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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11189607

well, /lg/?
Considering how disappointing this was, what's your dream Zelda set? No ideas for sets that would be over $400(so nothing more substantial than the lion knight's castle)
I think this looks good but is at least $50 overpriced.
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Link & Zelda in the little Zelda House from BoTW and TotK, the little well off to the side, you know the house.

$50 tops. it would have sold to each and every Zelda fan. would they have sold 6x as many as the giant $300 tree? no doubt.
A dungeon. Doesn't even have to be big. Three rooms, a mechanical puzzle, some basic monsters, and a boss would be enough. Maybe throw in some accessories like rupees and a key.
generic link, generic zelda, pig ganon

couple moblins, octoroks and stalfos

few dungeons rooms with treasure chests and keys with simple puzzlesque playfunctions

most of the recurring items, rupees and heart pieces
I love little stuff
You must love your dick very much
Indiana Jones style. Water temple ofc.
No, but I love how little effort you put into that.
It's $100 over priced
My favorite Zelda character. Tree.
ALTTP: Eastern Palace
OOT: Forest Temple, Water Temple, Spirit Temple
MM: Clocktown + Moon
Melee Temple stage?
WW: Outset
BOTW: Hyrule Castle (but not super fuckhueg)
So, Owl knights vs Snake and Spider knights who are also infighting, Owl knights being much smaller in numbers than the other two but relyinf on them fighting each other to be stronger themselves, how does that sound?
What if there was a group called the bowel knights who had really strong bowel movements
Thats just the French
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Crome anybody?
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Please stop with nexo knights. They’re garbage.

Enjoy some actual castle theme
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they should make a new castle theme called sexo knights and it's about knights but they have sex
You castle crap sucks, sorry not sorry.
Seethe more
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Set when
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lego tits
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Dreamzzz leaks
Well what? I ain't clicking on no random link with no explanation.
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I give you leaks!
You know these threads are made by trolls right? The more you complain the more they're gonna do it retard.
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Is that part of the dreamz f1 colab?
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More leaks soon, from me.
These are gayer than my boyfriend, and he literally sucks cock. The Logo could be kinda cool for like an all Marcel comic shelf, if it WASN'T gonna be stupidly expensive. The action display is dumb. It's not a playable set, just an ugly minifigure display that will probably cost as much as substantial sets.

The giant man build a figure should have been it's own separate mech/character set and the rest of this should never have been made.
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>The giant man build a figure should have been it's own separate mech/character set
Lego used to be based.
These colours are ugly, this would be an OK car build if it had good colours
Didn't they learn after the last bunny went on clearance in every store ever? I don't think a smaller version with a singular roller-skate will sell any better.
That's ass.
I don't care for marvel, but if you remove all those transparent pieces for propping up minifigs and that spaceship build, and get rid of that giant ant-man system hero factory thing that is hideous, underneath is a nice building with a nice little spaceship and a lot of minifigures.
I think everyone has already seen this
Well then, I see no reason for that shitty Captain America 3 "scene" set. It's boring as shit and looks ugly as a display, and its clearly not a playset
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You all remembered to get one of Lego's best sets in years before it retires at the end of this year, right?
I will buy it in either November or December
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WTF no Hawkeye?

why have 5 original Avengers but not all 6? that's just... what's a better word than "stupid?"

I just re-watched the Ultron movie and there was a scene where Hawkeye was talking with his wife (as they look over the defeated team), and he says "I know, you're worried that they don't need me." and she responds "they DO need you. and that's what worries me." it was le epic line. Hawkeye IS an Avenger.

