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power girl announcement any day now edition vol. 2

vol. 1 : >>11177427
>Jarrett op yet again
Fuck you Jarrett you're a fucking faggot
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>DC doesn't get good toys
>It doesn't get good threads either.
Seems fair.
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>What if Supergirl, but as a hag?
kek based
power girl more like blow up doll
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looky what i found
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batman beyond might be a new grail never knew about these
Day 34. Still no Power Girl. I travel the Mediterranean looking for her but still I do not find. Where did you hide her from us, Todd?
You're a real piece of shit
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That's literally 50/50
Are the rumors true that it spits on everything the first movie was? Why even bother putting out a sequel to a successful film that does that? It's weird.
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Yeah, the Commissioner Gordon memes finally came treu.

Cancelled my Silver Age Joker preorder. Just can't see the character without knowing he got trained by the GCPD
>spits on everything the first movie was?
Which was?
The first movie was about what a loser Arthur was.
This movie hammers in that he's a loser. Maybe people expected him to become le ebin Joker in this movie, even though the first movie was about showing him as a loser.
He's not even THE Joker though, right? I mean, there's a scene with him and a young Bruce Wayne in the first movie.
He was a loser who got revenge upon "society" and made an impact which is what the fanbase for the film loved about it.
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Based Gordon was always right
I saw a Question at Walmart. Made sure to crush the box. Godspeed opener.
I went grocery shopping earlier and checked the DC section. All that's left is a vampire Shazam, vampire Nightwing, Max Mercury and blue Wally Wests.
The Wally Wests were destroyed, like someone was pushing them aside to see if a Question was hidden there.
A Green Arrow that had been there for a while was gone.
I wonder if someone else who lurks here shops the same Walmart and was checking my hiding spot after I posted about stashing Question with the Wallys.
>make a Question
>make it so artificially rare that you can't kitbash a custom Rorschach
Todd's scared of pegwarmers. There really is no solution to that other than made to order which would be a pretty bad idea for other reasons.
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>todds scared of pegwarmers
As a group, they don’t actually look that bad together
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Insider here: Gordonized Joker announcement Monday
Jokerized Joker was actually kinda funny.
this feels like some sick joke, except i'm not laughing.
>artificially rare
it's as rare as any other figure thats one per case.
it's meta slop
It's so bad it ruins the first one. People are cancelling preorders for InArt and Hot Toys figgers.
I was going to post my entire DC collection today but everyone is mass dumping their Joker figures so I'm going to wait a couple weeks for the market to stabilize
>They sold enough that i never saw them clogging the stores like duke thomas
Duke was always going to be a peg warmer, toy collectors are racists as fuck which is why Super Powers Hal Jordan is being bid up routinely at over $50 per, even for a loose used toy, and mint on card copies of John Stewart can't be given away with free shipping.

So he's not a good example of how 'successful' Todd's tie-ins have been, given that Fury of the Gods also peg warmed, badly, as did Mamoaman II and Blue Beetle, all of which plus Black Adam, are just clogging up Ross and similar shelves.
It's not that I'm racist I just don't like nigger characters and I do not want them on my shelf. Cyborg will be the only exception because he's a good character.
>Are the rumors true
Yes. He is not even the Joker, the whole movie takes away "loser get enough and takes revenge on society" and turns into "he imagined most of what he did and will never not be a loser". There is some clear humiliating stuff, like every scene is made to make him look small, weak, effeminated. He kisses a guy, is called a virgin, probably gets raped etc, etc.

I usually don't buy conspiracies but this time is clear the people responsible for the first movie hated that so much people identified with the Joke and chose to show him as the worst possible failure in this one.

Also worst Harley Quinn in every aspect, specially design. I don't think many third parties will make figures of this movie like they did with the first one, any kind of magic is gone.
It's just Todd Phillips doing what Todd Phillips does, and bitch about being forced to make a sequel he didn't want to make. It's nothing new, he did it with the Hangover Part III too.
>When did comics stop appealing to kids?

When woke tards were given power to write retarded shit no one wants it's why Anime is doing fine.
Sounds a lot like Sam Hyde
Wait, did people actually think that Joker movie was actually THE Joker? How dumb do you have to be to actually think that?
>Also worst Harley Quinn in every aspect
Why I don't get is why hire Lady Gaga for a musical and then not let her sing much?
The preorder for Green Lantern Corps is sitting at 39.99 on Amazon right now. In 2 years we went from 20 dollar toys to 40 dollar ones. You allowed this. Stop buying Mcfarlanes and Hasbro products.
>Wake up and come to /co and everyone is talking about a shitty movie.
>Decide to check out /toys and everyone is still talking about a shitty movie.
Guess it's time to head back to bed.
People actually expected him to be the Joker?
Steel and Darth Vader are the only black characters I own, thankfully you can’t see their skin
Is the character named Joker in the movie Joker really a Joker???
I always wonder why toy companies make so many General Lando and pregnant Spider-Woman figures when everyone knows they’ll clog shelves for eternity then make something like Question a rare one per case figure.
I know stores have to buy the whole case so it’s just toy companies padding out sales, but wouldn’t they make more money if they just released the less desirable characters as the rares?
I remember as a kid the movie version of Mary Jane was less common than Spidey and Green Goblin, obviously not everyone is gonna want MJ, but now a movie case would be four MJs, one Spidey, one Goblin.
Oh yeah the musical aspect. There are actually fewer songs than I expected but all of them go from mediocre to awful. You can say what you want about Gaga but she has amazing vocal range, to waste her like that was a crime. I got the impression this movie was a vehicle for her getting another Oscar but I can see everybody gettting a Golden Raspberry instead.

