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Previous: >>11187009

>Dimension X-Mas Vacation TMNT 4-pack (Wal-Mart exclusive) in stock and shipping now
>Archie figures on shelves (mostly Target): Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, TMNT 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
>Mirage figures on shelves: IDW Foot Elite Assassin, Triceraton gladiator, Karai in Shredder armor, Rat King
>Last Ronin figures on shelves: Last Ronin Accessory Pack
>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: Ultimate Slash, Vacation Bebop and Rocksteady
>Donnie's Lab sewer diorama shipping out
>TMNTxUniversal Monsters black and white 4-pack up for pre-order & in store at Target

>Tales of the TMNT basic & Mix & Match waves 1 & 2 out
>Pizza Thrower and Toilet Taxi repro being found at Target
>Retro carded rereleases in store: Rat King, Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Slash,
>Retro movie Foot Ninja, movie Super Shredder
>Single pack Mirage TMNT (from Stranger Things 2-packs) being found at Wal-Mart

>Turtles of Grayskull wave 4 and 5 hitting
Turtles of Grayskull wave 6 up for preorder
>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe Leatherhead (Wal-Mart exclusive) on shelves.

>Ultimates wave 7 shipping out, in stock at e-tailers

>Metz Toys (Formerly Memory Toys) & Heat Boys coming out with TMNT!
>Rage Toys Not Bebop up for order on 5Ktoys
>JoyToy 1/18th TMNT & Rocksteady & Bebop up for pre-order
>JoyToy Foot Soldiers and Shredder revealed
>Mondo vinyl TMNT still up for pre-order. Turtles are everywhere, Mondo Gecko & Ray Filet are Mondo site exclusives.
>Transformers x TMNT Party Wallop (Turtle Van) in stores

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/

How did DC not sue for Wingnut?
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Boob bug... surprised Playmates is showing anything. They normally hide their releases.
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2012 boys look stunning.
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Lots more being shown, post as you see fit. We eatin" good.
I didn't like it in the movie but I'm really liking how these character designs are in 3D.
That belt makes it look like she has a dick.
Trying to drum up hype for the new show after the movie kinda bombed.
Man, I really hope NECA getting the SMA comic license means we can finally get a thicc and big momma April in the yellow jump suit.
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How is this Super7? I know the colors are lighter irl.
These are Ultimates right. getting tire of all 4 bros being packed together.
How much I wish we could get this from a competent company.
where are these being posted?
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Looks like April. Why are you upset?
nta but probably because she's black. I wonder if they'll do a white version.
Does this count as a Necamutt action figure?
that's it I'm done with neca
The whole skin tone controversy seems really weird to me. You'd think the creators would have nailed that down.
They should have done the white version first, and then done this one as a Juneteenth/Black History Month exclusive like Blaine's Pride Month exclusives. They could even donate a portion of all sales to some dodgy charity that does nefarious shit like with gay Elvira.
She can't just be a black character? It has to be for a cause?
They did, IDW recolored her as a black lady because it's IDW, w stands for woke.
It's done for THE cause.
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If you don't like charity going towards people of color, just say so.
Original April was Jewish. This is just more antisemitism.
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Well yes, otherwise these poor little cousinfuckers would have to contend with the idea that they thought a black person was human for more than a few seconds and that would cause their whole worldview to collapse.
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New head on Leo. Get those swapping action ready.
Bike looks a bit small.
Where is the bag to put everything in?
Is this the same head that came with the movie 2 accessory pack? If not this would be the, what, triple dip on movie I?
It looks like the bonus head from the TMNT3 4 pack.
The chest on Leo seems really bright. Like, almost from a cartoon.
Will that Shedder still have the same crappy ankles that give out like the Foot Soldiers?
Wait, is that John Connor's minibike?
This is a new level of double dipping.
It looks like there's bruising on the head, too. Maybe a repaint set for their fight with Shredder on the roof?

