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Previous thread: >>11199413

In stores and online currently:
Dracula (Hammer Horror of Dracula)
Ben Cooper wave 3 (Beetlejuice, Stripe, Gizmo, Xenomorph)
Hannibal Lecter (masked)
Ult. M3GAN
Retro cloth M3GAN
Totally 80s ALF
Count Orlok (Nosferatu, black and white)
Gorilla Soldier (Planet of the Apes)
Frankenstein's Monster (Bride of Frankenstein deluxe)
Toony JB Fletcher (Murder She Wrote)
Chucky (Tv series Christmas Edition)
Beetlejuice (Striped Suit & Wedding Suit CC re-release)
Toony Terrors Silver Screen wave (They Live alien, VIncent Price, Vampira, Nosferatu)
Toony Terrors 40th Anniversary Leatherface & Leatherface (Pretty Woman)
LJN Colors Zarak & Elkhorn
TMNT Last Ronin "Battle Damaged" Ronin, Accessory Pack, Commando Synja Bot
TMNT Archie Leatherhead, Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Turtles 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
TMNT toon Vacation Bebop & Rocksteady, Ultimate Slash
TMNT Movie Leonardo vs Shredder
TMNT Mirage Rat King, Karai in Shredder armor, IDW red Foot Elite Assassin, IDW red Foot Enforcer
Black and White Samurai Usagi Yojimbo
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Not a ton of news right now. The glow in the dark wave of Ben Cooper went up on the NECA store and sold out. Wave 3 sold out as well.

I believe Target's site still has their half of wave 2 in stock, if anyone is still after them.
The Gremlins anniversary pack is up for preorder. This is the first time the Stripe mogwai has been rereleased
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Can’t say I’m too surprised
I honestly expected the Metaluna Mutant to win. But this isn't bad either. Not like they aren't gonna go crazy deep...
Ahhh, hm. That is the "safe" choice for sure. People are boring, I wanted the blowjob ghost.
I really like this packaging change.
I'm able to find Hammer Dracula but not B&W Orlok. Did they already sell out everywhere?
How hard is Blainer crying right now?
Target has it first, and they only just got their stock in for the online portion of things. It got shipped later for some reason, but no you didn't miss anything. I don't think I've seen any reports of an in-store find, which means that would still be coming.

Plus the Nosferatu remake is in December, so they're of course going to make sure they ship out more of both figures to have out there.
Welp, I finally got a shipping notice on my F13 accessory set, I posted about it I think last thread. A little later than I would’ve hoped, but glad to finally get it.
Is there a swap out torso for articulation? Or is he stuck in the straight jacket
No it's just the straight jacket look. All he did in the scene was talk, I can't imagine an articulated look for this really.
Neck/leg articulation?
Ball jointed neck
>they still think i'm not a real neca employee
Do the wheels at least spin?
A real employee wouldn't waste their time greentexting a shitpost on 4chan of all places. Get fucked LARPer.
Can’t say for sure until we have a side view, but they are likely semi friction wheels so it can stand up easier, even if it rolls less well. Also wondering if the bars at the top for handing fit into others hands
Could you offer some real evidence?
Quad Dubs of truth.
depends what you want lol
these captchas suck
Fuck off you loser
Is the Pamela Vorhees figure real?
When Turtles X Garfield shows up or doesn't, you will either be vindicated or vilified.
But even if you aren't a real NECA employee, you can't be as wrong as "the guy on the inside" who is just a weirdo with a parasocial fixation on the company.
You'd be surprised who posts here.
Like your fixation on someone that doesn't exist while you troll people instead?
No. If you made videos on YouTube, I wouldn't watch them, so it's nothing like that.
Found the LARPer
Rock and Roll ALF is in stock on Target's site if anyone's lookin' for that one.
There's ALF fans?
Considering this is like the 4th Alf I’d say so. Seems like it sold better than the gargoyles line.
yes gorgyles line is cancel
it sell badly even with goliath septuple dip
gorgyle line not even appear at nycc
it is cancel
That's just bizarre to hear.
It's because all normal collectors that actually display their figures hated the wings. Many collectors refused to dip their toes in the line. I hope NECA come to their senses and release a wing accessory pack with the relaxed wings that were the most common wing pose in the cartoon and promotional material.
If the original releases only came with the relaxed wings, people would be complaining that they wanted the open wings. People just like to complain.
People also like to be able to display their toys. A single 1/10 figure taking up nearly 1 foot of shelf real estate isn't very conducive to long term collecting.
I mean they’re great to hang up though too. And if someone was so bothered by the open wings why’d they buy them?
>they’re great to hang up though too.
Wings aren't in gliding pose apart from Lexington. Head doesn't look up for gliding. Bronx can't fly. Too many compromises need to be made.
>why’d they buy them?
I bought them because I like Gargoyles. I just hope that they release the relaxed wings eventually so that I can display them all on one shelf.
The Gargoyles line sold like gangbusters, anyone that refuses to collect the line because of that is autistic as hell.
>Wings aren't in gliding pose
You're insane, they are in gliding pose.

