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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11187822
Hmmm... I think Im gonna pass on this one too
/lg/ runs this board
>blue droid body
>rare neon orange robot hands
Eh, its a good partspack is what I will say, that looks to be more and more the case for Nexo stuff from where I’m looking
buy me. buy me now
>not halloween edition
>300 jewro for something to collect dust on the shelf
h*ck no
>worst thread we've had in a long time because of the nexo op
>let me spam it again so people hate it even more
Bravo. You ruined /lg/
Best Castle theme!
Dnd ruined lg
Imagine a demon ripping off your face while you are exposed on the toy horsey.
It was already ruined a while ago
DnD would have saved Lego if they had made it into a real ongoing theme
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I never got into Nexo Knights but I did buy this on clearance for $60 in like 2017. It's still sealed on my shelf, I might just sell it.
Remember to complain ITT instead of reporting and ignoring.
Are we getting a full Zelda theme or not? I've heard both.
Summer 2025 at the earliest
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
Again a lot of good pieces I can spot in Nexo stuff, I need to collect some cool pieces man like this man
I will when you're on sale
if you keep taking the bait I'm sure it will stop
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>we will never return to the comfy and janky era where Lego action themes had Bionicle and CCBS parts randomly thrown into the builds
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For example me:

>like cool things
So most of the times those are cheap or on discount because cool things are usually kids stuff (interesting mechs/wacky looking shit/crazy stuff)
>like Harry potter
But not all - just castle part + some of first three movies minifigures so i won't buy The Burrow/malfoy mansion - just some small stuff and hogwards pieces
>like mechs
but not all - just specific looking ones so i dont have that many
but not all - just needed 3 velociraptors/Mouldoon (so that small 4+ junior set was perfect) and the final big scene set
But not all - just mechanical robot-like stuff and a bit of dark stuff (so i have just a crocodile car and will get T-rex mech later and possibly Nightmare creatures set)
>like various food/accessories
so it's cheap because such stuff i can get from discounted frienzzz/Bricklink

- i dont like expensive modular buildings (smaller Creator buildings are good)
- i dont like afol sets because you can't really do anything with them (thought i admit that the most expensive JP set is kinda AFOL-ish)
- no marvel
- no SW

So for me it's cool - i dont spend that much on Lego and always ready to buy stuff when i want because its on discount/etc
I need to find the lightsabers
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>right: everyone wants them all or most of them
>left: everyone just wants one or maybe a couple
>"waaaaaaaaah dnd is total cancer!"
at least there's weird technic parts thrown into the builds sometimes
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This is 100% true
>modular dungeons
>kobold/orcs/goblin battle packs with stat sheets
>larger monsters with their stat sheets
>overpriced prebuilt characters and accessories with a character sheet
>all stuff would be swappable because it is lego unlike miniatures you would get elsewhere (barring the extra effort put into to magnetizing different options)
It is not only easy but it is obvious. And I say this as someone who would not be the target audience.
>right, left
shit I messed that up. how embarrassing
Kicking myself for thinking the Bricklink sets opened up tomorrow instead of today. Really wanted that Forest Stronghold.
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are there minifig accessories or parts for making a deer girl?
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Why didnt lego try this idea again? They can make it set in modern times and have some other horror icon parodies like slashers, zombies and more.

Yknow what, pitch me ypur Monster Fighters reboot idea!
I know people personally and have overheard that they got the idea to use minifigs as minis for their games because of the DnD CMF. Genuinely feels like Lego stubbed their toe on a gold chest and decided to leave it in the sand.
BROS brite bomber is gone... I can finally order. I wonder what next gwp is and if it will be that bad...
How excectly does the "nexo knights OP" ruin anything
Ugh, a dnd theme would require a new license agreement with hasbro and then development. Sets need atleast 1 year of dev to shelves.

Many bring up, well, ninjago was cancelled in 2013 and returned in 2014 super fast, we knew ninjago was going to end in 2013 since 2011, the thing is, the theme was set to continue past 2013 because of the 2012 sales that were TOP. If it wqsnt foe rise of the snakes ninjago wouldnt be here Today.

Usually the second year makes or breaks a theme.