"The safety word is 'Cowabunga'."
>a fucking Honda
die, randulf
And STILL no Armaggon...
Oh good, I have the VHS set for movie 3 so I'm good and can skip this one. Don't care for BD repaints anyway.
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Chaduck coming to fuck some turtles up. No one can match is manly bulge.
Why can’t Neca figures pose. I want to like them but they cannot pose
Looks like there's going to be two different decos for the Army Ant Mega Mutant, and some tattooed Moo Deng looking guy.
what was the context behind krang-headed shredder again?
he's obviously a parody?
oh wow, shoate. crazy.
>dude, he has wings!
>... fuck. well i'm not redrawing it.
his tail doesn't plug in snugly for me, but beyond that I think he's pretty excellent.
now THAT is how I remember Mirage April looking. she had like six different looks but this was the first I think. Though her eyes were usually narrower.
she's a LITTLE black.
nobody gave a shit back then, it's new york. everybody's a little of everything. you didn't bother thinking about it.
though I am reminded of that seinfeld where elaine is dating a guy with kind of flared nostrils and wiry hair, and thinks he's black. and he thinks she's hispanic, and they're both proud of being an interracial couple.
Krang used Shredder like an android body, I believe.
Playmates is re-releasing the 2012 Monsters and Mutants figs if that's something anyone wants.
Casey Jones wouldn't be caught dead with a rice rocket. the hockey pads are a nice touch, but... that is a laughably undersized bike, and a figure that is not made for riding.
for a second i thought this was accessory pack head, but this is actually TMNT III pack head.
jesus christ neca.

He did. He just stuck himself over Shredder's head and started operating his body like a puppet.
that's not really Ace is it? the feathered legs perplex me.. ends up looking more like a shoebill especially the grimacing face
it's like, they understand the tmnt aesthetic, but they also don't.
Its Archie Ace, yes.
positively baffling move.
wait, so... archie krang is like toy krang, had a hole in his butt?
it's weird because the cartoon kinda suggests he's fictional

Sure, lets go with that.
Different continuity. In Archie he's a galactic wrestler in love with himself.
>comes with in-hand mask accessory
>doesn't come with unmasked head
What are they even doing
Is he supposed to just have a spare mask he can carry around
>had a hole in his butt?
you don't?
oh okay. archie comics definitely started out in cartoon continuity though didn't it.
i am also puzzled by that, and wonder if there's another head we can't see
very very strange thing to make. i think there's some clueless dummies at the helm.
For four issues (read: the first two episodes of season 2), yes. From issue 5 on they went in a totally different direction.
huh, did not know that. and i read em back in the day. i remember a weird one where they were naked because they were in like, inner spirit mode.
Because they included an extra accessory? Oh Heavens no, not that...
You're such a fucked up piece of human filth. The figure isn't even black, but you have to be the dumbest racist in the crowd, don't you?
>wouldn't be caught dead with a rice rocket
Yeah he would. Anything to bust heads.

And the pack in head was from TMNT 1, it's the fight scene heads. There's nothing wrong with it being there.
an extra accessory that depends on another accessory (the unmasked head) to make sense
she's a LITTLE black. she's like, Elisa Maza black, plus ten percent.
obviously the anon screaming is just trying to kick up racism because he misses it, it gives you really easy enemies.
It's an extra mask, it doesn't have to "make sense" other than that.
oh yeah casey totally has two of those. brings a spare over.
Maybe the extra mask is for Raph?
>waaaaah don't toss in extras, how dare you! Waaaah!
Is there any point in the movie where he just kinda holds it?
>who cares that i was looking at my phone while driving, i didn't hit anyone!
No, but he wore it in Image.
I mean Casey, sorry. It looks like it has straps not meant to go over a head.
nah those are the same straps from the masked version. it's an accessory they included with maskless version.
I really want a rerelease of the mouser version.

Here's hoping they show the Archie turtle version this con.
Is this all Playmates is showing? New Mutant Mayhem stuff? No more retro stuff?
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Pretty much.
M-maybe after their panel? Are they having one?
AND rereleases of 2012 toys, don't leave that out.
>The figure isn't even black
She's the same complexion as Beyonce, Rhianna, or Harley Dean, so I don't know where you get off deciding what color a black person's skin should be.
holy shit, i've never heard of the last one (and she looks black) but i had no idea the first two were... pretty much white. features and all. Huh.

Beyonce's dad is black, but Rhianna is Barbadian with a really crazy lineage. I think her mother was a mix of African and South American, and her dad is maybe a quarter Barbadian with the rest being various European ancestry. Harley Dean I'm not sure about, because generally porn stars don't do in depth profiles unless they are lifers like Anissa Kate, who has done over a thousand scenes. She is French Algerian, and I thought about using her as an example, but I figured someone would say that North African isn't REALLY black. Apparently you aren't black unless you can be colormatched to Idi Amin.
Maybe April's dad just heavily shaded her when drawing her.
Eastman was dating a black girl and put some of her features in the comic. Thats it.
i mean, the north africans sure don't think they are lol
i hate how race is like 60% made up, but twats insist it's 0 or 100.
Hasn't read the later Mirage comics has he?
The 2012 re-releases are the retro stuff. I'm sorry to have to break the bad news to you both, but you're old now.
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>Ninja turtles
That shit changes so much it's not worth fighting over.

