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When will tooners die?

no one cares gofag
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One of the absolute worst deluxe molds ever. I even attempted to polish that turd with an upgrade kit.
New Nightbeat fucking when, Hasbro?
Cool bootleg you fucking piece of shit
>New Nightbeat
Was there any official word on why Counterpunch v2 was reapinted on Nightbeat colors?
I have no clue what they were thinking with this.
I would have said settle for his MPM but his LC's a fantastic follow up since the OG toylines never did him justice.
No, it's not. That was my point. Faggot.
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Not bad. Rachet pairs pretty well with Earthrise.
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>doors tucked up under his armpits.
Pretty creative, I don’t hate it.
>immediately scratches the flames on his door
Nevermind, I fucking hate it
>figma telos
Cool guy. I got that exact figure a few months ago.
>When will tooners die?
Most will be dead or irrelevant by 2045 or so.
Checking my copies of 86 Prime, both have deformed plastic in the same place. The vent section on his forehead is deformed on the right side, as if someone knocked it on the floor. I'm wondering if others have this.
Tooners are too busy sucking their thumbs to care.
>weird arms
>fiddly legs
I really want to like him because I like Nightbeat, but it's difficult
Does it look like my buddy’s copy? His has a knick in the head vent. It also has marred plastic in several other places as well as uncleared mold flash, multiple imperfect paint applications, paint splatters, and misaligned parts. Lol
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Dropped pic
wait instead of clear windows he has a number printed on em?
>Dear mindless consumers
>Thanks for beta testing our new Optimus Prime (mark 455). We would apologize for the QC issues, but you re...nice and loyal people would buy this regardless. No refunds! However, we do promise that the next batch will have better QC...we hope. Coming 2025!
>Pimp Daddy Hasbro
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Lol that’s printed on one of his feet
oh his feet are visible through the window. okay.
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I lol’d at how many things are wrong in that pic
>toon accurate repaint
>the "belt buckle" is still missing red paint
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Why yes I am having fun with my $4 Optimus (with an crunch) while watching people seethe over studio series and get charged for and even denied returns on Amazon
With AB* crunch
That headsculpt slaps. Is this one of the dirt cheap Optimus Primes on Amazon?
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(My new headcannon all beast wars now takes place simultaneously with G2 fuck all that time skipping trash)
Yep it’s Cyber Commander Optimus. All three of them, Optimus, Bee, and Megs’ designs are hard as fuck. Unfortunately they are all missing some essential joints holding them back from greatness. They all lack bicep and thigh swivels as well as no knees
The best part is that it was even worse when I got it. Many stressed parts that I had to fix. I'd return it, but then the replacement might have more or different problems, so I'll wait for Amazon to get more stock before I do.
I should also point out that this is a fuck up at the factory, the way it's packed makes it very hard for that part to get damaged
I wonder if it started out as a genuine Nightbeat retool and the development team said, "No it's not working, fuck it release it as Punch again."
Best former
mpm was like the best 100 I've spent on tranny formers
that was mpm starscream for me
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Well, I think I’m just about done buying Primes. I know I’m stupid, but I genuinely think I’ve had my fill.

If anyone has any questions about any figure in comparison with one another, feel free to ask, or ask for pics.
so this is the power of the primes
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So, if anyone feels like making upgrades to the Legacy toy prime, the wheels on the legs are all easy to remove, so if you have a printer you can swap them out for something better. The only real hurdle is the side skirt would also need to be replaced if you don't feel like pin pushing (the leg wheels use clips so just pull then out with a spare twist tie or small rope.
Forgot to add that the clear windshield just uses friction, so you can pop them off in 2 seconds.
i wish they would do that kinda stuff more deilberately.. great for altering and upgrading shiz.
Which truck the best?
They could have done better with the underside, but other than that it was a huge improvement over the HFTD mold
why do they wait so dimmadamn long
some of us don't leave the house
for jetformers, as long as you can't see much from the side, i'm fucking okay with it.
er, the previous leader-class movie scream? because I love that one too
He was also the original MPM Starscream (07 deco). His gorilla arms were his greatest flaw.
HftDScream is a wrist swivel away from being able to organically cross his arms
oh that's why the upgrade it i bought came with a thing that lets his wrists swivel

so wait, if that's the one i'm talking about, which one did you think I meant
how many leader class movie starscreams have there been? ignoring the tattoo variants
Pics or it didn't happen
Molds? Just one (HFTD). It was repainted into G1 and 07 colors.
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there's at least two, because I own them
dammit you're gonna make me look this up

so there's this guy.. who also exists without tatts..
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then there's this guy, who also exists with tatts
Nvm I should had refreshed the page kek
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So it's not just me!
i have him displayed sitting because he won't stand, and I don't own any stands remotely big enough to support him.
I love the cybertronian tattoos, I wish this look came back in other incarnations
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You cannot fight your nature. You'll be back, brother.
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That's the MPM which funny enough, is too large compared to modern LCs these days
Our time has passed. The closest we'd ever gotten of that was in TFPrime but he never got tats, just the color scheme. I'm just sad F-22 tats never got modded into the new Ace Combat games too.
well unless it's CGI, that is asking a lot.
indeed, i was gonna say
but it's the same size as the previous leader scream, so having both is kinda weird but i like it. i have one in robot mode and one in jet mode.
I think the gap between original release of RotF and being at the second-run theater at the mall was a longer gap than this.
Almost all modern cartoons are made with CGI anyway, like all transformers shows in the last 10 years
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The Motormaster IS READY!
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You're going nowhere. I got you for three minutes. Three minutes of PLAYTIME!
Real generous of Hasbro to throw in this guy with the Jolt/Blast Effect pack. He's just ok though.
The real star of the show is here

nice setup, what are the cage bits from?
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That's a cute outfit! Did your husband give that to you?
I hope I don't have to buy another one of these Deluxe+ packs again just for a minicon, but its looking that way with Armada Wheeljack not coming with Wind Sheer, so that sucks.
that is pretty fuckin radicool. i need to use stands more.
those curvy blast effects though, man, i'm very lucky mine don't do that
I can recommend the Good Smile Company Simple stands as they're fairly inexpensive from what I remember.
For voyagers and up you may want to tighten the screws to better support them(not too much or they'll snap), and the pegs can fit the flight stand ports on some TFs but its very hit or miss.
A sturdier stand I like for weighty figures is the Storm Collectibles stand but it's either scarce or expensive I find.
The clasp is actually spring loaded on these so if you happen to get one be careful it's not wrapped around something fragile, but overall it's pretty reliable.
ah yeah I have a few of these. they're okay for smaller transformers, but..most of them are in use holding up action figures who just can't stand well
Fair enough, they're just a good cheap option and I like using stands to make use of the vertical space thats often left over, especially in something like a detolf.
yeahhhh risers are very important. and I kinda want to figure out good methods of suspending stuff in the air
>You guys know Crosscut has Skid’s red hands, right?
man, every time i try and be fiscally responsible by abating temptation on cheap toys i don't care about, i find myself regretting it
is Skids just hard to get now?
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What's your headcanon on Dion's fate?
I like keeping it a mystery for Prime to ponder over.
>hey, Orion. Wanna go target practice?

>Sorry, Dion. I already made plans today.
i got skids for like 15 bucks and passed on crosscut for a buck more. turns out i should have gotten both to swap the hands over like with worlds collide blackarachnia
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Broke one of those stands sadly. But in my case, it was a voyager figure. Works great with deluxe jets though, specifically from the Generations line.
They didn't paint his goatee either, and you can argue that is the more important paint app to not skip.
Nightbeat and Daywank
I prefer that Dion just died desu, not everyone has to be reborn as someone else. Though, head cannon for Orion is that Alpha Trion had to do minimum work on him as AT was in possession of the Matrix which transformed the dying chosen one. Relies entirely on circumstance/coincidence/fate but I like when there is an actual spiritual/supernatual background to Transformers. i.e: Primus and Unicron are still Gods in G1 cartoon and Primcron is just some weird little schizo scientist, didn't create Unicron but was inspired by him to make Tornadron. (But truely believes he is responsible for Unicron).

what Megatron is that?
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It's third party (MMC Tyrantron)
Shockblast when, Hasbro?
Nice, I did always want that Thrilling 30 Laser Prime.

I’m going to have to go with G1, Siege, or Classics. I see what SS86 is trying to do but it just doesn’t all come/lock together flush, whereas the three I just listed are no-nonsense, super secure vehicle modes. I especially like how Siege has all these interlocking tabs to keep everything in place.

Despite its bizarre scale, Classics just looks sleek altogether and all the silly kibble in bot mode has a purpose enhancing the truck’s silhouette.

Will post a pic later.
Yeah that's how I felt after SS86, and now I'm looking at WFC S40.
Is the somewhat controvsrsial ss86 prime the best prime to pick-up for someone who prefers the original cartoon and g1 overall?
>having ten or less Optimus Primes
These are rookie numbers
controversial* woops
I'd say yes. He looks good, feels solid in both modes and his transformation, though decently complex, makes him fun to handle.
>when i was a kid i wanted armada cyclonus for my birthday
>i was gifted powerlinx cyclonus
>absolutely loved it, got the guy i wanted
>deco meant nothing at all
>these days mega-autism has infected the brand and 'innaccurate' toys are discarded left and right
what gives?
I just hate that they were so lazy with Galvatron.

They didn't even bother retooling the mold. They gave Prime a brand new mold but not Galvatron? It's a Copout pure and simple.

Anyway, Here is my take on Galvatron with the much needed missing paint apps.
I'd say so, yes. I have many G1 Primes and this is the best and most accurate to animation overall without being a delicate $300 collector's item that takes 20 minutes to transform. I'd even put money on eventually getting a SS86 two-pack of damaged Optimus and Megatron so you have parts to source from in case anything breaks on the main toy.
Galvatron and Apelinq are half-assed so that AOE Optimus and 86 Megatron could get more of the leader budget this year
Nice pic anon.
Yeah, it's great for deluxes and lighter voyagers like Cybertron and Armada Starscream but not so much for anything significantly heavier.
Just a color accurate release since they released most major 86 characters already. I like the mold, but I really wish they did a few minor updates:

-Include the toy only gun
-New feet
-Articulated hands to strangle Hot Rod
-Face is fine, but the head is a bit wonky so I'd welcome a more accurate helmet shape and crest.

