the joint parts.

I am surprised considering even the Chinese's own brands have good precision these days.

It is just bad luck with Garland and brain and other kits are decent? I have the No Miko mecha next to build and I am hope the experience would be a better one
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Tangentially related to plamo and didn't feel right to make a new thread but look at this 1/8 scale Scopedog in a magazine set. I remember getting a magazine as a kid that taught you about the human body and slowly gave you parts to make a skeleton model but that fucker never held together after 60+ issues of collecting.

It looks really cool but
>120 issues
>2199 yen each
>not to mention import and middleman fees
The only Moderoids I've built were early-line Mazinkaiser and a few of the variants, like Liger. I had a good time with all of them and thought the engineering was decent for a plamo newcomer. There were some nice touches like the way the spiral sections on the forearm all interlock to avoid visible seams. Yes it is plastic on plastic joints, but I didn't have any issue with them, even after painting, and isn't that kind of the current meta anyway? I don't see any other modern kits using polycaps anymore, thought that was considered kind of outdated. Especially since polycaps tend to get loose and/or chewed up over time.
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I don't ever post here but I'm interested in thoughts on the RG 2.0 gundam. I've had the original for a long time, it's getting close to falling apart with a couple missing pieces. 2.0 gets massive points for sturdiness but one shoulder has very loose armour for the moveable shoulder bits. I like the poseable core fighter but still wish we got a dummy core so we could display the fighter alongside the gundam. Not sure why they switched to panel lines for the mouth when it wasn't a problem with the original. Either way. It was a fun build, glad I was able to find it local.
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>Not sure why they switched to panel lines for the mouth when it wasn't a problem with the original
I have not built the 2.0, but I suspect this is because the top line is much closer to the top of the mouthplate than it was on the old one, which might cause plastic thinness issues.
If you want a 1/8 scopedog just buy the Volks one at that point
The thing is companies have been moving away from direct PS plastic on PS plastic joint

With Bandai you have the KPS

And even if they have to do PS/PS they usually put a polycap to smooth the joints out so you won't rub directly with each other

But this kit, they literally ask you to insert a long PS rod to a hole with 4 PS contact points. Even testing it out, the rod got stuck and jammed on the third connections.

The whole transformation is center on this particular rod
And due to the way it is design it is probably the weakest of the whole set.

Having finished the thing today, the transformation is simple but everything kept being jammed due to over tightness or high frictions with the red ps rub on each other.

I can only hope the problem I am facing with Garland is just because it needs to transform.
Some slight sanding/reaming is pretty much mandatory with Moderoid and SMP joints.
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Forgot to post them after I finished them.
Cell is pretty big for your basic figure rise.
how is the ninja girl?
i was thinking of picking her up, havent seen the anime, but i love ninjas and she looks cute
Pretty solid and holds the poses just fine, none of the parts are loose and it was a quick enough build.
She comes with like four faces and water slides too but I wasn't working on it from my desk today so I just used the ordinary stickers. She came with the stand too.
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Recently I’ve been getting back into Patlabor and want a kit of the Ingram. The Moderoid looks good but doesn’t have a cockpit hatch opening gimmick but this Aoshima one does. Anyone built this one?
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Anyone happen to know the best plays to get news for the new digimon figure rise kits as they come out? I know the line isn’t especially popular but I would really like more standard kits of the digidestined mons
God I want that Paildramon. It'll look so good next to my imperialdramon.
I ordered it on HLJ but you know, it's HLJ.
damn it, I got excited from the thumbnail and thought they were doing an amplified Kabuterimon
How did you mistake that for Kabuterimon?
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It was only in the thumbnail, I can clearly tell once I can expand it. You really can't see it? Compare these two thumbnails and squint a little.
>blue and dark grey
>two sets of wings
>guns could be the second set of arms
>red around mouth area
Add in the fact that Amplified redesigns/adds details, and I could easily see this being Kabuterimon.
Great looking kit but I only have standard wargreymon, metalgarurumon and Magnamon. Not sure if he’ll look good next to those standards
Pretty sure the digimon stuff doesn't instantly sell out so you have a good chance at getting it on release
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Magnamon kind of does since he's a bit more angular?
Nah, Paildramon sold out instantly of HLJ.
HLJ gave me a 5% my next purchase, does that get applied when you checkout or when an actual payment is made?
Is that amplified imperialdramon? Are all the amplifieds like 2x the size of the standards?
it gets registered at checkout. Depending on the type of discount (if it can be applied to preorders or not) it will be applied when you pay your order.
Roughly yeah.
Thanks. The new amplified paildramon looks amazing but I think I’ll hold out hope for a standard of that (along with magna angemon) to complete my digimon set (along with wargreymon and Metalgarurumon). Just don’t have room to expand to the amplifieds, although I almost grabbed omegamon standard amplified before I heard he was really not well rated by the collecting community
Oh man, I'd kill for a manga angemon, seraphimon too.
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First time doing gunpla. Fucked up and cut off the little ball joint to connect the zaku skirt, the ball is too damaged to reattach. How should I pin it in? Sewing needle? Should I order a spare part? It'll bother me forever if I don't put it into the thing somehow, honestly considering blowing 30 bucks on getting a new piece. Any tips?
Obtain another plastic ball of the exact same diameter, drill a hole into said ball and into the skirt, and insert a metal rod (same diameter as the drill bit you used) to bridge them together, applying superglue inside.

