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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11193428
That is the cheapest looking mech I have even seen. I used to build stuff like that when I was 5.
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I loved those metal detector pieces so much.
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its poop
Modular Spaceship coming January 1st at least
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
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Why did they give Tracer such a pale face?
small multibillion family company, please understand
It's the only one I don't want, but I need that scientist captain
It is my belief that Lego is a debilitating disease that ruins lives
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im no animal crossing fan but this set sparks joy
And I bet it's super expensive for what it is due to the license.
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we need that fart piece in brown
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Think I spent over 150 on the brickworld, god help me lol, at least I have more pterodactyls
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Autumn is the best season to play with Legos
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Classic dinos are the best kind.
>Spending 150 on a redish brown piece
Big oof. Hope you have good luck keeping that baby fresh.
>Reading: 0
>reddish brown
its not. fucking zoomers dont even know the classic dinos
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I have a ton of stuff to use now at least, also the orange one has a boyfriend now lol
How many dinos do you have?
Pterodactyls arnt even dinosaurs. Lmao
4 pterodactyls (classic), 1 triceratops (classic), and a fair bit of modern JP dinos, making up for lost time. Likely will need to get one or those weird build a dino dinos or some of the Dinosaur Attack stuff
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Thoughts on classic Lego?
Always liked how they old trex had feathers on its arms. (Even though the long arms and 3 fingers make it look like an Allosaurus)
Guys what’s wrong with Justin? I’m worried that the highway 237 incident has really hurt him.
Old Rexy is way too expensive for me currently like getting a proper Dragon, gonna do some weird stuff with what I’ve got
jang was so brave for making this video. major respect

Oh man I'm not gonna knock you for having such an old piece. Lol I just enjoy talking about dinosaurs and love this figure. Got pictures of your Triceratops?

Reminder that classic triceratops body with classic crocodile head looks hilarious
Depression is common for men who cut their dicks off.
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Kek, it looks like one of those galloping crocodiles.
Last update was two months ago. But I guess we know who’s been spamming nexo.
>mega videos get you kicked out of LAN
>Lego forces stores to reserve at least 90% of shelf space for Lego and 10% for their competitors
Holy kek why is Lego so predatory.
Sound like bro dodged a bullet with that chick though. Good for him.
Triceratops head on dragon body looks cool too.
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With Sonic as a license would be cool if they made a Nights into Dreams set!
My favorite thing about Lego is _________

Complete the sentence
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Yeah, had to buy the horns seperate for it because ouch, still a very nice mold
A fair few more to go
Why haven’t third party guys gotten into these guys or making other classic style dinos? This shit is great kek
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I wish lego went back to using bigger pieces instead of having a million small specialized parts. Makes it much more difficult to MOC as well. I mean how tf do i even sort this shit
classic kino
I use to love those massive spreads they would do.
By type. All the animals in one box, the translucent ones in another, etc.
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first set lego i ever got

pretty good i think
Decide on what you're going to classify each piece as (i.e. that light bley round 1x1 piece with protruding bar gets classified as a drink bottle nipple in my system, so it goes in the larger collection of food- and drink-related pieces) and then start sorting into broad categories and then refine into sub-sub-categories.
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will you be buyin it?
Saving my money for the Dragon Ball sets.
Of course the YouTube faggots come back when it's not a nexo thread.
I already have all the 12 cmfs. I'll only buy the set if its ever at $300 or less
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I'm sure most people would prefer a traditional minifig, and I'll take whatever in this case, but Nights's slender frame would translate pretty okay into a Friends style minifig. The worst part would be the the conjoined legs.
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No, already spent too much on regular pieces
in true sonic fan fashion of course nightsfags are also mentally deranged cris-chan tier "people"
Very good (for licenseslop)
I want it. But probably not.
It was the first set I bought when I got into Lego a few months ago when it first came out.
Funny lizards
did you like it? was it worth it?
Definitely enjoyed it, and I honestly feel like it’s worth the price since you get quite a lot in it with the minifigs and creature builds.
In honour of the theme of this thread:
Have a meme
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cool. did you get the cmfs to compliment it?
I grabbed the set with Bunnie cause it was discounted and I’m really considering getting more for the outdoor modular pieces. Genuinely a great theme for the environments you can build with the pieces.
Does anyone have the "Space Police looked like this but now they look like this, because Blacktron used to look like this but now they look like this" image?
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R8 my collection!
i recognize that wholesome little chris chan meme
Been thinking about lego a lot lately. How about you?
Was actually thinking about MegaBloks the other day, made me feel quite unclean.
Megabloks has a lot of nice colors but some of them just feel off, can sense it ya know?
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As far as I'm concerned modern lego is not real lego

