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A little early but fuck it

Out now at Walmart:
- Superman™ (Action Comics) Gold Label
- Green Lantern™ (Hal Jordan) Gold Label

Latest Preorders:
-Super Powers JSA 3-pack ($29.99)
Supergirl Statue ($149.99)

10/17 Preorders:
-Superman: The Movie (1978) McFarlane Collector Edition #25
-Grid™ (Forever Evil™) McFarlane Collector Edition #29
-Mister Terrific™ (JSA) McFarlane Collector Edition #27
-Green Lantern™ (Simon Baz™) McFarlane Collector Edition #26

10/18 Preorders:
-Doomsday™ & Superman™ 2-pack
-Batman™ (Knightmare)
-Wonder Woman™ based on the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice™

Walmart collector con starting 10/17:
-Lightning lad ($29.98)
-McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Batman Beyond & Batmobile ($99.99)
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Jonah Hex & The General ($69.99)
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Autographed Agent Liberty ($29.99)
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Armored Batman & Knightmare Batman ($39.99)

Latest Leaks for the first quarter of 25 in the op image
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Previous >>11193967
Missed these retro figures
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Bandai S.H.Figuarts The Batman, Tamashii Store exclusive version with an updated cape
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Thank you for an actual proper OP
>we've abandoned pictures of toys for autistic lists
I already miss Power Girl OP
>that dick
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>Wonder Woman™ based on the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice™
yay more slop from the shitty movies everyone hated
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>Batman™ (Knightmare)
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>Doomsday™ & Superman™ 2-pack
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>10/18 Preorders:
I forgot
Batman™ (Armored Suit) based on the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice™
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>McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Armored Batman & Knightmare Batman ($39.99)
Thanks for the spam dump, faggot.
>choosing to use a screencap of a text wall instead of any of these for the OP
Sorry you reading hurts your brain bro
Yeah OP is having some autistic tantrum. Just let him kick and scream until his mommy buys him a new toy.
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New Fondjoy figures
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whats a fondjoy
Hiplay Fondjoy 1:9 Scale Action Figures
They've been releasing DC figures for awhile now
Comparison between the fondjoy and mcfarlane
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Walmart exclusive, megafig, comes with his throne
Also available on the mcfarlane store
Why can't McFarlane to no pins? I thought he cared about aesthetics?
am i in a timewarp? hello 2021!
This screams of Todd having screwed something up and is doing all these BvS figures to make up money.
It's CC doing it
Not CC just needed to make a fresh general before power girl faggot made a new troll thread
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beyondchads stay winning

>McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman Beyond Batmobile. There will be a Gold Label 2-pack of the Batmobile & Batman Beyond exclusively at Walmart & McFarlane Toys Store. Amazon will sell the Batmobile by itself. Preorders open tomorrow (10/17)
Cardboard backdrops are TIGHT
GUNS? WITH MY BATMAN? How unwholesome.
That fire background card looks really bad.
It's listed as $99.99.
i-is that year 2 batman?

Todd is actually dropping so much stuff this week it is insane
Information is good and needed at this time when there are tons of preorders coming out
Mods can you do something about all the troll posts?
Why can't we have good OPs like the Mafex threads?
I'd consider this a good OP due to the information. When there are less preorders I assume OP would make a figure image based one.
This body looks terrible. Also
>trigger fingers

Why do they keep doing this?
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Most of the faggots who lurk this general have assburgers or schizophrenia. Some anon was making Power Girl threads and it triggered the schizo tripfag who hoards children's toys into making a new thread and samefagging for the last two days regurgitating Todd's social media accounts. This general is cursed.
I sure that word salad made sense to you, but the rest of us don't need medication.
Isn't it weird how supposedly Power Girl was to be announced any day now...but she isn't. Todd is just dumping the BVS stuff, Batman Beyond stuff, another round of meh CEs. Power Girl probably isn't coming until 2025, just in time for the port strike to come back and cause massive delays for her.
Oh, you're the OP. Weird to defend yourself like this lol
Oh, no I'm not.
Yeah it was really important to him that no one have fun and he have his text wall OP. People here are so weird haha
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Announcement any day now.
I'm the op. Stay mad.
Don't engage with the troll. Don't be off topic.
Is Joaquin Joker mentioned??
Preorders sold out on the mcfarlane store last week in less than two minutes.
No but I'm sure we'll hear more at comic con