How many times are you going to post this? ALF's incredibly popular even still.
accessory wing packs could save this, they flew too close to the sun releasing the cloaked wings one by one as bait to buy every release. really screwed over the early adopter coinvestors in the line by playing this stupid game
They didn't screw anyone over. What absolutely nonsense. The line was designed this way so figures would cost out. You are so dumb, it hurts.

How dare they include extra pieces with characters you were going to buy anyway!
You have brain rot
I have no interest in humans. Only Gargoyles. I probably won't buy Elisa or Xanatos, especially Xanatos with his ugly PAK elbows.
Sad that Valve doesn’t do toylines anymore, may have picked up an Ivy figure from here if they did that, but Deadlock is still in testing beta so whatever
That's your autism then, has nothing to do with thr line.
>Noooo, you're autistic unless you buy everything
It doesn't work like that. Have ever noticed how many spergs play Pokemon? Gotta catch 'em all.
Excercising self control is the opposite of autism.
And then the little coward when called on it goes, “huh what do you mean who do you think I was referring to hurrrr” as if he’s not a hamster brain playing to his retarded followers for yummy dopamine hits like the drug addict that he is. The only drug he’ll be addicted to in the future is azt if he continues down his doomed path, there is still time to save him
In a toy line where every sculpt is new, and they're larger, there's got to be ways to spread out the costs of a toy, and giving the wings to smaller characters was the only way to make it work out and make the line a success. If you have a problem with that, buy the figure for the wings and sell the character you don't want off. It isn't a big deal, and there are folks that will take it off your hands.
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the video game release was very honorable, including both spread wings and cloaked wings. every once in a while Neca still can capture that Ultimate magic. I thought that was their little way of saying "hey, we fucked up, but we heard the fans and we are trying to do better"
It had nothing to do with any of your made up bullshit. The only reason they could even do that was because it WAS a repaint and because the line had done so well and gone on as long as it had.
Clarice figure when?
I would prefer a Manhunter Hannibal first
>still no Ultimate Chatterer
big sad
Hammer Dracula is on Target's site if you're after him:
Krampus is still supposed to be hitting stores sometime this month right?
Was it this month? Hopefully it will, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a little delay. I think a lot of stuff shipping got held back a bit.
I don’t get why they don’t at the very least rerelease all of the original cenobites and the lair
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Packaging reveal for Bert and Ernie!
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Because they hate me personally for some reason
I love Pinhead but goddamn the other classic Cenobites need some love
They do, and they could be improved upon so very well now.
Think it was supposed to be last month then got moved to this month but who fucking knows. I don't really get why NECA always has issues with shipping dates. I still have no fucking clue if Nosferatu ever hit shelves or not.
Hmm not sure how I feel about it
Nosferatu listing disappeared from Target website. Redirects to an error now. Not sure what that means.
It means Target is shit
Pretty much this. Target's website is always janky.

