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Previously: >>11192408

-Mafex Nate Grey Solicited

-Marvel Legends Secret Wars Wave solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man/Vulture VHS 2 Pack solicited (Pulse Exclusive, shipping now)

-Marvel Legends Dragon Man solicited (Pulse Exclusive, pre-order window open until Oct 17th)

-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Age of Apocalypse Cyclops and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine solicited

-Marvel Legends Punisher/Bushwacker 2 pack solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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I didn't give you permission to use my picture and now people will think I made this thread in order to use my own picture as the OP image and they will make fun of me what the fuck is your problem man.
It was just a nice picture. Don't worry about it.
I found this body I might want to use for customizing, but I'm a bit of a marvel-let.
Does anyone recognisce what character this is from?

I thought it was Dagger initially but I guess I'm wrong. Doesn't look like an Emma Frost variant either,
Sharon Carter from the 3 pack with Nick Fury and Dum Dum Doogan
Damn, you guys are fast!
Thanks a bunch anon.
I agree with him, the amount of cunts here who will hound you in other threads over pictures makes it so you should never post pictures here. That is more of a reddit thing.
Yeah it's gotten really bad lately.
Every shill is drooling over the Mafex Captain now, but watch them bitch and cry when the secret wars captain one releases and the MvC Captain America is revealed. They’re gonna blow this expensive, overrated badly proportioned crap out the park. Lol
Wow just when I was about to defend you, you go ahead become this racist prick. I’m glad your photo was taken without permission jerk.
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new Venom the last Dance figure from shf
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Are you ready for MCU HERBIE, /toy/?
So apparently the new Quicksilver is actually in stock and not a pre-order, it says I'm getting it tomorrow
Cool congrats on your 10th sunfire.
Where is he even solicited? I don't see him on Pulse yet.
Walmart exclusive in the US
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If you're going to de-Satanize your Damion to make a MvC Jin taunt (and you should) use 91% alcohol or 91% mixed with a little denatured alcohol and paper/wood handled Q-tips to rub off his pentagram and weird face tampo
Ah thanks. Just ordered him. Mine also says delivery tomorrow.
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Blackheart, is he worth the $150 for all six figures? Eh, yes and no. If you want a comic accurate BH and don't own the original, sure. He's perfect in every way. But if you already have the toybiz one he's kind of just an upgrade to that one. His tail is too thick to do much with even tho it's bendy and he doesn't come with two fists, his left hand is an open claw or pointing hand.

HOWEVER, the head can fit on any current figure and the Moon Knight is great once you carve off the bottom of his inner hood so he can move his head. So...Blackheart's head....
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Fits perfectly on the old or Let There Be Carnage movie Venom without mods. It just pops right on. You'll get more articulation if you grind down the top of the neck to expose more of the peg but you don't have to. It's the right scale too. Trim off the pinky and you'll have his 3.clawed look. His feet can be swapped with a Revalation MOTU Skeletor/Stinkor or anyone with the three claws. I think the new Classic looking Masterverse characters have better clawed feet I just haven't researched them yet.
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He fits on the Walmart Venom too, but the head may look a little big? Or maybe it's because I modded smaller feet on to mind here. Anyway it's an option for a more muscular build. I'm going to try BH's head on the Eternals Kro body, Let There Be Carnage body, I'm guessing those could be turned into a realistic 'MCU' Blackheart with some work to the face.

