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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

Will Takara Prime have fixed QC?
>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.
hopefully but I'm not buying it either way

henkei prime is still the best :)
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My G1 season 1 lineup is coming together nicely
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Beep beep!
Hope so, just preordered it.
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Naruto collab
You can already see the heels are correctly assembled here....
Yeah, and it clearly isn't the Hasbro prototype either, as that one didn't have the little red stripe on the lower legs. This is the final figure.
Is that Cheetor or Tigatron?
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>season 1 lineup
But that's not Wheeljack.
It isn't even Exhaust.
It's Exhuast!
Pretty important question here, I need to know if I should call it Narutor or Narutron.
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Well hello Diver, nice to see more main BW II guys.
lmao wtf, easy pass

i guess its nice to see that they care, but man, the old regular frog and transmetal frogs both btfo the new one
wait this is real
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>the old regular frog and transmetal frogs both btfo the new one
Dunno, I like the new shorter arms.
im the opposite, i think the long goofy arms are a big part of the charm
You can still see the red on the right leg
These aren't great, but I like that they're using more beasts for some of the collabs
for what it's worth, you could just flipt he frog feet down and still give him the long arms, he'll have a hand on top of it sure, but the length is there.
I'm just wondering if the forelegs can still be positioned upwards, I used to pretend the toe pads were lasers.
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Were in business boys
I can't find any info on this thing and I need to know more.
There is none, the image leaked early
It's getting revealed tomorrow
i like this mold but something looks off here.. were the thighs always this short? are they new?

either way FROGGY!
yes I hope he gets repaints.
it looks like there's frog arms hanging behind?
you can? where?
yes! these might not be the best ever but I want something like this.
what happened to hot rod?
>Randomly decided to pack 2 molds with gorilla long arms together.
I will never understand why fags loved these wonky ass comics
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Big to small
Wrong comics, these are the ones for boomers, not the ones for fags
What is up with all the QC fuckups 86 Prime has, did they like rush him out for the anniversary or something?
Might as well just wait for a second run
Wrong, the writers who made the fag comics love this boomer shit, so they are one in the same.
What are the QC issues? Mine seems pretty good other than the heels being assembled wrong which really isn't an issue to me imo.
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Never read them actually, i just like the designs, pretty neat remold, i like the pipe details and enjoy an excuse to check out the mold without getting another megatron
>QC issues
I only knew about the swapped heels. Are there more?
>figure is assembled incorrectly
>um er that's fine with me
lol you pigs will consume any slop
Same reason fags loved the wonky ass cartoon.
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This was just a test print so I'm not too concerned about detail loss or the fact that his entire right side is a bit fucked up, but how does this Lugnut look size-wise? It's scaled up 150% from the original files, which were designed more for 3P Legends scale but I want it to fit in more with Deluxes/Voyagers/etc. Side by side with Animated Lugnut and Legacy Prime.
If that's the one I think it is (Sam's Forge right?) he should be a decent size. Keep us updated, looks like it should be fun. I have Atomic Lugnut and I love him but he is very small.
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And here's what the normal size print is like next to Animated/HFTD Lugnut.
good eye, anon
I mean if this is what you're going for, then it's great. but if it's not, then it's not. I don't really get what the standards are here. IF it's meant to look like the one on the left, then you didn't do it properly.
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Definitely not a "you need this" set, but im satisfied with it, these two are just unique and fun little weirdos, i like flame more than ruckus for instance
he skipped torso day
Xaaron's arms are the correct length, he's just wide as all hell.
yeah his proportions actually work. he's a big guy with a big upper body.
Nice to see complete teams.
on the Decepticon side at least
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It's the model in the middle here >>11191124, but only the core part of the torso plus the head (minus the eyes). Like I said, it's just the model blown up 1.5x since I figured twice as big would be too big. I've always wanted a good Lugnut but Animated's is too small (Even with other Animated figures) and RTS/United's is too expensive on the aftermarket these days (Not paying $200 for a Voyager), so this is gonna be the next best thing unless we end up getting a Leader class one in Legacy.
ah i hear you.
well it's definitely a lot bigger! gonna cost you a lotta fillyments.
doing a mecha russian nesting doll thing with all the different sized primes and their trailers would be pretty cool
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Nah, I own Refraktor, his fist should be at the same height as his crotch not pass it.
... you are aware this is a remold, right? the arms are identical lengths.
Ha cha cha~
Don't know much about Naruto but I might get it if the beast modes are cool.
not a transformers guy, who's the little blue guy on the left? he's cute
Crankcase, specifically the Legacy version.
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His arms definitely feel too long in person, but much more of an issue is the weird dropped shoulder joint
That is going to be my deciding factor too. I'm not buying laeus convoy because of that ridiculous tiny dragon head, and i won't buy that kitsune if it looks like garbage.. but the frog looks good, i think I can tell it's good. kinda hard to ruin a frog.
what the fuck, that's not an okay place for a shoulder bend.
Both share the long ass arms.
then why was Refraktor posted, in a post beginning with 'nah' in response to two posts asserting that his arms are the right length?
They said "his arms have the right lenght", I said "Nah, you're wrong". Context, man.
but you said "his fist should be at...." suggesting that there's a version that does show that
you don't actually think all robots need to have that proportion, do you
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>Maybe catch him on sale? Is there anyone here who owns Legacy Tigerhawk and loves it?
I own Tigerhawk but don't love it.
I got him on sale hoping for a similar situation to TM2 Megatron where my expectations where low only for him to turn out amazing.
He feels somewhat clunky and missing some articulation you'd expect on a leader class, like anything in the wrist.
He's also just got a lot of ugly hollowness going on that's fairly visible in robot mode.
On sale he's not the worst but he's not impressive enough to get for full price.
2x is my preferred size. Lugnut needs to be fucking huge
>kinda hard to ruin a frog
yeah even if it looks nothing like the frog it's trying to be, there's so many frogs out there that look like a small child's interpretation of one it'll probably look exactly like some weird fucked up frog that actually exists
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The beast mode does well to hide the hollowness from the front at least, apart from the wings of course. Make sure to not push the sword/feathers all the way in on the pegs, I did one accidentally and they were a pain to get back out again.
The chest isn't closed in this pic because I didn't push his arm all the way in
his face looks like a stern muppet who's had enough of the shenanigans of the other, sillier muppets.
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Yeah I'm not a big fan of the beast mode head, though it's apparently accurate. I woulda preferred something a bit sharper and angular to be more intimidating.
Even opening his mouth doesn't do much to change his rounded look.
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woops meant for >>11191237
might as well post another pic.
I will say his metallic paint is very nice. If you've got any lights for pics it reflects them real well.
that's because it's hinged too far forward, as usual.
but yeah I am slightly tempted to get this guy on massive clearance, otherwise... i might just try to sell the other half of the upgrade kit, to someone else who kinda-likes their tigerhawk and wants to give me some bucks.
The more collabs I see that look good the more I'm pissed about Godzilla getting a shit collab
There's reports of misassembled ears, the rubber parts being molded wrong and unable to attach to him, scratches, parts being too tight leading to breakage, etc
Hasbro just took my Dinoking money, so thats on its way finally. Pretty stoked about that. Also my SS86 Steeljaw came today, hes... what I expected. Kknd of retarded and gay that like... I'm sure 1/3 to half of the budget was spent on this damn golden speaker thing. I understand that hes a tapeformer, yet I feel like they were so close to having Steeljaw done right without partsforming. Idk, I'm not disappointed woth him or stoked about him, but still annoyed with that stupid speaker.

Also wtf is wrong with people not being able fit him in Blaster?? Like he fits perfectly fine. Maybe its a Battletrap situation where people are just tards.
or at least, they're TRYING.
i'm not sure what you could have done for goji though if he had to share part of a mold with someone else. like, Megatron could become Zilla easily enough, but he could never be a stompy kaiju... the only way you could really make a proper goji work is if he transformed similarly to Polar Claw, and then his tail... just.... I mean there's no good answer to that.
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I see the appeal of upgrade kits for figures that are near perfect to bring them up to being the best representation of the character, but I also see it really improving Tigerhawk quite a bit. I guess it depends how much you want a decent version of the character.
For clearance where he starts hitting voyager prices like Blitzwing and TM2 Megatron were I'd say that's a pretty good deal, but they both had package refreshes.

One thing I can't convey in pics is the weight of him. He's quite a hefty figure and feels very solid to pose, with some nice and satisfying ratchets in his hips. So in that sense he's got a leader class quality to him, he just has a lot that brings him down too.
You dense motherfucker, look at the image, the arms are too long leaving the fist past the crotch, and they shouldn't, thats how proportions work.
i do wish the upgrade kit did embiggen his fists though
and it may have made the bird toes bigger, but it didn't flesh out his scrawny bird legs..
dude you posted your point extremely wrong. take the L. It's fine if you don't like the proportions, but we do.
I hate that I almost want this...
Bruh what the fuck I wanted to get the figure
Yeah the bird legs are a problem. That's where the heft of him becomes an issue since his simple balljoints and hinges aren't enough to prop him up in the back.
Idk if upgrade kits do ratcheted joints but thats something he could've benefitted from with his bird legs.

