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oh wait


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11175196
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Did someone say NEXOO knights???
>Licesnseslop thread pic
It's over
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Nexo Knights is a gem. People will forgive it and wish they bought it.
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What would you want the next spooky theme to be? What period would it be set in? Is it a sequel or something entirely new? Let's imagine how the pitch meeting would go.
Isn't this a lex luthor craft from lego dc?
An remember: no troll feedin'
Monster fighters 2 but with more varied monsters
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Lego zombie hunters theme
monster fighters part 2

slime monster's sewer
medusa's temple
witch's hut
alien saucer
grim reaper's graveyard
clown carnivale
Every set included a different monster. That's pretty varied. What else would you like to see?
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Lego Spooky Tales

Include cryptids there
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Might get spooky guy for dreamzzz
Something cryptid themed maybe? Kids love that shit at the moment. SCP and Lethal company could be something to model a theme after. Have some paranormal investigator streamers as the main characters, because lego loves that influencer crap.
No zombie theme please, its boring. And all they will do is just busted up lego city sets
Too gruesome. Unrealistic.
Kino, get on this now lego
Lego did zombies...
Lego Detective Bones is in the works
I don't really see any connecting tissues with these set ideas.
Why not make a Salems lot type theme? Or Buffy the vampire slayer style theme, but include other monsters after 1st wave
Imagine the blob set
We know, moron. Our points still stand.
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Post your dream DnD theme wave/sets ideas
After watching puss in boots last wish, I wish lego did a fairy tales theme. Like their own take on grimm bros tales.
They should do a set based on the movie Tusk where that guy gets surgery to be turned into a walrus.
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>has main hero who looks like optimus prime
>has sexy harpy
>badass giant gargoyle helicopter
I wish they did a church or catedral like set for NK foe Gargoyles base.
Theres other animals or something to get turned into that, A Thing sorta one would be fucked up but hm
2015 was a spooky year

>ninjago ghosts
>monsters cmf
>scooby doo sets
>bionicle skeletons
2025 thy should do that again
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DBZ set leaks when?
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I found some BDP entries on youtube. Would you vote for any of these sets?
Giga chin on a giga based set. You love to see it.
>new kino scooby doo anime coming
Good chance to try again lego
>both stranger things 5 and wednesday 2 coming
More potential for spooky sets
Maybe 5 because it is something different, but not enthusiastically. They all kinda suck.
9 Is OK but I wouldn't vote for it or buy it. 3 is cool but they already did a set just like this for city.
>G3 is in 2025 bro
Where are the leaks????
If they do this it would just be ANOTHER theme based in eastern cultures....
Why is lego...a european toy company...doing more asian sets and themes than european themes?
Bionicle fags need to stop coping
Nexo Knights will never be a castle theme
How well is dnd cmf selling?
Ill suck your dick to anyone who has the Area X Krusty Krab instructions.
probably the most successful of all time
4 is soul.
i'm craving another ancient egypt theme, but the chance is so small with how woke everything is these days. 1 indiana jones set doesn't count btw, i'm talking about a full theme with this setting.
lego has always had a fuck you mentality to the continent they are from. sets in the eu are often more expensive here than the usa
I have them. Now get to sucking.
This looks bad where is velma and daphne and fred... and Shaggy's iconic facial hair...
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You mf, I meant POST them first
Garfield theme when?
Nothing to do with wokeness. if anything it would be woke to make more historical themes and show off different cultures. Definition of diversity, etc. We are in luck, Anon! This Egyption temple set made the ideas threshold!

You know wokeness isn't actually about that though. Don't be disingenuous, anon.
I can only buy one ucs: razor crest/sandcrawler/slave 1/jabba barge. Help me as I cant really decide
The 20th anniversary Slave I is the best version of it so don't bother with the UCS one. Razorcrest, who cares, and the sail barge is insanely overpriced, so I'd get the sandcrawler.
Except they don't. All the chinese stuff is clearly aimed at China, since it's such a nationalistic/fascist country they try to cater to their culture. And all the japanese stuff is either made to appeal to weebs. or in the case of Ninjago it really just seems like a coincidence that it is the original theme that blew up as big as it did. It's just Power Rangers with it's colorful heroes. They are ninjas because kids think that's cool. Your white supremacist schizo mind sees patterns where there aren't any.
>I can only buy one
You're never ever going to get another $230 in the next like 3 years?

