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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11191552
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/lg/ is healing
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>tfw i just found Lord Krakenskull's helmet for 20eur and bought it.
I know 20eur for a helmet is a lot but at least i will be able to build a minifigure piece by piece because helmet usually the most expensive part.

Sad to see DnD slop as OP but still - let's go.
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>DND shitposter makes thread
>instantly youtuber slop brainrot

Hope that other nexo anon will create the next thread.
Im sure this one will be shit
Why did nobody but Jang stopped?
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Lego in it's peak
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take me back

this looks like megabloks
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The longer I look at it the more Ant Man's helmet looks like a rat.
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Lego in it's peak
take me back
this looks like megabloks
Lego inside of the peak
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Drizztbros... not even a random drow representative :(

They can't be done with the theme. They simply can't
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Lego inside of the peak
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>this looks like megabloks
the fuck are you talking about
picrelated is literally megablocks made of ugly wall pieces

Shittiest castle timeline
I don't care for the dragonborn paladin

There I said it
I kind of like it but the legs are just awful and I really don't like those giant flat wings. This set would really benefit from bionicle pieces for knees and wings and maybe even the arms as well
>stone gargoyles but also... huh... storm powers!
lmao. 10/10 brilliant idea
Get it while you can fellas.
I regret only getting this dude in the first wave of sets in 08, the other Makuta were fucking cool but I couldn't see that back then
That would be peak Lego faggotry and representation. Faggot.
I actually hated this line and this colossus when it came out - this why i was avoiding it back then and didn't buy it.

I'm not sure if my awful english is capable to explain why this colossus is awesome.
But it took me years to understand that the whole rock season is pur A - E - S - T - H E TICS.

It's like... "Dungeon Synth" genre but Lego:


This colossus is a huge monolyth of ancient magic.
It's giant bulky and looks like it can't move. But it towers over castles and mountains.
And stuff like that. Knee joints would ruin the whole style.

You have to see it in person to understand.
>Nexo spammer is indian
Somehow I'm not surprised
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rock season is pur A - E - S - T - H E TICS.

It's like... "Dungeon Synth" genre but Lego
too expensive. I envy people who can just blow money like that
Lego need to make cheaper sets for us niggardly beggars... They want to be more inclusive after all...
Sonic is for you
Unironically. Aside from the dnd CMFs there's not a single thing that lego currently has that I want, cheaper sets from original lines would be great
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jesus fuck the more I look at this set the more I find wrong with it
>shitty miniplane build instead of an actual jet
>shitty scarlet witch that uses cheap flames instead of energy bursts
>cap, wanda, and BP don't have leg or arm printing
>iron man uses the wrong energy blast
>its another shitty overpriced diorama set
we have lego star wars fags to thank for these glorifed minifigure stands, thanks a lot
Not to shit on dreamzzz, but I meant more like castle or space, but I hope they keep that dreamling body mold around for a while
I hate this crap, wouldn't even want it for free it's like that fortnite funko. And again with weird specialty colours I can't use anywhere else like that mint ice cream colour I don't think i've ever seen before
There’s 8 LEGO generals up right now. The new thread spamming needs to stop.
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no better feeling than playing with our legos while it rains
Go tell the jannies that.
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>Sure, we break some balls here tonight but I go way back.
>And in light of recent humiliations, it is an honor to be joined by minifigs.
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>lego will never ever make sets like this again
I just don't get it
>lego will never ever make sets like this again
barracuda bay and eldorado fortress are post-2020 sets
No no no, I'm not talking just pirate sets man, I'm talking about limited color pallets and a lack of SNOT techniques.
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you will taste the rainbow and you will be happy
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you just dont get, all the special colors are essential for dungeon synth A E S T H E T I C S
Studs Not On Top, aka "Advanced Building Techniques"
Incredible, I hate Ninjago too so this is the culmination of almost everything I dislike in modern lego
how new are you?
>Studs Not On Top, aka "Advanced Building Techniques"
Is that the bullshit that wants Lego to not look like Lego?
Yup, that's the stuff. I've said it before, but the old style is easy to emulate, so I don't understand why bootleggers don't hop on that shit
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>SNOT is bad
studfags get the rope
>not minifigure scale
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really makes you think
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I'm cumming my pants
Left would be $200+ today because it has a baseplate

