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Previous thread: >>11200738

Cartoon Collection
>Catalogs show Frosta, Buzz-Off, Faker, Invisible Skeletor and Horde concept 2-pack sketchbook series.
>Horde and the Princesses of Power are coming with Catra, She-Ra, Mantenna, and Hordak alongside Ram Man and Man-e
>CC Vultak probably coming to MC

Turtles of Grayskull
>The Reptile Wars have begun with Dragon Ninjor, Foot Ninja King Hiss, Snapping Turtle Clamp Champ, Rattlor's bones, snake spying Mekaneck, Snake Shredder, and four more turtles coming in 2025
>Wave 4 with April, Stealth Leo and He-Man, and Hordak out at retail

Mattel Creations
>Geldor released
>SNAKE LAIR on hold still
>Vultak, Rio Blast coming next year
>vintage Two Bad is in the works

Non-MC exclusives
>Vecna and He-Man at Target
>Horde Trooper Prime went up for pre-order briefly on BBTS and sold out for now.
>Modulok amazon listing. German listing is expecting December

>Panthor will be MC exclusive
>Fisto, Flying Fists He-Man, Evil-Lyn, Roboto, another Beastman, Skelcon also seen in new catalogs

Feel free to add/update/remove any info
>Snakes forever


Thread Question:
what are you hoping to get before the end of the year ?
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1st 4 Stinkor
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Mondo says fuck yo wallet.
it's always nice to see the start of a new MOTU thread. what figures are you guys eyeballing these days? I spotted cartoon collection clawful, lynn, and webstor alongside TOG April and Casey in my local walmart a few days ago. I was tempted to get clawful despite already owning the origins vintage version. Splinterskull, Zodac, Wundar, and Leatherhead are all high on my want list
I'd say Casey and Clawful are worth getting. Casey looks good and comes with a ton of weapons. Some little details like the handle on the hammer being slender compared to the WWE version so it fits in hands easier. Someone cared somewere at Mattel.

I'm skipping any obvious duplicate characters in the CC. One exception is Clawful because he seemed different enough that he is his own thing. I rationalized it like I would pay more for some random KO character, so might as well support the line a bit.
Picking up 2-bopsteady today. Got 25% off at target with their toys sale. Finally going to make a complete metalboto!
Im really high on cc clawful, he just really grabs my attention and looks great. Casey jones is worth while because he comes with a ton of gear, but maybe you dont like the colors of the gear and i get that. Leatherhead too looks amazing, i just enjoy the paint job on my copy. As far as what im looking to get, i want bop steady and then maybe cc spikor but id really like to get a few wwe superstars. Im weird and dont open them so clearly the superstars are a low priority but they look really awesome and i like that era of wwf.
I'm waiting for more things to be announced for the core Origins line. I'm just cherry-picking ToG since I don't really care for the Turtles (I have Casey and he could be any random Eternian teenager, I have Splinter and am planning to get Ninjor).

Ordered Geldor but hoping we get some concrete announcements with Rio Blast and Modulok and them.
He is showing in stock here but a co worker said the spot is empty, i just got my stranger things skeletor two pack though so thats cool. Demogorgon looks disgusting! I wish the he man version wasnt $50+ but i really wasnt getting any of it until i saw skeletor was on sale so no biggie.
Masters of the Universe - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles of Grayskull 002 (2024) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr
Want Necro Conda, he is taking forever to come in. New CC ladies are going to be nice to have a bunch of them and variety now. On the fence about April. Still dont have the adam/cringer set yet will soon though hopefully. Still waiting on grasp and terroar.
Surprised that this was actually a cool issue, good work
Necro just got delayed.
Goddamit! I this has got to be one of the longests motu pre-order waits, at least for me
It's a shame, but I'm also glad BBTS is (seemingly) still getting theirs. Entertainment Earth's got cancelled, right?
I think you are right about EE cancelling theirs. I just hope that BBTS doesnt follow suit, expected arrival keeps getting pushed ...

