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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

Previous: >>11207562
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anywhere those upgrades are still available for cheap?
Not with that solid-orange cannon and matte-gray face it ain't!
>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit
nobody fucking cares dude
Being made like 4 seconds after 150 was reached and then linked within a minute is really fast. There is a conspiracy.
I got mine from BBTS reissuing it. I don't know if it's still in stock.
we know he makes them ahead of time and then waits to link
we'd do it if we weren't busy having lives. i'm watching a fun twitch stream of a live animator guy! he animates LIVE and makes it a puppet thing
Having a life sounds useful. I just have like 20 tabs of various boards open.
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On the home stretch, definitely done by the end of the weekend.
>cast in metallic purple
Fuck, that actually looks really nice
I'm already satisfied with my legacy copy but this would be tempting on discount

I don't get the issue with the solid cannon outside of toy vs show. And as it's SS8 it should be solid. Though I would have liked the cannon to be redone to be shorter.

The chin not getting painted though is then dropping the ball.
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>Metallic purple
You faggots didn't tell me he had metallic paint
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I already have Kingdom Galvatron, I just don't like the mold enough to get a second one that seems to be exactly the same. They didn't even add in covers for the forearm gaps, for the fourth fucking time!
That is a damn good paint job though.
because I was a fan of the comics too, I always remembered "Rumble is purple, frenzy is blue" and then as an adult I got online, saw the argument and was like "there was a red one??"
Is there any way to secure Roller inside SS86 Optimus' trailer? All the rolling and rattling around he causes gives me anxiety.
He is supposed to peg onto the drone
Is it actually metallic purple? Or is that just the lighting?
It’s so he matches with ss86 hot rod dumb dumb
Knees look metallic chest looks sparkly kind of like the inconsistent blue on Earthrise Optimus
fuck it
I'll eye up upgrade kits to fix stuff and get him on the inevitable clearance
>Sitting on 4 /m/ tabs, 3 /vg/ tabs and 4 /wsg/ tabs
>8 Bricklink Tabs and 3 import sites where SS86 Blaster is just vibin in stock there and I can avoid Target's bullshit and aftermarket
Ha ha yea
That and the spamming of photos to just get that 150 too

>we'd do it if we weren't busy having lives.
I'm a NEET and I have no drive for such insanity, then again I comprehend how retarded it is to do this shit with a general that's like 50 mostly boomer age guys that will be here no matter where the thread is in the catalog. Hell the irony is OP doing dumb shit like this makes these threads more pointless and forgetful in the long run.
>That and the spamming of photos to just get that 150 too
OP didn't do that, that's the autist who's obsessed about having the disclaimer in the op
I mean my definition of 'life' was a stream, so I too am a NEET. point is, when I saw the thread for the first time this morning, I thought "oh, close to image limit. I should keep an eye on it and make a new thread when it's time"
and then i stopped thinking about it, because I had other fun things to do.
I just wish he'd have more fun with it. put in an 'edition' or something, use more interesting photos (This one's good actually, but better if t'were a toy), and yknow, finish the OP copypasta. Hell put back in the 'any thread not bearing this is illegitimate' clause.
Only the kneepads are painted.
why do you samefag so much?
Maybe but the plastic looks like it has a metallic color anyway
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Honestly I only have the Trilogy Galvatron because he came in an Ebay lot with Sourge, Cyclonus, and Prime's Corpse. So I might as well grab SS86.
It's absolutely metallic
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Thanks, beta testers
I foresee lots of swirls
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They went and also made Galvatron 86-31 so now I'm not sure what to do
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Father son bonding
Bunch of [spoiler]Clankers![/spoiler]
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I already bought ML Prime, but I'm curious to see what kind of repaints that little deluxe guy might get. I'd love one in Diaclone blue. It's THE most tragically underused repaint option in history. C'mon you faggots, do it, I dare you. Of course, it'd be nice if they just did a Missing Link one, too.
Fucking awesome anon, you are living my dream by making your own transformer.
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Warden was too powerful for Hasbro
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I’m having too much fun with these goobers
I’d love to see more missing link type stuff in general. The deluxe Optimus is insanely adorable.
>I’d love to see more missing link type stuff in general
Yeah, I've always lamented that the geewunn philosophy of "alt mode first, robot second" has been abandonned, but if just getting actual geewunn updates is what it takes to fix that, then okay.
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Didn't Warden pioneer geewun-toys-with-joints? Guess they don't need him anymore now that the Nipponese discovered Missingu Linku.
When's the new d3vestator?
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yes when
I hope he turns out good and not like the titan class one we had
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I love these kinds of mixed generation photos.
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Missing linq
I've seen all manner of leaks in my time, but I can't recall one quite like this with the weird unconnected limbs
Someone shooping out their brown hands
it just looks like their hand was painted out
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That's rally the best they could do for his arm blades?
How big is this Galvatron mold compared to the SS86 hot rod?
I keep hoping for a nice new voyager Galvatron but they seem content with rereleasing this leader figure over and over.
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Just came in the mail, hella stoked. Still unsure about the included decades but I'm leaning away from them.

Got this sucker for $30 shipped. Box got dinged up, but otherwise looks real good. I love this color scheme. Wish his helmet crest matched the rest so he could be comic accurate, but I get that it's more based on the original toy than the comic version
>more poorfag humblebragging
We didn't care about your LG Magnus and we don't care about this either.
nice get anon
I do
>instead of just placing the figure on a desk and taking photos they take pictures holding it and spend time in MSpaint removing their hand
this is galaxy brain leaker I tell you what
I think it's cool when people get toys
What a mark.
Nice! I would have gotten this guy if I knew about him before I got my Legacy one. I was just getting back into collecting at the time for the first tine since I was a kid, so there was lots I didnt know.
is it really humblebragging when he has been at that price and lower for almost 3 years now? Never mind $30 is about 80% his original MSRP
You sound like someone I wouldn't be friends with.
I would however be friends with (you).
Took a gamble on a Straxus listing on ebay, hope it actually shows up.
Adios you lovable faggot
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>DNA already did it better and on a better Mold so they'll stand out more as individual characters
Meh, ape head could be better and the blades are tiny. If they actually charge 55, without those extra accesories Primal, had then this will be a huge rip off.
I unironically love this toy. Working treads is based.
Robots should not have human faces and human expressions.
that's why the japanese call them robotosementai
Why not?
The japanese love robots that are visually indistinguishable from humans
What about mechanical lifeforms?
I meant like Cybertronians
2B is a robot
Robots are alive. (see: Johnny 5)
oh yeah, he will definitely go on clearance. this has got to be the 5th time they've reused this mold
Just notices that 86 Prime has some rectangular gaps behind his ankles and I'm wondering if these are meant for future use.
Now that Hasbro seems to be dipping their toes more into the idea Megatron becoming good on a long enough timeframe, how long before they make an Optimus/Megatron combiner?
Hell yeah! Found this today at my LCS
bet u overpaid
This may be a stupid question, but are any of the TF's sold on AliExpress legit? I'm looking at more recent stuff that I missed like SS86 Rachet and the pricing is inline with retail, so it isn't some ridiculously cheap obvious bootleg garbage. I've just never used AE for retail stuff like this before.
it does seem these days they often do a mixture of metallic plastic and metallic painted parts.. and the latter works better, especially on tigatron.
"He didn't spend top dollar on a turd? Heh. Not a real fan"

This is literally you
Stupid faggot rope yourself
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What'd you pay?
It's not a bad set honestly, I never got ER Trailbreaker and he became my fav of the set next to Hound
The only thing I've ever bought from there were some obvious knockoff gameboy carts.
welll.. bought to own another version of this guy
why has someone rubbed feces all over him though?
you know changing the arm blades into being holdable kinda ruins their look.. and the head is interesting, it's not DK-48's design.
also once again we get the special shoulder collar pieces only on one side. they were on both sides, guys.
see? you can see the collar stuff on the other side too.
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$162 after taxes. I justified it since it's basically $32 a bot and Jazz goes for high and Hound is in my Top 3 favorite bots.
lol oof
lol just noticed the spider too.
Went to Walmart, which hasn't had any new Generation figures since the first Legacy wave (and where Breakdown still warms the shelf) and I was shocked to find a new wave just put up. I picked up Quake and it has me thinking about hunting down the rest of the Decepticon Double Targetmasters. Are they any good?
Depends on which versions you want.

