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Previously: >>11186035

-Mafex Nate Grey Solicited

-Marvel Legends Secret Wars Wave solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man/Vulture VHS 2 Pack solicited (Pulse Exclusive, shipping now)

-Marvel Legends Dragon Man solicited (Pulse Exclusive, pre-order window open until Oct 17th)

-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Age of Apocalypse Cyclops and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine solicited

-Marvel Legends Punisher/Bushwacker 2 pack solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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Is true that you can put the mask that comes with Secret War Doom on the Doombot?
Is it true you should avoid buying over 3 figures of any one character?
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Why can the hand posers get away with no flash but still have good lighting?
Lmao stop trying to tell people what to do.
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You can tell from that image that it doesn't work.
I'm only own the first Doom and he is great, I was hoping someone here would be autistic enough to buy them all and test the theory. It seems that person is not you poorfag
I have an entire shelf of Spider-Men. I have a whole hall of armor worth of Iron Men. I have a bunch of Caps, Wolverines, and Venoms too. I also have like a dozen Gokus and Batmen at this point. I've been actively collecting for more than a decade now so I have a bunch of the same character. Deal with it dork.
Lot of assmad faggots in this thread. Typical for a Marvel thread.
We get it anon, $60 is a lot of money for you and you couldn't even get the 3 pack when it was discounted. Stop taking it out on all of us.
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>missed out on Mafex Magneto
>not even sure how
>now the prices are awful
Reissue soon, please Mafex. I beg.
We get it anon, you have a big "dick" and a big "paycheck" and you think that swinging them around impresses us.
You probably shouldn't be collecting toys if money is this much of an issue for you.
any canadians here? how much do you usually pay for Mafex? I'm new to buying them and paid 140 each
Different person, anon
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>money is an issue for collecting ML
Based 300th issue cover enjoyer
Paul Haslab when?
He's going to be a BAF so you need to spend $150 to get him.
No, but I rarely do it. Last time I did, it was Transformers.
The Chinaman without License
What's the consensus on MAFEX Cap?
Best one.
Doesn’t matter to the hastard. If you criticize hasblo legends in any way, whether it is figure sculpts or price, he will initiate his shill defences.
Pot calling the kettle black. Honestly your anti shilling is just as annoying as someone actually shilling.
Too pale, too small
Easily the best one, people are already upset they slept on it.
Seems to be pretty solid. If you have the 20th Anniversary ML it seems to be a tossup of which style you prefer. Personally, I think the Mafex has better proportions and accessories, I prefer the style and paint job that Hasbro did. The way they did the scales is really well done. The only thing that really puts me off of the Mafex is that they didn't cut up the torso better to not brakmup the stripes when posed. Plus the stripes being off center bothers my tism.
If you say so, hasshill.
It's true. I'm not even defending Hasbro. Just pointing out that you're annoying.
Hey guess what you're both fucking annoying
I see through your veil hasshill, no need for this masquerade.
>4 ass cheeks
He's right, you are annoying.
>I’m right, you are annoying.
Shut up already you retards. I get Daredevil today. Will post pics when he shows up.
Try buying every figure at 25 and it adds up fast
Really? $190 a wave is cheap considering I can drop an easy grand on toys every paycheck. I just bought a handful of Rumble society and Mythic legions along with the Marvel legends Blackheart wave.
Yeah, I don't get why people think less than $200 for a wave of seven figures is a lot of money. It just goes to show that a lot of the more vocal naysayers in this thread are that way because they're strapped for cash.
Honestly looks very interesting. If it's 1/12 and chinks make cool and sexy Elektra for this I probably buy.
Where do you put $1000 worth of toys every 2 weeks?
Why did they give him an assault on his legs? You only do that for coomer figures. Also never mix an assplate with them because you get weird shit like this. Whoever sculpted this might actually be a gay sooner.
Nobody cares fag
“Missed out”
Magneto was warming the warehouses for months after 2022. That’s on you.
I have an office where half the room is shelving. I rotate stuff in and out all the time. Since I have a Dragonfly haslab coming soon I am featuring vehicles and military figures. I've been collecting toys, comics, and books since childhood. I gave away my cheaper toys if the figure or character got replaced.

I have more books than anything. My bedroom is a small library.
>doesn't know how to greentext
We used to have decorum where you lurked before posting, whatever happened to that?
I've come to realize that a lot of the posters in these threads can't relate to this because they probably still live at home in their parents house. I also have my own toy room/office so I get it. Although, I'm moving in a month or so and am starting to tear down my collection which is sad, but I guess exciting at the same time since my new toy room has some neat built in shelving units to work with, so I'll have even more space for displays.
Post a Pic anon
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We have a dedicated troll who will pick a topic and derail threads for weeks on end till a new slight pops up then they do it again. Mods don't care, so no one cares anymore about decorum.

Also, median wages are extremely low. Most don't make 10k a month, so a grand out of 5k isn't a lot when my mortgage is less than that.

I have, but I will never show the whole room. Look how Kanji's girlfriend acts.
>It just goes to show that a lot of the more vocal naysayers
Yawn get some new martial. I think people despise legends is because i dunno the figures suck ass and for what you’re getting the price isnt worth it?
Nah I know how to greentext. I just don’t give a fuck about your arbitrary retarded internet culture, meant to serve as replacement for your pathetic lack of any human contact outside of a computer screen fuckface.
Interesting retort considering you're also using this same website, talking about the same things I am.
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>You only do that for coomer figures
Yes, indeed. Indeed.
Legends do indeed suck ass, but hastards don’t care. When you bring up a better company with comparable prices (i.e. Jada toys) they’ll bring up the same excuses to why hasblo fails to compete with them:
>licensing fees
>buck conservation
>investor ramblings (big vs small company)

What the hastard fails to realize is that I am the customer and the customer does not care about behind the scenes affairs. If the figure sucks ass I will not buy it. You wouldn’t buy a bag of shit for $25 let alone for a dollar (maybe the hastard would, but no sane individual would even consider it).
We've heard you the first time anon. Thanks for the input though, but you don't need to keep repeating yourself.
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Evenin' fellas
I generally don't buy more than 2, but my Gokus and Batmans told that rule to fuck itself.
It's angryanon, he's always like that. His partner in crime is schizoanon, together they work hard to make every thread miserable. At least their theme song is a banger

