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power girl announcement any day now edition vol. 4

vol. 3 : >>11187651
Goddamn, son, the last thread isn't even cold yet.
Not the best headsculpt. Looks like she's about 55
So did Joker set go up or nah??
It didn't anon is just being a faggot again
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It sold out in less than two minutes.
>power bimbo cum tribute #4
And just asked to speak with your manager.
The fucker doing the DC and Marvel generals has no life and will sperg out if anybody else make a thread so he always post a new one before the old is done.
I don't make these threads, just the Marvel ones. I tried taking these ones over and formatting them similarly to the Marvel ones to list new releases, but the current OP wasn't having any of that.
I'm sick of the low effort trolling the DC threads get, and sick of fucking Power Girl, good God damn. How pathetic.

This board really could use more like you. Actually putting information in the OP is such a necessity.
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You will never love DC toys as much as the Power Girl OP.
>This board really could use more like you
You are replying to yourself aren't you? I always suspected Marvel OP is the schizoanon, you guys write in the same style.

Also nobody needs info in the OP or you guys bitching, just make the new thread when the last one truly dies, if you look in the catalog right now there are 3 generals for both Marvel and DC, nobody needs that in such a slow board. Get a fucking life.
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Out now:
- Superman (AC1000 rerelease w soft cape)
- New52 Hal Jordan (metallic paint)
- Silver Age Joker

- Lightning Lad
- Movie Joker set (sold out in two minutes)

- Power Girl (announcement any day now)
- Captain Cold
- Guy Gardner
- Doctor Fate
- Two Face
- Hour Man
- Green Arrow (O'Neil)
- Rainbow Batman
- Supergirl
Your threads suck
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You're trying too hard.
>Movie Joker set (sold out in two minutes)
Shut the fuck up with this lie already
For the love of all things holy, Nigger Lightning Lad?

Bad enough Todd keeps spamming John Stewart figures while locking Hal behind a long out of production two pack, but this?

Fuck, I'd prefer boring ass Silver Age Legion crap than Bendis garbage.
Can we get a real thread started and ignore this?
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i just want the set… I plan to get the mafex one when that one comes out. is that weird?
Migrate >>11193967
This is cancer and spam
Nah fuck you faggot it's an actual thread about DC figures unlike your multi thread shitpost
I ordered two and plan on selling the extra set if you want it.
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this is the one
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Source for leaks: none found
OPs diaper is leaking
I can't find it anywhere
>WB wont sell figs with guns but they will sell characters who get homo fucked in the butt
>believing the no gun lie
Imaginext sets have functioning guns, even the sets with all girl characters have launchers, and they're a Fischer Price line for junior collectors.
Todd is just bullshitting you so he can sell weapons packs, it's so obvious.
Alan Scott was a chase platinum.
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>be me
>post some random shit on /tv/
>got banned for days
>be OP and his schizofriends
>creates a thousand threads to win a game that only exist in his mind
>no mods in sight
I'm starting to hate this board.
Why is wonder woman brown? unless they're cheekily referencing how Gal Godot is a swarthoid jewess.
shes el wonder womano
I think is meant to be Yara Flor, see that her eyes are green and not blue like Diana or brown like Gadot.
hmmm I like this design.
Kuruminha :D
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Didn't realize there was a new thread. Someone asked about the custom PG in the last one and it's still at this stage until the painted I have working on her head sends it back to me.

Then it's filing down the bumps, cleaning up the paint, finding a decent cloth cape and then Todd can finally announce a perfect version of her.
What kind of cape are you going to use? That's looking really cool, anon
the stiffest hardest plastic cape possible so when im done cooming all over her i can toss it in the sink
I'm not sure, I keep checking GPSlot for short capes like hers, but haven't seen anything. I might have to make an Instagram just to message some customizers.