I'd recommend paying the rape dollar prices for the Sub Club versions of Spinister and Needlenose. Better molds and they come with repaints of the two Targetmaster molds that came with Scoop in their Targetmaster buddy color schemes.

Legacy Spinister doesn't have any Targetmasters (as he came out before they decided to include the TM partners) while Needlenose does. But they are bricks rather than the articulated mini-figures that were the Scoop TM partners.
Wfc spinister has an interesting transformation just to replicate the autistic double-cockpit shins detail. He doesn't have targetmasters though.

Needlenose does the lazy box-with-wings transformation and would not be notable if it didn't have the targetmasters.
They're certainly better than Legacy Quake.
That's pretty bad honestly
They're all barely $20-25 each still in a lot of spots
>$162 after taxes.
Canadian, right?
Honestly if that's you last big spend for the year you did fine. I only flinch at people paying those prices when it's just for one Voyager or smaller figure, more so if they are know to have QC issues.
ONE brave commander prime worth getting for $55, Y/N?
What specifically is it people don't like about the rockbots? Is it just the concept/aesthetics? I can understand that opinion at least, but so far these guys have a pretty good handfeel, far better posability than I was expecting, and they feel pretty solid for partsformers. The big beefy feet on Magneous and Nucleus are pretty good for action poses, like a standing kick or a big hammer swing, and Shard's has great balance for blade attack poses. The core class bots are pretty lackluster but apparently they're basically meant to be wielded as weapons, but you'd have to be using a combiner to make that choice make much sense.

As far as taking them apart to add them other bots, I can't say I care too much for that gimmick, except in the case of Shard. She looks fucking excellent combined with the Transmutate fossilizer. But otherwise I haven't put too much thought into mixing or matching with them. In that regard they fall behind the Junkions, where that gimmick makes a lot more sense.
for as much samefagging he does he might as well talk like that
If you really like the design? Yes. It's not bad, but nothing about it isn't things we have seen before.

They seem to be doing well enough. I think it's just what they always do with these izers and they make 3/4 molds and call it done.
Megatron in Beast Machines is right and Organic infused Cybertronians are an a front to Primas.
But anon, rocks are not organic. Metal is a rock.
Organic is defined as carbon-based and coal (and some sedimentary rocks) is a carbon-based rock, therefore some rocks are organic
Some, but specifically not these. Magneous is obsidian, an igneous rock. Nucleus is nucleon, Shard is made of Death Crystals from the Planet Dread (dibs on the band name), the corebots are similarly volcanic in nature, and while Calcitron would imply he's made of the blue calcite he's based on, he's actually a goddamn energon elemental.
I like the concept of transformers who turn into rocks
and i could be talked into rock-animals
but rock-vehicles is just stupid. it's weird enough that the cybertronian vehicles look so familiar to us that we can even tell which one is 'a pickup truck' but a rock pickup is going too far.
speech to text or dyslexia?
that definition has never been any good. especially as it becomes clear that nobody really understands how oil is formed and it seems to be formed in space too and at random. you can say they're organic molecules, but this is pushing it.
whoa, energon elemental? I didn't know they had all this backstory for the rock guys.
>I didn't know they had all this backstory for the rock guys.
Some of the designers had backstory concepts.

>See the concept here was that Ol Thunder Sword here was lurking on a distant planet with his lil terror packed parrot bat Nightstrike (RID baby!) They come across some energon that apparently was alive, a being known as Calcitron (energon that fused together with a living unknown essence and merged into one fugly bad ass calcite eating mutterer) It would seem that Thundertron overpowered the creation and infused some of his energon to give him the ability to be empowered by armorizer might!!
Basically it's iffy if you could call it official, but it's from the guy designing them, so I'd say it's valid as you can get until they're included in something concrete.
Can we stop fucking talking about rocks in an IP that has cool cars and jets? The absolute state of transfags.
yeah that works for me. that is at LEAST "original beast wars packaging" canon.
look dude rocks are cool, I just think they should have been fuckin... rock lobsters, rock crabs. things that make sense to have hard shells.
What if you assume they're basically transformers who died and had living rock crystallize in their corpses not unlike a parasitic fungus? I'm kind of thinking about like those old grow-your-own-crystal kits and how you can all but infest a surface with crystals, and most of these guys are made of fictional elements anyway so god only knows what properties they'd have. I think that works at least as a valid enough compromise to "yeah they're rocks but rock cars".

Look man I got my degree in geology, the ability to combine that with transformers appeals to me greatly.
That would work. I'd be okay with them being explicitly transformed. For that matter, the fossilizers being some weird experiment that happened with beastformers whose bodies were nearly obliterated but tried to reform in the shape of their original scan but like just the bones. or a desperate attempt to find a beast mode and all it could scan is bones and it's like "Fuckit good enough"

How cool would a geodeformer have been. the altmode is all plain rock, but the robot mode parts once it unfolds are transparent quartzes of various kinds.
I agree, the rocks are fucking stupid
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I do feel like the fossilizers being the victims of some freak experiment feels more fitting. That or just horrible mutants like Transmutate.

See though this is why I was asking in the first place, do people just hate them for the concept alone?
Tricranius in particular, I decided erupted out of the same magma as Megatron, like maybe OG Megatron's spark helped, reanimated some dinosaur bones, whatever. He's too magmariffic to not be sitting next to dragonmegs on my shelf

also can someone go to the transformers wiki and de-"they" the Ractonite article. for fuck's sake.
I don't hate them, I just think that a robot that turns into a rock is simply boring and that's the very reason why the rockformers turn into vehicles instead of mere rocks in the first place
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Side note I love whoever did these animations.

I mean, it's your opinion and I can't say you're wrong to have it. But as toys, I think they're pretty good. Shard in particular, I'm not kidding when I say she might be one of my favorite helicopter Transformers I've had. It's been hard to get a helicopter bot that actually felt solid, with blades that were actually firm and not droopy. Maybe droopy blades are fine for a real helicopter but when you're intending to use them as upright swords it looks dopey when they slump over.

The carbots may not seem too inspired but their car modes look distinct enough (excluding calcitron) that it's clear they had that in mind at the design level. As far as car transformers go, it has a more striking look to it than generic sedanbot #84. I generalize because there's nothing wrong with regular carbots overall, but some are just kinda whatever. I appreciate they took a wild swing for something new, and the results are pretty fun. It's not like we're going to get much more of this kind of thing in the future so I don't really get the hate it seems to get sometimes.
yeah this guy is incredible
also I just realized, skeletal Transmutate could easily be her being reborn, possibly from mad science. You know Rampage would have Tarantulas do that for him.
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They're not even the first corpseformers.
oh damn, that is very The Thingy
>a robot that turns into a rock is simply boring
Not if that rock can turn into decent weapons or armors for other bots or if you design the individual rocks as parts of a combiner with dedicated parts. the figures we got barely use the partsforming gimmick, and other than the bumper hammer they're really poor armors and weapons.
i too agree that you should go all or little with partsforming. Partsforming (other than weapons) should be like, one thing at most, once in a while. If you're gonna use more than one, then the whole THING should come apart.
Rhinox worth 20 bucks?
kingdom? that's not enough of a discount for him
Seconding this >>11212898 Kingdom? lol no.
T30? Get it before it's gone, that's a crazy good deal.
Should've been Guiledart with Tricranius, or Killer Punch with Ractonite.
what should've been
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The deed is done, and it is a glorious sight to behold.
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Size comparison with Animated Lugnut and ER Starscream. For those who weren't around for the previous threads, this was a Lugnut that was originally designed for 3P Legends scale but I blew it up to 1.5x size and it scales super well with CHUG stuff now as a result.
Fucking rad.
So how is vehicle mode?
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Unfortunately because it's 1.5x bigger than what was originally planned it's now a whole lot heavier as a result. The posability is still fine, but even after going over a bunch of the joints with some joint compound it's still too heavy to hold anything other than a standing stance. I tried getting a pic of him holding Netflix Bumblebee but even that much weight droops the arm too far down.
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The Transformation into plane mode is super well thought out, especially in the legs. Each leg is made up of two halves of the back end of the plane, but each half comes from a different side (ie: One leg has both the tail end of the left side of the plane and the midsection of the right side of the plane), and everything folds together in a really neat fashion with the hips folding in closer to collapse everything into position. Peaugh has a video of the full transformation if you want to check out how it's done https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohO5_XXMd3Y
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Finished plane mode with the ER Seeker mold again for size comparison.
Is your printer multi colour on one piece at a time?
If it's the latter I may have to give that a shot myself
Very big.
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Overall this design looks great in both modes, but admittedly I fucked up here and there as a result of the upscaling. Some parts I had to reprint slightly smaller, some I had to print slightly bigger, and I'm gonna go back in and try to fix up the joints (Especially the knees). For now though he's just gonna stay in a neutral pose.