I like it. Mimics the Sesame Street books from when I was a kid. Love that.
target's website has always been ass
Can you please reissue the Alien Covenant Xenomorph and the Alien Resurrection Xenomorph? Also will the Alien Romulus Xenomorph hit retail stores?
Why are you asking him? He doesn't work for neca, he doesn't know anything at all. You know that right? And yes, the Romulus figures are going to retail stores.
I’ll wait for him to answer, thanks, I need a real confirmation
Which you won't get from him. But okay, you obviously are just trolling.
I’m not trolling, I just don’t think you have a reputable track record here on both analysis and scoops on stuff in the pipeline like the Garfield/TMNT plush. No offense intended.
So you're just trolling. Because the Garfield plush was known about well before the troll namefag posted about a crossover...and wasn't even referring to the plush, mind you.
Will we ever get more Valve toys?
Ask Valve, they're the ones that don't really license shit out anymore.
What are you even talking about? Garfield TMNT?
Shame, they do good toyetic designs but are too content with the infinite Steam money
I hope Bert and Ernie sell well so we can get more of the popular characters.
Have they done a Big Bird yet?
No, just Bert, Ernie, and they’ve shown off The Count. No Elmo, no Cookie Monster, and no Big Bird.
>no big bird
Darn, I like birds
Wait for the other anon’s reply, I’m sure there is a reason beyond blame JW.
That’s odd that they would start with two unpopular characters out of the gate, cursed line.
Jurassic World? Why would Dinosaurs prevent us from getting an Ivy figure?
I don't think is as highly ranked as Randy and has a say over what gets released. He can just give us inside scoops on future releases like the Garfello plush.
>two unpopular characters
Bert and Ernie are two of the most well known characters in TV history. What're you on about?
Yeah, what an inside scoop...reading the listing of upcoming solicitations that literally anyone has access too! Do you want someone to read off the upcoming solicitations from Diamond too?
Wow a leak about a plush animal. What a fucking loser, rofl.
Question, any recommended stands that offer both stability and posing for Xenomorph and Predator figures? Really tired of museum poses.
Those Bandai Act 4 stands from Bandai are good for MLs, but I'm not sure if they'd hold anything heavier like a NECA figure, hmm. I'm curious what folks will recommend.
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>they somehow found some stock of the series 1 Ben Cooper Frankenstein and Creature
>the only way to get it if you buy them bundled with the new wave not as many people want
Okay, that’s just fucked up.
How? It's a pretty good bundle honestly.
I’m not interested in wave 4 except for Nosferatu, I’m okay with them doing things that actually weren’t costumes, but stick to things that actually were around back then. And the fact that the Thanksgiving movie got one is baffling.
>but stick to things that actually were around back then.
I disagree, I think doing more modern movies as the costumes is a good way to add some spice to the line. Makes it nice and varied.
got my second neca figure... feeling the addiction brewing
Oh yeah? What'd you get?
First was a predator 2 city hunter I got from a local toy store. I think its really cool.

I saw online that target near me had one alien fireteams toy left so I thought id go check it out. When I got there they didnt have it that I could find but had two ultimate big chaps. I got the better looking figure and I love it.

They are both fucking awesome. Ill be getting more alien and predator toys from them for sure.
Oh yeah, the alien and predator figures are probably some of their best. Just make sure to heat up any joints if they ever feel stiff and you’ll have a hell of a time posing them up.
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Wishing somebody would clean up all the lego threads on this board, there’s just simply too much
Same here, there’s currently 8 threads up… I just saw someone started a 9th and it got deleted so hopefully they’re starting to take notice
He is the same jerk who’s done all that stuff, seriously somebody needs to fully clean up his poo its very annoying
The Jerk is trying his shit again, we legit need somebody to uber ban him for spamming up the catalog so much >>11231032
Like seriously can somebody please nuke the annoying nexo general fag, I’m just tired of there being more generals than there were during the times of goanon
While I agree, why’d you put this stuff in this thread that has nothing to do with LEGO?
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You guys here have a more direct line with the staff here, so I feel like reaching out for help here was more likely to get any results, sorry about that. Anyways for Neca as a topic I own the NES Godzilla
I can get a pic of it with a timestamp, just phone is running low on storage
Looks like they deleted a lot of them, so I guess you won.
Theres still 5 of them left, also one is miraculously now bellow bump limit so this whole confuckery needs to be sorted, sorry about the hassle guys
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Oh well, just lets wait for it to get cleaned up, I just want a toy of Caleb from Blood
Romulus is so fucking big, holy shit.
RIght? Was kind of surprised.
Big Chap looks like a baby Alien next to him, ironic.
it is, did they not reveal it? or is shipping shitting the bed again
Lil Fella
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 50th Anniversary Ultimate Pretty Woman Leatherface 7” Scale Action Figure

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! The classic 1974 slasher film by Tobe Hooper changed horror cinema forever. Own a piece of its history with NECA’s Ultimate Leatherface 7-inch scale action figure! Dressed in his infamous “Pretty Woman” mask and dress suit, Leatherface features an articulated tie and alternate jacket piece for a windswept look as he runs into the Texas fields chasing his victims. Accessories include interchangeable hands, chainsaw, armadillo, knife, bracelet, small hammer, cleaver, and plate of meat. Comes in collector-friendly window box packaging with opening front flap.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 50th Anniversary Hitchhiker 8” Clothed Action Figure

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! The classic 1974 slasher film by Tobe Hooper changed horror cinema forever. Own a piece of its history with this Hitchhiker clothed action figure from NECA! This anniversary edition figure of Nubbins Sawyer, the murderous cannibal, grave robber, and brother of Leatherface, is dressed in tailored fabric clothing similar to the retro toy lines that helped define the licensed action figure market in the 1970s. The fully poseable 8-inch figure includes camera, satchel, and straight razor accessories. Comes in window box packaging.