I'm intrigued by this idea.
Yeah, that looks pretty good.
Which face did you pick out? Curious to see how everything fits together when it's finished.
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This, all the other female heads I saw looked dykey.
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This is the PG head from that same seller, wasn't into it
Good call, the first one has a better shape and if there are support bumps like on the torso then the smoother hair will be easier to sand.
New packaging style?
different line
This is how they do their PHYGITAL figures
not bad
>Imaginext collectors are eating better than us
I need a Yara Flor figure now
Why are people saying the movie Joker set sold out when mcfarlane didn't even post saying that it was up? Is this a new meme?
Yes, it's one of the many trolls shitting up the board right now.
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>no guns
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New Metallo goes hard
finally a good fucking toy
Is that Metallo or evil Cyborg?
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I'll be getting him for my post-apocalyptic Justice League
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does anyone have the Justice Buster? thinking about buying one
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That's Grid you fucking casuals.
I do. It's a pretty neat design. Kinda wish it had more paint on it like most McFart stuff but it's nice if you can get it on sale.
Nah that's my new Metallo
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It's only $36 on amazon right now and I kind of want a giant robot fig
I would go for it if you really like big robots.
Wong board but have you looked into Diamond Select? It's not quite the same thing but their Crimson Dynamo and Titanium Man are pretty neat.
Not bad
Same. The arm cannon and the half face doesn't help.
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Does it balance well? It looks like it might be top heavy.

Titanium Man is dope, now I'm wanting a giant 12" bronze Greek statue figure like from Jason and the Argonauts

Anyone know what Batman this is? The wrinkles in his armor and and color scheme look cool. Not crazy about the head but I could replace it with a Knightfall or Dickbats head and it'd work
>That's Grid you fucking casuals.
Oh, so >>11195047 it was on point
>Grid was an artificial intelligence and a villain in DC Comics. Its body was created from the cybernetic components of Victor Stone aka Cyborg.
First time I heard about this faggot.
I wasn't sure if Todd was just reusing parts from some Cyborg figure to get out a Metallo. Turns out Cyborg has a villain. Who knew?
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>finally a figure I want
>it's some obscure cyborg villain scalpers won't preorder in bulk, destined to pegwarm
Should I bother preordering at full price or wait a couple months for him to drop to less than $20?
I think it will hang around if people don't want it to be Metallo.
I haven't had any balancing problems.
It isn't Batman or Superman related so algorithms won't push it as hard as other figures, it's going to disappear with the cool fish men figures from the Aquaman movie.
I might shut up about it being a good Metallo and quietly pick one up for cheap.
Why doesn't Todd include character names in promo pics?
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>noooooooooo you cant want an evil cyborg noooooooooooooooo
>the cool fish men figures from the Aquaman movie
I love these guys as generic sea monster things. They fit in anywhere.
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>most hyped figure in weeks is evil cyborg

todd's wild ride never ends
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New Parasite megafig when?
Knowing it's a McFarlane Collector Edition is more important.
Why does he have cyborg hair?
Why does he have no texture? All the other Lanturns do.
It's easier to just print a costume onto a reusable body.
Not only that but it's an edgy design. I thought people here hated edgy stuff?
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It's edgy but it's cool and works for a Metallo figure. Same with the Brainiac design earlier this year
This thing looks like it will barely move at all. Statue?
That Brainiac is now pegwarming at Target.com and is already a couple bucks off.
>a couple bucks off
So that means it's shit, right?
Not my fault most of the people buying this line want lazy reused bodies >>11194962. I'm very happy with my Brainiac. He's the best toy McFarlane's released this year
>the evil murder robot can't even suck his own dick! STATUE SHIT!!!!
I agree he's pretty good but the audience just isn't there for cool toys anymore sadly. Even if it's a known character these people have to have it be a specific known look from the past too.
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He excels when he's doing slightly obscure characters no one is going to care about when he puts his own spin on them, but the market wants endless versions of the same Batman.
Azrael was another great release this year.
>cleaning up the paint,
Look good but does need some clean-up.
You should tape up the white edge at the bottom of the belt and redo the red edge on the belt bottom to clean that up and make a nice demarcation line. It will give an over-all better professional look to the entire thing and you'll be glad you did it.
The white all looks nice, but it's hard to tell from photographs; I'm sure you can see if there's too heavy or any light spots, but overall that part looks very clean and professional.
Are the boots going to be blue and where are you getting those?

pursed lips are never a good look
Only unfortunate thing about that figure besides the claw color is the back spikes really limit poseability. It's basically going to have to be standing or jumping to work for the most part.
And Forever Evil was /co's Event of the Year, that year (2014? 2015?)

I would only buy those if they sold at like $19.99 for two, so when it hits Ross/Burlington, I can snap up two or three boxes at $5.99/$7.99 to have an instant Brainiac army.

Otherwise, I'm totally fine with the three Prime Brainiacs I own.

