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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

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Why did Gears get a new head but Bumblebee didn't?
Bumblebee isn't important.
Very annoying. If it had the toy head I would buy it but as is its a pass
You can't get me to buy it a second time Hasbro, I'm fine with my Netflix one if I want the VW Bug and the SS86 if I want a Bee with a better yellow.
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I just wanted a G2 Ramjet that doesn't yellow
We were so close
Or at least offer replacement Forearm Boxes that don't yellow

God I miss the Classics Mold
>My SS86 Springer came with two hammers
They should have just given Springer a DLC piece for another bot rather than making up an accessory he never used.
He's got two Thor's hammers!
>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.
well then he can't be the head on the combiner!
It's a fuckin' porch screen, not Stonehenge.
I think that was anon's point
>It had survived every hurricane that hit us for over 20 years
... how? I didn't know Florida had any buildings that old.
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>or at image limit
it was missing from the OP copypasta
oh, and the thread that that screenshot is copied from was not made on page 9 or at image limit.
so they can release another version with the correct head and milk his popularity more
Cartoon Rumble>toy Frenzy
They could've just used the Goldbug head
They could've given us Enemy
>sorry, here's Rumble again. Fuck you for buying him the first time.
They could've, but the colors are different enough from 86 Rumble that you can always headcanon him as a different bot. Call him Fumble, or something.
Now that Bandai is losing the Dragon Ball license and Transformers has already done a cross over with Naruto what are the chances of getting some transformers based on Dragon Ball designs?
>Bandai is losing the Dragon Ball license
What? Bandai pretty much lives off anime merch.
Toriyama's editor left Shonen Jump and set up a new company to handle Dragon Ball licensing. Toriyama basically gave him the blessing before he died. This means basically every existing license is at risk of being renegotiated/sold to other licensors when contracts end since the editor has bad blood with Shueisha, who has great relations with Bandai.
Weabs really are retarded thinking takara will be allowed to make anime dragonbal cross overs when it's a completely different author to Naruto
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It can't be helped.
You can't stop me from buying Naruto and Dragon Ball figures and then posing them together.
If this had yellow forearms and crotch, it'd be a better SS86 than SS86.
>completely different author to Naruto
The dragon ball author died this year and now it's entirely a publisher property.
That already exists
Bandai is losing the toy rights soon really anyone could be making Dragon Ball figures in the future.
>Bandai is losing the toy rights soon
I can't find even a single article that hints at this
Are you that guy who makes up rumors so he can make YouTube videos about those rumors?
Wrong shade of yellow.
Sorry you couldn't actually be bothered to look. Bandai and Shueisha are currently in a losing legal battle with Toriyama's estate. They are 100% going to lose their Dragon Ball rights because Toriyama's estate hates Bandai and Shueisha.
"The ones most heavily impacted by these events were the people at Bandai Namco, who were making a killing from Dragon Ball video games, such as Dokkan Battle. The same representative from Namco told us that, “Mr. Iyoku was now Toriyama-sensei‘s independent spokesperson, but the manga’s publishing rights rest with Shueisha. Now no one knows who to talk to regarding the property. Every summons to a meeting regarding Dragon Ball is now fuzzily addressed to ‘all relevant parties,’ and both Mr. Iyoku and the representatives from Shueisha just enter the room as though they have every right to be there, and every attempt to make both parties come to an agreement has just left everyone tired and annoyed.”"
Does this mean that Super might not come back? Damn
Guesses on the next SJ collabs?
Demon Slayer or Chainsaw Man maybe. I think those are the things popular now.

Well damn. Seeing DB toys without the Bandai logo is gonna be weird.


YuGiOh I hope.
i dont like anime
Gokimus Prime soon
transformers collab
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It'll be a long, long time until the next Alpha Trion toy, won't it?
The next line is literally about the 13 Primes
saint seiya
why? because i say so
Pegasus beast mode and Seiya robot mode
Would be kino
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Sounds funny atleast.
They already did Alpha Trion and Vector Prime though.
>Vector Prime
You think we will ever get a Raster Prime?
just got an incredible idea, how about a digimon collab with digimons transforming into their evolutions? like agumon into wargreymon
just get me john hasbro on the phone, he'll love the idea
And I wouldn't be surprised if we get Vector in a package refresh.
Bandai did that years ago.
Modern Bandai would not let that happen. theyd probably do it themselves.
if you aren't being sarcastic, they actually made these back in the early 2000s
The former is true, but the later isn't. They killed the Digivolving Spirits line before even releasing all the ones shown off.
I didn't say they'd do it well. Lol
You think TT would make a new mold for the One Piece collab?
no, op fans have low standards (lower than tf fans) so they'll eat up whatever tt shits out
Would be cool to see any of the boats become transformers.
Gee Springer, how come Primus let you have two hammers?
>Back in the 2000s
They just remade them back in like 2018-2019 or something like that. They didn't get to Palmon, Biyomon or Gomomon though, I think they were struggling to get a clean transformation from child to perfect. Wargreymon and Metal Garururmon on the other hand were literally designed with the transforming toy in mind. It's why you have Gabumon's chest symbol appearing on Metalgarurumon's stomach and why Wargreymon has his wings. It's a shame they couldn't finish that Digivolving Spirits line. Tentomon was easily the best one they did, being nearly perfect in both forms.
why would bandai ever allow it?

We're at the point where toy companies have to start collaborating to stay alive.
If they are the ones getting paid for using their IP and don't put any work in on their end might happen. Most Digimon merch nowadays are other companies producing it.
maybe the rich should stop hoarding
>Most Digimon merch nowadays are other companies producing it.

in china, because no one in the west gives a shit
Didn't they just put out an Alpha Trion toy?
>Damnit Fumble, stop dropping shit!
For One. Different continuity, so unless they retool it they can't use it.
The TF One mainline Alpha Trion isn't part of the new line
Nah, you're thinking of Beta Duo-on. They also released Gamma Solo-on a few years ago.
And the one that was a Scourge retool.
>YuGiOh I hope
Seconding - there's lots of good designs there they can use. I'd say Digimon, too, but I don't remember if any of the comics (including the new one) ran in Jump. I mean, I think they did, but I really don't remember - it's been decades.
You joke, but there was a character called Beta in the show. Fembot.
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>Scourge retool
Well they are going to make a new one anyway
What would he transform into? Guess he could turn into his spaceship?
It's not the yellow so much (matches the MP at least) as the damned Autobot symbol on his foot. God I hate when that became a thing.
If they do then you have to record yourself eating your own poop
>lots of good designs there they can use
like what? bewd jet that turns into...bewd? you can't even use less popular monsters cause the toy wouldn't have mass appeal
Okay. If there isn't a new mold Alpha Trion based on the G1 cartoon released in 2025, you need to film yourself castrating yourself.
Other anon suggested BEWD turning into robo Kisara
>bewd jet that turns into...bewd?
No..a robot, dumbass. Are you just posting just to post? Are you that bored?
Isn't there an entire archetype of transforming robot toys in Yu-Gi-Mans?

Um, BEWD into a humanoid robot? Seems pretty simple.