NECA retailer pre-orders launch on 11/13!
Est. Shipping: May 2025
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Really wish he was 7 inch scale
We already knew it was real, thanks for saying absolutely nothing you fake ass shitposter.
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Wait how do we know it’s real?
Marty Henly, an -actual- employee, said so.
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>Straight Razor piece
You think they will ever do another one of those? Would be real good for picrel, frankly the knife as well, would be funny if we got it now with my requests
That doesn’t mean it’s actually going to come out though.
It was literally a pre-production sample. Yes, it's going to come out. That shit doesn't get done for fun.
Basically I hope to see these pieces resurface, because they would work well in more euro type slash stuff’s sets
Why haven’t they announced it yet then?
Why would they? NECA does surprise announcements for things all the time. You literally got that here >>11231452. These weren't even shown at NYCC or SDCC. Fucking Tatsu wasn't even announced, it was meant to be a surprise at SDCC until some thief broke the news.
Anybody have either Nosferatu? Torn between the two versions. Don't really care about accessories but can't decide if B&W works in an action figure or not and the color application does feel nice and subtle.
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I have the color version, I think you're right that the colors are muted enough to not really jump at you, but that black and white version might look really good given the character and its origins.
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Actually, found a vid that had a comparison shot, if that helps.
See the B&W honestly feels kinda flat
Agreed, the B&W are a cool gimmick, but if you’re only collecting one you should go with the color every time.
Any chance they revisit the Alien line anytime soon? I really need them to make Dallas, Lambert, and Kane in their normal crew uniforms. The compression suit is a cool variant, but shouldn’t be the only option for those characters. Especially Dallas. Most of their uniforms could be made from existing parts from the other crewmates and Lambert already has a full head.
I think that ship has long sailed. I suppose it isn't exactly impossible, but they don't seem to do a whole lot of Alien (or Predator) stuff anymore. I think the only recent Alien stuff they did is the burned Xeno from Romulus and the accessory pack.
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inb4 reddit but I saw this a couple days ago
They both suck. He went from creepy in the film to looking like a dork. Neca botched it.
>left: big pupils
>right: small pupils
And you're alone in that thinking.
Yikes, I do notice a difference in the proportions of the face and head, and maybe even the height and length of the ears.

On a related note, I skipped Neca Robocop because his head was too thin. That and the limited leg articulation at the hips.
He looks taller and slimmer in that movie screenshot, too
Hope they do some more Alien, they knocked it out of the park with Romulus.
What a goldmine of sad comments, going to pass this along...

