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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11181190
>theme that hasn't been touched in one or two years
Nexo Knight sisters.... we won
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Oh n-
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Why are threads moving so fast?
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Zelda chads...summer is for us
Any further confirmation if 2025 Ninjago has the Vidiyo dragon head in new colors?
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if that was the case he would have said way more than 2 years fool
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>multiple new themes
>themes returning (IP/Original) that haven't had a set in last 2 years
Its probably pirates...
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> Vidiyo finally gets its 3rd wave
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>more lotr
>shire set all but happening
LotRchads...we won
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trannydragonsisters... will our girl drop in value?
Formula 1?
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No one seems to have asked that

I told you guys to ask him yesterday. Anyway. Fatefullego implied its a new dragon head mould.
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we been knew
He's talking about Simpsons.
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Please be a Ark set with minifigs...imagine playsets with minifig transformers like kre-o did!
>New Mold
Ah well, hopefully its expressive enough unlike a lot of recent Molded Ninjago villain heads.
Oh fuck, right, I forgot about the rumors of another Simpsons CMF.
It's Hasbrover
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Yes, but he was open about simpsons in the q&a, this is about other stuff.

Also, he was asked about more netflix ips and said he doesn't know what netflix owns since wednesday is more of a MGM IP that worked with netflix.
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No surprise

DC is back baby
oh shit, oh fuck, Joker 2 set

Also, Tron most likely
Does Tron having something in the works?
Well shit. I was hoping to buy "normal" dnd sets but now that I know I'm definitely buying the dust collector since it's all we'll ever get :(


pirates as a theme has been gone for much longer than 2 years
Perhaps we take the 1 or 2 year quote too literal, also, the creator set is retiring soon.
he said "havent had a set in the past year or 2". Eldorado fortress exists. stop coping and stretching
He's talking about simpsons.
fuck this gay earth. im done with lego
Tandbrick? More like Tandsuckmyprick
Its not simpsons, yes, we know simpsons is coming, but he means other stuff here. Last simpsons set was in 2015...more than past year or 2
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Wait for 2026 bro
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Pedophile spammer going beserk, anyways have something nice on your eyes
My hype levels have plummeted
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Anyways, I wanna discuss dinosaurs, I know the Jurassic dinosaurs suck, and how its weird theres still no Spinosaurus yet, but yeah I love the OG ones, wish there were somebody who made animals like these classic ones
My money's on DOTs.
All they lack is some basic leg/wing articulation

Wish there a classic giraffasaurus and especially a plesiosaurus(how the fuck has the Jurassic franchise completely ignored such a popular species?)

And no those ugly Frankenstein dinos don't count I'm talking adventurers-style proper molds
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I wonder how the plesio would scale, would it be in line with that sea monster dragon from the one scrapped castle theme? Also how big would a Lego Bronto be? Only missing dino from your list are Raptors (small as the Pterosaurs I feel, mono brick) and Parasaurs (Upright with up and down neck and side to side tail)
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I actually really like this mold for raptors, it's far more scale appropriate and simple enough compared to the giant overdesigned shit they usually use
Meanwhile on reddit
>How do you know it's the Shire? The scene referenced is set there, but I see it more as a reply to the question of timing. And the censored word reads like it would say sure fire hit, but looks like it says shure fire, which is almost Shire? Is rhyming sure/shure with Shire what reveals it?
If they made an accurate spinosaurus I would ejaculate
They should make dino heads compatible with minifigure necks so I can put dino heads on minifigs and also make a system & technic to minifigure neck adapter so i can put dino heads on builds. just my 2 cents
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Just how will they be classic-ified, like this style but leaning more forward and back, also thoughts on my Para idea? Think the Kaadu is the closest thing to what I have in mind but scaled down a bit, to be more in scale with the Triceratops and Stego and being smaller than the Rex
Why these hong kong stores so cheap
Directly from factory/scam, no in between. Take with risk
I’m gonna risk bricks from around the world
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Its partially implying we would get Jurassic Park II/III sets which even though I would want them, we likely aren’t. It would be funny to get a mini bonus set with the Ellie raptor and Alan on the plane but thats a pipe dream, the best we’re gonna get is the studios Johnny Thunder/JPIII set, and idk if theres and Jurassic Park II sets yet
Watch we get more LotR sets, but it’s all Rings of Power sets.
Reddit si dumb
Kill licensefags. Behead licensefags. Roundhouse kick a licensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a licensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy licensefags. Defecate in a licensefags food. Launch licensefags into the sun. Stir fry licensefags in a wok. Toss licensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a licensefags gas tank. Judo throw licensefags into a wood chipper. Twist licensefags heads off. Report licensefags to the IRS. Karate chop licensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant licensefag whores. Trap licensefags in quicksand. Crush licensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy licensefags in a vat of acid. Eat licensefags. Dissect licensefags. Exterminate licensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp licensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate licensefags in the oven. Lobotomize licensefags. Mandatory abortions for licensefags. Grind licensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown licensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize licensefags with a ray gun. Kick old licensefags down the stairs. Feed licensefags to alligators. Slice licensefags with a katana.
You do realize that without licensefags lego would be fuckng dead right?
No proof
I need jurassic 3 just for the Spinosaurus
Jurassic World rebirth will have a accurate spino
>adventurers-style proper molds
times have changed you old fuck
I think you mean bionicle
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Please use the app to scan
>nooooo it was basedwars!!!
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>no more dnd
>we'll get lotr and disney
I fucking hate this company
And lotr locked under icons
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DnD bros...there is hope