there I said it
It's £3.
not sure if sad or wholesome
I hate the bright green/green distinction so fucking much
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that's lime, the difference is justifiable

did you notice there's two types of green on these two palm trees? FUCKING WHY?
Did a green eyed person who can see more shades of green than a regular human design bright light green or something because it looks exactly the same as green
I remember seeing a meme about Lime Green bricks not existing yet when this movie is set. So in the IT universe they got Lime Green bricks earlier. What a truely chaotic timeline.
>mario/animal crossing baseplates are only available in bright green instead of a normal green

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What's Lego cooking?
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how do we feel about this piece? based or cringe?
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Wild West was my first theme and will always be my favorite.
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Fresh mini fig score
Plains and Interior Northwest Indian tipis, and Pacific Northwest Coast totem poles, this is highly offensive and paints indigenous people has interchangeable and all the same when the two are socially organized in completely different ways.

Not only is the combination of Tipis and Totem Poles culturally incorrect, it also just plain doesn't make any sense. The whole point of tipis is that they are easy to put up and take down, useful for people who are on the move, hence a settlement full of them is likely a camp. Whereas you only put up a totem pole if you're planning on staying in one place.
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Obviously, it's inaccurate. However, bear in mind that it was trying to ape film portrayals rather than going for actual historical or cultural accuracy. If Lego ever planned on doing another take on that aspect of the American West, then it could be more like the 2013 Lone Ranger line featuring bronze-hued ("fleshie") Comanches armed with more accurate weapons and wearing more culturally-accurate garb, but with the better lodge poles and actual cloth tepee covers of the 90s line.
I already own it. Along with all 12 minifigs too. And the Zelda set so Link can join the fun.
what do you do for a living?
Already have it. I will be buying the Medieval Village soon so I can D&D it up. I am not a fan of the game, but I love fantasy settings.
Fucking Mcdonalds.
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I made the midnight raven blue. I like raven but I don't like pink. Maybe including alt color bricks would help some of these sets.
They shouldn't use pink in any sets that they want to market to both boys and girls or boys, because boys will not want any sets with pink in. Dreamzzz is full of really bad decisions like this, don't know how it lasted more than 1 wave it must be on serious life support
this still looks like ugly gay poop
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Why don't lego sets do this anymore
it's not the 1990s anymore anon, boys aren't allergic to pink
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tasteful pink doesnt have to be an eyesore
This is a cope by wokegenders, boys won't buy a toy with pink gay shit in as much as you want them to so you can groom them or whatever
prove it
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It's all on clearance
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Yea it makes even less sense with the shark set. Girls will like pink bird, but who is target audience for pink shark?
To me the dreamzz sets are ugly in a good way, like good old time twisters.
There's NO EVIDENCE boys like pink
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based boys would buy the pink sets just for the sexy evil witch lady.
are you aware that sharks are considered a trans symbol?
She looks like a troon due to the salmon hair. Every time I see that salmon colour it's a very disturbing visceral experience that I can't explain. I really hope they get rid of it
'>are you updated on your latest memes and know boys enjoy that wholesome little transgender shark meme?
She is pretty hot ngl
For fucks sake... that does seem to explain it.
janging my bricks rn
You'd have to be insane not to like this new post office; it has a hot air balloon that can dock with a conveyor belt for mail that leads to a moving cart.
I've always thought of Dreamzz as modern Time Cruisers, except that Dreamzzz is more of an urban fantasy while Time Cruisers is more sci-fi. I prefer sci-fi, so I consider most Dreamzzz sets inferior to Time Cruisers, but some of the animal-themed Dreamzzz sets remind me of Chima in a way.
Troons hate christmas because they are demonic, like jews, so Justin won't ever like a christmas set until he becomes normal again, if that ever happens. That being said I think that post office is a bit busy, I much prefer the little elf car
if it was a darker red she'd be a 10/10
I wish there was a Lego theme about cute little green aliens with flying saucers being comfy and doing cute thing and it would also have alien dinosaurs of weird colors with tentacles and an odd number of eyes
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Um...Actually, at the turn of the last century pink was considered a masculine color while light blue was considered feminine.
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Because the wounds are still raw
There has never ever been proof of this btw
Pedothena Rapist
I wish the alien cmf was green instead of grey
>yes sir we received your package, we found 50 pounds of usable bricks and, factoring your $33.50 in shipping...
>alright, check your email, we will be sending you a $15 e-gift card within the next five to seven business days
>thank you for contributing to the LEGO Brick Take Back
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* "salmon" is different than "pink" (doesn't count as pink)
* not a trace of "light blue" anywhere (thus is NOT the intent to imply this is anything other than a woman)
* CLEARLY has (HAS!!!) the boob contours and hip indents. things they have done their best to remove from all female characters going forward
* long hair covers up the boob contours and a little bit of the waist (trying to "hide" the view from the approval committee which might tell them to remove those things)

