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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
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>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.

Previous thread: >>11179613
The original Omega Prime is better.
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>Better proportions
>Better looking chest
>Better shade of white plastic on the Ultra Magnus parts
>Better stability with more things tabbing in for the armor (especially the legs)
>Hides Ultra Magnus's arms away instead of having them dangle off to the side
>Wings actually come out and feel like wings
>Only thing that actually seems like a downgrade is the smaller feet, and even then that's counteracted by the fact there's actual heel supports now

Anyone who actually thinks it's worse than the original is probably just that fox complaining that it can't get the grapes from the tree so it calls them shit.
The smaller wheels and feet are unfortunate, the head sculpt also looks a little weird. That aside he looks better in pretty much every way. I wish they showed off posability
Bluebolts looks fun too
in fairness sour grapes is a valid mental mechanism
does it bug anyone that the guns are flipped?
I don't like the knees but that's about it.
The Japanese dub of EarthSpark finished last Sunday and in the final episode they did that thing where the cast sings the opening.
I know everyone hates ES, but I like when they do it and the song is cool.
And DX Thrash is fun to play around.

The guns can be oriented either way I think. At least, he said multiple times that bluebolts' arms are reversible
ah okay
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Got another 3D print job done, and my first time doing a mod involving pin removal (Well asides from that Armada Prime upgrade kit, but I botched that one up horribly since I didn't have the proper tools). If you've never messed with the Cybertron Downshift mold (or it's repaint Big Daddy) it still holds up very well today asides from the lack of arm rotation at the shoulder. 6 parts from the 3D printer and some hammering of pins later Big Daddy can pose with the best of them now with zero impact to his Transformation.

Honestly, if you have the budget and have any interest at all in TF upgrades I strongly recommend grabbing a 3D printer. Shit's bananas. Gonna be trying my hand at giving Armada Cyclonus and Cybertron Hotshot (Well the Getaway repaint) some more articulation at the hips/shoulders next.
The only thing that genuinely bothers me compared to the original is the ab section, on the original it's made up of Magnus' legs and makes his torso feel fuller while on the new one it's just a panel painted to match the look.

It's not a dealbreaker by any means but the new one's lower torso just feels very flat in comparison.
I'm curious how Primes armor pieces will go on and look on Omega
Yeah, speaking as someone who had and loved the original, the new one is so much better it's unreal, any horrendous QC fuckups notwithstanding.
It doesn't look like its going to fall apart if I look at it. I really love this big guy and I'm so glad I decided to back it. I hope we do get the Carbrothers next. Legacy Sideburn wasn't perfect but he looks okay in robot mode and my original set of brothers have aged badly.
If TT and Capcom do decide to do a Megaman collab, X would work the best.
>we've got more surprises in store with this figure
Oh? Jan and Tai figures
>a way to store super mode primes parts
I sleep.
We'll see what it looks like with paint on it
But I'm also of the opinion that the new, more trim, Omega is wholly better
People complain about Energon Prime's gut then glaze right over Omega Prime
Putting Prime's super hands on Magnus' arm stubs to make mecha-shiva
Do not buy, you will be sorry. Sorry I say!
He said surprises, plural. I think a little T-AI is very likely.
I don't, it was already a surprise they included a Brave Maximus component. How many surprise additions have we gotten after a Haslab?
Sorry that I don't have it yet.
They really should. It was incredibly successful, and if they can't make a tiny little mold for a static figurine here, they'll never make it. They can't even include a repainted Mini-Con they've already made in a figure with an all re-release wave.
are the wheels rubber or plastic?
plastic, not the bullshit PVC that melts the plastic
pvc is plastic..
The new figure looks great I genuinely don't understand the complaints
Add the hands and that’s all my complaints. Everything else is better but those 4 problems are pretty important to the aesthetic. Oh, and the fact that the better super mode crotch looks ridiculous on the base figure
it absolutely is, but it's been regularly compared to rubber when talking about figures like the Sandstorm and Beachcomber. My point still stands though, the tires are full-on ABS for these.
>don’t buy it
My connect has it in stock for almost 2 weeks and I still haven’t pulled the trigger. It’s so lackluster looking it’s honestly unbelievable
Two camps, I think
One is the genuine poorfags crying over sour grapes
The other is people that own an original Omega Prime, didn't see this one as enough of an upgrade and focus on flaws to narrow down the margin between the two as much as possible
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Arcee still has a long way to go in learning the art of the the thighs.
Man, that thing is ugly. I like the arcees i have but something about that chun li color scheme just ruins it for me.
Look at this beast
>90 elbows
>paint where it shouldn't be
>Dat head
>useless "erect" blaster effects
>repair bay can't even be posed like it is opening Ops chest flaps
>Dat backpack
I'm sorry Anons, it's not for me
It is probably the flesh color. Being robot grey or her usual pink would have worked better.
Are those angled shots intended to mimic a shot from the movie?
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Any idiot knows, this goes way back, if you're doing a robot version of a human, with like, robot clothes... robot boots... unless it has an actual flexible android face like Rockman or Cutey Honey, the 'flesh' color should be replaced with silver or gold, something robotic. Suggesting that if that robot were 'naked' it would be solid silver or gold. or flat gray, or china white, whatever.
I can only assume this was Capcom's insistence.
You are too late to hate on this figure anon, I already got brainwashed to want it.
won't be getting any shoulder rides from this guy
>Can't even do the trailer turret mode.
It can't? Core version could do it.
keking at all the retards who funded this offmodel looking piece of shit while i sit comfortably with my original omega prime
how the fuck
How come Transformers doesn't have a schoolgirl uniform character?
That would be nice but I wouldn't mind another art print like what came with Star Saber
We have Minerva.
Windblade's(legends at the very least) colouring is based on the sailor uniform. Specifically the chest area has the piece that typically goes over the shoulders.
Man, Legacy Chromia's actually pretty damn good. I sorta just tossed her in the cart with Crashbar and Axelgrease but she's surprised me. Good plastic, good balance, the ninja disks are a little weird but they work fine. Bike mode's solid, kick stand holds her up just fine, it's nice.

Contrast that with Crashbar, who's okay but has that Junkion problem where the nature of removable limbs means they want to pop off pretty easily, and there's just this barely noticeable but still noticeable misalignment in the wheels in vehicle mode, like if i'm getting really OCD it doesn't look like the wheels line up just right if I'm looking at it from the bottom - Road Pig has that issue too a little bit. I still like it, but eh.

Axelgrease is cool, I really like the way this mold looks, but... Jesus fuck these arms are annoying to deal with. In Axelgrease, in Lockdown, in Scraphook, the arm hinges are ALL shit. It's not total dealbreakers, and I've got some upgrade kits coming to see if that helps, but in Axelgrease in particular her elbow pivot is so tight I end up popping the hinge part off if I try doing it without it being at just the right angle. I WANT to love these crazy mad max bastards but they're making me put way too much extra curricular work in here.
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>"Alarmingly, Micromaster engineers, famous for their technical prowess and precision machining, have been accelerating work on what can only be described as 'War Machines.'"
that would take a long time
I wish we got the construction micromaster combiners. Or make the old base ones and throw in a weaponizer/modulator recolor.
nah they are just slightly inefficient and lose a lot of energy to heat. they're warm machines
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you're not entirely wrong
I backed it and am happy I did, but I am genuinely upset that it's a one-time batch of product that you had to financially support a year in advance. It's not about price, it's about such over-the-top FOMO. If it funds and people want more, just do more production runs for the same price, damn, I won't be upset.
The only thing I'm upset about is missing Victory Saber..
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Id be satisfied if they just finished the teams they started
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The change in the ab section is meant to resemble how the show model interprets that as being the actual waist, rather than just Magnus's legs being in front Optimus
I'm sure one can argue it is animation error effects.
I do hope you enjoy it and are not filled with disapointment like me.
I know!
And his axe didn't fair any better. This is not just warped plastic, it is molded that way.
Gah, that red bothers me so damn much, curse my tisms
Someone on that tfw wanted a comparison of these, but I'm not going to make an account. On the slim chance you browse this board, here you go.
What I would do for a transforming prime with Super7s proportions..
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Whelp. I finally did it. I found one of... that series.
To be fair, that Optimus rocks. it's just the fact that he comes with a loli that makes the whole thing creepy.
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so wait, his leg panels were molded in red and painted blue? for what reason?
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No need to sound like such a pussy, we all like little girls here
Pretty sure it's painted red because it forms part of the cab section.
So fucking excited for this release, probably the hypest ive been since the reveal of mp primal

I do have a few nitpicks but the majority of the figure looks like a fantastic upgrade. I think the biggest issue for me is the shins on the omega mode, the wheel being smaller is a downgrade aesthetically and the feet being so small looks weird visually and makes me worry about tipping. But god damn, cant wait, praying to the qc gods they dont fuck it up

Side note, evan mentioned that blue bolts is a girl which is explained in a legends manga, is that out yet? If not my guess is maybe blue bolts turns out to be t-ai, would be a cool way to get rep for her

Also interested in this added mode that integrates all the fire convoy truck armour leftovers. Its really great that takara has all this old talent that they can pull the original designer and the anime designer to do an update
oh weird. i guess there's more than one way to skin a cab.
damn straight
... as long as we're doing nice things to them. NICE things. Also should probably change that 'to' to a 'with.'
I would take melissa to the beach and buy her an icecream i tell you what.
When I was a much younger I remember really wanting Kiss Convoy because he came with a surfboard sword that normal Alternators Primes doesn't have
Ah, Marissa. Total babe in the G1 show, but she deffo aged badly in the post-Kiss Players material. Ended up a literal milf too with a daughter named Sue.

