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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11172121
We are getting a Magic the Gathering cmf in fall 2025 and a big $200 MtG Nicol Bolas diorama set with minifigs.

There will be new Transformers sets in 2025, Soundwave and his cassettes.
True list my children:

Lego The Legend of Zelda

77094 Bokoblin raid
77095 King of Red Lions
77096 Link's Creative Box
77098 Ganon's wrath
77099 Hyrule Castle Grounds

Lego Dungeons and Dragons

75690 Mimic creative box (has minifigs)
75691 Dungeon adventure (4+)
75692 Buildable Beholder (includes minifigs)
75693 Castle Ravenloft

Lego Icons The Lord of the Rings

10357 The Hobbithole of Frodo and Bilbo
10358 City of Rohan

In time you will see I am right.
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I for one am banking on the DnD set getting a good discount on Black Friday. Anyone else waiting/hoping for it so they can finally grab it?
Guys sorry to say this but it's fake. Lego is acquiring more and more licenses and they don't have the resources to put out waves for these new themes. They recently acquired Elder Scrolls and Elden Ring licenses, so next year we will get 1 large elder scrolls set (most likely skyrim), 1 large elden ring set, and one large set from one either LOTR, Zelda or DND. We might also get another CMF, but not until later in the year, and it will not be DND again.
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Reposting leaks from Annatar in case they are legit
why debunk one fake claim with another?
>editing the windwaker ship title after being called out.
No one knows what that is apart from you. Also transformers was confirmed fake.
fake + gay
It was reboonked.

Transformers is coming
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Post ideas for DnD sets.

Here is one
This is great
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I will off myself if lego doesn't announce a full DnD theme. Give it to us you cowards!
Is it just me...or

>lego super mario
>lego animal crossing
>fucking lego sonic
>lego zelda
Didn't make /lg/ worse or insane than fucking DnD? It's weird, I expected any of those themes to make you autists insane not DnD.
Lego Hidden Side had 32 sets across 2019/2020

Lego Monster Fighters had 13 sets across 2012

Tell me which one was more succesful /lg/
all those themes are: Thing - but in lego

DnD is just a build your own adventure with medieval fantasy archetypes template. nobody actually cares about specific lore and characters or being accurate to the rules or whatever
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DnD success is because of the IP
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DnD might as well be unlicensed fantasy castle
Would nightmare sharkship go well for mindflayers?
Nintendo fans are too busy bing bing wahooing to post here and fortnite fans are all below 9 years of age so they don't know about this site and they can't afford lego either.
What about sonic?
Probably but I'd save your money for a more prestigious theme's sets unless the sharskhip is on clearance
They walk among us.
I'm sorry sweaty but the DnD anniversary set in tandem with the CMF series was a special partnership with Wizards of the Coast that does not entail any further business between the two companies. They are quite protective of their IP, for instance while the set was being developed they forced Lego to change the dragon so that she has thumbs. This was non-negotiable.
Kramer somehow made these threads even worse
In a just world some iteration of the Universal Monsters, in some shape or form, would be a a mainstay on Lego shelves. Spooky themes are great and they don't need to be as intricate as Hidden Side was. HS felt overengineered with its garish colors, focus on the smartphone gimmick and app.
hidden side was a much greater investment as it was their big push for phone integration so it got its own show and everything which in this day and age is essential for original themes to thrive. monster fighters was a much more humble endeavor at a time when only ninjago got to have a show
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I think it's a misconception that an original theme needs a show or an app. Lego needs to position itself as the toy for parents who want LESS screen time for their iPad babies. But TLG isn't that good at making marketing decisions, as we all know.
Yes, every time Lego asks a child to pick up a smartphone, it loses a customer. The kid will just stay on the device, switch apps, watch youtube brainrot and forget about the brick toy. The guys at TLG aren't the brightest.
finally ordered picrelated!!

>VIRGIN: wo hooo wolf pack castle minifigure!!
What version did you start with? 2e master race.
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My monthly neetbux will dry out in a few months meaning soon I will have to move into a shed in the backyard and rent my house so I can live of it instead of going back to the wage cage.

All this to say I will only have room to display one(1) lego set and I will stick to some brick drawers for MOCs(that I put away/dismantle at the end of the play sesh). I'm thinking my display set will be modded and expanded dnd tower that I can use as a fantasy hub to house some more stuff(including lots of the CMF) but I'm open to other set suggestions as long as its substantial and full of content/features.
Leech. I hope you get hypothermia this winter.
>provide someone else affordable housing in my own property
God I'd love some spelljammer up in this bitch

