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King Cold [Web Exclusive]
Son Goku (Mini) - Daima
Super Saiyan Goku -Z Warriors [Physical Store Exclusive]
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegito - Exclusive Edition [New York Comic Con]

Trunks - GT [Web Exclusive]
Vegeta (Mini) - Daima
Son Goku - Super Hero (Reissue)
Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku (Reissue)

Super Android 17 [Web Exclusive]
Piccolo (Mini) - Daima

Super Saiyan Trunks - Infinite Latent Super Power (Reissue)
Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]

Vegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)

Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]

Son Goku - Daima
Super Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)

Vegeta - Daima

Majin Buu - Good (Reissue)

Gomah - Daima
Son Goku - 40th Anniverary Edition

Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series

Tamashii Nations Surveys

Previous Thread: >>11177619
This shit is so ass
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2028. trust the plan.
Looks like sparking zero will have some marvel what if tier characters, think sh figuarts will tie them into the line?
Someone mentioned cutting down the amount of normal joints to keep costs down with figma. Prolly here too.
the line is dead
Look up sparking zero leak on youtube and you'll know what im talking about
The only what if character i saw was Gohan Black and the fused Zamasu form with different hair. But yea, I'd love a Gohan Black. What other "What if" characters are there?
was referring to that, but im sure there are others in there if they did that and fused zamasu with a haircut
>was referring to that
Then why not just say it instead of being cryptic about it?
Imagine having spoiler etiquette
Did you forget where you are?
because I didnt want to spoil it.
It's in the fucking trailer.
Gohan black himself wasnt in the trailer
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This is my list of figs I want the most + kid Goku, kid Krillin and Master Roshi. With one huge requirement: they need to be properly scaled.
I know I will never get those with exception of Yamcha maybe, who's gonna be out of scale anyways.
Did bandai make any other master grade dbz model kits other than base goku?
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Maybe. It would probably be a game event exclusive like cloneku. They just need a Gohan head with a potara to put on the Goku Black body.

I didn't think there'd actually be any what if characters. I'd imagine there's not gona be anything like a new fusion, "character" Black is a perfect what if type character. Majin is something similar they could to do for someone else.
they went out of their way to give fused zamasu (gohan black) a different new hair model entirely, nothing is off the table now
OH, new hair... totally different character.
did someone say ..b-b-bb-b-LLLLLLLLLLLUUEEE!?
How expensive do you think dinosaur guy would be?
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figure when?
Ewww why?
Why didn't they make Jeice but with boobs instead?
hopefully never
I would aim it to be not more than 150.
Super Saiyan Goku.

Everyone in the opening has a figure except Baby.
not gonna lie kinda a mid opening

>kinda a mid
"Kind of a mid" better, champ?
I think it's mostly the music that ruins it.
Load up the intro and then play the Budokai 3 opening, the Budokai 2 opening, or the the BT3 opening on a different tab. It's so much fucking better. Hell, some of it even syncs up really well.
I guess the plagiarism shit with the old games has made them terrified to use good music in the newer ones.
Yeah, but also I just miss the old kino 2D animated openings. Budokai 2 and 3 and Final Bout openings still live in my head rent free.
if so I hope they do them as exclusive if at all, line's stale enough as is
praying for a new figure that isn’t from daima. the main character designs in daima look really boring.
Its because its mostly Super. Imagine if instead of blue haired Goku, its normal SS Goku. And hes going up against Full Power Frieza, then Cell, then Kid Buu... Z Broly.... And the soundtrack would be some classic Faulconer or rock variation rather than some phaggy one that would have people think your a pedofile if they heard you listening to it.

Super is fine, but im pretty sure its not the reason any of us give enough of a fuck about the franchise to buy have $1k+ worth of figures of it.
>some classic Faulconer
Who the fuck is that?
Black hole is working on it
>And the soundtrack would be some classic Faulconer or rock variation
Kill yourself
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I ordered this guy
my condolences
it is mediocre
like you?
All the other tenkaichi games use the anime openings though. Zero's just following tradition.
This mix of characters fighting each other just makes me think more of SDBH than anything.
theres only three DB SHF figures I ever bought and later got rid of.

One of them was Kid Krillin who I got rid of because it was the only og DB figure I had and just didn't fit in with the rest of my collection.

One of them was Ultimate Gohan 1.0 because it was one of my first figures, but just looked super outdated compared to everything.

And the third was that FP Goku because it just felt like shit and offered me nothing that my other 5-10 Gokus already did. in fact it took away from those Gokus if anything. If its your first figure though or your collection is really small, you'll probably like and appreciate it. it took time for me to dislike it.
I only have buffku, saiyin raised on earth and soon that guy.
Buffku is so, so much better than FPSS.
Well he'll fit right in with your other trash
Where is Bojack?
I crammed him
Gohan black when
Battle Hour 2025 exclusive
We could have had a Gohan Black figuarts to go with this game release. But no, we have to get Daima bullshit.
Is gohan black a real thing or is it some autistic headcanon shit
it's in the fucking game even a fused zamasu version with alternate hair
if the xenoverse fag could get something then gohan black can get something
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Finished Namek for now, buffku and buffza get their own shelf
how can there be two Gokus and 4 friezas in the same place
the music is great!
literally every picture i see of final form frieza surrounded by any of the other frieza figures makes me wince because it's just a game of "one of these is not like the other"
Pretty sure they'll make him cause this line has always promoted its big games. They made Xeno Trunks, Time patroller and 3 figures from Fighterz. Gohan Black is like probably the only new thing (besides the slgihtly different merged Zamasu) that Sparking Zero can call its own.