this set is useless without him. as a fan, this feels insulting.
I have four… one still in the box… and I’m still tempted to get another. By far the best bang for my buck in a long time. My only complaints is lack of figs and interior room features but that just allows you to add on and play around more.
>most shilled trash on lg
>4 sets to build a giga castle
I wish i had the drive to actually make my own creations
these days I just build something exactly according to the manual and just clean it now and then
I think you’re thinking of dreamzzz and nexo.
Have fun with your even worse Hawkeye/Vision/Bucky/War Machine add-on set.
I hear ya! That’s all for down the road when the kid is older. Right now I just have the main keep and tower built then used the spare parts to put an extra level on each. The third one is set up for the kid and it’s still mostly intact. Eventually I want to build a nice play table and medium to large fantasy castle/pirates setup.
maybe you should stick to your $300+ dust collectors
IS there a reason its 20 bucks cheaper on amazon?
Amazon is doing the early Black Friday sales but I’ve seen it for $80 at target too. Get the Viking village, a few medieval cmfs or pab and wait two months, and the 3-1 castle on discount and make a nice comfy medieval village fully fleshed out with a goat herder for the same price as the medieval market square.
I agree there. The charm of little builds is great. That's part of what I love about their Advent Calendars. I'm looking forward to this year's City Calander since it looks like it has more micro build toys. That has been kind of lacking in the last few years.
>they have zero of these in any of my local walmarts
I got back into Lego too late
Cool I wanted one of those cockpit windowd without buying the huge mech and those transparent green tires look really cool for MOCs. (Too bad its not neon green though RIP)
I’m most excited for the HP advent calendar but I’ll get the city one and probably the Disney princess one when it goes on sale. If you’re looking for micro builds the SW advent calendar is like 19/24ths miniships.
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>This set came out before that was a problem. It was released in 2007 and brittle brown was not really a problem until the 2010s.
you sweet summer child

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Lets see them then. And no reposting shit from reddit or instagram this time retard
Brittle brown has always and always will be a problem with all brown plastic, not just lego, I've had tons of brown non lego plastic toys often break like this and from way before 2007 and way after
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it wasnt a problem with old brown because the plastic was stronger by being precolored, now they add the coloring to clear plastic

expanding the color pallet literally made lego's plastic quality worse
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Why did they start using dyes? Was it JUST to expand the color palette? Things would have been just fine with like, 30 colors man, hell, the whole dyed plastic thing led to Bionicle getting killed via shitty joints
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>lotr should come back like harry potter: smaller affordable sets that work on their own but can create an entire setpiece when combined
It's not disappointing, the OoT half is exactly what I wanted, just way more expensive than I can justify.
they should just do their own original castle fantasy line and just steal whatever works from Lotr and HP
maybe it was bc of the colour change during 2004?
>Why did they start using dyes?
It's cheaper.
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Based dad anon
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money. you can buy clear plastic for much cheaper than the precolored one and then just add whatever color you need

this means its so much easier to make whatever color you want but also quality control goes down the drain with color discrepancy between pieces that are supposed to be the same color
It's kinda sad when a company gets so big that the only way to gain even more profit is starting to devaluate certain aspects of their products. Suddenly putting stickers in a lot of sets and even in the 500$ range is another example. I remember the time of prints only. And if one factory in Poland (cobi) can do print only for all their sets in 2024, then there is no excuse for lego, other than to make more profit at the cost of quality.
The greys? Yeah, that makes sense, still sucks though
Horrible, shitty
I was mistaken about the modular building. It looked like a residential building to me, but it’s more of a B&B and a café.

Blacktron is coming.

>Star Wars
A Night Trooper Battlepack is coming.
Blacktron awesome!!!! Will trans neon green come back?
Dungeons and dragons?
yeah, lego's colour palette has long been distancing itself from pre 2004 themes
Why don't bootleggers just emulate classic lego? Wobricks needs to stop making skibiditoilet sets they stole off of rebrickable and make some classic houses for sale
after the dragonball set
id love that too! some shades (like the loved sand purple and red) would be so nice to get in more molds, but theyre probably to big of a risk/ not worth it financially to make
They are doing a "Dungeons and Dragon Balls" crossover set maybe. I was talking to an artist who works for lego and they showed me a concept they drew of Lego Goku as a barbarian.
If Lego redid their entire palette from the ground up, what would you want on there aside from these colors?
>Star Wars with no grey
What's the best source of LEGO leaks? Instagram has been unusable ever since they got rid of the function to sort by new and people like falconfan just stopped posting entirely.
Competition teal and purple
The answer is leddit or trannycord, so pick your poison
I forget that licensed IPs even exist man, anyway, light and dark grey? Regular or Bluish?
good shit
light grey
dark grey
a color in between purple and pink

"poop" brown
sand blue. I like sand blue
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pre 2004 greys & browns, all the sand colours. but above all, no flesh colours
Why no tan?
Trans-clear and trans-blue

That's all you need
Trans Clear
Trans light blue
Trans blue
Trans red
Trans green
Trans neon green
Trans neon orange
because its pointless. want sand? yellow(or orange if its american/western-type desert)
want light stone? light grey
>trans neon green come back?