Also I contradicted myself by first saying he's clunky then saying he's solid in these two posts >>11191219 >>11191265
I should elaborate by saying he's clunky in terms of his articulation scheme and how its utilized but as far as joint tolerances go, he does feel solid in that sense.
also, he still has his loincloth sitting up too high. It's kind of like the show model, but it's just off and due to how big his torso is.. it doesn't work. the toy version is a lot better, it's longer and it hangs lower.

Man, Naruto sure is getting a big push lately.
This reminds me, we still haven't gotten Iguanus from Dilophocon yet.
that's not going to work!!!
but that said, I do wish they'd give us OCs (minus the frill since that's jurassic park's and anyway it doesn't help matters)
Villainous Predacon CRESTOR. Come on, do it. make him his own guy. The others get to be remolds of existing ones.. actually.. shit, we've only gotten TWO haven't we. there's still no Dinobot as Blue.. bizarrely.
Dragon Ball is on it's way to the grave (though the new game has dead cat bounced it) so they have to pull out their second stringer.
What about Daima?
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>nine tails
>codename: “tails”
This is the figure everyone thought was a Sanic collab btw
oh yeah
i guess it is, in a way.
now we just need a hedgieformer. It'd be hard not to make it a shellformer, but I bet they could find a way.
I took a look aroun'
someone care to explain what the hell this wiki is
Lots of autistic fan shit on some of those fandom wikis.
The Sonic collab is still coming, it's project blue.
Also, Batman, MOTU, Hotwheels and NFL were leaked by Jtprime.
ER Scorponok reissue incoming
>sloppy paintjob
>panel lines and giant gaps everywhere (yet somehow still has garbage articulation)
>smashed parts
>loose joints(first report is in regarding hips so loose he can’t stand)
This figure is actually a major fail

NFL? The fuck's it gonna turn into?
but that's not even the... don't those people segregate themselves into 'fanon' wiki sites that are orders of magnitude more autistic than the others?
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Team mascot?
I imagine it's just going to be some NFL themed repaint.
Predicting another Laser Prime repaint
Boruto is rushing to its ending so we are gettinf Naruto Super within the next 3 years
You can still see a tiny bit of red peeking out from the side of his leg. With such a big fucking backpack, you'd think they'd be able to make an animation accurate vehicle mode without stuffing bits of the cab into his legs.
I'm really glad I'm too much of a cheap ass to bother with this over-engineered bullshit.
If you had to reuse a mold, Grimlock was perfect. You could easily have your Mechagodzila redeco too. Grimlock's head would of been a good base as well.

Not shelling out money for adding spines on at least the tail, that's what gets me.
I want that pic related...
Not a fan of Naruto, but if the beast mode looks cool enough, I may consider getting him, as I AM a fan of mythological nine-tailed foxes in general. Might see if I can find another robot head to swap onto him, though.
if it isn't my old friend Goji McGreg...

naw this is not a bad bash at all. you've nearly convinced me..
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the robot head can easily just be sort of interpreted as someone else not Naruto if you wanted. could even paint over his headband and put a lil maximal sticker on it
my bigger concern is the weirdly stylized kitsune face. Like I know the nine-tails in Naruto is a real mean destructive beast not a cool chill kitsune like i'm used to, but... I dunno, i prefer the familiar. I don't think we should have had to wait this long for our second youkai transformer
Heinrad is so cool man
What else would it look like? Foxes are dangerous creatures.
Finally, we have a semicanonical mold for a potential turbofox figure.

...Lost Light's The Pet remold when
>No King Megadorah
more sleek and crafty, less snarly.. kitsune are all the time doin the ^.^ eyes and junk. They've kind of represented that here with the dark stripe, sort of. Like I get it, this isn't supposed to be a typical tricksy one..
They kill people to eat their livers!
I think that's good for foxes.
The Kyubi in Naruto is a literal kaiju that flattens mountains and shoots nukes out of its mouth. He is meant to look savage and imposing
I swear he's actually an incarnation of Vector Prime with how he has time powers.

...or at least could be an acolyte of his.
Kinda wish they'd answer that.

Someday we'll get a cute turbofox girl designed by ばん!, the dude behind the Furai Model Arcee and Windblade.
yeah I get it. he's just a little ugly.
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>Someday we'll get a cute turbofox girl designed by ばん!, the dude behind the Furai Model Arcee and Windblade.

Frank will never allow it.
You can thank Hasbro for that
looks like an amateur custom
as opposed to a professional custom?
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nahh it's like that in the show..
Time powers aren't that big a deal.
Elita-1 and bay Hot Rod had them too.
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>nitpicked frame from the animenafter he became a good guy
At least post his cool panels from the manga
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>, Megatron could become Zilla easily enough, but he could never be a stompy kaiju... the only way you could really make a proper goji work is if he transformed similarly to Polar Claw, and then his tail... just.... I mean there's no good answer to that.
I think TM2 Megatron could've been a good basis for a Kiryu. Remove the wings and use that to give him spines and resculpt other areas.
now that look I am way more into, but at the same time, the nose SHOULD be black. maybe the eye area and lips no, but nose yes.
and let one of his arms just be a stub? I mean even if you elongate it, if it still has the kiryu head at the end of the hand, it looks like a sock puppet if the proportions aren't right.
>and let one of his arms just be a stub?
Everything from the neck up would need to be retooled so I imagine you could make something that compresses for Kiryu mode but elongates for robot mode
this is just reminding me we never got an iguanus/crazybolt out of that one jurassic park crossover mold
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The nose is black in other panels
Maybe there'll be a multipack later
That's the point anon, read that post again.
and the eye area too. yeah to me that's ugly. but i get it. monstrous version.
the point is that you're being fucking retarded about how the toy that's supposed to look like a manga character looks like a manga character instead of your kawaii ugu headcanon
how many times do I have to say I get what they were going for, and I just don't dig it and am slightly disappointed our first kitsune transformer looks like this?
because it's not "our first kitsune transformer" it's a specific character. That's like saying "I'm sad our first Party Van transformer is Ninja Turtles themed" of fucking course it is
Thanks for the reminder I never grabbed this figure
>tfw also remember you had an opportunity to grab the other Jp set for $20 and passed on it and now want it
Could do Iguanus and Spittor 2-pack. They could also do Leo Prime (Hasbro release of the Takara remold) and Diver 2-pack, although I'd rather have Diver solo release.
that specific character is a kitsune.
if the party van was the first time we ever got a van, i could theoretically say something similar. if i was really into vans.
legacy tigerhawk is accurate to very specific scene lighting at niht in a volcano
the toy's metallic blue when viewed at night in red lighting will obviously look purple, but it's not correct on its own
releasing a blue rodimus prime wouldn't be screen accurate even though when he gets the matrix inside unicron he is bathed in blue light, obviously
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I'd buy them all.
Nah, Tigerhawk was definitely purple in the show, probably based on an early toy deco that got changed. The brown was definitely a bad interpretation of lighting though.
problem for hasbro will come when razorclaw comes out whose accent color is also the same fucking shade purple
they'll look like spy vs spy
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I think his true model was somewhere in between this purple toy and the original very cerulean colored toy. I would say something like indigo. I found a bit of fanart that seems about right,
That specific character is Kurama from Naruto who has a specific character design.
I love and hate how accurate this is...
my first post made it clear i'm aware of that.
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Yeah man, youre on 4chan, loli shit is entry as fuck, go moralfag about it on tfw
>wah wah wah the anime girl hurt my sensibilities
There are hundreds of normalfag sites you can use instead.
Pre-orders soon.
>voyager MSRP
worth it? he'd just sit in tank mode...
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>The more collabs I see that look good the more I'm pissed about Godzilla getting a shit collab
I know, right?! The Optimus is cool colored like Kiryu and being a JXSDF vehicle, but that Godzilla Grimlock recolor is just pathetic and is unrecognizable as Godzilla.

>or at least, they're TRYING
Are they though? Surely not with Godzilla. We didn't even get a simple retool of giving him back spines. And that Grimlock mold is a poor choice. You can argue Prime is at least fitting, but it's still a generic military vehicle. They should have gone all out, given us a Maser tank, Garuda or one of the Super-X ships.

>Not shelling out money for adding spines on at least the tail, that's what gets me.
That's the absolute worst.

After all the Synergenex talk I discovered a Transformer from 2006 that had an alt mode of a Maser Tank from the Toho movies. I tracked him down and made a video on it. It's a great toy and a good representation of some Godzilla/Transformers crossover. Check it out and give it a Like if you can. And if you think this guy is cool and scratches the Godzilla crossover itch, go grab one yourself. I was able to snag one after only about 2 weeks of searching and got it fairly cheap.