I was waiting for it to actually drop to order him, but you guys just gave me FOMO so I pre-ordered at BBTS
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Vince is back at it
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CG Grayskull is now $35 at BBTS. Got it for $50 last year, and it's the best playset I've ever owned.
Im definitely warming up to CC Clawful as time goes on. Still, I have a pretty big figure backlog as is. Atleast I've finally bitten the bullet on Zodac and Wundarr. Unfortunately Im having trouble finding any of the ToG guys I really wanted beyong Krang and Mutant He-man. I spotted Splinterskull once in october and assumed he'd warm shelves long enough for me to pick him up now but he's long gone. I've still yet to see any of the first two waves appear in retail aswell. It doesnt help that shredder and the other turtles are all starting to creep up in price either.
CC Clawful really just looks fun. He can double as anything from a snakeman, a turtles mutant, or even a generic monster guy for your other figures to fight. He's a win-win from every conceivable angle. Leatherhead has that quality aswell. Casey and April seem a bit tame for my tastes however. A barbarian casey should excite the hell out of me but the figure we ended up with feels more like a parts pack than a fun stand alone character. Anyways I wish you lucky in finding 2-bop and spikor fren
stake out the ross stores in your area. Ive seen CGI greyskulls go for as cheap as 10 to 15 dollars
So geldor is still up, gotta be a legend in mc origins releases right? Never seen an origins last this long on mattel creations.
>Never seen an origins last this long on mattel creations
Didn't that four cartoon he-man set (original series, NA, 200x, Netflix) stay up for several months after it came out?
Didnt mean to do that anon! But you probably made the right decision. On the off chance there is still plenty when they come in you'll lose nothing
It's still up or was until a couple of months ago. That's over a year easy
Nothing super complicated but I kitbashed a King He-Man of sorts
https://creations.mattel.com/products/masters-of-the-universe-origins-he-man-40th-anniversary-4-pack-hgw45 It's still here, and currently on sale for $90. MEMBERS10 should get you 10% off that, though I don't know if that's only for actual members or not.
That coupon doesn't work. 105 after shipping... The price isn't terrible for 4 figures, but filmation He-man is too plain for me. I'll skip.
I'd only want NA He-Man but no armor, wrong shield, and the sword is chrome
I have, and have never seen it there once. I even waited for it to show up, but I just bit on bbts instead
Is this likely to be a quick sellout?
I wouldnt balk at a cgi he man but na is the only one id truly want, even if its not exactly right.
Just got an email from BBTS about Modulok, so I expect he's going up everywhere right now.
Mondo tends to sell out quickly, so likely
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A 3-pack of the munchinkins teased.
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Modulok is up on BBTS.
I cant wait for this, love some manny. I wish he would get a tog figure. >>11234862
Ordered two, seemed almost neccesary to get an extra figure given the gimmick it has. We finally made it, modulok is in origins! Now its time for dylamug mattel.
I got two as well. I debated on getting a third one so I could have them as two individuals plus their conjoined form, but decided that would probably be excessive.
> We finally made it, modulok is in origins!

