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Out now:
- Superman (AC1000 rerelease w soft cape)
- New52 Hal Jordan (metallic paint)
- Silver Age Joker

Walmart collector con:
-Lightning lad

Latest Leaks:
- Power Girl (announcement any day now)
- Captain Cold
- Guy Gardner
- Doctor Fate
- Two Face
- Hour Man
- Green Arrow (O'Neil)
- Rainbow Batman
- Supergirl
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No the preorder for the Joker set has not went up yet
The leaked green arrow is Connor hawke
I will be using this thread now thank you very much.
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No problemo
But jarrett gives me yous tho, its kinda like my pal now. We even share skittles, but he hates the purple ones tho but i love em!
Man there's like, no paint on that thing
I want this. Don't care about the new film. I'll pretend it didn't happen.
are you blind
I just want the set. Need a Goofy figure to go with it.
i agree with your sentiments op but you could have picked literally any other image
are these out yet
how tall is this one next to batman
And Winnie the Pooh
"Ya get what ya hyuckin deserve!"
went to my wal-mart and theres still an onslaught of DICKS peg warming for some reason and some goofy lucious fox with the wrong card art on all of them

btw i think hes replying to everything in the otherthread to out bump this one lol.
Are you? Todd cheaped out hard on that figure.
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will be getting this & the mafex!
He's a different brand of crazy from Jarrett. Not really much better, just less obvious OCD and autism degradation.
>btw i think hes replying to everything in the otherthread to out bump this one lol.
NOPE, it's that he put a >> next thread IN THE OLD THREAD and no one here has done that, so everyone who goes to the old thread will see THAT and not this.

Again, the OP picture didn't help at all.
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The only one I'm vaguely interested in is Captain Cold.
shut up jarret
""""different line"""""
Are the Batman 66 heads compatible with Multiverse?
I don't know
>t. Jarrett
Way smaller.
Even without the skin tone issues that you already have with DCMVs (which since you're asking about the Retro carded figured, presumably you are talking all masked heads), you would have other problems with size, and neck pegs, etc., depending on which figure.
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I was mostly curious since I had an idea of potentially transplanting the New Adventures Joker head onto a spare DCM Joker body I have lying around. It's so far probably my favourite overall headsculpt of a classic Joker but being stuck on the 66 body sucks when most of my DC stuff is DCM.
cringe faggot shit
Will we be getting a pantsless variant too?
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Oh no no no no...
It's a tiny peanut head in comparison.
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>Simon Baz
>New 52 Mr. Terrific
It's like Todd hates money.
There's some places where it looks okay. The TDK Superman buck can't really take most any other Superman (or quasi/unmasked male DCMV head) but you can, for example, head swap Prime on pretty much any Superman body (and if you swap the hair, you could use it for an unmasked Jason or unmasked Dick, or pretty much any unmasked male with dark hair).

With Joker, you might get it to work with a Mattel body or an older body, maybe one of the early non-7 inch McFarlane's could look okay, but it's not going to be a straight one to one as you suspect.
The line is continually poorly managed.
All the Batmen
>the line is poorly managed
C-list characters
>the line is poorly managed
Classic versions of figures that use existing bodies because those costumes are simple
>the line is poorly managed

What would the line look like to you guys if it was well managed?
Like Mattel's DC line. Without long legs and bad paint.
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Full list of recent leaks. Source is Axiom Figures on Facebook.
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Fleischer Superman!
>Silver Age Two-Face
Please stop posting your fake BS
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The source
Off da grid
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You're missing Batman (Bob Kane) Multiverse Origins
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>purple batman
i love purple
what even is that
giga spawn?
>dc direct superpowers batman
very descriptive 10/10

pipe dream but itd be cool if it had the colors the kenner 100 one did
>What would the line look like to you guys if it was well managed?
Guy Gardner and Mr. Terrific with his jacket.
These all seem like shit! Hahahaha- wait... Hey, is that one purple? Purple is my favorite color!
I think it's the one from that crowd funding campaign McFarlane experimented with. It's a slightly different version of that Classic Batman they did.
>Fleischer Supes
>Justice Lord Batman
And one I've wanted for years...
>Dark Flash
Seriously love Walter West's costume.
Metallo Im assuming. Not familiar with the design, but it looks better than that target piece of crap
Grid was the New 52 Earth-3 version of Cyborg from the Forever Evil event, where the Mother Box he was bonded with overtook his human side with the Anti-Life equation or something to that effect.
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It looks like this anon >>11195172 falsely reported some of my images for the leaks, so here's the images again.
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was Movie Joker mentioned?
What the fuck happened to vehicles man. I bought the Batraptor for 30 dollars, and now I'm seeing Batmobiles going for 100+ in retail stores.