But yeah, low on cast? Have some customizing tools at your disposal? All you need is the head that comes with Moon Knight. Any good rubber rat tail from a Halloween prop toy would be better than the giant tube tail he has now and I'll be replacing mine as soon as I find the right one so it looks more like the MvC2 version of him. I might change to the flat feet with the heel claw if the Classics Masterverse Mer Man/Skeletor have more detailed sculpts
I'm pissed they're making us a buy a sub-par wave to get this guy.
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you really think that's the same person?
Right? Tho I have a feeling like all build a figures he will be re-released singularly or in a 2-pack when the MvC gamerverse line hits. Why did Hasbro bother with making an all new body for BH if they were going to use it once? They try and reuse BAF sculpts these days and BH's spikey texture is pretty unique.
Jin, where do you post your customs now? I cannot seem to find your IG anymore.
lol, not a very subtle way to promote your own IG. Where did this Jin attention whore come from all of a sudden? He's worse than Kanji.
>got the legacy deadpool movie fig a month ago
>had him posed with his katanas sheathed
>decide to take them out today to pose him with the katanas out ready to strike
>one of the katanas is fucking stuck in the holster, manage to take it out
>a bit of paint fell off the katana because of that
jesus christ this is my first legends figure, are they all this fucking fragile?
You think I can resell this baby for double/triple if he ends up not being in the MCU movie?
it will probably be in an awful color or have faux shading or something if they do that.
I don't know if it's the same guy, but he is/was an infamous /toy/ poster and customizer like a decade ago. I don't really know the full story, I just remember reading toy forums back then and seeing people bring the name up.
Jin has been around longer than you have. Lurk moar.
I hate how overdone the texture is on their suits.
Still an attention whore. If anyone else started posting paragraph long diatribes about their life they'd get rightfully shit on. He ain't special.
I don't have an Instagram anymore, nothing Meta after it was outed as the main hub for kiddy trafficking. I have another job that I've held for the last 6 years and don't sell my customs anymore, unless I just want to get rid of one that I'm replacing with an official figure or just don't want it anymore. Nowadays I just answer emails, make a bunch of generals here on toy, and help people anonymously here.
idk I was just joking.
That is your own fault retard.
>Meta after it was outed as the main hub for kiddy trafficking
but you're okay buying toys made by child labor?
>anon equates legends with sex trafficking kids
Hello diosoth
Thick metallic paint in direct contact with soft plastic is never a good thing, this has been an issue forever.
Why does Gwen look like a man here?
take your meds
That Sentinel is going to be another exclusive preorder like Dragon Man, right? How big and what price we thinking?
That's honestly pretty cool and good to know. I'm not a modder and don't paint at all, so this looks almost perfect with no actual effort. Would probably want to take off the white veins, but removing paint is so easy even I can do it.
What Sentinel?
I'm guessing dark blue color.
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X-Men 97 sentinel.
Oh shit. If it's a big fig like Dragon Man, it'll probably be another one of the made to order things. If it's at that similar price point to Dragon Man, I'll absolutely bite.
They are not selling the posability of that Wolverine very well
They're all posed like shit, should be more dynamic if there's gonna be a big fucking Sentinel in there.
Why would they already announce another of these made to order things?
Why not?
To show it's not just a one-off thing? To strike when the X-Men iron is hot?
This is right before Christmas. They will be competing with the fiercest of foes. Especially with all the other recent drops at NYCC
That's business.
We all know it isn't a one of thing. Hasbro will never not come back to the well for more money. Also pretty funny putting out that huge Haslab Sentinel and now they are going to try to tempt people with a midget version of it.
Do you even listen to yourself or do you just let things dribble out as you type?
Anyone have a good suggestion on how to tighten a loose joint from the elbow to the wrist? Figure is otherwise fine.

I remember a year or two ago on a thread here someone recommended some liquid crap that was sold on Amazon and at least one other person replied that it worked but I can't remember the name and already wasted twenty minutes trying to search by myself without luck.

Thanks in advance.
What other drops?
Thanks, I was planning to make a custom from him doing exactly this.
Pledge Revive It Floor Polish. Works like a charm. I just recently used it in my SS86 Optimus who had a super loose hip and it fixed him right up. Can't recommend that stuff enough.
It's going to be a lot bigger than DM so expect them to want a lot more for it
/co/ here

It’s pretty well know now that xe is trans

In the Spiderverse sequel (pretty great movie and a shame it was snubbed at the Oscars) they even colored xer world with the trans flag colors
we arent getting AoA wave 3 are we?
>Pledge Revive It Floor Polish
Ah yeah, I remember reading about that but since it was discontinued, I never looked further. Have you ever tried any alternatives to it, like this stuff:
Interesting, hope it's a new thing and not a Haslab recolour I don't have room for that thing lol
What the hell? Is this english?
not after the last two pegwarmed so hard
If we get more AOA stuff, it will probably be a box set. Or in the case of Holocaust, a stand-alone deluxe figure.

There aren't that many AOA figures left to make in terms of core cast. The Astonishing team's been made and most of the core villains.