Though my true pipe dream would be an eberron lightning rail
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That makes no sense anyway, Bethesda just did some licensing stuff for their IPs but it was with Megabloks
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how do we as a community feel about the female orc?
Getting chunky of you ask me
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less hot than this evil slut
Microsoft have absolute power over bethesda and can make them switch to lego instead of mega bloks, microsoft already licenses minecraft to lego.
I thought it was a vampire. Barely orc-like at all
you've been brainwashed by warcraft
Todd cannot be contained
Is it easter yet?
*raises hand*

its a longshot but 25% would be amazing
Pedophile rapist
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Please buy me. Why arent you buying me?
I'm saving up for the Erdtree + Elden Beast set next year for my black box tree fix
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superior moustachio tree
You're expensive as shit nigga
I'll buy you but you're gonna have to wait a bit
Also death to all koroks
waiting for the figures on bricklink
I don't want a giant-ass tree, I just want the twink
what happened to him?
just in case it's not the most obvious thing ever
it's so obvious. duh. nobody can afford that
it's ridiculous

I'm not talking about "price per brick" or "it's a big set so it's gotta cost that much" or any kind of statistic like that.

that's all

it's almost insulting
or... criminal
or... like, "a dick move"

Lego - "You wanted a Zelda set?"
customer - "yes! please!"
Lego - "then PAY for it, bitch! Hahahahahahaha!"
He was found dead in his home one day, no one actually knows how he died.
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“It goes with the harmony!”
got ran over on jang's highway and he got no assitance because nobody stopped

My main issue isn't the cost, it's the fact that it's a lameass boring set. I would gladly pay $300 for a Zelda set if it was actually great
Looks like a Vanderpump Rules Lego set, featuring Tequila Katie and Tom Schwartz....
Because this is all I’m interested in and at around the $100-125 price tag. Fix link’s shield too oh great deku tree!
They could have had it open like Winnie the Poohs house and had a big as ghoma inside but no. And they won’t be doing a Zelda theme either.
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
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same. and they should have definitely had gohma. the interior content is abysmal
He killed himself. His family says 'tragic accident' out of shame
Gonna need the instructions to those

its free
Thank you kind anon :)
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I just really love legos. Anybody else knows this feel?
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I know the price sucks but I can't allow myself to deal with another barracuda bay situation where I forever regret not getting something I love while I could
Follow your heart but don’t overspend if it’s outside your budget. It’s just a toy after all and you can always moc up your own from a less expensive set.
>TIE Interceptor is my favorite Star Wars fighter
>The only minifigure scale TIE Interceptor currently sold is in a 100$+ two-pack with some random Mandalorian fighter that doesn't even look particularly interesting
I'd want that TIE but I'm not about to pay that much for a set where I only need half of it. If they'd have swapped the ships in their 2-packs around so we'd have TIE Interceptor vs E-Wing and Mandofighter vs Glup Shitto's starfigher then I might consider it.
Was gonna recommend you get an older one but the best one thats cheap is from 2006…
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It's been going on for a while now, but some time ago, Lego figured out they can sell combo sets: instead of two sets with one ship each, they force you to buy them both for double the price. you wind up with the one ship you wanted, and some other extra thing.

Lego will defend this saying they save money on package design, but are they really?
It was fine for the X-Wing vs TIE Fighter one since those are the two most iconic ships in Star Wars and most SW ones would probably want to get both, but pairing an iconic ship from the films with some literally who one is annoying.
That Ocarina of Time version isn't even accurate.
Damn that's good.
Add a OoT Zelda minifig as well and maybe I would.
just 4 and 3 of em are Link is pretty lame.
Instructions now
>10358 City of Rohan

So you mean Edoras? I guess it's going to be a microscale set then, to fit the whole city on it, given that Edoras is basically just a big rock with a wooden wall around it and some buildings on it.
Or did you mean Meduseld, the golden hall and seat of the King, that's within Edoras? In which case it's not "City of Rohan", its the "Golden Hall".

You know, next time you try to be totally epic and trick people into believing fake leaks, maybe ou should try putting a little bit more effort into it. I know you're a lazy fat fuck, but at least try you retarded cunt.
The Interceptor is overrated and the bestest, cutest TIE-Ace flew a regular TIE anyway.
The price isn't so bad when you realize it has
>5 minifigs
>3 skeletons
>displacer beast
>jello cube
>big ass dragon
on top of the nice dungeon/tower build and the tavern is pretty neat too.
Just bricklink the parts, none are rare.
Which one is generally better, the lion knight castle or dnd set?
They both look very cool but my shelf can only fit one
Rivenhall doesn't look half bad too but it looks overpriced
Oops I meant rivendell
Since you asked so nicely… faggot.


Lazy fucks around here.
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According to designers this new mold is not IP locked and can be used for other themes. They want this to be used for a classic castle dragon remake.