Well, at least this version of the Joker. He becomes something at the end of the first movie that this second one completetly undoes. It would be like Tony Stark going back on saying "I'm Iron Man" in Iron Man 2 and the whole movie being about "who is the real Iron Man?" and the answer in the end is "nobody knows, but he's not Tony Stark".
Is he even called Joker in the movie? No, it was marketing. Could have just as easily been that serial killer that dressed up as a clown. Really the only association you have to Batman is the Waynes.
You know what it reminded me of that Marvel did way better imo? The Iron Man 3 Mandarin thing. And I'm not really an Iron Man 3 fan.
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>confirmed for not watching the movie
he didn't imagine what he did. unless you're talking about the musical numbers in which, no shit.
Why do you faggots come here for movie discussions
It's somewhat tangentially related to action figures.
I bet joaquin phoenix would call you a faggot loser for collecting toys with his face on them
gonna cry about it, loser?
Joaquin Phoenix likes gardening. I am not making that up.
why do you care what strangers online do with their time? :^)
He's also vegan and cries about carbon emisions because he's a woke leftoid faggot and hates how many incel right wing Nazis associated with the character of a stupid children's movie
Are you kidding? Actors always geek out when they get to see an action figure of themselves.
Joaquin Phoenix is a feminist libtard hippie retard kek he prefers gardening and crying about China making too much crap causing pollution
>stupid children's movie
>rated R
Children watch south park children play GTA children like violence children look up furry porn on their Roblox discord servers, dumb boomer
Why is schizo anon coping with the new movie by talking to himself about how the WB/DC movie The Joker isn't really about the DC character Joker?
Why do retarded /TV/ faggots need to cry about Joaquin phoenix getting raped by prison blacks?
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>batfags coping because da joker baby got raped in the new movie
>been having a meltdown since last night about how it isn't even the real joker, it's not even a joker movie, it can't be the joker

This is what happens when you devote your life to hoarding everything Batman related. The Black Adam and Blue Beetle movies were unwatchable trash too but nobody mentioned them here.
Take your meds and have your meltdown on /tv/ or /co/ until they kick in, you're embarrassing yourself here.
Lol Americans can't shut up about their woke faggot films kek
post the display and stop pretending to be athena
>s he even called Joker in the movie?
Did you even watch it? He literally asks Robert De Niro to introduce him on the Murray Show as Joker.
I completely forgot those movies exist
Joker should've just been called Society Clown and cut out the Waynes at the end.
Shameful day to be a DC fan.
I fucked your father. You're mother did not want him. You're father is gay. You are a son of a faggot and son of a bitch.
That's not me dumb dumb
what does that have anything to do with joker? I guess joker from persona 5 is also joker too cause his name is joker. The joker movie was so far removed from the bat mythos that the only thing that made it a DC movie was by name only.
The Joker movie took place in Gotham City, Arthur literally meets Bruce Wayne when he's a child. We see the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Just admit you haven't watched the movie and shut your stupid mouth already.
again all in name only, it still had nothing to do with batman or joker. All of these characters were nothing but their names, thomas wasnt thomas, joker wasnt joker, and without that gotham just becomes another chicago.
ok retard
Who the fuck caaaaares about movies
I'm the joker baby, does me saying that make me joker too? I guess anyone can be joker in todd phillip's world.
I'm sorry, but until you actually watch the film, your opinion is worth less than nothing, now shut up and talk about toys.

Will this stop anyone from ordering the Joker/Murray Diorama? I'm still probably going to get it since I'm capable of ignoring shitty movies I don't like.
Did you watch it? cause in the movie, everyones the joker at the end.
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There's one anon here with lifesize Bat cowls and piles of Batman figures who prides himself on being a loremaster. Also suspect that hoarder on youtube with one of everything Batman related ever posts about himself here, there's no way a sane person would act like a hysteric bitch and defend that kind of behavior but someone is still triggered by us laughing at his 'collection' like three weeks ago.

I could see people that having autistic meltdowns over Joker getting raped and just chimping out on their keyboards for days. I mean, it's not like they have any friends to laugh with at how stupid modern movies are, so of course they'd come here.
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It's crazy that there are still DC fans who can be triggered into meltdowns in 2024.