Kinda. The VWXYZ bots combine a la Super Sentai.
Probably, TRANSformer sister.
but all the popular monsters and even the dragons already look to humanoid to turn them into humanoid robots
like bewd or bdragon, other than the long neck the proportions are already too human unlike for example the rathalos
>other than the long neck the proportions are already too human
You must have seen some weird humans in your life, mate.
>the proportions are already too human
Not true
Wtf are you talking about? That looks just like any human I've ever seen. Infact he looks just like my neighbor.
Does your neighbor hoard gold too?
just imagine them standing upright without the legs and arms bent like that
Yep. And if you cut off her head, then she grows three back the next day.
>bewd jet that turns into...bewd?
Bruh. >>11192104
There's plenty of other monsters to choose from, too - hell, the dragon maids canonically transform from actual dragons into humanoid chicks, so they'd be easy to do.
>but all the popular monsters and even the dragons already look to humanoid to turn them into humanoid robots
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Transformers are robots. Even Beast Wars had mechanical aspects with only the recycled Animorphs toys avoiding that.
>dragon maids

Fuck off pedo
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if you use any monster other than the usual suspects it will not have mass appeal, even that maid dragon reference
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You are missing the point. Robot dragon based off of BEWD that transforms into a fembot loosely based on Kisara, or a robo dragon based on one of the dragon maids that turns into a fembot based on their humanoid forms. And that's only the dragon characters - there's a ton of monsters they can do that kind of shit with, even if they make them mechanical instead of going the BW/BM route.
What's pedophilic about the dragon maids? They all turn into mature women. Are you retarded or something?
Why do you need Transformers Collaborative then? It already does the thing as itself.
their "transformation" consists in just making them stand upright and turning the dragon head into a robot head
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funny how weabs keep going on about how epic a COOMer fig of a sexy transforming dragon made would be yet the same company make this ugly tranny shit. look how manly this toy is this is what you want your dragon maids to look like?
Even Jurassic Park T-rex sells like shit, so mass appeal seems to not exist.
And? That never has stopped them from making other beastformers
>Big PS1 Lara Croft tits
Sign me up!
>And I wouldn't be surprised if we get Vector in a package refresh.
I'd like to hope for an improved version of it. It desn't feel like Cybertron Vector.
And outside the lipstick, still has closer to female proportions than the source material.
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Is they are going to make a Transformer based on an anime Dragon it should be Shenron.
so you're hoping the next sj collab to be shit? at least you're aware you have shit taste
If they're making a licensed character, they'd have to stick more or less to the established, trademarked design.
db this db that... there are too many browns here
You are an unlikable petty faggot that will never be satisfied with anything.
So you're just posting just to post?
>for the yugi collab we'll make...oh i know! some obscure monster only yugioh waifufags know
Man the Dinozaurs line was good but some were fragile

Hey, I remember Dinozaurs.
if hasbroke had any creative people they'd make a line of union machine monsters capable of combing with each other and allow open ended part swapping with all monsters not even in the same sub type
cry moar lmao
? the point was always about the yugi collab the op is hoping for, read the reply chain again
...which is why I proposed BEWD/Kisara first, you disingenuous retard. Everyone who knows Yu-Gi-Oh knows BEWD.
>Noooo don't make anime collabs I'm going INSAAAAAAANE
The absolute state of this site. This is why normalfaggots have their own forums to be niggers in peace.
ever considered normal robots instead of your waifus?
Ever consider a noose or sticking a gun in your mouth?
Ok then faggot, Slifer that turns into robo Yugi.
no, i'm not a waifufag
hurry up! they're waiting for you on the other side
better but a robot with spiky hair would look ridiculous
Exodia combiner?
>The shill mascot dragon for an American card game is a girl
Yu-Gi-Oh! is unrealistic.
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Yes. While Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Japanese work of fiction, the game they are playing in story was designed by an American by studying ancient Egypt.
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Remember to see tf: one this weekend if you have spare time.
Hopefully we get a sequel where they fight quintessons and then each other or something.

Hmm. Touche.

That said, Pegasus had no idea who Kisara was.
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>a robot with spiky hair would look ridiculous
What makes you think it needs hair at all? Naruto has spiky hair, but his crossover representation just gives him a Cheetor-esque helmet. No reason they couldn't do something similar.
Yu-Gi-Oh is not an American card game. Well, the card part was originally American, but the actual story was from Japan and was very different. Regardless, using BEWD for a potential crossover is a no-brainer - she's easily recognizable, there's a clear concept of who she'd turn into, and she'd be an easy TM2 Megatron retool if they didn't feel like giving her a dedicated mold.
>the card part was originally American
No, it existed in Japan for years first. Wizards of the Coast just translated the cards and tweaked a few things.
because his spiky hair is the most recognizable trait
i'd choose another monster like black luster soldier instead of robo yugi
Hiatus x Hiatus
>Black Lust
You already have my interest.
Why are we acting like the robot won't just look like a typical Cybertronian? Like pretty much every other Collab toy so far?
That is just a mistranslation. He's a he.
Does this have any lore or is it just random nonsense? Is bro using Chakra? How does that work?

>Does this have any lore

>An escape pod left Cybertron before crash-landing on a wooded planet. A Cybertronian ventured out from the pod into the forest and sighted a growling orange blur. After a ruckus involving a lot of roaring, Kurama and Gamakichi emerged into a clearing and transformed to robot mode before dashing away ninja-style.

Interpret it however you wish.
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Chakra is an alien weapon so it isn't farfetched
do we really know what "he" is hiding under that protruding chest armor?
just an updated version of mecha nardo
Why aren't they at my Ross yet reeeeeeee
Have you confirmed they aren't?
I pirated it, first half was cute but not enough for me to like the whole film.
>Hopefully we get a sequel where they fight quintessons and then each other or something.
>"Hopefully this time they'll fulfill the original film's promises instead of having a totally undercooked second half"
Lol no, fool me once.
I went in person and didn't see any TFs at all on the toy shelves, is there any other way of "confirming?"
Exodia that turns into Millennium Puzzle
No idea. I know I went to Ollie's once and they had a bunch of Transformers, but there were not any when I went to the same store 7 years later.
Already late.
What's the recommended solution to RotF Bludgeon's melting problem? Just take off the rubber bits?
The liquidators are probably going to get a shit ton of TFs over the next few months. Hopefully anyway. Here is a Ross hunting tip for this coming season:
First of all you need to go as often as possible to as many locations as possible that goes without saying. They dont all show up all at once at one location (except the the reallygood ones), but they get *mostly* the same shit at every location so the trick is to decipher what else they they are getting that day with the TFs youre looming for. This is how you can tell if you missed what youre looking for or not.
Sounds like a lot of work. Ross is close to an hour away from where I live.