who thought they would dare make a "wet" Dreamzzz character? (lmao)
you probably a redditfag and this is not yours but still - this looks SO MUCH BETTER
if they wanted to keep the "pretty girly" color code they should have used something like this

That pink looked ugly on this crow.
Crow as a huge villain should never use pink because it instantly deletes huge amount of people that like crows and would buy a set with a big crow but original color version just makes it look ugly
Where did this kind of sovl go?
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Salmon is just Rust but worse
This looks out of date as fuck
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Any tortle fans here?
Yes, but nobody has bothered to make a new one, also any advice for getting trans neon yellow studs?
I love tort. This lil green see turt is beautiful.
You seriously need to stop letting trannies live in your head, anon
She's so cute
Turtles are good yes
Also which colors should be added
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Like >>11195374 wrote, form categories. The more space and boxes you have available, the more categories and subcategories you can use.

If you are limited to 10 or less categories, go by color. Similiar colors (e.g. yellow, bright yellow, also the transparent ones) go into one box.
(+) quick seperation, as you can instinctivelly filter by color
(-) finding a specific part is really annoying (having to sort through all parts each time, with no guarantee of knowing that this part is really there at all.

If you decide to sort by part category, then have this structure:
1. System type (Basic, Technic, Duplo, Bionicle, ...)
2. Geometry (bricks, plates, tiles, slopes, round, ...),
fuctions (pins, clips, hinges, ...),
themes (animals, food, tools, plants, rocks, ...),
Minifigures (including heads, torsos, legs, accessories, ...)
Printed bricks
3. If you have enough space, do subcategories (e.g. Bricks: 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x4, ...). This requires however LOTS of categories, so make sure you have enough containers and space. I would recommend using these boxes meant for sorting screws and such things (pic related). Foils and jars will also do, but in the long run, that looks shabby.

TLDR; If you just want to quickly sort parts, then by color; when you want to do something more ambitious like MoCs, then by part types.
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>I wish lego went back to using bigger pieces instead of having a million small specialized parts. Makes it much more difficult to MOC as well. I mean how tf do i even sort this shit
Let's see.

You are

1) newfag (just 1 box of pieces probably joined this year)
3) retard (instead of sorting pieces by types like any normal lego builder you mixed all pieces and whining about lego being bad on 4chan)
game industry is stuck in its hollywood remake period, and anything new is shit.
can't have attractive characters
game "journalists" fuel dei paranoia

I don't care if games have black characters, ugly characters, women in powerful positions but can you please just not make it super repulsive in the process? Why does every smart girl character need to be butt ugly? Why does every girl in general need to be ugly? Why would you make your female protagonist ugly? I don't understand how empowering women depiction in games in making them masculine like men or unattractive. It's the weirdest shit.