At best, we might get Holocaust as a stand-alone release plus a five pack with AOA Storm, Havok, Nightcrawler, Gambit, and Bishop.
Damn who posed these, /toy/ users?
I know this is a troll but it's so funny that blue and red are now considered by some to be trans only colors
Huh, guess that's what I'll be doing with the extra Venom body I have then. Thanks!
Even funnier that they're making the toy and future stuff emphasize it's purple and blue
Says the guy too afraid to post his own toys.
Is it just me, or does it feel marvel toys have lost popularity recently. There doesn't seem to be much and we seem to be at the lowest point we've been for 5 years.
Think mafex cap and dd are all that's keeping hype alive.
You can thank hasblo for that. When they release uninspired lazy figures year around, flooding the market with outdated figures, the more sophisticated collector group loses interest.
Not really. The Secret Wars wave seems to be pretty hype for people. There's just a lull in media right now so there isn't as much hype as there usually is. Plus we haven't had any new reveals in a while. NYCC should change that. The reason Mafex Cap and DD are so hyped right now is because they're just damn good figures.

Do you even read the bullshit you type?
Not really bullshit when they release sunfire for the umpteenth time. That is lazy and uninspired. You’d think Quicksilver in his green outfit would sell like hotcakes but it’s still available.
I simple "no" would have sufficed.
Typical hastard cannot stand the facts. Shocker.
>There's just a lull in media right now so there isn't as much hype as there usually is.
This. Look how hyped people got for Wolverine Gambit and Rogue when X-Men 97 dropped even though Rogue and Gambit had been shelf warming for months at that point and even hit discount prices before selling out. We had people here for literally weeks sobbing that the definitive tiger stripe Wolverine ML had hit unobtainium prices. I can say that the ML team definitely dropped the ball by not having Deadpool vs Wolverine figures out at the movies launch but that may have been more due to them not having the final designs until it was too late.
And anons complain about shelf posters posing skills.
>they release sunfire for the umpteenth time.
They do this because the newer molds have a higher part count than the older ones and this cost more to make. That's why they reuse older molds, when newer ones exist. At least that new Quicksilver isn't the Pizza Spidey mold like last time, I never felt that mold was right for Pietro.
The last Quicksilver was also Sunfire
I could've fucking SWORN it was Pizza Spidey but looking at pics of it, yeah you're right. I'll need to look at mine when I get home.
Speed demon was pizza spidey. Maybe you got the speedsters mixed up
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>no comic book sentinel
this sucks
>"wait for the repaint/retro card"
shut up
Size hint.
didn't hasbro say something about wanting to reprint Haslabs?
Why wouldn't they milk Sentinel, an army builder tied to the biggest successes Marvel has had in a while?
the 97 sentinel is pretty close to comic sentinel
ideally it would just come with a face plate that looks more comic than the cartoon one, thats about all it needs
is the hasbro panel streaming, or do we just wait here for people to upload pics from the panel?
There's a stream here
Starting with Ghostbusters, it seems.
imagine if hasbro didn't dump money on their shitty house brands
I'm not home so someone else post reveals as they are shown. Maybe the salty anon who still seethes about it came step up.
They make them more money on their in-house stuff due to not having to pay Disney licensing fees, sadly.
Marvel is up.
can they shut the fuck up and just show the toys
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too big desu
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He a big lad.
12 inch sentinel never
$174.99. Not bad.
>too big desu
Shut up
This looks like utter ass. There's an essential problem with making a toy this big and expensive for a property like this. To be screen-accurate, you need to make it relatively simple, so you have these big unbroken patches of unpainted plastic with no surface detailing to break it up. It looks big and cheap and shitty. Like one of those Titan figures, tall but has no other assets.

I would be embarrassed to put this on my shelf. It's a monument to customer gullibility, you are telling people you paid hundreds of dollars for this shit.
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Nothing ever satisfies you motherfuckers.

You do realize sentinels are huge?
He's trolling.
overpriced for a simple sculpt. doesn't even have butterfly joints.
you could easily solve that problem by you know, painting it
of course this is hasbro so thats not on the table
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nice knees hasbro
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I'm happy for the people who wanted a 97' Sentinel, but the only Sentinel I desire has yet to be revealed.
Huh, I thought sentinels were relatively muscular looking, not chubby middle age man looking.
>It's accurate so it's bad

lol fag
Maybe you should read a comic tourist
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Sentinels weren't really muscular in the show. They look like chubby men in a suit due to how ugly their overall design is (except for Master Mold, that mecha looks cool)
I guess it is accurate. Would have preferred stronger look.