As it is, I have no reason to get this.
Wait, what? We're getting an Apelinq? I thought they were done with Beasts other than the Naruto crossover?
The real question is why was he a Legqcy release and they didn't judt go straight to 86.
ROTB Apeling, yes. We also have Onyx in next year's line.
How are they going to get Megatron to Leader Class without a trailer?
The monkeys finger curls, and we recieve either Siege Megatron with too many accessories and some kind of small non transforming figure that nobody wanted, OR they dont eben try justifying the price at all
What are you talking about? I'm trying to decipher what you mean by "discarded."
have you been seeing the anons and fans ingeneral hyping up 86 prime and shitting ER prime after years of enjoying him? now he's 'inferior' because he doesn't look objectively shittier in service of a budget model sheet
This. And when the next new Prime comes out, a lot of the fans will gushing over 86 Prime now will start saying he sucks too and claiming they never liked him either. The double-think is amusing to see, every time.
It will be especially amusing once that new Walmart toy deco Bumblebee mold comes out using the Netflix mold. We've already seen people say the once highly sought after Netflix Bee *actually* totally sucks now that 86 Bee is the newest thing in town. Once toy deco Bee is out, their FOMO will force them to think, oh never mind that, turns out the previous mold we just turned our back on really was the better one after all! And they'll pretend they never liked 86 Bee next.
This shit is why I enjoy each toy as it is. I'm a fan of certain decoes yes but I am not a big "accuracy" guy. Honestly the way people act on this board makes me feel like maybe I'm not autistic lol. But I'll still align with a lot of these nerds over the disgusting non-transforming "articukated statue" people.
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I think both of them are really cool.
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Muh Sturdy Series Le Birth Year Edition 1984
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Ultra Magnus colours look so good on other characters
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Subtle brag thread? Hehe love that Mammoth bruh.
>tfw already tired of hearing about 86 op and canceled my preorder
I feel bad that figure is what brought my buddy out of his TF hiatus bc now hes just gonna go right back lol
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>be autistically obsessed with a 40 yr old commercial for baby toys about robot cars
>ready to literally shit my pants over a figure being 1mm too tall
-Transformers Collecting
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Not really lol. Some people will beat me by miles. Also, got MP44s in the mail & have a toy accurate head coming from China so can't wait for that
But the show already had characters inconsistent sizes.
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Right between that and the “official” gospel scale chart religion bible picture looks like it was cobbled together by a drunk jap at a sushi bar in 1989
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checking ebay and just wow, R.E.D. really was a massive turd of a line wasn't it?
I've seen more of the opposite in this thread so I'm not sure what you're talking about still. I think you have some sort of defensive stance for ER Prime. It's...fine, I guess? 86 is overpriced for sure. I just kinda think you're seeing things here, because you can't even enjoy the new one here without being shit on about it. I say just let people enjoy what they want and not make it a stupid competition of perceived victimhood.
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I need new pretenders
>Honestly the way people act on this board makes me feel like maybe I'm not autistic lol.
You touched on something here, the rampant autism found in tf fans is likely the main reason I can never see to eye with a lot of them. Like, I'll see videos on instagram of people proudly throwing their "old" version of a character (sometimes a few months old) into an "obsolete bin" from a great height, likely damaging the figure in the process, and I'm just left like wtf. Normal people don't act like this.
This, the vaunted 'Sunbow size chart" isn't even accurate to the cartoon itself, and it often looks plain bad. There are several characters who I would rather picture as taller or shorter than as seen on the chart, and depending on who I can likely point to several episodes or scenes that would back my interpretation up. Also, why is it always the cartoon? It ignores the multiple comic universes, including the original Marvel G1 comic. I don't see how still shots of shitty AKOM character models somehow became the gold standard.
That's not even getting into the models are drawn from different perspectives which will obscure their "true" sizes even further. They would all have to be in the same pose seen from the same angle to truly mean anything. Again, I feel this is something a normal person would instinctively figure out instantly, even if they couldn't verbalize it, while an autist would just accept it at face value.
This is apparently an unacceptable position in this thread. You either like the thing that cost a lot less and is older, or the new thing that does what it was set out to do but is more expensive and there is no in between.

I like both molds. I thought I'd hate 86 Prime, but honestly I think he's pretty great when all is said and done. Both figures were created with very different objectives in mind and I feel like both check the boxes they need to. Getting uppity about it and mad at other peoples' opinions is just sad.

As a Transformers fan noticing these types of behaviors over the last year (yes it took me that long likely because I was participating in it), most people are extremely autistic and weird. Whether it's here or TFW or Twitter, everyone is so fucking weird. Can't just enjoy a toy as an adult, you have to justify it and become its avatar to validate your existence or something.
The thing is, it could have been great, honestly. I am down for basically Transformers Marvel Legends or whatever, but they just didn't even give it an honest effort and it all sucked ass.
Optimus is THE guy, he is always gonna get a new mold, Galvatron is like at best a B-lister for fans and a literally who for everyone else so of course he's not getting a new mold when this one is good enough.
to make you buy it more than once, but really probably just because they didn't want SS just 86 bots and wanted to fill out Kingdom at first.
a lot of Transformers fans are very just getting swept up in the hype train and with how Siege onwards was basically "replacements" for your old generations figures it makes sense they'd say that about 86 vs ER, despite the fact both figures have completely different aesthetic goals and the most important part, price, 86 looks great, he is also way more expensive than ER which also scales better with the general generations crew as 86 is scaled to 86.
basically, they're dumb and need to force tribalism over fucking toys.
and some are based like this guy
I think classics OP is the best chug Prime you can buy.
true, but it would be one hell of a task because they would have to offer way more than they did to compete with the actual transforming figures, such as having good materials, offering worthwhile accessories, and more importantly of all, actually be screen accurate which they fucked up day one with soundwave and completely lost the thread with bumblebee-
and honestly, even if they did this the line would've still probably not been worth it since you can get all those characters as actual transformers.
Seems like you just have a different flavor of autism that priorities different things.
Man id get on pretenders quick, probably quicker than if headmasters returned.

Anyway, guess im pre ordering omega supreme. Black zarak is lonely.
Original anon here, I think if you want a purely cartoon/movie look, it’s a really nice figure with a sort of stupid/superfluous trailer, and some decent accessories. I’m really impressed with his stature in robot mode and the vehicle is just fine. I think they could have added a bit more cartoon/movie details to it at this scale because Armada pretty substantially shits all over him in terms of overall value, but that’s neither here nor there.

I do not have Earthrise, but not because I think it is bad/le inaccurate or anything. I personally don’t love the hips despite the improved articulation, and I kinda felt it was redundant with Siege.

I’d honestly consider a better version of Energon/Cybertron prime if they made one down the line, and maybe a better 2007 Prime because I think the current one is just okay. But I’m not so unhinged as to back the Fire Convoy Haslab.
A local liquidator has several copies of this figure for $5 and I still won’t buy it. It looks soooo bad in hand it’s unbelievable. Unironically looks like some weird chineese bootleg
So just preferring what you personally thinks looks good instead of being beholden to bad 40 year old animation is "autism" to you?
Yes. You justify it by bringing up parallel universes.
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>no tiny Primes
Why I oughta
So you missed the obvious point (IE, why is the cartoon the sole arbiter of how figures should be scaled even among different continuities?). Likely due to autism of your own.
Age of The Primes Big Convoy when, Hasbro?
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What in the FUCK is this pricing!? I just want an Ironhide that's not mortally wounded!
>I just want an Ironhide that's not mortally wounded!
That's why it's expensive.
>t. never-getting-a-Ratchet :(
Then you should have bought the MP.
Late tax, start preordering shit.
But you can still find Alive Brawn and Ratchet at MSRP in stores!
Now look at when those were released compared to Ironhide.
Street sharks the new ones.
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Earthrise chads we stay winning
Aren't most of those at the bottom of the Pacific?
>Honestly the way people act on this board makes me feel like maybe I'm not autistic lol.
Me going to conventions and being unable to communicate with people through my veneer of sarcasm
God, I love the aesthetics of that era. Some day when I'm not poor I'll hunt 'em all down.
There was a RED Grimlock?
Obviously I want Earthrise Prowl, but the more I look at him the more I think I'd like Earthrise Ironhide more than my 86 version also.
I wasn't collecting when these guys came out. :(
I have yet to find a small prime that I think does the thing well enough. Maybe Dr. Wu but I feel like the current Core is too similar to the Voyager size ones. I don’t know. I guess I want my Primes aesthetically varied.

I do like the left one in your pic.
Wait a minute, does he transform?

I also would love to see new Pretenders. Now, I like these new ones like Iguanus and Skullgrin, but I want ones with the shell. The shells could be SO good now with modern articulation.

Also I want new Action Masters... but I do want them to Transform. I just want more like Jackpot and the like.

Yeah same. Idk sometimes these people are taking the fun out of toys.
What could have been... 6 inch super posable: Stranglehold based on his shell, Human Ginrai and Minerva, Targetmasters (Zigzag is such a cool design), Kicker, Sari, literally any Headmaster, Astoria in that obnoxious yellow dress, Slizardo, Business suit Metalhawk.

nah just do Optimus and Megatron no.8364. They could have done balls to the wall action master homages if they only insisted on doing the usual suspects, but no, fuck it. Absolute tax-write-off tier of a line.
Ouch. He was a bit of a shelfwarmer there for a minute. Welp, that plus people dragging their feet to get one is often a recipe for their value jumping later.
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Prowl I can understand, but I dunno how you can look at the earthrise vanettes and think "wow, I'm willing to pay top dollar exclusive money for this"
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Bros I absolutely cannot stop winning at the thrift store. I think I’m on 15-20 consecutive trips finding at least one Transformer. Yesterday’s find was a mint condition G2 Seaspray!
I’m going back again today. Wish me luck!
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>I do like the left one in your pic.
T30 core class I think, they all came with a triplechanging targetmaster and I really liked those. This Optimus came with a little roller, who for the first time gets a robot mode.
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Also found one of the hardest to find Rescue Bots there is, screen accurate Wedge.
When will Combat Deck get a robot mode?
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Now that I think about it why haven't any 3P guys tried to make the classic trailer transform into an OC robot? Imagine Optimus hauling around a big bruiser bot disguised as his usual trailer and rolling up to a battle like that.
>Oh shit it's Optimus
Pic unrelated, I just love these little guys.
You are autistic because you think what is posted here is a good representation of real life rather than the caricatures people express of themselves.

>Like, I'll see videos on instagram of people proudly throwing their "old" version of a character (sometimes a few months old) into an "obsolete bin" from a great height, likely damaging the figure in the process, and I'm just left like wtf. Normal people don't act like this.

instagram is fake shit for clicks. They did that because you watched it and talked about it in hopes others would find the videos and watch them too. They are just as much "fans" as those girls "cry" on screen about shit that happen hours ago.

Congratulations: you are both very weak to propaganda and being manipulated because you assumed shit on the internet is real life.
>Spazs pretending to be Aspies making fun of Downies
I think he's up in the refresh list of 2025, that said with inflation projections for next year, it might not matter.

Dial it down anon but I will say it's grim getting older and seeing it's old people like me that think the internet is irl and young people get confused anyone takes online seriously. They claim it's zoomies but my cousins, ages 39, 42 and 47, think reddit posts and tictok are some account of the world at large while my two kids 19 and 22 get this shit is just a big text game and most people will do stupid things in front of a camera for attention.
It's like some of my parents generation bitching about TV brain rot when they were the highest consumers of TV.
>It's like some of my parents generation bitching about TV brain rot when they were the highest consumers of TV.
They always used to say "Don't sit too close to the TV, it'll rot your brain!" and these days they're terminally stuck to the propaganda delivery machine while their children have checked out of cable for better than half their lives. TV is so cartoonishly evil that it seems like a G1 Decepticon plot to steal energy from old people.
Television is just a symptom, not the cause. Any medium can be used.
I think he looks more imposing than 86 in robot mode, more rugged in van mode, and he's got the yellow stripe. Plus I think the van roof becoming a shield looks pretty cool.
The feet sticking out of the back in van mode are pretty bad, I'll grant you.
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>not having as many different versions of Optimus and Bumblebee as you can possibly afford
What are you even doing with your life?
Thing is are we smart enough to catch what is happening or are we just repeating the same mistakes with different tech?
You are aware of it, but cannot change.
If I am confused about the reality of what I'm seeing, it's because I have honestly never felt the urge to film a fake video for instagram, or even on here to say something stupid I don't actually mean so I can say "I was just pretending to be retarded!" UNLESS it was fairly obvious shitposting and, and this is key, is actually funny. I don't see how saying a certain toy is the best or worst thing ever when I don't actually think that is funny in any way; there's no punchline to it.
So if you're saying my problem is I assume more people are honest like me, I'll shrug and wear that hat.
When are we getting another titan class decipticon? My zarak is facing off against ark, metroplex and soon omega supreme all by himself
>Wait a minute, does he transform?
no, he just has random hinges for his tail for no reason, just like how RED figures kept adding the most random of gimmicks, see how bumblebee randomly has battle damage on him despite no figure having that >>11208354 it's a whole line of just tossing random shit at the wall and see what sticks which killed it for a lot of people
yes but he never got released, some copies floats around ebay but they don't even go for that much for an unreleased figure because no one cares about RED, it was long dead before he popped up
I think it has less to do with age and more to do with how isolated you are. If you existed with a robust irl friend network as well spouse and kids you really get how much of anything that's not directly in your life is just noise and games. However say the best you got is some aging parents/direct family with little else outside a computer screen? I feel like that would make it easier to fall prey to online spaces because you have no metric of any reality or even life of your own, and likely just create a fake world from the internet as a placeholder for a life and that means the buy-in is believing what is posted is reality because you have no other options for the fake reality to exist.
The last two were Decepticons.
Both sucked.
And what makes you think the next one won't suck?
nta but as someone who mainly just displays stuff in robot mode and whos main collection is WfC and Legacy his robot mode does fit into that way more and is honestly pretty good for what it is, but yeah the altmode is terrible.
But I also say this as someone who got him second hand for real cheap, but I get why that anon would like his robot mode more than the SS86 one because it does not fit into a generations display at all.
Bc I have faith
How dare you have a reasonable opinion on this board, pick a side and start trashing the other!
> it's because I have honestly never felt the urge to film a fake video for instagram
Who said you needed the urge? Exposure to enough groups of people and networks helps express what is going on with it. Everything from just getting attention for the sake of it to just trick people into thinking a certain way to influence them later on it. Also their could be monetary gains from the behaviors as well.

