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King Cold [Web Exclusive]
Son Goku (Mini) - Daima
Super Saiyan Goku -Z Warriors [Physical Store Exclusive]
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegito - Exclusive Edition [New York Comic Con]

Trunks - GT [Web Exclusive]
Vegeta (Mini) - Daima
Son Goku - Super Hero (Reissue)
Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku (Reissue)

Super Android 17 [Web Exclusive]
Piccolo (Mini) - Daima

Super Saiyan Trunks - Infinite Latent Super Power (Reissue)
Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]

Vegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)

Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]

Son Goku - Daima
Super Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)

Vegeta - Daima

Majin Buu - Good (Reissue)

V Jump 40th anniversary Goku + Shenron

Gomah - Daima
Son Goku - 40th Anniverary Edition

Panzy (Daima)
Glorio (Daima)
Kaioshin Mini (Daima)

Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series

Tamashii Nations Surveys

Previous Thread: >>11187887
Man, there ain't no good shit coming out before midway next year. Definitely a dark period for the line.
Looks good, might get one
Isn't it a lottery thing?
V-Jump something
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Monster Zarbon
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>more Namek slop
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Guess just Nail left from that one announcement pic.
so who's left now? Nail?
if you're gonna give us namek shit, give us fucking final form frieza 2.0 maybe jesus christ
I skipped Zarbon and I'll skip this, but this is actually a good figure people were waiting for.
What's left for Namek?
>Recoome, battle damaged
>Blue Gi SSJ Goku
>2.0 Final Form Frieza
>Frieza Soldiers
that it?
Out of the confirmed shit, just Nail, out of the expected shit it's likely just your list yeah.
From the tease they did a few years back they've done everything except Nail now. They might leave it at that and move on to Buu/Cell or keep pushing out more, who knows.
Is it me or do the proportions look fucked on this? Definitely don't remember him looking that squat.
Outta fucking nowhere.
He definitely supposed to taper down as you get to his pelvis area.
I wanna say he's wider in an attempt to capture some Toriyama manga art but I don't know for sure.
my theory is they'll do another final form frieza and include an accessory for the vegeta coming soon.
>an accessory for the vegeta coming soon.
A grave?
I don't think they'll do that cause the fourth form figure with the dragon ball was meant to go with this series of Namek figures. I don't think they'll make another Frieza for Namek. They could make another one but it would be based on Super.
>my theory is they'll do another final form frieza
Please god.
And also give me a 4th form Cooler while we're at it.
Cui didn't have a dragon ball.
Why would we NEED a dragon ball? But yeah, they could do any Frieza. I don't really care what it would be from, so long as it's an updated 4th form Frieza.
that’s what i thought. his lower body looks kinda small.
My point wasn't really if they had a ball or not but that there was already a Namek Frieza they intended for this arc. If there was any intention of a new fourth form Frieza for Namek they would've just did it. A 2nd Frieza for Namek when the previous one was in 2022 and is still getting rereleased is really unlikely.
They can and have made repaints before making 2.0s before.
if thats really an issue they could just label it as Frieza (DB Super), besides tamashii does rereleases and repaints right before they release a new mold
Yeah I really don’t see a 2.0 Frieza happening either. They clearly feel the old one is good enough as they’ve basically rereleased it in 3 releases over the years and they continue to reissue the last one they did.
Well yea I was responding to the person saying they thought it would come with a Vegeta accessory in which I thought they wouldn't do another one based on Namek. That was what I was getting at. And yea I also think they'd do a new one for Super.
>Is it me or do the proportions look fucked on this?
Yep, they totally are. The sculpt is amazing but the legs are way too short.
This is like saying we'll never see a Goku or Vegeta 3.0 because they keep rereleasing new versions, recolors, reissues of that.
And it's objectively not good enough, that's the point. Put him up against all his other versions and he looks and is super outdated.
Looks alright. I will not be buying it though.
He is super outdated, I’m not happy with it at all, but at the same time I see bandai easily skipping the effort of redoing him when the old mold continues to sell fine.
Of course. The same goes for a lot of other older versions of figures. One day, though (unless the line dies), I assume they'll bring out a 2.0. Just as I'll believe we'll get a 3.0 Ultimate Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Vegito, Gogeta, etc. Bandai is just horrible about milking everything they can.
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They literally released this 1.0 Vegeta then announced the 2.0 a couple months later. A new Frieza isn't out of the question.
>A new Frieza isn't out of the question.
Get hyped for your Daima Frieza, bro.
True, there's still many that could use an update. It's just that Namek has been getting such a big wave of nice figures in recent years that Frieza really has become one of the standouts in terms of how outdated he's looking compared to everyone else.
Yes but they also did this like once, nearly a decade ago, still under the previous manager. I'm just not as hopeful, wouldn't mind to be proven wrong of course.
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Get fucked buufag
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The most recent example I can think of is Vegito Blue. They released this repaint then announced the new one shortly after. Now given it was an event exclusive I still think it counts.
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Yeah, the legs don't look right at all imo. I know they get less lean and thicker when he transforms and combined with the wider torso makes him look more compact overall, but the figure looks like an adult torso with child legs.
>Turles shoulder pad articulation
I was trying to find a reference by going through the manga, but there's no good full body shot of Monster Zarbon. Nor is there a anything from a chapter/volume cover. So I don't know where they got their size reference from.
Yeah but I'd sacrifice 5 Dodorias, two Zarbons and two monster Zarbons for one good Final Form Frieza.
We also need a Perfect Cell and a Kid buu obviously.
Bro WTF, it's taken almost 3 weeks for hobbygeki to put my frieza order together.
>Change to new method of whatever
>Everything has become even slower than before
i've already had my frieza from NNG for over a week
It doesn't look correct, but I love it for some reason. Monster Zarbon being built like a Street Shark is something I can get behind.
Yeah, I think it’s off too but I think I can work with it. I’m not too much of a stickler for proportions when it’s a a design meant to be monstrous as long as the height is in the right area.
third form frieza does NOT look like that