I, for one, await more Sarada merch.
>All three posed like somebody threw them against the wall
Man, the old guy taking pics for Tfu.Info just does not give a shit, does he?
He's not worth the retail price, but for any less, why not, if you want him.
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I appreciate your enthusiasm anon
It is weird that it seems like some collabs they barely try
My biggest issue with the ss is the scale, hes huge so he only fits well with magnus.
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*Takara ER
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too bad you have to buy him with 2 other shitty figures
Mainframe is okay, and those colors are better
I want more Action Masters
>Want Mainframe
>Included in a multi pack with a figure I already have and a mold I don't want
>Want Hound
>Included in a multi pack with multiple figures I already have and decos I don't care for
When will the suffering end?
I would love to be wrong, but Daima looks like dogshit and I don't think it will be well received outside of "this is the last thing Toriyama had a hand in before he croaked".
>Dinoking shipped


Its gonna do great in Japan, probably. They love the goofy original Dragonball, and this seems to be channeling that more than Z.
B-but anon, this is the figure of the year!!! The BEST Prime we have ever gotten!! How could you say such things? I just bought 2 more to counteract your libel!

Please everyone, buy this toy!
If I wait another year I bet you they'll tweak it slightly and re-release it.
>this one has long smokestacks! you NEED the *right* one, don't you?
This hobby has lost its joy to me
>I swear he's actually an incarnation of Vector Prime with how he has time powers.
>goofy ass character turns out to be an all powerful wizard
This reeks of Yoda...I love it!
Yeah, that's possible. I don't think it will give the brand any more longevity though. All that's left is to adapt the rest of the Super manga and...then what?
stop being cowards and recanonize all of gt, my boy uub's time is coming
>This hobby has lost its joy to me
I'm only here to finish acquiring satisfactorily "definitive" versions of characters and stuff I want from the backlog. I already have too many satisfying G1-based Primes to justify quintuple dipping on SS86. There is no point in chasing the constant side-grades and incrementally better upgrades. Waste of time and money.
GT is still canon, its just an alternate timeline. Dragonball works on the multiverse approach now.
It did since Trunks showed up
>loose joints(first report is in regarding hips so loose he can’t stand)
Yeah, the right hip on mine was super loose, to the point it wouldn't even hold itself up when you kick it out to the side. However, I applied a little Pledge floor polish to it and it tightened right up and is fine now. I know I shouldn't have to do that for a $90 toy, but I do similar shit for imports like applying shock oil to Mafex figures, so it is what it is I guess. How are the ears supposed to look? I legit can't tell if mine are right or not.
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is that the dr wu cassettes? how are they? i didn't realize they were mainline scaled until too late, but ive got the next round on preorder just to get some dinos for soundwave
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Squawkbox's great but idk if you can still find it.
Slamdance tends to fall apart when combined.
Both sets have the issue of itty-bitty guns that don't integrate into tape mode.

These Dr Wu tapes including the drones are undersized and thus slide out of the tape decks smoothly, making them the only ones I'm comfortable inserting into Siege Soundblaster's double tape deck.
Man, United Soundwave's chest is way too tight. The only tape that fits comfortably is Rumble. Is that normal?
It turns into the helmets of the teams. Easy repaints.

Yeah, Naruto, whatever.

That frog better be a Spittor pretool.
>narutron revealed and up pre-order
>still not so much as a tease of another Universal Monsters collab
what a fucking joke
Names are Kurama and Gamakichi. I don't know if those are Naruto characters, I was expecting names like Narutron and SJ2002
The ball gag is whatever but the frog getting his own shiv is hilarious.
Just canceled mine
that's a scroll
Can the scroll be removed? I just want a frog with a knife

if you remove it frog dies
>I don't know if those are Naruto characters
They are, the collab made them into beastformers
>ball gag
stop watching porn
Better porn than watching shonen shit
seek Christ
Guesses on the next SJ collabs?
Sucks TT is too lazy to make a new OP ship. It even has it’s own head.

In a perfect world, YuGiOh.
>YFW My Hero Academia collab two-pack consisting of a Core Class Optimus retooled as Deku and a Voyager/Leader Optimus as All Might.
C'mon Takara Tomy, do it.
Too bad I hate Beast Wars. Beast Machines, RiD2015 and ROTB though...
>BEWD that turns into robo-Kisara
Too bad nobody cares what you do and do not like, though...
don't give two fucks about naruto, but pre-ordered cos frog
Yeah it's normal, all the hasbro tapes and decks are tight to too tight.
>Too bad I have no taste
What would a Jojo collab be like?
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Diego Brando using the Kingdom Dinobot mold?
Steamroller Dio
That is if Takara Tomy would put in effort.
That'd be pretty cool.
Maybe there could be a Mach Kick pretool for Johnny to match Diego.
I do not care for crossovers.
Fuckers wouldn't cancel my Dino king order? Think I can sell him later to make a little money
>Steamroller Dio
He'd need to be electronic and have a sound feature - it wouldn't be the same if he didn't do his 'WRRRYYYYYYY!!!' screech.
Of course they didn't. He shipped out today - they don't do last second cancellations. You had ages to cancel; it's entirely on you for waiting this long.
I thought he was later and I'm used to places I order from updating me that an item is about to ship
>Steamroller Dio
Seems that way
hang on, that's 3p isn't it?
i still wanna check it out, what's it called
>Are they though?
read the post again. at least (the other collabs) are trying, (unlike the godzilla ones)
I don't care about Jojo but this is a cool robot and interesting vehicle, and a Decepticon to boot. I would probably buy a toy of this.
these might actually be the best digitigrade legs we've gotten yet, though it seems like the humerus is way too long because it still has to be the entire shin. previously it represented the whole leg above the foot.
Jojo is gay
Yes, but not as much as IDW Transformers.
This could really work if they did a similar concept to the old Star Wars figures. Have the mechs based off of stands and they could be piloted by a tiny little figure of the user. Have Star Platinum turn into a whale because Jotaro likes da ocean.
>60 bucks for a voyager and a core
ehh... i'll still get it..

Deluxe and Core, actually. Its a Cheetor retool.
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Now collab with pokemon a retool this into a ninetales fembot, Hasbro.
would he be a headmaster?
Flame Toys model kit, licensed.
only if it has the balance to WRRYYYY
looks like tigatron to me.
ohh cool!
>model kit
i just got WRY in my captcha and that's kinda spooky

Actually, yeah, it might be. I forgot they have the same pelvis piece.
i only know because i've painted so many tigatrons now and i actually want to get another. i have a problem.
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nah, if you compare them closely you can see that it fits cheetor more than tigatron
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They're cool. Building a figure is a different kind of fun!
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i love model kits, and i would get these over any of the other unfamiliar mecha kits I could get, but... it's disappoint when i would totally buy a transformer that looked like this.
well let's see.. he has cheetor's shorter thighs.. but I think he has tigatron's bigger, blockier pelvis... hmm but it does have the hinge in it that cheetor's has.. the chest looks decently narrow.. but cores aren't THAT small
>it wouldn't be the same if he didn't do his 'WRRRYYYYYYY!!!' screech.
>Buy hypothetical Dio crossover fig with sound gimmick
>Leave him in your display case and forget about the gimmick
>A few years later, wake up in the middle of the night to your display case shrieking "WRRRRYYYYY!!!" on loop as the battery starts to fail
>After the initial heart attack, spend the next 20 minutes desperately tearing your display apart to find and silence the culprit before it wakes up the neighbors
It's entirely possible he's cobbled together with bits from both molds, you know.

It's clearly a deluxe
>but I think he has tigatron's bigger, blockier pelvis
>cores aren't THAT small
Both of those are angel issues anon. His pelvis looks like that because of the how that picture poses him and the frog is a bit behind him thus looks tiny.

No, they don't even have the same peg sizes for limbs or waist, the amount of retooling to do that would be rather stupid.