Are they the ones that sperg out at Kanji and the guy with the NECA street diorama?
Idfk anon, but its site wide. I really do think the old fags are gone and maybe we are the old fags now. The shit posting and trolling are all just copy paste routines, spamming new threads to get more yous...i cant say how toy was 10 years ago but every other board i like is in a similar spot.
I've been here since 2008. It's weird to think I'm the oldfag now.
Anyone with the Mafex Daredevil willing to take pics with it next to some Marvel Legends? I want to get it but am not sure if I can mix. Feel like he'll look like a pinhead next to them
Mine is out for delivery so I'll take some pics when he gets here. Any particular Legends you have in mind? I just started tearing my whole collection down for a move but I haven't gotten to my MLs yet.
I thought Magneto came out in 2023?
2007. It's grim.
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wtf does this mean??
Chow Chows are based. And apparently a delicacy in China.
not surprising if they’ll eat bat soup if i’m honest
He did, in May. A lot of people slept on him for whatever reason. Now, AoA Magneto is still available.
Thanks man. Next to Luke and IF, Kingpin, any standard ML female figure. My concern is the head size difference.
Cool, can do. I have all those readily available.
Wait, sorry, Kingpin is already packed away, but I can do both classic and modern Luke, IF, and Elektra.
It means his joints are not red colored plastic, but are painted red instead. So be careful when posing or you'll get paint rub.
I cannot decide what Thor to get...
the yamaguchi is awesome but that face is terrible
the mafex is fantastic but too classic to fit in with my other figures which all lean modern
thought about getting the diamond select but size and poseability are gonna be an issue I worry
Isn't the Marvel Legends relatively perfect?
Not just, rub you get paint flaking off the joints when articulating them.
which one? the anniversary is still the classic design which wouldn't fit the display, they don't have any good modern design
did they use a NECA factory?
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>Too lankey

>blues are too dim

>shields are too big and look stupid

>faces looks like crap

>proportions are terrible

But Mafex fags will say it’s the best one like they did with Superman and Batman.

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Here ya go. Like I said, unfortunately I already packed Kingpin up for my move.

As for head sizes, yeah unfortunately it looks like MLs are going to have noticeably larger heads. It's not awful imo but it's definitely something you'll notice if you pay attention. Otherwise I like him so far. I'll have to mess with him a bit more, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to since I'll need to pack him up soon. So far, I haven't been able to 100% confirm if his joints are painted. I did notice a nick on one of his elbows, I'll post it next. I can say mine smelled very strongly of paint when I unboxed him. Much more than any other Mafex I've gotten and I have a good amount now. It reminded me of how smelly SHF Spike Spiegel was when I got him. He eventually aired out though so DD should as well.
Is that supposed to mean something? You sound like an idiot.
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Here's the nick in his elbow. I think that yeah, they are painted, but I'm still not 100% if it's just the elbows/knees or if it's also the shoulders and butterfly joints too.
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>The like to chomp chomp chomp Chow down. Chomp Chow down in Chinatown.
Ugh, I didn't know it was you. Just another excuse to post your stupid ass diorama.
The definitive Cap.

I was skeptical until I saw reviews. Then FOMO hit and I was lucky to get it off of PlazaJapan before selling out again.
Sorry that I upset you so much. I was just trying to be helpful.
Half the room can be shelving all you want but eventually $1000 of toys every 2 weeks is going to fill it up. Do you have a basement full of boxes of the stuff, or a shipping container you lease?
Big head iron fist really does look like an old man past his prime compared to the athletic looking daredevil. Hasblo once again showing their inferiority.
someone sounds insecure

At least it's still red plastic under the red paint. It could have been much worse.
Lmao I don't buy thousands of dollars in toys a month. I store stuff not on display in a spare closet and any boxes I decided to keep go in the attic. I own my own house, I have the space to store things.
>Being a petty bitch to the person that posted a comparison for you
What's wrong with you guys?
I assume you're not:

>$190 a wave is cheap considering I can drop an easy grand on toys every paycheck. I just bought a handful of Rumble society and Mythic legions along with the Marvel legends Blackheart wave.

Or despite the "can" its still rare
I mean, I can afford it, but I don't spend it on toys. I have other hobbies. I have a real job where I make a big boy salary.
>I make a big boy salary.
As expected of the wit of someone who drops a grand on toys like it's nothing.
I'm not the anon who drops that much on toys. I've spent at most like $500 in a single month and that's far from a common occurrence. Like I said thiughk I have other hobbies and make more than $75K a year.
How is the Sersi/Black Knight two pack?
Your typical haslop, shitty old sculpts, shitty articulation.
Hasbro is close to on par with mafex on some figures since Mafex for some reason doesn't feel 180s are necessary for elbows -- even though a human elbow can do 180.
I will say a handful outta the 100s they made are close to mafex but the majority of legends I just don't see it.
Pretty good though not perfect.

Sersi is a great figure but she's in her red costume/brown jacket which is kind of annoying since a lot of people were hoping for her green outfit. But outside that she's awesome.

Black Knight's a big improvement over the classic costume single card release and his energy sword is a great accessory. But the lack of an unmasked head is head scratchingly bad since Dane went around maskless when he was doing the jacket look.

I'd say they are both worth it, especially if you didn't get the regular Black Knight figure when he first came out.
It's kind of frustrating if you want the 90s Avengers that the costumes are all over the place.

Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, and Vision (white version) have proper versions out there

Hercules is only available in classic form; we don't have clean shaven Hercules or his Epting costume redesign

Black Knight doesn't have an unmasked head

Thunderstrike has a god-awful screaming head

Crystal is in her classic costume which she stopped wearing about a year into her tenure as an Avenger

We don't have Vision in his 90s era Classic body that he got transferred into

We don't have green outfit Sersi

No Deathcry

Hank Pym is either his WCA red speedsuit version or his Silver Age Giant Man outfit; not his Epting redesign costume

Quicksilver hasn't gotten a new figure in ages; his last one was in a hard to find three pack with Wanda and Magneto and supposedly the upcoming reissue is his green Silver Age costume

And that's not counting the Deodato redesigns for Wand and Hawkeye we still don't have
The 90s era Avengers was probably one of the teams worst eras though.

Yeah; it's weird in a lot of ways that Hasbro gives more focus on completing the West Coast Avengers roster than the main Avengers rosters.

That said, we do have 90% of the Stern Avengers now save for three people:

>>Captain America
>>Punished Thor from the end of the Simonson run
>>Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau)
>>80s era She-Hulk
>>Black Knight

The only ones we are missing are Marina, Dr Druid, and Wasp in her yellow/black costume.
Gatherers era Avengers was pretty good. A shame though they utterly botched the Gatherers/Proctor arc though with the team being full of literal whos with only three Avengers doubles and Proctor being incel Black fucking Knight.
Marvel recently gave us classic Ms Marvel and safari suit Wonder Man, which pretty much completed the late 70s era Avengers.