I hope the industry gets out of this death spin it seems to be in.
nta but I buy a bunch of small pieces instead of sets usually nowadays for future mocs, is that good idea?
wrong thread POLFAGGOT

Where is the nexo knights shitposter. make next thread Nexo knights so it will be free from these degenerates
Write me a poem about Lego.
In 2025 dreamzzz won't have pink villains but white and black and red based on this spider drone, can it save the theme?

>Rumour is that the plastic bags of these sets will be changing. Brickset has even reported on it -

>Of note is the new size of packaging, which may suggest a change to paper material.

What are we going to call these now that they're not actually packaged in Polyethylene? Lego and retailers sometimes refer to these as "recruit bags" but I doubt such a corporate term will catch on in the community.

I also have to wonder if the change will come with a price increase.
Im sure local incel polfags will find an issue here and whine about "leftards greenpeace feminazie downgrading plastic quality to save Earth" or some shit like that.

I remember them crying in tantrum when lego switched to paperbags from plastic, lmao.
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>based on this spider drone
btw you are wrong and know nothing about Dreamzzz.
that bag is a Cooper set and those are cooper colors.

Crocodile Car set and mechanical Dinosaur has the same colors as well.
girl-coded set will continue having pink/purple.

Dreamzzz has 3 types of sets

1) for boys (cooper and 1st season bad guys sets) that feature games/cars/dinosaurs with red/blue
2) neutral - Zblob stuff of white + green
3) girl coded sets (witches/animals/pink and purple)
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lego should just make sets like this again
Lego does exactly the same thing - it's just not a big box anymore.
Polybags having same shit as on your picture only they consume less space and easy to store sealed.
Like what's the difference here
>small build

notice the 10s castle.
It's shitposter whining about "old lego good"-brainrot.
I was gonna try and get more of those baseplates and hill parts from PaB but I realised it would just be easier and cheaper to buy the bunnie and the boat set.
I have no idea what the current lego harry potter sets are because youtubers refuse to make videos about them
Faggot, 2025 wave is videogame based. Villains are videogame based
Schizo pedo
>2010 is old
This feels like an extremely desperate shilling technique for dreamzzz
We're talking about animal crossing dude.
>What are we going to call these now that they're not actually packaged in Polyethylene?
Oh, I thought you were talking about the dreamzzz bunny. No one even wants to shill for dreamzzz, sad!
>Musk does robots
>I won't have a job
>no more money to live and buy lego
Thanks Elon...
Forgot pic

>Musk does robots
>I won't have a job
>no more money to live and buy lego
Thanks Elon...
>Makes robots to build legos
>No more legos...

incel polfag
Lol you're a tranny
Shouldn't you be dilating right now
dance, incel monkey
Remember to clean your asshole so you don't get aids
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Racist character hidden in the new robot world set... How did lego get away with this?
Low test/incelcore post
Fantastic thread fellas keep up the great work!
Will they ever fix big figs?
>Woah! is that fucking black face, dude?
Lego? Fix something for the better? I doubt it.
2025 leaks when?
>Dragon Ball
>Star Wars
>Expensive city shit
>Cheap city shit
>Black Box shit for brain dead adults who think plastic flowers are appealing
Source on dbz?
>sort by color
Please think it over for 10 or 12 seconds before taking this absolutely retarded advice.
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>Smiling friends

Cringe faggot shit
Even if this was real it would just be another gay reddit fact.
It doesn't matter how much online dysgenic freaks try to 'claim' something as their symbol when it's a shark. In the real world sharks are badass big fish and little boys think they're cool as fuck.
It's a shame they didn't re-release it in a few different colours. White and dark grey would have been cool, along with various shades of green and personally I would have liked a glow in the dark one. I imagine the mould is probably destroyed now unfortunately. Maybe they could recolour the series 26 cmf greyylien
Getting back into lego. Should I be worried about sets retiring?
Guys I have a fuckton of legos from my childhood. How do I sort them all out?
Depends on what you're currently interested in. Check the OP link
Not at all
If it isn't some collector's afol garbage it can be bought used or even new at relatively cheap
The DnD blindbags will be gone by the end of the year
it's like local incel polfaggots made this video

could tell that whiny zoomer was a 00's kid before even hearing his favorite themes lol.

