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Is Doc Nocturnal 2.0 enough to make come back to Mezco /toy/?

Drops at 1pm et
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Oof, too much especially including $33 minimum shipping to Canada. I like the accessories though.
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Is this just a Mezco OC or an actual comic character or something?
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Mezco OC. They did a previous version that looked a fair bit goofier(bobblehead syndrome).

He comes with a comic book though.
Nope, quit that line two years ago or whenever it was Chris Reeve dropped and haven't looked back since. Their Beetlejuice and Big Head were pretty tempting though, if it was Big Head with the yellow suit/the Jim Carrey version and if Beetlejuice had a stripped down, cheaper version (I'm never going to use the hammer arms and merry go round head beyond a picture or two) I'd probably have come back.
Yo these Mezcos are FIRE!!!
The guy looks awesome but he's full of mega tiny stuff that falls off. Damazing did a review and you can see even in the OP pic that the skull on the chest holding the cape down pops off if you look at it wrong, let alone pick it up and move it. Same thing with the little gold and red device, and his gun holsters, and the little bullets in his harness are so tiny you cant even pop them in without a tweezers. All sorts of tiny fiddly crap that falls off or moves out of place if you even try to pick it up. Will look great on a shelf, but I want to be able to mess with my toys on a desk without having shit going flying every time I touch it.
>sh2 remake is good
>the penguin series is good
>my mezcos are good
Damn life’s good
>>sh2 remake is good

Maria is less sexy which is stupid since her sexiness was always a criticism of James so it was always ani-man woke shit anyways
but the game is good
best sh since sh3 and the closest we will get to silent hills
>but the game is good

Faggot retard who collects dolls
If those arms and legs weren't so plain this would legitimately look really good, but they just stick out so badly and kind of ruin it.
when are they releaseing that blue dude again? I want one. Whats his name again?
Is it true Spider Gwen has a soft chest and rear?
I'll admit it looks kinda cool, but it has all the usual Mezco problems.
>manlet proportions
>giant head
>pleather gear that will be deteriorating in a year or two
I just can't put up with this anymore.
you forgot
>fiddly shit falling off when you touch it
>skull holding cape on literally can't hold it together
>includes 15 different hands for 15 different accessories instead of just making things a universal size that can be held by a couple of hands
>accessories so tiny you have to insert them with a mini tweezers
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Still the best 1/12 Superman
decided to risk it all and grab a Green Goblin as my first mezco figure!

Really want Doctor Doom next. Iffy on a lot of the releases.
>OC Donut steal
Did you know that "Mez" is a nickname for the owner/operator Michael Markowitz?

Oy vey!
I also enjoy having a Superman in comfy pajamas!
His mom made them for him!
That's my mommy's name too!
>t. Batman
Has anyone gotten him in hand yet?
It wont ship for weeks. Some YouTube reviewers though got advance figures.
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FUCK YES he looks like shit tho hope the final product is good
Hope they go deep on this line. I'm sure Conan and Thulsa Doom will sell, which may then motivate other characters.

Glad to finally have better options than Super7.
The face and the hands are clearly different artstyles and its jarring to say the least. You have a highly animated face with realistic hands.
>Glad to finally have better options than Super7
God, this. That they're doing my favorite look out of the gate is just icing on the cake.
If they made a James sunderland to go with their pyramid head i'd day one that motherfucker. I also for some reason think Mezco would make great Five nights 1 animatronics.
To anyone doing their "games" for prizes today:
Game 1:
Game 2:
Different Gomez
Agent Gomez Weapons
Got 11 on the 3rd game, the word scramble?

Just like I said

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