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Power Girl announcement edition

Previous: >>11203032
So now that you have your 50-year old hag, will you stop?
She doesn't come out until spring and even then there's the rollercoaster ride of actually securing a figure in hand, but for now I am content.
Very unlikely they will make enough to meet demand because mcfarlane still refuses to acknowledge people want female figures.
This. Todd doesn't understand have many rapists collect Mcfarlane DC multiverse.
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You have no idea how much I'm willing to pay for her.
Todd know. He do.
Hell yes, finally some good figs from Todd
>We're back to power girl op
At least it makes sense this time.
Kek, thats a great tagline for Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures.
Boobs too big
Nah, dude, its not that its a girl figure. Its because under producing figures keeps the hype machine web sites going and encourages you to buy any mcfarlane dc figures since it will be R@R3 and you could buy a used car from flipping mcfarlane dc multiverse figures! Its similar to the comic boom of the 90s except lower supply.
doomed to hotglue forever
This ... except the literally exact opposite
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I need to see her profile. ASAP.
We be eating good, bros
These threads are fucking insufferable.
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The ebay scalpers know.
The boob posters are a nuisance. It's insane.
I blame todd.
What does it mean that there were no threads about Mattel DC Multiverse but there are for Todd DC Multiverse?
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>my super accurate toy
child, don't put words in my mouth.
wanting a particular design or style isn't stating that it's super accurate.
additionally, you ignored what I wrote when I referenced people to this BluRay cover art, which is 'super accurate' 'official' art.
What are you even talking about?
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What was he thinking?!
Original anon who was excited for the figure. I get what you mean due to official art and promos having a different belt color, but the belt being red is still accurate to the actual animation so I'm not that bothered by it. I'm fine with them reusing the Action Comics 1000 body and that head and color scheme is all I ever wanted anyway. It's the Supes I grew up with and I just always prefered the old school "squinty" face and the black+yellow shield of the Fleischer logo.
Yeah, I understand what someone else said in the other thread - that fixing those belt loops won't be a difficult fix.

I'm just tired of spending money on McFarlane stuff and STILL having to do something like swap a head, or put in more work than that.
Why? You a faggot or something?
I'm the anon who plans on repainting the belt. You can buy one of my custom repaints
Looks more like Power Boy!
Wider hips make the diaper less noticable
Kinda crazy how a picture of Power Girl triggers some anons. Imagine being so fragile that announcements cause you to have meltdowns
>There is no place for breasts in my homoerotic muscle men in tights franchise!
So far from all the leaked and announced stuff all that's left that I want to buy is Power Girl. McFarlane has really collapsed since all he started making was Batman, Superman, Flash, Aquaman, and about 6 different molds of grown men in their jammies.
>back to absolutely ass threads full of shit flinging instead of DC figures
At least we had a few good ones with an op that wasn't mentally ill. The threads really are night and day. Fuck.
I've been thinking about repainting my GL like picrel, does anyone ever tried this?

It's just one guy that has been going crazy over making the threads. Pure bullshit.