So, since sales were top for dnd, wait for a theme in 2026 at earliest.
they did with scooydoo and hidden dilationguide. potter is gothic adjacent and now theres wednsday
also the hocuspocus and nightmareeforechristmas set
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Based... so fucking zased...
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Ok, what themes could they be?
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>t. Sets need at least 1 year of dev to shelves
Yes and no. You don't know what the tabletop market is working with. For real intricate sets? Yes. More time. For dungeon tiles and some minifigures? They could crank stuff out like no tomorrow. The tabletop market is literally buying 3x3 foam tiles. The funny thing is people that like lego and dnd don't actually need Lego to make sets. It's literally all there already. You don't need a set. I'm just saying like if they sell pic related in lego format and a paper printout of the stats associated with the characters and monsters? People would buy the shit out of it because it has the dnd branding on the box. This shit would rival the star wars license and could EASILY outpace it.
noone cares lmao
theres a antler piece idk what its called but then you can clip that into the islanders hair piece with the clip
Only logical answear
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lots of female deer have antlers. retarded troon meme, kys
- people arent attracted to the thread
- it invites nexo discussion which turns off the few people left discouraging them from bothering to post
theres a reason last thread took so long to get to bump limit
I dont like brickheadz they are ugly also how come tf2 spy is in the brickheadz logo but they never did tf2 brickheadz?
Oh no! now the thread will slow down and we might not... gasp! Have 7 still active threads in the catalogue!
What a nightmare!
cant afford
We'll see you in three hours.
It's going to be a baby rattle just for crybabies like you. ;^)
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>lots of female deer have antlers
Blatant lie. There is only ONE (that's not "lots") species of deer where that happens regularly. For all other species it is exceptionally rare
It can happen with hermaphrodite (genetic defect) or when hormone levels are out of wack.
Troon larp. Look up reindeer moron
Read before posting.
>There is only ONE (that's not "lots") species of deer
I would rather a doe vs a horned female deer
all female deer can grow antlers so it's more than one
Reindeer are the only consistent non freak variety with horns on both
Don't reply to me ever again
And all whitetail deer and various other deer species but OK enjoy your troon lies about deer.
I just want doe pussy man
great thread retards
>all female deer can grow antlers
Nigger wut?
Maybe I will one day on sale.

You can always just part it out though. Forest Stronghold is cool and I preordered it but there are much better forestmen MOCs.
American education
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this is as close at it gets without sticking stuff on with glue
there's picrel but I'd need to attach it with a clip
the islanders hairpiece doesn't match the deer girl hairstyle
a little bit of a shame that only sets with minidolls get the hair pieces with the little hole for accessories which makes the hair piece options limited
Yea thats the piece i was talking about. I think there is a hair like the islander hair that is a bit longer and still has a clip but I can't find it since bricklink doesn't use very intuitive names for hair.
>implying there's been a decline in quality
Buddy, it's always like this. Seethe more.
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anyone know what the yellow pieces on this crane are?
Yea i think those guys are brown
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don't think about it too hard, it's a comedy anime
You speak like Pedothena.
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>lego is afraid of making good furry heads again
shes trans because shes a female deer but with antlers and female deer cant grow antlers unless their AMAB (or when there hormones are out of whack but thats trans too) which is kind of wholesome lol. lego should definitely make this a licensed theme!!!!
anime website
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Had my bachelor party this weekend, and I got the best gift ever from my groomsmen!
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Don't female reindeer have antlers?
dungeons & braptroons
Dragon Ball CHAD (Lego)
deer general
no, stop being transphobic
You know reindeer aren’t all deer right? You wouldn’t know a whitetail if it bit you in the ass. I bet you’re the retard that doesn’t know what a red panda is either.
What the fuck were they thinking going from a great series to what ever the fuck this tranny shit is next?
Part of the success of the cmf series is there being great figs and shit figs to keep people gambling until they get the one they want
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Pretty sure a raid is going on right now
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>A reindeer isn't all deer
>A whitetail isn't all deer
Ok keep goalpost moving next up: a deer isnt all deer and if dress a dog up like a deer and put it on stilts it's a deer and female dogs don't have antlers so not all does can grow antlers... exactly the kind of retarded rhetoric i expect from a tranny where dressing up makes you a new thing and things that are right in front of you arent real.
>8 Lego General threads on the board
>none of which are at the image limit
What makes you say that?
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what an appropriate bachelor party gift
like, you won't be doing LEGO after you get married!

they basically hired you a Lego stripper for one last fling before you tie the knot (at the price of a real escort, too!)
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>check up on retiring soon section
>rather nice chink new year set I completely overlooked
what is with these chinese new years sets? they are genuinely some of the best shit lego has done over the past five years
Is jangs new strategy to have #notsponsored on every title?

nta but my wife buys me legos all the time. Skill issue on your part.
>Ginormous list of top Patreon supporters scrolling through on the left
>Has the audacity to complain about lack of money
Hopefully it is still in next month, I want to order it to go with the city of lanterns I just ordered.
This is perfect for all my chinese minifigs to eat at, lego need to partner with KFC and make a KFC building for all my black minifigs to eat at
I hope it's another Forknife funko pop, just because it would piss you off.
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should Eye it up on bricklink first. a ton of listings from Honkon and Malaya giving much cheaper prices than MSRP.
I won't be able to afford the shipping for those
Its just how it works at this point, also finally down to 8 instead of 9
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>check out classic lineup out of curiosity
>find pastel bricks
>one of the main example builds is a sentient cloud shitting a pastel rainbow
brown isnt a pastel colour... you just know who designed this set and why brown is in it
>Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster
Why is the licensed with Universal Studios anyway? Frankenstein has been public domain for decades
What set should I buy this Christmas? (I only buy a set once a year).
Not interested in anything Christmas-related
my top 5 expensive sets this year who are retiring are: city of lanterns, family reunion, ghost and phantom II, e wing vs shin hati, and creator 3in1 castle
>Yknow what, pitch me ypur Monster Fighters reboot idea!