> I don't see how saying a certain toy is the best or worst thing ever when I don't actually think that is funny in any way; there's no punchline to it.
Who says it has to be funny? So long as you notice it and reply to it, they got what they wanted from it and will keep doing so. You came to the conclusion and worked backwards, rather than start from the question and work out all the paths and angles.
Faith without works is dead.
Wow, I heard the line was shit but I didnt know it was that bad. I cant possibly think of why it would have those then
I hope they rerelease these guys some day because I desperately need a prowl for my g1 collection and I am not liking the aftermarket prices on this one or the Siege version
someone send down the decepticons down there to get them.
Buy him the spear guy so he has a better chance
Why bother with a re-release when they probably will have a new Prowl in a few years anyway?
>I didnt know it was that bad.
oh it was quite terrible and completely lost the plot early on, example their cheetor, which is a good sculpt, but it's not cartoon accurate, and this was released at the same time as the Kingdom one for roughly the same price, so really which one do you pick?
>I cant possibly think of why it would have those then
the only reason to own one is if you for some reason like transformers but hate transformations, but then we got far superior options now with Yolopark and Blokees which also does not feel like total ass.
Legit the only RED figures worth caring about is Knockout and Arcee since they're actually close to the character models from prime, but even then Arcee is a mess with the wrong colors so really only Knockout, and he still feels like ass because RED used the shittiest plastic they could find and then chewed it a bit
I managed to get mine for $25 like 6 months ago. Trying to find Ratchet for less than $60 has been a pain in the ass tho
Again, I never got how getting someone to reply to me would ever be a goal. Like, who fucking cares? Maybe I'm not as starved for attention as you anon.
And by the way, in these "fake videos" on IG the toys were still actually getting damaged, so it seems like a moot point.
>I think it has less to do with age and more to do with how isolated you are. If you existed with a robust irl friend network as well spouse and kids you really get how much of anything that's not directly in your life is just noise and games.
Nice strawman and attempted personal attack, but you have it exactly backwards. When you have those things in real life, you don't have the need to farm for (You)s just for attention. You already have it, with people who actually matter.
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Never got that mentality of "have to pick one and it has to be the best" while it does get old somtimes with the same characters getting rehashed I enjoy transformers for how each one is unique in there own way with vehicle/bot style or even just transformation. I have a ton of promes but no 'toon' style so 86 was an easy pick up. I wont claim he is the best op ever and if I had to choose I think I like ER more in general but both are really cool in there own ways.
Because I like the look of the ER one, but if he fits into my collection I won't complain
When did the price on Siege Prowl skyrocket suddenly? He goes for almost as much Earthrise now, wasn't he common until recently?
We don't know that for sure, Hasbro might take dead 86 Prowl and call it good enough for the "final" version. Besides, even if he was alive, some of us think ER Prowl looks better anyway. There's no guarantee that newer is always better; a lot of characters have been trending in the opposite direction.
>"have to pick one and it has to be the best"
some people just has autism, but more valid reasons is space and some people offset the cost of the new figure by selling the old one, but yeah if you have both theres really no reason to be purist about having just one.

in fact I preordered the rerelease of ER prime since I missed him during ER and have a preorder for 86 prime because like you said, they're unique and will go to different displays, and I will still keep my Siege prime because that dude fucking rocks
The drill guy? He's like over 100 bucks
>When did the price on Siege Prowl skyrocket suddenly?
he is realistically the only option for most folks, those that have ER Prowl are not gonna sell him and Siege was 7 years ago so prices are naturally going up, and your only other options besides those two is universe and CW, and well yeah.
Whys he look like that??? The fuck? This is neither toy nor toon accurate while simultaneously not doing the single fuction a Transformer toy should be doing.
What you're just gonna let Scorponok be outgunned then?? Help the poor bastard its 3 on 1!
Cool bootleg
Siege Prime is fucking great, and I'm content with having him as my "main" Prime. The 86 version has kept me at bay with its qc issues for the price, and the fact I'd have to get a new Megatron, at the very least. I guess for a stand alone display or with 86 Magnus (looks great, but also too big) he makes sense.
I don't have ER Prime but I was thinking of getting the Shattered Glass version just to have a version of it, Amazon is selling him with Ratchet (I was the anon who liked the ER vans earlier in the thread)
Decepticon warriors are worth an entire squad of Autobots
>sub $60 Ratchet
Wow he shelfwarmed even harder than Ironhide, and they both got double printed. Sheesh
>Again, I never got how getting someone to reply to me would ever be a goal
You are over selling it. Scale it down

>Like, who fucking cares?
We are right now having a back and forth over if you should care. This is low energy stuff anon, hence why you can type up this reply rather than just ignore it and save energy, because again the energy is very low.

>Maybe I'm not as starved for attention as you anon.
Who said I was? Why would you assume that? Would you rather I never replied to your questions?

>in these "fake videos" on IG the toys were still actually getting damaged, so it seems like a moot point.
Right but you assumed they were "fans" forgetting their are 2 decades of internet videos of people destroying brand new game systems like PS2, 3, 4, etc just for the traffic it got them. Same idea is likely happening here and they hope you don't stop and go "wait did you break that to get a reaction out of people?".

> When you have those things in real life, you don't have the need to farm for (You)s just for attention
NTA but I think you have it backwards to what anon is talking about, the point was aimed at those who fall for the tricks and think this fake world is real life. I do think you are correct on the other side of the coin too, that it's both the people that do this shit for attention an the people that fall for their tricks are by majority either underage or very much alone and without strong networks to pull them out of the trap.

Hell that's what's depressing: it's just two groups of lonely people e-jacking each other off.
Makes sense. I'll probably cave and get him sooner or later. Kind of wish I did last year when i started collecting, he went up fast since then.
>sold 3 different deluxes for over $100 last year
>all 3 of them are going for almost $200 now
Idk how anyone can ask that much for a mainline deluxe and still sleep at night. $100 was already giving me major anxiety
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yup that was pretty much everyone's reaction, and nobody knows why, and we don't know why they picked those colors, like I said as a standalone cheetor, yeah he is fine actually, but as a toon accurate figure? no he is terrible and that goes for a lot of RED figures, which makes it extra bizzare that the Primal looks way better and more cartoon accurate, but again, around the price of the Kingdom figure which looks just as good and can transform, so why would you bother going for this one?
I do have the mpm blackout. Also Jetfire.
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I just made a video review of the Silverbolt figure if anyone wants to check it out. I show how to transform him into each form from the other while I talk about the figure. Overall, I really love this dude. He has problems, but could have been a 10/10 if those had been addressed before hitting shelves. He's still super solid and a good 7/10. I love Transforming him and messing around with him. I often leaving it on the couch to mess around with while mindlessly watching TV at days end.

Could be a few things:
a) they don't buy a lot and want that one bad enough to justify the cost as they don't see that money being burned for anything else.
b) they want to finish a collection and they stomach the price to be "done"
c) they just make so much that it's a nonissue and would sooner have the item for so much than not at all.

We have some bad faith possibilities too like they are bad with money or are way too impulsive but I don't think that can hold up 2nd market prices alone.
Come to think of it, how do the Transformers One blokees scale with the Studio Series toys? They might make some good miners to go alongside Prime.
>I just made a video review of the Silverbolt figure if anyone wants to check it out.

All two of us here will say we will and forget
>Trying to find Ratchet for less than $60 has been a pain in the ass tho
as a swede thats just general retail for voyagers
>most people will do stupid things in front of a camera for attention.
For me it's when I'm doomscrolling or half-watching some kind of complilation video and I see someone film themselves attempt something and fail
But not in a spectacular way, just in a normal way that makes them look foolish
Like, why would you put that out there?
>Like, why would you put that out there?
You watch it didn't you? Some places monetize views. Or they just want the "fame" that comes with it, South Park made a whole episode about it 16 years ago

Consider how much bigger the internet is now from then.
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>now light our dorkest hour- I mean darkest hour! darkest hour!
>stop it! stop laughing!
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roughly core sized so probably pretty well actually
>Arise Barrimus Prime
I fucking miss thes little guys like you wouldn't believe. I used to own the hotcakes/pterosaur and Happy Meal/T-Rex, along with whatever the fries and ice cream cone were supposed to be, specifically.
Sidewaysimus Prime actually. Ever the underdog, I think his Prime transformation would give him like a teardroo camper trailer that just holds a 2nd gun and converts into slightky more stable feet. (For real I love this guy but his feet are so loose)
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>the hell was that about?
>Burgertron I choose you!
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I like the decent titan figures
I find it weird how they kept getting better and better then come Kingdom they started going to shit.
I want to get one, I'm waiting for Star Convoy. But... if they make a BW2 Trypticon (I dont remember his name) I'll be on it instantly. Also someday I'm getting Gen Selects Grand Maximimus. Due to my dad having lots of disposibke income and an unfulfilled childhood he bought my brother and I a shitload of Transformers. So our Trypticon was the BW2 one, and our Fortress Maximus was Grand Maximus. Of course we didnt know these were the japanese exclusive versions as kids. But man those were cool.
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Bumblebros must have climaxed for an hour and a half straight when they got their movie
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Thank you anons. I've recently got into collecting transformers (I think the last transformers I bought were pre-2010 with a beloved anniversary g1 soundwave re-issue from like 2007 amongst some bayverse stuff) until recently actually when I asked you guys about coronation starscream. 86 optimus looks pretty rad even with the blocky back and certainly appeals for the old cartoon look to him, but god the quality control issues being discussed seem worrying for the pricepoint. Has any recent big release had such QC issues like this? Appreciate your opinions on the toy at least feeling nice and such, hope you guys have fun with him and hopefully if I get my hands on one it's in good shape.
>just noticed the little bit of fluff or something from the left arm over the decepticon badge
reee please forgive, he was fresh out of the box when I took this photo
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It's still a fine photo regardless, anon.
I'm am truly sorry but the sentence is death.
Who are these little gun guys?
looks like Minicons who are about to abandon him
Why yes I did just get my preorder cancelled for not being able to pay. How did you know?
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Flanker is the dark blue one, Eclipse is the light blue one. They came with T30 Swerve and T30 Gears, respectively.
Minicons? Micromasters? Targetmasters? I'm not sure what to even call these guys, they're technically triplechangers but they're tiny, and one mode is always a gun/weapon. They defy classical cybertronian taxonomy.
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I've mentioned before my growing nostalgia for just painting an Optimus white
>he never had any of the triple changing weapon minicons
I dunno, the quality of titans has always been fluctuating
>T30 Metroplex is dated but does everything he needs to
>CW Devy was shit
>TR fort max is a mediocre retool when he should've gotten a unique mold
>TR Trypicon is almost perfect
>PotP predaking was shit
>Siege omega and ER scorponok are both incredibly good
>Kingdom ark takes a downturn into the shitter
>Legacy metroplex has an amazing robot mode and mediocre everything else, but that's not the fault of the figure so much that it is his design
>Nemesis takes a fat shit all over the ark in both modes but makes proportionfags angry because she isn't perfectly heroic and picturesque
>Legacy tidal wave at a glance isn't that bad, but suffers from a QC disaster and really questionable design decisions
Hopefully star convoy is good, he'd make a nice centerpiece to an optimus shrine
I got Ark for like 50 bucks and enjoy him. He's a big yellow brick and comes with a lil yella fella
Like the Requiem blaster guys? Does it count as triplechanging if one of your modes is 1/3 of a thing?
>Legacy tidal wave at a glance isn't that bad, but suffers from a QC disaster and really questionable design decisions
I adore him but yeah I am terrified of moving those legs, I should just open them and work the screws a bit