I have a BambuLabs P1P, though I don't have the attachment they sell to make it a multicolor printer. I was printing with a 0.2 nozzle for everything that wasn't TPU in order to eliminate the print lines as best I can. The downside is that prints take much longer to come out (The single largest piece being the torso which took about 12-13 hours), but I just let the longer prints run while I was asleep. I'd say overall it took a little under two weeks to get everything printed/built properly at this size..
>Are they any good?
Considering you actually willingly paid full retail for Quake I'd say you'll love those turds too
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I'll trade you a link for a Marauder Megatron print if you trade a link for Lugnut
Man, that's awesome. seeing something fully compreted.. sure you can tell it's 3d printed, but it's still a great look. Not sure about the hexagonal gun barrels but meh
>That Prime pose
Great minds think alike
As long as you're happy with your purchase.
Personally, I'm waiting for black friday sales since I have atleast 1 of each mold already.
I liked the Hound mold well enough with Detritus.
Both of them are on cults3d, just search by their names
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Ugh 27 dollars
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This thing is so much more fun to transform than its Studio Series counterpart.
Most of the communities are loving the rock people.
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Got a shelf rearranged
Next will probably be the BBM shelf right above, have to find a way to squeeze Skywarp in
>What specifically is it people don't like about the rockbots?
wasted slots in a line that’s supposed to be about updating old characters
I like the concept of new toy-only characters, but I don't give a shit when they can't even be bothered to write a one/two-sentence long bio SOMEWHERE for them. It's just "waow neat design" at that point; and yeah that's fun in itself - headcanon whatever - but then the toyline they're in is advertising itself over the fact that it's updating beloved established characters, yet those exact established characters are getting the short end of the stick with tooling budgets... in favor of these nobodies. Then I get salty, yeah.
white rocks hate black rocks, that's all the story you need
Yeah I agree completely. It was asinine to put OC characters in a line called “Legacy”
They have a rocky relationship, that's for sure.
I mindbroke this anon getting Raiden for $250. Hes been mad since. That was in April.

Where to start?

>>Ugly as sin
>>No one fucking wanted them
>>They stole release slots from characters people actually gave a shit about who were demoted to fucking internet only box sets or characters who we still don't have figures of
>>Clogged shelves for ages, preventing new waves from hitting store shelves.

Instead of these abominations we could have gotten the Decepticon Triggercons, the Autobot double targetmasters, hell a re-release of the Seacons to retail even!
>those swords
Hey! I sold you that figure. Nice! Took me an entire year to get a new copy for the same price I sold that to you. Glad to see he is still being enjoyed
Raiden really was both when it comes down to it.
>gets announced
>"actually if you shop smartly it's like $600 at best"
>Instead of these abominations we could have gotten the Decepticon Triggercons, the Autobot double targetmasters, hell a re-release of the Seacons to retail even!
When you put it like that I start getting real fussy. Who can forget Mark even got ballsy enough to show off that light blue Huffer of whatever the fuck it was. He was about to start shitting out random OC recolors before the pink slips started flying. Legacy was the easiest layup in the history of the franchise and those obsese gay jews fumbled the bag so bad
That's not what happen at all. Most joked about it but didn't take issue until they started rolling out and all the QC concerns kicked up. After that most moved on. Train boys are to niche for anyone to care like you are thinking.
Yeah and you'll notice it'd just one anon here being stupid and samfagging shit for (You)s poor lonely little guy
>>more poorfag humblebragging
I was just sharing something Transformers I got that I was really excited about. I don't buy Transformers often and the last figure I bought was Laser Prime last year when he dropped to $35 on Amazon. I don't see how it's humble bragging. It's just excitement and sparks of joy. Do you remember what that was like? I assume it's been a while based on how you talk to folks.

Thanks anon bros
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What the fuck?
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So it appears we’re straight up getting the CGI renders
That backpack looks quite bad
Half of it is his shield that he is not wielding for some reason
>we normally make swords way too small boss
>take all the paint budget and make the sword way too big
Actual conversation at Hasbro
>aw shit I forgot that litte red thing on his foot
Actual conversation at Hasbrob
Nevermind, its just hidden by his shin that looks like its coming apart. Soeaking of hidden, they tried their best to hide those giant smokestacks that go 80% of the way up his leg instead of folding up
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Bumblebee 2.0 (brand new mold, no retooling)
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I have to wonder why you would bother with a 2.0 if you weren’t gonna go balls-to-wall with robot mode accuracy. This is a big improvement over the 1.0 (especially the overall proportions and the legs), but the back kibble looks half-assed and phone in per usual.

At least it’s an option to fold the door wings along the back.
I wonder if they’ll start doing more redos of older SS figures. Would like to see Dropkick and Shatter redone as Leader Triple Changers.
I’ve been dying for a new Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. How did they know? Seems like ages since either of these characters got a figure.
Well it is one of those last two movie designs where Bay and the ILM guys didn't give any consideration that the transforming robot had to transform into something....
God I would be all over those. Or I'd love to see Crowbar redone or some of the other early ones that judt arent up to snuff.
Still with the door wings
Don't bother. He's just an asshole looking for attention.
It's tough, I know. They keep making weird rock monsters instead of new bumblebees, it's been so long...
Hey real quick, does anyone have that Optimus Prime picture where it's Combiner Wars Prime with two Ironhides making the arms and two blue guys I don't making the legs?
He was making the Gotta Do It To Them pose.
That sounds beautiful
Crowbar's fine (though it would be nice if they packed him with his dual pistols/turrets that he used for the whole movie instead of the explosive spike thingies that he used only in that one scene before he died) - it's Crankcase who needs to be redone using the proper mold this time around.
Meant for >>11213310
>SS86 Jazz again

Does it still have a clear plastic hood? Cuz if so I still don’t want it.
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He's not doing the pose but is it this one?
Have an actual clear picture
This feels like nonsense.

If I get this I am so swapping the heads.
They're way ahead of you
So to speak
>Instead of these abominations we could have gotten the Decepticon Triggercons
We literally have all 3 Triggercons accounted for, what the hell are you talking about?
that looks sick and even the scaling is perfect.
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>20 bucks

Damn I love Ollies sometimes.
>mother and fren both live near Ollie’s
>Neither will go check for me
They’re both usually really cool about it
Post figures that would actually make sense to make into a new figure at Core Class scale.
decided to watch transformers one as everyonensaid it was really good, it is of my opinion that they were right

however, I must ask the people here
what is your favourite design/redesigned character in the movie?
Im about to drop $100 on this big boy. Tell me why I shouldn't.
b/c it looks stupid
It looks amazing, how dare you
mammoths weren't blue
Blue makes everything look better. Most transformers would look better in blue tbqhwy
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All the cool kids are doing it
If Bumblebee is any indication, maybe they'll finally get around to redoing Lockdown.
who's the edgy boi in front?
Oh you have it? How is it quality wise? Is it a good figure? Was also interested in that white optimus, so opinions on it would be good to hear too
SG optimus proudly displaying his tire cheeks
Everything's solid enough, though you may need to get creative when it comes to holding the big cannon
Also, on mine at least, the hip ratchets were slightly misaligned making his posture twist a bit. But I'm sure we've all had toys like that

That's Gou Prime

Boy's all braked up

SG OP is all like "I didn't wanna be in your dumb picture...baka...."
Man, I wasn't going for the 86 Galvatron release, but man does that new bluish purple look good. It's going to hurt waiting for it to drop in price.
Also, sort of related, did anyone make new pauldrons for Galvatron so he can better resemble Galvatron II in the selects comics?
I believe that’s called indigo
so wait, is new Apelinq based on the voyager or the voyager-sized "leader"
because the former had a better beast mode but was worse overall
poor guy needs a torso transplant
they were aware that they were allowed to change it more, right? jesus.
the JP collabs are so damn expensive but then they shelfwarm and they drop so nicely.
i do hope we get more.