Paranormal Detectives. An X-Files knockoff starring two yellow figure male and female detectives.

Husky Rogers the sharp eyed detective and Domino Wilson the psychic physician.
Both wearing government looking black suits, but Husky's suit jacket is unbuttoned, his tie is loose. Domino's print has woman curves. For accessories, Husky comes with handcuffs and Domino comes with a 1x2 printed tile of tarot cards like the old poker hand tile. Both come with a walkie-talkie and a flashlight.

They are often in competition with the dastardly Darren Deepfake, who tries to capture evidence first so he can cover it up. Darren wears a black suit like Husky, but his clothes are well kept. His face print has a scar across his left eye seen under the sunglasses he wears. He comes with a new dynamite tile and 'stun gun'. Somehow, all our characters forget their camera when monster hunting.

Some fun playsets, vehicle packs and brick built monsters, along with unique minifigures.
The character yes, the likeness(which is original to the movie not the book) isnt. Notice how most unlicensed lego frankensteins(monster fighters, cmfs...) don't have bolts and the really old one that does from Lego studios has them on the forehead without stitches.

If you do Frankenstein with elongated flat head, neck bolts and stitches you're likely to be in legal trouble. Switching the bolts to the forehead is the most common workaround

Mothman Attacks - Husky and Domino minifigures and Mothman minifigure. Mothman had back wings and hairpiece with big eyes and feelers. Small two seated car for detectives with opening trunk to hold collected artifacts. Comes with 2x2 printed map tile to put in trunk with pickaxe and net. Brick bilt tree with catapult to launch Mothman at car or figures

Nessie's Revenge - brick built Loch Ness Monster, Husky and Domino minifigures with alternate print of raingear with hats. A smaller boat build with crane on it for them to hunt the monster. Crane also has net attachment for dredging. Comes with a "fake Nessie" floating log and brick built creekside

Bigfoot's Big Scare - Husky and Domino with alternate "summer" prints and each with a backpack accessory. Husky wearing white undershirt with sleeves rolled halfway up and black pants. Domino wearing light blue t-shirt with tan vest and blue pants. Bigfoot large minifigure. Large brick built forest playset on dark green plate. Several brick built trees, a mountain-side with cave and tiny creek on exterior of playset (that can connect to the creekside from Nessie's Revenge). Has cloth and brick supported tent and a campfire built on smaller plate. Inside cave is Bigfoot's home and it fits him inside. Play features are trees hinge to fall down, boulder drops from mountain top on to pathway and rope bridge (that old single piece bridge) falls.

Don't Have A Cow - mid sized flying saucer vehicle with 3 Little Gray Men minifigures and a cow. Trans blue window to top area and bottom. Bottom opens and can fit several minifigures or a cow.

Little Green Men - vehicle pack with Husky Rogers minifigure and motorcycle VS badguy Darren Deepfake and his cargo truck with small lab and 3 tanks, each with a Little Green Men minifigure inside.
Chupacabra Campout - brick built Chupacabra, three goats, a skeleton and Domino Wilson minifigures. Domino comes with a net piece and binoculars this time. 3 bushes each on small seprate plates for cover

Rebob Ransac - Husky and Domino minifigures. 3 Rebob minifigures using molds that look similar to a classic monkey, but with clip on back for wings like classic dragon had but smaller. Mad scientist minifigure. Small graveyard with spooky trees and a large mausoleum housing a laboratory. Breakaway wall in mausoleum and hinge to drop Rebob from tree.

Trouble in Jersey - Darren Deepfake minifigure and brickbuilt Jersey Devil. Brick built hangglider with cloth wings.

War Of The Invaders - small spaceship set. 2 Little Gray Men minifigures and 3 little Green Men minifigures. 2 small ships each for the Gray's and one larger ship for the Greens. Ships have peg blasters and gun, trans neon parts on ships.

Headquarters Hideout - small building detective office with adjacent garage. Garage fits car from Mothman set and both motorcycles from theme. Comes with different smaller motorcycle than Little Green Men set. Has two desks inside, one messy and one neat. Neat desk has crystal ball and laptop, messy desk has box computer and pile of newspapers. Coffee machine in corner. Has back room with science lab and medical station. Revolving door in office wall to secret room in area between the garage. Secret room is full of artifacts including silver skeleton robot figure in tank.