IIRC the only classic pre-Heroes Reborn Avengers/major costumes not to have figures made so far are:

>>Living Lightning
>>Hawkeye as Goliath (purple suit, brown suit, or red suit)
>>Swordsman 1 and 2
>>Hank Pym as Yellowjacket
>>Dr Druid
>>Green costume Sersi
>>Crystal in white costume/jacket
>>Clean shaven Hercules or Epting costume Hercules
>>Force Works costume USAgent
>>Force Works costume Scarlet Witch
>>Epting Hank Pym Giant Man
>>Yellow/black costume Wasp
>>Golden Age Human Torch
>>Deodato costume Hawkeye
>>Deodato costume Scarlet Witch
>>Deodato costume Thor
>>Teen Tony Stark Iron Man
I do find it annoying as hell that the only Wasp figures we have are either the Coipel costume from the Johns/Austen runs or an original design costume that is loosely at that based off of some obscure costume Jan wore like once in a reviled filler issue of Avengers and doesn't even resemble said costume at that.

Is it that hard to find a costume Wasp wore for multiple issues not counting the Coipel version, and use that as the basis for a Wasp figure?
Yes it is. Hence why the Coipel design has gotten so many figures made of it. And that costume isn't that bad; it's the bull dyke haircut that makes his take on Jan so ugly looking; that and it's the costume she wore when Austen had her make up fake instances of spousal abuse just to turn Hawkeye against Hank so she could fuck him/set into motion Avengers Disassembled by mocking Wanda's dead kids
Is the Toy Biz Sentinel wave Mystique worth getting given how insanely expensive the Hasbro Mystique figure is?

Local comic shop has her for $15 loose and thinking about getting her to complete my Brotherhood roster.
Eh... it's passable. Just be warned that Toy Biz Mystique has useless hinge finger hands that can't hold anything in them and a head sculpt based off of the first couple of appearances of the character, where she was a creepy alien looking spymaster and not a big breasted lipstick lesbian
Looks good, dude. Amiami has my Cap and DD on the way. Can't wait.
I would wait. Neither toybiz nor hasbro has done a good Mystique and there is a new one on the leak list.
I'm the guy who requested the pics. the other guy was pretending to be me for some reason. Thanks a lot for the pics. I'll get him anyways, he looks great. I've only recently started buying Mafex. Have Spider 185, Psylocke, Storm. they feel so good in hand. Want Phoenix and DD next, not interested in the captain
>the other guy was pretending to be me for some reason.
There's a lot of that going around on this board. It's true insanity coming from some of these people.
>want Fury
>have to buy two shitters alongside him
>want Punisher
>have to buy penis hand alongside him

lol poorfag
It really makes you think how Mafex could photograph something so crap, and then produce one of the nicest looking figures out there.
No one is worse than Diamond Select at taking photos of their own products. They are shockingly awful.
Every time I tell myself to stop trusting their photos, they always look abysmal and then the figure delivers. Except Poison Ivy, she seems like she just turned out that way.
Since there's no general Mafex thread, how are the Boys figures, particularly Homelander and Butcher? Thinking of picking them up.
holy shit i forgot. gimme like 30min ill have the new one up. fucking 22 week autosaging
Ah, it's no problem. But, yeah, the autosage sucks. Has basically killed slow threads like Digimon.
It's up, excuse the redditor image

As for The Boys, I love my Homelander, haven't picked up Butcher yet. Gonna see how Soldier Boy comes out. If you can get Homelander for a good price, go for it.
What super soldier serum does to a bro.
America's asses
I always come back to the Select myself. Yeah, the articulation is severely limited and he doesn't scale well with the newer/ smaller Legends. But it is a very nice sculpt.
Don’t be retarded and wait for the leaked retro carded one. Lol
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Thanks. Yeah, Homelander just got rereleased and he's been on my wish list for a while, but I wanted them to get a bit deeper into the line first so I held off till now.

This one, right? One of my favorite Selects for sure. And that hammer effect was so clever Legends eventually copied it.
Okay I won't wait for the leaked retro carded. I don't want to be retarded.
>the other guy was pretending to be me for some reason
Ah, figures. Probably the same loser that tried pretending to be me a year ago. I guess he thinks he's being clever.
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Is $150 a good second hand price for Mags?
What’s a good aftermarket price to pay for 85th anniversary Venom and Warbird?

And yes I missed out on both since I live in a hick town with no Walmarts or targets near by.
My general rule of thumb is nothing above 2X MSRP, but that was back in the $19.99 days. After $40, it starts not being worth it to me. Especially with a character like Venom that they will continue to make until the end of time.
I mean, if you're willing to pay for it I guess, personally I wouldn't. That's too much for me.
Are you retarded? 40 dollars is literally better than paying double for it. The figure is selling for 50 plus and on eBay and mecari sometimes 60. Idk where you fags think you’re gonna get a sold out figure for retail online? Lol
That’s a bit much. But have no idea how Mags will fare in the next year and so, Mafex Xmen have increased in price once they’re out of production. But characters like Jean, Storm, etc haven’t really exploded that much. At least not when compared to Cyclops and Wolverine.
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Deathcry sucks though.
Yeah, I'm in that same boat with MLs. Generally, if it's an older release, I'll be willing to spend up to $40 if I really want the figure. However anything more than that is pushing it, unless it's a BaF or a deluxe big guy or something like that. For big guys, I'm willing to go a little higher. Imports are another story. Usually I have a hard time paying more than $100 for something, before shipping. Once again, there are exceptions, like the SoC Daizujin and Dragon Cesar I have, but for your average import, I really struggle paying more than $90 before shipping. The Final Fantasy VII Bring Arts are killing me for example. I'd love to just have the whole partyl but I can't justify paying those prices for anyone beyond Cloud, Sephiroth, and Zack, my favorite three. I'd love to get Areith but she feels not worth it for what they asked.
$25 max. They're just Marvel Legends, don't fall for the scams of ebay hucksters. If you couldn't buy it before it sold out, don't feed the reasons you couldn't buy it. Just go look for the next preorder of something else or buy imports which don't sell out in 2 minutes but actually justify their price tags (some of them).
I definitely wouldn't buy the new Venom for anything more than MSRP. I had my preorder in for the Venom, and even then, I know Hasbro is gonna come out with one on the Sabretooth/Omega Red buck but with pinless limbs. You'll have an opportunity to preorder that.