If they make him with a new body they can eventually use it for a new Goku Black too. Daima adult Goku already has the skirt gi.
They are toys
but not in the universe of the display
So am I.
it's also weird how piccolo and vegeta are standing with two dragon balls, while Frieza and his men have some too. how can porunga be there if the DBs aren't all together?
this game is going to be supported for a long fucking time. Kakarot, and Xenoverse still get DLC or fucks sake lol. I would expect it within the next couple months to a year.

looks cool as fuck. nice to see someones actual collection/photo and not a repost from reddit.
It would be a spoiler for the story mode if they opened up orders for Gohan Black before the game is even out. It'd be like if they dropped Gohan Beast before people got to see the movie. Give it some time.
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GotenksBuu is here too!
I got the other Kid Buu, but I thought your version was supposed to be the same pink color as Super Buu to match, and mine was an off color of pink.
I don't want any of that shit. Give me Future Gohan, High School Gohan, Mystic Gohan, Bojack Gohan or basically any other type of Gohan first.
What is this? Who is this? Db heroes? Rule 34?
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Bonyu from Kakarot.
Thoughts on him?

Also, which Kid Buu is that? It doesn't really look like either of the promo photos to me, did you customize it? If this is supposed to be the paler one (as the gold details seem to suggest), its a pretty damn saturated pink.
Can you post pics of yours? I'm concerned about how the colors look IRL now.
I have both and confirm neither match the color of the official fat or super buu
that SUCKS
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We need more Buu stuff. I'm scraping here, bros.
Looks good. Is Jeice balancing without issue?
>Bandai will no longer have the rights to Dragon Ball
Kid Buu, 3.0 Gohan, 3.0 Vegito, 3.0 SS2 Goku onegai.
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We need some PuiPui for some diversity.
>torta Jeice
When Space Mexico is sending their soldiers, they aren't sending their best...
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Decided to pick up that Budokai playset while they're still selling it here.
Looked nice enough as a backdrop for Satan and the DB Kid figs.
That thing is a lot smaller than I expected.
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And it's already undersized for its intended figures - Dragon Stars.

But we can't all build our own.
Paikuhan when??
Probably never Bandai is losing toy rights soon. Maybe you'll get revotech Pikkon?
I would LOVE for Yamaguchi to get a crack at Dragon Ball characters.
He shipped, pretty excited
Get the heart attack face for him with Gero.
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Honestly he's worth it just for part swapping, whether head or body. A perfect cell saga look.
(ignore the dust)
yea, he's aight
i'd say he's still shit-tier as far as 2.0 gokus go, but if you don't already have 500 gokus like most of us, you might still enjoy him
absolutely not even nearly as good as the legendary super saiyan goku, though
After getting fucked over by an AE seller, is there any point in me paying double for a jacketless TonsenArt Trunks now, or am I best just to wait for the DF at this point?
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Great displays. We definetly need more buu characters.
That playset is cool, albeit small like >>11190652 said.
We need to finish the Cell forms, too. If Frieza can get all his then so can Cell. Fucking Daima shit.
>3 metal coolers
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Thanks anon
Sort of, hes leaning against Burter but im confident he won't fall over
Agreed, my planned Buu shelf is way too small for my liking. How do we have so much Super stuff but hardly any Buu saga?
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Itching for a new figure I don't own yet. Is this Gohan worth $65?
When are we getting this Bulma with no panties?
He's good for the most part but there's some trouble with his hips so oil them up.
Without that QC issue? 9/10 or so.
How bad is it even? On the one hand, there are a bunch of people who say they haven't experienced anything other than some squeaks, and then there are people stating that every Gohan basically breaks apart at the hips by design. I have mine in a box, so I don't currently have any experience with him, but I'd like to know before I crack it open and accidentally break him or whatever.
Very nice, I wish I had the Ginyu Force, they look so fun and colorful. Your shelf would look epic with some printed Namek backdrop and base.
Do you live in the US? Just grab on from Omnime store.
Mine is fine, no lube either. I can see how the loud minority of people who broke theres can takeover,
>Mine is fine, no lube either. I can see how the loud minority of people who broke theres can takeover,
I'll probably lube it up anyway just to be safe, but that's good to know. I hope other people can give their input and share their experiences.
I had them pre-ordered, $120 for both, so 60 each. The fact I have to paid $70+ with shipping for each now pisses me off, so that's why i'm considering getting the DF since it's only like $40.
God I wish I had the ginyu force, nice display
That explains why those are budget cheap.
I wonder what is more likely to happen first. Bandai coming out with their own Buutenks or them rereleasing Super Buu. The tonsen Buutenks kit looks awesome, but only picking it up if I can get another Buu for base price.