>not the right size
>looks cheap
>shit knees
>lacks accessories

And still Hasbro shills will eat this up to make their overlord happy. lol
And you will still be a retard and complain about knees as if Hasbro's gonna change the design.

Just buy imports
>figures do not fly
lol, don't want any americans to be confused when they buy this slop
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Hasbro wants Sentinel to be a centerpiece but I want it to fit on my shelf.
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If there was a swapable chest plate, I'd drop money on this.
I'm surprised no one has pointed out how similar it looks to the shampoo bottle figure they did last year that this thread was clamoring for.
I would prefer it was a bit smaller too but this is basically accurate to the size in the show, I can't really fault them for it.
How does it compare to the Haslab, size wise?
the chest piece comes out, so maybe a third party could print some triangles for your days of future past sentinel?
I wonder how this is going to affect the haslab sentinel prices. I imagine a lot of people are going to be selling them off now since this is ultimately much closer to what most people wanted in the first place.
Im sucker for sentinels, so Im gonna get it.
I never got this recolor >>11203253 since I have SDCC coloring one, but yea Ill grab an animated one.
no one wants those weak-kneed sons of a bitches.
Not gonna lie. I thought I would be content with my 4 titan hero versions if they ever did this, especially since I'm more a 70's/80's fan, but even at $175 (which you could get 7 for) it is pretty tempting,
Scale seems perfect and the interchangeable battle damage parts are a nice touch. My fear now though is if you do bite the bullet, would 1 be enough, or does FOMO make you army build?
Odds of them redoing galactus slightly smaller than the haslab in the more classic design have never seemed higher
Gotta get at least 2 if you do
Elbow range is awful. There's not really any of the bicep carved out for the hinge to function. You're basically getting only 90degree bend like a single hinge.
Wait. No tentacles?
yeah i would rather have had the tentacles than the damaged parts
Me and another guy literally told them to make this at SDCC and they told me they never even thought of doing a MvC line.
>they told me they never even thought of doing a MvC line.
If you believed that, you're a fucking idiot. They're clearly pulling your leg. There's the entire rumored line of MvC related 2-packs coming in 2025. Plus they've obviously been chipping away at all the characters in the games for a couple years now.
They told us that they did not have any MvC plans and if they would it would be a Gamers series, but they have other ideas for that lined up at the moment, probably that Wolverine game.
Do you always believe everything people tell you?
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Are you sure they're not playing coy? With many people referring to the recent Cable and recolored modular Iron Man as "MvC figures" in addition to the leaks (>>11203325), you'd think they'd be aware of how many people are clamoring for those Capcom designs.
Also, heh the captcha.
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I want this many but they have to be smaller. like at least 12 or 15'' this new one is only 10 shorter than the haslab.
Whoops, wrong person, I mean >>11203322 in reference to the leaks
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I measured it out as picrel. so shoulder height on the haslab.
Yeah. First thing I thought when it was revealed is that I was soo glad I didn't like the haslab enough to waste money on it.The modern design and price was a massive turn off for me, and this one looks so much closer to what I wanted like you said.
Yeah. Considering you can get 2 of these for the price of 1 haslab from 3 years ago and still have change, I think I can convice myself to get 2.
Obviously they're playing coy and some idiots are too dumb to realize it or understand how they're not just gonna tell some rando walking up to them at a convention what their upcoming figures are
Its going to plummet for sure in the aftermarket. Everyone is going to try to offload them now. I may just keep mine as the cost to ship and ebay fees might not even be worth selling
Can you not just use those cheap 12 inch things if you just want a crowd?
The lack of torso articulation is disturbing.
Nah I'm sure the MCU version will be coming before any other comic ones.
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I still just use two of the old Toy Biz ones with my legends display and it looks fine to me.
Now I have a reason to use the Master Mold head!
Lack of torso, not much head tilt, really awful elbow bend range. They will definitely pose like robots, that's for sure.
Bitch, bitch, bitch
Yeh, like I need a sentinal to pose like Spiderman...
Why would they put in effort for articulation and ingenuity? Hastards will eat anything that comes straight out of Dwight's asshole. kekeke
Shill, shill, shill

I can do it too fag lol
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Who needs articulation at all at this point. Make it a brick of a figure, right?
Wonder what a collection of Sentinels looks like.
mcfarlane had a ton at walmart
looks like bad choices
>>The lack of torso articulation is disturbing.
Thank you. I hadn't focused on that. Fucking waist twist is all? Yeah. This is a pass for me.
Make it a little smaller, give it the DoFP treatment for the chest plate, ditch the accessories, make it $145.00 and it's an instabuy for me.
Is this design based on something or is it just a game original?
>has money to buy overpriced figures

>can’t fix or buy a better looking room and house.