Warbird, wait on reissue. Hasbro's already gone through quite a number of reissues of desirable figures (Retro GG, Kingpin, Silver Surfer, etc). They know Warbird is a hot seller, and will meet demand eventually.
I wish the classic Marvel Legends two pack from TFA had a good body, since it's the one figure I lusted after once I saw that it existed. And I'm glad I bought and was able to unload the Red Skull from the two pack to have a spare WWII Cap but I miss having one that really features America's Ass.
Stop telling people what to do you sped.
The poster he responded to literally ASKED for how much the poster should pay for the figures on the aftermarket.
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Why is this the best proportioned Venom ML can produce?
Easy to do proportions when you don't have to worry about articulation. Many sculptors get messed up when they have to adjust their sculpts for the joints at the elbows, knees, ankles and wrists.
Sorry for the upset, hastard.
The problem seems exclusive to hasblo legends. Their joes are portrayed proportionately for the most part, and aside for mcfarlanes, I don’t think any other company has this issue.
MLs and McFarlanes are the two lines that go for the cheapest sculptors they can find for highly articulated figures, so it makes sense.
You're on here a lot aren't you?
yes or no

Gijoe doesn't have exaggerated proportions.
You're right Marvel Legends does. Exaggerated giant heads, exaggerated low and small shoulders, exaggerated duck feet...
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Across the spider-verse wave has shipped from Amazon (or at least these two for sure).
If you bought this you are not a Marvel fan and definitely not a true Spider-man fan. Leave this thread and never come back.
Legends head on select body.
>stop liking what I don't like
Lmao, when did you all become such infantile little babies?
Sorry my presence makes you seethe, little hastard.
If you mean joes don’t have dorito shaped heroic proportions, then neither does legends. For the most part they have big noggins with small weak shoulders alongside various other body issues.
Do you get paid to do this or are you doing it for free?
I'm surprised Hasbro never did this version of Thor in a 2-pack with Gorr. I guess that was just slightly before they started ramping up the multipack stuff.
They did domthag version of Thor, it was a retool of the Copiel Thor so it wasn't that good. The Select is leagues better.
Are people here okay with people posting phygital digibashes or figures? I made a few but I don't wanna get banned or flamed.
Who cares what other people think? Post them. as long as it's toy related and it isn't porn you aren't breaking any rules.
Then hand them to me. For Free.
I haven't seen this word used in this context in AGES.
Not that guy tho, he OWNS the mac donalds. Its always nice when the boss rubs shoulders with the peasants, just dont look at him tho.
It's actually kind of embarrassing just how pissy some of you get because not everyone is as poor as you are.
Yeah it’s sad how some folks can only afford legendslop then convince themselves that the figures are good.
It's also embarrassing how pissy you get when someone likes something you don't.
Sad that you can't afford toys at all.
Do you think he should post his import collection?
Just stating the facts, it’s understandable that a shill cannot comprehend it. Enjoy the slop, hasshill, I’ll enjoy my imports.
post em. might be interesting.
This is something sculptors just don't seem to understand. It looks bizarre and should not be done like this
We know anon, you get cranky when people like things you don't. It's a sign of autism that you feel the need to remind us every time.
You mean the things you don't buy?
>Autist gets mad when I answer questions, engage in conversations in a public forum
Ironic that you call me retarded, no? What's the saying, pot calling the kettle black?
Oh I do, but I don't need to prove it to you, hasfag.
>No u
shut up already dude
concession received and accepted, hasfag.
Whatever you say anon, I really hope you're not doing this for free
Your seething is all the payment I need, hasfag.
Pretty cringe bro
Not as cringe as sucking the hascock daily.
Oof that's the figure importers are creaming their khakis over?
Why does this anon get so upset when someone likes Legends?
Why can't EITHER of you drop it?
Ok you arguing folks, let me explain something to the import-imbecile first. Those Mafex/Figma Marvel figures you think are so great? They're dumbed-down designs. Look at all the PVC figures out there which make up the bulk of Japanese collectibles. The Banpresto/Bandai perfectly sculpted airbrushed, proportioned and posed stuff. They're not hyper/stylized detailed just extremely well done. This translates down into Figma/Figuarts of anime/TV characters. Look at MaxFactory design quality. Or Play Arts sculpting/paint. What, Mafex isn't capable of doing that? Sure they are

But Mafex figs are made to fit in with those anime PVC statues and figures. Their comic detailed faces/costumes are smoothed out ON PURPOSE and made to look 'real world' but if a real human were to be transported into that anime world. It's their version of a stylized character but in reverse. The mafex/figma designs have to fit into Japanese anime fig collections just like our brands have to fit into our American style figure collections.

Your imported Superhero figures have over engineered joints to mimic the look of other over engineered figures, except those others were designed to look good. DD and Cap were not. They were dumbed down to fit in. Their detail muted. The unmasked heads squeezed thin, the anatomy 'realistic' but unfortunately retaining the same joint style and range of quality figures. These imports weren't designed to be toys, they're niche and begging to be accepted by Japanese collectors.

Marvel Legends on the other hand are designed to be played with AND collected by adults. They have design and engineering that draws from American comic style and sets the standard for other lines to match. Marvel Select are meant to be moving detailed statues. McFarlane the same. Yet they still have a level of detail and anatomy that far exceeds Mafex/Figma
The leaks that mentioned MvC blue Venom, is that meant for next year?
To recap, Mafex/Figma/import superheroes could look so much better but are kneecapped to match an anime-esq world of Japanese collectors. Marvel Legends are made with both collector and child in mind with sturdy designs that have detailed comic sculpting.

Buying an import Marvel figure is like buying a Monster High doll or designer vinyl PVC. It's a figure trying to match another style. It's a copycat, like a bootleg but made by an actual company that got the license but said "We have to make it match so let's not go too crazy."
I don't know the release date of the MvC pitched line just that Hasbro is hoping Jada or another company picks up the slack on the Capcom side because there's no license for those characters like Jill, MegaMan, Jin, or Captain Commando on the Hasbro side.