Also it's clearly Cheetor looking at how the feet, shoulders and wrists are molded. This is a very extensive retool however comparable to Titans Return Highbrow into TR Windblade.
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>That frog better be a Spittor pretool
ha! they never did Iggy boy from the JP line, I doubt the Frog will do any better now they have axed core class size for 2025.
these heights are inconsistent with >>11192269 this promo image. to a misleading degree
ugh that skinny cheetor chest, we can see it now. that is... a bummer. I think i'll have to pass on these guys until clearance.
i'm gonna explain this to you one more time and then I need you to talk to your parents about spending less time online
you can't make iguanus out of dilophocon. the ONLY thing they have in common is the frill. Nothing else is right.
The beast mode legs are massively the wrong size for iguanus, and have the wrong robot mode role for iguanus. You can't make a lizard out of a dilophosaur, period.
It's disappointing that these aren't Transformer OCs like nearly every Collab since.
And for all we know Universal won't let them.
I dunno, it doesn't feel any different from making an alt mode out of the iconic vehicles. This time it's just animals
I find it hard to imagine hasbro would give them exclusive rights to that mold. The only thing they can claim to own is dilophosaurs with frills.
What makes you think they're not?
>Nothing else is right.
You say that like it has ever stopped Hasbro before.
The box explicitly names them "Kurama" and "Kamagichi".
>I find it hard to imagine hasbro would give them exclusive rights to that mold
To be fair the TF team openly said in 2020 that the Netflix Soundwave was under Walmart until 2024 unless Walmart oked otherwise, they shared they could play around and make other characters (which they then hinted SG Soundwave) but they couldn't release that Cassette Soundwave under what agreements they made with Walmart. Doesn't mean anything happen with the JP Colabs but it wouldn't be that strange if Universal wanted the Mold to stay unique to that guy until a certain time.
Takara shared that too because some of the Netflix figures of 2020 never showed up there.
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The energon terrorcons are pretty neato
I mean, I would by a dilophosaurformer called 'iguanus' in a heartbeat
but i would not buy some attempt to frankenstein a guy who was already frankensteined from a gator
yeah but that's a store thing..
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This figure’s head is sick. You know what else is wicked, a leader that uses his enemy’s severed head as a flail.
>tfw kids these days will never know shit this cool even existed bc they are zombified
That fucking battle mask too, bruh. Exactly how many figures had the battle mask?
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I’m gonna call him Feral Prime when he’s got the mask on.
Of course he can also get out of the battle suit into his smaller self
>Primal w. Shotgun
That’s just Prime!
>That fucking battle mask too, bruh. Exactly how many figures had the battle mask?
Everything in the first year of BW that wasn't a basic. They got dropped in year 2 except for the remolds(K-9, Grimlock)
They should've used the alternate heads for alternate faction redecoes more. Like how Shadow Panther uses the OG figure's mutant head.
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>head OFF!
This figure is cool and I regret selling it off without ever opening it. Told myself I was done with repaints / boring retools but now I want all of em
Did ER prime ever get a KO and more importantly did this hypothetical KO ER prime ever get a nemisis prime recolor?
you certainly aren't alone in liking that, they even had a thirdparty one for the new primal
sort of. a lot of them you just turned the head around or flipped it. The only TRUE masks, as in something that fits over the normal face, were primal, megatron, dinobot, and scorponok if you squint.
Also, whose gun is that?
I think he's still pretty cheap. Lemme check

yeah you can get a new one for twelve fitty on bbts, or a used one for -five dolla- on ebay. they made WAY too many of this guy. Go grab one.
I have no idea what you mean
I think the alternate heads are
>Cheetor/Shadow Panther
>Tigatron/ Mutant Tigatron
Not counting Tyrannocon since her head isn't Megatron's mask
I don't think we can count Tarantulas or Blackarachnia either
What if the Jojo collab is a figurine of the user with a TF version of their respective Stand?
Thought you were a different anon who really wanted Nemesis and liked Slowbro
The boxset Tarantulas uses the alternate head.
>yeah but that's a store thing..
Right so if Hasbro was willing to make those agreements with someone that just distributes the toys imagine what they would agree to with a collaboration with a major studio's IP.
Notably the redecos all used the alternate heads in the package art to differentiate them from the original.
>I don't think we can count Tarantulas or Blackarachnia either
Both were Target Exclusives

As it stands the only mutant heads not used with molds made are Megs and Primal. Basics didn't have them and Inferno was made without an alt head like most later Mega class toys were.
wait forgot one. Dinobot also hasn't had one made.
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I'm doing my due diligence to support the global release of this movie watching it again.
He had the Toy Based head that was used for Grimlock
Correct but no Mutant head. Should have been clearer
I think Dinoboys should be shipping soon.
Now we just need Monstructor
blackarachnia and tarantulas were each other's mutants heads just like buzzsaw and waspinator, but BA's new figure was based on the show instead, and the 'non-mutant head' got redone twice, once on the blackarachnia mold, and once on the tarantulas mold. Which isn't that weird since they also did two versions of the tigatron/cheetor mutant head.
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but Universal doesn't have toy stores that could theoretically sell other iterations of that mold.
AT MOST they would say "any other uses of this mold have to be jurassic park so we can get more branding money" which, while functionally similar to what you said, something something etc.
They shipped today.
Neat Optimus head
Saw Transformers One and now I want a transformer to mess around with at my desk, what's a good car guy that doesn't have too many steps?
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You could get a cog changer Wheeljack or Bee if you want tfone flavor. That or just get ss86 bee or see if you can get Legacy Chase or Gears.
If TFOne isn't a requirement, can't go wrong with a core class Optimus for a desk toy.
For idle fidgeting, toys with ball joints are usually my go-to.
get the siege/earthrise/kingdom sideswipe mold. You have red alert, tigertrack, clampdown and deepcover to pick from.
And Wheeljack, like, next month
SS86 Bumlebee and Legacy United Gears are both great mess with toys.
Yeah him or Legacy Dx would be good.
Kind interesting Megs and Dinobot had similar mutant heads right down to the vertical spilt.
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>Netflix wasn't yellow enough
>Buzzworthy wasn't Beetle-y enough
>SS86 wasn't toy-like enough
Walmart's got you covered
Dilophocon was more of an homage to Iguanus than an easy pretool and you'd have to do a bunch of redesigning to get a frilled neck lizard from Dilophocon. Naruto frog guy on the other hand is much closer to Spittor in design and a retool into Diver (and hopefully a Spittor repaint of that) would be easy. Plus Diver was a main cast member in BWII, unlike Crazybolt (Iguanus mold repaint from BWN)
And here's Gears too, I guess. Funny how this mold is already going on its third headsculpt.
Which version is that?
Man, I'd kill to have all the crossover figures get remade as their own characters. Good way for Hasbro to to make money, and us to get unique molds for less.
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ok I didn't know about this before but apparently in the UK by Milton Bradley comics, Jetfire was the leader of the autobots? how does anybody feel about that, like if Jetfire had the Matrix instead of Prime?
aside from the tail gun, how is he an homage to iguanus?
that, AND it's not an existing mold so it'd be bizarre not to recycle it. it must be a pretool. Dilophocon is just.. -hopefully- a pretool. of something. a new dino guy. I'm tempted to get another and paint him red.
someone got paid to write this
I guess it was bound to happen eventually. Actually doesn't look half bad. I've already got Netflix Bee and I like his honey-yellow colour better but it's nice the mold gets another release. Though I'm tempted to get it and make it into Glyph assuming it isn't too scarce.
What is this
Walmart just put up preorders for "Retro G1" figures, and it's Gears and Bumblebee in toy decos
The frills in robot mode and the headsculpt as well as the tail. But I'd guess the designer had Iguanus as a kid or something and decided to reference him in Dilophocon since both have frills or something.

No, someone got paid to half-ass the translation of a German comic.
Is Transformers a dying brand?

I...kinda want this.


No, the toys are still selling decently. Except Earthspark. And the Skybound comic is selling like hotcakes. Its fine.
I'm so over this piece of shit mold, man
Every time I touch it I just like it less
They even put the fucking giant M on his hood
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I'm not seein it
I bet you're right, at least i would HOPE modern designers played with these as kids and remember them fondly.
If it comes to NZ I might grab it, even though I have Gears and Smallfoot.

I'm kinda glad I skipped the last one (because I already had Thrilling 30 Gears).
This idea is so out there but I love it.
Some other anime transformers I'd like to see:
>The Going Merry / Thousand Sunny
>Frieza's ship (with a little saiyan pod based on Armada dead end)
>The Bebop
what the fuck, they were german first??
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I can't habeebit!
Oh wow this sublines better than I expected. I may have to grab the Bumblebee, and definitely the Seaspray.

And French, and Dutch, and Spanish. It was made to promote the European G1 toyline. The German one seems to be the most common, though.

>The Bebop
a good ship design, but Spike and Faye's individual ships are cooler.
>Freeza's ship
Yeah that would be bitchin. And we've seen they can design good hemisphereformers. this is a flattened hemisphere so it should be even easier? Though a big part of me wants it to transform into a crab instead of a guy.
>Going Merry
Pretty hard to imagine that going well. I guess the masts could be guns, the sails could be a cape.... but the railings can't really turn into anything, and the remaining real estate you have for transforming into a robot is quite low. I guess the mikan tree cabin thing could turn into a head with a green afro...
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why does Gamakichi have five fingers
Gamabunta has five fingers, Gamakichi is a more normal frog. They also seem to have given this toy Gamakichi's vest with Gamabunta's sleeves....
I just fight it a bit interesting that Jetfire is the big bot of the Autobots really. I love me some Optimus but sometimes I think he's oversaturated the market. A little bit of a change would be nice.
>XYZ Robots
>Magnet Warriors
>Dark Magician with a dragon mode

Its because a different toy company (Joustra) were already releasing a few G1 figures in Europe as Diaclone toys. Meaning for the first year or so, they weren't allowed to sell Optimus. They picked Jetfire to be leader instead.
>Wonder if You
>Has gps day one
I'll never understand how fuckers keep asking for a monstructor repaint of a dinosaur combiner.