the nostalgiablindness is baked in so hard. the aughts-early 10s' had its fair share of short-lived themes like dino, monster fighters, alien conquest, and galaxy squad, so why not mention them?

also dreams is very cohesive, with intentional vivid color hero builds juxtaposed against villain builds with a uniform "nightmare" theme. maybe u should've reconsidered this script when u had to start making excuses for why Monkie kid countered his point
I think the 3-1 castle is the only one I'm interested in.
it retires in december.
his ass
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I want an all green baby with alien eyes
Well, it depends on the amount you have. Are we talking about just one full box or >10kg worth of Lego? If it's the latter, then I agree that the sort-by-color-advice is retarded. Other than that, you're better off with the first system as long as there is an overseeable amount of bricks and you don't want to get more serious with the hobby.
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Too bad the color palette itself is so awful people here call it the tranny theme. Only Cooper redneck tech and gypsy gold sets are somewhat safe from it.
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we just have to go back bros

we must
>Every time I see that salmon colour it's a very disturbing visceral experience that I can't explain.
Agreed. It looks ok on the sea life like the tiny octopus, but I don't like it in 99% of other parts.
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Legos that emanate an aura of evil
anything post 2012
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Ty, agreed, am not reddit tho.
But anon, time cruisers has a city scape in background of each box art so it is urban fantasy too you see. Time cruisers is the better theme simply because >>11195935 Lego fired all their good set designers back in ~1999 in a botched response to losing sales to Pokemon (Lego hurt itself in its confusion) and have been money first ever since.
I see what you did there lol.
Her minion is kinda hot too.
Black and white could work, I hope that pans out. Lego needs more successful internal IP themes.
Lego is so expensive fml
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Since everything is being redone and reused, why not this classic theme:
It's simply an extremely "girly" color due to appearing mostly in Friends sets and being introduced with the girl-side of the TLM2 sets.
Outside of those it's mostly there for insignificant stuff like blossoms, corals or filler-shit as a little extra "fuck you".
However, whenever it appears more prominently in "unisex" themes like Vidiyo or Dreamzzz you basically subconsciously write it off as "probably trans-coded shit with ulterior motives and agendas" due to this.
they fumbled the last bionicle reboot, doubt they could do another
Hit up resell Stores that take slightly damaged and over stocked shit from walmart, Sam's Club, Amazon, and target marks em down and resells them.
>found a $60 at Sam's club surf and turf pokemon card boxset for $20 at bidding kings
>shit ton of various lego sets especially Ninjago and Dreamzzz marked 30-40% at a place called Resell store
>end up getting the huge Dreamzzz shark ship for $80 and Meg 2 on 4k for $4
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>played with Legos as a kid, look up some info on new Lego sets to see what the state of Lego is right now
>chance upon a Star Wars battle pack (40755)
>of the 3 stormtroopers in that pack, 2 are female, 1 of which is black
What the actual fuck? You'd think that Lego of all things would be free of politics but it looks like you guys have it as bad as every other industry. Are there still any themes or sets that exclusively appeal to boys/men?
>featuring women and non-white people in media is politics
Yeah, duplo.
>You'd think that Lego of all things would be free of politics
Dude, Lego is unironically one of the most pozzed companies out there right now and a forerunner for all things DEI/ESG/WTF/MDK.
You damn well know it is when it's for fucking stormtroopers. It'd be like buying a dollhouse set and having all the minifigs be neckbeards or something.
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Lego was also particularly afflicted by the vitiligo craze. There were at least three sets that came out the same wave with vitiligo figs.
you're forgetting the main kid from dreams, the one with the blob
I don't remember Lieutenant Uhura having vitiligo.
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along with
Not the same wave as the pictured sets, and isn't his skin condition an actual acid burn?
Very normal adult behaviour
I have no idea dude, I don't watch the show
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It really is hilarious how all the corporations got the same memo about extra ESG funding for vitiligo and immediately started featuring it the same day.
all white all male = not politics
2 genders and multiple races = politics
By all means have more female/black minifigs but include them where they actually fit, like in the City theme for instance. Black female knights in Castle or black female stormtroopers in Star Wars is just retarded
>number of sets in that wave with albino minifigs:

You have to admit it's quite the coincidence that such a rare skin condition was featured not once, not twice, but thrice in the same wave, at the exact moment that multiple ad agencies also started featuring said rare skin condition.
why are dei shills in full force in the fucking lego thread. go shill on pol or something you cowards
... Because the palm fronds dry out when used as roofing? They lose their color when that happens.
DEI is probably why Adventurers will never happen again too. Even Slugger talked about how Orient Expedition can never happen again because it "glorifies colonialism".
That reminds me, does the minidoll arm stump have the same diameter as a bar piece?
>actors over 6 feet speaking modern english in a medieval based tv show but they are white

>black actor in a medieval based tv show
the sticker face is so embarrassing
do you have brain damage? hes talking about the palm leaves on the TWO PALM TREES, not the roof
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You know exactly WHY they included it.
Funfact: it didn't exist in the early concept art and even WHEN he got his funky eye it was a blue spark instead of a skin/eye condition.
it's on a different level of the tower than ours
Making up your own all-caps greentext is the apex of argument styles.
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If legos current design philosophy really made mocs better, then why doesn't anyone post them here anymore? Now everyone just obsesses over the latest license lego has acquired. Im old enough to remember when these threads weren't constantly spammed with marketing pictures and people didn't leap to defend their favorite brand at the slightest criticism. People don't even post pictures of their sets anymore. I bet you fags leave them in the box so you can resell it. Its so incredibly sad to see what happened to this general.
>If legos current design philosophy really made mocs better, then why doesn't anyone post them here anymore?
Probably because this is an anonymous site and people don't want to be doxxed?
>If legos current design philosophy really made mocs better
it didn't, it just made them look less like Lego
I prefer him over you fag.
You kill cats
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We stan a goddess that mocs with a limited color pallet and uses simple large pieces
I tried sitting through one of her videos but they are glacially paced
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Here's a 4th nightmare creature build for 71483
x2 speed is your friend (this goes for the entirety of youtube)
You still kill cats Pedosoth
Looked like the same color to me, with maybe some lighting issues. It's wild that you're getting this upset over toy colors.
looks tremendously trans-coded
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Junkyard level is about finished. The idea is that it used to be a normal section but they gutted it and jacked it up to make more room.
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Get ready for harelip options in upcoming character creators.
The local PedoSchizo has evaded his ban
>Looked like the same color to me
that was exactly the fucking point of the post, the ridiculousness of the bright green/regular green split existence
How the fuck are you going get doxed from pictures of your legos? Are you posing in all of them and making a basedface?
Yeah, Lego basically hates itself and wants to attract people that dont actually like lego but just want a really detailed display model to put on their shelf.
Your building style is pretty unique. I like how confident you are to use different colors that most people wouldnt put together.
Not him but I have pictures of my MOCs posted elsewhere so if you reverse google image search, it's quite literally over.
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The backs of the car seats each have a stud because it's actually the bunk bed for the junkyard robots. And obviously the parking slip fits their ride.

