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Previous thread: >>11173280

>Thunder Cats is crossing over with MOTU
>Mattel confirms more animated shows are coming, no further details

Cartoon Collection
>New catalogs out showing Frosta, Buzz-Off, Faker, Invisible Skeletor and Horde concept 2-pack sketchbook series
>Horde and the Princesses of Power are coming with Catra, She-Ra, Mantenna, and Hordak alongside Ram Man and Man-e
>CC Vultak probably coming to MC

Turtles of Grayskull
>The Reptile Wars have begun with Dragon Ninjor, Foot Ninja King Hiss, Snapping Turtle Clamp Champ, Rattlor's bones, snake spying Mekaneck, Snake Shredder, and four more turtles coming in 2025
>Wave 4 with April, Stealth Leo and He-Man, and Hordak out at retail
>Darkhorse comic for Turtles of Grayskull out

Mattel Creations
>Geldor next ?
>SNAKE LAIR on hold still
>Vultak, Rio Blast coming next year
>vintage Two Bad is in the works

Non-MC exclusives
>Vecna and He-Man next for Target
>Horde Trooper Prime went up for pre-order briefly on BBTS and sold out for now.
>Modulok amazon listing went up, not able to order yet. German listing is expecting December

>Panthor will be MC exclusive
>Fisto, Flying Fists He-Man, Evil-Lyn, Roboto, another Beastman, Skelcon also seen in new catalogs

Feel free to add/update/remove any info
>Snakes forever


Thread Question:
What else could potentially be sketchbook series figures ?
>Snakes forever
Based. Bringing Snakes to Masterverse might be the only thing that can save the line at this point.
If they are going to be concept sketch figs, you could technically put Stretch Nek in the sub-line to ensure that it is blessed by Serpos.
And now that I've angered 90% of the thread, my real answer is Brain Bug and Skiing Yeti.
>What else could potentially be sketchbook series figures ?
For concept art for pre-existing characters, I wanna say concept Dylamug. For original characters I really want, Wrap Trap, Skiing Yeti, or Mandible Man would be awesome.
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Since everyone always says the unproduced Horde guys + the yeti, I'm gonna throw all my support behind Tank Top since I'm prob the only guy that ever even mentions him
man that thing looks cool as hell

while probably better to get right in classic/masterverse/new eternia styling, i'd love an origins rendition of it

has a bit of that japanese kaiju or 50s rubber monster alien appeal

I like his hairy fly like arms and the fact he's sort of a reverse or upside down mantenna
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loving his fashionmodel expression and hair
What's with the green eyeshadow?
references a paint variant of the vintage figure
afaik the Leo Toys one made in India
ohhh right, forgot about this guy. thanks.
Super Shredder is up today
Skeletor and King Hiss are up tomorrow.
Thanks man, ill try hiss but im not confident ill get one. On tbat topic, bbts please ship my lord grasp and terroar.
>What else could potentially be sketchbook series figures ?
I don't know why this came to mind to me last night but a MOTU turn-based RPG would be really dope.
Is he not going to come with legs?
Oh yeah, just the good ol' main squad. He-Man, Teela, Orko and Man-At-Arms. Maybe like Stratos, Man-E-Faces and Mekaneck as extra members. No idea how they'd do Battle Cat tho.
No. The cape, staff, extra armor & weapons replace legs
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Why did it take so long for someone to figure out to do the tape recorder chest as the battle armor damage for Faker? Also I love the orange/pink combo instead of his armor being one or the other. Thanks to Bret Hart I've always known those colors actually complement each other very well. Mondo knocked this one out of the park.
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Forgot to take this pic yesterday, main difference is that classics Demo-man is more of a slut with his mini skirt.
You hoped he and Hiss would make together 3 figures?
He ro would be great, strobos would be awesome. Who is at the bottome left? Looks creepy
wheelchair cope
both are sluts
all greenskins are sluts