I can see this head be used for a DnD dragon.
Do you guys think that Pirates without the Imperials would go well with Castle? Probably need to take the flintlocks away too but still
You’re a good egg. Cheers cunt.
Zelda rules
Thanks for reminder I need to get that set. The dragon build is so good.
>Buy the set
>Sell the dragon for half the price of the set (because people are that stupid)
This is what I did and I am happy.
Because it's not available anywhere for retail price anymore
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>while the set was being developed they forced Lego to change the dragon so that she has thumbs.
What the heck?
>set in general looks like ass
>George Floyd deku tree
>Nintendo tax for retards
>Nintendo trying to patent troll Palworld devs to bankruptcy
I'll just wait for more DnD sets.
Same. My current plan is to save up my next couple paychecks and buy it mid October.
I don't know why...but dnd cmf gives me such good feel vibes...can't tell why
Eat better homie.
What do you use as your main bad guy's spaceship? I really like the Coruscant gunship.
Eww you’re British? Now I understand why a simple search was hard. I want to hate you but if you’re white then we’re alright.
fuck yeah this is awesome. I love that movie!
dark falcon once i get it. at the moment its shin hati's fighter. as a kid the biggest bad guy ship I had was general grievous' spaceship
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I have come with Harry Potter summer sets list:

76448 Hogwarts Castle: Harry and Ron's dorm
76449 Hogwarts Castle: Fluffy's Chamber
76450 Buildable Norbert Dragon
76451 Duel in the Ministry Atrium
76452 Ambush at Lovegoods House
76453 Malfoy Manor
76454 Hogwarts Castle: The Astronomy Tower
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Wtf, the falcon man has digitigrade legs?
Never saw that one before.
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And yoy will have them my son.

Lego The Legend of Zelda

77094 Bokoblin raid
77095 King of Red Lions
77096 Link's Creative Box
77098 Ganon's wrath
77099 Hyrule Castle Grounds

Lego Dungeons and Dragons

75690 Mimic creative box (has minifigs)
75691 Dungeon adventure (4+)
75692 Buildable Beholder (includes minifigs)
75693 Castle Ravenloft
75694 Build your adventure pack (sort of like a battle pack but bigger)

Lego Icons The Lord of the Rings

10357 The Hobbithole of Frodo and Bilbo
10358 City of Rohan
Kramer, can you confirm anything Annatar said?
If you’re going to insist on continuing you’re charade at least pick believable set names. You’re trying too hard now and it reeks of desperation.
Nothing has ever been this fake and gay
It's not a charade. It is the truth.
The fact that you’ll reply to this >>11174435
proves my point.

Source- I’m something of a troll myself.
>that set
Why would anyone buy that shit?
You gotta just let the troll happen naturally. Be more patient.
You can snag 11 minifigs for 30 bucks. Parts pack. Don’t be such a faggot but thank you for proving my point.>>11174440
just about any set can be justified as a parts pack if it's on a steep enough discount. that's not enough of an excuse. Besides, "10 minifigs" sounds a lot more impressive before you realize the legs and torsos are unprinted, the heads are completely useless (if you're just buying it as minifig parts, at least) and most of the hairs would be extremely niche
Just say you only ever build lego while following the instructions. Not a single molecule of imagination in your body.
I hope your not some seppo cunt claiming to be white
lmao bird guy with the KFC he's like WTF bro!
It's probably just the same retarded troll that's always here, he's just moved on to fake leaks now.
Lego and Disney fucking suck for doing this shit.
Do you live somewhere where you don't have to order parts from 20 different sellers and they also don't charge ridiculous shipping fees? Cause I do not and it's cheaper just to buy knockoffs from china like I did with the D&D mimic chest GWP
If you can build a gaytransblack character from the parts hats off to you dude.
Some of the space cmfs had weird legs as well, they can afford to splurge and do cool things since these minifigs cost more to buy.
What is the story that they massaged inside the Alien Beetlezoid? I like him but I don't see how he is very storyful.
I dunno, I think the picture is from some interview with the designers if you wanna look it up yourself.
>“We were really trying to think about that,” Esa elaborates. “That’s part of our discussions. We really massaged the story in this character so that they would be as deliberate and thought through as possible, even down to the smallest details. That’s needed because we don’t have any kind of vessel to really tell the stories, so it’s that one figure that needs to be spot on.”
>One narrative element the team hoped to convey is that the Beetlezoid is actually a vegetarian – a theme consistent with the series’ overall focus on positivity and friendliness, which we’ve also seen with the Alien Tourist. That was primarily through the minifigure’s accessory, though it quickly transpired that even that deliberate detail was open to interpretation.

>“You [Esa] had the idea of adding some fruit, which is really nice because it underlines that it isn’t eating [anyone],” Tore says. “But when my then-10-year-old son saw it, he said, ‘Oh, it’s cool. He laid eggs on the leaf.’ I was like, that’s dark, but it’s nice.”

