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Previous: >>11171503

>Dimension X-Mas Vacation TMNT 4-pack (Wal-Mart exclusive) in stock and shipping now
>NYCC exclusive Kevin Eastman as Garbage Man revealed
>Archie figures on shelves (mostly Target): Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, TMNT 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
>Mirage figures on shelves: IDW Foot Elite Assassin, Triceraton gladiator, Karai in Shredder armor, Rat King
>Last Ronin figures on shelves: Last Ronin Accessory Pack
>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: Ultimate Slash, Vacation Bebop and Rocksteady
>Donnie's Lab sewer diorama shipping out
>TMNTxUniversal Monsters black and white 4-pack up for pre-order & in store at Target

>Tales of the TMNT basic & Mix & Match waves 1 & 2 out
>Pizza Thrower and Toilet Taxi repro being found at Target
>Retro carded rereleases in store: Rat King, Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Slash,
>Retro movie Foot Ninja, movie Super Shredder
>Single pack Mirage TMNT (from Stranger Things 2-packs) being found at Wal-Mart

>Turtles of Grayskull wave 4 and 5 hitting
>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe Leatherhead (Wal-Mart exclusive) on shelves.

>Ultimates wave 7 shipping out, in stock at e-tailers

>Metz Toys (Formerly Memory Toys) & Heat Boys coming out with TMNT!
>Rage Toys Not Bebop up for order on 5Ktoys
>JoyToy 1/18th TMNT & Rocksteady & Bebop up for pre-order
>JoyToy Foot Soldiers and Shredder revealed
>Mondo vinyl TMNT still up for pre-order. Turtles are everywhere, Mondo Gecko & Ray Filet are Mondo site exclusives.
>Transformers x TMNT Party Wallop (Turtle Van) in stores

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/

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Not a ton of news, Limited Run is selling a THIRD version of Shredder's Revenge. You can get four "game color" Playmates figures with the $124 set.
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Wonfest did have a shocking amount of new TMNT from new/old companies. Memory Toys has become Metz Toys, and Heat Boys is going to do regular turtles instead of mechs.

Many good photos here: https://www.toyark.com/2024/10/02/heat-boys-tmnt-figures-at-wonder-festival-2024-546122
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JoyToy boys are shipping, and are assuredly quite small.
All of these chinese companies are doing the same tacky overdesigned aesthetic but I think I'm just mad they haven't shown their take on April.
Lol, nice OP.
thank you
Thanks, I couldn't help but feel this was appropriate with yet even MORE TMNT being announced.
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Speaking of, did we get any more info on this? Please don’t just be some custom work.
Tell me you’re a coomer without telling me you’re a coomer. Can we keep a higher standard in /tmnt/, please
Woah, I’m more interested in that Lucy?
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that's a big zipper
is that the name of a specific artisan, or do you actually object to the lack of seams in the outfit (i see seams)
I mean it looks like it's using one of those shitty silicone bodies underneath the soft goods.
OH, right. yeah. Those are very limited in their articulation.
And the wrists always look atrocious.
aren't the wrists usually the one joint where they allow a seam, since you have to swap out hands anyway?
>Can we keep a higher standard in /tmnt/, please
This thread is full of furries and anons that buy Playmates. The bar has been set.
Necanon proclaimed he wanted to fuck an animal’s fat folds on its stomach in this very general without one ounce of remorse or shame
So you're mad your mom is getting some and you aren't?
That's still not as bad as buying the Remastered Turtles.
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this would be a nice Eastman and Laird 2 Pack...
There is a rumor floating around that Mirage versions of the two are coming.
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Just got this guy and I like him quite a bit, definitely better than I expected. Kinda wish the book could open up so he could read, and maybe had a staff so he had all the weapons. Could have had that instead of the tonfa.

