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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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>Retiring Set Data

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Last thread: >>11173653
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basedest of MOCs
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Post your favorite non-vehicle based modern Lego set
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Post your dream DnD theme wave
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Stop spamming this one moc PLEASE we've seen it, it's cool.
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I hope this still counts as modern. Im getting old
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Dreamzzzz is kino

You fools don't know how good you have it with it
Damn this is HUGE! Too bad it looks like some klocki you buy on AliExpress.
literal vomit. I hate to sound like a boomer but I feel bad for the kids of today
This is GREAT! I am begging lego for another (good!) spooky theme! No Hidden Side does NOT count. I feel like some sets with the Universal Monsters should be on the shelves at all times. They just always work!
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I really love this Escher concept! My only complaint is, that the back corner should instead be an additional surface area at a 45 degree angel so that you can set it up with all three "towers" pointing in the air.
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Name a more wasted license...
It's ok anon. That set is from like 12 years ago. the kids of today never had to.
I'm gonna throw up please don't remind me. The Studios spooky sets from the early 2000s were soooo good! And I wasn't even alive when they were released! No nostalgia from me.
We have wednesday
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abundance of vehicles is good when they compliment a main structure
Huh this was released this year....
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Its a base...
Wednesday has what two sets? One of them is a doll the other one this weird "doll house" that isn't even a full house, just one room. Hardly a theme! And hardly even spooky. Where are the monsters and the torture devices!
more adventurers than the current line with notjohnny thunder
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There will be more sets in 2025, atleast 3 according to Kramer.

The way some freaks try to gaslight you into thinking Nexo Knights is underrated we will hear people talk about Dreamzzz in 5 years.
Well, the current line is more animal preservation focused, right? No treasure hunt, no adventure.
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Why is it so perfect? Explain.
I haven't watched the show its based on but it that even horror? Stranger Things seems scarier than Wednesday, which is mainly marketed as a teen drama show. We will just get more minidoll make-up table and jewelry box sets from this theme, no real monster hunter stuff.
The last jet pony I need is in this set and I don't want it.
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Why? Is this perfection? Explain.
Please stop spamming this in every thread.
It is horror spooky for teens. Very fun, better than harry potter. Has monsters too.
Why haven't you licenseniggers offed youselves already?
Blind boxes will never be perfection. These predatory business practices have to be banned. This is just gambling for children.
The City Space crane set is pretty cool.

It's extremely expensive so Lego have an incentive to hire shills to astroturf it.
Can someone please explain?
This is now valued at over 200 bucks - still worth it? Has anyone tried and succeeded at trying to combine multiples to create a larger bridge?
2025 sets
Because it has all the detail and volume of a "dust collector" but it's actually still geared towards play

take for example rivendell, very pretty but it's just a place for the characters to have a chat before the adventure begins, there's not enemies or anything to have fun with

the dnd set is a whole microcosm of adventure, create your own heroes with lots of customization, start your journey in the inn, venture into a forest, a dungeon and a tower with lots of npcs, enemies and loot to interact with along the way
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wtf is this
A city 2025 set
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But they've been on Brickset for some months now with these blurry pictures and a release date for 2024.
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Sticker abuse aside I think this format would be cool for Dnd. A couple heroes, a semblance of a dungeon, small critters to fight like bats, snakes, spiders, rats, some treasure/loot and a couple of proper villains
To re-sell in a year with a 300% mark up. Leeches. NATIONALISE KLOCKI NOW
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They release in 2025, they were sent in UK to families to test them because they have a interactive brick piece that makes sounds and interacts to minifigs. Makes different sounds, lights, etc.
God I hate how every detail here is accomplished by stickers. This has even spilled over to the 300 bucks UCS sets. The inside of the Burrow is all tiles with stickers on it. People who buy this must be so stupid.
The books concept is something that might work. Why not make playsets from different objects from dnd like a mimic or a dice?
TLG just discovered a technology that was in every toy since the 90s. Are danes retarded?
Lego Harry Potter

76448 Hogwarts Castle: Harry and Ron's dorm
76449 Hogwarts Castle: Fluffy's Chamber
76450 Buildable Norbert Dragon
76451 Duel in the Ministry Atrium
76452 Ambush at Lovegoods House
76453 Malfoy Manor
76454 Hogwarts Castle: The Astronomy Tower

Lego The Legend of Zelda

77094 Bokoblin raid
77095 King of Red Lions
77096 Link's Creative Box
77098 Ganon's wrath
77099 Hyrule Castle Grounds

Lego Dungeons and Dragons

75690 Mimic creative box (has minifigs)
75691 Dungeon adventure (4+)
75692 Buildable Beholder (includes minifigs)
75693 Castle Ravenloft
75694 Build your adventure pack (sort of like a battle pack but bigger)

Lego Icons The Lord of the Rings

10357 The Hobbithole of Frodo and Bilbo
10358 City of Rohan
already exposed as a fake. ignore this post
Please stop spreading these fake leaks by that troll. use your eyes and read what's on the page. Who falls for this and repots it...
Exposed by who?
How do you know it's not true?
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We are getting a Magic the Gathering cmf in fall 2025 and a big $200 MtG Nicol Bolas diorama set with minifigs.
He initially referred to the windwaker boat the wrong way and after being called out he reposted it with the "fixed" name
Literally not exposed

Call me when Kramer, Unibricks, Exabrickslegogo, Palnet, ChildishGambino,Maxdebautde,Fatefulego or legominecraftgoat exposes these leaks
Again, please read what it says carefully. And then you will realize that you have been trolled.
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Why are you fags so obssesed with DnD?