Blacktron never had trans neon green till Blacktron II fake Blacktron fan.
Only real lego youtubers I watch are Slugger, Cheezy, and some few random smaller ones, might meet Cheezy irl this year but idk
Hmmm, yeah, that's reasonable
>Blacktron never had trans neon green till Blacktron II
Yeah, the good one.
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Bring back Curry
>no Tranny Wars
Bright Light Orange/Keetorange is close enough
Cheezy is unironically good. But I can only watch him in small doses because something about him actually annoys me on some level. Fortunately he doesn't upload that often. I don't watch Slugger because he seems fake (but really who isn't a fake on youtube), but I didn't mind him until /lg/ started shilling him.
He has the vibe of that one weird quiet kid in school who saw you playing with Lego or a video game and suddenly he's constantly talking to you about it and kind of annoying you but he's nice and you don't mind it to an extent, so you put up with it
I'd rather just continue being in the dark
He is at least respectable with his craft (Cheezy), and I don’t feel a bad aura around him unlike the hyper energetic ones, theres a few goodie ones but they are rare
>leddit or trannycord
I FUCKING HATE how every single fucking community ends up boiling down to these two only
2x insider points October 15-20th
All sets
>Blacktron is coming
But you didn't say where, so I'll tell you how and where:

There will be another wave of space sets in the summer, around 5, under City and will feature Blacktron characters as antagonists for City space astronauts, Space will live under City and will get sets every year. Release June.
would getting the viking village and 3-in-1 castle on the 15th, then using the points to get a discount for the lion knight castle on black friday be a good idea?
>But you didn't say where, so I'll tell you how and where

Yes I did, I said Icons lol
Dragon Ball Z sets are coming in June. Kramer can confirma and so Zelda theme too.
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the truck reminds me of 6336, but what the fuck is that?
New themes for 2HY ×025:
>dragon ball z
>one piece
>tron ares
>wicked part 2
>stranger things

You post fake leaks then, we get blacktron in city. But maybe 1 icons set
Literally nobody believes you faggot
>But maybe 1 icons set
>transformers theme can't even make it onto a fake leak post
Bionibros its biover
I believe him
Did anybody build Lego Set 7734 when it was out in the 2000s? Why have Lego not made any large propeller aircraft since then?

Anyway, I was always more of a Meccano/Erector kind of guy, so please excuse me.
including BDP?
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$420 is a lot

but worth it for the best of what modern Castle has to offer. what a treat
It should.

Apparently the Fantastic 4 is based on the movie and not on the comics.
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
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>Blacktron II
its called Blacktron Future Generation
How do they get into the truck?
The top
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What was the set of the year(2024 release)?
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tiger and /ourguy/ johnny t

(who am I kidding it was the dungeons and dragons tower)
Spending $30 on a Minifigure was the worst decision of my life.
Pic related was 100% an impulsive purchase driven by FOMO and my lack of personal self control
There was a brief moment of "Am I really the type of person who blows his money on teenage mutant ninja turtles legos?", and then I answered my own question with "oh who am I kidding of course I am!"
It was totally worth it!
I actually Never felt more alive. In my experience you regret what you didn't do more more than what you did.
Are there any good system turtle (animal) pieces

all modern lego blows
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I feel you.
I spent $100 on this one, a sensible part of my mind says spending that much on a 2-inch figure was ridiculous, but the weeb part of my mind says it was a good purchase and worth it.


sad actually
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You like Final Fantasy?
based gay grandpa
Its funny because FF stole all its monsters from DnD
>we're sending our best explorers to investigate this alien world
>also, one of them is functionally immobile
He's doing science in a lab
Will it come with a bad guy minifigure people would want 7 years later?
>17 hours ago
>12 votes
I only voted Yes in hopes he would be satisfied and stopped spamming nexotrash for good
He's clearly not in the lab.
That black mage needs a pointier hat. You and I both know you can and should do better fren. >>11191986
Based dad anon (also skull castle anon) and vivi I approved. I like them a lot enjoy the bootlego chocobo my bro got me.
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I hate Nexo threads so much its unreal
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how are you enjoying yours?
No, Final Fantasy is for faggots, as easily proven by FF14's demographics. Still, glad you're having fun with your MOCs, gaybro.

