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Previous >>11177155
Stadium:BX-37 Double Xtreme Stadium Set with Bear Scratch 5-60F
Starter set: UX-08 Silver Wolf 3-80FB

Shinobi Knife 4-60LF (Metal Coat: Blue) XONE Switch edition exclusive
Crimson Garuda 4-70TP
Samurai Saber 2-70L
Customize Set U ( Knight Mail set )
Dran Deck Starter

Beyblade 25th Anniversary Set
anyone knows where to find raws of the beyblade x manga? i searched everywhere, maybe no one uploads raws?
n4 level japanese atm, trying immersion to get better
maybe you can try asking the translators in the wbbo discord. i think the xtream scanlation guys are still there though i heard zankye left.
I'm just starting out and holy shit this is way more fun than it has any right to be. What Beys should I be aiming for? I currently have Soar Phoenix, the Spiderman/Venom pack, and Wizard Arrow. I also have Wizard Rod, but my locals is limited to only what's been released in America
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>What Beys should I be aiming for?
the ones you think look fun :)
for real I couldn't tell you shit about the hasbro meta other than that the shape of its arena favors attack. Hells Chain is pretty strong, Shark Edge is a fucking beast, Bite Croc is basically just a retool of that (though I think venom is too? I don't know much about the crossover beys).
Maybe get the arena itself if you want to play on your own turf, really fuck with dran dagger/tusk mammoth (a hells scythe retool) or can justify shelling out $50 just for the rush bit that comes with dagger since that's especially good.
>Been blading since metal fight
>Hear about Gamestop tournament
>Train every night for 2 weeks
>It's just me, a bunch of children, and one other geeky guy
>They combine the adults and kids to have enough for a tournament
>Appraising the situation with the bucket stadiums I immediately construct a heavy stamina bey
>All of the retarded kids want attack type parts
>There are a lot of parents hovering around having to help their kids construct their beys
>tournament starts
>I go completely undefeated
>Half the time the kid self KO with a shitty launch
>Either way I launch as hard as i can every time
>End up sitting waiting for minutes at a time for my bey to stop spinning because the gamestop clerk says the rules say both have to stop completely spinning due to safety concerns
>Multiple parents getting mad
>One dad storms out of the store
>Karen loudly saying adults shouldn't have been allowed
>Prize is an extreme stadium, I already have one
>They make me pose for a picture holding it for their facebook
>there's been like 10 laughing emoji reactions
>one of the dad's were in the comments tagging someone else saying "this is who i was telling you about lol"
I fucking hate my life so much
And then the whole store clapped
If you don't have the $50 arena, get it, it's entirely worth it. As far as specific Hasbro pickups go, I'm partial to the yellow Chain Incendio, Roar Tyranno, and Sting Unicorn boosters, and then the dual packs are almost always a good deal. Crossover packs are usually just underweight versions of other existing tops, but sometimes, they end up heavier (my Optimus Primal is over a gram heavier than my best Shark Edge, for example). I've got a full collection going so far, and the only one I really don't care for is Knife Shinobi, but that's mainly because it's the ugliest stock combo I've ever seen.
The Spider-Man side of it comes with 3-60F and the Venom blade is a (cooler) Sword Dran clone, it's a pretty solid combo box.
How bad is the lead poisoning from fake beyblades? I am looking to buy some used ones from Facebook market but I am sure there’s a bunch of fakes from Amazon because of parents who don’t know any better.
Same here. My 2 boys and I are having a lot of fun with them. Even my mother in law is starting to enjoy it. I really like the purple kill shark
not really your fault lol, same thing can happen on other competition, imagine if it was a video game, you grinded to get good, but you fought children spamming the same moves, ez win, also give away the prize to the 2nd place if you already own the stuff or keep it, it's up to you
I actually won my gamestop tourney. At least for me (NYC) there was a good mix of adults and kids. They didnt make anyone take pics for winning lol. No need to make shit like this up.
I haven't heard anything about fakes for X so far but I mighta just missed it if they're floating around. Unless you mean older gens?
I don't know if it's different for the TT stadium but Whale Wave's stock combo plays weird with the hasbro one. It doesn't typically dash, but it will ride the flat outer area and then go back into the center. Like a whale breeching before diving again, I guess. I like it. The only thing I'm wondering is if I should keep the stock ratchet or grab the 5-60 from Unicorn Sting for a fashionable alternative
Yeah older gen like burst. I don’t want to risk it with my kids