I didn't see this level of autism with:
>animal crossing
the fact that none of them as mentioned them(apart from rohan and the shire which were only added by the fake leakers to feign credibility) should be proof enough

they already said there's no DnD in 2025
I do not understand, we have a normal set list. What's to troll? Why waste time to make up set names and set numbers?
Who said there is no dnd in 2025? No leaker said that. Kramer said he doesn't know anything about the summer sets.

And leakers disn't talk about summer sets yet.
Sonic/mario/animalcrossing/zelda/fortnite CHADS aren't deranged wokegendered onionboys like the remaining hasbro fans
>no dnd in 2025
its just fantasy castle.

you dont have to love dnd specifically.
do you like warcraft of warhammer or elder scrolls or elden ring or demon souls or dragon quest or ultima or wizardry or lord of the rings or magic the gathering or (insert some other generic fantasy series)? Then chances are that you like the DnD theme
I loved Nexo Knights
it's not perfect
not at $360

I'm not talking about
"oh it's a big set"
"it's actually a good deal for what you get"
"there is a lot to it after all"

just like the Zelda set,
it's plain RIDICULOUS that they
make the set so expensive

it's like they have no concept of what money is worth, $360? sure! Everybody has an extra $360! it's only like, a whole month's-worth of lunches! (expensive fast-food lunches, too!) you can buy lunch all month, right?

they might as well physically slap you in the face. you want D&D and Zelda sets, right?
SLAP! here you go!
then chances are you would benefit from drinking bleach
If you do a 75% off sale I might think about buying it, maybe. Also can you leak some new set pics?
male and female heads and non-flesh colored hands is a dream for character customization
I just realized there are swastikas in a bunch of monkie kid sets, that's why they aren't released outside of asia, lmao
It's crazy how if it was the exact same line but had the Warhammer license faggots here would eat it up because OMG LICENSE IT'S SO PERFECT
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It looks like ass. Some of the preliminary sketches of theme with space orcs and whatnot showed a lot of promise but the end result is absolute dogshit
wait where is this official movie animation trailer thing at? I cant find it

Nexo Knights is better than warhammer, its been less fucked. Be glad it hasn't gone on as long as warhammer because they would inevitably ruin it.
Reminder that Lego were going to do a Michael Jackson set but stopped because of the ((disney)) money
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my favorite castle theme
Replace the dark blue with more lime and slap a giant drill on the front. fixed
<Sad News> Dreamzzz has been cancelled and will not receive any new sets next year, despite them being ready to release
>Sad News
Im sorry if this ruins the thread with poltical shit flinging because I hate that shit and don't bring it up, but what kills me is how they're some if the most pussy assed progressive companies Ive ever seen. They have blacks browns vitillegos downs gimps wheelchair kids in dreams with rockets wheelchairs guys in space wheelchair kids in the magical land of harry potter which somehow they still do despite JK rowling's opinions. Chinese Holidays. Mixed race in duplo. Gay sets. Gigantic monuments of the gay set at their office. Its not even the normal gay which is already cringe but the trans right black triangle that invaded it. They do all this weird trans right stuff for pr. Weird dyke looking butch minifigs. Queens with no Kings. 50%women in literally everything except friends because they have even more women. They hire circus freaks to play with lego in their bomb shelters and warehouses. They have cochlear implants and hearing aids guys. And they refuse to make war time machines (except star wars). All because DIVERSITY.

But according to progressives niggas of colors are being systematically oppressed and disproportionately in poverty so niggas cant buy shit you rich jewish faggot dane ass hypocrites. Very diverse of you.
I don't mind the chinky chinese sets or femoid minifigs but yea rest of that stuff sucks
Sorry I was holding that in for awhile.