Hope its some Retro stuff. Only ones I ever saw in store were Starscream and Blaster (which was on clearance).
Yeah see thats not gonna work out for you at all, sorry. I am jaded I live in a metropolitan area and I once hit 50 Ross stores in 2 days. People get millions of views on yt for doing shit like that lol
>And here is a bunch of merch from [BRAND]. Look at all these unwanted things. What child would want [CHARACTER]?
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A bunch of random goobers showed up on my doorstep today. Having finally seen a few episodes of Victory at this point (though not the whole thing yet. It'll happen. Eventually.), I now have a decent enough idea of who these guys are and what they're like. First impression is that they're fun little guys, but the colors and robotic designs are a bit jarring - it seems they based them off of their inner robot colors instead of their Pretender Shell ones, so not only are they not their proper colors (Only Rairyu is the exact same, and Goryu comes close, but the others are totally different), but they're also not organic looking (a compromise that had to be made because the Shells aren't a thing anymore and they had to look robotic in their gestalt form). Some of them look a bit...odd...but that can't be helped either - more compromises made due to both their small size and the fact that they have to both have individual robot modes and still be able to combine into very specific body parts.
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I'm glad I passed up the Volcanicus of these guys - not only are the transformations for some of them a bit weird compared to what we know for the G1 Dinobots and the fact that they literally ahd to invent a new member of the group to justify premolding Gairyu, but that version was missing things that the Dino Force has that now make the combination more cohesive - Rairyu's new rocket launchers become actual feet for Dinoking, while Gairyu's and Yokuryu's 'guns' become sturdier hands with rotating wrists.
While the lack of elbows on 4/6 members of the group kinda annoys me, they all stil manage to exude enough personality to be charming - plus, their new headsculpts are pretty spot-on. Their transformations are fairly simple (as to be expected of Core-class characters), though Rairyu's weird robot legs are taking some getting used to (he doesn't seem to like to balance all that well).
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Dinoking! His colors are fairly close to how they were on the show, which seems to be the main reason for the color changes to the individual characters in the first place; his limbs are all designed to attach to specific points rather than being interchangable, so each character becomes the part they were on the show. It's very clear both from which bots become which parts and the inclusion of an Ankylosaurus character to the group that Dinoking was the intended use of the mold from the start.
As mentioned, the new limb bits definitely make this guy look mroe impressive than the Volcanicus version, and is arms are supposedly more stable this time around. Also, the mess of weapon parts Kakuryu comes with combines with Goryu's club and both Doryu's scythe and sword to become Dinoking's signature halberd. He holds together pretty well, has some good articulation (including a hip swivel and ankle rockers), and looks great even though he's not all that big. I'm jsut happy that my Deathsaurus finally ahs some minions to boss around - the Dino Force is no Breastforce, but they'll do for now. They'll get around to doing a modern Liokaiser at some point eventually, right...?
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i wish we could get back to cool-ass original designs instead of endless media-accurate wankery
unless they make good new media the ouroboros will eventually run out of tail
the media's just supposed to show off the cool toys anyway!
no, I read that article
you seemed to have gotten a really wierd idea that because there is *currently* confusion about who has the rights to negotiate FUTURE contracts it means they WILL be losing the license SOON.
Do you know what the current terms of their license is?
Do you know what year it ends?
Do you have any idea what business negotiations are like in japan?
You're just pulling this out of your ass?
Thought so.
The only thing that really annoys me is them doing "media-accurate" figures as part of mainline Generations, only to then do them actually accurate as part of Studio Series a few years later. No one would have bought ER Ironhide or Ratchet had they known the SS versions were coming not too long after. Same with Kingdom Ultra Magnus. ER Optimus and Megatron certainly wouldn't have sold as much as they did if we all new the SS versions were eventually coming. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they do an SS86 Rodimus Prime at some point.
A lot of these were flipped from unused ideas from the movies though.
alpha trion is getting a voyager mass release
alpha trion has, previously, been a repaint/retool of vector Prime, Snarl, Scourge, and Broadside.
So for the next one, it's either a new mold, a mass release of the flashback one, a retool of vector prime (a retool of jhiaxus), or a retool of Leo Prime or Thundertron, cause they're voyager lions.
So the odds are REALLY high it's a rerelease or retool rather than a new mold.
If you consider how vector prime was really altered to fit the jhiaxus mold, which itself had a very unusual alt mode, I'd say that makes the most sense.
The spikes on alpha trion's shoulders would become landing feet.
And the overall shape of the mold pretty closely resembles the cyberverse alt mode for Trion.

I'd *love* a true to G1 alpha trion, I just don't think we'll get it.

We had a freakin model sheet for Elita 1's alt mode and we still didn't get her in a real way
>like what?
You dumb fucking cretin, you fucking fool, absolute fucking buffoon, you bumbling idiot
>SS86 Rodimus Prime
they won't. KD is still shelfwarming everywhere
i'd agree it would be frustrating they keep re-iterating the designs if i were a tooner, but i've always been a Hasuichad that likes realistic detail from the alt mode and original toys to be mixed in with the cartoon accuracy. Kobayashi and the accuracyfags are eroding that makes this brand interesting by making us beholden to old shit that was never consistent anyway
earthrise ironhide for example looks far more visually interesting and mature design-wise than the SS86
I wouldn't mind an Alpha Trion made from Leo Convoy
If by "far more visually interesting and mature" you mean incomplete and inconsistent dogshit, then sure. That's all ER is
I could at least respect your opinion if you said you liked mp-10 more
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Took a quick breather from printing Lugnut bits to print two small parts for Movie Breakaway/Getaway that allow me to add the faceplate from Titans Returns Getaway to him onto a balljoint neck. The grey I used is a bit too dark since I'm using the one for Lugnut, so I'm probably gonna go back with a lighter grey later. I dunno what I'll do with the Titan Master body, but when the weather gets better and I'm not busy with work stuff TR Getaway is gonna become Siren.
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To that guy complaining about how they'll never use evergreen wheeljack
He's in the new tf racing game
So there's still hope
Even in a racing game, evil version of the hero on the character select
Goddamn, feels like I'm going to snap the feet trying to transform them on Studio Series Optimus. Other than that one hang up he's wonderful. Can't wait for the Dramatic Capture Earthrise repaint so I can recreate A Prime Problem.
>earthrise ironhide for example looks far more visually interesting and mature design-wise than the SS86
What the fuck are you talking about? Going with your previous statements I would assume you'd like an Ironhide that takes elements from the original toy, but all ER has in that regard is the sled, which isn't even a good iteration on the G1 sled. The robot mode, sans sled, is just an ugly attempt at doing a media accurate Ironhide, and the vehicle mode is even worse with his big fat feet sticking out the back. The Siege Ironhide was a better figure, because at least it was trying for something different and not just being a poor attempt at the cartoon design with a half-baked sled thrown in.
Nevermind, I'm a retard and forgot a step and there parts blocking the feet.
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I wanted to see it, but everybody I know went like first weekend and like I’m too embarrassed to ask to make them go with me and then I get awkwardly hit on by the snack guy at the movies and like then I don’t want to go through with actually seeing it… I hate my work schedule :( but like at least I have time for early morning photography
Here's hoping for a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure collab featuring figurines of the Stand users with a TF version of their respective Stand, though Dio's would need to be a steamroller.
Why has there never been a steamroller TF?
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Printed Mavs' excellent Sentinel Prime upgrade for the blue Trailbreaker that's STILL rotting on clearance everywhere. Not sure whether to do the shoulder mod, probably will as the bulkier shins would be cool and the shoulder flaps are annoying. Also need to arm him properly.
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>Why has there never been a steamroller TF?
A few threads back someone stated that Barricade was a “missing piece” of the overall equation. That got me to thinking about more unused alt modes. One that comes to mind is a school bus, also there was never a proper taxi cab. There was that ugly NYC Prime Bee but I dont count that and now I think Taxis are no longer relevant enough today to ever get one. Although they are period correct for 84 G1.
Tonight I filled a a big gap which is a Hazmat truck, with a figure I never thought I would own. Pyro is in tha house!
>inb4 cool bootleg
Dont care
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>there was never a proper taxi cab
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>current market price over $300
>local seller price $30
God, I love people that don’t know how to use eBay sold listings.
>con exclusive limited to 600 pieces
>he got it in person $80, never transformed it
>he lost the box and manual so that’s why it’s only $30
Actually someone on TFW said a copy just sold for $500. Also there are zero copies of this for sale anywhere even if you had the money. Most likely the rarest figure I own now.
>tfw almost spent $150 on the Botcon version
fuck off to the 3pg like you know you should
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If only you could make me but you can’t stop me ahaha
Good thing for you I only buy 3p when there is no god Habsro option and / or when someone is giving that shit away. I’m actually quite Hasbro Takara purist but sometimes there’s no choice. Speaking of they need to hurry up with Dreadwing and Thunderclash
Jet Jaguar?
Now I can't unsee it.
Remember those Walmart minibot reissues from 2018~2019? Of the 8 they made Bee was the only one to get a retooled head and it was to make it look like the cartoon.
My guess is that Bee look/face is the most iconic so they expect it to sell well. Which it might considering the Netflix Bee spiked in price when the 86 release was shown and it's still high. I guess fans really do care about him turning into a slug bug.
Redpill me on G1 Universe Prime. Is it worth the $25 for a budget missing link?
Do you care for that kind of representation? If no, no. If yes, are you content with this one over the missing link? If no, get that one, if yes, get this one. You're welcome.
Missing link is like $200 though isn't it?
Legacy G1 Optimus is pretty fun, but why the hell is he so tiny? He's an entire head shorter than SSONE Optimus forchrissakes.
Recently picked up POTP Optimus reissue. What the hell this figure is so fun.
Just got Studio Series 86 TFTM Optimus, what the heck he's so much fun.
That should be an official retool.
Not sure what you mean by this, Optimus has done that exact pose many times since the 86 movie
What's so fun about him?
it's because he's from the God Warden era
inshallah he will revitalise the brand Mark and his underlings have eroded
does niggatron from the new movie seriously have a lisp the whole goddamn time?
>bought AoE galvatron
>no, not SS-90, the 2014 voyager
OK, now i'm really nearing the limit of my collection...
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The designer didn't even tried to make it look like the cartoon design, but there are kits to fix that.
nta but because he's goldran, cool and it's 3 toys in one
Everyone's voice acting in TFOne is pretty subpar to outright awful. Titan A.E. levels of poor direction.
>DNA animated prime set