Its the Voyager sized Leader.
Apelinq is a retool of SS leader class Primal
the dark tusks are a weird choice and they should have been white.
otherwise yeah he's awesome, I can't argue. Guess it'd be easy to paint the tusks, but that seems sacriligious for something so expensive and rare.
than you, the Boke.
>did anyone make new pauldrons for Galvatron so he can better resemble Galvatron II in the selects comics?

Who msde em? Where can that be found?
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Hows Wreckers Springer? I got the T30 figure but I kinda want a Springer that fits more into WfC/Legacy/G1 collection and I kinda dig the colors, but does he have the same issues as the Siege release? also considering him over the SS one because he is cheaper and the SS does not really look worth the money
he's worse
The figure itself is better but not a fan of all the grey
wait a minute
this is flipped horizontally aint it
I would never try to bamboozle you, anon
Don't you trust me?
getting some conflicted messages here
>but not a fan of all the grey
oddly enough I am, I think it really helps break up the green on him, and frankly yellow chest springer is the best springer.
REally I just need to know if his joints are as bad as the original
I hope the greys aren't shit, Hasbro really needs to fix how their greys look
SS is overwhelmingly better and it's just sour grapes that is making people tell you wrong
Depends on how much nostalgia you have on the G1 toy
>worse backpack and copter blade sword is better
Yeah no
you're right nonny those grapes taste terrible
Was Optimus' sword that humongous in the movie?? I'm normally not a fan of the AoE/TLK Optimus design and its total lack of truck kibble, but I am a fan of knightly robots with giant oversized swords. I'm conflicted...
and yet those are the only bay movies that have even remotely passable robot designs
I want more Pretenders
They were in fact a lovely shade of lilac, unfortunately the pigment rapidly decays after death so they all appear brown now.
Let's be honest, the swords on both are terrible. Hasbro perfected the copter blade sword with T30 but are so incompetent they couldn't just take the easy win and repeat it for Siege/SS86.
So Transformers is pretty much getting axed for flopping after TFONE right?

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>So Transformers is pretty much getting axed
I say this once and i'll say it again, nu-star wars and marvel will kill the toy industry
Why would hasbro axe a toyline that sells and that they actually own?
If anything, they're going to be pumping out more and more low-budget toy to recoup losses.
Probably based off some old CG renders but it should be chest-to-floor sized
why bother when they're gonna keep reassigning stuff and now your guy who was gonna be a dragon isn't anymore
so you like real rigidly humanoid stuff eh

I hope you asked that sarcastically.
Finally, now if only Barricade came with a gun.
i heard hasbro is going under entirely, and japan will take over.
I disagree

Lets hope not.
That backpack.
I don't get why you responded at all when you can literally look at the URL of what they posted to see they're a faggot trying to get yous
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I love the guy (as a toy) but I doubt they'd do him again since he's one of those designs where the kibble just disappears like TLK Hound.
Totally and its only 3 or 4 times the price! Wow! Wait ts ALSO an overly complicated pain in the ass to transform??? We're eatin good tonight chinkbros!
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Ah ok, I figured it seemed way too big. imo the inaccurate scaling is an improvement here, it's the thing making me consider getting a figure of this design in the first place. Deciding factor is if he can pull off the Exkaiser sword pose
If only Takara could do something like this in the masterpiece line
Honestly, it could have been a good form for a Cybertronian alt mode like how TLK Megs is versus whatever shit they tried with AoE Galvatron
In my dreams, full TT control would mean more transformers anime and less things like earthspark for starters.
this transforms?
not to mention Zoids could come back
Oh yeah, I forgot how badly hasbro handled that. Hate them for that. Only positive I can say came from it was the human characters getting mino figs, where TT just did little clear plastic people. Whoever decided to actually do the characters is based.
>this transforms?
in fairness, they had a TON working against them
>a dwindling customerbase for toys in anyone over the age where complex model kits are too advanced for you
>strict overregulated american toy laws making it impossible to sell the custom parts efficiently
>the need to acquire copies of molds that were already nearly 20 years old in some cases
>rising plastic costs
and some other shit I can't think of. I don't blame them cutting off the US toys when the anime started to suck so badly (which was also their doing)
>mini figs
oh you're talking Wild. Wild sucks, it's for babies. and Hasbro's version is definitely changed to an extent they never changed before.. but yeah the figures being exclusive to them is baffling, a very odd thing to do, or rather for Tomy not to do. Also their choice in changing the names made zero sense, it was particularly extra tarded.
oh and they did make the motors faster in Wild, i gotta give em credit there.
What are headmasters? For the longest time I never heard of them, and when I finally did I didnt really think about looking into them into just now. Am I understanding right that they're meant to basically be some sort of symbiotic parasite that just replaces a bots actual head with themselves and they just coexist like this?
>Hasbro lore
Regular bots that get their head replaced by a smaller dude they bond with
>Japanese lore
Tiny dudes that pilot larger lifeless bodies
>Am I understanding right that they're meant to basically be some sort of symbiotic parasite that just replaces a bots actual head with themselves and they just coexist like this?
Yeah, in the west. In Japan, they're tiny robots that turn into heads of lifeless robot bodies.
I think I prefer the simplicity of the JP lore but the western lore is neat. Now I want one.
the JP lore almost feels like
>oh you didn't think Diaclone was fine the way it is, with humans piloting mecha? well.... what if ROBOTS piloting mecha. how you like that, eh? what, you don't like how some of the Diaclone guys have no heads, and you had to make a little sticker with a face on it? screw you, the robot pilots a headless robot.
>Now I want one
You can get the titans return reissues with the retro packaging. There's also Legacy Twin Twist
Yeah, it's wild: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RszT4f43HrQ
The only thing that makes me kinda like headmasters is how consistently the head they turn into is FUCKING cool looking. cool robot heads are my entire jam.
fucking voodoo. no wonder the chinese have so many new diseases, they're always sacrificing chickens and drawing pentagrams with the blood or whatever the fuck you do when you do voodoo.
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There's one of Galvatron too but I don't care about that design. Crosshairs though, no one's done him yet. How many more chickens must they sacrifice to obtain a clean movie accurate back with the coat articulation?
Steel Jeeg rip-off according to the one who pitched it at Takara
I really like Crosshair's design but I have no idea if it could ever work as a toy
if you could have it as two or more pieces, i can't imagine it'd be that bad. they'd just be the hood or whatever.
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It can work but the coat articulation needs compromise. Kinda like with Figmas, figures with long gowns or cloaks are more miss than hit.
Thanks, I'll look into these
Does the new one not have a waist swivel?>>11213223
Ngl I was expecting a little more from this since ss galvatron distributed its kibble so well
How is SS Crosshairs, anyway?
Kind of shit and only slightly better than AoE Crosshairs
Minor improvements but consistently a kibbleformer like his boss.
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Most action figure longcoats and the like suck because they're too pussy to just put some joints in them
It's why I love AYs with coats and shit because they're willing to sacrifice a bit of sculpt breakage for something that looks significantly fucking cooler in action poses
Something a 3p crosshairs could easily get away with since he's already a giant shellformer as is, but they'd need to cheat it pretty hard because the entire pattern on his coat just isn't fully present on the car
The trouble comes from him having a licensed alt mode
And dealing with them, especially high end ones like Corvette, can get tricky because that can get anal about how panel lines break up the vehicle
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Im just tired of Bumblebee overall
First time hearing about that. Then again, Sideswipe was one of the better designs and he had a straightforward transformation. Crosshairs just needs a miracle
Crummy photo comparisons with new Bumblebee