but yeah the proverbial luigi on the right powerbottoms for the older mario on the left
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Anyone know the show Frisky Dingo? I'm getting Xtacles vibes from this Hoard Trooper.
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Got mine today... he's so fucking light and hollow. I don't normally buy masterverse but man I'm not impressed with it at all. I was expecting a nice solid chunk of plastic like origins are and he feels like one of those 12 inch shampoo bottle figures.
he also has paint. don't forget paint.
what about the Deceptacles? More than you bargain for!
Glad I skipped him. Masterverse continues to disappoint me with every purchase so this doesn't surprise me.
>everyone is moving to bluesky
>someone else already took skeletor for a @
>notice that no one has taken @MastersOfficial
>now have a clone of the MOTU twitter account
what shit posts should I make /motu/? I'll probably shit on masterverse any time they reveal some new figures
Announce Mighty Scott as next mattel creations
You must've already thought up so many things to say to show them that you're a real le epic troll. This is really how you spend your time?
oh the lad is just trying to have a giggle.
i sure did when I saw how he trigged the mattel rep (you) who has to monitor these threads.
Start posting old OP images as if you were trying to market those scenes as playsets.
Operation: Snake Mountain Punch.
Oh fuck, now I want Rapier Ape in Origins.
Go to bed gramps
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I seem to have trash taste because I much more enjoy the Masterverse offerings over origins and the new Hoard troopers hollowness went unnoticed. Perhaps it's where armor parts can be removed my brain just registered the whole thing would be that kind of light. That said I don't know why they went oversized for the Hoard trooper when the OG was average height, have they given a reason for that? It seems like a somewhat out of the blue change.
would reps really watch places that struggle to get 200 unique IPs in a month? I always feel that's why 4chan got rid of the counters on the bottom was for slower boards like this where these MOTU threads wouldn't even get 60 IPs at a time making it clear the thread here were more like chums hanging in a room together than some meaningful expression of the fandom.
Recently concept art for 2 movie vintage figures was revealed: Karg and Storm Trooper.

are his parts swappable with Origins?
good choices. im surprised ski yeti hasnt been made already since he'd be such an easy reuse of parts. beastman buck with new fore arms, new head, new lower legs, and a new chest harness plus the ski accessories.
Love the look for a foot hordesman! a while ago I came up with a similar concept, but aimed to reinterpret the horde suit into samurai armor. thus far Id say only the foot clan king hiss and bebopsteady have been let downs for me. bebopsteady especially as I was hoping he'd sport a sculpt more reminiscent of the classic playmates versions.
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wasnt sarcasm at all photog-anon. I genuineky love your pics. please keep up the good work
I was distracted by those sexy green legs, but yeah that too, it's funny cuz I remember back in the day one of the complaints people had with MOTUC was the lack of paint.
Wasn't there a complaint about MOTUC that figures were being casted in black plastic and painted their proper colors?
IIRC That was near the end of the line, definitively after I was collection, so I didn't experience it.
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Mondo Buzz off at NYCC.
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Head and arms are at least. Arms look a little funky since the peg is long enough it extends from the torso a little. But if you want a guy with giant gorilla arms you could probably make it work with one of the characters with a vest though.
He looks like a villain.
I wish this is what they did with the masterverse version of him
Why not just get this version?
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He looks like a knock-off!
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Because Mondo is a vastly different scale.
I know there are talks of them delving into 1/12 with 200X possibly but I don't think this buzz off is that.
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so cool?
I'll give it up, that honeycomb halberd is sick.