Oh, gets worse. As per the wiki, she had a crush on him while kinda seeing him as a father figure.
...Oedipus Prime complex right there, folks.
also, as dumb as it is making optimus a pickup, he does look pretty cool
that's just how ladybrains work
>I would take melissa to the beach and buy her an icecream i tell you what.
Believe it or not, Marissa there is supposed to be roughly the same age she was when she was first introduced in the show - the first comic for Kissplayers takes place sometime after 2005-2006, shortly after she was stationed on Mars in the G1 cartoon. Even with the accounting for the timeskip in the Japanese continuity, she'd still be of perfectly legal age, despite the artstyle for Kissplayers.
i don't think there's a legal age for ice cream... yet.
There will be - just got to wait for them to slap the tax on air and water first.
Blue painted red, the red that shows is the bottom of this piece, I wanna just take it off, but I think I'm going to sell it anyways.
Everybody calls Optimus "daddy". One way or another.

There is a horrible Rumble and Frenzy joke here waiting to be made
i'm glad they cared about not having a speck of blue on the altmode, but... they should have been more careful with robot mode.
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Oh yeah, i got this a week or so ago but forgot to post about it

Genuinely a top tier figure, wild poseability and a super clever and simple transformation, absolutely no business being this fucking good in the kiddie line.

The way the legs flip around for transformation, with weapon storage between the fucking feet and using that to give double knees and great ankle range is so peak. The arms are a bit gangly but the whole look and the range of joints is such a joy

The only way this couldve been improved was being voyager height and given denser plastic with a wrist rotation, but even then i love the vibe of this hardass being a manlet. Seriously if you see this grab it, excellent value for less than a mainline deluxe
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Like look that that, absolutely genius
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Adorable little beast of a truck, and the cab tabs together on like 6 different places, its so unnecessarily solid for such a tiny thing
Anyone know where the battery compartment is on this guy? Want to see if his lights and sounds will work still.
I do think it's worse than the original especially because of the look, that angular chug aesthetic isnt what Car Robots is, or at least what some of these characters are, they should be curvy in some areas akin to Beast Wars characters, If I have to rank all of them
- inner robot Fire Convoy: ugly
-Super fire convoy: passable
-God Magnus: least worst of the bunch since that angular look is what this character is about (except the head, bro got to scan Stallone or something https://twiter.com/hyarms_hobby/status/1834443082391322664/photo/4

>Hides Ultra Magnus's arms away instead of having them dangle off to the side
pussy complaint, the upperarms could be configured the way you want in combined mode & in no way it hinders the articulation
A real complaint is the fact that Magnus no longer separates at the knees during any transformation, they relegated it to the pelvis because?? oh and they added a fake combined crotch piece next to magnus's chest... which is meant to be the crotch of the combined mode WTF?
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talk about mogged
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>buy Siege Springer on Amazon
>Priority shipping: $20, delivery date: 16th October
>Regular shipping: $0, delivery date: 16th October
Hmmm....such a tough choice...
yeah, left actually looks like Quake
I just ordered him for in store pick up but the save $20 deal, while it said was auto applied, didn't actually discount me at checkout. Do you need the Target Circle card for it to apply or what? I'm a little annoyed, I won't lie.
The one with the wrong colors for Quake looks more like Quake?
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>Man, Legacy Chromia's actually pretty damn good. I sorta just tossed her in the cart with Crashbar and Axelgrease but she's surprised me. Good plastic, good balance, the ninja disks are a little weird but they work fine. Bike mode's solid, kick stand holds her up just fine, it's nice.
I think she's pretty cool too, nice and poseable and makes a pretty decent motorcycle.
I get that people where miffed about the inaccuracy for Prowl but Chromia seems to wear it well.
Her headsculpt reminds me of the WFC/FOC games a lot. kickstand wasn't so good on mine though
She's OK but the throwing stars cam get caught in the wheels. I wish they'd made the bike more symmetrical like the original Animated Prowl that the Legacy version was based on.
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Yeah, I see what you're saying, she does have some issues. I think whenever the mould is brought up though it gets ignored that its still pretty fun to mess with despite its flaws.
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Sakamoto's manga for Dark Amber Leo Prime
I don’t think so. Maybe just a phone number? Did you checkout as a guest or with an account?
I checked out with my account. I ended up double checking and when I ordered it at the other local Target by me, the discount applied. Instead of fighting with customer service, I just cancelled the first order and re-ordered it at the Target that's slightly farther.
That is far too logical. You are supposed to sperg out and start throwing chicken tendies at employees until they manually adjust the price.
One of the worst ""fembots"" in recent memory, even siege mogs this thing.
>A real complaint is the fact that Magnus no longer separates at the knees during any transformation
And how is this a real complaint? It literally doesn't fucking change anything. Same with the fake groin, it helps the figure look much better proportionally when the original looked retarded and skinnyfat.

The arms just hanging around in god magnus mode is ugly as fuck btw, the articulation remark barely matters because the original could hardly move to begin with
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>He can hide plenty of snacks in his shins.
Eh maybe a few jellybeans
Shows my local target has 4 in stock but won't let me order for pickup or delivery. Trying to figure out if this means its instoxk in the back or actually on the shell to be sold.
It says it's in stock at my Target, but I was there just yesterday and it definitely wasn't on the shelf.
I'm too old and tired to get into it with some dumb white woman at Target over $20. This is fine for me, the other Target is only an extra like 5 minutes away.
Weird I just checked over stores near and when the page refreshed shows now only 2 in stock.
If traffic wasent a bitch I would run over there now
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Cyclonus, the warrior, and his articulation
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Neutral pose to show what's different on him. Yes I swear the instructions say the pegs on the legs face outward (Assuming they're blast effect ports)
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Copter mode pretty much remains the same. Only thing I'd bother changing still is his head articulation, but that's for another day.
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Where are you getting the files for these parts? Do you fuck with CAD?
Giving more articulation to old figures who'll probably never get updates? Awesome.
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I just grab em from Cults3D. A few dollars to upgrade older figures is no biggie compared to waiting years for a more expensive redo of the figure with less features. The same guy who did the parts for Cyclonus also did a set for Demolishor but it fucks with the body proportions too much for my liking and I'm not a fan of the flip-out hands.
Those shins are still horrible and the colours look so cheap.
>noooo we can't charge people extra for something they actually want
I don't understand Hasbro's decision making process.
I'm sure they'll get around to legacy armada demolishor and cyclonus considering we've already gotten Tidal Wave, Wheeljack, Optimus, Hotshot, and Megatron.

I would love for them to hurry and drop Jetfire but that's neither here nor there
If you bought enough of those to make the same price, then it would still be a lot smaller. You normally can get Hot Wheels cars for a dollar at a grocery store. It is overpriced compared to very overpriced.
does it matter how overpriced a thing is when both fandoms will eat up anything mattel or hasbro shits out ignoring the price/quality ratio?
again, pot calling the kettle black
Pot is relatively light-skinned.
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the fake groin doesnt make it better proportionate, specially when it's looks like an apron, which is retarded af when the real chest IS RIGHT BEHIND IT

Idk what is about hasbro's mind, wanting to reinvent the wheel, Japanese transformers shows are the most accurate piece of media translating their OG toys, it isn't the g1 cartoon where more often than not they choose to morph

Anyone who says Haslab is more show accurate than the og is a retarded liar, & it starts with Magnus separating at the knees