It has torso articulation, or at least some. You can see it leaning here. The belt is a floating piece.
>Thinks an abundance of figures is a sign of wealth
It's a ball waist. the neck and head are also articulated. There's a shot of them in flying poses. They have range.
clearly it can't twist that much since the 3d model is already clipping into the waist.
your mother is clipping coupons so she can afford to buy you your models that you twist it to.
why is Wolverine jumping at Storm
To set the record straight they've known about the popularity of MvC for a LONG time and STILL have the license. They made half-assed MU 3 3/4 scale figures from the Ultimate game and had a Ryu in there. Now that MvC2 has brand new licensing and a fully supported game server(s) as well as every other Marvel Vs and Marvel Superheroes, expect to see them actually use the damn license. Anything MvC is like printing money.
>To set the record straight
dude fuck off. you always act like a know it all fucknut.
i ordered 2. gonna be a year wait anyway enough time to see previews and cancel if need be.
Which side was he on during the civil war anyways?
I'm dropping $20K on these, the sales of which will be the down payment on my next house.
I'm not a know-it-all but I've been trying to get a Jin Saotome toy made for the better part of 30 years now. I'm privy to everything bit of information that has to do with MvC, Capcom, and Hasbro. Well not everything but as much as someone who gets calls from every major toy company asking for opinions and consulting. For NDA sake sometimes I don't get specifics. But they'll ask me questions like, "Soooo...what do you think would present the figure better to MvC fans if an Iron Man was created? A uni-beam that mounts to his chest or effect parts for his strong attacks?" And I was like, hmmmm. His win pose effect. It could be used as different blast effects too. Then I don't hear back for 2 months and suddenly they email me a picture of the Plasma Cannon Iron Man figure weeks before it's announced. Low and behold he has the win pose sparkle effect.
>There's a shot of them in flying poses.
no there isn't. you just posted a render.
>Low and behold
It's "lo and behold", you analphabetic goof
he's not actually expecting us to believe he's got all the big toy companies coming to him for advice is he
>figures do not fly
Into the trash they go. No fly, no buy.
You'll be making Multiple accounts. It's 10 per. At least shipping is free for over $75.
>Buys $100 figures
>Can't pose
Many such cases
Is this who we as toy collectors become in the end? A jin saotome?
So they only announced sentinel at nycc? What a waist.
$20K is not enough for a down payment on a decent house. (Just purchase a home).
Are you actually this fucking stupid? lmao
If you're only doing a down payment that's less than 10%, you're doing it wrong. Enjoy your PMI I guess.
>They made half-assed MU 3 3/4 scale figures
Can’t wait for them to half-ass the 1/12 figures too in their typical hasblo fashion.
I'm reselling them when the price goes up you dumb fucking cunt, why would I buy them to sell them at retail? Holy shit lmao
Sure, but you're still not going to make enough money from them for a down payment on a house. $20K isn't enough unless you're buying a house in poor people land. (I literally just purchased a house).
Oh goddamn it. I apparently can't read. I misread your original post and thought you were going to sell them for $20k. Disregard my nonsense. I'm going back to bed.
Not when you're phone posting and using talk to text it isn't. It's low and behold, Sally 4th, and whatever Google feels like typing for you.
looks a bit better in real life, but still overpriced for what is essentially a fisher price toy.
Pretty much, I still got my old marvel universe sentinel so this is an easy pass for me.
I'm willing to pay the price for this, but goddamn it I just don't think I have the space for him. I want it though. Fuck.
It's not
Should be $80-$100 max. Everyone that buys this is shooting themselves in the foot.
Good thing you'll never run a business! You'd run it right into the ground with your know-nothing horseshit.
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This is 14 inches tall and $23.
The price of a 22.2 inch tall action figure would be approximately $36.47 before factoring in articulation, paint and accessories.
For a fisher price toy with basic articulation it is.
>oh but he has articulated fingers
You really don't know the worth of the dollar.
So you don't understand cost of manufacturing and assembly? Got it!
>Good thing you'll never run a business!
I do run a business fleecing rich fucks.
>You really don't know the worth of the dollar.
I don't need to know the cost of manufacturing when I know the retail price.
Bobby Vala already confirmed hasbro overcharges for their products because consumers are willingly to be pay pigs, but do tell how you know more than a former employee of the company.
You know you don't know anything then!
If they gave that fucker basic articulation and decent paint job I'd pay at most $50 for it. Pretty sure a lot of people would. They'd sell more units of that than a $175 sentinel.
The $170 Sentinel is already outpacing the haslab
That's my point. Imagine the numbers for a $50 sentinel.
Which isn't financially feasible. Learn manufacturing before you wish everything wad a dollar to do.
Before shipping it'd be about $95 when we compare the pricing for an already overpriced standard marvel legend at $27
>Which isn't financially feasible
I'm all ears so please explain why it isn't.
Why are there so many poor people raging in this thread?
It's all me and I'm not poor I'm just financially challenged.