I knew McFarlane was a greedy cunt, but I didn't realize he was this greedy over a hollow display piece with wheels.
i know man, at least give them an RC motor or something but no, just inaccurate heeps of hollow plastic
Yeah, he's a deluxe

I think Todd's doing the Rainbow Batman story as an excuse to do more variants.

I'm waiting on a classic comic book version. It's cool that he's committed to doing all the movie Batmobiles, for what it is. There's a YouTube claiming there's a bunch of other movie waves coming, including an '89 wave with Vicki Vale, along with multiple '89 Jokers, a second Batman & Robin wave, a Batman & Robin Batmobile. There's also likely a Batman Returns wave coming, and more 60's TV-series figures in the Multiverse line.
>I think Todd's doing the Rainbow Batman story as an excuse to do more variants.
yeah i know but my idea is better
the funding one is nice but we could really use something with a little more distinction
I wouldn't be surprised if he inevitably did an NES version just to keep making repaints. Neca's already established it as a toy repaint for '89 Batman, same with Kenner repaints, which Todd has only touched on in Super Powers so far. I'm curious if and when he does toy repaints, how far he'll go?
And with better face sculpts on the men, so not an abundance of one of the other, of Angry Yelling Mouths or Stupid Smiling Mouths
regardless what todd does i already have the paints for it and i plan on turning my pickleman into a kenner 100 homage when i get the time
So a Super Powers Return of Supes SM means what, they are going to do a eighth or is ninth repaint of the OG body but this time give him a mullet? At least the two recent releases had totally new heads, even if one of those was because it was a Biz head.

I'd buy this.
But in BLUE, with RED trunks and boots, and an actual red cape, to be one of my Supermen from Neal Adam's 2016 classic.
I like your thread better not only because it has information but also because it has the edition in the title
The Flash Batmobile was a test scenario to see if consumers would bite on a 'reasonably' priced 7in scale Batmobile. Since the consumers bought it despite the egregious wrong color plastic for the canopy, and then again despite the marks on the side for the better implemented classic version, he knew he had them. Then he treats the consumers like the frog in the water pot and turns up the temperature -- the price -- with each release.
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I bought it twice but I sold the Flash version and it ended up paying for the 89 version.
what is cowardly lot batman
I think there was a episode in the new adventures where theres a theatre play of batman that has its own little musical and everything. and the actually batman just cringes at it and gets tfo
theres no way its actually this....i hope
It's Grid, a sentient computer virus, he took over Cyborg's body and ejected the fleshy parts then joined the Crime Syndicate.
>Like Mattel's DC line
full of reused bodies with bad articulation?
>Mr. Terrific with his jacket.
I like the costume, its kinda like a luchadore green latern.
I like mr terrific but is the jacket soft good or just some scuplted lump of plastic? Does he come with the flying t ball things? Is it just captain atom with a new head?
Looks like its soft goods like capt boomerang
You just described McFarlane's DC line
nah hasbroke killed power rangers doing that shit its why they dont make any more of those
>n-no u!
I accept your concession for the guy you responded to.
there is significantly more articulation and less reuse in the mcfarlane line compared to mattel's garbage
Sorry you can't handle reality
There used to be, not anymore
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Todd would prefer you buy the vampire Shazam since it's cooler
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Why doesn't Todd put these preorders up all at the same time like Hasbro and Mattel do so people don't have to rush to get them multiple days a week? That alone makes me want to just go with Hasbro and Mattel over DCMV
my mom said he looks like a giant walking garbage can way back when vbs first came out and now i cant unsee it
Why do they make figures you can tell can't move at all?
garbage can batman fans just wont go away
Bam Ham vs Super Mam - where's the star of the show, Superman?
It'll sound like a joke but it's pretty much confirmed Superman will be a chase for this wave lol.