"but g1"

those shared just the inner bots, volcanicus fused the dino altmodes to the molds, if you want a monster combiner it will have to be an abominus repaint.
>if you want a monster combiner it will have to be an abominus repaint.
they aren't even the same you fucking goddamn retard. That's like repainting Computron from Bruticus. He needs to be his own mold.
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>Spike and Faye's individual ships are cooler
True and the Swordfish II is probably more iconic, but it doesn't leave a lot to work with for a transformer.

>Going Merry / Thousand Sunny
Take the masts off and use them as weapons like a spear and a sail shield. The rails don't need to come off or change, they can just stay on. After that, the ships are quite bulky so you've got plenty to turn into a robot.
>repainting Computicon from Bruticus
That would actually look kinda great
Picked up Studio Series 86 Bumblebee the other day. What a perfect little dude, he's so fun. The car transformation to car mode is nice and intuitive and I'm just having a good time making him zip around my desk.

He's the same size as Kingdom Galvatron. And soon SS86 Megatron will join him.
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>less than 100 million three weeks in
Deserved. Animated movies are fucking gay.
Bayshitters deserve the rope
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watching the Power Rangers auction news is like watching a funeral. And Warden is sitting there wringing his hands waiting for his next victim
Buddy, the Bay movies are mostly animated
not true they're at least 75% american soldiermen shooting at offscreen enemies
big fan I take it then?
All I'm saying is, we better canonize IDW's Rohantron and Josuke-bot background characters. Hell, give Rohan a motorbike form and give Josuke a retool of a Prime Ratchet mold or something.

…oh, and include a miniature Kira Yoshikage figure with the Josuke ambulance. If you know, you know.
>IDW's Rohantron and Josuke-bot
wait what
But 86 Prime IS accurate to the height chart. Even being taller than Rodimus is toon accurate.
Yeahhh I often said movie Megatron looked like the Swordfish, but the key there is he had several cool extra pylons that could turn into limbs.
thousand sunny's rails are way smaller so they are less of a problem, and its sails are smaller compared to the ship, helping with that prob too. but come on, solid shields? naw naw. cape. and then I guess that stripy gazebo would be the head.
you fell for that real REAL weak bait and i'm worried about you
No, but I wouldn't say it's not struggling in some areas. Earthspark was a flop because it's shit and is on a platform nobody watches and TF One had absolutely garbage marketing, so bad that some twitter user shill is single handedly doing better marketing than the actual trailers did. That being said, we're definitely in a far better place than say power rangers or voltron.
i mean
voltron can retire now. it started out as a clumsy dub of a pretty dry anime, that got by on having cool robots and excellent music, then it had two _terrible_ shows aiming to somehow be simultaneously nostalgic for oldtimers and just the kiddiest shit ever
then it had one excellent show with high-ass quality art and genuinely good toys for once, that .. I never saw, but I am assured existed. and it did like six seasons in 18 months, and it can be -done- now. we don't need more voltron.

>then it had one excellent show with high-ass quality art and genuinely good toys for once

Neither of these are true.
well they looked good. I don't know what their quality or articulation was like.
i'd like to know what you think high quality art is, if not that, then.

The show had nice animation, yes. But you can tell the writers never wanted to make an actual VOLTRON show, just do shipping drama. To wit: the show had only three Robeasts. THREE. In eight seasons.

And the action figures were terrible. But the lions were fine, which I guess is all that matters.
didn't say writing, though I thought the writing was good. i don't recall -any- shipping.
You denied the -art- was high-quality. You can't just keep headin north on your bicycle and expect to get south, son. you gotta backpedal.
A repainted abominus is miles closer than fucking dinosaurs, you glue muncher retard.

Okay, I concede on that. The art and animation was nice, yes. Its just a shame it was wasted on a show by people who very clearly had no desire to actually use the robot the show is supposed to be about.
>5 person team with totally different designs is the same as a 6 person team

do you fucking have brain damage?
>i don't recall -any- shipping.
In Legendary Defender? Are you blind?
those are fair criticisms. i still liked it.
I think I was just so stricken with Pidge that she was all I was focusing on. Hunk was a fun Sokka character, the Rhys Darby guy was funny, and everyone else was completely superfluous and wooden. I assume Hunk was into Allura at some point but that's hardly shippity. He's the lovesick dork, it's gonna happen. He's obviously a better match for Pidge, and they will figure that out in a year or two.
Agreed. I dropped the Netflix shit after season 1.
I didn't say to repaint Dinoking. I just said we need a Monstructor because we have all the other combiners
Buddy, once the show ended, the crew all swore it off and pledged to never discuss it again because the shipping wars were so violent.
A shipper took photos of production materials and blackmailed the staff to confirm her gay ship
oh you're talking about fans. I thought you meant in the show

... why do you care what fans do? How is that a judgment on the show when all fans of all shows do that in equal amounts?
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Do you have to manually breath?
The last part of the show was entirely fucked up to cater to shippers
Micromaster combiners are not important.
Would have passed in PotP, but by current likeness standards wouldn't be allowed.
if you say so mate. all I remember of the end was a meta gag about them doing an in-universe show about the paladins, and a big fight with a real strong thing Voltron had trouble with.

you have no right to call somebody else stupid.
are you retarded
>allowing gays to hijack your franchise
Not even once, Hasbro should have taken notes.
>current likeness standards
Most of Dinoking members lack new tooling being straight repaints, and don't forget we got albino wild rider as breakedown.
I didn't do that custom, I'm just showing you it can be done, since you need visual aids.
anon have you ever fucking seen Monstructor in your life? 5/6 of them are bipedal and there are no two headed dragons in the team.
Monstructor's members barely have alt modes anyway. They're all just little nothing blocks made to be shoved into garbage looking shells
>ummmm actually its okay if he looks nothing like he's supposed to because.... because I said so okay?!?!?!

neck yourself unironically
Are you really going to pretend that Monstructor's components are the same size as Devastator or the Bruticus now?
that isn't what "micromaster" means you dumb fuck. Monstructor is not one of the Micromaster Combiners
I'm a not even the person you're arguing with
I'm a third person that's always thought that Monstructor looked terrible and I don't know why anyone would crave to see it recreated
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they are to me
Like pretty much every Pretender thing, the design of the shell is the only thing worth keeping.
Because you want to fuck a train or firetruck?
Just because you pretend not to like something like the dumb fucking ape you are doesn't mean it has to be made objectively terrible for your amusement.
This person begs for all the most obscure characters to be made and then does not buy them when they get made
So you agree that Monstructor would need to be made of new molds and not a repaint of Dinoking.
almost like the Generations line was about recreating the old guys with better toys but what am I thinking?
>A shipper took photos of production materials and blackmailed the staff to confirm her gay ship

I remember that one of the storyboards released on twitter had Shiro getting married to Roy Focker at the end.

Fuck man that really pissed me off when season 5 was announced. Oh hey by the way Shiro's been gay all this time!
what the fuck are you talking about?
Harmony Gold allowed characters from Robotech to appear?


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>pretend not to like something
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he cute

but are there any little guys that are cuter?
No you.
Oh he mad
>act like a gigantic faggot for an hour
Monstructor is a forced meme
>implying I didn’t just open this thread to you sperging
I’m NTA but thanks for the chuckle
please don't use words you don't understand
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You got mad first
That means you lost
i mean, saving the out of nowhere gay for the ending credits montage is pretty good by today's standards. i just didn't watch it. shiro is fine and possibly a clone.
>smug anime girl
>Harmony Gold allowed characters from Robotech to appear?

It was in storyboards so the actual animated part in the show had the character changed. Either they realized what a shitstorm that would cause and changed it or someone on staff was having fun. It's more suspect since Macross characters like Roy actually cameoed in the first episode.

>i mean, saving the out of nowhere gay for the ending credits montage is pretty good by today's standards. i just didn't watch it. shiro is fine and possibly a clone.