Having retransformed my God Fire Convoy, I can see why the ppl behind the anime choose to collapse magnus's thighs as the abs, but the haslab way of making it an 2d apron isnt that good despise what the other anon is saying
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Bros is there even a single Beast Wars figure in the pipeline?
I'm just pissed I missed out on him :'( I seriously hope hasbro considers reissuing haslabs in the future, I could do without the roads or whatever just give me a chance to give them money for a cool toy without having to go on the aftermarket
Supposedly the robot mode detailing is from the guy that animated the show, so it is to look like how it did there instead of the actual toy's.
Look in the pastebin.
>Having retransformed my God Fire Convoy
Just busted mine out based on this thread and everything is fine until you get to super mode and it all falls apart, literally. His legs don’t want to hold him up at all. I’m starting to regret not backing the Haslab for the singular reason that I am certain it will be much more fun to play with because this one is not fun at all
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So weird Takara didn't made that blue repaint, yet a theres a perfect looking OSKO .
The BB OSKO happened because western people knew who was making the bootleg and asked for a run of that.
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>tfw grabbed Silverbolt and realize that Tigerhawk is the last modernized Beast Wars figure I don’t have
I cannot shake the feeing that I do not need to replace the original. Aesthetically the Legacy is an actual downgrade but as a toy it looks miles better
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>tfw one of your ankles exploded but keeping the beast foot out goes perfectly with all your other asymmetrical elements
>Siege Springer
Why? I'm looking to offload mine and buy the SS86.
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>tfw Magmatron was the grand finale without anyone realizing it
Of course I see this too late and it's gone, and no store in my shitty area has it.
The master of shin storage is Siege Omega Supreme, I filled those with blast effects.
>tfw 5 stores in driving distance have him in stock
I’m broke. Sucks to suck.
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>I almost never buy 3p these days, but when I do it’s because it’s leagues better than any Hasbro offering
I’ve got my eye on that Iron Factory Liokaiser next
>Idk what is about hasbro's mind, wanting to reinvent the wheel
Anon, the Japanese man who designed the original designed the new one
>3 local targets say "Not sold at this store"
>3 targets a bit further, but still reasonable driving distance, don't even show up on the list
>closest store that has it is 24 miles away
>not a single store in a 50 mile radius is allowing order pickup
I think it looks like shit just because it isn't 3rd party.
>t. someone who didn't have the original
>I hate toys
Why are you even here?
>live in area full of collectors and totally infested with scalpers
>every Target in my area that has him had the same stock they had 5 hours ago
This figure is DOA and will probably be $30 on Black Friday
I pre-ordered. Optimus Prime looks amazing. Ultra Magnus is a little weak (the sides of his car carrier really needed to fold around and cover the backs of his legs) but at least Bluebolts can double as gap fillers.
Chromia doesn't look feminine at all but she's a far more solid looking bikeformer than Legacy Arcee. I've already got Animated Prowl + the samurai kit so Chromia isn't a high priority for me. I would like to get the third party exhaust blaster though.
Hasbro have released Legacy Scraphook four times and not once bothered to fix his shitty elbows. The upgrade kit prevents them from exploding on transformation but you'll need to tighten the hinges.
That is one piss poor looking tank
If Earthrise Prowl wasn't so stupidly expensive (desperately needs a rerelease), I'd grab a spare of him and attempt to give him the Autorooper head from that BB army builder pack.
Not a rerelease, he needs a new toy. The earthrise one is awful.
I felt like a criminal when I sold mine for $100. Looks like he’s going toward $200 now lmao cmon John get your shit together
Well Skybyte if you want to count him. They might do a Selects Cybershark.
Funny, because the stock numbers in my area are dropping by the minute.
A new Skybyte is coming?
They just removed local pickup from all stores in my area so that means he will be sold out imminently
Children's cartoon versions don't count for anything.
His trailer is still just a big empty box. I see no reason to upgrade from Earthrise.
Ah so then
Anon was right
The main reson is looking way better. I never liked the Earthrise so it was an easy pass for me, but this Studio Series is just the best mainline G1 Prime ever.
That's the nice thing about having options, you don't have to if you don't want to
The new trailer looks much better, but the lack of peg holes inside is a huge disappointment. One thing I loved about the ER version was decking out the trailer like a giant armory.
where did i ever imply i hate toys? i hate impulsive fans that allow hasjew to pull their jewiest tricks
I never would have expected an Earthspark figure to be good enough to get third party support. I'll have to keep an eye out for him.
Just so I'm understanding this, you base buying Primes on their trailer? What's the top tier trailer? To me, they're all functionally identical big empty boxes.
Yeah, by the old figure. The new tank is a mess.
No, G1 Optimus Prime has more mechanisms. And Laster Optimus's trailer is amazing.
Same, I got it for 14 and it's fantastic.
Wasn't a core class Dinobot cancelled?
Legacy Armada Prime is S tier
I'll take either. The Cyberverse deluxe improves the design in a couple of areas but looks like it was made of the absolute cheapest materials they could find.
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It's a great looking figure if you want animation accurate, but nothing will probably surpass ER on what I want from a Prime, at least for the G1 version. Siege and ER were just too fun for pic related things
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I realize this isn't the most flattering angle lol, but I more so wanted to show the potential with the weaponizer system. It was really slept on for how few unique molds they commited to. Here's a better pose.
All toys are an invention of jews so since you say you hate jews, you must hate toys too or you're a hypocrite.
>tiny hands
AGAIN! what is their fucking problem?
I think the ER datsuns are pretty damn good, they're just marred by the clear plastic usage and that clashy and clunky transformation. I can't imagine a new mold being all that different
I bought a couple of cheap Red Cogs because of the pile of accessories included. The weaponizer gimmick would be a lot more useful if the ports were tighter. I'd love to get hold of Sixgun and the Powerdashers one day.
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The sheer number of weapon ports on post-siege stuff is really easy to take for granted. Before that you'd be lucky to get anything outside of the hands, nowadays you can take any miserly little deluxe bot and turn them into a walking/rolling arsenal if you feel like it
>Drive me closer! I want to hit them with my sword!
I'm probably going to buy Legacy Quake, if for no other reason than I want Hardhead to be a unique mold. And the Targetmasters.
Maybe I can chuck Quake in some rit dye or give it a black wash to darken the colors somewhat?
Pulled my TR Quake out of the bin, I'm probably gonna just repaint the two Targetmasters that came with Windsweeper but if I can find him for cheap online I'll use them for a Quickmix kitbash then.
Yeah, the back wheels on the Earthrise version were really cheap looking. If they'd had the wheel wells I would be less pressed to go for SS86.
and he pulled in Taiga, character animation designer from the original anime to help him idk what anon is on about, its the original creators coming back to improve on their own work, no one is ruining the original toy either, it makes sense that they'd be excited to bring all the new techniques to this old design and would want to change things up, why bother doing it again if you just copy paste everything
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blast from the past. i took that picture 14 years ago.
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>Ya estamos aquí tan solo vive este momento
>Vamos a dejar que el tiempo se nos vaya lento
>Lo que te dije, no es invento
>Esos ojitos tuyos me ponen contento...

>Que te valga madre lo que te diga la gente
>Vamos a escaparnos un ratito del presente
>Tengo unas propuestas indecentes
>Por si te quieres poner valiente...
now why in the sam hill did you bring up the race of this theoretical woman
women are all the same. they are all dumb and they all yell at you at Target.
I just really abhore that mold man. Clear plastic fuckin' everywhere, hollow legs that are only accentuated with the "I guess you tried" inner leg panels, clipped on wheels, dumb top-off-the-roof weapons storage, no shoulder missiles, barebones tampographing, and to my eye, the headsculpt looks wrong.

Prowl is my favorite, but Earthrise Prowl is not.
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that buried head though
wow this is the first i've heard of it and it's already missed out?
nope.. my wallet is safe for a while.
Yeah. It was many months ago it closed.
>forgetting core Cheetor
I do prefer the gray helicopter blades, but it was mostly because it was cheaper. I ended up cancelling in the end after seeing a bunch of people claiming that it's transformation is shitty, so I'll just wait for the 86 to go on sale.
He's already out. And a Core class.
The point is he came out after Magmatron
Making BM Cheetor the real finale to Generations' beast era toys
better articulation, sure, but who cares?
yeahh that part breaks a lot. You have to push part in before transforming it and.. i bought the 'razorclaw' repaint from a nice fella in here and it broke while he was packaging it. Got a discount, got another junker to swap parts with. but man while i was shopping, a LOT of them have that break.
the finale of King of the Hill is "To Sirloin with Love."
It doesn't matter that FOX in their infinite wisdom withheld six more episodes that ended up airing later on Adult Swim, the finale is the one where everything wraps up and we get the nice ending music.
It's an Abbey Road thing.
whoa who is this guy? he looks pretty neat. I promise I won't follow up the discussion so we don't derail, i'll go to /3dp/ if i have more questions.
I got the MPP10V and really wanted the trailer as well, but it was an extra $80 in aussie funbux.
>implying Beast Machines counts
It’s more of a sister series to Reboot than Transformers
Beast Wars is a ReBoot spin-off.
>better articulation
Yeah, that’s basically what I meant, I guess. Considering the original’s action features it’s actually highly debatable which is a better “toy”
Lol this
MMC Jaguar
I have been seeing people with straight blaster effects. Why was I cursed with these stormtrooper effects
thanks you
yeah the whole 'missing link' thing has gotten me REAL fuckin thirsty for 'barely changed versions of beast wars guys'
There were a ton of great ones who just needed some extra ankle and wrist joints, and others who needed proportion tweaks.. and plenty who needed a complete overhaul
Because other people you interact with online touch themselves at night, but lack an outlet for punishment. You carry their sins on your back.
i assume you tried hot water, no dice?
Wasn't Takara doing that for a while? Rereleases of Optimus Primal, Megatron, and some other guys with tweaks?
So it was you!!! I curse thee!
I tried, yes. They are molded this way
Managed to grab 86 Wreck-Gar for $25 at the flea market today. Pretty good, glad I didnt pay full price for the fucker.
slight remoldings, yeah. removing mutant masks and altering the faces to be more accurate, that kind of thing. but i don't think they ever added articulation. you really couldn't with the original primal due to his arm gimmicks.
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Thank you
What a bizarre defect
I always love Primes that combine with their trailers like Powermaster OP/Ginrai and Armada Prime, but I really love the Super Link/Energon Prime not just for the combination, but the fact that the trailer is carrying a pack of themed drones. It's extremely silly, and I adore it just from concept.
G2 Laser OP has a good battlestation though, and you can't not love the weapon wheel+jetpack of DotM Optimus; it's so toyetic it's silly lmao.