He'll also be in a 2-Pack with Doomsday.

Now the question is, which one of the 2 will be a regular face and which will have an angry/red eyes face?

I already have the classic colors ZSJL one so I'll just settle with whatever they give us in the 2-pack. Hope at least it has a cloth cape either way.
Why would they make SUPERMAN a chase? Paid off by scalpers?
todd himself is probably scalping
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I guess Todd is trying to kill the line again.
Ok, i hope it is an actual jacket. Mr terrific isnt some classic guy for me but i liked him in the jsa.
I assumed it was just an accessory
>yay more dogshit to pack my shelves with
based mindless consooomer
Accessories and Todd...they do not match.
I'd guess it's under the logic that they already made him with the ZSJL one. Also so people would buy the 2-pack instead of paying the same amount for a single fig on scalper price.
The re-used head and the coat just ruin this one for me.

So sad to see they f-ed up this release.

Still gonna get it, though I'll wait for the 2 pack with guns to be revealed. Will probably go that way unless they go and make and outrageous repaint for them that make me prefer the regular releases.
just fucking make it a statue jesus christ
>Batman (Bob Kane) Multiverse Origins

I'd buy it. Hell I've actually cosplayed as this version.
I don't trust Todd to do any more Keaton Batman suits after the crap that was 1989.
>single joints.
>that diaper
He won't be able to move AT ALL. Can't wait for the Mafex.
yeah thats why i didnt say batmen, that 89 cowl is an absolute joke too. whats weird is he does have figures that can kinda do the keaton cowl look thing (see his designed by todd mcfarlane figure, not exact but it kinda works) but he just fucked it all up somehow though
What are you are doing on 4chan, Todd
Manipulative packing to try to get people to buy shit they don't want to get what they do, its like McFarlane really is Hasbro now
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Whatever import that is I can't believe its real
I never imagined this figure would look this bad. I don't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it.
It's weird how Todd's sculptors kinda suck at doing monsters now.
... is the diaper supposed to look like that?
It's really bad there. I don't know how they can't make it look better on bigger figures.
>Storm from Marvel Tales #236
>the fuck even is that
>oooh, McFarlane cover
Carry on, then.
>500 subcontinental butt cheeks just clenched tighter than ever
Leto Joker incoming.
No thanks
It was nicer forgetting this movie happened at all.
Don't have another meltdown over it, retard. Leto's Joker is the best version of the character.
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its ok batman at least your batmobile was cool
scarf makes him look like some hipster waiting at starbucks
Trying to collect DC through this line is pain.

He makes so much awful stuff, like every other week there's a drop of three figures I don't like and at least one is a major WTF as far as _anybody_ wanting it goes. When he does make something I like, it's a chase, instant sellout, never hit shelves, etc. Then you try to discuss anything and everybody just passes on by choking on his dick without so much as a sneer like you're invisible or something.

The DCAU stomped everything Marvel, 90s X-Men included, and made me want to many figures but he just won't make anything worth buying. I've been trying to collect this line form the start and I have maybe ten of the damned things with nothing on the horizon.
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>Don't get your shitty movies mixed up, imbecile

Leto wasn't in that movie, you're worse than a fucking worthless Movie Only Casual since you apparently can't even tell shitty movie A from shitty movie B
>proceeds to have a meltdown
shut the fuck up, retard
Imma be honest guys, I liked how Doomsday looked in this movie. However, I don't remember him looking this retarded. Pass.
I'd like to see a STAS Supergirl, maybe Black Canary, a decent Joker that wasn't mutilation porn, a non-creepy Mad Hatter, TB&TB cool Aquaman, STAS Brainiac, and maybe a Cheetah to fight Wonder Woman.