>First time hearing about that.
Oh yeah, how the car is broken up, even the paint color can be in contention
I just remembered that TLK WW2 Bee maybe the only canon design that didn't use the color yellow
it's tricky to balance... vash has some serious stomach problems here.
he wasn't a yellow beetle??
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Nah he was a green jeep for a short flashback
>door wings
>no waist swivel
Why even bother?
ohh yeahhh
Not paying hasbro 60 bucks for this mold again. Im just going to the dick thing and do a retail swap with the legacy version. Im sure I wont be the only one
>i'm just going to ruin another person's day as they don't check and resell this to someone else
>everybody's doing it, that makes it okay
how would you feel if you got the wrong one in a package, short-sight mcgee
also, stealing
He's a metallic Violet. Y'know, Roses are Red, Violets are Blue?
Why is Indigo so rare for toys
So I watched a review of the SS 116 Bumblebee and it doesn't have waist rotation and the wings can't move at all so they are stuck as wings. The plastic also looked kinda cheap too. The figure just sucks
color terminology is so fucked
i think it's one of the most difficult colors to discern for people with those issues
He is not that colour, and hex value names for specific shades is not relevant here
Violet comes after purple and Indigo comes before
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Now this is looking nice.
Wallace would totes be a great human in the G1 series.
I feel like he's already in transformers, by the name Wheeljack
Im late to the collecting scene and ive always wanted to get my hands on that hotrod but why are ebay listings for hotrod near nonexistent? Most crap that pop up are just upgrade kits or unrelated toys and the few ones I do find have him at shitty prices. Was he produced in low numbers or something?
Why is Sentinel Prime always either a villain or just an asshole in TF media?
Why not?
Is there something wrong with having an Autobot traitor character?
he's orangeman
I ain't afraid of no ghost.
Sentimental Trump!?
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What a weekend.

>ended up with a nice bonus
>got Dinoking
>found the rest of the armor guys from RotB (BB + Jaguar and Arcee + Wolf)
>finally got the 2nd JP Crossover 2-pack for $20! (Ollie's)
>went to the flea market and got the X-Jet for $15 (no box, OPTIC BLAST, Sabertooth, or Wolverine)
>they also had Point Blank... but for retail
>other flea market told me they've got 3 large bins full of Power Rangers stuff they'd like for me to sort through for them next weekend (they always let me have first dibs at a price I ask for)
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Is it true core class is kill? I really hope it isnt
Have they ever made a toy of the leadership matrix that transforms into a bot? If not, I'm honestly shocked.
Huge fucking sword while Galvatron has a nub. Hope he gets a 2nd version, but I'm excited for this figure.
I would sacrifice functional doors in vehicle mode just to get a decent good looking robot mode, because this looks bad. Hopefully Dropkick and Shatter get a reissue.
Shit man a bonus? Well done dude. The power rangers sorting thing sounds oddly fun to me
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Yeah, feels great to be their "robot guy".
Man I love the train mech so much, and the gimmick of it storing the main mech. I miss having it
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>tfw i had most of those ranger figures in pristine condition because I was an OCD 90's kid, but my mom threw then out when I went to college
Idk why but I'm wanting to collect Action Masters. Who would be a good one to start with?
Soundwave and wingthing
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Wait is that a KO of Cybertron Wing Saber? Or did someone paint him fully white for some reason?

Would love a good updated version of this guy
No, it's the movie repaint
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Beastbrothers, r8 yesterday’s haul
Something here is not like the others, something here doesnt belong....
Is the devastator reveal today? Wheres the news gonna come from?

10/10 yiffs
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It's up
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finally non dogshit packaging
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>Holy shit were finally getting new McDonalds Transformers!
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the scale looks good
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>devastator is the height of two ss primes
>probably only a head taller than grimlock

I mean I guess it scales with menasor, but hes always portrayed as massive. Guess Im keeping my UW, but im still getting it
Devastator is literally just a downsized CW. Literally looks exactly the same. Meh
Fallen looks nice
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Is that Star Convoy as the 13th? What the fuck did they do to his torso, it looks like Powermaster Optimus
>Bonecrusher at Deluxe
>Scrapper at Voyager
So most likely what it's gonna be is the same thing for the others (Scavenger at Deluxe and Mixmaster at Voyager) with Long Haul and Hook at Leader Class with them coming with the combiner bits? We're looking at roughly $230 total for Devastator.
Long Haul and Hook are a Commander two pack
Ok so slightly less at 210 (25+25+35+35+90) but still over 200 dollarydoos for a combiner.
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A pic of The Fallen's alt mode, they call his cannon the Requiem Blaster

That's the dreamwave comic look, right?
Megatronus sure does look like a SS86 Megatron pretool.
Damn...that Fallen is sexy as fuck. I never thought I'd be replacing my Chaos Paladin...but it looks like Hasbro actually did a solid job.
Sir, this is a Wendy's
I wonder why they went with that design.
wow that vehicle mode looks like shit
Bro I am a bayverse respector and even I say TLK is shit. The bot designs however are awesome
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>new Hasbro pulse event
>not a word about Warden

I am forgotten...
Holy shit those arms are hollow as fuck.
I know some fags are all about "MUH GEEWUN ACCURACY", but can we change this nigga a bit to give him a nice paintjob?
because its the best Megatronus/The Fallen design and everything since has been some kind of downgrade
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>if only you knew how bad things really are

Fallen looks sexy as hell though, yes please
I really don't think they'd make one of their 13 titular figures a $200 Titan, but the legs seem shaped right and he has the shoulder guns... we'll see.

Also is it me or does this Megatronus look like its an upscaled Siege Megatron? I really hope hes better and more interesting than that. Also bummed they still haven't shown off 86 Megatron.
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>Menasor is a skeleton non-combiner monstrosity
>Devastator is CW but somehow even more dumbed down
New combiners were a mistake
Probably not superior optics to be like "hey we fired this guy" on your toy stream
>Cybertron/Galaxy Force Vector Prime
>Liege Maximo is the G2 comic version
>Megatronus is the Fallen from Dreamwave
>13th Prime is Star Convoy?
Multiversal pantheon of Primes?
>dumbed down
>literally has visibly more joints and improved engineering of the waist area
do you just mean smaller?
I know, I dont give a fuck if it results in some inaccuracies if it means his treads are tread colored. Its cope, but they did say these guys were unfinished.
Fallen is blatantly an 86 Megs pretool lol
I thought he was a retool of the voyager until I realized he was larger, I think I'll skip the megs version unelss they do something insane
Pretty sure Optimus would support the rights of minorities given that his whole motto is "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Also "the strong deserve to rule over the weak" is Megatron's entire thing
>last two constructicons release in september
Man I hope a third party will do an upscale of these guys like they usually do, especially if this devastator ends up being smaller than menasor with the upgrade kit
So they’re keeping the tread backpack? I don’t mind it on the fallen but God am I so tired of it on g1 megatron
They gotta go somewhere I guess
Then I wish they’d least try to mimic devastation
Or choose an altmode that doesn’t need to accommodate those massive treads for fuck’s sake
Megatron is jewish?
Gonna be honest, sticking with my UW Devastator, this one looks good and a better size with other combiners, but he looks way too much like the UW one for me consider getting him.
Cant believe people paid 600 bucks for the first release of tfc devs
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Maketoys Giant was one of my first 3P figures and it still holds up today even if the component bots are pretty small by deluxe standards. I'm probably gonna get SS86 Devastator tho since giant is starting to show his age.
Not me bro I just bought some Transmetals which was his first project in 1999
The 13 primes were inevitably going to be a multiversal thing since their most iconic designs come from different series.
I'll bet you Micronus will be RID15 and Alchemist Cyberverse.
Maybe I'll finally pick up a hercules.
Fallen looks great. No sure about Devvy yet.
He's blue and yellow.
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I'll wait for the inevitable figure pack.
What are you talking about? He didn't start on transformers until like T30/AoE
God, what ugly fucking models. I hope and pray we get toy decos eventually.
What is that purpleish Rhinox in the lower right? I don't recognize him at all.
Ok, this guy actually looks cool, and I'm glad they didn't skimp out and actually made him on fire. Not overly impressed by Devy, though.
Fallen looks great, digging devastator, boxes look nice. Curious how 86 Megatron will look from all the changes that need to be done from the Fallen. Also will the Fallen go up for pre order tomorrow?
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Also, love the new box designs. Plastic is back, thank Primus.