No, different.
Buzz Off's lovely smile is a big part of his appeal, I dunno why people interpret him all scary chitin like.
cursed kino
Good, so he can look badass and not some character straight out of winnie the pooh
I know!
Ive just been kinda dumb struck by these images, >>11202839
>>11202840 and i didnt even notice there were english descriptions yesterday. So they are closer to gi joe size? Can we get a subline in origins or will zolo or formo beat mattel to the punch?
Cause he's a big bug
>a complaint
Several. The most infuriating thing was all the lies and half assed excuses.
The issue with Snout Spout's trunk was a cope to behold.
I remember people going off about that with like Rattlor... I think that's where I noticed it the most.
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Why is this thing usually so cheap? Does nobody like Beast Man?
Overproduced shelfwarmer

>Overproduced shelfwarmer

It def feels that way, this happens in particular to early waves and not so much later ones, so it feels like Mattel learned that not that many people care about MOTU lol.
I mean do people like Beast Man?

And I actually listed this fig as good one.
It's really frustrating the way they dripfeed us vintage. You dont see stuff like that anywhere else. You cant imagine Batman cartoon being cancelled and replaced with new one and last 2 seasons of the one you've enjoyed so far will air 3 episodes a year.
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Beast Man isn't even the coolest beast man in MOTU.
They had the revelations then released the upgraded ne version so i think it was to quick to double dip myself. Of the two, i think ne is the superior version and im not buying another.
I think beastman is great and iconic and ive bought every one in origins but maybe he is just over exposed.
>You cant imagine Batman cartoon being cancelled and replaced with new one and last 2 seasons of the one you've enjoyed so far will air 3 episodes a year.
Sounds like a British sitcom
I mean that's the negative way to look at it right? the line could have also been canceled and not completed.

How much is this Mattel overextending it to milk us I don't know tho.
What really kills me is they keep making all these 'what if' figures instead of the vintage ones; I can deal with it being slow but they're really rubbing it in.
>It's really frustrating the way they dripfeed us vintage. You dont see stuff like that anywhere else.
Happens with Star Wars and Marvel Legends. And I guess McFart.
I honestly think they're doing this cause if someone completes their vintage stuff, they might not have any interest in the 'what if' figures. So they're kinda milking it in a good way I suppose? Like you don't eat all the marshamallows from Lucky Charms and THEN the actual cereal right?
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>Does nobody like Beast Man?
He's awesome, this figure just sucks. His Classics and Origins figures are great.
I'm not going to have anymore interest in most of the "what if" shit if you spam it before finishing vintage than I will after you finish vintage.
All they're accomplishing is annoying me and actually make it less likely I'll even finish vintage since I've been keeping less and less up to date over the last year.

Seriously, are people actually buying shit "just because" to tide them over while waiting for good figures?
I want to finish out the vintage stuff too, i mean thats kinda why i picked up a he man whenever origins started showing up at wal mart. I didnt really mind rots, the snake men stuff has grown on me but the tog stuff is starting to chafe at me. The figures have been hard to get and i think its gone on too long while focusing more on the tmnt instead of the grayskull. Now there is the cartoon line going strong as well, which im not a huge fan of but i do enjoy certain figures like clawful or beast man. Mattel is definitely laying it on thick if you are a motu fan but if you are just into origins then what do we get? 4 figures a year or something which are infamous for selling out in minutes at time, screwing over many many fans either by bots or matrel wont ship to a particular country.
Its a great time for motu and motu fans but vintage collectors are kinda getting a raw deal.
I'd love to use some action effect parts for certain figures. I do wish most Tamashii Nations effects weren't so overpriced. Do ya'll know some other brands and/or sites for effect parts?
There are bootlegs of Tamashii on eBay. In more colors than what you currently get from Tamashii. Canofbeams used to be good but most of it is flat shit now. There are a couple of $25 variety packs on BBTS/Amazon that are ok for some basic things
Those "what ifs" are a good way to appeal to people who already have a complete vintage collection. I find it fun to think that we might finally get the full Lost '88 in pretty close to vintage form rather than having to lean on Classics to fill in the gaps.
Not that I disagree that Mattel is dragging things out, but I can see why they want to appeal to people with different types of motu collections.
If you were at a restaurant, the "what ifs" would be the bread on the table. The Snake Invasion repaints would be normal bread. Non delicious filler.
Vypor and Reptilax are like the bread sticks at Olive Garden, or a cheesy garlic bread at a pizzaria.
My biggest issue with ToG is that all of the figures I really want are exclusives, and I don't live in a country with a Walmart. I managed to get Sla'ker on MC for a decent price, but the two that are killing me are Mer-Man and Leatherhead. And now Super Shredder and King Hiss. If I can't get the ones I want, why would I get the filler like Beast-Man and Mekaneck?
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This was a good week for the collection. The Rogues Gallery really expanded with some heavy hitters. The Heroic Warriors were a little lame this time, I can't sugarcoat it.
>naked Sun Man
$5 for the alt head and a spare set of those fly boots seemed like a good deal.
>wave 5 He-Man
Cheap from the same place as Sun Man. My kids keep saying that they can never find "normal" He-Man to play with, so here you go.
The Mystical Wizard . Kind of a boring old man but still the best of the good guys this week. I bought him to keep company with Eldor, Stan-dor and MV Moss Man as my Council of the Elders. He's better than expected but still low excitement level. Mattel should follow though on that Keklar prototype so we can do these council meetings properly.