I don't for the wing power up look, but that truck mode looks great

I am praying TT is planning its own final battle prime. I mean why else with all the 5mm holes?
At least they avoided the Asian woman with a purple hair streak thing because the whole cast are robots.
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Why the 5mm peg on top?
For the trebuchet
So you can put a gun there
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I see the vision, now.
Almost every Rescue Bot has 5mm peg holes. The problem is 99% of them dont have shoulders so they cant raise any accessory
oh hey i dig this transformation.
it sells like shit because the price was too high, and a lot of us don't like beasts or don't like vehicles.
>card part was originally American
hang on what
Duel Monsters was originally spoof of Magic:The Gathering, although when the mechanics were fleshed out ended up a very different game.
I think he means that in-univerde Pegasus was american
Only in universe. In real life it was a Japanese card game translated to English.
Strongest shill fighting the good fight
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Doing some test fitting on the parts I've printed so far, 1.5x was definitely the way to go.
What size class are you printing him in? Voyager?
>Bomb-fist the same size as the old toy's torso
This is gonna be awesome. When I eventually upgrade my resin printer I might try doing the same thing (Tough74 resin by Resione is awesome).
Is there a single vehicle that has yet to be turned into a transformer?
what the fuck are you on about?
It seems the person bought the Botcon Pyro for far cheaper than usual off ebay because the seller didn't realize the usual price.
I also got the reissue a while ago. I kind of regret it. I like his faux-MP10 style, but he's so top-heavy that I have to keep him in an A-stance otherwise he falls backward. Is this a common problem or is mine just faulty?
The USS Enterprise
Very poor reading comprehension
That deco is Eurotrash, so whatever.
A-Team van
SHIELD helicarrier
Chevy Monte Carlo
Pontiac Grand Prix
have they ever done a submarine?
or a battleship (besides the awful 3rd mode of Broadside)?
I don't recall an F-22 toy either

hell, any Star Trek ships...though they'd be as disastrous as most of the Star Wars stuff was
>have they ever done a submarine?
One of the Minicons from Cybertron
>I don't recall an F-22 toy either
Movie Starscream
>Movie Starscream
Good catch. I try to forget those movies exist.
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gound TFOne Megs today. I like him but he's small. I want a bigger version of this guy. Maybe if I stick TFOne Meg's head on Bumblebee Meg's body
torso's too short but not a bad design.
There is a ROTF Scout class figure that is a battleship
we had a few F-22s before that, too
robert zdar with a bob
I completely forgot about the MW jets over 25 years ago.
But they are fun
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Imagine a Transformers/War of the worlds crossover with a transforming tripod.
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Don't forget Energon Starscream
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I see Ram-man
hi /toy/
my kid's turning 8 and he loves Transformers. I'm thinking of getting him the new Optimist Prime, is it suitable for a kid his age?
Which Optimus because there's a bunch of new ones out and coming out.
Generally. Very few things on the shelf aren't suitable for 8-year olds.
kickass dude, you raised him right. and he's lucky, I didn't get transformers til I was 10, when beast wars came out. never did like vehicles much.
Aiming for around Ultra/Leader class size. Lugnut is a huge fucker (Even by Decepticon standards in a show where the biggest Autobot is about the same size as the smallest Decepticon) and I want him to at least be able to hold a small Deluxe in his grip. I'm almost done printing all the grey parts, but after I reprint some of the blue bits that didn't turn out so great the first time all I have left is the purple and the TPU (Softer plastic than the PLA used elsewhere that's used for joints/connection points in the model). Should hopefully be done printing everything by Friday at the latest, it's taking longer than usual because 1) I'm printing it 50% bigger than what it's designed to be printed at and 2) I'm printing with a 0.2mm nozzle which mean that while I'll have less apparent layer lines and finer details than a 0.4mm nozzle it's going to take a lot longer to print from.
the TFOne ones in the blue boxes is the ones you should be looking at, the simpler the transformation the better. Either the TFOne ones or the Earthspark ones with the simple transformations IMO
it's a red and blue one, turns into a truck
it's funny, the 90s transformers I feel were simple enough anyone could do them,, but not so simplistic that they felt like "the little kid version"
these days you get the flip-changers and crap like that, but you also get intense 30-step guys where you have to carefully maneuver parts around other parts mid-step or they'll break.
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Cheeky bastard.

I'd say any of these lil guys, the legends series 'formers are good for kids. Transformations are generally pretty simple, they're not too big, and they don't have a lot of little parts to lose. Seaspray is a favorite of mine but it might be a LITTLE awkward sometimes. Beachcomber is great, though. Him and Cosmos are pretty solid little dudes. Avoid "armorizers", they have a lot of parts that come off (on purpose, mind you) and that means liabilities for stuff that can be lost.
I think the reason why that is might be because of the materials nowadays just feel cheap compared to toys in the 80s/90s. Some had die-cast and could survive being thrown around and are so simple that they don't break so easily. Nowadays, the simpler kiddy transfomrers just feel super cheap and have so many gaps or are completely hollow that they could just break with repeated play, while the more collector oriented ones can be way too complicated and delicate for kids to play with.
turn him off the brand before it ruins his life like the rest of ours
It might be materials (certainly the new cheaper rubber has issues compared to old rubber which merely dried out and cracked) but uhh i think they're also just thinner. thinner parts, used to be way more solid. What's funny is they still pass the drop test because they flex a little and absorb the impact without breaking, and are light enough not to be able to hit the ground with much force
Get him the Studio Series TF One Optimus
the red guy in the middle looks cool - is he Starscream?
No he's powerglide
are he and Astrotrain friends?
This might be the Alpha Trion for me since I don't want a scourge retool or a headmaster.
I actually kind of want this...
>I don't want a scourge retool or a headmaster.
But a goblin that barely looks like him will do.
Nah - Astrotrain's buddy was Sandstorm, who's not in the pic.
That was Octane.
God when are we getting a new Octane? I love Headmasters, but I'd really rather have a full on Octane without the headmaster gimmick. And doesn't have half a truck cab just out there on either side of his plane ass
With my autisticlly retarded speculation? 2026-2027.
I choose to bslieve you are correct but I hope its sooner
If it's under Age of the Primes, which Prime mold will Octane be retooled from?
>remember we're getting a armada new red alert
>remember again it'll just be a repaint of picrel
fuck's sake
We have some weird order for them.
Siege - Springer/Apeface/Astrotrain
Earthrise - DD
Kingdom - nothing
Legacy - Blitzwing
Evolution - nothing
United - Sandstorm
AoP - nothing
So I guess line about Unicron (If Primes are now then Unicron with his heralds - repaints will come in 2026-27)

Nexus maybe?
>posts deluxe that will be reused for Wallmart Cybertron subline.
>he thinks it’ll be a different mould and not just include a Minicon
Nah, he will be used for Flatline in another wave so a new mold. Without minicon.
That REALLY ought to be Shockwave's default alt mode. It's got a death ray and a profile that lends itself toward a cycloptic eye, as well as being completely otherworldly and alien.
So, any good toys yet? Or is it still the same shit?
Surprisingly SS GE Ratchet is good, United Motormaster is also great pick.
I hope they make an Ironhide out of that mold eventually.
Nah, Armada Red Alert is a new mold. If he is just the Cannonball retool with a Minicon then the listing would've included Longarm in the name but it doesn't. And also Flatline.
Dinoking arrived today. I applaud the effort but that's about all I can say for the combined mode. At least it's better than the Volcanicus attempt since it has better hands and feet, but man. Icarus moment.
>no minicons in the near future, or possibly ever
>couldnt even recolor whisper
I have a strong dislike for them and their thought process.
Next year
Blame retards from management and micromasters failling.
I was trying to make an 'astroglide' joke.
I wonder if micromasters would have sold better if they were whole teams of 4 for 15 to 20 bucks.
I feel like, psychologically there's a greater feeling of being ripped off if you're just buying them 2 at a time, even if you're not actually spending more than you would.
It wouldn't have mattered, would it? The most attractive part about Micros was their interaction with bases and the one line banking on that aspect, Earthrise, was screwed by covid distro and fragile clear plastic rampmasters.
Had Ibeen collecting st the time I would have been all over the little guys and the base bots. As for Ramp guys though... thats so fucking lame. Imagine getting a kid a transformer and hes like "gee whiz whats it turn into" and you tell him that hes just there to make fucking Greasepit handicap accessible
there were no ramp only guys though? The ramps were pieces to connect the bases. Same way the tracks work for hot wheels
There were a few.
Soundbarrier, Slitherfang, Doublecrosser.