Thats Backstop from TF Cybertron.
How big are 3rd party devy components usually? If they’re smaller than the leader class dinobots I might gettem
>last Star Convoy was a mess
>new one decides to fuck up the chest for no fucking reason.

This was Mark, right?
The Studio Series are sleek and compact but Age of the Primes reminds me of the old days. Looking at Megatronus/The Fallen was like looking at the Ultra Class Beast Wars boxes
Well, I guess that's why I don't recognize him - never saw any of the Unicron trilogy. Beast mode looks decent, but seriously, what is up with that robot mode?
Smallest size Class, you do what you can.
>Liege Maximo
This has to be a SS86 Megatron pretool right?
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Goddamn I'm stoked on this thing

I like how he has the Void Scepter this time.
Expect it to get worse too now with Warden gone, no one to rein him in
Shame the cannon won't have some sort of spring loaded gimmick or light up effect.
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That snazzy CGI for the Constructicon reveals
They are trying, I gotta give them that

In the presentation Evan said they wouldn't be doing a complete pack for within the first one to two years.


He mentions it at 37:37.
So what is Liege Maximo going to transform into?
A tank or a jet, probably.
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Notes from the thing
Lets see Long Haul
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Could've been a lot worse, there are Devastators with 50% fake parts out there.
Going by these 2 it's gonna be CW with very slight changes
Looks like hes just a bridge between the pants and Hook, like the g1 toy.
hmmm, could this Fallen be a retooed into 86 Megatron?

Im a little worried that the Devastator's arms are the same as the CW Devastator, as in the treads are not part of the biceps. It just made that Devastator have unnaturally thin biceps and this look like it has that problem too
Nah, he doesn't form the pelvis and thighs anymore.

I really hope the feet are more rigid than the CW version. That scoop on Scrapper was flimsy as fuck.
This feels like we're going backwards from CW/UW
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>worried that the Devastator's arms are the same as the CW Devastator, as in the treads are not part of the biceps
Same, but thats how they were on the movie, on the cartoon they were part of the arms most of the time, but you can find shots were they're on the torso or completelly gone too.
My only real immediate problem with the look of this Devastator is how the knees meet the leg bots
Functionally I'm disappointed that the shoulder rotation will be on top of the treads instead of where the arms plug into Hook
I'm new to the hobby and it looks like I missed out on the '86 optimus so far - how often do they manufacture more? Or am I going to have to pay scalper prices?
Just wait, it's a QC trainwreck and a revised version will probably be reissued when 86 Megs comes out
He's Optimus Prime, they're going to make plenty more of him.
BBTS still has the pre-order up
Mine looks better
Did you guys carve pumpkins this year?
This. He's gonna clog shelves for the next year.
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>Studio Series (Generations too?) is cutting down from 4 waves per year to 3
>no package refreshes/repeats
Sam does titans
>exploding TW knees
Not really.
It ignites my autism so much that Scavenger and Bonecrusher have different coloured treads
Just make them the same colour! And if not not them do something with it!
How has no 3P or fan art reworked the asymmetry into, like, a bandolier or something
What’s a good barricade figure?
probably a response to more and more people straight up preordering stuff online now meaning retails won't get saddled with figures that wont sell.
and lets be honest, the 4th wave barely gets out in most of the world
>>no package refreshes/repeats
good, these waves clogged with nothing but repacks are fucking boring
His sculpt work is too flat for me
Not gonna bother buying the construticons, it looks like CW but smaller, would have to wait ages to finish him and I just know that Takara is gonna release a complete set of him like they're doing with Menasor so if I want it I can get it all at once by then.

The Fallen though, he looks good really damn good.

depends what you want, I really like TLK deluxe Barricade, but the Studio series releases are better if you want the original movie trilogy, for G1 either Siege or the Earthrise ones are good, Siege should be easier since the ER one was a two pack
>I just know that Takara is gonna release a complete set of him
I wonder. They said "no packs for 1 or 2 years", but is that Hasbro AND Takara?
most likely just Hasbro, Takaras menasor pack isn't even out yet and I kinda doubt they will care what Hasbro is doing
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so were going back to the Micromaster Constructiocns
Are we really gonna start pretending like CW devy wasn't dogshit now? After years?
every time a new version of a figure comes out you have people pretending the old one is better when it's almost never the case
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They made hima a "Greatest hits" Prime, also has the g1 torso strip.
He’s still fairly recent
No, it's just every supposedly improved version of something winds up being worse.
nice work
In what way does 86 Dev look worse than CW?
Looks to me like they're reusing some engineering ideas but fixing all the major flaws, like the individual bots for starters.
Wrong. TM2 was his first project he was a part of in 1999. He even said in his goodbye statement that he had a 25 year career w Hasbro. Can you do math?
fucking retard
I no longer feel a need to sell my Selects Star Convoy.
You must be blind
the only thing I think CW Devastator did better was Long Haul not requiring partsforming to form the legs

I'd rather have an oversized fat Long Haul than partsforming pants
Most notable thing to me is that Mark confirmed outright they're doing all of the 13.
I know that's kind of an obvious thing to guess, but we're still missing listings for a few of them and it's not really clear when or how they'll be made. It's nice to at least get official confirmation.

Its cuz we already know the first year's lineup and some of them are missing. The rest showing up in years 2 and 3 seemed obvious.
And now I'll be harder to get anything a wave isn't stocked.
You also have people getting upset whenever a new figure isn't immediately accepted with nothing but blind praise, pretending their flaws don't exist when they most certainly do.
And just like that, I saved 200 bucks.
If it is, it's fine by me.
The tank mode looks solid and the robot mode is very nice proportionally with just a slightly chunky backpack. He even does the shoulder barrel thing.
If this is going to be our 86 tank Megatron, it'll be the best tank Megatron yet.
this literally never happens
>lets make star convoy but he's an amalgamation of different shit for no reason, which will satisfy no one
hasbro moment
Are the flames on the fallen rubber plastic? If they are then I'll pass on it.
>Star Convoy
>remove his chest star
Mark Moment
>do things with the toys no one wants
>they proceed to not sell as well as they thought they would
>proceed to wonder why they didnt sell
Zero self awareness. Just make proper figures, not some fanfic OC design.
Can I see this SS86 Dev next to the Titan class version?
They're blast effects.

