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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11195187
noooo you stole incel polfaggot's DND slop thread
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Just ordered this.
what i'm in for
Fabuland 2 Sovl
Those tree stump pieces are really neat. I need to get a few to go with my round 2x2 tree ring tiles.
Pedo Catkiller
bright green baseplates and normal green canopies
i ate that pumpkin piece and it was delicious. way better than a real pumpkin
I'm convinced no one itt is old enough to have played with fabuland as kids
I'm convinced no-one genuinely liked fabuland as a kid, something your gran would buy because it says Lego and you'd just open it and think wtf is this shit
In europe it lasted until '89 so some european anons probably had it
Based grandma and ungrateful phillistine grandson
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Blessing this thread with tort the tortle before it gets deleted
people who had fabugay are in their 40s now. back then we didn't hate such themes because there wasn't internet culture. A kids toy was just a kids toy.
It didn't stand out as much back then, early Lego was definitely more derpy than it is now but in a good way.
Do you like Lego star wars or do you think it's overrated
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the only solid lego colors you need. anything else is bloat and can be easily replaced by one of these
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society is saved
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we are so back
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for me it's the dino research compound
Purple would be nice. You've got green so I don't know why you wouldn't have other secondary colours
There's (almost) no purple in nature. There's green all around us. What exactly are you trying to depict that makes purple essential?
Blue is a perfectly fine proxy for purple. There's a reason we say VIOLETs are BLUE
Dreamzzz wouldn't be such a horrid mess if pink and purple didn't exist as Lego colors
>There's (almost) no purple in nature
>purple fruit
>purple vegetables
>purple flowers
>purple plants
>purple animals
>purple moss
>purple rocks
Are you on crack?
You must be if you think this is any way common.
Again, Lego grapes and otherwisepurple flowers are perfectly fine depicted as blue

>Purple animals
Too many greys, the mousecucks won't suffer enough.
>missing the zipline
Unironically this
If there was no tan would Hogwarts be yellow or grey?
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Yellow would be too overwhelming
Oh no how would Lego be able to thrive without being able to accurately depict these extremely niche species? Oh wait despite having a fuckton of purple shades available they never had to

This type of ackshually posts are so fucking pathetic
Soul overload
>he was proven wrong and now is being an insufferable cunt
>Proven wrong

The (almost) on the original post was there to prevent garbage ackshually posts like yours but you chose to be wilfully daft anyway

Did I ever say "there are virtually no purple animals whatsoever"? Lego is a simple symbolic abstraction. If you absolutely need an exotic bird or butterfly you make it fucking blue as its a close enough approximation that conveys the same idea.

The point is that you don't look at scenarios like >>11196702 and think "hmm... lacks purple". It's a niche color and Lego did just fine without it for many many many years.
Insufferable when proven wrong is a character flaw.
I can’t wait till this goes on sale. I’ll get one for Harry Potter and one for DND.
Doubling down on lies is a far worse trait
Bro, you were proven wrong with your weird assertion purple isn't common in nature. Suck an eggplant - OMG PURPLE
people tend to inherit the old lego bin of their family

t. inherited 60s lego bin from my grandparents and had some crazy old window pieces from way before minifigs even existed
>Sentinel is rumored for next summer with 4 minifigures (two unknown, Gambit, and Wolverine)
for that anon that was going to spend 300 for Gambit a couple of threads back
It fucking isn't. You're literally pointing out exceptions. The sky and water are blue. Rock is brown or grey. Plants are green. It's not that hard.

You were literally trying to equate green and purple as being on the same level because "they are both secondary colors" when pretty much all the extremely prolific and everyday visible plantlife(trees, grass, bushes) and a lot of reptiles/amphibians are green while only a select few flowers and fruit and niche obscure animal species(I dare you to ask a child to name a purple animal) are purple.