Didn't they say remastered Shredder is coming?
sorry, 2012 will always be nu-turtles.
the bebop one is particularly funny since he was black in the cartoon, but the toy was like "transforming four-fingered brown hands into five-fingered brown hands is not a very fun transformation"
and then since that changed, he had to have an undershirt just like mutatin' rocksteady. Otherwise they could have kept his arms and chest bare and he'd just turn into an extremely buff black dude with the same purple mohawk.
also funny that the pig mode gets the purple glasses from the show (sort of, they still have lenses instead of pig-esque slits) but human mode keeps the original toy's blue
but that's something you do with education, you stay the same color afterward.
I agree it's stupid, and probably because they didn't want to get the zoomers on their ass, but we already knew about this from SDCC
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As bad as the IDW recolors were, April still looked white
The figure isn't based on the IDW colors. He's trolling you.
Knew about what? She looks white.
I thought the official comic guys were always shooting down the Twitter crowd that kept saying Mirage April was black.
She was never officially black. Or white. Eastman and Laird never got around to deciding before the guest era started. Laird just added a few black features now and then when he drew her because, again, black girlfriend.
fun fact: Eastman's real ex-girlfriend April O'Neil is a Northhampton townie who's been hooked on drugs and had multiple arrests over the last few decades.
Turtle Power!
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Wasn't expecting us to get to the point where we'd get Creepy Eddie of all things, but here we are. I love this toy line.
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Oh these are tight, I really like the colors here.
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that's a little later though, right
i feel like the new figure is a tiny bit too dark, but she did tan sometimes.
and her hair changed color too, I bet she dyed it.
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she is actually dead and her last name wasn't o'neil
she's a LITTLE bit black.
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oh hey i found you on leddit
please unplug your computer and lose the cord.
boy those krelbow joints are just not my cup of tea... but hey panda khan!!
Like Kamala-black?
the shitty new ms marvel? naw she's way darker
Not me, but I might've gotten the information from the same guy a while back on a forum. Northampton seems like the kind of town small enough where everybody knows everybody
does she come with the pimp utrom at least?
If you want to laugh, just read his argument with Boco about the ownership of Ninjara in the previous thread.
Why? Who owns Ninjara? Better question, who is Ninjara?
I own Ninjara, she is my love slave
What is there to see? Boco is some trashy namedag from /co/ that shits up the place.
Her creator still owns her. Still draws porn too. Pretty nice stuff.
These JoyToy figures are really something.

Boy, they love pushing Panda Khan. When was his last comic even?
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ikd? Really looking forward to see their design for April.
They seem legitimately great. I don't like the designs though so I can't justify getting them. I considered just getting the bebop and rocksteady but I don't have much else that is 1/18 so feels like a waste.
Think the ninja ghost'll glow?
When they re-release it in a year, yes.
Who fucking cares? It's a character people remember from the vintage line. What a stupid thing to say.
Is Panda Khan associated with Usagi Yojimbo?

No, but he's another character from his own indie comic that got to guest star in the TMNT toyline. Except Panda has nowhere near the recognition.
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>boy they love pushing the new toy they're selling at the convention where they get people to buy their things

I mean pushing a guest character, silly. The creators must be happy at least.
They worked with them to design the fred wolf design, why wouldn't they push it?

Makes sense. Its funny, out of all the TMNT toys I had, he always felt the most "meh". No cool gimmicks, and his design was just okay. Like, Halfcourt-tier.
>replying to the triptranny
Why would you do this?
doesn't look quite the right color
Is this right? Her name is BOOB Bug, and she wears a head codpiece?
he's not amazing, but i wouldn't put him that low. he looks like he could kick some ass, and he has red eyes
i'm sorry, this ultra-babified tmnt says the word 'boob'?

True. I recall liking his sword too. I think I gave it to Leo.
that's another reason i need a super7 usagi so badly. i remember loving his weapons. introduced me to the idea of different sized swords
Why does Randy hate the 2003 show so much?
I just opened my TMNT III NECA Turtles today. They look pretty good for being based on that movie.
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You fags wanted ~another~ line of TMNT right?

right? I am happy i got em
and they came with alt angry movie 1 heads, which I used instead. they look great with the helmets.
Mondo's designs pretty much always look great but I'm not buying 1/6 turtles, nah.
Think Neca might make a horse to order?
They recycled a bike from Terminator already, any NECA lines that have a horse?
if I was richer than rich, I would start buying those collectible 1:6 figures so i can have like robocop highfiving terminator and shit, but without -movie- 1:6 turtles, it wouldn't be the same. whyy are they only at 1:4 or 7-inch scale
it would be 100 bucks a head, minimum. not woth it.
I did get it partly for the heads yeah. I would even like to have an accessory pack with more heads.