I for one appreciate OP for doing the job of collecting this info and posting it. People who don't like it probably just hang around these threads but don't actually buy many figures and so they don't need the information.
>he lies about it for the thousandth time

sure bub, post a sold out link then ;)
lol shut the fuck up, freak
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Why are there five DC threads right now?
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Looks like Platinum Jonah Hex will be getting its own release at Walmart Collector Con. Page says Friday 10/18 at 7am PT/10am ET
see >>11200153
it can stay there lol
The troll. Welcome to a real thread.
purty little doll coat ya got there, partner
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Cases are hitting Walmarts now
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Case contains
x1 Grid Platinum
x1 Lightning Lad Platinum
x1 Simon Baz Green Lantern
Crazy price, that is going to pegwarm unless its in limited quantities. I'd snatch it up for 25
Well it isn't 25.
Still randomly inserting platinums? Yuck
I'll wait for it to pegwarm down to 25 or just not buy it
It looks like he's at least sending out platinum cases first now. I'd prefer if platinums weren't a thing but that's not gonna happen.
Should just ship them as a separate SKU
But then people could actually get the one they want
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>Super Powers JSA 3-pack ($29.99)
Yeah, I know, revolutionary, isn't it? People able to buy what they want!

It doesn't say who Flash is battling. Tis a mystery, or a misprint?
Not that anon, but fuck off troll. People are posting quality content, and you keep coming in and shitting up the place.
This is a board for toys not barcodes, faggot
Probably a fuck up
Barcodes let people BUY toys. I suspect you're just PowerGirlOP mad because this guy beat you to the punch
You cocksuckers are flooding the board with these threads and when I open one it's some faggot spamming barcodes. You're cancer
Still no JL task force wave announced? Im guessing its delayed or cancelled
Probably cancelled since all of the new releases are Todd hitting the panic button.
Grodd probably. Can't think of any other of his rogues that would be a Megafig.
Most likely this. Perfect excuse to reuse the page punchers
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Platinum Simon spotted
Unfamiliar with the look, but nice contrast.
Looks like the emblem for the ring of Vvolthoom but I can't find any images of him wearing it
Looks like Power Ring's symbol, maybe he got his ring on earth 3 for a while?
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Should have just written in a search to begin with. It's indeed Power Ring, Baz's Earth 3 equivalent in this case.
The Marvel thread doesn't have this problem
nothing about the recent platinum program is random.
>ship them as a separate SKU
a lot of the recent platinums have unique upcs (question, shining knight, hugo strange, etc)
Because those platinums don't have any other version to get confused with the platinum aspect just means they're a limited run
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Amazing how people accepted 30 dollar figures from McFarlane when they wouldn't accept 25 dollar ones from Marvel Legends.
Bigger figger
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No one here actually buys toys, we just like knowing there are new barcodes on shelves.
I don't want the figger to be bigger. I'd rather it be smaller, so it takes up less space. But Toddle made that decision for me.
Most Collector Editions aren't worth the price, but this one has 3 faces and 4 accessories, so that's a solid loadout for the price. Though, unless it's a character I really like and want, I wouldn't spend 30 for a McF or 25 for a ML.
The entire body is reuse

You realize many of us use those codes to identify if local stores have the figure in stock right?
>before power girl faggot made a new troll thread
This is the problem. There is no such thing as troll thread, any general thread goes. If one is made just use it, don't start with "oh this is awful let's make a better one". OP is a faggot anyway, don't need to spam
>b-b-but it was made by retro-blast-athena-cc-my-little-poney
>b-b-but he posted the powergirl pic again