he is a regular release which means when they re-release him they will most likely fix the widespread hip issues. thats what im doing.
3.0s can wait until we have kid buu, dabura and buuhan
The only thing I care about the Buu saga are Dabura, Pui Pui and the female Kaio. I already have Super Buu and I don't need Buutenks now, maybe Buuhan
can they just announce the daima stuff now
I didn't break mine but I can still tell it's tight as fuck and could easily break without care. There's nothing wrong with telling people to be careful.
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>The only thing I care about the Buu saga are Dabura, Pui Pui
>and the female Kaio
The only problem I’ve had is the head being ridiculously loose. For whatever reason it stops being loose when I leave it alone for a while, I honestly don’t know or care why. Other than that it’s great, I did use shock oil on the legs just in case though.
Tons of QC issues. Don't bother.
Your Bejita in the corner looks like a little goblin. Which version is he?
That's strange, but pretty funny. So long as it doesn't cause trouble.
And yeah I might do the same with the legs. Better safe than sorry.
I'm really jonesing for more characters in that style, though. Trunks, Legendary Super Saiyan Goku and this Gohan look so good.
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So when is tonsen bojack going up for preorder other than aliexpress?

I heard there might be a parts kit for people who bought the first tonsen? I assume the heads will be swapable with their first trunks?.If not seems best to get the damaged clothes version. I just hope they make the hair more like version A and not pink.
I forgot, when is Pan arriving?
If only there was a release schedule in the OP..
b/c he's cool and cheap
But when is Pan releasing?
>DB line has been going for 15 years
>still no Kid Buu
hahahaha this sucks man
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Got my King Cold shipment notification. Based
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Me too. Looking forward to him.
Same. I'm excited.
Is the SHF Legendary Super Saiyan Goku on BBTS the original or reissue?
Reissue shouldn't have even arrived there yet
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Surprisingly not bad.
Based. Please post pictures of him beside 2nd Form and Broly. I won't get him until the middle of next month probably.
Now if only Nappa had a face doing the break cannon you could use that effect. Maybe if they ever do a new version of him... the naked version with buffku/Full Power Frieza articulation
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I'm still confused why the only retail Nappa had colors from that one episode with fucked up colors. It's not even manga colors because his scouter isn't green.
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Green, blue, who cares? Close enough.
All the scooters are green in the manga. It's a big error. Definitely looks closer to the fucked up colors episode. Just a lighter brown on the fig.
I really like this Vegeta look
The majority of media with Nappa mostly always depicted him with those colors, including the purple/indigo colored scouter, and sometimes red. Why would they give the figure a green scouter when the only 2 times he had a green scouter was in the "original" 2013 manga colors, and the broly movie.
If you really want green scouters on figuarts, rub away the clear plastic with paint thinner on the scouter with a qtip and air brush it with clear green paint.
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Got my King Cold! Completely forgot he came with the throne, so I was very surprised at the size of the box. Haven't taken him out just yet as I only had time for a quick pic.
Well, Daima so far felt more like the start of a movie.

Shenron-box sized?
post side-by-side with second form Frieza. or Burter.
So yeah kinda disappointed. Thought his hair was translucent on the website and well it's not at all.
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it's usually con exclusives that are translucent. if you want a translucent (cheap looking) SS goku, then go for this one that is releasing soon
the fact that the body is translucent make it look like one of those bootlegs that give cancer by touching it
It really does.
If there's one area that looks remotely ok, it's the faces. And even those are thrown off by the rest looking so cheap and disgusting. I for the life of me can't understand translucentfags.
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The only Daima figure I would buy
did whis transition
so if Nappa becomes SS3 he will loose the eyebrows but his hair will grow or he will be baldest than ever but with blonde beard?
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heroes showed what that would look like
Grows a beard... Alright
Please anon, take some pics now
why his tail isn't blonde?
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
I'm sure we'll see a bunch more of them, NYCC is around the corner
don't curse us
>Well, Daima so far felt more like the start of a movie.
Many similarities to BoG.

Probably but I hope they have some non Daima too. With Sparking Zero's huge roster people really want some of the old stuff.
It's a good look. The reddish/purplish brown on Nappa is good too, but sadly that's not the colour the fig uses either.
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This just reminds me that we really need a good Flea figure.
>With Sparking Zero's huge roster people really want some of the old stuff.
Absolutely. It has reminded me of all the stuff I want a figure of, and all the stuff I want 2.0s/3.0s of.
I am blessed that I got two of the figures I wanted most though, I guess. (SS4 Goku and Final Form Cooler)
Holy fuck. He's way bigger than I thought. I worked him out to be the height of Broly's hair to the top of his head. He looks bigger than that.
he's a big lad
4 u
can we have big broly now?
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oh my god look at the size of this nigga!
Now give us a properly sized 3rd form Frieza.
Imagine missing these 2 chads? Wouldn't be me.
They just forget. It should be blonde if that makes you feel better.
So... How big would his second form be?
He's in his final form
he isn't but i'm really surprised we never got any Heroes or video game shit of his other forms
>shoulder pads on hinges
Why do they keep doing this?
Especially when they cover the gap too with the cape. It would have worked better with the new way and been way less intrusive.
We have no idea what form he's in. Could be first. Could be final. It's never stated.
It's never stated but he never even hints at having a stronger form so it's likely he doesn't have one. Freeza can choose what his forms look like so he just modeled his second form after his parent.
>Item in Transit
Can't fucking wait. Knew he would be bigger.