>The white all looks nice, but it's hard to tell from photographs; I'm sure you can see if there's too heavy or any light spots, but overall that part looks very clean and professional.
It's just cast in white, someone mentioned going over it with pearlescent, and I'm considering it. I only noticed this second time posting them that I didn't paint the top of the torso's neck in flesh tone, was wondering what was up with the collar.

>Are the boots going to be blue and where are you getting those?
Those I'm unsure, like the cape. They will be blue, but where I get them idk yet. Might just find female legs that scale and have those boots. Or sculpt them.
Supergirl might have some good arms and legs.
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This was the torso seller's example pic
How would you paint the arms and legs white without the paint scraping off at the joints?
Don't move the figure much
Oh, I was just showing Supergirl's arm on her. Legs I'm still working on.
You have to sand the joints first. It's easiest to find parts with a base coat similar to the color you're going to use.
It won't be a megafig but it will be a larger body. The render is complete but awaiting approval.
looks good
my first thought too kek
>someone mentioned going over it with pearlescent,
Oh yeah, I remember that thread and conversation. That's probably a good idea.

>Those I'm unsure, like the cape.
Cape's aren't hard, but I'm going to go to the fabric/craft/sewing equivalent of Michael's in my home town and at least look and see what fabric they have; the best cape I saw on a figure (I want to say a Robin?) was two pieces of fabric, so two tones of color, and it looked really good, whereas a lot of the single pieces of fabric are what make a lot of those look cheap and low quality.

But as far as the boots, you might start looking at fodder and since the legs won't be 1:1, it's possible that a Captain America or similar figure might give you the boots you want and would work.

I need hollow boots to complete something and what exists is just too fucking expensive for something I'll eventually end up reselling once I complete, because it's not something I really WANT for myself any longer, just a project I need to finish.
>- Lightning Lad

oh shit Legion figures!?!?!


i'm gonna kill myself, thank god for the classic face included
Saturn Girl?
Who's getting a figure?

AC1000 rerelease feels like Superboy without a ring.
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Holy shit this actually looks great
The texture on the jacket looks awesome
DCMV is back
want him just for the binoculars
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Hard to believe Todd would make more than two or three figures from the Legion but I'm optimistic
AC1000 looks to old to be a Superboy, but the body has potential.
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There was the cartoon a few years ago that was pretty popular at the time.
is she grabbing his junk?
It was the penis inspection episode
Brainiac and Supergirl
This will most likely be a drip-fed team one or two at a time instead of dedicated waves. They're popular among hardcore fans and collectors but the average kid in a toy store won't recognize them.

Todd will make deep cuts like the Legion and body horror figures like >>11195042 and >>11195078 but guns are too much.
Ew no, it looks like a Mattel joint
Don't talk like those people.
we eating good again
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Based Toddfather delivers again
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>hiding the superman face sculpt
So BvS baf wave with Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman (knightmare), Batman (armored) and a Doomsday kit?
Todd said the Build a Fig waves weren't selling so Doomsday will likely be a solo megafig release.
That diaper ruins it so bad, pass
What diaper?
It's a 2pack with Superman, dude
Fuck. Was hoping this was Rebirth Diana from the thumbnail. Looks good, though.

Anyone else want a Cheetah? I'm still pissed at myself for passing on the Essentials for $20-25 back in the day. Wonder Woman hasn't gotten a single one of her villains in this line compared to the rest of the league.
Ironically the diaper makes the Cavill suit look better tho.
You could swap out the head if you don't like Gal. There's nothing too offensive about her costume in that movie.
Ares would be pretty rad
So this is where all the sculpting and paint apps budget went.
Yep, same ol Marvel Legends BS, where the comic figures get no budget and movie ones get most of it.
Works fine for DC. The movie versions will always be more popular so their figures get the most attention, while hardcore collectors still get more obscure figures at a low price. Based Todd keeps kicking ass.
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>What ...?
It's barely even noticeable, anon.
Is this an intentional choice or what happens when a mold gets used too many times?
Likely a repeat of the Cavill head