I went into big financial problems because I cant control myself when it comes to Lego. I have bought 2 sets in the past 4 years as a result.
Mayhaps I have struck a chorde?
That's crazy. And hard to imagine. Do you not have a job? Did you take out a loan to buy some Star Wars UCS? Which sets specifically did bankrupt you?
set looks good, but lego always changes way too much if a set will be produced
wait for ucs jango slave 1 and save $275
>Razor Crest
Do you like Disney star wars?
Undersized for a UCS, released during the worst of brittle brown
>Slave 1
Waiting for the Jango one, not a bad bet
Overpriced but a nice set
Honestly thinking about it, none of these are really worth it. If you need a lego star wars set, I'd get the 20th anniversary Slave I. It's cheaper than the UCS, better scaled and comes with more figures.
Buy the OG Sandcrawler
OG Sail Barge is also far superior to the new UCS one and for the same price as the UCS sail barge you can get it MISB.
Can you buy full(36?) CMF boxes online at retail price?
New thread so again, What makes a good castle theme/set?
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Anon that got scummed by that Ebay seller that cancelled my order after i bought it - reporting in.

Decided to start building my Lord Krakenskull from piece by piece.
Found one of 2 european stores that had this helmet... (holy fuck JUST TWO stores in the whole goddamn europe?! how rare is he?)

So happy even if i paid 23eur just for this helmet.
But i don't mind doing that - helmet is the most important part of the figure and im glad i got it.
Will keep updating
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>zombie hunting bus
I built something like that using camper set
Time cruisers vibes
you could even get on a discount when they were just released, don't know how it is now.
I just had a look at all the different sandcrawlers at it is appalling how bad lego set design has become. The first one from 2005 has an ENOURMOUS interior space with multiple levels, which even the bigger UCS one lacks. And that one has more than double the bricks and more than double the price.
I’m so fucking glad they got rid of that translucent orange color I hated it so much every time they’re use it on hero factory or bionicle I’d think why the hell aren’t they using trans red it look SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER
Shit taste. It looks crap here because these are all hero factory/ccbs sets who look like shit always
they need to hurry the fuck up and either do something with this IP or abandon it officially and let the Bionicle fans do what they will with it
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Lego at it's peak

For all that is holy let there be more
While I'm not saying it is bad, it certainty isn't peak. It is overpriced. It isn't a theme. It is over engineered and packed with hundreds of tiny pieces and stacked plates. The only play feature is a trap door. I'll take structural builds over vehicles any day! But they certainty can do better than that.
>The only play feature is a trap door
>tell me you don't own it without telling me you don't own it
A real shame they have given up on the play aspect of their stuff
Ninjago always seemed weird to me, like I first thought it would be the successor to the old Ninja line, but it’s like you said Power Rangers, and then there’s dragons and mechs, and dragon-mechs, it’s just all over the top.
i'm really tired of all the mechs and the way ninjago is going. old ninja line was comfy with more structures.
it's overpriced and not really needed
it's fucking 300+
Just buy several sets instead.
I mean it's been running for over a decade. They fought ghosts and wizards and cyborgs steampunk pirates and went to the future and into a video game. You need to come up with new sets, somehow. Some have argued, that what would have been new themes were enrolled into the Ninjago lore. And that this is why in part we don't have another castle or fantasy or underwater theme. Because Ninjago got all of these instead of making it as a separate theme.
It was more historically inspired, with Ninjago isn't even trying to be. I'd be fine with Ninjago existing, despite my non-existent interest in it, if it weren't the only original theme Lego is still giving a fuck about.
If you keep the dragon but have all the other parts loose, is it a good set for MOCing with? I have no real desire for the set, but I love all the creatures.
I don't count the mimics and monsters as play features. What am I forgetting? I can't be bothered to check.
If you kick it the walls fall down.
that red-white space guy looks kickass, what it is, some jet-pack racer?
Probably some guy themed after OG Space Police, since their color scheme was white, black, and trans red.
the axe door trap, hidden compartments, removable rocks to reveal a hidden door...