I mean I seriously doubt it, but weirder things have happened. I guess if they did, like a Paige Turco April with a horse or something? But I mean if you want one for all the turtles...
movie 1 accessory pack reissue when??
>no NVG on Donnie
Bravo Mondo.
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well that's... awkward for my collection.
Did that lady really think she should be on camera? She has a wonderful voice. just do voiceover.
Nice tits and collection
..... are those real? They look amazing
But boobs though... :/
>mfw she stumbled over the word "busts". She knew what she was doing.
I think I am in love
I mean she can't be fake can she? No one gets that much vintage and new Gargoyles stuff to be a fake geek girl?
God I hope they do Demona as one of the first few. She needs a good figure, the NECA one just didn't have the right sculpts
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the neco denima sculpts were perfectly done and are also perfect
Life is cruel, I want some Russian girl milkers
Imagine her riding your cock while her big fucking tits bounce and you are surrounded by Disney Gargoyles figures.
A man can dream
Yeah, that's a gargoyle alright.
So anyways... TMNT... did April's bust size really vary a lot in the 80s cartoon?
The first 5 episodes (aka Season 1) were drawn by Tokyo Studio Susheia. Thus it was based Japanese people drawing her with big tits.

Season 2 onward was down by Fred Wolfs Korean outsources for the longer full seasons and she went from big Ds to modest Cs or large Bs
i think the only issue with neca figure is they overdid the lips, and as usual added too much realistic creasing and shit to the face.
flexible necks would have been nice for gliding poses too, and of course, better wing poses
There really was no continuity at all with character designs and they were constantly messing up the mask colors and stuff.
You are so full of shit
>from Terminator already
Already? Dipshit, that bike came out in 2019. God forbid they make use of it again somehow.
i think that was more about the same-looking characters messing up the colorists, and there being no time for redos and edits because they were CRANKING that shit out. After all, WE know the TMNT like the backs of our hands, but I doubt the colorists did.
same reason that any random episode could have a different raph voice, a different don voice, whatever, if they were busy that week.
Is NECA ever going to release the Eastman and Laird 4-pack turtles (the same design as the wanderer turtle) in singular packaging?
The Lawson Turtles? Yes, you can preorder them right now on BBTS and other places.

Will they be available in stores?
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I saw them being stocked the other day, see picrel
i would buy my kid that backpack if I had a kid... and if my wife was like, asian, so our kid came out that small.
I mean all that extra stuff is cool and all but I kinda want a heads only accessory pack that has like at least two or three heads per turtle that goes with the 1990 Turtles. That's 8 or 12 heads. I'd pay like 25-35 bucks for that if the sculpts were as great as they usually are. Maybe a hands pack as well or a mix?
that's a LOT of unused heads though. When you have more than 3 options for each figure, it feels bad. though the III turtles added an extra set of bodies to hold em
Thanks for proving you don’t buy toys, you don’t understand how they are made, and lack any knowledge of why they wouldn’t cost out at that measly price
They would probably also work with the SotO figures, but I undestand what you mean. The later Playmates movie turtles did come with a bunch of heads though I think.

I do buy toys, just not as many as some here do. But I am also just saying it's something I would want, not saying it's something feasable for NECA to do. But the original accessory set was what, 50 dollars? That had 4 heads, 4 kinda articulated baby turtles, and a bunch of other stuff so I'm not sure how they would have done pricing if they were to do something like what I am talking about.
This is the Playmates one I was referring to. So that was a figure released with 4 heads. Now is this exactly the thing we were talking about? No, but it's interesting to see how they have done things.
Necanon will tell you that every NECA figure needs to fit a predetermined price point that is set by Walmart and Target. Not exceptions. Except for exceptions like the Spider Gremlin.
When was this in the movie?
>Noooo d-don’t offer fun double dippa repaints anything but that!!!!
Not if it's going to jack up the price.
wow, that's so weird. they're not very distinct expressions. and it's such a garbage figure overall, why bother.
the only problem with it is the size. it's like half the size it needs to be. It looks like something he'd get for Angel (and make her wear a helmet. and airbrush a skull on the helmet)
It's from an unused scene that appeared on a pog milkcap sold in the Philippines in 1992.
If they're gonna rehash movie figures how about doing the turtles with red bandanas so we could see what a comic-accurate movie would've been like?