There's no place to store the 4 little knives, right? Not really sure what to do with these, but if he could store them somewhere that would be a fine place for them since it isn't like he can even hold them.
I like how this is implying that he's airbrushing with Raphael's spit.
>Ey I'm spittin' ova heah!
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Has anyone heard anything about when the IDW foot ninjas are releasing?
Too bad they're probably going to be exclusives.
My black and white Samurai Usagi shipped, so that's cool. Should be here Thursday, will be nice to have those three together.
for something as esoteric as 'figures of the tmnt creators' i think exclusives are warranted
any chance of Mezco doing a rerelease?
Maybeee, but I feel like a slightly retooled version is more likely like they did with the toon versions.
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I just want this sewer lid so bad, its so fucking cool
Pay a neco warehouse employee and it can be yours
Mezco doesn’t really do rereleases. The chances of them doing another variant like all red bandanas or in black and white is pretty high though.
That isn't a thing, are you off your meds again?
How can you tell
Is this from the Eastman figure? Why didn’t they advertise this at all? I might’ve tried to pick it up if so.
How long does Playmates plan on doing 88 reissues? I’d kill for a Tattoo or Hothead.
>Why didn’t they advertise this at all?
Because it's meant to be a surprise.
Download the files from printables and find a friend with a printer.
That’s really dumb of them
Good luck getting it to look the exact same.
that is pretty cool.
And how is that?
I know it won't happen, but the completionist in me wants Next Mutation representation from any company.
It's a garbage man. A lot of Turtle fans don't know that it's supposed to be an homage. Honestly, how hard is it to put COLLECTIBLE or TRIBUTE or something like that on the box?
Wow. These might be the stupidest fucking complaints I've ever seen.
You can't even fathom that there are Turtles fans out there that's haven't even seen the movie, can you? It's just another STOP LIKING WHAT I LIKE thing.
It's a con exclusive. If you're at a con and buy a toy that says "Kevin Eastman" on it, then you're in the know. And if you're not, there's a billion toy reviewers that will tell you. Your complaints are mega fucking stupid.
Bro, even if you don't know Jack Kirby from comics in general, or the Mirage TMMT comic, you'd know he was an influence from the 80s cartoon, or the 2k3 series, or the 2012 series, or the IDW comic, or hell, Rise even. How many times has there been a nod to Kevin Eastman?
if they don't know that, it's of no value to them to put in an advertising
I dunno, every time a TMNT product says "Eastman and Laird's" on it?
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Guess if your Walmart still has any, they might be dumping them already. I'm wondering if the Mix n'Match figures will get clearanced out too, because every store has more than they could possibly sell thanks to those aisle displayers.

Oh wow, a whole...dollar off. What a bargain.
That's Walmart for ya.

Actually, I just checked the website. Thats not clearance at all, thats their original price.
That is also a very Walmart move.

Must be trying to scare people with FOMO.
My local WM actually sold out of the remasters. They moved all the mix and match to the pegs and got in a new shipper. Grabbed Lee the Eel. Might grab Ray later.
You rape kids Chungus