Just use the general that is up until it dies, then make a new one. It's about the discussion, not whaveter is posted on the OP.
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>telling someone with autism to calm down on their third day of having a tantrum over threads about Power Girl
He's in full meltdown mode posting barcodes and giving us a step by step update of fucking Simon Baz and Grid figures being stocked on Walmart shelves, responding every sixty seconds to anyone that posts. We've passed the point of reasonable discussion, all we can do now is wait until he finally falls asleep then maybe have a comfy discussion about toys.
I don't sleep. Good luck.
it shows
Then discuss toys and stop being off topic
>discuss toys
>but only the toys I want to talk about or I'll have a meltdown
fuck off, loser
>Op posts relevant info
>Exclaim op is having a meltdown
>Op continues to ignore the trolls
Mods please ban these idiots already
>That whole thread is shitposting. This one is full of information and photos.
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Hey guys, a bunch of cool new figures got announced, why not talk about them instead of who started what general?
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>The Marvel thread has different kinds of autists
Seconded. Please Mods, ban these fags >>11200374 >>11200276 >>11200242
Why can't DC have good OP images? It's always stupid boob shit or garbage. You guys aren't even trying very hard.
Grid looks worth it. Hes a large baf for 30 bucks and the only collector edition to actually fill out the box
The whole "platinum" thing is so fucking stupid. And Gold Label.
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Why's it look so bad? Geez
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Why are the weapons SO tiny?? Why even include them as a reference if their going to be that off? Anyone who recognizes them is going to know they fucked it up. The originals were almost as tall as him!
id say the whole 7 inch thing is stupid.
ok but that looks dumb as hell, so maybe it's good he didn't stick to it
They did. They just made them really little so now they don't make sense as scythes. It's the same design, just scale to Lego figures or some shit.
Holy shit that fire background looks like something out of a cheap pop up book.
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Bigger doesn't mean better when it comes to figures, anon. That's just what Todd thinks.
These are at least much more what I expected when they first announced 'Collector Edition'. Multiple faces, multiple accessories, and in this case some soft goods. I'd expect some more hands too, but at least Terrific has one where he's holding a T-Sphere.
Damn, that looks great, and I'm not even a Mr. Terrific guy.
That jacket is going to start cracking and peeling in less than two years. Good job, Toot McFartlame.
>still crying about gold labels
convinced you don't even know what they actually are
Wish I could get a better look at the head on the figure, but the one on the left looks pretty good. Do his legs seem kinda long?
What a botched disappointment. The sad fact is some people here are going to pay insane scalper prices so they can have the worst version of a Reeves Superman.
God damn that's great.
>Toot McFartlame
You must be 18 to post here
Why is it so damn glossy? Whatever Todd is using can't possibly be healthy.
What's a good version to get that isn't wearing cloth clothes? I prefer wired cloth capes though. If I can get this for 20 I wouldn't mind having it. Just a basic Reeves-inspired Supes. I assume genuinely good ones would be 100+ and I'm not that into Superman to go that high.
I really don't understand the point of the red highlights if the Batmobile is already backlit, but whatever.
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There are some versions of the NECA figure on eBay for $30 with free shipping from China. The quality of the paint apps is probably iffy but the likeness is better than McFartlane's but a little touch up work and it'd look great. The chest not being cut in half alone makes it an objectively superior versions.

Some anons might screech some dumb shit about articulation but Reeves was pretty rigid while flying because of how tough it was to film flying scenes, and it's not like that version of the character needs to be doing sick ground punches.
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Superman platinum is the statue from justice league
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Preorder times
Why does Terry look extra edgy in this redesign, but the bat mobile looks LESS edgy? You figure they would both skew in the same direction, design change or not.
That is so astonishingly bad looking. That face is like they didn't even try.
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Nothing I'd want if you paid me to pick something. I'd pass on it unless it was at least $100.