2026 it is
Congratulations LotRfags, you played yourselves
Biinicle G3 bros...joever
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Oh nooooo
I'm probably huffing some copium but based on how he's worded this, it sounds like he's saying "Castle is coming back which will tide you over".
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as it should be
it's biover
Feels like a dodgy non answer

This doesn't seem at all convincing
This is just a "maybe", not a yes. He doesn't know.
>30 dollars

Get ready for shipping 3x the cost of your order
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>$400 hobbiton
Why can't they release normally priced lotr sets?? At least release that gwp normally. Do Lego hate lotr fans and want them to go bankrupt or something?
You did it in 2012-2013 because you didn't buy the sets

Far cheaper for them to make one big $500 set designed by 2 or 3 people vs a full theme that needs around 10-14 people.
They already got someone to design a $20 gwp for them, they dont need that many people.
Because Rivendell and Baradur made a lot of money. It's all your fault.
Any news on more animal crossing? Besides the January stuff
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>everyone shits on it for being expensive and bad, has a dlc set
>best seller already
Your fault
your accurate spinosaurus, saar
Steal your momwife's credit card.
didnt the sauron tower shelfwarm
Town Plaza
Jolly Redd's Treasure Trawler
Ankha's Pyramid
Blather's Museum
>whole thread is nuLego s.0.y garbage
Lego Sports is coming back in summer 2025
New moc thread
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I hate transformers. Bionicle is better.
THAT is $350??? Seriously?
Hey, not $500!!!
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I'm not saying I have any idea if it's possible or not, but if I was the guy in charge of the Transformers sets, there would be a meeting with the design team:

I would take one of these Speed Champions cars and set it in the middle of the table.

"make this transform. into a robot."

that's what kids expect.
it's up to the master builders to make it happen.

if they can do a G1 set with a few Autobots and a few Decepticons, in a minifig-compatible size? (maybe even slightly larger, but not too noticeable) that's a solid gold mine.
I doubt it, Hasbro has a weird thing for transforming things that arent done by them. No happy meal toy ttansforms for years because of this. The icons sets might be fine because they are expensive and do not compete with the hasbro offerings.
I want Bionicle back too, but I doubt it's gonna happen anon.
Guaranteed if they go this route the sets wouldn't have knees. I'd prefer non-transforming robot dudes with articulation and room for customization instead
Why not minifigs sets?
Ehh, I guess you can include them with actual sets? I don't know man, I'm a Bionicle guy, I prefer my robot figs to be "action" figures.
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Do bases, lots of iconic battles to be made in sets
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oh that's like the Star Wars figures where they don't want competing single-figure companies

Lego did that for a hot minute until they Negan'd it (you gotta shut that shit DOWN!)
(you now notice that Star Wars Funko POP! Figures are all "bobbleheads" because that's different somehow lol)

also why we never got a Star Wars CMF series even though it would be beyond perfect and sell gazillions... (truckloads of money in a Star Wars CMF!!!)