We've seen Superman killing people by snapping their necks and destroying buildings. We've seen Batman drive his motorcycle through city streets in daylight letting the four side machine guns rip continuously. We've had the Rock play Black Adam.

But you're paying to go see a musical co-starring Lady Gaga and this was your breaking point? You're just now getting pissed?
So it's V for Vendetta but even worse basically.
V for Vendetta was great, but I was like 16 when it came out so it was perfect timing for my retarded ass.
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kinda want a 4chanman figure now
Oh, fuck you... :)
Dhunter has a wife and child on top of being able to afford to fund his hobby. You just bitch like a teenage girl online.
>dhunter makes his family climb over his dusty piles of batman shit everywhere
I agree, he's so based.
Is he the one that talks like an autistic?
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im absolutely not a lore master thank you very much. i havent even bothered to see any batman shit since tdkr
The new movie even implies that with how it ends.
your combining like 3 anons into one cowl guy is also blue car guy he only has like 12 figures
>posting AI bat cowls again
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ok guy
People that don't open their toys make me so angy.
i opened them all though. except the old bandai high speed guy since i already have an opened one
It's okay, all of his posts are AI. You can tell because the backgrounds change and the computer is taping boxes to the walls.
lmao now your just fuckin with me, we have a large cat that scratches that spot when he wants out so thats why thats there btw
>having a cat
>collecting toys and cowls with big pointy tips
A lie so bad it could only be generated by AI.
you jest but taking care of that cowl is high priority, it has its own room in the basement away from sunlight and moisture, and the one i own came straight from hollywood itself. theres been a crack down on cowl sellers / makers so theres not going to be very many of these left on the market soon (unless you count low effort offically licensed turds of course). all my shit is nicely tucked away from any kitties.
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>something straight
>coming out of hollywood
Post the rest of the batcollection then if it isn't all AI lies.
you first
I wonder if everyone trying to sell that version of joker is pissed right now. People have to be can canceling orders.
Do you spend all day just pretending to be retarded or are you genuinely just an idiot?

McFarlane knew what they were doing by making it impossible to cancel preorders in their store.
I mean both Black Panthers made money so people were interested in paying money to watch them. But many of the toys didn't sell, and by and large, that's partially on the toy companies since they had some ideas.

But the rest of that is just shitty business practices by the manufacturers. The last time I was at a GS, about a week ago, UPS actually walked in and delivered two cases of McFarlane products right when I was asking the clerk to look up if they had certain things. But she told me the store manager had to inspect the stock and put it out for sale so she couldn't let me look at the boxes.

>movie version of Mary Jane
Well, the NWH version of MJ and Matt also peg warmed badly, not really surprising since who wants a $20 figure of a blind lawyer as a toy? I mean someone at Sony and Marvel Studios probably pushed that onto Hasbro but instead of making six equal toys per case, they should have just made MJ and Matt into chases that might be in a case or might not, and instead you get extra Tobeys or extra Andrews. THAT would have made retailers that much happier all around.

But choices like that make too much sense for McFarlane and Hasbro both.
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>Are you kidding? Actors always geek out when they get to see an action figure of themselves.
You realize they're just acting, right?
They're paid to promote that shit and say it's the greatest thing ever, even though it looks nothing like them.

Just like when they star in shit movies, that they know are shit movies, and say it'll be the best thing ever.
only if they gave the actors imports, they'd be really happy.
they don't even dare show those to the actors because they're worse
Dumbass terminally online take. Actors largely don't know shit about toys or what high end ones should/could look like. They're normies with no clue basically. All they know is that there is now an action figure of them, and that's pretty cool no matter how mushy and inaccurate it is.
it ain't that deep bro. just like you wouldn't say "this looks like shit" out loud when receiving a disappointing christmas gift, why would actors do that on camera? it's just performative politeness if nothing else, it costs nothing, and reacting in a disgusted or bitter way just makes you look like an asshole and will drive away your fanbase. only the most socially stunted kind of person would think "hurrr they aren't saying what they REALLY think about this shitty $20 action figure!"
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>reacting in a disgusted or bitter way
Actors have sometimes done this during PR or especially years after the fact.
Kek who the fuck cares about star woke
at least stormtroopers aren't raping luke in movies yet
I'm not saying nobody has ever done it. I'm saying it's a dumb thing to do, especially when your public image matters. Most people can politely just smile and say thank you, it was cool of you to make a toy of me, and move on with their lives. Most of them will probably never even see or think about said toy again.
>actors don't know what they look like, so they wouldn't know it's a bad likeness

This is as bad as of an excuse when people defended Bandai's bad sculpts because "they're new at it"

> just like you wouldn't say "this looks like shit" out loud when receiving a disappointing christmas gift
Can you even read?

What part of
>You realize they're just acting, right?
>They're paid to promote that shit and say it's the greatest thing ever, even though it looks nothing like them.
don't you understand?