How would you classify guys like Fire Convoy, Galaxy Force Prime, or Animated in this conversation? Since they technically all detach from their rear halves, but they're fire engines, not trailers.
Fire Convoy, I wouldn't count as having a trailer, because its integral to his vehicle mode. Galaxy Force and Animated, however, I would count as having trailers, as they can also exist in vehicle modes without them.
Is this hard to get? I remember seeing this for cheap a lot a while back, always wanted one but there was stuff I usually wanted more so usually skipped it.
>Chromia doesn't look feminine at all
>tfw you’re so desperate for new Beasts that you are now regretting not getting the repaints at Ross last Christmas
It’s getting bad
Man, it feels weird looking up gen listings for AOP. I'm not a huge fan of the 13, so out of the whole list, the only must get is just Venom. Alpha Trion, Fallen and Sky Byte are all maybes, while Red Alert is a clearance only. Shit, I'm more interested in getting Prime accesories, like Prima's sword.

Meanwhile, 86 has all of Devastator and that's it. If they fuck up this version I'll skip it like CW.
That looks terrible.
Forgot about Star Convoy, but Tidal Wave was terrible, I can't trust Hasbro with Titans after that.
I'm just dreading AOP from that list. All I want is the Combaticons and Aerialbots. But you just know they're going to monkey paw them all somehow.
I mean, they're apparently going to Menasor them and I honestly don't feel like replacing my CW figures, I only got Menasor because the CW toy was awful.
I'm less concerned about that than how they'll have clipped wheels or no landing gear or clear joints or alt-mode weirdness.
Since I'm a stupid fucking paypig my concern is which of each team will be the one that's impossible to track down
The only Prime I'm interested in is The Fallen and that's if he's based off Dreamwave. While I think CW Superion is good especially with third party feet and hands I am excited for the new one and Bruticus.
I doubt they'll get fucked over by clear parts, but clip on wheels and no landing gear are a given.
Well, one Combaticon (apparently Swindle) will get a toy in aop, so good luck, he's apparently in the last wave.
So how come Cyclonus gets landing gear but nobody else below commander does?
The Skyquake mold has landing gear.
Ah, nice. I don't have him yet.
What is your favorite car former to have come out in the past few years? Do you have one that you like to just roll back and forth on your desk?
Siege Impactor comes to mind. I like his spinning canon.
anyone else feel like we're circling the drain?
they have rehashed old TF so, so much they can't keep existing collectors in the market
but the new movie isn't getting traction to bring in new blood
remold and retools out the ass (STILL getting siege sideswipe remolds in 2024)
feels like we're running on fumes atm
It's even part of the transformation, it's pretty neat once you figure out how it works.
Bay pretty much killed the brand as far as new fans go. Everyone who isn't already a nerd into that kind of things thinks Transformers is just robot balls and age of consent laws. The only real thing they can do is hope they can get the brand back from Paramount, give it to a competent studio, and slowly build it back after a break.
>anyone else feel like we're circling the drain?
No more than we were a decade ago.
Nah, bigger issue is shows after Prime have done a poor job of appealing to kids, and the toys are also terrible.
People who watch movies don't care about any of that shit. Transformers One failing falls squarely on the shoulders of Bay and Lorenzo
I just want Energon and Cybertron Optimus before I can say peace out to the franchise. Energon more so because Cybertron OP is something that definitely will happen either next year or the following years to come since it's a popular design unlike Energon. I was hopeful despite rumors of him being the next Titan turning out to be false but at this point it's going to be ages before we get an updated toy of Energon OP.
>Cybertron OP is something that definitely will happen either next year or the following years to come
Not if the rumors about the Siege Galaxy Prime reissue are true.
People who watch movies aren't the main target audience of Transformers. Kids who want to play with toys are the main audience. Transformers is a toy brand, not a movie brand. The failure of the movies wouldn't matter if the shows were doing well and the associated toys were selling.
That rumor was released alongside rumors of a Titan Class Energon Optimus Prime in AOTP which we all know is false since JTPrime revealed it is Star Convoy instead so safe to say that is also false,
People who watch movies are the target audience of movies. Transformers One wouldn't have failed if Bay hadn't put a bullet between the eyes of the brand.

The toys are also one of Hasbro's top brands so I don't know where you're getting this shit.

>We had seen and heard from Hasbro in the past that franchises like Star Wars may not sell well (or be profitable for a toy maker) during a movie year. But it isn't the case for Transformers, which had a 35% growth and shows that it can still be a brand that sells toys.

Now substantiate your claims that the toys aren't selling. The toys are generally in a better place than they've ever been unless you're a delusional retard crying over lights and sounds and spring loaded missiles.
Maybe I'm alone on this but I've literally never given a single fuck about clip on wheels. Most times they even look better without a big obvious pin in the center.
everything is.
we're in that 5 minute period after the sun explodes before we find out about it.
>after Prime
Prime was a huge failure that killed good mainlines and eventually led to takara scaling back and submitting to the brand unification.
Because hastak have never tried to scam out one last run of a mold immediately before announcing a replacement.
That's more Takara's thing
>Beast Wars is a ReBoot spin-off.
>Mainframe was actually the Axalon's computer
>The player was Rattrap
Yeah I don't know what anon's smoking. Maybe it's because I never saw the Prowl everyone's talking about and never even really watched that show, but coming in with just the chromia figure she looks perfectly feminine to me, certainly by TF standards.
I dunno, Jolt?
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Did no one tell you there was a US release, sans girl?
And sword
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Man, I wish I could find that pic I took of a tower of weapons I stacked on Trailbreaker. Did it before Siege, and you couldn't see TB underneath.
Probably Legacy Cybertron Hot Shot and Legacy Knockout. They are fun to play with
People who watch movies also watched Animated back then. The cartoons have been shit ever since so that's why they aren't getting the attention of kids.
Nigga they reissued Earthrise Prime at the same time they released SS 86 Prime
Yeah Optimus is probably the least worthwhile of the line to get. Not many changes from the US release and the mold itself isn't that impressive(and I'm an alternators defender).
It's funny how much talk the Kiss Players line got when it was all of 3 releases, and some really out of place looking cassette recolors. People were acting like it was some terrible benchmark when it was basically a glorified special release line.
>Bay pretty much killed the brand
sick of the Bay cope after this long. how many billions did he bring in again?
based, fuck prime
Bay was done after 2011 but the studio begged him to return. he only did AoE to make Pain and Gain
Studio series 86 Bumblebee is pretty good
He only came back because Lorenzo wanted to save his failing career. Every movie made less and less because people were sick of his awful shit. And Hasbro doesn't make any money from the movies at all other than merch which sells like shit (which you can tell from how they half-ass the movie shit.) Bay is bad for Transformers and bad for movies in general.

He's making a Skibidi Toilet movie next so his career is right where it belongs now: in the fucking toilet.
It's cool to see a Convoy figure with a surfboard at least
It's funny that Kiss Players would be a total footnote if the western fandom didnt chimp out every time it gets namedropped over the loli/moe stuff. It was a tiny line nearly 18 years ago, you'd think they'd get new material by now. The line itself is just fine tho, and the Autotroopers, Rosanna, Glit, and Sundor are all cool. Interesting that nobody really talks about the uhhh... Sparkbots? I guess they're not that interesting, I can only remember the lion bot named Angela
Mostly on the same page as you, though The Fallen (assuming Dreamwave), Red Alert, and RB Heatwave are the big deals to me personally.
I am curious how the Combaticons will turn out, seeing as we're getting at least one of them next year, and I'm fond of the Bayverse comics so I'm cautiously optimistic on how Flatline will look. Aside from that, yeah, it's mainly just Devastator and reissues like 86 Grimlock and DotM Shockwave I'm looking forward to.
>He's making a Skibidi Toilet movie next so his career is right where it belongs now: in the fucking toilet.
>age of consent laws
The executives were pussies for not forcing him toe excise that shit. That would be the one case where executive meddling ruining a creator vision would have been a good thing
I hope it's good...
some hires pics here
Maybe it's my imagination, but his arms feel a bit too long.
reaches his knees in some shots
He looks really cheap.
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Well, some good news and bad news to share

First the good news

The retro prime is great. If you get one with a good paint job, I think you will appreciate what they are trying to do- even if it is a cash grab

The bad news
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In order to take the photo I transformed my toy missing link prime

And guess what, the rubber tire marred/melt the underside of the right arm. This part came into contact with the tire in truck mode.

People are hoping missing link being a premium line, this would not happen- it did

I will try to see if my older Wal Mart reissue prime have this problem or not- I kept it in truck mode.

Thank god this is on the undersides and small in term of area. But I can't image what is going to happen with that Deluxe G1 prime. That thing's wheels are not chromes so the rim will melt.
So it has the same problem as Legacy Beachcomber?
Beachcomber's tires only melt paint, not plastic.
I would say it is like the old voy bludgeon

The rubber melt the plastic

Though I don't know what kind of bare plastic it has to be in order to get melted.

My old bludgeon' grey plastic all seems to be fine even under direct contact but other (green, orange, black) all got melted.

And I heard sandstorm's wheels melted painted parts, but I don't know if that is just paint-transfer problem or the same problem- just affect the paint first

Man this really sucks in term of display things.