Think that's the last vintage figure I care for, unless they do more NA, I would get an optikk day one, maybe even slush head.
seems to have came and went already, for the best I didn’t realize it was up, my dumb ass would have gotten fomo.
How soon will this get removed because of complaints?
Oh yeah! It'll be nice if he's actually Fan Channel after all. Ordered 3 off BBTS earlier.
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How do you feel about a 36 dollar price point for Evil Lyn?
How many sites are listing Modulok?
Amazon listed him long ago but I dont know if he ever went up for order. Now BBTS and EE have. I wonder, did Amazon pull out of making it exclusive?
Can they do that so late though?
Amazon is nonsensical.
>seems to have came and went already,
Fuck, wasn't it just announced? I didn't know it would go up so quick. Would've been my first Mondo purchase.
Yeah, it was a limited exclusive for some convention today, probably only a few hundred.
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To be honest, it should've been fan channel from the start, so I'd welcome that.
You guys getting multiples?
Aside from the terrible neck/arm splitter design, the barbell connectors look like they're going to suffer a lot of stress breakage over the course of using the part swapping features. I don't think I'll even be getting one and just stick to the vintage original.
>the girl one got to keep her fat tits
Holy based...
They are trying to make money from desperate collectors. But their algorithm doesn't realize she is still up at bbts
What is there to complain about? >>11235265
I got two.
I'm tempted to get 2, but space is always an issue for me, I try to not over do it.
I'm actually not sure if I'm gonna get it at all.
I've skipped so many Mattel Creations and I don't feel fomo at all, what the fuck is happening... I wanted it so bad when the line was announced...
I'm in a similar boat to you and I chalk it up to just bring burned out on MotU from going so long with getting nothing.
Last thing I bought was Extendar.
Everything between that and now I've skipped due to lack of interest. And now Modulok is coming and I just don't feel excitement.
I think my excitement will eventually come back when I hear the mammoth is also hitting shelves and if they announce Rio going on sale in Dec (fat chance) but I'm not there yet
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Pope Skeletor
>Excuse me sir, have you accepted evil as your personal savior?
Scare glow about to smite this blasphemous heathen.
Metal-Boto is so damn cool that if I had any skill at photography I'd fill the thread with pictures of him.
I just preordered one. I'm skeptical of the connectors they decided to do because his torso was pre-tooled for the Origins buck (as Frog Monger) instead of the shoulders, hips and waists being inherently interchangeable.
Since he is what he is, once he arrives at my door I'll try putting 2-Bop torso in place of his, giving him Rattlor/Rattlehood/Mekaneck heads with neck extensions, seeing how Krang looks below the torso, etc. Maybe he'll grow on me.
Turns out it was only a passing thing, this shadow.
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I dont think Im alone in looking forward to reptile wars raph for his passing resemblance to lee's redesign. however I cant help but feel mattel missed a big opportunity here to homage the rest of the lee turtles in the reptiles wars series. we've gotten 3 leos and 2 of them are nearly indistinguishable from the other. I would have lept at the chance to buy a ninja-thor cyborg version like pic related.
would you guys have been upset if they just reissued vintage modulok outright? while I dont think the origins version looks bad I think I still would have preferred the vintage one outright.
I would have been a little disappointed because I already have the vintage and want something with a little more articulation that still fits in with the rest of my Origins.
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I absolutely adore how Modulok's new Horde shield is a parts separator for the toy. Pic somewhat related.
The only part I don't like is the splitter, and even then, it only bothers me on the neck.
the more you post this head the more it grows on me
No, but then again i dont mix and match parts very often. But now i might be concerned over joint breaking.
Wonder if it's actually any good at it's supposed task though
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Thought I was going to miss out on these, but Leatherhead showed up at Wal-Mart and Target's website had 2-Bopsteady. I am so happy to have scored these two.
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They look so good as a pair of bosses for the others to fight. Just a little bigger than a regular Origins figure (I think), which suits them so well.
They should look like boss fights. The Konami beat 'em ups were the best part of that TMNT generation.
I got the cowabunga collection and those games are much more difficult than i recall. Especially compared to other beat em ups.
My Geldor(s) arrived today!
..I actually haven't opened him yet. I'm waiting till the weekend hits.
Make sure Geldor doesn't geld your other MOTU dudes
don't be disgusting

just keep him away from the ponies
General seems slower than a few years ago. How you holdin' up, MOTU gen? Got one of the last masterverses I needed with Evil Lyn recently, looks like a perfect encapsulation of a 'collector' version of the character.
Been waiting on her and that wave. Currently putting my masterverse on a display shelf. Still alot to put up but i have a good guys, evil warriors, and horde shelf.... plenty of room on the horde shelf. Printing off ass tons of stands for all of them.
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Are you guys looking forward to the MOTU x Thundercats next spring? I've never watched the series since it was before my time but knew of it. Hoping mattel can offer some great figures.
Maybe, I will probably get some of the core figures but I am not sure if I want to go all into another crossover line.
Everything seems really good on her except the elbow range and that the cape feels a bit cheap. But she definitely seems worth the price.
I'm a lot more excited about it than I was with TMNT. Seems so much more natural to cross over with.
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It has slowed down. Partially due to Mattel making some weird decisions and bad distribution, I think a lot of people lost enthusiasm. A good example of these choices:
If its just straight Thundercats in an Origins buck, I would pick up Mumm Ra. But if its a forced thing where they are trying make characters wear each other's clothes, I will probably pass. It will depends on how they look.