I mean they doubled as shields, but the whole point was they were ramps,s o I can see what that anon is saying. There's so much more they can do, but they made little robot toys that people replaced with 3d printed parts because they weren't going to buy extras of them to connect things together.
Not to mention Armada and Cybertron Red Alert are completely different aside from having a vaguely similar vehicle mode, a grill chest, and side doors turning into some kind of shoulder pad.
>Nah, Armada Red Alert is a new mold.
>It's actually Cybertron Defense Red Alert
That'd be pretty cool, but beg the question of why make a voyager sized mold when you can retool Earthrise Doubledealer?
What gets me is that Soundbarrier is not even a good ramp because of the way they made the hinge gives him a fucking speedbump.
Not to mention the legs having no clearance against the backpack.
Like, at no point did they think how this toy would actually work in practice.
>ARMADA Red Alert
>make bots that turn into ramps for bases
>instead of just packing in ramps with bases in the first place
>can't even make up their fucking minds on which peg system the ramps use over the course of the toylines.
So there's still a chance of leader class cybertron defense red alert?
*clips that require flexing to work are made with translucent plastic*
Did I really just character.ai format that? Fucking Christ
that's how you gib it instrux? you enfold them in asterisks?
>have they ever done a submarine?
Sixshot's gun mode.
Asterisks for actions, regular brackets for story knowledge and background info
wouldn't that be background info though
Actions would be something like
*kisses you*
Background info would be something like
(You are my girlfriend)
so the composition of plastic clips...
Ended up caving and getting the Fractured Friendship set for Orion, I'll hate myself if it goes on hard clearance, but I might die next year so whatever.Honestly, the changes on this mold make it so much better. Owning the GE version, many parts use stronger plastic and things clip in way smoother. The only real minus is the grey, it looks bad and it would be too much work to disassemble the figure and swap those parts out with the GE Optimus.

Megatron is slightly tighter than the ROT version, but still floppy below the waist, and new weapons just look terrible.
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So if Comics Edition was to continue, what else could be made (Just from Marvel US/UK, no IDW/DW/Skybound/etc)? The most obvious would be Galvatron II, though I doubt they'd do that since Straxus already uses the Kingdom Galvatron mold. Other than that the only big things I could think of are
>Rack-n-Ruin (Maybe using some Weaponizer as a base)
>Hook, Line, & Sinker
>More of the cons that made up Squadron X like Ferak, maybe Macabre or Earthquake
>If they really wanted to do a far reach, then Big Red
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divebomb/cybertronian mode swoop would be a wildcard.
They already did a Galvatron II
Ya know what would be a cool Collab? Jaws.


Boltax? Wheezel? A better Scrounge that isn't a redeco and exclusive to a box set?
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They already did Galvatron II in Gen Selects, but I could see them rereleasing him there; maybe with yellow eyes and gray crown this time instead of making you do it yourself :b Topspin and Twintwist are way past due for a rerelease, and a new Whirl n Roadbuster along with Rack'n'Ruin wouldn't at all be unwelcome neither.

Other than that, it's Purple Soundwave, the cool Blaster, Goldbug, Megatron and Ratchet for the obvious simple repaints/retools.
For more complex molds, there's Leader Class versions of Fort Max and Scorponok, Powermaster Optimus and Thunderwing, and the Headmaster Jrs. Maybe the Man of Iron stasis pilot if they wanted to get obscure. Lol, imagine if they did the Ratchet/Megatron teleporter fusion fucky-wucky as a toy lmao?
My personal crack-wish would be The Keeper of Primus (picrel). No idea how they'd fucking do him but he looks cool as shit lol.

If Hasbro were to do green armor Death's Head, it would be up to the Marvel Legends team and wouldn't be part of TF Comics Edition, but they should do him for sure.
The most obvious thing to do is red helmet Ratchet, one of the most iconic parts of the Marvel run.
We got Marvel colors Shockwave and Grimlock, Ratchet is next. And purple Soundwave of course.
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when is this dude getting a new toy
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Go ahead, do a crime
Not soon enough
>more beastformers
Who's gonna tell him?
are they done making them? we've had skybite and core dinobot on the leak list for a long time now. would be good to know if I should completely check out until the next BW anniversary.
i wouldn't.. things can sneak up on you
Ruckus repainted with a new head as g2 rook would be nice
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i imported biocombat serpex a while back during siege and honestly i don't see them improving upon the original. legacy silverbolt is about equal to it's original as well. unless they could cannibalise kingdom scorponok to save on molding it probably won't happen
an anon here picked up one of those aliexpress bootlegs a few years back and it worked just as well with kingdom figure scale. only difference was opaque yellow plastic which may be a positive depending on your preferences. it seems close enough that many others do this so he might be hard to get for cheap these days
i put my original on the shelf, he is ALMOST big enough. i would like him redone with better proportions, but at the same time i don't think that's possible. i want big claws and i don't want clown feet.
Not everything has to be GEEWUN accurate.
You just see it backward, they were shields that doubled as ramps and they make perfectly fine shields
>it's like $80 on aliexpress
Pardners, we got too cocky...
How about dreamwave accurate?
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>"I noted the full moon, which seemed strange to me immediately. Ive never been prone to weather talk, or small talk of any kind, nor do I notice the weather at all beyond rain or hail or some monsoon or calamity. And I said it to Bombshock. Lt. Bombshock. A man, no, an ape, that I loathe more than any other living robot. 'I'll take the mission.' That's what I said. Those were the servant's words that came from my mouth. No agency. No manhood. How I longed to clench my fist and sour my eyes and take back the life that I had once thought my own. I boarded the helicopter."
>ML Optimus also has the rubber plastic issues.
Turns out the tire will melt certain parts if left in vehicle mode too long.
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>"Of course Meltdown and Flak sat on the other side...they hate me. They know I'm being persecuted and rather than live up to their part in it they prefer to silently conspire. It's fine. History cannot fail to find me, and these peasant's ashes will be extricated from earth with the same fanfare that a carpenter gives to his sawdust."
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Catastrophic engine failure 1:
>"Ohhhh what the fuck?! Put me in touch with the Captain immediately!"
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catastrophic engine failure 2:
I thought I had another panel but it's gonna take some work so, "to be continued"
Not entirely but very much so at some points in the film.

Yeah Brian killed it, killed animated Transformers films from being financially viable that is!
That's the roof poop chute.
>Yeah Brian killed it, killed animated Transformers films from being financially viable that is!
Can't slay the Bay! It's Bayhem all the way down!
Tornado, Chameleon, Piano Robot, Fang
Bay hasn't had anything to do with the films since 1-3.
He directed the 5 original ones and produced Bumblebee. The only ones he wasn't involved with were ROTB and One, both of which flopped.
He was a producer (which in actuality is a check collector) on them too.
Couple things, one: did I hear that we were getting a stream soon?