I've always found minifigs are nicer to display than sets, there's a lot of cool looking figures but most sets are hit or miss
I just post my images here and among friends, because I’m bored
Because communists are like human grey goo and will not stop trying to devour everything into their hideous demonic monoculture until they are made to stop by being put in the ground where they belong.
>most sets are hit or miss
build a moc dumbass
cute. CUTE
I don't usually display my mocs, I'll just make something then take it apart again
>wants to attract people that [...] want a really detailed display model to put on their shelf.
And that's bad why?
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Are you gonna spend $100 on the battle bus
This but unironically
They should all be yellow
Fig on the far left reminds me of a Construx alien.
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Reminds me of justin
Really like that mouth. Any way to get the mandibles angled so it's x and not +?
It would be good if it was green mostly instead of black pink and purple and salmon and green this colour scheme is kind of confused
Yes, noticing patterns and abnormalities is very adult behavior.
I might because I want the minifigs 3rd on the rights hood piece
>set based on a battle royale shooter
>no guns
>bottom text
Guys please don't hit me with the noooticer meme, but isn't dreamzzz just legally distinct Adventure Time? Except somehow Adventure Time's psychodelic colors look nicer for some reason.
>Guys, hold up a second here, isn't this gay pozzed woke crap like some other gay pozzed woke crap?
Thread is almost at bump limit.
make a new one
We need a halloween edition
there's over 2 weeks left you moron

New thread
enjoy your ban
Thanks, I'll make another one when this thread reaches the bump limit.
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I need to get more of these thin tires. I really like how they look as speakers but it turns out I only have one. I think I got it in a Technic set.
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whats your favorite $10 set? discounts don't count
space mech
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The Ninjago gaming wave was exceptional.

What was your favorite?

Please share your ideas for future Ninjago waves.

Here is mine: a theme featuring ninjas versus classic monsters such as vampires, mummies, and werewolves, creating a crossover between Ninjago and Castlevania.
This is pretty much a tron wave
Wierd since they had the license at that point.
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MOC looks weird without her hair obscuring 1/3 of it
I've always liked your stuff, but this is an improvement. It's not easy to build a good looking pile of junk.
jannies how the fuck is this acceptable?
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if legos is pandering to AFOOL's why are legos trains neglected?
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Quick some one post that purple-violet color comparison picture (also incomplete btw)
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Thanks anon

Here's the other thing I made today. Got around to sorting out my old-style open bottom bricks and found that only one of the red 1x2s had any clutch power so it only gets a single thruster.
Making mocs :)
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This (also me)
Ive always used pink for meat related content. Food, gore beast, wounds, etc... everything works proven youre not an NPC faggot
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I hope no one takes anything from there Rip that child
Someone took the top half of the queen pretty sad
Nigger swap the heads out and stop being a bitch
make it the op of the halloween edition
Where is that? Free lego!
arent the green toy story soldiers quite valuable?

memes aside,
That was a terrific battlepack. The only downside was that the head printing on some batches was really bad.
Congrats on color autismo!
Care to make a green palette one for the threaf?
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I’m too poor to own most greens, I need to get on collecting colors proper since I have only had access to a small pallet for some time, so I need more contacts within the lego Community for that
Little boy was five and got hit in a parking lot. Dad updated it in 2019… probably at the ten year anniversary. Breaks my fucking heart fellas. Every brick cemented with a tear.
how is the other thread still up? this is ridiculous
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a big thank you to the missus
Just buy the bootleg brands already. The quality is basically the same for 1/4 the price. I get most of my moc parts from webrick now.
how close do the bootleg colors match to the real thing?
Because it defeats the point of lego which is to take shit apart and build your own things. As you get more piece bloat building system becomes less modular until its barely a coherent system anymore.
It depends on the color, but standard shit like dark bley is pretty much indistinguishable.
Depends, plenty of brands out there
Can’t wait to hear her boyfriend’s thoughts on it when you’re done.
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I hope they bring back the Ninja Turtles as a theme. Would be cool
Them bringing back LOTR gives me much hope this will actually happen some day
Do you see a woman existing in real life and go
Who are you quoting?
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>actually being bothered by the heads they choose for the otherwise faceless, helmeted goons
cry more retard
Pic related was used to represent Lego Pirates in a Time Magazine's "The Magic of Lego"
looks AI
Child Pedo
>Pic related was used to represent Lego Pirates in a Time Magazine's "The Magic of Lego"
Sauce on your claim?
what the fuck does that even mean you retard?
New Thread:
Kill yourself demon sucking communist animal.

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