Oh boy, that's a lot of power. POWAH
You're the only one having a meltdown, retard. Everyone else is hyped for some new figures
>They were cutting out the knees and elbows fine back in the Metal era
>Now no care goes into cutting joints or making sure finishes match, its just a matter of pump out as many figures as fast as possible
>Skims thread
Yup it's the same bad actors
Always has been
He is an old man and believes attractive women corrupt little boys so he purposely gives all the women ugly faces and head sculpts. It's just his little way to keep God in children's hearts.
Funny that Todd based the head sculpt on his childhood friend that's mtf trans. You can see it in the skull length and chin.
Man, why did you even but this wack figure?
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Imagine how good things could be if anyone at mcfarlane gave a shit.
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>Peej finally
>but now approved in an over-sized toyline
I just wanted Direct/2006 Peej again but with good joints
But todd is a cringe atheist
We're like twelve hours and fifty posts into the thread. Just stop being a little bitch because Power Girl triggers you.
>Fags still at it
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>Infinite Crisis is the thicc milf I want but is practically 5poa
>World's Finest is newest but not a thicc milf
>DCUC has best articulation but still not a thicc milf
I've forgotten how suffering this was
That bat/supes toy looks excellent, on top of looking affordable and worth the price. Superman's face sculpt, especially. I hope they made that fig from 2 pre-made toys.
>Every one participating in the shit flinging and off topic posting is a problem. Except for me I am participating in the shit flinging an off topic posting. Then I am helping to combat the shit flinging and off topic posting .... by flinging shit and posting off topic.
They are like flavors of ice cream. Today I want chocolate, tomorrow I will want strawberry. They're all yummy for different reasons.
boobs too small
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Gonna find some black paper to put behind the poster but picked up a cheap frame earlier today. Kind of want to make it into a shadowbox with some clear acrylic shelves.
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Who the fuck is this? Gay Faggot?
This lame fucker with GF on his chest always reminds me of Chris Chan.
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Sometimes you see a superhero and think, "Nobody wants to go on patrol with him."
>ugh watchtower duty with the guy with GF on his chest
>why does he have crosshairs above his dick
>god I don't even give a shit, I'm calling in sick
The only way most people in this general will ever be able to say they have a GF
>Still hasn't smoothed out speeding bullets
Just do it already Todd so we can have a decent Batman buck finally
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Terra's brother, reduced to memes, because DC General can't into funny books....
>Gay faggot
I'm an anon with a fine arts major, I can do my own painting and kitbashing.
I'm just tired of doing it to EVERY FUCKING piece of toddslop bar a few where I felt too fucking lazy to care.
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> casuals showing themselves yet again
>not knowing who Girlfriendman is
Hmm yeah, I agree. It's not a very good figure, you shouldn't bother ordering one. In fact, nobody should order any of them. There'll be a version with a black belt and wired cape someday anyway, just keep holding out for that.
>Collecting action figures of characters you know nothing about
>Collecting MCFARLANE action figures of characters you know nothing about
I don't understand why some of you are even here tbqh. You clearly don't know or care about the source material, somyoure not here for that. Todd makes incredibly mediocre at best, and shitty at worst action figures so it can't be that. Domtou loser dorks really just come here to shitpost all day? What a sad existence. Go get a real hobby, of better yet, a job. Maybe then you can afford these toys.
How long did it take you to come up with that one?
Calm down, retard
How much is she
Lol, comics are above anons reading level.
Probably like $30 or some shit, she's one of Todd's collector edition figs. Be prepared to spend over $50 on eBay if you miss the two second preorder window before she sells out.
>thinking anyone posting about Girlfriendman is actually buying that shit
>typing hysteric rants riddled with spelling errors
>talking to me about reading levels
Shut the fuck up, retard
You're more of a bitch than Girlfriendman
>Getting this mad at being called a poser
LMAO! Imagine failing to fit in with comic book nerds. I can't fathom being such a societal reject.
That would be a cool backdrop with some of the other Reign of the Superman figures
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i truly do not understand some of you people.
I thought hissy fits over being able to dump text walls OPs was the lowest this general could sink but here we are, watching someone have a tantrum because nobody gives a shit about some literal who.
4chan ate the (You).
That Kyle Rayner looks pretty dope
it has its problems but it's the one ive wanted for like 15 years now to replace the total justice one i had as a kid so it all works out.

total justice retro card multiverse WHEN
Lazy poses.
can you show me with your toys what you'd prefer
No. No matter what I pose you'll just claim they're bad.
Kinda like you're doing now?
I am here simply to ask McFarlane: please make DCAU Cheetah. Or any Barbara-Ann Minerva Cheetah really. Even Injustice 2.
Also, PG looks awesome and I can’t wait to get another version of Streaky.
That headsculpt sure will sell figures
>People itt don't know who fucking Geo Force is
The actual state of DC General.
To be fair, that's probably the best you can do with a McFarlane figure posing-wise.
The New 52 one in the middle is going to be the one McFarlane's will need to beat for me. Tits could be bigger but I love the face and those subtle abs. Since he's packing more accessories with these collector editions now, I wonder what else she'll come with.
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This'll come in handy.
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I only know because of Young Justice tbqh and he looks totally different so I didn't recognize him.
Longer than it takes for your dad to rape you
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More traditional look
When will a Japanese company do her justice?
That one looks like it has the downs
Todd will fuck up the face in the final product, mark my words
>this much seething over Geo Force existing
Whoever gets the license next should just do background characters from Batman movies.
The state of this general is so sad. It's embarrassing to be honest.
The state of the dcmv line mirrors it.
The only time they did a thicc character was R. Mika, and she's not even getting reissued
We get it, you like taking dicks up your ass, but that's no reason to be eternally butthurt because anon likes making Power Girl threads. We're on day two and you're still seething. You're being a retarded faggot.
Finally, a Girlfriendman figure.
Neat GL collection anon. Where did you get the head for that tree bandit guy? I'm sure he's a "famous" GL but I'm not really familiar with him.
>none of the greens match
You know the figs are good when the best the thread trolls can come up with is "lazy poses"
Makes me glad I'm only here to buy exclusively Guy Gardner figures.
its the dcuc medphyll head. not a perfect fit but better than having two john stewarts
Neat, i took alot of checking and refreshing but i got a pre order for batman and ace. Also i guess its lady bug season, theyve begun a hostile takeover of my plywood shack.
>in tights
SPANDEX son, spandex. Only sissy's wear tights.
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Nice. Guess you will be adding Guy to the collection once he drops.
Too small
that's the plan. time to finally replace the dcuc guy. happy to be phasing them out of the collection after all these years.
You mean Jimmy Olson cosplaying as a Lantern?
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As a hardcore DC fan born in the 90s I eventually learned of GeoForce's existence in the comics, but I had totally forgotten of his existence and that would've stayed that way if it weren't for Young Justice.