Something Is Fishy - Husky and Domino minifigures, with alternate prints wearing rain gear and hats. Two Fishmen minifigures and a larger brick built fish monster. Dockside pier playset that can pair well with the Nessie boat. Small building alongside the pier, fishing supplies and boat rentals, but it's run down and closed. Special print of closed sign on nailed board and stickers on window of newspapers covering them. Move a peg on building side and it breaks a wall and an octopus face fills the space. Twist a peg for trap door on dock to drop characters in water.

Skin-Walker Surprise - Husky and Domino in alternate prints wearing summer gear. 2 native rancher minifigures. Wolfman minifigure. Skeleton minifigure. Brick built large wolf monster. Small ranch cabin on baseplate with gated paddock beside it and three horses. Set swings opens in half on a hinge opposite side of paddock to reveal inside of cabin, showing bunkbed, kitchenette, corner desk, table, couch and TV.

Small rock formation behind paddock that can open up. Inside opening rock door is hanging skeleton. Build the Wolf-Monster to reveal the Skin-Walker spirit which can store inside rock cave. Behind cabin is an outhouse. Place one rancher inside outhouse and spin knob to reveal the Wolfman minifigure inside instead.
miss pippin reed took a picture of the yeti and the adventurers saw the yeti. some deeplore there and some lego only cryptids like tigurah and that chinesey one
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>people are actually paying twice the price for the Stronghold after it sold out
Why? Is it actually that good?
No but Lego is a rich people hobby where that kind of money doesn't mean all that much. There's a reason rivendell and lion knights castle were massive bestsellers and Lego keeps shitting out crazy expensive dust collectors
Kino. I'd buy all of these.
Can confirm - 1st world adults can be crazy as fuck rich.
I'm not rich but i know some people.
One of them gets $400 per hour.
And another thinks that getting $6000 per month is too small of a payment.
Other bought an old house and repaired it. And one stair cost him around $20 000 and it was like nothing to him.

To such people a little $600 toy is nothing.
Speculators, collectors and the like.
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>Lego action themes had Bionicle and CCBS parts randomly thrown into the builds

Throw them in yourself. I loved that shit too.
Bionicle parts are kino but ccbs is a sin I try to replace those with bionicle parts if they appear. In january there is a sonic biolizard set coming out and it has some of the last bionicle pieces still around on it
I make a little under $30k take home each year and I spend 2 to 3k on Lego annually. Probably something wrong with my brain but I do sell a lot and I don't spend it on much else.
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Awesome, 10
You're thinking of Hero Factory
Ok pedothena try not to project too much
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Unironically what is this?
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>set coming out and it has some of the last bionicle pieces still around
So long Toa
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>Paranormal Detectives. An X-Files knockoff starring two yellow figure male and female detectives.
I recently found my Alien Agency Megablocks. I've really wanted something similar with Lego for a while.
Cat lover. Item is a yarn ball. The cat is a unique fluffier mold
Hidden dilation guide were paranormal detectives
>and I don't spend it on much else.
i have 2 pair of summer sneakers and 1 pair of winter shoes that i need to replace this winter because they got ruined.
Can relate lol.
>tfw i just bought a HP castle and its little buildings
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When I was a little kid my stepmother let this dude into the house who was selling cabinet doors and I started losing my shit because I thought he was Mulder. Anyway, the male fig should be this dude from the old World City line
Anyone likes to pretend they are Apu when playing with their Legos?
I pretend I am God
We really need some bible sets, I'd have so much fun but they'e never make that now
I just want a young zelda minifig
I don’t, prefer more interesting fantasty
What bionicle parts are on it?
i thought this guy was pepe
The pepes have different names, theres a lot of goofy ones
Apu is the childish r*tarded innocent one that says frens a lot
>we are always retarded therefore you can't call us retards
I will continue to call you a retard and you will deal with it.
Notice how when the thread is not about Nexo Knights (OP is probably shitposter) or Chima or Harry Potter (when anons discussing it leaving because they had enough fun during one thread), it's back to shitposting about youtubers pedos and constant posts without lego photos.

really makes you think
I don't care what some faggot on the internet calls me.
Double nigger
Which Lego set will cure my depression
The one you build with a friend while sharing a conversation and a coffee
Buying stuff to fill a hole in your soul is a futile effort. You need to mend the decades of self inflicted mental wounds by careful self reflection and taking the proper corrective steps. For me depression was caused by my lack of control over my life. Moving towards self sufficiency and general independence has dramatically improved my mental state.
post your legos
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Two words: brittle brown
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Mike was my sigfig as a little kid
How do you guys display your lego? I got plenty of shelf and even counter space to display sets, but putting them directly on the surface doesn’t feel right. Was thinking about slightly raised shelves, but looking at prices I might as well brick build them lmao.
This is probably my favorite set ever. I wish the Dwarves had gotten more sets.
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Only own the ptero sadly I just wanna get some dinos
Lego is a toy, not a sculpture, not a scale model, not a display piece. My Lego resides on the carpet floor of my playstation, bricks are in a plastic tub
>stop doing things the way i dont
This is literally the only video on youtube that says stuff like this.