Two: I have only 1 Megatron (Gamer Edition, I love him despite his foaws) and I need another. How is that gen selects Super Megatron?
He directed 4 and 5 practically on autopilot, he only did it because it guaranteed the studio would produce a different film of his. And you can't look at me with a straight face and say he was anything other than nigh-completely hands-off with Bumblebee.
>How is that gen selects Super Megatron?
He's fantastic, I'd highly recommend him if you can get him for a good price.
None of the hands that normally ruin these things gave a shit about Bumblebee, which is why it turned out alright.
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>just consume product then get excited for next product
Sticking with Titans Return Bee and Earthrise Prime personally.
I have all three sets. I don't feel bad. I like Bee and Optimus.
You are delusional
God '86 Prime is so ugly.
>Cool mini hatchback and cool space truck
>Cool VW Beetle and cool earth truck
>Deformed tooner abomination and QC disaster tooner abomination
Theh really just need to bring back proper scouts at like $15 instead of scamming marks with this smalluxe bullshit.
LG Bumblebee came out in 2017.

TR bee is too outdated for me but yeah ER Prime is a fine figure, I do find how the chest juts out to be offputting, I'm looking forward to getting the commander due to it being much tidier, I would prefer it to be more mechanical looking and less Sunbow though.

He might have a point with Bee, the new one is better coloured and has really cool leg articulation but aesthetic wise I dislike the new head and the unlicensed altmode makes him look bad in both modes. I got him due to the breakage issue of Netflix Bee making me not want to transform it but I might double dip on this new retro card version and keep them in both modes.

They'd have less articulation, no thanks.
Mhm mhm and these "tooners", are they in the room with us right now?
>He doesn't know
The forearms and legs on commander prime are so ugly.
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SS86 Megatron arrived early
Look what you people have done, hes neither gun nor tank now! You blew it up! God damn you all to hell!
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The leader of the Decepticons reduced to a lowly candy dispenser.
Alternatively, he's the magazine for a pistol combiner. What an ingenious way to circumvent the restrictions on gunformers.
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Funny enough he isn't really much smaller when compared to other Deluxe classes of the last 4 years.
I like him but the peg holes in the fists are so tight it feels like I'm going to break off whatever I put in there.
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Bruh. I am crying. I've transformed him a hundred times. But today the hinge became tight for no reason and the plastic snapped instead of flipping around. I'm dead inside now, he was my favorite Transformer. No idea WTF happened
>Optimus Prime is ugly
Go back to bed, Megatron
Don't even know what that is
Since TF One has failed, do you think Lorenzo will finally bring back Michael Bay so we can get more PEAK films? I really want a sequel to the Last Knight.
They will just stop making Transformer movies and move to a profitable IP.
No they won't, they'll just sell the rights to Disney and then Jon Favreau will make some godawful reboot 5-10 years from now where everyone makes marvel jokes. Basically the marketing of TF One made into a movie
Why would Hasbro ever want the film rights transferred to fucking Disney? Aren't they competitors?
So you do agree Paramount would just stop making Transformers movies.
No, Michael Bay is moving on to direct Skibidi Toilet. Unless valve steps in and shuts it all down given that Skibidi Toilet merchandise has started appearing
Pouring one out for a real one
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What are the parts of the figures used to make this copter?
At least you can still use siege optimus as some kind of cybertronian mode form for him.
The only thing I don't like about 86 prime is the unpainted matrix chamber and how it completely threw off the scale for no reason.
He's perfect.
I ship them.
Millions of years age gap, but the species doesn't have growth so it might be okay.
>Aren't they competitors?
Did you just blow in from stupid town?
It's fascinating how a lot of people found him to be small when that's have been the average height of Deluxe class now for at least a decade if not longer
Nah. I'mma do my own thing.
Im pretty sure they're not going to make a new g1 prime/bumblebee mold for a LOOOOOONG time after this.
Seems like the results of a t-cog failure.
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Instructions unclear.
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For me, it'll be these 2 (I got Bee last month)

> bring back Michael Bay
Please no
I'm very happy with my Siege Prime and Netflix Bee and will probably stick.
I don't see anything wrong with people buying new versions of the characters if that's what they want to do, but one thing I do have a problem with and noticed very quickly about TF fans (I only started collecting last year) is how a lot of them drop a figure they used to love like a hot potato and claim it always sucked the second something new comes along. Even in your pic, we could now add the Walmart toy deco Bee. A lot of the people who recently pretended to hate the Netflix mode and think the 86 Bee is so much better have now switched right back to pretending the old mode is better now that's in a new color. Very disingenuous behavior, and that's just one example.
Fuck me, I meant mold kek.
You. I like you.
Punishment from God for liking this bayverse trash
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This guy is fun as hell. Such a beast.

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And I like you, fellow Kingdom Magnus enjoyer.
Hopefully they remake him in SS since AoE Prime is coming out next year
i have somehow never realized how pez dispensers are totally gun magazines
Is it the peg holes or the paint on the gun pegs? Are they still tight if you use other guns?
full circle
dem guns
ooh not quite done yet eh
try out masking tape, it actually works
man I wish we could have seen how the bayformer designers handled beast wars guys, instead of the bumblebee movie designers
We did, there's several concepts that were thrown around back in the first set of movies.
oh yeah! I liked that.
Eh, the imperfections aren't so noticeable as long as you're not shining a bright light and looking close at him. Unless you're talking about the Optimus in which case yeah, he's quite rough around the edges.
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>goes to shit as soon as Warden leaves
Thank God he's back
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I'm excited
yeah I meant him. magnus looks great
that's fucking stupid
that gunk is ill
>giant pieces that don't actually do anything
If they turned into actual accessories for him sure but this is a dumb way to do it
judging by their awkward shape, they must do something. otherwise why wouldn't they be walther-shaped
Fuck no. Bayshit is cancer and I'd rather never see another movie again than get more bayshit.
Lmao you faggots have had almost 20 yeara now to get over it and you STILL havent, its hilarious!
>something stops being bad after time passes

not how it works retard
I picked up Legacy Quake and Slipstream the other day and just opened them up. I was on the fence about both of them, but they're pretty nice bots in hand.
In fairness I have not transformed Quake yet and seen his infamous tank mode in action.
What's next, a One Piece crossover?
It's just one guy. I think he is also the schizo who hates third party stuff
So how is Slipstream? Does she look like she is 7 different shades, or not visible?
>only one person hates michael bay's bastardization of the franchise

Bay should come back in 2027 for the anniversary and just make one last movie where he indulges on everything he wants. A post-apocalyptic America where the Decepticons took over along with the Arab-North Korean alliance, a bunch of sexy teenage survivors roam the wastelands with autobot companions, an aged, homeless shia lebeouf who's a wild crazy man in a beat up junker car with Autobot tech he'd deluded into thinking is Bumblebee(and in the final act is revealed to actually Bumblebee when he gets enough energon), they and the remains of the US military lead by Cade who enlisted after the Norkarabcons killed his legal daughter and her husband join up to free Optimus, who's being crucified in Deceparab occupied New York, with the help of a mysterious silent Autobot.
Megatron is back with parts of sentinel, Lockdown, the fallen, and Devastator. He transforms into a jet and a three headed T.rex because the concept artist showed them two different designs and Bay told them they're doing both.
Finally Optimus beats Sentinel-Fallen Megatron by impaling him on the Washington Monument. The mystery Autobot pops open its chest and it's revealed to be Meagan Fox as a Bayverse Powermaster. She runs up to Sam(who's facial hair has been burnt off in the fire making him suddenly clean shaven) and makes out with him as Megatron bleeds into the reflecting pool in the background. The soldiers dig out something from the remains of the Lincoln memorial and Optimus plants the American flag on the soil. He talks about how Cybertron may be gone, but hope remains in the spirit of these people and this nation. An AI version of Linkin park plays over the credits.
The first 3 movies made the franchise worth billions and that's the only reason why it won't die no matter how hard Hasbro tries to tank it. Also stop talking like a kid "le ruined forever" mindset is idiotic and tiring. You have hairs on your balls, I'm sure you can do better.
She's actually quite pretty. I count 3 shades of purple on her along with the black and that nice metallic teal.
Mind you her colors would still be equally pretty on a proper seeker body and not on Windblade's evil sister. I will die on that hill. But she's a nice figure for what she is.
>more money = more gooder
I bet you think Marvel is high art too. Fucking tourist.
>female character from male mold