AliExpress and temu have a bunch of fakes of X beyblades.
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I think Taper might be my favorite bit, I like how simple and reliable it is and it comes in enough colors to match any combo. What builds have you had luck with utilizing taper and how do you launch it?
hell's chain 7-60 taper is my go to blade for literally everything I gorilla mode launch it at full power with a winder it's like trying to out spin a brick wall.
Same, just does fucking everything. Might like it better than point? What do you guys think the 3-85 ratchet is going to be like, are taller ratchets more resistant to bit bursting?
when it comes to ratchet resistance, its all about shape rather than height and resistance comes from the bit. if you use a stamina/defense bit, it's going to burst easily. being tall can also allow for attacks that destabilize opponents or force them to scrape. sometimes you don't even need to hit the ratchet to cause a burst. impact and power alone can do the job, especially on combos that use low resistance bits like ball. my go-to TB1-60LF combo can usually dislodge any low resistance bits on WR9-60 combos.
Ball Spike already looks like it's going to grind down real easy. In its entirety Knight Mail looks like it'll get chopped off at the knees like Knight Lance stock is prone to doing.

Decided to go ahead and spoil myself on what happens. Surprised to see Bird actually wins something. Also just found out Netflix has Beyblade X so guess I'll watch through it once all of season 1 is available dubbed. I will say his manga battle against Kamen Z wasn't bad. Yeah he lost to self burst, but it's also the most confident he's been since losing Strike Hawk. Speaking of, do we have any idea who Garuda's owner is yet?
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Stock Knight Shield from BX20. I taper and tilt launch this thing into so many gut ripping burst finishes. Comes with a free ape bey if you get the hasbro one.
seriously wonder if the WBO has problems like that too since the organizers are conflicted between isolating their events and bringing in kids because of them pushing the usual stereotype.
Really looking forward to trying the sword launcher. I can't use the winder launcher on a grip to save my life, I feel like I have no control pulling the winder toward me, and holding it without a grip feels awkward. The sword launcher pulling horizontally outward might be just right.
genuinely not sure if I'm more interested in saber or garuda
My schizo theory is that Bird will feel bad about Ekusu just bringing Tenka into the team like it's nothing and will leave to join Pendragon. Then, he'll finally have a bird-themed bey.
>Been blading for years in isolation
>Haven't been to a WBO tournament
>Finds out from friends that there are organizers on there (one is now a staff member) who are slandering and harassing people with false accusations of being pedophiles
>WBO investigated the slanderers to no avail. They still keep the users involved with the slander campaign
>Never been to a WBO tournament since
Is it me or is WBO mostly filled with corrupt pricks and toxic childish retards who continuously break rules while getting away with it?
Imo I think Saber has the more interesting bit and blade, but the sick launcher tipped the scales for me.
Most hobby communities end up like this these days. The important people with a lot of authority clique together and use their power to force out undesirables. All it takes is for one of them to claim someone said/did something sexist, or racist, or transphobic, and the rest of the community will mob them with no evidence required because a respected person said so.
>the organization that took in outsiders and gave them what little status and meaning they have in the world is rife with corruption and gaslighting
Color me surprised. This is why I keep my activities to me, my friends, and the few I trust enough to give me problems. Outside my time with the FGC I prefer my hobbies and activities to be self-contained, and preferably managed by me if I can help it.
This hobby is a real slippery slope. Oh, beys are only $10-20 each, that's not too bad. Now I have the stadium and 8 beys after only a couple months, and am more and more tempted to order some TT beys.
Just let them know their kids are fucking retards
They're what, 8 years old bare minimum because of the age rating right? By that point they should have the brain function to do this shit without their fat cunt parent's help
I feel that. Almost a year ago I bought the Stadium set with red sword and blue arrow plus the two deck sets with dagger and chain to split with my buddy. Flash forward to now, I have 24 blades and two stadiums just for myself and I want another super sized stadium plus at least 8 other blades from this year to add to my collection.
There's something about Beyblade that triggers some kind of hoarder response like
>Well, I don't have this Bit/Ratchet in this color yet. I guess I'll spend another $15.
Since it is a game, most people like to have all available options to deck build with. So you end up justifying purchases for fancy gimmick bits, new flashy variant blades and then storage solutions to contain it all. This happens in a lot of other game centered hobbies. Takara Tomy, he knew this.
Yeah I just got the entire extreme stadium just for a rush bit on one of the included beys
Tried to communicate this with someone who had the slanderers in another server but I got banned.
Beyshiki discord
Which Beytubers do you like? Any good ones for meta combos and tournaments?
ilinnuc and nizuma blader are pretty good cant stand zankye the greasy little rat.
He sounds like Dr Nick
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>mfw got 1stGenBeys/Dsemen Slimeball banned from the Reproducers' Discord
Nestrings Channel is pretty good. Even tho they're Japanese beytuber, they provide eng subs and better testings.
>not "Daily Dose Edition"
>I also have Wizard Rod, but my locals is limited to only what's been released in America