Like do I need to check on my MP44 prime?? That thing's wheels are internally and I don't want to transform the thing ( though I have the KO instead of the official one)


I have that thing for almost a decade
Last I check (which is like 5 years after purchase) everything seems to be fine. mP10 wins again
you guys ever army build distinct non-trooper characters?
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good news

>The old wal mart reissue

The G1 mold, nothing besides the rim touches the wheel.

The missing link version has this additional drop down part on the arms for the hand mechanism. Which G1 doesn't have.

Though as you can see the tires are cracking
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i have 1 Blackjack and 3 of its KOs, does that count?
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yes, i'd count that
>erm, is that a... K-kiss players reference???? That's so problematic you DON'T want to know.
I hate how fucking performative people get over what's ultimately just a mid idol manga.
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ian james corlett (cheetor va) died yesterday apparently
damn, RIP
wasn't there a con around the corner too?
Aw, damn dawg.
I found a toy of this at a thrift shop years ago but she's missing the left arm at the shoulder. I always intended to look up a replacement part to 3D print but never did.
Where are my minicons, Hasbro?
I'm very interested in knowing how well AOP will sell...Outside of The Fallen, Vector Prime And Alpha Trion, the 13 are fairly niche and I am not sure how much of a demand will be for them. Also not helped by the fact, the 13 and the two Combiner teams will take up a good 80% of the next two years' lineup.
Holy shit..he wasn’t even that old. And he was posting yesterday as well
Why did packaging this fucking fresh have to die? I hate Hasblow.
Plastic packaging for transformers killed 1 billion turtles and seabirds last year, please understand and enjoy your open theft-friendly cardboard.
budget all gone
molding and tooling costs were subsumed by mark maher's faggot rock lord revival thta noone cares about
First page of google doesn't mention it
False and homosexual
Reduced to plastic scrap because they can't be bothered to make anything new, just recycle the old molds.
>next wave leaked a while ago
>only new animated guy is wasp, which is good, but probably a retool of bumblebee
man, there's still so much good shit from animated, too
>still so much good shit from animated
name 3
Cool bootleg
Ignore him, he's gay
I know people have posted their opinions on Omega Prime, my main gripe doesn't seem to be shared by anyone. I really wanted a Metroplex/FM style handle for the giant sword. I basically have to pray a third party does it right and I know they'll take the lazy way out.
I was kinda hoping they'd do a voyager TFA Sentinel Prime to tie in with his appearance in the new movie, I love that big blue bastard.
The packaging refresh for Alternators was so good it bought the line another 3 years. It was cool seeing them on the shelves.
Ultra magnus and megatron not bogged down by gimmicks would be great. A new longarm/shockwave would also be really cool but I doubt they could pull it off with just modern voyager budget
I'm really hoping Hasbro goes all out on SS86 Megatron. If it's just Megatron with the only extra accesory being a light saber, I'll be upset.
Tbh I'm not expecting a lot of accessories because I'm expecting the budget to go into making him tall enough to match 86 Prime.
Hoping it gets the beam saber and purple pistol. Can't see the flail happening with modern budget, and I doubt the centurion pack version would be compatible.

BTW, did anyone make an adaptor so you can equip the centurion axe on 86 Prime?
Longarm/Shockwave, Blackarachnia, Lugnut
>anyone make an adaptor so you can equip the centurion axe on 86 Prime?
It doesn't need an adaptor, the axe fits in his hand.
It does? I assumed the new hands would be too big. I know the Siege version can barely fit that axe.
Animated Blitzwing when?
Like, 15 years ago
No but another one
Fake news. I'm alive.
it was meant to be uncomfortable, and it succeeded. uncomfortable discussions make characters more real and humor more memorable
if you didn't enjoy it (i didn't either) then that's understandable, but it's not objectively a mistake. I mean I did enjoy Sam's hilarious awkward parents. every moment with those two was a joy.
fucking proportions man
that was fucking fast
why is my bludgeon still fine?
Children actually care about skibidi toilet his career is fine, transformers had too many woke moments like the LGBT idw crap which has actually damaged the brand, the movies saved transformers and is the reason why third party bootlegs even became a thing.
The idw fagshit you're so obsessed with didn't happen until after dotm, retard
>posting off-model as proof
>TF standards
MP Arcee came out in 2020. If you can't remember that you aren't old enough to post here. Hell, if you're going strictly by retail Thrilling 30 Arcee and Chromia were in 2014. Fuck, even Windblade's original toy from the same year was explicitly feminine. Yes, I'm bitter that I have to pay more money for 3P if I want coomer trannies.
Thrilling 30 4 u
It was fucking annoying. I just want transformers in my goddamn transformers movies. Stupid shit like that just eats up time. You could cut out like 30 mins from Dark of the Moon by removing Sams job interviews. Just have him at a job he hates with no wacky lol gay jokes.
Perchance, you are faggot?
because that was the only line where they directly were marketing to auto show people doing "SMALL CAR on top of my REAL CAR"
Bombshell and his wave mates (Strongarm, ShadowStriker, & Detrius) found at Ross for $7.99
For real if hes gonna he so hung up on the gay shit he could at least talk about Earthrise
Same to you, you could at least get the name right
alright, i have a great idea that will save or at the very least help significantly the franchise: hire japanese designers
Well anon, this might come as an absolute shock to you
You have an Arcee that is worse than 30th and didn't even bother with show accuracy when she doesn't engage with Transforming at all. And how half the line was just retools of last year's guys so you have extremely greebly parts mixed in despite being Earth modes. Awful. And the Netflix show continues to be awful.
Oh you actually did mean Earthrise
>The paralyzing dread you have when you get a 5 dollar off coupon but the things you want might be cheaper if bought elsewhere anyway
>nooo you've got to have all the bad annoying shit or else it's not a bay movie! why would you want a good or even passably watchable movie when you could have the worst shit ever put on film instead?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!
*Werru anon-kun, this might come as an absolute bikkurishita to you
>TL note: bikkurishita means plan
I don't know how to tell you this anon, but if you don't think making fun of fags and banging hebes is the tightest shit ever you don't like transformers.
Bayshitters are not Transformers fans. They aren't even people.
hebes AND heebs.
Anyone have that bootleg tidal wave part set for armada megatron and have opinions to share on it? Any of the ebay sellers with it legit? Same for that printed leader-1.
I was looking through scans of a Brave series artbook and I caught this unrealized Star Saber repaint hanging out next to some J-Decker concept art.
Lmao, based.
This, they're not part of the club. You can like the toys, not the films.
Seems like they ended up replacing him with Shadow Maru and Drill boy
Are there still Geewunners acting pissy over Beast Wars today?
Just checking.
No reason.
the days of truk not monky are over
They went "Not that kind of truck! Ack!"
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Just got my hands on Spinister, so I can finally do some photoshoots I've wanted to do for a while. First up is them Targetmaster boys.
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I can't believe there was a time when I thought that Thunder Mayhem was the best that we were going to get for most of these characters. Like who actually thought 10 years ago we'd ever get remakes of the Triggercons?
When did the subscription guys come out? Was it actually less than 10 years ago?
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And on that note, what was FunPub thinking with making the center torso bot Inner-Robot Bludgeon (AKA the most forgettable part of G1 Bludgeon) rather than a Voyager Thunderwing with the Combiner Wars Silverbolt/Scattershot mold? Would've taken the PoTP Starscream/Elita mold but that wouldn't have been a thing for another 2 years
You probably posted the reason why in that photo.
They were part of the 4th Subscription service, which came with Impactor (CW Rook with a new head) and Blue Bluestreak as a bonus figure.
There's also this concept art for an early proto-Duke as a quintuple(sextuple if you count the combiner torso)-changer who combines with the Build Tiger guys, and seems like he reuses some ideas from the seven changer from Da-Garn. He also has this sweet police ninja-pirate alt deco complete with a robot parrot.
fuckin even Bruce TImm is like "you don't have to lean forward that hard"
Lugnut, Blackout, Bulkhead, Megatron, Sliptream, Shockwave, Strika, Sentinel prime, Magnus and the legend that is Spittor would all be cool to get.
Because, I assume, the main idea was to make a Mayhem Attack Squad combiner. Bludgeon was their most iconic leader, he's non-negotiable.
Earthrise, esrthspark, whateva. Though I do think there was a random baffling "blackarachnia and airazor are lesbots" in the Netflix show so..... technically correct about gay shit
that was only implied right
like it's still clearly sickos in charge but they didn't go that far
There was no Spiderhawk in the toyline to promote.
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>A leader class spittor toy with retractable tentacles and a mouth that's big enough to eat a small deluxe or core class figures
that would be so kino but hasbro hates fun so that's probably not gonna happen for a bit.
>Though I do think there was a random baffling "blackarachnia and airazor are lesbots" in the Netflix show
I'm like 90% sure it was just a joke that internet homos took seriously and one writer claimed was totally on purpose for brownie points.
To be honest the show was so fucking boring that I can't even remember what it was or to what degree. Lord WFC was awful.
Why would we get toys of characters who never had toys instead of shittier redos of main characters who had betters toys 15 years ago instead?
if we can get obscure shit like tasmania kid or galaxy shuttle in legacy then spittor isn't off the table.
>Just want some good seekers
>They keep releasing the ER mold