still, the Transformers thing is what kids "expect" so maybe they'll make it happen, somehow
Do "kids" below the age of 30 care about transformers?
Immediate cancellation
That's not the set fool. That came years ago
Mmm, maybe. as long as the 'formers aren't just minifigs with their heads poking out of a mechsuit.
Transform not as in "use the same pieces to build a robot", but actually transform with technic bits and gubbins?
Raw sewage into the stream. A lot of kids are not gonna be happy about that
*Cue all the kids laughing thinking it's hilarious how you can flush the poop into the water*
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it's over isn't it?
I get rivendell amd bara dur
What the fuck will this be? A giant plastic green blob pretending to be a village?
All you need is a big house and pic related
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If they ever did bayverse optimus prime these in transparent orange would work perfectly as his sickles/hooks
Old Shopvideo from 1996:
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Here is the superior hook
I want that futuron monorail so bad...
its hobbiton, not just bagend
Last time it was used was 2008...
What would a Highway 237 West Lego set look like?
chinky winky
It's a great mold. I really miss these bionicle pieces with interesting molded details like the pistons. It's really sad Lego got rid of them.
Honestly, the mere thought of it sends shivers down my spine.
Why don't Lego do more Vikings sets? They are literally Danish.
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This one is still on the lego shop???
1. Lego didn't make this, it's an ideas set.
2. Too expensive and kind of boring with way too much brown.
I don't know if anybody else watches Ninjago, but I don't know how Lego manages to make Ninjago so good yet make Dreamzzz absolute ass.
The last season of Ninjago is probably the best it's been since 2019 and 19 yet Dreamzzz is absolute trash. Elemental Powers retcons and Jay getting sidelined again aside.
I'm so glad I managed to avoid most the spoilers.
yes. 2026fags are coping in denial
imagine being an adult and being invested in those shows lmao
What's your favorite show so I can call you stupid fot liking it?
>opportunity to use the new road system
>even a chance for an ambulance
What would you want? Asgard? Fenrir? Jormungand?
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Yes I'd like them. Bifrost would be cool too and they can put a gay rainbow in it for the lgbatiaeiqia++ wokegender folx
> Fenrir? Jormungand?
Both of them already exist in that Creator 3-in-1 Viking ship.
Mexicans stealing minifigs en masse from factory
in huge quantities
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yes. move the bits, all connected, do not take the car apart into pieces to be re-built

like I said, I'm not sure it can be done, but that's the goal

Lego might suppose since it's "Lego" it's *necessary* to take apart the pieces and re-build the whole thing, but that's not what "Transformers" is.

if you have to take the car apart and use the pieces to make a robot, you just have "Lego", and not "Transformers" even if they do slap an Autobot sticker on the hood
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too soon bro too soon. the scars are still rare but alas the sands of time will heal slowly but surely.
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Why do they sometimes do those clips like that instead of like this which never breaks? This piece is way older than that one as well...
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>put few Metal Dragon sets away
I will forget about these for 10 years.
these can definitely break too
sleep tight draggors
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I made an unboxing video for the D&D minifigures I bought. You can watch and enjoy the mellow hangout vibes and my genuine reactions as I pull them if you tune in. But I ain't trying to leave you in suspense, so spoiling the pulls in my pic. I really wanted dark elf guy, so super happy. and i like the sexy devil dude with dragon a lot, his torso print is beautiful. Orange witch has a weird head I don't like, but her print is wild cool and the cape is real exotic.

Bummer only one of the three came with any extra parts. Hoping I get a duplicate of that dark elf guy to make more MOC characters with his parts.

Went way out for Lego DND polybags but instead came back from a middle of nowhere walmart with two great JW sets, fucking insane
you're too old for this grandpa
Never happened but the other clip breaks all the time
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lmao fr fr no cap skibididop us zoomers, amirige bros
if this is really you then it is kinda sad that you don't know which figure is being scalped/hunted when the past 5 threads had multiple posts about it. so this is why i doubt this is really you.
sweaty it's not a dark elf, it's a githianky
>the only one with general normal colored flesh is the bard fellow
racist much? reported your video for hate speech
They say time is a healer, no?
Get fucked faggots.
I’m excited for part 2 and the rest of the ones you got. You’re one of the nice parts of my life and I know the trolls don’t bother you but I will choke them through the computer for you.
Cool channel, subbed. Your godzilla videos are cool, they should do lego godzilla. I saw a cool lego mechagodzilla moc before but now I can't find it
He’s real. He’s a good guy. I’ll kill you all.
I can't see it happening without either heavily restricted mobility or very brittle build
>Kramer says modular is a residential townhouse
>Newman says it's not
>both leakers being treated as legit
I'm so confused
Retarded dog shit
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here's your pirate set bro. enjoy
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whatever this is doing to Lego sales, they are likely STILL saving money overall, by having the factory in Mexico
still have barracuda bay sealed and build the creator pirateship, i'm fine.
>barracuda bay sealed
for what purpose?
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Finished my Rock Raiders MOC!!
This is a huge transport design to be self sustainable for long missions. You can find crew quarters and common area on the top deck of the main unit, and a med bay on the second unit. On the bottom deck of the Main Unit is a small hangar and the engine room, and on the Second Unit is where the storage area is.