Hasbro Wizard Rod has been spotted in the midwest, so you might want to hold off on stamina parts as it won't be long until your Wizard Rod 9-60B is allowed to dominate the Hasbro meta.
All the Hasbro crossover beys are retools of regular beys.
>Mandalorian set = Leon Claw and Hells Scythe
>Skywalker set = Knight Shield and Knight Lance
>Optimus Prime set = Knight Shield and Hells Scythe
>Optimus Primal set = Shark Edge and Wizard Arrow
>Iron Man set = Knight Shield and Knight Lance
>Spider-Man set = Viper Tail and Dran Sword
>I immediately construct a heavy stamina bey

Phoenix Wing 9-60B or Hells Scythe 9-60B?
I missed all of metal fight generation and this guy has helped me a lot now that I'm going back to it. He's sort of annoying because he's so hyper but his battle videos really help me know if I want to order something or not.

For burst and X I just watch Beyblade Geeks.

Way back in the day there was a channel called DrigerGT that I liked a lot that was nothing but battles with no commentary.
>doesn't post names
>doesn't link threads
You're full of doo-doo
>How bad is the lead poisoning from fake beyblades?
About as bad as any other cheap toy, I mean it probably won't kill you but I wouldn't take the risk
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I just like noel cuz he cute
I filtered that channel the second I saw the massive Adam's apple.
That sucks dude, here in [spoiler] the Philippines [/spoiler] the adults unironically outnumber the kids so much during both official and unofficial tourneys, and even then there are kids 12 and under who can kick ass, none of the parents mind and actually encourage them to play with the older peeps so that they get a feel for competing in a real setting where age doesn't really matter. The community is quite wholesome here.
Well I fucked up that [spoiler]spoiler tag[/spoiler] but anyway.
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This is what being anonymous is.
okay so, beyblade x beys hit like fucking trucks, and because of this, after a while, sometimes pieces of the metal can just.. flake off. with a metal like lead which I'm 60% sure is weaker than the zinc alloy they use, that can devolve into shards of lead flying about everywhere.
the question is, does THAT sound dangerous to you?
>thanks doc, can I come out of the extreme zone now?
/toy/ is retarded and doesn't allow [spoiler]spoiler tags[/spoiler]
I don't understand why Hasbro doesn't release the Takara Tomy stadium as a Pulse exclusive.
There's your problem
Anyone ever try coming up with custom parts or gimmicks?

I had an idea for a 4d bottom or driver that would have two metal balls that, when the bey is launched, are locked inwards in the center of the bey to help with it's center of gravity and stability. Then as the bey slows down, they will then go outwards to help push weight outwards and help with stamina.

Don't know if my idea would actually work but it sounded cool.
Given how centripetal force works, how are you going to make the balls retract at high-speed?
maybe have those sliding tabs like Final drive and Final survive keep the balls in and the let the balls move outwards?

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