its also pretty dumb to reduce "playfeatures" to "press a button for thing to happen", more than any other set this one has customizable character creation, loads of enemies, friendly npcs, tons of equipment, treasures, distinct landscape areas... everything you need to play out an adventure
That is exactly what he is
it's probably best suited to be modded/expanded than to create something else from scratch

multiple creator 3 in 1 castles are probably better part packs
>friendly npcs
>customizable character

Dude this is a lego set. Both of these apply to every lego set ever if you think about it that way.
Where are the leaks for 2025 sets? Shouldn't we know some stuff about that by now?
Just check the leddit and search for whatever theme you care about
>every lego set
you don't get double heads for male and female options, bodies specifically designed to be neutral with gloves to avoid skin color issues, representatives of the main races (human, orc, elf, halfling, dwarf, dragonborn) and the main classes(fighter, mage, rogue, cleric, bard) and all the equipment to choose from so you can truly make your own heroes

you're arguing in bad faith and you know it
Already did. It's all just license slop from Star Wars, MCU, Transformers, Bugatti. I don't care about any of that. And nothing more than set names, too. But there seems to be some funny drama because one leaker admitted to just making shit up and now half of what is posted there is null.
Dragon Ball sets dropping june 2025
Same shit on here. This one name fag constantly tries to sell us his fake LOTR and Zelda leaks with obviously made-up set names
The additional heads are neat. But I still don't count it as a play feature that you can take apart minifigs and swap the heads. Again, that is every minifig.
>one leaker admitted to just making shit up and now half of what is posted there is null
Pretty sure it turned out the ruse was saying that, everything was real
>the ruse
What's that?
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the grey falcons
>the grey falcons
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drizztsisters... we were robbed

we need a cmf round 2 for /ourguy/
That wasn't part of the deal. Blowjob now!
who dis from, any source or instructions
>the grey falcons
I thought I was the only one.
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>man I really wanted a green colored dragonborn
>checks bricklink
Allegedly next ninjago wave will have dragon people as the enemies so hopefully cheap dragon minifig heads show up.
Why haven’t Bootleggers made mould copies of this piece yet? I feel there would be a very high demand for it considering it came in just 2 sets
sounds promising
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I just want the body for some historical mocs. But I'd be willing to pay 5 bucks for it. Terrible how something so simple can become so rare only because lego refuses to do more history-inspired stuff. But we all know that lego has an interest in making stuff rare and desirable. After all they get a cut of every bricklink transaction.
All the lego train autists seem to be very rich, I guess you have to be to even get into it since all the lego train sets are expensive. So I don't think that most of them care about this single track piece they will rarely use being expensive.
Its less about it being expensive and more about there being so few of them on the market
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In hindsight the lion knights castle looks pretty bad. Or at least underwhelming. Surprisingly I don't remember many people complaining about the price. Maybe we were just that desperate for more Castle.
In my head cannon the grey falcon faction is led by the red haired falconer princess(es because I have multiples) and their castle is the 3-1 castle 31120.
Did you swap out the banners in 31120 to the appropriate colors?
Unfortunately, not yet. I don’t have two of these laying around and refuse to do another pick a brick order or bricklink so I’m left to my own devices and finds. It only mildly irritates me but I’d rather pick one out of the dirt like that gypsy stalking flea market anon or just get it at the second hand Lego store 45 min from me.
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That's cheap as fuck.

Try this:
>man i really want BLUE dragonborn
>see this
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>man i really want BLUE dragonborn
no. that shit looks hella gay yo
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your shitty polfag problems of lacking of creativity.