June or August 2025
Night Trooper Battle Pack
Comes with 4 minifigs, Captain Enoch and 3 night troopers. Costs 20 dollars
I dont really see how thats a story. Also how does the theme have a focus on positivity and friendliness the blacktron mutant and beetlezoid are both evil in the themes they are based on, the impostor is manipulating humanity and orion has a big club for beating people to death. Also I agree with the kid I thought those were eggs, and what's dark about that??
I’m surprised Lego hasn’t done more “army builder” packs of non-Star Wars minifigures. I suppose they might feel it’d undermine the CMF series, but I feel like having a more accessible group of generic pirates/knights/police men/etc would actually compel people to chase after the premium versions in the CMF series to act as commanders/leaders for the others.
I'd love some battle pack boxes of some legacy space themes. I really need more space police and blacktron bodies
>3 skeletons

there's the main undead trio of fighter, mage, rogue killed by the wizard but if you take out the remnants inside the slime and join it with the skeleton parts lying in the dungeon there's another. he's actually a dead cleric and if you use the talk to the dead spell he reveals some information to the party
Let's be honest here, it's because they hate us. Why no battle packs? Why blind bags/boxes? Why don't they sell rails and train cars separately? Why don't they sell accessory sets? Look at what Playmobil is doing. This is a company that takes it's customers seriously and fulfills their every wish. Just scroll their website for 2 minutes and you will see. Lego doesn't do it because they don't need to do it. And I think that should change.

Because Lego hire soys boys
An alien laid eggs on a leaf. WAKE ME UP WHEN SEPTEMBER ENDS.
What does this mean?
I was initially disappointed when I got the Blacktron mutant from a blind pull, but came to really like him over time cause of how neat the two hands on one arm thing is. Too bad I can’t find a good place for him in any of my displays.
He looks great if you just give him a black motorcycle helmet and a visor of your choice. (as does the m-tron guy)
You can also make him a cool alien with any molded lime alien head the best is the CMF squid one but alien conquest heads also work and if you are really desperate you can use a toy story alien head.
>‘Oh, it’s cool. He laid eggs on the leaf.’
>I was like, that’s dark, but it’s nice.”
>laid eggs
>that’s dark

How is an alien laying eggs on a leaf fucking dark?
Maybe they think the alien laying eggs on a leaf is dark because it represents the cycle of life and death which makes them uncomfortable, particularly because of potential harm or the continuation of a species at the expense of another (it might be like a wasp or xenomorph where it lay eggs inside people but then I dont know how the eggs got on the leaf). However, the Beetlezoid being a vegetarian adds a layer of innocence that contrasts with more aggressive depictions of aliens; vegetarianism here symbolizes peace and coexistence, which redeems the character despite the fact it kills people or rapes them or whatever in Galaxy Squad. There is also a link to historical figures like Hitler (Who was an Vegatarian), which might be controversial but it shows us that diet alone does not define morality – context, actions, and intentions carry far greater weight in determining whether a character or individual can embody positive traits. So I dont think the lego designers though this through and are kind of talking out their asshole.
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Even if they were the same price, the dragon tower is infinitely better than the lion dollhouse of boringness
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>same body print type as other galaxy squad bugs
>same naming convention with the -zoid like mantizoid
The bugzoids were the real good guys. Humanity is corrupt and it stems from an intrinsic inability to ascend above its basest instincts—greed, power, and the insatiable desire for self-preservation. This inherent selfishness, compounded by societal structures that incentivize deceit and exploitation, creates a breeding ground for moral decay. As individuals prioritize personal gain over collective well-being, the facade of civilization crumbles, revealing the primal instincts lurking beneath the veneer of progress. The relentless pursuit of success, often defined by material wealth and status, further entraps humans in a cycle of competition that obliterates empathy and integrity, exposing the truth: our species is not the pinnacle of evolution, but rather a testament to its failings. The Bugzoids, with their superior collective intelligence and ability to function as a unified entity, exemplify a model of social organization and purpose that humanity has sorely lacked. Their decisive action against humanity stems from a deep understanding of the intrinsic chaos and self-destructive tendencies that define our species. In their pursuit of order and efficiency, the Bugzoids show that they are not just superior in intellect and adaptability, but also in vision; they recognize that humanity's reckless pursuit of materialism and individualism poses a threat to the stability of the cosmos. Embracing the Bugzoid philosophy invites a rebirth of true harmony, where the interests of the collective prevail over the disarray of individual desires, making them not just justified, but necessary in their quest to reclaim balance in a universe marred by human folly. That's just my opinion tho.
Bugzoid hands typed this post
nice cope poorfag looks like shit kek
>Hasbro shills out in force
your shitty castle is barely even a single tower
I'm going to download the dnd set manual and try and reverse engineer it.
Wish me luck.
>alone does not define morality