Otherwise pretty spot on, though I will say UW devy is good, that release just makes the whole thing feel more complete and while 86 is probably gonna improve on things I don't really see those improvements making it worth replacing my UW copy
Like the Emergency Mincon team or the Air Military Minicon team
Good luck
Not where I live, back when they were at regular voyager price they sold out in a few days
Making Optimus figures should have been mastered by now so I'm optimistic (heh) that Star Convoy will be decent at the very least
ER looks great in this pic. Nice job, those are extra stickers, yeah?
Why no spooky transformah
Isn’t hasbruh all about spoogie
Why no scary evil purple green orange robot
we've had like 2 so far
Frankentron sheldwarmed
ahh yep. that is indeed a missed shopportunity.
it's okay, someone else got it and now he's happy.
i still don't know whether to swap the legs back before custom painting my spare kingdom BA (since i got premium finish)
I kinda like leopardprintrachnia with the black legs, gives her a passably real beast mode. But with the orange legs she represents a classic recognizable thing..
I forget it's a box size. I meant Titan as in the giant term in lore/media, also Nemesis just had bad portions and posing is very subpar, playing or displaying is just awful. If it wasn't for TW she's be the worse at the moment
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You just got spooky
anon, you're insane! a reasonable person like me only has-
>original ultra class primal
>kingdom primal repainted as a different guy
>premium finish primal
>mini movie primal that turns into a gun
>"leader" movie primal
>Ultimate movie primal
>3P optimal optimus
>and I would totally get nemesis primal if he was cheap enough
... okay you're fine.
autism is made up. there's at least six very different and often mutually-exclusive things labeled 'autism'
Undeservedly so, Frankentron's fuckin cool.
just leave the wounded one near Ratchet for a while and he'll get repaired
you gettin the upgrade kit?
i forgot
>a second Ultimate movie primal with the Apelinq upgrade kit
I got lucky and randomly found a listing on amazon at its original price, it was months after it was gone. I like the homage to the diaclone battle platform, but he really needs the 3p feet.
Maybe, but it is a deluxe sold for the price of a voyager that is a retool of a guy that was rereleased like crazy.
Also the alt mode wasn't really calling to the character. I get the lighting gun/canon angle but I feel most would have much rather had a mismatched Junkion style. Like take Scraphook's/Axlegrease's core body with some retooling and give him Trasmasters/Crashbar accessories. Give him a better feel of being a mishmash monster
cringe begets cringe
They should make a Vampirella
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Yes I got the toyhax sticker set and the nonnef trailer upgrade for him. He is such a cool and fun figure I wanted to jazz him up and the trailer really needed it
I might've agreed if the junkion molds didn't have so many issues with them. And to be clear, I love the damn things, but them popping apart so easily is half the issue with them - you can barely turn their damn elbows without them popping loose. Plus they'd charge the same price for the smaller molds.

Best case scenario you'd get a retool of Garbagemaster, that might fit a little better but it wouldn't pop apart.
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I need to dig out more of my titanmasters or get more minicons.
Blackarachnia is the exception, but they did nerfed Arcees thighs from t30 to ss86
Prime! You shrunk!
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If/when Reactivate Optimus gets a reissue in Studio Series, do yourself a favor and get it. It's a top tier Optimus.
Also, DNA Designs Animated Powermaster kit is well worth getting for the Legacy toy.

Go fuck yourself bootleg anon.
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Small of frame but big in attitude.

Also legacy g1 prime seems to have some odd tolerances with his ports and guns. Its feels like they widened his hand holes to accommodate the paint layer on his weapon grips so other guns are loose in his hands and back port.
Arcee having obese thighs isn't accurate to the movie.
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I have that kit on preorder at bbts but tempted to see if someplace has it in stock cuz it looks so damn good. Do all versions come with the mask and goggles? BBTS has those listed as pre order bonuses
All versions come with the mask and visor piece. BBTS gets a bonus visor with white ears and orders from Chinese stores gets a bonus yellow visor.

You're welcome, faggot
Well, 1 outta 3 ain't bad
>had to cancel my ss86 order
life do be like that at times, still blows, guess I'll just hope it won't sell out super fast or Hasbro reissuing it later
ran out of money? no credit or anything?
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Seems like its sold out at alot of places. Will just hope big bad dosent take forever getting it in stock

86 trailer maybe a little to big for him
no other stuff just snuck up on me, stuff more important than toys and taking from my savings account for yet another Optimus Prime is not something I want to do, and I'm not American and I try to avoid credit like the plague
Child Rapist Chungus
There's a handful of TFs that are dads, but none that are moms
Nobody wants Hagformers
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Prime Arcee and G-1 Arcee???
Pedothena Broken.
Most people don’t want toys of Hags, it would be funny but none yet
I mean idiots who use credit to buy shit they can't afford are idiots
but if you know will have the money later (e.g. when it comes out, so you hope it doesn't sell out) you can borrow from then, and use it now. then, later, when it comes out, you DON'T buy it again.
as long as you have the tiniest amount of willpower and your dumb animal brain doesn't start acting like it now has infinite money.
Serpent O.R. is sort of Megatron's son. Does that make Megaempress his stepmom or his aunt?
>"wow, I'm willing to pay top dollar exclusive money for this"
Late tax is one thing, but $40 on Amazon for 2 Deluxes was nothing back in 2020.
No relation.
I dont wanna own a bunch of Optimus, so if I only got one between earthrise and SS86, which should I get?
I feel Commander hits the marks higher. It's an entirely new mold as opposed to Half Siege, and it more fully realizes the ideas Earthrise was trying to do but was limited by budget. Better trailer and since the trailer is half the package in either case, that can be a thing that weighs on your choice.
Pic unrelated?
Did whatever issues it had get fixed by now? Or do I need to wait for some later release of it? All I know is something about the feet being wrong.
I find these Siege Prowl posts funny. I didn't even want one, but got it in a cheap lot and used the head for "I'm getting shot" Prowl. Never got the ER because it came with Bluestreak's head.
Only issue I know is his heel spurs are on the wrong foot which is a cosmetic detail that winds up on the backside of both modes.
Apparently, some recent China 86 Prime's have the correct heels.
Can't remember where I read, but someone checked and the incorrect heels do throw off Prime's balance a bit.
i think that's the same for mpm starscream
I really wish Hasbro would write and enforce some kind of internal rule that forbids paint from being applied to weapon handles and the inside of any port to plug them in. It leads to both paint scraping and inconsistent measurements between figures and accessories.
what do you mean? they do. which often leads to really shitty looking unpainted weapon handles.
Then explain how Legacy G1 Prime's gun handle is painted. Or why SG Magnus's shoulder missiles have paint on their pegs (leading to very tight fits). Sure, they often avoid painting those things, but it's clear it's not a hard rule.
why would prime's gun be painted. just cast it in black, what the fuck
Anyone know if Quake is any good?
They painted them because no parts use black plastic. There's a slim chance they would have cast them in black had the wheels been one slid piece of place plastic, but they aren't.

In any case, I give zero fucks if they left the handle unpainted, you won't even notice with the gun plugged in. I was even planning on doing it myself, but mine was one of the copies with the widened hand peg holes.
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No? It has the wrong colors, chest is fucked, and the crappy turret barely works.
>Hasbro Pulse has Godbomber
>But only the standard version, not the one with extra parts.

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I had a passing interest in Reactivate but I didn’t want to deal with that Soundwave. It looks pretty badass though.

And the DNA kit does indeed look awesome. But I’m saving myself a little bit of dough and giving this addon kit a chance, instead. Search “High Quality Replacement Head Legacy Animated Prime” on Ali.
Good to know, saving money again this wave.
why do incomplete versions of things even exist
BBTS has it if you want somewhere domestic, it's real odd considering Pulse got both versions of Kaen in.
I have paid 65 for zorichi
Fort Max is the worst titan. Lazy retool of an already wonky mold. The city mode is a joke and it loses everything that made the G1 toy fun.
I'd argue that Tital Wave is the worst titan purely because he's designed to break, but Fort Max not being able to make the proper G1 city mode is shit.
Most titans have some issue buried in them. Tidal Wave is the worst, but almost all of them have a problem.
on the fence for SG magnus
started collecting only recently and i reallly want a delta magnus
the only kingdom mold i’ve handled is inferno and its kinda iffy (plastic feels inferior to modern releases)

should i wait for a possible future ss86 variant?
There was a comment about them releasing a Delta Magnus version of the 86 mold. No idea if it will actually happen.
What's Omega Supreme's issue?
Nothing concrete, but after they changed the hip the design, you should be careful and grab the thigh directly when moving that area. You might damage the toy if you grab the hip when you move the leg since that area creates a gap when doing so.

Sort of related, I wouldn't move the claw too much or leave the rocket on display foelr too long since you risk damaging the clear plastic.
Sorry, mixed it up. Grab the hip, not the thigh. I also forgot to mention, be very careful handing the red abdomen flap, that area is clear plastic painted over and it has broken on some people when they untabbed it.
ah just like jacob wrestling with god
Scop and OS are the only two without any real problems

Haven't heard these issues. Visually it looks off but he has no issues Like Nemesis where moving or leaving the toy in a certain pose will case breakage
Scorponok has an issue with the hip ratchets damaging the swivel since the ratchets are made of strong, flexible plastic while the one uses for the swivel is soft.
Did it it again, not the hip, it's the thigh swivel that gets damaged.
it's okay, thigh still think you're hip
>I wouldn't move the claw too much or leave the rocket on display foelr too long since you risk damaging the clear plastic
The ratchets on each finger are not made of clear plastic so it shouldn't be a problem, and you can completely open them so the rocket thruster touches the ground so the fingers don't hold the weight and only serve as stabilizers.

>Like Nemesis where moving or leaving the toy in a certain pose will case breakage
I know about the shoulders thing, but what's this about some poses causing breakage?
The only titan I can say has zero issues is the Ark. Say what you will about the gaps, but the toy is solid. I pray Star Convoy is as solid, I can't trust Hasbro with Titans after Tidal Wave.
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Black Zarak looks good as well. I know Fort Max is a lazy retool but it doesn't make him awful
those are really tall skirting boards mang
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Star Convoy as a titan is weird to me. I know he is very large but to me it just doesn't feel right.
>Scorponok has an issue
Anyone have a source? Cause when Tripticon and TW had issued we had hundreds of pages on forums and youtube. Also why is an anon here acting like Tripticon was any good? Most agree that leg issue at launch was awful and he's very mediocre. It's only places like here where people samefage does it imply people like the TR version. Hell most are happy they skipped him in this reissue wave that's happening. I have no strong feelings myself but this place projects claims that are not the fandom to any degree.
Retards saw first stylised artwork on wiki and made him titan.
You can't really tell he has it unless you crack it open and it's a bitch to get in there. We also know most people don't open their figures, we never got any reports about the Legacy Metro shoulders outside of 4chan.
They seem to be going off the size given in a Magazine. These sizes are very finicky, since combiner sizes from the same source has them being much larger than they normally are (combiner sizes seem to be around 16 meters), with many combiners (mainly micromaster teams) being in the 40 meter range, and the guard city and battle Gaia combiner teams being 60 meters.

In the same source, King Poseidon is shown being bigger than typical combiner teams, but not by much (20 meters).

Officially, Super Megatron was placed at 35 meters, while Star Convoy was 45, smaller than the "normal" combiners that debut the following year (the Gaia/Guard teams).
Oh, I should mention that there's sort of a way to get a size for him, but it's still kind hard to pinpoint
>should i wait for a possible future ss86 variant?
Are they even continuing with the SG line? I think it might be dead since they where always guaranteed to hit clearance. It's the only reason I have my SG Jetfire.
If they are continuing, their releases are so sporadic that I wouldn't hold out hope they'd redo one they've already released in a new mold.
Even tho I have Scorp I still want him, but I feel like we've passed the timeframe where he'd constantly go on sale.
My last hope for Black Zarak is Black Friday i guess
If he's the size of HasLab Omega Prime I'd be fine with it
>bought an '07 bonecrusher junker for pats
>now have 5 copies of the bonecrusher mold
good thing they were generics in ROTF i guess
NTA but I couldnt find it. Could you link it or something? The DNA kit was the only thing that came up, and heads for other figures

Also a 3D printed jetfire and overload for legacy armada prime which looked neat.. Anyone know if that's worth getting?
>get back in TF with Legacy
>get excited over the potential for Tidal Wave
>Titan Tidal Wave shits the bed in every way that counts
Back to suffering I go
you can thank sam 'what's he look like again' smith for that blunder
hope warden fucks him off back to star wars
Wasn't that one way larger (leader class when) with shotguns on forearms? I think there was also only one "clone".
>too big
>no minicon
>knees break
>giant fucking hole in the back
>half assed combination with Megatron
>1/3 of his altmode can't stay together
If they did him in commander class we could get all repaints much easier.
No idea how he is still kept there. Same with le epic funny moustache man.
Source on any of this?