A small drill fits in the hangar and a transport copter can land and attach itself on the roof.

I put a lot of work on the interiors but I still feel they can be improved.
I like how you made it look like it was designed in the 1990s while still using modern parts
Wait that sounded snarky but I meant it genuinely
That is so cool. You should do a rock raiders spaceship
no you didnt
"rock raiders is NOT a space theme"
-RR slugger, 08-2024
Bought it on sale when it was still sold in store, didn't got the time and room so far, build other sets.
Never liked the color scheme for this theme but that's a good build
>power miners/rock raiders: miners encounter living crystals/living rock minsters when mining, immidietly make giant mechs and power tools to fight them
>mars mission: people colonize mars and fight the native aliens
>atlantis: they venture into the depths to steal artifacts from fish people

Are lego people genocidal? They invaded their natural habitat...
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Happy 20,000th day of Unix epoch time:

echo $(( $( date +%s ) / 86400 ))
Appreciate the SOUL of this kid's mocs from this facebook bin before I tear them apart and swallow the pieces
Did the kid die?
he got between me and the pieces and I dunno what came over me I just uh ate him alive
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I mean, I do go days at a time not going online/browsing. A big part of my hobbies are reading and building with my bricks, both things that can keep all my free time occupied away from phone or computer. I'll be glued for a day or two, but also wander off for just as long.


Ha, thanks yo. But maybe dial it down a notch, that temperature is a little hot. I like to keep it chill.

Thanks. I love Godzilla stuff. Check out the awesome Maser Tank Transformer I just did a video for, it kicks real ass. I'll have two new Godzilla comic reviews up in the next week too. I just picked up a new issue "Godzilla Rivals: Mechagodzilla VS King Ghidorah" and the OGN Monster Island Summer Camp. AND I'll have a review of the new Super7 Deluxe+ Kaiju line Mechagodzilla figure this weekend.

If this is our future Pirate set, I will take an upper decker at the nearest Lego store and then burn the mall down it lives in. Pirate is the greatest theme, we deserve better
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Asking again since the other thread ended soon after. What's your personal "Set of the Year"?
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The love of my life
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I'm not sure if I would love it as much if it was just the set by itself but combined with the whole cmf wave it bought me the most lego joy in a very long time, it scratched an itch that no modern lego castle did

I guess it was my cope to make up for child me having missed the 2007 fantasy era
this was posted on reddit five years ago
Should come up with a rollcage style cockpit instead of using the colored window panes. Overall, a little too uniform in design. Still, cool stuff, good job anon. But the real test is building it IRL.

The tank has some serious Lego Racers energy. Love it.
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completely unironically
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>has a hinged cockpit
>the ship that comes with the $100 crane base doesn't
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whats funnier is that the crane from the 4plus set has twice the amount of things to lift than big one has
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what a sad image res. sorry about that
Cool set but totally ruined by being locked behind a ridiculous minimum purchase of $200+ and being limited time so no normal person can get it. I wish lego would quit this shit and just release these normally after
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thoughts on chrischans melted lego house?
btw hes asking 200 clams for this
Why is Mind Flayer "most popular"? I was scanning boxes at Walmart today and left them behind since I already had 2 only to find out later it was "most popular"
Why would anyone want this? All those bricks have probably been up his ass as well, and will give you an evil demonic curse if you are within a mile of them.
most popular is the dragonborn paladin, not even close

but yeah lots of people want a Cthulhu head too
He can be used for lego space which is more popular than castle themes
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there is something fascinating about lego that survived a housefire somewhat
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mindflayers are space to begin with
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How did I know this was Chris Chan's before reading >>11183640 or ever seeing it before
I am concerned with myself
Yeah agreed, I'm assuming they got dragon paladin price so high it's not selling well.