is kind of a neat idea.
would you change the skin tones? I weirdly want to see all red bandanas with the dark olive skin from the cartoon. I feel like that makes the most badass unified unit of ninja warriors.

it also makes you wonder what if they kept all red, but had different shades of red. with or without different individual skin tones...
I am all for more "movie what-ifs" in general. Give me Perry with Utrom. call up Creature Shop and ask them to give you a mockup design of an animatronic costume based on Laird's other sketches or other TMNT characters.
I'd love to see what a movie style Leatherhead would look like
Speaking of what-ifs, did they ever follow up on that movie-style jumpsuit April figure? Feels like they showed that forever ago.
nice, anon! can we get some pics next to other lines? i know they're supposed to be 1/18, but i can't find any pics of them must standing next to figuarts and/or ML.

please and thank you.
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I want the movie figures repainted as the Tournament Fighters Turtles in a two pack with their clones.
You know since the toon line is already getting characters like Panda Khan and Wyrm who were never in the show (though Wyrm at least got that commercial), how about adding game characters like Tora and Shogun?
i think they might still have some attachment to the pixel-color arcade line, but they really shouldn't. double dip, rerelease them all with normal colors and no outlines or shading.
That line's been dead for a few years anyway
making the unique mold a whateverbox exclusive was not cool
Wouldn't say no to a Hyperstone Heist inspired Tatsu
make that one chainsaw enemy from the first nes game
put him in a two-pack with the dude that's on fire
oooh and arcade game karai..
They were at risk of cancellation from deadlines being missed so they got the go-ahead to do whatever they wanted, and shit goes off the rails *very quickly*
i love when that shit happens
The size is what it would be in real life. You have never been around dirt bikes before, clearly.
Kill yourself you trolling faggot.
Yes, anywhere that carries the Mirage line.
You have brain rot and apparently can't unserstand simple concepts.
That is a Honda XR100R, and if you aren't a teenager or a manlet, you aren't going to have a comfortable ride.
You sound fat
You sound like a manlet that can't even handle a 250cc engine. You might want to stick with your Radio Flyer tricycle.
You sound like you get out of breath even imagining swaying your fat ass onto a seat.
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>American calling other anons fat
Is it true that Walmart had to make the aisles wider for you and your brethren?

Not in a multipack. Singular packages.
He's trolling you, anon. He keeps reposting that image he took from the Fwoosh. He's an obsessed troll. Just ignore him.

And Sisyphus, he was cool.
HOLY butterface
>neco gorgyles fans confirmed uggos
no, because i'm 6'3"
dirt bikes are for children and horse jockeys
That's some projection bucko.
she have gorgyle nose
i have small chinese button nose
yours is lodge halfway in randy behind
we are not the same
You're a disgusting mistake. Go jump off a buliding like the rest of your kind
Better get back to your factory job Chang. Slip and fall into the machines while you're at it.
Don't strain your little pea brain too hard typing that shitpost out. Sounds like you hurt yourself.
Yesterday he was even more hostile than he usually is. I think the black mold from his walls has infested his brain and started making him more aggressive, like one of the cordyceps zombies from The Last of Us.
Ooh, really working that brain now! A gay joke! How very 3rd grade of you. But that's expected of someone as low IQ as you.

And you, you are completely delusional.
>thinks the insulting part about calling them out on dreaming about eating Randy's asshole is that it's gay

Imagine speaking of low IQs with this level of cognition and homophobia on top of that. Not a good look Necatard.
Funny coming from an obsessed faggot like you. Keep your gay fantasies to yourself.
kino, the expressions fit
because YOUR wife is going to give birth to a full grown adult man.