>Superman platinum
Almost as pointless as the Unchained and Prime patina versions and will likely PEG WARM just as hard.
It's what a platinum should be
shame black tux isn't on the 3 jokers buck
would have liked it for an alex ross type joker
So no Amazon preorder time? I want the batmobile, but I hate the new Batman Beyond figure that's bundled with the Walmart version.
Does 78 have an Amazon listing yet?
>So no Amazon preorder time?
12 est as always
>Does 78 have an Amazon listing yet?
No yet

I suggest following toyshiz or preternia for links when the time comes
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How is this thing? Seems neat in an anime sort of way.
>12 est as always
Cool armor. I put the injustice head on mine.
If 100 dollars isn't enough for them to paint the back of the figure ...
This is really idiotic. Do they expect people to take a day off from work just for their stupid drops throughout the day? Make enough so they don't sell out and drop the preorders at 8pm est
They expect that the majority of people that buy a budget action figure line are children that don't have jobs.
Children don't have credit cards to preorder with either and if a parent gives their kid their credit card info they're idiots
Good luck everyone
God dammit it was in my cart and then I went to check out, had to sign in, and now it's gone.
Anybody got the link to the Amazon batman beyond batmobile?
Not yet just the Walmart version
Supes in on Amazon and GameStop still
Yep I just noticed because Todd's site finally loaded, but thanks. Here's the Amazon link for anyone interested.

Up on BBTS and EE as well. The face does look off but I can always buy a printed one some time down the line and try painting it.
Amazon has the batman beyond batmobile up. 4chan won't let me post the link though.
The whole wave looks great but it sucks that they're retailer exclusive
They aren't. Only the Armored Batman & Knightmare Batman is exclusive to Walmart and the mcfarlane store.
>It's what a statute should be
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What's with the whole Mr. Terrific/fair play thing?
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It's just his motto
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Why not something like "It's clobberin' time!" or something a little more proactive?
The photo makes that hand seem HUGE.
Because it is along with the Reeve one. I bought a discounted superboy for the sculpted wrists and hands. Hopefully the skin matches at least one of those.
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Todd is a funny guy. If the lance came with the regular armored batman i might've considered it. But since its platinum only with ugly green glow eternally on the figure so it works in no other way i will just pass. Does he really think this stuff gains him sales from anyone but scalpers?
Thanks, anon.
>mogs McFarlane just by NOT having pins and shitty diapers
The False God looks really good
Are these still 9 inches?
It must work or they wouldn't do it, but I agree. It just turns me off entirely. I'm not buying two figures to get what I think is the "complete" package, I'll just buy none and stick with what I have.
Pls be 7 inches
It's like if mcfarlane actually gave a shit. Beautiful.
That's a very Alex Ross Batman. Would love to see a Joker.
I'm still not a fan of the cuts to make the knee joints work.
Nor am I fan of Alex Ross grandpa faces on Clark or Bruce. And since these aren't really available in stores, I'm not a fan of having to buy on-line only shit.
Looks better than McFarts. Keep going to Walmart and Target for those gold label platinum collector's editions, retard
McFarlane's slop already costs $30-40 before shipping. It's basically the cost of two shitty low effort toys covered in grease for something that actually looks like a quality figure you'd want to display.
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What’s the point in including a second mostly neutral head sculpt?? Seriously, I’m struggling to see the difference here.

McFarlane seriously makes the most baffling decisions with almost every release.
seems to happen all too often lately with toys I want
Looking for literally anything to complain about lmao, Todd derangement syndrome in full effect
Still $90. I guess Todd only values that figure of Terry as $10 lol
Nah, I like his figures but his company is a monkey’s paw embodied. They do cool shit but there’s always just *one* thing that makes you scratch your head, or one item of obvious planned obsolescence.
That gap in the elbows is hideous. Why is it so hard for this company to cut joints properly? They've been making toys for 30 fucking years.
I still have a psychological block for mcfarlanes, where if I see a figure that I am on the fence about, if its 20 I would pick it up, but now that I see that 23 dollar price i just write it off as not worth it. The only improvement they have made to try to justify it are the wired capes.
I have that Silver Age Joker on pre-order, but after that comes out I'm pretty much done. I have Knightfall and Hush Batman, and will have a suitable Joker to match. I got rid of the rest of my McFarlanes and have no hope Todd will do Batman Returns any justice.
You are correct, he won't.
Grid is going to be the new Duke Thomas/Abyss edgy pegwarmer
>two heads
>none look like Reeve
Goddamn I told you, Mcfarlane can't do faces for shit. I don't know where he hires his sculptors but there are people doing better for free
This shit is so bad. Give him a big grim, or a cigar smoking head
Nah people will actually buy him because he's not black
Neither is Abyss. And isn't Grid basically the corpse of Cyborg who is black?