Thanks to Legacy and Primes onward there is always a chance. They are plugging in G2 Stunticons into the mainline when the last two were Walmart only.
I'm pretty sure Tidal Wave was suppose to be a Supreme class that they stupidly upscale to Titan. Everything from his horrid leg joints, what seems last minute change for his small boats and the parts forming adds up if he was about a quarter smaller than what he is.

I mean, they could just be that fucking awful at this but considering How they handled the last two I like to think the issues here are larger than just being dumb.
they're just that fucking bad, man
watching the video at the convention in asia where tidal wave premiered, they're scared shitless and basically justifying their continued employment the whole time. either trying to convince the viewer or their bosses the product is good, actually, just trust them and buy it without looking to closely!
See here is the thing: why weren't they like that with the other 6? In the vids with Cybertron Metroplex they were having fun and treating it like a toy, same with Nemesis. That's where it gets weird, and they have admitted before he was planned as a Commander class meaning that at some point they changed gears and went bigger, question is, did they start from a new design of did they do what they have done in the past and simply blew up the design not thinking what new issues that would create.
>why weren't they like that with the other 6
omega supreme's hips got cucked mid-development compared to early test shots, and his proportions in general are utterly fucked beyond repair. only good in base mode
scorponok is a miracle and is basically perfect, but GOD Warden was taking point on that one unlike all the others which were worked on by green millennial designers
metroplex was just the old toy with ankle tilts (and a fucked up amount of buckets on his sparkdrinker i may add), yet no room for drillbit on the sprue (suspicious)
the ark and nemesis are utter shit, comparable to the cyberverse kiddy toys in design, build and aesthetic. but since there's no previous 'version' of these designs a toys, not many noticed how dinky they were
which lands us back in tidal wave, an absolute GOAT design and 9/10 toy only really lacking knee and ankle articulation looking back. they couldn't get away with tricking people into thinking it was impressive, because the original was THAT impressive to begin with that every new decision had to be justified under heavy (and well deserved) scrutiny. to fuck up on joint tolerances as with trypticon, to have made serious compromises in order to achieve the miniature components, and to top it off the lack of Ramjet titan wave just doesn't even match Archer's toy from 20 years ago
but hascucks will buy it anyway at ever inflating prices to satisfy corpo bait and switch greed
Anyone know where I could maybe find a Collectors Club Barricade figure? Never seen one for sale but I am so desperate for one.
At that time (starting with maybe Victory but definitely in Zone) they were 2 kinds of TF in size, Micromasters & Tall transformers, which includes robots that turn into bases (like Metrotitan, Trypticon, BlackZarak, Dai Atlas, Star Convoy etc...) and combiners

Also in Victory, micromasters were tall robots, but that's a discussion for another day

Titan class toys is an embargo to realizes tall characters in toy form, in the same way you get Omega Supreme being at 18 meters in the cartoon while having gigantic spaceships in the form of the Ark & Nemesis, but they're all about 50-60cm, because they are the tallest toys to be made

Even then in fiction, Black Zarak, Grand Maximus & Zone Trypticon are smaller than Scorponok/Mega Zarak, Fortress Maximus & Season 3 Trypticon, but they are cityformers, that's it

Also I love you anon >>11209458, that's me who added some of these characters scale & theirs TV magazine dates in the scale charts page on TFwiki, following the Star Convoy debacle about his size weeks ago
>TFO Megatron is available for preorder on Amazon for $40
>decide to wait until payday to do so
>fastforward a week
>all sold out
>3rd party sellers charging $60+
Every fucking time.
Try Walmart, I got mine for retail and like 2 days after ordering him. Do NOT pay 40 for him, and I say that as someone who really likes him. He just isnt worth that.
>Warden got fired
>not Mark or Sam
Dark times are ahead
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You mean this guy? No clue other than a random ebay listing but it really improves the mold with the all black scheme
Wasn't Warden supposed to be taking back the reins about now?
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God DAMNIT! I wanted an Animated Bee!
Well at least plastic cames back with AoP, SS wave 2.
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Comments on the 1027 stream are gonna be full of this lol. Hasbros fucked til they cut the dead weight that is Disney.
That new CEO is nosediving this company straight into the ground holy shit
>the dead weight that is Disney.
Have you seen any Star Wars stuff selling?
Me neither
Every investor report Hasbro publishes talk about how most of their losses are in licensed lines like Star Wars and Marvel
People call the new Marvel and Star Wars shit "Ollie's Exclusives" for a reason
>When will tooners die?
>Most will be dead or irrelevant by 2045 or so.
This is why Hasbro seems to be in a rush to crank out every last bankable character or concept from the sunbow era. The window of the boomers who grew up with sunbowshit having enough disposable income to waste on toys is coming to a close, so Hasbro's trying to hit their wallets hard while they still can.
Star wars and Marvel are killing Hasbro.
Man, I wish there was a commander size option for Omega, he was big but not huge. Dude was a base not a city former.
And Paramount
Every time someone talks about something cool that shelfwarmed, I've still literally never seen it once. Distribution is so fucking shit in my region it's unreal.
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Man, I loved when the legends class dudes came with targetmaster minicons. They're like 13 years old and I still play with most of those guys. They almost always fit into some random squad. Chopshop was my favorite, but Waspinator and Payload were cool, too.
>but hascucks will buy it anyway

I dunno TW has been struggling really bad in sales and has been about 25% off now for the last 3 months. The last 4 mainline one's didn't have the issue. We have to get back to Trypticon for sales this slow.
>why haven't any 3P guys tried to make the classic trailer transform into an OC robot?
Because tooners don't want OC robots, and tooners also don't like the trailer. It would be such a niche product from the get-go.
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Roller should be the trailer.
>Roller with robot mode
>stows inside trailer when in altmode
>trailer partforms into armor bits to plug into Roller and make him taller+wider+armed to the teeth
That'd be pretty neat too actually.
Star Convoy almost did that.
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Get some modulators.
Sonic the Hedgehog now generates more interest as a movie franchise than Star Wars
Pretty much says it all
I havent even seen investor reports lol its just obvious
I think this is just weird wording, everybody is taking it as "Warden is out" but it just reads to me like Warden is one of the sources confirming the layoffs
Do we know when hasbro’s contracts with Marvel and Star Wars expire? Marvel’s new contract started in February 2020, and StarWars/Lucasfilms new contract started in Janurary 2022, though neither report mentioned how long that contract lasted.
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>the franchise and Hasbro itself are actually dying
welp it was (mostly) good while it lasted

Welp, good thing 3d printing got more affordable to fill the gaps 3p won't do.
it's been actually dying for years now. everything that happens is totally the final nail in the coffin for real this time guys
So does this mean we're gonna start getting good toys, or...?
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At least it means we won't have repaint wars crap with Warden gone.
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There's now no one there to keep Mark's retardation and Evan's brainrot toonerism in check.
So no. The plane is crashing with no survivors.
Are you still trying to force that meme word? Let it go, man.
Just ignore him and he'll stop eventually.
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Fuck off, wfc-legacy was the same or worse, these 2 pics are incomplete missing even more repaints.
Reminds me of the Action Master trailer, cool
Starscream and Sideswipe infinite recolors are eternal. Megatron however is shocking.
Even if it was just repainting it might be more tolerable
But they kept putting that toy out as variations of a grey Megatron
While Starscream and Sideswipe have been pushed out as a whole spectrum of colours and chatacters
I still don't know whether or not I want that miner Megs. I don't own any version of that mold so it would still be new to me, but I'm just sick of robots without alt modes. Most of the transformers I've caved and bought over the past 5 years only feel like half a toy.
Will we get a 6th leader Galvatron on anime colors?
>Most of the transformers I've caved and bought over the past 5 years only feel like half a toy.
this is probably the best way to put it. The current design team has fucked up in shifting the focus from vehicle modes to alt modes. If your toy is going to have a gimmick (i.e., "Robots in Disguise") then you have to fucking commit to it. I like the fact that ankle tilts and weapon ports are fairly standard fare now, but I'd trade it all for a truly good alt mode.

Not saying there haven't been a handful. Cliffjumper was pretty great, and I liked both toolings of the lambo mold. Datsun would have been solid if it weren't for the mushroom peg hubs, christ I can't believe those are still a thing.
>shifting the focus from vehicle modes to alt modes.
meant vehicle modes to robot modes, derp
But the vehicle modes are good.
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>tf one bombed
>all new tf toys are repaints
>reactivate in dev hell
>mass firings
*citation needed
>Datsun would have been solid if it weren't for the mushroom peg hubs, christ I can't believe those are still a thing.
There was a definite attempt to win people back over after PotP by cranking up the general quality. The overall look and finish of most of the siege toys I bought is notably higher than the Prime Wars, but it feels like that fell off pretty quickly.
>embargo to realizes tall characters in toy form, in the same way you get Omega Supreme being at 18 meters in the cartoon while having gigantic spaceships in the form of the Ark & Nemesis, but they're all about 50-60cm, because they are the tallest toys to be made.

Yep, that's why I said it's pointless, along with the general size creep Japan shows got after Headmasters. The easiest way to get a size for Star Convoy is by going with the assumption he's about as tall as Dia Atlas or a few meters taller, and since Dia was as tall as combiners, he should be around the same ballpark. The other way is to assume Ginrai's size is wrong and start from there (I'll get to that in a bit).
Wardensisters…not like this…
it's over
anyone premium members gonna be showing the 1027 reveals during the stream? I guarantee they won't be worth forking over $50 to see
-Ginrai is actually 6 meters, SG is 11. God Ginrai is comically oversized, so at best it's 13 meters (in the show he grows a solid 5 meters and even the character height charts makes him look off next to SG). Star Saber is slightly taller than GG, so 14 meters, and Victory Leo puts him at 17.
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To be fair Transformers have had a long history now of whoring toy molds out. Most of Generation 2 was just old toys but in 90s colors, Universe started as just repaints/recycles of old toys, and Armada more or less started the tread that nearly every toy mold got a repaint/reuse.
why would you even want to watch it? Go hang with some people around you and check back when it's over. Preorder times are almost always a good amount after the "show" anyway.
going by pretty much every stream they've done this year it's gonna be complete and utter shit
Why does anyone tune in? It feels so strange to me. Hey look, thing you can preorder later, here are pictures, here are more pictures, go preorder!" feels like some kind of Simpson's level satire
They did say they were going to show Devastator in October, right?
And October is rapidly ending wirh no Devastator yet
If none of us watch it, who will tell us what happened?
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I love fear and retardedness in their eyes.
When is this beauty going to get any news? I need it. I fear for the price though.
The website when the figure preorders drop. They are selling you toys and nothing else.

Hang with your friends, that's what I'm doing during that time. Starting a Pathfinder game for friend's birthday they know I'm going to pause after the show to see when the orders go live and assuming they show anything I want pause it again to order it when it's live.They are wasting time, money and bandwidth with these shows that ever live stream proves, no one is watching.
How do you think they announced figures prior to this?
>They did say they were going to show Devastator in October, right?
Yes, on the 27th.
True but, the ER seeker mold has been used more times in 5 years than the G1 mold was in the first 20 years of its existence.
Legacy Laser Prime has had as many re-uses in about 3 years as G2 Laser Prime did in over 10, and one more than RTS Laser Prime did in about 5.
>my shield has pincers on it!
>sure I have my own pincers, and they're much bigger, but... these ones are on a shield!
It's about the same for the 80s toys

85 Transformers
85 Dinobot gift pack
86 Movie refresh
86 Christmas season repack
88 Reissue
92 Sliver G2 Slag
93 Green Slag
93 Red Slag
93 Dark Green Slag
93 Dark Red Slag

80s kids were drowning in toys and the rerelases/reissues/redecos etc. The few posters here would be having strokes how long figure molds stayed on shelves. Now 90s yes it cool down a lot but that was a mix of much poorer sales and Games were chipping at the market.