Space makes sense double dipping on sales, thanks.
What do they have it at?
$18+ 5 for shipping, some have it at $22+5
You can buy it sealed for like $30

If the theme doesnt continue I hope that at least Lego realizes that it could be worth pursuing an unlicensed fantasy castle theme focused on adventure
What are they meeting about lg?
How rodians need to be exterminated (he's one of the good ones)
>I'm not sure it can be done
It can. I've seen tons of MOCs that can transform, even minifig scale vehicles.

The white canister rattles. What's in the cock lg?
just2goods sliced penis
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Of the sets I've bought, this one. Easily
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Kineaux coming through
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mogs >>11183741

especially if you combine it with pic related

even the wheelchair base is better than the crane. the modular circular space station would be kino if not for the stupid price
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I need a dungeon meshi lego set
I love this type of AI slop

can you make a lego pepe or apu drinking coffee?
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somehow pepe is blocked lmao
Finally ordered it. Dunno what I'm gonna do with the GWP though.
Why is it over $360?
Sales tax.
You're gonna be so mad when I get it at $270 from the 25% black friday discount

(Shut up I can dream)
We're rich boys
Unless I manage to sell the Funko Pop for $90.

(I can dream too)
Probably something about having good taste.
I got mine new resold for thirty :3
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Tommy found the sex gun
At least it's not the sail barge
I've never seen tails so mad
i spy bionicle hands. they keep using bionicle pieces in these sonic sets
Are those bionicle hands a new mold??? G3 bros...
Im not a fan of how big the dragonborn heads are on a minifigure body

This is what happens when you repurpose vidiyo molds
I'd be mad too if I got treated the way SoJ treats him
loving this story so far. i should actually play with my lego more often
vidiyo more like shitty yo
Eldorado fortress. Not sure if it's from this year but that's when I got it
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
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Sonic characters look so stupid with thick legs and no giant boots
Sonic characters look so stupid
You say that, but the Sonic franchise has survived over 30 years on the character designs alone.
That Hot Wheels Optimus Prime could transform.
Bumblebee, the space crane, or the space command rover.
Which set is this from?
>Which set is this from?
Leaked a few hours ago >>11183749
still waiting for this to go on sale before I bite, it looks good
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Explain what is wrong with mechs without sounding like a seething faggot
>4chan is a reputable source for lego leaks now
They completely phased the onse in your pic out, even the 1x2s
Apparently they did it so you can put a plate into them with no issues but in the process they turned it into
Tails has been possessed by a demon, and only Metal Sonic can save the world from him!
I'm not paying $500 for that shit. I still have trauma from brittle brown.
Why the fuck are Kramer and Newman the two being reported on
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I hate brickheadz, No style, no character or charm, just hollow-eyed blocky funko pops. Lego was meant to be about creativity, what happened? Now it just copies a shitty trend of uniform plastic landfill figures. It's really sad to see Lego who were once a beloved brand align itself with this shit, I really lament the loss of genuine artistry in favour of this boring formulaic aesthetic. Why don't they do actually cool figures like picrel and have them be different? Imagine it as a nice little $20 scale set, that would be way better than funkos.
>the pirate barracuda set is actually $415 now
>it doubled in price the last time I saw it
Is it actually that good
I regret not buying it back then
Holy shit this kid was hiding the atreides family secret atomic arsenal in flick missiles
In a world of plastic bricks, oh so grand,
A set priced high slips right through your hand.
With wretched Danes crafting dreams in their lanes,
But for over £150, it's just not worth the pains.
Don't fall for the glitz, or the siren's sweet charm,
When simple klocki can bring just as much calm.
So skip the expense, let your wallet take flight,
For joy comes in pieces, not in price tags of fright.
feels good i got it for 148$, because now i would never get it for this aftermarket price.
They are oversaturating the lego market and especially for Ninjago they have been pumping out mechs like crazy, when there are so many other great builds they could have done. From the available Ninjago sets, around 12 are fucking mechs. When lego does mechs it feels like creative poverty, a last resort if they can't think of any other creation. even Star Wars has mechs now, while they still have not made most iconic scenes of episode 1,2 and 3 into a set. I'm just tired of all these fucking MECHS
Wretched Danes with their niggardly schemes;
Make you pay more for your favourite themes!
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I understand
Still, the bigger ones deserve recognition as impressive builds
False, it survived 30 years on milking autists. Sonic was MLP before the Brony craze.
yee haw pardner
It belongs in a museum.
He's been Americanized.
Incomprehensible amounts of soul. Kids are an absolute gift to the world. I wish I still had such creativity and drive...
This could pass as modern art. Especially with the "artist's" history.
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Just bought my first Dreamzzz set, it comes in the mail soon. The old man minifig was just too based to ignore.
Sound choice anon, it's honestly one of the best sets the theme put out, which isn't saying much, but the car's default build is pretty neat and the brain head is a cool piece.
What will you do with braceface and that brazilian character?
Now that Lega has finally tapped into the normalfag market they'll keep milking it. Actual playsets and creative themes aren't "cool" and "adult" like the "collectible figures of all my favourite characters from pop culture for ADULTS". That's just the sad reality. Children are no longer the top demographic of the toys market.
The monkey stays with the old man, I can probably use Braceface's body for a cute girl and the hair for some other minifig. His ugly head goes to Headhunter to add to increase King Kahuka's power level.
Yeah, I was thinking of leaving the car as-is and using the other pieces to shore up some other builds. I've seen some MOCs where they use those pieces to add on to the rover it comes with and they turned out pretty neat as well
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Lego exo force mechs had personality.