I've still got the first one thanks, no need for this mouseslop.

kino pic btw
This is the sorting hat from Harry Potter. It looks pretty decent.
I might be the only one who cares but I just realized lady of pain's face should be gold not that weird green color and Im kind of pissed off. Its gold in the render and its supposed to match her gold accents on her dress collar and gold hands.
>hiding the hat's face
printing is hard pls understand small family company
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When are we getting a minifigure of the new clone?
I still kick myself in the foot years later for not buying this set. It was only like $80 in 2020 or something like that.
Neutrals: Dark Bluish Gray, Light Bluish Gray (too established now to change again), Trans-Brown, Trans-Clear, Chrome Silver and new colour: Chrome Dark Silver
Purples: Purple, Violet, Sand Purple, Trans-Purple
Reds: Dark Red, Sand Red, Trans-Red
Oranges: Orange, Reddish Brown, Trans Neon Orange, Chrome(?(maybe new)) Copper
Yellows: Tan, Trans-Yellow, Chrome Gold
Greens: Dark Green, Olive Green, Sand Green, Lime. Trans-Green, Trans-Neon Green
Blues: Dark Turquoise, Sand Blue, Maersk Blue, Dark Blue, Trans-Dark Blue, Trans-Blue (new somehow), Chrome Blue
Might of missed some but thats all the colours I think I actually use or would like to use
Wrong reply
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Some guy was gushing about how gory the red clear skull was but this one is much meaner in my opinion, also god it looks like Belville got a ton of goodies
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Spending action figure prices on single minifigs is totally justified.
>they increase in value
>look better (see pic related)
>small size is a benefit to make sets for figs more doable
>compatible with the best modular building block system of all time
>easiest to kitbash with other lego
>they're adorable
The only downsize is the limited articulation. This is why lego runs this board.
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I know people don't like this for some reason but I wish they had more articulation but stayed the same size. As much articulation as the technic figures would be nice
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you're opinion is based my fren
>t. stop motion enjoyer
>nexo thread on page 2 again
No vision?
hate harry potter
hate marvel
hate star wars
hate disney

simple as
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Feel like pure shit just want them back
I turned it around to make the point face the right direction but yes the black mages hat doesn’t have a face. If I had one of those grimspawn thingys heads laying around I’d have used that for the eyes instead too. Just trying to give a helpful suggestion not be a cunt like some people around here.
Bough one last winter, but it's disassembled with the rest of my bricks. I'm tempted to rebuild it though.
Fucking this. But they won't because selling the same licensed slop to consoomers over and over again makes more money.
Orange. And transparent versions of each color.
still waiting for that sweet black friday sale

They did this in 2007.
I promise I'm not trying to be contrarian but I don't understand this set's appeal.
Everything here is just so squished together. There's no real focal point and nothing about it stands out as exceptional. It's a bunch of smallish but decent builds slapped together. Maybe that's okay but it commands little attention when compared to the likes of Lion Knights Castle or Rivendell which have wonderful composition. Doesn't help either that probably 1/4 of the budget went into the dragon.
people love shitting on DnD but it's the closest we'll ever get to something like that again(for unlicensed factions they will just keep nostalgiabaiting with the classic 80s/90s factions). it's also the most "unlicensed-feeling" license because it's not really about depicting specific characters doing specific things from movie/book and more of a create your own fantasy adventure starter.
Pretty sure I have some Jack Stone pirate stuff in my basement, very specifically remember the giant ass skull from my childhood at least
True. Though I will add that just last year Lego directly made reference to the fantasy troll in a cmf.
So I'm coping and hoping that one day we'll get a new fantasy era set. I don't know about you but I'm getting real tired of the literal boomer Lion Knight and Black Falcon shit.
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The set splits in modules meant to be separated. The whole point is that it's an entire microcosm of adventure combined. Even if you ignore the actual dnd aspect with the specific rules and dice roles and whatnot you still get the sense of a quest progress starting at the inn -> wilderness -> dungeon -> tower -> final confrontation with the evil wizard/dragon and you have all sort of equipment/items to discover and pickup along the way while meeting with friendly npcs and fighting all sorts of creeps. And that's not to mention the aspect of character creation with the heros specifically designed with male/female heads, swappable torsos of different classes and many equipment options for maximum customization.
You mention Rivendell but think about it, what really happens in Rivendell? Characters meet/plan the journey, that's it really, not very fun is it? Just pretty to look at. The real action/adventure of the lotr story comes afterwards. In that sense Rivendell is the equivalent of the DnD inn where characters meet and embark on a journey, except here the set actually provides the rest of the adventure.