Also the two black characters that were listed under walmarts con sold well, Mr Terrific and Lightning lad both sold out.
Abyss looks retarded and I'm sure 90% of sells today were scalpers.
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Mcfarlane is selling cardboard cutouts now. I wonder if we're going to get a batcave like this. This is $30 if anyone was curious.
How do you know? Scalpers wouldn't take a risk on those characters after so many pegwarmers.
Look at the eBay prices already
What are the Sold ebay prices for Mr Terrific and Lightning lad ? Only sold matters
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Gonna put this on doomsday 2 pack supes
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wow cool more live action stuff.
a special request from baby-hands Cavil himself.
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>Also the two black characters that were listed under walmarts con sold well, Mr Terrific
Limited online quantity for Walmart
Why do these shitty stores always do this? Why don't they just stock normal amounts?
In Walmarts case they seem to be prioritizing in store. They've been getting the wave in the past couple of days.
Because it’s comic shit, not from the cartoons
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What kind of goofy ass scale even is this? A full Helm's Deep in 28mm scale is only like four feet long, abd anyone doing that won't cheap out and use cardboard. So fucking bizarre.
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Back when McFarlanes were $19.99 or $24.99 for BAF wave figures in 2021, did any of you in your wildest dreams think you'd be seeing amazon itself selling regular sized mcfarlanes for up to 44 dollars just 3 years later?
7 inches long? That's it? Just... why?
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Aw yiss
I do not understand why someone would buy these
People kept telling Todd they wanted smaller figures, so he's giving it to them. Tiny playsets for tiny figures. Todd will have the biggest figures and the tiniest figures both. He's gonna corner the markets.
Because they want it.
Maybe it's feet? :/
Some people like fun.
A seven foot long diorama for $30?
If god was real, he would stop todd, but it seems like we live in a godless world.
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Are you ESL or just retarded? An apostrophe after a number means it's feet.
We need some nerds on this. If it's 7 feet long, approximately how tall is it?
>Seriously, I’m struggling to see the difference here.
telling on yourself here
Stop making platinums, Todd.
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What did you guys pick up? I only got the batmobile. Might get the doomsday 2 pack tomorrow.
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>Called COMIC con
>Gets mogged by tojo companies
Nothing until tomorrow. No point in preorders when anything remotely desirable is platinum an can't be ordered.
It's funny because the person who started this saying genuinely has dementia on top of other serious mental disorders.
Mr Terrific sold out at BBTS too. Im not sure if he has some weird niche following, but that Black Green Lantern was not up at Walmart, only Lightning Lad which sold out.
I wonder if proper paint would make him look better. His lips are nowhere near that colored in the card shot. The figures eyebrows are too perfect. The pupils look a bit big. I can sort of see Reeves in it but more like a stunt double or something.
>Lightning Lad
Is a Walmart exclusive so Walmart is the only way to get him
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>Mr Terrific sold out at BBTS too
Still available along with the rest of the wave on Amazon
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Probably four or five. It's an insane waste of resources and the quality is going to look so bad. Gamers won't want it and can't even use it. I've been wondering all day why it exists.
No one cares about Amazon, Amazonanon
I'm not bitching about stats
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This figure is worth over 30 dollars to the average collector.
Not me. I'll never own it.
Couldn't justify it myself so I didn't get it
Good views, anons
And that makes you angry for some reason.
It makes me perplexed. Has the value of the dollar fallen so low?
Pretty solid figure. But it's not worth more than $20
>Walmart and Target for those gold label platinum collector's editions, retard
Speak for yourself, imbecile
I have no interest in anyone's plastic renditions and likenesses of Ross's grandpa neighbors and friends.
And you can continue to play with your darksied, maybe you can find him some new go go boy shorts and new fat stripper girl thigh high plastic boots in the Barbie aisles
>average collector
No - just to someone really into that character or to her team - the lack of paint to color correct/color match in three distinct and obvious places: where the elbow joints, knee pads/joint and ankle joint make this barely worth $10/$15 to someone who wasn't going to reuse the entire toy or pieces of the entire buck as fodder for other, better (fully painted) female figures.
>knee pads
They look like that in the source to be fair
>No - just to someone really into that character or to her team
If that were true there'd be plenty around and the price would be dropping. Instead theyre sold out everywhere and not be selling for over 30 on ebay
More like
>stop Superman, I can't feed you this wasabi cone with my wobble spear!
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I'd honestly be okay with it if they just gave her some hips.
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This might be the worst one yet.
woowoo mustard woman
Fair enough. The only 'adultish" Starfire I remember really well was her self-titled mini and it's been ages since I read that (probably right when it came out since my roommate at the time had it on his pull list); I know I read some issues of RHatO but if you held a gun to my head and asked me to describe how she looked in any of those, I'd be dead.