At Comic Con when they announced Season 5 was when they revealed that about Shiro to the joy of the usual packs of people that eat that shit up. The hilarious thing though was when the episode aired that showed his boyfriend was that the guy had died off-screen and that their flashback interactions were bland enough that those who missed the Comic Con reveal would have just seen two friends. I remember there had been those who thought it had been a bait and switch but they did that sudden marriage to some dude at the end to make up for it it seems.
>at comic con
okay, fine. I can see how that ruins it for you
>when the episode aired that showed
uh, they absolutely were just friends. only a retard would see otherwise.
I don't care about Naruto but I'm going to get this and pretend it's Beast Wars Wheelie
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What figures do you love that you think people might've slept on? Personally I love siege Shockwave and he combines well with siege Megatron.
that works better than it has any right to.
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There were a lot of fun combos.
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I remember testing these out for myself, it was actually easy enough to figure out. These aren't modded or anything, you can just do this shit.
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so wait this was a weaponizer?
Ut was Shockwave with extra bits that formed weapons and merged with the base figure into a giant space dreadnought
weird. that's not usually a thing named characters get.
Siege had an armor gimmick. The main body was about a voyager size.
He looks like a prune
yeah but i thought all of those dudes were like, nobodies. I must not have been paying attention.
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Shockwave was leader class like Ultra Magnus. And, actually, I guess they both technically had a smaller body hidden inside.
Why the fuck does this bastard have such great lightpiping? I swear I could be in dimly lit room and it would still look like this guy has an LED in his eye. How come they were never able to replicate such black magic with other figures that have lightpiping?
lightpiping is no longer allowed because it isn't toon accurate
99% of cases of lightpiping suck total ass so I say good riddance
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If I were to toss out a guess, it might be the lightly tinted transparent plastic works best for that. That shade of yellow is just conducive to light, I guess. It's weird, because it sure looks like Road Pig's head is half transparent, I would think it'd do the light piping thing fine, but no dice.
I wish people like you would fuck off to Marvel Legends where you belong and stop shitting up Transformers. You are less than human. You are worse than a parasite.
Crazy part about it is that the translucent plastic only takes up a small space on the top of his head while you could have figures with the entire back of their heads cast in a clear plastic and not have even half of the good results shockwave somehow has.
there's definitely more inherently-neon forms of clear plastic that, for some reason, are rarely used in lightpiping.
Even the galactic man shockwave repaint has brilliant light piping despite it having a red eye. If they're gonna keep pushing light piping on figures they might as well try and recapture whatever the the hell they managed to do with this mold and apply it to other toys.
Keep coping, it won't suddenly make light piping good. Trust me, I WISH it were good, but most of the time it just fucking isn't. Most of the time it means bots with dead eyes or completely invisible colors that don't show unless you shove a lightbulb up their ass, or even worse don't fucking glow even if you do that much.

If stuff like shockwave and cylclonus and omega supreme were the norm then maybe I'd support it more, but most of the time they're just too much work to look like shit 99% of the time
Painted eyes at least always look OK, metallic painted even moreso, chromed eyes are the real kino.
god damn your taste can't possibly worse
I have the galactic man repaint and I reallt like him, but his legs annoy me. Why are they so limited and also ratcheting?
Kickass alt mode with the armor, anyhow
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To be sure. It's probably one of my favorite spaceship altmodes.
I feel like lightpiping is used so fucking rarely that it's hard to say how many are good or bad. to me, the bad ones are in the minority. but boy do they keep showing up, even MP rhinox
Hm... But will this new froge be able to do the head-sticking-out-the-frog-mourh thing that the old froge mold could do? >>11190958
exobably not
I like how the Core version incorporates all the extras to keep that alt mode
I only with they took the armor concept further with this guy, I'd have loved to see a fully decked out ultimate mecha shiva shockwave loaded with missiles and death lasers, and the gun toes and sub-arms don't quite capture that fully
I don't usually like light piping but they really managed to work some kind of miracle with Shockwave here, it's incredible. Even when there's almost no light I can still see that monoeye clearly from across the room. Not enough people are talking about this
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Deoxys defense mode says "Trick or Treat, /tfg/.
they made a fire convoy mask?
Imagine a Deoxys Transformer that could convert between all 4 formes.
MP rhinox is a really unfortunate case, thankfully it's not too hard to "fix" since his face is built for being ripped off, but I really question why they did it in the first place
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that does actually look pretty good, but you should really add a pupil using a.. slightly brighter metallic red? or something
SEAnigger hands typed this
a beast wars x pokemon crossover line would be my kind of autism.
Not too bad
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>energon terrorcons
my nigger
a lot of people take out the bat ears but i like him better with them deshou
Maybe it's as simple as the fact that it's such a small point of light? The fact that he's a cyclops?
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part of me REALLY wants hastak to redo starscream and the seekers as I think the mold doesn't hold up but at the same time I really don't want to recollect a bunch of seekers again after I have all the ER remolds. Once more having to wait long periods of time and facing scalped exclusives that leaves the trio incomplete.
I'm still a little salty that Skywarp was only sold as a two-pack and I'd already bought Thundercracker when I found out.
I'm fine with my coronation Starscream. I just wish they rereleased Skywarp and Thundercracker separately
oh, they're going the marvel legends price gouge route eh?
Just buy one of the dozen 3P versions if you're feeling the itch that bad
Don't condemn the rest of us to it
oh shit!
i'd get this
It's the siege mold but im still pissed off about skywarp.
yeah they have some issues but they're still cool
So why does Gears get a toy head, but not Bumblebee?
gears is reusing the go-bots remold
guess they didn't think it was worth it for the bee mold now it's basically replaced by (the inferior) SS86
I miss vehicle mode packaging. This feels wrong.
costs more to pay factory workers to actually transform them for packaging
Just assemble them in vehicle mode, duh
G1 Minibots were packed in robot mode.
luv Gears

Not sure how I feel about Bee
Is there a more cucked toy than the Netflix release of Bumblebee
>store exclusive so nobody can get it
>wrong colors
>gets outclassed by a Studio Series mold that everyone can get everywhere
>people who have to go MUH LISCENCED BEETLE now get a better paint job and easier to get
I didn't care for normal Gears but I like this one. That headsculpt looks cool
store exclusive wouldn't be so bad if it was a store that put their shit online
>toy colors
>toon head

for what purpose
It annoys me that we've still never gotten a dark designs rhinox from any of his molds.
Takara should have done a Maximal Predacons 2-pack of that and the Core Rattrap with Predacon insignias on his arms instead of Maximal ones.
maybe the MP will do it. takara aren't above single-episode-specific repaints, just got the haunted waspinator myself
that kingdom mold is too dogshit to warrant another release
It's hard to sell the idea, buy this guy with a very subtle change in colors.. especially when kingdom rhinox flopped and MP is.. yknow, MP. costsamoney.
Generations Rhinox could have used a recolor for sure, but how many people would buy it?
Rhinox is more significant compared to other minor repaints. The rhino becomes almost purple and the light brown becomes silver.
I wish there was an actual SS86 Starscream
the gold turns silver and the brown turns into slightly reddish brown. It's just not that striking. Wasn't meant to be. That's why it's fun when comics or whatever make characters that already have toys, under a different name.
Maybe he has foil or reflective paint in his head? Like car headlights.
It's not really that hard to sell, especially to beast wars fans. It's cool dark purple evil rhinox from a cool episode, there will be an audience for it.
You wanna know what ACTUALLY would be a hard sell? Silver blackarachnia from "the trigger"
Really? The colors are extremely different.
Yeahh that is a much more significant change but I still can't see it selling. Though I have seen uh.. was it the MP? giving her the staff from that episode.
>wrong colors
I actually like the yellow better on Netflix (and also the old MP). It looks less washed out and more like a colour you'd get on a real car. Worst thing I can say about him is the partsforming.
Funny, I touched one version of the ER seeker and immediately decided I wasn't going to bother with any more of them
I'd rather it happen sooner so they don't waste any more cool decos on that dogshit mold
>gears is reusing the go-bots remold
That's a new head/face. Littlefoot from the 3 pack has the head she had in the IDW comics.
What is with using memes that make no sense? That mold was from 4 years ago.
I think someone here is just lonely and wants (You)s so they get somewhat outrageous in attempts to get our attention.
(You)s or a kiss on the lips. Your choice.
>gears is reusing the go-bots remold

my guess is that it was vetoed by Walmart
That wasn't IDW. She was in Botcon stories by FunPub (in this case meaning, text stories with occasional illustrations).
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holy moly
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More like this instead
I'm a stupid retard that actually likes the ER Seeker mold and wish we got more weird ass paint jobs like Cloudcover and Sandstorm. Just hit me up with
>Universe Acid Storm with the dark green camo
>Devastation coneheads
>More Coneheads using the Dirge/Thrust wings in general (Ramjet's cool and all but some variety is always nice)
>Speaking of that, BWII Dirge/Thrust because fuck it why not

Slipstream should remain her own mold though
>Flame pigtails
All of my yes.
Sucks Chainsaw Man isn't as popular as other shounen.
Now THAT would be a fucking awesome collab (Though Denji and Power need to change into Beastformers).
Divebomb is the most recent one I got and he’s definitely my favorite. Really posable and fun
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the paint sucks
that's a prototype, right? right?
>the paint sucks
I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact it looks better than I expected it to. Can you elaborate on what sucks about it? Also its a good thing that no one is forcing you to buy it. Whew. Also reminder that no one is forcing you to be negative every day. Its a choice and keep in mind your bad attitude resonates to other people as well.
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seems like it

now anon there's a much better painted version but you're already fine with that one right?
This is a digital render
oh shit youre right
maybe this is the final version then>>11193326
the paint sucks.
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Is that supposed to be a female hunter? A dude should look closer to this
>gears is reusing the go-bots remold
Which one? Only one I know of is the one with yellow strap over the eyes and this ain't it.
>he comes with BW Neo’s Matrix
Fuckin cool
1. This is under a bright white light
2. This appears to be a prototype
All the parts advertised in the render as silver are gray here in person. That’s the main issue here and I imagine that’s just a test shot. Secondly the render appears to have applied some panel lining throughout the red parts that may or may not be there on the final product(?)
Otherwise it looks identical to the advertised
Takara always shows off handpainted prototypes until the final figures are ready
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That'll be 120 dollars + shipping, nostalgiapiggies
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reading an old interview predaking's design was for the transformers franchise, not for diaclone. so why the fuck did hasbro choose such a heroic looking design for a villain?
of course people love him, he looks like a protag super robot from the 80s, or a proto brave
It's taking liberties no matter what, but it's might be based closer on other Rathalos armor designs that have more distinguished pec areas.
>why the fuck did hasbro choose such a heroic looking design for a villain?