Tell that to vegans
I have 5 of these. Kek. Like I said originally, it’s just a toy retard, if you can’t afford it don’t. Fucking nigger shills I swear.
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still coping over spending FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS on the blandest pile of nothing?
If I buy a full 36 box of DnD cmf online is it guaranteed there's 3 of each character or is there a chance the fuckers swapped good figures for shitty ones?
Depends where you bought from, if you want to guarantee they don't do that try and get it from a store you trust.
Buy a sealed one
> some r*ddit theory about Knight's Procession
Holy shit. Why is Playmobil so expensive?
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DnD CMF is the first series i bought the whole box and probably the last. In other series there are tons of 'wasted' figures you don't need and buying a box doesn't feel right. And i also got it at a huge discount, basically getting 7 figures for free.
>lego super mario
no minifigures > dumb electronic gimmic you expect from ali express toys
>lego animal crossing
not really my thing
>fucking lego sonic
cool to own a set or two, but to go nuts over the whole theme is reserved for low functioning autists
>lego zelda
so far only the overpriced tree was released, but small sets will be cool if leakers are right.
Still cheaper than lego
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Maybe you should stop letting what others think influence what you like, you're already seen as an autist by most for collecting lego, there's not harm in picking up a sonic set. Also animal crossing and sonic go together well, to me they are part of the "Fabuland 2" theme.
I can't take it apart and build something else.
The dark reality....
The bags of the two sets are separate in the box each with their own instruction manual. You could buy the set and then sell the fang fighter still inside the bags with the manual.
When should we get confirmation on a full lotr/zelda/dnd theme for summer 2025? Guys if we won't get it...I might off myself...
New space theme when?
Who would want the fang fighter though?
Only buy when the original lego shipping box is still around it.
Playmobil has much better prices for similar playsets than Lego. Still expensive of course but a far cry from lego's lunacy
I don't like how the climate changes half-way through the scene
I wonder if it's a good donor for an R Wing. I noticed Lego stopped putting what pieces the set has on the box.
I don't think many people on here will understand
there are always mom's and grandma's searching the web who probably think it is a good deal if you price it reasonably.
Most lego sets aren't designed to be taken apart either. Too many tiny cheese slopes, stacked plates, technic core reinforcement, bricks on the inside have different colors - all this doesn't encourage taking apart and rebuilding either.
E-wing and Shin's starfighter is actually good. Shin's spaceship is a bit big but you can make it smaller pretty easily if you look on rebrickable I think there are a bunch of different ways to rebuild it that dont use any extra parts. Plus if you don't care about Shin you can sell her for about £20.
We just had one. It sucked, yeah. But it will take like 2 years or more for the next one to show up.
>Maybe you should stop letting what others think influence what you like

if i that was the case, then i would have thought lego fortnite is the best thing ever or i would be convinced by your post to buy animal crossing. by the way i never set sonic was bad and actually own a set, i just don't go nuts over the theme.
>Plus if you don't care about Shin you can sell her for about £20.

New castle theme when?
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Why no Drizzt minifig?
Only the occasional 18+ set or nods to the theme in the form of a CMF figure. No more stand-alone castle themes.
They should do a 18+ cmf where all the figs are pornstars. I'd love an olive glass minifig.
Edgelord garbo
I talked to a designer and he said they want to make Nexo Knights 2 but don't expect anything next year.
Why is this thread infested with D&D licensefags? When are they going to ack themselves?
>boomer humor
im 38 and this shit is stupid
Kids these days not interested in smoking/drinking/having badass tattoos
What the fuck.
The kid should be having a n Ipad with 5 nights at freddys/Skibidi Toilet at best.
Their rule was probably: only 4 actual characters and 2 must be female. Plus a panther is too large/expensive for cmf and Drizzt would be lame without it. I'm surprised we didn't get an unnamed Drow though
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They could have used the black lion cub but with a non-cute feral face
>They want this to be used for a classic castle dragon remake.
that's fucking awful

This head mold is way too feminine (lean forms and stuff like that).
It's literally just Maleficent head.
New dragon should have a better cooler/badass head - not this.

waifufag furries should fuck off
>smoking/drinking/having badass tattoos
These are not good or healthy things though...
>These are not good or healthy things though...
that's what was considered "cool" in the 80s-90s when you are teenager.