>the Hasbro shill thinks anyone who doesn’t like the shit tier Sentinel due to the limited articulation and accessories is poor.

Take their dick out your mouth faggot lol
He can't. He can't even explain why he knows more than a former hasbro employee.
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I'm starting to think 14 inches would've been better
Oh there's the magic word, any time you hear an inconvenient truth it's "shill, shill, shill!"
you think bobby vala is right about hasbro potentially losing the license, hence the retarded price of a shampoo bottle sentinel?
Exactly. hasbro overcharges pay pigs and it's an inconvenient truth shills choose to ignore.
I think they are seriously worried because of McFarlane's profit margins. Disney knows he's making a killing. His output is insane.
>hasbro potentially losing the license
I'd be surprised if they do. There's a lot of retarded folks that still buy their garbage.
Except they don't
do you realize how little plastic is actually in this thing? there's probably less than in a regular ML
So they'd be even cheaper
no dumbass
the 22 inch sentinel is built like a regular ML if the haslabs are anything to go by
if you want a hollow shampoo figure by all means they could add joints to to that and keep the costs down, but that is not what this is
>collecting non-canon z-listers.
You don't know math so good, do you?
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\frac{P}{22.2} = \frac{27}{6.4}

P \times 6.4 = 599.4

P = \frac{599.4}{6.4} \approx 93.66

Price is $93.66

It's overpriced dawg
keep moving the goal dumbass, i never argued about it being overpriced, all MLs are overpriced
This thing is a cheap as it is because it's 5poa, right?
Isn't articulation, good articulation, actually pretty hard to do and adds a lot to the cost of a figure?
>Trust me bro
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Anon it's over priced
You need to go back to school, you forgot about volume.
Orders over $75.00 ship free on Pulse.
Don't need it when I'm just blowing up a marvel legends figure.
It's $23 and like 14 inches. That's overpriced?
Nah dude, you don't understand math as well as you think you do.
Compared to a $20 12 inch figure with basic articulation yes.
This is an obvious troll post, righr?
Ok you do the math and tell me what you come up with. Walk me through it because I'm literally retarded.
I'm not doing your homework for you.
What would a kid most likely want though, an existing robot that is in scale with his other action figures or a giant variant Batman that doesn't work with any other toys they own?
>You + not backing your mouth up = bitch
Oh okay then
>that doesn't work with any other toys they own?
They have a whole line of 12 inch figures and vehicles for them to ride in.
You are not arguing in good faith, I know better than to waste my time.
I'm not arguing. I genuinely would appreciate an explanation if you can offer it. I'm fully aware that I am bad at math and retarded as dog shit.
volume = length × width × height
Work it
no, i dont know what the measurements of an average ML are and don't care
get your ruler out and do it yourself
nta but they have vehicles for 12 inch figures? What are those prices like?
I don't know how to work a ruler
Water displacement should work.
I figured as much. You really do need to go back to school.
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This retails for $30. The flash movie batwing I think was $40.
Do I just put a marvel legend in a glass of water?
Yeh, that should work. Then measure what falls out.
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They should make the Sentinel with 6 arms and three heads Spider-Man fought.
Yep, this person has the correct sense of it >>11204197, although there are always going to be idiots that pay through the nose for crap.
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Yay old shiny plastic. This shit has happened a couple of times to me. Afraid it will happen to mj War Machine and Iron Man too. Not the end of the world since I was just going to replace it with the Mafex anyway but still. Pisses me off.
Keep coping that you can't afford it
Same thing happened to my Lasher. Glad Mafex is making a good looking version of 2099.
I kept looking at it and feeling something was off, and I couldn't figure out what. After looking at more images I think I see the problem, they painted its face with the deep black shadows that the show has but the rest of its body has no shading. It's also weird because none of the other 97 figures have that shading. Visually it kind of clashes with the rest of the line.
Yeah that swirly plastic man. Gets you every fucking time. I would be more upset but like I said, he was destined for the fodder drawer in a few months anyway since I have the Mafex pre-ordered.
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CT Toys Agent Venom just arrived, the quality on this is crazy the accessories even look good quality. Nothing feels bootleg about this. The paint is clean everything feels solid. 27 dollars shipped.
It looks really cheap.
Yeah it looks like one of those 1/6 scale Mondo figures, it'd be fine if the other figures had that cartoon style black shading but it does look awkward here
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Im being 100 here this figure feels like a legit AY in every way. The joints ate smooth and tight every single one. Even the knees which I heard had a trend to be happy. The paint everything is on point. Even the accessories are clean and we'll done. This is insane.
The problem is if you take away that shading on the face its going to look really bad since the sculpt is otherwise simple