How fucking stupid do you have to be
>There's (almost) no purple in nature.
Objectively wrong.
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I dare you to calculate the percentage of purple in nature vs the percentage of green, blue, brown and grey
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But where is the spanish shawl slug and the orchid dotty back fish? IMMERSION BROKEN
What do you guys think of my collection?
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Why do you all care so much about the color of plastic of a lego figure? You unironically push people away from voting for your side with your /pol/rot non-issues. Save that for real issues like lgbt stuff infiltrating the kid's toy.
>inb4 polwhiner
>inb4 any other insult non-answer
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I have that police boat.
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ty for taking the time to do this anon, that's actually really interesting to apply the classic pallet to modern sets. But can some anon photoshop these two to make it cleaner?
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Wish i was like pepe
Buildin' without worry or any discernable goal and still experiencing joy from it
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hi Christian
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this is apu, not pepe my fren
And apu's building a house, he may not have all the right pieces or colors, and he may not be that good at building, but what matters is what YOU want to create! you just gotta make you goal achievable! :)
hahahaha nigga how is not being able to build real haha just dump out your bricks and start building haha
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I feel really bad for everyone who doesnt have this set and the cmf series
>bringing it into the next thread
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I certainly don't feel bad for any of the kids that won't be able to get any of the dragon paladins. One of the benefits of being a retail wage cuck is being able to go through all the boxes before they go out.
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>all parts are built now
>no more large pre-made parts
lego isnt interesting anymore
UMMMM because fantasy and sci-fi builds can be fun and the presence of colors uncommon to real world environments can create more immersive sci-fi/fantasy environments
This is unethical
What the fuck is the mace head also usable for? Also hoping for it and the ax head to come back later, both have stufs or anti studs built in
I've been using them as crystals for mages
I was planning to make some sort of chandelier, maybe some industrial streetlights
womp womp
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>I feel really bad for everyone who doesnt have this set and the cmf series
im not going to spend 300+ on lego. I don't believe it worth that price.

This is a very small set actually. You can't really play with the figures outside (there's not much space in the tower, tavern and dungeons)
It's basically an AFOL statue once again.

Lego has so many sets on market right now. For the price of 300+ you can buy A LOT of much better fun sets.

Meanwhile i bought this HP castle for on prime day for cheap and so fuckin happy. My castle will be bigger and better 2 years later.

Even now with Boathouse and magic potion class and other stuff it's a cool playset with lots of space.
The amount of fun im going to have - it's insane.
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welcome back white man
Damn so many typos and mistakes. I should go to bed (even if it's early morning)
They're both cringe
Lego owe me £120. So far it's been 5 days since I canceled an order and they still have not sent me the money. What do?
Pretty good frankly, weird that such a shiny piece was made as a mace head
Thats likely the best usage for these or for an off exotic lamp, probably the only time we will get it in clear
Is the Troll Sand Blue in the new set as well?
I think they used it to show off that the mace was "enchanted by divine energy", would have definitely preferred it in silver instead
Thanks for the money, sucker.
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>Is the Troll Sand Blue in the new set as well?
which new set? The Great Hall?
Yes he is exclusive of that set.
Btw i checked the great hall price on Amazon and it's back to close to 200 or higher. Holy crap i would me mad upset if i didnt buyt it during prime day (i got it for 150).
Maybe there will be on sale again during black friday.
I prefer the skinny troll because he’s way creepier than the new one
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>all those parts wasted to make a head.
Sure, but its from yalllegoname4myself which is a new account on insta and might be bullshit, until a more classic leaker confirms this info I say bs.
Had chance to buy it for $100 but I didnt, kinda feel bad now
Why did lego cheap out on us by removing most of the animals, I would have bought this set if they kept in the cow and sheep
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if legos is pandering to AFOOL's why are legos trains neglected?1?
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no fucking WAY could could LEGO make a head brick build?!!!
What a shitty company. I wish it was just a solid piece.

Who the fuck wants to BUILD head with BRICKS
Oh my god anon you are so right!!!

fucking cancer moron
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>Had chance to buy it for $100 but I didnt, kinda feel bad now
You should.

With lego it's always "buy now or cry later".
I never ever had a situation when "heh i will buy it later - it will go on clearance again".
It's pretty much over if you missed your chance with lego sets after 2022.

I don't know what happened. Maybe it's because post 2020's Covid economy thing. I have no idea.
Your only option now is ebay. It's a fairly "new" set so people not hunting for it. and you can find good options on ebay
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>I prefer the skinny troll because he’s way creepier than the new one

Take the chad troll pill.
The old troll was absolute garbage.
They aren't pandering to adult fans, they are pandering to normies. Nothing is more autistic than lego + trains so they won't do that.
Old troll is way better, the face is scarier and it feels more like lego since it has a stud at the top. It also has cloth pieces which are really cool. Right barely looks like lego, only visible lego parts are on the club.
>it feels more like lego
oh it's that classicfag.
Fuck off literally dumb zoomer.
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>feels more like lego since it has a stud at the top.
i agree

This why this Chima figure is the best bigfig - it has a head wear and separated lego head
If you like classic lego then Chima Mungis is the best bigfig choice for you

But no you are just whiny faggot zoomer retard. You just cicrlejerking around with stuff you know nothing about.
also this chima bigfig has 3 studs on his belly which makes him "MORE LEGO" than that shitty old troll.