God I love how bitter you pussies are that other lines are selling well. And then you ignore the whole Disney aspect and act surprised it takes longer to do things.
Gee, you don't suppose it has to do with cloth and flesh being able to fold and press on itself where plastic cannot? Use your fucking brain. What a stupid complaint.
You're seeing his hair poking out, not the ears. You're wrong.
The Neca looks so bad and stunted
You're kinda unfairly comparing the figure to the most rigid pose from the movie. There are plenty of times he doesn't look like that
You've confirmed you never watched the movie before.
The Neca is a squat, stunted growth vampirelet version of the character, not a gangly Jack Skellington-esque imposing figure like he should be. Neca blew it.
Wow, you actually failed to describe anything that Orlok is.
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The figure could maybe use some broader shoulders but he's honestly a hunched little rat man in the movie a lot of the time. That's part of what makes the iconic doorway scene so creepy in that we haven't really seen him stretched out like that
These screenshots also bring up a good point in the B&W v Color conversation in that I see a lot of people who prefer the B&W say it's because it's movie accurate but Nosferatu was intended to be viewed in its color tinted form so the muted palette of the color version is honestly more accurate.
Feels before reals, Neca should have made the Count people remember from the doorway not the puny, hunched over rat-like ambassador they delivered
Which means you have no idea what you're talking about and just want to be a contrarian.
>What a goldmine of sad comments, going to pass this along...
>God I love how bitter you pussies are that other lines are selling well. And then you ignore the whole Disney aspect and act surprised it takes longer to do things.
What’s your problem? I’m not against other line existing, but NECA has always been known for its alien and predator lines, along with other horror stuff. It just seems like the horror stuff is on the back burner now for a focus on TMNT stuff. I just wish they’d go back to their roots.
enough with turdles
down with turdles
neco announcement today are only turdles
no iconic horror figure
no yummy nostalgia bea arthur
just turdles
Funny how you're always around to chime in about toys and subjects you know literally nothing about. You're a shitstirrer.
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Well that’s extremely disappointing… was really hoping to have it in time for Christmas.
They’re waiting to ship until the bone throne timed preorders sell out on the site so it could be q4 2026 realistically
Hmm, no, that's just an incredibly stupid and based on nothing thing you just said.
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necabros how do we cope?
>actually admitting they messed up
that’s a first
He got promoted to toy designer, remember? They call him The Rainbow Redeco Rembrandt around the studio.
Shut the fuck up, you are absolutely the most disgusting "people" that exist.
What cope? We knew about the issues after they switched over to a new shipping setup, and it's already being fixed. It's already done with.
Kys racist
I still want the razor piece in another figure, or one that can fold even
I want them to do Sweeney Todd. That would be awesome.
I stand corrected
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Are you a flat earther?
Is something wrong with your brain? That has nothing to do with what was said. It also doesn't match Orlok's body type in any way.
Good point. Then I would have preferred they give him enough torso articulation so he could achieve both looks. But I'm guessing they didn't want to have the torso look broken up, since they skip ab crunch and torso articulation on a lot of figures.
It has ab crunch. It's under the overlay.
>Orlok's body type
Yeah I talked about Orlok's body type, and you started being a high and mighty sperg. He can't be tall and slim because plastic can't fold and press?
Because that's not how he looks. You're insane.
Why are you talking? You already got BTFO'd by people that have actually watched the movie and don't sperg out about a single still.
That's a nice detail for them to have. Can he achieve a high range of motion?
I'm not that same anon that posted the still, and yes I haven't seen the movie. If the still is an important moment from the movie, then I would have liked for the figure to be able to achieve that look.
A plastic toy, even one with cloth goods, will not be able to completely shift its posture and flatten out fabric.
What if they use stretchy fabric?
Razor would be useful in general
Anon you're awful obsessed with razors, do you need to talk?
I just like european films, and they are cool (cooler than lame Kitchen Knives)
Did I get fucked by NECA just now?
I ordered the Friday the 13th Accessory set from their store that they re issued. I also got the NOES furnace thing and the NOES Accessory set at the same time. They shipped my F13th accessories and in the same order said the other items shipped, but they indeed did not. Should I email neca and tell them I didn't receive my shit or am i missing some dates here? The total was like $170! If i am missing 2 items i better be refeunded wtf. I got the f13th set today and in my email and tracking it says the Freddy items will be there but they were not.
You're just repeating yourself... Why? They'll ship things separately at times, but it doesn't hurt to email and include a photo of the invoice etc. Just like any place.
It has already been resolved. Is there something wrong with your brain? We knew about the issues after they switched over to a new shipping setup, and it's already being fixed. It's already done with. Stop whining and take your 20% Neca store discount.
Ban evader
Fuck off, it's my bad for not keeping up with their update emails but you don't have to be insufferable about it. I just never ordered multiple things at once from them, and had them email all the items shipped, when they didn't.
You're falling for an obvious troll here >>11234320
Anyone else get the romulus set? I got mine in but haven't had time to open them. Was wondering how they turned out.
I’m the neca gentleman aka hoardanon and can tell you that it’s quite common for multiple items to be shipped separately from their store, some with no notice at all, so give it a few days then reach out to customer support. Who knows, you might even get two items for the price of one because of a warehouse mixup.
This guy lies constantly, you should not believe anything he says.
What kind of egotistical schizo posts something like this? As if anyone gives a shit who you are. What a loser.
oh the neca gentleman probably has the biggest neca turdle collection going so he is likely a frequent neca store costumer
Someone that wants attention. Moreso, a narcissist, legitimately. It's kind of scary the kinds of people that are allowed to post here.
This guy looks so fun, I don't really remember the movie or what he does in it, but I keep thinking about getting him.
He chants his rhyme and attacks people, but is barely in Conjuring 2. He was supposed to have his own movie, hence the figure getting made, but it got shelved.