Are the sentences too long for you?
Does your google translate fail at English or something?
I think it's Jack Nicholson that has to personally give his ok on Joker stuff and he hardly ever does that. And we JUST recently got a Tatsu from the first Ninja Turtles movie, so people like that are out there.
and you don't seem to understand the difference between "I am literally just being polite" vs. "i am being paid to regurgitate an opinion" so it seems we're at an impasse
Tatsu is an interested case because the guy that play him was dubbed over and he was probably miffed at that.
Why are Americans obsessed with celebrities?
Brah, i posted what they literally do, ie the polite talk.
Where are you getting the rude part from?

stop creating strawmen because you got butthurt over how fake people are.
nta but that's just it. You said "You realize they're just acting, right?" What millionaire actor is really going to give a shit one way or another about a $20 action figure? It's just another contractual obligation. So why NOT be polite?
It's funnier when chads like Harrison ford throw soys boys dumb Lego sets with no repercussions
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Promotion parts of contracts are weird, especially riders like what actors will and won't do on promotions (like puppy interviews, or lie detector tests, or hot ones).

But the SW and Marvel Studios contracts have specific language about disparaging the movie (and 'it's related component aspects') - and generally 'related components' means things like the trailers or the posters, but it would also include tie-ins, like comic books (I know because the First Avengers comic books became a thing one time for the drawings and depictions of Captain Carter but more so Tommy Lee Jones' character) so it would also cover disparaging a toy in public.

Robert Patz got away with shitting on Twilight in promotional interviews because by then it was the second movie and preproduction had started on the last two movies, and they weren't going to recast him. And most people also took that as him hating to do the promotional parts, not that he really thought the movies were steaming piles of garbage.

But Marvel and Lucas have fines built in to their contracts, again, for refusing to do the promotion, but it wouldn't be a stretch to get a 'bill' from Disney for saying a piece of shit toy is fugly crap.
Ford is a hebrew faggot but that was pretty funny ngl
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because celebrities are rich and famous like most want to be

did he really do that on purpose or did the Ford hurt itself in its confusion?
He literally pissed and shit on me when I asked him to sign some Han Solo and Indiana Jones toys
It's an accident that keeps happening
>there's no way a sane person would act like a hysteric bitch and defend that kind of behavior but someone is still triggered by us laughing at his 'collection' like three weeks ago.
From what I remember we jokingly did the "how dare you" thing because he's good for figure scales and comparisons, you letting it get to you like this is really, really weird.

let jarret live out his imaginary scenarios, its mean to scold the mentally disabled you know
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Jarrett's display > dhunter's hoarder piles
>So why NOT be polite?
I'm responding to some anon who said they'd geek out, but that's a fakeass response, because they're paid to be positive no matter how bad their toy is. They can't be anything but polite.

Again, it's the same shit with their movies, despite being shit movies, it's going to be how much they love their movie and the cast and crew became their new family.
Nothing but shit soccermoms want to hear, and apparently you.

Personally, i hate celebrity worship and the only time pay attention when they fuck up or are actually honest for a laugh.