Spare parts can't be ordered outside of Japan, so that route is a no-go. There's a website for buying spare Gunpla parts in the US called "plamo kitbash," but the odds that they'll have the exact part you need are relatively slim.
finished this today.
Where would you recommend I get a sub 1mm pin? This thing is LITERALLY the size of the ball on a sewing pin; The only thing I can think of to bind it is either gluing it or using a lighter to heat a pin and then pushing it through
>Where would you recommend I get a sub 1mm pin
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005549459084.html for example.
Also get the sub 1mm drills while you're at it: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006250209921.html
>how do I look buddy?
Beautiful work.
the site's in japanese but you can always just check https://bandai-hobby.net/series/digimon to see everything
they put future announced stuff on the website too
did anyone build a nascar gundam yet?
Dale Earnhardt Black Tristar Zaku II would be kino
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I have this ancient idea for an Audi Trans Am/IMSA GTO-colored Zeta Plus.
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Overall really satisfied with this kit. Shame the paladin armor set is sold out everywhere, not really a fan of golden set that came with the kit.
I hope they do japan/sengoku theme set later.
Does anyone know if prex hobby is legit? They have something I’ve been looking for that nobody else has and just wanna make sure.
Got a job for you 621
>Spare parts can't be ordered outside of Japan, so that route is a no-go.
They can in the USA. But you do need a receipt, and has to be within so many days of purchase and takes about 3 months. Online purchases arent valid since they wont accept an email receipt.
Thanks friend, will do. I'll post how it turns out. Been just assembling everything else, it's just an aesthetic flair fortunately.
Does anybody have the HGUC G-Armor kit? I have a longtime dream of doing a custom based on the Clover Gundam, so I'm on the lookout for a kit that has all the stuff I'll need
If I don't like gundams due to the japanese armor inspiration which cool robo franchise alternatives are there? I'm looking for something more grounded maybe. Wanzer from frontmission maybe? I dunno... Armored core is cool but they are so "sharp" and very hard to actually make out the difference imo
If you get some plastic cement you can take the fucked up ball and reattach it securely like that. Even with the ball being fucked up the cement will just melt it back on to the original piece.
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never heard of them before but they are listed on the canada "store locator" on bandai's official site
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>something more grounded
most japanese mecha stuff is in the less-grounded direction from gundam
you can go for western stuff like battletech/mechwarrior minis or some warhammer shit but those are all fixed pose game pieces for tabletop wargaming rather than articulated models like bandai's stuff. also they are priced at scam levels.