Because that's what she originally was in her first appearance?
>female character from male mold
It's been done.
Studio Series Skids and Mudflap never ever.
that sounds kind of amazing. just swap linkin park for credence clearwater revival and i'm all in.
oh and the beard. leave sam's beard alone. don't do a No More Heroes 3 or a Bill and Ted 3. fuck that.
Indont even like them and I still want them to at least be made. The whole "racist" controversy was so retarded. They weren't supposed to be black, they were wiggers, hence their niggery mannerisms
i think that's actually more offensive to these types. when black people do it, they celebrate it and call it a language.
i recall the non-tom-kenny one, who is a black dude, was like "Wow i had no idea i was racist against my own race, thank you for helping me, liberals" or something like that.
and Tom Kenny did that same voice on Mission Hill, along with Scott Menville, portraying a pair of... quite ambiguous gangstas, because that shit was never about race. there's all different colors of gangstas.
now, the gangstas themselves, THEY are racist. they self-segregate.
One of the VAs was black though. They should have hired a second white guy to show they aren't black.
or play fuckin 4d chess with them, get the ghetto characters voiced by a chinese and an eskimo
or here's an idea, maybe don't reference that culture at all in a movie about transforming robots. As much as I liked the Wreckers, I don't need trucker iconography or culture in my robots either. I want them to feel like superheroes.
>false equivalence fallacy
Any other tricks from trolling online 101? You stupid niggerfaggot cocksucker.
oh you mad
In the spanish dub they were just dummies so I didn't know there was a controversy around until year later
Am an unapologetic Bay Trilogy fag, remove Cade and I would be all the fuck over this. Sounds like it would be hard as fuck.
Also why tf AI Linkin Park, they are literally making new music right now and it's great.
they didn't make them like, vatos? like real cholo-ass motherfuckers?
who is Cade anyway
>why AI
because this guy is a troll, so far up his own ass he's listing mostly great stuff that he thinks everyone hates. which fits AI to a T, even if it makes no sense in this situation.
>like, vatos? like real cholo-ass motherfuckers?
No, they just made them sound like young dumb guys
interesting. not faithful, but maybe just trying to avoid the whole thing
man they should have made them cheech and chong. everybody loves those guys
>where he indulges on everything he wants.
Bay doesn't want to make Transformers movies. Past 3 they were movies he was forced to make so Paramount would greenlight the projects he cared about.
Honestly I just don't understand why bayverse committed so hard to that hideous fucking style of faces in general, even apart from gold-plated buck teeth. They all had ugly-ass faces.
Cade's the dude from TF 4-5. Mark Wahlberg.

Man I'm getting worn down. I love nearly all corners of TF, but these "not muh tru TF" "shitposts" are just tiring. I hate irony poisoning.
I love Transformers because it had been so creative in doing weird new things for the first 30ish years of its existence. Why do we need to fight over whether the 40-y/o cartoon/comic is better than the 20-y/o movie trilogy? Can't we like both? :(
Anyone want to buy my Dino King, I don't think hasbro pulse accepts returns
Man, even as much as I hate the majority of the bay movies I won't give anyone shit for liking them. I mean, I'll think they're weird and I don't get it, but I won't give em shit over it. Maybe they see something in it I just don't.
Were they particularly racial in their original dialogue? I'm probably naive myself, but just that the most racial stereotype-y things about them have always seemed to be their faces to me, and that one "we don't do much reading" line. If not for those, I think they could have maybe passed believably as "just young+stupid wannabe gangstas" like they were pitched as.
yeah that is my main sore point. the rest of it, at first i resisted, but then came to like.
oh that guy. blech.
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americans think that's racial, because they're idiots. it's the way southern white people talk, and they taught it to the slaves. Redd Foxx had a whole thing about it, but basically they just talk like any guy you'd meet in a dark alley, who could be any ol' color. Except asian, very very few asian gangstas. but that's probably just circumstantial.
dude's makin a whole-ass toy. that's so cool.
They do if you didn't open it. Did you?
So what do Tongs sound like?
This. I love all of Transformers including Beast Machines. Earthspark is the only thing I didn't like because the designs look ugly as fuck and not in the cool way
Then try checking. That being said, I don't know if they'll charge for it.
Yeah as much as I find them fun, even I never liked the too-human faces. They gradually came in during 2 and 3, but at least they still kept doing the cool alien faces to balance it out, like for the Constructicons or Shockwave.
4-5 were almost exclusively the ugly human faces though and I clocked out.
says I have to pay shipping but to get 70 bucks back for a toy I didn't want is better than nothing.
I've only seen them in fiction but I get the impression they speak really flatly to try to intimidate you
I love Sentinel's design in DOTM
Oh yeah, everything else about his design totally salvages it haha.
BM is fun! Was surprised how much I liked the writing. The Maximals are absolutely terrifying though - GOD fuck Nightscream - but honestly even the ugliness itself grew on me. Dunno, s'got a weird cyberpunky charm to it.
Roche's ES designs definitely looked better in 2D, I blame the shitty studio for completely failing at translating the designs. And well, the lame not-StevenUniverse writing, but that's a tangential issue :b
No I have no hate for Michael Bay's movies and that synopsis was done out of my appreciation for the more indulgent part of them. I wanted to imagine a shameless, pre-MCU type blockbuster. Some shit like Megatron having two incongruent alt-modes is a jeer but I mean it in an affectionate way. Have no doubt that I would watch that movie and hoenstly hyped myself thinking of some of the scenes.
The AI thing is simply because Chester Bennington is dead so I figured you'd need to use AI to have him sing a new song, to complete the nostalgic feel. No idea they were still performing actually, but I'm sure it wouldn't feel the same.
What does it for me is BM's soundtrack. It really helps making you feel the dread of being stuck in an abandoned planet full of soulless drones
Outback and Windcharger when?
Try giving them a listen, you could always be surprised :) Sure nothing's going to "replace" Chester, but that doesn't mean they can't pull off the same attitude of their old songs.
Honestly yeah, agreed, the soundtrack's really great for what the show's going for. Also on visuals, it's the most praised thing sure, but I still really love the Vehicons too; they're mechanical, but they're so inherently alien-looking, and they sell the oppressive feeling in the show very well.
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Have you transformed Quake yet? If so, what did you think of it?
I watched a review of him and all the comments where saying how much they loved the engineering for his transformation but it didn't seem that crazy and you still end up with a shitty tank.
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Yeah if you look at it in kind of an Aeon Flux way, it's not that bad. as a lot of people have said, it would have been a lot better received were it not ostensibly a beast wars sequel.
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Perhaps. Though, I like how a couple of the characters were written a bit more than in BW, namely Blackarachnia and Silverbolt; I like how the team dynamics evolved overall too, like how Cheetor became a young adult after his kid to angsty teen phase in BW lmao.
I think it's easier to enjoy now simply because, today, you can binge it all in a couple days. It's not the same as needing to witness those curveball plot-twists slooowly, agonizingly develop at the pace of an episode per week, not being even aware that your then-current concerns would be addressed in just a few eps.
I get that which is why I added the whole thing about the decepticons being allied with real world countries. I feel like if you offered Bay a chance to do something like an all out American war movie with actors he liked and maybe some sexy women as well he'd consider coming back for one last round. Just let him do what he wants, no pressure to build up to a Hasbro universe or spinoffs or whatever.
>obsessively hates something for life and reminds everyone they can as often as possible
Normal people can change their opinions from time to time. Things can also grow on you as time passes. One day maybe you will grow up. Try not to get so angry about people liking things you don’t like
I wish they would ay least finished the second trilogy. They went with the stupid Earth is Unicron plotline from TFP but I still wanted to see the end of that
It's funny that the bumblebee movie only exists to be a spinoff of TLK because they had so many concepts and ideas that they set up a plotline of Bee being on earth for decades. And now it's basically the start of a reboot which is probably gonna get a reboot itself.
the idea of Silverbolt having to come to terms with life not being a bowl of cherries and becoming kind of sullen and brooding is hilarious, and might have been interesting if the original writers handled it. He is, after all, damaged. all the podborn are.
I didn't notice much difference with BA, but uh.. i do kind of like the idea of optimus slowly going kind of Sisko on them and having to be brought back to reality, and the balance they find between the extremes. Cheetor having to take over for the boss monkey was definitely boss. But I feel like Rhinox would be the guy to go all hippy dippy on them, that would fit a lot better.
If I take off Earthrise Starscream’s head and replace it with Legacy G2 Cloudcover’s head, can he still transform?
Nice digits, but no. The conehead won't fit into Starscream's nosecone.
Damn bro. Maybe you should listen to your own advice about no longer talking like a kid.
What I liked was that, in the first show BA very much had this constant recurring "hmph, I'm not like the other girls, I'm baaad, you can't possibly understand me..." attitude going on; and it was funny for a bit, but kinda grew stale on me and began to irritate. I liked that in Beast Machines, BA was just treated the same as any other team member - not everything had to relate to the fact she was totes rebellious, and stuff. She felt like a normal character and I really liked that lmao
I miss how BW Blackarachnia was actually a complete nerd who was into history and a good inventor though. I would've given the tech guy role to her since she basically did more than Rhinox by the end of BW anyway, and it'd give her motivation to build things to help bring back Silverbolt.
With Rattrap I wish they leaned more into his spy roots. Yeah his robot mode is limited, but his beast mode makes him a perfect spy. Maybe have him use Vehicon parts for weapons.
Well yeah they took out the shell program
I took her as more of a, like, hacker.. like the information about the old war is forbidden, and she knows a LITTLE of it, but is mostly clueless.
I'm gonna donate mine to a black kid in LA so Hasbro gets all the blame after he's lit up by the LAPD.
>I feel like if you offered Bay a chance to do something like an all out American war movie with actors he liked and maybe some sexy women as well he'd consider coming back for one last round
>I feel like if you offered Bay a chance to make something not Transformers he'd come back