Like with all lego its a symbolic abstraction not to be taken literally(as in the tower isnt really supposed to be inches from the inn(and it literally doesn't have to be since you are supposed to split the set and imagine larger scenarios)

I think the appeal is obvious but maybe it's just me who still thinks of Lego as a plaything and not just a pretty scale model that goes on the shelf.
I feel your pain and I agree.
dwarves > black falcons
elves > forestmen
orcs > wolfpack
undead > fright knights

if nothing else there's always mocs to fill the void
But do you love Dreamzzz then?
Why don't they do a Paradisa Icons set?
Never noticed the dragonborn couple with the egg kek, funny little detail
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I desperately want to like the unlicensed themes but they are just awful(some of the notreallycity City waves are decent though)

too niche. its not nearly as beloved as other classics
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oh no...
it can't be
they couldn't do this again
it's literally A GIANT GREEN CAR AGAIN!!!
Are you fucking shitting me

I liked 1st wave dreamzzz but i swear this GREEN CAR is the last dreamzzz wave. There is no fucking way this line lives after that.

It's the curse of GREEN CAR once again
I swear some retard in Lego company just using a giant green car to kill lego themes.

I'm 100% sure the dreamzzz line will be dead after this wave
>says my PaB package was delivered today
>rush home to start building my MOC with them
>open box
>its Santa's post office along with the two GWP pumpkin and fortnite funko-thing
I'm quite disappointed.
I wonder if I'll have to send this shit back.
They don’t have the right colors for it unless they bring it back specifically for it/in general and reinteoduce the old colors via it
Trash order “bonuses”, this is why I don’t wanna order from lego’snofficial site
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>people love shitting on DnD but it's the closest we'll ever get to something like that again
bitch, your basic bitch DND slop can't even top picrelated.

And before you start whining about your "durr hurr classic castle better" crap - picrelated is basically Basil's the Bat Lord castle 2.O only bigger and BETTER than those awful hollow piles of bricks of his line
it's a hint there's something off going on at the inn, in the story the evil wizard took over the inn and poses as the innkeeper while the dragonborn(the real innkeeper) is in jail(which you are supposed to rescue). It gets the heroes wondering why is there a portrait of a dragonborn family if the innkeeper is human.
looking at this gives me a brain aneurysm
okay brainlet
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you could have posted something that looks decent
>can't process anything more complex than a flat grey slab
>it's another nexo meltie episode
We are not the same

Necropolis and Inferno will never be friends despite what HOMM4 says.
>omg...is that...
This always reminded me of Bowser's castle from Super Mario World.
the sarlacc represents the axewound after nexo fans cut their dick off to change gender
Genuinely, why are you so obsessed with trannies?
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To me it was classic dark fantasy casle
>black/obsidian rock
>demons and dark knights vibes
>super dangerous
This theme was only good for all the weird pieces in trans neon orange
So its a reference to the actual campaign?
>its popular to hate nexo because its fairly new theme still
see you 5 years later when everything will be rare you will buy that castle for 500$ because youtubers will put a nostalgic thought in your zoomie brain
No I’m just saying the interesting piece colors and pyramid pieces are the best parts, maybe the axblades if they ever showed up in another color besides transparent neon orange
>because youtubers will put a nostalgic thought in your zoomie brain
>implying you havent already tried spamming the youtuber defending nexo kikes to try to legitimize your obsession with the theme.
we get it, you grew up with the tv show so it has a special place in your heart. now stop putting this garbage in the OP
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>axe heads came in transparent yellow
Hey, they can be used for a space moc I feel, just wishing some bootleggers would make it in soke color like Silver or something
What else do you suggest we use for an OP? Paradisia is nice
Who actually gives a fuck about the Lego shows. They are all steaming piles of shit. They make any them that they are about look supremely lame.
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Whoa there Australia, stop hoarding this bit all for yourself!
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sadly unlicensed themes are developed in tandem with the shows so the characters have to be quirky zany zoomerfriendly kids, monster fighters was the last one that didnt have it which is probably part of why it's such a dangerously based theme
Is the Egyptian theme mostly as good as MF? Also would a mummy be overlap
so all you morons just repeat the same shit every day?