They're effect parts, like all the lasers and explosions they've been selling lately.
That's a pass then, I'd ignore them on most figures, but Fallen just won't look right without them.
Hes the fat extra autistic one right? What else has he done like this?
If nothing else I think the big win today is trading Bmac for Nate
He's easier on the eyes and a lot less corporate feeling
He looks more like Super Ginrai with that chest
Coping that this is just box art autism like with the Earthrise Thrust on Hot Shot's packaging, this fucking sucks
>picked up coronation starscream a little bit ago as my re-introduction to transformers
>jokingly hoped for devastator to go with the movie scene
>mfw it happens
Am I gonna have to pre order these? Feels like they'll be sold out and scalped lile crazy
>TM2 was his first project he was a part of in 1999
That was Aaron Archer you fucking retard.
>had a 25 year career w Hasbro
Yeah and the first 15 of that was with SW and Joe
The single bots, probably not. That two pack, maybe.
>What else has he done like this?
Legacy "Animated" Slipstream, didn't used the animated head design on purpose to make her fit with g1.
This looks like total fucking shit on a sculpt and proportion basis despite the transformation beinga basic made-up tank. Has Takara just magically lost all staff with aesthetic sense in the last year?
Cyberverse. In fact, none of the Legacy Cyberverse figures are based on the actual cartoon, they look more like they were made to be evergreen representations that they slapped the name on.
To be fair, thats all Cyberverse was. The evergreen designs with maybe a tweak or two.
>>no package refreshes/repeats
But... we already know there are.
In fact they literally just showed Jazz...
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Must be a nightmare for them to get the Saleen license again, even if this is just a fictionalized police car variant. I think he, Sideways, and Dino's cars were the hardest to get
Point still stands, he said he modified it on purpose.
Clunky ass kitbash. We will just get Star Convoy next year, and they will then give us Commander Class Super Ginrai with Powermaster Prime alternate head in year 2 to justify fitting into the Star Convoy body. Heaven forbid if we somehow get roleplay toys again...
And then there's the concern of Vector Prime and Alpha Trion. Sure, I don't think we'll see Alpha Trion in the main Age of the Primes line if his robot design is always this consistent (we rarely get to see him transformed after all, except in Cyberverse) by making him stay in Studio Series, and Vector Prime will be a package refresh from United, and he will be the last PR for a long time.
Because it seems like they want to do the stupid Arisen thing so you can display the small figure as Optimus while the large form is the 13th. I was really looking forward to Star Convoy, but I don't want that and having to pay for an upgrade kit just for the proper chest and cab is out of the question.
The part that annoys me the most about this stupid change, is that doing a God Ginrai would have been a better choice because then you can call GG the Arisen/13 and still get a regular Optimus with the PMOP cab.
What's the commander set?
In my neck of the woods we carve turnips.
Ginrai's transtector being the remains of the 13th is probably a better explanation than the actual canon origin.
>calls it a suppressor
I like this guy.
Arisen is the worst thing to come out of Aligned
>Dude, Optimus is LITERALLY robot Jesus, not even just as a meme!
Is it not a reincarnation deal?
Long Haul, Hook and a bunch of combiner bits.
Oh so that's why they're listed together on the date chart, thanks for clarifying.
>Commander is going to be 2 Deluxe figs + combiner shit
can someone digibash fallen into megs
>$25 deluxe x2
>$25 worth of parts
>$25 you’re gonna buy this even if it’s $200 so stfu tax
It’s not that bad
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whoops forgot the pic.
Star Convoy being this weird mishmash just killed the line for me. I'll wait for Venom and Red Alert, then fuck off till next year.
2 voyager figs + combiner shit
Definitely feels like they either would've been a commander duo or two seperate figures that are basically commander price because of the extra shit they come with
Wonder if they're gonna reuse the fallen for S86 megs.
it's pretty obvious
No. Too bulky.
And they'll be 90s biotech you'd see in cartoons and anime.
nah, not true
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nah, its gonna be this idw shit
That must be Ristars twitter account, because he is reaching.
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>that mishmash star convoy
I'll stick to the original (reissue) thanks
>tranny posts retarded shit
moms are sick creatures and we need to reduce their rights.
eyyy not bad!
that was my first thought yeah. between this and new apelinq, thirdparty is really looking better..
Sadly, it appears to be. It's particularly depressing because we have Core Megatron, Shockwave, Soundwave, Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker (which I would consider to be the "main" Decepticons outside of Reflector), but over on the Autobot side we've got Optimus, Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Ratchet, but not Cliffjumper, Wheeljack, Hound, or Jazz, who I'd consider to be the "main" Autobots.
>boxes labeled 1-5
you dumb niggers have to be fucking blind if you think that looks anything like an 86 Megatron. All tanks aren't Megatrons, and I'm bookmarking your posts for when 86 Megatron is actually revealed.
First post on your list there, how exactly did I imply that the Fallen was a pretool of Megatron?
1 of the 5 is a 2-pack
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started messing with my UW devy after the news and yeah I will not lie and say he's great but he is still fun to mess with and I still think the combination is really well done and the fact that only extra pieces are the hands feels honestly good, sure the new one is getting better looking legs that probably actually locks in, but I won't lie, the idea of buying a commander to get 2 voyagers plus a dudes pants feels a bit of a ripoff.

that and the two honestly look so similar the only thing the SS86 one has going for it is scaling a bit better, but even then it really does not feel worth it to replace my UW one, and I suspect many UW owners feel the same, CW I get it if you want the individual robots to feel worthwhile.
I swear to god I took this upright you stupid website
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I'll take you up on that bet. This shit is 100% a Megs pretool. Probably only the basic skeleton, but yeah.
since we don't have the toys in hand, kinda hard to say. but given that hasbro gets cheaper every year. who knows if the thing will even hold together
kill yourself Hascuck
Too bad yours is too tiny.

They were always a placeholder in my collection. They fit in, size wise but the aesthetic was completely off.

If you out a height upgrade on Menasor, you're a fucking idiot. They all looked bad and it was completely unnecessary.
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>I hope a third party will do an upscale of these guys like they usually do
why go third party when you will be able to find people selling their unite warrior sets once the new one releases? the engineering looks to be damn near the same except for Long Haul who is a unit in the CW/UW sets
I cannot fucking believe people are defending CW/UW in twenty fucking twenty four when it was already widely agreed upon they were shit even when they first came out. Unless you're a shelffag who has never taken yours apart you'd be aware that the individual bots aren't even fucking passable for UW, never mind the absolute joke that the CW version was.
>If you out a height upgrade on Menasor, you're a fucking idiot. They all looked bad and it was completely unnecessary.
Its a scalefag thing, its some kind of mental illness. I've seen it in 40k too
>when it was already widely agreed upon they were shit even when they first came out.
No they weren't, people had faults with the CW one which UW mostly fixed, but they were not widely agreed to be shit, it was later when we got better titans people started going "yeah for a titan this was a bit shit and cramming it all into one price point hurt it" but even then the hate for it only really started when news of a SS86 one came out
The only people who defended UW were people who spent too much fucking money on it and wanted to lord it over other morons who actually wanted it. I was a retard at the time who bought the damn thing and I realized immediately what a mistake that was when I got a box full of a bunch of dollar store KO tier figures
Vector Prime - UT Version with the Legacy Toy
Fallen - Dreamwave
Liege Maximo - G2

Alchemist - Cyberverse
Alpha Trion - lion one since Hasbro already did the G1 version for legacy in a two-pack
Amalgamous - covenant version? or the tfone design?
Micronus - RID
Nexus - TFCC
Onyx - IDW
Prima - G1 FFoD version retconned by Sorenson? or the version from the covenant?
Quintus - Earthspark
Solus - the Machinama POTP net series?
I'm just disappointed that the two devy figures we've seen so far appear to use pretty identical transformations and engineering of the CW/UW versions. I noted some differences, but I always like to see how new versions of figures I've experienced differ. It makes them a harder sell to me because it looks like it'll just be too similar to my UW one I've healed onto all these years.
this is sounding more like you're mad you made purchase you personally regret, and I personally got it cheaper than the CW because at the time buying it in JP and importing it was cheaper than ordering it domestically, not by much mind and in the context of the SS86 they're comparable, difference being I at least got my UW in one box
>2 deluxes
>2 "voyagers" that are just deluxes
>a commander thats just 2 voyagers that are just 2 deluxe
pretty much in the same boat, it just does not justify itself outside of scaling better, but thats not enough and I can deal with devy and the constructicons being bigger because construction vehicles are huge, so them being big is also in scale.
I'm mad that they made such a shit toy and you're here defending it. Do you actually think shit like that Long Haul is even remotely defensible? It's dogshit. Genuinely some of the worst toys the line saw since Fall of Cybertron, sold at a premium.
>Do you actually think shit like that Long Haul is even remotely defensible?
Long Haul is funny how fucking huge he is, and I will not deny the CW is genuinely pathetic with the arms, UW fixes these but him being a brick is endearing and at least he makes up the legs, SS86 is gonna need extra parts which are probably gonna be shit outside of being pants
>Genuinely some of the worst toys the line saw since Fall of Cybertron, sold at a premium.
this is pushing it really far
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Why did they turn Star Convoy into Powermaster Prime?
>it's bad so it's good because it's funny!
no it's just fucking bad
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So far one of the six got downgraded, CW/UW Bonecrusher has better individual modes than the chunky ss86 boy.
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SS86 Scrapper is a slight improvement over the UW because of the full thighs without gaps, altmodes is a tie.
I'm really hoping and coping that its not Star Convoy despite the legs and shoulder guns. But it does seem like it'd be weird to make one of your 13 Primes a $200 dollar massive figure.
God what a hideous alt mode
So SS Bonecrusher doesn't look like he has a waist swivel. At least Scrapper has elbows this time.
Like with anything else, it's just wait and see at this point. If they change Star Convoy so that he's some kitbashed abomination then I'm not getting it. I don't even mind a bit of stylization, but if you're just going to mix and match various design elements so that it stops being the same original concept then what's the point?
My only guess is that his gimmick is to change appearance to previous Optimus bodies.
Right they don't realize that by 'homaging' so many things he just sort of loses his identity as an iteration of that prime. I don't think anybody wants an Amalgoptimus Prime. But yeah, wait an see. Who knows, might be cool.
This may sound weird, but I want to see a tarn figure retooled out of this
it has "the arisen" symbol above it.
It's definitely a version of optimus, and the only thing that makes sense is star convoy.
I'm betting he has 2 modes, one that combines with deluxe optimus a la powermaster prime, and one that doesn't and has the classic chest.
I'm betting the new lore will be Optimus joining with the ancient "star convoy" to "arise" and become a "true prime"
>I'm betting he has 2 modes, one that combines with deluxe optimus a la powermaster prime, and one that doesn't and has the classic chest.
>I'm betting the new lore will be Optimus joining with the ancient "star convoy" to "arise" and become a "true prime"
I'd have zero complaints about that, so I hope its the case
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I definitely prefer CW robot proportions, but the vehicle modes are about equally fat and kinda awkward, with CW having a slightly better shovel
I like the lore idea of making Star Convoy design into the 13th Prime design and solidifying him as the ultimate version of Optimus. I don't like it so much if they use the opportunity to heavily redesign him so that he's unrecognizable.