This dragon is perfect for characters like Bard or Wizard with water/Ice magic.
they usually like rap and are homophobes
My brain keeps telling me to buy this set, should I? Monke = good?
no, the gorillas are ridiculously oversized, this is dumb
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I love big ass helicopters. But it doesn't quite measure up to this one.
You sound incredibly insecure about your masculinity. Is it because you play with children's toys? Get over yourself, moron.
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i'm autistic and it made me hate helicopter sets.

It's all because you can't swooosh/play with it around.
If spaceship/plane/robot can be swooshed around when you pretend that it's flying, its another way with helicopters because they NEED to have their the blades spin. So you can't pretend the helicopter is flying if its blades aren't spinning.
And if you spin them with your fingers, you only have a few seconds of flight after which the helicopter must land (you'll have to spin the propellers again).

It's like that mechanic from the "stamina" games, where the character flies until the stamina bar runs out, after which he falls.
I hate helicopter toys.

Helicopter garbage made me ignore sets like this (i really wanted the sabretooth tiger but i couldnt use the helicopter parts):
>put a ton of effort into mocs, very much can compete with the best mocs I see on instagram
>get under ten likes when I post on instagram

Kinda brutal. At least I have like 5 fans lol
post your IG and i will subsribe to it
Put that money towards the Red Dragon's Tale
God I hate tourists like you. You’re way more queer than the actual gay dude in a long term committed relationship.
the castle not having canopies is a travesty. even the 3 in1 is more aesthetic
>backpedaling into retardation
What a faggot
Not surprising you are also poor that can afford a fucking 40eur figure lol
Make sure to work my sack too. And you better fucking swallow.
The gorilla rescue helicopter actually has a knob in the back to make them spin so if you use two hands it can fly indefinitely
>The 20th anniversary Slave I is the best version of it so don't bother with the UCS one
Found the guy who missed out on the UCS Slave I, the best UCS set in existence
>The first one from 2005 has an ENOURMOUS interior space with multiple levels, which even the bigger UCS one lacks.
Huh? No it doesn’t
Hell yeah, I'd love to see them knock that thing out of the sky and ransack it for bananas

There was a blue Ninjago vessel with a pistol-like handle and a trigger you could pull to make a lightning prop spin. That was the funnest set to fly as an adult.
Nigger wut?
Oof that explains the issue now doesn’t it?
That poorfag insult only works on people who can’t afford toys. Doesn’t apply here.

Fuck right off faggot. No one wants your trans coded furry dragon.
Yes, no-one wants the blue dragon, that's why desperate bricklink sellers have priced it at 99$.
Just watched the D&D movie. Disappointed at the lack of a beholder.
It’s $99 because no one bought it thus it’s rare now… despite being 3 years old. No one wanted it then and no one wants it now. Furfags like you are the exception.
Its expensive because its from Vidiyo series 2, which barely released. I don't think they even came to the US
They went from "Coming soon" straight to "Out of stock" on lego.com
It did come to the US and was gay and no one bought it that’s why it’s expensive now very very few in circulation. Someday you boys will grow up and take an econ class. Small supply=higher price.
>It did come to the US
Vidiyo did. Series 2 bandmates, which that is from, did not.
>Vidiyo series 2, which barely released
now ponder why that was
Nobody is questioning that Vidiyo sold poorly and nobody wanted the theme you fucking retard
This much cope. I’m guessing half those bricklink listings are yours faggots.
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>No one wanted it then and no one wants it now

I know polfag zoomers are dumb as bricks and talking to them is like talking to a complete imbecil that screaming all the time.

Have you tried to think...to connect 2 dots inside of your mind.
And think about - if nobody wanted that Blue Dragon.
Wouldn't it be more logical that demand for blue dragon wasn't good enough so it wasnt priced that high?

Please anon i still believe that deep in your /pol/ brainrot mind there is still some logic left...
I was getting at least the minumum purchase to get the free lava orc guys at Lego store when these sets come out. My favorite set was King's Mech, but I put the generic knight in there instead.
See this is what I meant one or two threads back >>11174888 I’ve been here a while and the conflation of /b/tards of old and post 2016 /pol/sters is strange. “Polfag” as if that means anything you cock gobbling roodypoo.
Here I’m not typing this shit again. Fucking retard nigger European faggots I swear. Eat glass.
Oop im the newfag now
kys polfag, literally nobody likes you
LEGO is a lgbt+ friendly european company.