If you are into classic lego then chima mammoth bigfig is your choice.
It's more lego because it has more studs!
This is a retarded argument that applies to you as well. I like the new structure overall but I prefer the old troll.
If you prefer the shitty new troll maybe you should go play with playmobil instead retard
You are minority.
Chima did the best thing by having both helmet/masks to represent the actual animal heads AND a printed head inside, so you can still make man-animal characters and give them hair/beards/helmets/etc.
Go back to /pol/ retard
Go back to prison for animal abuse
Help I need to place baseplate higher up but there are no antistuds underneath
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Horse sovl
look at this nigga's little p head lol
We currently have 8 lego generals
Is that the worst it’s ever been?
>posters behave like children on a childten-oriened board
Shocking truth!
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Though I do agree with the Chima ones being the best, I'm glad they've started having some big figs with big heads that can swap out recently.
Old trolls hands were better too. This ogre looks ridiculous holding that sword with two fingers like it's a teacup.
Too expensive, lego needs to make cheaper sets if they want to appeal to afols since adults have to pay things like tax and mortgage.
>proven wrong now throwing a tantrum and asking for data like a redditor

cope and go back to mama, you lost. Loser.
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This but unironically
jesus christ you are fucking retarded
We've been hovering around 7-8 threads for awhile now, unfortunately the jannies don't give a fuck about thread spam so retards and shizos will keep making threads.
1996: Set no. 1854, House with Roof-Windows (Velux Promotional Release).

Theme: Town - Special
Year Released: 1996
Pieces: 144 - 2 minifigs
Baseplate: Green 16 x16


Six years had to pass before a new classic LEGO house was released again. Unfortunately it was a promotional release that only came out in Denmark to promote a window company called Velux. Apparently the LEGO Group had no intentions of re-introducing the classic LEGO houses anytime soon because this promotional set was the last before the 2010 set, which means that it was also the very last official "classic LEGO house" ever to be released,

The design structure of this house blends the classic features that we have seen in all the previous LEGO houses, together with the building style of many modern Danish houses of the 1990's.

There are no used copies of this set on bricklink and there has not been any sold within the last six months. Instead, the cheapest sealed set costs 60 dollars.
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Why doesn't lego do a big halloween set for every year like they do for Christmas season? If I was lego I would do atleast exclusive Universal Monsters sets for every Halloween.
wait, so that means this is a very limited set that only costs 60 dollars sealed because no one wants to buy it?
Halloween is originally celtic. Celtic people have the highest rate of red hair. Red hair characters have to be replaced by diverse ones. Its a weird esg score thing, the guys behind that really hate celts for some reason.
Weird because horror is a very profitable medium
but where are the purple campanula and delphinium flowers?
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It's not about profit for these ultra-rich investing firms, it's about influencing culture and other such things. They already have the money.
>blue bricks
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You’re gonna catch a ban for all these facts you’re spittin. They just rearrange the letters in “ginger” and call it good.
You are minority.

New lego is not for you. You can stay and cry in the comments tho
Colour is relative. It's fundamentally a product of light interaction with matter and the human sensory system; it doesn't exist independently of these conditions, so when a monitor assigns a color value, while it emits light at specific wavelengths corresponding to the RGB model, this emitted light is interpreted by our visual system, which is influenced by contextual factors such as surrounding colours, ambient lighting and our physiology (men and women see colour differently, people with different coloured eyes see it differently, and of course colourblind people see it differently).
still blue lol
Maybe to you, you might have brown eyes which is an inferior genetic trait makes it so that you cannot see as many colours as others.
Speaking of inferior
today I learned that having superior genetics is seeing a color as a different one than what it objectively is
Probably hard for your brown eyes to see or comprehend.
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>anon fails spectacularly at color discrimination
so I take it you have brown eyes
If you’re not trolling, you are a schizo
He’s not a schizo if he’s correct. Redheads getting replaced for DEI points is a very common tactic these days.
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its like this bros. Blue-eyechads win again. Browneyes in the dirt, like the colour of their eyes.
>basic pattern recognition is schizophrenia
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His dad updated it and repaired it in 2019… I assume on the anniversary. Kid got ran over in a parking lot. Every single brick placed with love and heartbreak beyond comprehension. Most of you faggots will never understand.
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Waaaay too many Lego threads. Hard to keep up. Why can't we just wait til we hit an image limit? Nothing wrong with like a secondary MOC thread or third party bricks if not welcomed in general Lego, but we don't need to keep making thread after thread just because it fell off page 1.
>instead of making reviews of things people would actually want to see like the D&D set he reviews random shit no one gives a fuck about like this, video probably will barely get 10k views