The head sculpt makes Henry look far better than even the mafex or movie masters, too, shockingly for a todd superman head sculpt
Yeah, this 2-pack is going to be an instant buy.
Um are you kidding, that Doomsday figure looks really janky.
Might pick up this pack and stain him purple. he'd be a decent enough Parasite
But sir, look at that weirdly oversized and unnaturally crinkled up diaper. Don't you feel as a Figure Enjoyer you should support high quality figures and not this?
The diaper lines actually work great for Parasite.
>still no Guy Gardner
Fuck this gay Earth
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>anons are excited for evil cyborg and the new bvs wave
>no one remembers me
>no one even picked me up to see what's behind me today
>the dust is getting heavy... so heavy
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>joker movie set sold out in less than two minutes
>maybe someday someone will buy me at ollie's for their blind child and tell them I'm a spider-man
>maybe I'll rot in a landfill somewhere
>will I disintegrate before the sun explodes?
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>I hope there isn't an afterlife
Diapers are meant to be re-used, son.
When you finally lose your virginity and get a girl pregnant, just ask her. She'll learn ya better, son!
Todd is the best thing that's ever happened to DC toys.
BvS Batmobile w Alfred announcement tomorrow.
Interesting that you can say that with a straight face when looking at that figure's diaper. Frankly it'd be better to just have the giant caverns around the hips, it'd look less weird.
There's no other DC line that's ever been produced that can compete with the toys Todd is putting out.
Most anons only lurk for news about new McFarlane figures.
The Mafex Hush Batman line
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Seven of these fucks are all that's sitting at my local Walmart and likely is all that will be there for a year.
Mine has six Max Mercurys, two vampire Nightwings, vampire Shazam, and three blue Wally West figures. I've noticed new shipments with other figures sell in two or three days and the rest sit there for six months to a year before disappearing.
I still wonder where all those emo Superman figures went.
Weren't they shipped in the same wave as Dickbats and The Question? Why would McFarlane make excess amounts of Max Mercury and make Question a chase rare?
He was shipped with Dickbats, it's actually where I got him, but they were out before The Question. I still haven't seen Question, but I did come across the Batman vs Bane 2 pack in the clearance section, despite never appearing on the shelf.
Question is already out?
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>He was shipped with Dickbats,
nope. question is in the case with cyborg, shining knight, and red hood. dickbats is in a different assortment all together.
I specifically said Question was shipped differently

Yup, good luck ever seeing him anywhere besides eBay
>$60 on ebay
Fuck I hate scalpers so much
Oh, the price has gone down?
It's $60 today. In ten years it might be a $300 fig like Gentleman Ghost.
no mcfarlane will every go up that much.
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the blue azraels are almost $100 figs, Action Comics 1000 goes up and down around the same amount, grey Catwoman is almost a hundred. There are plenty of figures that are clearly high value and they're still relatively available on ebay. In a few years when things thin out their value is going to skyrocket.
If you have a couple boxes of the right mcfarlanes you could flip them today for a new car.
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this one seems to sell consistently for over $250
That's a better version of hte Spectre than the one with stars in his cape.
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WB did him so dirty
Then why is that goth looking girl there?
I'd DC still doing that retarded no guns rule?
Did that Power Girl get announced yet? Anon’s obsession is making me anxious and I wouldn’t normally give a shit about it.