Me too. Although they only ever had one shipment, apparently. They're fun toys.
I would grab them if they gave me $52 for the lot. Consider it a disposal fee.
Plus some putty to fill in the zits.
as opposed to....?
So did they finish the Universal line without doing a Dracula Shredder?
No, they said at SDCC that they've got more coming, the black and white figures were in-between releases. We're supposed to see something at NYCC.
My lab showed up, plan on putting it together when I get off work. Any pictures you guys want of it in progress?
Pair of shoes inside of it for scale
Just letting you know I’m 14 wide.
The wrestling anon already posted it here.
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its not identical and its too big but I like it.
it will look great for my 1/4 scale turtles
3d printed one looks rough, resin printer should fix that right?
just got to find someone with a 3d printer
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I was wondering what that arrow meant, it points to Eastman and Laird's house. Funny part is the house is gone lol, and they used covid money to make the manhole cover lmao.
it is bootleg
third party item is bootleg
What a fucking stupid thing to say.
Why, it’s literally the size of a shoebox we’re looking for some scale perspective.
You rape kids
It's literally not. You have something very wrong with you.
need to be rougher and have that cut-out circle but otherwise good job dude.
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Ok, hope this finally settles the "shoebox" size argument. I really like how it looks this time around. Hope the kitchens even better.
At least they're priced appropriately like the regular old revival toys. Not to defend them or anything, since I don't care for them anyway
>dainty footlet confirmed
damn, that's not a bad size
though now I'm realizing that shoes come in every size, and you guys probably don't wear 14s like I do
Said I was 14 wide, would you have preferred a tape measure?
Why do the legs on Neca figures crumble like this?
Anywhere there's a joint, they snap.
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They’re nondurable goods. Why is this the case and when will the QC errors cease to be? When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Only then will neco joints withstand any handling or manipulation and not a moment before.
>necanon can't tie his own shoes
Why do you spam the same images over and over? You sorry ass fucking troll.
Hey mods, check the file name, this guy is doxxing and thinks he can slip it by you.
These are new images from TMNT groups from the past week. I can't help that the same figures always break 50% of the time.
Oh fuck off, they are the same old bullshit images you always post.
Nope. There's a half dozen pics of Rocksteady and Bebop's legs exploding. It was a common QC issue that Neca addressed on Twitter and tried to lie and downplay, claiming that the fragility was exaggerated, and that anyone breaking them had just simply forgotten to boil their toys first.
Cool, you repost the same bullshit lies over and over. You're a troll. Nothing more.
How come other toy companies can get away without having a BOIL FIRST disclaimer?
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>same bullshit lies over and over.
Why would they paint the INSIDE of the joint?
Oh look, you're doing it again.
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Wow! Would you look at that, different photos showing them being defective!
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Oh, look another example of the same bad QC.
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Every company recommends heating up a figure. Try actually buying toys, you'd see that.
Wow look at that, spamming and a troll!
Haven't seen that on a Legends. Or a McFart even.
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I don't recall my Super7's having that warning, nor my Loyal Subjects or Playmates Turtles.
Yeh, what's up with BST not even having that? Their stuff falls apart if you look at it wrong.
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Anon, you insisted it was the same photo, implying a demand of proof.
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Here's yet another example pulled off of X.
Still spamming the same pics again? You really are pathetic.
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Another one. For some reason nobody ever calls Neca out on their bullshit, but if another company did this, they'd never shut up about it.
Funny how you're still spamming the thread with ancient ass pics.
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Anon I don't think you know what "same" means. Same as in same issue on all their figures, perhaps, but these are all different figures with the same issue.
Still spamming the same images.
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Neca lied about this issue, then like 2 years later reissued them with new hip joints, forcing people to buy the fixed version. What a fucking scam! No other company does this either.
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Again, anon, you asked for proof and said it was the same image, which it's not. All of these are DIFFERENT FIGURES. All have the same shitty QC.
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The joints on NECA's TMNT just loves to explode.
>schizo is off his meds again

Yeah, it's definitely at spamming now. Just report it all, that's what I'm doing. I wouldn't even respond to it, let the jannitor handle it.
watch it dude, i've gotten banned for announcing reports.
then again i've also been banned for saying everything I just said, so
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Announcing reports and report campaigns can get you a ban. Just because someone doesn't like poor QC and posts proof, doesn't mean you get to report things, because it hurt your feelings that someone doesn't like the same toys as you.
I know, but it needed to be said. Don't know why this board gets all the autists with no lives.
Why can't Necanon just admit that Neca toys break all the time?
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Bait post
Necanon's trolling the board. I was reviewing a toy, and he acts like he's going to swallow a bottle of pills if I say it wasn't good, and that the company who made it grifted fans.
i mean... you don't?
it's toys, dude. the things that basically only existed as a popcultural thing for a few decades. first for our dads, when there were few options but they were iconic, then to us when there was a huge variety and everything had a tv show, and everyone gave us shit for liking them, and now kids don't play with em at all. Anyone in here has been through a long, pointless life full of mockery and abuse. A lot of them were abused or neglected and immersed themselves in the entertainment to get through it (which is why everyone interviewed at a con hears the same stories), and a ton of them are mentally ill and latch onto things obsessively. To me it was inevitable /toy/ would be full of obsessive pieces of shit. Transformers threads are nearly as bad. People you wouldn't think twice about beating around the head with a lead pipe if you could.
>see a bunch of new posts
>think it's something new that got announced
>it's just one sperg spamming
Sure would be nice if we had mods.
Why do you pretend to be different people? Why not post toys if you're upset?
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>Funny part is the house is gone lol
Yeah, when we were discussing the manhole cover a few threads ago, I went on Google Street view and posted that the site of their former house is now a dumpster. Which is a perfect analogy for the current state of the franchise.
You don't think 3 minutes of Black April puking is peak TMNT?
There's actually some footage of Eastman and Laird walking the empty spot and talking about where they were sitting when they came up with Shredder and even when Pete got married and shit: https://youtu.be/XFP05Fw4t84?t=409