Sort of like nowadays teenagers are incels and nazies which is also not good for their mental health.
Teenagers were dumb subhumans during any timeline.
I dont think being a incel is considered cool by teens
nick is a faggot. this bitch made an entire episode on how racist the islander minifigures are, were not giving him a second of watchtime
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>2 sets from M-Rated games
yeah ok buddy, leaker "community" in absolute shambles kek
You still didn’t answer the question… petrol is bad for you fren. Abbo wog or slant eye?
Dnd is the greatest theme lego ever did
>I dont think being a incel is considered cool by teens
the majority of shitposting polfags are young dumbsters, anon.
There are no 30-40lvl incels/polfags. And if there are - those are some minority of losers living in trailers with their moms.
Overall being an icnel/nazie is a trendy fad-thing within young generation in the internet
I mean, who cares about ratings if the target demographic are adults anyway? Also I doubt Skyrim of all things is more "mature" than DnD. And you can find fucked up shit in kids-friendly sets and games.
I must procure more pods.
it could be if they actually had any plans of turning it into a theme
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>vidyo cases
im slowly buying red dragons one by one for my army so i have a lot of these.
Fuck off jew. Born in ‘85 married and children. It might surprise you to realize that the core user base 2007-2014 are all 30-40 now and despite abandoning /b/ we’re all mostly grown up normalfags now… but we’re still here.
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The only sets Jang can afford. Grim.

>cheap can still be good
>small, pretty, affordable
No one even stopped. Have a heart anon he’s grieving.
you have to be +18 to post here
how long till he's forced to sell most of his lego collection?
I once got dubs four times in one thread. I’ve been here since rudypoo candyasses like you were in diapers.

>ere are no 30-40lvl incels/polfags. And if there are - those are some minority of losers
Again, >>11174880

We’re still here and most of us have moved onto real lives and real families. I don’t care if YOURE a basement dwelling neck beard zoomer faggot. Just don’t assume everyone else is.
Additionally, the fact that you conflate the entire website with “polfags” and assume anyone with a dissenting opinion must be a “polfag” shows how sheltered, stupid, and new to this whole thing you really are.
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Vidiyo boxes are one of the best containers, and it sucks they had to go down with such a cursed theme. If you ditch the minifig shit in the middle it's just a nice simple box, and it would have been cool to see it used for micro Creator sets etc. I have converted to X-pods though, because there are so many more color options and the different connection points are more interesting to fuck around with.

Once I've collected all the X-pod colors and another couple jurassic park transparent spheres, what's next? Those ninjago arcade cabinets? lmao
wokegenders.... in my lego thread....
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$360 is really not that bad for what you get when you put it into perspective
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Monkiechads won
>who cares about ratings
the CPSC and ESRB do. Call me a nerd, but it's pretty easy to deboonk these attention seeking "leakers"
might be good value idk but the subject matter blows
You sound incredibly insecure in your masculinity. Just because the head was used in a female dragon once. Compare the mold to the classic castle dragon. It actually looks like it was intended to be a remake of it.