>Demo Man
This guy is sick and worth the Mattel Creations rigmarole.
>Leatherface and Pinhead
These look nice and the crossover concept is perfectly done. But holy fuck they feel so breakable and can't hold their weapons for shit.
Excellent cape. The Superstars' cape game is really on point and makes you wish Mattel would use quality soft goods for Motu.
If you want that classic vibe and enjoy skeletons, Zoloworld is amazing. Maybe one day I will get deeper into vintage Remco for the history sake but I usually prefer the newer versions.
>Death Dealer
A 5.5" masterpiece. The final boss of your collection. Fuck I saved the best for last and now I'm all burnt out and foggy. But he's as badass as I hoped and is intimidating af in hand. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was cursed and comes to life to kill me in my sleep.
Still waiting on an Origins Scareglow reissue. They did Triclops and Trapjaw, but I already got the minicomic alternative for Trapjaw.
They should announce it soon. I just folded and bought it off Amazon for $13 above retail because I was buying a few other things so I saved on postage. Honestly though, I want a couple of more of the GOOD heroes to get Fan Fave reissues. Not boring shit like Zodac. I need Fisto and Roboto. I will probably fold and get minicomic Roboto just to trigger his vintage reissue. I'm not paying $50 for Fisto though.
That Death Dealer is pure sex. Who makes him?
I got minicomic Roboto. The recolor isn't bad. I skipped on the regular one since I still own the original vintage with an axe arm. I think King Hiss also needs a reissue unless they plan on doing the full serpent version like classics.
I do agree that Stinkor, Whiplash, Scareglow and Fisto def need a fan favorite rerelease. And maybe Grizzlor but that's asking for too much.
Didn't Scareglow already get a second rerelease just last year?
If he did, I heard nothing about it.
Like, Target got those sidecap shippers with him on it...I could have swore...
Oh, I don't have target in my area and haven't ordered through their site ever since they started allowing 3rd party sellers on the site and screwing up the search algorithm.
She-Ra's got a proper, massive rack.
Is she cast off like Teela? I'm not even Nudist She-Ra anon, but I may have a need for this.
is her top removable like CC teela and evil lyn?

asking for a friend
>What really kills me is they keep making all these 'what if' figures instead of the vintage ones; I can deal with it being slow but they're really rubbing it in.
Man, a certain segment of the MOTU crowd really does not want anything remotely new eh? Like I can totally see what they are doing, they want to add some interest/variation for people who have already bought since the classics days but want some new takes on classic characters or people who don't care too much about the details or enjoy a change up in character look.