Still, great figure. Fun to mess with and quite expressive.
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Saw this online, the syndicate collectibles pumpkinhead scales really well with NECA figures.
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American Werewolf in London Jack and David 2-pack is in stock on Target's site: https://www.target.com/p/neca-an-american-werewolf-in-london-jack-and-david-7--34--scale-action-figure---2pk/-/A-94021608
Kinda sucks that Jack’s pants will always be dirty even if you want him in the clean look
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Vincent Price is also in stock!
I mean they were hiking, it's not unreasonable to have mud on your pants.
That’s called backpacking not hiking, shut in. There should be swappable clean legs for the price we’re paying
No, that would be ridiculous and drive the price higher.
Why are you so against swappable legs, first SOTO Shredder now this
There's more than one person on this board.
No there’s not
Gonna inform one of my friends
Romulus Xenomorph is in stock on Target's site too: https://www.target.com/p/neca-alien--romulus-ultimate-scorched-xenomorph-7--scale-action-figure--no-aasa/-/A-94021617
I thought it was pretty clear from the measurements he was going to be roughly the size of NECA's Xenomorphs. I'm just glad the figure isn't vaporware.
do you think these are going to be in stores? Id like to order but id prefer to get one in person
No, no. Sorry they won’t
Absolutely. The fact that they're in stock on the website means they're shipping out now, so we'll probably see reports pretty quickly.
Bummer. I wanted to avoid shipping costs but I’ll go ahead.
He's lying to you.
He's not lying to you
I’ll just flip a coin
The figures will be in stores, that's just a fact. If you want to wait for them, you can. Shipping it out (especially if you can get the free shipping) is probably a faster method.
The figures will, in fact, not be in stores. Your only option is to purchase these items online through the Target website. Good day.
Why would they not be in stores?
Why are you trying to hinder a rock solid sale?
Because he's trolling you. He's just saying the opposite of what's really happening cause he's a douchebag.
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The Iron Maiden 2-pack is out it looks like. The Samurai one looks awesome as hell, wish it was sold by itself.
Have they shown off anymore? I know they’ve done some 8” retro cloth ones, but those will be too big.
They haven't yet. But they've done a toooon of Iron Maiden figures over the years, and not just in the cloth retro line. I'd like to see them do more stuff like this.
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NECA Gargoyles Goliath and big titty goth girls will always be a match made in heaven!

Fuck off with your fucking spam
Oh my god those can't be real
Kys Chinky
The gorgyles are real and they’re spectacular. Not sure about the Khazar milkers, however.
hello neca baby
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Can we seriously get somebody to make youtuber discussion a banable offence across most blue boards?
(Just liked my capcha)
Seriously, it has nothing to do with toys.
It has nothing to do with a lot of boards, /v/ and /a/ would be other boards greatly relieved by this sort of ban of youtubers going into effect, /ck/ and /k/ are a bit too entwined with them to have the rule apply there but for places like here and the big boards 100% make youtubers bannable/a containment board for youtubers like there is for vtubers
I think it should be named /yt/ personally, or /ecel/ (e-celebrities and channels), but what are your thoughts on this matter
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It has everything to do with toys. If picrel’s ugly mug is tolerated in convention newz posts, all of it is allowed full fuckin stop. Case closed open and shut air tight
Don't care where it goes, but it isn't on topic and is only posted to spam threads or gossip or talk about tits apparently. Pathetic.
Yeah either full on youtuber containment thread with enforced bans on those doing it outside of it or just nuke youtube shit in general
he allowed because he fren of neco
other toy influencer are ban
except for proboscis monkey gorgyle girl
who have bad taste in toy
Youtuber posting should be a bannable offence.
aaaaand... it's gone
Darn, one of my friends might have liked it
>/ck/ and /k/ are a bit too entwined
And the toy collecting community isn't? As annoying as the monthly Retrospam and Anthony's Cumstains threads are, to say that toobers should be banned here but allowed on those boards is hypocritical.
Fuck, some other threads regularly post Jap reviewers because they are usually our first good look at upcoming figures, and nobody throws tantrums.
What kind of homo doesn't want to talk about tits? I'm pretty sure it's the only reason anyone buys Elvira figures.
I've always said we should have a containment thread for the shit that is obvious gossip and often used for trolling. At the moment, there is a thread for Vala's latest clickbait rumour, and a thread for Mighty Spektor's latest "prediction" and they are both the exact same topic. Posting reviews in threads should be allowed, but I can understand why one anon wouldn't want them posted in this thread.
I think first lifting the 14 day autosage rule thing from here would let a proper containment thread happen, along with deporting spammers into it if not outright banning them, but thats just me daydreaming at this point
NECA Ultimate The Grabber from Netflix’s Black Phone revealed…
Never seen this, but it looks like it could be interesting.
Fuck right off with this shit. You trolled this fake shit once before.
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Holiday Drop Schedule!
The holidays are almost here! Mark your calendar and check back to see what surprises we have in store!