lmao this guy thinks we are his friends
It's basically a big chinatown mall for your lego city
In his Sail Barge video (NOT "review" because he doesn't own it) he talked about his mortgage. Poor guy...
Where will your minifigs buy their animu figurines if they don't have this in their city?
for $500 he could buy a real sail barge to live in and he wouldn't have to pay mortgage since it moves around so the tax man and landlord can't catch him
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I fucking love Spider-Man and I fucking love goofy-ass Marvel comics but all lego marvel sets are of these shitty MCU movies with shitty MCU designs and their dull brown-grey-ish color schemes I HATE IT I wish I weren't in my dark ages in 2016 for PEAK
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The same wave they gave Doc Ock a Metal Gear this is great!
from where
I hate all(most) capeshit but this set really speaks to me. It's really well designed for play
Maybe if they were dc sets i'd care
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Literally the perfect playset. Today it's just mechs and vehicles and mechs and spider-cars. I hate this. Not even villain vehicles, which would make some sense, but all hero vehicles - why would Spider-Man need a bike or a race car?? Give that to the Prowler or Tombstone and the Mech to MODOK so Spidey has something to fight!
They had some missteps. They also made countless Spider-Man HQs during that time. Probably because it was shown in the Spider-Verse movie. Have they ever made a "bat cave" play set for a villain? Instead of a Spider-Man HQ they should do a Green Goblin dungeon lair. Or some kind of evil lab for the mad scientist villains to torture kidnapped heroes.
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Batman did this cool ra'as al ghul base and they also did a bunch of joker bases and arkham asylums
Fuck yeah, I'm sad I missed those sets too. I had a dark age from 2015 to 2017, because I was collecting Lego Dimensions instead. Fuck, I missed so many great sets.
More like a lapse since there was gratuitous spider vehicles before that wave. Why is Lego so obsessed with giving mechs and vehicles to superheroes that don't even need them?
All those spider mechs would make sense if one actually included Peni Parker, a character that has now powers herself and depends on a mech. Why does Peter Parker need a mech when he can web sling?
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consider the following
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Truly, the Batman Movie sets are of a different breed. Admittedly, this was $270
The head of marketing would tell you that hero vehicles just sell better to kids. But I know kids wouldn't be interested in them if they had a better alternative. Playsets with structures for the heroes to live and fight in are so much cooler. Or at least a villain vehicle to make the hero the under dog is fun. A Spider-Man vehicle makes no sense at all. Source: I was a kid once and I remember being dumbfounded in the toy store at a race car for your Rami Spider-Man action figure.
Desert camo Batman is a fun derivation of the formula
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Vehicles sell better to kids because they can actually afford those. Most structure playsets are $100+.
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Doesn't really fit with the rest. But the remake of the whole set in a more classic style kinda like pic related would be pretty cool
I have to assume "hero car" toys do in fact sell well since that shit goes back to before I was even born but yeah, even as a kid I was like "why the fuck does superman need a plane, why does sonic the hedgehog need a car" etc. etc.
with lego especially I feel like it's just an arbitrary side build to justify the real reason they're selling those sets (the minifigs), but that's an issue that plagues a lot of licensed lego. one of the first sets I ever had was some stupid-ass tower that came with darth maul and qui-gon so it's not like i'm blameless
artificial soul
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Nonsense. They had this facade + interior with a bunch of features for 20 bucks (today that would be $35 adjusted for inflation)
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based. small spaces are cute and cozy
I mean today. And if that set released today it'd be $50-60.
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Even the smallest Lego Batman Movie sets included structures and still had the mandatory vehicle.
I actually like some stupid-ass tower more than some useless vehicle. At least this gives the minifigs context. Something to interact with, fight over, live in. With modern rounded bricks, most vehicles builds can't even be taken apart and rebuild into something completely different.
We don't compliment landlords.
Kids aren't going to buy this one because 2 characters are girl characters with extremely garish purple so boys won't buy it and girls won't buy it because it's batman which they don't care about. Plus catwoman and batgirl are black for no reason.
>I mean today
I already adjusted the price for inflation. This set is based on two 6 x 14 plates, it ain't that big. but it adds a tremendous play value.
If it’s got goggles isn’t that chick Robin?
True, but can't Lego just make small pieces of scenery. Lego Minecraft is just pieces of terrain and mobs and minifigures and doesn't depend on gimicky oversized vehicles.
> "why the fuck does superman need a plane, why does sonic the hedgehog need a car" etc. etc.
It's like Lego Sonic. Sometimes it's terrain for the characters, other times it's vehicles, either from the games like the Tornado or the Death Egg robot or rediculous made up shit like the Knuckles mech or Tails boat.
>with lego especially I feel like it's just an arbitrary side build to justify the real reason they're selling those sets (the minifigs), but that's an issue that plagues a lot of licensed lego.
Lego's not going to gain sales with generic alleyway backdrop #5, vehicles are interesting to kids and the minifigures sell it to adult collectors. Star Wars is probably the exception to this as every vehicle in Star Wars has a fan somewhere and sets can be sold by iconic vehicles alone.
Nope. This is absed on the movie. That is Dick Grayson.
>My name's Richard Grayson, but all the kids at the orphanage call me Dick.
>Well, children can be cruel.
wrong site