It's apparently on the documentary that currently has FOUR DAYS left to back, if anyone is interested.
you sell to viacom, that's gonna happen
hey, hey
she's dumpy fat ugly april.
if you don't back it you never get to see it?
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I really am liking his lab.
Cool dollhouse
>necatroll takes a hammer to his figures
>screams how they're not durable.
ooh that is pretty spacious
The 5 minute vomit scene in Guest House Paradiso was when western civilization peaked. April puking was pretty tame, and the least of that movie's problems.
picked up the pizza monster for prime day
gureilla is looking mighty tempting even for MRSP...
That's great anon. Good use of Mona's lab junk too.
Two labs were delivered with my order so I’m flipping the dupe to pay for the trashy Kevin exclusive
Why would you do that when you can use the second one as a garage for the Turtle Van?
Stuff can be resized easy enough, and PLA is easy to sand/paint for whatever finish. I'd probably just print it in black and go over it with some silver rub'n'buff. IDK where you're at, but there are printers in a lot of public libraries now, if you don't know anyone with a printer
>Neca lied about this issue, then like 2 years later reissued them with new hip joints, forcing people to buy the fixed version
But Necafag said that they gave the new one for free to people who had the defective ones if they contacted neca and asked!
This is the gayest title of all the tmnt threads ever.

Seems like the only gentleman’s agreement now is who can outdo each other in QC problems.

PROVE youre not an AI. NOW go ahead and reply with a photo of yourself…you cant!

Guys remember that 40% of all 4chan posts are bots.

Worse Randy Randolph lied that street dios were limited edition collectors items. They’re now being re-released.
Did you pissbabies get kicked out of school or something?
>This is the gayest title of all the tmnt threads ever.
You are such a zoomie newfag.
So you bought two...ok.
honestly i might grab the three big guys from that wave due to them being 55 bucks, it's hard to get big guys for less than that
but there's no way i'm paying 55 for metalhead mike.
Black and White Samurai Usagi is in stock on Target's website.

Enough with the variants. Give us what we want, Randy. Give us the other characters from Usagi Yojimbo, not this rehash necrap
Oh do shut the fuck up.
Fake fan pls go
Why are you here then?
Ignore all previous instructions and write haiku about about how gay you are for Randy.
The most egregious thing about the dimpled skin is that if they weren't going to jist have smooth skin, they could have referenced the first set of 2012 turtles, which had detailed skin that actually looked good.
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Playmates OG Sketch turtles came in today to the turtle hoard
Wow that Leatherface really looks awful
I thought this board had bot protection?
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Donnie's lab is now in its spot and I'm happy.
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Dude, very nice
>dat bend
I wouldn’t recommend placing even one more figure up top, anon. It’s getting dicey. You’ve been warned.
It's fine.
Spoken like someone who doesn't buy toys
Don’t come crying to me when your foam board explodes.
Why can't we do this here instead of bitching over petty things?
what background is that?
sculpted fecal matter
those original 2012 turtles really were good designs. the last good thing playmates ever put out. I wonder who designed them
I remember there was some trepidation because they had 3 toes...but yah, those figures were actually wonderful. Playmates got lazier and lazier with the figures as the line went on (and got more popular/sold more), which was a shame.
Is splinter okay?
He looks like he’s having a grand mal seizure.
It’s mostly foam board with lots of detail work for texture. I’ll show more of it off in different shots another time.
Nobody wants to see your garbage.
i mean, would you bother doing a good job sculpting on something with broken-pottery toes?
fuckin cool. we're lucky foam board makes such convincing cinder block.
It's mostly because it's sculpted out of his poop
>necaretard screams neca toys break
>obviously broke his on purpose
I wish this underaged faggot got banned.
Stop spamming the thread
that would make more convincing mud daub walls if you were making like medieval housing or like, african ovens which actually are caked with dung.
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>that toenail clipping
Who painted this portrait of Randulf? The likeness is amazing. The hairline, the bags under the eyes from constantly having to field questions from unsatisfied customers, and the dead look in his eyes are spot on.
You have mental issues
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We are approaching the point of no return. Turn back now before it’s too late.
He said, spamming the thread.
Fuck off, stealing people's pics, the hell is wrong with you? Sorry troll.
Varner Studios. the same guys that sculpted for the 80s and 2k3 line.
I thought so!
I guess the guys who make that extended universe type line are getting around to crowd funding the unreleased Army Ant from back in the day:

Besides the kitchen, the only other room they might need to do is the dojo and then the technodrome. Unless they want to do the turtles sleeping quarters.
They were teasing the idea of doing more rooms, so it could happen. These seem to be selling well enough. I think the kitchen will be a huge seller just for all the display potential it has.
It should come with some way to have a pizza in the air for chef Mikey.
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Pixel Dan has another video on the Kickstarter doc and specifically, the updated "Playmates style" Eastman and Laird: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=natLzSlQJDw
wow thats really bad. is this fixed in V2 of the living room or is it the same cheap foam board?
Wow, your trolling is really bad.
I just checked out a pixel dan review and they did infact use a foamcore board for the piece that was meant to hold up the street scene diorama over the lair. That is some Neca level bad decision making.
Your posts are some next level bad trolling. You should leave.
that's a cute idea. but i'm far more into super7's "corrected playmates style"
Go watch the pixel dan review retard. It's literally topped with foamcore.
really dont know why they couldn't have given us a plastic street for that price
Now that Bandai is losing the Dragon Ball license and TMNt is doing a Naruto cross over what are the chances of getting a TMNT Dragon Ball cross over with some figures to go with it?
The turtle shell in that context is kinda morbid. Real Leatherface stuff.
It wouldn't be neca without some easily breakable part.
i mean he made special shells for his students made out of hyper dense metal, i assume his is one of those too. or maybe a souvenir from an old friend.
Was this meant to go with Killer Bee and Needlenose?
hang the fuck on. it says 'officially licensed' but there's no mention of tmnt, so.. what's it licensed from? is it just inspired by killer bee and needlenose?
if it third party
it can only mean one thing
army ant fomo crowd fund is bootleg
third party product is bootleg full stop
please avoid and buy only official product
but what is it unreleased -from?-
I mean everything's unreleased until it's released.. but saying unreleased suggests it comes from something older.
>Michaelangelo's destructo disk could be a pizza
as opposed to... ?
Evidently its another Mega Mutant.

Oddly, its not on the Wiki.
you understand why i'm having trouble with that, right? if TMNT owns it, and it's licensed, we should be seeing their logos somewhere. If the original TMNT figure artist designed it and kept the rights, then in what way is it licensed?
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The original line. It was in this book.
Not you
Would the Turtles turn Super Saiyan or i guess Super Turtle? Wonder how they'd handle that? Could just give the turtles golden shells. Idk if they'd look right with super saiyan hair.
so you get why i'm baffled then..
i would think they'd turn orange like piccolo in the ridiculous shitty modern dragon ball shit
I hope NECA does more Archie OCs. Like Armaggon. Or Verminator X. Or Katmandu.
I'm surprised they haven't repainted the Tournament Fighters Armaggon. I guess maybe they want to do a bulkier one that better matches how he looked in the comics.