Why would anyone want that?
i mean, i want to go back in time and change it so instead of producing a shitty version of TMNT, we got to see his version of street sharks or biker mice.
I want to go back and tell his that for the cost of 1 abortion she can save cinema from a career full of them
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take me back, bros...
Take me back to Iacon City
Where there's rad machines and their modes aren't shitty
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I like the cheesy as hell 2000's techno music track they used for the vehicon chase scenes. Im not the biggest beast machines fan but i'd be lying if I said It didn't have some kind of charm to it.
Thanks, also fuck. I’m trying to do a custom Seeker Swoop and really wanted to use a Conehead head, but the wings have to be up against his back in robot mode and as far as I know Cloudcover doesn’t do that. I know Thrust does but I am not buying a second Thrust at an inflated price to repaint into fucking Swoop.
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>Tankor's headlights on his cannon is shaped like the vehicon logo
>hunting down old figgers
>looking for CW Hound
>cheaper to get him MSIB than he is Used
I am sad Grand Convoy isn't happening next year. Come on it's Super Link's 20th anniversary and it gets jack shit other than Core Galvatron.
Same. All the UT Convoy's are just so uniquely fun, in ways no other Optimus's are. They all deserve some luv.
This is the first thing I thought of years ago when a friend first told me about 3D printing. I thought "Shit, I'll be able to just MAKE transformers of my own!" Glad to see some anon is following through.
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tempted to get this guy as bitstream due to the gasmask
Take a closeup of the break point, you might be able to pin the pieces back together before regluing them so it doesn't just snap again the second you put pressure on it. I had to do that with my G2 Smokescreen that snapped in half last, the fix worked and he's fine now. Don't give up
oh shit, i mean hotlink
It's been long enough I'm honestly nostalgic for the era of shameless patriotism, action, and sexy women in movie. And frankly I think the world in general is too. Deadpool and Wolverine was basically half a 2000's nostalgia movie who's appeal is that it isn't as sanitized as MCUmovies have gotten.
I'm not but then again I'm not fucking brain damaged so maybe that's the difference between you and me.
We're not seriously pretending Transformers was ever high art, are we?
>It's not high art so it's okay it's fucking dogshit
the eternal bastion of the dimwit
jesus christ bayformers *STILL* leaving haters seething after almost 15 whole years
Transformers was ALWAYS fucking dogshit, anon. When it first became anything other than dogshit and actually had some effort put into it (Beast Wars) the supposed "true fans" had a massive shitfit about it. G1 and Bayformers are both shallow glorified commercials with shitty writing aimed at the adolescent boys of the time, the only difference is Bayformers actually had a budget.
If you hate transformers then why are you fucking here? This is what I hate about you Bayfags. You smear your shit everywhere then get mad when nobody else wants to smell it. "It's shit so it's supposed to smell bad!" you say as you smear another turd on the wall.
>If you hate transformers then why are you fucking here?
I don't, I love Transformers. Hell, I like G1. I just acknowledge that it's not actually all that good.
There are good Transformers iterations (Animated, BW, the JP versions of the UT) but the popular ones- G1 and Bayformers- are not among them. They're still enjoyable in spite of being objective dreck.
hey man if you like the current state of movies more power to you. I have a ton of criterion movies from around the world in my physical and digital collections, I've watched Ozu and Tarkovsky and Herzog and Melville and countless other's entire filmography. I know what great movies are. But I know what a perfectly enjoyable, well composed action film is as well.
Michael Bay at his peak is more intellectually honest cinema than most of the horrendous, patchwork blockbuster movies of the last 10 years.
>Transformers was ALWAYS fucking dogshit, anon
The door's over there, don't let it hit your ass on the way out
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I accept your concession.
No (you) for such trash b8, be better anon
Ehhhhh I wouldn't. I have the green one, he's OK enough but the tetrajet mode is very "because we said so".
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I don't really have a G2 section of my collection, so I'm not sure who this should be.
Mirage's fruity cousin
I shall call him Phantasm, unless someone else has a better synonym for mirage
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>I'm not your "Amanda Red Alert" from Voyager class of '25, boy.
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I thought I had the yellow or gold version of TFP Ratchet's Arms Micron but it turned out to be orange as you can see. Was there even a gold version or am I misremembering?
Am I allowed to say I like Road Rage more?
Cos I like Road Rage more.
Excuse you. G1 actually had some pretty good writing most of the time. It was the animation that was dogshit. Yeah it was still designed to sell toys, but there were still episodes with a lot of heart and soul put into them. If anything was comparable to Bayformers for being complete slop, I would say either Energon or the Prime Wars trilogy.
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When in boubt go to tfu.info and search by colors by clicking "ID your figure", that would work as an upgraded version of minicon Tailslide.

>G1 actually had some pretty good writing most of the time.
Having watched the entirety of S1 and S2 + the movie, I have to disagree. It was standard fare 80s toy-ads with admittedly decent voicework.
Huh good idea anon, I like that.
>He didn't count some of the bantz that went on as good writing
>Nor some of the more touching moments between the Autobots and the humans

Not enough Whedonisms or potty jokes to grab your attention I take it?
Scorponok reissue is up but it's showing as sold out on Pulse
I just transformed him. The process is slightly clever maybe, but not really that much fun. The tank itself is actually kind of cute in person, especially with his targetmasters so he's ludicrously overarmed, but it's up to you if you think a character like Quake should be "cute".
I see now what people mean when they say he's made from cheap plastic. He feels closer to a McDonalds toy than a typical Legacy figure. I don't hate him though, he does have a sort of retarded charm. But definitely mogged by Titans Return and arguably even G1 Quakes.
probably just hasn't gone live
I agree, that mold wears red very well.
It's live now. Wasn't there some guy in these threads who wanted Scorponok?
It's live now and I made my pre-order.

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