What is Jang's business strategy here?
>What is Jang's business strategy
putting the notsponsored hashtag in every title
Moc thread is just whining because they don't know how to use the filter. Should be deleted along with the excess lego threads but jannies are lazy and corrupt
Cool moc bros
Fortnite is very popular among normies and he can actually afford this set unlike the overpriced dnd set. It's a sensible choice
Thinking that #notsponsored is some strong statement he's making that makes him champion of the people or something.
It does. We love Jang. Fuck sponsored shills.
>blue eyes is a tranime
Unusual, usually that's the browns.
Fuck off shill. You wouldn’t have stopped.
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purplefree town... home
You should make a couple of metathreads to complain about the excess number of Lego threads.
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purplesisters... our response?
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If there is green there is no reason this shouldnt be covered in purple as well. after all they are both secondary colors
>Most of you faggots will never understand.
Most of us are not pretentious zoomers that use "faggot" word either.
You kill cats pedosoth
ESLs should never lecture anyone about anything.
On bricklink why do people only sell Star Wars and M*rvel with huge parts of the sets missing and all the minifigs missing and still expect me to pay ridiculous prices when I can just part it out and pay way less if I didn't want the minifigs or only wanted a secondary build? It's annoying and clogs up the listings. Bricklink should ban this
fabuland is just2goods favorite theme.
His favourite theme is now Hero Factory since he transitioned
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trash(just like chima)
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I just got back from shopping and saw this deal. It's was $29, so it's $6 off. I like the idea of the connectinn small forest bits I can separate and spread out and I like all the animals especially that dope Griffin, but I have zero need or want for Harry Potter kid figures. And at $23 it still feels way overpriced. I mainly just want the Griffin and I like all the trees, but.... well, I didn't buy it. But I thought about it. If this set was $15 I probably would have. But that $20 Giant Spider HP set looks real cool and is actually cheaper. But again, I have no want for the actual HP minis, which just inflate the price.

Should I grab that forest set to fill out my small Castle shelf? I really like the Griffin, is that in anything else? I can't help feeling I'd be better off saving that money towards my Parts wish list on Bricklink for MOCing, but this is like right here, and I could have lot of fun with the glowing pieces and the Griffin is real cool, would go good with my classic green dragon
sweatie thats not a griffin
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Nuh uh
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>blocks your path
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can someone please identify the weird pump assembly in this pic? the larger trans-blue tube has part #41814 on it but that does not bring up anything on bricklink. Thanks in advance.
I would not do it... Also, dark blue foliage, when will you ever use that? Just part out the pieces you want on bricklink.
I don't think that is a lego piece, looks like a screwdriver or air pump that just conveniently fits with some lego
>thats not a griffin

Okay. Well hippogriff or Griffin, same shit. It's a big ass bird that runs on all fours and can be riden like a horse. That's sick
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griffins are lion bird hybrid, hippogriffs are horse bird hybrids

not the same shit
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even if you had no interest in the minifigs, they have other uses to them, the hair pieces are both cool, and Hermione has the solid black skirt you can use for other MOC figs

this set is basically "let's re-use all those crazy molds" with the demon horse thing, hippogriff, little fairy thing, and um... glow in the dark spider, too! (other glow in the dark pieces, too!)
and a classic bat for extra cool points
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we need Sonic R sets. thumbs up if you agree
She is doing that weird face that women make
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Conversational opinion :
The tipper truck army has ruined bricktsars channel, someone should intervene
Get it for the spider
I blame cabbage girl grooming him
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Tipper truck challenge was extremely fun.
This feels like they're trying to use up some overstocked Hidden Side dark blue pieces.
Besides Jang and Duckbrix has any other youtuber shown any public support towards Sarah Just2good's transition?
How do I message him, I’m curious about the eye pieces
Ya it was funny at the start but it has go on and on and on. He was lost it.