I was there, this is what happen

-Jhon Hasbro: We need a strong counterpart for out mechanised dragon.
-Hiroshi Takara: We can do a big beast combiner.
-Jhon Hasbro: That'll work.
-Hiroshi Takara: Any design imputs?
-Jhon Hasbro: Just make it look expensive while being cheap to produce, other than that go wild.
Its based on that one, look at the neck spike-tie tho others don't have.
so it was jhon hasbro and not john all along? no way
also skylynx and predaking would've worked way better with reversed factions, skylynx looks more villainous with those snake like head and neck
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>so why the fuck did hasbro choose such a heroic looking design for a villain?
Is it though? He doesn't exactly have a friendly looking face, and the orange/yellow/black color scheme to me looks like a visual warning to stay away.
On a related note, I always thought Superion looked suspiciously evil for an Autobot, with his expressionless red visor. I like the diversity though, after all none of these colors or looks would actually signify good or evil in-universe.
Speculation is they were designed to be Autobots(there's an Autoot zoo in the early drafts of TFTM). They didn't really push visual differences between Autobots and Decepticons until the headmasters and the more monster/beast Decepticon altmodes(even then, there's the monsterbots)
They did give them Halloween colors.
My Dinoking is arriving tomorrow, so claims Hasbro.
>so it was jhon hasbro and not john
They're brothers, younger dealing with stores in america, older getting new toys in asia.
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I mean the lion chest, big wings and giant sword are pretty Brave-coded. The color scheme is the main thing that makes him look evil, but he could still pass for a distant ancestor of Gaogaigar's
I want more Cybertron (show) characters. Jetfire especially.
nah evil guys colors are purple, green, black, grey. orange, red or gold have always been hero colors, maybe with some white it would've looked more heroic but the color scheme is not clashing like warning colors on animals
>I mean the lion chest, big wings and giant sword are pretty Brave-coded.
This was before even Sentai was doing the lion-chest thing though. What else had the beast head chest before Predaking? I can only think of Daltanious. Liveman was 88.
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Yeah, he was noted high in ranking on his toy (10 is the same as Optimus Prime)

Man, it's the most nostalgic centered line tout there (below masterpiece), yeah it adheres to the 40 years old cartoon OF COURSE, IT'S THE ENTIRE PREMISE, they committed themselves to doing said cartoon
Yes. The final uses silver paint and clear plastic for the Charge Blade, if the render is to be believed.
Predaking should be an autobot in a future continuity
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Hasbro lied
I'll never forgive them
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Which colors are "good" or "evil" depends very much on which fictional universe you're following (pic related). Hell, even in TF Starscream is red, white (or off-white/silver) and blue (like Prime) and he's arguably the most evil guy on the evil team.
Same with lions. Look at Game of Thrones, Lannisters have a lion for their sigil AND red and gold as their colors.
>why the fuck did hasbro choose such a heroic looking design for a villain?
I have no idea, but I do know the design we got wasn't the original one that was planned. Back when the Predacons were still known as the 'Anibots', they were going to merge into a giant chimeric dragon called 'The Mechanobeast,'; presumably, they made the design more humanoid out of fear that it wouldn't appeal to Transformers fans.
Incidentally, this original 'Mechanobeast' Predaking design was what served as the inspiration for Prime's dragon Predaking, if you were wondering where that incarnation of him came from.
>Prime’s dragon Predaking
Dude I just watched GO! and Dragotron (red Predaking) is hard as fuck. Great animation too (by TF standards)
My mommy just bought me retro card Terrorsaur
looks good to me, what prob-
oh wow that isn't a good gradient on the wings -at all-
i regret googling that
My headcanon is this thing did exist and fought Devastator offscreen in the movie, just like in one of the early scripts, and Devastator killed him.
RIP Anibots, we never knew ye.
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This is my first experience with these molds, I think I'd be disappointed if these were the Dinobots. As they are though I kind of love these goofy happy meal motherfuckers. Hell, Kakuryu's arms even transform in a happy meal fashion. I really like how every combiner piece has somewhere to go, not a fan of pieces just layin around loosey goosey.
Man, this is cool as hell. I feel like a kid again, putting Dinoking together gave me the sake feeling I had as a kid when my dad got me the Combaticons. Or maybe more like Devastator. Hes not perfect but he holds together pretty well and I like how they've managed to give DK so much artoculation. Boy have Combiners come a long way since I was a kid. This is my first combiner since uuuuhhhh....... Build King? Or Rail Racer. Its been awhile.
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I'm such a tard.
That's a prototype, if you couldn't tell from the flat matte paint on most of his body (as opposed to being cast in red plastic from the start), lack of silver on his chest, and the fact that his weapon is using solid (painted) plastic instead of the advertised clear yellow. It's a quick physical mockup of what he'll look like as opposed to the renders we've seen, but not his final representation; hopefully they do a better job with the gradient when they show off the finished version.
post him next to a regular size
Who did it better
I saw Quake and Slipstream at my Walmart today. I was tempted...but ultimately passed. Will I regret it?
I got all the Star Raiders there a few weeks ago. All gone now, completely turned over to the new wave. I was lucky I went when i did!
I never had the original supreme class so Legacy Starscream is fine for me
How long until Hasbro starts remaking figures from the classics line to make me feel really old? I mean, they already started with animated and that does the job, but this would really push the spike into my heart.
Monstructor shells are even worse than the core bots. Core bots may be boring and just barely transform but the shells are just big unidentifiable blobs of color. They hardly even look monstrous, more like shit you'd see in THIN YOUR PAINTS compilations
Won't happen unless some future show decides to base their Optimus's look on Classics.
it's not a bad altmode.

yes and it's $5
Is that even a real thing?
>I think I'd be disappointed if these were the Dinobots.
No imagine that you bought these because you hoped there would be a core class Devy to go with them
that's fucking incredible. when's the last time something that old got a product of that nature.
Whenever I can get back to my office. My "family" wants to "spend time together"... cringe!
Did people actually think that was gonna happen?
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It must have been sitting in a warehouse for decades.
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i'm not sure that's a sleeper cab in the toy though, isn't it one of those aerodynamicized ACs or something
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Finally decided to take the final step and paint the whole thing a lighter shade of blue and made thigh armor so his thighs can be the correct color in both modes. I think I'm quite happy with this. I still have a few ideas for the carrier mode, but I think I'm done customizing the bot modes.
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Cyclonus did a fantastic job with the important parts of the house, not one drop of water got in. The porch is fucked, though. It's okay,, I'll have Galvatron beat him.
What the fuck happened?
protoform crash
I'll never understand why people in hurricane zones build out of such flimsy junk material instead of stone blocks. Build megalithic, Floridaman. That one guy did with the Coral Castle, I bet that wasn't damaged by the storm now was it
Customizing is what life's all about. You did a good job, I can't even tell it was painted.
did you find a way to partsform the new thigh armor onto the altmode?
I'll never understand why they live there at all. how many hints do you have to get that this is uninhabitable land? if you lived in africa, wouldn't you try to walk to europe since you're gonna die anyway if you stay?
Based leader magnus enjoyed, I ended up swapping the leg panels from Siege onto mine do it didn't have the gap with the trailer exposing the robot arms.
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>did you find a way to partsform the new thigh armor onto the altmode?

Not yet, I'm thinking of adding tabs so that they can be stored where the shoulder armor is officially stored, since I have an upgrade kit that moves the shoulder armor to a new location (pic rel), but for now they can just be chucked in the leg armor cavity.
yeah that works!
man not bad at all
Bald cab compensation, nah its an aerodinamic thing to reduce the drag caused by the wind hitting the flat containers.
>if you lived in africa, wouldn't you try to walk to europe since you're gonna die anyway if you stay?
You're retarded if you think an Autobot car is going to cost as much as a large truck+trailer combo.
Abominus and Dinoking aren't Micromasters, you dumbfuck.
right, that too. I think that's all it is, that one doesn't look like a cab.
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and Devastator is a Headmaster because the head is a separate piece, right?
Honest question, what makes a micromaster a micromaster and whats the difference with minicons?
You mean, like, lore-wise or just what makes the toys different?
>abominus and dinoking are the same size
She meant Monstructor based on the previous posts she is replying to. Micromasters are very important to her, so she has a very strict view of what they are.