The cone heads using that mold hurts so much, I'll be a decade or longer before they get another chance.
Spitter? You mean Diver, the one that was in a show. You MIGHT get Spittor out of that.
Animated Spittor was the one being talked about, not the Beast Wars one. There was even a 3D-printed Spittor image posted.
Even less chance of that happening. Starr looking for those cults files and buy a good printer.
One (1) peck on the cheek
They're still around, the movies and other G1 adjacent stuff in popculture brings a wave of nostalgic 80's kids who still think it's the worst shit ever.
I don't care if you don't like Beast Wars, the beast era is an outlier to Transformers as a whole and I've seen younger fans also not care for it, that's fine. What gets me is how many of them don't seem to realize the 90's was 25 years ago and Beast Wars isn't the only thing to happen between the G1 and the movies and that the BW fans they're talking to aren't "kids" but 30 year old guys(and they're 40/50 themselves)
I only remember how they'd randomly drop new lore with zero context and never elaborated on any of it.
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whats an appropriate melee weapon for a Micromaster War-Mech? I was thinking a giant spear like a sarissa
a) Micromasters are smol so it would be their first instinct, and
b) Spears are criminally under-utilized in all media, with the possible exception of China.
it's really hard to remember how old you are. I'm psychologically incapable of accepting that i'm 39

doesn't help that i'm more aged than my parents were at 50
Blackarachnia would kiss a rat, there ain't anything special about that.
She's a whore.
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>I'm psychologically incapable of accepting that i'm 39
I am also in denial about my rapidly-approaching 40s.
see here's my problem with that
there are girls who are totally like that with each other. Blackarachnia the acid punk bad girl and Airazor the tomboy captain of the volleyball team are not those kinds of girls.
Socials are still active, nothing anywhere official. Fake and gay.
Corlett is still my favorite goku
not because Schemmel's kind of a schmuck, but just I liked his performance. Goku's supposed to sound kinda young and not the most masculine guy around.
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Feels good being a young and spry 31 year old
Apparently Doc Harris (the Ocean Dub Dragon Ball Z narrator) died on Saturday and Ian paid tribute to him yesterday, maybe anon read that headline and got his wires crossed.
oh man I loved that guy
Got me so pumped at 6 AM
any upcoming concept trans formers?
We'll never get an Anode toy. A shame, I love biplanes.
ah that's what is was my bad
apologies everyone
wait til you hit 49...
Like how they came across that one abandoned planet when they found a spacebridge or something while traveling in the ark and then dropped it like that never happened.
I get that, and it's not a bad mentality to avoid thinking about how old you are necessarily, but it comes off more as not realizing how much pop culture has happened in the last 25 years.
It's reasonable to an extent(I forget the shitty Robocop remake was 10 years ago already), but when it's stuff from the 90's and they act like it was 10 years ago it just comes off as bizarre.
Can 86 Commander Optimus use Sideswipe's rocket pack? If not he's shit.
He doesn't
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so far, so good
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Got SS86 Prime in. I like him. His right hip was super loose when I got him like he couldn't hold his leg up when kicking out to the side. A little floor polish fixed it right up and now it's nice and tight. Other than that though he's great. The trailer was much bigger than I realized. Much bigger than Earthrise's. I'm glad to have both of these guys though. Each has it's own aesthetic., plus I have a bunch of different Optimus at this point so whatever. This really does feel like a repeat of MP-10 vs MP-44 though. At least if you were able to get the Centurion accessory set for Earthrise Prime and even then, the gun he came with is too fat and then the one in the accessory pack is just too fuck huge. The one I have here is one I 3D printed.
he looks great to me, there was that other dude posting pictures and bitching but I was thinking the whole time "that guy looks pretty good."
>I see no reason to upgrade from Earthrise
Check your Prime for yellowing. And Studio Series Prime buyers, ditto in four years.
megatron tried to catch it with his feet, but no dice.
I havent heard of any recent yellowing issues.
He looks a million times better than earthrise but I really wish they put in the effort to make him pose better. He's larger and has a million more parts but aside from the butterflies he moves basically identically to the predecessor and that just kills it for me
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>Amazon finally sent Steeljaw
>Arrives in a box that could fit 10 core class figured and it's filled with that air bag padding.

Why didn't they do this with any of the other figures I've ordered? Sometimes, they send the box with the fucking label on it.

Everything was like that, it was bizarre:

>Hey, here's a Quintesson. We won't explain what he wants, why he cut most of his faces off, or his relevance to the plot.
>Here are Maximals and Predacons. We'll just dump this plot with no context, and somehow, the more we explain what their deal is, the less sense it makes.
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Imagine the counter-factual: Once Megatron cracks the spear in half, it's just murder and dismemberment.
how'd he survive??
oh right that's just his arm
This is my problem with alot of Transformers releases lately. They look cool, but can't pose any better then transformers years older. We get exceptions once in awhile, but for a Optimus Prime, it is just lazy. 86 Optimus prime, 90°arms..just why? Ankle rockers? Great! No back or forth ankle joints? Bad! I would even settle for just the toe being able to go up, even slightly.
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I have one, I think it's on the underside in jet mode(black part, with the single back landing gear) there should be a little screw deep in, but once you remove that it should slide open the battery compartment. 2 "AAA"s
Huh. I own the new version of this guy, and never had the original - he's only supposed to have one blade? And his pistol was actually supposed to be an arm cannon? Weird.
Random question, but how are the Titanium Series figures? There's a few characters whose designs I like, but I've held off because I don't really have much experience with diecast stuff. Are there any flaws or issues with them that one should know about?
The original US release is one of the strangest TF releases- it was a massively upsized version of a Voyager mold that did have two swords and a gun. For whatever reason they made him have a gun instead on one pop out blade.
The Voyager was only released in the US in a two-pack with different colors in the main line, while Japan never got the Supreme class version.
have we had any leaked listings for thundercracker and/or skywarp for SS86?
If not, I'm thinking they're considering making a new mold/heavy remold for the future seekers in that line if we haven't seen or heard anything for them yet. Coronation Starscream ended up not being a big crowd-pleaser and hitting clearance.
They're probably just doing the scummy thing of squeezing as much juice out of an old mold before replacing it, otherwise the coneheads would've surely shown up in the 86 line right? They have to at some point.
wait, Japan DID get the supreme class version, but as an exclusive in the US packaging
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Ethereal, dinosauric forces are at work in our worlds, anons.
He grew on me a lot, the transformation looks fun from what I saw from reviews
Huh. I think the sale price for the Deadeye Duel 2-pack was cheaper last time.
Yeah, Amazon does that a lot. Related, those Mayhem sets are on sale, but since I only want Windsweeper, a 10 dollar discount is not enough.
It gets even stranger in that at least for Hasbro's planning of the toyline, the Supreme came first. They wanted a big toy to sell at the beginning like Unicron with the Voyager-size version being designed for Takara for reasonable store selling size then brought over in differentcolors as filler. And yet he still has strange hands for 5mm ports.
It's High Moon Studios designs, none of them have good proportions. And Transformers fans see them and clap like seals.
Just come across this, believe an anon was lamenting his lack of the other day, shame it ends in a hour but the price is still good:

>in the US packaging
smacks of unsold stock to me
Oh fuck, forgot to say it is a UK auction, if the .co.uk didn't give it away
yeah that gun never made sense
here's a tip for any burgeoning robot designers
do not make the torso get narrower as it goes up. it not only ruins the effect of wide shoulders, it makes him look fat and it makes the arms unabl to hang straight down without bumping into said fat.
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>Thunderwing from the potp starscream mold
That's really depressing but not at all surprising.
This "not muh true TF" is so played out. I was sitting here thinking "christ, how old is DotM? Bay has barely done more than put his name on anything after that, but sure, go on blaming the approaching-20-y/o films for everything wrong with the brand today". Is bad enough I still have to see it for JP TF, too.

There's no such thing as "true" Transformers. There never was.
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I turned 40 in July. Physically, I'm feeling pretty rough. Testosterone therapy is helping, moreso mentally and emotionally. My appreciation for Kup only grows deeper. BTW, take care of your joints.
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>how are the Titanium Series figures?
>Are there any flaws or issues with them
I think some of the last waves of figures were probably okay, but they are overall notoriously bad. The use of diecast was not strategic in any way, leading to very floppy figured because the plastic can't support the weight of the diecast parts. They're still the only options for a lot of the Dreamwave War Within designs, which is a shame cuz I like a lot of them, but you're probably better off just not putting yourself through that
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Catching up with some desk bots I never really took pics of.
I like this lil crew.
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pretty fun moulds all around
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I'm usually pretty mild about blast effects but of all the sets to include them in, the Gobots pack shoulda been one.
I never even noticed the Cosmos mould had ports on the underside of the feet until this 3pack.
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Ultra Magnus works well as a leader for these minibots seeing as he can double as a troop transport
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Sandstorm has also been on my desk but I kinda soured to him since hearing about his helicopter mode.
I guess he's just got the buggy mode from now on, unless I decide to replace his wheels with Lego tires like others have suggested.
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I really do like his robot mode, even if wearing his vehicle modes give him a hiker knapsack it still looks fairly clean.
What are some good Halloween themed figures? I already have the Universal Monsters collabs but I'm looking for some others to round out a spooky display.