A few weeks ago he had his son on for a video and he starts going on about the tippers.
His son just had a look of severe cringe and embarrassment on his face and said nothing.


he is all over 'her' comment section.
I wanna buy a pair of these and maybe get scammed by international shipping because I’m bored
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will they ever re-release it or do they not want to make the collectors seethe?
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Such a weird design choice for the lower piece. How tall is it compared to a regular minifig?
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>Blacktron returning in 2025
>my daddy works in LEGO
it smells like a cope, but how reliable is his sources?
Click "contact" in the top left of their store page next to their name (it has a picture of a letter on it)
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anon Guenhwyvar is supposed to be huge
It was that leaker here who is reliable I forgot the name of, he just said blacktron though no details like "sets", just that there will be something blacktron
Thank you sir
Elden ring? Cool build
he could only afford a small one
you will spend $400 for another shitty gwp and you will be happy
Bring back trans neon colors, Trans Neon Brown
I love this.
I hope its blacktron 2 I prefer it but they killed off trans neon green even though it's one of their best colours, sucks
We get a icons set

I wish city space sets introduced evil factions
Unwholesome. Instead we will get a vitiligo faction and a wheelchair faction
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I like the old one because it can be a cyclops.
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I hate stickers on Lego so much that I'm thinking of starting a pad printing Lego business. Frens, do you think this is a good idea or is the competition too fierce?
>i have graphic design skills
>i have liquid capital for equipment
>i have the time
how'd you get the lipstick off?
Not much competition for printing stickers, so its a fair investment I say, just have to back the sticker sheets with something a bit more sturdy so they don’t get crinkled in the mail
There is no competition and if it was not too expensive I would probably buy it. I despise stickers.
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no no fren, PAD printing on lego parts, not stickers. sticker peal and get dust and hair on the edges of them no matter how much you try to keep them nice. Pad printing is what Lego uses to print on minifigs for example.
Most aftermarket PAD pieces I've seen are low-resolution compared to official Lego printed pieces. If you can match Lego's resolution, I might consider it.
Can you name the low quality sellers. I've never seen a bad quality pad print, unless it's lazer printed, it would be grainy and textured. ty fren!
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should I?
No, its too expensive and doesnt even come with a base plate
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yes. let's face it, DnD won and its not even close
Metal polish (silvo) and cotton ear bud/cue tip removes prints like a dream. Did the same on some of those big book panels to remove the Hogwarts logos.
>awfully hot in these rhinos
They are all overpriced, Lego shouldn't sell sets that exceed $200 imo
Man I wish I could justify getting this great hall but I already bought two great hall sets so I feel like getting this would be a total waste. Also im sick of tan pieces tan is basically the new grey.
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they really should have marketed the set like this. the extra height and badass pose would have made all afols unclench their jaw
I mean you could but you need the printer a shuttle for 2 colours, a good printer to make the negatives the machine for making the plates.

And to do that spongebob requires 2 plates with 2 images and 2 runs.

That's a lot of fucking around for one bit with a single use
That looks so much better lmao

Lego is so retarded right now.
I agree, the "mega expensive" sets have gotten out of control

what child will have that much money?
what parent would spend that much money on a child? (you know what I mean, like, on a toy kind of spending)

it's like Lego themselves are trolling "Adult" fans, constantly up-ing the size and prices of the sets, internally laughing that they can get away with it.

not to mention... spend $150 for the free little set? yes! $200? $250? how high can we go to get them to pay for the free little set???

clearly they are "profitable" which is why they not only keep making giant sets, but more and more of them. it's hard to struggle against statistical data you can't control all by yourself, but at least we can whine about it on an unread-by-Lego-company message board
>what child will have that much money?
sweaty it says 18+ on the boxes
Sure thing Jang, whatever you say
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spongebob was just an example, i was thinking of making things like signs like pic related because Lego really lacks printed detail for signage. Also what do you think of this guy's products and the price?
Three bucks for a sign isn't a bad deal at all. If you gave me the ability to send you SVG files that you could custom print for me on 2x2/2x3 tiles, I would probably pay twice that.
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I love legos trains!
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with love fren, it's sweetie :)
Don't worry, if lego execs continue with this they will burn in eternal hellfire. The poor shall inherit the lego.
The train section of the Lego catalog always had the most kino lighting.
Oh shit, I could get a pad printed og brown head then
its a meme you dip
But you need to make a cliche for each color of the print which are $10-20 themselves. That's why even Lego uses lazer printing for custom designed parts, it doesn't need the cliches
It's from a City set; IIRC it shoots out real water.
Imagine how cool it would be if they introduced a policing arm to deal with rogue colonists. That may be a bit too close to IRL war, though.
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build the micro version of it instead