adventurers egypt >>> pharaohs quest
monsters fighters >>> lego studios
Monster Farters
He looks so much better without that stupid jawmask
>we get it, you grew up with the classic castle so it has a special place in your heart. now stop putting this garbage in this thread
Can I say that the studios monster theme at least had some cute pieces?
All the sets I bought this year came out in previous years
What'sthe approximte price on this thing? At least 150 bucks for license and minifig tax?
I feel like it could go for 200-300 at least, if not more.
The neat thing about Lego is that, if you don't like something, you can change it.
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I like the eyes on the trees, prefer the classic set to the modern one even if I own only the modern one (proof? I have the silver Frog)
Wait theres no more listings for old brown Frogs or stuff like rhat anymore, did they crack down on improper color sellers or what? If so, darn.
Shouldn't this be more common? Living in a society of clones definitely isn't good for self-esteem and mental health.
lego warcraft mite b cool

bros....this is SOVL....
Why are zoomers like this?
You literally live in a different world, grandpa.
Also i'm a weird zoomer - i'm nerdy and like NexoKnights just now.

The real madness will start when zoomers hit 35-40 and Nexo Knights will be their "classic castle from my childhood".
Also Nexo Knights had more sets than your castle theme from your childhood.

Really makes you think
nexo is gen alpha so your gen alpha. zoomer is 2007 fantasy
Wrong. Gen alpha is Dreamzz. Zoomers grew up with Chima and Nexo Knights.
I like Nexo Knights too. I just don't understand why you feel the need to be an obnoxious faggot about it.
Zoomers start in the mid-1990s, Alpha starts in 2010. Zoomers had: Life On Mars, Mars Mission, Space Police III, Alien Conquest, Galaxy Squad, Knights Kingdom, Studios, Jack Stone, Alpha Team, Bionicle, Racers, Galidor, Spybotics, Dino 2010/Attack, Vikings, Exo Force, Agents, Power Miners, Atlantis, Hero Factory, Pharaoh's Quest, Dino, Monster Fighters, and Chima, etc.. Then, just as Chima ends, Gen Alpha comes of age and they get: Nexo Knights, Hidden Side, Vidiyo and Dreamzzz.
shut the fuck up
Boss, I was 15 when nexo knights came out
That's not your childhood you were a teenager then
Looks like I have a checklist to fill out for frog pieces
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>want this head
>not sold anywhere in europe
>over $15 in usa
>2 sets
>1 minifigure
Ouch, anyways what you planning on using it for?
I wanted a head with printed hair that wasn't ugly for minifigs with hats. but that wont happen now
Are you sure? Also theres one for 11 dollars that looks pretty good so theres at least a chance, was it gonna be for a main or background guy
>tfw they think it's just 1 guy talking about Nexo Knights.
I'm that guy who wants the Lord Krakenskull minifogute and I wasn't creating these threads.
People keep talking about kino theme and create op posts with it. Shocking I know.
And what do you mean "shitposting". As opposing to what? DND slop you've been posting lately on and on. Or legoTubers brainrot?