Shut up and pay up, paypig.
You guys are pushing 30 if not past that. Reflect.
people "want" it purely by nature of being rare so it artificially becomes a "collector's item", not because there's any inherent quality to it. the fig could be the dumbest most ridiculous garbage and it would fetch a high price due to its rarity, not because someone was actually truly longing to have a rainbow ballerina in a cockroach suit
Again you sound so gay I’m confident my guy who actually gets his dick sucked by a dude would call you a faggot.
Ironic coming from someone likely to 42 percent themselves.
Polfags trying really hard to be mad over random dragon because he looks "blue" so it's gay and their hitler or putin or trump prevents them not to screech over something like that.

What a fag.
just because we aren’t shoving stuff up our asses doesn’t mean we’re polfags the fact you can’t comprehend that proves how new you are. Anyone who didn’t get vand back in the day is at least 35-40 now retard.
>I once got dubs four times in one thread
>I’m the original dubs bundy
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Now shoving your dick in an ass ain’t gay. Wear a condom or you’ll get shit on your dick.
>hey it’s me goku
as a trans woman this is by far my favorite lego figure of all time
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Hi Catkilling Pedo
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Doesn't make sense because people play into the Jang/just2troon/lgbt stuff but the dragon ball poster gets ignored
What website database is this?
Why don’t you post your mocs here?
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>how it feels having all overwatch figures
How much did you pay for Mei and Snowball?
I have limited desk/office space, what pre-2000s set would be the most kino get/display?
reminder dnd is for trannies
reminder reminders are for faggots
I don't count those
Was barely even relesed, and i'm not paying 100$ for one fig.
Then you're missing out on the best ow figure...
How can you call yourself a true collector if you aren’t willing to spend $100 or more on a single Minifig?
Sorry i'm autistic but not to that degree
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Is it just me or do these look like the fallen from that one transformers movie
See, I thought that exact same thing at one point, telling myself I’d never spend so much on a single figure, then time passes and I find myself spending $120 on a single waifu figure cause I’ve lost control of my life.
And one day, it’ll happen to you.
trains are very easy to bootleg. i'm actually more surprised they hven't done a bootleg of the 60337 or the iconic 4558 yet!
I still want good rail pieces
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>madilorian is with swolebricks
Its over...

Why I can't find a hot gf that's into lego bros...???
You need to find a hot girl, imprison her and brainwash her into liking legos and being your gf. This could be illegal though, I dunno.
Brick Owl im petty sure, i can tell by those stupid confusing filter arrows
>Only one character once again will be picked up
I am happy for new Parott and Boogey man though. THose Squishmallows can be usefull too.
I hated this set.
The harpies in tv show were 3 sisters and we only got ONE.
mfw I got one recently for 60 euros
This set is great. Its actually REALLY well priced and you can get it on sales online.
Skill issue
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Never thought of that, although the skull skopio mask reminds me of Durge from Star Wars
I recently (yesterday) bought a few sets from a local reseller. The prices are usually equal or a bit lower than the local Lego store, but this time they had a 22% off on certain sets for the store's 22nd birthday, so I got the following:


The original prices for the sets are in the realm of 270-300€ depending on the store, I got them for 213€.

Admittedly it was a bit of an impulse buy, and I'm just thinking whether it'd be better to get similar sets, but ones I'd like to have more (but aren't on sale), for example I could get the following (sealed) from stores or resellers online:

75312 (60€)
75342 (65€)
75324 (40€) (through a seller on our version of ebay, but unopened)
75301 (60€) (as above)

Bit of a long winded post but TL;DR do any of you guys have these sets and how do you like them? Do you think there's a chance similar sets will release in the near future?