I would still pay for the production and just make it a bulk order. Custom printed tiles are something I've wanted for a long time. How long do those cliches last before you need to replace them?
zelda is so disastrously bad
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>ARCTIC leftover print on my Boba Fett which I've never noticed before
how the fuck did this happen?
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What are your lego play sessions like?
>it's not an interchangeable series of 10x10 dungeon boss room vignettes
>it doesn't come with Link, Zelda, and a bunch of different accessories/ minifig components for Link to wear and use
>it's just a big Lego plant sculpture set with a couple figs thrown in

Sometimes you can't remove all the printing because it's actually stamped into the surface of the piece.
That's a good question, i hadn't thought of that. But i know the production of them involves hardening them and that they should last for at least a few hundred prints. You are essentially creating a stamp pattern
Question for you guys that like fantasy, Do you prefer your Orcs to be sand green, olive green, or some other kind of green? And if Goblins are involved, would you want them to be the same color as the Orcs or something different?
If you charged $50-60 for a custom 10-pack of tiles printed in two colors, I would support you.

Goblinoids should all be different shades.
Keep em non human colored but still different colors, helps vary em up. Also has anybody had a good lego Kobold thing yet?
there's only one(1) shade of lego green >>11196699
tolkien used orc and goblin interchangeably to describe the same creature, your distinctions, even down to skin color, is a modern invention. you're doing nothing but parroting cliches
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ty very much for your input fren, im gonna look into this more :)
Orc and Goblin are just different sizes, Goblins Small, Orcs normal or big. Thats my take on it
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>>11197644 gets it, also if I had to make any other distinctions between the two aside from height, I'd give Goblins Elven eared hair pieces
I can definitely see that being used for Orcs, not so much for Goblins though
>anybody had a good lego Kobold thing yet?
God, I wish
To play Devil’s Advocte, a 200-300 dollar set is meant is to look nice when displayed, with few exceptions it’s not generally meant to be played with. Functionally it’s niche home decor, with the added benefit of being highly customizable to your liking. Missing out on sets is shame, but by and large FOMO is a self inflicted problem.
Expensive toys for kids have always been birthday/Christmas time tradition, so there’s not really much to say for or against it there on that front I’d say.
Rock Raiders!
>will they ever re-release it or do they not want to make the collectors seethe?
If we were going to get one it would have been now.
>Phantom Menace anniversary Lego did Phantom Menace Brickheads, a AAT tank polybag, Droideka - Destroyer Droid build, Sith Infiltrator, an awful podrace diorama and droid carrier May 4th promo.
>Next year is Revenge of the Sith Anniversary, so far Arc-170 and Plo Kloon starfighters are announced and not much else, maybe latter half of the year will have more.
It isn't that Lego are bad at prequels, they feed clone consumers like crazy, but they don't really give a fuck about anything else.
You're probably autistic and maybe a troon
needs purple
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Honestly I'd do waterslides for those signs and from past experience with pad printers those helmets would be nightmareish.

The fish sign would be annoying due to 3 colour others would be doable. But unless you can get the printer for cheap it will be a poor investment even cheap it will still be a questionable investment due to the consumables. And the ink cups and pads are somewhat fragile.

Yay the final squad member arrived
Pads sometimes end up with a "ghost" burn in that you can't really see
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Tell me about your current Lego project
I was implying anon got ripped off with his "authentic" Boba
>hyper seperated torsos
>fresh fish sign
>free lance for hire sign
I like these a lot, makes me want to create a nice riverside town along a trade route
Likely gonna build a train or some wrird shit, got a lot of strange parts currently
People here don’t play with legos fren. Currently I’m sorting through and reshuffling my collections but I’m always working on my castle and pirate stuff and playing with them. Wife brought home Aragog so we’ll probably drag HP out and play with it tomorrow.
Do it and grab an Aragog and a bunch of Draco polybags when you see them to add on.
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Wanna do the style like this for opening up things
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Several that I want to get to
1. Bionicle village with 07 era builds (first few villagers are in pic related)
2. Classic styled forest with a handful of small medieval settlements and a bandit hideout
3. If and when the other two get done I'll probably get started on a large civilian freighter spaceship with open corridors, after all it's just a castle with thrusters and a horizontal profile instead of a vertical one
Yeah not really a fan of it but this Whiperella was cheaper than any other on bricklink/brick owl and didn't need international shipping. He sent me the wrong head though but luckily I had picked up a Whiperella head on a whim
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Just built the cantina with parts from my collection, gonna build some terrain and the big scrap pile across from the cantina
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Using the old-style open-bottom bricks to make hoverbike thrusters for molded motorcycle shells.
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society = saved
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mega fixed
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okay ultrafixed now
First time I’ve asked a guy about somethung like this, lets see how it goes men
the prices of those big trees in good condition are criminal
Some anon has a dozen unopened polybags of them. He's posted them before.
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he >>11196699 was right all along
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Just built this fun thing. Already took it apart working on a new MOC out of the Creator Castle
If only there were some way to emulate this.
its called ordering the pieces in the proper colors instead of making a shitty miniature