I'm surprised I got an email saying that Shuma Gorath was a go even after I worked on the BAF which never saw the light of day. Army builders had the tentacles (4 diff characters all with the same articulated tentacle) while a very popular main character came with the main body/eye. So you could buy 6 doombots or 3 mini Sentinels (the ones in the two-pack) and 3 Hand Ninja to complete Shuma. I guess they're doing him as a single pack?
fuck off faggot
>the guy who dick sucked hasbro so hard he got a job with them is a massive shill
I am shocked.
>Marvel Legends on the other hand are designed to be played with AND collected by adults
then why dont they raise the age rating or do they feel as if their audience are too retarded?
hes making shit up, its not even the real jin
This is the gayest post I have ever read on /toy/
But his name says Jin so that has to be him. Use your brain.
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Meant to be played with. Ok, but why do their designs look like such shit. Your superhero figure can be used to play with but still look like, you know, a superhero and not some bighead baby?
Oh look, the troll is posting the stupid drawing again because he's obsessed with shitting up the thread about toys he doesn't own.
>Anons engage in conversation
>post relevant photo from previous post
>hastard only replies to me
why so obsess? I’m not Kanji.
NTA but that drawing is an over exaggeration and not really representative of most Legends. I'll concede that some of them can look like that and that they have their own issues but it's rarely addressed in these threads. You think you'd here more complaints about duck feet, joker lips, or any of the other mirade of issues a Legends figure has, but no, it's always;
>Low shoulders
>Big heads
or my favorite

Makes me think you're not trying to offer actual criticism and that you're just spending your days trolling and repeating the same handful of talking points over and over again. Like, there's plenty of opportunity for you to bitch about something with these toys. You don't need to harp on the same three things for literally a year, or however long you've been doing this.

Inb4 I'm defending Hasbto or I'm a shill or whatever retard response you decide to shit out.
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The issues you addressed are the main problems with marvel legends. That’s not to say that duck feet and noodle legs aren’t an issue, but the big head and small shoulders are more noticeable. Hasblo already demonstrated their lack of ability to make decent sculpts so I’m being more realistic in the things I want changed. Baby steps, once we get decent upperbodies (for both male and female) then I’ll bitch about the lower half. When you have sunfire still released to this day then yes, that photo is still relevant and not an exaggeration. If you think waist swivel is still acceptable in 2024 then you are either a retard or a shill.
>Makes me think you're not trying to offer actual criticism and that you're just spending your days trolling and repeating the same handful of talking points over and over again.
I only comment to those asking questions and when new product is shown, then I get attacked by the hasshills. Why are all the giddy faggots allow to reply and not me? Is it because I’m not a hascock sucking faggot?
>If you think waist swivel is still acceptable in 2024 then you are either a retard or a shill.
My god, I even called you out on this and you can't help yourself. Amazing. There's not point in continuing this discussion if you're just going to name call and repeat yourself over and over, while posting the same handful of pictures over and over again. Give it a rest. Your anti shilling is even worse than actual shilling at this point.
Why you guys need to be mad? It just toys.
>Why are all the giddy faggots allow to reply and not me?
Because they at least aren't autistically spamming the same troll images every thread like they're supposed to be some kind of dunk on Hasbro.
>I write my explanation
>still gets attacked by raging retard
So you think waist swivels are acceptable in 2024? I don’t see you attacking the other side as much as you attack me, hasshill.
Personally I don't think they're as bad as some of you are claiming to be. Are there better solutions? Absolutely, but it's not something that I get my panties in a bunch over. I take much more issue with things like the price disparity we're starting to see between various retailers like with the new deluxe Phoenix. Intake more issue with the sub par feeling plastic Hasbro seems to be using as of late. I take more issue with the Paul Harding style sculpting with the faces, that make characters look overly old or wrinkly. I take more issue with lots of things, but because my views don't exactly p, 100% line up with yours, I'm apparently attacking you and you're the victim? Come on now dude. No one is forcing you to post these images over and over again. You've stated your opinion and it's fine, I even agree with you on some of your points, but goddamn the other guy who said it earlier is right, you done need to constantly remind us every goddamn day.

I think more people are taking issue with you personally than your opinion on Hasbro, at least that's how I feel. You're just fucking annoying. But, you know, I'm a Hasbro shill just because I don't get irrationally angry at the idea of a waist swivel.
One of those photos isn’t even mine. Calm down sperg, this is literally the second time they’ve been posted. Again I only comment when product is shown or when a question like “why is x like this” is posted. Ironic you say I get my panties in a twist when you and all the other hasfags can’t help but reply to my bashing on hasblo. Shillness comes in many different forms, you can accept the slop hasblo shits out, but I’m not going to and I will call them out on their stupidity every single time. Seethe. This will be my last comment, I have to finish my workout then go visit family.
No one cares bro, I'm just sick of you posting the same shit again and again.
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>wonders to myself what the start of all this dumb arguing was
What about herald of Galactus thor?
You're not getting the big picture. Marvel Legends are comic/superhero characters. They have the proportions they do to reflect that. In Japan those normal features are shrunken down when a 'non anime' style is applied. Heads are smaller, feet are smaller.

Imagine this, your favorite anime a Studio Ghibli, First of the Northstar, or InuyDemonXwhatever created as a Marvel Legends figure. But the character loses the large eyes and gets a nose. The head is enlarged, stylized body given more wrinkles and that spandex-muscle feature superheroes get. Because it's now being designed in a line made to reflect that.

Marvel legends have superhero/comic designs created for American collectors. Their sculpts are bad, they're not mis proportioned, because it's all based on American comic booksl superhero types. When you compare them to import superheroes it's apples to oranges. Mafex isn't made to look like our superhero comics but REALISM IN THEIR ANIME STYLE.
>Marvel Legends are comic/superhero characters. They have the proportions they do to reflect that.
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Oh it's definitely me. Hey Guise!
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Why does Mafex have better superhero proportions than 90% of Legends? Nobody has those shoulders
Better than Legends but look at how the stomach piece is a straight tube on the sides with no variation or tapering. That's weird. They needed to fix that.
That's just Jim Lee art
Better proportions to what? A real breathing human standing next to you? A comic book character drawn by liefeld? An anime character? A character drawn by McFarlane? A stylized character from the Revoltech series?

Its all going to come down to personal taste because Legends and Imports have their sculpts and proportions based off of two entirely different regional norms. You can say "Better than legends!" but I disagree after having handled thousands of figures, consulted or designed for almost every major American company out there. I personally don't own any import superhero figures from any line and end up reselling any that I find on my hunts. And that's because I don't collect anime figures or statues. I don't like the joints, the way the muscles aren't defined, and the fact I knew the sculpts are dumbed down.
>Legends have real superhero proportions!!!!!
>post them
So are you just trolling or have all the paint fumes finally gotten to your brain?
This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about! That Batman is based off Jim Lee art but the designers are trying to make the figure fit in with a Japanese collector's collection. If you handed the Jim Lee Batman design to five American companies and five Japanese companies and mixed up the final products you would still be able to tell just by looking at them, not actually handling them or anything or checking for trademarks, which came from Japan and which came from America. None of them are designed wrong or better than each other. When you try comparing them there's going to be things about the design that you don't like but someone else will based on the regional creation of the figure. The neck on one is going to be too thick. The waste on one is going to be two round. The feet are too big or the ankles too high.