did they mod, the legs or something?
>daima shit dlc announced for xenoverse 2, dbz kakarot, and sparking zero at once
kill me
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GT still looks the best of them to me.
So as someone who has that Vegeta, that Zarbon seems absolutely huge. Might be bigger than Dodoria?
Nvm I'm just retarded. He's clearly farther behind him.
They have him listed at 16cm so he's just very wide most of all. Already up on p-bandai for those interested.
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They're perfecting the technology.
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>finally get a passable original Goku
>it is a fucking Japanese exclusive
I really don't want to have to ebay this shit if at all possible, but it is looking like I might have to bite the aftermarket bullet if this is truly a regional exclusive.
Can we get more smoller
Holy FUARKING based...SHF has been fucking KILLING it with the headsculpts what the fuck
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look insanely cheap with zero paint and zero sculpture on his torso
fits the cheap mushy daima aesthetic i guess
im talking about the new new kid goku
Kid Krillin, Kid Gohan, sh Pan, Gotenks redos WHEN???
>no reading comprehension
>disliking Daima
checks out, fucking kek.
Well, it applies to the Daima Goku as well.
Having a hard time defending Daima huh
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Just compare with the Arise
Damn, looking at the SHF again...
Entire lower body just looks undersized.
All these years later I'm still upset about that.
Daima looks the best of these to me but for the price I think it will be underwhelming. I like the sculpt and colors a lot so I might pick it up at some point though.
Cope. Namek is the end of the series. Nothing after it matters
So his dick canonically grows when he transforms?
And gets studded too so you'll feel it more as he fucks you, anon.
Yes he uglybastardmaxxed so any female within a 50 mile radius will already have their cooch split open like roadkill
>Namek is the end of the series.
Nah, Cell Saga is the best place for Z to end. It isn't as solid as Namek saga, but does actually let Gohan's power shine which had already been hinted at and established earlier while also being a nice 'torch passing' moment for Goku.

Buu is a fun villain, but anything after Cell Saga is just a clusterfuck that feels like borderline filler.
I'm kinda tired of all the (re-issue) vegeta's, goku's and trunk figs. A lot of them aren''t even a big improvement or don't come with something extra.
I wish i could get excited again for new releases like the early days.
>I'm kinda tired of all the (re-issue) vegeta's, goku's
You and everyone else I think.
The anime or manga, this is important.
Alright, I think I dodged the bootleg bullet this time. Let's see what I've been missing out on
And then there were 6 and a half
It's like night and day and not just because I removed all the removable shell parts from Bootlegku because I think it's funny
Goddamn, you can even feel the difference in the weight. I don't know how I didn't notice that sooner. This guy just FEELS like he lives up to the hype that people keep giving this figure. Really makes me wish I'd gotten into the hobby sooner so I could have gotten a Buffrieza to go with him.
Would be an awful ending for the series. Gohan and Vegeta's character arcs we're not finished.
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Still gonna keep the bootleg for silly bullying poses though.
Goddamn, this guy feels solid. Honestly I'm probably going to keep having unfair, biased, inflated positive opinions of hype on this guy because my frame of reference is a shitty bootleg, but goddamn, posing this guy feels so much better and easier, and far less limited. It's like one of those videos where they give the special glasses to colorblind people and they see a color they've never seen before, it's nuts, fucking hell this guy is great
Glad you finally got to have the real deal, anon.
One of the best in the line for sure.
Another fun thing about the fact that I kept the bootleg? Double the effects parts. Even if the bootleg's is shitty and barely fits on the peg.
Vegeta's gonna fucking sue
Thank, anon
let him cope, mate
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Also really happy that I got these proper first-party stands that AREN'T some bonus piece that I got with a SHMA Godzilla effect part on etsy that's super frail and constantly falling apart. Lots of nice dynamic poses I can do now
Vegeta's kind of would be if he stayed dead
I honestly need to invest in more stands.
Ask vegeta, he got raped
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Goddamn, I am loving just posing this guy. My only real issue with him so far is that his feet are a little bit more limited than I'd like. I know he's got a toe pivot and all, but sometimes you just want to pose a figure with its feet flat on the ground but with a knee that's bent further than 30 degrees, you know? The sideways pivot kind of makes up for it but it's not always ideal for stability. Seems like a general weakness of a lot of my figures so far. Buffku, 4th form Frieza, Imperfect Cell especially since his left foot keeps popping off when I try to get his foot into a nice angle. Vegeta's just about the only one who has really good ankles for posing, even if it looks a little unnatural
I'm probably going have to too soon. I've got 4 of them between 6 figures now if I don't know the shitty etsy one. And two of them are the mecha stands, which also kind of suck, they're super loose for some reason
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You should pick up a Super Hero Vegeta and a DF 3.0 Goku for the base form heads. That Goku comes with a pretty good stand also
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This is third form Frieza situation again. How u can fuck up the proportions so badly? He can almost touch the ground with his hands while standing straight. The fuck!?
I need to get some heavier duty stands as well for figures like Broly and Cooler.
Here we go with the spam again
So far, really enjoying my collection. Might be a bit before I pick up a few due to some budgetary concerns over the coming month, but for what I have now, I should be okay for a bit.
Really digging this line in general though. might stock up on a few of the cheaper ones next time I've got money to spare like a Krillin. SS4 Goku and Vegeta are the next figures on my immediate radar before I just start grabbing stuff on a whim because I like it.
Or save up and go all in on getting an expensive-ass 5th form Cooler because goddamn I fucking NEED it.
Still new to the hobby, so I figured I'd ask my probably retarded question now, what are some good places to get some of the web-exclusives that are generally reliable? I missed my chance on Buffrieza from the web store and pre-orders are closed on GT Pan so it'd be nice to have some options in the future.
I'll look into them, thank anon
They finally made a reason for 3.0s. Just have faces that are accurate to the anime but look out of place compared to everything else
They need to stop with Z list characters like Zarbon. The sculpters don't care to make them accurate, people want core characters, not this.
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Couple more that I took but never got around to posting before, just for you, Anon
who the fuck is zarbon
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Ignore that guy. It's good to have people posting pics.
honestly I was just using him as an excuse to post them.
Happy I skipped the regular Zarbon for this one. Gonna have so much more presence. Love that it has a jobbing face.
They should surprise announce Buu saga figures as a tie in to the first episode of Daima. It's the most popular saga, enough slow rolling it
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Found my funny yandex ocr translation from 2022. Crazy to think they actually followed through on this and 3 years later we've almost got them all.
I wonder if that will finally be it for Namek once we get nail.
I'm guessing thats what the fat buu re-release is supposed to be. I feel sorry for the people who bought that horrible glossy SDCC one.
Is that an act 5 stand being used for Frieza? I had a pack of those from before I started DB figures and honestly the act 5s are pretty crappy for these figures.
It's an act 5 on 1st form Frieza and Bardock
And yeah, I learned that the hard way. These The one works well enough as a base for Frieza's pod, but that's about all it's good for. The things are loose as hell and keep falling apart on me if any real weight gets put on them. I only really got them because they were the first stands I saw when looking on Bandai's amazon page for stands. Noticed the act 4s later and they're much better, their only real downside is that they're not as tall and the base hinge isn't as strong as the ratcheted ones on the act 5s.
>old school clothes
if only...
I don't even like Act 5s for RDs. The ratcheted base hinges are nice though.
Could always go for.. The Trident!
..if only keeping Dodoria airborne was easier.
>All this just to hold one thick woman
That thing looks like its only purpose is performing Dodoriabortions
Please do Buu saga figures next Bandai. I'm asking nicely.
i guess that would be the last nail in the coffin for namek
Fuck you faggot and fuck your endless shitty Goku and Vegeta repaints
Good one.
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I think the only places are either mandarake, Hobby Genki or Nin Nin. Cooler is great, I don't know how you're going to pay but good luck and ignore this faggot >>11201718
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Luv me Cooler. Not sure how much you'll be shelling out for one, but I hope you can find a relatively cheap copy.
Honestly, most of my income is disposable most of the time, I just don't like the idea of going over 200 for a figure.
That said, once I'm in a slightly better situation money-wise, for Cooler at the very least, I think that price range is worth it, so I just need to get out of this financially fucky situation I'm in and put aside a bit of a cooler fund.
The current listing on Amazon has him at a little under 250. Ridiculously high, I assume, but honestly if it stays in that range by the tail-end of November, I'd be entirely cool with dropping that much on him
I would advise keeping an eye on that listing in case there are new ones that come up in their stores. look down the list as it may not be in the Nakano store, but that would probably be way less than what you would end up paying on Amazon.
Nobody wants this Z list crap. They shove it on pbandai because they know it won't sell. Some weirdo keeps forcing it on the rest of us. People are asking for Gogeta, Kid Buu, Chibi Trunks, Vegito, Goten, new SSJ2 Gohan, New Perfect Cell. These are A list characters. Bandai will continue to lose sales to 3P who know how to give customers what they want.
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>Honestly, most of my income is disposable most of the time,
Absolutely understandable. I would also hesitate to pay that for any figure, even Cooler. Though he is my favorite of the line. But that's a bit of him being actually great and a bit of him being my favorite design when I was young.
Still happily awaiting the day we get a 4th form Cooler to have every form of him, but regardless, I'm really happy to have what I consider the best version of him.
His upper body and especially arms are too big. Makes his legs look even smaller. But with how big his arms are, to get that proportioned it would make him massive. Because of the way they did his leg articulation, they look chunky when he bends his knee in the legs.