Micromasters are specifically a subline that was made small to compete with the popular Micro Machines line. It doesn't mean "Small Transformer." Minicons are a similar concept in that they're but they were specifically designed as part of a play pattern with the Armada toys due to their Powerlinx ports. A Micromaster is not a Minicon and a small Transformer is not either of those. The old Legends class toys weren't Micromasters either.
Micromaster does not mean "thing that is small" though. You're just coping because you were proven wrong.
I never said it did.
That explains nothing, man, you're basically saying, "they are whatever their package says they are".
So you are saying that Flanker despite being a remake of a Micromaster isn't a Micromaster?
Yes. That is how you know fiction.
You said Monstructor was a Micromaster Combiner which is not true.

Correct, which is more meaningful than saying "they are whatever my headcanon says they are."

>So you're saying that Titans Returns Hot Rod is a Headmaster despite being a remake of a non-Headmaster?
He's a Titan Master. They are lacking the key mechanics of Headmasters like trigging the stats when plugged into a body.
G1 Micromasters - in fiction mini-sized transformers designed for energy efficiency; in reality competition for Micro Machines
UT Microns/Mini-cons - little unknowing minions of Unicron designed to provoke autistic rage
CHUG Mini-cons - as G1 Micromasters but new name, except for when they were also G1 Targetmasters or Headmasters with new names
Aligned Mini-cons - an entirely separate sub-race of Transformers with the power of being smol descended from Micronus Prime (13 primes are retarded btw), some turn into weapons
IDW "Mini-cons" - not Cybertronians at all but the Ammonite faction of another mechanoid species
But Hot Rod isn't a Titan Master he's a regular guy, which means that TR Hot Rod isn't a Titan Master either. You don't just go by what the packaging says do you?!
Haven't seen a combo so massive since Mugenbine.
Hot Rod already went under surgery to become a Target Master. He's masterfluid.
Thanks, I just wanted to know the difference toywise, was expecting something like "minicons are micromasters with 5 ports to activate gimmicks on other figures" or something better than "whatever papa hasbro says".
Someone bring the pics of marriage destroyer, the combiner made out of titans.
Well Mini-Cons in UT and Classics do have a negative 5mm hole that triggers mechanics on some toys, but those far outlived ones that actually use them for triggering mechanisms.
They rereleased the Multiforce are Micromasters despite the originals not being called Micromasters and being a different size and mechanism. It doesn't matter.
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Technically, Monstructor is even smaller than micromaster combiners
What a clusterfuck.
Yo mama is a micromaster haha
She's a fatmaster. She makes Wide Load seem small.
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Even at $65 or so
I don't think he was worth it honestly
If I bought the Core Class with trailer set I'd redo this with MP-10 Prime and Dr Wu Prime for full range tower
Or throw the big Popcorn bucket Prime in too
Strongest Goy
Yo dick is a micromaster
It's also speculated that the first draft had some concepts pushed their way by Hasbro, and the toys weren't actually seen yet. So you had "a combiner made of five animals" and "an old style steam engine with two other modes" that gets imagined into the Anibots and Rails, rather than Predaking and Astrotrain.
jesus how tall would that be
This should use Beast Machines Megatron as its head
oh yeah
what IS that at the head?
That is much better an insult. I wonder why that wasn't used to begin with.
A 3p Tentakil
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'06 Classics Prime is based on the Peterbilt 372. The closest it's got to a comparable truck model in Transformers is actually Bayformers Prime, who's a Peterbilt 379.

I'll buy a remake if Hasbro keeps the yellow spatula on his crotch. (Why is that not in this promo pic?)
please elaborate and/or post a pic
ah yeah it should totally have Grand Mal up there. I'm not a 3P snob or anything but this comboner deserves to be all one thing
now is that a sleeper cab or is that pure aerodynamics
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Both! The bigger selling points for the 372 was its spacious interior and "aerodynamics and serviceability", to quote one of their ads. Can't actually speak on their performance though.
Oh okay, well then those don't have to have windows and i guess that could be what Classics Prime has, even if it is a bit narrow and not flush with the top.
>those tiny passenger seats
>one bunk is only 31 inches wide and the other's only 80 inches long
have these designers ever met a trucker?
>it should totally have Grand Mal up there
Titan-class Grand Mal when?
Only missing the arms and head. Scorponok rerelease when.
>Star Raiders
For me, they might as well be online exclusives because I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them in my area. I think it was a mistake to keep the Star Raiders in the uniform Legacy United packaging style unlike the Netflix/Velocitron/Toxitron lines. It just looks like another wave of the mainline to anyone not paying attention. There is nothing beyond the universe designation that tells you that this odd cadre of figures are meant to be their own exclusive collection so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were already moving onto the next mainline wave.
Missing Nemesis as a gun
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Alright, time for disciplinary action. Cell service got bad last night, couldn't post. It won't be too severe because my entire collection survived without a single scratch.

A hurricane, numbnuts.

It's a fuckin' porch screen, not Stonehenge. I will advocate for a sterner stuff than aluminum when we can get around to replacing it, but it had survived every hurricane that hit us for over 20 years so it's not exactly toothpicks.
I hope not only because I threw down a preorder on him at a local shop months ago and had to pay 20% down payment...
>my entire collection survived without a single scratch.
Sounds like he did his job admirably. Sucks about the porch though.
This is why I stick to CHUG seekers. We will never get fun repaints like Acid Storm ever again.
I'm glad your robots are safe anon
>I will advocate for a sterner stuff than aluminum
your light-heartedness/Transformers references is endearing despite the situation, I hope everything will be ok
We just got Acid Storm in Siege bozo
Yeah but not in the classics camo nor is it an earth alt mode to match with the other seekers.

It's about having more than just the normal six to fall back on ya see.
>Scorponok rerelease when.
In a few days.
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God, I hate that I'm considering this. I don't think any 3p is ever going to make a leader-sized G1 Scorponok.

Yeah, I'm glad I can laugh about it. The eye was only about 15 miles away when it passed our property. If it had gone any further south the damage could have been much worse. Also I've noticed far fewer downed trees, I think Ian did us a very painful favor by culling so many older/weaker trees two years ago.
What’s leader sized?
there’s already a couple short ones and there’s one 17” one on the way
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>Scorponok rerelease
fuck my wallet, but I guess my Fort Max needs someone to fight, Tidal Wave is a bit too short
based camofren
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>2 of 3 Insecticons & Ross
Lol I paid a lot of money for those
My ideal Scorponok is 11-12" tall, realistically it would probably make him a commander class under current pricing. Big enough to outclass even 10" Grimlock, not quite on the scale of a combiner. I wasn't aware of a 17" one, I'm interested. Got a name or company for that one?
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Ugh, same
I like that his twin brother/boyfriend is in bed waiting for him but I’m disgusted at him wearing his shoes on the bed, and like he’s in his day clothes ewww put on some pajamas
Don't think it has a name yet but it's from a company called Siyang who also did a G1 Metroplex
Holy shit
This. Or Fort Max’s head. This thing is insane but they fumbled the head
Did anyone get this Metroplex? I was about to buy it but most of the reviews are pretty negative.
Id just like to put it out there, is there actually anyone besides “cool bootleg” boy that minds the occasional 3p post in here? For one thing, the current state of the 3p thread is basically a legends class discussion and nothing else.
I think its even more acceptable if the 3p figure is properly supplementary, as in there is no real good official alternative. Asking for a friend who just nabbed a super rare figure
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I dunno, I like him
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Stickers sold separately by toyhax though
Looks sick. I bet I missed the boat and he’s expensive now
have anyone made addons for Tidal Wave to fix his knees yet?
I dont have him, but Ive seen several over elaborate attempts but Im pretty sure all you need to do is glue the non moving half of the ratchet to the leg so it dosent twist

PSA always use Krazy Glue brand glue on Transformers. It works the best. Do not use Gorilla Glue is does not work
use the /3pg/ niggers
ok that does sound pretty easy to do.
>Krazy Glue
gonna have to see if I can even get here since I don't live in America
I like you.
I really like the colour schemes on the Classics Seekers, especially the cool wing patterns. Shame the mold itself is just "OK" IMO.
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If you have a 3D printer there's this Scorponok that's roughly that size based on his Marvel Comics look. Can turn into the scorpion but not the base mode. The dude who made it charges $40 fucking dollars for the files tho which is a huge turnoff (t. guy who paid someone else $20 for their Lugnut design).
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which Rumble better?
the blue one :)
Don't need him, since I have the superior Black Zarak, but it's cool they're giving people another shot at him all the same.
>What’s leader sized?
He needs to scale with power Master Optimus
In the comics he and fort Max were basically Jetfire sized, maybe a bit smaller.
Why aren't they at my Ross yet reeeeeeee
What the fuck, glad I asked.
Will buy again.

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