>Now give us a properly sized 3rd form Frieza.

>So... How big would his second form be?
>He's in his final form
>he isn't but i'm really surprised we never got any Heroes or video game shit of his other forms
>We have no idea what form he's in. Could be first. Could be final. It's never stated.
>It's never stated but he never even hints at having a stronger form so it's likely he doesn't have one.

I always assumed he was in his second form since it looks a lot like Freeza's? We don't know for sure but that was always my guess. Considering Coola's fourth form looks a lot like Freeza's, my guess is their forms all look similar yet retain their own uniqueness.
NTA but is he going to be available online? I heard he was relegated to instore purchase.
Meanwhile the shitty store I po'd FP Frieza at is only now shipping it out.
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I mean they do look similar. I think going just based on appearance is silly considering how little we know about Freeza's race. King Cold's horns could be fake and he can take them off like a hat. From what I know Freeza states that Cold was able to get him atleast dusty so he's somewhere in the range of final form Freeza not using 100% power and weaker than Mecha Freeza. He never indicates he can transform and if he could he'd probably be able to do more than just get final form Freeza dirty. ROF has Freeza state he chose what his golden form looked like so he probably did the same for his other forms. He probably just based his second form on bis dad's final form.
Where is Frieza mommy?
>Where is Frieza mommy?
she's with Piccolo's mom
His head is too big, no?
So what are the mods you can do to Vegeta 2.0 to get him moving better? Any recommended tutorials on what to do? I've heard sanding the little thigh pieces will help. Anything else you can do? I figure I'll tweak my 2.0 Vegeta's and just wait for a non-Daimi 3.0.
hey, at least you didn't pre order him at Globalfreaks like I did. Kek.
I don't have my FP Frieza even close to being shipped. So some of us have worse lol
Got my FP Frieza from Nin-Nin Game in 3 days ago or so.
Mine's still in my genki PW, waiting for other things.
From the Figuarts Collectors on Facebook
Saw on Insta
What even gave you that impression? It's pretty clear that it was painted.nkxwdm
did they lose the neck technology?
all the latest figure have a huge ass gap on the neck
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>Toriyama views Kid Buu as important as Frieza and Cell
>No figuarts after 15 years
I absolutely love the fact that people are cooming over Daima because episode 1 panders to their Z nostalgia when the rest of Daima will be absolutely nothing like it.
Would rather have a good Perfect Cell.
Ah fuck it, once he's available again in Hobby Genki or he hits Mandarake I'll get him
That's just the animators doing flashy stuff for the recaps. Toriyama cares about his gags.
Also half the episode was recap to Buu anyways.
Or rather, Demonfolk react to Buu Saga.
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Why couldn't they use the right paint for 1st's face...
I didn't like his review because he didn't show his articulation too much and he didn't pose him to show what he can do. I wonder if his shoulder pads are like second and third form frieza.
Also I'm sure that he has a swivel on his forearm like second and Buu, and he didn't show his side to side articulation
I can't wait to have Cooler, Cold, and Freeza posed together saying grace before Christmas dinner. This is everything I've ever wanted.
I'm doing all the old dads having a supper. Bardock, King Piccolo, and King Cold. Wish they did a King Vegeta and Paragus now.
Frieza: Oh god, someone is knocking at the door. It must be one of those monkey beggars. I hate monkeys so fucking much! Did you know that despite being 13% of the population monkeys commit 50% of violent crimes?
>Wish they did a King Vegeta and Paragus now.
God I wish, Paragus look so cool. Also a new Bardock would be amazing because his face look really ugly to me, also his body could look better
Sounds just like Christmas at home. Warms my heart. Merry Christmas!
I always thought he was supposed to be the same size as second form frieza
Please post it when you’ve made the scene.
Wholesome family time. Sad we never got a Kuriza figure.
Buy another 4th form Frieza and get someone to do a custom head
post side-by-side with your benis
Goddamn, I have to say it, fuck having to move. I'm currently repacking all my DBZ SHFs into their boxes for said move and holy shit, I've been packing shit up for hours and I'm only like half way through my DBZ collection. Granted, I've been packing other figures besides DBZ stuff but that's the vast majority of my imports, so that's mostly what I've been packing. Shit sucks, but at least everything will be nice and safe. And at least I'm not repacking accessories, just the figures themselves and whatever accessories they had with them on the shelf. All my other accessories are in their tackle boxes.
Lucky for me I have them all on their boxes because I don't have a shelf and there's a lot of fucking dust here, even though I live in the floor 12. I hate dust so fucking much, you clean and there's dust again the next day
It wouldn't be short enough. Maybe one of these 3rd party companies will make him? Kek
What are some of your guys favorite effect parts from a Dragon Ball figure? Can be SHF, DS, or a model kit.
Up to 5 and a half figures now.
Already liking him a lot. Much better ankles than 4th form, a much better (but still too limited for my liking) tail, and a dragon ball that doesn't look all weird and creamy.
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I have to say, your camera's the cursed gift that keeps making everything look like a bootleg with that plastic shine every time.
Or you really did get one again.
looks a bit bootleggy but that might be the lighting