We will never have an action figure that accurately depicts the way a character appears in their original medium, usually a comic book or a video game, because each company from each different country is constrained by the regional styles and market. It has to look a certain way, perform a certain way, adhere to the safety standards of that Nation, be available for certain age groups based on the laws, etc etc.

So comparing diamond select to mafex, Legends to figma, that just doesn't work.
Go away, nobody cares
Sorry, I don't read walls of text from Trumpfags
Diosoth you are a sick, sad, twisted little man. Sinno will never sleep with you. She wasn't going to dress up like Rogue the bat or wear MLP furry bondage especially when she was 13 like you were asking her to. Your mind may be that of a 10yo in a 50yo's body but that's no excuse for your stalking her throughout her life. She's grown up and moved on. She has a family of her own now. A child, not yours even tho you headcanon these weird fantasies of you having kids with her. It's insane and you're still taking your frustrations out on /toy/ and me for some terrible GI Joe figure you made decades ago. I used to pity you. Then I hated you. Now I'm just disgusted by you. We all are.
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>gets told to go away
>immediately accuses his favorite bogeyman

I wish diosoth would go away
Nobody was bringing up Trump until you did
>dio never beating the allegations
Jin is a perfectly stable individual
Like I said, it's embarrassing.
I've been here for like 15yrs and I still don't know who the fuck Diosoth is

I even bought the little Troll Taco Bell vinyl figure you made way back just to upset the board.
There's a ton of namefags I don't know except for when someone decides to accuse someone else of being them. I don't know who Diosoth, Subjectanon or Kanji are and anytime I ask I just get accused of being one of them so I've just given up on figuring out who any of these people are.
Are there any Sentinel figures that look like the Capcom one?
It seems like that Sentinel is an original design, like how Capcom Psylocke is superior to the comic and cartoon one.
>Constantly shits on Legends
>Repeats the same points again and again
>Plays the victim card
Other guy is right, you are annoying.
>Are there any Sentinel figures that look like the Capcom one?
You bought my Anon troll one?? That's awesome! I remember making an anonymous one too, Marvel legends style anon and more. Diosoth is a troll who is pissed off at /toy/ for not appreciating a custom Gi Joe figure he made here and blames me for suggesting fixes for it. Also he was in love with a girl who posted here and blames me for not being able to get with her when she was 13. All this happened back before you bought the that figure and he's held a grudge against us ever since.

I've spoken with both DST and every team that's working(ed) at Hasbro but nobody will tackle it. Not even as a BAF. And even tho DST could easily do it to Legend's scale and has the distribution method for larger figures they don't want to be known as an add-on to Marvel Legends but be the "competition to legends" which is why they make the same characters at the same time. Silly.
why is he still here
>You bought my Anon troll one?
This one, specifically

Also, women don't post here.
Dio? The best I can tell he's a Chris Chan type of insane with a void in his soul that's filled with hatred. He believes our mockery of him and his custom figure drove away his love interest Sinno, a girl who likes Ultra Magnus who used to post here. That's it. That's why he's still here. It was a turning point in his life that caused his spiral into insanity. Nevermind the fact he asked her if he could tie her arms and legs up and have her walk around on her knees and elbows wearing a cartoon horse mask for him. No 13yo girl would be freaked out by that right? Instead it's our fault because we told him his custom figure was crap and lost him his chance at true My little pony cosplay love.

I'll go back to posting as Jin after I finish starting a few more generals/threads but take it from me, Diosoth is an unstable mental patient who has a lifelog obsession with causing as much damage and trolling /toy/ as he can. It gets worse when Twitter bans his account and he has to wait to make a new one.
I dunno man sounds like he's long gone and you're still obsessed with him
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ATSV Peter came.
You are a man among men! Wow. It's been a while since I dabbled in 'urban vinyl'. Nice score!
I think this would look much better if the web lines were filled in.
Cuck vs. the cuck she tells you not to worry about
You're an obsessed troll.
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Something about the reverse ab crunch doesn't do it for me anymore. It's not as good as simple ball pegs.
For sure.
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It should've come with more hands.
Man, I usually buy up anything Spider-Man but even I couldn't get excited for this wave
Yeah, I get you. I initially preordered because I figured anything Spider-Man would sell out quickly on Amazon, especially if it's a traditional-looking design. I thought it would ship sometime in December, per Amazon's order page, so I left it alone. Then, a few days ago, I noticed it shipped along with Miles. At that point, I tried to cancel my order since it didn't appeal to me anymore, but it was too late. For ML standards, Peter is fine, but underwhelming.
Now, I'm not even sure if I want to open Miles, though it seems to have a ball peg instead of a waist cut, which does interest me.
jesus the negro morales movie peter is really that fucking skinny and rectangular looking?
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Oh, that's nice, I didn't know you could start getting stress marks near the joints now.
large spider logos scream overcompensation
Seeing this makes me realize no toy has been able to match the Capcom sprites
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Some can come close. But MvC sprites are mainly perspective based. A whole lot of figures can get into the same poses but don't look right until you put your chin on the desk and stare at their waist. Or fisheye the photo a bit in the center.
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Say what you will about this figure's knees or face, but it's the fucking king when it comes to posing.
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A different poster's version. I don't necessarily want to call these perfect, but it's damn sure the closest any Spidey figure has come, and I think it's at least 90% there.
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I really like it despite its flaws, it's just so much fun to handle.
The 2.0 is even better.
why not buy the superior mafex or sentinel? Mafex got a rerelease recently.
To those who own both, how would you say the movie ML Carnage compares to the SHF? I feel the waist of the SHFs are deliberetly limited whereas ML Venom is unimpeded.
I don't own either, sorry can't tell you.
Then why did you bother to even reply?
Just trying to be polite and not keep you in suspense...
No one asked you. You don't need to reply to every post, especially if you don't have an actual answer.
No it's not
I didn't reply to every post, I replied to YOUR post. You asked a question and I answered.
Without any actual valid input.
>To those who own both

Once again, no one asked you. Now shut the fuck up.
That's been a different anon you've been replying to the entire time, I just made the post asking the question hoping for input, which sadly probably wont happen now that the whole thing has went way off course.