Post didn't post first time so reposting.
>check set numbers
>all star wars crap or capeshit
All hope is lost...
I stopped after the first one. Jfc the state of this place.
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I am about to buy this entire set just for the door frame and the hair pieces.
Am i autistic?
No, Friends has good sets and the ginger has really good hair
Its a good set so no.
Only interested in the tripod piece. Luckily I can just pick them out of the trash pile at walmart once wolf fag crushes enough boxes. Lego's new socialized piece distribution system is weird.
It's all SW, no "capeshit". And it's all LEGO, so it fits here. How about you niggers fuck off and lose your mind over your sikrit kloob and people liking the wrong kind of children's toys somewhere else?
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Leaks from me. Never seen before.
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I have more.
Not liking the direction of Bionicle G3 so far
Good to see them going back to island nigger shit
give them canoes, give them grass skirts, give them tattoos, but please god, make them biomechanical robots
>7 /lg/ threads in the catalog
>half the posts are retards arguing with other retards
if the thread apammer could kill himself and the jannies could do their job that would be great.

>Please wait a while before making a post
God this website is going to shit.
Hello pledditor...
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Who should be added?
You don't just need to be good at moccing. You also need to get good at photography
Anyone has the previous years pics?
Saw that in a review. What a magnificent function that should be standard from now on. This might make me buy it after all...
Guy you replied to here. What do you mean?
This is true, unless your gf is autistic, all girls just inevitably get into whatever hobbies/interests their partner has. I couldn't imagine having a normie gf, must feel like dating an ai chatbot.
The tiny moana is really cute
gypsy lego archaeologist anon (covered in dirt)
Reddit reposters
gay baiters, including regular Just2good transition updates
Castlefags talking about weather Zelda, DnD or Lord of the Rings will be the next castle theme
Nexo Knight posters defending it as a castle theme
Dreamzzz shills
Cabbage girl thirstposters
JANG psychologists
MOCpostsers starting their own thread with blackjack and hookers
SOVLposters swapping fleshies for classic smileys
Nostalgiafags posting the box art from 80s - 90s sets
oh, and spacefags being dissatisfied with a whole year worth of new space sets.
+ Lego Goku
go rope yourself right now you stupid cunt
Retype this post with actual set names and before you solve the capcha shove it up your ass
the /lg/ discord is dead again, bonklecord reigns supreme
Lemme add in the big tittie Jewess LegoMommy and GirlBricksAlot.
Perfect as it is. Just add a Jang skeleton and a >>> to the moc thread
mocfaggot thread is dead though, and when it was alive it was full of the most angriest autists
I can't imagine an /lg/ discord being anything worthwhile. Does it have actual discussions and moderators, unlike this cesspool?
>dead threads
>full of angry autistics
Can't spot the difference yet
We used to chat a lot more but its slowed to a few lines when someone posts a leak
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Holy shit, my boyfriend that sucks my dick is less gay than you fags. I'm somehow less gay, and I kiss a man before work 5 days a week. Like Jesus Christ, just have fun with our dumb toys, don't be retards and argue.

Dude who said I would call you a fag was right. But dude who said that was also acting kinda faggy by being such a bitch over a dumb minifigure. Like, just say your piece and move on. No need or reason to keep bitching between the two to "one up" the person or whatever. It just makes for a shitty thread.

I pop in here after like a day hoping to find fun talks of set building, favorite themes, fun pictures and discussion on potential new sets. Instead I spent far too long reading about how gay or not gay some dumb pink and blue dragon minifigure is. Clearly it's kinda gay. But also sort of cool. Like, I could probably MOC a neat wizard or princess with the body and the head could go on an armored body to make a dragon monster man to fight demons or whatever. I would probably put the wings on a skeleton for magic energy demon wings or something.

I tend to hate the animal heads and don't like the dragon head there, or in the new D&D minis or the animal heads in the Ninjago sets. But my boyfriend buys Ninjago because he loves the Asian styled architecture, so I steal his animal dudes to be part of the "bad guy" army for my Castle stuff. I make them the Muscle for my Dark Skeleton Mage character I made. I'd probably do the same to that gay dragon, but I'd never pay a hundred bucks for him. Hell, I felt bad my boyfriend spent 10 bucks to buy me this Conan minifigure, and I fucking love Conan books.