New mechs don't have any...
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>see a cool looking Ninjago mech
>doesn't even have proper bending arms and legs
Bionicle should have been evergreen, not ninjago.... Imagine all the articulated joints we'd have by now, Bionicle introduced at least 2 new points of articulation every wave. If bionicle was still running, every figure would have at least 43 points of articulation.
>all same car model
Are lego insane?
>bionicle vagina bones
Imagine if lego made heroica as an action theme with minifigs. Main character being a barbarian wouldve been cool
My dad loves F1, I will ask him which is his favourite and get that, and then I will get whichever one I like most.
Fully articulated bionicle wombs, cocks, and vaginas. Now they can finally canonize sex.
The problem with Bionicle was that they cut out all the mechanical play features by '06 and replaced them with projectile gimmicks. Most of which don't work well, if at all. They kinda rectified this with G2, combining the full articulation of the later sets with the mechanical features of the early ones, but everybody was bitter about CCBS and hated them.
Ccbs was the best system for action figures
No it was ugly and boring
Based Ninjago chad. Deepest lore by far, shits all over Bionicle.
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>changed the plastic formula to make joints loose after their first use
>stuck with the same ass Inika torso for the last 3 years
>let interns who never touched bionicle design and sell their shitty mocs as retail items
>higher ups admitted to hating Bionicle due to its lack of bricks and killed it while it was still profitable despite all they had done to sabotage it
They'll keep Ninjago on life support till 2030 and beyond just to prove a point
Bionicle wasn't even really Lego. I hated it as a kid. It's Duplo-tier to me even now.
>Inika torso
It was the whole goddamn body. The only differences between them were entirely cosmetic.
>The only differences between them were entirely cosmetic.
Yes, that's kind of the point.
Bionicle will endure, it's timeless. One day, the higher ups at lego will die, and Bionicle's legacy will outlive theirs.
I agree, but everyone hated it at the time. Probably because they were too bitter over Hero Factory replacing Bionicle. And because of the terrible feedback Lego got from everyone shouting their first knee-jerk reactions, Bionicle and CCBS are both dead forever.
Ninjago still sells....dreamzzz is on life support and they will keep it to own the chuds
Lego won't keep ninjago if it stops selling.

They would reduce the number of sets if it didn't sell, but instead we get 35 sets next year for ninjago.

A company wont keep producing a thing to own the minority chud haters if it doesnt sell.
Anything with a tv show sells Anon.
Hidden side didnt. Ninjago didnt.