Mattel should focus on making Origins. There is a deep well of filmation characters, minicomics/golden books, the movie, New Adventures that people want to see more than another crossover.
I love the Thundercats Rakin Bass animation.
I hope Mattel make Masterverse too, as I donated all my Origins.
Im a long time lurker, i post every once and while and bit more now that i caught the motu fever again.
Yes and no. I hope its a straight cross over instead of the mutated stuff. Either way i grew to enjoy the tog stuff so im sure im going to give it a chance, even if im not that excited for it.
I expect a really cool Mumm-Ra but I don't know much about Thundercats.
I hope its good and not too abstract from the source like the TMNT ones were. Also hope its not stuff like He-Man in Lion-O's armor. I am catiously optimistic.
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Can somebody explain this product to me? "LOL Super7" aside, why is this being made? Mattel announced they're making a MOTU x Thundercats toyline in 2025. Is it Masterverse only? I find that hard to believe. Otherwise, if they are releasing Thundercats style Origins figures, why is this nearly identically product being pushed out in late 2024? Is nobody concerned about cannibalizing sales? I just find it baffling.
>why is this being made?
Because it's a boutique figure at 5 POA and a $30 price tag. Origins TC will be all over retail stores so there's no real conflict.
Super7 products are finding their way to mass retail. Any MOTU-inspired Thundercats will look exactly the same to most customers, unless Mattel does something very radical with their designs. That might be the only scenario that makes sense: Super7 does standard cartoon designs while Mattel does off-the-wall designs ala Turtles of Grayskull.
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Is it 5poa? looks to have elbows and knees to me.

But the renders on Toy Habits don't have those at all.
What is the difference between this and the Savage World version by Funko?
Hopefully the hips don't expolode and the paint actually looks like the protos.
That's the biggest selling point for me. I loved Savage World / Primal Age but they feel like they will break if I breathe on them. Would love to have a Mumm-Ra that I could pose.
I'm not sure what Mattel is going to do with their crossover. Seems like we are going to have a glut of similar TC products.

You know what "crossover" I really want? I want Zoloworld to make a Power Armor figure from Fallout. I got their Death Dealer and its just so fucking good. The paint job and the colors they used look so convincingly like metal. DD looks so menacing to. I know Zolo would knock it out of the park.
>Is it 5poa? looks to have elbows and knees to me
"Vintage" at S7 is 5POA He-Man. Conan, Danzig, The Misfits, and Son of Zorn are current, upcoming, and previous figures in this line. When S7 switched from Kenner to O-ring 3.75" figures they started called it "Retro+" so unless they say "Vintage+" then it's going to be 5POA.
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We need to get Rio Blast, Stonedar, Gwildor AND Rotar in Origins next year, Mattel.
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Evil Warriors group shot is missing Whiplash. I can't even remember why I didn't buy anyone from his wave when it went up for preorder.
I noticed that too. Odd. Even if they have elbows and knees though I still see a swivel cut shoulder and if the Netflix MOTU figures taught me anything not having a shoulder ball joint still drastically limits the playability of the figure even with that other articulation.
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Found a CG He-Man castle for $25 at Ross today
Two-Bad and Blast-Attak NOW
>Rio Blast, Stonedar
>Gwildor AND Rotar
Honestly, I would prefer He-ro next year over either of those two so we have all the parts tooled for Plasmar. Mainly because I can't see us getting Rio AND Plasmar in the same year. I know everyone has their eye on Vintage getting completed, but I'm not going to be satisfied with only two thirds of the Lost 88. And if they are giving us He-ro, they might as well do Eldor and anything else planned for PoG. Really I'm considering Strobo, Plasmar, He-ro and Eldor to be as essential as completing Vintage at this point. I've never seen anything to indicate he was a planned release, but Toxoid is pretty much a given thanks to bring a Tung redeco and a Snake.
>Two-Bad and Blast-Attak NOW
Now we are talking.
>ditch Gwildor AND Rotar
Correct. These guys are duds. We just got Gwildor in Masterverse, and I doubt he's got enough fans to support 2 versions of him.
The Zoids were shit. Rotar is just a fancy top with extra steps. He's Sy-klone that also can't stand up...fuck this retard. Maybe I have anti-nostalgia for this guy because I never had fun with him as a kid.
I'm a snake hater but will admit that Toxoid and Cham-Or are right pretty.
Is cartoon collection He-Man out of stock all over? Did it get discontinued or something?
It hasn't been re-issued in any newer cases so stock dried up for now
Faker is out next year. It's just heman with an alt head with glowing eyes. Use adams heads for non-angry heman.

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