Hasbro/Takara has always loved whoring molds on all their lines.
You are damn right

The term is not always used right and sometimes "shelfwarmed" just means could find it at a major online retailer for msrp or cheaper for years on end like much of the Kingdom series and most of Legacy.
>It's real
It's over, isn't it? Transformers is ending soon
In the US, We are living in two economic ecosystem with things now: In stores and online. In stores Frankentron was rare only showing up at Targets, BAMs and Gamestops and little else between, online however with Amazon, BBTS, TFSource, EE, etc, he didn't move hardly at all, and many got him at discounts as low as $15.

Anyone in Burger land willing to shop online and use discount trackers like the honey app are having the time of their life with most figures and what not. Anyone having to rely on brick and mortar stores or are outside the US have a much more messier outcomes of what they see and get.
and that's a goofy terrible movie made by Illumination, at that
>just means could find it at a major online retailer for msrp or cheaper for years on end like much of the Kingdom series

No way is that true is it?
>look up prices
>Tigertron and Rhinox for $25
>Beast Megatron for $50
>BA, Waspinator, Airazor, Scorp and Shadow panther are all $24 or less
>even most the beast exclusives are msrp or lower

God damn. I knew Beast Wars shit wasn't as hot as G1 but these are figures from over 4 years ago.
Didn't this guy JUST come back and get put in charge of both TF AND GI Joe?
WTF is hasbro doing????
>using re-issues, gift packs, and variants to artificially inflate numbers so you can cope for 2020s Hasbro
KWACF (Kek What A Corpo Fag)
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I get it's ratchet up but Hasbro has never shy away from whoring molds or even just reusing them for the sake of more sales and you act like the reason G2 Laser Prime didn't get reused was anything other than the line dying, remember they did have Toxitron lined up for that fall year before they were canceled.

and for better or worse they were crazier with them back then too and you get OGs or in color/name only figures that had nothing in common with who they used for them.
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Thank god, I can stop collecting!
Beast Wars never got as large an audience as G1 did. It's insane to think they be as popular. I liked them well enough but even in the late 90s it was clear the market wasn't as large as G1. Again, other factors were at play, a lot more distractions had been created to get kids attention and the shows distribution was not as strong. Who's to say if it would have been as popular if it had the same start as G1 had.

why so hostile? I'm not inflating so much as showing the market with them have more or less the same or worse. Are you saying you be ok with the same Sideswipe being released 4 times in three years with no changes other than the box they were in? That was a lot of the G1 line.
Yeah, if they had fire him, the best chance was back when Power Rangers bombed. Now it just feels out of place. I just hope Evan sticks around, that man actually gives a fuck about the figures he works on.
>two people making 90% of the post here
>this is the results
Almost no one posts in these things anymore and the samefagging gets old.

I'll see you two next month.
>he's responsible for GEy edition
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Not everyone sits here 24/7 anon.
I mean it's pretty obvious they have no idea what they're doing and are flailing. TF One bombed, Star Wars/Marvel don't sell, etc. Think DND and Joe are the only things they make money on at this point.
Well damn, anon, I’m sorry but I checked the listing and it’s sold out. Either they’re super limited in stock or I might be getting scammed, either way I’ll be updating in the future.
Looking at 2025 things are just getting grim in general, most companies are pulling a "please understand" bit about why product isn't going to be available for most of next year and we are going to likely witness a global hyperinflation too.

toys are going to be the least of anyone's worries soon.
don't worry, the cheeto man is coming to save us
i'd be okay with some beast guy repaints
Dude most here are in their late 30 or older. Ain't no saving this batch.
yeahh i am also worried that fucker will cost all the money.
especially since i'll have to paint his nose tab.
same thing as every company
trying to actively destroy capitalism
it's almost like letting chinese participate in it was a mistake
except for walmart exclusives, where they never go onlne and you have to go to the store for a chance at finding the shit
dude, beast wars wins every single fan poll
it's like punishing your dog when he does the thing, not later.
So why do beast wars toys flop?
>you act like the reason G2 Laser Prime didn't get reused was anything other than the line dying,
Even if we count Toxitron, that's still 4 uses in 10 years, and I counted the chink zodiac version in that figure, you retardicon.
Me too but let's be real, they sell horrible. Remember the Walmart deluxe beast Trio from 2021?
Why are you getting this way anon? No one is disagreeing with you?
massive incompetence in the design of rhinox, scorponok, and inferno; budget cuts on guys like optimus, cheetor, and the spoodlers; shitty paint job on tigatron; rampant yellowing; and overproduction combined with shitty distribution
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I would go to a store and see a new toy on the shelf that I hadn't seen before. I miss the pre-internet.
>corporations trying to destroy capitalism
for fucks sake man you are dumber than dogshit
My guess is anon is talking about Sandstorm, the grey Cheetor and Buzzsaw. These guys got down to $4 in my area, to then end up at Ross for comparable prices.
The two Target ones did just as bad that year.
>calls people that agree with him retards

Irony is thick here today.

>The two Target ones did just as bad that year.
It's crazy how bad those went when the colored/retooled G1 figures get good demand/sales. I'm guessing most didn't grow up with BW the toys.
aw man i got all three of those, i could have savedlotsamoney
Because they don't have the lack of dispersion going on like in polls.
beast wars fans are a loud minority
i own four tigatrons and i'm tempted to buy a fifth. we should be keeping shit afloat
I only know two they won, POTP and the character of the year or whatever it was called that Dinobot one.

Internet fans are not always toy sales. That's a big issue we forget when it comes to online vs the real world, a 1000 online user claim(keyword) they want more beast wars but what if the other million+ buyers don't? Further still what if that 1000 online voters only 20%(ie 200) buy said figure. Thus $90 86 Prime sells out twice in both preorders and main release this week while you can get the Voyager Primal with core Rattrap 2 pack from 3 years ago for $30
to be fair if you waited you would just re-enforcer the idea they don't sell. I even bought ones I figured would do bad at full to support them like the rock people, who are actually selling well.

Consider that for a moment rock robots who turn into rock cars and rock helicopters do better sales than realistic beasts turning into robots
They should just do a powerlinx prime with sparkplug included. Specifically for me because that's a cool recolor and minicons are cool.
i don't believe that for a second
TF is one of their most stable and growing brands. Joe is dead weight.
>three overstocked literal who repaints of already released toys flop
>"Beasts don't sell!"

Imagine being this fucking retarded
Joe is dead weight in most things in terms of media, but because it already is the collectors-only style forever it adapts easier.
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Will MPs ever be good again? I wish we got another toy like the first three MPs, a standalone transformer with a load of little intricate gimmicks and references. I guess cartoon whales and 3P-MP killed the market for the orginal line
Because anytime they do BW updates they tend to look like shit. Silverbolt, Magmatron, and Taz are the only BW updates that finally look good in both modes. Tarantulas is probably the best deluxe class BW figure and was repacked in Evolution so everyone got a hold of him for mad cheap.
Transformers should already be that but they keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole. If they'd just keep the babyshit lines away from the real stuff instead of making the actual transformers need to pander to retarded kids who don't play with toys anyway we'd be better off.
Never. They went full tooner and turned the line into a laughing stock.
collector magazines where underappreciated. idk if the transformers ones are anything special but it was so cool to see just some closeup shots of new toys with a few small paragraphs by the designers talking about how they made it.
Now we just get shitty streams where the fuckin camera is pulled all the way out to fit the ugly nerd designers as they fumble with the toy they're supposed to show off, only to get a 30 second closeup thats immediately outdone by the pics they post after the streams over.
>TF is one of their most stable and growing brands
TF One says otherwise
silverbolt has a massive tail issue and his feet are in a questionable pose.
also, do you seriously believe the originals were better than the new ones for anyone but tigatron and inferno? even kingdom rhinox is better than the original. he's just not as good as t30. ditto waspinator.
>trying to destroy capitalism by mass firing employees while their retarded CEO pays himself giga shit tons of money
I'm gonna need you to sorta forget what your teacher told you for a second, and get back in the mindset of 'making money'
what they're doing? it's losing money. destroying industry. taking it all for themselves. that's called communism.
Movies != Toys you fucking retard

Ignore him. It's that same fucking /pol/tard that always goes on rants about how corporations are communists and how the west has fallen or whatever.
Aaaand there it is
Uh, it HAS fallen.
Actually inte4nally TF and Joe are doing well. But Hasbro is being slowly crushed under the weight of a combination of poor sales and expensive licensing from Disney ala Star Wars and Marvel. Even the kids want Luuke and Vader toys over a 30 dollar 3 and 1/4 inch tall Glupp Schitto figure. And nobody wants the Shuricopters...
The current Trasnformers line has like 75% randoms in a given wave.
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isn't that lego? Damn that actually looks pretty cool. makes me wanna make it a mech
also I love obscure weird star wars aliens. those guys are fun. i wouldn't buy em, but.. if i was buying those, those are the ones i'd want.
if the product isn't ass and overpriced, you pay for it.
how much they chargin for this here movie?
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Where's your Nebular bro?
Yes and this has always been the case, Transformers is doing well on sales both in the Generations and the "main line" or whatever, barring a few "who even eants this toy" things. Idk about Joe specifically though but I have heard they are doing well.
Can you dm me this
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Man I love him honestly
that is one nonexistent thigh
Saving yourself money
He's not worth it man .Truly and it's not just memes
not saving money if he buys it later
I got mine way back for $90 on a Best buy sale
Haven't tracked down the DNA kit for him yet, it's nearly essential
fire chris cocklover
Cuck logic

Great site
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>Both thighs visible

Wait…who do they have now?
There was this guy
Well, at least TF is one of their most consistent sellers.
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not in that pose. one of them was pulled so far into the body it's nonexistent
that aint bad.. it just needs some help, and the arms should probably be able to form normal looking tank cars
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What's the best Ultra Magnus to get? I've never had one and kind of want one. I see various versions of the same figure on BBTS and several others on sale. This Netflix one is the cheapest and comes with extra stuff, so what's his deal and why is he not desirable?
for one thing, that mold can't carry other cars
That mold is cool if you like the armor gimmick but like the other anon said it can't carry cars inside the trailer. Then there's the studio series 86 Magnus that can carry cars and it's bigger but more expensive
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The Combiner Wars one is pretty decent. Even without upgrades.
This one wasn't too bad.