Thank you Kamala
Why would a current-year Lego set have the System logo?
don't dupe people like that, its not very nice

NOOOO! I should of known it was too good to be true... At least the blacktron next year is something to look forward to
fuck you

its not raised. its raised baseplates that majorly inflate the price
it was $30 in 1993. now adjust for inflation
of course when something looks halfway decent it turns out fake
I mean if lego released it today
Lego never gets the packaging correct, though. You should know this by looking at the Galaxy Explorer, etc.
>At least the blacktron next year is something to look forward to
>He fell for the blacktron too
Right is the superior set, though
*farts on your stupid opinion*
What program would you recommend for building abd customizing an already made set before buying the bricks? Found this 3in1 set of a Roadster and I wanna customize it to be a Witch Roadster with a Cauldron in the back.
Why would a witch have a roadster?
FAA regulations.
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Because I remember seeing this in a scooby doo cartoon and after getting a Lego With Minifig I wanna recreate it.
Do you have a minifig you consider to be the most powerful in your collection? If so... why? What makes him or her so much stronger than the rest?
Santa (the one with the candy cane printing on the back).
if you're a trans retard maybe
If Lego doesn’t put out blacktron I’m not buying. I can’t imagine all this interest and hype and the mocs in contests and the insane resale market won’t clue them in on a desperately needed reboot
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forgot about me? why havent you bought me yet?
You shall know the pain of the Bionicle fans
I did, and sold the lightsaber for $150
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Which Lego-related purchases do you have left till the end of the year? Do you have everything you want already?
This needed 20+ minifigures like the Mos Eisley set to justify a purchase. The best part of that set is that they included the weird background aliens that were made for the Mos Eisley scenes, yet they didn’t do the same thing for their Jabba set which arguably had more interesting alien designs? I don’t get the point unless they’re saving those aliens for a future MBS Jabbas Palace.
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Lego doesn't care about your business anymore
congrats genius.
you really got one over on Lego..
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Wizards :)
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Fug DDD:%
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When are we getting the giant rat as a minifigure
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idk about that blue hat
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He has leukemia don't worry about it
why do you have beef with a toy as if it's a person
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>MFW I style on you
Same, looks like a fast food mascot
>all those exposed studs
Those are all nipples, virgin
I'll buy the dnd dragon tower if it gets a good discount. Fingers crossed for at least 15% during black friday
I'm so excited for new Ninjago sets. 2025 can't get here fast enough.
Because who can afford a coupe in this economy! Hey!
I dunno, but you're looking at 4$ worth of bricks there, just get them and do it with your hands, all messy like a man does
Holy shit that just unlocked a childhood memory. These sets were in the first Lego catalogue I had and I remember thinking how cool they were and being a little sad knowing we couldn't afford them. Good times.
>no elves
>I'm so excited for new Ninjago sets.
said no one ever
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What's the theme this year?
ninjas I reckon
Local store has this on clearance for $135 instead of $180, should I number hold for further discount?
The castle with the Maleficent dragon is $50 too
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*should I buy now or hold*
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no no no
no no no
no no
Licensed shitpost
theres more in the link I'm just lazy, click the creator and dreamzzz ones
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what a downgrade
And your mum's an unlicensed Whore, now answer the question
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yarnball piece from the catlover upcoming cmf

and no poop in sight!
Fuck off Julian
>like 400 animal crossing characters
>this guy again
Why is there a ghost screw floating in the air?
Absolute kino for a polybag
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seems like half the posts on lego reddit mention a wife or gf
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sail barge nostalgia :)
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That's reddit period, because "look what I made" gets you less upvotes or whatever than "look what my cute gf made XD"
god i love lego zelda cant get over how pretty this set is
Sup mark!
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You got to treat yourself every now and then
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you can't just post EVERYTHING from reddit here
Why do people insist on talking like such niggers on the internet?
Which cmf(of all time) has appreciated in value the most?
Only chance to ever get these minifigures so yes if you want em.
Maybe the zombies from the first series?