The anime doesn't really capture his manga appearance too well, but his upper body was just a little leaner. Less massive arms and shorter as well.
Assuming you're talking murrikan dollars, that's less than 200
I like that face.
I want them
>kid trunks
>Bandai will continue to lose sales to 3P who know how to give customers what they want
I don't care
Where can I preorder the premium figures and pay the day of shipping and not now?
where are you first
That guy was an EE in like, 2018 or something, and the 2.0 VB didn't come out until two years later.
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This guy reminds me of one of those fucked up toys the bad kid had in Toy story. Where the upper body is muscular and then his legs are like an inch long.

Looks like fucking shit, why the fuck couldn't they just do the same proprtions as the regular Zarbon, but the overall figure bigger/bulkier. Seriously after King Cold this month, that upcoming schedule is looking BAD. Pan is probably the only figure that isn't a reissue that actually looks good, but I mean it's fucking Pan neat to have if you like GT, but not nearly as exciting as a definitive main character or a large villain. i do think this line has seen its best days.
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managed to get these for free at work. how'd i do?
A battle pack of random namekian adults and kids for Dordoria and Zarbon to massacre while Frieza sits in the comfy chair
god what a shit figure all the cope about the chest will never unfuck this eyesore
You better have kissed that homie on the lips.
Has anyone bought this Gotenks kit?
Their pretense was a keychain instead of penholder this time?
>>kid trunks
NTA and I get they sort of fell into obscurity post-Buu Saga, but the demand is there. It's absurd not to have them after 15 years. Then again, that we could get fucking Nail before an official Kid Buu or 2.0s of Final Form Frieza and Cell is insane.
No Janemba and SS4 Gogeta yet either.
Ayyy, I have the ALBW Link on the shelf right now.
Entirely different company.
I know right. It's really disheartening since monster zarbon was a figure I was looking forward to a lot. Feels like they used the WCF proportions.
Has there been any response from JP side about his Gorilla proportions?
Looks really bad. Is it like 5$ atleast?
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Looks like they made the torso to big. Pretty sure they legs are just bigger versions of the Zarbon we have so the large size is all from the huge upper body.
why are his armbands the wrong colour? is this meant to be db kid Goku or dami?
since when did kid Goku use nun juks too?
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It's based on the first chapter cover, to celebrate 40 years of DB.
My only complaint is that his gi isn't more yellow.
sad that the sculpters aren't good enough to 1:1 replicate the source material
I imagine he's about the size of the regular Zarbon we got if not a slight bit taller because of the larger torso. They really should have made his feet bigger. Hope he can stand well.
wrong shade of orange too
That's what I said. Should have been more yellow. Idk why Bandai is so afraid of yellow gi Goku?
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We waiting for 3rd party legs now?
It's his torso that's the problem. Longer legs are going to make this dude to tall.
Arnt Vegito figures just repaints with new head sculpts?
and v-cuts!
nah his whole sculpt is wrong from face all the way to the legs
How are the legs wrong? They are just a thicker version of shf Zarbon's legs. The legs would look way better with a torso that's actually proportioned correctly. When we see him transform we dont see his legs getting longer just thicker. The torso is way to big and makes the legs look stupid.
just look at the source material it's completely fucked from top to bottom
I dunno, I would have personally ordered him if he looked like >>11202449 pic. theres this viral nigger guy who wrestles or some shit without legs that has like a gorilla upper body and the proportions they gave this Zarbon figure remind me of that guy.
The taller legs would have made him way to tall though. He doesn't actually get taller in his monster form. Just bulkier. His legs are as long as normal Zarbon's it's his torso that's way to large. Just look at the shoulde roads it looks ridiculous. >>11202449 he'd literally look like this is his torso was proportional to his legs.
Basically if Bandai just did >>11202449 like they should've, but scaled the total down, it'd be better.
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Looks fairly accurate to manga proportions but I'm pretty sure in anime, games and all other media they used to give him the bigger legs so it does look kind of odd.
The torso on the figure is way to big. Look how long his arms are! It just makes him look ridiculous.
Seems to be the trend with newer Namek figs, like Vegeta
Yeah Bandai it's pretty Manga based since the artwork it's more consistent than 10+ different animators
>Actual discussion
Holy shit...
Was the person who gave it to you clueless or wanted a good home for them and knew you were a collector?
does "get these for free" mean you robbed him? if not the I have no earthly idea why anyone would do that
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How are your guys' Metal Coolers holding up?
I've been out of the loop just collecting pre-orders and finally got around to opening him.