is that a hot toys?
It's better than most displays here >>11186050
you can't expect better from marble fanboys
Does Amazon think Green Lantern fans are its paypigs or something?
seriously what is wrong with you
I expect not to pay ebay prices on amazon. I guess you weren't born yet when amazon was known for low prices rather than high ones.
>can't afford Prime
That's why he cries about prices, >>11186665
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>when amazon was known for low prices
You realize that those are all free delivery with or without prime?
I'm referring to the fact the person clearly doesn't have Prime, if you weren't a brokie you'd know that's not how listings look when you do.
Now show us how long it was at that price. Why are you hiding the full truth, anon?
Ok but how does that change the price he's complaining about?
Okay but why did I highlight a certain part of his post?
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I'm betting on you not being able to read a graph.
I can. It was at 19.99 for the longest time, dropped to slightly less for a few days and then 13.99 for a day -- if that -- and shot up to 49.99
Thank you for admitting it was retail for 99% of the time, now admit Mafex Cap is a deeper blue.
So why is it 49.99 now?
So you can be a sped about it, most likely.
Remember when Todd had the Crisis on Infinite Earths wave for 40 at his store and people were getting mad over it?
can't believe that monotone gigaautist is married
hate his earrape video intro he's used for ears too
Does it feel good defending a giant multinational corporation?
Why was it 13.99?
Where does he get those wonderful toys? From the local Targets and Walmarts most likely
Because it was on sale because no one wants it and they wanted to offload stock before they almost triple the price for any suckers who come along later.
why would this evil organization put it on sale??????
Because no one wants it.
BUT PEOPLE ARE BEING FORCED TO PAY $50 FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no really, what compels you to obsess over this? it's genuinely weird and nobody cares.
When you can't preorder a figure for less than 39.99 you'll care. And if you don't you're an idiot.
not really
multiple people are telling you that you're being a weirdo lol
Probably because very few people here buy mcfarlanes so it doesn't matter to them what the prices are. Now if Marvel Legends started costing $39.99 at release, then there would be hell to pay.
you're such a weirdo. i own more than you btw
Don't people complain about the price of stuff all the time? I saw people complaining about streaming sub prices a few days ago, so not surprising to complain about action figures too.
Will you still buy mcfarlanes when they cost 50 dollars as soon as the preorders go up?
This goes far beyond the usual poorfags
i pre-order the day something goes up if i want it. not a problem if an algorithm jacks it up later, so i don't obsessively refresh amazon all day to tell a bunch of people who don't care.
>i don't obsessively refresh amazon all day to tell a bunch of people who don't care.
Eventually the preorders will just go up at ebay prices, because amazon knows the people who buy these will pay. Gotta maximize profits and exploit the whales.
>guy who cant afford Prime
They'll give you a discount with your EBT card, anon.
How's the trust fund going, still over 2 million strong?
LMAO I forgot about that guy. Didn't even know what a fundraiser was.
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DC is like the K-Mart Marvel
It used to be the opposite
Biggest compliment anyone has ever given K-Mart. Post-Didney Marvel is a trash fire.
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>Seething about me in a completely different thread
I'm glad I make you so mad.
Why hype up the Power Girl release when you remember that Wonder Woman one? She will be even more rare than that, available for like 2 minutes and sell out.
Power girl is so hawt I bet her boobs would feel like rocks.
Thats not how you would want them to feel, anon
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Look at these elbows. Elbows to be proud of.
Yes we've seen the buck mcshartlane ect
Based on that Steel pic:
True or False: Satin and Matte plastic finishes on a figure cost more than glossy?
Fleshy rocks?
They're actually extremely malleable, not like rocks at all.
Human boobs are. She’s an alien.
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imagine sliding your dick between them haha
Who will win the raffle to get to own the 6th Power Girl figure ever made?
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If it's a proper iconic version I'll be getting at least three, regardless of the cost.
One as a shelf display, one to repaint with pearlescent white and metallic blues, and one for keeping mint so in ten or twenty years when my skills have improved I can add details like sculpted pudge where the boob meat squeezes through the window and airbrush subtle shading.
Todd can charge $30, $40, $100, I won't care. I piss that away on 40k minis and anime statues, if someone finally gets a Power Girl figure right I won't hesitate to go all in.
If it's the jacket version I won't buy any.
>mfw anons don't have Prime
Why can't Odd make this a figure? Just cut some joints and there you go
He's used that basketball texture on a couple figures. Honestly I could see him being a faggot and doing the jacket version first to string customers along until he releases a real version, but I'm not sure if the line's sales are strong enough to play games like that anymore. I'm hoping he needs money bad enough that he just makes what people want.

But as it stands there's still no announcement and stupid shit like >>11187023 is still getting released, so it appears he doesn't want to make money.
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>tfw anons don't eat the same corporate slop as me
Femcels are appreciative of that figure. Todd caters to them first.
Good thing he can sell $40 Green Lanterns to recoup the losses he'll take on a Peej no one wants.
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Should I buy 30 to support Todd in his trying times?
I know he's including those stupid stands to justify the increased price but that plastic could have been used for ring effects. Do any of the GL figures have a piece that fits over the hand with a glowing effect like in that comic cover? Is there a green flight stand?
So many opportunities to go the extra mile and make it some kind of Corps upgrade pack but it's just a couple extra heads you can put on the multiples you have to buy of that figure. Lazy.
I imagine McFarlane Toys takes people straight out of collect with a barlike atmosphere with Todd walking around with no shoes on and the college kids partying and laughing in the halls, then when it comes time to put a figure together they just rush everything together for the "weird boomers that like these old 1970s characters"

Brain fried.
I bet you think $100 is a lot of money lmao.
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You get a long beam effect and a knotted flame effect. To my knowledge there isn't a spikey glow add-on yet. A green flight stand is a really good idea.
Hello dhunter, please stop stacking your boxes of figures outside the house, its scaring the neighborhood
I don't know who that is. But thanks for confirming I was right poorfagaroo.
you don't collect mcfarlanes if you dont know who that is
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I'm not even a Green Lantern fan, this is just basic stuff that comes to mind with a couple minutes of consideration. You're right, a lot of times it feels like nobody involved is thinking about what they're doing, like how card art doesn't match the actual figure.