He's a C-lister at best, but now at least we are one step closer to getting a Terra and more classic looks for the Teen Titans.
BTW makes me curious, what's your criteria for what makes an A, B, C or D lister?

For DC, to me:

A-Listers, most people outside geekdom can name them: Batman, Superman, WW, GL, Flash, Cyborg, Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Supergirl, Batgirl

B-listers, if you're at least into geekdom you'll know them: Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Shazam

C-listers: The Atom, Firestorm
not a dc toy you obsessed little freak.
He's asking what the implications are of there being many threads for Todd's Multiverse compared to virtually no Multiverse threads when Mattel had the license. At the risk of leading you from A to B to C, they want you to conclude that nobody gave a shit then because Mattel's product was boring if not shitty.

I have a somewhat different recollection of Mattel Multiverse. I wasn't bothered by the bucks being a little samey or having different articulation from Marvel Legends. If was always a distribution issue for me - I could rarely find anything.

Honestly, McFarlane has the same problem. The good stuff is impossible to find. But on top of that, he has some bizarre issues with certain sculpts and details. Mattel's Supermen all looked fine. McFarlane's done, what, a dozen, and they all have some serious defect - weird skin tone, weird face, weird joints, weird symbol, weird cape, belt, or boots, etc.

It's kind of a wash, really. I don't see ever having a very large collection of McFarlanes. But maybe the handful I do have will be really good figures.
all i remember from that is this scene
the really cool thing about having eyeballs and owning toys is seeing that they actually do match.
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There are so many perpetually bitchy weirdos here. Your collection is sick, you have fun with your figures, don't waste your time engaging with the toyless schizos who contribute nothing.
Todd Derangement Syndrome is real
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power girl fans are the most based part of the dc fandom
for me, as a reader since childhood, people like Starfire, BB, and Cyborg are B-Listers. And since I read SA Justice League of America even if I wasn't alive in the 60s, I'd accept people like Martian Manhunter as an A-lister.

I think you are correct if we view normie interpretations BUT that has to do with adaptation popularity - so the Teen Titans Go character aren't genuinely A-List (in the same way say Elton John Bruce Springsteen or the Beetles are A-List musicians, but Katy Perry or One Direction are or were merely successful or popular), but the TTG characters are definitely well-known and in many ways, popular.

I'd also move MM to your A-List for the above reasons, and you can probably toss Arrow there in part because of both animation (B-TBAB, JLU, and even Young Justice) and definitely because of Smallville and the DCW.

You have to remember, because of Netflix's global reach, many of the characters that popped up regularly on The Flash and Arrow became well-known globally, certainly on par with say any TTG characters like Beast Boy or Cyborg (pre-New 52 comics and pre the Snyderverse for Cyborg), but since Victor can't even carry a solo comic book title to the extent that J'onn could, even post shoving him onto the Justice League Cyborg I would say remains firmly a B-List character even to normies and casuals.
Based Toyman, worth it.
Omar dogan
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I think i read geo force in a jle storyline, jle was the home for odd ball dc guys but i think i enjoyed the art so i stuck with it. >>11210628
They arent c listers imo but they need a good creative team to pull of their strengths and weakness. If firestorm is a c lister then id say captain atom would be too. But the thing i like most about dc lower tier heros and villians is their uniqueness.
I got the page puncher Grod at Ross the other day. They also had some of the deathmetal Barry and Wallys.
So, none of you read Batman and the Outsiders? Goddamn.
>reading comics
>collecting action figures from comic books you don't read
>not reading the adventures of batman and girlfriendman
Some important figures arrive today. Wish I was home so I could wait at the door for them.
How easy is it to disassemble a McFarlane figure at the knee?
Heat and pop off. Very easy for their standard figures.
What figures?
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>#Superman™, #TheFlash™, #Aquaman™ & #Batman™ based on the Justice League Task Force video game launch for pre-order TOMORROW at select retailers!