I believe so, unfortunately.
I want MoS Superman, Zod and Faora.
What if Little Timmy sees Batman shooting a monster in the face and so he decides he wants to be like Batman and then goes out and buys a gun and the next time he’s playing Batman with his brother, Littler Timmy, he shoots him in the face? It may as well be Batman pulling that trigger and blowing out Littler Timmy’s brains at that point! WHY DO YOU PEOPLE WANT TO SEE CHILDREN MURDERED WITH GUNS?!
It's far more likely that a kid would get his hands on his parent's hunting rifle or something like that. Kids are stupid. I heard they used to jump off roofs after watching Superman.
I see what you’re saying. We should stop depicting Superman as being able to fly. THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!!
Batman and Superman also punch people. What if some kid punches another kid? We need to make all super hero movies and TV rated G with no violence, just people talking their problems out. Right, DC?
I like where you’re going. If Superman has super powers, shouldn’t he be a super negotiator? And Batman is one of the world’s smartest people! Surely, he can talk through difficult situations and de-escalate the Joker’s actions peacefully. Maybe he’d need to use a little corrective rape. But not much.
Didn't the old Super Friends cartoon have a ban on punching?
Yeah cartoons in the 70's had a no-violence rule but even people who grew up in the 90's with DBZ hyper violence are almost 40 now. It's the most boomer of boomer mentalities.
>guns are bad
>but here's a 2-pack of Superman and the monster who stabbed him to death
Starting to wonder if imaginextanon was right when he said Fischer Price toys can have guns and Todd is just making things up so he can sell gun packs.
Why does Hasbro get to release Duke with three guns but Sgt. Rock only comes with a shovel?
>Todd said the Build a Fig waves weren't selling
Recent Town Hall stream. He's running the ones already in production then phasing it out. He said a lot of people keep figures mint and they were complaining about random horse legs and crap in the boxes.
>He said a lot of people keep figures mint
Does he also know that a lot of people want 6 inch fucking dc figs? Curse you todd!!!
Same reason the Legends have to come with weird space guns.
GI Joe and Star Wars have make believe guns.
Look at all them crazy space guns.
Todd is... lying to us?
Always has been, anon.
mcfarlane isn't the only company to cut guns from dc product, retard
Gi Joe is Hasbro's own property, they can put in whatever they want.
Todd once again listening to scalpers rather than people who actually want to use his toys as toys. This is ridiculous. Lots of people keep the figures mint, why not just remove the articulation and make them statues, Todd?
I think the real reason they're giving up on the BAFs is most of them are susceptible to falling apart and for some reason they don't just look at how Marvel Legends does the engineering to prevent that. Darkseid is theorized as a reworked baf given he also has the falling apart issue.
Yeah I had to use hot glue to keep my Darkseid from breaking apart
Oh so it's just greedy companies who don't include weapons and make you buy your own. Got it.
Darkseid was so goddamn disappointing. Like how do you even fuck something like that up Todd? I've been waiting for a good Seid for years, guess I'm still waiting.
Hell yeah dude. Those suits are so good
Did Faora even get a figure when the movie came out?
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technically yes, but...
I remember that figure. The sculpting of the armor was nice but the heads were all fucked up.
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square enix did PAKs of kal, jor, zod and faora
zo'd comes with a helmet so you can get 2 copies and have the big dude too
These are unacceptable. It's time for Todd to do it better.
Mattel Movie Masters just needed a push here and there to be on par with what Marvel Legends were giving movie figures back then.