No one will ever love you as much as you love Neca Nondurable Goods™
You're going to get a nosebleed from projecting this hard
They DO look good.
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Reminder that tomorrow is the last day to preorder the toon diorama if you want it.
Reminder that they have you a flimsy piece of foamcore board with the sewer lair to support the weight of this and any figures that you stack on it.
Reminder you're still a butthurt troll
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My foam layer is starting to sag with the weight, should I finna be worried? See picrel for proofs
I like it, it's got that etsy vibe
why is there one guy who seems to get really mad if you criticize the casey and bike set
I mean I can kinda understand why someone would find it weird that they gave him a bike he never had.
Yeah it's a weird set. Even the accessories are weird, he comes with that loose mask with the straps designed to be carried by hand, but he also doesn't come with an unmasked head so it just looks like he's meant to carry around an extra mask for some reason. I'm not opposed to them reusing these figures but surely there's a better option than rehashing a figure with less of his original accessories and then just throwing in a bike. At least give him different colors or something.
That one guy gets mad when you criticize anything Neca related.
Not NECAnon but I will say that even with all their ups and downs, NECA is still my favorite when it comes to the Turtles Toy War.
Honestly not that hard with the other contenders are Playmates and, like, BST.
It's our local necatard. Whenever someone shits on neca be it sincerely or on purpose he's always callin them liars or trolls. Probably the most patetic human being I ever see on this board. Or just neca paid shill which is the same.
>he's always callin them liars or trolls
He doesn't even do a counter argument, that's literally the extent of his defence. Bothers me.
I guess Super7 would also be on the roster. I don't own the Mezco figures but they to look pretty damn amazing, but they have only done the Turtles and Casey Jones so far right? MONDO is kinda in the same boat I suppose. Figuarts did the Turtles and teased a Shredder. Joy Toy is working on some more stuff I suppose.
So this is interesting, i'm in a comments discussion here on Jim Cummings' podcast, he is apparently the official voice of 80s Shredder right now... but when was the last time he was used? There was mention of games, but he wasn't in Shredder's Revenge, so what other recent games feature the 80s tmnt cast?
by the time the kid is at school age (not that it's relevant since i will homeschool) he will be too big for that backpack. I think my first backpack was twice that big. I was 2 feet tall at birth. Had to use pull-ups (which had just been invented) for diapers.
The only thing I can think of is that Nickelodeon fighting game
Yeah, he's in Nickelodeon All Stars Brawl, and you can definitely tell it's him
Ohhh I forgot all about that. Wonderful.

Apparently, he can't stand being corrected on Ninajra's legal status either. Heh.
Mine did as well - I ordered a custom cut acrylic sheet and it works really well. You can put the foam street on top of that, or just leave it acrylic only to let a little more light in the sewer.
That isn't your picture you scummy, lying sack of shit. You really are fucking pathetic.
The status you were wrong about?
He's trolling.
Why are you crying about the mask? It's an extra accessory, it doesn't hurt anything by being included. Yet you harp on ONE mask accessory like they did it to spite you. Get over it.
It's a baffling choice. Why not include an unmasked head as well?
There's nothing baffling about it. It's an extra inclusion.
Can that Casey even ride that bike?
It’s not even close to scale and if you forced his hands on the handlebars and sat him down, the extreme stress of this pose would cause his arms to snap at the shoulders
Umm it’s not supposed to be in riding scale you dummy it’s for setting the bike behind a foot back like with beetlejuice diorama duh. Neco doesn’t make mistakes ever, leave if you don’t like it
I doubt it. his legs aren't built for straddling. it was hard getting keno to ride his, and this one looks even smaller.. he'd have to really hunch
All these extras that don't mean shit are just inflating the price.
This can't be real. They wouldn't sell the same minibike with no changes with a recycled fig and accessories. What's supposed to be new here just the glove and kneepad? I bet they skipped the unmasked head so they didn't have to shell out for Elias Koteas' likeness again
I honestly don't understand what they're doing here. Who is this for? Anyone who already got the ultimate version isn't going to spring for this one. Anyone who didn't get it would probably rather track one of those down than pay $55 for this version that comes with a bike he can't even ride.
i'm pretty sure the likeness rights stretch across however many figures they want, within a given time period. hence reusing judith for multiple aprils and even the monster one.
but yeah this is sad. what, did casey rob john? maybe that's what he was doing during the 2nd movie, which was when Terminator 2 came out.
What scale is the actual bike? Could like a 6 inch thing ride it?
neca movie figures (the tmnt ones at least) are roughly 7 inch scale, so I would say yeah a six inch guy would look fine on it as a dirt bike, a five inch guy would be better though then it'd look more like a normal motorcycle.
>didn't have to shell out for Elias Koteas' likeness again
That isn't how likeness rights work you dumb child.
that looks very cool.
i hate the 2012 tmnt and their new look, but these do look really well done.