Would be hilarious if he had all these different forms and play features, and then Micromaster Rodimus still doesn't get included. Can't go implying Optimus actually needs any help to become Robot Jesus.
Would have been better had they not wanted to include the forearm into a bot of that size. Should have just went full parts forming.
Someone was just as confident as you are about Prime Arcee not being a Road Rocket pretool, and look where that got them.
>original toy crotch can't hold together ever
>"yeah new one looks like a downgrade"
Every time in /tfg/
Wheres the cabin on that brick treads?
Only an issue on the CW version, UW got it fixed, I know the figure on the pic its a mistransformed UW copy, but mistransformations on pics are the norm.
>lion one
which, leo prime retool or thundertron retool?
well they were planning on a covenant version before, but with fallen taking a few cues from the potp series and the live action series, we might end up with a blue, silver, and gold version of the character.
I don't think they'll make him the motorcycle with cyclonus-esque head though, as he was shown to be the second matrix bearer anyways.
Given the big shoulders, and likelihood of a jet mode, I fear he'll be jhaixus 3.0, or cyclonus 3.0 rather than a new mold.
But I'd take a retool of Skyquake.
>balljointed hips
>on the big combiner
>in 2025
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They didn't even include the forearm, they included the bicep joint that connects to it, which is... really bizarre
The same place it has always been on G1 bonecrusher, idk lol
I think at a certain point we should drop "pretool" in favor of "tandem design"
Like, there's zero doubt that the core dinobots and dinoking had one designed first, then the other as a retool. They were clearly designed together.
Same for Minerva and Elita1, who don't really look like either was meant as the "main" mold.
G1 had that gap between the shoulders for the driver, SS86 doesn't even has that.
i don't think pretool is about who's first, it's just "keeping retools in mind ahead of time"
New is bad don't you know? New is bad, old is good (but was bad at the time), and Transformers is DYING
Bulldozers didn't use to have them.
I think they started in the late 70s, and devastator's original toys were made based on, but the seat is supposed to be under that little awning in the back.
No, pretool was coinced specifically when the first design gets released after the second.
Black Shadow coming out before Overlord is the big one
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Scrapper is a decent upgrade BoneMuncher not so much.
no, I'm pretty sure it means "both were designed together" regardless of who gets released first

For the love of god, somebody give this guy some paint.
>don't be skeptical, just buy new product,
then when that is old, bitch about it and buy new product.
Sorry anon, but bonecrusher must be in a solid color onesie no matter what
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These really should have been a haslab.
This guy knows a LOT about collecting Transformers!
>gonna have scrawny arms when the shoulders are used
I get why but you think they would have worked on how to make that not a problem this time instead of "What if CW but the components weren't kneecapped by the budget and we didn't fuck up Mixmaster this time"
g1 bonecrusher has always been a shit design desu
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Am I just retarded, or was there a way to leave the treads attached to the arms to make them look better? Or am I thinking of some 3rd party upgrade kit?
Would that have really improved things?
A bigger budget never hurts. Just look at Deathsaurus and Omega Prime.
There were 2 3p kit options that fixed the arms.
This one is like $220 already with the cheaper to mass-produce bonus.
It sucks, but presumably would be easier to protect because it is a made up word given a suffix instead of a common description like the Fallen.
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his name is Megatronus T. Fallen now
I home the commander pack includes the arm drills. Evan said combiner kibble and "a few other things", I'm holding him to that.
"Megatronus the Fallen" sounds like a sonic character
"I thought your middle name was The"
thundertron probably, the lioprime mold is too distinctive with the shoulder pauldron lion head.
I swear to god half the reason you're in this "fandom" is to spew these "older was better imo" takes like a fucking retard all day. That goes for a few people in the thread. I just don't understand how you can draw the comparison and be like "this old thing made of shitty bricks that pose like fucking McDonalds toys and had giant fucking cheese wedge sized gaps when you bend the joints is better actually".

I don't mind people enjoying anything, but this take slips out EVERY SINGLE TIME a new version of a character comes out and it seems so forced and fake. Just by looking at the gray model of the new one, it looks better already. And I care not for G1 shit. You're just so annoying.
i mean, it's 2024. older IS better.
Constructicons suck in general.
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the idea is certainly sound, but only the movies did it well, and in a way that's impossible to do as a good toy. even the 3p is just okay.
combiners are a vestige of the old days, of wacky super robots aimed at small children. where individual components can be incredibly stripped-down so that they make good limbs, and where partsforming is expected
Seetheicons, merge to form Maldigus
What would their names be?
someone explain the pun in 'maldigus' because it sounds so RIGHT yet i can't place what it's based on
Mald + Baldigus
yes yes, thank you
so logically the components are
> Dolwhiner
Man, the current team has a consistent issue with proportions.
Bonecrusher looks like a fucking core class. He looks like he'd fit right in with the dinobots.
>Just by looking at the gray model of the new one, it looks better already.
It looks almost exactly the same, literally just downsized.
Its the baby arms.
i feel like they're under a lot of conflicting pressures
And the squat torso and the uni-color
Show the individual bot modes of UW devy then go back to allspark you disingenuous mongoloid
Mephlies The Dark
See >>11214791 and >>11214790
Even devastator looks like cotton hill with those tiny shins.
i think it's a goddamn daunting task to ask that a robot should have his legs made out of the TREADS and actually look good in either mode.
How's Bantor, I either passed on him two or three times, or it was two or three copies I passed on, since he looked rather ugly and simplistic
It just feels more like a lateral move. It does have improvements and for straight up articulation it'll be better.
he would have benefitted from not being a basic, for sure.

The designer is also the same guy who did CW Devastator so it makes sense that it looks incredibly similar.
>devastator is the height of two ss primes
>probably only a head taller than grimlock
You obviously don't own Menasor and Grimlock.
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>but hes always portrayed as massive
In the comics, but he wasn't huge on the cartoon. Devy, Predaking and Omega should be just a head or 2 taller than other combiners, those 3 titans were wasted slots.
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>it's bad so it's good because it's funny!
yes. he's a massive brick and is just inherently just funny because of that, he's so massive I could kill men with him what's not to love?
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These 2 chunkers look like they belong to the same set
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Goddamnit. That was my favorite scale too. Fuck hasbro, man

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