Manufactured scarcity is not an indication of actual popularity. WE KNOW McFarlane is engaging in this, Todd has admitted as much, and simple logistics have proven it out as well.

Any normal business (look at DC or Marvel), will do a second print run, or a re-issue. Diamond Select did a popular release of their Iron Giant statue which sold out and was scalped to high heavens all over the secondary market and then re-released the same exact figure two years later at the original price points to LCS and the rest of the direct market. They did a revised variant (and there would be nothing wrong if Todd was doing that, but jokerized nonsense and badly painted stupidity like the green mullet Superman are not actual variants but just examples of imbecilic business practices).

tl;dr - manufactured scarcity isn't reality
I'll wait for less clothed version.
Announcement of whore boobs Starfire and Power Girl platicum edition boner pack any day now amirite?
>exact opposite of the tube legs last time

Fuck, what scale are these?

Settle down, silly faggot.
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hahaha what the absolute fuck are those pieces of shit
you queers were so hyped for those
the absolute state of DCMV
Nice of Todd to let someone blind run his quality control. So beautiful to experience the vision of someone who can't see shit.
>The bent spear
Lmao, who even collects these? These make Marvel Legends look like quality products lol.
>Beast Kingdom
Ok, im interested in getting him now. Ofcourse yknow ill never get enough jsa figures to build a team so that kinda dampens my excitement.
That always happens with the soft plastic accessories, I don't know why Todd doesn't use hard plastic instead
Action figure photography?
That's legit a safety issue isn't it?
I would be really ok on Todd ignoring the movie design and adding some spikes to this Doomsday.
... That actually does look like it would make a decent Parasite.
I doubt it, toys have had hard plastic swords and the like for decades
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These are great for $22.99
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Overpriced at $69.99
There won't be one
Every time I see this I just think the dc collectibles one is so much better, the LED gimmick adds so much to it too, at least for me anyway.
No reason for anyone to buy the regular version that doesn't come with the spear
That's why you have to buy the two pack silly
How about instead I don't buy any of your junk, Todd.
Super sassy opinion. Sexy even in how assertive it is. Keep moving because somebody else will buy it.
Unsurprisingly, BBTS already sold out of WW and Armor Batfleck but they still have available Knightmare Batfleck and the two pack. I wonder if is possible to get the False God Superman if you preorder online
I wonder how much money he lost from these. I mean, who is this even marketted towards? Statuefags usually collect high end, and at least somewhat competently painted figurines. Most kids would also probably not want shitty statues of a regular guy. Hell, does anyone even actually buy statues? They don't do shit they just stand there.
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More beast kingdom
Previous >>11201370 is confirmed 1:9
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these aren't dc toys you obsessed freak
No I'll make a real one fuck off
calm down, sperg
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