Nexo knights show got cancelled and got a final wave in january, nothing for june
>they were thinking of making a second company just for constraction
Pain. Although Galidor may be responsible for that
>Lego won't keep ninjago if it stops selling.
I dunno man, I really doubt that, it's been their dumping ground for potential original themes for a while now, the last time we saw them take a break from it to let another theme breathe was Chima and Ninjago fags screamed until they got it cancelled
Now that we know dnd is a one and done can we stop shilling it?
Back then ninjago was selling. Now ninjago is 15 years old. Already did 2 soft reboots.
>ninjago will be 15 years old in 2026
Not even bionicle could live this long
That's because bionicle's life was cut short... It's a tragic story ninjago fans wouldn't understand.
Bionicle was killed because it didnt sell

>mfw dreamzzz sells better than G2
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>if only I could travel
>travel back in time
>and buy them
I will die sad
Bionicle in name only, the only saving grace was Umarak
It will still get cancelled, the guy who puts poop in sets cancelled this theme because he couldn't figure out any ways to put poop into the sets. Similar story with Bionicle.
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Why are classic legos so Comfy and SovlFvll?
How did we go from this to the current police state that is Lego City?
>limited colours
>simple designs
>no smooth curves and very few brackets
conflict in a box sells
Pretty sure shitting is canon in G2, and Pohatu befriends a dog in the books, they could have just sold her as a set with dog shit if they were trying hard enough
No one cares about g2 because it used shitty hero factory parts and they dumbed down the story
I want lego rings of power sets
I can forgive the Hero Factory parts, but yeah, the vast majority of the story fucking sucked
Guys...I think lego is making me depressed..they dont make sets I want
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>calarts-ass 2D animations instead of glorious 3D commercials and short videos
Moc the sets you want
What is a moc?
>rolled Vakama, Takanuva, Artahka and Mata Nui into the same Master Wu type guy
Hiring Ninjago writers for Bionicle was such a retarded idea
As soon as I find a good and simple medieval style for buildings I'll get right on that
Brown bricks
You mean ekimu?
Yup, they just threw every important bionicle character into a blender for the sake of having an elder mentor archetype
Ninjago has always been better written than Bionicle, though. By a pretty significant margin. That's probably why Ninjago is still thriving while Bionicle is dead in the ground.
Ah, and that's why it needs constant soft reboots, right?
Transfotmers marvel dc star wars all big ips alive now do it
So Ninjago has writing on caliber with the current state of marvel and star wars? Lol. Lmao even.
Even better than that garbage
Dialate tranny shill, your never getting them.
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only the best, faggot
They all have different amount of bricks though if other leaks are to be believed.
you underestimate the race that will be to try and post the whole built grid to r/formula1 for updoots
damn dog, my first encounter with brittle green
how old were the pieces?
Based on the rest of the bin the newest it could be is late 2000s, but it could be older. Here's the keepers. Pretty good for $30 considering I'm selling the unpictured chaff for 20 and immediately trading the figs.
is there a name for the illness which makes you block yourself and do nothing when confronted with million possibilities? its been a year now of buying lego and I still dont moc much because i just dont know where to start
1. equestrian center neatly placed in a quiet spot between a hospital fire station and airport
2. Female paramedic abandons her vehicle in middle of road and sprints into rear of fire station.
3. No cops in a lego city, not one.
4. Construction worker abandons vehicle underneath lift of multi story car park in operation
5. Fire truck deploys in middle of junction for no reason
6. Bike shop has staff bikes and customers casually strewn across road.
Furry AT-RT
what sets do you have
I used to like tearing up vehicles and seeing what cars I could come up with from the parts
just disassemble a set and try making something from the pieces
do I pull the trigger on the medieval town square or lion knight castle? what's getting retired first?
Lion Knight Castle is retiring next year, but its close to Black Friday and went on discount in NA last year so rather than pulling the trigger now, wait a few weeks and you might save yourself a hundred dollars/bongcoin/uroes
analysis paralysis. Just touch bricks bro. Make little assemblies with no real goal and when you make a little assembly you like, use your imagination to fill in what the object would be. Always work bottom up, conceptually. Top down will paralyze you.
Mmm, that's a good idea, what other medieval sets are retiring soon?
The Creator 3-in-1 Castle is getting axed in December. I believe the Viking Village is here until next year.

Told you guys this faggot comes here. Also fuck that lispy voice fucking queer where’s my credit on this motherfucker?! Faggot lifted this exact shitty crop I did and put it in a video in like March.
Highly recommend the 3-1!
You can always make your own town square. Grab a goat guy CMF and you’re set!
Or for the same price as the town square you could grab the Viking village and the 3-1.
Sorry for your loss.
Kill yourself
there is 46 image slots left ?
what is wrong with you?
He's also Mata Nui since the forst wave's plot was about finding him and waking him up.
he's a spammer and jannies don't care
Hello People.
Bricktsar sold out!
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