I remember back when there were so few special interest boards, everyone used /b/ and everyone got desensitized to bullshit. Someone being crass/edgy/not-PC isn't acting /pol/, it's called being on fucking 4chan and part of the charm. Go back to Redd*t if you can't handle random 9/11 jokes or casual juvenile intolerance, 4chan isn't for you.
You weren't lying. I almost fainted when I checked out her instagram
you post like a bottom, shut the fuck up
>I spent far too long reading[...]
You need to press the funny little "-" button that makes stupid conversations disappear.
Gay anon is right. Clearly a top.
It's funny as she was bullied in HS.
silence bottom
>this cringe-ass post
>the dogshit picture

just2good and jang are some of the biggest lego youtubers and therefore are relevant to the thread, they don't belong in that image to be honest.
Not the guy you're replying to but I don't have that? How come?
Bullying ain't funny
ShyTimeisMyTime is clearly a drug runner who also collects legos.
Post your moc then, asshole. At least he is contributing something productive to the thread.
>including regular Just2good transition updates

thank you for recognizing my hard work.
In a limited sense, yes. But constant posting about how "he is now a she!!!" is cringe and not related to lego in any way
pol is obsessed with trans women
Am I the only one who has to do the slidey captcha every time I post? What can i do to improve my posting-experience? Is there a way to get rid of that?
Most Neonazis are closeted homosexuals. That probably has something to do with it.
pay for 4-chan pass
Was it, I thought it was just 3 people posting the same mocs over and over again?
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It's not just /pol/
I remember the guy who posted that again and again. I ain't him. But I low key agree with his annoying ass.
Install a client. If you're really on the base web version of 4chan just pretend I said you can't.
low key no cap fr fr skibbidi ohio
>base web version of 4chan
I have no idea how I used to browse this site back in the day.
What else are you guys using?
why do they fucking refuse to make a new maui
It might offend Justin
JANG is black confirmed!

Do you want to talk about JANG or do you want to talk about black people? For one of the two you gotta move to a different board.
>JANG is black

>turning her feet into orifices
Good god, is there a kink Lego won't pander to? What's special about the door frame?
How does the long hair work with the fur collar there?
>more than 15% if jang's latest video is affiliate begging
when is he going to give up and get a job?
Redpill me on Drizzt. Who the fuck is he?
Drizzt was Michael Jackson's DND character when he played it. Lego won't do this because they have close ties to disney who hate MJ.
Basically the most popular D&D character of all time that is an edgy Mary Sue. He's a drow(aka dark elf) but he forsakes the evil nature of his people and goes on adventures with his double swords and pet panther
the way the headpiece is painted wouldn't surprise me if they custom frankensteined that as well
Uh hello Lego puts shit in sets because it’s gay sex fetish designers get off on scat. New sound brick comes with the portapotty in the city 2025 set and let’s you listen as your wifig goes “pppprrrrraaabbbb” “plurp” splash.
Only the best…
Abysmal, what a tragedy.
jang looks defeated bros
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Fun fact: i did an investigation of the current Monkie Kid sets available and checked all the promo pics of kids playing with the sets like in the post i linked. The conclusion: 90% asian 10% white (some a mix of the two). Not a single black kid was to be seen. This is a huge contrast with other lego themes, where black kids are regularly shown. We all know that lego is trying to appeal to the China market with this theme and we have seen before with other media that black kids or people are either removed or be made as unnoticeable as possible. So, is lego racist and hypocrite?
Based monkie kid
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Found pic related for $30