Are the Kingdom bonerizers decent figures?
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The different shades of orange used throughout his robot mode really helps his look.
I never realized how much paint he actually has.
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Even the loose chest, while bothersome, is something I could live with if it was Sandstorm's biggest issue.
such a shame as he's and otherwise great figure.

forgot to picture him with Jolt, the superior orange helicopter from Legacy.
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>Decided on a whim to do an image search for Armada Swindle on Taobao
>They are all sold out as expected
>But there was one 2nd hand listing of the Zapmaster deco
Bought the fuck straight away.
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Fits on the back. Could really use those pink blast effects from the Takara Super repaint...
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The head just barely clears the top and touches the vertical tab. Also the screws and rivets were all rusted so i decided to paint them black.
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Sticks out a little too far in plane mode.
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Articulation sucks but he can do the one CIA pose.
I do wonder what happened to the Starscream repaint it was packed with.
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Demon-pumpkintron from RID15
Any good deals on Amazon today? Grabbed Shadow Striker for 15 bucks but was eyeing SS Springer for $40
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Nice shots, man.
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I lucked the fuck out and got him on discount too.
Whats that?
I’m Australian
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prime dead end baby

i also enjoy the bone gang, bludgeon, toxitron, and plenty of beast era toys are spooky enough
that explains why the box is upside down
Monster Hunter collab up on Pulse
Fuck me for trying to get Godbomber on Pulse. At this rate I'll just cancel Ginrai and be done with it.
that sounds like a Star Wars Droid
I forgot how cool this guy was. a legit interesting redeco that didn't feel like it was a slave to being an existing character
Takara used to do that a lot in the UT days because they didn't have faith in some larger product(especially villains). The Galaxy Force ended before Cybertron and didn't release some later figures like Dark Crumplezone.
Supreme Starscream WAS a shelfwarmer ultimately, but I think his Takara release was before it really started shelfwarming, in the last months of the GF line.
hell yeah, got mine in, shipping at the end of october too, nice

i wish they had given it a whole new mold, but the retooling looks so extensive that im willing to own yet another airazor
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Should I be concerned about my Legacy United Soundwave's bloody wrist...?
what having your cat killed does to a man...
If you don’t mind your $60 figure looking totally fucked up right out of the box, then no don’t worry about it
If they cared about that they wouldnt collect transformers, heyoooo

It hurts...
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consider clomiphene. it's pretty easy to get. then you can make your own.
in other news,
>50 dollars for a heavily recycled deluxe
how much is capcom charging you guys jesus
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Got Tripredacus in! He's pretty cool, and I'm astonished I got him for the price I did considering he was MIB, twist ties and all.
Beast modes are on the whole great. Cicadacon is a little unconvincing from some angles but overall does the job of looking like a cicada. Sea Clamp is great, no complaints there. Ramhorn is actually pretty fantastic in this mode, though his front section is a tiny bit fiddly. Overall a wonderful trio of bugs.
the combined mode has flaws, but the individual guys are peak pred
>tfw you realize Masterpiece collectors look at you the way you would look at someone who collects 1 step changers
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Robot modes change things up a bit; Sea Clamp is still superb and IMO the best of the bunch. Cicadacon is a close second. Ramhorn sadly is let down by a fiddly transformation and a weighty backpack, but I still like him. His face is magnificently insane.
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Combination is actually really fun, I love how Ramhorn unfolds into both arms without partsforming and slots into Cicadacon's back.
That said, as >>11189691 said the combined mode has some issues. Mainly the ball jointed hips being a fraction too loose (easily fixable) and Ramhorn just kinda making for a shit pair of arms, as fascinating as the process to get there was. Also the weapon is very "because we said so". I will say though I do rather like him even if I won't be putting him in this mode a lot. Also the head is 10/10.
So yeah, great find.
I decided to get him based on the fact that he fits as a beast wars figure and I am desperate for new beasts
Thanks for the heads up anon, I've been thinking about picking up those sets.
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>Laserbeak & Buzzsaw
>Ravage & Jaguar
>Rumble (Red) & Rumble (Blue)
>Frenzy (Red) & Frenzy (Blue)
see i totally didn't buy the same cassettes twice.
yeah it's like, they tried to give him fingers and stuff, but the arms are basically a total writeoff.
Still really cool and I wish i'd gotten him as a kid.
i am too, and the paint is nice and all, but the altmode is just sad
Can't speak for the others but Wingfinger is fun, a decent looking swordsman
any good uk deals on amazon? eyeing up generations galvatron and blitzwing but seems like there isn't much else
The legs couldve been better but I like it aside from that.
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So i always thought this figure looked cool but i try to avoid repeats of characters, even if they are from different continuities. I passed him in the store a bunch of times and after seeing reviews of his qc issues i felt like i made the right choice, but i kept getting this nagging feeling each time i passed him that i was gonna end up regretting it eventually, so this time i saw him and took the chance.

First off, qc was still an issue, its all in the mushroom pegs, his right arm and torso both have mold flash which will force them to twist off, but im sure if i take a file to them itll end up fine

Other than that, damn what a fun figure. I dont have any loyalty or nostalgia for animated, came out when i was in my 20s and not into tfs, but the design here looks great, and the toy just has such a great presence and dynamic shapes. The range of motion on the joints is top notch for mainline, the plastic feels great, the paint is clean. He really sells himself as a wholly different guy to g1 optimus

Im enjoying him so much im probably gonna grab the upgrade kit
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Why oof? Hes a lot of fun, truly
At least it's not one of the two 86 Prime's I ordered, one has a fuckton of massive stress marks. I'm honestly floored this passed qc and I'll have to do a return.
just too kiddy for me
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Oh yeah, thats valid, the aesthetic is a choice, but i think it works
Is Leader Soundwave mis-assembled? The shoulders lock in a weird way, I don't remember Siege Soundwave or Soundblaster doing this.
do you mean that annoying way that they immediately jump from straight to 45 degrees? im not sure all of which versions of the mold do this but its on the sg version too and i hate that shit, what the fuck honestly, ive seen plenty of qc and seeming mold degradation from this release
Just checked the Siege mold (don't have Netflix, SG or Legacy voyayer SW without battle damage) and both move just fine. There is some resistance, but it doesn't lock the joint like this one or force it into another position.
Clipped wheels can either be fine or hideous, depending on their design. Looking at the two nearest examples to my desk, Netflix Bumblebee's wheels are great while Legacy Hot Shot's are awful.
they need to put the clip part into the axle instead of the wheel
Needs probably eight filler pieces and the colour scheme is too bright for the game but he looks pretty good apart from that. I'm just not interested in this line. Why didn't they make both forearms removable on these figures?
>the bad news
Cartoon colour scheme and ugly hands?
Were you planning on putting together a Transformers Battleships set or something?
You get one with Red Alert, unless they decide to be extra scummy and simply repaint Siege Red Heat.
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Still waiting for the Jetblade release of Legacy Animated Prime
Have you tried those magic eraser scrub/sponges?
It weirdly looks like the red paint splotches blended in with the grey plastic
he wiped his mouf on his sleeve after drinking kool-aid
The only Seekers I've seen coming up are that SS86 3-pack containing Coronation Starscream again and a rerelease of either G1 Ramjet or Thrust.
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DCS Soundwave superior.
I need to get that blast effect on Bumblebee's pistol, but also a Bumblebee pistol since I'm skipping SS86.
Oh the helicopter mode has the tyre issue as well? That's his only good looking mode...
They've supposedly already got an alternative head design with the mouthplate ready to go so it's possible. But if you can't wait that long, the DNA kit includes those parts.
i can't wait till we get a ss86 soundwave, like 7 versions of this mold and im so tired of and frustrated by it
Core soundwave superior
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I think I bought too much
The shot of Sparkplug, Hot Rod, and Dai Atlas is my favorite in the entire short. Such a fantastic visual and putting Zone on the same level as the 86 movie is incredible.
walderos jagua is fucking cool
Lol so where's his cassette minions?
So I'm guessing you live somewhere where Japanese release works out cheaper.
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Articulation wise yeah, absolutely.
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yeah im from SEA so its actually like $10~$15 cheaper for me even with shipping

get geist too so you can combine them
Isn't this some Micronauts thing?
its Diaclone which is...also Micronauts I think?
oh shit i didn't know ravage got a diaclone, gotta get that shit
Diaclone is a small-scale toyline meant to represent very large robots.
Microman/nauts is a 1:1 toyline where the toys are at real life scale.
every single cassette they've released since siege has been dogshit so lol
>better proportions
>better alt mode
>better colors
>better transformation
>less ugly kibble
yup, superior
So which one had the black centaur guy?
Micronauts, but that wasn't a Mircroman toy but rather a Takara(?) licensed Kotetsu Jeeg that that got a new head
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>HLJ didn't fulfill my preorder
>Listed as Discontinued now
I decided to accept the cope and grab the Leader release, I already had Siege Shockwave/Megatron but Soundwave was the only one from the set I really wanted.
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Thanks anon, its always nice to hear someone else appreciates them.