Lines are all about pleasing/appealing to multiple groups, so all the figures released are not going to appeal to everyone. They know there's a segment who only wants exact classic looks and so that is one segment they take into account while also going for other segments.
>huntara, granita, rokkon, bow, and a concept art bug man & scorpion guy on the modulok box art alongside a potential minicomic Adora and CC hordetrooper
There. One sentence. Is that so hard for the people at toyhabits to do? Do they really need a chatgpt page with 8k words just to squeeze out more ad space?
God I'd love to have an Origins Huntara.I honestly wouldn't mind if they expanded the CC line with even more She-Ra stuff.
Nu-Ra could NEVER.
You have my attention.
>concept art bug man & scorpion guy
I like bugs almost as much as snakes. Gender swapped Scorpia is a real surprise though.
All this but no one still knows the price for Modulok?
>Like, Target got those sidecap shippers with him on it.
They did
this is pretty rad
Who are these and how much will I pay for them?
Id bet $40
Unf! Im really looking forward to more pop but these two look nasty.
Characters on Modulok's box. Hard to say who they are but they might be Bug-Eye (villain from unproduced Son of He-Man show) and Scorpus (concept art character from 200X)
Top? Removable?
I think I'm going to get a duplicate Frosta and keep her frozen in my freezer 24/7. He-Man can have an ice adventure saving her some day.
Yeah, this is what Teela looks like under the armor. Evil-Lyn's the same, only purple.
Or more accurately, Lyn's more revealing since her top isn't visible trough her armor.
Ram Man looks cool.
I am probably in a minority, but I was hoping we'd get an Origins Ram Man focused with articulated legs

mine is oddly white under the armor, running change maybe?
hes just a slut from down below.
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Another one for the history books, yay! The double tail looks great on the 4-legged body too.
Mosquito bites
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The Eternia Screwjob

WM had a Mean Gene 2pack with Hogan that wouldn't ring up so they marked it generic for $16
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>Still waiting on an Origins Scareglow reissue.
I'd still like to see a fun recolor.
No thanks, looks like a random bunch of parts just smashed together.

Yes please, a Horde Scorpion-Man! I love the tail and the red and yellow color palette.
2 tails means 2 buttholes
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Do you think Scorpia would let a guy...well, uh...stick it in her tail hole?
I'll probably get called contrarian, but I'm not excited for these for the same reason I wasn't excited for any of those snakemen. A big thing I found appealing about the Horde and Snakes in vintage were that EVERYONE (except Hordak) was fully unique, unlike the EW where most had reuse.
I get WHY Mattel is doing it, but I won't be buying them.
Twice the Poo, double the fart
Nice, glad vince is staying busy.
Zoloworld. I'm really happy that I got mine.
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Hey, guys
I just realized something that I think will amuse the "zomg, Evil Horde are classic movie monsters!" crowd

>The Black Scorpion (1957)
well now I need this guy
Thanks for explaining that!
oh snap, i remember that poster
good find!
I need Nudist She-Ra NOW
This dude looks crazy though
>4 legs
>one tail with two stinger endings
>stinger nunchucks
I hadn't realized, what a goofy ass weapon
That weapon actually exists already? Damn, guess bug guy has a real good shot at coming out.
Didn't MOTWWEU just reuse accessories from Classics though
Yes, but I ain't seen this released with any classics figure. So it's new. However, I was under the impression that parts made for the WWE line couldn't be used for MOTU... but Andre's giant body buck already contradicts this. Guess Scott was wrong about that too.
>However, I was under the impression that parts made for the WWE line couldn't be used for MOTU
Na, the only things they wouldn't be able to use is the unique head likenesses. Origins hands are WWE hands with the exception of the sword holding hand. The designers should give in to using the fat body next for something. Vader, Big Bossman, Earthquake, Typhoon. Good body for fun.
Looks ok but really redundant when the Horde already has Scorpia.
So, since Mattel is starting yet another Masterverse Subline with the vintage shit, does that mean the line is doing good and they want to keep it going? or is it desperation?
Refresh to sell it to retailers. To us it's the same line. To retail it's a new SKU of product.
Meh, i could see it grabbing a few new fans with a vintage design but overall im kinda done with masterverse. Id grab a king hiss or more new adventures based stuff though but im good overall. Loke im looking at mv hordak and just thinking, this guy is really awesome and i dont need another version.
Not so much desperation as much as >>11208304 needing a new gimmick to keep retailers pre-ordering. However, this is probably the only move the can really do to keep sales strong. Deeply saddening how retarded consumers are for their endless nostalgia.
Anyone know if there's a more translucent variant of ToG He-Man like how Ram Man has one?
Actually had a choice of figures today, i had to ignore the well stocked superstars pegs, between stealth he man, cc clawful and tog hordak. I decided on hordak but the whole ride home i kept thinking how cool stealth he man looks but i just dont see he man as some wandering warrior. Just felt odd to think of he man just roaming after who ever the big bad of tog is but if i imagine him as a fist of the north star or road warrior type guy then it makes more sense to me. Either way, guess ill grab him next time but im ok with hordak.
Man Mean Gene was really ripped under that suit
you won't be disappointed. I like how the cloak can kind of make the figure a stand in for the Preternia Disguise or when Adam went to Etheria in Secret of the Sword.