That hits hard, nigga.
Pepe is the jungian archetype of the magician, who is able to represent many different emotions and ideas and is a conduit for social commentary and change, and this is the magician because of alchemy and transformation being things a magician can do.
Then, Apu is the archetype of the "magical child", who is able to see the hidden beauty of the world and the potential for it where others cannot see it; the type of kid who believes fairies are real or that they can talk to animals and lose themselves in their imagination. You can see it very clearly in the pictures.
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Barraki eyes and bionicle tubes
buy an ad
Lego is dead, its all because lego got rid of brite bomber gwp. Now how we will we get a wholesome inclusive funko pop with every order
It's too easy to be pessimistic
It's too challenging to be optimistic
Thus always looking for the bright side makes you a strong person
Billions must try

>muh chima
>muh nexo knights
fucking zoomers
That's just because retards can't find the thread if it leaves page 1 so they make a new one, and no I'm not joking.
>fucking zoomers
Take your pills grandpa. or i will kick your ass
I just hope they have some left and slip them into orders without telling people. The retarded sperg would probably kill himself if he opened his delivery and found one in there.
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>e wing vs shin hati
Literally the only good thing about that set is the Shin Hati minifig, her ship is shit and the e-wing isn't even a proper one with the dumb blaster on top of the cockpit.
Just build the laser yourself and her ship is good if you shrink it down a bit theres a guide on rebrickable. it has a nice colour scheme and looks like a ww2 plane but spaceship
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Good ideas but why not add cryptids on the team like a good gray alien man or mothman?
Why are there a bunch of Jirens?
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>bought a case of d&d figs
>not 3 full sets
I told someone in another thread that the boxes do not always contain multiple full sets and they told me I was wrong.
>buy lego
>need space to display it
such a predatory scheme

anyways do you anons think this is a decent wall shelf setup?
not my picture but I kinda want to do something like this
Decent yeah. I'm not a big enough SW fan to want/like all that, but it's rad if that's what your into. Looks more organized than my haphazard mess.
my only concern is the ikea Kallax wall shelf has only 13kg max load when mounted but I think it looks really nice on the wall.
Kallax feels like the gold standard for displaying nerd shit, but the 33x33cm boxes aren't really big enough for displaying many lego sets these days
Also it seems like the glass doors to turn it into more of a display case are an entire cubby insert and only available in certain regions?
Post it
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Ohh shoot, i didn't notice it was floating. Yeah, I'd say that's a no go. My PS4 was destroyed from wall mounting giving out, aking with a lot of other stuff on and around the mounted shelf. I wouldn't do it to display or hold anything heavy, and those bricks can add up.

Pic related is the city setup in the storage room of the house. All smaller sets and nowhere near as heavy as books, but you wouldn't see me loading it with Castles or anything massive. That stuff goes on top of like a dresser or something heavy duty that won't break down.
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There was some drama at my local walmart over this. The old inventory manager got promoted to something regional and the new one was an overt Lego "fan" (scalper) that would boast about how much Lego she was getting. At open, on the day the D&D figs hit shelves, she made a comment like "if you want a dragon or squid you're too late, and you don't have my phone number tee hee." For days after that launch people were complaining that those two figures were missing. A few of us that liked the old manager contacted her and told her what happened. She was able to push the store to check CCTV and there ended up being a giant ring of scalpers working the Walmart itself, under the instruction of the new inventory manager. They were caught scanning stacks of CMF boxes, taking out the paladins and cthulus, and putting them all into a single box that was purchased by an employee at the end of the day. She was only around for a couple days after that, and is either blacklisted or doing the exact same thing at a store near (You).
For a fraction of the price of couple of those sets you could update that room’s 1982 wood panel and false ceiling decor you fucking man child.
This is why I rarely buy from the secondary market, too many faggots like this scamming the system and ruining it for everyone. Thankfully there's a local LEGO store so I can buy directly from the source, and I'm not an armyfag so one of anything is enough for me.
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Yeah the inner square doesn't actually even fit my LKC set so I kinda wanted to put the bigger sets on top of it, sadly like even 3 of heavier sets would probably make the shelf collapse
>glass doors
I think that's a 3rd party thing but not entirely sure.