>Collect them ALL to assemble DARKSEID™.

>#McFarlaneToys #DCMultiverse #JusticeLeagueTaskForce #Darkseid #DCComics
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>Collect them ALL to assemble DARKSEID™.
The hair on that Superman is insanity. Looks like he has a perm. Aquaman's is also quite ludicrous.
These are the worst DC toys ever made.
Bodies can't even be salvaged with acetone because of emblems being painted on.
Looking mighty kino there
Don't buy any of these there or better versions of ever one of these characters coming.
What the absolute fuck is going on with those faces
Fucking based. Hope this filters all these dumb faggots out of this general for good.
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Maybe she's born with it...
I already bought Darkseid though.
Seethe harder, bitchtits baldy.
>Want Mullet Supes
>First version is a steroid freak devoid of quality
>See that a second Mullet Supes is coming out with a normal body
>The white paint looks like shit
>The face is on par with the TDKR Supes face
Are you FUCKING kidding me?!?

>Think about whether I should get the last Wally Flash release because the black paint makes him look evil
>This one comes with shitty pixel paint

How the fuck is a Nigga gonna collect the 90s League when almost every character except for hook Aquaman is fucked?
Funny how this is the first time they're reusing Earth 2 Superman's buck.
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>It's Super MA'AM!
That's what you get for WANTING the mullet.
give me the names of the sculptors right the fuck now. these are garbage.
Movie Blue Beetle is a great figure. Only flaw is the dumbass decision not to give it a pair of pincers without the wings attached.
After the Fleischer Supes and Power Girl announcements I almost forgot what a shit show this line can be sometimes
You only have renders of Fleischer Supes and Power Girl. Don't get ahead of yourself. What looks good in render can be botched horribly in execution.
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Bats about to give him the same medicine he gave to the Joker

And Darkseid is wearing a miniskirt oh god
kekk oh jesus you think mattel guy is one of us and is trying to sabotage mcfarlane so he loses the dc license?
Mcfarlane cheaped on the paint and that's why these all look like shit.
Forget cel shading, I have never seen a good pixel look.
Isn't that just a ploy to get you to buy both versions?
Fleischer Superman doesn't even look like it's going to be a cloth cape.
Show of hands, how many people have actually played Justice League Task Force?
Still no Wonder Woman...
Neither have it. But mcfarlane got me for 4 to get everything I needed.
Maybe its revenge
I did. It's hard as fuck yo.
I have. It's pretty mid to be honest. I kinda wanted the baf to be Despero.
Todd sez female figures don't sell. People only want evergreen Batman, Superman, Aquaman and Flash apparently. He holds the sales numbers. But refuses to share them.
Cheetah would've been neat. But knowing Todd, she'd have a boot sculpt.
Good. Tired of seeing Todd pander to faggotswho should be buying dolls instead
Anon, a cloth cape is nothing like a full on Mezco or something like that.
lol that's like saying just wearing women's panties doesn't make you a full blown tranny
you are incredibly insecure about toys.
You're already buying toys faggot
Pretty cool. But, Todd, you know who else was in Justice League Task Force? Cheetah, and a pretty cool Cheetah too. I used to have her sprite sheet somewhere.
Hell yeah, one of my favorite Blizzard games. Not great at fighting games, but I loved that it had Cheetah.
I agree, we need at least one or two different Cheetah figures. The JL/JLU one was digitigrade so nobody would have to sculpt real human feet.
Never had, but I did read the original comic book it was based on!

Todd also walks on his bare feet all over dirty carpeting in truly ugly and barely cleaned office park offices in Vegas and Phoenix.
Renders don't usually show cloth capes.