this nigga look outdated sadly
His Scooty-Puff Jr is a neat accessory to have, though I have to admit, it would have been nice if it had, like, a peg hole somewhere on it so it could be connected directly to a stand. If one of my regular stands can support his its weight while cradling the bottom, a peg hole on the bottom should have been just fine too.
I also feel like its presence is really eating into the figure's possible accessories. It would have been nice if he had an extra pair of feet that are curled like 4th form, or even an additional set of hands, because this guy's selection of hands feels really lacking compared to literally every other figure I've gotten so far. Fists, grabby hands, pointy finger, smug boi finger. Aside from the tiny death ball and the dragon ball, that's all he's got. It feels like he should have had more.
there is a stand hole in the pod
>it would have been nice if it had, like, a peg hole somewhere on it so it could be connected directly to a stand
(should be timestamped)
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Also, the ball joints on the hands makes popping the hands off and on uncomfortably difficult. Plugging in the curled finger hand made me think I was going to accidentally break his finger multiple times. Which would have been a sad irony, considering I already did that to my own hand. Meanwhile, one of the heads comes off scarily easily compared to the alternate head, but it doesn't seem loose, so I suppose it's fine.
Yeah, it's just the camera. I'm working with an iPhone 12. Likewise, I just don't have very good lighting conditions to work with. My light-source is a bendy desk-lamp that's like, a foot away from the figure.
Shit I just checked and didn't notice the panel that pops off.
No problem. It's inconspicuous, so that you missed it probably means it did a good job at hiding itself!
As an aside, First Form Frieza is a figure that might not be great compared to some of the heavy hitters, but I still love it so much. I feel very nostalgic about that form, and I'm happy we got such a nice version of it.
Put some tissue paper over it to diffuse the light.
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Another minor complaint is that the faces feel a bit... Uncanny? Slight off in a way that I can't quite place. Like, on-model, but very slightly off? His laughing face and angry faces are the only ones that don't give that vibe. I get the same kind of feeling looking at pictures of Buffrieza's default face though, and no one else seems to bring that up, so maybe I'm just the weird one here.
I also would have liked it if he had a neutrally displeased face. Just, neutral face, but frowning instead of smiling would have been nice, rather than there being "neutral smile" and "smug smile." Think the smug one alone would have been fine.
I much prefer the dragon ball that comes with this one than the 4th form one though. It doesn't have that weird, Milky look to it like that one does.
I'll give that a try next time I'm taking pictures. I've already taken all of these ones in advance though so none of these will have that.
Cool. You can also use colored tissue paper to do lighting effects on the cheap. Careful it doesn't burn.
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He also kind of passes my dumb "Sitting Test" so that's nice.
All in all, I'm happy with him.
Eventually hoping to have one of each of Frieza's forms. Next goal is probably second form, given the near-universal praise I see that figure getting.
But the next figure on the lineup, who will hopefully be arriving on tuesday, will be a (I fucking hope) non-bootleg buffku. I will be very annoyed if it's another bootlegku, especially since this one isn't from some third-party store selling on Amazon, but Amazon itself.
Maybe that sounds retarded to someone more experienced in the hobby, but I only started collecting figures a few months ago, so I'm a bit retarded on the stuff that probably seems obvious to most people.
Are you the guy that fixed his Spiderman?
Will you be tracking down Final Form Cooler?
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Hope you can get your Freezas at a decent price. Been enjoying your posts. If it's being sold by Amazon it's probably real. I've gotten a few figures from them that are all real so it's a safe bet. It's always those third party sellers that screw you over.
I don't have a spiderman, so no
I certainly intend to, Cooler, next to Bardock, is my favorite DBZ character purely because I love the 5th form design. I feel it'll be easier to get ahold of Meta Cooler from what I've seen, who has a special place in my heart as my Main in Raging Blast 2.
I guess my only point of skepticism on it is the sudden price drop it seems to have had. I think I heard about a reissue on him though, so maybe that's why?
It's only going for about 60 right now on amazon, which is ridiculously cheaper than it was this time last month when I got the bootleg
Both will be pretty expensive. Metal Cooler had a dumb price to begin with, and Final Form probably rose in price.
The only thing I don't like about that Frieza (i don't have him yet) it's how big his head is. I think it's because of super shit were they made his head bigger than his body. He's like that in sparking zero too
My Hit's wrist disintegrated on me. Anyone know a decent way to get a new wrist joint?
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You know what to do anon, Frieza need some henchmans
Yeah, I'm probably going to have to save up a bit to get them. I've got other figures in my sights at the moment though, and I've got to account for my budget for the tail-end of this year. Getting my housemate a SHFA Kenshin for his birthday because goddamn is he autistic about that series, and I've also got my eyes set on SS4 Goku and Vegeta as my next figures for me. And I'd very much like to get another SHMA before the year is over, I feel like I've been neglecting that part of my collection a bit.