alternatively just become a gruntfag and collect shit like zakus, geara dogas, gm spartans etc instead of MC suits.
You could try 30MMs
That can work, but it can also get the ball joint stuck. Better to use a small pin to fix it.
Do iridescent/pearlescent clear gundam markers exist?
Don't think so. Only seen gloss and matte really.
definitely Front Mission, because the kits are great, cheap, and basically just toys... which you can buy already built and painted.
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>Armored core is cool but they are so "sharp" and very hard to actually make out the difference imo
Completely agree. Though you need to know that what you're referring to is the gen 4 AC, the most busy design of all Armored Core generation.
You could try 30mm Armored Core, they're the 6th gen AC and the most grounded looking and less busy yet iconic AC design so far.
what type of drill should I get to remove stuck ball joints and to do the whole repair process of drilling into a joint to make a hole for a wire to fir into and drill stick the broken ball joint into it? Dremel or the jewelry manual ones?
>Dremel or the jewelry manual ones
Manual would probably be better since power tools have pretty high torque on the low setting.
thanks for the name, that's what i was thinking with manual ones. thanks
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>why do you have so many nippers
Because sometimes nubs like to hide in weird places and it's nice to have just the right tool for the job.
Whoever put that nub there is evil, and probably also invented the nipper made to get that exact nub. May be rot in hell.
cool what is it?
You can easily get that from the bottom with a singe bladed nipper like godhands
>says makes plastic brittle
>people warn you that it makes plastic brittle
>still use them
Explain to me why
Because the fragility of a display item doesn't matter
it depends on the type of plastic
Paint acts as a barrier between the panel liner and the plastic.
>t. owns berserk shfs
Surely...there are better less retarded ways to do this
Because it works well. Just don't let it pool or seep into joints and everything will be fine.
Yeah sure, you could always grab a sharpie and just draw in the panel lines
christ calm down princess
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Even with the old style SPN-120 (with pointed tips) you can't get it cleanly and with new SPN-120 with square tips you have 0 chance. Without a specialized nipper your best tool is a chisel in this case.
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Spend less time believing dogma and more time experimenting yourself.
Bend a piece of runner and put a drop of enamel thinner on the stressed part and on the unstressed part and see what happens.
In reality "makes plastic brittle" applies to stressed plastic, as in poorly fitted joints, deformed parts, etc. Regular plastic remains unaffected even submerged in the stuff.
Doesn't enamel panel liner only damage ABS? And only then if you allow it to pool or use it on pre-assembled sections where it can pool internally?

Also, I am not the anon who originally asked the question, but I have done experimenting in this area myself, and saw significant damage to the plastic in my test kit. Some brittleness and cracking, some outright melting.
Backordered means it's still being produced?
Just means it' hasn't formally been discontinued. Can go weeks without reprint, or years, or even never.
>Doesn't enamel panel liner only damage ABS?
PS cracks just as easily.

>And only then if you allow it to pool or use it on pre-assembled sections where it can pool internally?
A tiny amount sucked into a joint by capillary action can crack a joint, a pool is not needed.

>saw significant damage to the plastic in my test kit. Some brittleness and cracking,
This could depend on the manufacturing process. If some form of deformation was used during molding process (for example like PET bottles are made by blowing air into them and stretching the plastic), then your plastic comes already pre-stressed and a drop of enamel thinner anywhere can do some damage.

>some outright melting
Never seen that one.
>Regular plastic remains unaffected even submerged in the stuff.
just because it doesn't immediately catastrophically fail doesn't mean it's completely unchanged