But it's just this neverending flood of shitty Lanterns and weird costumes from 3 issues in 1997.
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>Leto's Joker is the best version of the character.
>non-creepy Mad Hatter
Not possible.
1966 Batman, TB&TB cameo, BTAS
BTAS wasn't creepy? He's pretty much a poster boy for the incels here.
you are genuinely retarded if you actually believe this.
Most of this year has been reuse except movie figs, same as Mattel.
i bought mattel from the dcsh line all the way up until the end. it's nowhere near that bad.
If you say so, I wouldn't buy Mattel's reuse or Todd's reuse.
Yeah his whole BTAS origin is getting butthurt when the cute girl at work just wants to be friends so he goes full Wonderland.
I mean, she had it coming
Oh I mean visually creepy. They make him like a ghost elf or something in other renditions. Looks all tiny, gaunt, and raggedy. BTAS version looks pretty normal in comparison.
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Looks like ballet dancing lmao
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Truly his kombat is so artful it resembles a dance.
Let's see you do better
That looks a bit unnatural
Anon, you can't just move a leg and have that look like a convincing kick. You have to put the whole body into it. Momentum is a thing.
Who's the gangster?
Unfortunately he's already destroying his (very expensive) figure's diaper to do that so that is about the best you're gonna get. In fact he really should not be doing that to a certified $60+ dollar collector's item which will likely be worth hundreds one day. This is a McFarlane here, not a Mafex. The diapers are very fragile and must be well kept.
Question's vest seems like it impedes a lot of torso movement. Can't really get dynamic with McFarts.
Looks like a Dick Tracy goon
wwe legends big bubba rogers. probably like $7 at your local target right now

the vest would be less of an issue if the coat wasn't there too, i think. some of the mcfarlane figures with the most torso range have the the same solid overlay going on like that, though i haven't bothered to really look in there to see what the setup is.
Its typically ballpegs but the issue is the plastic material always flexes back to standard so you cant easily move the ballpeg joint into a dynamic pose and keep it there
>Its typically ballpegs
on most figures yeah, but the ones with the overlays like that have basically a big version of the ankle/wrist joints. question doesn't really feel like it, but again haven't popped it open to check. sometimes it gets turned the wrong way so the range is hindered until you spin it around.
Unironically love that.
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Based Todd going back and making toys for these movies. I hope he does MoS so we can get her Zodd and her.
keep yourself safe
Dissappointed on how Knightmare and Doomsday turned out.

But, just like Armored Bats, I feel like MoS Kryptonians are right up Todd's alley so I hope he gets to make them eventually.

Really dissappointing how he went and made Dark Flash but not Zod for The Flash film.
>not Zod for The Flash film
That is actually kinda weird. Wasn't he the big bad guy?
Outside of McFarlane f-king up proportions and giving him terrible diapers, it looks like they're basing Doomsday in his mid-fight look.

The coolest and closest he looked to regular Doomsday was at the end with a lot more of spikes and a more monstery look.

I totally see McFarlane giving us that final version eventually. He'd only have to give it a new head, upper torso and arm. Maybe with a bloodied Superman if it's a McFarlane Store exclusive.
My guess is acquiring Michael Shannon's likeness was too much of a hassle when they were already making so many toys for that film.
nta but don't these guys just sign it off to DC whenever a toy is made? Surely there's been another Shannon Zod, right?
It's a case by case scenario.

The most practical thing is for WB to make the main actors of a film sign off their likeness for all varieties of merch/toys, but those licenses aren't always for perpetuity and also they don't get to do that with every actor on a film.

For example, apparently Affleck didn't give his likeness rights for The Flash movie merch, so each toy company who wants to make him has to go and ask directly for it.

That's apparently why The Flash movie Batfleck looks nothing like the actor.

