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Previous: >>11200973

>Dimension X-Mas Vacation TMNT 4-pack (Wal-Mart exclusive) in stock and shipping now
>Archie figures on shelves (mostly Target): Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, TMNT 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
>Mirage figures on shelves: IDW Foot Elite Assassin, Triceraton gladiator, Karai in Shredder armor, Rat King
>Last Ronin figures on shelves: Last Ronin Accessory Pack
>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: Ultimate Slash, Vacation Bebop and Rocksteady
>Donnie's Lab sewer diorama shipping out
>TMNTxUniversal Monsters black and white 4-pack up for pre-order & in store at Target

>Tales of the TMNT basic & Mix & Match waves 1 & 2 out
>Pizza Thrower and Toilet Taxi repro at Target
>Retro carded rereleases in store: Rat King, Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Slash,
>Retro movie Foot Ninja, movie Super Shredder

>Turtles of Grayskull wave 4 and 5 hitting
Turtles of Grayskull wave 6 up for preorder
>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe Leatherhead (Wal-Mart exclusive) on shelves.

>Ultimates wave 7 shipping out, in stock at e-tailers
>Glow in the Dark Wingnut & Screwloose up for order on Wal-Mart

>Metz Toys (Formerly Memory Toys) & Heat Boys coming out with TMNT!
>JoyToy Foot Soldiers and Shredder revealed
>Mondo vinyl TMNT still up for pre-order. Turtles are everywhere, Mondo Gecko & Ray Filet are Mondo site exclusives.
>Transformers x TMNT Party Wallop (Turtle Van) in stores

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/

Not a ton going on news-wise post NYCC. There are two Walmart exclusive Neca 90s movie 2-packs coming out, Casey Jones with dirt bike and a Rooftop Battle Leonardo and Shredder.
The Super7 glow in the dark Wingnut and Screwloose ($75) is still available for order and seems ro be a Walmart exclusive.

The leaked Glow in the Dark Scratch is still up in thr air on where it will appear.
For you fans of unreleased Playmates figures, the Army Ant Kickstarter is still live:

Needs another 20,000 with 17 days to go.

Pixel Dan has a vid on it too: https://youtu.be/1Z1nurPxr2Y
Is that a new bike sculpt or is it a modified one that came with Keno?
Neca's NYCC Turtle booth: https://www.toyark.com/2024/10/18/nycc-2024-neca-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-547585
Slightly retooled bike that came with the SDCC John Connor five or six years ago.
that's cute. was there no green yarn?
oh does the bike come with a stand or is that just something they're using here
wait, no cape?
i still don't believe this is an unreleased playmates figure. considering there's no playmates or tmnt mentioned here.
Keno has a scooter. this is a dirtbike
oh are there slight differences? other anons had me believing it was identical down to the paint, as if casey stole it.
It...is though. Watch Dan's video, he even discusses how it was meant to be the third figure after Needle Nose and Killer Bee. There's concept sketches and a sculpt that didn't get far.
then how is this legal?
was it a case of the designer retaining the rights to the design because it was unused? surely they hold the rights to all designs forever.
>wait, no cape?
No cape. They had to make both 2 packs objectively worse by omitting things they knew people will want like the cape and Casey's bag. That way when people buy these to fill a gap in their collection, they will still be inclined to buy a more complete version of Shredder and Casey in the future.
Watched Speekygeeky's newest vid, had some interview with Blaine at NYCC. Couple tidbits:

>The Archie Stump Wrestling Ring is officially coming, they got the factory to cost it out for tooling etc

>More Tatsu IS coming. Wal-Mart only ordered a small amount initially, saw how big a seller it was, ordered more. Should show up either by December or January 2025

>toon Dark Leo was designed for the "What If" series of figures they're doing. IDW liked it so much they wanted to use the design for the Saturday Morning Adventures series in issue 20
Ohhh okay, well literally nothing you said is true, so you kinda wasted your time making that post.
>walmart is getting more tatsu
then they should let us preorder
Wal-Mart isn't that competent.
Does Shredder come with his cape and Casey come with his golf bag?
Why would they? The ~multiple~ releases the first time came with them.
So they don't? And you wish to claim that literally nothing I said was true? I guess that means what you said wasn't true.
And since anyone that already owns Casey doesn't want this, who does that leave as the target for this product? New collectors that missed the previous releases. And collectors that missed the previous releases will probably want a complete figure instead of a half baked figure with a repurposed Terminator 2 accessory.
Next you will try to cope by telling us Casey didn't cost out with all of his accessories AND an undersized motorcycle that nobody wants.
Anyone that wants it will get it. If they think it looks cool. And they're getting a complete figure, so your complaints are completely moot.
>that nobody wants.
Yes, how dare they release something with something that other people will enjoy and have fun with. They should only consult you and you alone on what to do because YOU are the center of the universe.
>Anyone that wants it will get it. If they think it looks cool
So nobody? This is a product aimed at nobody.
>complete figure
Clearly not, since you stated the ~multiple~ previous releases came with them.
It's aimed at people that aren't nutsos like you. People will buy, people will enjoy, and you will continue to seethe about it.
I'm a nutso for wanting complete figures instead of Terminator 2 accessories?
I'll put on my straight jacket, while you put on your clown makeup.

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