At least Nexo knights has class and style.
You will 100% forget about dnd because this thing feels like hype and FOMO
What is ninjago then?
Too expensive for me to spend on a minifigure, it was just for women figs with hats
Guys they open a official lego store in my hometown, what sets should I get? Monkie kid? Fortnite?
So its not a zoomer theme
The bridge betweens zoomers and alphas
Monkie kid, it's cooler and rarer so if you do decide you don't want it you can sell it for a lot, if you live in a western country and buy monkey kid now you pretty much control the second hand market for it. Fortnite is common and lots of people will have it and you will have much more opportunity to get it, especially if it stays successful like Minecraft, which it seems it will it's pretty established now.
Battle bus is sold out so I hope they focus on minifig sets
they probably will after that, they make things 1-2 years in advance though so it might take a while. Battle bus is still in stock in my country, but I don't think fortnite is very popular here, we have an aging population so I think most lego buyers here are adults who don't care about fortnite
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New leak of a new theme
>Zoomers start in the mid-1990s, Alpha starts in 2010. Zoomers had: Life On Mars, Mars Mission, Space Police III, Alien Conquest, Galaxy Squad, Knights Kingdom, Studios, Jack Stone, Alpha Team, Bionicle, Racers, Galidor, Spybotics, Dino 2010/Attack, Vikings, Exo Force, Agents, Power Miners, Atlantis, Hero Factory, Pharaoh's Quest, Dino, Monster Fighters, and Chima, etc.. Then, just as Chima ends, Gen Alpha comes of age and they get: Nexo Knights, Hidden Side, Vidiyo and Dreamzzz.
i'm that Lord Krakenfuck-guy.
Im not following this zoomer/boomer thing but i guess im neither - i'm Doomer category.
I remember start liking Lego around Galaxy Squad because it blew my mind because it wasnt classic baby space but had actually cool stuff happening - evil bugs laying eggs in spacetronauts brains and there is a space war.
Then Chima came out a year later and it blew my mind XXX222.

Nexo Knights came out as a huge culmination and after that i lost my interest in lego because there wasn't any other interesting theme appearing.

Galaxy Squad-Chima-Nexo Knights are all top tier themes.
>Galaxy Squad-Chima-Nexo Knights are all top tier themes.
Oops i forgot about Monster Fighters.
I remember MF and collectable halloween minifigures that i also liked.

But Nexo Knigths to me like a closing BIG BOOM epic ending.
I guess im during my dark age right now - i dont like buying lego (but i buy DND minifigures - i have like 10 Dragonborns now) and i wanted to like Dreamzzz but it was hit or miss.

Ninjago is annoying.
Licensed themes...it's difficult to like those if you are not a fan (but Jurassic Park is kino)
I like galaxy squad, but only the alien part, I found the human part very boring. You might enjoy insectoids, it's basically galaxy squad with just the aliens. Chima I liked also. It reminds me quite a bit of bionicle, but if they were furries instead of robots. I still like bionicle more because robots are cooler than furries. Nexo Knights I never cared about, but I don't think I ever cared about any fantasy/castle themes.
Monster fighter is definitely my favourite of these themes. I wish they would release sets like that every Halloween. And I agree, the current unlicensed themes are very boring. I only like some monkie kid sets, and those are really hard to get a hold of.
>I found the human part very boring.
I had the opposite opinion. I liked that the vehicles all split into smaller craft.
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>finally make a cool photo
>this will look great as an IG post
>go to IG and post it

what the fuck.... i hate instagram so much
I swear i just did a regular post....im mad as fuck
I think my account is cursed - it was INVISIBLE from the very beginning.

Should i make a completely new IG-account? i think now i understand why i never got any likes or follows - i think IG just blacklisted it or something
Post it here where the cool people can see it, I've never had a problem with posts on insta tho.
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i missed this one and the mansion
I will name all these guys with my limited marvel knowledge top left to bottom right
Mr Fortnite
Banana Man
Lex Luthor
Purple Eagle
White Man
Robin but a girl
Karen Gillan as that blue girl but she got her hair back
Post the pic here so we can judge y... I mean judge instagram
>anons trying to doxx another anon
bros...not like this.......
How would we dox him? Instagram wouldn't let him post it.
I hate that it's a 300$+ set, but it has my nigga Gambit and I'm not event fr*nch..
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>casually search for cheap nexo minifigs on Ebay
>some guy actually posted this for sale
ummm...nexo bros based?????
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The great debate that broke /lg/
Right is better, what's the debate? Don't most people hate the left set for juniorization? No more doors, huge specialized bricks like those tall 1x2s, gappy construction and overall massively dumbed down. I like left's helicopter more and I like the octan print that's all of the good things I can say good about left.
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Set Cargo Center 6391
Year Released: 1984
530 Parts
5 Minifigures
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Set Cargo 6330
Year Released: 1998
213 Parts
5 Minifigures
anyone know if theres any better pieces than this to make a fellow from alien
how long does lego.com take to fulfill a order
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I got the Lego Icons Optimus prime from Target recently. I’m on page 105, packet 8.