But then Mattel DC Multiverse started and all that promise went down the sink.

McFarlane have their faults but at least I feel like they're healing some of the atrocities Mattel gave us.
Completely forgot about tactical Jor-El in that movie
That whole portion of the movie was just mostly unnecessary.
I'm pretty sure 90s Spiderman had a load of censoring.
I still think Todd is purposefully sabotaging the B:TAS 6 inch line with awful cel shading so he can go, "See, 6 inch doesn't sell."
>DNA coded caste system
>you are born to be a scientist Jor-El
>allright gonna get some PhD in MMA then
He going toe-to-toe with a fucking general that is supposed to be the peak warrior was absolutely stupid. That said, I really liked Krypton in MoS, and that almost fantasy/biologial look to super advanced 3D printed armor.
Why do these look so much worse than MCU Marvel Legends? I can't put my finger on it, it seems like all the components are there that they would be the same but yet there is just something...off that makes the look not viable to collect or care about
heavily sylised and this was before the PAK shrink and price hike when they were mid-budget figs you'd see in a gamestop
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This variant really brings out her dick.
>bad headsculpt despite being re-worked
>trying to hide those gigantic hands
>that awful chest cut
>ww tube legs

At least we have that sassy cape
>tube legs
These are based on real people, they don't have absurd muscles popping through their costumes.
What is with McFarlane figures and them not being able to get the hand sizes right? It's a new head and looks like new hands so they should have been able to do a quick comparison and tell what the size should be. It isnt like its reuse.
Chances of getting Zod and Ursa?
Well, it's a disappointment but it'll sell for a shit ton on eBay in a few years. Might buy one and flip it for a house someday
I hate that I'm still going to buy this
Damn, looks great.
The new shoulder rings design looks awesome
Was Todd saving all the good announcements for this week?
Todd just keeps kicking ass
But the real question is: Whose? His own?
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Absolutely based
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Are you full yet or are you ready to keep eating good?
That one's fake, it's just the Crisis Supes with CR's head edited on it
Any better alternatives out there?
Mezco and NECA are both superior versions.
Without at least a Zod or Gene Hackman Luthor this is going to be a pass
>still no Otis
We want a Marlon Brando Jor-El
looks shit
Don't buy it if you don't like it. Some of us have been waiting years for this
Zod, Ursa, and Non 3-pack announcement Friday
There's a super rare heroclix figure of them but its like $160. You can download the STL from the artist and print your own, I wonder how they'd look scaled up next to a McFarlane figure
belt is too high
That would require a lot of painting. Todd will release a Zod figure eventually, just be patient.
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Will he come with a gun?
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>that face
>that shield
>those wrists
>that chest cut
>those legs
Man, I wanted to be excited for this but every time I look at it I find another reason to skip it.
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Heroclix is still a thing?
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Regular version: all black mandela effect suit
Chase variant: red and black movie accurate suit
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This. Specifically the black robes with a light up shield.
For $40 plus shipping I'm just not feeling this one.
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It's still limping along, mostly with meme sets like Wolverine laying in bed looking at a photograph and Spidermen pointing at each other. It isn't really a game anymore as much as a miniature statue series.
I used to have a bunch of them back in the day. One time I ordered a two dollar Superman from troll and toad and they sent me a really expensive Dark Knight Returns chase on accident.
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>$220 reversing the Earth figure
There's no way people are paying these prices.
one sold four days ago for $150
I've wondered for years if the secondary market for heroclix is driven by Russia and the mob laundering money. The sculpts and paint jobs have always been terrible on those things.
time to go through my old clix and see if they're worth anything
It depends on the figure and if they've gotten an update or not. A lot of the newer ones are so expensive because they're made in extremely limited amounts or only available at a tournament in Brazil or whatever
Feels like 2025 is the year DC Multiverse gets good again.
Release date?
Preorders go up later this week.
I never got any of the McFarlane catwoman figures damn they’re all expensive now, missed out on the Heath ledger joker too. These figures go up in value now it wasn’t really like that in the beginning with this line
If you wait a few more years someone else will get the license and make six inch figures that don't sell out to scalpers in two minutes.
Todd refuses to ever reprint figures so if you miss the initial release you're pretty much fucked. Have fun getting into this batshit insane line of artificially scarce figures!
Yeah I’d heard that but sometimes he does repaint them
Online exclusive. But please, post more of the many, many figures hitting stores like this :)

I'll wait ;)
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Can't unsee it
>Defending Todd being a lying faggot so he can sell gun packs
You type like a bitch and don't know anything :P
Oh, so no more then? Just as I thought :)
Get the AY Catwoman. All the McFarts have buldges anyway.
>shown an example
>doubles down on hysteric delusions
Dumb fucking retard :)
So you don't have the thing I asked for yet, right?
Still feels bad to me, a few unique movie sculpts aren't going to change that
Chris Reeves Supes is up for preorder
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this sucks ass
People who spend this kind of money on toys are embarrassing. There's no reasonable excuse for any of that.
That's the worst OP this general has ever had.
holy assburgers, batman
>making new at 294 posts
Calm down
She's so cute but I have a hard time justifying spending more than $100 on a toy.
Yeah it's for scalpers not collector's.
What's wrong with his faaaaace?
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There are decent head sculpts out there but man, that body is unusable.
Why is everyone except companies who make official products able to nail the likeness but McFarlane, Mezco, NECA, etc always make >>11199862
There are many mysteries concerning why sculpts are considered acceptable. Most of the better figures McFarlane has released were designed by freelancers who designed a body then the house team butchered it with joints. It seems like nobody at McFarlane is capable of quality control.
Speeding Bullets still holds up as one of the best figures Todd has released. Even the little bit of black in the belt recesses to give it depth looks so much better than the solid happy meal yellow belts on newer figures.
This was such a fun toy to see randomly pop up on shelves. Now it's all vampire shit
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Good morning. We have been redeemed, sirs.
just make a normal version, todd
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Don't engage with the faggot trying to derail the thread.
LOL who the fuck wants this anymore? The hype cycle for this shit is years over.
It's probably going to be overpriced as well
Go and compare the likes on Instagram between the Snyder stuff and every other release by McFarlane this year lol.

Out of their top 10 most liked IG posts this year, 4 or 5 are just Batflecks lol

"Likes" aren't everything, ofc. But demand is there and you being tired of it won't erase that.

Also, it's just a repaint lol.

The real surprise was them going through the hassle of sculpting a whole-ass Mega Doomsday. Anything else was either easy re-use or a sure seller (Armored Bats).

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