somehow the castle 3 in 1 shilling is almost as bad as nexo knights
Retard. "Fag-uland" was right there and you fucking missed it.
Wouldn't mind some transparent orange for fire elements and chainsaws. Otherwise it's great.
this is literal art
>no giant specialized molds that can only be used for one thing and nothing else
He did say solid.
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wolfpack dude aside, how we feelin about this series?
>from past experience with pad printers those helmets would be nightmareish
You've done pad printing before?
I may take a look at the pirate, space guy and boogeyman, but that's it, whole wave minus wolfpack is ass
Pterodactyl just for the meme, considering my collection
I still havent figured out what the gadget of the steampunk guy is
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they are still around and im already missing them
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you're my favorite anon here fren, i recognize your cookie tin :)
Pirate Girl would be neat with better hair. Long Board girl is cute, but her long board is the real prize. Space-suit guy is cool as well.
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wow ty for doing an edit of the retro color scheme! ok one last request, could you please please please do a retro background for this image too please?
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>left: every fig is awesome
>right: wolfpack is awesome, monster is ok... i guess i'll get the pirate just for the torso and bird....
Why do they still do the standard cmf line? Every time the do a themed cmf most of the figs are great like dnd and halloween theme. Why does Lego hate money? Why do we get drip fed cool minifigures 1 at a time each wave? WHY?!?!?!
Not being bound by a theme lets them make a put together a line quickly and make figures that wouldn’t fit in any theme normally. Plainly I think it’s the logistics of it all.
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>Star Wars Glub Shiddo Kino Galore
>Medieval CMF all figs are equally army buildable and rounded out so none are scalped
>Space Men in every single color
>everyone is happy
lego city fodder. I think they should stop with the animal/vehicle costume figs, they're fucking stupid
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>none are scalped

And why do you think Lego would want that?
respectfully fren, i highly doubt that, they pump out star wars and harry potter sets like they're churning butter. Literally every few months their are new star wars sets with new characters, it's no different putting them in blind boxes unless Disney has an issue with repackaged gambling for kids which i also doubt given their questionable morals
Did Lego ever release any books collecting all of their magazine or box art?
fren, Lego doesn't make money off the mark up on scalped figures. Retailers buy them from Lego and when the line does poorly because only a 12th of the figures sell (because only a 1/12 are any good) then the product line suffers. If each figure was equally cool, people wouldn't be picking out dragon paladins, they would be buying the whole crate. And that supply and demand reaches Lego to incentivize them to make cmf lines that are actually collectable as a whole. This is how supply and demand work
wow, ty so much fren :)
no but they should
>claims shilling
>just order them
What a fucking faggot you are. I bet you mom hates when you come out of the basement.
we have to go back
We had one in a screen printing place I worked at mostly did key tags,pens,water bottles and hinge covers for local companies. Did some other random things for promotional items.

But to print the noseguard would be a massive pain in the arse as you would need to make something to hold the helmet in the perfect place while also being easily removable, the inks used on plastic dry almost instantly so wastage could be a problem.

Lol I quit the job because the screen printing and such made me hate painting which was killing my 40k hobby
>None are scalped

There will always be a nigger drwaf, Train kid or Orion
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Shame on Lego
(ring ring ring!)
(ring ring ring!)

oh, there are other pillow plush manufacturers
sure, there are also other brick-built-models maufacturers, too

you think there will be a Squishmallow logo on those packs anywhere? There better be
Tails Doll needs more attention.
Sorry to here that about your passion bro :(

But ty for sharing your experience with printing, I actually would want to do pad printing and learn it as a trade. Can I ask how you got the job and what they were looking for in a hire?
You mean there will always be at least one dud? I mean yeah, even dnd's Lady of Pain was the weakest, but the point is the more duds, the weaker the line will sell as a whole
>dnd's Lady of Pain was the weakest
Thank God, I'm not crazy for thinking she was ugly. The whole reason why I scanned boxes was to avoid getting her, and still got her on the one box I took a chance on
Kill yourselves, frogfags
They do make money off that since they get a percentage from all bricklink sales
Might be good for an alien or something but no clue what you would use it for in castle. But for space the squid guy is a lot better
I'd buy a few tails dolls off bricklink if it comes in a set
I got the job due to working in a different screen printing place a few years prior which I didn't do any actual screen printing I worked anodizing metal for the screen printers to print on and used a die press to make letterbox numbers and that job I got just looking for factory work.