Does he have any major issues or anything?
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Handling him, he almost felt like he was oily, which was unpleasant.
I'm not sure how the chrome on his midsection is gonna hold up, seems like it'd be the first place to show scratches.
I feel like being clueless would only apply to really old toys that are now worth something or something like old pokemon cards. Someone with those recent year EEs wouldn't just randomly have then without knowing the value. A common scenario for something like this is a relative passed away and they're like "my dead bro had these I know you're into them here take them".
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>he almost felt like he was oily, which was unpleasant.
yeah, they put some sort of coat on him, probably to minimize fingerprints and staining
the thighs and abs seem like the most likely place to get scratched up yeah
didn't take mine out of the package yet either as i've been apprehensive about it, even though I think he's a cool figure. might get some gloves before I think about handling him
>Handling him
>With gross hammy hands
What a terrible thing to do to such an art piece! Put some gloves on burger boy!
one of the worst figuarts ever made. Be carful with it since it loves to scratch. You will also see your fingerprints on it and the joint are getting lose as time goes on.
Why are his arms so fucking long??? Kekaroooo Bandai does it again!
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I remember when people thought he wasn't teal. Lol
>Why are his arms so fucking long???
So he can hug Vegeta better
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With arm length like that he should be running around like a knuckles dragging Gorilla! Shit looks so funny. I will be buying one of course because Bandai is my king until they lose the license.
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can we have a single release that doesn't suck? Just fucking ONE.
how does that even happen lmao
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Thanks for the answer, anon
>yeah, they put some sort of coat on him, probably to minimize fingerprints and staining
Interesting, I wonder how long that coat lasts and how quickly he starts to degrade once it wears off.

I don't plan on handling him too much but gloves maybe the wise decision with this guy.
Are you going to display him or box him back up?

Don't worry, I pissed on my hands to sterilize them before opening him up.

I mean, as long as you wipe him down after posing him the fingerprints shouldn't be a big deal right?
Sometimes monster Zarbon looks like a fat fuck but other times he look really fit and bulky with a slender waist. His chest may be too big but I'm not going to get another articulate monster Zarbon so I'll grab what I can, he look really cool in some poses and the faces are well done
that fat seam in his face is just such shame
Nice nitpick, that must mean that all King Cold have the same problem and are shit
I don't think you understand what nitpicking is retard
mine had that too just sent him back this morning
You're posting a picture from reddit to try to make it look like King Cold is fucking shit, meanwhile we have multiples anons here and reviews without that problem, retard
you have to go back
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vietnam sends it's regards
>Are you going to display him or box him back up?
Not sure actually. I wanna display him, but I feel like any dust on him is gonna cause real issues.
Yep, you should go back
not even same anon. Why is shf so infested with plebbitors here?
>Jap accidentally dropped his onions sauce on your figure
Why does Bandai even work with this factory anymore after this? Seems arrogant of the factory and it makes Bandai looked whipped.
because you retards buy it anyway
look awesome, too bad you need to get that disgusting body
Someone should put an actual trampstamp decal over that.
there's one already it says made in vietnam
i saw the twitter post and more than half of them are bitching about the legs
Meanwhile, Japan..
They are the most in demand and iconic characters despite being given a backseat in Super.
They seem excited.
Mine had that too. I don't know what it is, but it isn't paint transfer or anything, because it wipes right off, with no effort. It might be some kind of oil or something.
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Factory worker after eating his chocolate doughnut.
It makes no sense to be paint because I don't think that color is anywhere on him.
>85k raviolis
>Only 7 replies
Could someone do a shop of how he looks like with his arms casually down?
Kinda sucks he isn't battle damaged
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not even pushing the balljoints on the shoulder
Bring it on like Donkey Kong
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Just got Cold in. After I'm done with work and taking my kids to a birthday party I'm gonna open him. I won't post pictures unless he's really fucked up or something. The box he arrived in was massive. Bigger than some of my Godzillas.
Just like how buff Frieza came with a goku face. I hope 4th form Frieza will have a vegeta face (hopefully a face of him getting raped).
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kong/bd vegeta and xeno vegeta release in asia in 1-2 weeks, 5ktoys will get their stock late november
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also new pics of DF's SSJ4 goku leaked
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But SHF SS4 Goku came out over 2 years ago now I think?
We will call it the "AAAAIEEE" face.
DF stopped being useful years ago
it still mogs shf though
concession accepted
Tell DF to make a 2.0 Final Form Frieza, 4th form Cooler, 2.0 Perfect Cell, Super Janemba, SS4 Gogeta.
The only reason I got this guy was because of this face.
Kind of late for this, but at least they were clever enough to include the super saiyan head and faces for kid goku.
..by just recreating shf? lol
Just makes it feel sleazy.
I guess they really want to emulate Bandai.
If DF brings out that 3.0 SS3 Goku and UI Goku, I'll get them.
Tired of waiting for Bandai to finally get off their laurels and give us those.
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someone has to fix this slop and it sure isn't slopdai. China numba one
>china numba one
Ironic, surely? Where do you think these things are manufactured?
yeah but by jap designers on top of cost cutting bullshit like cheaper plastic to make up license costs. Thinks CHAD CHINKS don't have to worry about and will deliver best product possible since it's all reputation based. SHF simply can't compete with sovl.
Where's the Jade Rabbit figure?
Why is there poop on the figure?
QC issues happen in Chinese factories.
BBTS finally shipping my buffza
The hell? I tought they were gonna make him the more accurate red?
slow day on /v/?
Got a question for you Dragon ball freaks out there.
>tonsenarttoys majin vegeta heads + DB Super Hero Vegeta body
Does it work? Is it a good combo?
eeww dats nasty

haven't opened him yet but he looks like a lot of fun.