The only dumb thing was that the little guy couldn't sit in the bad in vehicle mode. The whole point is that its supposed to be a lifeless suit of armor driven by the little guy all the time.
couldn't sit in the cab (stupid typo)
anyone ever get tiny boy?
>for one thing, that mold can't carry other cars

>That mold is cool if you like the armor gimmick but like the other anon said it can't carry cars inside the trailer. Then there's the studio series 86 Magnus that can carry cars and it's bigger but more expensive

What about this one, can it carry cars? It's $52 which a a whole lot for me. That other one I first asked about with the bonus Energon Cubes and gun transforner was onky $35. But I do like how this one looks a lot more in vehicle mode


Basically, what is REALLY want is an Ultra Magnus in Legends/core scale, but have roughly $50 to spend and want an Ultra Magnus
That one is a retool of >>11210465. I may be misremembering but I don't think that one can carry cars either
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love this brick still
>Ultra Magnus in Legends/core scale,
Then you want Tiny Boy! >>11210494
That one can't carry cars either, if you want a generations Magnus that has a functional trailer then get SS 86 Magnus or Combiner Wars Magnus
The retooled head and arm are nice.
Colors seem unpleasant. The distribution is a lot better feeling on the recent one.
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Btw, can the SS86's 2nd level swing down for access? It's another small detail I like about the CW.
I don't think so

Swing down, yes. But its not flush with the white ramp.
>Warden is our
Very strange. Didn’t see that coming at all. Not sure if this is good or bad. Regardless, Warden cucks unironically eternally btfo
You can put one or two cars on top of Siege Magnus, it's fun and no one can stop you
You want another throne?
Just look at him, he could handle Optimus like a toy there. Titan size is accurate for him.
Has anybody done repairs on a G1 (or G2) Blast Off? Got my eye on one that looks great, but the peg on the bag that connects him to Onslought is severely yellowed. Was wondering how easy it would be to swap one out.
I think later deco’s cheaped out and were on a non pinned bar, but the original has a pin on the joint.
Anyone BUT the Siege/Earthrise/Kingdom
Just do what I did and say "FUCK IT DK-2 guard got an upgrade!"
since you mentioned cheap, and "i've never had one" I'm assuming you wouldn't shell out the big bucks for masterpiece and commander cause you should only do that if you really love the character.
The Combiner wars one is really pretty good, but failing that, if you have to go with the siege/netflix/kingdom mold, siege is probably best. It's not accurate to g1, but it's functionally a better toy than the kingdom version, and the netflix one has a terrible paint job for the inner robot.
>boss, no-one's buying our voyagers toys from 5 years ago at leader prices
>darn, better fire our experienced designers and continue making increasingly short sighted brand direction decisions
Does anyone who owns the Studio Series TFOne Megatron know if you can turn the head around while in vehicle mode so that Megs' face isn't visible beneath the turret?
No, theres a tab that plugs into the slot on the back of his head.
Can you even buy SS86 Magnus anywhere for less than $200 these days? I don't think you really even have a choice between Magnus molds now if you don't want to pay out the ass.
It might get reissued next year
It might get redeco'd into one of the Primes in Age of the Primes.
Some dingus on Facebook just listed one for $300
>it finally happened

The designs for the legacy characters are so good/good enough that Hasbro no longer need the man power to update those characters any longer. They will just reissue the "old" and spend the minimal for new figures.

So warden got fired.

New G1 Galvatron?
Nope it will just be a release of the kingdom figure.
New G1 prime?
It will just be the SS 86 prime again.

I guess if Bandai can sell the same model kits for 20 years.
There is no reasons why Hasbro needs to come up with new look/design for its legacy characters when the engineering/cost of production reached its peak with the latest figures for h roast few years.

I expect SS86 soundwave/shockwave will just be a "clean" up version of the siege/Netflix figures
Shockwave will probably come without all the extra stuff to make the cool space dreadnought, the whole point of the Siege figure
>New G1 Galvatron?
>Nope it will just be a release of the kingdom figure.
>New G1 prime?
>It will just be the SS 86 prime again.
Which is good so that means they can finally move on from g1 updates and focus on actually doing something innovative with this brand for once. It really needs it.
it'd be good if the figures were actually definitive and not fatally flawed tooner garbage
>it's tooner garbage because.....
is this place really the one to ask? I feel like the forums would be better, the tfg here is less than a dozen people most of which are talking to themselves
So far none of them have hit deep clearance. The first grey not rocklord never dipped under $20 and he's becoming harder to find. The Green one was near comparable
Galvatron is fun fuck you
fun for yr butthole
kek nice proportions you have there
What? No you dontt need to turn his head around at all for the transformation, the fw e whoukdnt be visible at all, just the back of his head.
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i just found out the caps of the piledrivers can be removed... and i got frenzy 2 months ago.
Why is Rumble Red?
Whaddya know, I've neen mistransforming my TFO Megs this entire time. His head IS supposed to be turned around when you transform him, however absolutely nothing is lost by not doing this. In fact something is gained via hiding his face.
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>"For two days and two nights I made my descent."
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>"When the great duct became impassable, I found myself in a labyrinth of tunnels. Though I saw neither rhyme or reason to this place, I knew every turn, every corridor with a familiarity like that of a childhood memory long forgotten or a dream, crystal clear for a moment, and then lost in the next."
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always was
shitty budget animation studios getting it wrong for years has ruined generations of fans
>80s shitty animation studio ruin what color a cassette tape is
>90s shitty animation studio ruin that the Beast Wars is not on modern day earth
What did the 2000s and 2010s shitty animation studios ruin?
Are you also going to complain that ironhide and ratchet have heads?
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>"I came upon a junction and laid my eyes on a shadow cast against the wall. A man! A Micromaster! I yearned to call out to him but fear stayed my hand and I listened. He was pleading for his life. For all of my disdain for my kin and my masters, I had never known a Micromaster to be a coward, and found myself haunted by his words. He was crying. He called out for mercy but in his tone it was clear that he knew he would receive none."
armada's cel animation quality/consistency and everything about TF: Prime in general
>answers previous anon's question
>'wHY Do yOu cOmPLaiNN?
fuck off retard
>previous anons question
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>"Indifferent to his words, the great drill fell in an instant, and indifferent to his writhing and screams of agony, tore him apart..."
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This. I got the LG version for 50 bucks about a year ago, and he's great. It doesn't quite have the articulation or complexity of current stuff, but he's still a big, chunky lad who's fun to transform and looks good in both modes.

I bought a bootleg hammer on the ebays, but the way his guns and missile launchers combine to form a hammer is a pretty great trick, and a clever way of giving him an iconic, non-G1 weapon while making the most of his G1 accessories.
>I got the LG version for 50 bucks
what is with poorfags always humblebragging about how little money they spent on things they enjoy? particularly transformers fans too
Transformer collectors only have too settings and they both revolve around how cheap they are.
>Yeah I bought this toy for a great bargain so I think it's pretty good
>oh that toy is going to be SO EXPENSIVE (through BBTS) it's probably fucking garbage
>you want NINETY for an Optimus???
>uh no thanks, the headsculpt is bad actually, and so is the QC, uhhh its not even accurate so whatever...
Yeah pretty much. Though I'm hapoy for people who can get shit at a good price because the late tax or scalper economy is murderous.
never watched the original cartoon but why is optimus prime the main protagonist of every cartoon
wouldnt you want to diversify like bumblebee was the main bot of the michael bay movies
what is it with faggots constantly pissing all over everyone else's posts for attention?
And Cocks is just chomping on the wrong line to focus on while laying off the wrong people. Forget Bay touching Transformers again, Chris Cocks himself is killing Transformers as if he actually hates Hasbro for some dumb reason, or is most likely a Disney spy.
Imagine being so butthurt by people's opinions about toys that you have to invent headcanons over it, lmao.
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>Titan Class Trypticon shelf warmed so bad he went down to $20 at Ollie's
>Is Praised as the best Titan when he had the worse QC issues of all until Tidal Wave and has the least amount of paint apps.

You might be on to something...
They did that for awhile, nobody liked it
He also has shit display/play value. Poses are upright chicken and bawking chicken with little else. City mode is decent but doesn't make up the rest of his issues.
Your display value is that hes transformerzilla
That is what >>11211005 and Cyberverse tried to do. Also Energon and Cybertron when you consider how little focus was on the leaders of those shows.

It's safe bet everyone owns him and is why they skipped him in all these reissue waves of the city former titans. He's the Jumpstarters of Titan class.
>shitty animation
>getting it wrong for years
>ruining generations of fans
Yeah sure anon, nice clinical, neutral, unbiased answer to an anon's question. That's all you did, sure.
The question was asked in bad faith to begin with but we'll also just ignore that.
You say that like we shouldn't be annoyed how off model everything was.
Ironically I would hardly call Prime the main protagonist of Prime
cool opinion bro
You'll notice here on tfg most of the praised shit is either FOMO shit like Missing Link or clearance out/big discounted "pricey" items and I think it's just one autist spamming a lot because these views aren't held in most other TF communities so it seems hard to believe the 50 something posters here are all of the same mind like that.
if only he didn't like ass when trying to move him or making him hold his weapons.
otherwise, genuinely too big for a lot of collection, especially mine, which is why I got the Kingdom one, though CW's alt mode is far superior
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Speaking of humblebragging about the amount of money you've spent, ER Scorponok preordered, chances are he might shelfwarm but I'm not taking any chances, my Fort Max needs a rival to fight, besides this one is the actual best Titan right... right?
would also explain the weird nasty reaction an anon or two here had with Deluxe toy Prime from United. Most of the Transformers community was like "Holy shit! Two cakes!" but an anon or two here would not let up how pathetic/awful it was compared to ML, as if he was trying to cope over sinking money he didn't have too that could go elsewhere.
I have a feeling he will be around awhile but I doubt he will get cheaper. One factor is if inflation keeps going. Titans might be $300 or higher next Summer, this could lead to a clownery of what we saw with Siege OS where he "discounted" down to $150.
Because simply put Optimus Prime is the face of the franchise, for many he is transformers so every series got to include him somehow, now like others pointed out he is not the main protag in RiD15 and Cyberverse for the most part, but he is still there.
That said none of the transformers are main protagonists in the live action movies, they're at best major supporting characters
>as if he was trying to cope over sinking money he didn't have too that could go elsewhere.
NTA but this is also extra silly because you can say this about all transformers, none of them are needed and could go elsewhere, the fact he had to cope about people not talking much about ML and is talking more of the brand new far cheaper figure you can find at walmart tells me he cares way too much about what people think of what toys he owns.
He's the best titan mold for sure but I prefer Black Zarak.
yeah, and another is that I personally don't live in America so chances are the stock that do get to my country will be limited and I do not want to ship him, so yeah just gonna take my chances
I was tempted to get him but again shipping held me back and hoping the OG would get a rerelease which he did, now I just need a Fastrack to go with him
>NTA but this is also extra silly because you can say this about all transformers

You are ignoring context of this case:
Both are doing a very similar function (G1 Prime style toy but with modern engineering). One is $25 the other is $75/$150. Most fans loved both and likely got both. An anon here wanted to really beat on the Untied toy, it was like a weird reverse sour grapes.

>he cares way too much about what people think of what toys he owns.
Both can be true at once and carry about the same level of pathetic to it.
>yeah, and another is that I personally don't live in America so chances are the stock that do get to my country will be limited
Oh shit, yeah better to risk that now since China is getting a bit of bully of late with the ports and shit. No telling how that will reduce availability and distribution outside of Burgerlands.
>besides this one is the actual best Titan right
I own all of them, even T30 Metro and yes, he is the best across the board. From alt modes, to transformations, paint apps and play/posability he hits all the high marks. Everyone can have their preferences but overall quality he is above the other 8 Giant/city formers, however I don't think any of them are truly bad barring the mass QC issues that happen to Tryp and TW.
I wish the city mode did more.
I preordered this guy despite having absolutely no place to put him. Did I do good?
Yes you did
I'm new to transformers and my mind is blown by how beautifully foldable this skinny bitch is

Lost art, same as big leader class and proper budget.
So what was the story with the Prime first editions? Did Hasbro realize there was no way they could continue producing a toyline of that quality on the budget they had, but just decided to release the first wave anyway?
How come we don't see as many Generation Selects as we used to? For a while they were kicking out tons of them. Now, it's like 2-3.
i don't think they made that many of them
the mood here is incredible. do you also do film?
... you know that's a good thing, right?
So is Transformers/Hasbro dead or what? Layoffs and a shit movie don't bode well. And my local stores fully stocked Transformers section makes me worry.
indeed. he's more of a prop
robot mode is amazing
but titans don't have good altmodes
the first edition were basically just promotional toys for the release of Prime and nothing more, but yeah they probably realized a whole line of them would be horrible and this was also just as oil prices got out of control which meant they cut back on their budgets hard, as seen in the toys of 2012, such as FoC Bruticus
>So is Transformers/Hasbro dead or what?
no far from it, but Hasbro is hurting and cutting jobs to save costs, but Transformers is among their biggest earnest, the issue lies more with licenses like Star Wars failing to move figures, mainly because they've made too much Star Wars and people just don't care about it anymore, especially the new stuff.
>2-in-1 vehicle to robot!
jesus they thought they had to explain the concept of a transformer?
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Seekers or Coneheads?
Coneheads because they make better Lackey/Henchmen for Starscream.
>Layoffs and a shit movie don't bode well.
Transformers One was like one of the only good Transformers movies ever made though? Also you're kind of retarded because Paramount are the ones who make Transformers movies, not Hasbro.
>Buzzworthy Fangry is like $200 for both the full 4 figure set and Fangry on his own
Now that we're going back to plastic packaging can we get a repackage of him in the next line?
They should stop renewing the Star Wars contract at this point
I don't think they made that many of the Walmart and Target exclusive beasts either and they still go cheap.
They are probably still contracted for a bit, or they need to radically restructure the toyline. I think a return to classic characters and just "cool" shit would work. 10 year olds will always think Darth Vader is badass.
That mold is dying man, Fangray's knees were whoreishly loose. I don't think it could handle another run.
>They are probably still contracted for a bit
talks for renegotiation are 2030 so my guess is 2032~35 is when it ends.
>People are paying $200 for a 4 year old figure that can't even stand
I know >kotaku but one of my favorite anecdotes about Disney as a business partner comes from this article

>Another less public challenge for the Disney Infinity project was the balancing act of collaborating with the other Disney-owned stakeholders Marvel and LucasFilm that led to overreach. One said that when the developers wanted Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy included, they had to include a full range of characters, including a toy for the blue-skinned Yondu, a relatively minor character from the film. Yondu’s inclusion may have been a well-intentioned gesture to represent the full cast, but the toy was a flop.