At least include something like the Kingdom Come armor, like how Kyle Rayner came with samurai armor. That way Todd can add to the Kingdom Come set without having to gamble on releasing a solo figure.
You're right, I don't collect McFarlane's. Mafex is my go to line for DC figs. McFs are shit.
this is the gayest thread in months, hurry up and release somethin' todd
Then you really don't need Amagoon Prime since you should be ordering off import sites.
How do I apply for a job at McFarlane Toys? I would make Todd so much money
I buy more than just toys you know. Are you literally a child who doesn't buy anything but toys?
>a couple extra heads you can put on the multiples you have to buy of that figure. Lazy.
To be fair, though, hasn't Legends also done this?
Orange head guy really needed a slimmer body.
Another ADHD can't wait 5 days instead of 1-2 for the delivery eh?
nta but you know Prime gives you a lot more than just free shipping, right?
Why does the idea of complete strangers being able to afford Amazon Prime rustle your jimmies so much, little Timmy?
Tell me about it, Rajesh. Do you think I want to watch the latest Rings of Power slop or Thursday Night Foosball?
You'd rather be nickel and dimed for shipping on every purchase and wait a week instead of just paying $15 once a month and getting it in two days?
Imagine ordering less than $35 in product at once. Couldn't be me.
I like how you completely avoid >>11187366 you autistic coward. I can't wait for the figure I just bought to be delivered to me overnight. And it didn't cost me anything! You see Prime pays for itself after just a few purchases.

Sorry that your parents won't let you have Prime, but you don't need to take it out on this thread.

Prime Video, which is access to a library of movies, tv shows, and original content. Prime Music, which is streaming music with the ability to make playlists. Amazon Photos, which is unlimited online photo storage, and 5GB for video. Prime Reading, which is access to a rotating selection of eBooks, magazines, and comics (but maybe you wouldn't be interested in this one). Twitch Prime, which is free game loot and one free Twitch channel subscription per month. Prime Wardrobe, which lets you try on clothes before you buy and Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods discounts. So no, it's not just free shipping.
Ah, so your solution to just paying $15 is to buy more stuff to get free shipping. Flawless logic.
You're an idiot. Amazon Prime is great if you buy heavy things and don't want to pay more for shipping than the actual item itself.
I think it's actually cheaper to pay a yearly lump sum. The monthly is still kinda nickel and dime.
I was going to buy the stuff anyway, Rajesh, I just stock up on my next box of (*%@#)

>I can't wait for the figure I just bought to be delivered to me overnight.
Thats why you have ADHD. If you're the same guy who only buys imports, not McFarlane, you dont use amazon for figures.

No one pays for shipping on Amazon, Rajh
buy an ad
>Thats why you have ADHD. If you're the same guy who only buys imports, not McFarlane, you dont use amazon for figures.
I buy other toy lines beyond DC shit you sperg. I'm waiting for a TF to show up tomorrow. You're actually fucking stupid you know. Really fucking stupid.
That's only on orders of $35 or more on select items.
Enjoy wasting your money to get something 4 days earlier I guess.

Yeah that's the only amount you should ever be ordering off amazon, that has been the whole point of these posts. Imagine paying for shipping or Prime on Amazon. Imagine the humiliation ritual.
For frequent online shoppers, the cost of Prime can quickly pay for itself.
So you're going to just buy extra shit all the time that you don't want as much to go over the $35 mark? You know it works on more than toys, right?
Do you read? >>11187394
>I was going to buy the stuff anyway, Rajesh, I just stock up on my next box of (*%@#)
Hello, Prisha, you do not need to remind us about Amazon 24/7. I know people who do not subscribe to Prime go against your New God Bayz0z, but please, don't make the ads for Prime so obvious and just talk about DC toys
Why do you have such a set routine? Are you autistic?
>Enjoy wasting your money to get something 4 days earlier I guess.
I buy a lot of things online. Shit pays for itself real fast. Sorry that you some how think $90 a year is a lot of money.
Remember that time we talked about Walmart exclusives and some anon says people legit work 40 hour jobs at Walmart just so they can buy toys before customers.
Some anons work hellish minimum wage jobs and probably can't afford Prime so they delude themselves into thinking their Walmart job is really some kind of covert toy spy operation and thinking they're a mastermind for spending $35 on Amazon to get free shipping.
If you buy a lot of things online then prime is definitely a waste since you could just get free shipping by ordering over $35 which is easy to do.
Did you know that all of our McFarlane Multiverse action figures qualify for 2 day shipping with Amazon Prime?
There's a cleanup in isle 5, Timmy. Your break time is over.
I work from home, Kelly, stop making up fantasies in your head that we all work at walmart to scope out toys like this lunatic >>11187418
If someone was working at walmart to get toys they wouldn't need to order them off amazon. Walmart stans are the enemies of Amazon stans. Jeez think for a second, Walmart-anon.
Nah, a retard like you can only get a job cleaning up puke at Walmart.
Depends how frequently you use Amazon, honestly. If you shop often, or need items quickly (and no, I wouldn't consider an action figure here a big need) it could save time.
I'd say the same to you Kelly buy I don't know you or pretend to, that's schizo behavior. Go back to playing with your Superman vs Atomic Skull 2 pack.
I'm not going to be buying over $35 EVERY month. That would be them nickel and diming you. Some months will be less.
If you happen to need something quickly you just take the free trial of prime they're always offering then don't renew.
That's a good two pack to be fair.
This. You get like an entire month for free.
How often do you sign up for credit cards and stuff to get a bonus? You sound like you do that kinda thing often.
Never, thats too much a commitment, but the free trial of prime has no commitment besides knowing how to cancel
So it's good for a month. So good that you decide to try that again. And then they blacklist you.
>no one responds to your last unhinged post
>start replying to other people with more unhinged nonsense
Going to tell your shift leader you're looking at your phone instead of mopping up piss again, Timmy.