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The paint up close is very well done. Even on the legs where I was expecting it to be messy. The alternate head is clean too. Little over paint on the left eye but very minimal
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Alternate head included. If CT is going to hit this level of quality on their AY copies I probably will never be buying a legit AY again.
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Last photo, anyone on the fence on this I'd consider this figure good to go. This is probably the best KO figure ever made. I'm gushing over a bootleg but it really that good. I have a alot of legit AY figures I would not be able to tell this is a KO.
>Paint is on point
>The white is sloppy everywhere
>Glossy black parts arnt glossy enough
The white on the official figure is pretty eh but it's not THIS bad. The white on the spider is really sloppy and his right thigh has white paint splatter. The metal paint on the buckles also looks really cheap. As long as the joints are good though I think this was a pretty good purchase. Happy you could save some money.
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Actual last photo for now but even the tendrils are done well. These are painted nicely and feel like good plastic there's no bootleg flash or weirdness about them they look quality. All the accessories do even the fire effects.
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the part on the leg I thought was a blemish blew off. The eyes could be better but the paint really isn't messy I think the gloss makes it look more so in the photos. The lines are clean even compared to photos of the legit ones I've seen up close. You save around 200 against an original and I'm just trying to convey how good it actually is.
Wouldn't be surpised if this was made by the same factory. Chinese factory's will straight up steal molds and sell bootlegs. Japanese companies always bend the knee to them because the cheap manufacturing prices. Hasbro and Bandai shit all the time. It was happening to Lego for a while until they started trying to appeal to the Chinese with their Monkie Kid sets. (China started shutting down bootleg Lego operations a good year before the sets even came out they were in production for about a year before the shut down happened)
Source: notice it happened in 2019 and Monkie Kid started being created in 2018
>Monkie Kid was conceived in 2018 in the LEGO Shanghai Hub by Simon Lucas, Neville Lin and Dennis Fong.
I am slightly less excited, but still cool!
Where did you purchase it? I hear they make bootlegs of bootlegs nowadays.
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Not trying to start a debate or derail thread. I completely understand everyone's aversion to KOs. CT toys is doing really good stuff though recently and just trying to show that.
Ali express from a well known and reviewed CT toys seller. I can't post the actual link if you want
I want him for the accessories alone. How well do the guns fit in the hands of ML's or other 1/12th figures? As for the paint consider it's 1/5th the price I'd say it's damn good.
yeah its worth it for the accessories alone. I dont know how well they fit other figures but they fit this figures hands perfectly including the ones for the tendril hands. They just slip in friction fit but its a perfect fit. The Blast effects also fit perfectly around the gun barrels. The holsters fit perfectly in the leg holes there no deformation or flash on any of these accessories is honestly weird how good they are.
Nah, that's ok. I'll look closer, thanks.
Can you put him next to some Marvel Legends? I'm interested to see how he scales.
>I completely understand everyone's aversion to KOs.
only a shoot retard would refuse to buy such great figure for $25 while paying $27 for shit like 97 Marvel Legends
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He's a little undersized next to a ML here's Spidey and I got him next to a Venom ML I'll post next. Not terrible it basically the same scale as the AY from what I've seen unlike other CT Toys which are usually smaller than the originals.
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Here's a Venom. I had to reshape venom's legs they got bent in storage KEKW
Is Venom taller than the average Legends? Can you use a Spiderman?
Hes too small to scale well with a ML Spiderman I posted a pic of a spidey above the venom
if you straighten him out hes just a tiny bit smaller than the ML Spiderman but he should be bigger than Spiderman so its probably wont work.
LMAO more of a Venomlet than the Mafex
Perhaps. Being contractually obligated to make Disney IP garbage that doesn't sell AND pay Disney their absurd royalties for the "privilege" is certainly a fucking millstone around Hasbro's neck. If they had any sense they cut themselves loose.
>that Asagi in the corner
oh shhhitttt anon i didnt even noticethat shhhitttttttt imgonna cummmmm
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Legends fags we lost
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lol, lmao.
Kek, I remember when hasblo tried to pass off the retro hobgoblin as animated accurate. Ryan said something dumb along the lines like colors were cartoon accurate when the figure didn’t resemble the show version at all. He was either trolling or is a moron (probably a bit of both).
The movies are good, but it just seems impossible to make a good looking figure of this suit. It's just so awkward looking every time, the shapes and proportions are so wack. Maybe this is one of those things that only works in motion.
For me I'm not super anal about scale. Bootlegs being a bit smaller doesn't matter to me if they're genuinely really good for the price. I wasn't going to grab the Anti-Venom but with all those guns and how good he seems I may just get him anyway. I already have the Wolverine ordered.