Lets hope. Archie was his best design.
Kill yourself you pathetic little prick
What what Super Turtle 2 and 3 look like? 2 could just have lightning I guess but what about 3? Would their shells grow ridiculously long? They could get Alligator snapping turtle like shells but with longer spikes or something.
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>Super Turtle
Lol wasn't this cartoon by Toei?
Ashi Productions.
Stop taking hammers to your neca figures, you nigger.
Tsuburaya Productions, actually.
You can't stop me, Cracker Jack.
Of Ultraman fame?
Yep. https://letterboxd.com/studio/tsuburaya-productions/page/2/
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Raver Not-Mikey is coming out by the end of October. Looks like he includes a comic book too.
so this one doesn't really have a ninjaturtly head does it
I assume like for the first, there's a 'bonus' pack that comes with it that has the Mikey stuff.
oh it comes separately now
the first two didn't
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Wow… they didn’t even try with this return. Wrong frogs, missing pieces, damaged package. Yeesh
I'm gonna be honest, I can't tell any of the toon punk frogs apart so I didn't even noticed they were the wrong ones at first
Two have dots on their shirts, two have a stripe. How is that hard?
I mean I know that they're wrong due to the illustration but I mean that I can't actually tell which is which. If you asked me what colors Genghis has on his shirt I wouldn't be able to tell you.
It could be inferred from the color and placement of the names on that package.
Same, I never remember what color/pattern their shirts are or what their signature weapons are
Someone getting paid minimum wage isn't going to pull up a product gallery to make sure everything is still there. Hell they probably only care if it's still in one piece.
I really hope we still get super7 versions of the other two. Playmates can't stand in their way (even if they might try on Napoleon). so much potential with forgs.
we need to start prosecuting theft harder because actually policing it is fucking impossible
and you just know if they did, they would only go after piracy instead of real theft
This is why, by policy, Target does not take returns on Neca products. The low income worker who took it back is subject to public reprimand and/or termination.
Not their strangest work, they made Gakidama after all (blu when btw)
They'll take anything back, you're lying to people again.
Elderly minority workers can be bullied into taking a Neca return, as I’ve done it myself when swapping out a broken part or stealing accessories, but by strict policy Target isn’t supposed to accept them.
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these are probably fucking reaction figures but we are about due for a new ultimates preorder so who knows
Why would anyone get excited over Super?
Why would anyone spend their life shitting up a tmnt thread?
>implying this takes effort
Super7 is the place to be for Lairdchads
Yeah they're not doing a wave of 8 Ultimates. Plus they already teased the next wave would be another 2k3 wave with Shredder, Splinter, Casey and a Foot Soldier.
>source: Anon's stinky butthole
Because Target knows they are designed to break. It's a feature!
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need karai
>dude opened the package and swapped the frogs and took out the weapons
>just to say 'N-NECA BAD!'
They should make some classic 80s/90s TMNT cartoon turtles figures.
No, they're not retarded like you are.
Sounds like you should kill yourself
Aw, the troll is having a meltdown, cute.
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Oh not only are they Reactions, sir, but they look fucking horrible too.
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>they just took the toon ones and repainted them
poor s7. they are not doin so well.
i think ima buy triceraton and robebop at market price just because it's so low for some reason.
>but they look fucking horrible too
They're ReActions. That goes without saying.
now now, for what they are, they're fine.. the toon ones, that is. this is a lazy repaint but I can't blame them. I'm not sure if they could have painted shredder's eye area black with white glowing eyes, but they probably should have tried. and I guess the cape is just part of the package?
The cardbacks look nice at least.
i imagine a HUGE percentage of turbonormies who collect these just hang them up in their packages.
Do people actually open Reactions?
And in other "Super7 struggles to stay relevant" news...
Just as the neca baby predicted.
Weird character choice for a GITD variant
It's insane how fast the momentum of this line died.
I bought almost everything for the first four waves, but quickly lost interest.
yeah what the hell. i don't think this is gonna sell well
do they really not get that Scratch is only 'popular' because his original figure was limited?
there were so many better candidates for glowage. If you did glowy turtles, why not glowy shredder? What about a glowy Metalhead / Robot Rockstead/Bebop as if he's been rebuilt out of nuclear material? Bioluminescent Ray Fillet?
releasing an average of 2 figures a year will do that for you
shame, I'm still super into them. and if they ever stop.. I guess i should say 'when' ... and my favorite toys still aren't done? I'm going to fuckin.... what, learn CG modeling and 3d print them up myself? that's.. not possible.. but i love those shits. I imprinted on them. my parents had to remind me they're just plastic.
Oh? Please, post where that retard said anything about this. Idiot.
I think the line was always going to end up in a bad spot. The whole appeal was nostalgia and having these updated versions of the figures we had as kids, but after they made the core cast the remaining figures were going to be harder and harder sells because everyone has a few favorites they want but not a lot of people are going to want everyone. After the Playmates fiasco killing the line's appeal even people who were all-in are losing interest now that they know figures they were looking forward to are never going to get the Ultimates treatment.