Shit, dude, in the past 3 months I've spent over $340 (no, not just toys) on amazon and never paid for shipping once. I guess we know I'm not the poor one then.
Why do autistics legit think they're always only arguing with one person?
Your autism glows, anon.
This is a crazy conspiracy theory. Amazon does not blacklist you for taking a free trial that they offer.
Yeah that dude is having a weird fit right now lol
You stock up your cart to make $35 purchases each time?
35 or more (usually more as you can tell by the 3 month total as I order a lot off amazon)
For repeatedly abusing the free trial system they could. Read the ToS.
They do not, nor would they, mention such a thing in their TOS, as it would suggest to such a user to try such a thing and see how much they could get away with. And certainly Amazon does not want to put those ideas in users' heads. They merely use the nebulous "We may terminate your Prime membership at our discretion without notice." which basically is a flat "we can fuck you in the ass all we want since we're a corporation" that's in all TOS.
What else would lead to a termination of your Prime?
Too many returns or illegitimate returns for sure. They definitely track that.
They say no fraud or misusing the Prime membership, wouldn't repeatedly signing up for a free trial to get what you would normally have to pay for qualify as that?
>wouldn't repeatedly signing up for a free trial to get what you would normally have to pay for qualify as that?
If they're offering a service, and everyhting that entails, for free, not getting that service is actually fraudulent.
Anon wants to feel super special for gaming the system and being smarter than Amazon, just let him have this.
Maybe or maybe not, you'd have to be the lawyer who wrote it to know if that was part of their intent with it.

I could see a lawyer not employed by Amazon argue it isn't though since they are freely offering you the trial without any demand that you pay for it or warning you have a limited number of trials before they will stop offering them, or some other repercussion. You are operating entirely under the offers they have extended to you and while the offers are an attempt by Amazon to show the worth of Prime and get you to pay, there is nothing saying you will be punished or that it is fraud or misuse to not pay for a sub after the free trial period.

Of course such a thing would never get to court because if someone at Amazon was monitoring your use of these trials, they'd just flip the "we reserve the right to fuck you over without explanation" button rather than telling you why they did it, as that is safer for them to do. Not sure what they would do, just never offer you another trial? If so that doesn't really matter. If they'd ban your account entirely that'd be a bigger issue for you.
You JUST said they use the "We may terminate your Prime membership at our discretion without notice" thing to cover their ass there. Also, a trial period is not the full service really. It typically stops being free after a month and auto renews. That's... kinda what trial means.
Holy shit, you guys are pedantic. This is a thread for DC action figures.
It's a different poster. I am >>11187477
They don't even have any toys
Part of DC action figures, a large part, especially, given that they do not have much posability or play value, is ordering them and thus collecting your teams. So it's quite relevant to strategize how to best ride Todd's Wild Ride we have been put on.
Is that a mezco?
>warning you have a limited number of trials before they will stop offering them
This should really be includes, right. But reserving the right to cancel it at any time kinda also covers that I think. Is it technically fraud or misuse to take all the ketchup packets at a restaurant or something like that? And yes I know that's not exactly the best analogy as ketchup packets are finite and Amazon Prime trials are not.
They probably aren't going to care about someone using free trials to order a couple figures a month. Likely they're looking for people using free trials to order thousands of dollars in shipping worth of products for their businesses and returning them if they don't sell within the 21 day window or something, like ordering food for a truck and returning it before it expires.
Either way, anon's entire perspective on Amazon is warped and schizo.
>implying the limited availability of a free item matters to most people

Back to topic. Do any stores have a Limit 2 kinda thing on action figures? It would really cut down on scalpers.
bbts often goes 1-2 and sometimes amazon limits to like 5. But it doesn't really work since scalpers have bots. And physical stores often dont stock more than like 5-6 of a single figure so the scalper just would need to go in, buy 2, come back and buy another 2 twice more at most to clear them out. Can't really stop the scalpers that easily, nor do stores really have an incentive to because a sale is a sale to them.
Amazon is scalping preorders on figures right now. Low grade scalpers are the least of collectors' worries.
>a trial period is not the full service really
There's a big difference between "trial period" and "we're not actually giving you Amazon Prime service for free despite calling it Amazon Prime and saying you're getting it free for 7 days"

There's probably a thousand litigious assholes using all the Amazon Prime trials to their fullest extent and the reason you don't hear them suing Amazon on the news for not delivering is because amazon is keeping their word on free Amazon Prime being Amazon Prime for free.
Obviously, Amazon doesn't offer free trials to the worst of them and the only lawsuits you hear about is where they're charging people for it in underhanded ways.

ketchup analogy doesn't work because Amazon is personally offering you the free trials. They should be the ones keeping track of it, not you.
So after 8 more stupid posts about some idiotic movie, we will get another stupid thread with another different edit of the same Pee Gee figure?
He's complaining that OP only uses that pic of Power Girl rather than some other figures. To be fair though there arent many good Power Girl figures
>Amazon is personally offering you the free trials. They should be the ones keeping track of it, not you.
I don't get it. Burger King is the one offering me ketchup packets and keeping them stocked.