This is my first time ever purchasing and assembling an expensive Lego licensed property. I can’t find the decals that are supposed to be there. There’s also some black name plaque that I can’t locate. Where should they have been?
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I am GOD
please tell how many dragonborns did you get?
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don't be silly anon.

Remember - when it's not Nexo Knigths but some normie crap (DnD/Star Wars) it's probably repost from plebbit faggot
But nexo knights is lego's failed attempt to ape 40k aesthetic.
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Yuh huh. You know gaussian blur isn't destructive, right,?
Report and ignore shitposters. I got a 30 day ban for posting like that last month lmao. Unless the mod just hated me for some reason.
And you know that pretty much anyone itt could tell exactly what it was even with the blur, right?
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The legs are alright but maybe the diver CMF ones will read more "suit" and less "clothes"
Instagram wouldn't even let me make a new account or change my old accounts name. Then I got confused by tags anyways and gave up
>Report and ignore shitposters.
And risk getting a ban for 'abusing the report function'? I don't think so.
I’ll suck your dick straight up for a leaked image. I was gonna buy some other bullshit but now I have reason to hold off. Thank you.
>new blacktron
these will be absolute shit stuffed with dei crap
I’ve had enough of the good guys; everyone knows the “bad” guys will be portrayed as non inclusive. Exclusively male/ robot, with functioning limbs and augments.
New thread when?
they can't do black blacktrons cause das raciss
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Blacktron bros.... we're eating good
Why are there Zelda triforces everywhere?
Newfags can’t triforce.
The symbol of blacktron I is an inverted triforce because the original designer loved zelda 2
Makes sense that such a shitty theme was designed by a basedboy nintendo consoomer
What phillistinical statement
too bad the logo is oriented wrong everywhere except for the front
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I wanted 2 of these guys so I could have the blues brothers but they're £6 each this is messed up
Sanic is the only license with soul because it focus on small low cost sets

Thumbs up if you agree
kys furfag
Good thing they are stickers so you can put them any orientation you want (not really id still prefer prints that are wrong to stickers)
And animal crossing I think they are Lego's replacement for Fabuland and Chima
>id still prefer prints that are wrong
you're retarded
how, stickers are annoying to place and they peel off if you actually play with your sets
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>wasn't buying a really good set off Ebay because i didnt want to spend too much on lego this month
>ended up OVERPAYING for a stupid lot of minifigures and stuff that is incomplete (because of import taxes and rape-shipping)

im such a fucking retard...
At least that lot was cool - it was a combination of little things that would cost more if i would be buying them off different bricklink sellers and paying each one of them shipping

but still
this wave was based
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>not the minifig-like version
cringe, if this is how galactus will be as well then it's so fucking lame
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Letssss goooooooo blacktron
>keep pushing these buildable figures to folks who don't like them
>the actual group of people who like buildable figs have essentially been told to fuck off
interesting business decisions from Lego
the back
>Showdown in Kenosha™
>18+ Peaceful Protest Diorama™
>Antifa Battlepack™
>Minneapolis Police Station™ (Modular Building)
>18+ Luxury Mansion™
>CHOP City Planer Set™
>Derek Chauvin BrickHeadz™
>George Floyd BrickHeadz™
>Kyle Rittenhouse BrickHeadz™
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>Minneapolis Police Station™ (Modular Building)
I can always use more flame pieces.
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if legos is pandering to AFOOL's why are legos trains neglected?
>annoying to place and they peel off
try applying them without cheeto fingers fat ass
Least egregious minifig-scale droideka
imagine a castle theme that was dedicated to the sexually virile 16th century.... buxom ladies and doublet-vested men engaged in wheellock duels for hence mentioned dames...goodness, I would buy every set.
I think Hornby and other companies already have the train autists market locked down. Why spend hundreds or thousands on lego when you can spend the same and get stuff that's more detailed and smaller so you can fit more into your diorama.
i dunno , at legos conferences trains are a huge draw
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Great debate!
Nexo Knights had potential but failed in nearly every conceivable way because retards were in charge. It almost feels deliberate how bad this series was. Where were the cool techni-dragons? The badass suits of armor? Neon battlements? They could've sold a futuristic battering ram with button action and instead we got ROBIN'S MINI FORTREX a fucking shopping cart with a stud launcher. DOA.

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