its one thing to be filthy rich scum buying loads of property with the sole purpose of turning a profit by renting them out for outlandish prices
an average joe giving up his house so he can scrap by free of the wage cage is completely different
It's boy robin but yea this robin design is not good he has his bare asscheeks out and ridiculous goggles. Girl robin is ginger and has similar goggles but they are square not sure why they made him sort of look like her.
I love this. Lego got too complex, too sculptural and too colorful for its own good
Should of been her with her bare asscheeks out instead. then I will buy your lego set
Noted. Still gay.
It doesn't need to be generic alleyways. Superheroes save people. For that they need context and civilians in peril. A sandy construction side for Sandman. A Central Park fountain for Hydro man. A sewer lab for the Lizard. a seedy warehouse for Tombstone. A bank heist set with Shocker. An A.I.M lab for MODOK. A deli for the Spot. A jewel store for Black Cat. Some kind of whacky fun house for Mysterio. An evil Halloween-themed laboratory for the Green Goblin. Alchemax cyberpunk bulding for Spider-Man 2099.
They should do batman damned sets and let Batman hang dong.
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And nothing is more boring than vehicles for the heroes. Give us vehicles for the villains! The Doc Ock Metal Gear posted by anon earlier was a perfect example. A poacher monster truck for Kraven. A stretch limousine or expensive yacht for Fisk. A big yellow cargo helicopter to transport A.I.M.'s newest super weapon. A NYC garbage truck with a hidden laser canon for the Tinkerer. A super car with a bunch of hidden Bond-like gadgets for the Prowler. Why isn't picrel a Scorpion vehicle with a giant stinger?!
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Going to Brickworld this year, is it a scam to go all the way out there or no? Had some fun last year and got some good bricks but yeah I feel like I might have to be a bit more aware
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A villain they do consistently pretty great is Venom. No matter if it's a big version of him, a mech, or this silly thing - it always works. Too bad they spam him in almost every Marvel set wave. It's so overplayed.
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Something made by an angry boomer who hates that younger generations weren't crushed into miserable cunts like they were.
I had hoped Millennials would have been diffrent, but no. I see so many videos of Millennials saying the exact same things boomers said about them, and the Greatest Generation said about the boomers, and the generation before that said about them.
It's a never-ending cycle of hating the younger generation for not growing up exactly as you did.
Why would it be a scam?
I had this set. It was kino. Still my favorite Spider-Man figure ever.
Don't worry. Us Zoomers will be different.
I wonder why they made his arms blue when tobey spidey's arms are almost entirely red
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Don’t know, I just need to save up money for it, may even obtain a lego stegosaurus if I’m lucky. Got a Baryonix last year so thats worth something
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I had the big one from that wave and it was probably my favorite Lego set ever as a child. The other anon is completely right, it adds so much to the play experience to just have a huge structure for your heroes and villains. And to the other anon who said "generic alleyways don't sell" - how generic and dingy this building was, made it extremely versatile. It was also a Nazi facility for Indiana Jones. It could adapt to nearly everything!
Color balancing. It works fine. Tobey really has a red stripe on his blue arms, which connects his red shoulders to his red gloves. This is represented pretty well by a blue arm with the red hand.
Color balance of the minifig. It really doesn't look as good with red arms. I remmeber having this same question as a kid lol it's honestly perfect.
This type of creature design was peak lego. Just like the classic dragon and old alligators. These are blocky and abstract enough to still read like lego. I don't think modern animal molds have that same feel. Too rounded they could be any old toy line, if it weren't for the one or two studs.
The modern stegosaurus they just released this year doesn't even have a single stud!
God I loved this grey warehouse!! It had two closed walls and two non-existent open walls. But one of the two walls could be made to break away. Also it was great to recreate the scene from the movie, when it all collapses over the course of the fight. I must've taken it down dramatically and quickly rebuild this one hundreds of times!
I wish some guys tried designing more animals like this, closest I think we have to many animal designs in this sort of display was in the Lego Batman videogame with its lions, I wanna see how some other dinosaurs may have looked in the old lego style like raptors or Parasaurs for example, this is a bit of a pet peeve I have
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My friend made this
Huh, so that's where that ambulance came from.
basically the same thing? whats the point?
Lurk moar, shareblue
kino chima
I've been on here longer than you.
I just realized that Doc Ocks claws are not the same clip pieces we use today. Wtf when was that changed!?
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>he still gets ads
The people I share this general with.
Can you make a better spaceship no offense but its just the new galaxy explorer with a arctic explorers thing slapped on the back
Wdym "still"?
I really feel like futuron would have been the best space suit if they were printed on the properly colored body piece instead of using white
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KINO Lego dungeons and dragons>>>>capeshit

Return to fantasy
Space is best. Imagine if those were space dragons
Wow did you make this anon? I like that roof

I took it from reddit
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I love Futuron!
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every futuron mini fig
Who do I have to suck off to talk to me about DnD and fantasy?? I made more than half of the fantasy replies in this thread, stringing along the conversation, talking to myself, only for the capeshit brigade to take over again.
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>Nexo Knights is a fantasy-based Castle theme. Unlike its predecessors that contained typical medieval elements, usually with a fantasy theme, Nexo Knights gives those elements a futuristic look combining both technological and magical aspects.

>castle theme
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futuron minifig distribution
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I am here bro

What wanna talk? Hopes for theme? I want a castle ravenloft set
the fact we are probably not getting this as a theme is absolutely criminal
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'futuron' dactha
This theme was kind of jank but damn if I didn't love it at the time
The castle theme is dead. Castle freaks need to crawl back into their hole until they are allowed to come back when TLG announces their next $400 grey brick. We were talking about Raimi Kino and soul sets based on cool comic books. You have been talking about Castle since the fucking 70s with no sets in the past what 10 to 15 years? It's DEAD accept it!
>I made more than half of the fantasy replies in this thread, stringing along the conversation, talking to myself,
why are you falseflagging. I made quite a few of those posts
>with no sets in the past what 10 to 15 years?
No wave in a looong time, yes. But we got some small, overpriced sets in between. Mostly scraps to milk AFOL nostalgia desu
New thread?
Quack, That's a duck.
Hopes for Zelda theme?
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Last castle theme sets were in 2018
I have zero hope, but I fear I will still be disappointed.
>giant mech
>no castle

Where is the castle theme? Did you mean to post this?
you will never be a woman
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I feel so bad for castle fans that this is what they have to resort to. Hey Nick!
If they made a second "mobile castle" we would have some peak traction city warfare like in Mortal Engines. But to my knowledge this is all we ever got? So sad and stupid.
This somehow.
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is pirates a castle theme?
Maybe dreamzzz will do it at one point if we are lucky and it doesnt get canned
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Why? Limit was hit wasn't it?

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