I'm a bio cleaner, so I go clean up human remains. Some collector committed suicide in their home. Blew their head off with a shotgun. Looks like no family since we were instructed to throw out everything in the home. Owner had a massive collection and I was able to snag these few for myself. We threw away so many figuarts it hurt.
>We threw away so many figuarts it hurt.
I'm sure someone here wouldn't mind dumpster diving.
what the fuck, that's grim
You shoulda just lifted the lot
than Frieza.
Goddamn, you must have a lot of haunted figures. The next Toy Story should be about your life and how you are slowly poisoned and murdered by your possessed souvenirs.
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Well thats fucking grim and interesting, manage to snag any other figuarts from corpses before?
had to be the Pan poster, I haven't seen them here in a while. They were clearly mentally disturbed as they were obsessed an irrelevant character like Pan. Rest in Peace.
those figure are haunted do not have them in your house
First time I've come across a collector doing this.
The poor DB figures had to watch their owner shoot himself and then have most of their bros get thrown out soon after.
Rip cube bro..
Yeah, as a Figuarts collector I would NEVER kill myself.
He collected NECA too so thats probably what did it
It's like that Sausage Party movie, except it's toys instead of food.
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for you
Well, I'm a month behind. Just got Full Power Frieza today. He's done really well. Feels like he moves well. Only thing is his ankle range and wrist range is kind of shit, but still, he's really well done. I think he's the one that makes me think they'd do a lot better on Final Form for noticable improvements. Mecha made me think it would just be some aesthetics and very minor articulation improvements. If they can translate this to Final though, he would be pretty cool.
I wonder if Full Power SS goku would be at least a little more liked if he came with faces like the new candy Goku.
Probably. I think it was time to retire that body regardless (though I don't dislike it), but the faces are what killed it for me.
Oh, absolutely. I am team 3.0 already all the way, but FPSS was justifiably hated more than one would expect from what people probably still could have enjoyed as a figure simply for being a SS Goku.
And I think the hair isn't the greatest issue, but the faces.
Pretty sure he's just biding his time until Pan comes out.

Do the Buffku faces work on full power?
Excluding any possible 2.0/3.0 versions of old figures or different outfits, we're almost done with all of Z other than Buu saga and movies

>King Kai (with Bubbles)
>Oozaru Gohan
>(Maybe) Yajirobe
>(Maybe) Appule or some other generic henchmen
>Semi-Perfect Cell
>Cell Jr
>Super Saiyan grade 3 Trunks
>Adult Gohan
>Base/SS3 Gotenks
>Old Kai
>Pui Pui
>Evil Buu
>Kid Buu
>(Maybe) Pan
That old Goku body is just awful to begin with. Even ignoring the heads, the sleeves are shit and the badly sculpted popeye arms are shit. It genuinely looks like crap.
Don't forget Future Gohan and young Future Trunks. And hell, throw in Future Bulma too.
We have Saibaman with Yamcha. Buff shirtless KK Goku is something they'll do eventually. Namek is definitely almost done. Androids has 18's other outfit and future Gohan. If they wanna be really thorough there's also yadrat Goku and saiyan armor Goku, Gohan.
What are the best budget stands? Tamashii stage 4 are great overall, but a bit expensive when you need 50ish stands
GSC simple stands are good. Dunno how available they are now though.
>We have Saibaman with Yamcha
True, I forgot about that. I just have the 3rd party set from years ago. Hopefully Cell Jr gets a separate release or a similar 3rd party multipack because I want all 7 of them.
You forgot naked Nappa and Buffed Kaioken Goku
You forgot a good perfect Cell, what we have is unaceptable and a future Gohan.
I only care about Dabura and maybe Pui Pui.

After that I only want movie and filled characters like Paikuhan
god why do i want one. it reminds me of the old irwin figures and i have a need to own one.
How big is Yakon supposed to be? About King Cold size? I'm curious how likely he'll be since he's so big.
Excluding any possible 2.0/3.0 versions of old figures or different outfits
Not as big as Oozaru Vegeta or either dragon, so I wouldn't say that's a limiting factor. Whether or not they think he's relevant enough for a figure at all would be the bigger question.
Cui got a figure and they both basically had the same amount of screentime. Anything's possible at this point.
>Anything's possible at this point.
Except a good base Goku/Vegeta.
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Am I the only one who would love action figures of simple civilians? Like 1 man, 1 woman and one animal guy like in the show? The Announcer with cameraman too? They would be cool for scene building. Especially for Cell Saga.
>There's a very good reason I keep my full powers hidden. You see, exploiting them calls for a drastic transformation. Quite a distasteful one in fact. Hideous even. Naturally, I am somewhat reluctant to sacrifice proportions. But when my hand has been forced, what choice is there?
Where to buy candy hair Goku?
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Am I the only one who would love action figures of simple Blue civillians? Like 1 General, 1 Blue and that one General Blue like in the show? The General with the submarine too? They would be cool for scene building.
Especially for Blue Saga
When I picked up mine at the NYC store they said it's an in store exclusive. So you're going to have to pay online scalped prices unfortunately. It's MSRP is 50 dollars and I've already seen listings on Ebay for 70 to 100.
Man I love Zarbon second fight against Vegeta, he seem to stand much better against Vegeta while in base form compared to the first fight, seem like he was remembering how to fight, also Sho Hayami did a great job voicing him
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What Goten and Trunks moments will you recreate when they finally get their figuarts in 2030? I'm planning to do their fight from the Jr. World Tournament Finals. i have a spot in my room ready for it. it's been ready since 2011 when I started collecting this line.
I want the cell games announcer (and cameraman, and the chick aswell) AND the Tenkaichi Budokai announcer, just for the hell of it, would be nice to get some no-name civilians too. What I'd really love is if they made minor characters like Nam, Ranfan, Eighter, Guru, the new Namekian elder, the kids from Gohan's highschool, the random ass U6 saiyan goons in Caulifla's gang, the 2 U6 Namekians from the TOP, Kami, a "teen" Dende from the Buu arc and Super, shit like that.
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I'm a basic bitch. Fusion dance pose with fingertips touching with Gotenks standing above them probably.
Just buy Kid Goku you fucking pedophile. It’s the same thing
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They look nothing alike. Are you blind?
Seems doable desu. I'd need Babidi and Dabura first though.
Got my King Cold for my Christmas family feast picture. I was not expecting the box to be so huge. Was thinking about using the Chinese restaurant set for the table but I'm starting to have second thoughts. Anyone know of a good table and chair set that could fit Cold and Final Form Cooler? Preferable something the looks like wood. If possible from a craft store like Michael's or something. Online stores are fine too. I'd just like to be able to look at it in hand before buying.
What is the best most recently(ish) released Vegeta in terms of quality? I still have no Vegeta, but suddenly there are like 4 or 5 to choose from.
The new SSB Vegeta.
new blugeta undil daima vegeta releases
Hmm, doesn't come with a regular black hair option from what i can see? Since i don't have any Vegeta i want one with at least the regular black hair.
>daima vegeta releases