Look for work at a screenprinter or sign writing place as they might too have a pad printer or you could talk your boss into expanding to it
I did Pad Printing several years ago...

running the machine is simple, we trained seasonal employees to do it, there's some math, you have to weigh chemicals and mix the ink in the right portions. setting up the stamping is subtle trial and error but once you have it set, it's easy enough to stamp quickly

if you want to design the metal print plates, it's a little more. you need to know some kind of graphic design software (solid black and white printing at high resolution)

just so you know, Pad Printing is most useful for MASSIVE quantities. there's a large set-up time, but lightning fast print time, so if all you want is a couple of pieces, it's a huge waste of time and ink. otherwise, lift your arm up and down twice. that's how fast it takes to print one thing (once to pick up the ink, and once to stamp it.) after a whole day, you got some solid exercise out of it!

but it is exactly what Lego used (still uses?) so the results are totally "professional" if you do it right
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This is one of the more interesting pieces to me, also anybody notice all the shops “selling” seeminfly nonexisteny part colors are vanishing? Kinda sad
Like this part would work well as the skis of a space sled type mini-build to a much larger build, prefer it in yellow vs the orange due to a yellow power source on something small seeming more reasonable
>for space the squid guy is a lot better
hey, that's not a bad idea, I've got a cecaelia body for a potential alien character, and I've wanted to use those Mindflayer robes for cultists, thanks anon
>frog website
That is not worth it for them to make bad cmf figs no one will buy in proportion to reaping an even tinier royalty from reseller scalping prices.
ty so much! i've looked into the whole process a lot and it seems quite daunting, my fear is that i'll do all this work just to have stock sitting that no one will buy because i don't understand how to market a product...
Maybe it would be best to commission ~200 small lego tiles to pint a design on and see if I can manage to sell them. I know companies won't want to do small batch so i dont know if they'll even do 200. What do you think?
Cringe faggot
if you commission someone to do it for you, there's usually a high one-time set up fee (for them to design the image and set the machine up) the print-per-piece price is a lot lower, so if you take the total cost and divide it by the amount you want, that gives you an idea of how much you need to sell each one for.

so you're still going to get a much better deal the higher the number of prints you want to do.

as long as you pick something that a lot of people would want, or target a specific market (like printing Medieval designs and selling them at a Rennaissance Faire) remember it's not about what you want, but what the consumer wants

good luck? (that's sincere btw)
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My no-cussing extension has you calling me a fren! so thanks :)
Thank you so much for all the help! That's good advice, I'm fortunate that my interests fall in line with the mainstream so I'd love to make and sell pop culture characters. People connect more with characters so I think they sell the best. Yea and going to conventions is a good idea too. Appreciate you bro!
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Final crew member gotten now I just need 3 ultimate versions and the brickbuilt one from jestros evil machine and monk Axl for my village wish there was a dark tan hood I might see if I can mod the bunny headgear from the DC cmf with some heatgun and buffing
whiperella is pure sex. i want to plap plap her then cuddle her chunky tail
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Whipperella is peak Nexo
anon what is that green-black mech???
Consume feces and die
>monk Axl
Making an adventuring party or something? Also, god damn I wish they did more shit with that chunky body
new thread: >>11198112
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70163 toxikitas toxic meltdown
He quit the marines for the quiet life and will either tend to the animals or a vineyard.
Which youslopper will you think will take the burden of a Nexo Knights revisiting with all three waves complete?
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Reminder that if you hate licensed sets but seethe at nexo knights, chima or even ninjago you are the problem
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The longer you look at this print the worse it gets
this but unironically for animal crossing
Anyone who claims to have family working for a company that they obsess over is lying.
I just wanna kill the nexoroon, theme itself looks fine
Had this. Forget which set it was but I had the one with triceratops too. Bad ass theme, I really loved a more wholesome dinosaur adventure.

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