FUCK THE TRANNIES WHO RUINED BIONICLE BTW. Fuck scalpers fuck licenseshit fuck investors fuck star wars fans fuck reddit fuck reddit circlejerks fuck flickrs subscription fees fuck 4chans shittere fuck you
Trannies ruined bionicle? I hate them even more now, are they the ones who invented CCBS?
Was drunk and used bank reward points to get my first new lego in probably 18-19 years, the Tiny Plants from the Botanical Collection. I can't believe how much fun I had building them. Definitely going to look into buying some more "adult" sets.
Also I can't fucking believe how good this brick separator it came with is. I stopped playing with Lego shortly before they came out with the separator and always thought there's no way it could make that much of a difference. Used it a couple times with this set and I can't believe how easily it pulls thin little 1x2 plates apart.
Adult sets are cringe and overpriced. Just buy sets that you like, don't feel forced to only get the "le adult" sets, it's still mini duplos in the end
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personally I find it offensive you would lump these two sets in the same basket.

mind you they are only 60 dollars apart
You don't want to know.
If the black tree was huge like the Deku Tree and the Deku Tree was Hyrule Castle I'd like them both
if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike
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they are gonna use that wolf for zelda and other sets. a panther would be redundant when a perfectly fine mold already exists and its hard to reuse anyway since theyve already exhausted all the jungle crap lately
It 100 percent has a shit brick. I’m not lying. I can’t wait to get the “phhhh plurp” sound out of my Legos when they shit.
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>im planning on buying Rivendell as a parts pack both for mocing and minifig parts
is this a smart move or no?
>is this a smart move or no?
absolutely not fren

just use half that money to buy parts on bricklink and pick a brick
I only pointed out how similarly OVERPRICED WTF they both were

as far as "LEGO" goes, big set, big price, that's not unusual

it's just that D&D fans should not have to pay WTF MONEY for the only set (which should have included the whole CMF for $360 like Avenger's Tower had 30 minifigs argh)

and also WTF they know the Nintendo Switch and the freaking Zelda game cost LESS than the one LEGO set?.... SLAP! in the face of Zelda fans! thank us for making it! SLAP!!!!
I have yet to see anyone take it down and moc it. Do it faggot you won’t.
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>which should have included the whole CMF for $360 like Avenger's Tower had 30 minifigs argh)
DND CMF is only 12 figs and the Avengers Tower has 32.
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favorite lego color?
>20 boxes
>Multiple doubles
>Everything except dragonborn

I really don't want to pay scalper prices but I can only get these online. Distribution for the ass end of nowhere means I'll never find these in stores. I've given up at this point.
>combining Tranquil Garden and Bonsai Tree sets
I need more weeb sets that aren’t just Ninjago.
Sand green
It's expensive but Monkie Kid's city of lanterns and Megapolis city. I am planning to get city of lanterns next month and megapolis the year before it retires.
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Magenta, got some other colors
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we're talking a $140 difference and this set is a boringass building with not much to it, the figures are the only selling point

the dnd set actually has good interesting architecture loaded with content. all minifigs (minus the dragon guy) have 2 heads and a lot of the non-fig creatures(dragon, beholder, tree, mushrooms, displacer, owlbear) have unique prints too

I'm totally on your side in the sense that I would like smaller cheaper sets but to act like the value isnt there(unless it had all the 12 cmfs lol) is a bit silly too. not even jang who's always bitching about the prices said it was too much, the set is stacked and you can feel a lot of design thought was poured into it
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>cheap can still be good
>small, pretty, affordable
I fear for this man's future
see >>11175482
>hey it’s me goku
>real review
>implying others arent real reviews because they got the sets for free
jesus christ what a moron does he really not get you can still give a fair review with negative critique even if you get the product for free? the other channels do it all the time, its not like they are blind bootlickers
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but i dont know what parts to buy, and buying a set is so much more satisfying, and thirdly sets with similar themes have so much more part varitey than any Online Lego Store + free shipping
if you really have to buy a set for parts go with the 3 in 1 Castle, even multiples of it are great.
seems to me you're just looking for excuses to convince yourself to buy rivendell because you actually want it. it's your money bro but don't kid yourself
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well the figs are a big part of it too (including the elf statues) I only buy specific parts from brick link like mass foliage or masonry, otherwise you are going to be paying for shipping from several stores to get all the parts you need
A few autists spam a general and then anons like you act like everyone is obsessed with x.
underrated post
did lego deny him ambassador status or something? he is willing to bend over for sponsored third parties but getting free lego sets(while still being able to be objective and offer critique) is somehow too far/selling out?
On a sun-drenched afternoon along Highway 237, the world moved in a relentless blur, oblivious to the tragedy unfolding on the asphalt. A minivan swerved, its driver—a frazzled Indian woman—panicked at the sight of a homeless man stepping into the street, and with a sickening thud, her vehicle struck him. The cacophony of honking horns and rushing tires drowned out the cries for help. Amid the chaos, Jang, a quiet soul with an unwavering moral compass, was the lone figure to pause. He rushed to the scene, heart pounding as he knelt beside the injured man, whose life ebbed away like the fading sunlight. While others stared, indifferent, Jang cradled the man's head, whispering comfort as he desperately called for an ambulance. In that moment of profound isolation, Jang understood both the cruelty of humanity and the weight of compassion, forever marked by the knowledge that he was the solitary flame of kindness in a world that had chosen to look away.
He's simply not relevant or interesting enough for the ambassador program (and that's saying something). The shit about selling out is cope he sometimes uses.

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