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Us eastcoastlets have to wait until the 15th for king cold.
>Getting my housemate a SHFA Kenshin for his birthday because goddamn is he autistic about that series
Just warn him because that figure's legs are DOG. SHIT.
>Just warn him because that figure's legs are DOG.
are you high?
Uhhh... looks rough, good I skipped him. Maybe in 10 years they gonna make a screen accurate one. Good for you liking him, I'm a bit picky, he's to big and face sculpt is rather questionable.
I guess he confused Kenshin with Faust VIII
Dog. Shit.
As in they're dogshit.
>Faust VIII
I want an articulated figure of him so bad, shame Figma fucked it with their shitty Yoh
English isn't your first language, right?
Isn't the creator of Kenshin a convicted pedophile that had so much CP they thought he was a distributor?
How can you not understand periods for emphasis. Are you high?
It'll be fine. He's a statuefag anyway. If he even takes it out of the box, it'll be in one pose forever
SS4 Goku is great. SS4 Vegeta is as well, though the thigh pieces are a bit wide.
Didn't hear that part of it. Last I'd seen he'd just been caught with some of it in his home, I didn't really follow it any closer than that.
>Getting my housemate a SHFA Kenshin for his birthday because goddamn is he autistic about that series
I'm going to get Saito next week, maybe I can give you a quick review of him. Unless he really likes Kenshin, also Aoshi is getting released next month
why should I care about that? I still like the show
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>I-I was pretending to be r-retarded!
Sure, champ.
Yeah, bro had terabytes of real life children getting rapped. He also got away with all of it and recently Oda put him in his One Piece manga.
You must be really bored.
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Adopt Cui too! I can't make my camera focus on both figures fuck
You need to learn how Manual mode works or place them more evenly.
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Alright, gave that a try with two different variations. Because apparently no one in this goddamned house has any tissues, I substituted toilet paper and a paper towel for these respectively. How's this look aside from the fucky focus?
He'd probably want Kenshin first, dude basically bar for bar copied Kenshin's backstory for one of his OCs when he was younger but feel free if you want to.
lol what's wrong with that guy
Slighty better! The gold doesn't look as bootleg.
Which is which? I like left better.
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EE when with better faces?
Left is toilet paper, right is paper towel
this face is so damn good
Could see them doing the manga or Broly movie colors. Same with Cold.
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frieza first form from broly need a completely new mold (that never gonna happen lol)
I posted a picture of Broly Freeza in his pod for that reason lol
would unironically be a cool frieza to have
I'm gonna say it
I hate Manga-color King Cold and hate that that's the version of him they used for Sparking Zero without even having an alt option for his anime colors.
I prefer that design for him, but I do find it weird that his Z anime design didn't make it into the game as a skin.
>still haven't found my lost Cui scouter
I gotta deep clean, but it's bothering my tism. I don't even know where it went. It could have bounced on my carpet somewhere.
just ask bandai for another
Will that work? I ordered off hobby genki. Also, how do I specify which scouter to ask for, since he comes with two? Do I do it through bluefin or p-bandai? I've never done that before.
Just whoever manufactured it. I've had to do it for some anime figures where when bought of manda didn't have an accessory and never had issues.
I feel the same, also is it me or does he have a weird face too? Not only him but other characters too
Sparking Zero seems generally hit and miss with face design and general proportions.
A lot of versions of Goku looking too skinny, Z LSS Broly looks off in a way that's hard to describe, and first form Frieza looks like his face was designed from memory.
Still loving the game but a lot of weird choices were made with it.
>He'd probably want Kenshin first, dude basically bar for bar copied Kenshin's backstory for one of his OCs when he was younger but feel free if you want to.
well that seem fun, was that for a rol game?
right? I knew it it wasn't just my imagination, Raditz looks kind of weird too. I can't believe a mobile game like Legends look better in that department, I'm playing with Turles crusher corp now and they look like they were taken from the anime himself
Forum RP and general creative writing. He was a part of some weird "OC fight club" type forums back in the day, where they just roleplayed their donut steels beating the shit out of eachother all the time.
They had to rush Sparking Zero so they could release it before Bandai Namco lose the rights to the games.
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>multiple memes from Sparking Zero involving Goten going viral
>still no figuarts
I genuinely had a dream last night where Goten and Kid Trunks went up for pre-order and as usual I was unable to pre-order them myself.
Never watched or read Super but Goku Black and Zamasu are pretty cool characters in theory, I feel like. At least from what I've seen of them in Sparking Zero.
I was feeling like I'd want to go on ebay to poach a fused Zamasu but looking at reviews from four years ago really show its age. I hope some 3P can update the design but only time will tell.
Goku Black arc actually started out pretty good, and it just got worse and worse as it went on. The manga and anime had two completely different endings, and both were totally off the rails.