Yeah ill probably buy a sturdy wood cabinet, currently I just put stuff either on the ground or on top my dressers.
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Dang it
Should I get a box like thos to deposit minifigs? Good idea?
someone's jelly
nice collection anon
Next year, LEGO will introduce both old and new store-exclusive themes, which include the following:

>Wednesday (may transition to retail if sales are strong) - there are four sets, one of which features a Hyde monster figure.
>Monkie Kid (final waves)
>Fortnite (may transition to retail if sales are strong)
>Wicked Part 2
>Doctor Who (4 sets)
>Avatar: Fire and Ash sets

LEGO is opting for store-exclusive themes as they present a lower risk compared to launching a theme at retail that may not perform well.

Additionally, there will be seven Zelda sets released in August, followed by one set in September. Simpsons will become a Icons sub-theme with minifig heads not head molds! Totally different from previous Simpsons sets, it will lead to more, the set is Krusty Burger with Simpsons car. A cmf is also coming.
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>remove wood paneling from my cozy Lego attic
why would I want to do that?
Just toss them in any old box anon don’t be a fag.
Because that shits probably coated with asbestos and 40 years of gross and seems better fit for a mobile home.
My case was (seemingly) sealed, and I've seen other people online saying they's had cases that aren't quite 3 full sets, so it's no big deal. Plus, if the seller did mess with if, they left all three dragonborns in it so they're an idiot
just got two dragon paladins, should I just wait and sell them or open them up?
You're alright.
>2024 is year of space
>2025 is year of F1
>2026 is year of Universal Monsters
>2027 is year of Pirates
>2028 is year of Castle
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The latest Lego City magazine made Johnny Thunder a villain. What a character assassination, I forgot we aren't allowed nice things in woke 2024.
Care to explain how and why?
Awesome room but kind of unusual some cringe sets like lightyear and horizon but then some based ones like dino 2010 and a tiny ferrari taking up a whole cube. needs a big table in the middle of the room for a lego city
Doctor who after it has totally bombed for over 7 years and become totally irrelevant? No way lego would make sets of this, what a retarded leak
nigger what. It's one of the best space sets from lego

That dino set looks ugly compared to it
>should I just wait and sell them or open them up?

Why would you buy Lego and not open it up to play with? Don't be a fag.
Resellers deserve the rope.
Buzzyear or whatever it's called is wokegender slop. Dino 2010 is an allegory for humanity's insatiable quest for dominion over nature, which is juxtaposed against the raw, untamed spirit embodied by the dinosaurs, it's sovlfvl kino
lego buyers are so autistic
Anyone who describes toys as "sovlfvl kino" is a brainrotted retard
I think you might be projecting if you enjoy lightyear
Nice setup. Better than my own. Some good sets. Some lame ones. Cool original bonkle posters. The only real disappointment is I don't even have to search to know that you stole this from reddit.
Might be nice if they use any doctor from Capladi back
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I did that and it was a huge waste of money. Very stupid. Get a stack of 12"x12" scrapbook cases from michaels. They are on sale for $5 each right now. You can fill them as is or put a baseplate down and have the minifigures stand (ideally on those stands but that's up to you)
Boasting and overdoing it is always what gets these types in trouble. Likely fired for understocking if they were doing it in the backrooms.
>work at walmart
>do it myself
>but also have enough sense to do it after the shits on the floor and I'm on lunch or break
>only take 1 or 2 of an army builder cmf from a case and leave at least 1

Only thing I've been cut throat on are super treasure hunt hotwheels cars just because I like to watch the 2 scalpers get mad every other morning that the new cars have been picked through and one kept being a dickbutt about the various Godzilla cars.
>1 of said scalpers has brother on 2nd shift
>he tells scalpers whenever a new case of hotwheels has been stocked
>they come in between 7am-8am usually
>look through em at lunch around 2am
>they get mad all the THs and STHs are gone but still buy $20 worth of cars every time.
>can't enjoy a build because you don't like the media property it's associated with
Do you also get upset at music because musicians have dumb political opinions?
I can't enjoy things that are lacking in depth
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patiently waiting for news about the upcoming theme :)
It's at least 14 studs front to back.
I refuse to believe a real human being typed this out
There’s a decent number of five below bootlegos in there too. I don’t discriminate if it’s decent it’s decent.
Jang status?
he janged himself
He's recovering after paying his mortgage and of course he always gets kind of depressed during September and now that's over. He recently reviewed some expensive sets like the battle bus and the Mario crank thing.
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I'm gonna pare down hard on lego when I move to the shed, I think ill mostly stick to a few drawers of versatile bricks I can use for simple chunky classic style mocs that I can be quickly taken apart. So many of the new specialized pieces and colors are just bloat anyway. Limitation breeds creativity.
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I built this MOC out of the Creator 3in1 Medieval Castle set, if you wanna check it out. I'm taking it apart tomorrow to build a new MOC out of it to feature some new Final Fantasy 1 styled characters I made using some of the D&D minis I pulled.