Dunno how much Mr. Gold has appreciated since his wave.
He looked asian originally
Just had such a vivid dream I was still a child playing with my Legos in the attic. Wish I never woke up
I love grey sweatpants on men
The soul has returned
I'm excited to start getting Lego Dragon Ball Daima sets after Bandai loses the license. Hope we get a Demon King Tien minifigure.
If there was a house fire at your house which Lego would you rescue?
Of course not. How can you buy something they never release?
We actually have a plan for this if there’s an emergency scenario. Everyone has a tote to grab and the minifigs. But I’ll grab the extra 31120 that’s still in box as well.
i will go down with my legos
Crazy how much better a DnD thread is compared to a nexo one
Now imagine a thread of a good theme like Blacktron or Bionicle
F1 edition when? I'll invite /f1/ over
If f1 discussion takes over next year I might drop the general for good. I was worried something similar would happen when animal crossing came out but it wasn't all that bad.
Four six packs of the D&D cmfs...and four of the same six figures. I. Fucking. HATE. Blind boxes.
The Dragon Ball ones when they exist.
>Imagine not scanning before buying
Wish any brick and mortar near me even had them in stock. Instead I have to rely on Target or Amazon.
At least I have a little army of Mindflayers now, I guess...
Become ungovernable.
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I like the gith warlock more than I like the dragon paladin. Druid and Cthulhu are uberkino too
biblically accurate plate
holy fucking shit kill yourselves dungeons and trannies niggers
the best one is the squid guy because i can use him as a alien for space instead of gay fantasy
Best DnD figure is this chocolate goddess and her tons of spell tiles. She has a larger ice staff too
>chocolate goddess
actually shes going straight to the lego city womens prison or zoo
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Well said, brother.
*Freezes you*
*Summons a meteor*
*Levitates meteor shoving it up your racist ass*
Nothing personel
I don't have a gaping anus like you so iy won't fit
You will never be an elven maiden.
I feel bad for this guy. Imagine getting a lego gf and she dumps you while your life falls apart

Not gonna watch it, can I get a rundown
He made lego videos with his girlfriend and became a LAN member, but his girlfriend got into megabloks which she preferred and started making megabloks reviews on the channel. It got him kicked out of LAN and then he started losing money on his videos since he didn't get the free sets anymore and his girlfriend left him because he couldn't afford to buy her megabloks anymore. Pretty messed up
>It got him kicked out of LAN
Did he not read the LAN rules?
I want to get in touch with my inner child and enjoy playing with Lego again. I think the reason I've been unable to do this is because modern Lego is too overwhelming and not versatile enough. Maybe I should stick to mocs with simple bricks and a limited color pallet and see how that makes me feel.
Is this a good idea?
His girlfriend made the videos not him so he didn't think it counted
Nigger what. Was he going to get his mom to make leak videos and think that makes it okay too?
Make small stuff. 25-100 pieces.
They specifically sell Creative sets as a part of the Classic theme that are just collections of bricks themed around different things like buildings or fantasy. If you’re serious about “playing” with Lego instead of being interested in more specialized sets I’d look into that.
So much soul holy fuark
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>So little bricks of each color because they need to cover so many redundant colors
>No sizeable plates or 1(one) baseplate
Grim. It's like modern Lego fundamentally doesn't comprehend its issues
I used to be a little annoyed that BTAS Batmobile had such visible studs on top instead of just smoothing it out, but now that I have my hands on the Burton Batmobile that actually has a smooth stud-less top side and it kind of sucks that Batman can’t comfortably stand on the Batmobile.
I used to be a little annoyed at capeshitters but now I hate em
Yeah they’re definitely not for serious builds, they’re much more “play” oriented to just screw around with and test things out (though the Brick Box sets have decent sized plates). I imagine anyone intent on creating mocs already knows about Pick A Brick/BrinkLink or building sets their own way to get the specific bricks they need.
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Just built another banger out of my Creator 3in1 Medieval Castle. I used 1 black stud from my own collection because one fell under the couch and I didn't want to move furniture around late. If I used my own pieces I know I could make it even bigger/better, but it's a good functional recreation of the classic.
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Gay grandpa is the gift that keeps on giving
Of what?
>DND slop shitposter creates thread
>thread is shit marathon with youtubers and lame memes
Next thread will be about Nexo Knights
I need to get my hand on this set, but I definitely gotta wait a bit.
I fucking NEED her
It retires this year so don't wait too long
It’s not listed on the site as retiring any time soon. Would be a surprise if they waiting until the moth of to say so.
Check the list in the OP. Lego doesn't list every set on their site
For me it's the orc rogue from the set with the gith daggers and bird bow
That parrot has seen some shit
>no Monk
has any offbrand surpassed lego plastic quality yet?
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Rollin’ wit da wizzards yo.
>Mixing fleshies with yellows
Absolutely repulsive
Gonna go to Brickworld Tomorrow, see you guys there
You could just buy the full set from bricklink
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I think I hate modern Lego. The ethos has been lost
I don't leave the house. Hate people that aren't minifigs
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Very much understandable take
How soon before the Dreamzzz 2025 leaks roll in?
>was trying to remove bionicle ball joint with teeth
>accidentally swallowed it