Its really about the only arc in Super that actually feels like a traditional DBZ arc, except maybe the Moro arc, but that was literally just Namek 2.0.

Figuarts Fused Zamasu is ok, Its more that he's just not really noteworthy one way or the other. They probably should have did regular Fused Zamasu, and the corrupt, goo-monster Merged Zamasu as two different figures, since by the end he gets bulky and huge in his fucked up state, and he would have benefited from being a bigger figure, and Bandai always does pretty well with the big figures.
>still buying figufarts
kek shameful
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bike goku from tonsen
a good kid goku is all i have ever wanted
With new hat
shame it won't be one
I mean good in terms of the general quality of this line aka bad so I'm happy
Yeah, fused Zamasu is really a below average figure. His floating shoulder pieces are basically unable to be flush with the body so it always looks weird. His soft plastic skirt also really likes to rub paint off so keep the plastic film on it when displayed. He's build like shit so atleast it's easy to pop him in half to take the plastic sheet on and off.
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... no....... not more of this shit
Though still sucks we're getting her before Videl.
>supreme kai is finally getting a figure but it's his chibi form
I don't hate Daima but what the fucking fuck do they see with the show if they're going to do that with Kai?
I'd actually really like a Kaioshin figure.
But not mini LOL.
Also can we at least get that hot sister?
Right? A Supreme Kai figure would've been cool. Not a long-time want, but seeing this and knowing we get a dumb chibi version makesme sad.
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The art for the recap portions looked so nice but the show itself uses this other style that looks pretty goofy for the main characters. And the figures we're getting like adult Goku are based on that style which is a shame.
Not that I'm surprised in the least if true, but what's the source for this?
The recap has to be the funniest bait and switch thing ever.
Everyone screaming Dragon Ball is SO back over cheap fanservice only to end up being stuck with Dragon Ball babies and none of the shit they gooned over in episode 1.
Nobody is actually complaining the episode though.
Probably some magazine in japan, but we already knew glorio was coming, so not surprised on the others.
I didn't even realise it had aired. Will have to check it out tommorow, but I've already resigned myself to not support the figures.
But they did a recap of the Buu saga it's so kino the show is amazing.
Look at this retard, NOBODY expected the show to look like the recap bits (except, maybe you? Considering you're a retard). The characters being kids is also fitting since it is pretty explicitly a DRAGON BALL Anniversary special, and not DBZ, so it makes sense that they'd be going back to their action-adventure roots.
>Look at this retard
You're holding a mirror in front of yourself, so it's difficult to see you.
Most everyone hated Daima (pretending otherwise is denial and historical revisionism. Hell, it's even visible in this very thread before the episode aired), and then when the episode aired and people got a fanservice recap, people started going "DRAGON BALL IS SO BACK IT LOOKS SO GOOD DAIMA IS GOING TO BE AMAZING."
So yeah, you are the retard here.
>Most everyone
ESL detected.
>historical revisionism
>only been one episode
>most everyone
>this very thread
>actually believing 4chins is the majority
Holy retard!
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I know he's being a dick, but calling out ESL is bottom of the barrel when most Americans can't even type proper english.
It’s a trait inherited after spending ten minutes at /dbd/ (formerly /dbs/).
Forgive me.
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I accept your concession.
>American English
So the bastardized version of the language. Got it.
>NO argument
>I won! I won! Look at me, I replied last so I won!
Congrats, I'm sure most everyone you know (including your mother) must be real proud of you and your acumen!
American site.
I won because you didn't offer any counterargument. I accept your concession.
>didn't offer any counterargument
Sorry, I didn't know you couldn't read! I'll try to be more sensitive next time.
>American site.
Goodsmile actually invested money into this website until someone blew the lid on that.
The immediate decline of the Nendoroid thread as it happened is my schizophrenic proof.
I'm sorry you conceded.
>vegita taller than bulma
>Satan a manlet like Vegita
I hate this, also Yajirobe wasn't that small
i don't want Daima figures. i want buu saga.
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I want Daima figures that way I can save money and buy all the other shit I want
I want more namek figures
>fourth form frieza remake
>frieza soldier 1
>frieza soldier 2
>zarbon transformed
>battle damaged recoome
>frieza soldier 3
The sky is limitless.
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Zarbon transformed would be really cool, just give him turles or raditz shoulder pads and a cloth cape, also maybe a DLC for normal Zarbon, like the evil smile he make before transforming
I still don't know why they didn't give Zarbon crossed arms, it's a shame.
Also question for any anon in the thread, what would be a good effect for the elegant blast?
I just want Final Form Frieza 2.0.
The timing of the Far Buu reissue was cause of Daima. I think we're definitely getting Dabura and Babidi cause they're relevant to the show lore. Anything beyond that from Buu saga stuff is probably back to being low priority as usual.
I hope they don't try to put Babidi with Dabura like they did with Burter and Guldo, I want more than just two face expressions for Dabura and his swords, spear and spit
Time to track down tonsen Kid Buu I guess.
We're getting Babadi with Kai and we'll be getting a Dabura accessory with the Dabura cookie.
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I don't know if that's better.. I prefer a special effect. Also another pic since I have them on my desk now
Don’t bother, get a 3p
Look better and have more accessories
>had two completely different endings
The endings are the same it just depends on what you prefer.
Goku soloing Zamasu or Trunks killing him.
Trunks kills the original body either way. Zeno comes and kills the being in both instances.
I like the manga because it respects Blue a bit more. The ending goes stupid either way though, but at least it gives Vegeta that level that Goku had right after.
Anyone got the most up-to-date image checklist?
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When will they give us King Kai?
After kid buu
How could you even make him articulated. He'd basically have to be a statue with maybe swappable faces.
Just watched first episode of DAIMA and holy shit it was worse than I though. Bless Toriyma really lost the plot. It's like the 2nd part of Sand Land but with DB characters. He's totally butchered the lore.
Soon I hope.
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If i ever wanted Daima shit, I'd just pick the dragon stars
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With boobie-grab hands
>Vegeta Insanity.mp3
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man, it's almost 8AM, why did this post make me I feel the need to do this stupid meme pose and then proceed to post it here instead of going to sleep?
Fucking hell, I need to be awake for work 4 hours ago tomorrow and this is what I'm doing with my life for a cheap laugh
>Just whoever manufactured it.
So Bandai?
sure just email everyone
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I feel like that will most likely be the case. king cold came with his huge ass throne and still had decent accessories though.
Should I say "Hi. I lost the second scouter on my figuarts Kyewi. I was wondering if I could get a replacement, please?"
He's smaller than Vegita here >>11196254
Bandai won't even help you with their own QC fuckups, let alone you losing something.