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>baseplate on top of another baseplate
I don't like this.
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based autism grandpa
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>move to the shed
Do you mean the snack bar? Is that you over at the bus stop?
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cant unsee and not be bothered by it now. damn you

I'm gonna rent out my house and live on a shed
do you live in the south of the USA?
watched your new dnd unboxing, was hoping for a dwarf to see how you would handle the skin color talk
It's definitely a rural accent but that is not southern. Reminds me of people in eastern Oregon.
I wish Lego did cheap retro sets that emulate the style of these
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no, you will pay for the oversized overdesigned slop
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Holy shit it’s real.
Still crazy how lego included a figure and a playfeature for a guy who's only goal in life was suicide bombing a wall
dont care lol
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I hate it so much, I just want Town, Castle and Space to come back in the 90's style (no light up/sound parts) and Bionicle back with most of the parts built out of Technic bits
>and Bionicle back
you lost me there friend
Pretty sure they had light up parts in the 90s, but otherwise based.
Underrated post.
I desperately hope Lego cashes in on cryptids for a theme. I'd do unholy things to collect a series like that.
I have that police vehicle. It's lots of fun.
>Pretty sure they had light up parts in the 90s
The police set >>11190994
has lights and a sound brick.
nobody else stopped...
to me It's one of the classics (at least the first year was) so I always count it among the classic trio as their technic counterpart
I know, but there's a reason Lego was going bankrupt back then. Well, that and the increase of colors, lego is fully able to function with a palette of like, 30 colours
>I always count it among the classic trio
lmao bionicle is from fucking 2000. before there was pirates, timecruisers, adventurers, western, aquazone, rock raiders...
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what if lego made a boat
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In Lego's bionicle files, there are these files... What could they be?
>bionicle is from fucking 2000
very aware, but no one really gave a shit about Technic prior to that, but I'd like to see all those themes you listed brought back. except for Timecruisers.
Are you for real?
They are not Lego pieces
Same. I always wanted to be like him but ended up here
no wonder lego started turning the protagonists of unlicensed themes into kids
Da hoes, obviously, either that or Danish for end is slut
Where the blue women at???
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the world used to be so bright. what happened bros? do you reckon kids of today feel the way we used to?
I taught myself how to make papier-mache as a kid because of these catalog photos. Had a sweet tunnel that fit over a road plate that I stuck some 2x4 plates onto so my minifigs could stand up on the top of it.
>What happened
The new lego designers are not as creative as the old ones, but still think they are above simple themes like this (same with veteran designers; they have either become corrupted by money or "occult" goals like the guy putting poop in sets, or just simply lost their creative spark in their age). I think Chima was the last creative theme. I know a lot of people like Nexo, but it's very obvious especially from the concept art is mostly just aped from warhammer which was popular at the time. This is why there are so many licensed themes at the moment and licensed themes are failing with tired re-used sets like mechs or dragons constantly. I think lego are hiring people who have had their creativity and soul knocked out of them by the school system, thinking that people with higher education will be better for their company but really they need people who haven't and still have their creativity with them to work at the company. Just my opinion
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90s was Throwbots

But Bionicle has its roots heavily in Throwbots and Competition so I get where people are coming from.
>do you reckon kids of today feel the way we used to?

lol no, most are fucked up by cocomelon and instant gratification/gambling apps on ipads. they don't have the patience anymore to build with lego and have a broad imagination during play.
Yeah, the Technic subsidiary era was the best year of Bionicle
If they do, then I don't want to see Lego when they get to our age
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people love to fault the companies when its consumers that drive demand

everyone(including this thread) was gooning hard over the right spaceship for how slick it looks and how its something they want to display. the set was a huge hit
Meanwhile the 4plus set is "too simplistic" and nobody cares about it

lets see how jang's fairly adult audience(for youtube standards) feels about the sets:
>67 000 people clicked on it

>31 000 people clicked on it

take your own conclusions
Both of these are boring
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and this isnt?
Yeah, the speedboat shapes are very unappealing to me.
No, it has an interesting colour scheme and unique design
Fucking finally.
>generic rounded car or speedboat shape, only details are some orange bars, mostly neutral white and black, looks more like a modern car than a spaceship
>unique angular shape, vibrant blue is well contrasted with the neutral colours, many interesting details like antennae, lights, grilles and landing gear, looks like an interesting spaceship
Aw, those are cute mocs
Give me late 90s Technic or give me death
I don't care how controversial it is
Based maxifig enjoyer
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I need more. I recently got the trio from 8714 but I really want the 2000/01 Competition guys that are orange and lime.
damn, these guys look fucking gay. I need to get one
How real is this?
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how comes theres no good bootlego of pepe or apu yet? it would sell millions
Even bootleggers don't want to waste their time selling to retarded frogposters
nexo threads are just the fucking worse
$25 and one plowed cougar pussy later
The LEGO gigolo
two of them
Its the other way around
Kids protagonists feel like another person instead of someone to look up to to. Even worse when they so forced like Dreamzzz guy
At least they have normal legs pieces
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its not about having someone to look up to, its about having a relatable avatar you can identify with. when this is your character selection, a kid is more likely to gravitate towards the little rascal and think "thats me" or "that's the hero" instead of the men in mustaches