Rumor is Affleck's likeness rights for BVS expired and that's why the McFarlane release doesn't look much like him either.
I want a decent Zod and Faora not some melted candle looking figure.
Also McFarlane's likenesses have been real fucking rough lately.
This only reason this likeness is as good as it is is because the Reeve estate told them to spend more time on it because the first version was even worse.
That diaphragm cut is awful
Why is the ice blocking his hands? I swear, McFart promos are so deceitful.
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Erry time
Arms too long and hands too fucking big. There's no excuse for this incompetence.
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>Sculpted the folds at the wrists where the suit ends
>Has a blue wrist
Is anyone else seeing the eyes as looking up rather than straight head? Makes it look like kind of an issue to get with that headsculpt although it definitely looks like Reeve.
Think it's lighting
Suit seems too light in the color of blue chosen
The color of the suit is hard to nail because of the material they used for the suit it looks much darker in most shots of the movie
That shield looks like a bad custom.
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Looks fine to me
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>tards will buy this low effort crap
>*scalpers will buy this low effort crap
>Tards will be from scalpers
Lol, lmao even. The first time I'm actually glad I got the Mezco instead.
What the hell is that expression? He looks like he's looking at the menu at a fast food joint.
I mean, for the price this is one to have out on display and not give a fuck if it gets knocked over or stolen.
I get it, you're new here.
not him but this will be worth $100 or more in a few years, likely more than the mezco. DC Multiverse is basically Marvel Legends now with the ebay aftermarket insanity.
>likely more than the mezco
lol okay kiddo. It looks like shit compared to the mezco. Plus not enough people give a shit about DC collectibles unless you’re looking at imports.
Spectres are already selling for 250. The mezco is the one to unbox and pose. The wide breadth of characters made is why DC multiverse's more desirable figures will be worth more in the end.
$250? Fuck. Thats the figure that broke my heart as far as collecting multiverse goes, loved the ostrander mandrake run as a teen and went on to read more of his classic stuff. So yeah, bummer man. L
You better buy at least TEN CASES then, son! In fact, ALL of your cash should go towards hoarding McFarlanes!
That looks so fucking awful. I can't even imagine the kind of moron that thinks this is good. They'd probably love Super7 shit too.
I know the DC and action figure landscape. A Christopher Reeve figure will sell out in under 20 minutes.
toob leegs
pretty sure this is just the west buck with reeves head
Looks like Chris Chan
Why can't Todd make a good Superman?
Superman is antithetical to everything Todd's company is and that Todd stands for now. Superman's overarching theme is about putting others before yourself, while Todd's baby, Spawn, has evolved into being about one's own freedom no matter what. That wasn't really what it seemed to be about initially given Spawn's fondness for Wanda, Terry and Cyan--but it has since taken that bent in its themes heavily now that the plot has evolved mostly past his human ties.
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>Spectres are already selling for 250.
Todd is so lazy that he couldn't be bothered to do unique boot sculpts, look at the mold lines lmao
>Blue ball wrists
Come the fuck on now Todd
Even the wrist ball looks so shit. I know it's a 20 dollar figure but have some standards.
please dont summon him
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take a look at that snout
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>mom said its my turn to have the xbox
Why are you guys complaining about the wrists? It's been like that for ages.
The suit ends where those sculpted folds are on the arm. The wrists shouldn't be blue balls they should be sculpt and flesh colored. Mcfarlane has been doing sculpted wrists for over a year now.
my mean beef is the yellows arent yellow, should look like this here>>11198395
Yes, but they're often not flesh colored also when you'd think, right?
How did they fuck up this hard?
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It's a regression on a highly desirable figure that is also collectors edition
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Sorry, someone posted an image of one of them here for 250, looks like it was probably the platinum
It's mcfarlane toys, they probably had more blue plastic at the factory the day of the first runs and so just decided to make that part blue and mcfarlane toys guys just went with it
I really hope todd redoes keaton entirely when we get a returns wave, we already did forever and bar so its gotta happen soonish
so who's boots do you think those are
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if only todd gods would listen
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Fuck you Todd
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zomg is chad mczappy
lanterns cape is actually pretty rad, the other two guys can fuck off though
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KEK this is some marvel legends shit right here.
what a waste
That might be the most obvious pile of junk I've ever seen.
Should've been a Collectors Cyborg with Grid as the variant.
This is on the cyborg build a figure body
>Why can't Todd make a good Superman?
"Why can't Yodd make a good anything" is the better question
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What's that they say? Thanks for beta testing?
What is the biggest breast figure of 2024 releases
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i cant wait for every single one of these to sit at wal mart for the next 3 years
why cant the toy industry just let snyderverse die? mcfarlane i can kinda understand, but for mafex to waste their already limited slots on it is just confusing at this point.
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Das it mang
I'd prefer a Linda Hamilton wonder women and 90s show flash but these'll do. Need batman returns to cap it off.
Fucking auto fill
i swear if its just the 89 travesty again im going to rage quit this line. hope todd sees this and takes notes>>11198994
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ps todd you already have most of the tooling for this figure just give him a new headsculpt and cape.
Japanese fans don't care about how it wasn't accurate to the comics they don't read and how Superman issue #543 establishes that he'd never kill. They just thought it was a visually impressive movie with cool designs of characters they have some interest in but aren't attached to the classic versions of.
>aryan aquaman
cool they are doing these, nothing I want though; old timers will love these while the Batkek That Kek Keks continues to peg warm years after the fact
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White pride oceanwide
not even todds gun pack can save this one, bummer
>negro fatigue
I wish any of the Hals would come with accessories like those
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This thing is laughably bad. That headsculpt is just......what the fuck
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luckly this guy was out before the gun jews took over
the new one comes with the gun too you fucking retards.
No it doesn't, lying cocksucking retard
Simon Baz' Collectors Edition gets tons of accessories, meanwhile mullet Superman received almost zero. Way to fucking go, Todd
Oh she finally has a shield again like the Mattel figure
>big empty holster forever
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Go back to the troll thread faggot
Ew, why did they paint it so badly?
>mullet Superman
He got a really n̶i̶f̶t̶y̶ shitty Krypto, plus got t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶n̶i̶f̶t̶y̶ covered in green paint!!!
>Collectors edition with no accessories
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Even if he doesn't articulate all that much, I'm glad I got this lot win to go with the SDCC collectors clubhouse batch I already owned.
Look at how badly the boots are screwed up. I can't believe people find this acceptable
I disagree with everyone else that it's not a good pose (or a good pose to put a McFart in), but it is a perfect example of the problem with Todd's knee joints.