there's a spectrum where a small amount may weaken the plastic somewhat but not enough to cause it to break yet. in that case it would still be silently damaging the part, it's just not too much damage to use it (yet)
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>I was thinking to upgrade my gunpla game.
>Moving from HG kits to bigger MG kits.
>Nearest Hobbytown, (60 miles away) was holding a 10% off everything sale this weekend.
>Fuck it, let's get some MG kits.
>Made the long ass trip up there and checked out their MG kit section.
>Found pic related to the right for $28. Cheap!
>It’s an older kit, but I’ve heard good things about the MG Sword Impulse.
>Also potted Ryujinmaru to the right on clearance for $32
>Fuck yeah, Keith Courage!
>As I was looking at these kits, THAT GUY shows up.
>Super autist with no indoor voice spazzing out at all teh gundum kitz.
>Dad wrangler following behind hyper autist.
>”Daddy, I want a perfect grade!”
>”That’s $200, son. Why don’t we buy a master grade?”
>Autist is pinballing all over the gundam section, looking at every kit with hyper gusto.
>Not once did dad tell his son to hide his power level.
>I can’t deal with these types, so I quickly shove the Sword Impulse & Ryujinmaru into my shopping basket without looking them over in detail.
>Buy them with some other things.
>Long ass trip back home.
>Look over kits and realize that neither are actual MG kits.
>Sword Impulse is from the 2005 Seed 1/100 line. Basically an oversized HG kit.
>The real MG Sword Impulse kit I heard about beforehand is from 2015.
> Ryujinmaru is another oversized HG kit, as I missed seeing that “HG” right on the damn box.
>But a manchild screeching in the section about how he has a Blitz Gundam at home can distract you from those finer points.

So in the end, I didn’t get a real MG kit. I wasted $60, plus a full day off. Fuck the mentally impaired.
Mg Sword Impulse is from 2009.

Also, next time look for the big, gold MG Master Grade logo.
Both were in the MG section. Both were in MG sized boxes. Sword Impulse said 1/100 scale, which is MG scale. And I had a loud autist getting into my personal space. I made a snap decision on both just to get out of there. When I was looking these kits online at home, I read that the real MG of Sword Impulse was from 2015. That was probably written by the same autist freaking out in the store.

There are no MG Impulse/Sword Gundam variants released in 2015
Yes, I know. I read something off a forum that was misinformation on the release date. >>11186529 already corrected me. Why are you so hung up on such a quibble of a detail?
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Well now you've learned: Do the research properly before succumbing to making a purchase. The kit being this cheap should have been a warning sign, if it sounds too good to be true there's probably a reason for that. If you feel pressured, walk away, not being sound of mind is the absolute worst time to be making any decisions.

>MG Sword Impulse from 2015
You're probably thinking of the P-Bandai HGCE, which is a 2016 kit.

This time you only paid for it financially, so consider yourself lucky. But you can use this not just as a life lesson going forward, but as an opportunity to get into more advanced modeling by trying to modify and/or improve the Sword Impulse. Things like painting for color correction, which is easier on 1/100 size kits.
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I almost fell into the same trap you did awhile back. Went to my local brick and mortar, and saw this thing on the shelf. My brain saw "HG Sword Impulse" and immediately thought about buying it, since I thought it was the same as the HGCE Sword Impulse that was being sold on P-Bandai at the time. But then I looked closer at the packaging and saw the production year, and realized this was the old 2005 HG SEED Sword Impulse which came out while the show was airing, and thus not only much older but also much crappier.

If I did end up buying it, I probably would have used it as an opportunity to try to paint it as a Sword Impulse Spec II. But not everyone has all the time in the world unfortunately.
>A tiny amount sucked into a joint by capillary action can crack a joint
Pool was a bad choice of words, I was stuck on it from the previous line. We're saying the same thing here though.

The melting was admittedly from submerging some parts in thinner to try to strip some really stubborn paint. It took time, and yes I was stupid to try it, but it did happen.
>long ass trip

1-3hr isn't long. get over it.
the twist was that you were the retard all along lol
This. Does anon still have the receipt? Go return that stuff instead of write a blog about it.
Has anyone hand painted with Mr Hobby Acrysion before? I bought a bottle of their solvent, but when I used it, the damn paints began to clump up and it was like the pigment was all binding together creating a lumpy mess. I tried again, thinning with with 90% isopropyl, and that worked just fine. I'm not really mad, I'm only out a few bucks on the solvent. I just want to know if anyone else has had this happen, if I completely misunderstood the paint, or if I got a cursed bottle.

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