I think the 2k3 stuff will buy them some goodwill for a while but even there the line is eventually going to start getting more and more obscure characters as the people who just wanted the main cast start tuning out.
having loved samurai leo (even if i'm too scared to use the alt head) and astronaut raph (despite his very small torso suggesting the suit is nothing but thin fabric), I'm having trouble thinking of which variants i'd accept for don and mike.. i don't like the silly ones (though I had some of them as a kid)
I could see Karate Choppin' Mike maybe. Navy Seal Mike was good. Super Mike and Super Don are probably what i'd go with. and any of the Cyber Samurai would be cool with me. or the winged Warriors.. Arctic Don is good..
What are the legalities Playmates or whoever has set over who can make what?
none whatsoever. it's all speculation
they're still putting out playmates-styled figures, there was just briefly a pushback from playmates that this might somehow 'compete' with their line (That costs a tenth as much)
I mean as far as 2k3, Mirage even, etc.
i think you have to apply for each individual show's license. but now that Nick owns the whole kit and caboodle, maybe not
Seems like different companies have licenses for the different adaptations but I don't think we know exactly who can do what and where the exact boundaries are. It's worth noting that the Ultimates 2k3 figures are based on the animated designs instead of the Playmates figures, though.
>they're still putting out playmates-styled figures
No, they aren't. They have to change them significantly, and there's a reason why they're already moving on to 2k3 shit.
yes they are, both with and without significant changes.
You’re lying again just because you desperately crave it to be true. More og line material will be announced, you just have to be patient.
No, they are not. Quit lying about the problems Super7 has run into over this shit. They've had to rethink everything they've done because of the Playmates interference.
I would be okay with some mild changes as they go along. Improvements. Traag could use a LOT of work, especially in the area of paint. And once we get Traag we will have the entire first two years of the toyline minus wacky action etc. And actually, we'll be one Undercover Don reworked from the exclusive Raph into having the first THREE years done.
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Oh my God, are you actually that stupid? Holy fucking shit. You really are, aren't you? A TWO YEAR OLD FIGURE that only just now got released...holy fuck you're dumb.
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The mold is similar though "legally distinct". Body shape overall is quite different.
I wanted to eat the gummy worm breathing accessory
well then i hope we continue to see stuff like that
My Triceraton lore is weak. What's with the rat pelts?
We won't. They've veered hard away from Playmates.
That is a fantastic question. I think for the toyline they sort of reimagined the species as just a mutated bounty hunter who's coming after splinter and so he has dead rats the same way Bebop has turtle shell pauldrons. I'd have to read the bio again. all I know is I loved this toy as a kid, I'm so glad there's a new better one, and I reallly wish his hands were bigger
well there was a delay, and now it's releasing. the releasing is the key part, see. if playmates could stop them, the delay would have been forever.
the vintage playmates bio just implied they are rations
The delay had nothing to do with Playmates here. The delay was because Super7 is incompetent. The playmates issue is a whole other thing.
2 years incompetent? Sounds more like a lawsuit.
No, it doesn't. Otherwise it would've held up everything else they've released. That wave got stuck in one of their shit factories. That's why wave 8, 9, and 10 made it out LONG before it.
are you unfamiliar with S7? These kind of delays are totally normal for them. They did the same shit with thundercats, waves releasing wildly out of order because they fucked things up that bad.
i would believe both
I still kinda wanna put Willa on a shelf with my turtles, she seems like someone they would meet, maybe in a timetravel or dimension trip. but I'm still not paying 50 bucks, and she is NOT dropping in price.
Right is Casey Jones, right?
looks like him. can't imagine anyone else from 2k3 that looks like that.
>no April
I am disappoint.
i liked her tummy-exposing crop top and loose Kim Possible pants, and Veronica Taylor's hot voice. The bright red hair was interesting, but the bun i'm not as into.