I do own the SHF Carnage and it is a nice figure but I was very impressed by how the ML Venom was still a nice figure in its own right compared to the SHF version and was wondering if the same was true of Carnage.
Sorry bruh, most of the posters in this thread don't seem to even own toys, let alone multiple versions of that particular movie Carnage. I don't own the figure myself, but I have a buddy who got the ML, and he really liked it. He had some QC issues with one of the feet pegs but other than that, he said it was one of the better MLs he's gotten lately.
>You asked a question and I answered.
You didn't answer his question though.
I did.
He technically did. The questioner asked for a comparison and the anon answered saying he doesn’t own those figures. He answered his question albeit not the answer the questioner was looking for.
"I don't know" is a non answer. Are you actually this autistic?
“I don’t know” is a response to a question so technically an answer.
"To those who own both" implies that you're only asking the question to those that... own both.
It's a non answer that doesn't contribute anything. Glad to know how socially inept you all are.
Who’s to say the responder did not previously own or will own said figures in the future? “To those who own both” is very vague and opens the floor to different forms of interpretation. I’m only being sensible here and assumed that since the anon responded one of the 2 scenarios I stated above was true. We must look at the evidence first before jumping to conclusions. If I specifically wanted an answer from those who own the figures currently I would have typed: “for those who own both (figures) CURRENTLY” otherwise anyone can interpret the question differently.
Ah that's good to hear, I'd expect some QC stuff but it's a plus he rates it highly and that it doesn't have any glaring issues.
The statement implies now, currently, not in the past or future. If it was different, anon might have used "owned" or "will own".
Goddamn you guys are autistic.
Again different people would interpret the phrase differently. I like you understood that the question was for those who own both figures currently, but without finishing the phrase “for those who own both” someone could have thought differently.
He literally said he didn't know because he doesn't own them. Why are you being like this?

I’m only being rational here. He responded to a question, thus he must have either previously owned the figures or plan to in the future. Granted the responder could have specified the current status of his ownership, but since he responded to his question it must have some relevancy.

As a side not I am quite exhausted explaining my rational reasoning. Please read throughly the post(s): >>11198364 >>11198376 before responding, thank you.
You're greatly overthinking it. Stop. Go do something else with your day.
Apologies, I will use my intellectual prowess elsewhere.
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Just pre-ordered this guy. How do I get him and his glider to pose halfway up my wall without adding a shelf up there?
Probably a Tamashii Stand or something similar afixed to the wall and holding the Goblin. The Glider does have a port for a stand so maybe you can find something that will port into it.
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>Mafex Cap was in stock on Amiami a few days ago
>give myself some time to think since I go to NYCC on Thursday
>sold out on Amiami
I only have myself to blame, but damn.
fuck off
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Do all Mafex Spider-Man comic versions have the shoulder QC issue or just the one from 2022?
>spending more than $20 for buckycap in 2024
Something seems wrong with his neck but at least his shoulders aren't low.
That's not BuckyCap anon. It's a completely different mold.
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Odin is a big guy
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Oh that's why he costs so much
Also I guess he's made up of parts they'll never reuse. Maybe. I can't think of anything
nah man that’s just scaly buckycap.
>that’s just scaly buckycap.
i'm dead
These are the people you argue with all day. They don't even know what they're bitching about anymore.
>retard doesn’t know the base mold can be modified
It wasn't in this case though.
nta but could that be Black Knight's legs?
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Anon is technically right. If the tooling is different, it's technically a different mold. The 3D files used for the sculpt is just the Bucky Cap sculpt that they added scales to, but the tooling/mold, which is the steel, is different.
Legs, arms, body from dreadknight. Body is just bucky arms/legs are modified.
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And the arms look like they're from the first version.
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Bro. Those arms are just jackety bucky cap. They use the buckycap base and then just add the jacket sculpting on top.
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but Odin is just big norse buckycap right?
>Legendshill having meltdown over modified molds
yikes bro
hey guys hobby search still has a couple of caps left. i just got one myself.
>Retard doesn't know the differences between bucks
Why are you like this?
This looks badass, I can't wait to PO. the eyes and that grinning head sculpt is so great. Those tiny venom heads remind me of the final boss in web of shadows. Kinda wish they had little eyes too.
honestly, he really mogs the PS5 version hard.
>still can’t comprehend the concept of modified molds.
What was originally BuckyCap anon? Because the torso is different, the limbs are completely different, and even the gloves and boots are different.
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Got a CTtoys Spiderman. 14 bucks is a steal for this fig. Just as good as the real deal. The web lines are much darker than the mafex, tho a few spots were missed. I fixed that easily with a micron pen. The joints are also a lot tighter than the mafex. My only gripe is that it's slightly smaller in scale than the mafex, but it's hardly noticeable.
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mvc pose
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comes with a stand too.
Are these modified molds in the room with us now?
YOU aren't understanding. A "mold" is literally the steel tooling that is used during injection molding. The 'sculpt' or 'model' is the digital 3D model that is used. So yes, the bucky cap sculpt/3D model is modified to have scaling added, but that is 100% a completely different MOLD or TOOL since the physical steel cut to mass produce the figure is definitely different.
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I figured I'd be content with the ML and instead use that money on other imports from which I know I'll derive greater pleasure than if I just got a domestic version. For instance, I know Mafex blows ML out of the water with its recent Daredevil.

I was hoping for a similar situation where I'm perfectly fine not owning a Mafex Cap because the 20th anniversary Cap is decent enough for my liking. The new Secret Wars Cap might replace it though.
How does it look posed up next to other 6-inch figures? I'm hoping I can fudge him in my display if I do decide to get this.
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>hardly noticeable
it's very noticeable.
>settling for this
I feel bad for people who have to convince themselves these knockoffs are just as good.
Mine isn't that short, look at the previous pics I just posted.