Don't you know anon, people hate Todd Slop here but admit that scalpers love it on EBAY.

It's hard to say here >>11198910 because of the 'pictures for ants' ethos employed by the anon posting, but definitely due to these two: >>11198913 and >>11198904, and I would agree completely with this anon:
>the yellows arent yellow
They look like fucking mustard stains

It's sad that the collectors with a lot of money are the very older, aging set who still have major hardons for when they were teenagers so buy out anything Reeve, or Alex Ross, or Byrne related and largely will pass on a potentially better looking figure by say a Jorge Jimenez, or Dan Mora.

I mean, I would respect them more if they would go crazy over a really well done García-López variant but that's not going to happen.

Why is Barry cosplaying in Arthur's clothes?
Walmart exclusive 2 pack
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> BvS Knightmare and Armored Batman 2 Pack available for preorder tomorrow during Walmart Collector Con t 12pm ET/9am PT

Still no kryptonite spear…
Better off getting the individual figures
Are those g-g-guns?! How can this be?
It’s similar to the Jonah Hex situation, collector line and advertised as not a toy. Plus it won’t be on shelves.

Damn I'm torn. That Knightmare Bats looks many times better than solo release but it has no face lol.

Gotta see closer shots of the damaged Batfleck head to make a final ldecision.
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Up for preorder now
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I guess Gold Label is, for whatever reason, the way around guns? I wonder what nonsense Todd told them to get away with it.

Bright red. Effect works well enough from the front, at least.
García-López is a old timer artist old people cum over you idiot
>Bruce i cant see shit!! AAAGHHHH!!
Hey, guns.
we dont theres a reason a lot of these shelf warm
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Newest leaks
Leaker anon once again vindicated because he was the only person online saying Adam strange was coming
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first quarter of 2025 leak list
theres no way that cape would work on a figure its probably a statue
aw sweet another chance to get year 2, hope his cowl isnt a plastic tumor this time around
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>*Clack *clack *clack GATMAN
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I'm intrigued by the Super Friends figures.
Early bake
So, need three actively bumping threads? Please fucking stop.
The other was a troll thread. If you were bumping it you're retarded.
There is no such thing as troll threads, stop this fucking faggotry. One general is fine, no one cares what is posted on the OP
That whole thread is shitposting. This one is full of information and photos.

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