>“They couldn’t give them away,” said one source.

>“You can get a Yondu if you want Yondu,” said another. “He’s a cool-playing character and all but...yeah.”

>The Infinity 3.0 team ran into similar challenges with Star Wars, according to one source, juggling priorities to make levels and characters for Star Wars Rebels, a popular animated series even as the game’s developers wanted to focus more on the movies, particularly the then-upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But LucasFilm said no, and a compromise was reached where Rebels and The Force Awakens would be included in Disney Infinity 3.0. Over the course of development, the focus was pushed toward the new movie.

>“Those kind of ultimatums were very prevalent in negotiations for creating new toys for Disney Infinity,” said one source.

Basically, Disney divisions compete internally and mandates that certain characters be made into toys, regardless of their actual popularity or chance of selling.
Yondu is like the fifth best character in that franchise
also, god damn that is the most hilarious kind of incompetence. Unshakeable bureaucracy that no individual can change, even as it kills the company.
Correct, any toy that is expensive is shit tier
Fucking lies. I had to pay 100 bucks for my ML yondu.
Anon that says Disney Infinity not Marvel Legends. Are you illiterate?
Didn't read all that mess
so the answer is yes
>seething mad he pays full price for everything and was never taught how to hunt for deals, bargain, or barter
Especially TF fans huh? What other communities are you actively ruining?
i don't collect MLs but it seems to me that if I did.. I would want "comic book styled" movie characters with their movie outfits etc. So it'd fit with the rest of the collection.
Movie costumes suck. They take the appeal of superheroes out of them and tend to have muted colors.
non-neon colors are a good thing. old comics would have had them if not for the limitation of the CMYK dot printing process.
most movie costumes do suck, i'm just sayin that is what i would want on my shelf, if any.
From the MCU I only like Iron Man's armors
The gay community I bet lol
Is there a way to ensure Tidal Wave's knees won't get destroyed or are they a ticking timebomb?
those were amazing.
emphasis on 'were' because they became shitty once they stopped working realistic joints into them and just made them silly nanotech costumes
i wanna say there's a surgery you can do. it has been brought up in here a lot.
No. There is absolutely no way to repair some plastic ratchets and a couple springs. Impossible. Besides most copies already exploded into thousands of pieces inside the box
Fire Chris Cockholster
Nothing permanent, I expect 3rd parties will start selling joints to replace. One is trying to create stronger bases for the joints but I can't see how they can make it work without the knees not working correctly for the transformation.
The heart of the issue is scale and weight vs what the joint has to do. If he was about 25%~ smaller, it would be fine but at his size it's too much weight on the joints for the size they are. So technically the only permanent fix is to keep him in box or just laying him flat in a cool dry room forever.

You joke but many people are getting the joy of opening ones where it's already gave up and it's a friction joint even though it was never taken out of box. My guess is how they were stored in warehouse and such had serious fluctuations in temperature and all the contractions fuck it up. This toy was clearly designed to be smaller than how it turned out. It's hard to believe they make this kind of error 6(ish) Giant robots in, more so where he is the smallest of the guys.
It's not just the knees they are just most likely to go first, 4 months in and we are now getting reports it's -all- the ratchet joints on his body, including the ones that connect together from the boat modes to robots.
>it has been brought up in here a lot.
I wouldn't trust this place. It's the only one claiming their is a solution and also made weird claims of QC issues from OS and Scorp that are not reported anywhere in the other communities. Really why are you not checking the places that have the thousands of collectors that have thread on these very issues? It seems weird as fuck to come here with those questions.
so it's not an issue of a tab being too thick or in the way or something?
I mean I saw pictures of something being opened on a titan class. i might be thinking of Bagger 388's shoulders or something.
Yeah I didn't care for the nanotech stuff
>It's not just the knees they are just most likely to go first, 4 months in and we are now getting reports it's -all- the ratchet joints on his body, including the ones that connect together from the boat modes to robots
How did they fuck up the figure so badly? I just don't get it wtf
they're assuming that money loss is inevitable, and trying to make that process as slow as possible
in their defense, they could make flawless products and they would still be dying, so
This shit is cool, anon, don't think it goes unappreciated.
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Been collecting the rockbots, pretty satisfied with them all.

Nucleus and Magneous are really similar but I feel like there's just enough difference to make them still interesting - their vehicle modes look different enough to make them cool. I think I prefer Nucleus just because I like the white/gold space suit/vehicle color scheme, combined with the retro rocket booster things on the back.

Bouldercrash is, unfortunately, probably the weakest of them. Serviceable trike, but having that stiff spine/tail hanging down is a weird choice and the fact that it's just this ramrod straight bar hanging down from his back is pretty limiting for such a small bot. Why doesn't it have some kind of hinge or something? Idk.

Shard, meanwhile, is quite possibly my favorite of the bunch. The tail on Shard can bend backward a bit more to make it more like a proper tail - it's still a little limiting but not so much that I care. I think this might legitimately be one of my favorite helicopter bots, too. The blades are short and dense enough they don't seem likely to suffer that dreaded bend they so often have to deal with, they spin very smoothly, and the whole thing just has a really pleasing shape to me.

I'll admit they're not for anyone who's got some symmetry-based OCD, but personally I'm pretty happy with these guys.
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Vehicle modes for added comparison.
I wish they would remold Shard into a non-rock version
Shard is definitely really tempting. But my shelf space is so limited now
Copter mode has a really nice handfeel to it. Part of my lizard brain is also delighted by the fact that the sharp point of the helicopter nose is her feet, so basically if she rams into something it's technically a flying kick.
hahahaha that is kind of neat.
Honestly I just wish she was 15% fishier. she's so close to being a cool weird fish!
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Shard is great, one of my favorite figures of this year. I'd say she's worth getting.

Forget the fish, I turned her into a praying mantis!
whoaaaaaa mantis mode!! does the tail bend here too?
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Slightly. The hard part is keeping the blades in place as her bug legs. They fall apart if you even look at them wrong.
you are creative and cool
>Check Age of Primes listings for next year
>No Liege Maximo
I hope he’s a Leader Class at least, and a jet
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Why thank you! I was pretty proud of my Shard mantis, not gonna lie.
Anyway, fun figure! I recommend her strongly.
There are like 30 primes, do we even know what list they're going for? the 13 changes members a lot depending coutinuity/source. What if they use IDW "mecha mcu Loki" instead of "metal band cover demon" marvel Liege?
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Unicrotch customs are back!
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>choose Junkions over rock bots
>everyone ends up liking the rocks way more
I like the Junkions but not sure I made the right choice
>picked thing you like
>not sure if you picked the right thing anymore
Anon I would tell you to take medbots but I'm pretty sure you still would have enjoyed the junkions more, it was a fine choice and we liked your megadinos
But Missing Link is good.
>everyone ends up liking the rocks way more
Nah dude, everyone just got tired of talking shit over the not even good rock altmode bots, they're the worst modulators by far, Junkions are alright, but their partsforming combinations also feel limited, but at least they got a decent official combination.
>everyone ends up liking the rocks way more
I despise those rocks, never got a one. I have a few Junkions.
>13 changes members a lot depending coutinuity/source
It's pretty consistent most of the time, the only real swapping comes from who takes the 13th slot
Hey, anon, I have both and enjoy both. I really like those mad max weirdos. I will say, I had to get that custom glowup kit for Lockdown to differentiate him, and I've had to order those elbow replacement kits for them so I don't feel like I'm going to pop the damn things out every time I transform them, but overall I LIKE their looks and their forms. I have no problems with the motorcycles and Trashmaster is great - though I also ordered a replacement for his claw jaw that actually screws into place.

So... I haven't had to replace any parts on my rockbots to enjoy them, but I DO enjoy both, for what that's worth.
Cyb metroplex
Tidal Wave
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>2025 bringing combiners back
Is it time to sell?
tripredacus and magnaboss come on
I got Geocron earlier this week
Now I just need to buy the Pirate 3-pack
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>tfw not selling pic rel ‘til I see in-hand photos of the new one in 2030
He's not, lol. In the cases of shows he is a proper protag in, like Primal in BW/BM, Convoy in the first two UT shows, or Prime in TFA, sure he's a protag, but he's an equal one to the rest of the cast; he's the leader, but he doesn't get special focus.
As for the rest, it really varies:
>G1 S1-S2
Autobot leader, but each episode is a spotlight for a different character, with Optimus acting more as the wholesome funny uncle for characters to be supported by. He's much more of a protag in Marvel though, being more burdened and contemplative bc of the war.
>G1 Movie and S3
Mostly about Rodimus and the Autobots trying to go on in his absence, first time I can call an Autobot leader actually being a "protag" on-screen.
Cycles between several new leaders from Fort Max to Dai Atlas, but haven't seen them in full enough to know to what extent they were "protags" yet. I know Chromedome is considered a bit of a protag in The Headmasters, though.
>JP-BW & Car Robots
Lio Convoy wasn't much of a protag but just there to be cool (except when Lio Junior appeared and he spent episodes trying to escape paying child support); while Big Convoy had more of a character arc, but the focus was still more on his cadets and how they related to him. Fire Convoy's like G1 S1-2 OP, but instead more comedically righteous-good and naive sometimes.
>Galaxy Force, and Bay Trilogy
He had the best action scenes and badass characterization, but the humans were the real protags.
>TF Prime, Cyberverse
He was a cardboard standee.
>Rescue Bots
He was an occasional cameo that the cast looked up to; honestly I enjoyed him here though, dude had a professional but respectable vibe and still wasn't afraid to get shit done with the very blue-collar cast.

Can't comment on RiD15, RB Academy, or ES.
But yeah, I can never really think of a show where he truly was the "Main" character. TF is very much an ensemble cast sorta thing.
Fire the entire Star Wars and Marvel teams
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Keep a set in individual modes and the other combined behind it.
Hey let me get ROM, green-armor Death's Head, and the Micronauts out of it first.
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>tfw sold all his limbs but can’t bring myself to sell that bitchin torso
Same. He's the last titan I need. I got the upgrade kit for him already.
What about Circuit Breaker?
Meh. Never liked her to begin with, honestly.
Top three bots are great, bottom two are mediocre.
They're lying and coping
The Rocks are total dogshit
Controversial take but I think every modulator post bones was shit. Even fossils struggle and shelfwarm hard.
>a fucking white clown got remold budget bbut not Sideburn
first off if you like them you didn't make a wrong choice, secondly the only time I've heard anyone praise the rocks was the helicopter and even then people moved on from that pretty quickly
>it's -all- the ratchet joints on his body
holy fuck really? now I'm fucking terrified of moving the dude and I've moved his arms a lot
Well, there goes any chance of me getting star Convoy.
Just notices that 86 Prime has some rectangular gaps behind his ankles and I'm wondering if these are meant for future use.
Lmaoo rockchads CRUSH HIS BALLS

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