I guess i have to wait for that one then. Thanks all.
The 2400 Vegeta, I guess? Or wait for the one that went up for PO not long ago.
Super Hero Vegeta for base and Buu era Vegeta.
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Either of these. Or wait patiently for a 3.0 Z Vegeta that may never come.
>Recent-ishly released
>Posts 2 figs that are still months away, one of which already closed preorders

Fair enough. Fact is we don't have a readily available good base Vegeta.
You can chase down 24,000 or make due with Super Hero Vegeta, I guess.
I have both on preorder already, I was just being an ass, hope the other fella gets his though, cause those 2 really are the best we've got for a "normal" Vegeta so far.
It depends, for my money SSJ4 Vegeta is the best, but if you don't care for GT that may be the worst.

I don't own the super hero one, but he looks solid from pictures.

Honorable mention for 24,000 vegeta, it does a lot really well (faces in particular) but other stuff is really rough(chest and arm proportions) so I can't really recommend it.
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the vegeta might be ok with another head
Maybe it's just the pose, but the proportions on the arms seem weird on both of these to me in a way that's hard to describe
It's like they have the arms of a slightly smaller figure.
Was just at the NYCC display. Diama Mini Goku actually looks really good in person. But my god the Diama Mini Vegeta looks like shit. The legs look god awful. Paper thin.
I can see it too now that you brought up the arms. I think the old Vegeta body had bigger shoulders which made it look better proportionally. There's something about the upper half of the figure that just looks a bit off.
Its fine, bless bandai they didnt do what DF did and make them with gorilla arms.
all the gorilla arm went to monster zarbon
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I honestly think it's just the shitty posing. Whoever posed Vegeta was doing it based off one of the promo images, but they copied the pose from the wrong angle so it looks fucky.
Why the fuck are you using the video games of all things as a reference.
Kid Goten looks just like Kid Goku
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Looks nothing like him.
In universe they are meant to look the same.
The art style just shifted over time because Toriyama didn't want to develop Carpal Tunnel II
Blue? did somebody say Blue?!!? hello where's General Blue sama?! HELLO!! HELLOO!?!?! HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ive seen legend creations bootlegs have better faces than this lmao
Why would anyone get this when the official has been out for over 2 years now.
For the SS1 GT Goku faces maybe? Crossed arms?
The SS1 heads, the rock he stands on, crossed arms, different SS4 faceplates, its taller than the official figure. People have bought figures "again" for lesser reasons.
Because Gokushitters buy 2.0 molds in 50 flavors already so it's nothing new when a 3P does it.
You mean Kong? DF hasn't made a 3.0 Vegeta yet
>using screenshots of toei's wildly inconsistent proportions
Toriyama's proportions are inconsistent too but Zarbon was way wider with shorter legs in the manga. Hell, you can see how much stockier he is from the same frame of your screenshot
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And here's a fullbody shot
So the legs are still too short
Are they selling this Goku outside of Japan? It's looks really cool. I really like the way they've been doing translucent parts.
Yeah he's at the Tamashi Nations store in New York too.
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So this one is just from some lottery thing? I'm assuming that means the numbers are gonna be extremely limited and the aftermarket price is gonna be crazy.
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This is how I would try to fix this green nibba. I really don't like his current proportions, it's a no buy for me. Bandai will see this and interpret it as people just don't want niche characters, not that it's because of a shitty sculpt.
Looks sick, when are we getting him?
I don't believe he is King Cold size, but even if he was there is no way they would go the extra mile for fucking Yakon. I'm not even sure if he will get made. I would honestly see them doing Spopovich(sp?) before him for some reason.

possibly the worst wish list I've ever seen on one of these threads. the fact that I found Cellgames announcer the most appealing character on your list of 10+

I would probably recommend the regular super saiyan "Awakened blood one". Its $35 so the cheapest price point, easily available. Decent figure, quality, everyone loves regular SS. Theres also the SSB one thats just coming out if you like Blue better for some reason. can''t comment on it, but its probably the same figure, but with a Super Saiyan Blue head. The base Vegeta (Super Hero Vegeta) at $35 dollar is IMO the shittiest Vegeta. If you want a base Vegeta i'd test my luck with one of the recent P-bandai ones which you'll have to pay significantly more for. The more appealing one(24,000 power level with the shoulder pads) is now aftermarket prices, but I believe the other one with his armor at the end of Namek(looks shittier IMO) you can still find for preorders. Theres also the upcoming Daima one, but looks like shit IMO. maybe you like it?

SS4 Vegeta is probably the best IF you get a good one, but the QC lots of them are loose as fuck legs so it could hampen your enjoyability if you get a shitty one.