#theNECAStore #NECA #holiday #collectors

Please god be more than just turtles…
Looks good, I haven’t seen those movies yet, but that looks like a solid addition to the horror collection. Nice base body for customs too.
>replying to yourself

I don't see it being Turtles, they don't normally put those in with these drops outside of like, what, Shredder's throne? Should be cool though. Probably some in-stock Krampus I bet.
Fake and you're a fag.
They did say they're doing a Krampus accessory pack yeah? Could be part of this.
Increíble, hopefully the preorder will be on the neco store soon
Shut up already
He comes with a noose?
ED-209 is in stock on Entertainment Earth if anyone is wanting it. Influencer codes knock a little off as well.
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Nightmare Before Christmas Ultimates should be going up this week
Damn they really stacked Jack with heads this time, that's wonderful! I may have to get a couple just to have with different expressions in the collection...

I'm so excited, I hope this line gets fully re-released. NBX was one of NECA's best lines.
Loving the packaging too.
Oh great so my old neca jack is out of scale now
...where the hell did you get that idea?
Do they all come with stands to help stand up or just Santa Jack?
They should all come with stands, the originals did.
I havent collected toys in a while, how much are these supposed to go for?
$34.99 typically
Ben Cooper wave 3 is in stock on Target
Aaaand Nightmare Before Christmas Ultimates are up on the Neca Store. 4 pack or singles.
First 150 orders of the 4 pack get a card signed by Danny Elfman, Tim Burton, Chris Sarandan, or Glenn Shadix
How do you know if you’re one of the first 150?
Wait Glenn Shadix has been dead since 2010…? How the hell did they get him to sign a card?
When you place the order (or have it in your cart) it has the autograph card as an extra included item.

He got better.

No but I'm wonder how, too. Someone had the foresight to get his autograph or these have been on the backburner for a while. Or maybe it's a mistake? We'll find out.
I’ll use bbts not the neco scam site who won’t ship for months and loses orders
I mean I don’t blame you, shipping will be much cheaper that way. Only reason to order from the NECA store was for the chance at the autograph card.
Cool man, you're a fucking loser faggot. Ships faster than BBTS and no, they won't lose orders.
Anon, that guy is one of the most obvious trolls this side of 4chan. He isn't buying these, he's also the loser that spams "bbts scam site" in threads. He doesn't buy toys at all.
I love bbts, it’s the neco store that is a scam site not bbts
NTA but they do charge up front for the full amount of the preorder, shippining is high, they’ve lost orders in their system or mistakenly sent wrong items or miscounted before, and they cater to scalpers with their convention exclusive quantities. It may not be willful scamming but it’s rife with incompetent workers.
Shipping isn't high, it's as much as it costs to ship anything. Try going to the post office for once. They do not cater to scalpers, the fuck are you talking about? And no, they do not lose orders, and if anything is mistakenly sent, they replace it or fix it. You are so full of shit.
You're full of shit. I barely even collect these things but I went to order Nosferatu the other day and the NECA store wanted $15 to ship it to Washington. Their shipping is ridiculous
Their shipping is the fucking normal amount it costs to ship things that size. Hate to break it to you, but the world isn't shipping things for $4 everywhere.
>Shipping isn't high, it's as much as it costs to ship anything. Try going to the post office for once.
i go to the post office weekly and you are wrong or lying.
>if anything is mistakenly sent, they replace it or fix it.
or they threaten to punish you for not fixing their own mistake
The only liar is you.
Except you can order the same figures from BBTS, Target, Amazon or Walmart with sub-$10 shipping so factually no. It's a fucking foot long and weighs half a pound.
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