also, i like the archie Krang Shredder, that blue pops really nicely, and i hope ult. Toon shredder will drop soon.
my sentiments exactly.
They would snap anyway, regardless.
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>They wouldn't sell the same minibike with no changes with a recycled fig and accessories.
As John Connor would say, "Easy money."
People already complain about Bandai being shifty cheapskate fucks.
Besides, there is a difference between releasing the main character 500 times and this shitty non-canonical cashgrab. It's not even a good "what if" movie toy like Utrom Perry would be, or deleted scene crap like the throne. This reeks of greed and laziness.
Why are you this defensive for such questionable practices?
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Is this real? It looks fine to me, but the price seems too good to be true
Oh fuck you up the ass. This isn't greed or laziness you stupid cunt, it's the most inoffensive thing to release, but a loser like you still has to find something to bitch about. Not a damn thing about it should bother you. It's there for those that want it.
>releasing toys is questionable practices
Imagine being this smoothbrained
I thought this bike was from the part where Casey sees Ralph on the rooftop. It's not.
"Yellow clothes female reporter" sounds like bootleg speak to me.
>This isn't greed or laziness
nta but it's totally both. They're including a random prop to jack up the price and they're not even bothering to include something, anything, that's movie accurate.
Pretty gay thing to say.
I mean it looks real to me though
It's not in any way either of those things. It's not jacking up the price either. It's a set you don't have to buy if you don't want it. How does that bother you exactly?
Even if it is a bootleg, can't be much worse than the real thing. Might even have improved quality.
You're saying the set would be the same price if the bike wasn't included? True, I don't have to buy it if I don't want it, but if it sells well, they know they can get away with crap like this, potentially damaging releases I DO want.
It's in the 2-pack line, it's not going to be any different than any other 2-pack they've done. And they aren't doing anything to "get away with it" you nut. If it sells well it means people wanted the damn thing and you were wrong all along. Deal.
Except there's nothing wrong with the real thing, and no, there wouldn't be improved quality. You are shitposting.
If this is from Aliexpress, i have bought one from there awhile ago.
The figure iirc is supposed to be like 35- 40 usd. So it being 23..factor in shipping..wont be too far off retail.

As for quality, it was pretty good. The..crotch piece did come apart between her legs, admittedly i played/posed her a lot. Joints were good, paint job and sculpt good too.
Some say these are factory rejects, or stolen from the factories neca contracted. No idea, but theyre pretty great.
I also bought casey and split foot from ali, and that ones pretty solid as well
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After watching Tales I couldn't help myself.
That Mutant Mayhem Leatherhead is far more articulated than it needed to be.
so many gators..
Yet I couldn't get her to sit.
Yeh, the tail is a bit of a bitch. Looks better splayed out like that. Nice pic. You need Croc Master from GI Joe Classified. :)
I assume you will be getting the NECA Mirage Leatherhead as well? Kinda bummed they changed the sculpt since the first one did look better.
Where is second from left from?
Yes but I agree they ruined it
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Kek, well done.
2012 series.
They didn't ruin it, what're you talking about? It looks fucking perfect.
Anyone have a comparison of mirage leatherhead? The better and "ruined" version? Id love to see if theres any difference and which looks better
The new one looks way better. They added textured scales to it.
this, that's what i wanna see when I see this debate. i don't remember them well enough
There's no debate. They added scales to the finished figure. Makes it pop more.
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Spoonfeeding the first version.
i feel like a gator would just let his eye be empty
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And the new one.
That's gorgeous
this makes more logical sense, but I feel like if you truly believe in the comic book style, it should be bumpy, but only a few of the bumps should be outlined.
overall I call it an impruuvement though
no wonder the toy leatherhead came out the way he did, he really always kinda had those splayed legs.
>It's there for those that want it.
Who wants a motorbike that is too small for the figure it comes with?
Oh i see the differences now.
Its tough, i like both, but if i had to choose which one i think captures the mirage look best. It would have the be the more textured version.
Looks like a drawing from the comic with just enough texture to get the idea he has scales

As a drawing, would be an over textured mess and doesn't fit in with the overall look of the other mirage figures
it's weird to have a few scales drawn in, but no texture.
it should be texture, but with ONLY a few scales outlined.
You know nothing of chinese bootlegs then. They use the same tooling as the toys produced officially, and so usually aren't worse than the "real" thing. In some cases they use sturdier material for the castings and ocassionally even make corrections to flaws that were in the tooling of the original release. If you ever exited the echo chamber that is your brain you might learn things.
It doesn't need a few scales outlined when the texture of the skin already creates enough shadow as the new sculpt does. The new sculpt looks like an over rendered drawing.
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While the other looks like something that would be in the comic panels.
oh i agree, the outline shit is stupid
but if you're GONNA do it...
also damn that chest
I think what actually bothers me the most about it is with the textured one is it is too uniform. The original sculpt the details they did add come off as "this is a spot where his scales are rougher and more prominent".