Oh, you mean when the trial period goes away and I have to start paying for ketchup packets? Yeh, that would suck.
kek is that true?
Burger King can ask you to leave their property if you're abusing their self service.

Nothing amazon does is self service. It's all directly done from them to you and they have full control over it. Everything action you do is something they're letting you do.
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Wild there is not a bit of paint on Sinestro's legs
Why does he look like a DBZ character?

You guys told me he'd be classic Sinestro...
>He didn't read Geoff John's GL run
To be fair, that IS kinda how that version of the character looked.
His eyes look so far apart
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Why didn't Todd make a megafig of actual Parallax while he was still doing new molds?
not edgy enough, it's too bright for todd.
It would just be another Anti Monitor situation where people would be complaining that it was too small.
>or warning you have a limited number of trials before they will stop offering them, or some other repercussion
I can't believe I'm actually wading into this shit show just because the latest Simpsons still hasn't dropped onto pirate sites, but the Amazon Prime TOS actually cover this, because each account (meaning each email, credit card, person) is allowed one free trial per year. The few times I've wasted time signing up for Prime, which is usually around Thanksgiving for the holidays, that's how I've done it:

As any site that has those Idiot Tier "HOW TO GET AMAZON PRIME FOR FREE" stories will put it: 'The best part is, this isn’t only for new users – so long as you haven’t been a Prime member over the last 12 months, you can take advantage, meaning you can try the free trial out every single year.'

And yes, before some idiot chimes in, if you want to use multiple street address, and multiple email accounts and multiple credit cards, there's all sorts of ways around this and if you don't think Bezos doesn't have his cloud computer farms crunching data looking out for that shit and watching your accounts accordingly, then have at it, pal.
Antimonitor was one of the smallest megafigs because Todd was out of money by then. He went too big with Swamp Thing to push megafigs and then gradually kept making them smaller. He should've started with the largest characters if he was going to do it that way. But once again, McFarlane Toys has no planning
Um, anon, I've seen it offered to me multiple times a year. Not just once.
We are still on page one.
He doesn't care, he is adamant about maintaining his claim on this gen
>Watching zombie Simpsons
What's wrong with you?
y eah, I've gotten free trials offered more than once a year and I'm not talking about the weekend/week long ones either, which are more abundantly offered.

Maybe has to do with the fact i used to be a prime member and they want me back? Who knows.
Season premiere was actually pretty decent. It's been having something of a renaissance.
He's got to earn that imaginary college intern credit from the Toddfather >>11187656 for helping promote poorly put together plastic toys to strangers on the interwebz.
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Yes, yes, yes Slytherin. Well done.
Two anecdotal experiences negates a legally binding terms of service contract which is why both Disney and Lyft are forcing victims of medical injuries to accept binding arbitration instead of being able to take their large corporate asses to court.
Well done!
Tos isn't legally binding though
>isn't legally binding
Even in third world shit-holes, it sure as heck is, pal.

"In the age of the Internet, contracts take a number of high-tech forms, but is checking a box really legally binding? The short answer is yes."

>Geoff John's GL run
Cringe indeed
>>Watching zombie Simpsons
>What's wrong with you?
Nothing, nothing at all, friend.
It was more meh than not, true, but what would you rather I spend 18 commercial free minutes on?
Rick and Morty?
Tik Tok?
If Amazon wants to offer me Prime for free beyond what their TOS says, that's on them, not me. And it's illegal to switch and bait.

Again, it wasn't just 30 day trials, but weekend/week long trials too. I'm actually unsure of how long they lasted, btw, but they were free and i used them to buy single things without worrying about the minimum order.

I ahven't liked Prime for years now, since so much of their shit isn't one day shipping and without prime i still my shit within a couple of days, even when it says it'll take longer. The benefits of living in a populated city.

>Each of these courts evaluated what is commonly referred to as a “sign-in wrap” agreement, and in each case the court held that the manner in which the applicable terms were presented to the user or the manner in which the user assented to them was not sufficient to form an enforceable contract.
Whether Amazon is or isn't, who fucking knows unless someone get sued about it.
These TOS things have always been in shaky ground since they were introduced in the 90s. I'm not at all surprised people no longer know about these news stories, because 4chan is full of zoomers now.

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