Should I bite?
I’m actually liking the Mario Kart sets from the pictures they’ve posted. I’m a bit confused as to why they didn’t lead with a brick built adult Mario/Luigi/Peach, but I suppose Yoshi, DK, and the small baby characters are easier to make look good with lego.
>So, is lego a hypocrite?
as much as the sky is blue
No, the only thing worth having is Night Hunter who you can get in a $6 magazine.
And what themes do you like?
Kill yourself, youtubefaggot.
Everything that isn't CCBS
it's crazy that lego put him in a magazine, easily one of the best figures of the whole theme.
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Lego dreamzzz rules
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Can we agree dreamzzz instructions are pure soul? Reminds me of old lego comics in instructions
Lego only cares about money like any other billion dollar corporate fucks. They’ll sell goatse if they think they can make a dime. Chinks won’t bite on that shit so they don’t even try but you can bet there’s some faggot shit going on behind the scenes. At least the slant eyes don’t have to get wheelchairs and 784 vitiligo minifigs in every set. You’ll buy it and like it goy.
Disjointed mess. Can’t even give the transcoded bunny away.
Dreamzzz is cancelled no more sets in 2025. Sorry
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Shut up
Lego apologists will defend a wheelchair wizard in a universe where “skelegrow” and levitation exists. Shit, they couldn’t have given him a handycapable broomstick?
>shut up
Posts even more disjointed sloppy mess only it’s Lego approved. Brave. Even in your dreams you’re crippled.
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Jet wheels
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anon there's characters with peg legs in the movies

>Murphy McNully, a Hogwarts student in the 1980s, used a wheelchair. A wheelchair could be found in Poppy Pomfrey's office. Minerva McGonagall temporarily used a wheelchair at St Mungo's while recovering from being struck simultaneously by four Stunning Spells in 1996.
Which one is better? Dreamzzz or Nexo Knights?
>you’ll buy the vitiligo and you’ll like it
Unfortunately neither of mateos parents are a good genetic match.
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There are only two skin colors, Yellow and Brown
>Which one is the better meal? diarrhea or solid turds?
Nigger is that from a video game? Even the stairs are enchanted to trans boys can’t get into the girls dorms. You can discard your wand but you’ll never be a real wizard.
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Was Hidden Side bad?
The bad guys were fucking awesome, aside from that, yeah, the theme was trash, get that app integration out of here
>don’t have to get wheelchairs and 784 vitiligo minifigs in every set

This is also an interesting observation. The Monkie Kid theme seems to be free of this forced inclusion bombardment we have to endure in other theme's.
You have nothing to endure faggot. You can just not use that piece...
stop posting just2good
yes, only the boat and lighthouse were kind of worthwhile and the .
attack on shrimp shack or whatever it is called was a good base for post-apocalyptic mocs
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Can you believe Ninjago is 14 years old?

What worked so well? Also, post your favorite Ninjago wave!

For me it's sky pirates.
Or I can just not buy the set lol :)
Can you actually build the junkyard on the left?
Would be a good fig if it wasn't for that hideous salmon hair. What were they thinking!?

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Dreamzzz is kino and I am tired of pretending it's not
it's for babies
>calls others poorfags
>has to shill for money
Who’s that?
Are dreamzzz sets in 2025?
But enough about tranimezzz

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I am not shilling you fag
Why can't these bitches be normal? Geez it's always either a skatepark or a fucking rave with them.
>What worked so well?
life support
Dyke culture is very en vogue.
They want you to still buy the old starter sets with the bluetooth mario, luigi and peach.
kill yourself spammer
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Just build them bro
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Just yellow for me!
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I hope transformers becomes a full fledged theme.
I'm talking Smaller scale sets based on both the cartoons and some of the Michael Bay movies
They did something like that a while with KreO but I'm not sure if that's still a thing anymore
I fucking LOVE lego robots they're always fun to build and display. With a Lego Transformers line, that could be a gold mine for me as a collector.
I think it will be difficult since Hasbro would be indeed collaborating with a direct competitor but I'm sure they'll work something out
Here's hoping for g1 soundwave with the cassette crew in the same fashion as optimus and bb. Problem with the decepticons will be megatron, starscream and other seekers sadly.
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someone made a cool alt build of it
If they did a full line of transmorphers like that rebrickable revamp then I'd be more than okay with Bionicle not coming back
Won't get megs pistol or tank neither will happen
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How is she related to zombie cheerleader?
>Is this a Castle
>My favorite violet is better than yours
I could go on but Im having my croissants right now
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However I disagree
Looks like an Exo Force poster

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