The second one is okay as a figure, but as a representation of the art, I'm not liking it and probably wouldn't want it as part of the a mirage comic display.
First is better
And you are wrong.
Nah, the updated figure is superior.
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why are these tiny joytoy turtles so much more durable, articulate and better looking than necashit while also coming with shitloads of accessories and multiple stands?
They look in incredible, the best turtles ever made
You sound like a faggot
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Imagine being this weak at trolling
Show me necashit sitting crosslegged. Try not to break the leg off while youre at it

Fuuug that looks good. Mirage has always been my fave LH.
Wow two dumbass troll posts all at once. Imagine that.
every time i see high quality figures in a tiny scale, I'm reminded of that Sealab episode
you can get an amazing immortal robot body, but you'll only be 5 feet tall (that's as big as they come!)
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I feel like it wasn't even that big
he does seem to be riding it quite handily though.
What is supposed to be funny? It looks fine.
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it's not that small dirtbikes don't exist, it's just they're for kids
and even then, they can ride bigger ones
i want that diorama background
i bet i could find some good 1:9-ish scale trash cans if I looked
I mean he looks like a guy riding a motor bike.
That looks...good, actually. I could see him zipping along and taking a bat to some punk's knees.
a very small motorbike. honestly not totally out of character if that's all he can afford, but
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I like how the only shot of him on the bike is him doing a wheelie, which helps hide how oversized he looks on it

Here's the picture rotated
I believe they used XR80R for close-ups, and an XR100R for the stunt rider, and they're both small-rider bikes.
I think that looks exactly the same.. what you'd wanna do is shoot it from a real low angle.
we talkin the T2 bike? Yeah that was just a little dirtbike, perfect for that little shrimp of a kid.
That still looks just fine. Why are you trying to force this?
>rotates picture
>doesn't change a thing
>still looks good on the bike

I think your autism has finally won.
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Looks fine.
It doesn't even look like that. Now you're trolling.
tell us more about how that random extra mask is actually a good thing
Please bitch more about an extra accessory and how it's the end times because of it.
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Cool off topic shitpost.
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Lookin at the designs, the straps on their chests make no sense. They go INTO the rim of the shells even though that's all solid.
haha oops
yknow it's funny, i've said before the TMNT design lends itself fantastically well to the live action movies because the pads break up the bodysuit, letting you separate the pieces and all that, and the body has a shell so it's okay if the arms and legs are only loosely fitting inside. that's just how turts do. but, for action figures, the shell does kinda get in the way of things they like to do. Like having proper belts, or putting clothes on them.
or legs swinging forward or butterfly joints for arms
imagine bitching about racism on 4channel dot org
>we talkin the T2 bike? Yeah that was just a little dirtbike, perfect for that little shrimp of a kid.
Perfect for an adult too, we've come to see.
I wouldn't say perfect. It still looks like he's practicing the loop trick at Krusty's Klown Kollege and isn't quite ready to use the tiny bike.
He looks redonkulous like he’s on a kiddie trail bike
Get a life trolls, good lord. This is actually pathetic.
It doesn't though. Why even say that?
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we hate CULTURES here, thank you very much
if you're american, you're american.
hehehe. yeah.
actually it kinda reminds me of that King of the Hill, where they're stuck in mexico and have to ride a couple scooters across the desert. by the time there's three of the needing one, it doesn't work
No, it doesn't look like that either.
in terms of the physics, turd. not the visuals.
shit, I guess it doesn't remind me of that episode. thanks for the correction, anon
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Vroom vroom! Looks fine to me!
We need NECA to release Mikey with a green minibike. I imagine Raph is Hank, and Casey is Khan.
Perfect. I'm sure if NECA had a Pee Wee 50 mold, they would have packed that in with Casey instead.
So all you can do now is shitpost?
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They're also releasing a resculpt of Movie April, which I think looks much better than the previous one.
The hell is wrong with you? Quit shitting up the thread with your bullshit spam.
Gay ass retard spam. This board really has sunk to a new low.
Go fuck yourself
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Oh, sorry, that was the old one. This is the resculpt. My bad.
Oh sorry, you're still a trolling dipshit.
Ah cool, thanks for admitting you were trolling the whole time.
When's that Grayskull Leatherhead supposed to be out?
Now, my Walmarts got a bunch.
Good to know, thanks.
Hey mods, we got a ban evader here. One that's making illegal threats.
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Oh it's been out. Walmart sucks so there's no telling if your store will get it or not. Aren't exclusives fun?

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