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It's over
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Did my wishlist, I decided I won't bjy Monkie Kid sets, Wednesday or Sonic sets and focus on original themes dreamzzz and ninjago and fortnite battle bus. And Johnny Thunder! Perhaps will get more DnD cmf too.

Good list?

What do you plan to buy for black friday/christmas?
I forgot to build a set, also get the 3 in one castle
Awful list
The only good sets on your list were monkie kid
Didn't know Johnny Thunder came back
Only dreamzzz set is good.
Those 2 ninjago sets are boring looking. But if you like them - buy a dragon obviously.
The YO-YO set looks fucking retarded.
Fortnite is good if you like the game and it will be expensive in the future.

Ignore johny thunder set for now - it will be on shelves forever.

>only original themes
>no chinkslop
Based. I guess you can have the battle bus for good behavior.
Ewww, a nuSonic fan. Must be a gay furry!
Verification not required.
Dreamzzz set is the worst. Gay pink blackbird
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>a nuSonic fan
This is the most retarded shitpost b8 attempt.
Here is your (you) you waste of life.

That 70 dolleridoes set features Sonic Adventure 2 and eggman has Sonic 2 car.
>Gay pink blackbird
that's kino actually
Johnny Thunder set will retire in december...
>Johnny Thunder set will retire in december...

Still it's a super cheap small box. it will be pretty obtainable. not something to rush for
Post set collections

Johnny Thunder>>>Sonic
>make perfect set to include Johnny Thunder
I do not understand how lego distributes minifigs in sets
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In my opinion Johnny Thunder should be a part of a future Ninjago set.

Imagine a ninjago pyramid set with JT.

Also, why don't they do minifig packs like this anynore? Lego should do army builder packs for ninjago to build evil armies.
New original theme is coming in august 2025, it's based on holidays and fairy tales combination, has santa clause as main lead with other characters like easter bunny, jack o lantern and more. Its called Holiday Guardians. Characters like Hensel and Gretel are there too, main villain is Krampus.
Could be ass or kino, will have to see
I only care about halloween sets
Only if Santa is jacked russian
Okay, I’m not the other guy, but it’s dr Robotnik. If you’re not a jap then you’re a nusonic fan. People that played sega have said robotnik for 30+ years now. It’s hard to retcon shit for my generation. We don’t take to it well.
Russians don't even celebrate christmas
>stealing from indigenous crocodile tribes
is lego racist???
Wait til you hear how City Police steals gold from innocent bears
Everyone knows Lego City Police, Lego Sheriff, hell even Lego FBI and DEA are in the pocket of the plastic cartels.
City astronauts steal crystals from aliens
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The space program also apparently includes mounting alien heads on stake
Thats just a prop
That's what they want you to believe
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>entire goal of City Space seems to be mining these crystals that belong to aliens
>yet all their ships and equipment are also powered by these same crystals refined into batteries
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>City Police are so prevalent because they put away citizens who go looking into Octan's affairs
>cyber dragon
No wonder millennials are the generation that crystallised identity politics, they still get offended over changing a vidya villain’s name for one game nearly 30 years ago before they made it so he had the old name as his real name in the next one, thinner skin than an apple
Based Ninjago chad.
Not a millennial kiddo. “Eggman” wasn’t heard in the west until like ‘99? By then I was in high school, a tiny god in Diablo, and fingered my first chick. Grow up and stop arguing about plastic toys on the internet you literal child. Like I said I’m not that other asshole but you’re being a full on dickhole. People want the quality to improve then act like it or I’ll tear this place apart again. I already sent a warning. Niggercock.
Formula 1
>not a millenial (age group born 81-96)
>I was in highschool in ‘99
Millennial iq low af fr
blud highkey need to skrrrt or stop being so zesty
Want to elaborate on that?
Millennial didn’t exist as a term until after 2000 fag. Quit using google. It was gen x then gen Y as in why are you such a retard? Everyone blame this fag for what happens next.
Millennial salty af that he from a gen wid no aura
Anyone want to know why things have been better around here? I shit up and caused strife for months starting back in March and once most of the shills and tourists cucked off I stopped. Now I’m pissy again. Blame this nusonic asshole >>11215339
>Johnny Thunder>>>Sonic
I disagree.
But if johny thunder makes you happy, don't let me discourage you.
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
Stop tweaking, slime, no opps here
Hi, Goku, how are you doing?
I just built pic related and it's probably the best Star Wars set in over 10 years.
>Remake of classic Jedi Bob, Admiral Ackbar in clone armor and Michael Cusack droid
>Remake of Anakin's Starfighter from the based Clone Wars 2003
>Covered up astromech socket that's used as a cargo bay for snacks, it can be removed to use as a socket for Servo
>Exposed studs making it look like a classic Star Wars build
>doesn't even post pic
typical soiwarsslop enthusiast

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