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batman edition

previous: >>11199750
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The toys in this pic cost over $100. How does that make you feel?
Like toys are way too expensive for the quality
Like I'm glad I don't waste money on McFarts.
The armor suit Batman looks really cool, but that's about it.
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The promo pics had me interested but wow, the in hand pics looking fucking abysmal.
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This one seems more chill.
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Every time someone posts a collection pic with a Fleischer Superman in it he always stands out the most.
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Deep sadness knowing todd will have the dc license for another 5 years...
Crazy how much worse figures have gotten in the couple years he's had it, and how much worse it'll get in the future.
What Fleischer Superman toy is that?
>Fleischer Superman
Isn't that New Frontier Superman? The trunks I mean.
Oh shit, you're right. That's totally a Darwyn Cooke figure.
I had to double check myself. I guess that's the Batman as well.
New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke. Anon is right, it's the best Fleischer figure made to date.
It's honestly weird that the only Fleischer figure I can think of is a Mego.
There's also that overpriced 5 POA thing that Mezco did
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Always wondered why toy companies don't make a Superman figure with replaceable shields. A regular one, Fleischer studios one, and Kingdom Come seem the most obvious, yet they only have a couple figures.
That's a good idea. Like that Alfred Mattel did with the different heads.
The belt is usually always slightly different.
Most people would be fine with a yellow belt and varying up the shield. They'd be getting three figures for the price of one and even if two of them aren't 100% accurate they're better than what's out there now, which is pretty much nothing.
There are a few people that sold it loose (that broke apart that entire set and sold it lose, I was trying to buy the Lois for $10 but missed out and it sold). I think the Superman sold for about $25 and the Clark Kent for $18 or so, which isn't bad considering what the Darwyn Cooke sells for, used and even worse, what it sells for NIB.
head too big
Because then they can't sell you the same mold 3 times with a slight difference

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