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Previous thread: >>11175352

In stores and online currently:
Ult. M3GAN
Retro cloth M3GAN
Totally 80s ALF
Count Orlok (Nosferatu, black and white)
Gorilla Soldier (Planet of the Apes)
Frankenstein's Monster (Bride of Frankenstein deluxe)
Toony JB Fletcher (Murder She Wrote)
Chucky (Tv series Christmas Edition)
Beetlejuice (Striped Suit & Wedding Suit CC re-release)
Toony Terrors Silver Screen wave (They Live alien, VIncent Price, Vampira, Nosferatu)
Toony Terrors 40th Anniversary Leatherface & Leatherface (Pretty Woman)
LJN Colors Warduke, Strongheart, & Zarak
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 4-pack (Creature Leo & Frankenstein Raph, Invisible Man Donnie, Mummy Mikey)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
TMNT Last Ronin "Battle Damaged" Ronin, Accessory Pack, Commando Synja Bot
TMNT Archie Leatherhead, Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Turtles 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
TMNT toon Vacation Bebop & Rocksteady, Ultimate Slash
TMNT Mirage Rat King, Karai in Shredder armor, IDW red Foot Elite Assassin, IDW red Foot Enforcer
NYCC starts tomorrow!

Only other big news is the Target Fall Geek Out stuff is out at Target stores or online. That's the Gorilla Soldier, M3GAN, Black and White Nosferatu, and Totally 80s ALF.
There is a new 10" Chucky figure that's up for order on the Neca Store exclusively.
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So I’m confused, there will be reveals at NYCC as well? Because the Walmart collectorthon thing is being advertised as being live at NYCC.
Do you think Blaine calls him Papa Bear, or is that title reserved for Randulf?
Blaine had a dog collar at SDCC with a tag that read Lil Otter but whoever was leading his leash had an S&M dog mask on so I could not identify an alarming receding hairline or not
Predictions for NYCC reveals?
No gorgyles again
They’ve already said they’re revealing gargoyles at NYCC
they say a lot of things that don't happen
The Dante's Inferno set is going up for sale tomorrow it looks like.
It’s out of scale
It’s wildly out of scale
It isn't
It’s going to be $666,666…?
It's a joke, anon.
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I want to make a custom Jennifer Love Hewitt IKWYDLS figure, what's a good base body that I can use? Keep in mind she's like 5'2 so I'd like a smaller female body.

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