My personal favorite Vegeta is the official Majin Body(the body just feels the highest quality wise of all the Vegetas) with the Tonsen head. But of course you'd be paying out the ass for an official Majin Vegeta at this point on top of what the head pack costs so the official head is so much shittier looking.
If he looked like that he would've been an instant pre-order and probably my most hyped release after King Cold. but yea i'm not spending $100 for what I'm seeing in those pics.
If we get Dabura I hope we get a battle damaged Saiyaman Gohan could even have a swappable forearm like the regular Saiyaman has to give him the one glove look. If they want to be REALLY cool they could include a set of hands holding part of Dabura's sword he breaks. The other half can be packed in with Gohan aswell.
Weird it's pinned. Chaiotzu's legs didn't have pins like this. I'm really wondering if this Goku can even hit the pose on the cover correctly. The orange is also way to red and not yellow enough. Absolutely love this Goku though. Hope we get it or a version of it atleast.
The expensive joint conspiracy continues..
Eh, they could have just used ball joints like the older kid figures. Probably would have looked more flush with the sculpt and avoided that huge handing knee piece. It probably just came down to whoever designed him choosing to do the joints this way. Maybe they thought it looked better? Who knows.
gt kid goku remains the best
You'll have to enter and win the v-jump lottery. Like with a lot of WCF sets.
Yeah these proportions look way better lol. The same person who sculpted namek gohan and krillin probably worked on this zarbon
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Is anyone else finding DAIMA difficult to watch, or is it just me? The characterisations are painful. Sure Toriyama loved some gags, but the whole thing plays like a parody of dragonball so far.
The piccolo flying into a tree scene was awful. Not sure if I can stomach a full season.
Who is the audience?
>Who is the audience?
The entire OP song should tell you enough that this isn't for Zfags.
Surely you'd need some knowledge of what came before, but yeah, it does feel like its written in way that so far removes it from the origin it can get away with creating retcons and revisionist history. It's just very confusing.
I mean why did some characters minds revert to child brains whilst at the same time krillin comments on their heads stay the same, just they bodies got younger?
Its feels like its for an even younger demographic than the original was intended for in the 1980's.
It kinda pains me to say I agree and I want to be able to like more db. So far it feels like the opening act of a modern movie like BoG or Super Hero with the setup without much happening yet. For a weekly format it could be a slog to get to the meat of it. It does overall feel like its for a much younger audience too.
DB and Z were for teenagers.
Daima is for outright children.
Honestly, I'm enjoying it so far. I mean not a lot has happened, but it definitely feels more like original Dragon Ball than Z, and I'm ok with that. Not sure why so many people don't like that.
Don't worry I'm buying him anyway even if he looks off in some pics
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>DB and Z were for teenagers.
>DB and Z were for teenagers.
The whole 'we forgot how to fly because we got turned young' is borderline insufferable. Realistically, they should have more issues walking than they should flying.
Also, young Popo losing the turban and having horns underneath was an interesting reveal.

My hope is that the kid gag is just a bait and switch and they get back to their 'normal' forms within a few episodes, but the target does seem to be a younger audience. Feels like pretty mid filler and far from engaging imo so far.
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My uncle works in Bandai. He told me that they are working on Dabura fig as we speak. Here is the art sculptor is using as a base. They want to use the shiniest plastic known to man, and no paint, as it would matte him.
It's true.
No, little boy, it isn't.
It is. :)
It's only been 2 episodes ffs. Give it some time at the very least. So far it's inoffensive, I figure it'll be a lot like Super in a general sense, but hopefully with better animation.
The Buu Saga recap animation was beautiful, kinda reminded me of the Super Broly movie animation.
Had to make him a demon after putting in the "everyone with pointy ears is from the demon realm" thing.
>The Buu Saga recap animation was beautiful
That's not an indication of the show as a whole, you lemming. Episode 2 is.
>My hope is that the kid gag is just a bait and switch and they get back to their 'normal' forms within a few episodes
I was hoping this too but it doesn't seem like it'll be the case based on the set up. I'm guessing they have to fight each of those guard guys with the DB on their chest before they can make a wish to turn back. By the time they do that most of the story and fighting will probably be done. They might have like one more boss fight after that before it ends.
I'm waiting for the dub.

I like how this character's entire existence has basically boiled down to rule34 as Gohan's side piece.
>That's not an indication of the show as a whole
Never said it was, hence why it's a different sentence on a completely separate line. It was a separate thought that the recap animation was really good, and it's obviously much different from the rest of the Daima animation.
You're using it as a mitigating factor when the stuff you've seen so far that isn't the recap is the real deal.
No. It's too early to tell.
>It's too early! Give it a chance!
Lol. I can't wait to see this thread a few weeks from now.
>>It's too early!
By saying it's too early all you are confirming is that you find it mid as well, but hoping it gets better.
Glad I'm not the only one and guess I won't by buying any of these figures then.
No. But I suggest you rewatch the beginning of any Z saga except Raditz if you feel this is too childish. Especially comparing that to Dabura which is Buu. Which started off with Gohan going to high school. Then Buu comes out and is a literal child in mannerisms.

Do you remember when Kid Buu killed all of Goku and Vegeta's family and then they played rock paper scissors to see who he would fight?

This feels completely inline with Dragon Ball. The only things that feel off are the ages make no sense for Piccolo, who is twice as old as he was at the end of Dragon Ball. Goku struggling in another body is weird too.
>By saying it's too early all you are confirming is that you find it mid as well
I guess. It's fine. There's a lot of charm and personality in the art, and exploring the demon realm is nice. I've enjoyed it so far.
that's a lot of cope
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>remember when Kid Buu killed
yeah, that's why the contrast of playing a kids game to determine who would fight first in a battle for the fate of the universe worked so well.
So far the threat level here is the pilaf/garlic jr. clone getting his hands on the "evil third eye" to powerup. Hope i'm wrong and Dr. Arnisu kills him or something equally shocking that gives us a slightly darker tone before long.
my beautiful demon wife...
Gohan deserve this
Not really. Dragon Ball worked so well because it was fun and it could weave seriousness in there as well as great fights so well. Right now this seems like classic Dragon Ball. If it never gets down to business then it won't be great. You can't tell this early, all we know is there's something that needs to be solved right now and it involves potentially an entire realm.