It'll most likely be a cloth cape, but anything can happen.
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Well when your female figs look like a guy who fell into acid as a kid dressed as a woman yeah, they don't sell at all
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Like 90% of Todd's human figures look like celebrity Halloween masks.
I know paint apps are a roll of the dice when they're from a factory in China but even the sculpt is fucked up
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Batwoman Unmasked looks pretty cute. Someday Todd might release a figure of a chick in normal clothes and I can head swap it to make a Lois Lane. If Todd gives the Power Girl figure a fucked face I guess painting Batwoman's hair blonde wouldn't be too hard.
But yeah, Batwoman and classic Wonder Woman in the right lighting are his only decent female figures, the rest are all monstrously ugly.
How do you go from this >>11211857
...to this >>11211527
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Superman and Cyborg, my favorite DC character's
Well, one of them is edited and distorted deliberately.
lol no >>11211457
Take notes, boys. This is how real men pose their figures.
Sick poses, anon.
Swear to god, it's ridiculous. I'm taking it personal at this point
McFarlane's monopoly is utter trash. Hasbro tier.
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Looking for suggestions from folks of what to use as replacement plastic handles/hoops for Green Lantern power batteries? See the top half of the picture where the lot has the power batteries but the handles got lost.

The ones I actually won are either Mattel or DC Direct/Collectible parts.

I just wasted 30 minutes on EB and I see loads of plastic ring/hoop like accessories (and a lot of fucking plastic hoop earrings), but nothing that obviously would work.

Something like thinner than normal twist ties or something generic and cheap I could just slap green acrylic paint on and use?
Six dollars on Amazon, comes in three sizes, and if it doesn't work you can make a chainmail shirt
So will there be any individual release for the 89 Batman? I don't want the batmobile (too small) nor that 6 pack from last year. Maybe a release with a bigger cape, and gadgets?
Yeah they nailed Ezra Miller's likeness on this one
You hire random sculpors and just go with their first drafts no matter what
Too bad she can't stand.
Getting the full close up pictures of the task force wave and yikes. I would not be surprised if these are the new pegwarmers that get sent to Ross. The pixel garbage for a game most people didn't play is perplexing to say the least. They don't work as normal representations at all due to that style.
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Why Aquaman has a resting bitch face?
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>Darkseid! Beware my Fetal Alcohol Syndrome eyes!!!
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Holy shit. I actually can’t believe you guys buy this crap lmao.
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>Darkseid Stop! Or else I will have to summon the fishies!!!
lmao, these look so bad. Can't believe this is what half the thread has been waiting on.
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They literally just had to give him the SAME paint job as Darkseid. Are they that retarded?
real life objects don't need shading painted on. they are already 3D. the pixelation on the shading and the emblems is cool on its own, but it looks very out of place on these otherwise "realistic" figures. would've preferred to just have the whole team in their costumes without the goofy stuff.
Mcfarlane just uses these as excuses to put out another Superman, Batman , etc. They aren't actually trying to make them look like the game designs
Look at that happy meal plastic trident. I would be embarrassed to release such a thing if I was Todd
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That Batman would be good if the symbol wasn't pixelated.
the "pixellated" shading kinda looks like scribbled-on-with-crayon texture
I disagree you could use this for Lois, she looks far too young. As far as PeeGee, you don't need to dye her hair, it's not that hard to soak the head and separate this dolls hair and use any other blond hair - hell even the long haired Aquaman hair since no one seems to want that look for Arthur.

Time to update this meme grid image.
lol, what the fuck is that face? Did they inject lard into his chin?
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Goddamn. Todd needs a friend that says "no, you faggot" now and then
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>I need to speak to your...manager!
hmm this does not bode well for the power girl figure
female figures were already a struggle
now the faggots in charge of designing figs can't even get effeminate men with long hair right
>IT'S MA'AM!!!!
These head sculpts are fucking atrocious
>My lipstick matches my hair both on my head and the 'carpet' if you know what I mean!
Conceptually, they're a fine idea, NECA's game figures sell. The paint s fairly cool for that gimmick. The sculpts are just bad.
Did you buy any?
Thanks for the suggestion, I think the largest at .4" is going to be too small but they are cheap and I do have extra credit at Crapazom.
I have a suspicion that despite how bad these task force figures look, they'll still sell. Either because Todd is producing them in small quantities like most of the other stuff this year, or just because people can't stand not buying new slightly different looks for the major Justice League characters.
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The paint apps on that Doomsday look so haphazard and bad.
Why can't they learn to blend? The brown smudges are too uniform.
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>NECA's game figures
Trips of truth, but NECA had great sculpts and a pretty good paintjob, and that was 15 years ago. Todd has the worst face sculpt in the game and his attempt at pixel art looks like a defect
Always wondered what happens to their dicks when they fuse two characters into one like that
I remember when that purple batman was announced and everyone got hyped for it for some reason, but it always looked like garbage to me.
Did you play the game?
>Couldn't even bother to do pixel art for the cards
If you're going to do a stupid idea, then at least go all the way with it.

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