Isn't this just a rerelease or are there going to be articulation improvements?
Select sucks
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Confirmed for absolute trash
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Lmao, guy can't even adjust his exposure correctly, how am I supposed to take him seriously?
there's a gremlin in his house and he's trying to fight it off
Wow, does he really feel that way about his own kid?
it's his fault for feeding his kid after midnight
absolutely irresponsible
Mr. stark, I feel all tingly...
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Bro is that a motherfucking Robo reference?
Based and Chadpilled.
Is the middle sentinel new or already released? He looks great.
>not hanging them upside down
You had ONE JOB
can you post the link for me so i can save it? thanks!
I already have the old Legends one.
And if I want another, the local Walgreens has like three Invisible Woman figures still!
I hope CT toys fixes their scaling issues soon. not a problem for wolverine but their spider men and this venom are too short.
It's the Marvel Universe one from over a decade ago, it's designed for 3.75 scale but they also re-released it a few years ago under Marvel Legends with a DOFP Wolverine as a pack-in
Wholesomebro, in one.
Are we getting any Legends announcements or is it just the Sentinel
>If there was a swapable chest plate, I'd drop money on this.
I'm with you anon. They'll re-release this someday, with that dofp chest piece, head & paint job.
>not hanging them upside down
Or just hang 'em.
Fuck off racist
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Still undecided if I need these.
Not unless you got money to burn, those already look pretty great
Anthony can't be taken seriously anymore, he has become too positive. Maybe he's under pressure to make money.
An 8 for this is an absolute burial
It just means he has shit taste
He scales the numbers for every line to the line so he basically never gives anything out of 6-9.5 anymore. He used to give spite ratings down to 0 but everything is so happy and positive now for "reasons". He really should not give number ratings, the people who asked him to do that are idiots.
I like when Anthony tells me numbers. He tells me what to buy. He helps me decide. I trust Anthony to tell me what to spend my money on.
I know this is a troll post, but there are legitimately people out there that are like this and it terrifies me that some people are so complacent and willing to do what they're told by complete tanagers on the internet.
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>tanagers on the internet.
Slow down there anon. What month is it? Who is the president of the United States? Do any other animals tell you things on the Internet? Follow this pen with your eyes, without moving your head.
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New Thread:

I'm autistic as fuck. I dunno how I feel about the raised webbing here.
I don't love it, I'm not a big fan of too much texture on these animated designs in the first place. It especially looks bad on the smaller figures like Gwen, the texture is just too big for this scale.

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