What do I do now...just wait..?
We got a polybag and a hint of shit, so I’m guessing the second or third (idk) wave is tech villains
There was some in the last thread, and a polybag earlier in this ine
Take some small laxatives, also was it a rare color? Because if so, get used to shitting in a box for a day
Now that the villians are videogame themed I do not understand how this is supposed to be about dreams anymore. It barely had anything to do with it as it was lol. But the badguys being nightmare themed was solid.
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Was this piece rare?
Yeah lol, good luck sifting theougu the poo poo, although you should just sell it after you get it through because stomach acid will fuck up the print+smells bad
Its the whole “Burgers?” Situation all over again, going with a theme and then fuckingnit up
holy shit is that a V8 space cadillac?
>nexo threads had zero youtuber bullshit
>anti nexo thread and the bullshit starts again
Like pottery
Nexo is so repulsive it deters all the shitstirrers by stinking enough, but that stink we will have to live with a bit to survive the winter
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Belville is kind of kino for a girl toy
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Wait is Belville pink the modern one, aka the one thats different from Paradisia?
Please don't hurt me.
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This set is fucking terrifying there's an alien in the attic watching her sleep
Purple gems
Seethe more
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What psycho made this piece
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You can't be serious
A dog but no poop? Did the guy who puts poop in sets get fired or something?
No shit, but this looks like a brick spitting piss for no discernible reason.
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why did lego get rid of elves which was kino but keep friends which is boring gay crap
lego executives are brainless danish troglodytes
Isn't that kind of a given with any X in 1 set?
I wonder if they have actual working parts in these huge movie versions of the builds or if it's just fakey fakey cgi bullshit.
Julian's birthday party didn't sell I guess, I might get it for that beach part and bamboo though.
No monk and no minotaur, shit sucks
Why include "4 in 1" when 1 is 3 1x1 stacked on top of eachother
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mini blacktron spaceship i made
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When are they gonna make this hair piece
Why did City lost the soul of Town?
Why did Town lost the soul of Legoland?
Why did Legoland lose the soul of wooden toys?
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Full overview if anyone wants to check it out.
Boney boy
pretty shite
You’re my spirit animal and I hope you never let them get you down my friend.
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suddenly they don't look absolutely reddit

>what a downgrade

The dichotomy of man on full display.
You have to be 18 to post here. If you’re my guy then I’ll take that as a compliment.
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Okay I may have a Lego addiction
i see that shark bro . . .
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is the fart cloud piece new?
>cute elves
>fun, articulated dragons
>slight elemental theme
It's like Ninjago but actually good, so of course they had to can it
>no minotaur
I didn't even think about this, man, I really want a full theme of dnd stuff
City Space is still happening? fuck yes
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I counted and based on your lego sets you are 66.66% cringe not counting the shark. The shark makes you 166.66% cringe
I missed that forest man thing whatever
now this is the kind of autism I can get behind
Imagine being a kid and having all that in your hands
And after 20 years realize that half of the pieces are missing or stolen by your "friends"?
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
this post triggered memories I wish had stayed dormant
Sharks have been ruined for a while, darn
>booncle, whateva happened there…
Yea they are troonesque now. We live in dark times
How do we fix Lego?
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Hopefully they eventually get out the dark age eventually and go back to being big fish…
Halve all sets prices by 50%
Cancel Architecture
Cancel Botanical Collection
Cancel BrickHeadz
Cancel Despicable Me
Cancel Disney
Cancel Dots
Cancel Friends
Turn Jurassic World into an unlicensed evergreen theme based on previous dino themes like adventurers and dino 2010
Cancel Lego Art
Cancel Avatar
Cancel Braille Bricks
Cancel Dreamzzz
Cancel Fortnite
Cancel Gabby's Dollhouse
Cancel Wednesday and Wicked
Cancel Marvel
Cancel Ninjago
Every few years, release new multiple wave Fantasy and Space themes, as well as 2 more unlicensed themes that can be anything
Bring back Bionicle with the old moulds and technic integration
No more wokegender stuff
Lego is saved
based, is technic unchanged? and are fleshies still a thing? if so, just turn Friends into Elves
He built his dream Lego studio