But I like the Ken-Hero idea, too.
>"You already have the power."
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And than?
Now I have sex with her and then fall asleep in between her D-cup breasts
Modulok's box art also shows off this part of an unproductive playset
Kinda' crazy how close he is to Oderus Urungus.
Yeah, pretty crazy. He looks almost exactly nothing like him. At all.
Oop! Lookee is on this box art. Have they done any box art with Imp on it yet?
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Sticking out your gyatt for the Grizzler~
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who else but grizzlor?!
i'd written off stealth he-man for not looking ninja-y enough but with that framing he might make a great base for a wundar variant
best OC by a mile
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It really does work great for WunDar.
Thanks, it's hard to find any info on this stuff. If anyone's got any comparison pictures for the two variants, I'd appreciate it.
so I left the sword in the masterverse horde trooper's hand for about 3 days and it melted all the paint off the handle
this figure is such a piece of shit i'm just throwing it out
What else is wrong wid it? glad I didn't buy
Hurray! Hopefully he gets an Orko sized figure!
I already binned it so I don’t have a pic. If you want proof leave the sword in the hand yourself a few days and see for yourself! I would definitely not display it that way if you own one; I think the reason it happened is it has some kind of rubber plastic for the hands that reacted to the paint. The staff should be fine since it’s unpainted.
It was cheap feeling and the joint tolerances were not good for a figure that is supposed to pop apart, couldn’t even keep the legs attached on mine if trying to articulate it. The sword was just the last straw for me.

Only cape and skirt
The fuck is going on. This shelf warmed and gor clearanced to $10 at every damn Target since no one was buying them. Opened ones are sold for $50.
People miss the boat and fucking panic as always

Like that her chest is bigger to match the other girls with removable tops
All these years later and weve gotten what, maybe 4 new adventures figures? Its crazy, did the show stink that badly?
Still annoyed they didn't do Origins NA He-Man and Skeletor for retail
i just want an optikk
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>Target exclusive
I bet there are at least a dozen other leafs who would have bought this if they sold them up here.
I actually don't mind NA, but its far from a masterpiece. The toys themselves aren't bad either but suffer from not feeling like Motu.
The Space Mutants have some fun designs and seems to be what most people are nostalgic for. It Mattel wanted to draw water from this well, it might have been more successful to make the villains in 5.5" scale.
>crowdfunded Origins Nordor playset never
That name is... Wow. Does that base fold into an asteroid or something?
Correct. It's a good playset and updated one with some space pirates packed in would be so cool.
It's not great. As someone who only got into MOTU a year ago, binged the Filmation cartoon and loved it, NA is a lackluster follow-up. It's good in some respects, the animation style is attractive and certainly more detailed than the Filmation original, and there's a bit of moral complexity at times to the plots, but making the core cast of good guys regular humans and the bad guys the cool monsters seems to miss the point of the series a bit. Abandoning basically everything from the original is a bold move, but one I don't feel is well pulled off. And the plots are often total asspulls that don't even service an aesop.