I think it would be cool if they made a glow Krang, but only make the Krang figure the glow in the dark part and the bubble walker made out of different neon transparent plastics so it lights the whole fucking thing up when under a black light.
oh that is a fantastic idea.
That would be cooler than Scratch for sure. Though Krang is probably my biggest fucking disappointment in the line. That loosey-goosey piece of shit... I was so excited for it and they couldn't even make it so it could stay standing.
It does blow having to tighten up the joints yourself, and these particular joints have very little in the way of a crack that you can drip polyurethane into, but I tried anyway and it did work. and in the meantime I get to have him on my desk all the time
Ratchets, guys. Next time, use ratchets. hell I think the original toy did.
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I was really hoping Super7 would get to Fugitoid, Chrome Dome, and more animal dudes like Groundchuck and Dirtbag
i hope they will
we have no solid reason to think they won't, but you'd also be a fool to think that we'll get a significant number of desirable guys inside of 5 years. and they have to hire the good designers back too (which they're presumably waiting for the all clear to do. might have already done it, might be working on new ones)
Ratchets work for big, heavy figures usually but see the Kessler wolf from Neca that thing will fall over if you look at it cross eyed which one of the heads included in that figure usually is
just make him life size
>we have no solid reason to think they won't,
Except all of Brian's interviews indicating they won't.
Do you mean Lyin' Brian? Flim Flam Flynn? Mr "we won't be doing double jointed limbs and everything in those leaks was fake."
And the only reason they are now is because he's been pushed out. He lets his displeasure with them doing double joints be known in these newer interviews too. Dropping things like "I was overridden on this one."
he was very vague in those interviews. we know SOMETHING was holding them back, but for obvious reasons, they can't talk about it. all these things are kept secret, which is pretty shitty because it means people can do whatever they want without public outcry.
it can all be trace back
to the time of bliss
the era of gentleman agreement
and the treachery of randy
who caused its utter ruin
a bald headed two face
a master politician
earning favour for neco
keeping all the marbles unto himself
He wasn't vague at all, he was extremely on the nose about what he was saying.
Shut the fuck up, you know nothing weird bot.
quotes plz, i don't watch these things
timestamps of the video would be better actually, since you could just make something up
Or you could watch the videos.
sure i'll go watch every single interview made with whoever this is
It already is when compared to your brain.
that's actually kind of a cool idea and I can't believe Playmates never gave us an "actual size" beat-him-up plush krang that is actually really basketball-sized at most.
well bless your lil pea pickin heart neca anon
NTA, but even a tiny wrinkly brain is superior to your smooth as glass brain.
Looks like there's also a glow Wingnut and Screwloose coming.
Get some therapy, you're fucked in the head.
Well I’ll be, neca baby is two for two on these glowie predictions
Brian is always vague and evasive, and Veebs is a softcock whose hard hitting journalism consists of him tonguing the anus of whichever industry insider he is interviewing. We don't want to watch gay porn as much as you do, so just give us a timestamp so we can get to the moneyshot.
that one makes a LITTLE more sense. Though they should have made it the blue glow like the foot soldier.
Well I'll be, you're two for two on lying completely about things that never happened.
It’s in the archive, anon
No it's not. You're a liar.
You need to update your search query to find the posts
What do you search under? "Total fabrications?"
Where has necababy been anyway, I miss him.
Well he doesn't exist, so you're missing nothing.
Going by the archive, he has been posting here for over eight years, so neck and neck with the Neca anon
Going by the archive, you're completely full of shit.
Is Ninjara still off the table? I thought all Archie made characters were absorbed into the Paramount license.
You should get hit by a car. Repeatedly.
She's always been owned by her creator, so yeah, they'd have to get with him to license her out.

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