It doesn't feel like anything's out of place and it won't unless they never bring in a serious threat. Dragon Ball has always been about fun and jokes until it isn't, and then it goes back to jokes again. I don't know if people who never actually watched or read the full series expected non stop action or what?
>Right now this seems like classic Dragon Ball.
Bulma’s tits are back?
I just want some of this shit man, this is why I love DBZ and collect lol
classic Dragon Ball ran its course. I don't know why they keep trying to revive that style. the series didn't become a global phenomenon because of Goku putting King Carrot on the moon. they should go back to what worked best in Z, limiting Goku (and Vegeta/Gohan at this point), featuring new more vulnerable characters who will grow up/change over the course of a story.
King Piccolo through Frieza is the peak of the series and yet they ignore the tone of that stretch. It’s baffling.
If you dislike or hate Daima then you don’t understand Dragonball
nobody cares, people want more of this not retarded daima trash
Cool. Still don't like it.
I’m a Z fag too. But I also understand what Dragonball is overall. And Daima is capturing that feeling.
Gohan was insufferable that entire saga until he goes SS2. But yes, Daima in 2 episodes isn't the peak of Gohan's appearances at the end.
before this thread bites the dust, has M. U. S. C. L. E. /kinkeshi figures ever been discussed on /toy/ before?
it looks like they wanted to give him a big upper body but they wanted to keep him the same height as regular zarbon for some reason, so they gave him those fucked up baby legs
There isn’t a single 2025 release so far that I’m going to buy
>another vegeta with outdated parts
>overpriced healing pod accessory
>another base goku
>another base vegeta
>monster zarbon with fucked up proportions
>new kid goku that can only be purchased through some japanese magazine
When there where literally babies going goo-goo ga-ga on the screen I was legitimately wondering what I was doing with my life.
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How did you ever survive?
What is it with this false equivalence in order to cope with Daima?
Explain how it's a false equivalence to somebody who hasn't seen Daima.
Daima should have starred Goten and Trunks, that would have fixed 90 percent of its issues right off the bat. People have been wanting them to be the main characters for years, ya know.
>The Buu Saga recap animation was beautiful,
At this point I fail to understand why they don't just remake Z with updated animation. It's been 30 years. They've done it for lesser shows and DBZ is like the biggest thing ever. They could even condense it to 150 episodes like Kai.
Could honestly come about now that Toriyama has passed. Instead of coming up with me stories they fully reanimate OG DB and Z sticking closer to the manga's story. Sadly they'd probably censor a lot of the graphic gags (like pulling out Bulma's tits to cause Roshi to nose bleed onto the invisible man).
The most likely reasons for this not happening would be that they already did Kai and probably mark that as good enough, or the rumored legal issues, but I'm not well versed on that matter and just kept seeing it brought up in the wake of his death
So I see this Goku comes with Krillin heads? Isn't this Goku a different size than the other DB Kid Gokus? And means Krillin would be a different size as well? Kind of interesting.
>Crutches accessory
I can't believe they broke Goku's fucking legs
Those are face plates, retard-kun
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Which Base Goku is better?
Some say Raised on Earth,
Others say Super Hero version,
They're the same minus some small differences like the different torsos and paint. Pick whichever you think looks better.

One's (SROE) clearly meant for the Namek saga, if that matters to you.
They're both bad and not worth owning.
I prefer SROE
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new pics of the 3.0 vegeta kong/bd is doing, this one only includes blue evolved and god heads for whatever reason
Hard pass
Couldn't give less of a shit. SSB sucks.
Are their crossed arms as shitty as Bandais?

I swear with Vegetas once you start attaching and detaching the arms, its never the same again.
I only used kong crossarms once and they're about the same as bandai's before scouter vegeta changed it
The only crossarms I use are those on my 1.0 caped Piccolo. He's the designated crossed arms guy.
Others are too much of a pain to swap.
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This figure is fucking great, its the Best db figure of the year, even then, i wasn't expecting the rise in price
I would recomend you anons secure the bojack trunks before they get expensive
I think his boobs are too big
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He started being the Bojack/Broly trunks before those got delayed in favor of back to the future trunks, his boobs are accurate to those movies
I see
Nah, looks more likehow Bandai did Jiren and Beast Gohan.
This motherfucker looks AMAZING, akso they dropped that B004 will be the SSBE and SSG heads on the Dragon Ball Hsroes body. So the only way to get the DBZ/DBS Body is by preordering the B005 version. I copped B002, B003 and B005 anyway cayse this wave looks AMAZING considering it's chink shit and considering the absolute fuckin state of the Gokh wave before it.
Yeah. I got done over by chink sellers on ae, so either waiting for re-release or DF. Don't really care for the bojack look.
Wow he looks beefy
I can't make out what you're saying.
>molded blue raspberry candy hair with painted sideburns
>SSBE but the hair is narrow instead of flared out like it's supposed to be
>crossed arms look like they're clipping into each other
Fucking gross, dude.
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Anyone else pick up the bootleg cloneku's?
>Bandai refuses to make an official SSBE figure
>Third parties refuse to sculpt the hair properly
Fuck's sake. This form truly is cursed.
Yeah I noticed the Scouter Vegeta is actually a new mold. (The shorter, wider, proportion with Gorilla arms). While all other 2.0 Vegetas are basically based on that 2016 SS Vegeta that is supposed to be "Super Vegeta" from the android saga. I was hesitant to try the crossed arms on the new Scouter Vegeta, but might give it a go now if it's supposedly improved.
I already have 3 of the official one, but these look nice. Who made them?
Kong/Beast Deities, they're just a recolor of their SSJ1/2 Goku mold, they're still up on 5ktoys for now if you're in USA
Thanks. I think i'm good on FighterZ. Trying to limit myself to only Z now as running out of space. Especially with more Namek stuff coming.
what Namek stuff is even left? I mean I guess you could be counting on Monster Zarbon actually arriving, but like Nail is the last remaining one on that poll. At some point they have to start really addressing Buu/Cell.
Basically, these chinks are dropping 4 Xeno Vegeta figures (B001 to B004) and a DBZ/DBS Vegeta figure (BOO5), but every form from Base to SSB is locked behind the Xeno Vegeta shit. They included SSBE and SSG with the Normal battle armour and the timebreaker battle armour for some reason.
I think just Nail. They've really squeezed out just about everything unless they really want to do things like Guru or Appule.
for the love of god just make a 3.0 perfect cell and Dabura so I can be done with this line for good
Well I've got to find room for another vegeta, monster zarbon and of course the recovery machine. Along with Porunga and all the others it's getting tight. If they do Lord Slug or Guru I'm finished.
2.0 Final Form Frieza.
I would honestly just wait for a custom Kong to Bejita peg and use the body with the tonsen heads
No reason to get kong's regular vegeta armor variant now that tamashii is releasing theirs for 35$,
Some guy's already making them, AFFM customs. Though he advertises them as Kong-to-3.0 Trunks head pegs for some reason, they work perfectly on literally every 2.0 Vegeta head, and SS4 Vegeta, and most 3P vegeta heads.
Arms look too skinny, also he has a Hank Hill ass.
So the top 10 tallest figures in the line are now:
1. Porunga
2. Great Ape Vegeta
3. Shenron
4. King Cold
5. Full Power DBS Broly
6. Z Broly
7. Burter
8. Recoome
9. Second Form Frieza
10. Super Buu
Super Buu is taller than Recoome and 2nd Form Frieza.
What is the top 12? so basically what are the other 2 if we exclude the dragons?
I’d wager Majin Buu and Nappa.

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