Plus, needless to say, the NA look for both He-Man and the power sword are much less iconic. Even to this day, when MOTU is somewhat obscure, OG Adam is instantly recognizable for many people, and those who can recognize him will probably recognize 200X/Revelations and even CGI as variations, but NA He-Man lacks that appeal.
is the 2nd stranger things set out? target website just says sold out
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Has anyone bought the vintage style Super 7 Conan figures yet?

>img stolen from another board
Not yet. I'm anxious to see how He-Man looks in person because the Skeletor from the previous 2-pack was bizarrely high contrast colored in renders but the final product is probably the best Origins Skeletor has looked.
Okay, He-Man has a holster, but where does She-Ra put her sword? Her outfit doesn't even have a back.
Honestly, Riotblast and Rockpeople feel already like a prelude to space characters.
We had some talk about them. Kinda mercenaries that visit Eternia and fill up Skeletors ranks.
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>NA He-Man lacks that appeal
I've wrote about this before on here, but the suits at Mattel should have used the design and concept for Dare (He-Man's son.)
Visually the classic Power Sword and the barbarian boots link him back to classic Motu, but a touch of space man stuff to update him. The design for NA He-Man was incredibly bland and generic.
And story wise it would have been better because "He-Man' son goes to space to chase Skeletor" allows for a cleaner break from Eternia than "He-Man goes to space and just never mentions anything from his old life again."
You could add the Cosmic Enforcers to the list of motu space ideas that Mattel could have picked up on.
Man... I would really like to have sex with He-Ro Son of He-Man, let him embrace me and kiss my cheek with his monkey face.
What are the odds we'll get first Wave of Reptile Wars before 2-Bobsteady?
I have one sitting in my POL that will join the eternia squad when I get him in.
Anon... one must assume it is stored in the same place as Optimus Prime's trailer, or perhaps the sword can transform into a plug in the same way it can befome a shield.
In the latter's case, it would explain both where it goes, and why she wears a skirt.
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same way that wonder woman does when she is in a dress
The villains designs later in the line were also heading in a distinctly "space mutant" direction
Like you look at Blast Attak, Saurod and Twistoid, and where do they look like they belong? With Beast Man and Mer Man, or with Flogg and Optikk?
A man never asks, and a woman never tells.
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>sword to butt plug!
>>11211597 it's evident they had something akin to flash gordon in mind during the design stage, but given the direction toys took in the 90's that was just a massive step down. the clean pulp sci-fi aesthetics were just way out of vogue by the time NA landed, and the points you raised both about the new cast and lore didnt do the series any favors.

>>11212006's suggestions would have gone a long way in fixing many of NA's problems while still permitting for a semi-clean slate to tell new stories from. MOTU needed a Beast Wars of its own, and the fact it never got one, doomed it's future. This is why I fixate on all of Scheimer's He-Ro concept art so often. The guy knew exactly what was needed to bring the series into the 90's. A bigger, badder, eck-streem and kind of grungy evolution of the already established ideas and characters. NA/He-Ro are like the Terminator 3 of MOTU. Something everyone wanted and was really excited for, but it ultimately underdelivered and disappointed.

the total abscence of cosmic enforcers feels especially egregious. you take he-man to space, supplant him amidst an entirely new and different cast and setting, and the only other familiar face he sees in that entire span of time is skeletor? Talk about wasted potential.
Me too, perhaps an Origins version of the Mondo one. Or perhaps one that includes Scare Mare.
cum burp
you made me just puke in my mouth a little, thanks
Now think about the smell ..
I agree, making it a generational thing would make the whole affair more palatable, and would also serve, if it underperformed, to give a natural catharsis if you decide to roll it back in to the original setting- coming back home to go on adventures with Dad.

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