Your loss, this is a great alternative to spending 60+ dollars for the real thing. Paint apps and joints are better quality than the Mafex.
>Paint apps and joints are better quality than the Mafex.
lol, lmao

I'm sorry $60 is a lot for you, hope things turn around anon
>Paint apps and joints are better quality than the Mafex.
For $16 they're definitely good toys but you're absolutely deluding yourself if you think they're actually better than the real thing.
>Mine isn't that short
Then post proper pics with the two standing side by side, you're angled photos hide the scaling.
I have a real one too. Never said 60 was a lot of money, 14 bucks is simply less than that. I needed an extra spidey and figured why not.
Overall, i'd say it's on par with the mafex. Granted, I have the very first release spidey and the paint really sucks on it and the joints are loose in spots. They've definitely improved since then. The newest release I have from them is the 2.0 Mandalorian and it's quite an improvement over 1.0 spider-man.
>Overall, i'd say it's on par with the mafex
I've seen enough paint slop on the bootlegs to know that just isn't the case.
Last night to order Dragon Man
depends on the figure most CT stuff was pretty bad up until very recently. The Black Suit, Red and Blue that just released, 2099 Spiderman and their Agent Venom all have very clean paint apps note even comparing to other bootlegs. Their brownsuit Wolverine is probably going to keep the trend the unpainted promos look really good. They are noticebly undersized when compared to the originals though that likely wont even be a problem with Wolverine since hes supposed to be a midget, its probably gonna work out in the figures favor.
If they werent noticeably smaller Id almost agree. Plastic quality, paint apps, joints all are on par with a legit Mafex. Mafex QC leaves alot of room for error though lets not act like they have perfect paint apps and zero QC issues. Wish CT could copy these without shrinking them. At least Wolverine is next up.
Dumbass question since the video says "custom" but all the figures here look like retail figures with some slight paintjobs here and there, but what are these figures from? Specially the Doom and Psylocke?
The paint on my CT 185 is better than on my real 185. It's main issue is the size
It's the last night to order Dragon Man.
Well said.
You could sell this cap and buy the mafex for less than you'll spend on all the incremental upgrades you'll end up buying from Hasblow
I recognize Doom's ratchet looking inner elbows and straight legs, flat hand from the Marvel Select figure and he's got mods to the head/cowl/tunic.

I can't tell what Psylocke is made from tho even after expanding the screen. Could be a select? The whole production was cool tho!
The word 'mold' and 'buck' get used interchangeably sometimes but let's break down how this all works from the toy industry side.

Right now almost all toy design is done with digital sculpting, meaning people like me who used to use casaline or AzWax and a heat knife with different tips are kinda defunct. It's all done with a digital light pen and a tablet now, different 3D brushes, filters, textures, etc.

There's quite a few upsides to this process even if it puts traditional sculptors out of a job. A 3D STL file can have parts 'mirrored' meaning you'll get the left left the exact same size down to the micron and it can be copied with just the texture or surface design changed (this is the argument with the 'scaly bucky cap' thing) so that all the body parts are the same scale and can be interchanged. Need a gloved hand? Click a filter. Need clawed? Click. Yet the base model for the hand remains the same, plug is the same.

Hasbro no longer needs to mail a wax sculpt to China and have china mail a plastic test-shot back. This cuts MONTHS down on turnaround. Just send the file and China (or Vietnam etc) 3D prints the figure to test range of articulation and tolerance. They can even print it out in the same ABS/PVC plastics it'll be injection molded as.

All that being said a super articulate robot arm with microscopic milling/lathe type bits still needs to carve that negative image, each single piece of the figure, into multiple steel molds by CNC milling. Those true negative molds can never be changed, but multiples can be made to speed up production.
Will you fuck off and stop larping?
When Toybiz became Marvel Toys and made Legendary Comic Book Heroes they wanted to save money so they asked China to take the Toybiz Moon Knight head and add large eye lenses to it. You can only carve additional marks into a steel mold meaning it will add on top of a figure's sculpt and make larger, never smaller because you can't add steel to the mold. It's a negative impression. But when they did that the Moon Knight head was gone forever, the steel mold had been changed.

Now the company can 3D scan a part and have a machine CNC mill the exact same dimensions, meaning they could take a retail Moon Knight head, scan it, and make a brand new steel mold. This is how bootleg figures are made. Once scanned they can be 'upsized' or 'downsized' like you see with the KO transformers and the CT figures being smaller scale yet having the same sculpt. It takes a decent amount of time and many chunks of steel to make the molds so a company, bootleg or legit needs to make sure what they're making is worth it. Do they drop 100k on a brand new steel molds to make a new figure, or 12k on just a few molds to make a head and hands, then use a 'buck' body that's repainted?

China has vast warehouses of categorized steel molds, hundreds of millions of modular negative sections that can be laid out like the typeset on an old printing press so that plastic can flow through them. They can take the hands from cap, the body from Doctor strange, and a brand new head, push them together in the mold frame and squirt plastic through all of them at once to make a brand new figure when assembled. Need a variant? All they have to do is swap the head mold out with another. So all your steel molds are interchangable now and smaller, instead of one big one that makes a complete figure.
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Shush I'm trying to explain things.
As I was saying, all those molds make up multiple different figures, they're just in pieces like a puzzle in a big frame there's no true 'mold' of a certain figure anymore. The 'buck' mold can be split apart and have new boots or chest used in place of the original since all parts of the same scale have the same peg holes, wrist joint sizes, and neck peg circumference.

Pinless joints require a new process with these molds! Instead of making 3 seperate leg sections (thigh, kneecap, calf) in separate molds and hand assembling each piece a single kneecap made of ultra durable (and unfortunately nearly unpaintable) polypropylene, the same stuff the pegs were made of is molded separately and dropped in-between the calf and thigh. The softer PVC plastic flows around the kneecap and fills in where the pins would have been, completely flush to the knee. Now there's no gaps and no needs for those little sculpted 'teeth' inside the hinge. The pegs are part of the kneecap to begin with and don't stick out anywhere.

However if someone forgets to drop that elbow or kneecap into the blank space between the molds you end up with a solid PVC arm with NO joints as it's now one flowing piece, whoops. I've had a few figures where this happens.

Anyway, mold, buck, maybe we need a new term? Every part is interchangable and what we think is a new figure can just be a new torso with old arms or 'upgraded' files from another figure carved into a new steel mold.
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For everyone that's not happy with the Lilith figure a couple tweaks will make it a hundred times better. Heat up her head and peel off her hair, then take a Dremel or hobby knife and whittle down the center of it. It's too high and doesn't allow her horns to point! The horns themselves weren't changed at all, just how high that middle hair section is.

Mix some white paint with a TINY bit of grey to match her skin tone and paint more of her chest, shoulders, and hips. If you want use a Gundam black line marker to draw the fishnet on or leave it off like I did here so it looks like it's a lingerie cut.
You're the kind of guy that loves the sound of his own voice aren't you?
People come here and straight up lie and it's pathetic lol

Fuck off. This guy explained all that you said much more concisely in just three sentences here >>11199998
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