Eh stop being a jackass these will be the ultimate goku head sculpts, fixing the df 3.0.
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my god this lad is massive
So, pre-order bluefin or p-bandai?
PO from your humble local toy business owner who doesn't followe Bandai's replacement policy of everything being your fault.
Or Amazon, because they don't give a fuck.
Shit. Not pre-order. I meant contanct bluefin or p-bandai. I can just say it came broke or missing. I pre-order off Hobby Genki.
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When will a third party make this face for Krillin?
it'll come with the updated android 18 figure
When Goodsmile gets the license and makes a nendoroid.
thats funny, might make that eventually
Nah it'll come with Maron.
Please post him beside Broly if you have him.
What is going on with this line? Why hasn’t there been a new Z reveal in so long? Where’s Perfect Cell 2.0? New Androids? SS2 Gohan? Even another Frieza saga reveal like Monster Zarbon or Nail would be appreciated at this point.
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hey hopefully you meant this one, sorry I don't have Z Broly
What is going on with this line? Why hasn’t there been a new Namek reveal in so long? Where’s Appule? New Freiza Soldiers? 2.0 Fourth Form Frieza? Another Frieza saga reveal like Monster Zarbon or Nail would be appreciated at this point.
Yes and thank you. Fuck he's a big guy.
Are you poor?
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damn now all I wanna do is pose these best bros lol
toguro shoulda been this size, damn.
are you seriously going to ask that when he bought a $150 dollar chair with a king cold accessory
Is Cold the biggest figure we have while not including the Great Ape or Dragons?
bro it's over. Revoltech Dragon Ball starts in 2026.
Daima is taking priority. Take saving your money for the next year or so as the silver lining.
Yes, easily
>is this the biggest figure, excluding the ones that are bigger than it?
Why yes, strangely.
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I finally got my kong ssj3.
Thanks to those who told me about it in a few previous threads!
Besides those two, Kaido is bigger still. Before Kaido, Hulk was the biggest figuarts in general I believe, then Broly. Now King Cold is bigger than Hulk and Broly but still shorter than Kaido by a little.
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Congrats. The pairing of those 2 is perfect. Guess it's all we can do until bandai decide to do buu saga. I may even get a 3p ss3 gotenks head at this point.
Who said anything about other lines. I don't see people planning Marvel VS Shounen Jump shelves bro, I see people asking about the tallest figure in the DRAGON BALL line.
This is a nice pic, does his shoulder pads bother you to much while posing him? What about the cape?
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thanks, no problems posing yet but I haven't tried putting him in anything too dynamic desu. the shoulderpads hinge up as usual but these ones actually have a fair bit of sculpted extra that tucks under, unlike the saiyan ones, so they don't immediately look stupid. this is about as far up as they'll go before breaking sculpt. The cape is fine, it hinges out in the middle of his back - in this shot its sticking straight out backwards, so it gets out of the way fine.
I'm talking about DB, senpai.
I do because I collect a bunch of Figuarts lines and like to be all-encompassing for information. Because Figuarts had some weird fixation on Broly being the max they were willing to do for Dragon Ball, so I like to include other figuarts lines for information.

Hulk is barely taller than Broly and Broly was the biggest comventional figuarts in Dragon Ball. Now Kaido is and King Cold is sizably bigger than Hulk and Broly. The sky is the limit now with figure sizes.
Very nice, honestly I want him but if I buy him (if he become available next month) I'm probably going to end up paying almost 500 dollars (thanks taxes) so I don't know if I should
When the fuck are we getting a normal SSJ Goku that doesn't look like hot ass
hey man does your king cold have tight joints? Im trying to put different hands on him but im scared about the amount of force its requiring to do that. I dont want to snap of a $150 figures wrist joints so im holding off for now
Hot water
That helped thank you
Consider using a blow drier if you're particularly careful about your figures. Doesn't damage your figs on a chemical level like boiling water does
>Doesn't damage your figs on a chemical level like boiling water does
This is why you stay in school kids.
Why are people listing the Trunks figure on ebay as the reissue when it clearly has the bigger quality sticker from the first release?
to try and trick people into buying their first release while they have their new second release
They probably don't realize the box is different. If they were clever they'd just put the old figure in the new box. That's why you really can't trust 2ndhand.
I did message one seller. Curious what they'll say, if they even respond at all.
New thread: >>11200907

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