No more fleshies or minidolls
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Elaborate. How so? I mean, I guess of you think the original sucks... but I'm not trying to reinvent it.

Thanks brother. Appreciate it
Here's how it looks next to that Forest Hideout GWP and my Majisto's Magical Watchtower MOC.
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Demon Mage Warrgre leads his army to storm the Black Falcon Watchtower and free the skeleton warrior that has been taken prisoner.
Hell yeah! Saved.
You should put majistos house and the black forest hideout together on a green base plate
Even I a trans woman am tired of the shark appropriation
Lego Dragon Ball sets.
New thread?
>Wait is Belville pink the modern one, aka the one thats different from Paradisia?
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Today i got a shadow set and was eating paprika chips dring the comfy autumn evening. Life is good
>Mfw some cholo kid who probably stole this was selling it on OfferUp near me for $150, but someone snatched it before I could
What's your monthly Lego budget?
If I want something I get it. Simple as
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I'm sorry but there's nothing about modern Lego that satisfies me. From this point forward it's a life of MOCs for me
Probably the Tournament Knight from series 20. Anything under £30 is a decent price for him, but I often see him going for £40+ Pretty crazy considering he was originally selling for £3.50 only a few years ago. I once found a custom fig using his torso and legs in an independent lego store for £4 though. My guess was they didn't recognise how valuable it was without the shield.
okay incel
Sonic and Animal Crossing may be licenses but they still have soul
>21 dragonborn paladins
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das rite
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post sets that convey cozyness and purity
Okay chad
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Damn king's mech looks so cool and can actual do action poses

I will buy him next
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Renders always look so soulless.

Part number on that doggy door?
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i completely forgot that ALL sonic set stuff is printed and not stickers
Holy shit anons these prints are top tier
Weak man's drug
pretty sure its a sideways cabinet
who would want this trash
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>pic related
>243 pieces
>Probably 20 bucks at release
>1119 pieces
>Guaranteed $120-$130 price tag
Hate this shit
Congrats, sis. Hope they make an Infinite the Edgehog set just for you.
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Im sure somebody will post just2good or cry about trans people so you will have something worthy your mind to talk about
>shadow game was released almost 20 years ago
Dumb zoomer faggot
I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide
No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come
oh no it's retarded
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dumb set it's just a stupid boa-
Haha it's about narcotics and gta stuff. So edgy lol.
gr8 b8 m8
The fishing dock is based. Need more of that.
>shitty yellow slop with retarded faces
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>The fishing dock is based. Need more of that.
ikr bro when i connect 2 bricks together it looks so based
me is smart
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wrong set pal
It's time to move on.
Next Thread:


>bird sitting on a croc eating money
holy fuck
Wha happun?
We're literally first on the board stilll would be my guess.
based janny sniping the nexo trash. take this as a sign to quit your forced bullshit spam
honestly yeah. and yet its a 18 plus set lol
Neat, thanks!
Fuck it I'll make one. New thread
bro, we're on page 1
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i bet you like dreamz or sonic you fucking whoreson
Why not LDD or BLS?
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if legos is pandering to AFOOL's why are legos trains neglected?
Every thread
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Coming soon, Fated Forest!
trains are based.
afols like cuckwars and nintendix
I doubt you’ll see this but I just watched your newest one… with blackjack and hookers.
because Elves didn't sell, but Friends does. Its not like Lego hates money, or something. I mean, I really wish I had bought Elves when it was out, but I didn't, and that is probably what millions of Lego fans did. I have several Friends sets, though, so I am obviously part of the problem

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