the modern kid protagonists "feel like another person" because they are tv show characters first and foremost so every aspect of their personality is telegraphed and set in stone so its harder to project your own ideas and creativity, it has nothing to do with them being kids
so basically, Goons are more relatable in the long run vs Batman? Or is that just some shit I’m making up
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I love giving these weird heads with Fabuland joints.
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Last one

I wish the rare ones weren't overpriced
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To depict Spider-Man's web shooting, Lego has him holding the web in his hand. Does this kill the realism for anyone else? This isn't accurate to any Spider-Man media ever. Obviously he shoots the web out of his wrist area. Is Lego really so lazy that we can't get an accurate depiction of Lego Spidey shooting the webs from his wrist?
how's the plastic quality on those bootleg dragons?
sounds like a bait post but on a similar subject what genuinely annoys me is wolverine grabbing its claws
I wanna discuss the two bad factions of Knights fighting while theres a smaller good guy faction as the underdog fighting both, how were owls viewed in medieval europe?
you're not gonna get anything good from cougars. You have to go for the GILFs. They're the ones with kids that grew up in the 90s-00s with the real good lego shit.
Except Spidey holds the web in his hand after shooting it.
Not that it matters, it's Mouseslop so you mousecucks will buy it regardless.
>got an offer for a credit card with a $300 cash bonus if you spend $500 in the first month
>thinking I could use this to buy Barud Dur, a set I was gonna buy anyways, use the cash bonus to get the D&D set, then close the card

Anyone done something like this? Does it really work?
Read the fine print very closely.
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You disgust me. That E-Wing is great. That old E-Wing design is emblematic of why the old Expanded Universe needed to die. It was an unwieldy patchwork monster that needed to be put down. Disney has fucked up plenty but the new E-Wing design is one of the things they got right.
Which Legos are you into?
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I got something similar from Hobby Lobby. I mainly used it for my Dimensions sets but also got a few to keep my minifigs organized. I usually put two or three in each compartment as well as any accessories. If you want to keep them organized and their parts from getting lost it's a good idea.
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You're real!
>based autism grandpa

Thanks? I mean, I'm not autistic or old, but thanks. If anything, I'm awkward and middle aged. But maybe I'm retarded and it was never diagnosed. I just always blamed any weirdness on general awkwardness and a speech impediment. And working solitary night shifts at a haunted closed down amusement park doesn't help.

>watched your new dnd unboxing, was hoping for a dwarf to see how you would handle the skin color talk

I was at the store and saw a brand new untouched display of the minis so I grabbed a bunch more. I'm gonna unbox em tomorrow and will probably make a video, si i cab use the pueces in the MIC im building this weekend. Probably shouldn't have got them, but I'm not buying any new sets and just got a bonus, so splurging on these minis and a bunch of AliExpress bricks I ordered should be groovy. I'm really hoping I got one of each with these new ones and really am looking forward to that dwarf, I love it's torso. I welcome a few black heads to go with my yellows, but I don't like the choice of red hair. Black people aren't redheaded and it looks weird. They should have given us a beard piece if anything. I really like the hair piece because it's the hair style my boyfriend has and I can finally replace the ponytail his figure has in the MOC I made of my local comic shop.
Amazing atmosphere! Beautiful set up!
Beautiful set up, nice room, cozy atmosphere.
Good for you anon!
Right now I'm digging DnD. Still have not given up hope it will turn into a fully fledged theme
Mine was delivered yesterday, but sadly I won't have the time to actually build it until Friday.
Still on the fence on whether I want to get the CMF set as well.
Bionicle, Western, Space, Space Western mocs and what >>11191528
said, but until then I'll just pretend that Fantasy Castle and modern Castle are one in the same
>Still on the fence on whether I want to get the CMF set as well.
its usually the other way around
of course you want to. the set figures are cool but not nearly enough. gotta populate it
There aren't claws on studs?
Kinda true. I once spent 5 hours at an old lady's place picking a series of ancient lego bins. I took all the vintage shit and paid $4/lb. I actually posted it here. Pic related is the keepers from the latest.
This set came out before that was a problem. It was released in 2007 and brittle brown was not really a problem until the 2010s.
Forget Pepe. We need Wojak legos. Wojak must dominate every facet of life.

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