Nice, I'm glad you're enjoying him. I felt the same way and was glad I picked him up in the end.
He has those heroic proportions and poses real well. Apparently the issues he does have, have been fixed on Motormaster so I'm looking forward to getting him too.
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The blast effects are from Ultra Magnus and this accessory pack >>11189015 has a similar looking pistol to Bumblebee's but not as good in the flat grey.

Yeah it contacts with the silver paint on his legs in helicopter mode, melting it off.
I was joking about replacing them with Lego tires but maybe thats the way to go. I think the tfw threads even found one that matches pretty well.
Just ordered myself a Magmatron at the Big Amazon Sale (and some 3d printer parts)
hell fucking yeah, magmatron rules
I had a bitch of a time figuring out the transformation for these bad boys. I mostly kept them in their own robot modes or bug modes.
i haven't repurchased these boys yet as an adult but i had them as a kid, sea clamp was by far my favourite, i loved him so much, cicadacon i found fine enough but not as fun as some other bugs, but ramhorn i hated as a kid cuz he was so damn awkward, i never really got his transformation and thus rarely used them as a combiner

i wonder how id feel about him now that im not a stupid child
he's a goof
Your opinion pretty much matches mine, Ramhorn is pretty jank.
>Get my SS86 Prime
>Open the box
>Prime isn't there, but the rest is

Fucking Amazon. How does this even happen? Seriously, did someone steal just Optimus in a fucking warehouse? They left the trailer, gun, blast effects, etc...a
I wish they stole everything, at least then I could get a refund, now Amazon will fuck me over.
have you had a bad history with amazon? for me they refund everything. sometimes you have to talk to a pajeet in customer service but they always help you out.
Just return it and don't say anything
oh yeah cool don't alert them to what happened so they can fix it, just pass the problem on to someone else
No, but I've had to return some items (Tidal Wave being the most expensive) and 3 packages have been stolen this year. I did talk to customer service, but this is the first time in 5 years that I've had to return an item missing things.

Oh, right, I also got a new Legacy Tigerhawk, but ended up getting the OG Tigerhawk in a Legacy box. So yeah, not an ideal year for Amazon orders.
h-hang on
>OG Tigerhawk
that's worth.. significantly more money, isn't it?
also holy shit dude, you have insanely bad luck. This goes beyond "oh well that's amazon" and it changes into something being specifically done to you, or in your area.
Stolen packages has been an issue for the past year. The new mailman just leaves them right infront of my garage, with no effort to hide them. I've told him to hide them behind a wall on my porch, hand it over to a neighbor or just leave the fucking slip. He just keeps doing it. I hate usps so much.
no yeah, stolen packages are not a specifically-you thing, but the rest of that..
i'm actually -home- all the time but the idiots won't ring the bell despite a note asking them to
Yes. It's not your problem.
Amazon will sometimes put used items as new. You can tell when they do this, tape is oddly applied and they use a different barcode on them. Someone swapped Tigerhawks, and since they look so similar, whoever inspected didn't bother to check it properly.

Not the first time this has happened (tfw2005 has some of those examples), it's why I avoid buying used there. I once bought a new ER Sky-Lynx that someone had done some panel lining. I also got a used Kingdom Mirage/Grimlock set with no figures, just the cardboard.
it still completely baffles me how people still believe in this separation between themselves and others. it's the most transparent lie anyone has ever been fed and i don't even know who's feeding it, i've never seen it espoused. yet somehow you think you're not him, and that he's not you, so you pass your bad experiences on to the next guy and wonder why they happen to you in the first place.
I'm kind of amazed he even fits in the box. the old toy was way bigger.
Do you want your figure or not? Go be a moralfag in your neighbor's association or something. Holy shit
What anon doesnt know is:
-If they inspect it, and that person is competent, they'll fuck him over depending on how much it is missing since they'll automatically assume he stole it.
-If they resell it (without inspecting the contents, they can look up who returned it, either banning the account for fraud or putting them on notice.
>do you want things? take them away from others
that's commie talk
that too. I brought that up the last time this got brought up, but people did point out that if they were GONNA catch it, they would have already.
Use your head for once before you talk like a 12 year old poltard. You paid for the figure, you aren't stealing from anyone, other people will pay for their own figures, they aren't stealing from anyone. This problem is either amazon's or hasbro's not your's and not any other person paying for a Prime figure. They aren't going to send an opened and returned item to another person you dumbass.
>those heroic proportions
Yeah he really lends himself to a classic strongman look, like a wrestler or medieval fighter
>They aren't going to send an opened and returned item to another person you dumbass.
the premise at hand is that they literally did that to anon here.
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That's an...interesting statue you're ordering with those Transformers, anon.
>calling someone a dumbass while being completely ass-backwards wrong
Retard alert!
>buy $1500 item
>put $40 replica in the box and send it back
This has been an issue for a decade and it especially bad with any expensive item they sell and a bootleg exists. Amazon’s work force is 90% non-white and 100% no-fucks-given retards. There are thousands of reports of this exact thing happening in the action figure community alone and that said, you are dumb as fuck and you type like a faggot
You type like a niggerfaggot
At any point in the first season of Beast Wars did Rattrap ever have 2 guns? Why do I remember him dual wielding at least once and then being mad his toy didn’t have 2 guns?
anon their race doesn't matter, it's the country they're from. you ever been to greece? italy?
The Axalon had an arsenal of spare weapons including duplicates of Rattrap's gun, I THINK he dual wielded either his gun or some other one.. I always kinda liked those fight scenes, even if only the 'dinobot decked out in a bullet bandolier and huge rifle' scene ever gets attention. which.. now that i think of it, whose was that? it was too big for anyone else but rhinox to wield.
>The Axalon had an arsenal of spare weapons including duplicates of Rattrap's gun
Considering the Axalon was Rattrap's personal ship, the vessel was SUPPOSED to be on a peaceful mission to locate and colonize friendly planets, and how very unhappy Rattrap was that Primal and co. found the weapons, I strongly suspect he was running an illegal arms smuggling operation on the side. The weapons were likely intended to be sold to 'peaceful' colonists who were convinced they were on the brink of another war and wanted a little 'assurance' in case the Predacon threat turned out to be more than just a handful of rebels.
Tldr; the weapons didn't belong to anyone aboard the Axalon - they were there to be sold, and just so happened to be useful once they all got marooned in the past.
You just answered your own question, the guy literally dual wielded chainguns
I could see that.. but I could just as easily see a lighter and funnier version that that's just Rattrap's packrat-esque stash and he doesn't want anyone else touching it. Bad enough they crashed his ship and put him through all this.
He is, after all, a guy who carries time bombs in his forearms. Like i dunno how that works with Cybertrons, whether you have to get that installed or what, but like it's part of his structure.
Did anyone ever make dlc booties for the cheetor mold? Both him and ravage feel just a bit too short for scale plus their feet just look tiny anyways. Ravage especially needs his claw feet.
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>"GOOD NEWS, ANONS! I got a job working mech-security at a 'City of the Future' submarine city. The place seems great and probably nothing could go wrong for the month of October. That's what I always say..."
-recovered journal
I have that woman
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About to flee south from Milton. I've left Cyclonus on guard duty. I believe he will keep the house safe and dry, he has not failed me yet. Hopefully we will return in a few days and find him still standing at attention.
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Stay safe anon, hoping for the best for you and everyone else, got a few friends out there and boy is a double hitter fucked up and scary
take care anon
Idk man sounds like a risky choice to make
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Thank you, anons

A hurricane is a cyclone
SS86 Megatron leak.
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Wow, a Gundam alt mode?
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I... am NOT against this idea.
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>previously mentioned I can’t decide if I want Legacy Tigerhawk or not
>he and Sandstorm’s case is shipping back out again right now
Maybe catch him on sale? Is there anyone here who owns Legacy Tigerhawk and loves it?
Either get now or with late tax
>was supposed to get flame and xaaron yesterday
>huh wonder what happened there, better check tracking
>delivery attempted
bitch i was home ALL DAY, every fucking time i swear
>out for delivery again today supposedly, also home all day again
mother fuckers better not play me again, just drop the fucking thing off on my porch why is this so hard, i didn't sign up for signature or anything
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>implying he isn’t headed for clearance / Ross
Idk man, his initial release was practically silent. I can’t find anyone who really likes the figure a lot
i don't get it
Wtf, some kind of secret 3rd mode, you think?
>look up videos of Tigerhawk in the cartoon
>the Legacy figure is actually super screen accurate
Oh. Ok fine I’ll get it. For some reason I thought the original toy was 1:1 with the show model but not even close.
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Goddamn spoilers
Nothing is sacred or respected anymore
anon you know they did. you wouldn't be saying that very specific thing if you hadn't seen the item.
i got them for ravage, they do help.
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you got this version which looks like the old toy
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and then there's this version which is more like the show (lol mistransformed)
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personally i'm still eagerly awaiting this kit
it's not quite enough to make me want nu tigerhawk but I will look far more seriously at any repaints of him that aren't razorclaw
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on account of i have him already
new since gofag is spamming images just to get the thread to hit the image limit
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I don't know if any others exist but I've seen some pretty rad customs
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Haha I get last
Kek, nothing can save that PoS, just buy the transart version.
Interesting how a blind person can use a computer.
also blitzwing

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